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No. 2078297

A thread about being afraid of the internet.

Through the years and talking with other anons on this website I've noticed a pattern of being afraid of the internet or constantly wanting to disappear from it. The internet can be pretty scary, from data breaches to online cancel culture and doxxing, there's plenty of reasons why someone may want to be safe online and be very careful with their own information. Basic cyber security should be enough, but sometimes there's more to this genuine fear of being perceived online. To make your digital footprint as invisible as possible and scrub out anything related to you. However, this paranoia could become a compulsion. Cutting off real life people, obsessively cycling through new accounts, never letting anyone take pictures of you in case someone uploads them, and generally not using the internet like a normies would. Even here on lolcow.farm, you would be careful to omit details and not post too much. Here's some optional questions:
>Would you say you have internet paranoia?
>Can internet paranoia be good? Or could it lead to some unhealthy patterns?
>Do you have a reason to be extremely cautious? Or do you think it's a no brainier and everyone should do it?
>If you do have social media, is there a way you curate your presence to avoid it being linked to your real life self?
>Has this impacted your real life in any way? Example: harder to connect to people, some jobs requiring social media, etc
Discuss and feel free to add anything else.

No social media / minimal social media thread: >>>/ot/605663

No. 2078304

I want to disappear from the internet constantly, but I can't because of the kind of work I do. I'm extremely paranoid and I constantly add and delete people, this has made it obnoxiously hard to even have friends. If my friend does something bad it will reflect on me I guess, or if they have their location in their bio I will be doxxed through them. Or they'll figure out I'm a terf. The list goes on.

No. 2078311

>Would you say you have internet paranoia?
>Can internet paranoia be good? Or could it lead to some unhealthy patterns?
It's good to be cautious but having literal fear about the internet has made my life more difficult
>Do you have a reason to be extremely cautious? Or do you think it's a no brainier and everyone should do it?
I just don't want to exist. I hate how much social media is pushed by society
>Has this impacted your real life in any way? Example: harder to connect to people, some jobs requiring social media, etc
Yes. I have almost no friends.

No. 2078312

You should be afraid of posting here, for obvious reasons. No platform is 100% safe, in exchange for using their service they take your data and can basically do whatever the fuck they want to you and that’s scary.

No. 2078318

If you're a horrible poster who racebaits and constantly says shit like "kill trannies" then yeah you should be scared. But otherwise no. Your cellphone is gathering more about you than lolcow is. The men who run this website don't care unless you yourself are a cow.

No. 2078319

NTA but what the hell is wrong with saying kill trannies

No. 2078320

Who actually likes trannies?

No. 2078321

At least as a burger, a surprising majority of the west coast.

No. 2078322

Do you think they actually like them though or is it begrudgingly?

No. 2078324

You should be more paranoid about the fact that almost every app you use is secretly recording the ambient noise around you as you scroll and using it to push out what content or ads they think you'd be interested. Don't be surprised if you're scrolling reddit and scratching or picking at a pimple on your face and suddenly you're getting dermatology or foundation ads. Yes its completely related. Yes there are AI programs implemented in these apps that are saving every single sound that your phone can pick up in a "secure" database and analyzing it. No this is not schizophrenia or paranoid ramblings. There will be a Snowden type whistle-blower about it eventually but people believe that it doesn't matter since it's captured and analyzed by AI, nevermind the fact that it's incredibly easy to intercept. Nobody cares about the principle anymore because we are all too addicted to our devices.

No. 2078325

>Would you say you have internet paranoia?
Yes because of my internet activity when I was a teenager kek.
>Can internet paranoia be good? Or could it lead to some unhealthy patterns?
Yes. You should always be paranoid of the internet and everybody’s intentions.
>Do you have a reason to be extremely cautious? Or do you think it's a no brainier and everyone should do it?
Yes, because there’s always people waiting on your downfall even if you’re a loser and a nobody.
>If you do have social media, is there a way you curate your presence to avoid it being linked to your real life self?
Make burner emails with different passwords, preferably at different locations and link them to your public accounts. Don’t use the same passwords for everything. VPNs don’t do shit besides using imageboards and browsing onion. Dynamic ips all the wayyy. Turn off the image metadata so nobody can trace it in your photos, put up as much privacy settings that is allowed on the apps and platforms you’re using. Don’t click random links and photos that you know looks funny and odd. You cannot out run e-leetfags with legitimate hacking skills, just do your best to damage control and delete everything. Try to not to take videos or photos in indiscriminate places, not outside where people can pinpoint the location like restaurants, parks, grocery stores. Don’t include your real name or put any of your real photos. Create an entirely different persona online, something that’s not too indiscriminate to your own irl but something that can make people dissociate and not be too involved with your character and personality where they would want to know the “real” you, this is done through shitpost/meme accounts. Talk shit all you want about ecelebs there’s a benefit of creating a parasocial bond with your fake identity, it makes people more interested in that fake identity than the real you. Pretend to be a man if you have to. How to throw people off: give consistent information but put a cookie trail that would make someone very confused and disoriented about who you are, for ex. your real name gets leaked or some faggot decides to use your real name that you stupidly told to them in moments of vulnerability, there will always be some person saying “that’s not even their real name their real name is (fake persona) name” because an arrogant retard who thinks they know it all and knows all the facts is enough to cover up your identity for just a little bit, but you are screwed when this happens. All the tips I only have. If we lived in a world where tech was optional, just don’t even have wifi, computers or phones and live off the land away from humanity. Nobody can be trusted.
>Has this impacted your real life in any way? Example: harder to connect to people, some jobs requiring social media, etc
Yes especially with the jobs, normies require you to seem personable and inviting by revealing so much of yourself as some kind of group sacrifice thing like a frat party where you have to humiliate or reveal something about yourself to get initiated. Tell as much as you need to and forfeit the rest. Be like those Japanese twitterfags where they use a bunch of numbers and shit as their profile. Use nicknames close to your name but not too close. Don’t post your opinions and views, don’t fall for the trap that anybody cares about what you have to say on a public platform and dump all of it on here or another imageboard where no one cares about namefagging or clout chasing.

No. 2078326

This site is a honeypot.

No. 2078327

they seem a little bit too passionate for it to just be begrudgingly

No. 2078330


No. 2078332

I'm serious, im not just speculating. I don't care because nothing I say is particularly egregious or violent.

No. 2078338

Some of the mods are men. Ask them, they’ll tell you

No. 2078340

Most of them. There isn't much to worry about though, theyre very lazy and don't have much interest in you or your life.

No. 2078349

Its not a honeypot but they do track like a LOT. They track even more than facebook and tiktok….which is a achievement in itself.

I don't blame them because almost every site in existence does tracking and i guess its normal unfortunately but i do feel like this site takes it too far when it comes to tracking and selling data.

Also it doesnt help that whenever discussions like this happen farmhands or jannys reply on anon (too scared to use their farmhand handle lmao) attack the person and saying how it isn't a big deal etc.

I actually have my own examples of the times i noticed obscure things that i only said here were tracked to google,tiktok and advertisers.

No. 2078355

>ambient listening
Hmm i actually believe this. It didnt happen to me but i did see it happen to others and it did seem beliavable.

No. 2078362

You may notice it more now. For instance if you're messing with your hair a lot while watching youtube shorts, you'll start getting shorts of women using hair gel. Or if you're scratching a spot or something a lot while scrolling the reddit app you'll get psoriasis ads or something.

No. 2078366

It is a honeypot. There is (or was, not sure if anymore and too lazy to check) also a keylogger so whenever you typed a post and didn't post it still saved your keystrokes in the box. They very well could've nixed that ages ago though. That's what a honeypot is, babe

No. 2078370

I think lolcow will kill me because I like anime and I'm retarded I'm not joking

No. 2078372

>I actually have my own examples of the times i noticed obscure things that i only said here were tracked to google,tiktok and advertisers
That's scary as fuck

No. 2078376

They're gonna think I have a monster uti because I get up to pee every 15 minutes lol

No. 2078379

Hmm maybe, it is hard to believe ngl. I experience alot of regular tracking but i never noticed ambient listening lol. Im blowing my nose all the time yet i never got a advert or random content for cleaning your nose or sinuses. I did see it happen to others though.

Its not scary, thats just tracking and sharing/selling data. Every site does it but other sites now try to be more ethical by letting you know what they are tracking you for and giving you options on turning off non-essential tracking. Lolcow does not have that option and they're not exactly ethical and transparent about their tracking but thats to be expected with the lazy ass shit incompotent admin and farmhands
This site does track like crazyyyyy but i don't care since i don't use this site often anymore. But i can see someone who uses this site daily being upset by the non-transparent very aggressive tracking and they are valid to feel that way.

No. 2078439

Piggybacking off of this, whenever I typed certain words on lolcow I would get subreddits and ads on the reddit app pertaining to whatever keyword i typed even though I have no vetted interest in any of them

No. 2078492

I've already exposed too much of myself online that once there's like a comprehensive AI algorithm I'm gonna be completely humiliated but hopefully it won't be anytime soon? Right?

No. 2078588

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nothing will make you schizo out more than living in a country in which most of the population thinks privacy is cringe and not having your full name and phone number in your instagram bio means you're a social media leper, let alone not having social media or social media with any personal details in it so I don't care if the farmhands think i'm a gay retarded mentally ill woman my own country is more likely to dox me than them and i'm not kidding

No. 2078598

When I don't want an account to be traceable I use email aliases, it's the easiest way to avoid data breaches and things like that. But I also have more public and carefully curated social medias for anyone who cyberstalks me, like my pinterest and my instagram, I designed them to be seen by people.
I think the main reason for my paranoia is that I myself have stalked and doxxed people before lmao

No. 2078599

Were in this together nonna. I bet my shit is worse than yours.

No. 2078619

That's my worst phobia, some kind of AI that despite you being anonymous is able to track posts all across the Internet and associate them to you. But I honestly think it's impossible especially because people across platforms tend to make their writing style uniform with the way other people write

No. 2078635

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Has anyone been able to overcome this phobia? How?

No. 2078649

How do people know either of these things? I assume 4chan is a honeypot but all image boards?

No. 2078650

By isolating myself from my Internet friends as well as IRL ones. I only post on imageboards but honestly every single imageboard has schizo jannies who track your IP and keep account of all your posts, they just can't help themselves. It would be better to post exclusively on Reddit, maybe having several separate accounts for every topic you wish to discuss with other people. Not sure if that's worth the effort

No. 2078651

>Isolating myself
That's not the healthiest solution if I'm honest

No. 2078655

The thing with Reddit is that it's one of the few big platforms that lets you make an account with a fake email you made up on the spot, no verification asked. You could make a new account every day and it wouldn't hinder you in any way except for the karma posting limits.
Yes Reddit is overrun with bots but bots are mainly infesting the very big subs, they're not going to be in the smaller communities where you can discuss your interests. The only problem with Reddit is that you're not anonymous to other users so you have to keep all your personas very separate from each other. Not even for security reasons but just so the person you're fighting with doesn't use a detail about your personal life to win the argument

No. 2078660

Nah the new janitors they've enlisted (because the men who have been modding for a few years are super lazy and grew bored of it here) I believe are actually a couple 'integrated' newfags. Their bans are unfunny and nonsensical, they parrot anything you type in the report box, and I've seen then mistake a vpns post history as a singular person's post history numerous times which is the most rookie thing you could do. You can't weaponize a vpns post history on one person and anyone who isn't retarded is aware of that. Also the new analytics and numbers they've been sharing make no sense whatsoever, and they think that just because a vpn doesn't automatically show up as owned by a particular company at copy paste means it's a unique user, which is why those recent "7000 unique visits" were logged. It's just computer illiterate hobbiests in general right now who will grow bored with it as well

No. 2078668

How do people know if the mods are male or female? I thought they were anonymous?

No. 2078673

They're all tinfoiling

No. 2078674

The site has been owned by a man for several years now. It isnt a tinfoil. They never clap back either now, do they?

No. 2078700

>They track even more than facebook and tiktok
You are completely retarded if you think a shitty imageboard that allows you to post from VPNs tracks more information than multi-billion dollar apps that you download onto your device and that have similarly lucrative data sharing agreements with dozens of companies.
Creating a TikTok or Facebook account is so, so much worse than posting on lolcow.

They don't.

And they don't.

No. 2078713

I lost my job a while ago because I mentioned my username on a site. Since then always VPN, always random string name, speak neutral English. I would use tor everywhere if it worked.

No. 2078714

You sure seem defensive and have no rebuttal other than going "nooo retardddd they don't!".
I literally said im not even bothered by the tracking, but that doesn't mean that im going to deny the agressive tracking that they are doing which me and other anons have noticed after being here for years because we are not tech illiterate. You must be one of the braindead farmhands, yawn go do your job you roach.

No. 2078723

>You sure seem defensive and have no rebuttal
Nta but it's not like anons have really provided any proof of lolcow tracking more than other sites..

No. 2078727

Not sure about now, but this site has been run by men before. Cereb seems alright though.

No. 2079171

I gave a reason why it's ridiculous for you to think that, even though the burden of proof falls on the people making claim for which there could theoretically be positive proof. Instead, you and other anons will rely on borderline superstition. No, it's not Google tracking you across practically every time you visit a website that contains ads, no, it's not cross-device tracking with ultrasound or whatever else, it's this website that once managed to catch you ban evading.
Also, you absolutely should be bothered if lolcow is tracking its users more than Facebook/Instagram and Tiktok.
>Everyone that disagrees with me secretly one of them!
If I were a mod, I'd give you all (retard) bans, and I would use my infinite tracking powers to make sure posters like you weren't around to shit up every tech-related thread we have on this site with schizo-level paranoid nonsense that other tech-illiterate anons mindlessly believe and parrot.

Holy shit go look up what a keylogger is, please.

No. 2079277

>Do you have a reason to be extremely cautious? Or do you think it's a no brainier and everyone should do it?
I have many reasons to be extremely cautious, the biggest one being that I was an Omegle kid. And I showed my face.
>Has this impacted your real life in any way? Example: harder to connect to people, some jobs requiring social media, etc
I don’t have any friends at all, and I haven’t for 4 years.

I’ve had a cellphone phone in my hand since I was 9 years old, and now I’m 22. I think social media should be abolished for a large host of reasons but only one of them is my extreme paranoia towards the millions of things that can happen to you, your livelihood, your reputation, your relationships with others, etc in the blink of an eye online.

No. 2079309

It saves your draft post in your browser, it doesn't send it to a server. I literally opened up a network recording tab to see what happens when I'm typing a post and there are no requests being with the payload of my typings being made so this is unfounded paranoia. However it does send some identifying details like what thread you're currently viewing and what's your user agent.

No. 2079332

really sucks for me, i have a binge and purge attitude where i create a social media account, or sign up for reddit or discord or whatever, and after a while i feel regret over having an online footprint and i delete everything. i don't have any inactive social media accounts because i usually deactivate to stop myself from posting, or if i grow bored with a website i never go "i'll log out but i will keep this account in case i want to come back in the future" because i always delete as soon as i'm no longer interested. i feel the same regret for posting on lolcow, but i can't delete stuff on here kek the idea that the shit i share online will be there forever, albeit anonymously, really bothers me. so i tend to delete individual posts, comments and messages before deleting my account; i think it's the wise thing to do, but most people don't bother with this shit, so it comes off as paranoid. i'm not worried about irls knowing what i do online, i just don't like having many accounts and i want the stuff i post gone
anyone else like this?

No. 2079448

Are you a teenager? Google is cross tracking you everywhere, so is every single other app and site you use. LC is not the panapticon.

No. 2079472

I had a cyberstalker at some point and I already fear he knows a lot about me, it plagues my everyday life and I have a lot of trouble explaining to people why it traumatized me without them trying to dismiss me as overreacting to the situation. It doesn't matter if it stopped shit made me hole myself up in my home in self isolation till I pretty much almost killed myself

If he was able to see anything and everything I ever did and used some kind of algorithm to track it, let alone if the government or jobs could see everything I'd done online, I'd not only be unhirable I'd fucking kill myself from shame. I vented things I'd never tell a soul irl on the web and I don't deserve to have them dangled over my irl presence

No. 2079995

do any of us even still use social media ? like that’s attached to our real life personas

No. 2080001

I don’t have anything

No. 2080006

Some of the mods are males and trannies. They started banning for “scrotefoiling” (I get that for the users who call each other scrotes just because the other isn’t acting like a girly girl stereotype) which tells you everything they need to know. You can’t call people on here fat, pathetic, losers, everything in the book because just like Reddit mods “that could be me!!! ban them”

No. 2080025

No. I think i had one art account (under an alias) and one ancient facebook account from highschool i lost the passwords to and could never delete but they're buried enough no potential employers will ever find or care about them. I deleted my original fb and multiple other irl accounts when one of my cyberstalkers found them and never went back

No. 2080060

Guys like that do nothing but fantasize about that sort of thing.

No. 2080125

I don't think he'd ever come after me cuz he's a coward who wouldn't be able to tolerate a woman irl telling him off but somehow a part of it still seems threatening you know? the idea?

No. 2082623

Men like that are exactly the type to be cyberstalkers and online voyeurs. They want to be able to abuse you without consequence

No. 2149556

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I am taking a cybersecurity class, first class the professor opened asking what privacy tools we use when online. I use a VPN, privacy focused plain text email, mullvad browser, a password manager, and have no social media accounts. Only one other person in class used any tools and it was a password manager. I’m starting to wonder if I have a problem.

No. 2149598

I'm confused. Why did you get fired? Controversial posts?

No. 2149613

I'm not paranoid about my own internet use, I'm paranoid about pedophilia and CP becoming increasingly common and normalised on the clear net and men's porn habits colouring their everyday interactions with women, including their own family members

No. 2149622

nah normies are just dumb

No. 2152670

I don’t because it’s just dangerous

No. 2152676

>do any of us even still use social media ?
Yes, I was forced to get a fb account for university because everyone there was too retarded to use emails. I use twitter too to follow artists I like.

>like that’s attached to our real life personas

Yes for facebook but I only use messenger now to talk to friends because they're also too retarded to use any other much better apps for that. No for twitter and I really don't get why anyone who's not using it as a celebrity think it's reasonable to put their real names and/or faces on twitter.

No. 2152687

>men's porn habits colouring their everyday interactions with women, including their own family members
It's already happening just look at the vtuber community.loli coomer moids with children(which Is horrifying to think about) are taking their little girls in loli vtuber cosplays and attending con's where "cunny" fans hassle the child for photos. I'm so scared for the upcoming gen alpha too they don't deserve this

No. 2153395

And normies will preach about how fathers are totes necessary and single mothers are the scum of the earth on the top of that.

No. 2154876

Where do you sign up for this? Is it an online course or IRL?

No. 2155973

Being paranoid doesn't really affect my day-to-day that much, but the most annoying thing is trying to avoid getting into my uni's social media posts. Every time there's something even remotely interesting happening there's ALWAYS some staff member taking pictures that they're going to post into fb or ig with no concern of people's privacy, and every time I have to ask that they avoid taking shots where I'm in the frame and sometimes they can't even respect that kek. I go to a uni that's in the world's top 50, so it's not like they actually need to promote the shit they have going on, they already have a good reputation.
I also did some extracurriculars for my school, and for some reason they decided to post my full name on their website (they didn't add any contact info, just my literal full name) and I had to send few angry emails to get it off.

No. 2155986

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Man that's fucking terrifying
It was pretty normalized on 4chan less than a few years ago to talk about "pedo stars" (aka child models usually). I mentioned this in the wish I never knew thread but I've been seeing these same girls names pop up on porn addict subreddits, so I do think in a few years we'll be seeing them referenced by the average male. Loli circles are much more normalized, and these previous child models and csa victims get casually brought up alot on there

No. 2155987

>swears I don't have internet paranoia again
>gets blacklisted on reddit with no warning and no message as to why I got banned
>nobody messages back about my appeals
>ban evading using ip changer doesn't work
>trying to evade device ban doesn't work
>submits long form appeal
>the paranoia is BACK BITCHES

No. 2155994

you post about this a lot. why do you care so much about reddit?

No. 2155996

Back in the early 10’s I had a tumblr friend that turned into a malicious stalker for no reason. Towards the end he would actually face doxx me on 4chan and pretend to be me and write insane things that would rile people up. His behavior was so scary and erratic, I was constantly stressed and physically sick from it. Then one day it stopped. Fast forward a couple of years later and his friend who somehow knew of me actually went to my workplace (creepy, I know) and told me that my stalker accidentally killed himself when he was tweaking lsd or something. Idk but God is good, kek

No. 2155999

Is his blog still up? And why do you think he became so obsessed with you? That's scary.

No. 2156000

Because I was doing similar shit to what I did that got me "banned" for 2 years and nobody gave a fuck and now the overlords of the site have a bone to pick? its weird and abrupt as fuck

No. 2156005

To this day I have no idea. My theory is that recreational drugs fried his brain, because I remember in our final conversations he would talk about psychedelics, third eye, ancient aliens, and a lot of schizo shit in general. Maybe he was in psychosis?

No. 2156006

Same anon, I also have a darker theory that the “friend” that showed up to my workplace was actually him, but I’ll never know. It ended pretty abruptly.

No. 2156010

I have a fear that if I post pictures of myself on social media, scrotes irl would google my name and make ai porn of me. I think everybody should be cautious about what they do online, what usernames/passwords they use, and not have public profiles with public pictures anyone can just steal and edit to their liking. I don't understand why retarded parents post pictures of their children online, it's literally pedo fodder.

No. 2156054

i found out today that my in-laws definitely have been posting photos of me on their personal facebook accounts. i had no way of knowing this because i do not have social media anymore but now im fucking petrified because i know if i go to them and am like you need to delete these images of me, you did not have permission to share private family photos on the public internet i will get in trouble and be dogpiled with the most hamhanded guilt tripping that i dont want to be inconvenienced with something like that.

No. 2156061

>Would you say you have internet paranoia?
>Can internet paranoia be good? Or could it lead to some unhealthy patterns?
its probably good if you dont want brainrot
>Do you have a reason to be extremely cautious? Or do you think it's a no brainier and everyone should do it?
don't use your real name on your social media handles or anywhere else. your data will be mined and stolen and sold no matter how you use the internet, theres no escaping it. there are steps you can take to avoid stalkers though
>If you do have social media, is there a way you curate your presence to avoid it being linked to your real life self?
i dont use my real name. i do have some coworkers and shit on there so i keep my autism at a minimum and post in a veil of satire and absurdity so they can't tell if my opinions are real or not
>Has this impacted your real life in any way? Example: harder to connect to people, some jobs requiring social media, etc
the internet has ruined everybody but especially the younger generation. kids are fucking retarded now. you used to go out and not see a single retarded child, now i see about 3 a day. ipad kids

instead of being scared of ai and the internet i'm moreso afraid (but ultimately have accepted) lab grown human brain organoids. they are making supercomputers out of them and inserting them into robot bodies. its so over

No. 2156104

What kind of steps are you talking about?
I'm really interested, nonnie

No. 2156287

I just don't feel safe being seen online in any capacity. It's a consequence of being doxxed a long time ago. Nobody in my life took it seriously even though randoms were reaching out to my family on facebook and entire smear pages were made about me on random websites with my full name, location, and pictures. I had to contact webmasters for years threatening them in legalese to get everything removed all by myself. Nothing shows up on google when you search my name now from back then but I just don't feel safe. Just recently I let my guard down and got kind of comfortable in a group and I attracted some people that were harassing me. I know that shit will just happen being a woman and not a complete doormat but just brought up all my old feelings of panic and violation. Like people were doing weird shit and once someone did the "reach out to my loved one" thing I knew I had to go, change my username again. I'll only feel safe in a very curated space as basically anon leaving every couple months or simply not being in a group at all, no social media to speak of. I will make a facebook just to sell stuff soon and it will have a fake name and I'm only meeting people at the police station and blocking them afterwards

No. 2157022

u sound milky anon

No. 2158282

Does anyone a service similar to Protonmail that doesn’t leak out data? Protonmail got outed for leaking it out and I want a safer alternative

No. 2235170

Many xfinity devices lately have been getting hacked and used for spyware, torment or extrortion purposes.

No. 2235180

Now if only parents knew who was tuning into their nanny cams and really watching their kids.

No. 2235183

What's the correct response in this scenario? Will pulling the plug terminate the connection or..?

No. 2235187

contact the provider and freeze the account

No. 2235188

The only thing she can do is get rid of her xfinity devices and get a new wifi provider.

In 2023 xfinity had a data breach where over 35 million users data was breached


I also went through her comments and she was also one of the people whose data got breached and xfinity didn't do anything about it really other than letting her know about the breach.

No. 2280260


No. 2280297

be honest nonna, did you end up on kf?

No. 2280489

She was most likely doxxed by gendies

No. 2280568

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In light of recent events:
How does one avoid the fate of being doxxed? I have some ideas, add yours:
>Don't have social media unless you really need it for school/work and limit your interactions there
>Use different account names and passwords
>Don't let people take pictures where you're visible, don't upload pictures of yourself online
>If you want to use reddit or imageboards, limit yourself to only lurking but if you want to post at all then use different typing styles and don't use the same words over and over
>Only use discord for friends you trust, don't join servers

Now if you already fucked up but haven't been doxxed, what are you supposed to do?
>Don't sperg out anymore
>Let time pass, learn from your mistakes
>Be more careful and vigilant with your internet image
>Delete accounts you don't need
Any more suggestions?

No. 2280618

Yeah, this is the way to go. I was a stupid loner in high-school who used social media to find friends online, which is probably the worst way to go about making friends since lonely people have a high chance of being freaks. It wasn't even a long time ago since I'm only an undergraduate right now, but leaving with no trace has had none of them follow me. I have to use an instagram account since everyone else uses it especially for group projects, so I have one but it's still very anonymous and private.

No. 2280632

>>Use different account names and passwords
Emphasizing this. Reusing account information (including verification emails) is the number one way people get doxed. Distinctive writing style or what the layout of a room looks like in a picture is more used to confirm a dox.

Would add
>be cautious uploading screenshots or videos of your desktop
Many people fucked themselves because they did something like post a screenshot of an article they were reading and showed their filled in google email with their full name or whatever.

>don't call into streams or have relationships with streamers

Not many would do this but I wanted to mention it. Multiple streamers have doxed fans/callers by accidentally showing their phone number on stream.

No. 2280639

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I basically do what you outlined. Something that people overlook is what your friends post about you too. If someone knows you went to X school and have a friend named Angie then they can find info about you from Angie’s account too. If you’re interested in this I recommended picrel. The author has a pretty long interview on the Pretend podcast titled “How to Disappear” that’s worth a listen as well.

No. 2280694

has anyone tried requesting your instagram data? what did you get? is it easy to view or did you need to install some third-party software?

No. 2280711

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Is there a way to be 100% traceless? I'm sure for most of us it's too late. And even if we could go back in time to fix it, normies love uploading shit on social media that unwillingly includes us (pictures, videos, information, etc).

No. 2280722

>Don't let people take pictures where you're visible, don't upload pictures of yourself online
Easier said than done, a friend of mine started posting pictures of us on facebook when I just made my account and tagging me, which prompted my siblings to ask me who she was and where and when this picture was taken so I had to force her to remove the posts but I found out much later one of her friends also posted a picture of all three of us on her instagram and didn't respond when I asked her to take it down. If you're careful but the people around you aren't you should check what they post from time to time just in case and warn them that you don't want pictures of you online. My issue wasn't about doxing, I didn't want people I know irl to ask me questions about my daily life all the time.

No. 2280725

I feel bad for younger gen z and all of gen alpha because it seems like they never had a chance, I dislike this hyper-digitalized world we live in. The right to privacy should be universal and we should force both parents and institutions to comply.

No. 2280728

I've had friends doing this and even though they always remove them, there's always one or two people that feel entitled to owning and posting said photos. In particular with group photo. There should be an etiquette about this.

No. 2280736

At the very least they should crop the photos to remove you from them, hide your head or other identifiable features with a sticker, or blur you. That's what a lot of Asians do on twitter, laws in some countries can be strict if you post pictures of random people in the street without their consent. Some are so paranoid they don't even post their selfies, and when they post pictures of one of their hands holding something they sometimes put a sticker on their nails so people they know irl won't guess it's them based on the nail art they've got.

No. 2280746

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Sorry for double posting but I saw news today online about how some weirdo who was filming young women in small party dresses in Manchester without them knowing got arrested. If strangers take pictures of you or film you they can post whatever they want online, I saw his account months ago on twitter and reported it but it didn't do anything. The videos always had captions about how white women and the west have fallen and is becoming more degenerate so I'm glad he got arrested but just thinking about it is scary as hell. I've had some old creeps running to me once when I was minding my own business and dressed normally, they took a picture of me in particular with fancy cameras and ran off while bragging that the picture wasn't blurry, just thinking about it makes my blood boil. So you also have to worry about weirdos like them, or youtubers and tiktokers who like to interview random people outside and film them without their consent, or people who pull "pranks" on others in public for online views.

No. 2281087

In the articles I've seen about this, his face is blurred. He should not be given that much privacy.

No. 2299033

I've said some very shocking stuff in the past and I'm almost certain that at least twenty people are capable of tracing the dots and tying the loose ends to figure out the details of my identity. There's no way to contact me at the moment because I don't have any substantial social media but assuming someone were to track me down how can I figure out that I've been caught? I'm actually not even sure anyone can do anything to affect my life because I'm a fucking loser but the curiosity is too much for me

No. 2299062

Delete your accounts. https://justdeleteme.xyz

No. 2299083

Not that I do this shit but I'm obviously more liberal on here with the shit I say than I am publicly. Maybe I'm just a retarded normie but I genuinely don't understand how any of this stuff could be traced back to a person.

No. 2299087

>Would you say you have internet paranoia?
Definitely. Every couple months (sometimes weeks) I google my name and old usernames just to see if something pops up so I can delete it. I'm also adamant about my family not posting me online and I've deleted my old facebook account
>Do you have a reason to be extremely cautious?
I have a small following and mostly stay out of controversy, but when I was a teenager I used to be a shitbag and ended up hanging out with very gross moids that have been doxxed already, so I don't doubt someone is waiting for me to slip up and ruin what I'm trying to build. I already shared too much info about myself as a teen so I feel like I'm walking a very thin line
>If you do have social media, is there a way you curate your presence to avoid it being linked to your real life self?
I change details and dates about things I do in case someone's keeping track of what I post, and I never post pictures of my face
>Has this impacted your real life in any way?
My career could grow if I made a linkedin/behance account, but I refuse to blast my full name on the internet because I don't want it to be linked to my internet persona

No. 2299144

Tfw you want to have a traceless internet presence but your aunt's facebook account still exists

No. 2299230

I'm not clicking that shit anon

No. 2302939

Internet paranoia has led me to have at least 10 accounts on a site all with fake names/personas to stay off the radar "just in case". The situation I fear has not happened yet but my anxiety always says what if, like anxiety does.

No. 2303013

Good lord, what situation is it that you fear?

No. 2303018

Someone finding me, just knowing the "real me" or something? It's anxiety, anxiety is very irrational and I honestly don't even know kek. When I try to put it into an objective thought it makes no sense other than the fact I feel lots of fear for some reason.

No. 2303027

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No. 2303029

Kek my face every time

No. 2303035


No. 2303042

I love it, it can know who I am though. I'll reveal all my secrets to it

No. 2364736

Not exactly this topic but thought it'd fit here anyway.

No. 2364818

I never had social media but I had an ex-orbiter from an MMO I used to play take pictures of me and my family from their MySpace and Facebook accounts and post them to coomer forums. Including those of my younger sisters who were highschoolers at the time. He would also photoshop fake nudes of girls in our guild, including myself, and send it to their families on Facebook. We actually ended up reporting him to the FBI.
This was years and years ago and I'm still completely traumatized, even an inkling of internet creepiness can have me panicking. Knowing those pictures are still on those forums, I feel sick.

No. 2365089

Did he go to jail?

No. 2365094

This is more just pure irrational anxiety and mental illness but whenever I talk to people online who aren't friends, I end up deleting every message individually from my end afterwards. I'm not sending anything personal or offensive or illegal, so it's illogical as to why I do it, but I get so terrified of the thought of having any sort of "presence" online, whether it just be letters on a screen. It's why I only use apps/sites that let you mass delete shit from your end, or Discord with this browser extension that lets you do it. Why, I don't know. I have no interest in trying to heal the behaviour though.
It's useless trying to apply logic to this kind of mental illness but I wonder if I'm afraid my words can be misconstrued in some way and so if I get rid of my "evidence" from my end, the other person might look crazy with all their own messages together not making sense. Idk

No. 2365108

No, according to the police and the FBI case manager he never did anything illegal. I wish he was punished for his actions, I would not be at all surprised if he was still doing that.

No. 2366201

I have considered using the discord delete extensions few times bc sometimes I want to leave a server and wipe all my posts so it is like I never joined, while still keeping my account and staying in other servers, but I worry discord would get mad at me for "botting" or something if I did. Have you had any problems with this? I want to mass delete my posts in servers I want to leave not bc of anything bad but just bc sometimes I move on from a community/it doesn't suit my interests anymore and I don't want my info getting used somehow, as well as privacy concerns and no longer being in control to delete messages if I do leave these servers.

No. 2366521

Ayrt, I've used undiscord by victornpb for years and nothing's happened to me. I do what you do too kek, I wanna leave no trace I was ever in a server.
>no longer being in control to delete messages if I do leave these servers.

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