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No. 202685
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I use to work at a shop that sold some weeb shit, there were weebs in front of my counter talking about how excitied they were to go to Japan and follow Japanese school girls around and how awesome it'd be. Irl isn't anime, everyone in Japan finds otakus repulsive enough, if they see weebs they will think they're a disgrace to man. No chick is gonna be like omg~ a slimey nerd followed me home! Be my boyfriend!
No. 202693
>>202684A girl that I have almost all the same university lectures with is half weeaboo, half teaboo
>Arthurian legend obsession, wants to fuck half of the Knights of the Round Table. I wish I was kidding. >im@s obsession, talks a lot about wanting to fuck her waifu.>drops around $1k a month on figures and brags about how much she spends >also brags about how she barely has money to eat because she loves her figures sooooo much>openly and loudly talks about anime guys she wants to fuck>still squees about yaoi in 2017>had a crush on a JP stage play actor and would loudly talk about how she wanted to fuck him>dropped him because she found out he's half white (he looks half white too so idk why she was so surprised)>~not like the other girls~ because she's a true gamur grill who plays games like Dark Souls and… Dark Souls and… Dark Souls UNLIKE THOSE OTHER GIRLS.>only wears North Face and Patagonia because she's NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS.>brings her "ita bag" to lectures (really just one of those heart window bags with 4 homemade keychains inside)>says her "ita bag" is superior to bags with official merchandise because she "handcrafted it all with love unlike those other people who are lazy and buy stuff">called me her Prince Charming once. I'm a short Asian female.>called my white British cousin her Prince Charming once too.>wants people to walk her everywhere, once threw a tantrum in an elevator because someone refused to walk her to McDonald'sThis is all I can think of off the top of my head but I'm sure more will come back to me later.
>>202686I don't get how people still have misconceptions like this when literally everything is google-able/somewhere on the internet. There's also this cool thing called common sense that weebs all seem to lack.
No. 202694
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>>202693twenty fucking seventeen
No. 202749
>had an older friend who seemed like a normal anime/jrpg fan>also had a friend in my grade who was half-Japanese and would go to Japan in the summertime>one day she started telling me about some upperclassman who kept badgering her about anime (which she does not watch or care about besides Totoro)>turned out to be older friend who tries talking about anime way too much to normal people and just assumed she'd know about any of them because she's Japanese College
>professor at school is a weeaboo>not an anime weeb, but glorious nippon weeb>speaks Japanese, divorced and remarried to a Japanese woman>only wears Japanese clothing while at school, usually one of those navy kimonos and a pair of hakamaSometimes I want to talk to him but I don't know if he's actually chill or a final boss level weeb.
>>202693>only wears North Face and Patagonia because she's NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS.Jesus Christ
No. 202776
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Had a friend in high school who bought cheap replicas of the hat and coat Asuka wears in Evangelion (or maybe one of the movies idk much about Eva) and she wore them to school almost every day. Imagine pic related but on a short fat white girl. We lived in a very small (virtually weeb-free) hick town in the midwest so people definitely took notice and commented about it openly (which she was completely oblivious to, as weebs often are). The negative attention it brought her and myself by association was mortifying. It's probably not that big a deal lol but it was super embarrassing at the time because I was really socially anxious.
Same friend along with more weebs would bring a boombox (an actual fuckin boombox, this was 2011) to school and blast various anime themes, which they would all perform dances to and sing on campus after school, right in the middle of all the people waiting for their rides. I didn't want to participate and was too nervous to leave my friends because they'd shame me for being self-conscious so I just awkwardly stood there holding the boombox.
Same "friend" also used to loudly talk about her ships which is pretty much par for the course with weebs. All her ships were gay because she was one of those fun "gay allies" who basically only cared about gay rights because of yaoi and she didn't give a shit about actual gay people as people. When she found out an exchange student was gay she would literally squee from afar over everything he did because "omg gays are so cuuuute!" When we actually properly met him she completely lost interest because he listened to metal and wasn't the slightest bit effeminate.
Also (this isn't really weeby but I think it stems from the same place of social idiocy), she and some other people in my friends group (all weebs) openly shipped two members of my school's rugby team who were both really popular. They were childhood friends because their dads were cousins-in-law or something and they did everything together. It ended up turning into a rumor that spread through most of the school that the dudes in question were actually in love and it got to the point that they got the "most likely to get married award". Since the town was conservative, a lot of people saw this as an insult more than a light-hearted joke and they were mocked for it and probably got questioned by their (religious) families. The two of them stopped hanging out senior year and as far as I know they moved to different cities after graduation and haven't spoken since. All because of some weebs ruining their reputation for the sake of IRL yaoi.
I'm sure there are stories I'm forgetting but that's as much as I remember for now.
No. 202797
>>202796This girl I know literally followed this one korean guy around a supermarket. She also takes photos of korean/Asian guys in clubs.
This other girl I know has a Twitter account where she retweets photos and videos of skinny Asian twinks fucking each other and captions them with things like "this looks like [kpop star] fucking [kpop star]" which in itself is bizarre as well as weirdly racist.
No. 202802
>>202776Maybe Im cringey too, but I don't see anything wrong with wearing the blouse. It looks like a normal piece of clothing. Not like she was wearing the plugsuit to school.
The cap with kitty ears might have been an overkill, but let's be honest, had she been popular nobody would mind. This is an example of people being assholes for no reason, just cause someone looks different.
Everything else though… Yikes
No. 202811
I've never used Tumblr but I followed that one blog "Weaboo Stories" for years and I was heartbroken when it was taken down because so many of the stories resembled people I actually knew at the time. I'm really glad this thread was started because I'm ready to cringe again.
Someone who was in my class years ago was such a huge weeb and ticked every box. Every day she'd come to school wearing something anime related (Naruto headbands, necklaces with anime characters on them, cat ears and tail, wigs, pigtails with ribbons in them) and her school bag and books were covered in stickers and badges that said shit like "Kawaii", "Senpai" and "Yaoi". She was a self-proclaimed "otaku" and really proud of it. She'd often slip Japanese words into normal conversation and either pretend like it was an accident (because she's just so good at Japanese that she thinks completely in Japanese too, obviously) or she would pretend like she didn't know the English word for something ("Omg she's so tsundere! I mean…what's that in English again? Um…you know…how do you say it…?"). The hilarious thing was that she didn't even have the basic pronounciation down so she actually pronounced most words wrong ("aneeem", "deesooo", "kowai!", "same and oook"). And when I say she said things like that, I don't mean to people just within her friend circle. She'd say "gomensai" to other students and teachers if she bumped into them in the hall, or she'd say "oishii" while eating at lunch (which of course she kept in a two-tier lunch box and was eaten with chopsticks…even though she couldn't use them), or she'd say "yatta!" in class sometimes.
She campaigned for Japanese to be taught in the school even though we didn't have the money or resources to put on another class that was probably going to be really small. She eventually did get to do an exam in Japanese for her finals because she requested it but I've no idea how well she did on it. I went through a much quieter weeb phase when I was younger than her but even when I grew out of it I still attended cons. I'd often see her at them and it made me cringe to no end when she'd scream at me from across a hallway or do that ridiculous "glomping" shit that was really popular before cons cracked down on it. She was thirsty for literally every cosplayer that existed.
The last I heard of her was that she still hadn't grown out of her weeb phase. She thinks she's good enough at cosplay to have a cosplay page except now she's now gotten into all this Tumblr ddlg fakeboi sjw shit.
No. 202862
>>202835The male stars are absolute scumbags by all accounts, and the female ones are subjected to all sorts of sexual abuse throughout the careers.
It's a nasty, shitty industry. Even by the standards of pop music. No one should be supporting it.
No. 202934
>>202862The music is catchy with high production value, that and teenage girls tend to like boy bands.
I used to be a fan, I did get bored/grow out of it, but what really turned me off was all of the scandals over the years and hearing about really poor living conditions of some of the groups. It also pissed me off that groups just fall off the face of the earth after the members are 25+ years old and none of the old fans seem to notice, it's like they never existed and suddenly their careers are over.
One of my old faves literally tried to kill himself like two months over a pot scandal and you have people saying he did it to get out a jail sentence. Well, yeah, I guess if you count being dead as getting out of jail. Shit's fucked up.
Sage for rant.
No. 202955
>>202776i feel your pain anon i was always the one friend awkwardly standing to the side because i didnt want the attention while my friends weebed it up. I died when you said you held the boombox.
my friends always cosplayed to school and would say "anon we're dressing up tomorrow make sure you come in costume!!!" and i always came up with excuses like my mom wouldnt let me wear it to school (which honestly probably would have been true)
No. 202979
>>202874How do the asian girls react to her?
>>202811I always thought those weeaboo stories were 99% fake and exaggerated but apparently not lol. I was friends with some other anime fans but to my knowledge, none of them were these over-the-top weeaboos who wore anime stuff to school and had unrealistic delusions about Japan. We even joined a small anime club (not school-related) at some point and no one tried to creep out the one Vietnamese girl there.
No. 203168
My best friend from high school and I were major weebs. It started in 7th grade and lasted until early college. She introduced me to yaoi and it went all downhill from there.
She was in love with the braid guy from Gundam Wing and I became obsessed with Sephiroth. We would share floppy disks with fanfics and yaoi pictures in class and eagerly go home and read/look at our smut. We'd write in secret, leik so random!! XD code to talk about our bishies and who was the uke/seme. We'd talk in the typical weeb lingo and do every school project on Japan. If anything had Japanese writing on it, I had to have it. I collected empty boxes, stickers, empty Ramune bottles, etc. My room always smelled a little weird, like mildew, chocolate pocky stank, and feverish dreams.
We shipped some cute guys in school and stalked them religiously. They never talked to each other or anything, they were just super kawaii and we could totally see them kissing. We would glomp our friends and break out the yaoi paddle on guys so they'd have to kiss (none of them ever did). I had a teacher confront me about the paddle and couldn't bring it anymore. I remember asking one of our stalkees if I could touch his hair and he let me. You're going to call bullshit on this but I swear I didn't wash my hand for like three days and my friend and I made up some retarded thing about my hand being blessed. I ended up washing it for some reason and we both did that embarrassing "NOOOO!!" on our knees during lunch. Pretty sure everyone hated us.
When we graduated and went our separate ways, we decided to get matching tattoos so we would always be together or something retarded like that. You know, like in the animes.
Now that I'm 30, it's really hard explaining my fucking sharigan Naruto tattoo to non-weebs. Like goddamn what were were thinking??? Thank god we were smart enough to put them in places normally covered, but when summer comes around sometimes people see and ask about it. I've been trying to find a good cover-up tattoo for years but we wanted them to be big and it's a major asspain to cover all of that.
No. 203219
>>203171It's roughly the size of my hand if I had my hand splayed open but I have small hands.
>>203211I had to do that for my wedding and it all rubbed off on the back of my dress.
No. 203248
>>202686While cereal is ridiculous, I've been to East Asia for an extended period of time, and after picking up chopstick usage, I'll use it to eat chips, donuts, or other sticky/slimy items which are not easily gripped with Western utensils.
They are also very handy for pulling stuff out of small bottles/spaces.
No. 203261
>>203168Dude, I've got even worse case of Naruto tattoos.
I started watching Naruto a few years ago, when I was almost eighteen. I got hooked on and when the episodes with akatsuki came, well, it did no good for my fangirling. For some reason I thought that Deidara and Sasori and their gang rings with kanji symbols on them were the coolest shit ever.
Then I remembered that I was planning to get my first tattoo as soon as I turn 18. And suddenly I decided that getting huge kanji symbols (that appeared on Deidara's and Sasori's rings) tattooed above my inner elbows on both of my arms was the perfect first tattoo idea and that the kanjis will make me look badass af.
Let's just say that nowadays I uncomfortably try to avoid taking off cardigans, sweaters or any other piece of clothing that would uncover these seals of stupidity. I can't even describe the cringe in the summer when walk around in the downtown of my city with my arms uncovered and a crowd of asian tourists appears. Oh, also, sometimes I get tiny anxiety attacks that one day I won't be able to get some job because of them. And for some reason I am not comfortable yet with the idea of removing them. Fuck.
No. 203437
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>>203261I was planning on getting Sasukes Cursed Seal of Heaven on the side on my neck exactly like his. I was 14 at the high of my Naruto addiction and i'm SO GLAD i was too young to get a tattoo because I would have a gangster-esque weeb tattoo in a non coverable place.
>>203429I-i did the same too. I lied about going to Japan on exchange when i was about 14/15. I told everyone i was saving up and i'm learning Japanese. Everyone Believed me, and when summer came when i was supposed to go everyone was so confused.
"Uh, my parents couldn't afford it so i couldn't go this year, but i'm 100% going next year!!!11!!!"
I'm 20 now and i'm yet to go to Japan..
No. 203485
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Some gang of teenagers came up to my and my friend because we were at "their place" and wanted to beat us up because of it. Because I used to be pretty egdy when younger I told them some crazy story how I'm from another country and just visitting, they were like oh okay, you couldn't know it was our place, but next time don't hang out here. Lol
And as a weeb I was, when they were leaving I loudly said something in Japanese… just for kicks… If I recall well it was some character's name. And they were like WAT DID U SAAAAAAY and came back
They beat me up after all. I deserved it
No. 203501
>>203491Kanji tattoos anon here. I have thought about it and would definitely do it, bus as I have already mentioned, my tattoos have a double layer of ink because of correction.
And they actually do stick out a tiny bit, so I am really not sure if tattooing anything else onto them would work out.
No. 203620
>>203570>I'll eventually come to regret the cover tattoo too but I won't have the excuse of having been a stupid weeb when I got it.To avoid this I'd go for classic imagery that you most likely won't suddenly hate. Flowers, other nature themes, elements, animals etc. It's hard if you're not into nature
at all but the point is no thing from fandoms or even music/movies, text of any kind. You may still wish you had blank skin but if you get a classic theme and its well done you most likely won't regret the choice itself. Also people are always going to be way less judgmental of a nice coverup than an impulsive weeb jam. You don't need an excuse.
No. 203645
>>203168>Now that I'm 30, it's really hard explaining my fucking sharigan Naruto tattoo to non-weebs. Like goddamn what were were thinking??? Damn I'm sorry anon but I laughed at this so hard. It's kind of cute and funny in a way.
I never went through an intense weeb phase because I was always kind of a reserved kid but during 7th grade I did wear the same outfit every day because I believed it was my "anime uniform". You know how characters in animes always wear the same clothes every day. Years later when I was well over the whole thing someone told me that I always reeked of sweat because I wore that same fucking shirt every day. Yikes.
>>202979tbh most of them are fake (you can tell a fake story from a real one by different details) but there are crazy fucking weebs who are more insane than any fake story could even make up.
No. 203671
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>>203501>>203570Hey, it could be worse, at least you guys got tattoos not immediately recognized by non-weebs.
Seriously though, I just googled them and they actually seem okay to me, it's just a random design to those who don't know the significance. The kanji are kind of random, meaning like "blue" and "sphere" or something, but people could assume it's a personal significance (which technically it is). I dunno, that's just how I perceive it, but I'm an ex-weeb so I guess I don't count as a normie.
No. 203672
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Sage for samefag, but an embarrassingly not so long time ago I was seriously considering a Fullmetal Alchemist homunculus tattoo. Looking back on it, I don't think I would have been super miserable if I'd done it, but it would have been kinda weird now I'm barely into anime.
Damn, fandom tattoos are so dangerously seductive.
No. 203700
>me, 10 with a group of weeb friends
>one joins the party, let's call her jewel
>she's a loud, obnoxious, typical weeb personality.
>makes weird hentai noises as a joke, gets extremely touchy without asking.
>got group kicked out of the mall on multiple occasions.
fast forward two years
>go to first otakon with her, she invites her ~boyfriend~
>ignores me the whole time, doesn't give me a room key, etc.
>locks me out of the room one night while she and her boyfriend hook up, i sleep in the hotel lobby with some friends i made.
>next day get screamed at by her parents for 'running off' even though i knocked on their room door as well.
>her little siblings took apart my collectable lucky star figurines that is spent my whole weekend fund on while i was locked out.
>accuses me of flirting with her boyfriend even though he was a total creep.
>left our friend group for us 'bullying' her.
fast forward to now, she's fucking one of my older brother's old friends, has gone to jail for theft and drug possession, has a swastika tattoo.
No. 203795
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>>203729I considered the non-FMA version of the ouroboros too. I mean, it is a pretty cool design on its own and does have a meaning outside of just being from an anime.
No. 203799
>>203704As my life got busier I just found anime wasn't one of my priorities anymore. When new shows would come out and friends would urge me to watch, it would take me forever to get to it and even then it was more of a chore than something I actually wanted to do. It's weird, but I was in denial for a long time, I just thought I was too busy and didn't think it was possible to grow out of after 10+ years.
Thinking about it now, that's a long ass time to be obsessed with something. Maybe I just got bored.
No. 204505
>>204452Do you live in the US? Maybe he's totally Americanized and doesn't care about his roots
>>203799I grew out of animanga too, shortly after graduating from high school. It's really not that fun to watch or read anymore once you get past that age since most is geared towards perverts or high schoolers. There are some 'mature' genres like josei, but overall I can't bring myself to keep up with the latest cartoons… I still have romance manga on my plan to read list on MAL that I added in high school, lol.
No. 204542
>>204539That's likely. I just can't help going gaga over stylish, cute guys (of multiple races). Also I'm just enthusiastic in general. I just swear I'm not a Koreaboo in particular.
It's also probably he's a frat guy and thought he is too good for a dorky girl like me lol.
No. 204602
>>204505Holy shit, you're right! I totally forgot, but another reason why I grew out of it was exactly for that reason. Not that it's impossible, but it's harder to get into something you don't relate to and the majority of anime focus on high school life, which doesn't interest me all that much anymore.
Same thing happened to me and kpop, my fave groups broke up and all the trainees are like 17. That got awkward pretty fast after I hit my 20s.
No. 204631
>>204606Gay sex isn't a fetish, you can have gay sex with fetishes involved but that's not the same thing.
I don't see it as anything weird to begin with. I'm attracted to men, not women. I'd rather see two people I'm attracted to have sex rather than one, it's that simple. If I want to get off to het sex I could just go and actually have some myself instead.
No. 205180
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Not someone I know, I came across a instagram acc of a weeb. She's super obsessed with Japan and pretty much everything she eats, uses or interacts with has to be Japanese or from Japan. It's pretty creepy, I don't understand the appeal of Japan. It seems like everyone worships the fuck out of those chinks.
No. 205481
>>204631anon, a girl liking to see gay guys fuck is definitely a fetish. hell, even a guy liking it makes it a fetish. you totally seem
triggered with your weirdly defensive response.
No. 207960
>>204606 internet made all this shit easier to develop in younger people
some don't like to admit they may have some voyeuristic tendencies because they don't really spy people irl but it all comes to the same conclusion
No. 229059
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This whole thread
No. 229108
I went to school with a weeb, and we lived in the same dorm. He was an autist and extremely christian.
He was super touchy and always talking about some manga or anime. He even had a fucking manga bible. I made friends with him before I found out he was a weirdo, so this one time I let him use my laptop because he didn't have one. He wanted to play some weeb game he had on his flash drive.
Fast forward a week. I had left my door open, because my room was next to the kitchen where I was making some lunch and it was a weekend so most people were out. When I came back to my room, I found the weeb on my laptop playing his stupid ass game. I got super mad and told him to gtfo, and he seriously thought that I got mad because I was jealous of the game characters, because they were so cute and sexy and kawaii and totally superior to white girls.
We went to a field trip to our capital city, and there were some asian tourists, and I'm 100% sure I saw him having a boner when he was looking at them. He talked about the girl tourists for fucking weeks, and he was super sure they were Japanese and their language was so kawaii, and he got mad when we told him that they were actually Chinese. One would think that a weeaboo could differentiate japanese and chinese language, but apparently not.
As I previously mentioned, he was a hardcore christian. He was also adamant about getting a
Japanese christian virgin girlfriend. I told him that there is no way that he's going to get one, like who is he kidding? He wasn't even good looking, he smelt and was a total idiot. He got really mad and told me again that I'm just jealous because I'm not a virgin and I could never be as cute and sexy as a Japanese girl and I'm going to hell.
My roommate was into Japan and Japanese culture and shit (not in a weeaboo way, but she liked her manga and anime and appreciated Japanese history and art and that stuff). The autistic weeb had a super hard-on for her, maybe because she was the closest thing to a Japanese girl there (she was white). She was super disgusted with him, but he was too autistic to see it, so he was super inappropriate to her and made her cry quite many times. We always had to check to see if we could go out of our room, since he would just jump at us from behind a corner and harass us if we weren't careful. Fortunately we had a bathroom, so we once spent a weekend not going out even once.
He quit school after 3 months, but I'm pretty sure he got kicked out because he was very aggressive with his christian beliefs and everyone hated him. He was always touching me, and even suggested to me that we should have anal sex, because apparently you can't lose your virginity if you only do anal. Jesus. I still hate him, and it has already been 6 years. Fucking nasty weirdo.
No. 229282
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When I was in college there was a girl in one of my art design classes that would spend class time in photoshop tracing really lewd yuri pictures but recoloring the girls to look like her and her irl girlfriend. They both looked like typical overweight white girl weebs so it was wildly unrealistic and also just…weird. She would print them out and show them around.
No. 229288
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>>229113>mad that anon called a weeb out for not distinguishing japanese and chineseAre you fucking retarded? Anon's point is how different the two languages sound, which is absolutely true.
No. 229474
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>>229470Shit like this is why I can't stand K-pop fans. Their whole community consists of 14 year old girls doing retarded shit like this. The worst weebs glorify Japan way too much and masturbate to drawings.
No. 230463
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This thread is full on hilarious nostalgia for me. I haven't completely stopped watching anime, but being much older now my priorities have definitely changed so I don't watch as much. Up until about 4 years ago I was a huge buyfag. But we're here for weeb stories, not blogposts.
>18, just graduated
>Going to a local community college on my parents dime because I didn't bother to apply for actual colleges
>Dad would give me money for lunch/snacks every day while I was at school. "Don't buy your mangas with this money!!"
>Would pool this money into a personal savings so I could spend it at the local anime shops
>Would audibly shriek and giggle/stamp feet/fall over when I would find something I wanted really bad or was looking for
>Those poor shopkeepers
>Have cute face/body but would literally turn off 90% of the guys I met in person because I'd gush about anime and openly talk about yaoi.
>Literally glomped a cosplayer at AX because the character I was cosplaying was obsessed with their character in the show
>Literally cried to my friends when one of my favorite characters ended up with a canon gf turned wife
>Had a body pillow I would spend valentines with, taking pictures of me feeding him chocolate
Whats better than a teenage weeb? A cringey legal adult.
No. 232944
>>202725that was a funny story, thank you for sharing.
>>230463enjoyable story as well, thanks for posting
No. 233479
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I used to live in San Francisco, and one year on my birthday my weeb friend said she would take me to Japantown for dinner. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, she could have actually made a scene or harassed someone, but when I arrived at the restaurant she was there wearing this Halloween costume complete with the wig. I stayed a good 10 feet behind her the entire time when we went to the mall.
No. 233487
>>233479The weebs in SF japantown are some of the best.
I remember these dudes sword fighting with those katana umbrellas in front of the pagoda there.
No. 233526
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>>233479Lol I had this one.
I was never weeb enough to wear it out in public but for like two Halloweens in a row I was the envy of my weeb circle because it was very hard in our rural city to find a "kimono" lol. This was a time before tumblr would have screeched at me for being a white appropriator.
No. 233548
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>Be me, 4th grade
>"We're going to go see an Anne Frank musical, please dress nicely"
>Don't tell my mom about it so I can wear an Inuyasha shirt to it
>Be me, middle school
>Constantly carrying around Inuyasha art book to the point that the pages are fuzzy and dirty
>Straighten my hair because Japanese people have straight hair
>Wrote that I knew Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi in a school report
>Also wrote about sumo wrestlers
>Birthday HAD to be at a Japanese Karaoke bar
>Be me, freshmen in high school
>Start going to anime club
>Boy from anime club messages me
>"I saw you in anime club and I think your cute. Want to go to the international market to buy some pocky?"
>Dates weaboo for a few months
>Cringe at him saying "I wish I had blue hair like Japanese people"
>Drags me to local anime con
>Realize what I look like and how embarrassing it is
>Pass out all my manga and figures to the weaboos around the school
>Be me, now
>Barely watch anime unless it looks particularly interesting
>Actually know Japanese
>Sometimes feel like my depression started when I became more aware of how I looked to over people
"Just be yourself and people will like you"
No. 233554
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>>233548>Don't tell my mom about it so I can wear an Inuyasha shirt to itholy shit anon that is gold.
No. 237212
I was introduced into a new friend group in year 8, they were all super nice but most of them were pretty weeb-like, but not too extreme, most of them just talked about their favourite anime or characters. But these two girls, oh my lord lmao - I was talking to one about an anime show that I watched for fun, then she proceeded to fangirl about a ship in the show and legit whipped out her phone and showed me a picture of her OWN fan art of them naked and fucking. I just stared at it with no idea what to say, I think I just nodded and went mmhmm while she kept asking me if I liked it. She showed me some of her other fan art too, most of them all yaoi - oh yeah, they were all yaoi fans and shippers. The second girl was the worst though, and we all made fun of her because she was so genuinely unstable - she put "Yuki" in her Facebook name and lied about taking katana and karate lessons, and she once told us she was going to japan for the holidays to watch some idol sing in concert lmao. She also """drew""" some fan art which was clearly stolen content from the internet, just traced and coloured differently, and talked extensively about her stupid Attack on Titan ships and merchandise and being outright embarrassing. Needless to say I haven't talked to any of them in a while.
No. 237249
>>237212good lord anon, young teen fujoshits are fucking insane!
also, why is it always fucking yuki? that or sakura, bonus points if they use two first names.
No. 237278
>>237249I had a phase when I accepted pretty much everyone on facebook and I had like 20 Yukis on my list (none of them were japanese)
Maybe their iq is too low to write names with more than 4 letters kek
No. 237285
>>237284Liking anime and occasionally cosplaying doesn't make you a weeb, it makes you an anime fan.
Fetishizing japanese culture, pretending to know everything about japan and having nothing else except for anime in your life makes you a weeb.
No. 237304
>>237293>>237286kinda blog, kinda weeb story. i'm 1/4th japanese and weebs always treat me weird. i've always been an anime fan, but family was an influence. my grandma and mom brought me kid's stuff from japan when i was younger, movies, toys, etc. and i really like the cute anesthetic of the art. i lived in a standard sized college city and while some of my friends were into anime even the weeb types in high school were totally fine, but when i left home things got weird. sharing my weirdest story below, but i have more. they're like drawn to me or something!
>make some friends in college, hang out often, watch anime or play games together>meet this girl through my group of friends, lets call her G>G is a weird, mousy, short "myspace goth/emo" types, super weeby, yellow fever as fuck>shares super personal info for attention (stories of being molested, raped, cutting etc.)>know a few of these kinds of girls, fine with her tagging along with friends, but that's it>grandma sends me a care package of japanese snacks and stuff>share with everyone, cause why not>G finds out i'm part japanese>starts completely gushing about how cool it must be, how she wants to move to japan etc.>proclaims me her new best friend, trying to hang out all the time, asking me about japan and family >super jelly of my family and 'genes'>suddenly mentions japanese ex. bf who was 'so in love with her' but had to move back to japan>has never mentioned this before, so friends ooh and aah about it>i totally doubt this, but don't push it>a few weeks pass G gets worse about her "ex", Kai>"he" adds her on myspace>"his" myspace is all G's friends and a bunch of VK band member photos>cringe hardcore>suddenly G says she is 1/4th japanese and Kai is her cousin (fucking gross)>Kai is also gay but totally in love with her>everyone really embarrassed at this obvious lie>friends start pointing out that the photos are of famous people>G gets really pissed and tells us to add him so he can prove it to us>decide to humor her>obviously her>when "he" logs in she logs off>shitty broken english>shitty google translated japanese>ask for a photo with timestamps>suddenly "Kai" gets really annoyed, claims we're bullying G>blocks the girl's account we're using>starts sending G a bunch of lovey messages>G comes to hang out the next day and is furious>says i'm a 'race traitor' for not defending her heritage>tries to fight me, despite being 5in shorter than me>rips off a necklace she claims is our "bff" necklace and throws it on the floor>never hangs out with us again>literally always alone in the common areas>drops out of school so never see her againi found out later she started dating some chinese guy who worked at his family's buffet and got pregnant by him and they named their baby kai.
i can share more lated
No. 237350
>>237304God I knew so many people online who pretended to have Japanese bfs or gfs. It was entirely ridiculous.
Even 12 years ago it was pretty easy to take pictures and people would do so and upload them online, but these idiots never had pictures together.
One of them said his gf was Japanese, sent pictures and she probably was a gravia or porn model, because the production value was just crazy. He also said that his imaginary gf's brother had taken the photos as if anyone would take naked pictures of his sister lol
Another one talked to me about his ex-gf who was totally Japanese and fluent in 4 languages and worked for the UNO or some such shit, but mysteriously never managed to produce any kind of evidence.
And another one yet claimed his bf was a Japanese guy, but he had to go back to Japan. No pictures here either, just elaborate stories.
It's like the Canadian girlfriend, just for weebs.
No. 237360
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>>237333>Why does everyone who likes anime in middle/high school seem to have that cringey act-like-an-oblivious-retard-in-public phase?Because at one point our fun was worth more than other peoples' judgments of us.
No. 237424
>>237212wow, the second girl you talked about reminds me a lot of a girl I knew in high school, she put a japanese name in her facebook account and pretended she was like a quarter japanese. she also said she took katana lessons and had a katana collection lol, like yeah right, they're just gonna give a huge fucking sharp sword to a young person like it's a toy.
I remember when there were japanese exchange students visiting our school for a while. when they arrived all the weebs raced to the group and started gushing and awwwing about how cute they looked in their uniforms and how awesome they were etc etc. it was honestly real creepy, i wouldn't blame the students for getting weirded out.
No. 237491
>>237461>>237462Shes a weeb too, quiet and awkward, I still think she was hoodwinked but what do I know. but was still shocked given hes 20+ years older than her. Suffice to say her family, especially her dad wasn't happy about it, the wedding was VERY awkward, there was no speech, and his "younger" brother (and by younger I mean was still 20+years older than me) was trying to sleep with me that night (thankfully the brides sister got me out of there) was paranoid that night made sure all the doors to my room was locked. I haven't been into anime as much-and not to sound horrible its because I dont want to turn out like them. I dont get on with her husband and thinks she deserves better. We had a bit of an argument because apparently he complained to her that I dont like him, yet the reason I dont like him is because he's pushing 50 and acts like a fucking 12yr old, is fucking rude, doesn't say hi when you say hi to him etc. When my mum made him a dish and asked him if he liked it, he said "well i'm eating it arn't i?" I mean, maybe some people will say "well duh" and my friend said "oh he never eats things he doesnt like" but I just thought it was rude given this was the first time we met him and my mum cooked for him. Hes literally a man child.
Saged for off topic.
No. 237550
>>237503He seems pretty creepy now tbh
>>237528tbh i know not all anime fans are like that, but idk i have run into too many weebs i wanna distance myself.
No. 237791
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Brace yourselves:
>once I told everyone in the 9th grade that I became a mini idol and a voice actor who voiced in Fairy Tail, but I played a "small" role with a small part where no one could recognize me.
>claimed that I was personal friends with Tsubasa Yonaga (a voice actor).
>I claimed I was fluent in Japanese and was learning Korean next.
>I told everyone that I've been to Japan more than 3 times.
>I would bash American music and say that Vocaloid was better.
>I looked up how to look like an Anime girl. I got bangs just to satisfy my longing to look like some girl from YP.
>I randomly would say words in Japanese.
>And once I ranted how subs are better than dubbed.
>And I became vice-president for an Anime club in the 10th grade.
>My phone had so many screen shots of Anime characters (mostly of Gaara).
No. 237793
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>>237352>I used to Naruto run placesFor gym class we had to do the pacer test and me being the weeboo that I was decided to get this guy's attention (whom I called onii-chan) by doing the Naruto run. I ended up tripping and bruising my arm.
No. 237914
>>237793>wanting to impress a guy by doing the naruto runOnly on lolcow, I love y'all.
P.S. Did it work?
No. 238766
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>>238744Let me top that anon.
>be me>also 13 year old weeb >obsessed with manga Pita-Ten.>makes stuffed rabbit head twin-tails and wear ever day to school>buys costume sailor uniform>also wears to school>lied about being part Japanese although is blonde and knows nothing about japan >couldn’t figure out why I had no friends No. 238790
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>>238766>pita ten Mah nigga. I used to be obsessed with it as well, also made a bunny and tried to use it with a hairpin. Fortunately I sucked too much at crafting so it didn't stay on and I never wore it out. I didn't know how to obtain a cosplay either (this was long before ebay was a thing for me) so thankfully the most embarrassing thing I did was go through a chuuni phase when I'd tell my friends I "flied with her".
Misha is still my waifu though, this is my current cellphone home screen. Used to have a few posters of her on my apartment walls too. No regrets.
No. 238841
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>>238790>>238766omg completely off topic but I'm so surprised to see anyone remember Koge-Donbo's work. MYL and other websites never talk about them so I feel so alone in reminiscencing :'(
Anyone know why Koge-Donbo never publishes new series anymore? Back in the 2000's she had so much influence… Tiny snow fairy sugar, pita-ten, kamichama karin, game designs…etc
Now nobody knows of her.