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No. 212057
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I like some of killstar's basic stuff…I have a wallet and some patches from them but a lot of their graphic things are 2edgy4me. Disturbia is a similar brand but for some reason the slogans and stuff they put on their clothes seem less….corny to me? Pic related is what I'm currently coveting from them.
No. 212060
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>>212057Yeah I think Killstar makes great basic dresses, too. I like it better when they make black dresses without any loud designs on them. Killstar does it best with solid dresses. Here's a new dress they just released, it looks nice.
No. 212062
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>>212054This is an example of an awful Killstar design. "Bite Me"? Uhhh no. It looks like something a middle schooler would wear. Too cringey, lol.
No. 212066
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>>212057Nooo anon disturbia have the WORST quality of any clothes ive brought in my life. I brought a denim dress from them and the material so cheap- fake elastic denim that was completely stiff, if i lifted my arms the whole dress shifted up and showed my pants. Also the buttons snapped in the first wear. Deandri is another crap overpriced brand, the material is either a thin cotton that disintegrates as you wash it (esp around the seems) or lycra? I have a skirt from them which is a wrap around and connects with a buckle that constantly comes undone, I have to safety pin it together. The hype around them is something I dont get, all kvd's fault i guess.
I like killstars dress designs when they are more unique, (like costom prints) but the plain stuff is so overpriced, ive worn h&m stuff and had people ask me if its killstar lmao the quality is ok but not as good as it was a few years ago imo but eh if they have a sale i will buy from them. Pic related is a new dress from them I hope to get if they do a black friday sale
I have a hard time finding brands that are truly unique the last few years, Ive found myself becoming interested in lolita again after taking a break from it, at least its easy to distingush those brands from one another, plus I like how its its own thing seperate from western goth
No. 212068
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God bless this thread. I can finally vent.
I got almost caught in that whole nu-goth train. Discovering killstar made me at first really excited since they basically made goth-themed stuff that could be worn in everyday life, like jeans shirts etc while still being "goth". It took me a while how tacky and cringy their designs were. From throwing occult symbols around their clothes to shitty corny phrases like "fuck off" or "satan omggg x3 " to their horrifically high prices for medium quality. By time you come to realise that there is nothing unique to making "edgy" variations of mainstream clothes, its almost like you can take any basic piece of clothing from hnm and throw in some random occult patches and viola ,killstar. Also, the fuck is up with this dress? it barely looks goth (amd its 90$?????)
As for Disturbia, their clothing fits more into the goth aesthetic, howeverrrrr jesus christ, the prices. I'm shaking. They may be more true to what they do but i refuse to believe their clothes worth THAT much, honey, you aren't some high end brand, lmao. Such a shame though, pic related is a pair of shoes of theirs which i honestly dig so fucking much but holy hell who has 115 pounds for shoes?
All in all I am honestly extremely dissapointed that the social media main representation of goths has been shitty influencers that all they do is hauls of these brands. Toxic tears, tequilastar, deathcandy etc… they don't keep in mind that 1) goth has also been having a strong DIY element 2) they should care about their fans more and start promoting not only these but more affordable alternative clothing.
sorry for the rant
No. 212069
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Queen of Darkness is mostly free from those obnoxious graphic designs. Most corny thing I've seen is a pentagram. The designs themselves are basic at best though I believe they're going for a more casual look.
This is one of their new products.
No. 212074
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I've been having pretty good luck finding goth-y basics at Forever 21 recently. I got a sweater similar to pic related (just with different ring placements) and a few other things I found to be pretty "gothically inclined".
Sage for fatty-chan. I'm sure there's a lot of great items in straight sizes too.
No. 212077
Killstar and other alt brands are so overpriced and so much of it is very tacky and not very unique in my opinion, just like
>>212068 said.
I sometimes look for stuff in killstar's clearance section though, but I've never bought anything. I have some stuff from kreepsville 666, but it's not my style anymore so I actually I think I'm going to sell my stuff from them.
>>212060This is so pretty! I love dark flowy feminine dresses. But it's for 34.99 pounds. The material has to be really good for me to purchase a basic dress like that for that price.
I buy my stuff from basic bitch brands and stores like h&m, aliexpress, etsy, primark etc. I tend to splurge on my shoes. Shoe brands I like are demonia and dr.martens, really good consistent quality imo.
No. 212097
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>>212086I died laughing when every faggot was wear that Nazi rip off trash, and suddenly when someone called them out on ripping off the Nazi symbol everyone stooped wearing it. Not sure how its alt fashion besides just being edgy and having waaay too much on on your hands.
No. 212114
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I'm really tired of the whole edgy goff style and I can agree with pretty much everything what was said in the thread.
I'm thinking about buying something from Sovrin (pic related), their stuff looks nice and doesn't seem to be too overpriced? Not sure about the quality tho.
The one thing that kills me is always shipping. Those fucking shipping prices sometimes cost more than the item itself.
Here are also two other shops that you guys might like: (it's more hippie/boho stuff but they have some nice pieces) (I'm sure you all heard of them,, also few nice pieces but kind of overpriced and edgy)
No. 212142
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I like restyle, it's Polish but ships worldwide. You can search them up on instagram and see insta goths wearing their stuff if you're worried how their clothes look irl, or read the reviews on the site. I especially like bags from them, and that they have some steampunk stuff as well. And the prices are nice. No. 212188
>>212142I'm glad you mentioned that their prices are nice because I always looked at restyle clothes and I was sincerely too scared to even look at the prices, considering what horrors my eyes have seen with overpriced brands like killstar etc. The prices are indeed reasonable. The only item I own from them is an addams family shirt but I got for dirt cheap because a local alternative shop was closing down and they had a huge sale, but the quality of the shirt is really good and it's well-made.
I know what I say may sound obvious but honestly in my opinion all demonia shoes are pretty reasonably priced. I never looked at a massive pair of boots and said "uuuhmmm why is this 130$" its pretty obvious the product corresponds to the price. When it comes to boots, what brands do you guys recommend except demonia? Is it worth it to fall for the dr martens meme or are there less expensive brands out there?
No. 212217
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>>212095What about stuff like Nuit, Ovate, or Sovrin? The former have more expensive items but sometimes they have really great sales. I have a few items from all three and find the quality to be really nice. I also feel good supporting small businesses. For jewelry, Bloodmilk and Voodooodolly are good if you're willing to shell out some dollars for well-made pieces.
No. 212242
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I've been eyeing Deandri's stuff for a while, the designs are simple and lovely. Does anyone have any experience with their quality?
No. 212355
>>212097Man, I totally wore that boy london eagle tank top all the fucking time before I knew it was the nazi eagle.
No. 212477
>>212337it's true, it's a weird world when mainstream brands are more inclusive for bigger sizes than alt brands. And not necessarily just the sizing/using plus size models for their plus ranges, but if I google goth fashion or goth girl most of the results will be uber-skinny girls with fully laced boots and thigh high socks.
Yeah I'm bitter over it, sue me. I looked up "plus size goth" on youtube and got like 1 person who did actual videos on fashion (and not just opinion videos with talking) and she doesn't even make videos anymore, it sucks.
I love the aesthetic of the Rebelgoth clothes, but their sizing is tiny and I've heard their quality is not that great. So I'll probably stick to accessories.
No. 212533
Anyone here into ''alt'' sporty wear? Idk if it can even be considered ''alt'' but I like to dress casual sporty and I just wear all black lol but when I wanna dress up a bit more I really like killstar dresses, they're overpriced but the material and designs are cute.
>>212066I too have a horrible disturbia dress that looks like a potato sack and the material is pretty bad. This post and my dress have helped me not to give into temptation and buy one of their dresses again. It's such a shame because the designs do look good.
No. 212550
>>212533Same, as I'm a gym rat. I think it's called fitgoth or healthgoth? Maybe?
There needs to be more alt fitness/sport stuff
No. 212552
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>>212551Because it's not exactly popular and there aren't a lot of clothe choices (at least that are functional), especially if you are ACTUALLY into fitness and not just the aesthetic.
I really wish it was more popular.
No. 212601
>>212568ok can anybody please explain to me WTF is vaporwave lol. I only just started seeing the word "vaporwave" on tumblr a few months ago and I'm still trying to figure out what the hell it is. It looks like a bunch of 80s pixel art gifs thrown together with 80s sports cars and stoners? Is that it?
So what's the difference between vaporwave fashion and goth sport fashion?
No. 212825
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Hey y'all.
I have been looking for this particular disturbia dress for ages. It's sold out everywhere and I'm devestated. Does anyone know where I can find it?
No. 213183
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when I worked at Sears a few years back I found some alright stuff within the Kardshian Kollection of all places (pic related, I still have that dress).
They have some alright stuff, plus Sears is dying so most of it's on clearance.
I get a lot of basic junk from H&M and Forever21, but I also scrounge ebay and thrift shops and keep a good stock of black dye.
The hardest thing to find is shoes. Cute goth shoes rarely don't feel cheap or look cheap up close, even Demonia kinda sucks now.
No. 213592
>>213568Not even into alternative fashion but checked out of curiosity and some of those bags/wallets were (edgy)adorable.
Especially this one: No. 215846
>>215598I have heard newrocks are amazing in terms of quality
>>215588A fair chunk of decent clothing that's overpriced as shit in a sea of tackiness
No. 220544
>>212825OT but I know this model !
I like buying from dollskill when there's a sale but i don't know of any other stores I should look into (based USA), also pls don't rec hottopic
No. 220648
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Anyone knows where I can find more platform-chunky style sneakers? I have some old demonias but they are dying now and apparently Buffalo shoes doesn't sell those kind of sneakers anymore. Help please!
No. 220939
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>>212114I have the ram skull backpack from Sovrin and the quality is great. Been using it pretty often for like two years.
No. 242892
>>242881nah fam, and the description is cringe.
this shit looks more like japanese girly goth like think yousei teikoku. it has the same amount of edgy fragile goff wordplay too.
No. 243008
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Does anyone know of any brands that sell something similar to pic related? I've had these for a good 3 years and the platforms are finally giving up the ghost. Just simple, combat style platform wedge boots. Don't mind splashing a bit of cash for them either