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File: 1717825585753.jpg (48.49 KB, 735x539, 22b7bc148f4b398b1f5ed976f26309…)

No. 2040567

Post cool bugs, bug-related memes, bugs you saw, ask for help with identifying species etc.

>inb4 kill it with fire

Make your own insect hate thread. We love bugs here.

No. 2040568

File: 1717825691264.jpg (75.11 KB, 735x397, 13b7e4fe74d578f29bd37535efbf37…)

other threadpic contenders to start it off

No. 2040569

File: 1717825782616.jpg (54.37 KB, 736x671, 488b64cd5d85148a9e8e56b5a49aea…)

No. 2040570

File: 1717825831304.jpg (59.03 KB, 735x893, babdd2ab1a952d4cabd7721e7b8010…)

now kiss !!

No. 2040578

File: 1717826957193.gif (1.65 MB, 300x300, 1515971351202.gif)

No. 2040585

Shouldn't this be on /m/

No. 2040587

seconded, i like the thread idea but this seems like a better fit for /m/ and not /ot/

No. 2040657

Moved to >>>/m/390407.

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