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No. 209783
>>209736It's not like the dude just unscrewed them, you can see the windows hammered open from the outside. There are tools specifically made to do that. If your issue is with the sound it would make, I would point out the dude was also bump firing a rifle. They're not exactly quiet.
>>209741>They said something about how the lobby staff would have noticed him taking multiple trips but I dont know how true that is considering its a pretty busy hotel.Not very likely. This also begs the question of how long a period he was bringing up supplies, no one is going to notice a dude going in and out once every hour.
No. 209847
>>209741i thought i've read he was there for several days since he's been with a prostitute there before, so i guess if he carries up all the equipment over several days it seems more normal.
i still think there's either some hidden motive or otherwise secret piece of info to it
No. 209888
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>>209886>The behind-the-scenes research and high-level meetings convened by Dr. Steven Greer will expose the degree of illegal, covert operations at the core of UFO secrecy. From briefings with the CIA Director, top Pentagon Generals and Admirals, to the briefing of President Obama via senior advisor John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton CampaignSomeone better alert the Pizzagate dudes Podesta is involved with Aliens too now.
No. 209893
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It all makes sense now, the (((ALIENS))) are from Israel.
No. 209929
> to give communism another try
I actually only exist because of communism, and its hatred of my people requiring us to leave, so it's something I know a bit about. That is the plan though, one world communist state. In the 60's it was revealed that the next revolution is the last revolution. Not by Alex Jones types, but by scientists and people like Aldous Huxley, because the ultimate conclusion of the fields of propaganda, pharmacology and brainwashing was that an enslaved people who love their enslavement will never resist in any meaningful way. Now look around you, what do you see? It's now or never, so the way I live my life is: anything that will harm those who have named themselves my enemies, in any way, is good enough.
No. 209976
>>209736>>209741>>209783About the Vegas shooting, I’ve read somewhere that the guy was under MK-Ultra (Delta programming - look it up) as he appeared normal to people even those who were close to him and didn’t have much of a military background to begin with either.
I’m not sure how much of this is reliable but the site is fun to read nonetheless: No. 209979
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>>209976What do you guys think of this? It's from Bill Cooper's Behold a Pale Horse (1991)
No. 209995
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>>209994>>209994And that's when I realized I'm retarded and should stop posting.
No. 209997
>>209979It makes a lot of sense…
>>209996What about the columbine kids? The parents and “old school” media back then blamed Marilyn Manson’s music for the shootings because “the lyrics made ‘em do it” or something. Don’t the CIA use songs to torture people or some shit? Unless this type of mind control is still practiced to rather than disbanded after the 70’s
No. 210002
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>>209997>Don’t the CIA use songs to torture people or some shit?Yes? But that's very different. They use it to sleep deprive them so they're easier to trick and exploit. Sensory and food deprivation are applied in the same manner. I don't think it's reasonable to assume Columbine was the result of anything other than sadistic teenagers.
An example of what happened to the Unabomber was that they were supposed to write about their dreams basically, then were verbally torn apart. Then on top of that they were forced to watch videos of them being verbally abused from before. Keep in mind this kid was a math prodigy, so he was only 16~ if memory serves and was already a bit out there.
Now granted, the guy who did this to him only worked for the OSS, so it isn't quite MKultra (they were more about drugs and hypnosis). But I think it is a good example of what they were willing to do.
No. 210024
>>209729All conspiracy theories make people sound stupid to people who aren't interested in them. Doesn't make them less appealing to us though.
I personally like the Mandela Effect and I think it caught on so quickly because they're quick to read and make you think. Most conspiracy theories can take a very long time to explain, involve a lot of research and include various different documents/photos/articles you have to browse over in order to get the full effect of the theory. I think that's part of the fun in being a conspiracy theorist but at the same time every now and then it's great to read a little mindfuck that doesn't require too much effort to understand.
No. 210025

What do you guys think of the Kenneka Jenkins case? I can't stop thinking about it.
For those who don't know, Kenneka attended a party in a hotel and never returned home. Her friends called her mother at 4am saying that they had her phone and car but she was not with them. Straight away, her mother went to the hotel where the hotel staff refused to search the hotel without a report from the police, which could have been wasting precious time if Kenneka was in danger. Her body was then found in a freezer in a part of the hotel that wasn't open to the public yet. People online sifted through video footage of the party where the people present seemed to be under the influence of drugs. People were noting how Kenneka could be seen reflected in the sunglasses of a girl filming herself. Others mentioned hearing a scream at one point during the video and the girl filming herself notices and turns the music up.
At that point, people were speculating if Kenneka had been raped and murdered by some of the guys present at the party while the girls were listening to music in the next room and trying to ignore what was going on. Also the possibilty that it was part of some kind of Satanic ritual came up but I always think those claims are hilarious. People also suspected the hotel staff since they wouldn't search the hotel initially and didn't provide CCTV footage to her distressed mother.
Then police when police got involved, a policeman made a strange comment about how she probably locked herself in the freezer (which was before there was a postmortem was done and it was too early to say that was what happened). Her mother had a really hard time persuading the police to actually do anything and go through CCTV footage, her family had to knock on hotel doors themselves since neither the hotel or police were attempting to search for her. Her mother said that if Kenneka walked into the freezer, she wanted proof and to rule out any foul play. They released the footage to the public of Kenneka stumbling drunk through a hallway alone before her death which really upset me. There was no footage of her actually walking into the freezer so there was a gap left in the story for a lot of people. Hotel staff also released videos online saying that it was impossible for a girl who couldn't even stand to open a heavy freezer that takes a lot of effort to open and that even if she did, it's possible to press a button to get out for safety reasons.
Other conspiracy theorists mentioned seeing figures in the background of the footage in the hallway but I don't see that. People also pointed out that it looks like she's following someone or something, since she's walking purposefully. I've been drunk to the point of blacking out but if I was in a creepy, unpopulated hallway in a restricted area, I'm pretty sure I'd turn back. Not sure what drew her to walking that far or why she would have touched the freezer at all.
Eventually they said that she died from the cold but there are so many suspicious factors to the case and the police have closed it. The latest update was that the police released photos of her body the way it was found in the freezer and it was said that her shirt was lifted up and it exposed her breasts. I think there's way more to the story and I think the whole thing is just so sad for her poor mother, who did everything she could to try to find her daughter and was ignored.
No. 210029
>>210025Thanks for posting this, anon. This scared the crap out of me. Time to do some research. Interesting!
It reminds me a little of the Elisa Lam case in the overall weirdness of the whole thing.
No. 210032
>>210029Yeah a lot of people compared it to the Elisa Lam case. Both women couldn't have possibly gotten into the places they were found by themselves. Plus the footage of them acting strangely before their deaths.
Here's the video that was originally posted to Facebook iirc that everyone was picking apart. At 3.09 you can hear the "scream" or what some people says sounds like "help me" or crying. The girl filming immediately turns the music on.
I just feel so bad for her mother.
No. 210189
>>210025Seeing stories like this pisses me off. I feel so powerless
It's just like with the Las Vegas shooting. I don't believe 100% in any government theories but I do believe the hotel is trying their hardest to cover their asses. The changing timelines, over rehearsed press conferences, lack of security footage, witnesses dying and/or being ambushed by hotel lawyers and the list goes on.
These cases always have the hotels trying to limit police involvement so they can keep going on business as usual. I mean it's easier to say a girl walked into a freezer or into a water tank than to say a vicious murder happened. And if anyone points to suspicious footage people downplay it by blaming drugs or alcohol.
Cases like this make me sick
No. 210498
>>210377You think ghosts murdered people…Jesus Christ, anon.
Why would ghosts murder people even if they did exist?
No. 210547
>>210498Where did I say ghost killed her? I said paranormal. Like the Elisa Lam case.
>>210385Sounds extremely suspicious.
No. 210979
>>210972It was the kebabs, Isis dunnit!
God bless America!
No. 210981
>>210961I'm convinced these events are all distractions for something. Paradise papers dropped but every one is going to be focused on the Texas shooting. Also, the shooter was ex-military? Hmmm…
I love reading about how astrological events affect current events.
No. 211003
>>210981If you wanna get a little more crazy, “blood sacrifices”, and to reel in more people for the gun ban before martial law kicks in (bcuz guns r bad!!!)
Remember the Dallas shooting from last year? Another guy from the chairforce (or army idr) shot a bunch of cops in the name of Islam. Possible MK-Ultra anyone?
No. 214063
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Can confirm there are chemtrails being spread.
Earlier I saw a plane doing it while at school, I would’ve taken a picture of the plane but it sped away and I didn’t want to like an autist while doing so.
Anyway, I did take pictures before leaving.
No. 214068
>>213072Yet that doesn’t explain how she got inside the water system, firefighters had to cut the damn thing open before they could get her out.
>>214063Fuck I meant “sprayed” in my previous post
No. 214094
>>214063>>214064…these are called contrails. Short for condensation trails.
Have you ever been on a commercial plane before, anon? You can literally see them form off the wing tips and engines due to water and engine vapor. It happens at low temps during high altitude.
This is like saying vapor from old steam trains was some kind of government conspiracy too. It's simply a function of the mechanics. How about car exhaust?
No. 214927
>>214576Oh I’ve read about this case, didn’t know Frank Olsen had a kid.
There’s also a Netflix series about the murder of a nun from a Maryland private school as a cover-up for their pedo-agenda and that case leads directly to the Vatican.
Has anyone seen it yet?
No. 219813
>>215358Which is more believable anyway? Illuminati or Freemasons.
Last I heard, Yale has a weird ass club named Skull and Bones, Bush Sr. & Jr. we’re in it.
No. 220352
>>210024Nah false equivalence.
Retarded shit like flat earth, David Icke's reptilians, and this Mandela effect crap makes people recoil in disgust towards all theories of conspiracy, when there are very important conspiracies that are very likely true (for example 9/11 and JFK).
No. 625129
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I was unsure whether to post this here or celebcow.