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File: 1721653321156.png (854.88 KB, 640x853, xf0CJmb.png)

No. 2099695

A thread to post the cringe of the Hybristophilia(sexual/romantic attraction to serial-killers/murderers) community


No. 2099699

File: 1721653647658.jpg (301.42 KB, 1535x2048, 1712667875817.jpg)

these are some comics from a personal cow of mine,(who is in her mid-to-late 20's) and spends most of her days drawing yaoi/self-insert or incest comics about her OCs, which are thinly veiled versions of the columbine shooters

No. 2099700

File: 1721653698472.png (1.62 MB, 2048x1515, RafBHlN.png)

No. 2099701

File: 1721653721602.png (1.05 MB, 2048x1535, wH7FUP9.png)

No. 2099702

File: 1721653744987.png (900.67 KB, 2048x977, yYwRyLQ.png)

No. 2099703

File: 1721653776915.jpeg (184.74 KB, 850x1275, rvv0PB1.jpeg)

picrel is a separate school shooter OC she based off Kevin 11

No. 2099705

File: 1721653856323.jpeg (754.5 KB, 1963x2048, KnpYVD9.jpeg)

No. 2099708

imagine being over 14 and still attention whoring like this. These women have no personality.

No. 2099711

I'm not going to post any of her NSFW stuff but it's basically every fetish at once, she draws self insert shit of course but also yaoi and some mother-son incest stuff as well

No. 2099737

I understand their fetish in so many ways, I absolutely get it. No different from having a crush on military men

No. 2099740

File: 1721656048273.png (233.04 KB, 500x427, UhNeN94.png)

No. 2099768

Based idc especially if its female ones

No. 2099776

whats based about simping for a rapist murderous scrote

No. 2099790

Objectifying killers who have been dead for ages is based (if you're a woman)

No. 2099794

lmao no, finding a rapist, murdering scrote sexually appealing is retarded behavior through and through

No. 2099798

no, its not

No. 2099799

Most military men are not killing little kids/women? I think it was only 15% that have ever aimed their gun at an enemy. It's extremely taboo to like mentally insane scrotes who killed and tortured women/kids a lot of the time compared to buff guys in uniform holding a gun sometimes

No. 2099800

No. 2099803

Ok simping for rapist scrotes is cringe but why do so many people have a problem with young women finding the columbine boys cute or whatever, that's what i'm talking about, nobody cares.

No. 2099805

they are ugly and killed young girls

No. 2099807

Lolcow is so moralfaggy lately that i have to agree with you KEK

No. 2099811

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No. 2099822

you genuinely have to be medically retarded to find those monkeys any sort of cute. even if they were, wouldn't them being histrionic attention whores who killed young women be enough to put you off of liking them? i do support people who like jeffrey dahmer though because he only killed moids.

No. 2099828

Nah it's cringe and submissive behavior to be attracted to male cruelty. "Objectifying" is for those with the upper hand.

No. 2099829

You're not only a hybristophile, but also a pedo.

No. 2099837

You dont get me nona i dont find them attractive either or like them but i do like defending inoffensive deranged and autistic women

No. 2099849

How is it inoffensive to coddle a rapeape scrote? If you look into the TCC community they're just pickmes appealing to other deranged scrotes

No. 2099851

simping for ugly dead rapist scrotes is cow behaviour

No. 2099852

it's based if you're 14

No. 2099853

This is such a defeatist mindset, are you one of those blackpill feminists or whatever? Men should and will be objectified by us

No. 2099854

you arent objectifying them, because to objectify someone it has to make them uncomfortable and not only are they dead but they commited the shooting because they wanted the attention.

No. 2099859

Blackpillers think all heterosexuality is masochistic, which I disagree. But this is about specifically attraction to evil men, child-murderers, rapists, etc. That is a pathology.

No. 2099865

File: 1721660919445.jpg (59.57 KB, 735x880, 0cb06e7c0d21aafff2c702fa1def1d…)

You guys are such fucking retards for defending this. If you look up true crime community on pinterest or wherever you will maybe see 2 yaoi columbine edits in the pool of memes, not objectifying them but editing little bows on them or photoshopping them into meme templates. They fantasize the idea of the scrotes being their loser selves and act like they're wholesome little chunguses that can be fixed. The peak of handmaiden-ess

No. 2099873

Theres so much Columbine yaoi you could fill this entire thread with it

No. 2099876

post it

No. 2099896

File: 1721661817065.jpeg (126.92 KB, 900x1050, 9e3cfc5084fc2294d391f0fe71c527…)

there is a japanese artist thas a cow of mine named erikku(japanese for eric) whos a derranged edgelord who draws a lot of school shooting fanart. This is his most sfw piece. I find it so weird when moids have parasocial relationship with the columbine shooters, like the tranny panthom shooter.

No. 2099899

kek not erikku please

No. 2099937

I don't understand it. Serial killers/mass shooters are usually total losers. Like wow you shot unarmed innocent people good job. What is the turn on here?

No. 2099953

Unironic nazi fetish cringe in this thread already.

No. 2099956

now i understands blackpillers that say being a heterosexual woman is mental illness

No. 2099972

no1currs go to /g/

No. 2100010

They're attracted to the idea that a guy could kill for them. Or they want to fantasize about being the only one special enough to "tame" the shooter.

No. 2100024

Come on anonnnn

No. 2100049

>that hairline

are you kidding me?

No. 2100053

Hiding this thread because I don't like facing the reality that there are such big numbers of women with this level of retardation and lack of self-preservation. It's literally blackpilling me at record time so I'll hide the thread for my own sake

No. 2100057

It's always the iphone file names posting stupid shit

No. 2100080

eric harris rocks my world(baiting)

No. 2100099

>moid posting nazi shit
but ofcourse

No. 2100113

Somehow I knew when opening this thread it'd be anons trying to defend this shit

No. 2100137

File: 1721670802511.jpg (67.55 KB, 640x763, tumblr_0e5a28274a148771e6781fa…)

Cringe instantly drowned out by cringe infighting. Come on, this stuff is easy to find.

No. 2100162

File: 1721671707760.jpg (93.6 KB, 800x825, c31ad60b4f3061e954c415e4f994ab…)

No. 2100194

His face kek

No. 2100266

the columbine guys killed young women too

No. 2100321

Queen. I will admit that I am more sympathetic towards female killers since most of the time they've gone through some horrendous trauma but if not I hate them the same

No. 2100328

Imagine thinking that the community of BPDettes who buy into the "if only those mean bitchy cheerleaders had been nice to them like I would have been" mindset is comprised of based radfems kek

No. 2100531

Reminds me of 'no way fag!' Leon

No. 2100548

File: 1721682209085.jpg (108.34 KB, 736x736, tumblr_147aeb37c61009858669ef5…)

No. 2100555

this is aesthetic not gonna lie

No. 2100568

I'm guilty of loving Jodi and Nevada tan memes so I get it.

No. 2100578

Serial killers aren't hot, he looks like a fucking troll. Are american women so depraved from the ave moid being so ugly, all you have to do is have decent hair and you're a god now? I fucking can't

No. 2100581

is this the trailer for the remake of the crow?

No. 2100611

Missing suicide squad cast member

No. 2100638

Jodi was based but only pedos like Nevada

No. 2100649

Doesn’t make the meme less funny

No. 2100701

I love this

No. 2100734

>Implying supremo gentleman wouldn't get even madder because she's not a blonde cheerleader

No. 2100737

so they're basically like that retarded man who thought he could be friends with bears

No. 2100759

No, it's still a dreadfully unfunny shitpost nonny. Pure cancer.

No. 2101043

is that supposed to be Mr. Anime?

No. 2103924

File: 1721894435831.png (582.89 KB, 834x820, IMG_4512.png)

No. 2114979

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nta but

No. 2115190

Were they hybristophiles or just two stupid people in love?

No. 2115307

File: 1722527858076.gif (446.55 KB, 220x392, IMG_7299.gif)

how has no one mentioned this bobby lemon faggot yet? hes notorious in the tcc community for being a fucking pervert and grooming several minors, p ironic considering it makes him a criminal too. no idea why ppl still fawn over this fugly freak lmao

No. 2115322

File: 1722528489022.png (163.44 KB, 540x318, lanza.png)

Adam Lanza's butterfly thinspo ana rules is fucking hilarious to me.

No. 2115348

File: 1722529940894.jpg (460.94 KB, 1920x1080, 2013218111813_133.jpg)

You're telling me teenage girls are making thinspo based off of this mousey faggot?

No. 2115355

>POV Rachel
And retards in this thread will believe it's misogynistic to shit on these women when this is how they treat their blorbo's female victims.

No. 2115356

Is the eye thing on purpose?

No. 2115357

To be fair he was literally anorexic. 6ft and 110lbs.

No. 2115360

I feel like this isn't as bad since it's from a movie, it is based on the actual shooting though so idk.

No. 2115363

Better than that, those were his own ana-rules that he printed out for himself. To bring the hybristo-cringe right from the source I think the idea of a man printing his own thinspo like a teenage tumblr girly is actually very hot

No. 2115667

…but not this man though, right? besides, most ana-kuns tend to be gay anyway

No. 2119493

i dont think so tbh he said he was a hapa a while ago

No. 2120936

File: 1722782267545.jpg (330.96 KB, 797x1099, 1637764245731.jpg)

No. 2120956

File: 1722783598071.jpg (193.7 KB, 1141x1280, adam miku.JPG)

Finally a place for me to post this

No. 2120960

File: 1722783846164.png (943.8 KB, 828x929, why.png)

No. 2121003

The retard behind this art also drew a coomer mascot for lc kek

No. 2121008

File: 1722785525691.jpg (Spoiler Image,531.64 KB, 1200x1200, 117657345_p25_master1200.jpg)

Really? I only looked through their pixiv and saw mostly nazi waifu oc stuff, including jeffrey dahmer eating their nazi waifu oc

No. 2121071

Lol I think I recognize this guy. He's a weirdo who's obsessed with that black girl ic lolicon artist

No. 2121109

Are you talking about the Catcel guy? That's not his art, it was drawn by a young teen girl groomed by him, he has a huge community of underage orbiters who like animecore 4chan larp stuff and draw artwork for him it's actually insane, i don't know how he hasn't been bullied off the internet yet.

No. 2121174

File: 1722795313674.jpg (351.36 KB, 828x756, what.jpg)

I’m out of the loop on this catcel guy apparently. I only know about thuleid’s art on pixiv, they tag a lot of their edgy work with #catcel. They just posted more adam lanza x nazi waifu oc art today, I wonder if they’re lurking. Swear I’m not them and selfposting


No. 2121179

Doublepost, I won’t give them anymore attention if this will just attract edgy /pol/ and /ic/ fags

No. 2121184

>black girl ic lolicon artist

No. 2121185

Not to get spergy over adam lanza fanart, but there's no way adam would've been interested in women let alone an adult woman. He was definitely gay, and even said in one of his videos he didn't care for racial supremacy

No. 2121250

File: 1722799369281.jpeg (75.99 KB, 736x736, IMG_5528.jpeg)

canihavepromo, she was a 15 year old artist who was most definitely groomed into drawing edgy lolicon and 4chan mascots. she has a lot of tiktokfag clones copying her art since her mom took away her ipad and iirc this catcel person is older than her and was doing some strange shit with her on discord and egging her on to draw tcc and lolishit. there was a google doc on her but it's taken down. she's also kid cudi's niece and designed his merch KEKK

No. 2121253

File: 1722799504684.jpeg (722.04 KB, 1284x2373, IMG_5529.jpeg)

she did draw it

No. 2121254

>she's also kid cudi's niece
No fucking way..

No. 2121279

ok, reverse img search isn't working, uh, can I get either the artist name or the original pic for that art on the t shirt


No. 2121284

File: 1722801370880.png (1.97 MB, 1207x1439, IMG_5535.png)

KEK i know right
randyfags are the most retarded. of all the murderers out there they pick the pathetic tranny phantom shooter to obsess over. i feel horrible for the victims, imagine losing your life to this autist

No. 2121292

File: 1722801851282.webm (3.12 MB, 400x224, ericharrisrocksmyworld.webm)

LOL I guess they didn't get the reference

No. 2121293

Feel like I'm watching a hypnosis video

No. 2121304

p sure this is desikeera but i could be wrong

No. 2121683

File: 1722825131014.png (2.34 MB, 2044x1873, d03739e8b510e11c08ddbdeae68535…)

>black girl ic lolicon artist
The whole 4chan thing is just an aesthetic, there's been a rise of this type of artwork and a lot of overlap with the tcc people

No. 2121684

Ayrt, I'm pretty she actually did use 4chan though

No. 2121687

She's just an instagram artist

No. 2121710

she doesnt shes just a larper

No. 2123852

I remember this post by some tumblr columbiner, who named her actual son eric harris and said if she had another son, she would have named him dylan

No. 2123954

>psychopathic serial killers
>supporting trannies

What did they mean by this kek.

No. 2126967

File: 1723130586193.jpg (176.49 KB, 1258x824, 20240409_222814.jpg)

No. 2130320

Not a burger. I heard about the Columbine thingy before but most I knew about it was that it was a school shooting. Today I randomly decided to research about it and it was interesting. But I fucking died when I saw what the two moids looked like. I knew some girls were obsessed with them and I only ever saw a few anime-type fanart of them. I assumed they'd be craaazy hot or something with the way these girls talk about them, but they look like inbred cavemen. Wut da hell

No. 2130330

Waste of a cute art style. They should just make ship are of fictional moids like normal autists.

No. 2130340

i always thought the appeal was all the implied homo stuff they did, like bathing together

No. 2130918

tbf, these are supposed to be oc's

No. 2141785

File: 1723991918660.jpg (48.11 KB, 735x699, 90cb9494660c4b8c4090ef60c05bd0…)

No. 2141800

Not if I kill these 2 retarded faggots first

No. 2141864

Maybe this is slightly OT but is there a single one of these guys simped over that is actually objectively attractive? And are unknown killers ever simped over or is it just "big names" like the Columbine kids?

No. 2143301

I hope all these girls cringe about all this shit they drew in 5 years

No. 2143473

This entire thread makes all the shame I had having creepypasta killer deviantart husbandos as a preteen vanish

No. 2143557

File: 1724080032312.mp4 (9.96 MB, 9c07a493256cd169338348752d1c6a…)

No. 2145838

File: 1724191707670.jpg (130.86 KB, 668x503, Tumblr_l_14325467804237.jpg)

dylric is objectively hilarious. they would hate it and thats what matters

No. 2145896

File: 1724193102893.jpg (38.93 KB, 403x599, 8f4111c91b923b501f282237042048…)

old but this is a selfpost most likely, moid selfposts on r9k all the time

No. 2165214

File: 1726400046837.jpg (689.85 KB, 4032x3024, ohlordcleansemyeyes.jpg)

found on r/hybristosupport
don't zoom in if you don't want to see dahmer-kun's pp

No. 2165215

..is this a psych ward

No. 2165217

tall guy just looks like shinjiro from p3

No. 2165219

File: 1726400651959.png (525.9 KB, 762x745, rat.png)

made me laugh out loud

sort of unrelated but hilarious find, also in r/hybristosupport. ugly scrote trying to fish for mentally ill woman, likely mentally ill himself

No. 2165221

I thought this was a tif at first

No. 2165225

>fish for mentally ill woman
>has dahmer pinup
doubt it hes wanting women.. just seems like a mentally ill fag

No. 2165228

no they're from different users

No. 2165238

My god this bastard is so ugly, it's actually offensive.

No. 2166508

nona i did too, kek

No. 2168843

sperg but he has tif eyes

No. 2170922

File: 1726769212533.png (345.04 KB, 701x798, hashtagretard.PNG)

No. 2170926

kek this is hilarious

No. 2171029

>elliott mogger

No. 2171506

Have you seen her cringe deviantart comics? I wish I could find them again, real lolcow material.
(Also, in your eyes does her hilarious incompetence at serial killing make her hotter or less hot?)

No. 2212643

File: 1729273979171.png (160.57 KB, 671x843, tumblr_pdy1g3CAOZ1wox9j1o1_128…)

No. 2212650

File: 1729274196589.jpg (50.69 KB, 736x657, 41bdd01e0b9ae7bba0f30e75f9d915…)

No. 2212652

jesus christ

No. 2212656

>Girls bite back
>What doesn't kill me might make me kill you
Ah yes, stunning and brave moid going up against all those children

No. 2212657

I want to alog this artist so bad.

No. 2212660

File: 1729274757880.jpg (106.45 KB, 736x838, 516270d329fa9f59412c46ae600b93…)

The art style is so obnoxious

No. 2212662

Now who is the stupid girl in the picture? Is that some kind of fan, or did some teenage girl want to join them on their plan too?

No. 2212663

I think it's brenda Spencer

No. 2212665

File: 1729274952732.jpg (237.46 KB, 1908x1146, 1000018519.jpg)


No. 2212687

get brenda spencer out there she only killed moids and her anger was justified

No. 2212696

She shot at 9 kids

No. 2212701

and killed 0

No. 2212704

Are you trolling or just dumb

No. 2212707

she was sexually abused by her father she deserves some sympathy, or at least to not be put on the same category as edgy pedo moids and trannies

No. 2212731

Perioddd she shot at 9 kids but none of them died so it's okay. Slay!

No. 2212765

>she was sexually abused by her father

I knew it. So that just leaves the tranny woman who shot up that Christian school who I also suspect had been molested too. Moids however just do it for the most retarded reasons KEK

No. 2212808

Wasn't the tranny woman taking testosterone? Do we literally have only 2 female shooters and they're both unlike the scrote counterparts? No simply naturally sadistic bitches at all?
Hate that they both targeted elementary schools, by the way. But on the other hand, couldn't the tranny one be inspired by the og female shooter Brenda then? Kind of an interesting coincidence here.

No. 2215534

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No. 2215546

Fakeboi shooter was inspired by columbine, she kept writing about the columbine shooters in her diary. Among other things kekk

No. 2233896

File: 1730423767883.jpg (540.39 KB, 1346x2013, zjgdg2zjieta1.jpg)

No. 2233897

File: 1730423789915.jpg (38.5 KB, 540x374, p7hph68oiaya1.jpg)


No. 2233974

The years have not been kind to her lmao

No. 2233981

File: 1730428221135.jpg (Spoiler Image,426.7 KB, 1600x1899, 6vf9ogad4cnb1.jpg)

No. 2234488

let me guess, this is some rapist murderer who wore women's clothing

No. 2234704

I feel bad for spending time trying to figure out who's who. I know it's not worth it but oh well

No. 2234946

No. 2234948

File: 1730487491162.jpg (107.87 KB, 1280x1280, zesqbj8tkrfb1.jpg)

No. 2234960

I remember the comments on this video awkwardly dancing around the obvious facts, like every victim in his animations clearly being a girl.

No. 2234964

ah nta but i was scratching my head trying to figure it too kek I thought it was weird crossing dahmer fanart because of >nurse dahmer on the bottom

No. 2234986

its probably because they know they can be wrestled by men easily so they pick extremely vulnerable targets

No. 2234988

File: 1730489531975.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 1324x1296, fp20q71w64pb1.png)

No. 2234997

who is that supposed to be?

No. 2234998

Do fictional serial killers count as hybristophilia? There's a ton of "mask kink" accounts swarming TikTok and it's all the usual suspects (Jason Voorhese, Leatherface, Brahms Heelshire, etc). All slasher movie serial killers for some reason

No. 2235007

File: 1730490462695.jpeg (7.16 KB, 259x194, images.jpeg)

Devon Erickson

No. 2235092

whose the artist?

No. 2235096

File: 1730494969550.jpg (121.98 KB, 827x1102, 3evbvmc3gmgb1.jpg)

No. 2235099

whose alyssa?

No. 2235103

another murderer. context clues, anon.

No. 2235104


um… Those lyrics… those belong to Penelope Scott who has a song literally bashing on Ted Bundy for being a serial killer, calling him ugly and "no candle in his pumpkin head" kek. Whoever made this little arts and craft of bundy needs to do some research.

No. 2235118

File: 1730496458699.jpg (73.62 KB, 736x981, 0ae3c5f343f4c844d0177a87c8d5d2…)

Teenage murder

No. 2235119

NTA but now I'm sad

No. 2235125

File: 1730496809023.jpg (60.54 KB, 807x716, ejjnptbmr98b1.jpg)

No. 2238547

thank god he's gonna get stabbed by the aryan brotherhood

No. 2241782

they would not fucking say that

No. 2244060

File: 1730881644517.jpg (601.07 KB, 1080x1086, 881838.jpg)

No. 2244189


No. 2244285

labour camp

No. 2271167

File: 1732224155011.jpg (112.11 KB, 720x983, 1619415550952.jpg)

No. 2271175

does it count as hybristophlia if they are lusting after the actor and not the real murderer?

No. 2271358

Is she actually a quarter chinese

No. 2271360

this is gross

No. 2273049

File: 1732349846807.jpg (106.92 KB, 634x1069, 92285675-0.jpg)

Convicted murderer Lyle Menendez is dating a 21 year old college student, Milly Bucksey.

No. 2273050

pickmes are truly the lowest of the low…

No. 2273059

women like this deserve to suffer tbh

No. 2273158

I hope he does the thing

No. 2280346

File: 1732807541276.gif (266.58 KB, 500x500, Gottadeletelater.GIF)

For some reason every hybristophile tcc girl has the exact same retarded 4chan LARPer artstyle.

No. 2280355

He's walled and a serial cheater but as far as famous murders go, it could be much worse.

No. 2280642

who said it's an actual woman

No. 2280710

File: 1732824945863.jpg (522.69 KB, 1079x1918, 9192883.jpg)

If you're referring to dexpuppy, she has been posted in the instagram e-girls thread on /snow/ several times. She did a Nevada-tan cosplay for halloween this year with a caption that mentioned "cunny", but unfortunately she deleted the post and I cannot find any caps.

No. 2280723

>She did a Nevada-tan cosplay for halloween this year with a caption that mentioned "cunny
the fuck? is this the same junkie animecore ewhore who sperged out when she didnt do coke/heroine?

No. 2280727

Yeah, she was a meth addict IP2 streamer dating a middle aged sex pest. She recently went into rehab though, surprisingly.

No. 2280751

>cosplaying as a little girl who killed her classmate
>sexualizing both the girl and infantilizing herself with the usage of "cunny"
So on top of being a hybristofag, she's also a pedophile. Not surprising, yet I'm still disgusted.

No. 2280803

>She did a Nevada-tan cosplay for halloween this year with a caption that mentioned "cunny"
Nasty bitch, e-girls are always the worst

No. 2289893

File: 1733353639592.png (2.3 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_1721.png)

Because I ashamedly fancy a mass murderer, I come across a lot of extremely cringe things on tumblr (I am not part of the tcc and I hate eric harris dylan klebold etc but that shit gets recommended to me a lot so I block the tags) and I saw this masterpiece today

No. 2289906

File: 1733353979781.jpeg (139.37 KB, 1125x455, IMG_8102.jpeg)

Another hilarious thing I found ages ago

No. 2289907

File: 1733354002837.png (420.08 KB, 1080x787, IMG_8478.png)

Also this it’s an actual goldmine if you want a laugh

No. 2290255

I hate neo weebs, they’re so much worse than the previous gen weebs lul

No. 2290738

Luckily you are ashamed for fancying a mass murderer I guess… (I say this reluctantly because you need help. To fancy is different than to be curious.) Since we are already here on the thread, who is it? Might as well say it

No. 2290835

I feel terrible about saying. I obviously do not fancy him whatsoever for what he did, it was absolutely disgusting, but I have almost a sense of… sorrow and relatability to how his life was before his actions. I fancy him because he dressed the nicest I’ve ever seen for a scrote and took extreme care of himself (which I’ve never seen before on a moid) because he had ocd and autism which he was adamant he didn’t have. He was also really good at photography. Just a waste of potential really

No. 2290852

who was he?

No. 2290903

they are even more unhinged and cringe because it's acceptable in today's society

No. 2290906

kekkkkkkk i'm losing my mind at this. these people need to get off the internet

No. 2298091

File: 1733706635281.png (2.53 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_1840.png)

They’ve started making Christmas edits now

No. 2298188

The anons simping over the healthcare CEO shooter should count as a watered-down (yet still checkbox) version of this.

No. 2298207

Would fans/simps/lovers (idfk) of Ted Kaczynski fall under hybristophilia?

No. 2298230

I had to search up who that was and probably

No. 2298234

I can't wait for this entire thing to be over

No. 2298238

Lol why is it really taking it out of you seeing a set of beautiful eyes

No. 2298250

NTA, assuming its because hes a flavor of the month moid, but I think it's justified
>Finally a CEO was shot in USA, not just children again
>not caught yet
>incredibly iconic picture of him smiling
>unknown motive
>funny watching NYPD look for him
>beautiful, alluring, mysterious gaze
>moids raging
>ongoing mystery with events unfolding each day
Very gripping. If this were written in a novel it'd be called trite and cheesy.

No. 2298400

>I had to search up who that was

kek how old are you?

No. 2298475

Nearing 30, I just am very disillusioned from some shit, never cared for news. Or maybe it's where I'm from kek

No. 2298476

>moids raging
Oh? What's happening now? I think anons simping for him is super retarded but if it makes scrotes mad then good.

No. 2298595

File: 1733724508836.png (731.01 KB, 2650x986, 0NucLCj.png)

nta but

No. 2298642

>they're attracted to genetically superior men

I wish that was true. There would be less uggo retards running around and more moids committing sudoku.

No. 2298653

Yes, and?

No. 2298746

>>2290835 AYRT but girl. Do you hear yourself? Good god.

No. 2298832

sticking it to the moids…by drooling over another moid. great job nonnie

No. 2298841

>this is female nature 101
and they wonder why they don't have girlfriends kek

No. 2298927

Girllll do you hear yourself like slay frfr ong im gonna post this on twitter

No. 2298930

Go moralfag on /snow/

No. 2300343

It ain't moralfagging when it's a trad redpill scrote. Pickmes never prosper

No. 2301631

>>2298927 What the fuck are you on? Crack? Meth?(multiple unintegrated posts)

No. 2301814

File: 1733840918846.jpeg (472.5 KB, 2348x1576, D4M67yE.jpeg)

that poor kid

No. 2301818

On snow? What does snow have to do with anything

No. 2302863

Idk his motives, but this gives me similar vibes to when the RAF (Rote Armee Fraktion) kidnapped/killed rich fucks and politicians. They finally were afraid after ignoring the people for decades. That's what's happening after you've fed up people too much.

No. 2302888

kek, even the lesbian women can't resist chad, since they belong to ALL women.
They have never talked/listened to a woman. If they see one, they scuttle under the next rock and hide. If you remove the rock, there will be a horde of them, like roly-polies, running for their lives.
Of course you waited, you had to prove to him that you are not like the other girls.

No. 2303057


No. 2303140

File: 1733883137559.webp (22.14 KB, 360x328, JermaSus.webp)

Guess I'm ~not like the other girls~ because this is what I thought when I saw that smile image.

No. 2315165

File: 1734659020122.jpg (1003.01 KB, 1179x1502, allowmetosmile.jpg)

No. 2319000

File: 1735009290766.jpg (96.05 KB, 828x444, 7-EA9-BE7-D-A871-4-D25-B77-B-1…)

No. 2319002

File: 1735009349392.jpg (71.94 KB, 460x800, 1-DA6-EF0-F-E999-43-AE-95-BF-B…)

Actual two

No. 2319003

File: 1735009442147.jpg (83.82 KB, 558x800, A993-DFDA-B557-46-F9-A878-C30-…)

No. 2322175

What the fuck? Is he lying about his age? He looks like he's in his 50s minimum. I know a scrote who lies about his height on his legal documents so I'm really suspicious about this guy being 33 and looking like that kek

No. 2332463

I feel you, I am super interested in this stuff and have been around the TCC for years but it's the most insufferable community known to man full of wannabe edgy 13 yr olds with the worst sense of humor ever. It never used to be this bad either, yes there was all that flower crown shit but at least there weren't people pretending to have dissociative identity disorder where one of their multiple personalities is Adam Lanza

No. 2332986

File: 1736027099673.jpg (87.62 KB, 1080x470, img.jpg)

No. 2332990

>Hybristophilia or fbi agent

No. 2332992

File: 1736027653381.gif (669.12 KB, 220x173, 1000012653.gif)

No. 2332996

It's the same cow from >>2280710 kek

No. 2333005

Are zoomers ok?

No. 2335275

>true crime coloring book

No. 2335291

>If a man is attractive to one woman, he is attractive to them ALL.
Then why do I find Bundy, Elliot Rodger, and the Columbine goblins so hideous?

No. 2349339

File: 1737063022866.png (3.74 MB, 1290x2147, Bundyldo.jpeg.png)

What the fuck is this website…

No. 2349612

You know, if this shit was a satire site making fun of the lowlife edge lords who'd buy shit like this, it'd be pretty funny.

And then I look at this bald, bearded middle-aged rodent's social media pages and he's entirely unironic with this shit. Some of the shit he's selling is just comically tasteless. And then I found out this guy is as subhuman sack of shit in his own right and should have gotten the rope.

It just pisses me off that this fucking lowlife gets to capitalize off of horrendous crimes. Anyone with an infatuation with this kind of shit is a major red flag. Hope he fucking dies soon.

No. 2349630

I know it's meant to be a "dildo" but wtf is this thing?

No. 2349655

i think a humerus?? i'm gonna be honest i used to be obsessed with true crime and i've never heard of ted bundy being into fucking arm bones.

No. 2349682

The guy selling that is an actual murderer btw. He's an Issei-type because a pathetic spineless judicial system let him off easy. He deserves to face the wall.

No. 2349900

nta but do tell more, whats his name?

No. 2350274

Nico Claux. Some degenerate from France who got paroled after 8 years because European justice systems are a joke.

No. 2351283

File: 1737160248066.png (1.64 MB, 1140x1235, 7258515796225.png)

/g/ never disappoints

No. 2351321

the posts going on and on about how "he was so polite and cute and he could have been nice his life was soo sad just a little baby scared of women boohoo" and praising his shitty clothes were really something. it's like they're talking about a child. even if he truly was some little cinnmonwoll he looks like a generic redneck

No. 2351327

File: 1737161599528.png (232.92 KB, 1080x1016, Screenshot_20250117-165021~2.p…)

The anons saying how they admired lanza were equally as cringe. Also denying he was a pedo

No. 2351435

Really? They are gonna thirst over THIS? Go to any fucking trailer park you will find the same fucking inbred mountain dew mouth guy except he'll be better because he hasn't shot up a school or whatever this ugly faggot did.
Then she will realize nothing makes failmales happy except violence.
Serial killer edgelord shitbull violence moids need to be euthanized. That's how you fix 'em.

No. 2351448

This faggot in particular was a /pol/fag who shot up a church full of black people

No. 2351825

I know this is just Zoe attentionwhoring but who is she to say who and what is hot when she’s only ever been with balding, fat, and old scrotes

No. 2352195

File: 1737223683664.png (29.59 KB, 1792x106, SUPER MODEL.png)

Kekkkk good lord

No. 2352204

I swear the anons in that thread are in a silent yet very competitive quest to out-NLOG each other.

No. 2352967

These girls say that but they won't actually meet these kinds of moids.
I lived in a white trash shithole for a few months during a rough time in my life and had to be around moids like this. It isn't fun, it's incredibly scary. Many of them abuse animals, children, and women. You can't fix/save them.

No. 2354605

People like them belong indefinitely in institutions in solitary confinement.

No. 2363022

ethel cain core

No. 2363030

Every woman embarrassing themselves in the weegee thread

No. 2363178

Sigh, I knew this thread would be posted here kek

No. 2377344

File: 1738466126738.jpg (423.09 KB, 2963x1137, 108653212455.jpg)

Oh boy here we go

No. 2377643

File: 1738498759077.jpeg (53.71 KB, 736x572, nikita lytkin artyom Anoufriev…)

why are teenage girls on pinterest so open about it? I thought thirsting over serial killers is frowned upon
if it was an oc it would be cool, why do people waste talent on this.
Picrel is Nikita lytkin and artyom anoufriev, they recently became popular in tcc pinterest for some reason

No. 2377648

File: 1738499035435.jpeg (45.68 KB, 736x723, fdf8d7b5-27ee-4aa5-9059-c86cce…)

No. 2377674

File: 1738500883132.jpeg (57.85 KB, 736x736, Smiggles_Adam Drawing.jpeg)

No. 2377677

File: 1738501093050.jpeg (29.63 KB, 397x452, adam is good with kids.jpeg)

No. 2377692

a friend i cut off recently unironically said something along the lines of
>luigi is literally just like elliot(rodger)
i wasn’t there for it but apparently everyone called her out and she wouldn’t back down and started drawing comparisons

No. 2377714

What were the comparisons? Because Luigi might not have been able to have sex due to a back injury? In that case a lot of people are like Elliot Rodger. We all have a little bit of Elliot inside of us.

No. 2377716

I thought the resemblance was obvious.

No. 2377720

List them cuz I'm not seeing it

No. 2377738

File: 1738506480695.webp (36.65 KB, 650x366, shit knife.webp)

There were multiple dumb, delusional hags in that thread dickriding him. He needs to have his throat slit with a rusty makeshift knife crafted out of frozen shit at the exact moment the obese, greasy man barebacking him shoots his yellowed load into his spread asshole. He needs to survive that, live through the infection with minimal care and think about what happened to him daily. His nose is already pretty bulbous, and he has a mild case of butthole eyes ala Pete Davidson, so it probably wouldn't be too noticeable if he got punched out a couple of times, too. No one would really notice or care if his lips were puffy from getting a couple more men's dicks shoved between them a bit too hard, either. He'd be too much of a bitch to report any of it, and he'd especially be terrified it'd fuck up his white supremacist credit if it got out to the press that he habitually gets raped by black and brown males. The guards wouldn't really give a shit, anyway. Every time he'd go to bed or wake up, his torn, scarred asshole would pucker a bit from the anxiety of knowing no day is "safe", and the night terrors would be horrible. He'd probably start pissing the bed like he did up to the age of 15. This would go on for close to a year before he could get his hands on a plastic bag and end his shit. The vomit spread over his own face and the shit in his pants wouldn't be anything they hadn't seen before.

I'm sure I'll be banned for saying these things while moids all over the internet can post even nastier shit about innocent women freely, but I don't really respect these rigid aspects of female socialization anymore (they're pointless, we will always be mistreated), and I'll never respect any stupid bitch who rubs her pussy to Dylann Roof (or any other piece of shit who murdered innocents) while thinking "I could fix himmmm we'll sing dixie while living in a trailer parkkkkkk". I hate these repulsive, evil men and brain damaged pickmes so much it's unreal. Men commit mass murder for less than the shit the average woman in 2025 can witness on a daily basis.(a-logging)

No. 2377756

No. 2377762

based x2

No. 2377793

just asked a friend to paraphrase
>friend was saying luigi was justified because the person he killed was responsible for others deaths
>she replied “well you have to include elliot rodger in that argument”
implying that elliot rodger was justified…
my friend went on a rant to her about how incels are retarded and she was trying to sympathise with rodger the entire time.
shes a columbiner a roofag etcc basically any white shooter scrotes you can think of

No. 2377795

Genuinely confuse his pics with vintage Ethel Cain whenever they're posted helter skelter on here

No. 2377798

Can I ask why you identify this person as your friend

No. 2377803

Could she explain how Rodger's victims were involved in people's deaths…?

No. 2377815

you didn’t read my post properly or my op >>2377692

No. 2388900

File: 1739060324082.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 518x480, 6938049-56f0aa452e999d7e86b1bd…)

Mild gore warning(?) It's barely visible but very edgy

No. 2389031

Isnt this one of those edgy Latin American shitpost accounts?

No. 2389036

No. 2390223

File: 1739114067231.jpg (190.28 KB, 755x803, Its-Joever-meme-7h368t.jpg)

Embarrassed to say I know where every clip in this compilation comes from

No. 2400653

File: 1739609031295.jpg (226.97 KB, 1080x1034, 09493049.jpg)

Spotted in the Fetishes You Are Ashamed Of thread.

No. 2400659

Wait, really? Can you list them out?

No. 2400725

File: 1739612459021.jpg (289.29 KB, 1080x719, 1739429900561.jpg)

No. 2400960

The self-harm scars are very telling

No. 2433727

File: 1741399398864.jpg (717.38 KB, 1080x1370, 8284782838.jpg)

No. 2433732

Those panties look huge

No. 2433738

File: 1741399810419.jpg (434.29 KB, 1080x972, 948727274.jpg)

They are

No. 2433761

File: 1741400350178.png (2.45 MB, 2553x1080, spatulafucker5.png)

No. 2433795

kek she's like a hybristo empathchan

No. 2433861

Fat people are evil

No. 2433967

>was 300lbs
jesus fuck

No. 2433983

Yeah, and changing hair and makeup style

No. 2434059

Why do these hybistrophilia girls always look like this kek. So predictable.

No. 2434064

>300 lbs
What the fuck? How tall is she? That's a big bitch

No. 2435051

She looks like someone who would go to a 100gecs concert.

No. 2435055

Kek accurate

No. 2435149

she was cuter when she was fat but its probably just the bangs. that or she was less obsessed then and now the mint all illness is showing in her face

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