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No. 2120062

This thread is about is about the absurd, fringe elements of organised religion. Here you can share cringy posts made by religious people or tell us about any funny/cringe/interesting experiences you've had with them.

No. 2120066

File: 1722726991533.mp4 (10.27 MB, 720x994, rapidsave.com_religious_woman_…)

No. 2120068

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No. 2120070

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No. 2120072

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No. 2120074

File: 1722727186507.mp4 (3.77 MB, 394x854, rapidsave.com_hard_to_argue_wi…)

No. 2120118

This is such sad cringe. Is she worried her husband is cheating on her or does she feel unsafe alone at home?

No. 2120177

Feels like she's trying to land a record deal

No. 2120184

Me when I'm in the kitchen alone at night and loudly blast clips of my husbando to pretend he's protecting me

No. 2120193

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This is all so fucking gay. I hate that they erased female divinity and goddesses for this shit. I'd still be religious if I had anyone to look up to like Athena and not just a 14 year old meek virgin who never talked or did anything besides give birth. I loathe the Semitic races for not only forcing monotheism but making it so absurd and cringey.

No. 2120379

my own mother in law wants me to worship her because honor your parents or something. we were at a wedding, i got some food and she asked me why i didn't serve her and how that's what i'm supposed to do. i wanted to punch her so bad.

No. 2120385

i so agree, that's why I look up to gnosticism because it's the only ideology that isn't retarded and cringe and insinuates that abrahamic religions were made by a male entity who thinks he's god and is jealous that the goddess sophia made life and can give life. it makes so much sense

No. 2120388

Christians on their way to say "it's god's plan" after a pedophile rapes and mutilates babies

No. 2120389

i had no idea shayna found god

No. 2120398

Sometimes I really wonder what would have happened if that Jesus guy had like a stroke at age 12 or drowned in the Red Sea or something and the Romans never adopted Christianity on masse, how would the world look today? I always thought it was strange that Europe's indigenous religions were almost completely destroyed by a religion from the Near East. It's a far cry from how Aphrodite was introduced to the West from the East. If God is real, when I die I'd ask him if I could just be a shadow during all time, so that I could freely move between days and centuries and really see how everything went down.

No. 2120517

the nu-cath cockettes are about to eat you OP

No. 2120695

I'm not a christcuck by any means but historically Christianity spreading across Europe was a huge deal for women and it was mostly women who fought to spread it. Christianity was hated by Romans at first and one of the issues they had with it was that it gave women too many rights, like the condemnation of cheating on your wife. Of course this isn't to say that Christianity is "feminist" or anything like that but it was a huge stepping stone for European women.

No. 2122257

In my country Christianity absolutely ruined many things for women. We also had same sex marriage before Christianity and it didn't have to be a romantical thing, either. Like you could've married your best friend and lived cutely ever after kek. But we were horrible pagans so we were given the choice to either convert or die. Well, people are still not very religious and it's thought to be a private thing. As it should be. We don't really talk or think about it. Our original religion was animism and in a way I practise it. There's no harm in being kind and respectful to the nature and animals.

No. 2122313

I think God or Jesus have better shit to do than listening to that shit but ok girl, keep clapping like a seal in your kitchen

No. 2122319

Most religious social media accounts run by girls and women all give me immense pickme/LARPing vibes. There's this one called sage'sbible, a Greek-American who wears these gaudy outfits while LARPing as a "based trad orthodox girl uwu!!!". One of her reels is about how she was bi and eventually "found Jesus" and wasn't bi anymore. The whole thing gives me vibes that her fuckface parents got pissy with her for being bi and imposed all this Orthodox nonsense onto her. I swear Orthodox people are like the NLOGs of Christianity. More fucking annoying than Catholics.

No. 2122375

My Nigel comes from a catholic family although he has never believed in the church and doesn't attend. His younger brother is in Europe training to be a priest. Last week Nigel had dinner with his catholic mother and she told him she and his dad are going to Europe to see younger brother and they would have invited us, but Younger Brother and the mother think its inappropriate Nigel and I live together in sin so we can't go on their holy europe vacation with them kek. We also can't come on their family trip to Florida (that the brother isn't even going on) for the same reason. Not that I want to go on any family trips with these nut nutjobs anyway but it's hilarious there are still people living in 1964. I dont plan on getting married and my Nigel is OK with that. We dont want kids either. These people are in for a long wait and a big surprise

No. 2122477

they're snowflakes who think praying is like magic and saints are like minor gods
they remind me of kids who were into wiccan stuff who thought they could cast spells by drawing crap on floors

No. 2122504

I just love that Christians infight so much. Just proves how ridiculous and ineffective the whole system is. They can't even agree on doctrine, such as Orthodox people desperately trying to say that saint-worship isn't idolatry and thus heretical.

No. 2122512

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christianity as a whole is a very masculine religion, where its god and his creation revolve around the narcissistic self-image of the male believer
so it makes sense that christians constantly disagree and fight with each other because everyone believes everyone else has to act and think like him

No. 2122880

I’ve been wanting to post this for years

No. 2122884

Degenerate wannabe Catholics are so funny to me.

No. 2122900

According to my friend they’re fucking everywhere on kiwifarms (because god stands behind drama sites I guess).

No. 2122987

Always find those far-right inquisitor LARPer accounts on Twitter so fucking funny. Some fat dumbass caping for a Middle-Eastern, Semitic religion. How very nationalist.

No. 2123016

I haven't used KF in years but they were annoying even back then. The news and politics threads were treated like their containment zones because they consistently had the worst takes on the entire website and would get triggered by EVERYTHING.

No. 2124323

yo this woman has infected my insta reels algorithm and I wish I could push her into a puddle every time I hear that stupid smug "amen" lol IDC if she clearly has mental health issues

No. 2137026

The fucking orthobros on X and their unironic belief in faith giving them magical powers is fucking unbelievable, it's 2024 and there are still SO MANY people who believe thinking hard enough and feeling special enough will give them supernatural powers. They're all so self-important and "special" in the same exact way, it's like they were all maufactured following the same exacting standards in a factory. They have the exact same social, cultural and political beliefs, it's insane that they can't see something off about this. Actual Orthodox Christians from Eastern Europe aren't like this at all. The Western "Orthodox" internet theology is probably a psyop.

No. 2137057

Gotta love the dog checking on her like "are you, ok? Who are you talking to?"

No. 2409164

Religious people are the biggest enablers because they think a prayer and fast can solve anything. My mom is religious it is the root of all her problems. She whines about how my dad doesn't put any effort but refuses to get a divorce despite not living with him for over a decade. She whines about how violent my autistic brother is but when he was younger she would respond to his tantrums by giving him what he wanted and treating his mental issues like demons that can be prayed away instead of just putting him in therapy. I moved out for college but now she complains about how he bullies her and is violent to her. I'm like you literally created this problem by refusing to just put him on meds/therapy and trusting in your woowoo god to fix his violence. She still refuses to put him therapy but she has time to drive him to a church and get olive oil smeared on his face. She is so stupid

No. 2409177

It's too bad she doesn't understand your retarded brother beating the shit out of her is God's way of telling her she's fucked up kek

No. 2409205

God made people who would become scientists who would develop medications and she was unwilling to accept God's blessings when offered. She doesn't realize that he operates in mysterious, roundabout ways!!!

maybe that will work

No. 2409256

I know angels aren't real because human women would've already captured them and kept them in their basements by now.

No. 2409357

The way she says "amen" makes her sound like a laughing stoner saying "ay man" instead of a bible-thumping god-fearing woman, kek.

No. 2410572

I don't really like to claim that christfags are lower in IQ but so many of them just cannot recognise blatant AI slop like is it the lead in their boomer brains or what?

No. 2410580

File: 1740128638795.png (1.95 MB, 1245x704, picture-1819633180.png)

>is it lead in their boomer brains
shh my child, it is Christlove®

No. 2410585

Images like these make me want to go back to doing AI stuff and making Trump x Jesus images with captions like "they hated me too" and maybe I can sell them to conservatards online on shirts or some shit. Market's probably oversaturated though

No. 2410592

File: 1740129527389.png (304.64 KB, 954x1287, alright-make-a-choice-so-tendō…)

Hmm probably not. A lot of Christians are terrible at graphic design and creative art in general. I see literally no difference between an atheist and a supply-side Christian producing and selling stuff like this. I think you'd do quite well

No. 2410595

Kek the fucking bulge. Hmm, I'll go for it then. I won't be shipping shirts from my house though, probably just selling the design on redbubble or an equivalent if I do.

No. 2410709

I will never understand Christian nationalists. They worship a Judean brown communist from what is now Palestine. How patriotic.

No. 2410876

only if you're being reductive. it doesn't really matter where he came from, his life influenced the entire direction of thought for individuals and society in the west for the next 2000 years. he probably was brown though.
what does Jesus say about economics or means of production?

No. 2410895

His bulge is holding up that cross.

No. 2410963

Is this the cover of a gay porno?

No. 2411508

Use your head. Jesus clearly wasn't a huge fan of capitalism and he lived in communes.

>being reductive

Do you know what nationalism is?

No. 2411543

kek this is pretty much what happened in the story of Noah and that's why god said "Time to flood this gay earth"

No. 2411545

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Well if those feathery bastards ever come back the rest of you had better learn how to swim

No. 2412102

You mean human moids?

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