No. 203650
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I use to be apart of a League of legends group when I was in my mid-late teens. Everyone posted a picture of themselves to put a face to their name, there was a large group of guys that vastly outnumberes the girls. Most of the girls were cool except for this one chick. She loved being the "troll" by being loud, obnoxious, bitchy and rude to everyone, we'll call her Betsy. The guys had a weird hard on for any asian girl and me being asian they gave me more attention, since Betsy wasn't getting any of the attention she started trolling and bitching at me, it was really unpleasant being around the channels she was in. After some time she started using my profile pictures and started leading on and lying to new members that I was her. I told the group lead about it but he brushed it off as "Betsy is a troll XD" I was annoyed that nothing could be done about it. I tried confronting her but she didn't comply and still used my picture. I ended up leaving the group later on and that was that. I don't know if Betsy is still using my profile picture or if she's still in that lol group.
No. 203651
>>203648I use to go to a chatroom when I was 12. The legit teens would add eachother on FB. Everything was normal but 1 person.
Everyone believed it was him, especially since one in the group claimed to have video chatted on MSN with him and Skype. She lied though for some unknown reason. He tried saying he was 18 and used pictures of a UK model I think. A friend of mine in the group exposed him with a simple Google reverse image search and his empire came crumbling down. He catfished for girls to like him. One of my friends added his real profile and said he was much easier to talk to and less scary.
That's not the end. He is still on the same profile catfishing today. Deleted anyone who knew. I'm 19 now. He's been at it for years.
No. 204133
A guy from a group in a texting app.
He was around 25 and was in a groupchat I joined for the keks. He was very weird, he was fat and ugly, definitely didn't look 25 but still a nice guy overall. He had some amazing life story about how he left home at 17 and got a job and hadn't talked to his family since. He was in university doing some engineering even though all the work he showed us was Greek literature or something like that. He said he worked from home but didn't really have much to do so he just spent the day shitposting on the chat. He was very attention seeking but funny so we let him do his ting. He had an online exgf who he had met and had all kinds of sex stories (getting pegged next to a church in the street tier). He also said he was depressed and almost proud of it. Kept talking about how he wanted to kill himself and how he didn't shower in a month, that kind of stuff. One day he said he was going to attempt suicide taking pills then call an ambulance as a cry for help. I was the person he talked to most so I got really worried and cried a lot and tried to help him, but he still did it. Two days later he came back saying he was in the hospital and that he was going to need surgery cause of some organ failure or something. We started getting suspicious cause so many things didn't add up. His surgery was one hour then he was back shitposting, he was on his phone while on suicide watch which we thought was very weird, he was allowed to go to the shops in front of the hospital (after a surgery and suicidal? Don't buy it), he kept getting almost gourmet food from the nurses.. After 4 days in hospital he came into the chat in his computer account and I had enough of the weirdness so I asked him how did he have his laptop with him if he didn't have any family to bring it to him. He said he talked to his mom and she brought it. I asked him to show us in his a phone the 911 call when he attempted suicide and he said he didn't a call an ambulance but his mom. We started getting angry cause this was obviously bs so we asked him to show hospital room and he ignored it and got angry as in "how could you not trust me", then left the chatroom. At this point everything was very weird so I went to talk to his ex (who I knew cause he gave me her username one day) and the truth started coming out. I told the guy I talked to her and he started spilling the beans. He never attempted suicide, he was at home. He wasn't 25, was 14. He used his 40yo dad's pictures. He had never met his ex, he was still a virgin. At this point no one in the group wanted anything to do with him but I am too dumb/kind and kept talking to him for a while, he "got into a mental institution for teens" (with his history I kinda didn't believe that either) and gradually stopped talking to him cause he could only talk about drugs and I am zero interested in that.