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No. 207853
>>207850Fuck I haven't seen it yet because I have nobody to go with and I'm still too insecure to go to the movies by myself. But I'm ready for my lord and savior Roger Deakins to get that Oscar that he should have won decades ago.
I've heard some mixed reviews too. Mostly positive though.
No. 207854
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>>207853I couldn't have imagined a better sequel. It is an incredible movie.
Even /ourgirl/ likes it.
No. 207875
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I went to see it like 9 hours ago and my brain is still at the theater. It was so good I can't wait for the digital release because the original Blade Runner made me cry like a baby I know I'm gonna be sobbing at the end of BR2049 once I get the chance to watch it alone.
Would you guys get a holo bf/gf if you could? I think I would.
>tfw no holo bf to greet you when you get home from work
>tfw no sad replicant bf who you can teach to love
No. 207889
>>207887kek I was thinking about this commercial during the movie.
>>207888I would have accepted no less than The Goose.
No. 207890
This film is beautiful, for sure. I probably prefer others of Villeneuve's films for emotional impact - Prisoners, Arrrival - but at the same time it's affecting in a quiet but deep way. Robin Wright is excellent in particular. I can see why some people are unhappy with what it does with the characters from the first film, and I wasn't sure myself, but by the end I was convinced.
Go see it on the big screen if you can it looks incredible.
>>207853aw anon, you should try it, it's super liberating. I go to the cinema alone all the time and I love it
No. 207891
>>207853going to the movies alone is comfy as heck anon. I literally only go to movies alone these days aside from the occasional film with my family.
>>207890Prisoners, Arrival, and Incendies all made me cry. I agree though Blade Runner is emotional in its own way.
No. 207892
>>207888You're trolling right?
Both of them are ugly as fuck. Goose is both perfect for the role and hot.
No. 208129
was gorgeous, really hope Deakins finally gets the Academy Award he deserves for cinematography.
As for the Leto and resistance plotlines, IMO they're more or less resolved when K intercepts Luv and stages Deckard's death. That way Leto's character thinks he lost his only source of information and presumably has to start from square one, and the resistance leader thinks that the matter of replicant reproduction died with Deckard and leave him alone.
No. 208141
>>208129I guess I was expecting something more cliche like, Jared Leto gets murdered / tortured by the replicants he created or the resistance fucks everyone up or something. I am glad it didn't go that route though.
I love how the closing scenes riffed on the "tears in rain" scene from the first movie without feeling cheap or rehashed. Choosing snow instead of rain gives you the sense that time has passed since the first while keeping the poignancy and emotional desolation - seeing Joe slowly buried in the snow is now permanently etched into my brain.
Also, I think the "message" of Joe's character development - that caring for and helping others gives meaning to our lives, no matter how pointless and empty existence seems - is really positive and uplifting despite the bittersweet ending.
No. 208216
>>208176Because Denis Villeneuve wanted to cast actors who had an acting range beyond varyingly thick cardboard.
I'm sure when he requires that in another movie he'll use some idol "talent" agency to fill roles though. LOL
No. 208262
>>208195I just use "Joe" because it seems a bit more "humanizing" (which is paradoxical given the origin) than K. It would've been interesting if he went back to being called K near the end of the film, like accepting his identity or something.
I have a similar problem with Leto, though I found him competent enough in that role. He showed up seldom enough not to grate on me.
As for the ending, I didn't really see those things you mentioned as story-logic problems - they all very well COULD have happened after the end of the film, there just wasn't a decision to show any of it. IMO, they didn't really need to. And I think Deckard acting a bit irrationally adds some more depth to his character, as being actually capable of tenderness and not just constant suspicion.
No. 208272
>>208176I suspect this is bait but I do think it's weird there were hardly any East Asians in the film considering the prevalence of Japanese and Korean, and considering how many Asians were in the first Blade Runner. Maybe I'm just biased though because some of my favorite scenes in the first film were the ones were Deckard was just chilling and eating noodles in the Asian street market, it seemed really comfy.
I saw someone make the point that having cultural influence doesn't necessarily mean that the influencing culture needs to be present – McDonalds is decidedly western and there are plenty of McDonalds in Japan but you can probably go days without seeing a Westerner there – but I don't think it applies to Blade Runner's universe considering there ARE foreigners present, just none of them seem to be Asian. It didn't detract from my enjoyment of the film but it seemed like an oversight from a worldbuilding perspective.
No. 208289
>>208272>and considering how many Asians were in the first Blade Runner. What? There isn't a single Asian in the main cast, you underage b& moron. Have you even seen the film? There are a few background extras who are Asian, seen for a few seconds. That's it.
Please go back to watching your terrible Japanese and Chinese live-action movies if you cannot appreciate the Goose and Harrison Ford working alongside each other.
>but I don't think it applies to Blade Runner's universe considering there ARE foreigners present, just none of them seem to be Asian.Bautista is half-Filipino and a great actor. Go back to your Rain's greatest hits box set.
No. 208302
>>208289>There are a few background extras who are Asian, seen for a few seconds.That's what I meant, I thought it added to the "authenticity" of the film's universe. Like I said it doesn't affect my enjoyment of the film I just liked the detail. I also don't watch any Japanese or Chinese films and The Goose is /myboy/ so you're reaching. I dunno how my calmly worded post blew you out so hard lol.
>Bautista is half-Filipino and a great actor.I specified East Asians. Bautista was really good though.
No. 208642
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What a great movie. A solid 9/10 for me.
No. 208670
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