No. 203431
File: 1503792108966.jpg (2.31 MB, 4160x2340, IMG_20170827_015623890.jpg)

>>203415From personal experience there is nothing that is really going to help. There is scar-tissue cream that is fastening the process so the scars might not get as hard and the redish is fading faster, but scars are scars. The best way to keep them down to a minimum is caring for fresh wounds as good as possible. Infected wounds, even only slightly infected, get far more probably to be hypertrophic scars, but as you can see, even the ones that are hypotrophic (inwards going) are noticable. Those scars are around 13 years old. The got a lot better though and when my skin isn't tanned the scars fade into the skin and people mostly don't notice at first. Worked for months at a place until someone I always sat next to finally screeched and noticed them. In summer when the skin gets tanned and the scars don't, it gets more noticable. I thought about dermabrasion, but I don't want to spend so much money I don't really have with no 100% success rate provided.
No. 203478
>>203475Thank you for trying to defend me but I have stopped caring about what others think long time ago. I couldn't care less what anyone other thinks about my scars, my body or my life. Some day we will all be dead and we will all turn to ashes alike. it's important to be able to live your life to the fullest with your own dreams and desires and be able to love yourself. You won't be able to do neither if you constantly waste your time dealing with what others think and getting their approval.
When you're on your deathbed it will not matter how much you lived up to others expectations and validation but if you fully and freely loved your life.
No. 203487
>>203460Sorry about their life or whatever, but that doesn't mean that they don't have to spoiler pictures of borderline gore. It
is gross.
No. 203490
>>203487Agreed. Please spoiler any photos like this even if it's just scarring because it's also
triggering to some.
In a thread about self harm you'd think you'd understand that.
No. 203517
>>203504>>203507>>203513anon is right, have some self-responsebility. If you get
triggered by a picture of scars, you shouldnt read in self harm threads. it's called self care, or common sense.
No. 203529
>>203517It's a little different if you're scrolling by and you see images posted in the last 3 replies.
I have self harm scars myself and I don't hide them. I can understand why people would find it gross and prefer it spoilered though.