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No. 204632
>>204590this is hysterical anon I don't even know what to say.
anyway, to answer your question I was pretty into the show when I was 14 which made me inclined to defend bronies, but I grew out of it by the time I was 16 and now I can't help but wonder why adults who defend the show by saying it "has good messages" need to learn things from a show for kids in the first place seeing as a) there are plenty of things made for adults with messages about the importance of friendship, and b) the reason these messages are so prominent in shows for children is because you're supposed to already know these things by adulthood. I tried to re-watch the show and could barely get through an episode. Yeah it's cute but there's not much value beyond that.
No. 205045
>>204590>>204590Excuse my poor English anon kun
I honestly feeel a weird vibe from bronies, like they are in some weird shit, is so weird to me that this people find this series so good like… Is just a ok kids show nothing to special , anyway i have a daughter of 3 that loves this show and it disgusts me to think that she can't go to a fucking live event of my little pony without have to see some of this weird people in the same place having a boner watching a fucking pink pony dancing around
No. 205103
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>>205045yeah exactly. i had a male friend who, before brodies were even a thing, told me the show may seem childish but was soooo good and a must watch and wanted me to watch it with him on a stream. I indulged bc there are a few kiddie shows I can still enjoy as an adult but mlp was NOT one of them. It's so generic and is just like any other cheap corporate kids show. Unoriginal shallow messages that are really forced and spelled out, whiny stereotype characters that aren't very likeable, animation stiff and not particularly creative. It's like if there was a huge devoted fandom for like…Dave the Barbarian.
No. 205171
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i mean, i'd fuck a horse but the cartoon aspect of the whole thing just tilts me. it's fucking degeneracy peaking
No. 205642
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>(???)So should I take my ban as a "no" to my request in the op?
>>204627>Who hurt you,Anon? identify as a brony but they don't look out for their own, in fact they are some of the worse people I ever met.
No. 205689
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>>205676>it's funnyHow the hell was this funny to you? I was being serious!
>incoherentHow? I posted a secondary topic for the thread at the bottom of the op so that the threads main purpose of asking if I could have the temporary username "kill all bronies" wouldn't be seen as shitposting, there was nothing incoherent about any of that!
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This is the same dude that made that furry thread at and also got perma banned, my fucking sides he really is too special needs to fit in anywhere