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No. 2050380
My experience as someone born in 1995 is complete alienation from both generations. Logically speaking I know that once we all get to the age of 60, both generations will have more in common than previously thought and a few years in between won't mean nothing but for now and as I grew up I never felt in tune with either, at least when it came to relating to other's interests. In highschool, the other millennials I spent time with were obsessed with Harry Potter, Supernatural, Doctor Who etc. I did not give a shit about that. The fashion was too hipstery or a neon colored swag mess. I always related more to alt fashions because they had some edgy cuteness to it but that shit was impossible for me to buy because malls only carried basic stuff.
So now there's gen z, which has the type of fashion I like (flowy bows and pink) but now I feel kinda old to completely pull off. They like anime like I do but I can't just come in and say "how are you my fellow kids" because I'm not in school anymore, I graduated college and am in a "should become a housewife" age. I like their music (Doja Cat, Ariana, Sabrina, Billie) but again how am I supposed to bring this up. I reset millennials for being obnoxious and pretentious, I know gen z got a lot of things from them but I don't care. I also hate TikTok and stupid twitter stan culture and god gen z loves that shit. Idk. Kill me I'm so old.
No. 2050718
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Born in '95
>Which generation do you relate the most to?
Millennials, by far. I'm not a burger so maybe that shifts my perception.
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?
The music trends. I mostly listen to EDM and it was just so much better around the time I was born and getting popular in the charts. Also the tech in general from that time. And video games.
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?
Millennials older than me are cool if they're not retards. I can get along with them.
Zoomers, at least the younger ones, I despise. I mostly despise their insane level of tech illiteracy from only ever using a smartphone and unwillingness to pay attention and truly care about anything, the usual complaints. Older ones are a bit better, but I'm still a few years too early to be able to really relate to them.
No. 2050810
>>2050735> life before mass social mediaI honestly can't remember much of this, only bits from when I was very little. What little I do remember I really miss though.
I did enjoy the very early parts of social media, like early facebook, but also I was a weeby alt person that didn't really share a lot of interests with my irl friends so social media opened up a lot of possibilities for me.
No. 2050844
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>>2050376born in 99 and the number one thing I've noticed about zillennials is our obsession with nostalgia and lost childhood artifacts (I am not immune to this). I'm talking about people who make long series on the intricacies of american girl dolls, the dandelion crayon girl, people who make videos about discontinued snacks, those slideshows set to distorted electronic music titled "pov, it's a snow day in 2007". It seems like we're all desperate to recapture a magic that's no longer there. Of course you see people from other generations doing this, posting 90s throwbacks or saying how good it was to grow up in the 80s, but I notice that there tends to be an air of grief with zillennial nostalgia posts. The comments are always talking about what we lost, or how the world will never be that good again. I wonder what drives this? Is it just because we're all transitioning from childhood to adulthood right now?
No. 2050866
>>2050376'94 baby here, I really consider myself a young millennial but I guess I belong in this thread too?
>Which generation do you relate the most to?See above. I don't relate much to what I've seen of zoomers at all
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?The internet before it became as corporate as it is now, way more online places where you could be completely anonymous and people didn't sperg out when you didn't list your age/pronouns/race/sexuality/everything personal in your bio
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?Millennials:
Zoomers: Can be kind of cute, better at technology than me (I'm unusually shitty at it), can be stupid and chronically online but a lot are still in the age group where it's not as weird to live on the internet, a 35 year old millennial who exists pretty much entirely online will usually be worse than a 19 year old zoomie who does the same
No. 2050907
born in 2000. I feel like most of my taste and pop culture knowledge are more like millenials, but I relate more to gen z. I was just old enough to be around for "old internet" stuff like myspace, LJ and limewire, and social media didn't really take off until high school. Even then it was completely different from what it is today. I think that's what caused the "lost childhood" nostalgia
>>2050844 is talking about. We were the last to grow up in a pre-smartphone era. Like every other generation, we remember our childhoods with rose-tinted glasses. plus with the absolute state of the internet now and how it's changed socialization, it's hard not to want to go back to simpler times. it's interesting that we're basically the only tech-savvy generation besides millenials and I think that will become an uncommon skill in the future
No. 2051081
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Born late 1994,
>Which generation do you relate the most to?
I really do relate to both almost equally. If I had to pick a lean, I would say maybe just slightly a little more to zoomers since there's plenty of things older millennials relate to that I can only vaguely remember while I definitely have been alive all through the zoomer years. Politically, I tend to feel more like a millennial with millennial values, vocab, and mindsets. Lots of older millennial media feel like a reminder of better times and better values than what's allowed to air today.
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?
Lots of stuff in the OP thumbnail, old pokémon/digimon/tamagotchi/virtual pets as a whole, the mystique of the internet as a new frontier, Flash games, renting VHS and DVDs, etc. I also miss things like urban legends and supernatural topics being considered instead of everyone being so damn non-spiritual. There's no mystery in anything anymore, just the harsh reality that humanity sucks but is fascinating. And politics galore. I miss when not everything was about virtue-signaling and keeping bedroom and politics talk private. None of this "-maxxing" cancer. There were idiots online but when they were talking about garbage like otherkin and Alexandria's genesis, you knew they were nutso and making shit up.
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?
Mostly really chill people, they understand their parents are generally assholes and are somewhat less shitty because they went through hardships and didn't want to put the next gen through that. They are not very tech literate and I feel like I'm fortunate as a zillennial to be on the more tech-literate side between generations. They are what I would consider the last generation before the internet tainted humanity. Unfortunately, because they caved into shit like letting their kids be raised in daycares and have unmonitored TV and internet access, we now have…
Very fucked up generation, lots of social failures. The girls are often very catty or dorky, and the boys are almost all failmales because their parents failed them big time. Gen alpha is everything bad about zoomers but magnified to a level where now zoomers can understand now why millennials don't like gen z. It is kind of interesting how zoomers absolutely refuse to grow up but gen alpha wants to grow up too fast. (Covid hit zoomers harder than it did gen alpha, and zoomers were already suffering from social failure before the pandemic.) It is interesting how some zoomers, in an attempt to escape lgbtq+ autism, go way too far rightwing and end up being clowns in the other direction.
On the positive side, I do agree that it's cute how zoomers copy the whole "hey remember this nostalgia?" like millennials have the whole "ONLY 90'S KIDS REMEMBER…" memes.
No. 2051969
Born in 97, relate more to millenials and I'm not a burger
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?Analogue media, casette types, the stronger divide between being offline and online, social media not being 100% crucial or the only way to get to know people, children and teen spaces on the internet, MSN, normies being glued to cable TV so the internet only had enthusiasts and geeks
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?I think there can be zillenials with a firm gen Z brainrotted mindset, I hate zoomers but in reality we are all pretty fucked because I keep meeting and hearing about 30 year olds who are terminally online, trying to be kinky and build a brand or some dumb fucking shit like that. And if nothing else, I wish zoomers knew of a world without internet at least some of the time. We'll never get that back.
>>2050391>born in 00you are definitely a zoomer lol
No. 2052222
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Born late 1996
>Which generation do you relate the most to?
Millennials mostly because my family didn't get internet till 2005ish so I was behind in every sense like getting hands down clothes and toys from my bigger cousins, I got my ps2 when the ps3 came out. Zoomers for some trends.
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?
Pre corporate internet and internet being "a place" at home not something on the go. I wish we could go back as internet being a loser thing since I could see the shift and the death of comfy forum sites and blogs and the rise of ads and brands being funny for relatable points it's cringy and tiring as shit, plus I don't like the constant censoring due to algo shits because apparently everyone is afraid of the ebil shadowban/ban, I want to be able to say and hear fuck and kill yourselves to random people on the internet without getting banned, what the fuck is unaliving, and outside of screens, good toys and clothing.
Now all clothing is shit fabrics being sold for too much (shein like shirts for 24.99 like are you insane or what) and toys are mostly a one-time-gimmick, I also miss toys made from popular animes and when stuff had a permanent physical release. I hate subscription services and when some media has only a digital release, I pirate it. Either you give me something that doesn't need the internet and will last me a life time if properly cared of or everyone that does this can rot, I don't want to pay for shit that can be pulled off stores/services anytime. Fuck you.
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?
About millennials: cool people if they are the "weird kid" like me where being weird was like growing up with internet and learning english and slang from it, I don't relate to normie millennials because even if they all the rights to be doomers, I think they are a bit insufferable because they try so hard to be adults and some succeed while on the other side we have these people that constantly infantilize themselves or are obsessed with escapism like disney adults, I also think that our generation is not ready to have kids because of this
About gen z-ers: I think that they have too much fomo and they are ineducated about basic safety (mostly because their parents are older gen x-ers who are obsessed with cool gadgets and aren't afraid of shit due to the massive technological progress), I remember that when I was 13 my mom told me to never say my personal shit to strangers and now I constantly hear about doxxing and harrassing while zoomers have their full name out there and film everywhere they go, plus they're too obsessed with curated identities to the point that they rely on other's approval to exist. We were emo and scene but that came from us and we told people to fuck off, zoomers won't wear a color if it's not in their "palette" or some shit like that like it's a cult or something. Plus I see them as a very black and white generation, either you're a good guy or the devil to them plus I hate their double standards (for ex. christians are bad but don't you dare being an islamophobe!! when in reality they're both shit, when I was younger being islamophobe was not a thing for example), either you have to agree with all the troon shit or you're a dangerous terf omg block and stay safe, unironically their behaviour made me peak, I also hate their constant "safe space" logic and I think that now we have so much degeneracy around like troons because zoomers often say "omg you go! Be yourself!". I also wish they could stop about making everything about gender not because I want to be old and annoying but because we could undo being emo, they wouldn't be able to undo tit chops and penis atrophy, sometimes I think that zoomers will be the generation with the higher suicide rate due to this and meanwhile some doctors are butchers and shouldn't approve this shit, very few of them will take accountability or seek therapy and will off themselves instead.
I remember that when people had shit takes or opinions on the internet they were made fun of or bullied, we should bring that back along with shame. Yes I'm a hater.
No. 2073974
>>2059419Huh? A lot of Zoomer fashion trends are literally hijacked from Millennial fashion when Millennials were teens. If anything I think Millennials had more interesting fashion.
>>2059633A lot of people don't really seem to understand how "generations" work. They've already moved on to talking about Gen Alpha despite a majority of them (if not the entirety) being elementary/primary school-aged and younger. Gen Z wasn't even a part of the conversation until the oldest of them were starting college (late 2010s - early 2020s), so accordingly "Gen Alpha" shouldn't really be a topic of conversation until at least the late 2020s.
No. 2095937
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>>2095915I was born in 1990 and this was my first mobile I got in primary school. I had a phone pouch made out of old denim jeans it had to live in. My mum would call me home for dinner cause she was sick of having to scream to call me in when I was playing with the neighbours. By the time the Nokia 3310 came out i was charging kids to tune ringtones into their I'd printed off from websites. There was like a ringtone builder and you had to type notes in with the keypad. So many people wanted bob the builder
No. 2097717
>>2050376Born in 1995
>Which generation do you relate the most to?Millennials. I share more pop culture artifacts with Millennials than Gen Z. Plus, we were referred as one growing up.
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?Life before social media. All the kids hung out at the park. Without question, we just knew where everyone was going to be. Every weekend I would lounge around with friends bored out of our minds, have no plans set up prior but somehow ended up going somewhere fun at some point. But at the same time, I also miss the "old internet" especially those small forums where people recognized each other's usernames, virtual avatar sites like GaiaOnline, and blogs/journals. There used to be something very visceral and real about the internet 20-odd years ago that has been replaced by shallow commercialism and stale optimization. I miss how apolitical our culture was, as in we rarely interpret every single piece of entertainment through politics and social commentary related to current issues.
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?Millennials tend to be obnoxious and indulge in consumerism. When I think of collecting Funko Pops, DVDs, Tomagachis, and handheld systems my mind automatically goes to Millennials. Gen Z to me looks and sounds lost. As in they're so self-conscious that don't know how to make any moves or stick to an identity. I think this is because Millennials had a small taste of separated subcultures that helped us form an identity. When I was growing up, cliches rarely blended. I came from an era where if you were goth/emo with face piercings/septum and colored hair most people didn't want to be around you regardless if you were pretty, most people thought you were a fucking weirdo. But these days Gen Z are all connected and hooked on social media, and a lot of these cultural artifacts and identity markers have been blended.
No. 2097761
>>2097717Hey, just saying I love the way you write, it’s very articulate and expressive. I also agree as a 00s born gen z that we’re too scared to BE anything, like care too much, to stop being ironic. You love too hard, you’re a simp, you care about this cause, that’s cringe/nerdy, you expressed a love for something, but that’s not cool/unbothered/ironic, because we all have to be cool and uninvested. I bet it was beautiful to explore the world with faces and not phones in front of you, to have a stillness in your mind before the internet was designed for dopamine, not information and connection. The older I get, the more I realise how not special I am, and I just feel grateful to be part of a big mosaic of humanity around me, watching the trees change, people walk by and working for nice meals. That my people are out there and high school is a really shitty pool to select friends from. Social media literally wires you to get dopamine from peer approval, which really erodes individuals.
And I agree- I wish entertainment culture (which is for entertainment!) could be more apolitical. Half of the internet feels like coom/rage/envy bait. For some reason, I believe the world will become a better place soon.
No. 2097804
>>2097761>I also agree as a 00s born gen z that we’re too scared to BE anything, like care too much, to stop being ironic. You love too hard, you’re a simp, you care about this cause, that’s cringe/nerdy, you expressed a love for something, but that’s not cool/unbothered/ironic, because we all have to be cool and uninvested.What I find interesting is how this cool/ironic/unbothered attitude started with Gen X, until it grew into this amorphous front where the nature of the internet/social media accelerated it. I notice this a lot with my Gen Z coworkers, they tend to put up a front but when it's knocked down they claim to not know why they think or feel a certain way. It's strange.
>I bet it was beautiful to explore the world with faces and not phones in front of you, to have a stillness in your mind before the internet was designed for dopamine, not information and connection.When I was a kid, I loathed calling my friends through their house phones because I 2qwforced to make small talk with their parents. I was taught that it was important to make a good impression and not sound like an asocial weirdo. Whenever I had an appointment or queue, it was normal to just talk to people around me. Boredom had a different feeling where we didn't think about stimulation. Small things like those are almost gone, which is why so many people are a bit twitchy and spazzy, especially men. Early social media used to be made to augment your already social life. I used to discover local shows through MySpace and Facebook was the place to organize parties. Sucks that these social media companies are all in a race to the bottom of the brain stem.
>The older I get, the more I realise how not special I am, and I just feel grateful to be part of a big mosaic of humanity around me, watching the trees change, people walk by and working for nice meals. That my people are out there and high school is a really shitty pool to select friends from. Social media literally wires you to get dopamine from peer approval, which really erodes individuals.I feel the same way, I don't mind not being special nor important. It's a good thing the social media we have today didn't take off until I finished HS because jfc was it bad. Everyone were POSs.
No. 2097831
>>2097717Honestly, agree, though I feel that millenials being consoomers is partially because they likely miss the apolitical times, and yearn for it back, so they surround themselves in buying small things to get them back into that mindset, especially like you mentioned with Gameboys and Tamagotchis. Also being in a recession, then suddenly growing up and finding yourself with money from working, they probably instantly want to indulge in things they never had the finances to do so. I totally understand why they'd be like that, but I do see some get way too overboard, like who the fuck needs 200 Gameboys? But in all honestly, I'd rather be around someone who's enthusiastic about old crusty Tamagotchi, while enjoying corny old internet memes, than being around people constantly succumbing to making their identity be about how many pride flags and pronouns pins they bought, while threatening to drop friends and family, or call up your job to get you fired if you don't play with their gender delusions. Millenials get that dopamine rush from seeing something from their semi-carefree childhoods, be it their favorite consoom brand as a Funko. Meanwhile, Zoomers get off on berating people online so they can watch numbers go up or down since they were raised when social media was all that was becoming available and widely used. In a way, I feel somewhat sorry for them, but it's like how moids will shoot up schools if they're depressed while girls just go quiet and indulge in menhera art, I can't really feel too bad for them when Zoomers choose to be so destructive.
No. 2098220
Born 1999.
>Which generation do you relate the most to?
Gen Z, but by the tiniest of margins. While i had the (questionable at best) privilege of having internet access from very early on (around 7) and got intubated into the millenial/gen x dominion from very early on, the vast majority of my peers would turn out as stereotypical zoomers.
>Is there anything you miss as a zillennial?
I miss the pre-smarthphone days i got to briefly enjoy with my nokia cellphone, traditional internet forums now killed by discordization and certain subcultures being much more niche and risqué when it came to public perception.
>What's your opinion of millennials and gen z?
I feel like millenials as a whole tend to be idolatrous, self-centered losers incapable of letting go of their self-proclaimed glorious past and time as the youthful arbitrors of whats hip and cool, while conveniently sweeping under the rug anything inconvenient or politically incorrect from that time, hypocritically judging the past by the standards of the present.
Zoomers (in particular those born on or after, say, 2004), are unbelievably ignorant, and extraordinarily stupid. While the ancient quote “Today’s youth is rotten, evil, godless and lazy. It will never be what youth used to be, and it will never be able to preserve our culture.” is rather apt at illustrating the fact that the society has viewed the youth as being subpar to them since time immemorial, i do truly feel like zoomers are somewhat exceptional in how profoundly out of sync with the generational continuum they are. Having been surrounded by technology from the cradle yet being comically tech-illiterate iToddlers hyperfixated on nonsensical Internet retard culture with a seemingly non-existent ability to differentiate online lingo and concepts from reality seems somewhat extreme compared to the generational differences of the past to me.
No. 2098672
I think the "zilennial" experience is largely due to your family dynamics and probably schooling too. could your family afford new tech or would choose to go into debt over the new shiny things coming out, did you first access the internet over a pc or a phone/tablet, did your schools have money for new tech, do you have older siblings and did you latch onto their interests, close relationships with parents or other older family members, did you try to keep up with your peers or were you a weeb that was 2cool for that. i was born in 98 but my dad was into computers so i always preferred using the internet on a pc when smartphones were out, my schools were too poor for new tech, my only sibling is much older and would show me naruto amvs on youtube. i remember being so sad when the youtube channel layout changed and was less personalized. i hated instagram, facebook, and twitter. i pretty much grew up on youtube and remember the adpocalypse in high school, not really using youtube for years, and coming back to it in 2018 and being kinda shocked at how different the popular creators and users were- i really enjoyed certain let's players and for a while everyone and their goldfish had a side channel for let's plays and it was totally dead by the time i came back.
No. 2297423
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>>2059419I thought the opposite… zoomer stuff looks needlessly over complicated with too many accessories. I kinda miss the twee era.
No. 2298136
>>2050376I had a Jigglypuff plush keychain when I was a kid, lol. Probably not the one in the pic but pretty close.
>>Which generation do you relate the most to?Millennial, I think. But I also think these generation names and criteria are retarded. They're a marketing tactic, after all. I don't relate to most online Millennial stereotypes or Zoomer stereotypes either. I know I'm not alone in this.
No. 2334459
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saw this picture and thought of this thread.
what are some things you miss? things you kept from your childhood / collect now as an adult? things you wish you could experience for the first time again?