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No. 213189

This unspooked fuck comes up and slaps your boyfriend's ass, claims him as his own property, and then starts touting his superior philosophy of rational egoism to you.
What do you do?

No. 213207

my boyfriend's ass is a spook. he is a spook. everything is a spook.

No. 213249

Nerdy glasses guys are my type and I feel like Stirner would actually be pretty cute so I wouldn't mind at all. They could engage in gay sex in front of for all I care.

No. 213253

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No. 213264

Point out that by his philosophy I can work him over with a tire iron for touching my bf since morality and human rights are 2spoopy4him, and then proceed to do so.

No. 213265

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heh… think u can take on me??
teleports behind u
nothin personnel…. spook

No. 213267

So Stirner really was the edgelord of the 19th century?

No. 213463

last i heard there was a new, modern translation of the ego and it's own coming up

>gay sex

my property

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