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No. 2152894
File: 1724545300918.jpeg (1.11 MB, 2118x2568, IMG_0381.jpeg)

>>2129255The “child abuse in Hollywood” thread is more devoted to whatever current happenings are going on while this seems to just be a “trash whatever dumbass predators musicians pop
up” plus the thread is more about acting if anything. I do think it’s better if we broaden the thread to include generally predatory and
abusive like Marilyn Manson (pic) who has completely fallen off and is basically a zombie of his career nowadays that inspired a lot of altcows also hangs with Johnny Depp and Poppy because he needs relevancy outside of his past abuse allegations
No. 2152906
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>>2130130The rapeman himself
No. 2152955
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This guy is dead but Sleazy, aka Peter Christopherson, of Throbbing Gristle and Coil fame was almost certainly a pedophile. I was looking at his Blogspot and there are just way too many things he's saying that lean to him having talked about pedoshit. Why would he post something like this? Plus, having a photo of a little half-naked Thai boy as his avatar. Nasty shit.
No. 2165194
File: 1726398203700.png (147.81 KB, 554x1200, peacock wig wearin.png)

remember when violent j called out dahvie vanity? lmao