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No. 2123710

A support thread for people whose parents are getting noticeable older, discuss the changes in your or their relationships, lifestyle, environment, mental and physical health, and behavior that come with aging. Parental figures (like aunts, grandmas, older siblings, etc) are also included. Feel free to talk positively, negatively, or with a neutral stance.
>How did your parents / parental figures change with age?
>Did it get better or did it get more complicated?
>Do they treat you differently as an adult vs when you were younger?
>What things have you noticed or realized as they age?
>How do you deal with the issues that come with your parents getting older?
>Would you miss them once they're gone?

No. 2123714

Will be hiding this thread because my mum ageing is something so scary to me that I can't even confront that in my own mind, let alone talk about it with others.
>Would you miss them once they're gone?
My mum is my best friend and I can't even think about her going without actually tearing up. As I get older, I realize that my ideal life honestly is just being successful enough to make sure I can give her the best time I can. It's weird but I'd rather work to make sure my mum ends up in a good place, rather than work for myself. She gave me everything and taught me everything and sometimes I feel so small in the face of her love that I don't know what to do with myself. Even typing this got me misty eyed.

No. 2123723

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I only have my mom left
>How did your parents / parental figures change with age?
Thank god she has mellowed down from all the things she said and did to me as a teenager
>Did it get better or did it get more complicated?
Both, it got better in a way because she's more chill now, but now there's other issues and sadly her physical health is not the best
>Do they treat you differently as an adult vs when you were younger?
I really miss all the love she had for me when I was a toddler, I do remember. Things like cartoons we watched together when I was that young now make me cry. I wish our relationship didn't turn sour in my teen years. I try to not have resentment towards her because she's the only family I have. I love you mom I'm sorry for not being the best.
>What things have you noticed or realized as they age?
That I wish she had divorced my dad. That she's kind of defeatist and submissive and it hurts to see her that way. That even though my brother is as bad as my dad was, she still sees good in him and she's convinced he's a nice man. That I rely on her a lot and I don't want her to die.
>How do you deal with the issues that come with your parents getting older?
I just try to not get mad at her or too sad in front of her, but thinking about her aging out hurts.
>Would you miss them once they're gone?

No. 2123724

Hugs nonna, I wish the best for you and your family

No. 2124174

Okay this is the second time someone bumped this thread and then deleted the post. Say what you have to say stop deleting.

No. 2124271

As of now, I would intermittedly miss my parents when they're gone but I don't think it will be that devastating. It is what it is. The hardest part will be as they lose more of their faculties, because I am not putting either of them in a nursing home. Regardless of how I feel about them, I'd rather genuinely attempt to care for them myself and with a respite program than send them off to some place where they let people sit in their own feces and nothing is well staffed enough to have faith in.

No. 2124362

My mom and I have a strained relationship. She wasn't very nice to me growing up and it caused a lot of damage to my sense of self-worth that I was never able to fully get over. She has since apologized for everything and I forgive her. Now that I'm grown, I realize what a hard life my mom had and I have more sympathy. I want to spend more time with her, especially now that she is getting older and had a cancer scare last year (she is fine thankfully) but our messy past and clashing views make it hard. It's like everytime I see her I start crying or remember something traumatic that happened to me or both of us. I just want my mom to be healthy and happy so I'm not taking her aging (or the passage of time in general) very well.

No. 2125201

I relate to this. We had such a shitty relationship when I was a teen, she had an alcohol/prescription drug problem and didn't know how to deal with my dad's suicide so she was so mean to me, but I moved out, went no contact for a while, then low contact with a lot of boundaries, she got help for her addictions and slowly over the last 7 years we developed a great relationship, we're best friends now, I just love hanging out with her, watching movies, doing book club, travelling, I can't imagine a world she's not in.

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