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No. 212100
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No. 212101
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No. 212107
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this sweet car. also, it's not as gaudy and I don't have a pic of it, but my aunt has a PT Cruiser with a gigantic fairy painted on the side. It makes me laugh every time I see it.
No. 212112
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The whole alternative pin-up style bothers me and I think it's tacky.
No. 212187
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>>212143idk, one of the skinniest women I know is into pinup fashion, you right though, some can pull it off if they do it right, but most girls just overdo it with ridiculous hair and obnoxious patterns
for the fatties who are into it, I think it has to do with the fact rockabilly is a southern thing, which the south is filled with fatties as well as it coming from the 50s and fat girls tend to have it in their mind that the 50s was ~their time~ or some shit
No. 212190
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I don’t know what it is but tack stuff just makes me…happy? The garishness and clusterfuckiness of it all brings a huge grin to my face. I don’t wear obnoxious clothes or decorate this way but when I see it my day gets a little more cheerful. This is a great thread op!
No. 212191
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Probs everything Jeffree Star owns
No. 212192
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Doublepost but that Manny faggot is probs the definition of tacky weird fucking clothing
No. 212194
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>>212187Well if you're not picking the lowest hanging morbidly obese fruits, it's because retro and vintage styles often flatter plus size figures. Plunging v-shaped necklines, long/quarter sleeves, a-line skirts.
I love this fashion and wish more people would dress flatteringly.
No. 212225
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I'm so mad lana doesn't have this aesthetic anymore. I always found her lizzy aesthetic much more interesting then her lana one No. 212244
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>>212225Lana's a still a bit tacky from time to time. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can't take the trailer park out of the girl.
No. 212246
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No. 212248
>>212225She’s so cute here! <3
Kill Kill will always be my favorite song, it’s nice coming back to her music once in awhile (pre-Born to Die era music had alotta more soul imo though I still jam to West Coast).
>>212244Ghetto Lana always rubbed me the wrong way, just like Feminazi “I’mma cast spells on Trump!” Lana does now.
No. 212261
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I love tacky christmas decorations, highly relevant atm
No. 212356
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>>212246Isn't that Kirsten Dunst? What was she dressed up like that for? I love the outfit, it's so wonderfully tacky.
Angelyne is tacky but a L.A icon who's been seen around Los Angeles for many years. She drives a hot pink Mercedes and wears all pink clothes. She's old af now but she's still going out and wearing pink even when people talk shit about her. I love her because she doesn't give a damn what people think!
No. 212358
>>212356Turning Japanese music video for Takashi Murakami's art exhibition. Look it up on youtube!
And omg, love Angelyne. Wanted to post her too
No. 212685
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I don't know if anyone outside Scandinavia have seen this light version of shabby chic but tackier in home decor, but it's fucking E V E R Y W H E R E where i live, all throughout the country.
Me and my bf were to sleep in his mothers fiancés house one night, and every wall of every room was in some way or other plastered with LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE-aesthetics stuff. It was hilarious and kinda cute, like, he really really tried to make a good home for my bf's mothers kids and all, so he just copied whatever he saw that he liked in home decor magazines and ended up with the most parodic version of Swedish light shabby chic interior design. It was a good experience.
No. 212785
>>212685holy shit anon I was just ranting about this with a mate the other day. It’s like they think, “oh I’ll just make everything different tones of white, maybe grey and a touch of marble decor, everyone will think I have great sense of style”
No bitch u fucken hella basic, who even wants to live in this white everything Carpe diem trash
No. 214975
>>212685Fellow Swedish anon here; I was a little curious about this. I don’t know anyone who has it but in every single episode of Lyxfällan EVERYONE lives like this. I figured it was a staple for people who wasted money they didn’t have and lived in denial about their situation to adopt the carpe diem mindset to justify their behavior. Maybe it’s just basic in general for Swedes. They also sell this kind of stuff in every other store in every single shopping center across the country.
Also, your boyfriend’s mom’s fiancé sounds adorable.
No. 214981
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>>212685Norway anon here, my bfs mom and cousin has their houses plastered with that stuff. "House rules" on rustic wooden signs, straw weaved cup placemats and baskets, rustic metal plany pots, etc. There isn't a single wall without a tacky phrase.
No. 215674
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>>215672It's also a Southern thing.
Those or cross walls for the more ambitious ones.
No. 218194
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>>216134Do you mean relevant as of state of Japanese popculture or weaboos? Assuming the second, but this is Takeshi Murakami, so who knows.
No. 218196
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Full face IG make up is tacky af
No. 218199
>>218196arghh yes. also, the "i'm wearing gym clothes with a full face of drag makeup and dressy shoes and kindergarten tier accessories, also i'm pretending to be hood and ghetto and hip-hop but i'm decked in rock and goth elements" style that usually accompanies it is fucking tacky and unbearable.
related: killstar is tacky and tryhard AF too.
sage for subculture autism.
No. 218202
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This shit
No. 218217
>>218196I can already see millions of likes on the picture like this. It's sad, I have the impression this is something a lot of girls strive for as it gets reposted on every girly site ever and bombed with comments such as <3_<3 (heart eyes), omggg slay, queen, so jealous!! (crying emoji).
I've seen 14 year olds with IG makeup and lots of others in the shopping malls. Kinda mad the American trends are spreading to my small country.
No. 218307
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Tacky couples tattoos
No. 219533
>>218196It really is. I often see teenagers emulating this and I can't decide if it looks trashier on them or young adults. Those brows coupled with overdone contouring, yikes.
>>212685Finnfag here, in our country people consider these kind of white trash-style. It's usually the tryhard lifestyle blogger girls who use them and coincidentally happen to be tacky as fuck in general.
No. 219576
>>218202>>218212This ^^^
Even guys wear these kind of tacky graphic tees/fitted caps/socks with stupid weed leaves on it. We get it. You like to smoke weed and get high. Do you have a personality besides the fact you smoke weed and smell like a skunk?
No. 219666
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>>218196>>219533I can't be the only one that LOATHES these brows right? When I see these I can only imagine the huge smudge it'd leave if you accidentally rubbed it. I also think it definitely doesn't fit all faces but everyone and their mother are tripping over these brows.
No. 219679
>>219666yeah i hate them. huge pet peeve of mine. they're way too divorced from what eyebrows look like. even heavy makeup is often just exaggerated colors and sizes of the original features. These bastards? Nothing like an eyebrow, even an idealized one. They're like the exact opposite of eyebrows I like. Why does it fade out when usually that's the thickest part of the natural brow?! why is the tail always so small but thick?! why so thick if it's obviously not bushy/made of individual hairs?
and most of all, i just find them truly unflattering looking on everyone. the rest of instahoe makeup i can see the appeal of in an ott way but not these travesties
No. 219691
>>219666Ugh yes, i LOATHE them, so fake looking.
Who in their right mind makes their brows look balding on purpose?
No. 219754
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How has Betsey Johnson not been posted?
She has few toned down and cute bags, but most of them (along with her fashion creations) are gaudy as fuck.
No. 219766
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>>219754Not even gonna front, I love her and her tacky ass bags
>>218196I hate that shit tho
I always wonder if this younger generation of people are going to have really bad skin and look older in the future.
Slathering that much makeup on all the time can't be good for your skin.
No. 219768
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>>219754yeah i unironically love her stuff. delicious clusterfuckery of lace, studs, nails, roses, mesh, all the good shit. most of her bags clash with my day to day style but i love incorporating clothes from her old line
No. 219782
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I've seen people say that these cases are extra but I dig them and wouldn't mind one for my phone.
No. 220244
>>219754There's something a little charming about her tackiness. She's like an embarrassing crazy aunt that you looked up to when you were younger that teaches you about ~individualism~.
>>219782Haha, honestly I think all glitter cases are extra as hell but ngl I secretly like the look of them.