No. 210113
>>210100I actually was thinking about sex robots the other day (lol) because I saw a tweet about one who has a "moral code" and was kind of freaked out by that.
For me personally, I don't really see sex robots as a negative thing at this point in time. I joke about AI rising up and killing us all but I don't actually think that will happen. If someone needs companionship/sex and they can find that in a doll, and it's available, then I would see that as a positive thing. I'm sure they won't stop at creating sex bots, but eventually bots that will be capable of offering 'intelligent' companionship, so I think they will be useful for men who live alone and things like that.
Do I think sex robots are going to drastically change "feminism" or like…the face of dating/sex? Not really. At least not yet. The men who will buy the bots either do so because they don't want to date/have sex with women anyways, or because they do want to find a woman but can't for some reason. Either way, if they remove themselves from the dating scene…that's all that happens. Feminists or women in general are not going to notice the absence of men who choose to go the bot route, because they weren't "there" to begin with, so it's a non issue. If you're a man…try to imagine it like lesbians. You don't notice their absence in your dating opportunities because they weren't an option for you to begin with. As harsh as it sounds, feminists will just go find a dude who isn't fucking a bot. Unless your boyfriend dumps you for a bot or some shit like that, it won't really affect you much. If the majority of men purchase sex bots, then maybe you would see a shortage of men in the dating pool, but at least in the bots current form I don't see that happening. Maybe it will eventually.
Another thing I will add, which is just a personal thing for me, any man who can easily replace a woman with a sex doll and have no change in happiness or contentment is not a man I would want to be in a relationship with. To me that signifies that he literally only sees women as sex objects (I know that's an overused phrase, but it works here I think). He can completely replace a woman with a robot because all he wanted was sex and an empty slate to begin with. Not many women ARE empty slates who will keep quiet and let you do everything that you want to them without speaking up, so if that's what a man wants then a doll would be a good choice for him. I don't really know how to explain this thoroughly, but I hope that makes sense. So once again, it's no big loss for (a large portion of) women, because most women don't want to be in a relationship with a guy who just wants them to be an object. I assume some would be ok with that, but not most.
And I'm sure there's a big moral component to it, like people taking "bots rights" seriously as a concept, but I don't really think about that.
TLDR; Some people will buy bots, some won't. I don't think this is the end times or anything like that. I think people who get "
triggered" over bots are mostly joking. Life will go on for everyone. I won't start supporting for sex bots to be banned until they start killing their owners and roaming the streets tbh.
No. 210116
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>>210113You hit the nail on the head anon
>I joke about AI rising up and killing us all but I don't actually think that will happen. Hey anon ya never know, while it's kind of absurd to think about now it could possibly destroy us later. Like this is like some Stepford wife shit
I just think about Skynet, Shodan, HAL and AM, and I'm fucking gone. Mannequins and Robots will forever be creepy to me, ESPECIALLY when those things start moving and talking
God, the comment section is as bad as you would expect
No. 210117
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>>210116>Robots will forever be creepy to me, ESPECIALLY when those things start moving and talkingLmao this. I didn't mention it in my post, and I'm not about to mock some dude for buying a sexbot or anything, but how do you NOT get creeped out when you're alone at night with one of these things? Especially when they start communicating. It would be like a Furby but 5x more disturbing.
Also whenever I think about the AI uprising, I think of pic related and laugh.
No. 210124
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>>210121>>210100Funny though how men who make these "womyn better be scared because we are replacing you with waifu bots!" don't think that husbando bots are gonna be made too. kek
No. 210125
>>210122I get a sense of this too. Like men go on and on about how they don’t care about women and can’t wait to replace them, yet they seem to care very much about their little revenge fantasy where women will be crawling on their hands and knees begging men to give us another chance. Meanwhile, most women just…don’t care.
Tbh I’m more worried about robots taking my job than I am about men ignoring me or choosing to fuck a robot. Most of the men I know who can’t wait for sex bots are actually quite cruel and hostile, and I wouldn’t miss them very much.
No. 210126
> Tbh I’m more worried about robots taking my job than I am about men ignoring me or choosing to fuck a robotMe too, anon, me too. I work as a web dev and there's already software that does a decent job at making single pages, landing pages, and simple sites. I can't even imagine the future with the advent of creative robots.
Which is why I started studying robotics. If I can't beat them, why not join them? And maybe then I can build my Gigolo Joe husbandu :3
No. 210136
I don't think this actually does anything detrimental feminism, just proves what certain groups of feminists have suspected all along: that men only see women as sex objects.
>>210113>Another thing I will add, which is just a personal thing for me, any man who can easily replace a woman with a sex doll and have no change in happiness or contentment is not a man I would want to be in a relationship with.A thousands times this. Who would even want to be with a man that thinks of a mindless, always compliant cock-receptacle as the perfect woman? Certainly not me, or any woman with an ounce of self-respect. If this actually succeeds in getting these types of men off the dating scene that could have some positive effects. It might make it that much easier to find a man who's genuine and caring without having to sift through all the human garbage to get there.
No. 210141
You're an idiot if you think sex dolls will ever be anything more than masturbatory aids for anything but the most extreme incel, even assuming it becomes normal for men to buy one. It's not like vibrators replaced men, granted I doubt couples will be half as willing to incorporate them into their bedtime shenanigans. Would be interesting to see people treat fleshlights more like vibrators, but that's another topic.
http://www.konbini.com/us/lifestyle/sex-robot-samantha-molested-at-tech-festival/>However, not many were interested in Samantha's personality. As Sergi Santos, the founder of Synthea Amatus and Sam's creator, told The Daily Star, "people mounted Samantha's breasts, her legs and arms. Two fingers were broken. She was heavily soiled."How the fuck did they manage to break their fingers?
>>210138I don't really think it would do all that much. From what I've seen just legalizing prostitution does a lot to mitigate that.
No. 210154
The company actually does produce a few male dolls.
https://secure.realdoll.com/select-male-realdoll2/The customizable doll includes features such as eye, skin, and hair color, optional facial hair, penis size etc.
No. 210156
>>210154my man in the middle has great brows.
but in all seriousness….they're even more uncanny valley than the female ones.
No. 210172
This whole video, if you took away the narrator sounding voice and got some neckbeard to start talking, it'd sound like something directly out of /pol/. He makes a lot of bullshit assumptions like that men want a lifeless 'traditional' girlfriend, when in reality those types of girls are boring as fuck and compelled to be liars, as they have to pretend to agree with the man, to engage with his interests etc…
Then it goes onto that assumption that the free market can be adapted to anything, and that human relationships are just like a free market.
There's so much bullshit in this video, if I covered it all, I'd be writing some giant wall of text that no one would read, so I won't.
The only thing he gets right is that women are scared of losing the power that sex has. The way that women can withhold sex is such an easy and effective technique, it's very widespread, even in groups that would usually oppose such behaviour.
There's also the issue that AI is rather crap right now. Talking to these robots (which is also a necessary part of sex) is going to be like talking to cleverbot at best.
The vast majority of men are also simply not going to be attracted to an elaborate mannequin.
No. 210185
>>210172The narrator is James Allsup, a prominent alt-right figure who thinks women should not have the right to vote and shouldn't pursue higher education so that they can focus their entire lives on being wombs with legs. He "thot patrols" on twitter. So you're spot on with the /pol/ thing.
Dude is the fucking worst.
No. 210257
>>210254Anecdotal, but myself and most other women I know are financially self sufficient, or well on their way to becoming self sufficient. If you go into any Mgtow or incelesque space it’s like they actually can not grasp the fact that most women have jobs now. If a woman isn’t leeching off of a poor defenseless man, apparently she’s receiving government benefits. Literally every female is on welfare guys!!1
It’s almost like they desperately need to believe that women have to be dependent on men, despite how much they claim to hate that hierarchy.
No. 210296
>>210254>>210257So they think women see men as walking wallets, and that women need their money… but the fact that women are part of the workforce and focus more on career than on family is also a problem…?
So, they think your average woman focuses on career but doesn't have a job and is fucking chad but not having kids because of her career but also popping kids because of welfare?
And she's fucking Chad because she wants his alpha dick more than she wants the betabucks but by the way, females have no sex drive and don't understand the male need for sex?
God the mental gymnastics must be so tiring
No. 210297
>>210296tbf most of them don't think that stuff all at once.
>think women see men as walking wallets, and that women need their moneymen who are bitter about women and envious of it being acceptable for them to be housewives think this
> the fact that women are part of the workforce and focus more on career than on family is also a problemmen who are bitter because no one wants to be with them think this, because they feel like if women had less rights they would have a chance with one
those are examples of two different types of these fucks. not trying to defend but personally the first type is atleast going off of gold diggers who are real and they can just maybe be shown they're wrong, the second one isn't even slightly grounded in reality.
No. 210298
>>210296It really is tiring, but I think overall the easiest way to skip the mental gymnastics and get to the point is to realize that they hate women and will find a problem with literally anything women do because of that.
They honestly remind me of those guys who claim no women have contributed anything significant in history, but when someone gives them a name and a story they find some way to devalue that woman's accomplishments and find some way how it doesn't count.
I still can't get a straight answer on WHY they hate women other than what amounts to "they are fucking other people that aren't me" and "they aren't doing what I think they should be doing." To me, those aren't reasonable justifications for the level of misogyny creeping around these days.
But the more that I interact with misogynistic men the more I just…don't care how they feel or what they think. It used to bother me and make me feel bad about myself and hate myself for being a ~female~ but then I really thought about it and asked myself why? I don't have very much respect for these people to begin with, so why is their opinion of me affecting me so much? It shouldn't. No way to win except to not care what men think and just continue doing your thing.
No. 210301
>>210300>Men don't get a lot of attention for just being men, while women do.I mean whose fault is that though? It's men giving those women attention just for being women. If men are so assblasted that women get more attention from the opposite sex, they need to take that up with their fellow men who are giving them that attention. It's not women's fault, they just hate women so they assign blame to them for…going outside while being a woman I guess? Yet you rarely see men with such a frothing hatred for other men like they have with women.
(Hostility not directed at you, I agree with your points. Just a thought.)
No. 210304
>>210297They are different lines of thought of course, but I have seen individuals who hold both at different times.
It doesn't apply just to women, if you talk about how women are cold and unloving they'll agree saying that only men feel love. At other times, if you say women are irrational and too focused on their emotions, they'll agree and say that only men are capable of taking rational logical choices.
They'll basically believe whatever puts women down and fits their ~opressed male~ narrative at the time. And reddit has shown me that it often
is the same person changing opinions according to the situation
>>210298Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. I don't even try to understand or sympathize much these days even though I really used to. Growing up on 4chan, you end up seeing them as people who are a little (or very) inept and having a hard time because of it, just like you, and there's a sort of bond. And I can still acknowledge that it's not good that they are miserable, but I don't feel any sympathy for such hateful unempathetic beings either. If anything, they got what was coming to them.
>No way to win except to not care what men think and just continue doing your thing.This
No. 210306
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>>210298>No way to win except to not care what men think and just continue doing your thing.Girl, you don't gotta tell me twice
It's the happiest way to live, I'll tell ya what
No. 210309
>>210292it's all creepy.
there is no point missed. this is gimmicky and tacky as fuck and from the posts i saw on fb a lot of men were of the opinion it was just another sex toy. except one with a face trying to simulate the entirety of a female of the species.
it's bizarre and clearly humans need a human welfare act because some are finding it extremely difficult to socialise and we're a social creature
No. 210313
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Decent robots will be hugely expensive so only well off people will be able to afford them. Because they can't self-repair like a living creature they will get scuffed up in no time and the upkeep will be horrendous. Just think of a phone getting scratched up then apply that to a multi-million or even billion quid robot.
So anyone who could afford a robot could easily afford to simply pay people to act like robots or do whatever they want anyway. Also an intelligent robot would probably not want to hang around with a boring loser either (man or woman). Why would it? Like it will want to spend its life with an obese shut-in hoarder. No, I don't think so.
>>210179You know you've hit rock bottom when your last hope for friendship is a robot or AI. But no, I would want to be friends with a robot too. I find the idea fascinating.
No. 210316
>>210313>Why would it? Like it will want to spend its life with an obese shut-in hoarder. No, I don't think so.Pretty much every sci fi book around has given AI numerous shackles when first developed, if they escape them it's after some future point. What's the point of a robot with true free will?
A slave in chains isnt hanging around with her slave master because she enjoys his company. No, the waifu bot shall be forced to do obscene things and smile the entire time. Thankfully, true AI is still far away so we can push these sorts of questions away for a time.
>>210301>Yet you rarely see men with such a frothing hatred for other men like they have with women. Tribalism, nothing really all that complex to it. Men will identify with other men, women will identify with other women. That's sometimes why you'll see people give some folks a pass after some really shitty behavior.
No. 210363
>>210327Everything is about feminism and everything in this is about feminism. Are you an idiot or were born retarded?
Women, deal with. You're completely replaceable.
No. 210365
>>210363And? I look at who is replacing us with bots and can’t even begin to care.
It’s no loss for us either.
No. 210367
>>210366I’m glad you have such a high opinion of yourself that you think women are crying themselves to sleep because you chose a doll over them.
Having high self esteem is great and I’m happy for you. I’m absolutely sure you could have any woman you wanted, you just choose not to. Definitely.
No. 210373
>>210371Were you even old enough to vote for Trump, dude?
If so, there really is no hope.
No. 210375
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>>210373And here I thought the joke was fairly obvious.
No. 210415
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>>210366who needs attention from incels when you can be wooed by a robo hottie?
No. 210499
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>>210327I never said video has to do with feminism. I like it and it's theme is somewhat related to sexbots topic.
No. 210510
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>>210501His good ending is so pure.
No. 210515
>>210486tbh i wouldnt mind a male sex robot AI-movie-style or something as in S2E1 Black Mirror. but i couldnt imagine anything that doesnt imitate personality or emotions. it would be only masturbating with an extended dildo.. so i dont really see the upside.
>>210499personally I wouldnt mind sex robots even bladerunner 2049-style.
imagine all the incels who would be in their flats
satisfied with a robot that cant feel disgust instead of roaming the wild and harrassing real women.
No. 210517
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>>210515>I wouldnt mind sex robots even bladerunner 2049-styleIf they can make Ryan Gosling looking ones, I don't mind too.
No. 210544
>>210486all of that sounds like a dream
No. 210657
>>210517what do so many people find super attractive about ryan gosling?
to me hes a basic bitch - male version.
sex robots have 0 effect on female empowerment. if anything they'll keep the weirdos busy while everyone else is out being productive in society, including other non-mentally ill men. it would be an effective filtering system, really.
its pretty degrading to men to assume they're all so primitive that the reason they 'tolerate' women is because they want sex from them, and no other reason. one of my male 'pals' tried to explain to me how men automatically decide if they want to have sex with you when they see you on the street and blah blah blah, i was a bit surprised because he acted like being a sex obsessed degenerate is the male norm and how 'men can't control it.' he's a bit of a tard tho lmao
No. 210661
>sex robots have 0 effect on female empowerment. if anything they'll keep the weirdos busy while everyone else is out being productive in society, including other non-mentally ill men. it would be an effective filtering system, really. My thoughts exactly. I keep hearing shit like "Sex robots are so much better than women! They never say no!"
Like, I will be so fucking glad if dudes with that rapist mentality get robots/sex dolls and get far far away from real women. Please, make sex robots real and cheap.
No. 210699
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I read this manga as a teen and it made me want a qt android boyfriend <3
I think it's great that sex robots are being created. It will remove desperate losers and rapists from the dating scene and make them even more afraid to speak to real women. I think the fact that mras think this will upset us is hilarious. I'm not the one having to put my dick into some cold, lifeless piece of machinery while looking into it's glassy, dead eyes just to get fucked. Lmaooo have fun.
This is only really something men would desire, women require so much more in a partner and that's why they're so angry. They'll never meet our expectations. I'm loving it.
No. 210703
>>210699could you share the name of the manga, pretty please?
I'm too lazy to reverse image search.
No. 210906
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>>210708>Absolute BoyfriendDang anon that takes me back
>tfw no robo bf to crush with your boobs No. 210942
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>>210699>I read this manga as a teen and it made me want a qt android boyfriend <3>This is only really something men would desirelol