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No. 2109232

A continuation of previous threads regarding the incels from AsianMasculinity, AznIdentity, and so on.
>Obsessed with WFAM, often complain about not being able to attract blondes
>Seethe about asian women dating anybody non-asian
>Like their white incel counterparts, obsessed with BBC
>Infighting between the SouthEast Asians and East Asians
>It's been speculated that AznIdentity is a sub for CCP propaganda
>The subreddit AznIdentity crowdfunded a porno with a white girl and asian guy
>Was taken down by another pornstar as it used her likeness without permission



These type of threads tend to attract white supremacists, report all racebaiting and do not interact with trolls.

No. 2109239

>The subreddit AznIdentity crowdfunded a porno with a white girl and asian guy
imagine being so desperate you pay money for this shit, men are truly retarded creatures

No. 2109269

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No. 2109310

Do they really not hear how gay this sounds? "Come look at this Asian guy's HUGE DICK! PENIS PENIS PENIS"

No. 2109420

Iirc these communities used to have women in them but they were chased off for obvious reasons. Whenever it comes to male dominated communities, moids always treat each other like absolute shit, it’s just full of retards projecting their inferiorities onto one another and endless shit flinging. Female oriented communities can be spergy but they’re nowhere near as bad as male ones.

On the other hand, these subreddits are honestly proof that asians are better off being raised in their home countries, not that all diaspora turn out mentally ill but just look at the average chronically online asian and tell me they wouldn’t be any different had they grew up in say taiwan or malaysia. I understand why they’re like that though, being detached from their culture and all. Asian and western values only collide with each other.

Incel communities are known for being homoerotic.

No. 2109448

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these guys are hilarious, its basically asian version of pol, legits biggest losers on the planet.

No. 2109479

One thing moids of all races share is their curious biological interest in gayops and shilling. It's no wonder they all constantly seethe about da jooz and propaganda. Everything that comes out of a moid's mouth is basically some kind of a retarded PR move aimed at wishing fantasy into reality. It's a truly wretched mindset if you think about it for more than a second.

Have you ever heard of a woman doing this gay shit, apart from maybe /pt/ tier mentally ill cows? Women pretending to be men in male forums to promote some pro-female viewpoint from a "male perspective"? Spending 20 hours a day spamming pics of their desired reproductive outcome, hoping men see it and get psyoped? LARPing as a member of another race online to psyop said race into a more self-betraying viewpoint? Elaborate autistic personal armies like gamergate and such? Organizing brigading campaigns in discords? Metacritic reviewbombing? 99% of the above is entirely mundane moid behavior. The gaping anorectal abyss of the moid mind is truly harrowing.

No. 2109683

>full time job is searching Instagram for interracial couples
These people need to be forcibly sterilized

No. 2109702

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>look at the average chronically online asian and tell me they wouldn’t be any different had they grew up in say taiwan or malaysia
They have nerds in Asia too anon, pretty sure most of these guys would still be loser spergs angry about something

No. 2109710

so while women are trying to fight for abortion rights moids are fighting to see who shills the most interratial porn(either bbc or asian male/white female or female asian/white male) to prove their points about schizophrenic tinfoils they made in their mind? honestly hilarious, i hope this distracts the retarded sex while women slowly climb up the ladder and get better jobs and more money while these fag rot their brain with porn and internet slapfights.

No. 2109734

honestly doubt it with all the dumb "MONEY BAD and HIGH STATUS WOMEN ARE EVIL RICH" commie zoomettes out there, but I'm happy to be proven wrong

No. 2109761

NAYRT, retarded zoomers are usually only that retarded online. Even if they do think that money is bad and 'high status women' are an evil psyop instead of being the default state of women, they learn fast. Being broke and chained to a miserable failmale gets old real quick. Sadly Kpop is popular now and many retarded teens are desperate for any oppa to come sweep them off their feet, but that won't last either. Young impressionable women want to cosplay being the traditional waifu, they don't want the reality of it. The second they understand that their life won't be a romance webtoon, they're out.
Which is another thing that these failures mald about- the difference in cultural norms means that a woman can fuck off and get remarried or find another guy immediately and won't get punished for it by society. The porn addicts posting drivel on Reddit come from cultures where they're expected to marry and have kids, even if they were raised in the west there's still an auntie or granny out there who makes it her business to ask about their love lives at every family event. Plus they're expected to have good jobs, make lots of money, be handsome, be in shape, and be an upstanding member of society. Even if they get a sex slave, they'll still be pressured to get fit, shower, and get a job.

No. 2109774

I've lurked on that subreddit a couple of times and it seems that there's tension between guys who shill for china(because it's a strong asian country) and so they have to accept some communist beliefs, and guys who want to be number #1 in a more capitalist american context. There's also a lot of overlap with black and indian incel groups as well

No. 2109867

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>On the other hand, these subreddits are honestly proof that asians are better off being raised in their home countries, not that all diaspora turn out mentally ill
It seems that all the Indian diaspora scrotes turn out mentally ill. I scrolled through /r/SouthAsianMasculinity and I was laughing at a lot of the retarded posts I was seeing. Why do coloured incels always have to add all this weird half-assed philosophical gay shit to their inceldom to be taken more seriously by the white incels? Indian diasporoids are one of the most painfully misogynistic and low IQ groups of people that walk this planet.

No. 2109877

>it's repulsive to talk to women in their 20s
Kek if those women were the least bit flirty or interested in him, he would immediately topple over like a house of cards. He desperately craves their attention and desire.

No. 2109943

so fucking hilarious how these unfortunate looking men think they would be treated meaningfully better without whatever propaganda lmaooooo

even if china becmae number one they would still be unattractive

No. 2109954

Very true, there's a reason why otaku are looked down upon in Japan kek
Next time a moid makes fun of a woman trying to manifest good vibes or something, just remember that they do this.
Brown incels are also the biggest pickme's for white men on the planet, it's fucking pathetic. They openly insult each other for crumbs of white moid approval.

No. 2110021

These faggots are hideous and they blame everything on liberals like the conservatives aren't the ones outright blaming them for covid. They all have that faggy spikey haircut with acne and smudged rectangular glasses. There's no way they think they can land a sorority tri delta looking like ricecel Jeffrey dahmer

No. 2110048

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There are entire subreddits about women getting "riced" that's obsessed with "BAC". It's about as gay as it sounds. What's funny is that they made what looks like a Chinese restaurant menu as a "guide" for all their stupid memes and acronyms. I tried to size it up but the image itself also sucks so they can't even get that right.

No. 2110101

LMAO wtf is this shit. This thread has too much cringe for me to handle asian men deserve being bullied by every other race

No. 2110117

This is making me kek wtf is "Queen of Diamond," and "Rice Bunny" reminds me of that silly rabbit right hand arm News interview

No. 2110124

They stole rice bunny from loser black men like they did for uncle tom.

No. 2110135

my eyes hurt trying to read this. wtf is this font

No. 2110156

Literally just stealing terms from black culture (queen of spades, snowbunny, and bbc) and modifying it because they're incapable of being original in any way.

No. 2110158

Trying to call this "black culture" is just sad kek. It's porn culture.

No. 2110276

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No. 2110653

Only one country has mass gang rapes, educate your countrymen if you want the stereotypes to end

No. 2110859

Indian men stop being rapists challenge
>b-but what about the middle east
Yes, they're rapists too. Doesn't absolve you lmao

No. 2110893

>Only one country has mass gang rapes
Gang rapes happen in various middle eastern countries, but it doesn't get prosecuted or make news there.

No. 2110958

> they made what looks like a Chinese restaurant menu as a "guide" for all their stupid memes and acronyms
my fucking side. Scrotes have too much free time nowadays.

No. 2110974

>asian men want to 'rice' white women
Wait does that mean I have a chance with Jungkook?

No. 2110985

No kek. Only Asian-American men are pathetically obsessed with white women. Men who are actually from Asia vastly prefer their own women because they're not self-hating weirdos.

No. 2111091

>Women pretending to be men in male forums to promote some pro-female viewpoint from a "male perspective"? Spending 20 hours a day spamming pics of their desired reproductive outcome, hoping men see it and get psyoped? LARPing as a member of another race online to psyop said race into a more self-betraying viewpoint? Elaborate autistic personal armies like gamergate and such? Organizing brigading campaigns in discords? Metacritic reviewbombing?
4chan's /r9k/ board is full of women like that.

No. 2111137

>Black moids: somewhat object to being fetishized as dangerous brutish rape apes that irreversibly taint everything they touch
>Meanwhile asian moids: desperately wish they were seen as a human embodiment of AIDS

Asian moids confirmed for trannies of race

No. 2111143

I've met tons of dudes from Asia who also prefer white women, including my bf. It's really easy to pick up men there if you're white. Anon won't get jungkook, but she could find a moid who looks like him, and let's be serious, no one actually likes kpoopers for their personality.

No. 2111150

we’ve finally found the female version of passport bros, hi passport sister

No. 2111168

American men are more often than not fat retarded misogynist porn addicts who have no interests outside of nerdshit. Of course I would never settle for that. You can wade through an ocean of shit to find the rare moid who's a bit better, but it's easier to just go where the average is closer to what you want.

No. 2111328

Gross. If a guy told me he has a white girl fetish, I would stop seeing him immediately.

No. 2111471

I can see why some women would find that off-putting, especially if the guy is one of those weirdos who would literally take any woman of [insert race] for fetishistic reasons. He isn’t like that though, and I like knowing he finds me attractive. Having preferences is normal. Some men have odd mentalities around women, which is a separate issue imo.

No. 2111675

I have an Oriental man fetish - do you find me gross as well?

No. 2111679

Yeah tbh you seem cheap or desperate if you’re lusting for any 3-inch chinky dick you can get

No. 2111688

Also men who trash women of their own ethnicity because they think it will impress you, they're ALWAYS particularly brazen sex pests.

No. 2111698

I think it depends if you just like the looks of people of a certain race more or if you think they are "higher value" or have some expetation how they will act. The latter is just being a racist creep. Of course different cultures push people to have different values etc but a moid is a moid and likely to be trash no matter the race.

No. 2111702

Anons like her probably enjoy feeling like a prize/trophy gf, it’s kinda pathetic when you really think about it kek. It’s like the pickme who finally got picked.

No. 2111741

No. 2111751

Kek, why? They're the ugliest of them all. I mean, all races of men are ugly as shit but there's something especially disgusting about asians, no matter if it's south, east, or southeast asians, those are some of the ugliest sons of bitches alive

No. 2111778

Lol what is this cope. Why would you not want your man to be attracted to you?

No. 2111793

Don't be stupid. You know that's not what she was saying

No. 2111801

File: 1722347910643.jpg (671.42 KB, 1080x1449, Screenshot_20240730_085707_Red…)

THIS is still attractive to you? Are you fucking mental?

No. 2111802

I feel sick

No. 2111806

It doesn't bother you that he wouldn't have been into you if you were Asian? Holy pickme desperation…

>Lol why wouldn't you want your man to have a fetish for your race?
Because I have self-respect and I think people who hate their own races are mentally ill. The only reason people develop race fetishes is because of porn or stereotypes, there's no nice wholesome reason for it. Anyway this thread is not about your super special exception nigel, get out already.

No. 2111819

More like fetishize/will lead on and have sex with for the novelty, and then go back to women of their own community because something something family honor. Your bf might be different, though

No. 2111820

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Samefag but these are the type of men making those retarded posts about amwf. I knew they were going to be ugly but jesus christ. There is no fucking way any of these people are pulling panhellenic white girls, I'm starting to think it's all a larp when they post about pulling blondes. I can only see weebs with no standards being attracted to these microscopic dick losers

No. 2111829

>pick up men
You mean being used like a fleshlight

No. 2111832

noo you don't get it she's putting them on a leash and walking them around the house and getting her pussy ate so it's fine if he gets to fuck

No. 2111834

they look like school shooters

No. 2111835

Some women will literally do and put up with absolutely anything just to feel exotic or whatever, it's pathetic.

No. 2111838

This. The internet is full of white women whining about how their Asian exes just used them for a fun novelty time and then ditched them for Asian women when it came time to get married/have kids.

No. 2111843

One thing I notice frequently about Westerners in Japan and South Korea is that they think they're getting special (superior) treatment because they're exotic, but really they're being told what they want to hear by people who are trying to take advantage of them. It's easier to get taken advantage of in foreign countries because you don't understand the subtleties of the culture and so miss all the social cues which should otherwise warn you that something's off.

No. 2111844

It's almost like men will have sex with anything if it's offered on a plate. Imagine that.

No. 2111847

File: 1722349571099.webp (14.42 KB, 559x244, seung-hui-cho.webp)

Reminds me of Seung Hui Cho who did the deadliest school shooting at Virginia Tech. He also stalked women and was an overall creep scrote

No. 2111875

Her attempt at using moid lingo is funny tbh

No. 2111884

>I can only see weebs with no standards being attracted to these microscopic dick losers
Its pretty much this. Only the most desperate girls with yellow fever would fuck them and when they get pump & dumped they wonder where these ugly scrotes got their overinflated egos from

No. 2112002

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I saw screencaps of that porn movie they all funded and it was obviously pathetic. But, she bleached her hair blonde and was therefore a catch to them. It doesn't take much to impress these guys, so long as she's white and ideally blonde they'll think she's a goddess.

No. 2112003


They're both ugly. Also—

>The title being "Noodled"


No. 2112033

That side profile is tragic

No. 2112044

They would be chigyu in their home countries too. The incel loser is just a type of male, they’re everywhere

No. 2112045

They're both so ugly I can't. He's fat as fuck with greasy hair and she looks like a downs patient from the state sanatorium. I. Can't.

No. 2112050

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No. 2112061

Using shoujo translate font

No. 2112070

I read this post awhile ago on the AsianMasculinity subreddit detailing an asian guy who was dating a white girl at the time but they broke up shortly after because her friends and family was outwardly racist towards him and she would always dismissed his concerns. Yet they still try to worship them, it’s embarrassing really…many such cases.

No. 2112084

He’d be cute if he had no acne. I’m not the preference of asian moids since I’m darker than white but it’s weird to act like they’re all ugly. Even if I weren’t, I wouldn’t jump at the chance of being someone’s feti- I mean preference though.

No. 2112091

he looks like someone put a haystack on his head

No. 2112126

Late but BBC is a term used more by nonblack (usually white) guys than black people. I imagine it has something to do with the weird obsession/hatred incels have with black men's penises. I think that makes it worse in a way.

No. 2112166

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Without the acne he would look okay. That haircut is awful though, does he go outside with it? He looks like picrel.

No. 2112239

>family honor
This. Asian people in general get a lot of shit for not living up to their family's ideals. Dating an asian guy and meeting his family when you're a different race/nationality is brutal to deal with.

No. 2112285

Most normal people prefer their own race but ultimately dating everywhere is kind of the same and weebs try way too hard to figure out cheat codes for dating in Asia when the "secret" is just to be a normal interesting person, with a job and who can socialize normally. The normal noodle goes in the normal bowl, we're used to seeing expat weebs in Japan with shitty men because they themselves are cringy unlikeable otaku with no career or future and refuse to grow out of their chuunibyou ass fashion style that they always have.

Ricecels are so confusing. I kind of assumed they had a very specific fetish for overcoming and "conquering" a super specific type of white stacy and that's why they needed to uphold the delusion that they have a disadvantage even though asian men are more popular now than ever and most young women have at least one asian celeb that they want to get riced and noodled by in every position. Every weaboo circle has a mid-to-ugly asian moid who dates white girls way out of his league (real blondes even !). But this girl is completely average and attainable. What was the point of having this made ? They could just download Tinder and have it in 3D if they learned to talk a little.

No. 2112350

File: 1722372767545.png (826.41 KB, 1080x607, stpeach-twitch-stream[...].png)

They think mid blondes are the epitome of attractiveness. STPeach is one in particular that they're obsessed with (she is the girl that the porn they funded was based on) despite the fact that she looks like your most average midwestern girl. Blonde = instant boner for these men and nothing else matters.

No. 2112359

also known as man of color mentality

No. 2112429

Just general man mentality. Even if it's clearly from a bottle.

No. 2112585

If that were true, yeah. There's a lot of conflation with having preferences to being a fetishist or being self-hating when those aren't the same thing at all. Call out behavior when it's actually there, don't just accuse anyone who dates someone outside their race of being self-hating. Then it reads like you dislike interracial couples and will make up whatever narrative justifies your dislike of it.

No. 2112706

You sound Delusional holy fuck

No. 2112729

There's also Goldensfirst, turbochangs and some other dead sub's that had ricecels on there.
>goldens first
>turbo changs
>Asian identity watch
>Asian takeover
>Asians first
>identity Asian
>azn pride
>based Asians

No. 2112871


Ugh, don't use those terms, it's cringe.

No. 2112978

why are they always related to food
should we call fucking europeans "breaded"? spaghettied? baguetted?

No. 2113258

>women with /pt/ tier mentality
Learn to read, downsie

No. 2113287

I don't know why so many nonas iit are hating on Asia men's appearances so much. In my observations Asian men tend to have better personal hygiene: they'll actually wash their bodies, wear clean clothes, deodorant, shave, no stupid long hair, normal BMI - for me, this is enough to beat out the average White guy.
>>2111801 and >>2111820 look decent. They're not models but they have potential. (Eg it looks like neither has anyone telling them what kind of haircut will actually translate well irl.) Just compare these guys to neckbeards, proto-tranny soyjaks and gym bros. Women are complaining in other threads about (presumably mostly white/non-Asian) men not washing their asses and testes.
Ofc any kind of incel personality sucks. But in that case lets focus on that and not appearance. Maybe we just devolved into appearance because the milk dried up.

No. 2113297

Lol, it's so retarded. Anyway I have a fetish for Latino men and want to be chili con carned by one.

No. 2113300

There already is a term. It's called "bleaching" (ew).

No. 2113324

The real reason the looks sperging is silly is because there are attractive guys and unattractive guys for almost every identifiable group. When women say they like Asian guys they usually don't mean the ones who look like this >>2111801

No. 2113489

I have a fetish for American men and want to be burgerised by one

No. 2113527

File: 1722431185383.gif (749.63 KB, 480x360, Squiddy_and_his_one_true_love.…)

No. 2113571

I have a fetish for British men and want to be bangers-and-mashed by one.

No. 2113574

that's clearly a girl burger

No. 2113575

White people think they’re so attractive so they shit on other races’ looks. They act as if their moids look any better with their receding hairlines at 17. How the fuck are you saying asian moids are ugly with the implication that the white men are better. Lmaooo
This is hilarious

No. 2113579

> The normal noodle goes in the normal bowl

No. 2113587

Funny how nobody was talking about white men but you brought them up kek

No. 2113591

>haha funny how inference
? That is the obvious comparison. And the majority of this imageboard are white women

No. 2113594

Nonas praise k-entertainment for shilling attractive men but its backfiring in a bad way. Its basically a reverse ugly man psyop and Korean soft power trying to catfish their country to the rest of the world. Now you have all those delusional koreaboos and weebs who think they'll get a "hAnDsOmE PrInCe" in Korea (or some other asian country like Japan) but get some mediocre outcast weirdo or a fuckboy that will usually just pump and dump them when they get bored. And they usually meet these men on tinder of all places! Right wing korean sites like dcinside have or had sections where Korean loser men posted profiles of foreign women they met on dating apps and are also obsessed with finding foreign girls because dating a korean girl is "too much work for them" and see foreigners as "easy". Thanks to BTShit and kpoop, you have girls like nonas on this thread lowering the bar for hideous to mid asian men that would probably treat them poorly but hey "at least they shower and shave amiright?!" You are seriously lowering your standards and settling for bare minimum do you not realize?? Also I rarely see attractive Koreans with foreigners. Popular and attractive guys (basically all kpops and kactors in Korea) have their own local woman wanting them and you know damn well they will most likely choose their own local women over a foreigner. The only international couples where the Korean guy is super attractive that ive seen is with white girls (eastern european?) who are like … models. This whole kdrama fantasy is a lie a fraud and these weird ugly diaspora azns are trying to take advantage of that. 4B is based.

No. 2113601

Tbh this is a huge problem nonna, you're right lmao. Koreaboos won't want to listen, though. South Korea is a hellish country rife with bother inner and outer ugliness, only the 4B are based and have it right. Now you have these ugly moids pumping and dumping naive and mentally ill foreign women who foolishly think of themselves as prizes when they're more like items on a bucket list.

No. 2113604

File: 1722436308329.webp (32.69 KB, 600x405, GVxePtAS_0VdSfvTp3Shfoh0NpLYL3…)

>>2113601 kek finally a sensible nona.

To all the Koreaboos and asian fetishists on this thread, stop being so delusional ffs.

No. 2113606

I doubt their hygiene is better than other moids the fag from >>2111820 couldn't even take the time to put a clean shirt on.

No. 2113608

for the record many korean women do have insanely high standards while being genuinely horrible, spiteful people. there's nothing "based" about any of these people - the megalia type women and the dc inside type men. both are ideological extremists who can't form a functioning society even if their lives depended on it.

No. 2113616

I always get mad seeing these pro-gamer faggots because only in this gay earth would a male hobby be elevated to legitimacy and suddenly have a bunch of funding behind it

No. 2113618

Only a psyopped retard would complain about women having standards. Shoo

No. 2113620

gaming is the closet thing modern males have to war and dueling tbf

No. 2113622

File: 1722437149218.gif (936.25 KB, 500x229, 1658166779871.gif)

i wonder who's behind this post

No. 2113626

oh okay only psyoped retards would complain about women wanting men who are literally perfect anime boyfriends

also, dc-inside is not considered "right-wing" that would be more like ilbe

you're doing the same thing you accuse koreaboos of doing, which is idealizing a part of korea that you know nothing about

No. 2113628

Megalia will never be anywhere near as bad as Korean misogynist moids and you know it lmao

No. 2113632

south korean young people are fucking extreme, there's no nuance in the average person's thinking. they grow up consuming shittons of internet-based content, memes and brief twitter-like interactions. whether some group is a little worse than another group is not really that relevant.

No. 2113633

>>2113622 KEKK Im tring so hard not to tinfoil here lmao

No. 2113637

>group A: women who are bitchy and mean online
>group B: men who go out and literally kill women at worst and view molka at best
Yeah this is totally a "one is only a little worse than the other" situation lmfao. Women's words are equal to violence according to you.

No. 2113641

Nice backtracking, retarded pickme. Your nigel isn't "anyone who dates someone outside their race." Huge difference between being open to dating any race and being obsessed with one in particular. He's a whiteworshipping race fetishist and you're a desperate weeb. Now stop shitting up the thread and gtfo.

No. 2113643

Yeah its not as right wing like ilbe but dcinside literally had a section (I checked its now deleted) where they posted foreigner profiles and being derogatory towards them. Whats wrong warning delusional koreaboos about fetishistic scrotes like this who will likely take advantage of them?

No. 2113646

So, where are the Korean misandrist male trafficking rings and murders?

No. 2113653

File: 1722438353070.png (555.08 KB, 1691x939, IMG_9177.png)

Wait I’m not taking a side and honestly am finding Korean women kind of based but I’d never heard of Megalia and googled it, there is some crazy shit that’s gone on.

No. 2113658

dcinside is like reddit, some "galleries" are worse than others
nothing wrong with warning people, I just don't think any of these people are "based", most of them act like discord troons who will dogpile anyone who doesn't toe the party line

No. 2113663

Kek she needs to put down the copium

No. 2113669

I don't believe anything coming from a Korean male gamer on an imageboard tbh. We're talking about the same people who think the pinching motion is a feminist dogwhistle to make fun of their tiny dicks.

No. 2113672

The info is out there, since there was a Megalio site lmao. Obviously this is a spectrum and not the same as 4B. But I’m sure you can also see the images featured kek?

No. 2113673

>women have periods!!! how dare they?!?

No. 2113675

To be fair asian men have criminally small dicks especially koreans

No. 2113676

That sort of transgressive public display is not uncommon in South Korea, not limited to feminism. You often see fringe religious cultists and political groups doing similar stuff in public. I don't see why the imageboard poster should be suspected of lying about the main purpose of the things pictured.

No. 2113678

I… don’t think you’re understanding. Some anons are so frustrating to communicate with kek. I’m not the one arguing against Korean women, I’m the one who called them based. I just did some quick research after anons mentioned that Megalia thing. You can see the pads hanging up and the “No uterus no opinion” thing, if you looked at the post… This was over 8 years ago though. Was probably in response to the fact Korean men use “bloodshitters” as a slur for women.
You can see some fucked up stuff they’ve done though, even if you don’t believe the imageboard scrote the info is there, I mean people got arrested. Like the women who drugged and raped boys to post on the website, I don’t know what the reason given was though.

No. 2113689

>no uterus no opinion
Yes, those are based. I also don't care if they said male fetuses should be aborted when Korean men are killing and raping women and little girls in the flesh.

No. 2113690

I don’t know how to explain to you that I personally made a pad tribute to my model crush and sent the photos to him. You are talking to the women you’re complaining about

No. 2113692

oh my god I am so sick of this site can you fuckers read… god… I said I think they’re BASED. BASED. what don’t you UNDERSTAAAAND DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH

No. 2113693

How did he respond?

No. 2113697

He’s kinda famous so obviously he didn’t respond kek, but I went ahead and plastered the photos on scroteboards.
>You can see some fucked up stuff they’ve done though
Didn’t happen, and even if it did they deserved it. A woman could kill a random man for no reason and I would still support her

No. 2113698

what imageboard is this screenshot from?

No. 2113702

Based nonny

No. 2113708

File: 1722440478070.jpeg (942.88 KB, 1163x1299, IMG_9178.jpeg)

WHY DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU KNOW FUCKING EVERYTHING You can see the information if you look it up, as I said, since people got arrested. Here’s a Wikipedia article detailing some things including the child assaults. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Womad_(website) Since you anons CAN’T FUCKING READ might skim over it again I am once again letting you know I think South Korean women are based I just found this interesting and wanted to research it.
Sorry I don’t know, the pic is from Imgur.

No. 2113710

No wonder nobody wants to sleep with them or start families with them, they’re a bunch of crippled bug moids only interested in genshit and other gacha games and not developing their emotional intelligence, personality or appearance to get a woman to give a shit about them. They know they’re useless as fuck and their necessity to humanity is virtually null, too many men in those countries

No. 2113717

Those South Korean women are not based
Have you seen the comments in that post where the person posted the details of how she abused the Australian child? Not a single person said she shouldn't have done that. They asked her to email them the videos of her abusing the child.

No. 2113748

Not too different from some anons here though tbh, I’ve heard some anons say both men and boys can’t be raped, I remember getting in an argument about it some while back and a decent amount of nonas agreed kek. I think the arguments were apparatus (no penis) and that all males enjoy it

No. 2113750

File: 1722441978935.jpeg (635.23 KB, 1266x1673, 74620764-F6B3-449E-B13B-222310…)

Based and shotapilled!(bait)

No. 2113766

Ik this is probably bait but… nona, moidlets are anything but wholesome. They're obnoxious as fuck.

No. 2113767

In 2D they can be anything you want

No. 2113778

That's the same argument that men use, that women like getting raped. Besides she drugged the boy to molest him at a private location. Not something you'd do to someone who would want to be molested.

No. 2113786

I agree but those anons would say men and women are just different and quote the guys saying they enjoyed being raped by an older woman as a child. I don’t agree though, and I don’t know what the Korean forums reasoning was for it, if it was the same or not

No. 2113788

File: 1722442941159.jpg (67.16 KB, 640x938, ym7ynj4dpez41.jpg)

I don't know if this is real but if it is k e k

No. 2113794

I read the screencap of the molester's original post, and she says "lolita is a crime but shotacon is a respected preference"

No. 2113796

lolicons and shotacons deserve the rope

No. 2113809

This has to be photoshop, there's no way in helll anyone can survive looking like that for 19 whole ass years without at least 3 failed suicide attempts.

No. 2113814

Kek this pic

No. 2113820

I now support government-funded cosmetic surgery.

No. 2113821

Pedophilia. This is pedophilia you retards

No. 2113843

She's shitting on moids, not women so who cares. She probably hates white moids too. Me personally, I'm racist to all moids of every race, specially my own. Stop defending XYs, they don't give a fuck about you

No. 2113848

What? How was I defending them kek. Obviously these are straight women who go to thirst over ugly white men on /g/, realistically. You’re coming at me for no reason, idgaf if people are racist to asian scrotes, they deserve it.

No. 2113854

File: 1722445351686.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1 MB, 1242x1812, IMG_5618.jpeg)

No. 2113860

>alleged that she was arrested quickly due to her gender

No. 2113864

I feel sorry for male children but puh-lease. Men absolutely cannot be raped by a woman kek.

No. 2113867

c-chad anon?

No. 2113869

You could be right, who knows? I hope they aren't though because that would be pathetic for them kek

No. 2113872

since it’s too late to change adult men’s behavior, what are the chances of meeting a young boy and successfully influencing him in a way that won’t make him turn into the 27 year old one day? i’m not talking about dating him but teaching him to not hate women, to listen to all your requests since parents fail to do it. you could get him to get plastic surgery if he turns ugly with age

No. 2113875

>queen of diamonds
>moids using card suits to "gloat" about sexually conquering other races of women
>the "ace of spades" isn't even used by black moids but by white moids with racial cucking fetishes
I thank the gods, old and new, that I wasn't born male. This level of untapped mental illness is beyond my comprehension. Send all y chromies to the mines.

No. 2113877

I only see this sort of autism in Beyblade and Yugioh communities

No. 2113881

The only bad thing here is the cp stuff and the way they attacked the moid who was against plastic surgery. I wonder why they'd defend plastic surgery. Everything else is based.
>pictures of male fetuses
>They call the korean war "the biggest barbecue party" because so many korean male soldiers died
>lynched, sexually harassed men in the streets
lynching? yeah right. and the moids probably liked the 'sexual harassment'
>my grandma fainted when she saw used sanitary pads
Seriously? Worse shit could happen.
>my body is trembling with fear, anger and agony
laaaaaaaaaaame. look at him acting like the world is gonna end because a few women were rightfully sick of moid shit.

No. 2113886

Hope he's born a fag. The cute, gentle effeminate ones, not the whiny campy ones, or the fat roided bear ones. Make him only hang out with his mother, sisters and female friends. Teach him all the time how evil males are. Did it with my first brother and he turned out great. My second one however, I don't have very high hopes for. He's better than the other moids his age, but kinda chubby, retarded and not gay. So disappointing so I don't waste my time with him.

No. 2113894

You shouldn't, his genes shouldn't get passed on.

I completely agree.

No. 2113902

>I wonder why they'd defend plastic surgery.
That moid is probably purposely omitting context

No. 2113909

No one really ever talks about why Megalia came to be and why korean women have been pushed to this extent

No. 2113929

>getting info from trannypedia and some ib scrot
That woman didn't assault anyone, she is guilty only of cp possesion. The other things are nonevents, only a testerical wurstie would be offended by those things.
Newfag alert. Go back to whatever shithole you came from.(infight bait)

No. 2113934

stfu retard holy shit

No. 2113941

Yaoimaster you filthy cow, is that you?

No. 2113943

holy shit what the fuck happened it lmfao

No. 2113951

Of moids? LF megalian to dip into her stash

No. 2113954

I am actually on awe. How are Korean women this fucking based on a scale large enough to form a movement? Korean moids must be literal demons in the flesh of they actually managed to make women do this.

No. 2113964

That's what being asian does to you, a culture of pedophiles and retards

No. 2113969

Looked at the women of my country and sighed

No. 2113970

I'm gonna go ahead and make a wild guess here: the moid "opposing plastic surgery" callously mocked women who are pressured into getting it, like when they mock feminine rituals in general. Korean women are understandably repulsed with moids having the gall to mock the cage they put women in.

It is facts. From recent memory, the Korean government protected the 9th rooms faggot (wanting him to walk free until feminists protested) and everyone who paid to access them. Meanwhile one moidlet gets "abused" and suddenly everyone gives a fuck about pedophilia.

This retarded discourse reminds me of reddit pickmes and their insistence that m-muh male rape victims are always overlooked while women get all the attention. Meanwhile no one even knows that the Catholic church abuses girl children all the time.

Wish megalians posted here.

No. 2113986

Kek the child boyfriend looks like a rapist

No. 2114004

Nonnie I work with almost all Vietnamese people including moids and the men do no wear deodorant and have faces riddled with acne. Kpoop men are not reality

No. 2114019

B- But Asian no smell gene!

No. 2114037

Rice bunny comes from snow bunny

No. 2114072

I think the “muh asians have no bo” thing is bs, I know someone whose former uni roommate was chinese and he said that he smelt like he hadn’t bathed in months. I feel like that myth was invented to promote a sense of racial superiority.

No. 2114087

>Almost all Vietnamese men are riddled with acne.
Unfortunately Viatnamese people, woman or scrote, usually have to deal with really bad acne because of the effects of Agent Orange exposure through environmental and genetic avenues. It's why all the best pimple-popping channels on Youtube are run by Vietnamese salons. It's kind of crazy that war chemicals used in the 60s still have such an impact.

No. 2114100

That’s fucked up

No. 2114112

True, although a lot of Chinese have severe acne due to oily/fried traditional food.

No. 2114180

I’m not Asian but it’s kind of shocking how little Asian men care about their diets. All the Asian guys I know irl live off of instant ramen. They’re not even financially struggling since most of them are tech/finance bros, but idk it gives me the ick. Kek be a man and eat some steak and potato.

No. 2114189

Scrotes don't give a damn about food because they think cooking is feminine so if they cook themselves anything more than microwave ramen that makes them gay.

No. 2114200

I know multiple Asian dudes who eat nothing but fast food, junk, and soda. They tend to stay skinny no matter what they eat so they take advantage of it. I imagine their insides are rotting though and that they must be deficient in every vitamin.

No. 2114213

This is probably what being an incel looks like in the Yugioh universe.

No. 2114249

File: 1722462059804.png (197.72 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20240731-163307~2.p…)

Hes on vacation and just seeing asian girls with white guys make him seethe this is so funny. I dont like white guys at all but I still hate men of all races who think "they own their women and their women must suck their cock or else… rAcEtRaItORS!".

No. 2114253

I'm confused why the AMAF couples being married with kids is a bad thing in this moid's eyes.

No. 2114255

It means that woman is likely not coming back on the market, which also makes him seethe for some reason. Can't even be happy for a fellow asian male with a wife and family, moids are a fucking joke.

No. 2114261

Spending your whole vacation worried about the different interracial couples you see instead of enjoying your time off is peak incel thinking. What a waste of space.

No. 2114264

It sounds like he was upset that these couplings weren't between born and raised Asian Americans but rather Asian immigrants.

No. 2114265

>his idea of an "asian movement" is based entirely on whether white women want to fuck you or not

No. 2114266

Notice that AMLF and AMBF aren't even mentioned at all because all that matters to them is white women. Pathetic fetishists.

No. 2114271

Asian Americans esp see themselves in competition with white men who are "stealing their women" according to them. In their minds white men have are considered to be highly attractive to a lot of asian women due to social status, colorism and "perceived masculinity" so its giving these little azns a big inferiority complex.

No. 2114278

He thinks that being bilingual is a sign of being 'very aware/conscious of their heritage' instead of being a sign that they need to speak to Grandma sometimes and she doesn't know English. What a fucking idiot, the normal Asians he was creeping on would be seriously weirded out by this shit, they get on with their lives instead of obsessing over strangers and relationship statuses. Even if every woman of every porn category in a 20 mile radius was single and horny for Asian dick they'd keep away from someone like him.

No. 2114288

I mean the heart of every incel movement is fundamentally "women are fucking men who aren't me" so that makes sense kek

No. 2114492

File: 1722475826862.jpg (184.1 KB, 715x1132, Screenshot_20240731-212605_Chr…)

I went to #amwf on Instagram and saw Stacies with ugly scroates. As weebs and koreaboos can be so desperate? I didn't see any Taehyung or Eunwoo. Tragic

No. 2114493

They're usually mail order brides, most often from Eastern Europe.

No. 2114494

*How weebs and koreaboos
I'm retarted

No. 2114501

File: 1722476449933.jpg (144.63 KB, 705x960, wupbx54799dc1.jpg)

But this girl is German, I also saw the other time I saw on YouTube a Scandinavian Stacy with an ugly Korean scroate. . Also the Dutch girl they used to animate Ashley from Resident Evil comes out with horrible scroates. I've never seen an amwf couple with idol tier moid.

No. 2114503

Damn he's almost her cup size

No. 2114504

Isn't ella some sort of escort though? I remember vaguely reading something like that somewhere. She used to be friend with venus.

No. 2114507

What's wrong with these women?

No. 2114510

Just a different flavor of golddiggers, or in Ella's case, visa chasers. There is one AMWF couple I've seen that is good looking on Tiktok, the girl is a model and the guy is a former kpop idol. I'm blanking on their username though, maybe someone else will remember. But most AMWF couples are not much to look at… either unbalanced or both ugly.

No. 2114526

I dont understand the weebs though. Other than some of the actors that represent 0.01% of the population. Average japanese men are very fugly imo.

No. 2114555

Either EE woman who will fuck anything just go get away from EE men, or paid to pose with him kek

No. 2114557

Can you share screencaps?

No. 2114562

>muh both sides are wrong

When was the last time Korean radfems killed innocent men and women via vehicle or mass shooting?

No. 2114569

For the miniscule amount of female pedos doing pedo things—there are hundreds of their male counterparts more. They do not compare. The severity is not the same.

No. 2114573

Why is lolcow now filled with unironic pedophiles, maybe the anon saying there's an increase in pedophilia was right

No. 2114579

>conquering other races of women

Eww why are moids like this. Asian (and some Black men) do this with White women—then White men do this with Asian and Latina women with the passport bro bullshit. I hate being seen as some insecure scrote's conquest trophy, why can't men just be gay and conquer each other. That'd be so much better and yaoipilled.

No. 2114582

File: 1722482371806.webp (147.71 KB, 2000x1395, IMG_0312.webp)

nta but northern/central Asian men are so handsome. They’re actually masculine in a healthy way unlike scrawny East Asian male redditors. Unfortunately these men don’t exist in America.

No. 2114585

File: 1722482527503.gif (996.88 KB, 220x123, Chu.gif)

Reading this thread and the passport bro thread in /snow/ just gave me an idea…

No. 2114586

File: 1722482560499.jpg (97.61 KB, 1080x1314, 1000002924.jpg)

I distinctly remember seeing this guy in the hat and thinking he was so sexy but then when I googled him, it showed him without the hat and it was a nvm type of situation

No. 2114587

isnt there an incel cow general? wouldnt the asian guys be able to be posted there as well as opposed to having their own thread constantly bumped on /ot/ that nobody wants to see

No. 2114590

I wanna see him grow out his hair but that’s probably considered gay where he’s from

No. 2114592

File: 1722483190072.jpg (60.09 KB, 600x800, 1000004182.jpg)

I dont think that would do much but he looks cute with the dead racoon on his head for sure

No. 2114593

And the "bleaching" shit white moids obsess over doing with black women. Men are the same across races.

No. 2114596

This is more of a cow thread

No. 2114600

Fuck, his hair really is bad.

No. 2114602

I don't find asian men ugly but please don't idolize a race of moids like this nonnie

No. 2114606

It's just the shape of his head babe

No. 2114609

The head is okay for me, but without the hat his eyes look very close together

No. 2114624

you guys have the worst taste. he looks like a caveman

No. 2114626

Are any other nonnies in Southern California and are surrounded by Asian moids? Because this is like an extremely common face you will see around where I live kek. I’m the same anon as >>2114004 and having worked with viet men and gone to school with mostly viet men it is amazing at how many of them are self hating. My former manager would talk constantly about how he wanted a white girlfriend because “Asian girls don’t like dating Asian guys” yet nearly every couple that came into our workplace was an Asian woman with an Asian man. It’s very weird. I have no idea what reality they’re living in, it must be a part of being Asian-American where they self insert into white men when they think of the typical American man kek

No. 2114693

Learn how to hide threads, newfag.

Norcal and they're not usually that ugly up here but they sure are angry, bitter, and self-hating as you said. The amount of Asian-Americans who have openly told me they want to "try a white woman" is disturbing. Like we're food or clothes, just literal objects to them.

No. 2114746

Funny how you can't trash Pakis in the Britbong thread, because it's 'race bait', but this entire thread is okay for some reason. Really makes you think.

No. 2114755

Britbongs stop shitting your pants throwing fits about South Asians for 10 minutes challenge 3 2 1 GO!

No. 2114759

>nooo its not fairrrr I can't be racist in the specific way I want to beee

No. 2114770

And talking about muslims is racebait too apparently (despite islam not being a race)

No. 2114773

Looks like my Korean ex that would never shut the fuck up about his "royal family" and had multiple blogs warning people against him for being a sex pest

No. 2114774

File: 1722494599942.jpg (200.33 KB, 956x935, everytime.JPG)

What is it with British people making India a part of their empire for like 200 years and then getting mad when Indians are a common sight in the former metropole? It can be in any thread whatsoever and some random British "person" will come and start talking about Indians. Like girl what are you talking about nobody even mentioned Pakistan in this thread? This is similar to the hotep thread where we look at specific cowish communities that are ethnic-specific, not a thread to bash on Asians. I swear to God Britbongs are the most cancerous type of anon on this site. Seriously why are you always foaming at the mouth to talk about Indians like you're rabid about Indians you're psychotic about the Indians we get it WE GET IT.

No. 2114784

He looks ugly and retarded

No. 2114802

bc indians are annoying(racebait)

No. 2114814

Yeah okay and sperging about how much you hate them 24 hours of every god damn day in every thread is even more annoying. We could be discussing pancakes tomorrow in the What You Ate thread and some random britbong high on her own farts is gonna come in and start screaming about how pancakes are like roti because they're both circle-shaped and roti is from India and Indians are destroying England and how we all need to freak out about how London has brown Uber drivers instead of Cockney cabbies now and it's like okay fuck we get it you hate Indians so what? so you want a parade? so you want us all to clap for you? to scream and cry for you? what do you want from us? what is it that you're trying to get from us with your anti-Indian tirades and rants and spiels????

No. 2114816

Actually I've seen plenty discussions about Muslims and femicide. I believe the issue is how it's often brought up inappropriately and that some of you are completely incapable of discussion without sounding like a poltard.

No. 2114823

Plus there's a whole thread for ex-muslims here on /ot/ and even an islam hate thread on the 2x. It's fine to critique islam and I only ever see racebait bans when the post is something gay and retarded like "hurr all Muslim shit skins Get fucked for being brown hurr" which is what I think the ayrt thinks is just "talking about" muslims.

No. 2114841

File: 1722497876547.jpg (573.11 KB, 1080x1763, Autism.jpg)

These people are allowed to vote btw. Somehow.

No. 2114845

File: 1722498138639.jpg (90.41 KB, 758x561, 788.jpg)

The irony of you posting in an Asian-hate thread is lost on you. So it's fine to shit on 'ethnics' unless they are Indian, in which case you get megabutthurt? Indians are an Internet joke for a reason - perhaps you should reflect on that?

No. 2114852

Nobody cares about your hatred for Indians retard get out of the thread

No. 2114857

File: 1722499213227.png (376.05 KB, 741x791, sushicel.png)

ricecels in nippon are seething at a japanese woman rightfully calling out the coombrained japan anime ads and these coomers are defending it (ofcourse its fucking nikke)
text reads:
>idiot feminist is making alot of noise, shes covering her lower and upper area with her hand isnt she? is this a islamic country where you cant show cleavage?
not nipponese used google

No. 2114859

File: 1722499227364.gif (492.58 KB, 220x290, british-angry.gif)

Making fun of cringe asians isnt the same as wanting all the brown people to "gObAcKtOAFRicaH" bong. Your whataboutism is retarded.

No. 2114863

Congrats, you just turned your brother into Onision.

No. 2114867

Have you even read the OP, specifically the

No. 2114870

This thread was created to shit on asians, are you daft?

No. 2114875

Oh my gosh nobody cares Britbong. Oogah boogah garlic naan bread! Did that scare you enough to close the tab?
>You don't hate Indians enough because you haven't committed yourself to endless research on Indians like I have because I hate them so much so I spend all my time thinking about them and talking about them and laughing at stuff about them on KnowYourMeme!!
Britbongs this is why we all find you annoying because literally everything turns into a boring tirade against Indians that nobody really gaf about.

No. 2114879

Nobody is telling east asian men to "Get out of America" or to go "back to china" were annoyed with asian incels who fetishize white women and think asian women owe them something. Btw black, white, brown male incels counterparts get the same heat on this site. Btw the bong thread is worse you guys are telling brown or black people second gen or multiple gen raised in the uk that "theyll never be british" and blatant racist statements and get away with it on here. Stop pretending you care about "asian hate" to control a narrative.

No. 2114880

Read the fucking thread. We're making fun of incels is everybody in your country as illiterate as you are?

No. 2114881

i think the daft one here is you the thread is called RICEcels(Korean,Japanese,Chinese)not currycels used for desi moids.

No. 2114883

>Oogah boogah garlic naan bread
Lmfao anon stop you'll scare the inbred britfag itt

No. 2114885

The OP literally lists a South Asian group

No. 2114886

Yeah tell that to the Britbong that got so butthurt that she couldn't have meltdowns about Pakistanis in the Britbong thread so she came here to whine and moan about it.

No. 2114909

Tbh the average Indian moid is 100000x worse than any East or Southeast Asian moid in terms of how they behave towards women and looks, you could literally talk about that? The OP did include a South Asia moids subreddit. It’s not like there’s a shortage of their insane behavior on twitter, youtube, etc either I remember watching a video of some YouTube tricking an Indian scammer by using a female voice changer and the scammer kept trying to get nudes from ”her” and asking to face call. The way they look and treat women in general is disgusting and they also have fetishes for white women

No. 2114913

File: 1722502917589.jpg (178.92 KB, 600x450, stop trying.jpg)

No. 2114918

I’m literally not the britbong anon, nothing I said was false, and the OP linked SouthAsianMasculinity. Many western born East Asians and South Asians run in the same circles and share the same mindsets. South Asian men aren’t exempt from inceldom

No. 2114950

File: 1722506461971.png (57.86 KB, 845x181, Screen Shot 2024-08-01 at 5.56…)

The top post for the year from /r/AsianMasculinity was a post from a Gen X Taiwanese-American "helping others" but showing off his white wife. I found it funny because of his descriptions of his two romances. The first, his high school sweet-heart, is "amazing," who "got tons of looks" from other men. His description of his wife is very bland in comparison, all he says is that they're compatible. I guess I just thought it was funny that I could sense he was malding about his highschool girlfriend from the description styles alone. I also think it would be weird as Hell if in 30 years, my prom date uploaded a picture of him and I (uncensored) at prom on a weird incel forum for the whole world to see.

No. 2115014

This is bait. Post actual ugly males.

Would fuck.

No. 2115015

The good ending.

No. 2115019

> Get this post to 1000 likes or I will appear in your room at midni- I mean I will post a video of me winning over Stacey
Why are they so fucking lame kek

No. 2115029

File: 1722513849640.jpeg (87.3 KB, 850x658, IMG_0295.jpeg)

more of him for me ig

No. 2115236

don't breed

No. 2115270

With him I will

No. 2115304

The pua's are at it again oh my god.

No. 2115314

>this whole thread
you mean I could've gotten a cute bf with nice hair if I was 20? I wish I was younger, I'd rather date an asian or die single than date a balding western scrote

No. 2115375

Can you be a degenerate elsewhere

No. 2116031

He looks like a neanderthal with soulless beady eyes and big chimp ears

No. 2116055

I mean I understand the head shape for sure but soulless beady eyes? You're just racist.

No. 2116091

She's right though. He does have soulless beady eyes. The only appeal asian men have is being hairless, harmless, smart, and cute. Central asian men are the worst of both worlds, plus they tend to be muslim.

No. 2116177

this. god bless my korean sisters.

No. 2116209

not sure why tards are so obsessed with this case when female pedos are so rare and shit on womad/4b with it. most low life women who abuse their kids in western countries were meme'd into stay together for the kids level shit

No. 2116211

File: 1722564291223.jpeg (271 KB, 768x960, IMG_0337.jpeg)

Central Asian “Muslims” are like the least religious Muslims next to Balkan “Muslims”. A lot of them are even tengrist larpers. The most unhinged Muslims are in South Asia imo
>The only appeal asian men have is being hairless, harmless, smart, and cute.
ew those Asian guys are so cringe especially when they infantilize themselves. I don’t get how a huge chunk of the female population gets turned on by those Korean bowlcut guys with shaved down jaws kek

No. 2116299

Love how no matter "good" AI art is it's still so obvious it's AI.

No. 2116301

Some women are into that.

No. 2116304

i remember she only took a picture of the male model because he was walking naked through the hallways and exposing himself to all the non-artist students (he was a nude art model). she took it as proof he was committing a crime but he got pissy and pressed charges against her first and she was arrested. korea has a huge spycam problem too (not just putting them in female toilets but putting them in hotel rooms and selling the videos as porn) but how often are moids arrested for it? that's why she said she was arrested because of her gender. no wonder korean women call the moids "hannam" which is a derogatory word specifically for korean male kek.

No. 2116379

EA men, like all men of any background, are misogynistic and abusive af. Hence the radfem movements springing up in Korea and China, and Japanese women refusing to marry/have kids in droves. Wtf are you talking about?

No. 2116406

We can tell you’re male, no actual woman would describe any race of male as “harmless” what the fuck

No. 2116422

I dunno. Probably a weeb or a k-poopie.

No. 2116650

>hairless, harmless, smart, and cute.

EA men are incredibly abusive and manipulative. I've read so many horror stories of women dating EA men. Plus their whole "kawaii nice soft flower boy" persona is fake since I'm pretty sure that's just the desired personality over there. In the West, masculinity is prefered, in the East, it's more soft and gentle. But nonna, don't be fooled by videos you watch of them in game shows, tv or interviews

No. 2116714

File: 1722590364477.jpg (177.53 KB, 1089x1005, 1722450237364.jpg)

Would you?

No. 2116716

This is just some guy. Go away

No. 2116742

This thread was supposed to be about "ricecels" but I guess it's now the general racial hatred thread?

No. 2116769

As a past weeb who dated asian men yep, my most abusive relationships were with them lol

No. 2116770

Should be locked, its a weird thread.

No. 2116867

I remember when some scrote on kiwifags brought this up to demonize all korean feminists and i brought up the CSA statistics by gender and how 99% of child rape is commited by men and he started sperging about NOT ALL MEN!!! REEEE despite a second before sperging about how ALL korean feminists are pedos just for ONE incident. They really dont care about children, if instead of a feminist it was some hot teacher raping a student they would all be chanting about how based she is and how lucky the child was for getting raped by a woman. I hate men so much.

No. 2116868

Men are incapable of confronting their own nature.

No. 2116872

True. It makes me realize how much of a curse being a straight woman is. I dont think men are legit capable of hating pedos the same way women do. It happens all the time when male youtubers are outed as pedos or pedo apologists, once their e-daddies are outted as pedos they become defensive, they are only capable of hating pedos if they have opposing political views. Really tells a lot about the male nature.

No. 2116874

obviously not everyone is going to have those traits. it's a generalization relative to other flavors of moid. east asians objectively exhibit lower rates of in-group violence. stop being autistic about this

No. 2116875

It isnt just that, it's also knowing that so many of them go out of their way to devalue everything that has ever happened to the opposite sex and have a secret online life where they anonymously harass women and make up fantastical new ways to accost them from behind a screen. You cannot trust them to be even remotely normal because as soon as they think no one is looking, they show these violent online communities who they really are and how they really feel. The uptick in policing women's bodies, minimizing rape and femicide, and gatekeeping topics they know nothing about speaks for itself.

No. 2116885

What do you mean by gatekeeping topics they know nothing about

No. 2116893

>They really dont care about children
Agreed even null himself only pretends always remember he used to mod a pedo board just look at the vtumours and shadmans threads and you'll realize these moids don't fucking care at all

No. 2116899

>Korean bowlcut guys with shaved down jaws
Tbf those are K-pop stars only. Most Korean guys look nothing like that, and Chinese, Japanese, etc. men really do look different to each other. When it comes to East Asian men I prefer natural Japanese men, physically and because I like their sense of fashion more (haircuts and clothes). Of course that doesn't mean I tolerate Japan's pedo culture, porn addiction or misogyny and when I say I prefer Japanese moids I don't mean the ugly, old or balding ones in case any anon was planning to post an ugly Japanese moid at me.

That being said, moids of all races can be ugly or attractive. Every race in the world has its fair share of ugly males. They're just ugly in their own unique ways kek. Regardless of what your physical preference is, you should never date scrotes based on that. At least make you that he'll treat you with respect and not expose you to his culture's brand of misogyny or treat you like a fetish. That's why I'll only lust after hot moids of other ethnicities but never actually attempt to date one, it should just be a fantasy.

Considering the scrote mentioned /baph/, and the date, probably 8chan

>shes covering her lower and upper area with her hand isnt she? is this a islamic country where you cant show cleavage?
I fucking hate it when they get disingenuous like this, thanks for the ragefuel

No. 2116903

There's no way anyone can differentiate Han Chinese, Japanese and Koreans. Not even themselves. I've been to all of those countries more times than I can count.

No. 2116906

yes we can, you're just face blind

No. 2116907

Surely a woman wouldn't need to ask this question.

No. 2116914

Cope. If you put random Chinese/Japanese/Korean men in the same room without any indication of their nationality, you would not be able to categorize them with any reasonable accuracy. All of the high-ranking politicians in those countries would not look out of place in the other countries. Shinzo Abe would've looked fine in Korea. Xi Jinping would look fine in Japan.

No. 2116918

you're only proving how bad you are at distinguishing faces.

No. 2116920

Are you one of those weebs who pride themselves for being able to tell apart these people? Because it's ridiculous to think Shinzo Abe would look out of place in Korea. If you go hiking you see lots of men with similar faces.

No. 2116922

you are like a color blind person insisting green and blue are the same. it doesn't matter how many times you repeat it, it still won't be true

No. 2116923

Name the distinguishing features of each nationality
Also it's especially ridiculous to think there's meaningful difference between Koreans and Japanese when they're almost the same group of people.

No. 2116925

He also defended the sharty despite it being infamous for hosting and spamming CP. Men dont care.

No. 2116929

File: 1722600805817.jpeg (55.08 KB, 507x604, main-qimg-ebf1f4055786f9a6f575…)

There are slight differences and they're not completely genetically homogeneous, which explains the variety of physical traits Japanese people (for example) can have. There's Japanese people with darker skin, I've seen guys with different hair texture (Ainu influence?), some of them have thick eyebrows and others appear to have no eyebrows, etc. If you look at picrel it's clear that there are differences.
But perhaps the easiest way to tell East Asians apart is by their fashion.

No. 2116938

Only if he's in severe pain like in the video that was posted on Xitter. He looks so plain with a neutral expression.

No. 2116939

The face of each individual is different in each country, so the "average" of each country would not be exactly the same, but this does not mean that there are significant or noticeable differences exclusive to or more commonly found in each group that would help you determine the nationality of a random individual.

The darker Japanese people tend to be rarer in the most populated areas of Japan. You also see similar-looking people in China and Korea. The "Jomon" idea where the Japanese are somehow "whiter" because of some southeast Asian admixture was probably a political move made by the Japanese to facilitate their joining the West in the 20th century.

Even 20th century Japanese anthropologists acknowledged the lack of meaningful differences between Koreans and the Japanese. This helped them justify the idea of totally assimilating the Koreans into the Japanese population, saying that the Koreans were less developed as a civilization, but not different genetically.

No. 2116945

Of course there's a lot of overlap between Chinese, Korean and Japanese people due to being geographically close and their shared history, but they can still tell themselves apart most of the time, or so I've heard.

No. 2116948

>"s-shut it down!!"

No. 2116949

you can't just mention something like that and not post the video

No. 2116952

I'd hesitate to assume someone's nationality even if they looked like their national stereotype because there are lots of people who look similar in other countries. I think the main things that help me differentiate are mannerisms, fashion, and the types of cosmetic surgeries they get (if at all).

No. 2116956

File: 1722602252733.jpeg (322.48 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_3148.jpeg)

This is a French man

No. 2116958

Korea has a higher reported sexual assault rate than the US and Japan is so notorious for it's sexual assaults that they have to have fully separated train cars for women. Your yellow fever is making you delusional.

No. 2116960

Cool, now who violent assaults and murders

No. 2116961

I think American women tend to be less willing to report sexual assault to the authorities than Korean women. Korean women tend to be more outspoken than Americans, as a rough generalization.

No. 2116964

>I think American women tend to be less willing to report sexual assault to the authorities than Korean women.
Why even lie about this.

No. 2116965

There are tons of women who say nothing about getting sexually assaulted because they fear they will be socially outcast and the rapists wouldn't face consequences. You might see people on the internet speak publicly about rape but it's still something most people would think twice about before doing anything in real life.
Korean women in the past ten to fifteen years have become increasingly more open about these issues, both in speaking about it and taking action.

No. 2116966

No one tell this nonny about the dating violence epidemic going on in SK for the last decade or so

No. 2116974

The rape rate in the US is double that of SK, what are you talking about

No. 2116983

Those are extraordinary cases. South Korea is still much safer than the US or most European countries these days for women. If American authorities did their jobs right they would be finding similar and worse crimes happening in the US. The open pedophilia and sexual violence against women in the US is surreal.

No. 2117081

He looks like a hairless albino gorilla. Ugly ass blockhead. Eww

No. 2117088

I agree with you, that we should shut this thread down. Also, you shouldn't use greentext when you're expressing your own opinions and not quoting someone else. And a word of advice. One exclamation mark is enough to signify your excitement. You don't need two. I can tell you're eager because you're so overcome with passion that you began stuttering.

No. 2117097

I study in Korea and all of my foreign friends with Korean boyfriends are so much more attractive than them. It's so common to see a stacy model-tier girl with a butt-ugly or, at best, average-looking unemployed scrote that is 10 years older than her and still lives with his parents. White girls specifically that live in Korea will settle for the most ugly shit personality moids just because they are Korean and it's so sad to see.

No. 2117101

Samefag, and they will get cheated on by the ugly korean moid 100% of the time btw. It's like a broken record and they never learn

No. 2117102

It's normal in Korean culture for people to live with their parents until they get married.

No. 2117109

Women mog so hard in all these phenotype photos

No. 2117110

This thread started out strong at first but it gradually turned into some racist shit real quick. I do wonder how many nonnas here are actual Asians and not white weebs who got dumped, bitter and turned racist.

No. 2117112

Some do, some don't. But my point was that a lot of them have nothing going for themselves and then they get a stacy and end up ruining that even

No. 2117113

>I do wonder how many nonnas here are actual Asians
who's even claiming to be asian

No. 2117115

Don't be sad for white women nona kek, they choose this koreaboo dream and they have to live with it.

No. 2117119

Even men and women like bankers and doctors often live with their parents because of Confucian family values. It's misleading to imply that someone has nothing going for them because they live with their parents.

No. 2117176

It's almost as if the thread topic itself is racist

No. 2117209

>these communities used to have women in them
This is true. They get women (usually koreaboos or weaboos) interested in the whole "Asian males are emasculated in western media" by making tiktoks about these injustices, but then they pull the rug out from under your feet and you realize the entire community is full of incels, misogynists, and racists.

No. 2117235

No it's not retard if we can have country or race specific threads so can the moids of those countries/race. We get it you like Asian men but don't forget they're moids too and not above criticism

No. 2117275

>we can have race specific threads
No, not on /ot/. That's against the rules. "4. Don't make threads targeting specific nationalities, ethnicities, or races".
>don't forget they're moids too and not above criticism
Criticize them for being moids, not for being Asian.
>We get it you like Asian men
I'm Asian. Even if it's moids being insulted, it's still my race being insulted.

No. 2117321

After discussion we have decided to lock this thread as it has devolved into generalized asian racebait and completely diverted from the original topic. Do not try to remake this thread or create a similar thread it will be deleted.

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