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No. 213878

Since in the obsession with teenagers thread (>>>/ot/202410), it's clear that we have came to the conclusion that men are trash and we should avoid them

this thread is for
>posting screenshots of disgusting posts/comments/pictures/videos men say or do to hate and shame women (such as the picture featured)
>stories or awful encounters with men
>why you, yourself hate or avoid men
>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men
>just venting about how shit women are treated in this society in general

No. 213885

>tips on how to avoid shit/incel-tier men
The reason this thread was made was to remove posters who said that rare good men existed, so shouldn't this just say "men"? Wasn't that the big point?

No. 213888

>The reason this thread was made was to remove posters who said that rare good men existed

it was made to keep our misandry discussion out of the teen thread

> so shouldn't this just say "men"? Wasn't that the big point?

it's a super rarity to find men who are worthwhile, but I mean guys who won't talk shit behind your back, make you feel insecure, belittle you, pressure you into constant sex or sex related things, just misogynists in general, if we continue to reject these men, then eventually they'll have to start being more open minded and less bitchy

No. 213889

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No. 213891

Maybe I don’t belong in this thread but…. I just can’t bring myself to say that I hate men. It’s just not something that I feel to my core. I hate how much men hate women, and I very much wish that wasn’t the case, but I still just…don’t hate them.

However I do avoid them. Not out of hatred, but I guess fear of disappointment or self preservation. I would hate to fall for a man and genuinely care for him and think he’s “different” only to discover that he hates women and views me as worthless aside from a cock holster. My heart would break but I would also feel incredibly stupid and naive. So it’s best to just not.

I don’t think that men care how bad misogyny feels, and I think they can’t help but be misogynists so there’s no point in trying to discuss women’s humanity with them. You just kind of have to let them do their thing, and if you don’t want to be subjected to constant reminders that they think you’re useless and they wish they could replace you with a literal object, you just have to do your own thing.

Overall, don’t hate men. Just very saddened by men. Mostly because I’ve been a hopeless romantic my entire teen years and now I’m 22 and I see that I was living in a fantasy land, obviously. Men aren’t really like that, they don’t see as us equals and from there the hatred, disrespect, and belittlement stems.

No. 213896

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No. 213899

I'm glad this thread exists. But if you look back at the teen thread, the rift wasn't hating on men (since men are mostly to blame for the teenage obsession and so most of the thread was about). The problem was the divide between people like you and anons that instead attacked girls for believing ANY individual man could be compassionate or feminist or for having similar hopes for the future that you are having, and called them misogynists
Anyway, I agree with you so I'm sorry for going OT on your clean thread

Don't give up the good fight, accepting that 'men can't help it' is defeat, don't let men live in blissful ignorance of our suffering

No. 213900

>>was looking at this same thread right now
I should probably stop going on r9k

No. 213906

Let me guess - this guy would be one of those "loving" husbands, right?

Sure thing buddy. God damn I hate these people.

No. 213907

The thread that post is in is still up, go shitpost on his ass

No. 213909

What was the thread about?

No. 213910

Well an anon said she wanted to kill herself after reading his post and he told her not to, so that's… something I guess?

No. 213912

I wanna run him over with my lambo and have his ass get saved by a female doctor

SMH talking all kinds of "women can never be higher than men" shit, what does this guy do anyway? flip fucking burgers? ha

No. 213913

I've had many shitty experiences with men, I wouldn't say I hate men as whole or because they're men but I hate a lot of their actions.

I've been raped multiple times in my life, through out my childhood I had an abuser and it went on for years until he was eventually caught. Then I was raped again in my teens by an older man. It screwed me up really badly, you know what happened when I tried to tell my dad about the second time I was raped as a teen? He said it was MY fault because of how I look and that I'm basically a trap for older men. He's since apologised but years later and it's just too fucking late now, the damage has already been done. I went to my dad as a cry for help and that's what happened, it destroyed my faith in men.

I still don't hate all men though and do have some good men in my life, so it really fucking baffles me that men who haven't been through half the abuse I have, are so hateful towards women just because they can't get laid.

No. 213914

several anons from the other thread are considering suicide after reading how ridiculous men are

No. 213917

I just want to say I didn't I don't hate men to pull a #notallmen my point was, women can go through years of abuse at the hands of men yet still don't wish death etc on men. Yet a lot of men are so fucking weak, that just not getting laid whenever they want makes them hate an entire gender who hasn't even wronged them in any way.

No. 213918

We started considering suicide way before the thread

No. 213919

agreed, not to mention they will go on rampages, there has even been several shootings and suicides from when men got cheated on once, this is the type of shit women deal with from several guys and get told "it's just male nature"

men are weak, if it's one thing I know they hate it's to taste their own medicine

No. 213920

But why shouldn't she, if women are as he says they are? So that she can leave to please him? He wants to talk all that shit, the logical conclusion of what he's saying is that women are basically worthless. He can't blame her for internalizing that.

These dudes are worthless trash. I highly doubt this guy does anything important for society.

Can someone post a link to the thread?

No. 213921

No. 213924

That girl is right, that thread is fucking suicide fuel. I'm so sick of being a fucking woman and having half the population look down on me. Like what the fuck. Why the FUCK was I born a woman

No. 213927

I want to tell about my experience with men.
I studied in a male dominated field so I have a lot of experience of what men talk about when they are (almost) alone. I don't know if they hate women, but they look down on us. It was everything from calling the two women (me being one of them) in the class for cumdumpsters, whores, bitches, ugly, saying that we deserve to be slapped for 'being rude', going onto our personal spaces by slapping our butt or thighs. EVEN joking about raping us. Them saying that we are useless or assuming that we were bad at what we studied was not uncommon either.

After three years I broke down in class for being harrassed by them. And I'm not a person that get easily offended.

It has created a bit of a dislike for men. Still I can't say that I hate all men. I would rather say that I dislike half of the male population, because they seem to be complete idiots.

No. 213929

I went through a similar experience at work anon, men slapping my ass and talking about my body as though I wasn't even there. It's disgusting how they treat us, especially in the work place. Why is it so hard to just treat us like humans?

No. 213930

Because they don't see us as humans. So why should they treat us as such?

No. 213931

I mean, I know a lot of people got called annoying when they said this earlier, but it really is more than just half of males who are mysoginistic and shitty in some way or another. It's the vast majority, even saying something like 80% is being very generous.

No. 213932

File: 1512179331250.png (40.12 KB, 689x371, hello.png)

Yes because men are getting arrested for saying hello to women everyday and sexual harassment rarely happens /s

It's hilarious to me that any time women's issues are discussed they get defensive and make it about themselves. If you don't sexually harass anyone, why are you getting defensive? I don't get defensive as a white person when I hear people discuss white people being racist because I know I'm not racist so they don't mean me.

No. 213934

Nothing like this has remotely happened to me and I know it's wrong but it makes me feel very ugly.

No. 213937

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I literally can't even find a reason to live being a woman. It seems so hopeless.

I hate that no matter what I do I'll never be good as a man. People always view men as more competent, more intelligent, and just..better. And they love reminding of that fact. They can't even just enjoy their superiority, they have to shove it in our faces every single day and kick us while we're down. I hate it.

Everytime I think I'm going to be fine and I can just get over it, I see more misogynistic shit being agreed with and encouraged and I just know it's a lost cause. It will never get better, men will always hate us and even worse, they will always delight in reminding us just how much they really do hate us.

No. 213938

No. 213939

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try harder

No. 213940

lmao this guy. don't sexually harass people and you have nothing to be afraid of. Idiots.

No. 213941

How is what I said bait? We can talk about misogyny but we can't talk about how it affects us now?

No. 213943

How? I agree with her tbh.

No. 213945

I don't full on hate men either - I still know an exception here and there, but with the way things are going I might get there eventually. It seems to have only gotten worse as time goes ( it was definitely worse throughout history, but you know what I mean - around 10 years ago I don't remember having as nearly over all bad experiences. It was more 'these are the obvious douchebags', these are the cool normal guys )

>tfw you're sitting at a doctors office with your acquaintance, you're three sentences into describing the problem

>the dr. turns towards my male acquaintance and says 'women, don't they just really love to talk too much and over complicate things?'
> acq just blank stared
Switched over to the female one at that clinic and she behaved completely differently.

It's just getting really bizarre.

No. 213946

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try and look for the dumbest or most pathetic post you can find and post it here

No. 213948

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"us bots are nice guys and stacies use and abuse us to complain about chads!!!!" kek

No. 213949

nothing screams more "i need help" than hatred for the other gender

-wise man, 2017

No. 213950

I've seen an interesting talking point come up a few times - that women have some type of collective Stockholm syndrome towards men. It makes sense when you look of it in terms of how women defend them "oh come on men aren't so bad. There are a few good ones!"
i.e. gaining sympathy for the captor over perceived acts of kindness within a dangerous situation

No. 213951

In my opinion it's more that they need to tell themselves that and convince themselves in order to go on. Maybe they desire marriage or children one day, so they need to believe that there are good men out there that they can do that with.

But…uh. Good luck finding one.

No. 213952

It's pathetic how they constantly try to make themselves seem like the victims based on the minor possibility that someday, someone will react negatively to them. The 'wahh I want to hit on strangers but now I can't' is bad enough, but what really gets me is how often they complain that people will look at them suspiciously in public if they're with a child. I just… I cannot fucking fathom prioritizing the potential for some minor discomfort over protecting children, and thinking those who do their best to help children are bad people for being distrustful. If being a bit nosy and suspicious saves even ONE child from potential harm, it's fucking worth every inconvenience or hurt feelings these idiots experience.

No. 213953

most of them think they're victims of male oppression for being bullied in high school lmao, it's hilarious how badly they want to seem oppressed

No. 213955

sometimes I get down about this kind of thing too anon (especially when I spend too much time on 4chan), and usually what I remember to make myself feel better is that a lot of these men DON'T think they're better than us. Maybe in a few superficial ways, but they think women have it easy (see: >>213948) and hate how expendable they are (because whether they like it or not, men ARE more disposable than women.) Think about men who go off to fight for their country and then get cast aside when they return, or how way more men than women are homeless. I'm not saying that to make you sympathize with or pity men, I'm just saying that things are NOT perfect for them and you shouldn't feel bad just because some fucking loser on 4chan knows how worthless he probably is and is lashing out at women online to make himself feel better.

No. 213956

I don't think that's true anymore.
Once, having a raging hate for the other gender was usually caused by a legitimate trauma during life, or actual issues in one's social development.
But thanks to the internet, you can now get entrenched in any extreme position without having any real reason to.
Whatever you believe, you will find it validated, no matter how damaging it is for yourself.

No. 213957

The information overload that the internet brings has a lot of negative side effects. People's view and opinions are more malleable when we like to think, when you see something a lot you start to believe it even if it's extreme or bizarre. Now we end up with gender wars and people trying to revive the flat earth movement.

No. 213959

cool, go tell that to r9k instead of the people who are just sharing their bad experiences with the opposite sex.

No. 213960

i would date yalls

No. 213966

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Thanks anon….I figured I wasn't alone just because it's so prevalent. It really doesn't help that I know a lot of robot-type guys in real life, and I come on the internet to escape some of the people/situations in my life and I feel like it's even worse most of the time. Idk I feel like I can tell myself the guys on the internet are total losers, but I don't think that's true due to some of the men I know in real life who are doing quite well but just hate women and love to remind me of it. I go through phases where I can handle it a little bit better but overall it's just exhausting, and I've had a terrible week in regards to this subject so I'm worn out and just needed to vent.

At the end of the day…I don't know why I care. I guess I just want to one day be appreciated for what I do, seen as worthy and competent by most people around me (I put in a lot of work to be successful at what I do, but I still feel like I'm seen as weak/inferior and am not taken as seriously), and I often feel like it's a lost cause for women and we will always be seen as 'lesser' and missing some crucial part of humanity by a large portion of men (most of the people in my field are men, part of why I care so much.) It's like even when a woman accomplishes something or does well for herself, men are always like "well guess what men did XYZ so she's still worthless and her accomplishments mean nothing."

Idk overall I know I need to remove myself from situations and try not to let these things bother me and exacerbate my depression and anxiety. I know I need to double down on my work and find more solitary hobbies (I think stepping away from men/assholes in general and focusing on bettering myself is something I need to do.) But I say all of these things and acknowledge I need to do them but I get up the next morning and see 5x more of this shit and I'm immediately back where I started, feeling pessimistic and completely hopeless about life and myself as a woman. Deep down I know these things only bother me and make me hate living because I allow them to. I need to stop letting them.

Anyway, sorry for kind of word vomiting here. But I appreciate your reply. I will say that lolcow has helped me a bit, even if it's just because I can vent all of my problems and be as in depth as possible like I can't in real life. I love a lot of you guys and I feel like most of you understand and we share similar struggles. It helps to know you aren't alone, so thanks anon.

No. 213977

Something I've always wondered is, why do men hate single mum's so much? I see a lot of them claiming single mums will always raise criminals but how can that be a definite thing? Also most single mums aren't single mums by choice. They say single fathers are fine though.

No. 213978

They were raised by single moms and hate their moms. 9/10 it's just misplaced mommy issues.

No. 213983

Generally it's because they put the blame on the woman for not looking into her crystal ball and knowing ahead of time that the guy was a piece of shit that would leave her.
Of course there is cases where you should've thought twice about having a kid with that stoner working at a gas station, but the hate for single moms comes from the unfair assumption that 100% of them are one of such cases.

No. 213986

because anything they will find anything they can hate women for, pump it up as if it's the worst possible thing a woman can ever do, and so on

No. 213987

They hate any woman who makes herself undateable by their standards, and will find any excuse to blame her. The go to reason is that she's an idiot for not choosing the perfect guy to get impregnated by, and a bad partner for not single handedly ensuring the relationship lasts.

Of course, they will find a bunch of stats to prove that single mums are worse than single dads. But they ignore the fact that single dads usually have to go out of their way to get custody and demonstrate that they're responsible and financially stable enough, whereas single mums end up that way by circumstance whether they're ready or not. No shit someone in the latter situation isn't as likely to do a great job of raising a kid.

No. 213992

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just in case people wanna discuss this pic without bumping old thread

No. 213993

Saged for tmi but I've leaked through a pad before, sometimes it just happens and it's completely out of our control. It's an embarrassing situation to deal with already but being fired on top of it? Holy shit I can't imagine how that woman must be feeling.

No. 213994

same, I got PCOS which causes irregular periods and always start my period during the day, I'm not gonna wear 3 pads everyday for the rest of my life just so this annoying little boy can feel better knowing my menstrual blood wasn't on a seat

even the first line of what this kid said make me cringe like crazy, I'd pull it apart to explain how ridiculous and wrong it is to call women who leak through their pad "nasty lazy skanks who run around and leak everywhere", but everyone already knows

No. 213995

so, i just wanted to post this story because i'm not sure where else to put it.

when my mom was working as an accountant in the seventies, she faced a lot of sexual harassment. some guy thought it was funny to tap her shoulder, have her look, and then put his penis on her other shoulder for her to look when she turned her head again. I know that sounds completely insane. And kind of funny in a very dark, twisted way.

But it happened. It happened and every single male relative aside from my father and cousin thought it was a hilarious story and didn't see what the big deal was when it was brought up over the holidays in a discussion about sexual harassment.

I still feel incredibly fucking sick.

No. 213998

>some guy thought it was funny to tap her shoulder, have her look, and then put his penis on her other shoulder for her to look when she turned her head again
Wait what?
Maybe I'm not picturing it right, but I can't form a feasible image in my mind from which that would be possible, height-wise, even with your mother sitting down.

No. 214000


sorry i'm drunk and mad at my relatives.

she would sit down, the man would approach her from behind, and tap her shoulder. she'd turn her head and there would be nothing there. when she'd turn her head to look back at the screen in front of her, she'd either notice the dick on the opposite shoulder or he'd tap her again.

this was among many "pranks" they did to her, including offering her $500 to have sex with some disgusting italian mafioso asshole.

No. 214001


oh and i say screen but idk what they had for accountants back then as far as computers and shit go

No. 214003

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No. 214004

Ugh another argument I'm tired of hearing from men is "men are logical and factual, women are emotional" when it's always men I see sperging the fuck out over things, they react more in anger than sadness but anger is still an emotion you dipshits.

No. 214008

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daily reminder that men commit over 90% of violent crime, including about 99% of rape

No. 214009

I guarantee over half of the dudes who say shit like that regularly get blown the fuck out over minute shit on a weekly basis and would self-destruct if they ever had to practice their own imposed ideals of how men are supposed to behave.

No. 214012

>men are logical and factual, women are emotional
lmao a dude that i knew threatened to kill the bf of a girl that rejected him. Not emotional at all.
Also the guys that says shit like that is always the most autistic fucks you can find. They have never had a girlfriend or even just had a regular conversation with a woman. They always lose their shit if a woman disagrees with them

No. 214014

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Men get so pissed when you point this out. Men are all about facade. They build up an image of being protectors of women yet women are most likely to get murdered by her male partner or male family member.

No. 214017

Women are also more likely to be raped by someone they know/trust.

But hey, they're totally our protectors and not the real threat! Screw all that strong independent woman shit! We just need a different set of protectors to protect us from our protectors when they fail at protecting us. /s

No. 214018

It's actually funny, when you think about it, how men think they're so superior in every facet of existence, when in reality they're all just so pathetic and fragile. They're really disgusting.Men think women are inferior, but it's the other way around. Women are better than men in every way, you can just tell it's true by how angry men get when you even imply a woman is better than them at something. They don't want to admit their absolute inferiority.

No. 214070

It's the most tired, straight up wrong meme around. Doing slightly better in standardized logic tests does NOT accurately reflect the way you respond to things, and men are far more likely than women to have emotional outbursts and issues with serious consequences for other people. Crimes of passion, fighting in general, rape, etc and though it's not their fault, they're more likely to kill themselves and develop addictions. They do not handle feelings well.

But, since it's more socially acceptable for women to cry in public and occasionally do, that's somehow more relevant emotional behaviour than causing others physical harm in anger.

Here's some more stats, just in regards to the conviction rate for children killed by their biological mothers - http://www.thelizlibrary.org/liz/statistics.html
>Fact: ALL ABUSE: Children living with only their mothers: 18.1 per 1,000 children. Children living only with their fathers: 31.0 per 1,000."
Women have higher numbers through sheer volume because they're more likely to be single parents and spend the most time with their kids, but they're not more likely to harm them.

No. 214072

I hate the meme that males are violent because "they dont get to express their emotions :,(((". Fuck off. They're violent because they're pathetic, disgusting, vile inhuman creatures that get off on abusing their power. I only wish their suicide rates were even higher.

No. 214075

Went to my cousin's birthday party last night and there were a bunch of fourteen year olds (same age as her). I was with a group of people in their mid twenties and one of the dudes was ogling the just-pubescent girls, and once he got drunk enough he started talking about a girl's ass and just wouldn't shut up. She was fucking fourteen.

Other people in the group (mostly men) simply joked that he was too ugly for her to be interested. Perfect timing, considering how on the last thread people were telling us to "go outside, this isn't acceptable irl". Yes it is. Men are trash, and the ones who aren't completely trash aren't much better.

No. 214076

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>grouping up all men into one single collectivist group instead of judging people on an individual level

this thread is just inverted /r9k/ and r/incels

No. 214077

I just want to say I'm so glad women-centered imageboards exist.

No. 214078

Not to mention, hello, war? Ever seen a women lust over weapons, tanks, military planes, or war history like men do? They're like toys to them and they just seem to fantasize about the killing and what they can do with weapons of any kind. The Call of Duty series is possibly the most popular modern video game franchise and so are competitive shooters in general. It's like an outlet for male instinct and they really lack a female audience for a reason. Women don't ever lust to rape, pillage, or shoot off someone's head for fun. Any time I ever hear of a woman pulling a gun on someone, it's always because of a man in some form, especially like an abusive husband.

No. 214079

I do judge people on an individual level. I've known a few good men.
But men as a group? Utter trash.

No. 214080

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>war is inherently bad

No. 214082

>Other people in the group (mostly men) simply joked that he was too ugly for her to be interested.
Lol. Yeah, she'd totes be uninterested because he's "too ugly" not because he's a disgusting creep trying to prey on young girls.

No. 214083

File: 1512250303787.jpg (312.07 KB, 2048x1864, comethefuckon.jpg)

this entire thread is just sad.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214084

>killing people isn't always bad
Male subhuman spotted.

No. 214086

- Over 80% of suicides are male
- Over 80% of the homeless are male
- Over 99% of combat deaths and 90% of workplace fatalities are male
Tell me when they reach 100% please

No. 214087

>most suicides are male
Can you be apart of that?

No. 214088

post pics of you mutilating your dick or gtfo, faggot.

No. 214091

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War at its best is an asset to civilization. No peace can exist without war.
And war, in its ideal form, only kills those dirty "male subhumans", so what's so bad about that?

No. 214092

>perfectly normal for grown ass men to be attracted to girls who might not even gotten their period yet

Off yourself, faggot, the pedo meme has been debunked

No. 214093

>Women pretend they're angry about this for all kinds of fake reasons except the real one, you're just jealous that the vast majority of men naturally prefer younger girls.
Or maybe because we were harrassed by older men at that age and we know it's an uncomfortable experience. What normal young girl would actually want to be hit on by some ugly old fuck instead of a nice, cute boy her age?

No. 214095

If you glorify it so much, then go to war, faggot. On the front lines. And die.

I'm not going to even justify reading this shitpost about the Greeks and ~Ares the god of war~ or something. You idiots are like roleplayers and don't know anything about the consequences in the real world. Go to any country that's been ravaged by men in war and try living there.

No. 214097

What are you trying to achieve by coming here and saying this?

No. 214099

There are women who like these things too anon, military stuff and violent video games I mean. It's just a minority.

No. 214101

lol no 14 year old wants to be the wife of a "wealthy powerful man", they just want to enjoy being young and having fun.

No. 214104

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Lol, you're not going to read it? Even though it doesn't even put Ares in a completely positive, or that it shows war in the present is flawed due to how obscenely high the stakes are.
War isn't some magical bogeyman that haunts humanity but can be gotten rid of somehow through great effort. War ought to be recognized as an inevitable fact of life, and should be tamed so that it becomes more akin to a simple game used to settle disputes. The Greeks recognized this.
Anyway, if I was a better individual I'd certainly go to war if it was required of me. A fear of death is only for those who deny the present and have their lives ruled by a yearning for the future. I can't admit I can rid myself of that fear just yet, and if my time came I'd certainly shy away in any manner I could.
And you're incorrect, I'm not glorifying war. War isn't inherently great, just as it is not inherently evil. I'm only admitting the necessity of its existence.

No. 214105

Stop responding to the pedophile.

No. 214106

Yep, r9k is straight up suicide fuel. The biggest reason i hate myself is that i have this hole between my legg. I'm an alcoholic fat piece of shit with severe paranoia but the thing i hate most about myself is my genitals. Shit's fucked.

No. 214108


>Anyway, if I was a better individual I'd certainly go to war if it was required of me.

No you wouldn't, saying this as someone who actually did. I fucking got ripped from my normal life and got conscripted. After 6 months of training got shipped to a shithole and fight some donkey fuckers with AKs. I killed people which is one of my biggest regrets, it was do or die but taking someone's life isn't like a fucking video game. I saw friends getting blown to pieces by a mortar and our CO ordered us to gather his fucking pieces. You have no fucking idea what the fuck you are talking about.

No. 214109

I smell stolen valor…

No. 214112

File: 1512253995657.png (136.17 KB, 323x208, 1509578163525.png)

I absolutely agree with your post anon. I also work in a male dominated field and i fucking loathe that some of the men still tend to talk down to me as if i'm dumb when im more often than not more qualified than them in the subject at hand.

No. 214113

File: 1512254030681.png (155.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1501708177563.png)

I'd do it anyway. If I knew I'd go through what you went through I'd still do it. I'm not saying this because I think I'd enjoy it, or because it would be my duty, or because I think life is a game. I don't care if you think that my choice is disrespectful or stupid. I'd do it because I don't want to live in fear of what life hands me.

Me too tbh. I've heard that "picking up the bits and pieces of my blown up friend" story before.

No. 214114

>b-b-but muh 14
This was only due to how short lifespans were in the past, pedo. You can debunk your own theory by just looking at lifespan charts many years ago and in present day.

Just because their bodies can make babies doesn't mean they can or should have them. Hell, a lot of adult women shouldn't have them because of where they are mentally or financially. Also, men like you should not reproduce because you have all the markings of a pedophile and child molester, who can harm children and the next generation. I kind of like that incels like you are self-aware you are bad breeding stock.

Anon, don't talk about yourself like that. Just understand you're like a god among trash like them. They're also the worst representations of the male side of our species, ironically, like the pedo anon said about himself.

No. 214115

File: 1512254046558.gif (5.21 MB, 466x480, wrong.gif)

don't worry ladies, le strong logical male is here to remind us women about how we REALLY feel

No. 214120

File: 1512254276881.jpg (200.02 KB, 600x800, wife's son has invaded.jpg)


Wish it was fake but it isn't.


If you seriously think war is "honorable" you are dead wrong. It's not middle ages anymore, your ass would get vaporized by bombs/missiles before you even know it.

No. 214122

Why do you hate men so much men don't hate women where did you get that idea.
I really don't get it women just hate us and all we do is try to make you happy.

No. 214124

The tread hasn't even been up for a full day yet, are butthurt robots shitting it up already?

No. 214125

You have it backwards. Girls in older societies thought about it because that's what they had to do to survive and was heavily expected of them, if not outright chosen for them. Nowadays girls don't have to do this to survive and have a comfortable life so why would they want to?

I've read so much misogynist trash I honestly think you're false flagging, since what they postulate is usually the opposite of this (society has to force women to be monogamous and control who they marry to surpress their evil slutty nature).

No. 214127

File: 1512254664423.jpg (52.71 KB, 350x470, 1489391551866.jpg)

Again you put words in my mouth. I don't think war today is honorable, or wholly just, or even good. I'm saying I would go to war because I don't want to be a fearful individual, because I don't think living in fear of death or suffering is how any individual of merit should live.

It's sad honestly. I like when these kind of threads go without outer interference.

No. 214128

I'm not butthurt I'm sad that you feel this way about men. I don't know any man that hates women but so many women hate us and I don't get it.

No. 214132

If you were truly intelligent as a female, you would accept that females are less intelligent than men, and men generally treat women like children for good reason.

Instead you act like a stubborn child, and try to fight this.

This only makes you look like more of a child to men, because you're not intelligent or mature enough to accept the FACT that women are mentally inferior.

The best thing you could do is try to prove that you're an exception, but you do the opposite, you act more like a child (feminist).

>(society has to force women to be monogamous and control who they marry to surpress their evil slutty nature).

I agree with this, I didn't say anything to contradict this. 25 year old women can't consent to sex any better than a 12 year old girl, women mature early and reach a mental peak early too, they remain eternally like children.

The father should be the final decider who his daughter gets to have sex with. The girl can try to pick out her own suitor, but the father should have final say.

No. 214134

File: 1512254943161.jpg (52.72 KB, 500x543, redjacket.jpg)

The ”women like older men” spiel is a mental self-defence mechanism invented by men.
Men are constantly telling themselves that women are attracted to older, wealthy and powerful men. This is because these things might be obtainable for the man if he works really hard.
One the thing the man can never get is natural handsomeness and youth, no matter how hard he works.
Young girls hang posters of One Direction and Justin Bieber on their walls and not Donald Trump.

No. 214137

Is this bait or are you a retarded person?

No. 214138

Then maybe you should actually listen to what the women ITT have to say, yah? They're talking about their experiences alongside their opinions on men. Stop acting so ovlivious.

No. 214141


No. 214148

kill yourself

No. 214150

Does your mentally handicapped ass even realize that you're giving the topic of this thread fuel by posting here?

No. 214152

I don't like it when men are bad to women either i don't see why it has to be one or the other why does there have to be a gender war?


No. 214155

Let him keep going, it's giving me a laff seeing how he's saying that women are childish while acting like an embarrassing child himself.

No. 214161

The man hate thread is probably a bad place to say this but I find the gender war stuff to be a pretty worrying trend on both sides. Feels like everyone hates each other. I think it just makes the world a worst place. You might say "well we only hate them because they hate us" but it just feels like a neverending cycle. It's not just gender either. I wonder if society is going to completely fall apart in our life times.

No. 214163

100% this. Youth is attractive for men as well (and a sign of fertility, mens favorite excuse).

No. 214169


I miss 90s, everything was so much more simpler back then.

No. 214170

I'm scared I really truly believe that in the future when parthenogenesis is real then women are going to tryto kill me just because im a boy

No. 214173

Women aren't violent like men, don't worry about that.

No. 214174

>I cannot fucking fathom prioritizing the potential for some minor discomfort over protecting children
THIS. The whole mindset of all the manbabies who constantly bring this shit up is mindboggling.
>Women experience much more severe violence from men and often get killed, there's a constant fear of being raped and people will blame you for this extremely traumatizing experience, you're ALWAYS walking in the shadow of the other gender and struggling to be recognized as equal to men
>Men: B-but I can't catcall women or get sex regularly! Men are suffering too!

I find it extremely ironic as well. Men try to pin women's assumed societal inferiority to biology making them weaker, but truth to be told men are by far the more emotionally fragile gender.

found the robot in disguise

No. 214177

Go tell that to r9k, retard.
Go tell that to r/mgtow, retard.
Go tell that to the incels, retard.
Go tell that to the vast majority of human males, retard, and maybe women won't feel the need to make venting threads like these. There are huge communities of men who think women don't deserve human rights, rape should be legalized, etc. If you care so much about ~peace between da gendurrs~, why are you here bitching about a few women venting instead of calling them out?

No. 214179

Man do people believe some crazy shit. This will never happen get your head out of internet shitholes.

No. 214184

>There are huge communities of men who think women don't deserve human rights, rape should be legalized

No there isn't, not even a small community. Feminists are like paranoid schizophrenics.

No. 214185

I do though when I can

No. 214186

Uhh, I'm pretty sure humans aren't going to spontaneously evolve asexual reproduction in the near future, so you don't have much to worry about.
Are you young? I get the feeling you are. If so, what are you doing on lolcow? :^)

No. 214187

No. 214190

File: 1512257399474.png (262.74 KB, 640x480, Geneshaft.png)

One man could produce enough sperm to impregnate literally every female on Earth.

Women can only give birth once every 9 months.

No. 214191

no but scientists want to figure out how to make people with just 2 eggs or with artificial sperm and they're also trying to make artificial wombs. We are rapidly entering an age where either sex could completely genocide the other one and continue the species and I am scared about the possibilities of that. Women are going to get it first and so the logical strategy is to attack first before males have their own technology and the advantage is lost.

see she's saying she wants to kill men so that we're only 1 of us for 9 of you

No. 214192

I'm in the same boat. I don't want to believe all men are terrible but every day they are proving me wrong and I'm constantly reminded they'll always see me as lesser.

No. 214193

>see she's saying she wants to kill men so that we're only 1 of us for 9 of you

That would be great for the remaining men, they would have the equivalent choice in sexual selection as females do IRL today.

No. 214194

File: 1512257647925.jpg (99.55 KB, 1280x1024, sexy dude.jpg)

They've deluded themselves into believing that nubile 22 year olds will be lining up to hop on their 50 year old dicks. Sorry, but unless you're a literal sugar daddy in the top 0.5% of wealth that's not gonna happen. I'm saying this as a 22 year old myself. And even then, there will still be young women who don't give a shit about how much money they offer to suck their crusty old man dick.
None of these women are actually attracted to them, they just want some fast cash.

>Young girls hang posters of One Direction and Justin Bieber on their walls and not Donald Trump.

This is so obvious but redpillers will never learn.

No. 214199

Thousands of people on /pol/, thousands on r/mgtow, thousands if not millions on /r9k/ and /b/, and that's just a few off the top of my head. Huge communities full of men who spew downright hateful shit about women.

No. 214200

you're evil

No. 214201

Here's your (You) retard

No. 214202

They know already. They're playing dumb
or they just found the internet yesterday.

No. 214203

Seriously, why do men hate women?
You can't even have a safe space from them, they come here and repeat what the whole male dominated world already tell us, and that is that we're worthless and stupid. There's no point in living, my life was doomed from the start.

No. 214204

Almost no one on those websites believes that rape should be legal, or women shouldn't have human rights.

There has never been a single civilization in history that had legalized rape against citizens. Do you think men would allow the rape of their mothers, sisters, and daughters to be legal?

Men on these websites commonly speak out against the definition of rape being too loose (i.e. many claims of rape aren't real rape), and they want laws/stigmas to stop women from literally destroying civilization, these laws and stigmas that generally regard women's sexual choices, i.e. adultery/cheating, divorce, sex before marriage, promiscuity, etc.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214205

Here's a neat little article that might help you answer that question. It was written by an Indian woman, but it's still relevant to a lot of women's lives.

No. 214206

Thanks anon :3

I've already read the article from r/wgtow few days ago.

It's a great article and it's striking how almost all of it applies worldwide. Men are indeed scum that can only communicate through aggression, violence, threats, and hatred.

No. 214207

no we don't why do women think this I still don't get it men literally DIE for you and our perfect happiness world is one where we completely sacrifice ourselves to provide for you. But then you go on about how you want female only spaces and how you want us to go away and you have people like >>214190 say that they want to deflate the amount of men and all the time I hear feminists talk about making men obsolete. A few angry young men on internet forums is not the same thing as feminists and woman scientists trying to make males obsolete I really don't understand how you can say men hate women when women are out there trying to erase me just because I'm male.

No. 214208

You deserved to be erased. Fuck off and kill yourself already you ugly virgin faggot.

No. 214209

There's an ongoing and growing issue of femicide, where women are killed just because they are women. They are more prominent in 3rd world shitholes but if the laws allowed it everywhere you bet that there would be more women getting killed. Not that the rates aren't high enough.

You're going to have your sexbots and there was a first successful uterus transplant today, so I think if anyone's trying to make a gender obsolete, it's men wanting to remove biological women. I'm ok with this. I don't want to live in a world where I'm not considered a human.

No. 214210

>Almost no one on those websites believes that rape should be legal, or women shouldn't have human rights.
You're lying through your teeth or you haven't actually lurked there for more than a few minutes.
>Do you think men would allow the rape of their mothers, sisters, and daughters to be legal?
No, because they see those women as their property and rape by another man is an infringement on that. Why did it take so long for marital rape to be recognized as a reality?

No. 214211

You're evil and mean

then we have to stop them that doesn't mean that men should go away instead

No. 214212

Nayrt, but please hang yourself and stream it or gtfo, you disgusting little maggot.

No. 214213

Women can be replaced by realistic sex dolls, porn, and artificial wombs.

Women can't replace men, unless they figure out how to hack an ATM to dispense free money.

>You're lying through your teeth or you haven't actually lurked there for more than a few minutes.
I've been on /r9k/ and /pol/ for years, I've never once seen someone say that rape should be legal. If it's ever implied, it's part of some sexual fantasy roleplay, or trolling.

>No, because they see those women as their property and rape by another man is an infringement on that

Replace "their property" with "their responsibility", and you're correct.

>Why did it take so long for marital rape to be recognized as a reality?

Because marital rape doesn't exist. What a joke.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214214

File: 1512260158009.jpg (131.38 KB, 768x768, not all men.jpg)

>You're evil and mean
You're in a man hate thread. You'll get no sympathy here. Go find some other teat to suckle on you parasitic gonad.

No. 214215

File: 1512260185967.jpg (1.83 KB, 125x90, 98379823498237.jpg)

wow its almost like this is a place to vent or something

No. 214216

Huge is relative. /b/ is full of all kinds of shit so it's hard to quantify, and I really doubt there are "millions" on r9k. People that extreme, even thousands of them, even if there were a few million of them, are a pretty small portion of the total population.

No. 214217

>Because marital rape doesn't exist.
A woman can't say no to her husband then, and he has no obligation to respect her boundaries? Heh, you've just shown your true face.

No. 214218

File: 1512260319950.png (20.75 KB, 999x84, Screenshot-2017-12-3 Dumb sex …)

Yes you do.

No. 214219

File: 1512260354770.png (118.06 KB, 888x623, Screenshot-2017-12-3 We should…)

Here's from MGTOW.
Men clearly want women dead.

No. 214220

>I'm just venting here its okay ;^)
>Those guys are 100% serious they all want to rape women and make them their slaves.

No. 214222

File: 1512260650597.jpg (41.13 KB, 700x500, ideal-gf.jpg)

Ladies, here's what men consider to be an ideal gf.

No. 214223

fine just throw boys away you don't need us anymore and we're just maggots i get it. women just see us as defective you made your point.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214224

That post has zero upvotes. Thanks for making me look for it by cutting that out.

No. 214226

>a doormat
Already saw it coming, boyo.

No. 214227

There's no denying that most men feel that way, whether they like to say it out loud or not. Surely because their precious subreddit would have been compromised not because they actually care for women.

No. 214228

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who thinks these are fucking stupid. My bf doesn't get why I dislike these ideal gf memes because 90% of them are creepy bs like this.

No. 214229

File: 1512261075439.png (271.25 KB, 574x577, male behavior.png)

>you made your point.
I'm just getting started you droopy ballsack

No. 214231

That image is every man's dream lmao. They really are disgusting.

No. 214233

Glad you finally got that through your thick fucking skull. Looks like you're still too dumb to fuck off though :/ You coming through with that suicide stream?

No. 214234

No. 214235

Don't you know? Marrying a man gives him permission to slice you open and shit inside your corpse if he wants to.

No. 214237

>that file name
that should be MENTALLY ILL male behavior.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214238

fuck off with your bullshit

No. 214239

no you

No. 214241

Amazing how you don't see mentally ill women do the same

No. 214242

i bet there's similar cases out there. and i've heard fucked up stories of mothers shooting up their babies with drugs and pimping out their kids to pedos online. there's whacked people everywhere and it's not just men.

No. 214243

File: 1512265940297.gif (1.62 MB, 375x282, 08098.gif)

thanks for the laugh anon

No. 214244

wow it's almost like exaggerating/projecting is a part of venting

No. 214245

But it is well over 90% men

No. 214260

Just letting you know, but last I heard there's been reason to suspect that /r/wgtow had been taken over by a male troll. I'm not sure if anyone's stepped down since then


No. 214261

No. 214266

There's a big difference between venting and rape/death thteats and other hateful shit.

And, uh… what are they supposed to be venting about anyways? Not getting any pussy? I never see those assholes talk about being abused or harassed or anything like that.

No. 214278

Yeah I saw the message. What a shame. Just another proof that men are violent savages that have to take their anger on women.

No. 214279


For what purpose? It wasn't even that active…
Just more proof that men are pathetic and can't leave their grubby, disgusting hands off of anything. Women can't even with towards their own independence without these worthless shitstains trying to break them down.

No. 214281

I'm sure you're a big, strong alpha male, sweetie. Because we all know that's the type of man that comes to lolcow to bitch about women. I just don't know what us feeeemales would do without an intelligent and rational man like you to guide us. Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule.

No. 214289

>For what purpose?
You're asking this on a website dedicated to cataloging the actions of B-list internet celebrities.

No. 214290

I just want to move on from the "gender-war". I feel like this is the correct equivalent to r9k, getting distracted from your goals by what the opposite gender is doing. Yes, one is not like the other, we have more reasons to be cautious and hateful, but in the end it's still a waste of time.

No. 214292

>I just want to move on from the "gender-war".
There isn't really one to begin with, at least in the west. There are certainly issues to address in society, but people generally treat each other respect regardless of their gender. It's just that there are a handful of idiots that take stupid shit other idiots post and project it onto society at large.

No. 214296

File: 1512323217862.png (297.71 KB, 600x512, 084.png)

That reddit is definitely not for that, but okay? And if you're talking about lolcow and not that reddit, then your comment was completely unrelated to mine.

I'm just confused as to why they won't let women have a place to vent. They get trp, mgtow, countless forums. Look at this thread, even. Not a day went by before angry robots felt the need to bless us with their knowledge.

No. 214297

Why can't we even have our own private place to talk about how misogynistic men are and how their bullshit negatively impacts our lives without /rk9/ers and other basement dwellers rushing in to give their shitty, mainsplaining opinions on our feelings?

God I fucking hate men. I've found one sane man on this earth and I'm so happy. I hope you all find someone like that (I'd you're straight) and don't stand for any bullshit until you do. You all deserve the best xxxx

No. 214299

File: 1512324965916.jpg (42.47 KB, 370x321, 1438517298925.jpg)

>God I fucking hate men. I've found one sane man (…)
I feel bad for that guy tbh.

Anyway if you hate how /r9k/ shitposts here then why not shitpost back? Just stewing over it in here won't change anything. Make a bunch of threads about male crime statistics or whatever or make fun of them for how pathetic and worthless they inherently are behind their edgy facade.

No. 214306

I think men have a misguided sense of inclusion and I think it’s made worse by anonymous websites. Chans weren’t really that concerned about gender when 2ch was created and now it seems men cannot accept the fact that women want to use the chan platform for the same thing they have been for the last decade, that being a place to say whatever the fuck they want.

No. 214307

>I feel bad for that guy tbh.
Why? We treat each other like royalty. It's literally the best relationship possible. I'm sad you'll never be able to experience that.

>why not shitpost back?

Because I'm not a man and I don't get enjoyment from making others feel like shit? I know people who are desensitised love trolling and shitposting and giggling at the abuse they get back for it but someone who is normal would get pretty fucking depressed witnessing that. I don't see how that solves fucking anything.

No. 214310

they're better than us(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214311

Because the way you say it, it sounds no different than if a hardcore misogynist were to (somehow) get a gf and then be like "oh she's different than all the rest :)))". It's obvious how that kind of relationship isn't healthy for the woman, even if there is no real abuse. Or imagine a racist who has a black friend and they're "okay" with each other. The racist would lack real respect for the black friend, and the black friend would clearly have serious issues with self-loathing due to his race.
I mean, does he know what you're views on men in general are? I can't imagine he can hear that and be ok with it, or be able to genuinely believe that he's magically the one person who is better than all the rest.
And if you're going to hate men then go all the way smh.

>I'm sad you'll never be able to experience that.


No. 214312

I think men are just don't have a concept of people who aren't them (ie women) being real. Like a baby who just can't grasp that other people who aren't him have feelings. I constantly see this in men in real life and I'm just amazed at the lack of awareness they seem to have

No. 214313

>I mean, does he know what you're views on men in general are? I can't imagine he can hear that and be ok with it

Yes and he's fine with it. He also browses this website. He'll probably see this too.

No. 214314

File: 1512332500361.jpg (50.57 KB, 554x313, here_comes_a_special_boy.jpg)

>Just stewing over it in here won't change anything!!!!
>vent thread about trash men
>change /r9k/'s mind about women

That's nice, sugardick, please go on. We all care A LOT.

No. 214315

Well, the idea wasn't to change /r9k/s mind, but just to shitpost on them as they do to you. But maybe you can claim not doing so somehow means giving yourself moral superiority in that regard.

I hope he does see it. He's either a narcissist or a fool.

No. 214318

Bots will use and abuse women all day but the second you call them out for their abuse and bashing women they act like theyre the poor little victims being falsely accused and how they're just rebounds for stacy

No. 214324

>but just to shitpost on them as they do to you
Why are men online so unintelligent? We don't think we're morally superior, we just don't have any interest in acting like assholes. You're so aggressive that you can't imagine life not being like that. That's so fucking sad.

>I hope he does see it. He's either a narcissist or a fool.

You can't even imagine what it's like to be in a happy relationship where both parties love and respect each other. Jesus fucking christ. Get some therapy. Not saying that to be edgy, I just genuinely think you'd benefit from sorting out some of the deep problems you have there.

No. 214326

File: 1512340277378.jpg (48.34 KB, 343x333, 1446851631662.jpg)

>We just don't have any interest in acting like assholes. You're so aggressive that you can't imagine life not being like that
It's only a single proposal, there are obviously other options in sight. No need for such an insulting exaggeration. If you think treating robots poorly for their delusions (which may very well have repercussions in real life when they lash out violently) makes you an asshole, or if it doesn't appeal to you then that is all there is to it.

>You can't even imagine what it's like to be in a happy relationship where both parties love and respect each other.

Well, when one of them hates the gender of the other, then I find it a little doubtful.

No. 214327

File: 1512340612714.jpg (83.81 KB, 1080x1516, 1484784633573.jpg)

Reminds me of

Hating 50% of the population because of their gender is retarded

No. 214328

File: 1512340728266.jpg (117.05 KB, 392x469, 1478991382575.jpg)

>it's another "it's just like r9k!" post

No. 214329

File: 1512341366843.jpg (116.2 KB, 600x1266, 647.jpg)

>my kind of sexism is different and justified
no. no it isn't. can't we just be equal?

No. 214330

I'm done, fag, B Y E:

>moral superiority

>/r9k/ and incels canonizing Elliot Rodger

Also, this was linked a while back in the Documentary thread; "Shy Boys IRL". It's only a half hour long, a woman filmmaker following "REEEE MUH INCEL, MUH PUA WIZCHAN" dudes.

No. 214331

Did you think I was saying /r9k/ is morally superior? lol no way fag

No. 214332

No. 214333

I can't even bring myself to glance at r9k or mgtow sites anymore. It's too frustrating. Glad some of you are keeping track of the content but fuck idk how you manage. These smug assholes make me so mad.

No. 214334

Wew, as a black anon this is like being on /pol/ and watching them sperg about non-whites.
Except if more of the guys on /pol/ were 10 year olds.
Do you people even look at the shit you type?

No. 214335

I know. When I look at the crime and rape statistics and then see how r9k, pol, redpillers, mgtow think of women, it comes to no surprise that women get hurt and murdered on a daily basis just because they're women. Those ideologies they hold perpetuate the idea that women aren't humans, their definition of rape is very loose, and they even share tips on how to deceive, persuade women into having sex by throwing insults, attacking the emotionally vulnerable, forcing them to do thing against their will etc.
Men are the biggest liars and manipulators. They will say whatever to make you believe that they are capable of love. Once they have no use of you, they will try to destroy your life. Why is revenge porn so popular among men? You already know the answer.

That's why visiting those sites is good, because they are a steady reminder that men can't feel love towards women. They hate us and despise us. If there was a button that they could press and get rid of us, they would have already done that.

No. 214336

File: 1512344888842.jpg (9.06 KB, 225x225, download (22).jpg)

>goes to most sexist places on the entire internet
>proof that ALL men hate women
goddamn it not all men hate women just some of them REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I hate sexists of either gender

No. 214337

Men state there what they really think under the cloak of anonymity, which is good because we finally have the insight into how we're perceived as a gender by men.

So, some of them express their hatred on those boards, subreddits and forums. And some are more subtle about. But one thing is certain, that all men to a certain degree hate women. They might have tolerance for women in their family or those that they're in the relationship with. But even then, they might abuse that power which is having the woman's trust. After all, statistics-wise, a woman is going to be most likely hurt by someone she knows.

No. 214338

Kek. You've put them in a pickle. Feminists can't attack black women, both radfems and libfems asspat them for some reason.

No. 214339

>That's why visiting those sites is good, because they are a steady reminder that men can't feel love towards women.

I don't appreciate you taking a statement I made about hate sites and extrapolating that to fit your narrative about regular men being secretly evil and incapable of love.

No. 214341

File: 1512345883278.gif (174.93 KB, 550x400, 1482160805626.gif)

>Men state there what they really think under the cloak of anonymity
You're absolutely right that men do this, but its totally irrational to think that that is representative of all men
>So, some of them express their hatred on those boards, subreddits and forums. And some are more subtle about. But one thing is certain, that all men to a certain degree hate women. They might have tolerance for women in their family or those that they're in the relationship with. But even then, they might abuse that power which is having the woman's trust. After all, statistics-wise, a woman is going to be most likely hurt by someone she knows.
this is just ridiculous. If I thought all women were like the ones in this thread I would never leave the house. But i know that there are like 4 billion women in the world and they are all different and don't conform to the identical beliefs

No. 214342

As another black anon, I couldn't disagree more. This feels more like non-whites talking about their experiences with racist whies.

No. 214343

God no, this is like a verbatim "nigger hate thread" on /pol/, except with less gifs, more unsourced statistics, and more black people responding to shitposts.

No. 214344

Yes, women are the more similar to the dominant group. Sure.

No. 214345

White women most definitely are, yes.
Let's not forget that a lot of the lynchings carried out in the US during Jim Crow were at the behest of white women who accused black men of rape.

No. 214346

Black men are men. Of course they would rape. Maybe they should have been legally executed instead of lynched but I don't feel bad for rapists.

No. 214347

BIG difference between lashing out at black people and lashing out at men, especially because "black people" includes black women and the descrmination from pol/tards; ALL men deserve this shit :^)

No. 214348

File: 1512347901096.jpg (61.18 KB, 1280x720, roo.jpg)

You are a bigot and would fit in on /pol/ if you were male.
People like you are the reason why sexism even exists

No. 214349

From one black anon to another: black men hate you even more than white men do jsyk

No. 214350

And I have no sympathy for white women.
I'm glad we can at least be honest, here's hoping that white rape rate increases.(racebaiting)

No. 214352

>If I thought all women were like the ones in this thread
Sooner than later they will. This is the future you've created.

No. 214353

Meh. I think most adult women are already acutely aware of how much men hate us. Most of us just accept it and try to make the best of it.

No. 214354

Me too. All whites deserve death, even women.(racebaiting)

No. 214356

File: 1512352640693.jpg (13.75 KB, 580x300, 7dc5df_5686626.jpg)

>future i've created
no fucking way fam. not my fault. i dont treat women like shit. I find grills so intimidating that i havent had a irl conversation with one in over 2 years

No. 214357

Yeah because you're pathetic. The only thing stopping you from abusing women is your lack of confidence. Doesn't mean you actually don't hate us.

No. 214359

File: 1512353285138.png (161.98 KB, 543x600, 1481062088973.png)

This is so insane.
How do you ever expect to achieve social equality when you tell any guy who agrees that women should be equal that he's evil, secretly hates women, and has some sick rape fetish
>im pathetic because im a beta male
what do you want then? an alpha chad who will rape you? You pretend to want "nice" guys but the reality is that nice guys are losers and nobody wants them

No. 214360

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>Haha! What a pathetic loser, he doesn't abuse women? Such a freak!

No. 214362

There's no such thing as equality, it's a lie people tell themselves.

No. 214363

File: 1512353756239.png (532.66 KB, 567x599, sldR6G0.png)

How enlightening. That really contributed a lot to the discussion

No. 214365

>How do you ever expect to achieve social equality
Not that anon, but I don't ever expect to achieve social equality, because most men hate women*. Surprise. In fact I suspect things will get much worse for us, so who the fuck cares what we think of men?

*#notallmen. happy now?

No. 214368

lumping in your average chad's mildly sexist behaviors in with alt right incel autists is still quite an exaggeration of reality
most normies are in a relationship. You cant seriously suggest that millenial bf's all secretley hate their gf's and want to rape them

No. 214369

That's the thing with male hate, it's not outright and obvious. It comes in the form of thinking their gfs can't wear a skirt because it's too short or thinking they can start fucking the gf while she sleeps. It's subtle.

No. 214370

Using words like Chad and normie tells me all I need to know about you, dude.

I never mentioned rape. Not all men are violent. But yes, I believe men hate women, and tolerate them in order to get what they want out of them.

No. 214371

File: 1512358718195.png (359.34 KB, 514x524, 1482170998099.png)

thought you were this anon>>214335 i guess i was mistaken
>But yes, I believe men hate women, and tolerate them in order to get what they want out of them
Yeah this is just wrong 90% of the time and you're a bigot for thinking all (or most) men are like this
Theyre just dumb buzzwords but you get my point

No. 214372

>and tolerate them in order to get what they want out of them.
and what do you think it is that they want?

No. 214373

Look dude, no offense, but you aren't a woman. Clearly. You have no idea what women deal with from men. We know exactly what they think of us, and each interaction with another one reminds us.

> you're a bigot

Guess so.

Anyway, this is a thread for us to discuss misogyny and shitty men. I'm sure you're welcome to keep derailing instead of just letting it flow if you have absolutely nothing better to do, but if you don't like what you're reading here, go back to /r9k/ where they just bash women instead. It will be easier for you to ignore that and forego lecturing them on their bigotry like you're doing here.

No. 214374

Sex, children (depending on the man), someone to feel superior to. For most men, someone who will do the 'lesser' work (cooking, cleaning, childcare) that they feel is a woman's job and they are too important or too good to do. Because women are only good at those things and nothing else, according to men.

But, overall, sex. Ask any man what the most important thing his girlfriend offers him is. Probably won't be conversation.

No. 214375

I should also add, in some cases, they want a trophy/status symbol to show off to other men. IE: an object.

No. 214376

So you think there isn't a single man who doesn't fall into any of these categories?

No. 214378

Highly doubt it. But let me guess….you don't?

No. 214379

If I said I didn't you simply wouldn't believe me. That's how things work when delusions become ingrained in your head.

No. 214380

If you were a woman who interacted with men everyday and saw how they talked to you, looked at you, and treated you, you would see it isn't a delusion. For you to write it off as some crazy dudes on the internet being the minority is just wrong, sorry. It isn't. We will always be viewed as lesser by men. Inferior, dumb, absolutely worthless except for the few things I mentioned. It's exhausting. I'm exhausted.

And we can't even discuss it amongst ourselves without men like you coming in here to tell us we're wrong. Once again, exhausting.

No. 214383

File: 1512361151878.png (3.34 KB, 284x177, images.png)

Theres another maleanon thats been replying to you. mine all have wojaks for clarity's sake.
It's not that misogyny doesnt exist, it obviously does. Its that you take it way way to far and let it shape your worldview that is unrealistic, unhealthy, and contributes to the kind of toxic stuff found on /pol/.
Go to some of the misogynists hideouts like MGTOW. You will see that they have all been radicalizd into believing all women think they are evil and rapists. The woman that is the posterchild for their beliefs is YOU anon
>not seeing the similarities between male and female misogynistic radicalization

No. 214384

forgot to add reply

No. 214385

File: 1512361229865.jpg (142.98 KB, 647x656, 1505052326147.jpg)

I mean, as the delusion I was talking about what you thought men wanted from relationships, not everything else. I would say it's fairly true that many men have an ingrained perception of women that is wrong.
But whatever, I like to lurk these threads more than interrupting them anyway.

No. 214387

Once again, I never said all men are evil or rapists. I think you are confusing my recent posts with another poster who was talking about male violence earlier.

All I said was that men hate women. The men on /pol/ and Mgtow hate women, so there’s no disconnect there. Blaming women for those misogynistic spaces makes no sense, honestly. I believe they would still be misogynistic regardless of how women felt about them. They radicalized each other, which is very easy to do in those kind of enclosed spaces.

All of my experiences with misogyny have shaped the view I have today. I don’t even have a bad opinion of men, they are just human. The experiences I’ve had with them however, leave no doubt in my mind that there is something within men that makes them hate women. That doesn’t automatically make them rapists. Only people who have committed rape are rapists.

No. 214388

It's interesting, because their hatred can be exactly the same as their 'love'. What do they want in women? Femininity. What do they find inferior about women? Femininity. It's why men can demand a tradwife while simultaneously looking down on women for contributing less money, or hate women for expecting a husband to be breadwinner. It comes down to the fact that men literally desire an inferior woman, who is less than him in every way except looks and youth. And frankly women are complicit in this, it is far too normal for women to assume and expect their man to be above her in his career, earnings, education, social status, leadership, intelligence, physical strength etc. I don't know what's worse, wanting a partner who is inferior to you or wanting to be the inferior one in the relationship. Both are very, very sad and there should be more balance.

No. 214389

Why is that bad? Because it isn't what you want? I see no objective reason why either position is unhealthy

No. 214390

Neither would be a problem if it wasn't perpetually skewed in ONE direction, with men on top and women on bottom. It keeps women down, I know you're a man and prefer it that way so I won't waste my breath trying to explain why an entire fucking gender being relegated to a lower position is bad.

No. 214392

This is because women hate men they view as below them. They are ridiculed for being pathetic and unmanly. Relationships where the woman earns more are statistically more likely to end in divorce.

No. 214393

I don't know, you're making it seem like a social construct but it's instincts. Just telling men to be interested in superior women isn't going to make them interested in them any more than the fat acceptance movement made them like fat bodies. On the same note, it's not like women are going to start being interested in inferior men.
No one is being relegated anywhere. If women choose to want a superior man, she isn't dismissed to an inferior role, she actively is seeking an inferior role. It's not like the workplace discriminates either so I have no idea what you are talking about

No. 214394

I literally said women are complicit in it. And yes, it is 'instinct', which is why I simply dislike men rather than pointlessly try to change them. Women aren't so entitled and lacking in empathy though, so we aren't a lost cause.

No. 214395


What the fuck are you talking about? Women will never marry/date a man below them.

No. 214396


so true. i was tricked for a long time into thinking that older men were attractive for being "mature",etc. when i realized that it was all a lie started by older men to get girls in their 20s to hop on their old dicks. and girls buy into that shit and repeat it and it gets believed as fact. i didn't want an older man, i wanted a man my own age who was emotionally mature who had his shit together. of course, that kind of man most likely doesn't exist, and if they do, its a mask.

No. 214397

Women think they are inherently better than men.

No. 214398

File: 1512365307593.gif (394.55 KB, 256x256, thinking.gif)

Okay, so you recognize that women like superior men and men like inferior women, and it's for some reason a bad thing (which I don't agree with and you still haven't explained why), but it's an instinct we have no control over, but men are to blame, but women also can stop it, but men can't?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214400

Good lord, go the fuck back to /r9k/ or /pol if you need to explain why someone could possibly think women automatically being inferior is a bad thing. And yes, of course I think women are capable of changing. We've been under men's thumb for the vast majority of history, what men prefer is going to strongly influence our attitudes because they have the power to do so. As we become more independent we can obviously adjust our views to reflect that. Men have had the luxury of doing whatever they want all along, there's not much point trying to change them now.

No. 214401

I'm curious to anins here, what are experiences you've had with men to make you feel like you/women in general are hated by men? I'm not doubting anyone, I just can't think of a single irl experience I've had that felt especially misogynistic to me.

No. 214402

There isn't anyone in the world who has the freedom to do whatever they want.

No. 214403

Try arguing about what is actually being said instead of whatever strawman you're trying to pull. Women SEEKING a superior-inferior relationship =/= AUTOMATICALLY being inferior you disingenuous cunt.

No. 214404

File: 1512366040350.png (206.46 KB, 340x293, lol.png)

>all these flustered robots

No. 214405

What kind of useless fucking semantics are you arguing? It makes no difference if women SEEK an inferior position, they aren't doing it in a fucking bubble. They're doing it in a society that has constantly told them that they should do so, are surrounded by men who encourage it, and are faced with negative consequences when they don't. If a woman internalizes those expectations, she's still 'automatically' placed in an inferior position. It's the default, it's something women have to actively avoid and unlearn.

No. 214406

File: 1512366214128.jpg (59.92 KB, 640x640, 1481447479785.jpg)

>arguing with 4chan users
>uses trash reaction pic
>thinks she can compete with a 4chan reaction images

No. 214407

Ah, how could I have forgotten. Let's pretend that women today aren't brought up in a "you can do whatever those men do" feminist controlled society, and still prefer the inferior role. How would you even test your position? I thought you already admitted that seeking superior men was an instinct? Your position doesn't really make sense. First it was biological, now it's social. I wonder what you actually think

No. 214408

Seriously, there are so many male dominated places on the internet that will entertain your delusions that feminism is somehow 'controlling' society and that misogyny and the patriarchy have zero effect on women.

And yeah, it's a bit of both instinct and socialization, they aren't contradictory positions. One leads to the the other, but we're more controlled by societal factors than instinct. It's just that society favours men and runs according to their preferences.

No. 214409

that's because they are

No. 214410

Yeah, women like metally mature and stable men, not poor, old, perverted wrinkly dicks.
There are a few good looking older men, but the average bloke is nowhere near them.

No. 214411

Oh, I didn't realize this place legitimately believes in the patriarchy. Lmao
>Extremely biased family courts
>Affirmative action (actual discrimination)
>women get 1/6 the time for the same crime a man does
>Duluth model for DV implicitly discriminates against men on no grounds
>You can get fired or kicked out of school for a rape ACCUSATION
>40% of rape accusations are ADMITTED to being false
>men have no reproductive rights after the semen leaves his penis. A women can impregnate herself with his semen by taking a condom out of the trash, and he STILL has to pay for child support or he goes to jail
>People actually believe women can't rape men, even if the male is like 12
>If that child rapist gets pregnant, when the 12 year old turns 18, he OWES his RAPIST for the 6 years of child support
>There is like 7 different ways for a women to decide to keep a baby (condom, birth control, morning after, abortion, give up for adoption)
>Government organisations that are gender specific are ALL targeted for women, there is like 1000 charities with women in the name that are government supported, but not 1 that help men

>>patriarchy exists because the majority of powerful people are male

Now name one things male directly benefit from that isn't their own effort.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214414

>A women can impregnate herself with his semen by taking a condom out of the trash, and he STILL has to pay for child support or he goes to jail
lmao @ this faggot who thinks this is physically possible to be common enough. Sperm doesn't live outside of the body for that long.

No. 214415

>defend women on 4chan
>get vilified and called a roastie all the time
>defend men here
>get called an incel, a robot etc. (I've never even browsed /r9k/)
I guess I just can't win.

No. 214418

then don't defend men in a man-hating thread you fuckin doorknob

No. 214420

File: 1512374474821.jpg (260.44 KB, 1359x2048, 1506939126254.jpg)

>what do you want then? an alpha chad who will rape you? You pretend to want "nice" guys but the reality is that nice guys are losers and nobody wants them
Most self-proclaimed "nice" guys aren't really nice, dummy. Women want men who are genuinely caring and emotionally mature, and don't just behave that way to get what they want. Period. Not a supposed "nice guy" who will fly off the handle the second he's rejected.

The reason you always fail to understand what women want, robot-chan, is because you're still mentally a teenager and project your high school-tier alpha-beta dichotomy onto all adult relationships. You think of everything in terms of a performance or a facade instead of a real connection between two people. Most women who have dipped into the dating scene a bit will have experience with men who are just putting up a facade or playing games to get what they want from women (that usually being, but not restricted to sex,) and the more jaded she is the easier she will get at sniffing out what's real and what's a lie. Men who are genuinely good guys wouldn't have a single problem getting good women to like them.

No. 214421

>That reddit is definitely not for that, but okay?
They literally had a thread a while back asking people to stop calling them female incels. Honestly if you can't see why that's a perfect source of milk then I don't know what to tell you.

No. 214422

Why bother? A robot who is convinced women are whores won't change his mind. By the same token the same sort of dingus that thinks men have literally no empathy for women and are fundamentally misogynistic will forever cling to some bad experiences and stupid shitposts as their inviolable truth.

Honestly I take the fact I've been called so many mutually exclusive things over the years on the internet as a badge of pride.

No. 214424

Just broke up with my boyfriend, he was the autistic anti feminist red pill type. I am staying away from men for a long time, I use to get told I generalize men too much but you know what? They've always proven me right.

My ex constantly wanted to know about my past lovers, he literally chased me down the street calling me a slut and the one time I snapped back and told him to shut the fuck up he says I'm abusing him. As soon as you treat men even close to how they treat us they can't handle it, they cry abuse.

No. 214425

They really aren't female incels, though. They don't threaten to murder men because they won't fuck them or catfish men out of spite or worship serial killers or nail their… labias to boards or any other incel stuff. They just don't want to fuck with men.

No. 214426

>As soon as you treat men even close to how they treat us they can't handle it, they cry abuse.

Men pretend that they're strong and superior, but when they get the treatment that women get they show their true colours, they're weak and pathetic.

No. 214427

I know this sperg was banned, but for any robots that read this and think, “he’s right, gotta protect my jizz from female cum-stealing vacuums!”

lmfao, women taking your sperm need not be a concern of yours EVER.

No. 214428

>lmfao, women taking your sperm need not be a concern of yours EVER.
Exactly, robots having their sperm stolen is about as likely as farmers getting raped.(robot)

No. 214430

Right? This is a h00t

No. 214431

I don't really like most men but my fantasies are all submissive, masochism stuff about being raped and hurt so it kind of screws with me sometimes. I think I might just use men for that sort of sex.

No. 214433

Stop watching porn and you'll be less inclined to fantasize about deviant behavior.

No. 214434

All of my exs have been 4chan guys.

No. 214435


No. 214436

It was both them and porn who got me into it.

No. 214437

you need to go to therapy and like.. love yourself or something

No. 214438

Rape is a pretty common crime. How many documented cases of women stealing sperm are there? Couple thousand? Yeah, totally comparable.

No. 214439

Men who are in denial about the prevalence of rape don't know a single thing about the crime outside of the "stranger in a dark alley" narrative anyhow. I've also seen plenty of farmers share their experiences with being raped on here.

No. 214440

>I've also seen plenty of farmers share their experiences with being raped on here.
I've also seen a farmer ask for advice because her supposed rapist was asking for advice about girl problems on the vent thread a while back.

No. 214441

>got raped when I was 7
>Keep it a secret for years mom's sister got kidnapped, raped and killed when she was small
>don't want to make her sad again
>years go by
>feel less and less like a man and depressed, anxious as fuck all the time
>family pry too much to know what's wrong with me
>finally tell them
>dad fucking tells me to man the fuck up and get over it
>mom is not fazed at all
>First and only gf also learned about it
>breaks up with me because she can't see me as a man anymore
>in the end it just ends up people saying me to deal with it

People regardless of gender fucking suck.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 214445

Sorry to hear that. No kid deserves to experience that. However, this is a thread for WOMEN to vent about their experiences, not for men.

No. 214446


Shit I thought this was vent thread, can't delete my post for some reason.

No. 214449

I'd believe that if you didn't try to make the point "people of both genders suck"

No. 214450

Kill yourself you pathetic wimp

No. 214452

lol… anon, just because a lot of men are shitty doesn't mean you should forgo empathy yourself. Boys are just as vulnerable to rape and molestation as girls when they are children.

No. 214453

Women go through worse shit all the time, and aren't nearly as whiny and needy as people like him are. Men can't handle anything.

No. 214455

So…? People have a right to complain about situations like that. Brushing that off as being "whiny" as if it's not a big deal is exactly why women topically don't want to come forward with their experiences either, because no one treats it with seriousness.

No. 214457


No. 214458

We get it, men go through shit too. In fact there's not a single time where women can talk about their experiences without men reminding us.

No. 214460

You'd sound like a blm activist if "men" were replaced with "white people" and "women" with "black people."

No. 214461

>Kill yourself you pathetic wimp
Jesus Christ he's talking about being raped as a child what the fuck is wrong with you

No. 214464

If a woman said the same thing on a place like /r9k/, they would get exactly that kind of treatment and worse. There's no reason to care about men's "problems" when they don't care about ours.

No. 214465

damn this thread is sad. you idiots can hate whoever all you want, but the idea that straining men and womens relationships for the sake of 'fairness' is dumb.

No. 214466

are we on /r9k/? do you think you're brave or cool for sinking to the level of those types of guys? you're just creating more hate and pushing out others who are actually understanding.

gender roles suck, i get it, and women have gotten the short end of the stick forever, i personally experienced negative impact from being a woman, but playing pity party and acting like men's gender roles aren't just as straining simply because some men have it good because they're men is stupid.

hate 'men' but hate the right ones. there are plenty of men to hate and plenty of women to hate, both for the same reasons.

No. 214469

>you're just creating more hate and pushing out others who are actually understanding.
There are no men who actually understand anything about women. They are literally incapable, it is ingrained in their nature to be sociopathic and irrational, especially towards women.
If a man doesn't at first seem to be actively violent against women, then he is merely hiding it and pretending. That's all there is to it. No men are capable of empathy with women. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
That man posting in this thread does so because he can't handle the fact that women are talking about this, and realizing the truth about them, and so he comes here to post his sob story (likely fake) in order to derail the thread and look for pity and have all the women here focus on the fact that he has a dick.
Men's gender roles only serve to empower them. And when they somehow can't fit into them despite all the privilege and backing they have in society, then it's only natural to call them out on how pathetic and incapable they are. It's so easy for men to achieve their gender roles and be happy with them, the men who can't are even more subhuman then the rest.

No. 214470

boohoo, get over yourself. you are just like the idiot robots who you complain about, only your undeserved sense of self pity stems from the fact that your gender has been treated poorly. you are likely exactly the same, a vaguely privileged neet who knows nothing of life or the real world and harbors hate due to no social life and reading shitty anecdotes on the internet all day for companionship. no, i am not trying to defend men, i am just embarrassed to know people like you exist just as i am people who go on r9k.

No. 214471


lol she's been spamming r9k with these threads for days now


I'm pretty sure she's the same person in the teen obsession thread too.

No. 214473

>plenty of women to hate, both for the same reasons
I always roll my eyes at those posts because I've seen so many cases of women do horrible things. My grandmother subjected my mother and all of her children really to an insane amount of abuse and it was a COUPLE that rescued her from that, who we consider family to this day. The man would spend his time at a children's hospital and gather funding for them with his club until he sadly passed, while my grandmother left literal scars. Yet some dunce thinks that's all a wash because of some bitter nerd with too much free time.

No. 214476

kek 'she'. this whole thing seems like a troll post since it's on here instead of on /g/ where men will be instabanned. just goes to show how far the shitty site has fallen.

No. 214477

I've written some salty posts here, but I just want to make it clear a lot of us don't actually hate men. Don't mistake venting and having a private space to criticize men for all their shit as loathing every single man.

No. 214478

>They are literally incapable, it is ingrained in their nature to be sociopathic and irrational
Oh knock it off with this shit. Men are held to a very low standard of behavior so the bar for a good guy is incredibly skewed. Basic human decency is given a gold star.
>wow, you don't abuse your gf!!??? What a great guy! Such a keeper!!
And you're adding to this mentality by not expecting more from them. It's the same rationale that holds women accountable for being a victim of sexual assault.
>oh c'mon if you don't wear a literal bed sheet covering every inch of skin how can you expect men to control themselves?? Boys will be boys!
Maybe you should stop spending so much time lurking male-dominated forums, because you're letting your anger get the better of you.

I've also seen a few posts ITT of women who said they have dated shitty misogynistic men, and are incensed because that's the treatment they got. Shocker. If you want to meet nice guys, and I mean genuinely nice guys not robots in disguise, you have to learn from your past mistakes and assemble a brutal vetting process. Don't tolerate shitty behavior in a relationship either, because all you're teaching them is that they can get away with it. Otherwise, what you're doing is the equivalent of going into the forest, stripping yourself naked, and covering yourself with honey, then acting astonished when a bear attacks you.

No. 214482

Any others?

No. 214487

[X] Doubt

No. 214488

Do you think there's anything a man could do to stop other men from hating women?

No. 214491

I mean….men tend to listen to other men more, so maybe. But, I also can’t picture a situation where a man tries to change another mans opinion of women. Men don’t seem to be bothered by misogyny at all, even when it’s right in front of them. I’m sure most would probably laugh it off or ignore it rather than try to change the misogynist’s mind.

No. 214493

Not contribute to the idea that women as a whole are a unified force working against your ability to fuck them, and when you are inevitably rejected, not default to this notion to spare yourself the injustice of self analysis

No. 214494

agreed. tons of these man-haters are just like the girl version of robots, chalking bad traits up to gender and complaining they'll never and can't change. and then when you confront them it has to do solely with their experiences with men or shit from forums. it mirrors robots perfectly. they just choose their ideas based on experience and then feed it by way of the internet.

i almost sympathize robots and their girl counterparts, but they are so shitty and they dig their heels in so hard it's almost impossible.

it's hard to care about anyone who preaches empathy and whines while at the same time, judging people based on their sex and a vague generalization of how society treats them. not just men, women as well. you can't judge someone's worth based on assumptions. any one of us could be just as bad as those 'evil men' but we're excused since we're women? fucking stupid, and exactly the same as how robots act.

No. 214495

Alright, I don't think I can contribute anything more to those talking points without appearing hostile in some way (in a space where I frankly don't belong), but thanks for your input.

No. 214497

Misogyny doesn't just live on the internet, and to insinuate so is ludicrous. Men as a group can benefit from some well-placed criticism, but too many times they shut down when women make good points and they're behavior never changes. The point is to stop excusing bad behavior because as you said,
>chalking bad traits up to gender and complaining they'll never and can't change
feeds into that cycle. Male bullshit can frustrate me, but you'll never catch me putting up with it for more than a minute or two. I have myself to focus on first and foremost, and I'd rather die a sexless spinster than to date another misogynistic trainwreck.

No. 214501

>all the NAMALT in this thread

No. 214502

Let's be real, the majority of us on this thread don't hate men (disregarding the couple of autists) most of it is just venting about our bad experiences. Men have so many spaces to talk about hating women and are often far more aggressive, can we not talk about our shitty experiences for once? We know not all men are like that, you don't need to tell us.

No. 214504

I was dating an anti feminist redpill type of guy, I didn't know he was like that for the first month or so but it began to show. He would constantly ask me for a run down of my past lovers, when guys would hit on me while we were out he'd blame me for "putting myself in that situation" aka leaving the house….with him?

He one night went to a strip club without even asking me if it was okay, but I didn't freak out at him as hey it's a bit of fun right? I took this as maybe he'll be more chill with me now and less paranoid, I was so so wrong. On the same night he'd had a lap dance from a stripper, he physically dragged me away from talking/dancing with a gay male friend and shouted at me the entire night (still had sex with me though) and morning.

The final straw was Saturday night, he literally chased me down the street demanding to know "how many dicks have you sucked", got in my face, cornered me and couldn't believe it when I didn't want to stay with him. He said I was only crying because I'm a woman and that's what women do, I'm trying to make him look abusive when it's actually me who's abusive and if he was a woman everyone would see him as a victim, literally the only time I ever got angry at him it was just a "can you shut up now" or "stop" it was never personal and I got viably angry with him a total of three times in the entirety of our six month relationship and would back down every time, if I stood up for myself he'd pull the gender card.

Yeah I'm an idiot for not dumping him ages ago, but I loved him and wanted it to work….I thought he would be able to get over his insecurity and paranoia if I asked permission to go out without him, always told him what I was doing etc but nothing worked. I have been abused by several men in my life since I was a kid and I am just so broken at this point, men don't care or have any empathy. I'm just a dumb cunt for not dating "nice guys" except this guy literally framed himself as #NotLikeOtherGuys and was your typical nice guy.

No. 214505

Exactly this. Women are socialized early on to be "polite in public"; this thread is a way to blow off steam and vent together about our experiences/issues.

We know you're not all /r9k/ bottomfeeders, but we asspat enough asshole men IRL.

No. 214506

>I thought he would be able to get over his insecurity and paranoia if I asked permission to go out without him, always told him what I was doing etc but nothing worked.
Eh, you can't change guys like that, but I don't blame you for falling into that trap. Sometimes you have to learn these lessons on your own for it to sink in… that being said so-called "nice guys" shouldn't actually be taken at their word. You'll get a better understanding of someone by studying their behavior as opposed to what they say.

No. 214508

Thanks anon, I was trying to be understanding as I get everyone has issues and flaws. I didn't want to just give up on someone I cared about over it so tried to make him happy, but it didn't work and until he gets help to overcome his insecurities/anger issues it never will.

No. 214509

It really seems like mystery to me. Anyone else think so? Has she showed up in chat recently?

No. 214511

sage for blogpost but i need to vent. anons I am sick of living in constant fear. I'm a 26yo woman living in a safe part of town, upper-middle class, etc. etc. but every day whenever I'm alone after dark/winter afternoons, or home alone, I'm well aware of the possiblity of a stranger following me home or breaking in or attacking me in any way. I am honestly so sick of being a vulnerable non-ugly non-fat white woman because men are fucking horrible and can't control their urges. i see my type on forensic files over and over and over again. a high-achieving, happy-go-lucky young woman with a bright future murdered for sex or some other sick fantasy. i hate being so calculating about every male encounter in my life - rejecting car rides home from well-meaning male coworkers because I want to avoid being alone with him in case he/they want to rape me, my mom urging me to call my boyfriend when I'm in a taxi ride home so the male taxi driver knows I'm not home alone, being nervous when I'm alone with a repairman, palming a knife in my coat pocket when i see a man or several men walking toward me on a deserted street…

always being ready to fight for my life and being paranoid in innocent situations. i am literally home alone rn, it's 3 am and i have a knife near my bedside. fucking hell

No. 214512

Yeah I get what you're saying, it's just in general every thread whenever women try talk about their experiences it's filled with #NotAllMen etc and it's tiring.

No. 214513

>non ugly
>non fat
Yeah except both of those kinds of women are targeted too because opportunistic predators just want to feel control over a warm hole that's vulnerable and alone. Invest in a self defense weapon and get over yourself a little. You live in a nice neighborhood which is more than what most women could say for themselves.

No. 214526

You sound like a privileged rich white girl who needs to get over herself

No. 214532

>Being afraid of this is like being afraid of dying in a car crash;
Man, I know it's just a metaphor but if I'm driving or walking in an area with a lot of cars, I'm on high alert the whole time. There's good reason to be as cautious as possible while driving, and you could say the same applies to men. But you're around them almost constantly and it's not socially acceptable to treat them like a deathtrap so it's not a great comparison.

No. 214534

well good for her. why not give these tools a dose of reality?

No. 214577


i am a priviledged upper-middle class white girl - so what? does that make me safe at night? does that mean i should feel more relaxed and comfortable around rich or upper-middle class white boys? are you serious? those are the types who feel they're above the law most - and often they very well are. brock turner, the steubenville rapists, that affluenza kid, etc.

No. 214579


i appreciate you, well-intentioned anon, and i am fully aware of how shit my mentality is. i wrote that post last night because i needed to vent. the apartment i live in atm is easily accessible through the roof windows and generally hidden from the main road. however my terrace is an open area for all the surrounding houses/neighors to easily see my comings and goings, my bf leaving with travel bags, the front door showing we have lots of loot inside, from a ps4, flat screen, guitars, computers, etc.

i will be moving next year but for now, yeah, it sucks i can't just kick it in my own empty apartment because every semi-loud outside noise makes me reach for my pepper spray or kitchen knife. it might be all in my head, but my upbringing and society put it there.

No. 214580

Anon probably meant you sound incredibly sheltered. Of course it's good to keep an eye on what is happening around you when walking down a street at night alone, but you seem paranoid to a point where it affects your everyday life. You should take the other anon's advice and talk to a therapist about this.

No. 214595

saw this in the blaire white thread a while back, the comments are repulsive and sexist, I'll make a collage with the comments later

No. 214597

File: 1512492620388.png (218.75 KB, 1920x1080, 1507301719206.png)

what the other anon posted

No. 214600

File: 1512493524573.png (1.72 MB, 3884x2500, disgust.png)

No. 214622

File: 1512498019726.png (20.19 KB, 415x102, Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 12.1…)

I will never understand this level of vitriolic hatred towards someone you don't even know. Someone who has surely never harmed you or someone you love. This girl made a mistake, and they're acting like she fucking killed someone instead of just having sex. She was practically a fucking child. WHY? Can one of the maleposters explain this to me, instead of just telling us that misogyny isn't that big of a deal?

I really hope these commenters are just teen boys. But even then…deep down I know they won't grow out of this mentality, and they will eventually become men who still think this way. Who still hate women.

And of course, if you're upset about fucks saying a young girl deserved to possibly lose her life because she wasn't a virgin, you're a feminazi.

Man sorry for flipping out but it just gets worse and worse everyday. I shouldn't be surprised or hurt by these things anymore, I should feel like I've seen it all but every time I think it can't get worse, it does. I just can't stand the way men feel about women. WHY.

No. 214640

Men are fucking deranged. They have some type of fucked psychosexual complex towards women. They beg women for sex and create demands for porn and prostitution, but want women to feel as dehuamnized as possible for participating in those things.

No. 214663

To be fair it is pretty depressing how gullible teenage girls are. I imagine a lot of that anger from men is basically misplaced disappointment that girls like that are basically the norm these days. I was discussing this with my boyfriend and he thinks a lot of the bitterness stems from feeling that women aren't actually interested in anything beyond sex.

No. 214671

I mean…they’re teenagers. It’s kind of expected that they are gullible and make terrible mistakes that they (hopefully) learn from. Unfortunately this girl may have died from hers, and all these men can say is that she deserved it because she was a slut. She deserved to die because….she had sex?

It’s not disappointment. It’s hatred and disgust for women and girls. And to your boyfriends point, a lot of women feel like men aren’t interested in anything but sex. But you don’t really see a large, growing movement like the red pill or mgtow for women who hate men.

No. 214675

Ugh again with the "Muh whye gurls luv bbc!!, source: pornhub". Do these fucking apebrains realize that porn caters to MALE fantasies? Men are the ones wanting to watch white women get "destroyed" by a black penis. Fucking imbeciles.

No. 214676

Yeah it's tragic. But I think she seems exceptionally gullible and stupid. Even as a depressed teen I knew better than to get involved with black guys in any way.

No. 214678

Plus they’ve been saying women are only good for sex for years. So why would they be upset if that’s all women offer them?

No. 214679

Here's my take on it from what I've gleaned from my boyfriend. They basically feel like if women really are as sexually voracious as we're depicted in porn then they stand no chance of properly satisfying us. This in turn causes a mixture of rage and anger often channeled into fantasies of sexual violence.

A lot of it comes down to porn sickness too. Some white guys feel white women make them feel emasculated by saying black guys are superior and all that stuff. And that's where a lot of the "well I don't care. I prefer Asian women anyway!" stuff comes from.

No. 214680

>not being racist means you're a gullible idiot

No. 214681

If that's how you want to take it…

But yeah. I wouldn't hang out alone with black men as a white girl. Dunno how your parents raised you but to me hanging out with any large group of men alone puts you in danger. Being a lone white girl among a group of black men only amplifies it.

I'll take racism over being raped and murdered kthx

No. 214683

So you can point out that men commit the vast majority of violent crime but not the plain and simple fact that by these very same statistics, black men are the most violent group of men? Get real. Both claims are true. Men are overwhelmingly more violent and black men are overwhelmingly the most violent sub group of men.

No. 214693


burn the coal, pay the toll

No. 214694

lmao who invited the racist-chans

No. 214696

>believe women are not sexual
>bothered by it
>make porn fantasy world where women like sex
>become traumatized by fantasy they created themselves

Men are fucking retarded

No. 214698

It's the Madonna-Whore complex. Men see women as either sex crazed sluts or pure and asexual with no in between. If a man discovers a girl he thought was a Madonna has sexual desires and/or rejects him or seems less than perfectly kind, she's shafted into the Whore category and is deemed worthless in the man's eye. What men want is the perfect waifu with the sweetness and purity of the Madonna but the sex drive of the Whore, who doesn't really exist.

tldr men are stupid

No. 214701

>concerned about their value to the opposite sex, likely due to a sense of inferiority
>tortured insecurity during developmental years
>compensate for a complete and utter lack of emotional coping skills by indulging in fantasies which are handed to them on a silver platter via the internet
>become addicted to these fantasies at a young age and carry them over into adulthood, resulting in a warped, underdeveloped person (resentful manchild)
>resentful manchild develops the need to defend his warped, abominable state of existence (mgtow)
>manchildren give birth to numales
>numales all die
>matriarchy for 12,000 years
>colonize entire milky way

No. 214703

>They basically feel like if women really are as sexually voracious as we're depicted in porn then they stand no chance of properly satisfying us.
Can't they just like, y'know… separate porn from REALITY? Jesus fuck dude the way porn depicts sexuality isn't in anyway common in real life. It's ACTING. It's a PERFORMANCE. The women in porn probably don't even joy half of what's being done to them in the slightest bit.

No. 214705

>What men want is the perfect waifu with the sweetness and purity of the Madonna but the sex drive of the Whore
How do they not realize that these two things cancel each other out? Can someone pls explain the male thought pattern to me? That shit is wacko.

No. 214708

Why is it so terrible for women to have any sort of sexuality? Why are we disgusting if we enjoy sex, but it's accepted as natural and normal for men to have sexual urges?

Women get pleasure from sex as well, and that shouldn't make men feel bad. Would they rather when we had sex we were hating every second off it? It's honestly so fucking backwards, they beg us for sex but we're disgusting sluts if we have it.

No. 214720

Lel, maybe blacks are more likely to be criminals but statistically white men in the US are just as likely to be registered sex offenders as any other race. I wouldn't trust Bradley more than I would any other man.

No. 214732

Men usually like women to enjoy sex… as long as it's only with them and never another man.

No. 214737

…Do they really? At most they'll say something like "does that feel good, babe?" as they essentially use your body as a living fleshlight. Doesn't seem like they want women to feel good as much as they want an ego boost.

No. 214738

I really hate how so many men think it's justification to treat women like shit if they've had a lot of sex too. What did they really do wrong? All they did was have sex…why is that a reason to forever brand a woman an evil slut that deserves to be treated like shit her entire life?

No. 214739

Boys can start watching pornography at very young ages, especially nowadays. Kids in middle school are probably beating it to porn. They're far too young at that time, and thus are easily impressionable. As children they have a much harder time separating what they see in porn from reality, especially since they've yet to experience sex in real life. Because of this they get expectations and views on sexuality ingrained in their head through porn, likely long before any sexual education they might have in school. Then of course they only have other porn addicts like themselves to converse with, and their beliefs double over even moreso. By the time they reach adulthood, the pornography they've consumed has left a great impression on them that is very difficult to get rid of. When they finally face reality and it goes against their expectations, they feel betrayed, or frustrated, or insecure in themselves. That itself feeds into the desire for more porn over reality, and further entrenches them in their incorrect beliefs.

No. 214741

>…Do they really?
Go to a sub like r/askmen and you'll notice it's a pretty common sentiment. Sex is not actually that great if you don't care about your partner, it's glorified masturbation otherwise.

No. 214745

>but statistically white men in the US are just as likely to be registered sex offenders as any other race.
Not really.
They are 13% of the population but commit 30% of the rape, 25% of other sex offenses so they're incredibly more likely. Honestly the whole argument that men are shit because they're more violent/commit rape fits well into a racists world view, and I've always found it magical how some posters try to avoid that.

No. 214747

I don’t understand it either. As much as they hate women and think they’re inferior, they seem to hold us to a higher standard than men if that makes sense. Like we have a set of stipulations we have to meet, otherwise men think we’re worthless and deserve to die I guess.

It’s weird but I hope I’m making sense. Ifs not like they expect us to be better than men, because they don’t think we are. They think we’re worse than men in every single way, yet they hold us to higher standards than they do other men and attack us that much more viciously if we don’t meet them.

I don’t understand men’s logic on just about anything. It makes me glad and not insecure that I’m a Virgin for the first time in my life. I don’t think I ever want to deal with men in any romantic or sexual way honestly. It seems more trouble than it’s worth, but that’s just my opinion and I know there are people here who are happily with men. Don’t mean to imply that you’re wrong or making a mistake at all.

No. 214748

Yeah, like men can have loads of sex because they're men and that's what men do. When women do it they're disgusting whores who gave into temptation, women are meant to hold off from sex but men will also complain about not getting sex easily despite forcing this standard on us.

Another thing I've noticed as well, in the case of rape men often say "well she was alone with a man, what did she expect?" Why are women expected to take all these safety procedures (don't wear short skirts/dresses or revealing clothes, don't drink, don't walk home alone at night, don't be alone with a man) but men can't be expected to just….not rape anyone?

Also if a woman does take these safety procedures she's a paranoid femanazi who believes all men are rapists, there's so much contradictions and we literally can't win.

No. 214751

>well she was alone with a man, what did she expect?

Lmao. The same type of man who says shit like that also gets upset when tumblr feminists say all men are violent rapists. What exactly do they think they're suggesting there…? Because what it implies is that all men are ticking time bombs who can't control themselves, and all women should be wary of them at all times. Fascinating.

No. 214753

They simply want to bear none of the responsibility.
>it's your fault if you trust men to have the least bit of self-control!!
>What? How dare you work under the assumption that any man could be a rapist!! #NotAllMen

No. 214774

Pretty much, the standards men are held up to in regards to sex and relationships is that of a toddler who is able to control their sexual urges/rage, but women have to make loads of allowances and tiptoe around them basically. Also, the ability to see into the future might help as your friend/boyfriend/family member could turn out to be a rapist as most rapes are committed by someone the victim knows, you're a dumb bitch for not seeing the signs though so yeah being able to look into the future is also required.

No. 214780

I don't think they treat them like shit, unless they're a close female relative or something. I think they just tend to stigmatise them as the sort of girl who would never be worth dating. Which is fair enough. Promiscuous men and women are both undesirable people in my eyes.

No. 214782

That's fine, however men don't just leave it at that and get on with their lives. They sperg out all the time if women have sex in a way they don't agree with and need to make everyone aware of it, I'm not attracted to fat guys but I don't sperg about how I don't wanna date fat guys all the time.

No. 214783

I think men these days fear that there simply aren't that many reserved girls left.

No. 214787

And that justifies it? Also, yeah, they don't think women aste chaste enough the same way they did throughout history. It was the same if not worse when being "reserved" was a requirement and not a choice, so it's not like it's a reaction to women being on average more sexually active. It's just a reaction to a woman showing men she's an independent person who does what she wants with her own body.

No. 214788

I dunno sis. I'm not too happy about how slutty the culture is these days either. One because I want kids of my own one day and two because I think there's genuine peer pressure on people like me to be more sexually extroverted. It's also just generally very gross and unhealthy.

That whole feminist third wave sex positive stuff is disgusting to me, not gonna lie.

No. 214789

It's literally just women doing what men do, I doubt most women who sleep around are doing it cause "omgz this will totez piss off men!1" it's just something they may want to do, not everyone wants a relationship. Most men's reasons for not wanting a "slutty" girlfriend tends to be down to their own insecurity too, they're scared they won't be able to satisfy her sexually and personally, I think there's their own issue they need to overcome, not try to restrict women's sexuality.

That's fine, however do you think what if a girl sleeps around or even just isn't a virgin or slept around when she was 18, deserves to be raped, never deserves a happy relationship when she's ready for it? etc. I get why someone people may not want to with someone who's slept around or want to do it themselves, but as mentioned above the issue I have is men's insecurities being a justification to try to restrict women and the constant autism about sex.

No. 214791

This for real, all this sex positivity is bullshit. Some of these people are literally condoning prostitution/sex work as if it's some ~super liberating~ thing. Makes me sick… Sad that men blame women for all of it though.

No. 214793

>I think there's genuine peer pressure on people like me to be more sexually extroverted. It's also just generally very gross and unhealthy
>That whole feminist third wave sex positive stuff is disgusting to me, not gonna lie.
I agree, but it wasn't that many years ago before the whole *~sexposi~* train took off and people were MUCH more cruel to women then on the basis of their "history." It's just as toxic to scream "WORTHLESS WHORE" in a young girl's face just because she did so much as hold hands with a guy before, or lay in bed with him.

No. 214806

Does that mean they have to treat all women like shit, though? I fear that there aren't any non-misogynistic men left…but I don't run around trying to make men feel as low as possible or attacking them for how many sex partners they have.

Plus like >>214789 mentioned, those women are just doing what a lot of men have done for years. Why is it suddenly worse when a woman does it? And why do men think they need to be punished for it, and think they 'deserve' thinks like rape and death?

(Not to mention, I don't think casual sex is even as common as we may think. I know there are women that do it, but I still think it's far from the norm even now.)

No. 214814

They want her just to be a whore for them. Fucking retarded.

No. 214821

I've noticed a lot of Asian women in porn whine and cry and make weird, dissatisfied faces during sex. Seriously, a lot of Asian porn is extremely rapey because of this. Perhaps that's what men want? The ones who claim they only like Asian girls, anyway. A girl who will just act innocent and ~so sensitive~ during sex like some kind of anime caricature.

No. 214822

I know about a girl that was raped by multiple guys in the same night but no one "counts" it as rape because shes a "slut" anyway, fucking disgusting.
And one of the guys is a "sweet and loving" young father.
I hate this conservative country i live in.
Also fuck men, and no lol #NOTALL

No. 214823

Anyone I know who has casual sex, has a one night stand every few months or they have a fwbs. It's not the strawman argument men make that women are having orgies every weekend. I don't have casual sex but don't care if others do, I have friends that do it and as long as they're being safe/not hurting anyone I don't see why I should think they're lower people?

No. 214824

Had one send me a story of this guy who fucked his drunk and underage cousin, and when I replied "ew" he just seemed so annoyed.
Men are disgusting, nothing new

No. 214837

It's kind of an open secret that a lot of women in Japanese porn are paying off debts for the Yakuza. I assume that's what you're referring to since most Asian porn that comes to mind is either Jap or Western in my experience. I figure the crying that sounds like a dying cat has something to do with that.

>(Not to mention, I don't think casual sex is even as common as we may think. I know there are women that do it, but I still think it's far from the norm even now.)
Probably varies a lot with the area. I don't really see it in my social circle but it seems to be a regular thing at college when I observe others.

No. 214839

exactly, I'm an asian woman, everytime a man tells me he prefers asian women, all I hear him say is "I'm shit in bed" so I just avoid men who go crazy over asian women

No. 214842

My problem with it boils down to when they say this:

>"But women like sex too!"

That's just a strawman. I can't speak for all women, but I can speak in rough anecdotal terms for girls I'm friends and peers with throughout all stages of my life (school, uni, career - at least among the ones who had good relationships with their dads) and the conclusion is that we ARE different from men in that regard. The vast majority of us do not want casual sex and do not consider it something highly desirable in the same way men do.

That's part of my problem with feminism. We are different from men, and how we approach sex is a part of these innate differences. Whatever feminists want to say, the vast majority of us, again at least in my experience, don't want one night stands and flings and "fuckbuddies" in the same sort of animal way men do.

We want security and love.

In before muh disney princess idealism.

No. 214844

Different Anon, but oh my god. That’s so sickening, the Yakuza and porn industry. You know if anyone told the men who get off to that shit about it, they probably wouldn’t fucking care anyway. God damn pigs.

Sage for legit rage.

No. 214848

They get off more to it if the woman is in genuine pain/distress. There are forums where men trade porn with background info like "she did this assgape scene to pay for a hit of such and such drug" and others reply about how "hot" that is.

Men these days are fixated on degradation and dehumanization. They think women deserve this because we do porn.

No. 214850

This has been my experience as well. I and most of the female friends I've had throughout my life have never engaged in casual sex. I knew one girl in college who was the manosphere stereotype of the "cock carousel" riding girl, but she was still a perfectly kind person and fun to be around. She wasn't a worthless whore, she just liked sex. So I agree with you on that, maybe women are generally different than men in that respect. I know feminism is a bit of a shitshow right now, I think that ideally self proclaimed feminists should support a woman's right to choose what lifestyle works best for her, and not pressure any women to conform to a certain way.

The part I disagree with you on is this. There are women who generally enjoy casual sex out there. Women who have sex outside of relationships. Maybe they felt pressured by the current social climate, maybe they genuinely enjoy it. There's a conversation to be had there that may be separate from this one. I don't know. But overall the point is…nobody should harrassed and called a worthless whore and have their own death or misfortune blamed on the fact that they had a lot of sex (like the girl in the video above.) We can agree on that, right? It isn't a crime to have sex, but a lot of men act like it is the worst possible thing a woman could do, meanwhile they brag about all of the depraved shit they've done with double digit numbers of women and they don't find themselves disgusting or worthless. I don't get that.

We don't have to agree with their lifestyle in order to still treat them like human beings and not tell them they're worthless because they've had sex before. That is what men do, and I think that's the issue most of us have with this. And they have become so severe with it to the point where they now say a woman who has had sex with even one man before them is 'tainted' and worthless to men. Even if that sex was within a long term, serious relationship that just didn't work out.

No. 214852

I can't agree with you because the definition of what constitutes "harassment" is just too broad to the point what it comes down to is basically policing what people think and say (think the UK with its lolworthy laws about social media).

I would feel a lot more comfortable in a society where you're not made to feel like a freak for not being into BDSM shit from 14 onwards, and if it takes censure and humiliation of more slovenly girls to achieve that, then so be it.

No. 214853

Maybe harassment was the wrong word to use, sorry. But, why belittle and humiliate anyone? And why only women? Men are involved in sex too, obviously.

I'm sorry you feel like society makes you feel like a freak for being more conservative when it comes to sex. It shouldn't be that way. But the answer is not to attack people who make different choices than you. What do we all gain from that?

No. 214854

Men should get the same treatment. Modern society holds nobody to any sexual standards because most liberals fear being held to standards of any reasonable, objective kind.

Men who father illegitimate children for example are usually trash and should be run out of town.

The "compassionate" choice isn't always the right one.

No. 214856

>Men should get the same treatment
But they don't. And they never will. Overall, I'm just tired of women being shit on by women and men alike regardless of what we do. I get made fun of for being a virgin and thus a 'future catlady' or I just need some dick or I'm too ugly to get a man. Other girls get told they are worthless and deserve all the bad things that could happen to them because they're whores and sluts. Men say they're "used up", as if they're some kind of product. There is absolutely nothing we can do to make men and society look down upon us less. Everyone makes excuses for men, and yet attack women for the tiniest infraction. I get that it won't change, but I wish it would. It isn't helpful for us to treat other women the way men already treat us, because then really where can women go where we aren't hated?

No. 214857


people see men who run out on their kids as just a bad situation that "happens" but people will shame women to hell and back if they aren't perfect moms

Amber Rose for example, then the guy ran out on his kids no one gave a shit but people will spend all day harassing her for not being a good mom, while I don't think she's a good mom but for fucks sake, shame the asshole walking out on his kids to, not just amber rose

No. 214858

>But they don't. And they never will.

Historically it was a big deal if a man got a girl knocked up without actually committing to her, he'd be liable to get a beating at the least.

Basically the idea was if they didn't give a woman some sort of security before taking the relationship to an intimate place, they really would be run out of town (quite literally).

No. 214859

Also I just don't believe in this "other women are your allies just because they're women" crap, sorry.

Hijabis who think I'm a slut because I don't cover up are not my allies, women who have helped sluttify our culture to the point where men and women think it's disappointing to watch a TV show if it doesn't have "steamy sex scenes" or "tits" are also not my allies, and women who try to demonize white women with the intersectional stuff are also not my allies. It's not as simple as men vs. women. It's retarded to frame it in such a way.

No. 214860

The key point being if he got her knocked up. Oh, and if there was proof he was the one who did it. Can always claim the kid isn't yours if you're a male.

They might not be your allies, but they aren't the enemy either. They're suffering because of sexism just like you are.

No. 214862

>They're suffering because of sexism just like you are.

Thank you, this was my point with what I said in >>214856. Not that you have to agree with every single woman on Earth just because we share some chromosomes, but we don't have to attack eachother the way men attack women. There's already so many people making women feel worthless and unwanted in the world, why contribute to it? But, at the end of the day, we all do what we want. I can't stop you. Nobody can stop any of this.

I'm just so sick of misogyny, it makes me so sad and tired. But I know I just need to shut up about it because nobody wants to hear it.

No. 214863

>They might not be your allies, but they aren't the enemy either. They're suffering because of sexism just like you are.

The Muslim women in European countries are often just as, if not more misogynistic than the men. You think they're all suffering and want out, but look at a place like Egypt where 60% of college-educated women believe that the women sexually assaulted in Tahrir Square deserved it/brought it on themselves.

These people need to GTFO our countries, they ARE enemies.

No. 214864

I sign everything you wrote.

> I get made fun of for being a virgin and thus a 'future catlady' or I just need some dick or I'm too ugly to get a man.

This is what really applies to me but I would never shame another woman for being more sexually active as long as she took care of herself.

But what pisses me off is that it's not just men but also women who should know better, and that are going to attack other women like you pointed out. It's not necessarily just regarding sex but it can be seen in the workplace, education and other areas of life.

I mean, I'm not expecting some ~sisterhood~ where we hold pj parties and have sleepovers and talk about unicorns just because we all share the same gender, but if we compare solidarity with the one that men have and the one we have, it's a stark contrast. I've seen a lot of times other women shaming a rape victim (saying among the lines that she deserved it), or not believing a rape victim, I've experienced female professors obviously favoring male students and letting them go off the hook, I could go on. And I'm sure I'm not the only one that's noticed.


> It's not as simple as men vs. women.

It's not necessarily men vs women, there are lots of shitty people out there of both genders but you can't deny that a lot of problems arise from double standards out of which women get very little benefit despite what robots and other men think. Single moms get shat on constantly and I wouldn't place the entire blame on the majority of single moms that they should have known better.

I don't even know why other women do this, for some meager brownie points? Hoping they will be awarded the virtuous woman of the month award? Or is it out of pure female envy and bitterness?

Oh please. That's entirely not true. If you go throughout history and with recorded events men who raped were sometimes punished but women that weren't raped and the guy walked out on her? The blame was all on her. The blame is always on the woman.

No. 214865

Though I would add that I don't hold muslim women as my allies but for obvious reasons. Then I could apply the same rule to all religiously devoted women.

No. 214870

>That's entirely not true.

Nigga it was a common cultural practice to nail the names of male deadbeats to the doors of churches in early and pre-modern Europe.

Men did face consequences for being disgusting, you can argue that that was largely because they were screwing around with "another man's daughter", but I'll take that over the shitty, alienated society we have today. After all we've been following the path of people like you (progressives) for the past 60 years or so and all we've got out of it is more porn, more meaningless sex, more alienation, fractured communities and opiate addictions.

No. 214873


> Nigga it was a common cultural practice to nail the names of male deadbeats to the doors of churches in early and pre-modern Europe.

Please provide sources. I'm genuinely interested but I don't think it was widespread if it were in practice.

> but I'll take that over the shitty, alienated society we have today. After all we've been following the path of people like you (progressives) for the past 60 years or so and all we've got out of it is more porn, more meaningless sex, more alienation, fractured communities and opiate addictions.

Firstly I agree that the rot of our society is tremendous and I'm not the progressive you accuse me of but among all the things that are bad in our current society women's choices in their partners in on the bottom list that's to blame.
Also, your vision of the past is very rose-tinted, just the word orgy has it's root in ancient greek, there were whore houses all throughout history and men were never punished for it. In ancient rome it was common for married men to pay a whore and they never had to respond for it, it was as normal as doing groceries. Men cheating was considered just part of a guy's nature. Maybe some would object it but your idea of men being chivalrous. I could list so many more examples.

I'm inclined to believe that you're a robot because only men ascribe the downfall of our society with women's sexual liberation.

No. 214882

Go get a golden shower from your neckbeard boyfriend June

No. 214883

>a woman can't have controversial opinions that aren't influenced by a boyfriend
toxic mentality

No. 214886

>Please provide sources. I'm genuinely interested but I don't think it was widespread if it were in practice.

I'll go over one of New Cambridge Medieval History volumes that I saw it in (the High Middle Ages one) later on.

>only men ascribe the downfall of our society with women's sexual liberation.

Point out where I did this?

Oh wait. I didn't. Those things are symptoms, not causes. The ultimate cause is the idea that individual freedom is inherently good (for men or women), when the past 70 years have been a giant exercise in why it isn't and how it makes people and societies increasingly psychologically dysfunctional.

No. 214887


No. 214899

The way that they experience sexuality is the biggest difference between men and women I think. A lot of the gender conflict stems from one sex finding the other's sexuality repulsive.

No. 214900

From what I've read most porn in Japan is tied to them. I'm assuming the women doing the more fucked up shit are the ones paying off debt while the "vanilla" ones are more for profit e.g. Hitomi.

No. 214902

>They might not be your allies, but they aren't the enemy either.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a vocal critic of Islam. She escaped her family from the Middle East and escaped west after suffering genital mutilation and was about to be forced into a marriage. She had to hide her identity unless her family found her and dragged her back. All in all, a woman I would 100% stand with. Linda Sarsour meanwhile, was one of the leaders of the Womens March. Because Ayaan dared to criticize Islam, she declared she "wanted to take her vagina away" among other things.

I want to reiterate this, she told a victim of genital mutilation that she wanted to take her vagina away. That woman should 100% be considered an enemy.

No. 214908

You women are right about incel men. I'm a bottom of the barrel incel who's never had anything with women, but I know some ex-incels who did. They all end up hurting the women, even the women who were understanding with them and their problems, like being older virgins. I'd like to think I'd be different if I had the chance, but I'd probably be just the same. The first minor bad thing that happened would make me crumble.(man)

No. 214909

r9k: The Post

No. 214910

Kill yourself and you'll make a lot of women happier than if you were to be in a relationship with one.

No. 214911

That's good you realized anon.
Don't listen the other raging salt chan telling you to off yourself though, you can change, there is hope yet.
I know all men aren't bad, my brothers and my father are good people that respect women. Sadly, most men aren't like that. I honestly believe that /r9k/ could change,somehow. There's a thread of hope that one day they'll understand, make amend and start anew again. I believe in you anon. I believe there's good in everypne as cheesy as it sounds.

No. 214912

Why are you so angry

No. 214913

To me it seems like the worst misogynists are always either bitter virgins or men who go through tons of women.

No. 214918

>That's part of my problem with feminism
It's not a hive mind, you know. Sex positive and sex negative feminism are both things and many of us prefer the latter, it's usually pseudo feminists who think porn is empowering or whatever.

No. 214921

My problem with slut shaming is that, it gives me a further excuse to treat women terribly. I don't think a woman deserves to be dehumanized for the rest of her life for having casual sex and never deserves happiness. Also we underestimate how much men lie and manipulate women to get sex (particularly young girls), I've heard off and known many girls who were under 18 who thought a man loved them when really they were just using them, yet all the responsibility is put on the young girl to "know" better and none is put on the grown man.

No. 214928

I meant *men not me lol

No. 214949

I agree, it's the same men who will manipulate young girls into pumping and dumping them, then go around hating all the other girls who fell for the same tricks millions of other guys pull on other girls

while i can understand not wanting your partner to have a risque sex life, I just don't get how people see a woman as more respectable if she hasn't been kissed or touched or anything, once this woman I knew made a long speech about how she is 20 and never been kissed and everyone came in talking about how respectable she was, like why does being respectable include what you do your sex life? and why does holding yourself back either by choice or not by choice make you some how more respectable than a woman who's worked her ass of and is a well-mannered woman but god forbid she have sex with boyfriends? Peoples sex life shouldn't even be in the mix of determining if someone is respectable, worthy of living or being cared about, etc, it's ridiculous and as said on the teen discussion thread, as a kissless virgin myself, I NEVER mention my sexual past (or lack there of) to a partner, because 99% of the time men who refuse to date anyone other than kissless virgins are either abusive, stuck up, or straight up mentally ill

No. 214954

I need to vent jfc.

A little backstory
>> be 12 and sometimes hang out with guy who gets bullied
>> move to another country
>> am 15-16
>> he suddenly moves to same country AND city
>> ok weird
>> talking about how in love with me he is at school, thinks this means i will automatically like him because muh americab guy gets the girl movie
>> i am not aware of this at the time
>> start to hangout sometimes, smoke weed
>> i use weed to self medicate my depression and anxiety so smoke maybe once every 2-3 months
>> he confesses to me
>> i reject him, see him as friend
>> understands(i think)
>> hangout on and off, hes decent
>> i get bf
>> hangout occasionally
>> i break up with boyfriend because asshole
>> friend breaks up with gf, calls her abusive
>> confesses to me again, reject him again for same reasons
>> " you only want assholes anon, but your a woman cant help it"
>> only friend i knew/knows who can get weed and desperately need it to cope with breakup so just take it
>> this day, both are 23
>> still butthurt to this day
>> hangout yesterday to smoke weed
>> have work at 6 in the morning
>> he knows this
>> ignores me when i tell him
>> forces me to walk around dangerous are in the dark with wet stones and right next to deep ocean, VERY windy
>> tell him im scared
>> "dont me so fucking paranoid"
Starts walking towards the middle of the city to smoke a joint, tons of people outside
>> i dont think thats a good idea, im paranoid someone will see us
>> "Your so fucking paranoid, no one will see us!!"
>> me having to be civil with him, hes my ride home and there are no busses
>> Finally fucking ALLOWS me to go home at 3 in the fucking morning, laid in bed for 2 hours having an anxiety attack before i could sleep

Im fucking done with men treating you like shit because you wouldnt fuck them and thinking they are "nice guys!" When they are assholes!!

No. 214959

>forces me to walk around dangerous are in the dark with wet stones and right next to deep ocean, VERY windy
I mean the guy was an ass but you need to learn to stand up for yourself in the future. It's just a waste of time trying to be friends with people who are salty over rejection. Call an uber or something next time.

No. 214963

>like why does being respectable include what you do your sex life?

Why not? If you let four black guys gangbang you do you seriously expect people to just firewall that act off from everything else arbitrarily?

No. 214967

I just didnt expect him to be like this, andwe dont have ubers in my country, i didnt brig any money so wouldnt be able to either + my phone is blocked because something happened to my sim card, so i was kinda stuck. But needless to stay im gonna cut that piece of shit out of my life.

No. 214980

please kindly fuck off

No. 214983

I’m sorry that happened to you, Anon. Good thing he showed his true colors sooner rather than later, and now you’ll be better at weeding out these kinds of assholes. This is what I meant earlier in the thread when I posted “women are socialized early on to be polite”; like, these dicks KNOW that and keep pushing our boundaries.

No. 214984

Please kindly explain why someone's sexual behavior should be firewalled off the rest of their behavior for some arbitrary reason.

If a guy I know likes fucking prostitutes, or likes making women bleed during sex, then I'm going to think less of him as a result.

You want to section off the bedroom from everything else not because it makes sense, but because what happens in there (or out of there really) makes you feel ashamed on some level.

No. 214987

a guy like making women bleed during sex is completely different from "getting gang banged by four black guys"

>You want to section off the bedroom from everything else not because it makes sense, but because what happens in there (or out of there really) makes you feel ashamed on some level

no because 99% of the time it's no ones business, MAYBE I can understand if it's some bdsm wannabe type shit people use as a mask to their actual misogyny, but what people do in their sex life, as long as if it's not harming anyone, it shouldn't be factored in with whether someone is respectable or not. No one should be seen as the most respectable because they've never had sex and suddenly you lose respect with each sexual act you do, if you got your shit together, doing what you love, benefitting the world, but want to "get gang banged by four black guys" then it's no ones business, plain and simple, it literally only makes sense to section off the bedroom from everything else, does what you like in the bedroom affect your education? your career? no? only in extreme cases? okay then fuck off

No. 215031

File: 1512682162882.jpg (15.36 KB, 566x204, 9b32a8e03da813e99401583657ba0a…)

it always makes me laugh when little boys play victim and act like they're being abused when they don't get what they want, it just shows how privileged they are even though they don't want to admit it when they have to dig and stretch and scream oppression because women won't fuck them, some of the things men claim to be oppressed for only proves they aren't oppressed, they're literally becoming the big bad feminists that they whined and cried about and acted as if every feminist was one of them

No. 215036

The thing is you don't mind what other girls or even some random guys do with their sex life because you don't view them as potential partners, they are friends or just people and sex doesn't matter. Men ONLY view women as potential sex/romantic partners, and while it's not necessarily bad/weird to have your own standards on the sexuality of a partner, if women don't meet their standards men view them as trash. That's because men don't respect women as friends or human beings for the most part.

No. 215078

You're delusional. You think what you enjoy sexually doesn't tell someone a lot about your psychology. There's a reason low self esteem is correlated with degrading fantasies, among women and men. Keep peddling your two bit excuses for your moral laxity though. Whatever helps rationalise things in your mind.

No. 215079

Men and women are absolutely right to have standards regarding their partners. The problem with robots is they call any girl who has ever had sex a slut and the problem with women is that we don't make men pay a price for their own sexually immoral behavior (cheating and promiscuity and general disrespect) because a lot of women are weak minded as shit these days.

But yeah. Any girl peddling an idea it's just some normal thing to let four men gangbang you and that she shouldn't be judged for it is no woman I want as an "ally". Get your shit together and stop debasing yourself if you want respect. Robots may be wrong on 99 percent of things but they're spot on on that one. Nobody is obligated to give a morally depraved person respect and nobody is obligated to stop themselves from "judging" you. The judgment of strangers is a fact of life you'll have to reconcile yourself to eventually because you're sure as hell not going to police the thoughts of all of your friends, coworkers and peers, no matter how much the third wave wants it.

And really the fear of the judgement of others, judgement that has no power mind, says more about your own feelings of shame than anything else.

No. 215080

and yet somehow there's tons of people with high self esteem who have degrading fantasies, even so, there's tons of people with low self esteem who prefer dominating as well, and even tons of low self esteemed low life who prefer vanilla sex, the only one "pedaling" is you, there's a reason why no one asks you about your sex life on college applications or at job interviews, why? because it doesn't tell a lot about you, yes with some people it can reflect, but with 99% of people your sex life doesn't reflect who you are, anyway, with the case of the girl who went missing, even if she did have low self esteem like you insist, how does that make her less worthy of a person and to be saved? The only people who believe that your sex life, as long as you're not harming anyone, reflects if you are worthy of a person, are low-lifes who don't have lots of social experience outside the internet

No. 215082

> Any girl peddling an idea it's just some normal thing to let four men gangbang you and that she shouldn't be judged for it is no woman I want as an "ally"

where exactly did I say that it's normal to want four men to gangbang you? Oh right nowhere, all I'm saying is that it shouldn't matter within a womans career or if she is worth being cared about by family or friends, or as in the previous case if she's worth not BEING SOLD INTO SEX TRAFFICKING OR KILLED if she did want to get gang banged by four guys or not, if it makes me some awful person who isn't worth being an "ally" for simply stating that a woman who wants to get gang banged should get the same respect as a kissless virgin, assuming they're both respectable, hard working and polite women then you really need to update your definition on what awful means

>Nobody is obligated to give a morally depraved person respect and nobody is obligated to stop themselves from "judging" you

okay, so if a woman has her shit together, she's in school, she's polite, she's helpful, she helps people in need, she's educated, but maybe she's into some freaky shit in the bedroom, is she not worthy of respect and she's "morally depraved" as much as if a woman was said, a virgin yet she killed people and does drugs? It's just ridiculous, and no, I'm not telling women to go get gang banged or whatever like you want to twist to believe I am, it's just simply no ones business what a woman does in the bedroom as long as if she isn't harming someone, no I'm not telling anyone that they can't judge people but if you have poor judgement then it's YOU that's delusional and shitty, I prefer a polite woman and is nice but may be into kinky shit over someone who goes around acting as if someone is less of a person if they want to do kinky shit assuming it doesn't harm anyone

>The judgment of strangers is a fact of life you'll have to reconcile yourself to eventually because you're sure as hell not going to police the thoughts of all of your friends, coworkers and peers, no matter how much the third wave wants it.

again, funny how you call people delusional but act as if I'm trying to force peoples thoughts, if you have to assume what I'm trying to do to prove a point, it's not only pathetic but makes your points automatically invalid

>And really the fear of the judgement of others, judgement that has no power mind, says more about your own feelings of shame than anything else.

what feeling of shame? Do you even know me? if you did you sure as hell wouldn't be saying that, I even know several bible thumpers who go to church and preach chastity that can agree with me that unless you are involved with that person sexually and romantically, then it's simply no ones business nor should it reflect on how someone is being treated over their sex life, again assuming it's harmless, I'm not "fearing judgement of others" I just simply don't think a woman who's a kissless virgin is somehow automatically more respectable than a woman who may be promiscuous based solely on their sex life and nothing else, yes how dare am I'm some crazy whore who's going around telling women it's normal to want to be gang banged apparantly!

No. 215083

also since I'm just nothing but a big bad peddler who's giving up excuse for my moral laxity even though I myself am abstinent, then where are these studies that insist that what you enjoy sexually tells a lot about your psychology? also where is my quote where I insisted that what people enjoy sexually doesn't reflect their psychology? or is just this about piece of shit you had to make up to put words in my mouth to prove a point like the pathetic nut you are? because god forbid I think people's respect should depend on who they are as a person rather than their sex life, what morally deprived whore am I who's just spewing out bullshit excuses huh?

No. 215089

I love how even a thread where we can vent about misogyny turns into "the wimmin are bad and wrong!!11"

Typical and unsurprising. Women really can't, and will never, escape from this shit.

No. 215093

Pretty sure the guys implication was that men arent allowed to deny sex or their masculinity/attraction to their partner is put into doubt.

No. 215094

>And really the fear of the judgement of others, judgement that has no power mind, says more about your own feelings of shame than anything else.
You are fucking retarded if you think judgment of others is only a matter of feelings. Maybe you should leave your bedroom more often, get a job, yeah?

No. 215095

Here's the thing, it's fine to have standards for partners, yes. If a guy doesn't want to date a girl who enjoys gangbangs (pretty extreme example), I find nothing wrong with that. Having qualities that make you a bad candidate for a romantic partner don't make you a bad human being, or morally bankrupt as whole. There is no reason to despise someone just because they don't fit the qualities you would desire in a gf/bf. That's the problem with men.

No. 215096

men can easily deny sex though, easier than women can, even so, the "muh masculinity" thing is only used in rare and abusive situations, if a girl does say a man is less of a man for not fucking she is easily seen as as crazy and abusive, where as men can barely take no for an answer and always try to compensate or blackmail, and for the attraction of their partner is doubted, it would be doubted in any gender relationship, if a partner is constantly denying sexual advances then yes the sad truth is the other partner will feel less attractive, that's why communication is the key, it's not a gender thing

No. 215097

>if a girl does say a man is less of a man for not fucking she is easily seen as as crazy and abusive
Maybe it depends on area, because I have seen issues stem from this.

>that's why communication is the key, it's not a gender thing

I'm not really denying this, but that's only viable when the people involved care more about the individuals in their relationship rather than stereotypes.

No. 215098

>if a girl does say a man is less of a man for not fucking she is easily seen as as crazy and abusive
She doesn't need to say it, if she mentions wanting to fuck and being denied everyone else is sure to mock the guy. Let's not be unfair, anon.

No. 215099

who's mocking the guy though? can you give me an example of when a man was mocked for denying sex?

No. 215100

The denial of sex thing is usually because men are usually wanting sex by default, girls aren't usually as thirsty as men are. A girl (generally speaking), isn't going to be as put off by being denied sex as a man.

No. 215108

> can you give me an example of when a man was mocked for denying sex?
I'm not really sure what you're looking for. I've seen women comment in the past that a guy must have been gay because he didn't want to do anything after a party or whatever, and all of her friends were agreeing with her. Sometimes they mix it up with "he must have been insecure", but I wouldn't really call that an improvement. A guy isn't allowed to not want sex in some peoples heads.

No. 215111

I fucking hate how men feel the need to shove themselves into any space that doesn't include them. You don't see hordes of women jumping into woman hate threads on /pol/ to defend themselves but the minute there's any sort of discussion in a female space that doesn't include men, they have to force themselves in and cry 'not ALL men.'

No. 215136

yeah maybe in the shitland of uk but not in most places of the world, it's not a widespread thing that happens

No. 215150

>There is no reason to despise someone just because they don't fit the qualities you would desire in a gf/bf. That's the problem with men.

Except it's not just a male thing. You've spent too long in sex positive, liberal circles if you think all women are totally cool with degenerate sex. Because I'm not and neither are any of my friends, and we'd judge both men and women who did things like that.

Basically what people like you are asking for is a world where nobody judges anyone. A world that basically resembles a big padded nursery, in other words.

No. 215151

You're delusional if you think people who like being pissed on have high self esteem on average. There's a reason fetishes are so much more common among "geeky" types. Low self esteem plus early age porn exposure and that's the end result.

No. 215152

You're weak. You want to live in a world where people's thoughts and feelings are informally policed. People judge others. Look at a large portion of the content on lolcow itself for goodness sake. Deal with it. And realize that having a thousand and one "fetishes" isn't normal or healthy.

No. 215153

Anon you really don't understand what you're talking about, what you said is completely different than what that person said, no, no one wants a "big padded nursery" people are simply saying it's no ones business if someone is doing weird shit in their sex life assuming no one is harmed, hell I even know conservatives who agree it's no ones business, you sound like a nut

> You've spent too long in sex positive, liberal circles if you think all women are totally cool with degenerate sex

where did that anon say that? where? nowhere did that anon nor did anyone say that

>You're delusional if you think people who like being pissed on have high self esteem on average

what have you met people who like being pissed on? some of these people tend to seem like normal ass people, you never know what someone likes in their sex life unless what they like is influenced by how the act, the most that you could tell is that people who tend to be dom irl tend to be dom in the bedroom, as well as people who like being sub irl tend to be sub in the bedroom to, and even that's not accurate considering a lot of business men and executives will hire dominatrixes because they like being dominated for a change, even if someone does want to be pissed on, why does it make them less of a person? No you don't have to want to be pissed on and no, no one is telling you to be okay with being pissed on like you insist we are forcing our sexual beliefs on you, it's simply just no one's business, and no, I'm not saying "OMG U WANT SOME LIBERAL SAFE SPACE YOU BIG NURSERY TIDDY BABY GO SUCK SOME TIDDY!!!!PPL WILL JUDGE YOU IF THEY WANT RETARD!!!! REEEEEEE!!!" like you insist everytime someone says it's just simply no ones business what people like in the bedroom, again, assuming it doesn't hurt anyone

> There's a reason fetishes are so much more common among "geeky" types

ummm, where have you been? while geeky types are more open, tons of people who seem normal may be into kinky shit as well, plus isn't it usually the popular girl stereotype who likes getting gang banged? Have you ever even been in the bdsm community? there's tons of business men, top dogs, business women, no, again, I'm not saying "OMG U SAID PEOPLE WHO LIKE BDSM HAVE HIGH SELF ESTEEM!!!!! REEEE!!!!" I'm simply saying you never know who is into freaky shit, you never know who is into vanilla shit, that's why it shouldn't factor in with how much respect or care someone deserves

PS: when you reply, at least TRY and I mean TRY to use something we actually said as defense instead of putting words and stretching to fit your narrative that kinky people are low life losers and it is 100% always a reflection of who you are and if you disagree with me you're a liberal crybaby who wants the world to be a big liberal safe space

No. 215154

>You're weak. You want to live in a world where people's thoughts and feelings are informally policed. People judge others.

um hunny, people can promote the idea it's no one's business what people do in the bedroom without being a big bad liberal baby who just wants people thoughts and feelings controlled, what even are doing? people are judged, sure, whatever, but even the most hardcore conservatives I know will even promote the idea that it's people privacy and shouldn't be factored in who they are as a person

> Look at a large portion of the content on lolcow itself for goodness sake. Deal with it.


>nd realize that having a thousand and one "fetishes" isn't normal or healthy.

awe the bitch that's making shit up and reading more delusional shit again, no one is saying it's normal or healthy, and god if you do find a quote of mine or any one elses on this thread where we said having tons of fetishes is normal and healthy then I will beat my computer with a baseball bat, we're just simply saying it's no one business and people should be judged on how they act and who they are, not if they want to get pissed on or whatever, that's ridiculous, and no, no one is saying we want to live in a big padded nursery like you insist we do for daring to think that people should be respected if they deserve respect depending on who they are as a person, not what they like in the bedroom, how liberal and weak of me huh? Get a job sweetie, maybe if you did had one you'd realize how little what people like in the bedroom actually matters

No. 215155

"Many men who turn to submissive fantasies do so for precisely the sort of vacation from responsibility that Roiphe suggests women are seeking. Olivia Severine, a transsexual dominatrix living in San Francisco, says most of her clients were “very high-powered” men weighed down by responsibility. “They came to see me as a brief escape when no one was looking at them for direction or leadership,” she says. “The time with me is when they were told what to do, what to feel and how to act … and all the weight of their careers, families, lives, is lifted from them for a cherished few hours.”"



No. 215164

I agree with you but Jesus calm down a bit

No. 215165

I get so frustrated when men cry "Feminism is about equality so why won't they fight for mens righs buhu". Like no, feminism isn't about fighting for men. Its about fighting for women to have the same social, economical and political rights as men. Its not that hard to grasp. Why do they expect feminists to fight for them, when they wouldn't lift a pinky to help women. Not just in feminism, but in every single movement where women are the focus, they cry that "what about men". Why do they expect everyone to stop helping women just to help them, instead of doing it themselves. Their entitlement is baffling.

No. 215166

Adding that you never hear women go "well why aren't mra and mrm fighting for womens rights, aren't they about equality"

No. 215211

because men are idiots, I've seen more and more feminists support men, and I can easily say I've seen more IG feminist accounts that added men to support such as body pos for men pics, "let boys show emotion" pics, etc, and yet men still insist feminists are just the crazy ones who make everything about them and pretend to be oppressed, ironically, it's the MRAs and MGTOWs who are doing exactly what they are saying feminists are doing, except the outreach is far more

I can NEVER go on the internet anymore, enjoy my news, without seeing men scream and cry and try to twist and turn everything so it oppresses them, and then make straight up bullshit claims about how hard men have it when in reality they don't at all, they just want to go back to a patriarchal society and always have to assume every single woman to be an extreme feminist to prove a point

>woman gets a few years in prison for having sex with a teenage student

men scream that they would be in life in prison if she was a man (which is clearly untrue, because pedophiles who actually rape young children will barely even get a year for each kid)

>man goes to prison, whether it's long or short

men come in screaming how if he was a woman he would be walking away and how "women have been getting away with everything since the beginning of them"

>woman gets in trouble, fired, etc, such as in >>213992

men of course leave gross comments like that, as you can see

>woman gets abused, killed, raped, etc

men come in saying how she either lied or did it to herself or she deserved it

>man gets murdered

men come in screaming how it's inequality because they think people would care more if it was a woman who got hurt

>woman talks about how no one will let her sit down on the subway when she's pregnant

men come in crying about how "what do you want? you want equality? this is it!"

>women talk about their preferences in men

men scream, cry, bitch and moan about how it hurts their self esteem, act as if every single woman demanded a perfect chad even if they all had very diverse preferences that centered around an average men, claim they would cry if it was reverse (ironically, it was reversed, and there was not even a comparable amount of bitching as there was about men bitching about women's preferences even though the women had lower standards kek)

>documentary about a female trucker

men come in and bitch and moan and say shit like "HA ITS EQUALITY YOU STUPID BITCH SUCK IT UP YOU WANTED EQUALITY NOW YOU GOT IT" even though it wasn't even about that, it was simply a documentary about a female trucker, what she has to do, why she's a trucker, what she goes through with the male truckers, etc

men ALWAYS have to make everything about them, they're becoming the feminists they cried about except even bigger than what the feminists did and there's more of them

No. 215233

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>woman gets a few years in prison for having sex with a teenage student

>men scream that they would be in life in prison if she was a man (which is clearly untrue, because pedophiles who actually rape young children will barely even get a year for each kid)

I want to add something to this that really grinds my gears with the whole Female teacher teenage student thing. Every time I see that kind of story on Youtube, there's always an influx of comments from, you guessed it, other men spouting about how great it is for the kid to do it with his teacher/he was lucky/how if they were him they'd hit it too etc.. and that shit drives me
nuts. It's disgusting as fuck

No. 215243

Lots of men like to complain about how women don't have it as hard as them while simultaneously engaging in stupid shit that brings other men/themselves down. The age of consent is a good example. Any time a boy gets involved with a female teacher, know it all men of the internet will comment on how lucky the kid was at first, then after finding out about a short sentence for the teacher, they'll whine about how women have it so easy compared to men. Then those same people make rape jokes and act like it's nbd and women need to get over it.

Another example I personally heard is this guy bitching about how "cunts get everything in a divorce" and are lazy stay at home golddiggers. I heard this irl on campus. As you can imagine, his logic was that it's all the fault of women and not of the guy who chose to marry a shitty person.

No. 215244

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I don't want to ever hear men complaining that they are oppressed and women control everything. Nothing like pic related would ever happen to a man on the basis of him being a man.

Being a woman fucking blows. People already have their mind made up about you and you can't even get the chance to change it.

No. 215245

Also I want to add that this 'women are too emotional to function' shit has to stop. I wish we were past this already. I don't know any woman whose emotions stop her from doing her job well, or make her incapable of thinking straight. It's men that fly off the handle and throw bitch fits all the time when they don't get their way, but they seem to conveniently forget that anger is an emotion as well.

Relating it back to the screenshot above, there are male directors (like David O'Russell) who have thrown fits on set and are still worshipped and can still get financed whenever their little heart desires. It's bullshit. Seriously, there are videos of his pathetic little outbursts. But I guess it's the women who shouldn't be funded because like, periods and stuff.

No. 215246

> they seem to conveniently forget that anger is an emotion as well.
god that gets me so heated, I hate when men complain and go "waaah men aren't allowed to feel emotions!!" as though """"masculine"""" emotions like anger and pride don't exist. Not that I think it's okay how much some men are shamed for opening up and being sad, but I tried to have a conversation with a man about sadness and he said I could literally never understand how it feels to not be able to open up about my feelings. As though women are never at risk of being called hysterical, or a whiny bitch, or having all kinds of stereotypes and preconceptions about us "proved" by one emotional slip-up. I won't pretend that we don't have it a little easier than men in that regard but it just shows how little men understand about women because they think we're just constantly crying on one another's shoulders or something.

No. 215248

i feel like im dating an incel but he pretends to not know how to use the internet so how common is this mindset i am very concerned lol

No. 215249

I don't believe for a second that women have it easier in that regard. I learned from an early age to hide all of my emotions so that I don't get mocked for being an overemotional girl, hormonal, hysterical, exc.

Even if a man slipped up and showed some emotion other than anger, men and women alike would be there to make excuses for him. If it was in the workplace, he would get another chance. If a woman did, though? She'd be done. There is no second chance. You need to do it perfect and do it the first time or you're fucked. Don't show any weakness or emotion, or you're just an overemotional female incapable of doing anything right.

No. 215250

On the topic of men complaining about women being lazy gold diggers… notice how 80% of the time that's coming from the same men who complain about how they long for the days of traditional women?

So… you WANT women to stay at home and be housewives, completely dependent financially on men… but then complain about them spending their husband's money? Or money factoring into their choice in partner? And these same men always pride themselves on how "logical" they are.

They're also the same men who think women should dedicate their existence to babies and husband because they're more nurturing and that's what nature intended… but then bitch about unfair custody.

Like, all the shit they complain about is the obvious product of the world they want. Yeah, you want a world where women are the ones doing the caretaking of children? You get a world where they get preference in custody battles. Want a world where women rely financially on men? Money is gonna factor into who they marry.

No. 215251

ahhh i broke up with a fiancé and dating a man now and ahh this is meeeeeeeeeeee

No. 215252

And the same men that say women should only raise children because they're more nurturing and that's the only thing they're good at will turn around and say women literally can't feel emotions and we're all manipulative whores.

They're completely irrational. They have no actual change or solutions to the 'problems' they think are caused by women, they just want to complain. They need a reason to hate women as a whole, and they don't care if the reasons contradict themselves, as long as they have something.

No. 215255

>women literally can't feel emotions and we're all manipulative whores.
Those same men also like to say how women are much more emotional than men, while men are the more logical sex. They use estrogen against us as "proof" we're just inherently irrational, but completely disregard the mental effects of testosterone.

They also love to use the fact women have a higher rate of anxiety diagnosis against us, but then complain about how men are more likely to commit suicide. So… we're the crazier sex because we have a higher rate of anxiety diagnosis… but y'all are totally sane even though you're significantly more likely to off yourselves?

Rationality just doesn't factor into misogyny. I once had a (now former) friend bitch about how "the difference between men and women is that men have a code when it comes to friendship!" because I let my best friend (who he brutally dumped prior to this) have sex with my boyfriend (who was waaay more his friend than I was). So, you're going to say women don't have a code with friendship when it was your male friend that you were way closer to that fucked your ex? But of course I'm the one to blame because I told them I didn't care if they fucked and I happen to have a vagina. He also said he was way more mad at me than my boyfriend. Because that makes fucking sense. It was my own damn fault, he said irrationally sexist shit to me quite a few times, but I was dumb enough to ignore the red flags because I didn't want to come off as "too feminist".

This same ex-friend also called a girl that rejected him a gold digger because when they went out a couple of times, it was to expensive places… even though he said she always paid for her own food.

No. 215258

>This same ex-friend also called a girl that rejected him a gold digger because when they went out a couple of times, it was to expensive places… even though he said she always paid for her own food.

Lmao. Men really can't conceive that maybe they aren't God's gift to women and women just don't like them. It HAS to be a problem with that woman, or even better, women as a whole. I'm beginning to get less sad about misogyny, because I'm starting to see just how pathetic and prone to projection men really are.

No. 215259


they only want women to be financially dependent on them so it traps them into to being slaves

onion for example, how he abused his exes and manipulated them into being financially dependent on them, then when he kicks her out for becoming what he made her and going for the next teen fangirl, he acts as if she's some big bad succubus gold digger for wanting his money because he made her financially dependent on him, most likely forbidden her from getting a job, then acts shocked when she wants money to start out with so she isn't on the streets, since onion can buy 3 houses he should be able to pay the divorce for the women he abused kek

they're big babies honestly, they're just upset that they can't kick women out or bring women in as they choose with no consequences whatsoever, so now they result in calling all women gold diggers over anything

No. 215261


pretty much, men nowadays are defining gold-digging so loosely, next thing you know they're going to accuse women who use the bathroom at someone elses house of being gold diggers if they didn't pay the water bill, if they're not doing it already lmao, once I knew a guy who called his friends gf a gold-digger because she ate food off his plate a lot

No. 215269

I don't know if I'm being crazy or not (this is how much they've got inside my fucking head) but I don't think I'll ever date a man who calls himself an anti feminist again. My most recent ex would say horrible things to me, use stuff I'd told him about my past cause I thought I could trust him against me and if I even got the slightest bit upset I was crazy, overemotional and abusive.

He would literally demand a list of my ex lovers, I'd get upset and cry, tell him to fuck off and leave me alone he'd turn this around and say "YOU'RE ABUSING ME, IF I, A MAN SAID THAT TO YOU YOU'D CRY ABUSE!! YOU'RE ONLY CRYING TO TRY MANIPULATE ME AS THAT'S WHAT WOMEN DO!" He seemed to have this weird agenda to "prove" women are abusive and any slight emotion I showed after being berated by him for hours was "abuse" but him mentally torturing me about things I did before we even knew each other is just him being angry and totally normal.

No. 215271

My mom's ex-boyfriend used to call her a gold digger for pushing him to get a job, while he was living in our house not paying rent or any bills…

No. 215272


pretty much, anti-feminists like to claim they're for equality when in reality they're literally just doing what they claim to hate feminists for

Once I dated a guy who was an anti-fem, he would laugh and make jokes about my molestation, said "it wasn't that serious and you should just forgive and forget" and ended up breaking up with me then going around and telling all his friends about our sex life but demanded all women to act like "ladies" then refused to act like a gentlemen under his own delusion women are oppressing and abusing men somehow

No. 215273

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>mfw there's actual people that think like this

Those guys need a serious reality check

No. 215275

Eh honestly it depends a lot on where you are and the biases of people above you, I think. I'm not proud to admit this but when I was in high school/early 20s I often used crying to my advantage when I messed up in school or work and got away with stuff I shouldn't have (nothing major, just getting extensions on work/assignments etc) because I always got sympathetic "aww poor baby" type of reactions, both from men and women. I wasn't faking the crying, I'm just a huge crybaby, but I knew people would be more lenient with me when I was showing that emotion and I took advantage of it. Not saying that would work for everyone and in all situations, but I don't think I've ever once been insulted or suffered some sort of social/career penalty just from my emotions leaking out.

No. 215276

>free-loading in her house
Sounds like he was the gold digger

No. 215277

tmi but he was into some pretty degrading stuff in the bedroom….but would call me a whore for agreeing to do those things to make me happy during arguments (which he always started)

honestly I worry about these women pandering to alt right types, I never went that far but I was the "cool" girl who didn't mind her boyfriend making sexist jokes, going to strip clubs etc which was fucking stupid on my part but I didn't want to be seen as a crazy feminist and it got me nowhere, I ended up being abused and with zero self-esteem. I will never do that again and will run as soon as I see a red flag. I'm working on building myself back up again and never being in that situation again but I fear the majority of men have gone to that side.

No. 215285

Nope, no woman should ever date a guy who says he's anti-feminist. I've literally never known one that wasn't abusive to his girlfriend in one way or another, be it mentally, physically, sexually, or all three. They're simply not capable of treating a girlfriend well.

One big thing they try to do is gaslight you into thinking all men think like them and you're never going to find one who has healthy views on women.

No. 215291

But anon, men CAN'T be gold diggers!

No, seriously. Men are retarded and biased as all fuck. I had a boyfriend who lived with me for six fucking months and he wouldn't help with rent, bills, or with keeping the place clean. Which was fair enough, because he was in a tough spot and job-hunting so I didn't complain. However,
>bf gets job at last
>"we should keep living together, right, anon? that's way cheaper"
>sure, paying half the rent will be nice for me too
>"what do you mean, anon, you want me to share the rent? are you expecting me to pay your bills now that I got a job? I thought you weren't like other women"

Not even kidding. Good thing he already had a job otherwise his ass would be homeless after this.

No. 215295

Why are you assuming I'm from the U.K.? I'm American.

No. 215297

Ugh, its like men will rant about how women should be housewives who stay home 24/7 and read and cook and take care of kids and how they want to be dominant breadwinners but at the same time want to sit on their ass all day and not pay anything and expect their girlfriend to pay the bills and do the work as well as housework so they can sit on their ass on 4chan and rate if womens tits are good enough for them or not, it's ridiculous, and they don't even want to act like decent boyfriends and say sweet things or buy flowers every now and then, because if a woman wanted at least one good thing out of a relationship shes an abusive disgusting inequal gold digger, do they even want girlfriends or do they want moms? Because clearly watching your boyfriend play league then dry fuck you after should be just enough for you to want to work your ass off, go broke paying for his shit, all the while trying to be a good little submissive housewife for him right?

No. 215300

They want moms they can have sex with.

No. 215301

>Why do they expect feminists to fight for them
Because many feminists routinely argue that they should work under the flag of feminism to address their problems instead of splitting off? Like maybe you say otherwise, but a lot of them are saying that's exactly what they should do.

The message is all over the fucking map.

No. 215333

Oh god, I can only imagine what these types would think of my relationship with my husband. I'm sure they would say he's been castrated by feminazis and forced into an abusive relationship with a gold digger.

>be semi-trad (trad myself, but don't believe that delusional nonsense that I'm somehow magically better than women who aren't)

>be married to feminist man with a lot more money than the average person his age (didn't even know about it until after we got married)
>paid my rent for a year
>just bought me a $400 bag, Xbox one, several video games, and a bunch of other shit for Christmas
>gives me full access to his bank account and mostly says yes when I ask for something

This thread is really reinforcing how lucky I am, since apparently asking a guy to help with rent when he's living with you makes you a gold digger now…

No. 215364

The problem is that anyone can call themselves a feminist regardless of what they believe, even it completely contradicts the core principles of the concept. I've known "feminists" who strongly believe that women shouldn't work unless their husband tells them to, but should be at home doing chores.

No. 215368

Here’s another example of what men are like;

I had a friend who was really close to me, I trusted him completely. And so after I was raped (by a different man - that’s a whole other story) he was the first person I went to. (I have to note here that we communicated online 99% of the time as we lived in different countries, and that English is not my first language…) I told him everything about what happened that night, and he just… He corrected my grammar. He didn’t say how he was sorry that it happened, or that he was there for me, or would help me. Nope. He felt like it was the right time to correct my grammar. And then when I got upset, he went into angry / defensive mode, so we dropped the topic.

No. 215370

I'm so sorry that happened to you, I hope you're doing okay now. What a piece of shit your friend was, why the fuck would he think that's an appropriate time to correct your grammar? Are men incapable of picking up on appropriate social cues and being sympathetic?

No. 215372

Most men think a woman who wants access to their money (for whatever reason) is a gold digger because "feminism destroyed the natural order of things so now women shouldn't ask for a man's money ever or they're gold diggers". But if they need financial help from their female partner, they just see it as "regular companionship stuff you're supposed to do for your SO".

You're very lucky, anon. I wouldn't be comfortable with getting that much from my bf but your husband sounds like a great guy.

No. 215375

I once had a guy tell me it's not rape if it's someone you previously had sex with. He revealed to me he raped a girl, but he didn't consider it such because since she consented to sex with him before that magically invalidated her saying no after, even though by his own admission she was very clear in saying no over and over again.

Pay fucking attention anytime a guy doesn't consider clear cut examples of rape to be rape. Because chances are, that's because he himself has done it or thinks he should have the right to if he hasn't already.

How disgusting. I'm so sorry that happened to you.

No. 215377

Don't men have a significantly higher rate of autism than women? I'm not saying that to put down autistic people, most of the ones I've known are very empathetic, but they still tend to say incredibly inappropriate things in highly sensitive situations. On the topic of men saying revolting things to people who've been through hell, I have a friend whose little sister went missing and was never found. An autistic guy in our group suggested to her that she was probably killed or being held prisoner by a pedophile. Like… how can you be that fucking clueless to think that's okay? When he was called out, he genuinely couldn't see what was wrong with what he said because "well, it's the most likely scenario". Yeah, dumbass we fucking know that, we have to live with knowing the high likelihood of that every day.

No. 215405

That's actually common among rapists - denying having raped someone but admitting to doing something that falls under rape.


No. 215445

Pretty much, even several child molesters will try to excuse their actions by saying the child consented

No. 215503

>Don't men have a significantly higher rate of autism than women?
Yes, and women with histrionic personality disorder. In a sense I've always viewed them as the extreme negative forms of the male and female mentality.

No. 215506

Guys who use their autism to run around acting like low-life pieces of shit and use it as an excuse to harass women give me headaches

knew an autistic guy once who dated my friend, he demanded her drive him everywhere, cry when she didn't want to be sexual with him, she broke up with him because he kept touching all over other women, he was super creepy and followed her everywhere and went through her phone even before they started dating, pretty much demanded her date him, he would cry and play victim if she didnt want to fuck him in the middle of campus, after the break up he would get drunk and harass her and call her, took her nudes and sent it to his friends when she ignored him then called her a whore and said she cheated on him because his friends had her nudes after he sent them to them…. then when my friend told the kids mom what he was doing to her, he played victim and said it was "unequal" that she was telling people what he was doing because he only sent the nudes to 4 people and by his logic, because of that she was only allowed to tell 4 people as well… pathetic

autistic guys tend to be a no-go, given some are harmless who just get obsessed with comic books or video games, autistic women just tend to be very awkward and have odd interests, the big difference between autistic guys vs autistic women can tell a lot about each gender

No. 215525

>Any time I ever hear of a woman pulling a gun on someone, it's always because of a man in some form, especially like an abusive husband.
Valerie Solanas?

No. 215528

Not that it's an excuse for what she did to Andy Warhol, but if you look into her past, she had been heavily abused by men her entire life.

No. 215533

Plenty of male killers had abusive pasts too.

No. 215534

yeah but there are also many killers who come from normal homes, sometimes even good homes, where as with women most women who do fucked up shit come from fucked up places

No. 215538

I think most killers have abusive pasts, male or female, but women are abused at a much, MUCH higher rate and still, most killers are male. rly makes u think

No. 215549

And Edmund Kemper was forced to sleep in a locked basement and was regularly abused, his mother fearing any sensitivity would "turn him gay". I would still have been pleased if they executed him instead. The woman was a loon and anyone who unironically defends her should not be trusted.

>where as with women most women who do fucked up shit come from fucked up places
A recent counter example would be the girl who encouraged her boyfriend to kill himself, hell we had people tripping over themselves trying to argue she "thought she was only doing the right thing". To the best of my knowledge there have not been any gendered studies on this topic so all arguments will probably be anecdotal.

No. 215554

>the big difference between autistic guys vs autistic women can tell a lot about each gender

No. 215556

once case of an 11 yr old girls vs tons of cases of grown ass men doing horrible shit,they should have their autism controlled by now

No. 215640

I remember when that hologram waifu thing came up last year and all the guys sperg in the comments as it being another step closer to “post-biowoman” age. And then there’s >>214219
Which really just is the shit they all think about but won’t admit out loud. Go to any sex doll /sex bot video and read the comments or any article talking about artificial wombs. It’s full of guys waiting for the day when they can replace us and kill us off because their “waifus are now real” and we’re only good for sex and babies. So make their own fake wombs, find a way to make their own ovum and we’re ‘obselete’. They hate us that much. So I cringe hard whenever I see some guy claim that men work hard for women to be happy because I seriously doubt it.

god damn this thread is exhausting, fuck.

No. 215643

I never understand why they are so looking forward to the day women are obsolete, but they aren't scared of the fact that men are practically obsolete. We are much closer to find out how to make a functioning sperm cell, than a complete function uterus plus ovum. And we already have enough sperm stored to kill all men and still further the human race. We would only need to raise one grown man about every hundred or so years to fill up on sperm.

No. 215652

All of this. This is why I crack up whenever some man comes into one of these threads and tries to claim that men don't despise women. Or they care more about them than just sex. Absolutely hilarious, good joke.

If it was up to them we would be gone a long time ago and they HATE that we aren't.

No. 215678

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hopefully these "men" can make the holograms cook, clean, work to pay their shit too since they want us to be replaced so badly but also want to sit on their ass and depend on women for everything

everytime I see some loser neckbeard who's probably ugly and useless himself gloat about how "LOL YOU'LL BE REPLACED LADIES MALE POWER" it just reminds me of how badly they just want our attention and act like we would be offended when insecure little boys want to fuck an anime hologram instead of an actual woman

reminds me of when losers on r9k will post a white guy marrying an indian woman then scream about how mad "white roasties" are going to be for whatever reason and act as if it offends girls so much if men date women of another race when in reality they're the ones who get pissed over it, hell I even knew men who got pissed over vibrators ffs, they fail to realize the world doesn't revolve around them and the fact actually attractive, worthy men who won't treat us like shit are available all over and we aren't going to be mourning the loss of some greasy abusive loser who would rather fuck a hologram than a woman

No. 215686

>everytime I see some loser neckbeard who's probably ugly and useless himself gloat about how "LOL YOU'LL BE REPLACED LADIES MALE POWER" it just reminds me of how badly they just want our attention
They are mad because they're still virgins.
>men who won't treat us like shit are available all over and we aren't going to be mourning the loss of some greasy abusive loser
THIS! It's funny how they think that their short, fat, unattractive ass will be missed. They can go on and jack off to their hologram wifu's because its the only thing that will want them, while we still have plenty of attractive and sane men to choose from.
It's just natural selection in a way. They weed themselves out.

No. 215696

I don't understand how women are somehow more expendable than men to them. Cloning women is well within possibility, cloning men is not. We literally do not need men to keep the species going and if we did, we just need a small percentage of the current number to keep the population up healthily.

No. 215700

Men run the world darling. Literally everything you see around you is built by or invented by a guy. If all women disappeared tomorrow, there would be discontent. If all men disappeared however, there would be anarchy and chaos.

Please, at least be realistic in your nihilistic ramblings. There are far better ways to criticize men than
>hehe lol we can just do without them entirely XD(such intellect)

No. 215702

Why do all men think they get hotter as they age forever? That's a minority of the male population outside if Hollywood and yeah, they start to get hotter in their late thirties, but by 50, they're reliant on Viagra and look a step above corpses.

No. 215703

exactly, and we still have a bunch of sperm thats frozen in the bank as well as the scientist who figured out how to turn women's bone marrow into sperm, they think that artificial wombs can keep the human race alive if women disappeared but fail to realize sperm + egg = fetus in womb



nice try, darling, if it wasn't for ada lovelace your ass wouldn't even be typing ignorant shit
also what makes you think there would be anarchy? are you forgetting it's always men who start and involve themselves in war as well as most killers being male, most rapist being male, most everything bad that happens in the world is because of men, also where is your source that "MEN INVENTED EVERYTHING"?

oh right it doesn't exist

No. 215705

Go back to /pol/ and whine about it there.

The only things men are necessary for are physical labor and sperm, but modern technology eliminated the need for that.

No. 215707

>Men run the world darling.
And the world is currently in a shit, shit state. rely meks u thenk

>If all women disappeared tomorrow, there would be discontent.

And there would be extinction as well. Or do you think men would start birthing XY babies out their asses?

>Literally everything you see around you is built by or invented by a guy

And now women are getting higher education and catching up. Thanks for your contributions so far, but you are no longer necessary.

No. 215708

File: 1512964109401.jpg (223.66 KB, 1552x873, 00-social-stephanie-seymour-li…)

easy, the think the world revolves around them, they've been lying to themselves thinking their their flabby man tits, beer belly, and salt and pepper hair is hot and women age like cheese, which as you can see, for most women who don't have drug habits or anorexia, is completely untrue

look at 50 yr old women vs 50 yr old men, men are just hideous creatures in general honestly

No. 215709

Who do you think created said technology? Maintains it?
hint: its not Ada fucking Lovelace (kek)

No. 215710

>I never understand why they are so looking forward to the day women are obsolete, but they aren't scared of the fact that men are practically obsolete
Many of them are well aware of this fact, so they tell themselves it's the other way around to feel better

No. 215711

Spoiler alert: women are also capable of being scientists and many of them already are. This isn't exactly a secret. If you were gone, we'd just recruit more.

No. 215712

File: 1512964285737.jpg (161.16 KB, 1024x768, working-on-eniac-0065-1024x768…)

variety of people, my dude, which includes a fuckton of men and women
as well as most female programmers in mid 20ths century being, you guessed it, female
go get a history lesson, sweetie

if it wasn't for women, you wouldn't be typing that, plain and simple

No. 215713

Some fair points, but education is shit (no seriously, its shit). Also, the more "equal" a country is, the less women tend to work. Source: Sweden or my country, Netherlands.

Women hate work, and if they can choose, they choose to take care of their babies. Nothing even wrong with that, its literally nature.

Why cant I post pictures btw? My feminist folder just sits there collecting dust :/

No. 215715

This thread is for people to rant about why we hate men, it is not a debate thread about which gender is better. Anything you post is off-topic and irrelevant. Please get out.

No. 215716

>Thanks for your contributions so far

Nah, this dude has made no contributions. I can bet you. He thinks he's superior and important because he shares the same genitals and Y chromosome on people who have invented, created, and revolutionized. It's all he has.

No. 215717

>Muh Lovelace
Pls drop this shitty argument. It strongly reminds me of
>We wuz kangz n shit
Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Electrical Engineering, it's al dominated by men. Im in a top Compsci uni as we speak, 90% is men and the few women there are nothing special. The graduate classes often have 1 or 2 females to 15 men. Note that this is AFTER the great marketing campaign of our goverment to get "more women in tech" (lol).

No. 215718

This. Note he also says education is shit, which is the classic line of someone who's never had one. It's very common for NEET men or ones with low-tier jibs to act superior based on their dick because that's all they have in common with people like Einstein… who literally said women were fools for thinking they're equal to men because they're better.

No. 215719

lets see all the things that wouldn't be here if it wasn't for women

well you and your buddies for one, were all pushed out of a womans vagina, and most likely kept alive until now
unless you're lactose intolerant, a woman produced milk for you to drink to stay alive, healthy and grow until you can eat solid foods

secondly, beer


the thing you and your buddies drink every friday while in a jerk circle

the computer or phone you're posting on, would not be here if it wasn't for women


gaming wouldn't be here, wifi wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for these ~useless~ women you wouldn't be shit talking women on league while enjoying a beer


No. 215720

You're so impressive and superior. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to educate us.

No. 215721

Please see >>215715

No. 215723

>believing that because I brought up lovelace it was the only argument even though if you google you can easily find the fact that so many advancements in technology, specifically computer were made by women

>Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Electrical Engineering, it's al dominated by men

we made it and men use it, also the field is growing with women, so it's not like it's 100% men and no women at all

>Im in a top Compsci uni as we speak, 90% is men and the few women there are nothing special. The graduate classes often have 1 or 2 females to 15 me


wow you sure proved me that women are useless

No. 215724

He won't care. Men love to hear themselves talk. They go out of their way to enter a thread that is literally about how sick of them we are and start bitching. Expect 10-20 more posts about how women are worthless before he finally gets tired and goes back from where he came.

No. 215725

I should also add that the men here are nothing special either. It just seems that at the higher end its always men prevailing, and the rare women that does gets there is usually through affirmative action or literal dick sucking (see the disasters that were Ellen Pao or Marissa Mayer)

>the computer or phone you're posting on, would not be here if it wasn't for women
Bullshit and cope. I thought r9k incels were delusional but this is just as bad WTF! Seek mental help.

Ok sorry im off to bed anyway

No. 215727

But you're special, I'm sure.

No. 215728

>education is shit
Gee, then the world is going to end soon because men and women get literally the same education. Also >>215718

>muh biology

Nobody likes to work, robot. Also, biology is not very relevant in current society. Not saying that there aren't differences, it's just that culture and customs are such omnipresent, powerful forces that most biological drives are sublimated and turned into weird as fuck desires and ambitions, to the point that you can't really say "it's biology" about any behavior or trait and be done with it.

About women not working, youth in Japan isn't either, male and female. Same thing in my country. The economy is shit, people are starting to accept the fact that the capitalist dream of getting rich is a lie, and the more realistic people are just opting out. You can't just say "hurr women like growing babies in their vaginas and hate money thats all".

No. 215729

>Bullshit and cope. I thought r9k incels were delusional but this is just as bad WTF! Seek mental help.

delusional? sweetie read a history book, it has already been proven WITH sources, and you have yet to provide a source

No. 215732

The "women hate working" shit is just something they use to justify their view that women don't belong in the workforce at all. They think if they keep repeating that, more society at large will push it, and eventually it will have an impact and fuck us over. Back to the kitchen, indeed.

[Anecdotal.] I may hate my job, but there is nothing I love more than knowing that I put in a days work and received payment for it that allows me to be self sufficient and not have to ask for help. It's a great feeling that I got even when I was working minimum wage in high school. It makes you feel like you are moving forward, even if it's only incrementally. Plus unless you've landed your actual dream gig I do think it's a little bit healthy to have a small hatred of your job, because it pushes you to do better, be better, and thus be worthy of better jobs. Some people may think that's a little fucked though.

No. 215736

There's your daily reminder of how much men hate us. Even in a thread devoted to venting about misogyny, they have to come in and beat into our heads how superior they are. They can't just enjoy their ~Man's World~, they have to remind us how worthless we are every. single. day.

Go run the fucking world then and leave the inferiors to suffer.

No. 215737

Sage for anecdotal, but I mentioned people being disillusioned with capitalism because of my own experience too. I love my job, but that's because I chose to get a degree on a subject I absolutely love and want to know more about; I want to do research and contribute to the furthering of knowledge. My family could support me indefinitely - I'd have to be a perma-poorfag, but that'd be fine because what matters is my dedication to my field. I do have ambition, and I do want to do something great, I just… know that money won't be one of my rewards.

I managed to get a job despite all odds, but I'm still pretty much a perma-poorfag. That's fine with me. I don't wanna be part of the rat race and waste all my time doing something I hate just so I can get a paycheck and sorta do what I like on weekends, dreading the coming of monday. IMO technology has advanced way too much to justify the generalized poverty. The economy and the job market are fucked. I can't possibly blame anyone who decides to opt out, not even fat neckbearded NEET incels, and especially not women if they have the option to still have a good life despite working few hours.

No. 215738

Compared to whom? If you mean these kids then yea, but thats not really hard. Most people are REALLY stupid!

>Gee, then the world is going to end soon because men and women get literally the same education. Also >>215718
No, some men actually take time to learn their profession on their own, instead of soley relying on the graded obstacle course that is university (lol) to teach them everything.
If you want to be a doctor, an accountant, an pilot etc you will need to do the grind, but dont expect to make the next Facebook just because you took a Javascript 101 course.

These are new times, and men take risk, whereas the women are still sticking to the tried and tested route. It comes as no surprise that its guys who change the world with their inventions. They fail more, but they succeed more as well. This is literally biologically determined (iq distribution being an important factor) so its not even sexism. There is a lot more to say about this but im afraid its of no use.

Hey whats wrong with hating having to work? I hear men do it all the time as well. There is no honor or glory in "working" this is just propaganda to make us more productive. You think prehistoric men were like "geej, I wish we didnt have enough food for today so I could hunt again and potentially die!"?

Raising babies is one of the noblest things there is, its hard too so dont fall for the jew trick of the "liberated woman".

Anyway im really off now sorry for mansplaining :^)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 215741

>Raising babies is one of the noblest things there is
And how truly convenient it is that men don't want to be the ones to do it, so it becomes the only thing women are good at.

Men truly are insufferable, and transparent to boot.

No. 215742

Go invent something worthwhile then, and leave us to our inferiority. No sense is hanging out here with such lesser creatures. Toodles.

No. 215746

Being male is a fucking birth defect tbh

No. 215747

>And how truly convenient it is that men don't want to be the ones to do it, so it becomes the only thing women are good at.

This. Never seen a man admit "nobility" in changing a shitty ass and diaper five times a day. Or trying to console a screaming toddler for the umpteenth time.
Feeding a baby when all it wants to do is spit and fuss.
Getting no sleep while the baby projectile vomits and screeches throughout the night.

And babies are relatively easy. As they grow into children and teenagers their demands and behavior become increasingly needy and tasking.

No. 215749

exactly, I hope this guy had a shitty mom (and I mean actually shitty, not a mom who wouldn't let you go to your white trash friends party at 12 am) growing up so at least it would be some type of an excuse

Imagine carrying a fetus for 9 months, having to have a special diet and do so much shit to guarantee your baby turns out healthy and okay, spending tons of money on doctor appointments, stocking up on diapers, clothes, cribs, etc, dealing with changes in your body, forcing a fucking baby out your vagina and being in pain for hours, changing shitty diapers, cleaning up baby vomit all over your sweater, sleepless nights, embarrassment in public when your baby cries randomly, breastfeeding and having your nipples leak milk everywhere, trying to teach a kid to walk, talk, basic needs, paying for education and care, just to have the kid grow up to be a piece of shit who runs around disrespecting women and treating them like trash, thinking you're more superior than the person who, if it wasn't for, you'd be nothing today

No. 215751


>”men fucking hate us”

>”umm no :) men die 4 u :) men work to make women happy :) men made everything :) so just shut ur fucking mouth u whore while we replace u all :)”

How many times are we going to be beaten over the head with those ‘men built civilization. men are better than women in everything so shut up about misgony’ comments?

No. 215765

Exactly. I used to just hate how much men hated women but the more I have to interact with them the more I actually begin to hate them and dread ever having to deal with them.

I don’t see one redeeming quality anymore.

I thank god for the “Jew trick of the liberated woman” everyday, since it means I don’t have to live under the boot of a man like you. Id rather be a slave to my employer like you’re implying and be self sufficient than serve some fuck who literally hates me and thinks I’m worthless. And all under the guise of “love” which we all know men don’t actually feel towards women. If I couldn’t be a “liberated woman” I’d rather be fucking dead.

No. 215801

Honestly, a male feminist doesn't seem like that bad of boyfriend material at this point

also jw why do always these men bitch about how everyone expects them to be some manly gaston-level dude bro when it reality 9 out of 10 times it will always be men bashing other men who aren't manly enough, not women bashing men who aren't manly

It's like they do this to themselves then scream oppression

No. 215806

You're a fucking moron. I hear all the time how women have no 'honor', or that they don't understand the meaning of it. And then the same men grandstand about how women nowadays don't stay under the oppression of cunts like you. I'd rather be dead than serve some disgusting pig. Eat shit.

No. 215807

How does it feel to have a worthless tiny dick?

No. 215809

Just don't take the bait

No. 215810

Yeah, I see many women circlejerking over how hot they think those buzzfeed guys are, especially the Asian one. It's always men shaming each other for not being "manly" enough, women don't give a fuck.

No. 215813

Sorry for blogpost, but readiing this thread just made me feel a lot better, it's nice to know there are more women who think like this!

One of the things i hate the most is men bringing up the argument that THEY fought and died in wars, like no, not you!

I often fight with my brother about this topic; the worst thing is that he always asks whether i'm on my period, this enrages me to no end, since no natter what i say or do will be interpreted as me being sensitive. Sometimes i can't help but hit him… any tips?

No. 215814

hit him harder

No. 215815

Another thing I hate that men do is when they try hit on other women while they're in relationships, then blame the other women (even if they said no) and get her in shit. I also hate the girlfriend's that are dumb enough to believe their pos boyfriends.

No. 215858

exactly, all this these whiney little men will spend their time to bitch about "soy boys" (without even getting their own t checked kek) and act as if women aren't wetting themselves over a lot of the ~soy boys~ alt right men complain about, most women, even other alt right women would probably prefer the asian dude over some loser who sits at home whining about soy boys

No. 215866

>Says something deliberately inflammatory
>Gets criticized

This will NEVER not piss me off.

No. 215867

Either stop talking to him about it or this >>215814
Men don't listen, there's nothing you can say to improve him

They get rejected, can't understand that it's because they're pieces of shit, and start making up all sorts of weird theories about what women want. The male power fantasy is some manly buff dudes, so they think that must be it. That's literally all there is to it.

No. 215871

Have you seen what No Bullshit actually looks like? He's sooo alpha and not at all fat and unattractive. The audacity of him to make fun of other men's looks lmao.

Dude is a raging misogynistic prick too. I'm sure he's just drowning in pussy.

No. 215875

It’s always about rejection and the fear of being rejected. Look at Black Pidgeon Speaks. His notion “by allowing women to fuck freely” is rooted in that. They hate that we have choices. They hate how we’re human and not toys to be distributed around. They hate us for not choosing to be sex slaves for them. Hence why they love traditionalism in the sense for women to stay in the kitchen. Even though, lbr, theyd still hate us if we chose that life by calling us all weak and inferior like they always do. They hates us for rejecting them, for not rejecting them, for choosing other guys, for opting out of dating altogether, for living.

No. 215906


This was posted in another thread, but I thought it should be posted here as well.

No. 215907

That was interesting to read

Honestly, I believe a lot of this "bdsm" porn should be investigated, I get its a fetish and all, but the thing is that people nowadays are taking it way too far, making victims pass out, hanging them, all the while the women seem to genuinely hate it, the porn industry really needs a deep down investigation and have all the misogynists who force women to do gross shit because they hate them need to be arrested, but it's America, people are more worried about weed and 18 yr olds fucking their teacher consentually than actually investigating actual harmful people

No. 215909

Porn honestly shouldn't even be legal. It's all so disgusting…

No. 215910

>I get its a fetish and all
Lel that should never even be used to excuse vile and harmful behavior regardless of how far it's escalated. I swear to god soon enough 40 year old men will start framing their pedophilia under the guise of a fetish and people will be tripping over each other to scream at others not to kink shame.

I wonder why anyone would turn a blind eye to destructive or self-destructive tendencies the second it crosses into sexual and "kinky" territory.

No. 215912

The thing is that bdsm is a fetish in means that both people are supposed to enjoy it, men and women do have humilation fetishes and have fantasies about being raped and tied up, I think if a man or woman wants to be tied up and they find someone they trust to do so and its performed in a good, sane, healthy way then its all good, the problem is that misogynists who have mental issues and actually do hate women will use bdsm to hide their true intentions, its even worse when men will find gullible womem willing to be shit on to seem like a quirky kinkster to do this shit too. Bdsm CAN be performed in a safe and good way but people abuse it and use it to be gross, and now actual rape videos can just be posted on porn hub and no one would bat an eye because its seen off as "BDSM FETISH PORN", same with how actual children will be posted and no one cares because its listed as teen porn, and how sickos in the media will take child pornography and make it legal by calling it art

No. 215913

>sane, healthy rape fantasies
are you joking?

No. 215914

Anon its not uncommon for people to fantasize about raped, in fact if you look at stats a lot of women have forced sex fantasies however I assume its in a more gentle way rather than the "ILL WRAP YOUR HEAD IN A PLASTIC BAG AND ALMOST KILL YOU AND FUCK YOU DRY WITH NO FOREPLAY" kind of way, people can be completely normal and have rape fantasies to an extent, but some people take it to an extreme and that isn't healthy at all

No. 215915

That sounds like sadomasochism being taken to its logical conclusion, no? You have to at least realize how it could encourage people to participate in real abuse and rape scenarios despite the fact that it could be performed "safely" ?

No. 215917

Might I add depicted in porn* since porn is ran by men mostly, take notice how womens rape fantasies differ so much from mens rape fantasies, think of bdsm erotica written by women such as the claiming of sleeping beauty, it tends to be gentle, slow, and focused on both pleasure while it may technically fall under rape, where as mens rape fantasies dont give a shit about how the woman feels as long as if shes hurt, they are doing it in more of a "I hate women and want you to suffer" way, and that's the difference

No. 215919

If it makes people participate in real rape and abuse scenarios then its not being performed safely, are you going to tell me that a wife buying handcuffs or whatever to roleplay with her husband with and both have fun and enjoy it is something that should be frowned upon and forbidden? Thats where I'm getting at, if a guy claims to be into bdsm and finds gullible girls to tie up and abuse and fuck, then thats where im saying the problem is

No. 215920

Men try to excuse this type of porn by saying that we want it. Some or even many women may want to be humiliated, tied up etc etc. BUT they want it in a safe enviroment with a loving partner, not in ACTUAL rape and torture porn that is being displayed to men over the world so they can revel in their hate for women. These men in the videos are sick human beings that beat these girls even when they genuinely beg them to stop and the stars that do this type of porn have deep issues (often from child sexual abuse) and need help, they should not be used as an excuse as to why
women generally want to be treated this way.

I will personally never engage in violent sex with any man, because I know that it will only enable his behaviour and make him think that it's okay to treat women this way.

And lastly. The fact that there are over 1 million views on several of the videos in that link, proves that there are many men that think this is okay. Our hatred of men, and us being scared of them is completely justified when we look at what they want to do to us.

Sorry for a long post but I needed to vent.

No. 215922

Exactly, if women started directing what happens in rape roleplay porn it would be much MUCH different then how its shown in rape roleplay porn made by men

No. 215923

>are you going to tell me that a wife buying handcuffs or whatever to roleplay with her husband with and both have fun and enjoy it is something that should be frowned upon and forbidden?
That's hardly even in the same vein as what I'd consider a harmful sexual practice. If that same wife was into being """safely""" tied up, abused, and fucked in accordance with what is typical of a male fantasy or what's depicted in porn? I'd think that she needs to get her head checked, and it should be discouraged whether or not it's a "fetish."

No. 215924

Well. Can't unsee what I've seen here.

Why the fuck are men like this? I'll truly never look at them the same again after the past few years of my life, but that's kind of besides the point. I'm fine with avoiding men and calling it a day for me, but are women literally doomed to take this shit from men forever? I can't imagine how women who bring daughters into the world feel, it just gets worse and worse every single day. And there's nothing we can do to make things better for the women who come after us, is there?

No. 215926

Im talking about bdsm in general, people who've never seen porn in their life can have fantasies that relate to bdsm, I think girls who pretend to like shit that caters exactly to gross males are just brainwashed but people can have bdsm fantasies and act them out safely is where im getting, im saying that not all bdsm is a bunch of sickos who use it to hide their misogyny or women that want to seek attention

No. 215930

File: 1513052413446.jpg (85.67 KB, 600x627, 6a00d83451c29169e2014e5f869706…)

All my life I've subconsciously had empathy for misogynists, empathy for killers, empathy for incel types. I don't hate men at all, mean or nice, and that makes misogyny hard to deal with. How do you empathize with someone who hates you so much without hating yourself as well? I know it's possible but I still haven't figured it out. It's gotten so bad that despite my feminist ways I've subconsciously believed that I deserve to suffer just for wanting to look sexy, or even just for being a woman. That's the message I've received over and over again. It's all over media as an implication, and then occassionally some psychopath or robot will say it explicitly as if we weren't already aware. All I want is to move on and love myself as a woman and love my body and not have this thorn in my side but every day I'm given 10 more examples of how unrelentingly some men hate and dehumanize us and my self esteem isn't high enough to laugh it off. My mental and emotional well being has improved so much lately except for the obstacle that is misogyny. The amount of confidence and strength it would take to be able to genuinely say "I don't hate you, I feel a detached compassion towards you, and it doesn't make me feel bad about myself that you hate me and fantasize about hurting me and don't see me as a human subject" over and over again seems so unreasonably high. Why should I have to ascend to that level just to not have ridiculous amounts of internalized misogyny? I guess life isn't fair to anyone and it always takes more than we expect to get rid of our suffering, but still. I know I could just hate the people who hate me but I'm inclined to believe the slightly crunchy idea that genuinely hating people tears you up, even though empathy for them has torn me up too. I don't know what to do!

Sorry this is so incoherent and self obsessed. I really need to vent and you guys seem like some of the few that would understand. I really those of us with internalized shame can all work past this and someday feel comfortable and happy as women without denying how much we have been insulted hurt and wronged.

No. 215941

>One of the most extensive reasons for men's common hatred of women is 'Rejection'
>This is a deep rooted hate that stems mainly from sexually driven narcissists, who were rejected by 'Hot' women that began in their teenage years.(Unattractive women are not an option to them) These individuals are sexually self entitled and possess extremely fragile egos that are 'Painfully' destroyed by rejection of those females who they want, but can never have. They feel humiliated and emasculated by women and see them as a threat to their masculinity.

>(Unattractive women are not an option to them)

This is so painfully accurate.

No. 215945

So I guess it's really just run of the mill extreme narcissism with sex and gender flavor, which wouldn't be so bad to reconcile, psychos gonna psycho, but then they get into positions of power and their narcissistic misogynistic insanity is broadcast in waves via religion, internet, and hollywood, and then we arrive where we are today, where any impressionable, insecure, or neurotic person (so most people) can perpetuate misogyny even if they're not a conscious malicious misogynist and it feels like the whole world is made up of elliot rodgers.

No. 215946

Ikr, it always makes me cringe when ugly greaseballs who have nothing good about their personality except when they pretend to be good for a bit, and then they have these high ass expectations, when they see the "perfect" woman they jump straight into harassing her or just expecting her to fangirl over him despite him being a gross loser, then whining and playing victim when they don't get what they want, which that want is a pretty wife to abuse and trap, theyre babies who want the world to cater to them, most likely have been handed everything throughout life, been a spoilt child whos mom or dad brought them everything they wanted and never disciplined them so now they run around thinking they can do anything and everything they want and believe the world revolves around them

If not a spoilt baby, if they do come from a shitty household they get entitled by thinking the world owes them something and whine when they get a reality check

No. 215954

Anon, not to be harsh or unhelpful, but I really think all you need is time. I used to have a similar mindset as you do now - but even worse, because I always felt the need to prove men like that WRONG. I also bought into the "hatred tears you up" thing, and I wanted to help them. I wanted to show them that women are human, and we are capable of doing good things and we don't deserve all the hatred and vitriol they direct at us, and they would probably be healthier if they let it go. Then slowly it became about me just wanting the hatred towards women to stop, because it hurt too much and I was surrounded by it. With one man in my life eventually that turned into me wanting to prove that I was "one of the good ones." That's how bad it got. I would do anything to impress him and show him that I was 'different' than other women and worthy of him not hating me for being a woman. But the thing is with men like that, it doesn't matter what you do or say. They don't want or need your empathy, and nothing you can do can change them or make them feel differently about women or the world as a whole. And most importantly, nothing you can do can make them see you as human. They never will. No matter what you do with your life, they won't respect you. There's nothing you can do, and you will waste time and energy by trying. Don't let men change how you live your life because no matter what choice you make, they will find some way to hate it. In the end you will be exhausted, you will hate yourself, you will look at other women differently and start to doubt them as well. Eventually you realize you need to step away and make some changes, and it takes forever to break free from that line of thinking and stop hating yourself and others. It's difficult.

But, overtime, you just stop caring. You stop feeling the need to change others. You stop feeling the need to prove yourself to men. Maybe it is defeatist, but I believe it is healthier. You learn and accept that men just hate women, and you move on with that knowledge. Only put yourself in situations with men that you know you can handle and you know won't damage your self esteem further. Wish those men the best in life, but stop exerting your energy trying to get them to see what you want them to see. They don't want to see it, and they can't see it.

It's always good to have empathy for others but try to reserve some for yourself as well. Don't try to help the ones that hate you at the expense of your own wellbeing. I think eventually you will just become tired. And then you'll go through an anger stage. And then a second stage of sadness. And then eventually indifference, and things start to look up a little bit. I will add that the best way I've found to recover from self hatred stemming from being a woman/internalized misogyny, forming strong friendships with other women, or just talking to a lot of other women, has been extremely important in my experience. We're all different but a lot of us also have similar experiences and it helps to relate to each other in order to not feel so alone. We definitely all understand misogyny, and it helps to be able to word vomit it at other women and let them do the same back to you. Hope this helps.

TLDR: The only winning move is not to play.

No. 215955

Holy shit anon thank you so much. You're not harsh or unhelpful at all and I really appreciate you typing that up because of what I wrote. Some of it is what I already know deep down but needed another woman to say, but it really blew my mind what you said about them not needing or wanting my empathy. I think that was a bit of a missing piece.

No. 215956

If you don't mind my asking, could I ask how you handle it now when you witness extreme acts of misogyny? Like does it still hurt the same but it's not directed at yourself, or do you understand that it's disgusting but it doesn't make you feel so bad emotionally? I really want to figure out how to make a habit of the latter because i'm just tired of FEELING insulted and degraded.

No. 215959

I'm glad it helped a bit, anon. I hope things get better for you.

No, misogyny still hurts me. Immensely, if I'm being honest. I'm probably not the best person to ask about this because I'm not completely immune to it. But does it still make me suicidal? Not really. Does it make me hate myself as much as it used to? Not really. It still makes me cry, it makes me angry, it makes me fear for the safety and happiness of other women. But I still keep going because I know misogyny will never end, and I can't drain myself by dwelling on it.

But overall I'm just a little bit more numb to it now because I expect it. I'm so accustomed to it from just about every man I've ever met or even heard of, that it's just an everyday occurrence that you have to grin and bear. This was the part where I mentioned that "maybe it is defeatist" or something in my original post. I just accept that this is the way men are, and I no longer dive head first into misogynistic spaces trying to change them or prove them wrong. In fact, I avoid misogynistic spaces as much as possible, which is the number one piece of advice I can give. Yes, misogyny is extremely prevalent and difficult to avoid. But definitely don't go out of your way to seek it out as a strange form of masochism. If there are viciously misogynistic men in your life, get rid of them if possible. If you frequent spaces on the internet where hatred of women is a dominant viewpoint, stop going there. It is easier said than done, but if you do it you will notice a difference.

I'm sorry I don't have better advice on how to stop feeling bad about it. I think that's a natural reaction that it will be very hard to curb. The very thing that you are and you can't hide from being is fucking despised by most of the world, and that hurts to your core. Sometimes when I get down about it it helps to think of the older or past women who have dealt with it decades longer than I have, and I get inspired by them and how they just didn't give a fuck. They got through it, the majority of them in worse circumstances, so we probably will too. Hopefully one day we will all be at a point where we can just tell the world to fuck off.

No. 215961

Thank you for your reply. I don't really think what you're saying is defeatist in the negative sense. It reminds me a lot of what I've read about "surrender" to the universe and things that you can't change. It's the feeling after missing your stop on the train when you're no longer anxious because there's nothing you can do but get back on another train and relax. It's just so much harder when there's sexual, emotional, and bodily attachments involved, and like you said, so many multitudes of people hate you for something you can't get away from. I was seeking out some misogynistic information on top of what's truly out of my control, not necessarily because of masochism but because of the idea that I want to be immune to it and face it. But now I'm seeing that I need to be more patient and gentle than that, and while I love myself more than I used to, I still need to cultivate it a lot more still, and that like you said, I need time.

No. 215962

>It's just so much harder when there's sexual, emotional, and bodily attachments involved
Absolutely. And I don't even think we should necessarily be striving to make the pain from it go away completely, because I don't think it ever will. It's just too deep and too prevalent to become completely immune to it. I think all we can do is find ways to make it manageable for ourselves and other women as much as we possibly can, and try not to let it dissuade us from pursuing whatever personal endeavors we hold important to us.

Just continue to move forward anon, and like you said, always allow yourself the patience and gentleness you need in order to do so.

No. 215964

you're right. it's like with most other forms of suffering, the key isn't to make it go away forever because that's rarely possible, but to have enough control over your reaction to it that it's as bearable as possible. It just seems huge and daunting so I long for it to go away completely.

No. 215965

>The only winning move is not to play.
Agreed 100%, I have to remind myself of this every time I let my feelings get hurt by misogyny. When it comes down to it, I don't actually want or need men in my life that badly, and I've always been better off with my female friends, hobbies, money etc. It's hard to remember that when I'm reading the vitriolic hatred men spew about us, or learning about the horrible way they've treated women throughout history, or realizing that we can never meet their ridiculous standards, but realistically I rarely give a shit about any guys I know personally. As long as we stay out of each other's way I can continue with my life and be happy with it.

No. 215970

exactly true anon and the men that dont react/get butthurt about it are the ones that are ACTUAL "good guys" (kek), aka fellow human beings.

No. 215972

When they say that men and women have the same propensity for violence…
All Homicide Types by Gender, 1976-2005. From Sexual Assault of Young Children as Reported to Law Enforcement, 7/00, NCJ 182990, U.S. Dept of Justice.

Eldercide: Male 85.2%, Female 14.8%
Felony murder: Male 93.2%, Female 6.8%
Sex related murder: Male 93.6%, Female 6.4%
Gang related murder: Male 98.3%, Female 1.7%
Drug related murder: Male 95.5%, Female 4.5%
Workplace murders: Male 91.3%, Female 8.7%
Argument murders: Male 85.6%, Female 14.4%
Gun homicide: Male 91.3%, Female 8.7%
Multiple victims: Male 93.5%, Female 6.5%
Child murder: of those children killed by someone other than their parent, 81% were killed by men.

No. 215973

but yeah keep saying not all men.
point is not ALL men but ENOUGH men…

No. 215974

Men are always bitching about the hot women not giving them attention, at least they tend to just leave them alone, whereas if a man doesn't find a woman attractive he has to let her know and acts like she's hindering him by just existing. Go to the comments section of any video with a woman in it, they'll be comments from men talking about her appearance even if the video has nothing to do with that.

No. 215980

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No. 215981

>attempting to prove a point with tinder out of all places
>where people go to pump dump
>attempting to prove women only go for looks by using a hookup app
>out of all places

No. 215983

Also what was your point? Nowhere did I say women care about personality more, its that mgtows think they're gods gift to women but what is good about them? They have shit personalities, are ugly, most of them cant even get on sugar daddy level as their last resort if they cant get a real relationship, which is why its hilarious when they expect high quality women to kiss their ass, if you're hot but a douche you can pump and dump or find some dumb desperate hoe to abuse

No. 215986

This was fake though. IIRC he changed the crime he described in his profile from "stealing candy" to "child rape" after those people had already messaged him.

No. 216003

This. It was admitted by one of them on lookism or puahate

No. 216012

Tbh I can’t say that I hate all men (Men like my brother and father who are sweet and supportive exist), but holy fucking shit how I hate how entitled some men are!

So I used to work at a coffee shop, and one day right after we closed, a dude who works at a restaurant next to us like came in when I was closing the registers. The barista said that it’s ok he’ll make a drink for the dude for free. So I am standing at the register and counting money (butt load of money so I can’t make a mistake counting), and the dude comes over and starts full on flirting with me. He was all like, “Hey beautiful, where are you from? What is your accent?” and then started to talk about politics of my country?? All while i was trying to close the registers and go home. So I tried to let him down nicely and he got so fucking pissed saying that he was trying to have a nice conversation with me, gave me this glaring look and stormed off with his drink. The dude was around 30-40, and I was 18 at the time. Thank god the barista offered to stay with me after closing while I wait for my friend because I was seriously afraid that lunatic will be there.

No. 216018

I don't hate all men either since I'm lucky enough to know a handful of really good ones. I really feel for the women who have never known a decent man.

Oh god, men who hit on women while they're working really piss me off. It's so awkward rejecting a customer because you have to be as nice about it as possible even when they're pushy.

My poor best friend is 27 and has a hideous hamplanet in his 50's constantly hitting on her even though she always rejects him. He's the son of her store's owner, so she can't just plain tell him to fuck off like she would with anyone else. It's so disgusting, he does shit like invite her to stay in hotel rooms with him for trips he's going on.

No. 216063

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So, now men are the primary victims of workplace sexual harrassment, because women have the audacity to speak up about it these days. We just want to be treated like professionals in a professional environment, but no…we need to keep our mouths shut and just accept that men are going to make lewd comments at us and touch us in ways they would never touch their male coworkers.

Women are always the problem. Men are always innocent and manipulated by women. Even when it is clear as fucking crystal that men are the problem, society at large will always come to the defense of men, and find a way to make it women's fault again. And then women will suffer for it. The solution won't be "well maybe we should not be creeps at work, and treat everyone with respect", the solution will be "don't hire women because they are liabilities and you wouldn't want to be accused of sexual harassment now would you!?"

It's just unbelievable. Why go on? The world fucking hates us and will do anything to beat us back down into 'our place.'

This tweet was one of the responses to a retweet of the article. "Women created this problem of men not being able to control their urges and treat women as autonomous human beings." It is always, and will always be seen as women's fault. There is nothing we can do to be respected or seen as worthy.

No. 216066

Omg this squirmy little snake sharon. What's been happening at my male-dominated workplace recently is that over and over again, certain men will make a sexual joke at my expense, and then IMMEDIATELY and i mean IMMEDIATELY fall over themselves apologizing like i'm gonna run to our nonexistent HR. So now if I confront them about it after that I look like a jerk for rubbing it into someone who already feels soooo bad. It makes me feel like i simultaneously come off as a thot and like a humorless bitch you have to walk on eggshells around.If you're a guy reading this and wondering what else you're supposed to do, ask yourself why you're sexualizing someone who's literally just trying to do a normal job, and do the "manly" thing and wait for my actual reply after your stupid joke, who knows, maybe it wasn't actually that bad and I won't be offended. You don't get to know other people's reactions beforehand though. Who would've thought?

There was a point where I tried to wear tight sport bras to tamp down my tits and cover up beyond what was necessary for weather or dresscode, which is ridiculous to even feel compelled to do, but it's too late, I'm marked as a young woman and the only way I could avoid awkward treatment is to be invisible or in another form.

The last thing I want to do for myself and my fellow woman is to run to my male boss to report a fucking JOKE, like some sjw stereotype, and thus contribute to workplace sexual harrassment claims being treated like a silly sitcom womp womp plot device. But I might confront YOU about it, sorry that's apparently so fucking terrifying to a grown adult.

No. 216067

If you don't want to be accused of sexual harassment, maybe don't harass people. If you need to ask yourself "Would I do this to $malecoworker?" that just shows that you are sexualising women without being given a reason except for us existing.

No. 216068

>if you're a guy reading this and wondering what else you're supposed to do,

They aren’t wondering this, because they don’t give a fuck. They are given free reign to do and say whatever they want and people like Sharon and the woman who wrote this article and everyone praising it will make excuses for them and blame women for being upset that we aren’t treated like people.

Men don’t wonder, they don’t give a FUCK about women, they love having us in a subordinate position not listening or taking us seriously. Why would they change? Sounds fucking great for them. And only them.

No. 216069

Is no one ever going to point out how weak and pathetic it is that these men can’t make it through an 8 hour work day without making everything about their dick?

And yet women are the weak link, huh?

No. 216073

I can see a man I'm attracted to, be fully aware that I'm attracted to him, maybe even have a perverted thought, yet I know that he's probably just thinking about what he wants for dinner tonight, that he's clearly busy and in a hurry, that he's not some nefarious seducer who intentionally put the thoughts in my head just by looking cute. It's on me so I leave him alone, even if he did something to his appearance to look good because that's what people do. It's not that these guys should pretend they're not attracted to us, but that they think their reaction to us is our fault and that the very human desire to want to look attractive means we're ok with being sexualized by them no matter what we're doing or saying.

No. 216074

Yeah I can do my job while being legit horny and not have any slipups. Total pokerface. Feel a bit like a creep but compartmentalizing is a thing. I thought men were supposed to be better at that anyway hahaha

No. 216077

>You teach people how to treat you. I will not engage in sex jokes so guess what? Creeps like that stay away from me at work! Women ceated this whole problem, so many yse their sexuality to benefit so why should't men think we want attention.

The funny thing is that it does not even matter if we don't 'use our sexuality', WOMEN STILL GET HARRASSED! It literally does not matter what a woman looks like or what she is wearing. We still get harrassed. We could be wearing a black trashbag and a dude would get horny.

i am sure every woman has witnessed a dude touch or adjust his dick in public. it's disturbing and disgusting.

No. 216078

>i am sure every woman has witnessed a dude touch or adjust his dick in public. it's disturbing and disgusting.
Yup. Sometimes i have to adjust my panties or my labia minora being a little bunched up but i don't do it in public! I have some decency and i expect that from men too but apparently thats too hard because Muh Dick. And i believe it applies to so called manspreading too. I don't believe that men have such large penises that they have to take up 2 seats. Women are more comfortable with their legs wide too but we don't womanspread just to "air out" out snatch?

No. 216096

>Sometimes i have to adjust my panties or my labia minora being a little bunched up but i don't do it in public!
Probably because your labia is (presumably!) not half a foot long.

No. 216097

I mean, neither are two inch thrillers, point is that its gross and inappropriate

same men probably run around demanding women to be ~classy ladies with manners~ but live in a greasebin and touch their yeast filled dick with their cheeto covered fingers while we watch

No. 216104

What does that have to do with anything? Finding a restroom, turning towards a wall, waiting a couple minutes until they can be somewhere others won't see it doesn't take much.

For fuck sake, I'm a D cup, that's like half a liter of fat boobs on my chest and yet if I adjust them or my bra in public I get weird looks and depending on who's around me, even comments on how I should act more ~ladylike~.

Either stop touching your dick in public or let me touch my boobs too. And don't even get me started on men SCRATCHING THEIR ITCHY SCROTUM IN PUBLIC holy shit. Men are so entitled and narcissistic they think they're exempt from basic manners because they just can't be uncomfortable for a few minutes.

No. 216106

>not half a foot long.
What's the point of that detail if a flaccid penis isn't half a foot long either? Unless men go through life with a perpetual erection (which I'm starting to think they do.)

No. 216111

I can only speak for myself but even flacid it's a solid 4 inches and I'm fairly average in size, plus I still occasionally get a chub anyways somewhat randomly anyways. I've had my dick pinched quite painfully a few times in my pants, it's not an ego thing. This thread had some interesting points about workplace harassment etc but complaining men adjust their dick in their pants or spread their legs (the issue is normally testicles, not the dick itself) when sitting is scratching the bottom of the barrel.

>Either stop touching your dick in public or let me touch my boobs too.
I mean maybe it's just the people I know but women in my social circle adjust their bra strap or even breast feed regularly and it's never been an issue. In the office sure, but anything more than that wide step trick would be frowned upon too.

No. 216112

show your benis or gtfo

No. 216113

Only if you ask nicely

No. 216114

pls show benis

No. 216115

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No. 216117

File: 1513141626871.png (490.09 KB, 449x401, 573820107363528.png)

>goes into a detailed decription about muh dick
No one asked faggot.

No. 216118

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You were the ones talking about dicks. No one asked, but I will correct misinformation.

No. 216119

Fuck off, you disgusting freak. No one gives a shit about you or any of the dumb shit you have to say. Kill yourself and stream it or gtfo.

No. 216120

jesus christ anon take a xanax

No. 216121

>but I will correct misinformation.
You didn't really do anything besides trail off into some self-obsessed yapping about the idiosyncrasies of your dick.

No. 216122

I'm fairly certain I have a more accurate insight as to why men "manspread".

Always glad to see cool heads prevail on this board.

No. 216124

>adjust their bra strap or even breast feed
this is not even remotely close to touching ones genitalia in public.

No. 216125

Again, if we're talking about putting your hands down your pants I agree, but that's some people of walmart tier shit. It's usually just tugging on the pants legs and jiggling things around.

No. 216130

A man appears once again in this thread and declines to either address important points or give us a level headed reasonable explanation for why men hate women so much BUT he will not waste an opportunity to talk about his dick in detail.

I swear to god man I don’t even like dicks as much as men like dicks. This is literally that male poster “muh dick” image brought to life. It would be endearing if I wasn’t already fed up with men’s shit.

No. 216132

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>man comes into a thread he obviously won't like

No. 216133

>give us a level headed reasonable explanation for why men hate women so much
Simply put? Because I don't believe that's true. I discussed this in a different thread and I was told I was lying/was a crypto-robot/whatever. Is there an ignorance of female specific problems? Sure. Not to mention I only brought up my sex because it was specific to the point at hand.

>I swear to god man I don’t even like dicks as much as men like dicks.

I mean I am a pretty fan of my own dick. We've been through some hard times together. You guys were talking about dicks though, I don't get why it's such a big deal I referenced my own member when refuting some of your points about how they supposedly work. It goes both ways, I would defer to a woman discussing her own bits.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 216136

I've scratched or adjusted my underwear around/near my vagina in public, is it really that bad? I try to be as discreet as possible, and sometimes you're in a situation where it'll be quite awhile before you can go to a private place like a bathroom. I'm still always nervous someone noticed but the itch can get pretty bad.

No. 216146

My dear fellow anons, stop replying to obvious bait/triggered men and just report them. Men aren't allowed in this thread, or any other obviously "no men allowed" thread in /ot/. Or at least thats what been said multiple times.

No. 216154

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>goes on a rant about muh dick
>compares public masturbation to breastfeeding and adjusting bra straps

Kill yourself.

No. 216156

It's not bad, it's the double standard that's infuriating. Everyone should just do it, but if men are going to complain about us, they damn better not touch their dicks either.

No. 216165

You girls should replace hatred with love instead.

No. 216166

Why don't you go tell that to men, dumbass.

No. 216168

Well, every man I know loves women.

No. 216169

Nobody buys this blatant lie anymore, dude. You don't need to continue wasting your time.

No. 216170

Like, for fucks sake just read the thread for once and see all the examples of men fucking despising women. Sure seems like love to me.

It's nice that you've found men who can contain their hatred of women and pretend it doesn't exist. But they still do, and they all reveal it eventually.

No. 216173

I just laugh and roll my eyes whenever I hear that "men don't hate women," now. There's plenty of evidence of it everywhere. Would rape be anywhere near as prevalent if men really loooved women? Would millions of women be getting sold into prostitution (sometimes by their boyfriends, husbands, family members) if men loved women? Would girls as young as 9 be sold into prostitution if men loved women? Would men be paying to abuse these victims if they loved women? Would men be watching and getting off to the simulated (and real) abuse of women in pornography if they loved women? Would men be so desperately trying to control women's reproduction, and seeing them as property if they loved women? Would men be plugging their ears and screaming "LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU" + making everything about themselves every time women try talk about the abuse they had to face from men if they loved women?

It's hysterical. They expect love but they give shit in return.

No. 216174

But anon!
Mommy loved these boys despite all their flaws!
Mommy cooked their meals, cleaned their bedrooms, gave them money, washed their clothes… everything!

Every girl must be just like mommy. Clean after them and expect nothing in return.

You know, girls get picked on all the time and men keep insisting that we all have daddy issues. We should start calling out their oedipal tendencies as well.

No. 216176

Is there really a double standard there? I thought touching your genitals in public was about equally weird for both sexes.

No. 216177

All great points. Especially

> They expect love but they give shit in return

Men preach love when it benefits them. They are extremely transparent, which is good actually. I'm completely done with their shit. It's getting pathetic that they can do all this shit to women and then still turn around and expect us to fawn over them and kiss their ass as they rub in our faces how they can do anything they want to us.

The next man who tries to post his dumb sob story about being a nice guy or how all his shitty friends love women can just get fucked, go subscribe to MGTOW and save us all some time.

No. 216178


yeah ok.

No. 216181

All of anon's points- yes + if any male lurkers seriously want to say that men do 'love' women, just head over to the abuse in porn thread and have a read. Men loving women so much that violent rape is a common theme. And when porn stars speak out? Wheres that 'love'?

The only love men have for women is their love to abuse, degrade, dehumanize and kill us.

No. 216182

Wow this thread is trash. Is this board just filled with sad entitled lesbians terfs with daddy issues? It's ironic when you people complain about misogyny when you're on a board filled with posts dedicated to bringing down mostly women. You complain about men hating women then you go on to another thread to call a girl fat and ugly.

I'm a womam and I feel so sad for you pathetic man-hating bitches.

No. 216187

you know there are a lot of people on this website who ONLY use the drama threads or ONLY use the ot/g threads? Lolcow is not a hivemind.

No. 216194

Lmao what exactly did you read that ticked you off so much? Did you not read the title of this thread? This is literally where women get to vent about men…

"I am a woman" sure honey sure…

No. 216196


The thread is tame, actually. Less of a man-hate thread and more of a vent-about-misogyny thread. Not sure why that bothers you so much. Gotta defend the menz though I guess, those precious little angels.

No. 216197

June is dat you?

No. 216198

>insulting lesbians
>I'm a woman
MtF detected. At least I hope so, because the pathetic thing here would be an actual woman getting so mad on men's behalf when they think you're subhuman.

No. 216200

>guaranteed replies

No. 216201

>making an entire video about how every single person wearing yoga pants is an attention whore and another reason for ugly ass virgins to refuse women

god, mgtow is a cringe factory

No. 216202

I'm so sick of you "pick me" ass women. You don't get a cookie for defending men. You're Athena complex is gross.

No. 216203

*your. Fucking autocorrect.

No. 216204

Wow, this video really made me think… What the fuck is wrong with men?

No. 216208

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god those comments are a goldmine, how can men complain about women being "too sexual these days" while also being such slaves to their own sexuality that they get in accidents over it?

No. 216209

being such slaves to their own sexuality to the point of coining even old women who wear fucking yoga and children who wear yoga pants to be be "constantly grasping onto to their sexuality"

it's like they have it in their minds that anyone of the female gender only ever does anything to cater to them but then get upset and go on rampages, drive to parking lots to make embarrassing videos over the concept they put in their own minds that anything a woman does, say, or do is for sexual reasons or for men

No. 216210

I love how one of the main talking points here is that """"gym thots"""" hate it when you ignore them…if you're ignoring them how do you know how they feel about it? And on top of that, why is does the whole concept of MGTOW seem to revolve around their obsession with women? How is that "going your own way"?

No. 216211

>men think women who are just trying to live their lives are harrassing them

No. 216213

MGTOWs are one minute complaining about women "hitting the wall" or being fat, but then they complain if women look attractive and how they're blatantly just looking attractive to distract them /s

Honestly, I don't give a fuck if some salty neckbeard gets a boner looking at me at the gym in yoga pants. I'm there to work out and wearing comfortable clothes to do so. It's not my fault you're a slave to your dick who sexualizes everything. I see men I find attractive, sometimes even have a perverted thought but it doesn't ruin my entire day and make me unable to concentrate. I also don't feel the need to harass them as I know they probably don't want that and it's inappropriate to do so.

No. 216218

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No. 216219

Think of the whole "IM IGNORING YOU!!!!" meme. They "go their owm way" but don't realize most women don't give a shit that some greasy loser isnt in the dating pool, when they can't get a reaction out of us or attention from us they get pissed and now have to constantly bash, whine, and make batshit crazy theories about women despite claiming they just want to ignore women

Funny enough, it was probably these men who take the whole "woman ignores you but she actually wants attention" sterotype seriously, and yet look where we are

No. 216224

Of course, men get butthurt over stuff like this not being allowed on Steam.

No. 216227

Let's not go there

No. 216232

Men absolutely refuse to be held accountable for their actions. If you can’t control yourself, that’s on you and only you. Stop blaming women for your weakness and lack of self control and shut the fuck up.

No. 216262

they want to pretend they have standards and are so obsessed with making women feel like shit about themselves, they declare any woman over a certain age to be unattractive just so women will flock to any man while they're young (if they're dumb enough to fall for incel myths of course) despite the fact they promote "going their own way"(not as if they had a choice or anything kek)

and if they do find a woman attractive they will find any reason to coin her as shitty and awful unless she's a ~perfect little christian young qt who never seen a man in her life~ then again mgtows even then will try to find something wrong with those types of women and claim she only avoids men for attention and how those women are the biggest whores of them all

they hate women so much that avoiding them isn't enough but when they are attracted to a woman they excuse it and make all kinds of bullshit up that she's an attention whore, she's pretending to be a certain way, etc

No. 216270

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Disregarding the ugly art, I find this is a pretty good representation of this thread

No. 216285

wants to fuck us =/= love

No. 216286

>high heels are too sexual
>"the prude brigade can just fucking go to hell"

No. 216288

File: 1513289312672.png (17.93 KB, 814x116, kek.png)

>if you're not sexual, you're useless according to men and will end up hitting the wall "sad and lonely" and aging is karma
>if you are sexual, you're a worthless whore and should get beaten, raped and abused
>if you save yourself you don't exist and/or will just "turn into a slut"
>college age girls are all whores so don't date them
>if you hit 25 and not married you "hit the wall" and are useless and will never find a man and you're miserable
>anything you do, say, or wear either makes you "Craving male attention and constantly grasping onto your sexuality!! avoid!!!" or a "ugly bitter lonely prude!!! avoid!!!!"
>men can't even have simple friendships with women without having to shit on them or avoid them if they aren't a potential dating partner
>whine about women giving in too quickly to sex
>get traumatized when rejected
>any situation ever where a women gets financial assistance is her gold digging (in some women pay for themselves she's gold digging, mgtows nowadays are accusing women who work jobs of gold digging to kek)

>"men love women!!! we swear!!!!"


No. 216289

>You know, girls get picked on all the time and men keep insisting that we all have daddy issues. We should start calling out their oedipal tendencies as well.

The only "daddy issues" I have are the ones where I wonder how my dad can be ten times the man most of the men my own age are tbh. And then get depressed I'll never find anyone like him.

No. 216291

also lets not forget

>make standards extremely for women to be considered fully attractive without men having to complain about something not being enough on women (big round smooth butt, 50 inch hips, 20 inch waist, flat tummy, smooth, perfect innie vagina, 38 inch thighs, big round perky tits with tiny nips, narrow shoulders and rail arms, perfect dolly face and poreless skin)

>treat women like they're subhuman if they don't have something they really like (ie; big boobs, big ass, etc)
>call women hysterical for not feeling good enough or having insecurities
>fap to women who have had plastic surgery
>go insane when women consider plastic surgery or have already had it
>claim it's women with extremely high standards because they saw a few women talk about how they like large penises or see men with nice bodies get fangirled over on ig

but yeah, men sure do love women, maybe in whatever fantasyland you live in

No. 216292

>she's aging what a whore ridicule them all its karma for having standards and rights as a person
men sure do love women wow

>waiting for mgtows to start ridiculing women for breathing, paying taxes, eating, sleeping and blinking

No. 216293

Do they realize how pathetic this makes them look/sound? The wall is karma for….what exactly? Not having sex with you? Having sex with other men who aren't you? Not giving up all of their autonomy and self respect in order to be your bangmaid?

What horrible crimes. Women surely are the worst.

No. 216298

this is the video, it's like they want women to be traditional, then pull this shit when women are traditional

NOTHING is ever good enough for them

No. 216307

Its like they fail to realize not every womans dream or goal in life it to be married with kids by 24, when in reality most women are fine and happy with being single even past 25 or 30 or whatever "the wall" is… And yet its them who claim to "go their own way" then make ridiculous stuff like this over single women? And jfk isn't it them as well who are the bitter lonely fucks? Are we not forgetting how extreme guys will take it when they can't get their dick wet and yet its women who are single at a certain age that are the ~old bitter uglies and nature is karma even though most women could still look hot past 50~

No. 216308

"women who breathe are just entitled to air, they run around screaming equality all while they take air from men and breath it, do they have any idea how many men hold their breath for them every year? And hear they are acting like entitled little attention whores by breathing. When a woman breathes its just her desperately trying to get attention from male peers, do not EVER allow women you are around breath, its just a sense of female entitlement"

No. 216309

See how much men despise women even when women have done nothing to them? That comment section proves it.

Even women who are just trying to get through life and work hard in their career is reprehensible to these guys. Women who have done nothing morally or legally wrong. That’s all it takes for men to wish death and misery on you lmao. They truly are psychotic.

No. 216317

>being against sexual assault= prude brigade
>wearing high heels= filthy slut who's asking for it

What kind of idiot admits he's pro-sexual harassment on his face book? Any employer would fire his ass immediately if this was brought to their attention. Not to mention, if he was ever accused of sexual misconduct (which he's probably committed, men who double down like this usually do because they're guilty themselves), this doesn't exactly help his case for innocence.

No. 216320

File: 1513298321456.png (17.63 KB, 614x162, Screenshot_from12142017.png)

I swear to god do these men think every woman above 25 can't get pregnant at all and their ovaries turn into raisins

No. 216321

yes, they think women should just kill themselves in a dumpster past 25 because that’s when they “HIT A WALL.”

and if these shriveled up wombhavers do by some miracle get pregnant, they’re reckless sluts who don’t even care about the baby because it’ll definitely have down syndrome.

No. 216322

File: 1513299150249.png (22.2 KB, 894x227, sadaf.PNG)

Confession: I have a weird obsession with going to those Red Pill/MGTOW forums and reading their shit. It's like going to a free zoo filled with screeching gorillas. They claim to be oh so rational but their opinions are based on like a single 'muh female natuuur' that they exploit in order to discredit women.

They claim that 'women are responsible for downfall of western civilization' or that 'all women are hypergamous and want that chad cock carousel'.
Also, as a Middle Eastern woman I can't not bring up the obsession that some of them have with Asian/Middle Eastern women…it is so freakin creepy. Like they say that American women 'are too loose' and all are 'whores', and that it's better to get a bride from those regions as they will be more compliant and submissive. Way to degrade so many women at the same time.

It's so fucking pathetic, but I can't look away, it's like watching a multiple car crash.

No. 216323

To add to your post

>have previously mentioned ridiculous standards they will shit on women for not living up to, even when they themselves are hideous ogres


No. 216324

I know what you mean anon, it's like they think they can sprout out all this bullshit and yet women of their liking are going to enjoy them somehow? I'm vietnamese, my experience with these men is that they expect you to be a perfect submissive dog to them and get mad and talk to their friends about what a whore you are for daring to have a mind of your own, do these men think that we would just give ourselves to them just because they like a certain race of women solely for their stereotype so they can abuse us? Do they not realize women want to be happy to and the world doesn't revolve around them

God, this is why I avoid any guy who talks about how much he wants an ~azn gf~, I hope their male order brides poisons and kills these ugly excuses for men

No. 216327

I was never aware until recently just how dark the whole Asian girl obsession was. My main experience with it was guys who went to private school and liked them because they were generally incredibly academic and came from a different country, so I thought it was innocent. Then I found out for many guys it has nothing to do with those reasons and it's all because there's that fucked up stereotype that they're quiet and extremely submissive.

No. 216328

Yuuuup, they'll try to butter you up with comments like "Oh, you look so different/exotic" and god forbid you don't fit their stereotype, they'll just start yelling that you have been corrupted and 'Americanized'

No. 216332

it's not politically correct it's just correct

No. 216335

Is that screenshot from theredpill? I always find it funny when they, a subreddit dedicated to men fucking as many women as possible and treating them as shitty as possible, whine about women having multiple sex partners. Jealous that she has a higher count than you, dude? Fuck off.

No. 216336

File: 1513302925757.png (51.48 KB, 709x772, Screen-shot-2013-11-05-at-9.03…)

jesus christ, I cringed at how obnoxious this was, I really hope he's trolling, I can't imagine someone being so damn delusional, blind and living in a fantasy land? His comment had "insecure delusional greaseball" written all over it

No. 216340

..ew. They’re OBSESSED with wombs, ovaries, women ‘hitting the wall’ and not being fertile anymore (at 25).. why. Why are these retards so fixated on reproductive organs and the state of them inside women they’re suppose to stay away from forever.

Anedoctal but I’ve never witnessed any woman be so obsessed with penises and sperm as mgtows (and red pillers) are with vaginas and fertility

No. 216347

>Anedoctal but I’ve never witnessed any woman be so obsessed with penises and sperm as mgtows (and red pillers) are with vaginas and fertility

Because a woman can easily get knocked up anytime she wants, usually if a guy wants to have a kid (on purpose, with consenting female), a guy must already make enough money to afford a car, house, and many other things, before any woman will agree to have kids with him.

One man could literally impregnate every woman on Earth, a woman can only give birth once every 9 months. A man's age doesn't effect risk of birth defects like a woman's age does.

Even men who have given up on women, are still upset about the decreasing number of women suitable to have children with, because that's basically why they have given up on women or having children.

Many things make a woman unsuitable or undesirable to have children with:

- Not being a virgin (the more sexual partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to cheat, divorce/break-up, have STDs, be incapable of forming bonds or having a healthy relationship)
- Being too old, late 20s is already too old
- Already having children (single mothers)
- Being a feminist SJW, etc.

Obviously A LOT of woman fall into these categories, in fact the large majority of women are terrible or unsuitable candidates to have children with.

There is such a small population of potential suitable mothers, compared to the much larger population of men who want children, that these potential mothers are highly competed for, and rightfully so, these potential mothers can have very high standards and demands.

So the large majority of men who want children are left with nothing, because they can't compete, this obviously can frustrate them to the point of suicide or murder, to give up and identify as MGTOW, to give up and move to Thailand to fuck $30 cute Asian prostitutes, etc.

No. 216350

oh shit here we go again.

And men have no fault in this, huh? Men are perfect little angels who definitely don't treat women like shit. Sure buddy. Blame women for any and all of your shortcomings and everything will be fine. It's definitely not you, it's literally everybody else.

No. 216354

if you read this thread, literally everything you said has been proven false

>Because a woman can easily get knocked up anytime she wants, usually if a guy wants to have a kid (on purpose, with consenting female), a guy must already make enough money to afford a car, house, and many other things, before any woman will agree to have kids with him.

yeah, no, is this why gas station cashiers run around with tons of kids? plus don't poor families tend to have even more kids? so you're wrong about that first of all, women are easy to have kids with no matter how much you got, stop listening to incels and actually leave your house

>One man could literally impregnate every woman on Earth, a woman can only give birth once every 9 months. A man's age doesn't effect risk of birth defects like a woman's age does.

your point? and some women will refuse little shits like you, and no it's not because you're not rich it's because you're an asshat sprouting mentally ill shit like this, secondly, a mans age does affect if a man can get a hard on or not and there are aging risks in men as well with fertility


it's natures way of telling you that men ain't excused from aging either sweetie

>Even men who have given up on women, are still upset about the decreasing number of women suitable to have children with

maybe it's because YOUR OWN delusions make you think there is a decreasing number of women suitable to have kids with and this thread proves that

>because that's basically why they have given up on women or having children.

yeah, sure, aka they're too lazy to get laid and now want to scream and cry roastie whores when stacy won't fuck them on demand

>Many things make a woman unsuitable or undesirable to have children with:

- Not being a virgin (the more sexual partners a woman has had, the more likely she is to cheat, divorce/break-up, have STDs, be incapable of forming bonds or having a healthy relationship)
- Being too old, late 20s is already too old
- Already having children (single mothers)
- Being a feminist SJW, etc."

thank you for proving my point that it's not that women aren't suitable for kids it's that your own delusion runs on that, also the whole "more sexual partner more likely to cheat or have a healthy relationship" thing is bullshit, I knew tons of cheating girls who were virgins, plus in the victorian times when girls were pretty much forced to be virgins til they were sold off, explain why most relationships were abusive and she went to go fuck the butler? right

>Obviously A LOT of woman fall into these categories, in fact the large majority of women are terrible or unsuitable candidates to have children with

honey, there's tons of women who make perfect waifus, it's just they either see ridiculous shit like this and want to run far away as possible from you, look in the teen thread, several young virgin women talked about how they try to avoid men who sprout out shit like you and refuse to disclose that they're virgins just to avoid men like you

"So the large majority of men who want children are left with nothing, because they can't compete, this obviously can frustrate them to the point of suicide or murder, to give up and identify as MGTOW, to give up and move to Thailand to fuck $30 cute Asian prostitutes, etc."

Look, as an asian woman myself, no one gives two shits if you wanna fuck a plastic ladyboy from thailand, if not being able to get a perfect little virginal young slave that are anti feminist right wingered waifus frustrates you to the point of suicide or murder than just kys or put yourself in a looney bin, it's not womens faults you're a damn nutcase, these women exist, they just save themselves for men who are worthwhile IE NOT you, sorry for the reality check honey

No. 216355

It's actually completely the fault of men, men allowed women to act like this, and it literally destroyed society.

Women are only allowed as much power as men give them. Blaming women is like blaming the child instead of the parent.

No. 216356

Why are you here? No one cares what you have to say, go back to your circle jerks.

No. 216359

>A man's age doesn't effect risk of birth defects like a woman's age does.
Yes it does. Lets take autism for example, since you most likely are an autist yourself.
>Autism rates were 66 percent higher among children born to dads over 50 years of age than among those born to dads in their 20s. Autism rates were 28 percent higher when dads were in their 40s versus 20s.

And not just that, both teen moms and age gaps (your average redpillers favourite things) increase the likelihood too.
>* Autism rates were 18 percent higher among children born to teen moms than among those born to moms in their 20s.
>* Autism rates also rose with widening gaps between two parents’ ages. These rates were highest when dads were between 35 and 44 years old and their partners were 10 or more years younger

But we know you don't actually give a shit about healthy pregnancies or good mothers or lasting marriages, of course you haven't bothered to look up any information that doesn't support your god given right to a harem of underage 10/10 virgins.

No. 216361

God back to /pol/ dude. Nobody gives a shit.

Women are "feminist SJWs" now because we got sick and tired of how men treating us like subhuman shit. You don't want to be in a relationship with another human being you can procreate and start a family with, you want a fucking sex slave. Please get a sexbot or a body pillow and fuck all the way off.

No. 216364

It's not anybody else's fault if you're a failure who can't make it in modern society. Not women's, not other men's. It's only yours. Stop making up little theories to justify your own shortcomings, either work on them or accept that it's your place in the world and that's fine as long as you're fine with it.

No. 216366

I think this as good as any other place to get this off my chest. So I've recently been tricked into a gross African/slave fetish by this really weird guy. I got out of there in time, I told him that my friend got stranded of freeway because of the snow. He was really niice, and I was trying to give him a chance. I actually didn't date white guys cause I joked about it happening, but it seemed like they were the only ones interested at the time, so for it to happen the FIRST time I decide to really fucked me up. I know this isn't as common as like, the Asian fetish, but it really just made me not want to deal with men anymore.

No. 216372

>They claim that 'women are responsible for downfall of western civilization'
The doublethink is truly amazing. Women are worthless and incapable and men built civilization, but somehow women managed to get enough power to destroy civilization.

At least acknowledge the fact that it was dumb men who decided to wage war and needed women to join the workforce as a result, which in turn resulted in financially independent women who refused to do as they're told.

You can't claim men have all the power and then go around and say women managed to wreak havoc on their own. Stupid penis-carriers.

No. 216375

Either a troll or deluded. I'll try to make this understandable for you.

Half of the population deserves freedom as much as the other. If women choose their own lives, that is their prerogative. What you want is a young, naive, submissive creature, uneducated, dependent, not a human, not a soul. You don't want your other half to have freedom like you yourself. Marriage is your other half. If you can't respect this person you are to bond your life to, you don't deserve the right of marriage. I believe that if this can't get through to you you are hopeless. No sane woman without brainwashing would submit to the white shariah law you mgtow types are propagating. It is against the very human spirit to want to be a slave - look how we got here in the first place. Fighting against people like you through years and years of abuse. And it's not going to stop. Say you have that perfect wifey, and she gives you a child, a daughter at that. You would look at your own child as less than human, and that is despicable. I've known some very good men in my life, but it's the ones like you that make me reconsider even being with one at all. And before you ask, I'm a young virgin. I believe in a lot of conservative values, but I also understand education and mutual respect is important in a partner, especially one for life. Shame on you.

No. 216379

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said here, however that's just the problem - men don't see women as human. And therefore not as equals. And why would non-humans deserve the same rights as men, as humans? That line of thinking is why they are able to deny that women should have the same rights as them, or have the same capabilities to make decisions or lead their own lives as them. They just don't see women as equal to them. And never will, unfortunately.

All of the [very good] points that you've made here will fall on deaf ears.

No. 216380

You're like a child saying they shouldn't be disciplined for anything, and should be allowed to do whatever they want.

"Women and children" are commonly grouped together for a reason, it's because generally you're both not on the same mental level as adult men.

Feminism is basically the equivalent of letting children do whatever they want. The lack of logic, reasoning, and decision making skills will lead to chaos and all sorts of degeneracy.

It already has, western society is already dead, the family structure is completely destroyed, and it's #1 cause of death is feminism.

No. 216382

most women have higher IQs than you, are you forgetting to read up in the thread? if it wasn't for those ~stupid useless women~ you wouldn't even be typing that, try again, troll

No. 216383

Point proven. This is what men are like, right here. Nothing more, nothing less. This is what men think of women.

No. 216386

>most women have higher IQs than you

I am more intelligent than literally 100% of women on the planet right now. There is not a single one of them smarter than me.

If you were an intelligent female, you would be anti-feminist. To be that self-aware takes intelligence and reason far beyond what the vast majority of women have.

No. 216389

Oh, to have the self importance of a mediocre man. It must feel amazing.

No. 216390

Wow im so impressed! Your iq must be over 100 ATLEAST right?

No. 216391

>I am more intelligent than literally 100% of women on the planet right now. There is not a single one of them smarter than me

several of the worlds highest IQs have been women, feminist women in fact, try again

No. 216392


> To be that self-aware takes intelligence and reason far beyond what the vast majority of women have.

kek, so you're saying you have to be self aware in order to be intelligent? by your own definition you're at the bottom of the totem pole buddy

No. 216393

This. The most worthless male NEETs seem to think they're god's gift to humanity. I really want to know how they get to that point. Society kissing their ass and making them think they're big and powerful just because they're men, I guess? Even then, you have to sit down and be honest with yourself.

The reason you don't seem to know any intelligent women is because they all know better. You are the worst and most whiny, high maintenance type of male. Don't kid yourself. Women can smell it a mile away.

No. 216394

File: 1513311149539.png (1.46 MB, 1568x704, goals.png)

Honestly, I wouldn't mind playing the role of a submissive housewife, I cook well, clean well, sew, saving myself for marriage, I'd love to have and raise kids one day and keep the house pretty and have a traditional family life, it's just that nowadays disgusting men are shoving it down our throat that we HAVE to be this way and it's kinda scaring me away, not in fair I am like this to serve men but because I'm afraid I put all this damn effort into learning to do this stuff, put so much effort into my education, my skills, my body, I'm afraid that if I do choose to do this that all my skills are going to be wasted on some misogynist abusive asshole that will dump me to the side for the next stacy once I "hit the wall"
not only that a lot of the ~traditional~ men are whiney manbabies who think the world revolves around them, I have enough self worth to not give myself to someone like that, it kinda depresses me because I'm always paranoid that the one man I do find, he will just end up like some incel tier asshat, I feel like just giving up on men and getting a bunch of cat or finding a hard working businesswoman lesbian to please

No. 216396

An intelligent woman is like an average white man.

Plenty of intelligent women, and I'm more intelligent than all of them, and I mean literally 100%.

Likewise, every guy who wants a housewife is terrified that she'll just cheat or divorce, then take the kids, the house, and alimony/child-support payments, and go fuck some other guy.

You're pretty well safeguarded in marriage, it's the man who has to worry about having his life ruined.

Plenty of men who would never cheat, like me, there's not much more I hate than adultery.

No. 216398

Man I feel you anon. I don't want to be a housewife, but I am a virgin and I fear that I would accidentally give it up to some misogynistic asshole obsessed with virginity. There is nothing wrong with being a 'submissive housewife', I just think you have to be very very careful with the man you choose. It sounds weird but…my advice would be don't marry someone who is TOO obsessed with the idea of you being submissive or a housewife. At least, that's how I've decided to do things. I don't enter a relationship with a dude who is too obsessed with virginity or a female's 'role' and what makes her worthy, because those are almost always the /pol/ misogynist types. Some men hide their misogyny better than others, but overall I think you will know. They have to reveal it eventually and you can tell especially by the way they talk about other women who aren't you.

Though, I am about to give up on men completely as well and just be a virgin til death. It honestly sounds delightful compared to the way I see men talk about and treat women, for example our friendo >>216380. I'd rather die than deal with a man like that or give any of my time/my body/my life to them.

Cats are cool and they actually like women so…don't know why cat ladies are so hated tbh. It seems like a chill life.

No. 216399

And yet you are so insecure that you have to post your bullshit into a man-hate thread on a board geared towards women. Not that smart, I'd say.

No one here wants to hop onto your dick, so just fuck off.

No. 216400

Anyone who has to brag about their IQ is an insecure dumbass who needs to cling to that to make themselves feel important and better than others. It's an unspoken fact. I think it was Stephen Hawking who first pointed this out.

No. 216401

Seems you were right.
Yes, I am the child. For wanting to be educated and speaking for myself. I am emotional and illogical, which is why you shall continue to postulate on 'degeneracy' and how it destroys america, so angry and hateful. Are anger and hate logical? Are they emotions? What about pride? These are very common in men. What are wars? What is violence? Why do men commit over 80 percent of all violent crime? Is it their logic? Please, explain to all the dumb females here why you are above children. By the way, if you've ever watched pornography, your hands are also dirty in all of this. If you've ever acted in lust without marriage, you are dirty. But men could never commit such degeneracy, for that would be illogical!

No. 216402

>An intelligent woman is like an average white man.

lol wtf is that supposed to mean? most women still have higher IQs than "an average white man"

>Plenty of intelligent women, and I'm more intelligent than all of them, and I mean literally 100%.

again, proof, where is it?

>Likewise, every guy who wants a housewife is terrified that she'll just cheat or divorce, then take the kids, the house, and alimony/child-support payments, and go fuck some other guy.

that's the point, shitbag, I don't plan to cheat, I don't want to cheat, I don't even feel the need to cheat since I have a super low sex drive, and yet I still don't want to give myself to some shitbag who follows some "ALL WOMEN ARE GOING TO CHEAT,DIVORCE, TAKE EVERYTHING AND TAKE ALL MY MONEY AND FUCK CHAD!!!" philosophy incels have made in their head as excuses why they're single or because they're bored and mentally ill, this is why women who are actually worthwhile avoid you, do you have any idea the likelihood that this will happen to you? srs, you'd get attacked by a cow before you get "CHEATED ON THEN DIVORCED THEN HAVE HER TAKE ALL THE MONEY, KIDS AND CHILD SUPPORT!!!!"

>you're pretty well safeguarded in marriage, it's the man who has to worry about having his life ruined.

and yet men have higher cheating and MUCH higher abuse rates than women.. I wonder….

>Plenty of men who would never cheat, like me, there's not much more I hate than adultery.

yeah maybe because no woman wants a guy who sprouts shit like that, and were't you talking about earlier about getting cheap thai prostitutes? kek

No. 216403

Women aren't human to them. To men the whole population is men. Women are something between pets and helpful robots that exist solely for their sake.

No. 216405

It cracks me up because I'm pretty sure this is all the same dude, the guy who posted what you're responding to as well as >>216347, which states

>So the large majority of men who want children are left with nothing, because they can't compete, this obviously can frustrate them to the point of suicide or murder,

Because murder is a completely rational solution to not getting what you want. Men are so rational and not at all emotional and violent.

No. 216407

Everyone stop taking the bait.

No. 216409

you know what? I wouldn't mind it either (want to learn how to knit and sew) so long as I can still hold a job working from home or something. But relationships are a partnership, not an uneven "man and his subhuman female companion that only speaks when spoken to" I'd want to be a confidant and best friend to my guy, but according to our lovely mgtows, that shit isn't real. It's either sex slave/broodmare or evil civilization-breaking feminist in their eyes. Still hated for being a woman, just in different calibers

No. 216410

I think I finally understand.
I don't believe all men are as evil and misguided as the one posting here.
It is their lack of not just normal intelligence, but emotional intelligence. The fact that they are not conscious to how deluded they sound. I think that this person in particular is a troll, considering the 'iq' thing I just read, but their sentiments are definitely not unique. It's a lack of rationality that brings this vitriol. It's incredibly hypocritical, and the reason they feel this emotion so strongly, 'anger', is because they won't have kids. They might believe this whole wall thing for women, and that when they reach their 40s they will be safe. But it's going to hit them hard. I would feel bad for them if they weren't so pathetic and spiteful. When they were boys, they liked to play with girls, have fun, etc. Their envy grew throughout the years and now they're experiencing virgin rage. Maybe they managed to get some girls while in highschool. No doubt that's eating away at them as well. Anger blinds logic, which is what has happened to these men, making them a walking hypocrisy in their silly little 'mgtow' or 'incel' movements. I hope the world gets past this point. I don't know when, but this barbarism needs to stop.

No. 216412

>I don't believe all men are as evil and misguided as the one posting here.
Sadly, they are. Some of them just aren't upfront about it. But they all think this way about women, and they all hate women. The hatred just manifests in different ways.

No. 216413

It's pretty smart, there's no fun in preaching to the choir.

You probably haven't thought of this, but being old with no kids probably means any family that cares about you is dead, you'll be all alone, and dying.

>Why do men commit over 80 percent of all violent crime? Is it their logic?
Women are coddled by society and get everything they need for free. The large majority of the homeless are men, and the large majority of crime is committed by men, because no one gives men anything for free, capitalist society is extremely unforgiving if you're a man.

>By the way, if you've ever watched pornography, your hands are also dirty in all of this.

Explain why. Also I primarily jack off to 2D drawings.

>do you have any idea the likelihood that this will happen to you?
Actually I do, over 50% of marriages end in divorce in America, and the vast majority of the time the woman wins in the divorce.

> were't you talking about earlier about getting cheap thai prostitutes?

Yes, it's sad that things have to come to this, but many men in the western world can't compete with other men for suitable women, and instead of competing for the leftovers (single mothers, feminists, etc.), they just give up and go to Thailand, which is basically like you're a king if you're a white guy with any money.

I'm not saying murder or suicide is the rational decision to make from this, like Elliot Rodgers, but I completely understand it.

Being incel hurts on an existential level that you will never be able to understand. It can easily cause suicide or create murderers/rapists. Not having a single female ever want you, while you have to watch other guys get access to females, and watching female behavior in general, can cause extreme sexual frustration, depression, rage, hatred, misanthropy.

If feminists didn't want these guys to exist, all they needed to do was fuck them.

No. 216415

Why do you think this way? Not trying to offend, I just want to know your own personal experiences.

No. 216416

>Also I primarily jack off to 2D drawings.
Got a laugh. Good bait anon.

No. 216418

>get access to females
Women are a resource to be accessed. They aren't human beings. You heard it here.

No. 216419

Why do you keep coming back to lolcow?
I swear to god it's the same fucking autist that keeps coming back here to derail every conversation that triggers him into fits of hysterics against at women.

No. 216420

>You'll be all alone, and dying.
I have indeed thought of that, I've just decided that it's much preferable to be alone than to be with a man who pretends to "love" me but actually sees me a as a lesser piece of shit. Not that hard to understand, as most men are like that. Being alone is actually preferable to a lot of things that men have to "offer."

No. 216421

By his logic you should do exactly what he hates women for doing, marry a man, have kids, then divorce and separate. Then at least he will consider you a little less stupid, though no less worthless and evil in his eyes. You can't win with them. They've already decided women aren't actual human beings they could have a real bond with. We're commodities, and they get mad if we don't comply in exactly the way they want.

No. 216422

Also, does anyone else here just want to be a lesbian? I think I hate men now from this thread. I've always been slightly attracted to women as well as men, especially emotionally. Sometimes I just wanna travel around with a broad and not worry as I get older because at least we'll respect each other.

No. 216424

>Women are a resource to be accessed.
Women made it that way, they put a price on sexual access.

Many men can't afford that price, these are the MGTOW, incels, misogynists, etc. that you complain about so much.

If you didn't want them to exist, all you had to do was fuck them. If females were distributed to males in a 1:1 ratio, there would be no problem.

A man can think he's superior to you and love you at the same time.

No. 216425

>Communist weeaboo spergs out about how he's so smart and misunderstood
How unheard of!

If anybody wants to know the kind of raging autism and sociopathy it takes to create somebody who identifies as an "incel," read the Supreme Manifesto of the Supreme Gentleman. Anybody who acts like this is a hopeless sperg who's largest obstacle to success is themselves.

No. 216426

>You probably haven't thought of this, but being old with no kids probably means any family that cares about you is dead, you'll be all alone, and dying.

I see you speak from experience.

No. 216427

Every single man I've ever met has thought the way this dumbass positing thinks right now, some in more vitriolic words and some less covert. My father, all of my male "friends", the one man I've dated - they all think women are inferior and barely human, made only to serve them. The only time they don't hate a woman or think she is worthless is when she is fucking them. I believe this is just a male nature, and women get the shit end of the stick. Men think women 'have their uses' which include sex and making/raising babies. And that's it. You can't expect a man to actually care about you, or love you, or see you as anything but a maid/sex slave combo. My father once said the ideal woman is one who is hot and can't speak english - can't communicate. That is what men think of women. The man who raped me saw me as an object to use and abuse and I guarantee you he has NEVER thought twice about that moment. He didn't abuse a human being - he didn't traumatize another soul because he men don't see women as human. They just don't. And there's nothing we can do to make them see us differently.

And not one man I've ever seen has refuted this. I've not met one man who sees women as his equals, who cares what they have to say, or wants to hear about their ideas, their art, anything. They make a show of pretending to care, in order to get the one thing they want: sex. I think deep down all women know how men truly think of them, but some of us try to compartmentalize it so that we can continue to have healthy friendships and relationships with them and pretend that they see us as equals.

Unfortunately, or fortunately as I look at it, I no longer can pretend. Men hate women, it just is what it is. We can complain and be sad about it all day but it won't change. You just have to accept it and move on. Either avoid men at all costs, like I do, or take the less extreme route and just pretend that it isn't the way it is in order to have a marriage, or children, or a friendship with a man.

No. 216428

Men don't feel love. No matter how many times you come in here and regurgitate this 'benevolent sexism' meme it's not going to convince anyone. Go your own way, my dude.

No. 216429

I'm a lesbian and I have to admit seeing some of the shit posted in this thread makes me pretty relieved. I feel really sorry for straight girls that have to deal with the possibility that any guy they meet could despise women. Still, I don't think political lesbianism is the answer. Maybe I'm delusional but I still believe there are some decent guys left in the world.

Also pls stop replying to the baiting incel everyone.

No. 216430

File: 1513313984671.jpg (11.18 KB, 261x218, 1510760529984.jpg)

>A man can think he's superior to you and love you at the same time.

holy fuck mang what is that logic

No. 216431

Men see loving a woman as being the same thing as loving your dog. Except men care about even their dogs more than they do about women.

No. 216432

File: 1513314049261.jpg (238.69 KB, 1200x1200, friedrich-nietzsche-9423452-1-…)

>complains about women not being logical
>follows up with MUH MORALS


No. 216433

And before you flip a bitch, by 'men don't feel love', I mean that men don't feel love for women. Because they don't.

Obviously men love their children, friends, family members, exc.

No. 216435

Yeah, I just have zero affection for men as a whole anymore so I wish I could be with a woman instead. No doubt being gay isn't all fun and games either but god damn at least there's a CHANCE of finding a partner who thinks of you as an equal.

No. 216437

>Women are coddled by society and get everything they need for free

where's the proof buddy?

>The large majority of the homeless are men

As a woman who was homeless before, I can tell you, from experience NO ONE will give you anything for free, I got into a shelter after contacting police because I was trying to escape an abusive situation, where's my "female privilege that gets me everything for free" did I get that privilege by going days without meals and eating fucking costco samples for breakfast lunch and dinner? right

> and the large majority of crime is committed by men, because no one gives men anything for free

well besides condoms, medicine, and the fact men at the shelter got food stamps, health care, and jobs much easier than I did, guess that means they should all commit crime then!! despite most of the crime they commit being murder and molestation, but it's only because they don't get free shit and men are oppressed

>Explain why. Also I primarily jack off to 2D drawings.

Oh, we know. This is why women worthwhile don't want you

>Actually I do, over 50% of marriages end in divorce in America, and the vast majority of the time the woman wins in the divorce.

where did I say divorce doesn't happen? and where are your statistics and source that "WOMEN GET EVERYTHING!!!!!" in a divorce?

>Yes, it's sad that things have to come to this

>avoid women because of incel myths instead of actually getting out and learning
>by a cheap thai hoe and get STDs because no one wants you
>call it sad "we came to this"

>but many men in the western world can't compete with other men for suitable women

are you talking about the mentally ill POSs like you? then damn right you aren't suitable for ANY woman, unless she's as crazy and holds the same delusions against men and hates men as much as you hate women.

> instead of competing for the leftovers

LMFAO you do realize how many of the "pure virgin girls" you idolize hold feminist beliefs? do you realize how many thai hookers hold feminist beliefs? Do you have any idea how many woman that you would probably consider ideal have feminist beliefs? If some greasy fuck would rather fuck an std infested thai hoe than have a meaningful relationship due to their own delusion then be my guest, go be thai womens problem, not ours

>If feminists didn't want these guys to exist, all they needed to do was fuck them

wait… one second we should all be virgins next minute we need to fuck mentally ill shooters on demand so they don't kill people? Do you hear yourself?

No. 216438

Love that you're implying that all it takes for men to turn into raging hatefilled twats is just from not getting laid. Truly the logical and unemotional gender. Not reactionary whatsoever. You continue to refute your own points.

No. 216439

so MGTOW, incels, and misogynists are just men that are throwing a fit because women won't fuck them and give them exactly what they want when they want it? kind of like….children, would you say?

and yet women are the childish ones eh….

No. 216441

>As a woman who was homeless before…
Well, anon, women tend to go for prostitution instead of complete homelessness. And I'm so glad benevolent men love us enough to give us money to survive in exchange for something as small and unimportant as access to our bodies. I am so very, very thankful that men will give me money for free (because fucking my holes is their god-given right so the fact that they even give me money is already a sign of how much they love and want to protect me).

Men are angelic beings, I have no idea what feminists are complaining about.

No. 216444

>because fucking my holes is their god-given right
Men are a non-stop comedy show. Funny to watch something so pathetic and full of itself run around screaming incessantly how superior it is to all beings around it.

If you were so intelligent and superior, you would just be. Wouldn't have to constantly bitch and moan about it.

No. 216445

>Well, anon, women tend to go for prostitution instead of complete homelessness.
I actually never went into prostitution though, I'm still a virgin, I try to avoid men

I get what you mean though, it's even more ridiculous when these same men talk about how much they value virginity and humble women

No. 216447

>A man can think he's superior to you and love you at the same time.
Men don't love women as human beings, only tolerate them as pets meant for fucking

dying alone > with a man who doesn't think of you as anything more than a commodity. seriously, if all men secretly hate women like this, whats the point?

No. 216449

…not even that anon but it's obviously a woman making fun of him.

No. 216450

There isn't one. They want to pretend that they 'love' women so that they can still get sex out of them. As seen by the amount of men that come into this thread to vomit their bullshit and try to say that "men don't hate women", they really don't like it when some of the potential 'holes' they can fuck in the world see the truth and decide not to bother.

No. 216451

>despite most of the crime they commit being murder and molestation
This is a very small portion of crime committed.

Also rape happens because men can't afford sex, so they have to steal it. If they had money, women would just have sex with them voluntarily.

>wait… one second we should all be virgins next minute we need to fuck mentally ill shooters on demand so they don't kill people? Do you hear yourself?

Ideally I want to live in a society where everyone gets married in their young teenage years, and adultery is harshly punished by law.

I don't live in that society though, I live in a society where 80% of women go around fucking the top 20% of guys. If they're going to do that, then yes they should fuck the bottom 80% of guys, because otherwise they're going to turn into exactly what you complain about so much, or murderers, rapists, or suicide statistics.

Their numbers may grow so much that it begins to have serious real-life effects on society.

If every guy was able to have sex, there would be zero vocal movement against women from men, no MGTOW, no incel, etc.

You can't stop them from thinking """misogynistic""" thoughts, but none of them would care enough or be bothered to voice them.

You could've just got a boyfriend/husband instead of selling yourself to multiple customers.

Every single female had the chance to become a housewife, I will admit though, if you're already STD-ridden, single mother, past 30, drug addicted and severely crazy, maybe you threw away your chance.

Why do you hate this idea so much? If I was a woman I would very gladly be a housewife.

I will never try to be transgender, but if I was given the choice of gender at birth, I would have chosen female, because that would be like living life on super easy mode. (Although, I would be given a stupid female brain, and probably not be able to realize this)

No. 216453

>This is a very small portion of crime committed.

yeah, no, it's most of the crime committed by men try again

>Also rape happens because men can't afford sex, so they have to steal it.

erm… what? wasn't it you that said women should be virgins? should we be virgins or should we let a bunch of greasy weirdos fuck us on demand or else we get raped? make up your mind

also most rapes are committed by rich men, so try the fuck again honey, it's not about "being able to afford it"

No. 216454

>if men were automatically given what they want they wouldn't create movements centered around them complaining and throwing fits because they can't get what they want
Like children. Thanks for admitting it. The whole 'women are children' shit is actually just projection, like most of men's problems with women.

No. 216455

>You could've just got a boyfriend/husband instead of selling yourself to multiple customers.
>sell your body to one man rather than many
Ah yes, that's a lot better.

Where the fuck are the mods

No. 216456

>Ideally I want to live in a society where everyone gets married in their young teenage years, and adultery is harshly punished by law.

then get a time machine and go back to victorian times, oh wait back in victorian times you had to buy women and you hate the idea of having to have money to get sex because that makes men kill people apparently

>I live in a society where 80% of women go around fucking the top 20% of guys.

yeah, in fantasyland, most girls standards are very low, if this was true ugly pieces of shit wouldn't get laid, hell the amazing fucking atheist even gets his dick sucked a lot

> If they're going to do that, then yes they should fuck the bottom 80% of guys

they are. you're just in the bottom 5% that women run away from because you're mentally ill and a troll, hell even june fucks skeptic and he's a misogynist shit bag,I wonder how low you have to be to not get fucked by women

> because otherwise they're going to turn into exactly what you complain about so much, or murderers, rapists, or suicide statistics.

because they run on incel myths and don't have sex and then go insane because of it we should sleep with randos so they don't rape and murder? you do realize most murders are men killing other men right? nothing to do with "NOT GIVING ME MY SEX!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"
did your mommy spoil you growing up?

No. 216457

>If every guy was able to have sex, there would be zero vocal movement against women from men, no MGTOW, no incel, etc.

what unless you get your dick cut off you can have sex, even low lifes have sex, trailer park guys have sex, these men are mentally ill and run on delusion and expect women to flock to them and go crazy when they don't

>Every single female had the chance to become a housewife, I will admit though, if you're already STD-ridden, single mother, past 30, drug addicted and severely crazy, maybe you threw away your chance.

>become a housewife

>don't be a whore
>have sex with men on demand or there will be rape

what do you want?

>Why do you hate this idea so much? If I was a woman I would very gladly be a housewife.

she doesn't she hates the idea of working hard for a crazy contradicting abusive shitbag

>I would have chosen female, because that would be like living life on super easy mode. (Although, I would be given a stupid female brain, and probably not be able to realize this)

proven wrong, proven wrong, NEXT

No. 216459

>If every guy was able to have sex, there would be zero vocal movement against women from men, no MGTOW, no incel, etc.
What a blatant lie. Aren't a lot of MGTOW types men who have been cheated on, went through a bad divorce, or otherwise had bad (at least in their point of view) experienced with women they've been in relationships with and therefore fucked? These movements have very little to do with "men can't get any sex", it's that they can't get women who are perfectly compliant and willing to be their lifelong sexual toys to be thrown away when deemed undesirable.

No. 216461

As a virgin as well I wouldn't go near any of these nasty little tradcon/virginity fetishists either. I loathe them with a passion.

No. 216463

>yeah, no, it's most of the crime committed by men try again
Murder and molestation is extremely rare compared to theft, drug violations, probation/court violations, DUIs and traffic violations, etc.

You're pretty retarded to be arguing this. Murder makes up like 1% of all crime committed.

>also most rapes are committed by rich men,

Absolutely not. If you watch TV I could see how you think this.

>they are. you're just in the bottom 5% that women run away from because you're mentally ill and a troll, hell even june fucks skeptic and he's a misogynist shit bag,I wonder how low you have to be to not get fucked by women
>even low lifes have sex, trailer park guys have sex
You should have brought up how Chris-chan got laid.

Yes, sometimes anomalies happen, what your bringing up always pisses off incels.

Inceldom is almost like a supernatural curse, where no matter what you do, women won't fuck you. It's so frustrating and mentally painful that yes, it can lead to going full ER.

>you do realize most murders are men killing other men right? nothing to do with "NOT GIVING ME MY SEX!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"

Yes, the large majority of murders are men killing other men over business matters.

Business that these men are in to get money, and the #1 reason they're even trying to get money and power in the first place is because girls won't have sex with them if they don't.

Let me rephrase.

"Consistent sex without any serious risks (like divorce)".

No. 216464

actually a lot of mgtow types men now are the ones who see a tiny percentage of men who experienced these things and now are convinced it's every single woman outside of mail order brides

Men are insane, when women get abused, cheated on, (women get cheated on more often), broken up with, impregnated then thrown away had their money stolen by men, most of them don't form movements to call all men gross disgusting cheaters gold diggers and demand them all be breadwinning husbands but also fuck us on demand

No. 216465

>It's so frustrating and mentally painful that yes, it can lead to going full ER.
Not very logical of them. Very emotional, in fact.

No. 216467

>Murder and molestation is extremely rare compared to theft, drug violations, probation/court violations, DUIs and traffic violations, etc.
>You're pretty retarded to be arguing this. Murder makes up like 1% of all crime committed.

where's proof? and where's proof for every other claim you made as well?

>Absolutely not. If you watch TV I could see how you think this.

Honey, fuck tv, are you forgetting hollywood is pretty much the rape capital? where all the rich men live? are you forgetting all the rich celebs who have had their assault or rape accusations come out recently? are you forgetting the fact a lot of women are assaulted by men who are in charge of them a lot of the times rich men? you're blind

>You should have brought up how Chris-chan got laid.

Yes, sometimes anomalies happen, what your bringing up always pisses off incels.

poor families have more kids for a reason, I don't need to explain to you how birds and bees work by why would poor people have more kids if women only fuck rich dudes? hm?

>Business that these men are in to get money, and the #1 reason they're even trying to get money and power in the first place is because girls won't have sex with them if they don't.

lol what did you look into every male on male murder now and you have to make everything womens fault? I can't imagine being as pathetic as you, but thanks for being a perfect example of the type of men this thread is about and only proving our point about men.

you are a big baby, mommy spoilt you as a child, and now you're throwing a snot fit because women wont fuck you on demand and now have to lie and make up shit

No. 216470

Men seem to think that their emotions are biological needs and therefore can't be questioned or controlled, whereas women's emotions are real emotions and should be controlled.

Are you a man who wants to stick your dick in Stacy? That's natural and you can't help it. She should let you, lest the psychological trauma of not getting what you want leads you to murder someone (totally Stacy's fault btw).

Are you a woman who wants to live your own life instead of being some dude's pet? That's a retarded emotion, stop feeling things.

Oh but that's only when it's convenient to men. If they're in love and the girl doesn't reciprocate, she has no feelings whatsoever and is in fact a cold, calculating bitch.

No. 216471

>had their money stolen by men
Almost never happens. Over 90% of the time the women wins the divorce, gets custody+money.

Logically I can't blame them for it though. Makes sense, they've been wronged by this society, and are rightfully angry at it.

God killed everyone in Sodom & Gomorrah for less, he must be disgusted by what modern western society has become, primarily because we allowed women to do whatever they want.

God hates thots and burnt down Sodom & Gomorrah for it, almost every man is instilled with the same feelings that God had, nothing illogical about it.

> are you forgetting hollywood is pretty much the rape capital? where all the rich men live? are you forgetting all the rich celebs who have had their assault or rape accusations come out recently? are you forgetting the fact a lot of women are assaulted by men who are in charge of them a lot of the times rich men?

That was exactly my point, if you watch TV, or follow mainstream media, I could see how you think what you think.

Your mind is easily shaped by TV and mainstream media. You think the majority of rape is committed by rich men, because of the recent string of highly-publicized sex scandals featuring high-profile men.

No. 216472

If you didn't hate men before, this thread and the men who have posted in it will really seal the deal for ya. Men truly can't ever let women commiserate about misogyny without busting down the door like the fucking kool-aid man armed with - you guessed it - even MORE misogyny that nobody asked for.

To the current male: fuck off already. You have a very high IQ or whatever bullshit you made up to feel better about yourself on the internet, don't you have something more important to do with it? I'm very sorry that the womz won't fuck you and stroke your ego and you're sad. It's going to be okay, baby.

No. 216474

Then you shouldn't have marriage. Or you could just call it "slavery" instead, that would be a more apt name, if the woman is not allowed to leave under any circumstances, lest the poor man go apeshit and murder everyone. Women should probably all be lobotomized and sold on a market as sex toys, so they can't do annoying things like complain anymore.

No. 216476

>overly emotional
>cold and calculating
>at the same time

Schrödinger's woman.

No. 216477

>Logically I can't blame them for it though. Makes sense, they've been wronged by this society, and are rightfully angry at it.
There is nothing logical about it. They haven't been wronged by society, they're entitled (like they accuse women of being) and grow up to realize that the world owes none of us anything. Tough shit. If you kill people who you've never met because you feel like you're a victim, you are weak. You aren't thinking logically. And you're pathetic. But, leave it to men to make excuses for other men. Need I remind you, Elliott killed other men mostly. What's logical about that?

No. 216478

>christfag who interprets the bible as literal history telling anyone else that they're easily influenced

No. 216479

It's actually pretty convenient that such a hilarious cliche of an incel decided to come join us, he obviously doesn't have a unique thought in his head and is just parroting shit we've read a million times before so it's a great example of everything we've been saying.

No. 216482

>> my iq is over 9000!!!
>> belives in jebus
Just… lol

No. 216483

A lot of the bible contains historically accurate facts that not even Atheist historians deny. For example Babylon was a real city, Jerusalem was a real city (obviously), King Solomon was a real king, Pontius Pilate was a real Roman prefect of Judea, etc.

Sodom & Gomorrah was a real city, and it's ruins still exist today, along with the brimstone that was rained down onto it.


It's the only thing stopping me from going full ER on you cunts too.

No. 216484

>Almost never happens. Over 90% of the time the women wins the divorce, gets custody+money.

So much talking, so little explaining and proof, what's even more ironic is I knew several women that had their money stolen by men, more women I knew had their money stole by men than I've seen men get their money taken or golddug. Just look in the thread, several people talk about how some men will freeload then have the audacity to call women gold diggers for asking to help pay bills for the place they live.

>they've been wronged by this society, and are rightfully angry at it.

awe poor bawby didnt get what you want, you must be so oppressed

>using scripture made by prude nutcases to justify men killing and raping women when they can't get their dick wet and assuming it's a wideheld belief

>That was exactly my point, if you watch TV, or follow mainstream media, I could see how you think what you think.

Your mind is easily shaped by TV and mainstream media. You think the majority of rape is committed by rich men, because of the recent string of highly-publicized sex scandals featuring high-profile men.

they don't appear out of thin air, if your logic was true none of these rapes would have happened and yet they do, millions of guys in high position have raped or molested, where's their "STACIES WHO WILL HAVE SEX WITH THEM BECAUSE MONEY SO THEY DON'T HAVE TO RAPE"

and plenty of poor men haven't raped, it's almost as if mental stability has nothing to do with money, you sound like you were spoiled as a child so you wouldn't know

No. 216485

Maybe if you pray hard enough jebus will gib pussy?

No. 216486

File: 1513318320544.png (413.17 KB, 680x680, 1511504066458.png)

>the only thing stopping me from going full ER on you cunts too.
woah, someone's triggered
go back to your r/incels hatebox

No. 216487

>muh iq is over 9k
>misinterprets what the anon said

no one is saying these cities and people didn't exist, dumbass, they're saying all the magical fairy tails of jesus killing everyone because he hates thots is ridiculous and most likely didn't happen (not the killing but the whole "god hates thots" reasoning)

if the only thing stopping you from killing everyone because of a delusion is a book of fairytails then you need to go to a mental institution

No. 216488

Ooh you seem to be getting a little emotional and dare I say hysterical at the end there. You ok man? Can I offer you a flesh light, or a body pillow? Seems like it would solve all of your VERY important problems, such as not getting any pussy, which is definitely everybody else’s fault and not yours.

No. 216489

Yikes, this guy might be the dumbest sperg yet.

No. 216490

Not a chance. God made all kinds of bad stuff, and allows it to happen.

If I got cancer or some horrible disease I wouldn't curse God, there's literally nothing that could happen to me that would make me not believe in God. Only stupid children ask dumb shit like "If God exists why does bad stuff happen?"

There's multiple accounts of God killing everyone in the old testament, reasons including what people today might call "thots".

Too much degeneracy in general, and it probably wasn't even as bad as it is today in countries like America.

I'm not emotional about it. Not gonna lie though, trying to figure out how to get sex and children from women is THE biggest problem I have in life. Their behavior disgusts me.

No. 216491

>It's the only thing stopping me from going full ER on you cunts too.
Can somebody call his mom home from work so she can take away his internet access and put the little manbaby to bed?
Maybe she'll let you suck on her teet before she slowly rocks you to sleep if you're lucky, you seem a little too cranky there bud.

No. 216492

God doesnt want you to get laid, go sperg on him

No. 216493

again, mr.9kIQ, no one is saying these things didn't happen, they're saying slapping the label "BECAUSE OF THOTS!!!" is dumb and mentally ill because there's no proof it was "for thots" it's just accusations, just like how if the weather is shit over where you live or some natural disaster happens, me and a bunch of other people and gang up and just claim it's because you're a mentally ill dumbass who runs on delusions

>Too much degeneracy in general, and it probably wasn't even as bad as it is today in countries like America.

then where's our flood? oh? it's almost as if natural disasters just happen whether things go your way or not?

>I'm not emotional about it. Not gonna lie though, trying to figure out how to get sex and children from women is THE biggest problem I have in life. Their behavior disgusts me.

> trying to figure out how to get sex and children from women is THE biggest problem I have in life. Their behavior disgusts me.

Oh really? I wonder why, couldn't have anything to do with you being mentally ill faggot who hates women out of delusion and can't even make up their damn mind all while being the worlds biggest hypocrite

No. 216495

I’m gonna take a stab here and guess that you will never get anything from women. And thank your beloved god that.

It’s for the best. I mean, there’s always a chance your children would be female. And then they would be fucked.

No. 216496

Because disgust isn't an emotion.

No. 216497

>then where's our flood? oh? it's almost as if natural disasters just happen whether things go your way or not?
God obviously just wanted to see how bad things could get

I will get everything I want from a woman once I have enough money. That's all they care about.

>Maybe she'll let you suck on her teet before she slowly rocks you to sleep if you're lucky, you seem a little too cranky there bud.
Is this some Freudian slip? Let me suck on them tits mommy.

No. 216498

>God obviously just wanted to see how bad things could get
Why do you worship God if he's such a fucking asshole then? Sounds like he's just having fun fucking with us rather than some divine purpose for our souls, by your description.

No. 216499

>God obviously just wanted to see how bad things could get

awe the spoilt baby had to make more shit up to fit your delusions, still couldn't answer anything else though hmm

>I will get everything I want from a woman once I have enough money. That's all they care about.

yeah then you're going to hit the wall and be pissed when you can't get women and use the money to get an AK when you realize that women don't hate because you're poor we hate you because you're a mentally ill dumbass who has delusions like so

No. 216500

I can hatefuck you… with a giant spiked dildo

No. 216501

>Let me suck on them tits mommy.
Kek. Mommy issues confirmed.

No. 216503

God can do whatever he wants, his anger is pretty understandable.

>awe the spoilt baby had to make more shit up to fit your delusions, still couldn't answer anything else though hmm
He just simply decided to stop interfering.

>we hate you because you're a mentally ill dumbass

Women would love me if I had money.

No. 216505

If you hate women so much why dont you just leave? Its not like we care about anything you have to say, despite your 9000 point iq, we are probably too dumb to comprehend your amazing logic anyway

No. 216506

every time someone bites this bait my cancer accelerates

No. 216507

Some of them really are this dumb, how can you be sure its bait?

No. 216508

As I said, making up shit again

>Women would love me if I had money.

Yeah maybe some sugar babies who are willing to put up with your shit to go through college, but you'll never find real or meaningful love, especially after the shit you spew and the fact you run on things that are easily proven wrong as well as flat out hating women, and not knowing what you want so you take it out on the female gender and blame women for everything, not that you deserve it anyway

No. 216509

All of them*

He doesn’t want real or meaningful love with a woman, he just wants sex. He couldn’t have it even if he wanted it, since he despises women so much. He would only be able to achieve real or meaningful love with another man.

And honestly, I wouldn’t wish five seconds with this limp dick on another woman. Sugar babies still have standards and they would probably exclude him, thankfully.

No. 216510

I love how his thread was created 13 days ago and already it's at ~800 replies. Sad reality

No. 216511

I think it's because we don't usually get the opportunity for collective misandry, everyone's bursting with things to say. The rest of the internet is filled with boards, forums, subreddits etc used exclusively for women hating, but typically my man hating has been restricted to a few comments here or there rather than in a specific location for it.

No. 216512

Between this thread and the porn thread, I’m convinced to be done with men. What’s the point with trying to force relationships and friendships with someone who despises you and would jump at the first opportunity to see you abused and treated like shit, if not by then then by another man?

It’s pretty sad because unfortunately I’m not physically attracted to women. But I guess if the choice is “alone forever and living in peace” and “living with someone who fucking hates everything that you are”, the better choice is clear. There’s no point in men tbh.

No. 216513

I am so glad lolcow exists. I love you all.

No. 216514

I'm seriously so disgusted by men. #MeToo completely showed how entitled, weak and fragile they actually are. Like little babies.

>Ahem, _I_ Was ONCE molested by a WOMAN! She grabbed my ass on the dance floor!

>… And I didn't make a huge scene about it because I didn't care, haha!
Completely ignoring the fact that women face this ALL THE TIME, outside of the dance floor, on the street, at work, at school, everywhere. And men are always physically stronger and bigger than women so you know you can't defend yourself. Men can always overpower a woman. I'm so sick of always having to add "(and men)" after I'm talking about the sexual harassment WOMEN face because of dumbasses like this making the issue about themselves.

>What, so now you can't even _TALK_ to women without being seen as a pervert?

God, any sane person can tell the difference between sexual harassment and normal discussion. You don't have to pretend to be fucking retarded. She didn't ask your opinion on her tits, looks or private matters? Well don't give it to her then. If you're not close friends, stop telling her how beautiful she is. It's fucking creepy and not flattering at all. It gives off a vibe that you're poon hunting and demeaning her other more substantial qualities. Especially in a professional environment this is fucking gross and it's the reason I stopped dressing myself up for work.

>_I_ Would LOVE to hear women tell me I'm handsome! Nothing just ever pleases you roasties!

See point 1

>It's just encoded to biology! We men can't help ourselves!

And that's why you're the inferior gender. Completely being controlled by your hormones and literally zero power over your feelings.

Serious problems women face in their relationships:
>My husband/boyfriend abuses me physically and aggressively pressures me for sex, every time he hits me it's harder than the last time and I'm afraid he's going to kill me if I try to leave
Serious problems men face in their relationships:
>I don't get sex!!!!

"Male feminists" are the worst of the bunch. They're covering up their own sexism by being loud, obnoxious pseudoactivists who really don't give a shit about women. At least the robots are openly misogynistic and despicable, but the liberal male feminists always have a record spotted with cases of sexual harassment and sexist comments.

No. 216518

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still browsing the thread, but i just thought of something. can we talk about guys expecting women to do all the emotional work to make the relationship function in hetero relationships?

case in point, my current dude. he's kind of the quiet type but sometimes he just straight up ignores me and puts no effort into conversing with me. anything i send him or say to him just gets a one word response. when i bring up how this bothers me, he says he doesn't know what to do, that he's just like that, and that we talk all the time. last week, i was really busy with finals and i didn't talk to him very much. he made no effort to speak to me and i was too busy to care. and this guy has the absolute nerve. to be like, "hey we haven't been talking as much". like… ? you have the audacity talk to me and say we haven't been talking as much while making no effort to speak with me. i don't understand.

pic unrelated.

No. 216520

I'm pretty sure someone will try calling me out, but neither my dad nor my husband hate women. These men are out there, and they're not the "nice guys" who whine about women not paying attention to them. Find someone who is secure in himself without having to put others down. Because we all know what that insecurity stems from: entitlement, imagined privilege and genuinely being the weaker sex, as >>216514 stated. They hate us so much because they give us so much power over them. If they weren't intimidated they wouldn't need to try holding us back artificially.

No. 216521

My boyfriend does this too, and at worst times, if you look in the vent thread several women talk about how their boyfriends randomly ghost them

It just makes no sense to me how entitled someone can be, do they even want to be with us? If I ever even did this to someone I'd be scared of losing them, I can understand not wanting to get into in dept conversations every single day at all times but it seems like we have to put in effort for EVERYTHING. Do we not deserve to feel loved?

God, I wish we can just dump men who want to be a little prick and ghost us at bad times, but unlike men, we actually value relationships and are loyal, and aren't willing to dump a man over any small flaw

No. 216522

you get it completely. i don't understand. it hurts me so much especially when i talk about something that's bothering me or hurting me, and he just responds with a :( or sends me a cat picture. how could i ever get the impression that he cares about me? i think he used to care, but as soon as i started dating him for real, he just stopped giving a shit. he doesn't watch things with me anymore, or play videogames with me anymore. and when i spend hella money to go visit him (he lives in another country) he sits on his computer and plays videogames or looks at 4chan and ignores me. he just doesn't give a heck.

sorry for ventposting but apparently this is just a thing that happens??? is this normal?

No. 216524

I really want to ask the women in here the same question I faced a while ago:
What do you think a world without men would be like?
Would you be afraid of walking in the streets in the dark?
Would you have to think about what to wear to not provoke unwanted attention?
Would you have to constantly prove your proficiency?
Would you have to be on the defense all the time?
Would there be a chance you would be drugged and raped at a party or at a bar?
Really made me think how much violence men bring in the world, even towards other men.

No. 216526

My ex would do the same, and if I didn't talk to him for a day he demanded an apology.

This is slightly different but something I've noticed men do, they can go completely insane with anger to the point of scaring you and it's seen as normal, my ex would do that a lot but if I even showed a bit of emotion I was "crazy" and "unstable" after that relationship I am avoiding men for a long, long time.

No. 216528

>and he just responds with a :( or sends me a cat picture
When men do that it's because they don't think what you're complaining matters that much so they're unphased or mildly annoyed by it. These types are either huge jerks or just extremely emotionally dense.

No. 216530

>I am more intelligent than literally 100% of women on the planet right now.
Even if this wasnt bait, is this really worth getting butthurt over?

No. 216531

>they don't think what you're complaining matters that much so they're unphased or mildly annoyed by it.
That's a pretty big assumption. Maybe it's valid in her case since he no longer spends time with her, but I would say it's generally more because they don't know what to say and fail to communicate that.

No. 216539

It wouldn't be half that if men didn't come here trying to defend themselves. I think a lot of anons were "well, I don't hate ALL men…" but the dumb shits decided it would be a good idea to further emphasize our us vs them mentality by coming here and proving the AMALT anons right.

Men are so stupid it hurts

No. 216540

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Yikes, the autistic boyfriend story rings true so profoundly for my autistic ex.
The cringe/horror stories I could share about him…

Let's just say I wouldn't hesitste putting a restraining order or call the police on him if he dares comes to my house ever again.
Be wary of guys who run meme Facebook pages like my ex. They'll feel like and become ego-inflated pieces of shit who will most likely cheat on you with starry-eyed fangirls who gave him some adrenaline dose of narcissistic importance.

The saddest part is that he pretty much dumped me over three times too and when you're in a complete stolkholm syndrome type of scenario, you find it really hard to forgive abusive, pieces of shit men. " B-but he's a good person!!! Look at how good he is with his friends!! uwu youre a terrible slutty bitch who cheated on him! "

Guess who shared revenge porn of me and to my loved ones? Some guy who when I was single, sent him nudes because I was some idiot who trusted in mens honest intentions. He was livid when he found out I was dating my ex again and mass-sent revenge porn/nudes to my ex and to everybody in our local weeb community. It was a really messy situation where I had to go off the radar for a few months.

Also my ex blamed his "autism" for his anger issues and treating me like shit. He constantly verbally abused me, gaslit me, belittled me, compared me to other women and pretty much the shit AS is doing to June.

I was pretty much an insecure, extremely mentally ill mess and have to go to therapy now because of the terrible five year shitshow of how much I tolerated my ex and tried my best to stay with him. The moment he found out the other guy had nudes of me, he called me a cheating vile whore despite me being single at that time…? He easily believed in that other guy who sent the nudes and literally spread lies about how I was fucking and sucking a bunch of guys. He even left a bruise on my arm which he claimed it was an "accident". He lies about having autism to get welfare.

It was for the best that incident broke me free from the relationship seeing how toxic it was, but I'm so fucking paranoid and damaged now. I'm dating someone lovely now and pray to god I chose someone who isn't abusive or will show his true colors later on. I'm scared. I'm looking at so many articles on the red flags but I can't trust myself. Mind you I spent like a good six months recovering from that incident. I know it's partially my own responsibility for choosing shit men, but it doesn't help that I grew up in a traditional family that made me super sheltered and have no "street smarts" or a better lie detector. I'm trying my best to not be some doormat. I do get genuinely scared at times though, because I just can't seem to learn from my mistakes. :(

No. 216542

I feel sorry for you anon, I hope you‘re therapy goes well since I also have to go in therapy because of my ex for causing me a fucking emotional trauma. That‘s a really good thing to say that you should all stay far away from such guys.

No. 216543

My ex dates a 16 year old girl now who looks like me and he is over 20, that‘s so fucked up. It‘s just so disgustingly creepy.
Also when he said to me I have to go to see a therapist I think he should actually see one. He always got angry when I hung out with manly friends after he broke up with me and got mad at me for having a crush on a new guy finally.
He fucking guilt tripped me all the time I tried to get better and gets now mad at me for me being mad at him ???

To all girls out there if you think you can still be friends with your ex, even thought he shows clearly toxic behaviour, just drop him. It can cause you so much harm and don‘t try it even if you have less friends.
It causes so much more pain and can cause you really bad depressions.

No. 216545

men cant fucking read at all

>this thread is about why we hate men

>youre not welcome here

No. 216548

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Thank you anon! Yeah, hopefully our therapy goes well and we grow and recover from the shit we and many women go through when they recover from abusive relationships with men.

Honestly, this is the only time where I may even add that the normie "chad" types that the r9k incels talk crap about are actually the ones who are more emotionally invested and respect you more.

The guy I'm dating now is a weeb, but he's like a huge and soft teddybear who is so sweet and considerate to me. He is the complete opposite of what my ex is, except his taste in games and hobbies is so much better. And not only that, but he also sees me as a human being and not as a living cocksleeve!

Don't lose hope girls, admidst the shitty amount of MRA r9k incels you'll find a sweet guy, just avoid most 4chan guys. I met him through college, I'm not one to give advice on where to find men who genuinely respect women though. It's hard lol.

No. 216568

To whoever created this thread, thank you!! I have always been afraid of accidentally dating those r9k incels/red pillers/'mah iq is over 9000' dudes. Therefore, as my only male friend has told me, I came off as a cold/unapproachable person. I have always been afraid of being emotionally invested in a dude only to realize that he thinks of me so low. This thread really helped me realize that I am not alone.

No. 216580

It's a pretty common concern among non-self hating women. My IRL friends have this issue too. Once you know how, it's not hard to avoid the low-tier men and end up with a quality one. I did so with little effort. It's all about never ignoring the red flags, whether they're subtle or overt.

No. 216598

So, this was just posted to the vent thread:

Followed by another post where he was complaining about how men do so much for women.

God, what I wouldn't give to be a dictator so that I could have degenerates like this publicly executed.

No. 216600

He's just going around shitposting all across the site. Mods will ban him soon, but in the meantime I wish people wouldn't reply to the most obvious bait.

The amount of /r9k/fags showing up lately has been irritating but guys can't stand the thought of any space existing without them so it's not really surprising.

No. 216603

How to avoid incel tier men
>make more money than them (which isn't hard since even your shitty hotel receptionist job is already making more money since a lot are unemployed) and the fact now mgtows are saying women with jobs are gold diggers and always looking to fuck their boss kek
>invest in the future, show them you want to be something bigger, start a business, get educated, if they see this they'll think you're a gold digger and feel like their precious dick isn't good enough for a woman who actually has their shit together because they only want to fuck insecure self conscious neets to expose their nudes with
>actually put effort into your looks. Make your hair pretty, wear makeup, work out, eat healthy, shower, wear perfume, dress nice, etc. This will make them think you're a high maintenance gold digger and they'll avoid you
>have self worth, if its one thing incels hate its to see women who have self worth, then there won't be a chance to manipulate them into an abusive relationship
>learn skills such as music, cooking, handiness, sewing, writing. Since incels are skilless lazy neets, they will feel inferior to a woman that actually knows more than them
>enjoy sex/masturbate, incels believe the second a woman sticks her finger in her own pussy she's a loose roastie whore and unworthy of them and they don't want to be sloppy seconds
>don't allow them to cheat and do drugs or be a misogynist, they hate being controlled, if you tell them you think its gross to go on 4chin and tell Stacy if her tits are good enough or not or see them making posts about how all women are going to steal their sperm and take their money, their true colors are sure to show, you might get labeled as a roastie whos unstable, but you'll see the incel for who he is and leave him
>get an apartment or house of your own, furnish it, make it nice and clean, look at interior designing guides, find an aesthetic and follow it,while some incels refuse to date any woman who doesn't live with her parents,the ones who are willing to date will often look to freeload and call you a gold digger when you ask to help pay for the place they live. If they don't already leave you out of jealousy your place is nice and not a greasy pizza stained bachelor pad, then his true colors are willing to show,and leave his ass

No. 216610

reminder r/incels got shut down lol

No. 216613

Anyone else wear a [fake] wedding ring just to keep men away?
It works wonderfully IMO.

No. 216614

Agreed with all points. This is all good advice for all aspects of life tbh. Always take care of yourself, always strive to be better and accomplish more. Repelling incels is just an added bonus.

No. 216616

>unironically compares professional video games to basic life skills

This made me involuntarily go "wooaaah!" out loud it was so memey, good work on the accidental satire.

No. 216619

Please help me, this strange man… I don't know who he is but he's telling me that Capitalism has tricked me into pursuing academia.
He's telling me that deep in my heart, as a woman, that I don't desire the right to vote, own property, drive a car and forge a successful career…

He's… he's telling me that instead I'd be happier at home serving him in all domestic duties, procreating against my will and dying nameless and forgotten whilst men go on achieving greats in the world and have their names put down in history!





No. 216622

Not even incel-avoiding-wise, this is good advice all around to avoid all sorts of shit men and have a nice, happy, scumbag-free life.

No. 216625

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No. 216626

>a lot of this stuff isn't based on skill
>cooking, writing, sewing, music
>not skill-based
>mashing a few buttons and spending enough time mashing said buttons to know the meta-game
>actually skill-based

I think you mean that we can't outskill men in a way that they'd be able to understand they were outskilled. Most incels/robots have their tastebuds used to doritos and mountain dew and are thus unable to recognize good cooking, haven't read anything longer than a reddit or blog post and are thus unable to recognize good writing… and so on and so forth. lol

No. 216628

>As a Misogynist, or a generally women disliking male
>In my mind, women are inherently worth more than men

u wot m8

>what is the point of working when beta hordes line up to provide for you?

seriously, what is this meme? what world do you live in where men just throw money at their female friends?

>that spiel about how men have feelings too and you're clingy from never having any power but its really easy for men to have casual sex and doesnt have any negative effect on them

so contradictory it reads like something a spambot output after being fed r/redpill posts

>In order to date a girl, I require no social media, no makeup, little to no social interaction.

hahahaah, I love how you think this will get you a "traditional girl" (spoilers: make-up and socialising are traditionally female) and not an actually autistic woman or something, although maybe that'd be a good match

No. 216630

Bums me out that in most of the professional fields of the skills you've listed, men dominate and are the top earners, generally. I think the exception might be sewing, but there's probably a 3:2 ratio of exalted male fashion designers to women (strangely, I can't think of any major costume or set people that are dudes, though).

We can't even commodify our stereotypical skill sets and are expected to perform them for free.

No. 216632

Not him, but cooking, writing, sewing, and music all take skill (And they are dominated by men, except for sewing, and maybe writing). But high cap skill games like SSBM just don't compare, the time and effort you have to put in to be tournament level couldtake 2-3 years at the earliest.

No. 216633


No. 216634

>repealing all the good men by actually making something out of yourself and not being a lazy insecure low life
>good men

>Women are obviously much less happy now that they're expected to go to college, and then work to be independent in a capitalist societ

Yeah, because making something out of yourself makes you depressed and worthless than being a housewife in an abusive relationship and forced to push out babies

you do realize most rich men want educated smart women? just because you flip burgers and want a slave housewife to impregnate constantly doesn't mean smart rich men want the same exact thing, even MELANIA TRUMP has a degree for fucks sake

>They now waste their young fertile years doing this, and all kinds of immoral things, and their natural instincts know it's wrong

Yeah, no. Just because you jerked your 2 incher to college sluts 3 or jailbait gets fucked by 4 bbcs doesn't mean the entire world is a porno

> and their natural instincts know it's wrong

whats wrong exactly? not doing exactly what you want? right

> they really don't want to be in college

are you forgetting the number of women in places like india and the middle east who fought and work their asses off so they can get an education? not only that but in ancient days as well, education was womens highest value, if women didn't want education then we would all still be knitting and making dinner in abusive relationships, if women didn't want to go to college the revolution on education wouldn't even happen

Oh and if women didn't want to work either your ass wouldn't be typing delusional shit

>they want to be having children with a man who fully provides for them.

funny you mention, when women do want that you same guys run around calling them gold digging whores, tons of women want to have a business and be independent, not everything is your fantasy sweety

>Feminism has caused women to be more depressed and mentally ill than ever before in history.

you wish, before feminist revolutions came in womens mental illnesses were higher than ever, do you think all the 1700s- 1800s style mental institutions made specifically for women and were filled with hundreds of women, before feminism started encouraging women to work and get an education, if feminism was soooo making women depressed and mentally ill more than history? try again honey

No. 216637

>every male """safe space""" in the last decade

such as?

>Women without men's guicidance are no better than niggers in africa without the white man.

if you publically admit to being sexist, racist and delusional, don't expect to be taken seriously

No. 216638

Games, internet in general, movies, series, IT jobs etc

No. 216639

melania actually doesnt but lets not let that sack of shit trip over that

No. 216640

>A woman buying her own house/apartment, and letting a man moving into _her_ place that she was paying for, is so rare I don't even know what to say about it.

thank you for proving incels are delusional, I've seen it happen more than I've seen men move into womens apartments

No. 216641

I'm not a guy, but since the latest ghost busters movie I noticed that we are starting to take over men's stuff without reason.

No. 216642

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No. 216643

Oh no, it must suck that women like playing video games, that they help develop, it must suck we use the internet, that wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for men, it must suck we watch movies we make and get IT jobs

are you forgetting a lot of women help develop and invent these things? We don't make them and help make them exist just to have you whine and claim it's yours, you sound like a spoilt baby

if a group of people makes a plate of food, you don't claim it's all yours and your friends then whine and scream and act as if someone is stealing you and your friends food when one of the people who made it makes a plate for themselves, I always knew you were entitled, but not so entitled to this point

No. 216644

> but since the latest ghost busters movie I noticed that we are starting to take over men's stuff without reason.

don't like it? DON'T WATCH IT
the movie business isn't "mens stuff"
ghost busters, isn't "mens stuff"
men don't get anything taken away from them and they don't get stopped if women dare put themselves somewhere that men believe they dominate

Also IE stop roleplaying here you incel, or at least put effort into it

No. 216645

Whenever this happened the female got bored of the male pretty quickly and the relationship ended.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 216646

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No. 216647

>Whenever this happened the female got bored of the male pretty quickly and the relationship ended
HAHAHHAA holy shit, do you think anyone would believe this? you're desperately lying and making up delusions to fit your narrative, you're worse than 2015 feminists

No. 216648

I'd want to kill myself too if I was male, not sure how that's a pro-male image though.

No. 216649

either proof or gtfo, so much claims, so little examples, hmmm

No. 216650

just a copypasta from that one post on r/mgtow. weak b8 nigga but really just to clarify we know men hate women, period.

Its already been discussed that men would want to kill us all off in a genocide. We get it. We know. Men are transparent as fuck lmao

No. 216654


That pic used to make me go in to a nuclear rage but I just don't care anymore. People like attractive people, what the fuck are you gonna do?

No. 216655

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>abloo bloo women didn't do anything
>someone gives an example
>baww that one doesn't count because I don't like it
Ok bruv

No. 216657

seriously nearly every woman I know has a better furnished and more thoroughly stocked apartment than nearly every man I know. When my friend's bf moved into her apartment his dishes consisted of a single bowl he'd been using for everything.

No. 216658

>Help, maybe, but I invent, no. I cant think of anything notewworthy women have actually pioneerd, like ever.

scroll up sweetie, it's been proven several times, it's not just ada lovelace, it was common for women in the 1900s to take up programming and computer jobs

also that image was only made because there was a gender switched version, so no, stop pretending to be oppressed

No. 216659

Lmao this. Men always claim women have never accomplished anything, but then you give them a specific example of a woman who accomplished said thing and they will find some way where it doesn't count. They just hate women, period point blank. A female doctor could save their life and they'd still call her a roastie whore and think they're superior to her meanwhile they're working at Gamestop or some shit. Men are funny that way.

No. 216660

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the original one, then victim complexed men made this one

No. 216663

>Woman care about vapid shit, who would have thought?

yes, vapid shit such as wanting to live in a nice cozy place and not a greasebin and actually be hygienic and prepared, so vapid

>The entire /snow/ board is testimony to this btw, literally gossiping about e-celeps woah

>pretending men don't spend hours talking about anime and video games

>pretending men don't gossip a whole fuck lot themselves

wow, women must be inferior

ie have you ever even had a conversation with a woman? a lot of women will chat about things like work, their life, educations, plans, you know things that actually matter, and men will chat for hours about league, but yep women sure are vapid

No. 216665

honey, we are women here, I can tell you from experience I've met more men who say shit like that picture than I've met women talk about things like that picture, the only one that's true is the female one

>Nerdy girls are just a copy of nerdy man btw

yeah, you wish, maybe some, but it may blow your puny mind but some women ACTUALLY enjoy nerdy things

>Nerd is literally a derogatory term for males.


No. 216666

>no men are only interested in a womans looks

good joke

No. 216667

I suggest just ignoring the robots and reporting them so we can keep cleaning their posts. Sorry for the inconvenience.

No. 216668

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No. 216671

Men don't feel love? It feels like I'm in a different world here
Woman are the only creatures who ''say'' they love someone and then a week later love someone else and completely forget about any feelings for the other
Woman feel love, love for them selves because they can't do without they don't feel love for the person they are with they need to feel special

No. 216672

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>It feels like I'm in a different world here

you mean out of your echo chamber that's fried your mind

No. 216673

what world do you live in? Look in the vent thread, it proves how men don't feel love, men are the ones who ghost like crazy, men have HIGHER CHEATING RATES for fucks sake, women always have to put more effort into relationships, stop living in a world made by incel myths

No. 216678

Hi Robot. This is a board for women. We know all the shit men pull. Look into the vent thread. Look further up in this thread. Men are fucking immature when it comes to relationships and when they get broken up with because of it, they lash out by sharing nudes, because they are so entitled that they feel they need to punish a woman for not fucking them anymore.

But yes, we're the overly emotional ones who only love ourselves. Totally.

No. 216680

yes because what do men need to vent about? stacy didn't suck your dick on command? and yet women are complaining about actual things like having their trust betrayed, their rep ruined because men can't not get what they want, last time I checked, it wasn't women who leaked a bunch of celebs nude for the fappening

just take /ot/ vs r9k for fucks sake

there's pics you shouldnt share thread, rate threads, your exes nudes threads, incest threads, hell there's even threads where guys will talk about molesting their cousin or sister.. compare it to /ot/ and no it's not a r9k post with women replaced with men, it's literally the truth about robots

No. 216682

different anon, but men can be feel love. But its different towards women. Men can never love women and treat her as a person like he would to another man; there will always be his sense of superiority over her because she's 'inferior in everything' - the incels who were here have admitted this bluntly.

No point in being with a man who'll see and think of you as a sex doll that breathes and nothing more. what are aspirations and dreams when your purpose to them is to be a breeder? but sure, go ahead telling everyone here that the love men feel for women is so nice and pure. *until said sexdolls realize they don't want to be used everyday. then men become bitter, misogynists condoning rape and murder of women

No. 216688

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>he's telling me that Capitalism has tricked me into pursuing academia

No. 216695

I needed this screenshot in my life. Thank you, anon.

No. 216697

We get it, you didn't make it to college and now you want to blame the liberal agenda, go splerge somewhere else

No. 216702

We get it you suck at uni and now want to blame liberals, just like how you can't get laid and blame feminism

All your actions are the fault of people you don't like,never your own

No. 216704

File: 1513381990857.png (195.19 KB, 1080x1547, 20171215_165210.png)

Typical man
>does gross shit in public
>lol why u lookin at my junk then

Oh and they have a right to make inappropriate comments to us online because if it really bothered us we can just block them.

What a considerate fellow.

No. 216711

reminder Emma Roberts got arrested for beating the shit out of and biting her boyfriend Evan Peters

No. 216712

I'm sure she was heavily abused by men to get to that point.

No. 216716

Because the world wars were primarily faught by niggers.

No. 216718

>We dont have double standards unlike you

t. male who wants women to fuck him at the drop of a hat but if they actually did he'd lose his shit about what a slut they are

No. 216722

wow one case vs the millions of abuse cases and literal cultures centered around abusing women

No. 216731

>people are going to seriously respond to this blatant bait

No. 216733

prove it.

No. 216734

kek right? its so bad

No. 216736

The people taking the bait are just as bad as the degenerate men posting in this thread. Ignore them and continue posting man-hate. Stop giving these men voices in our spaces.

No. 216737

Do NOT argue with obvious bait posts. I feel like I shouldn't even need to say this. It encourages them to continue posting and any non-newfag would know this.

No. 216740


But it's too fun arguing with them, there should be a designated Gender War thread to corral all the rustled robots into or something.

No. 216743

While it may seem fun, it causes more harm and will cause more of them flooding in if allowed. We would like to avoid their presence as much as possible.

No. 216745

File: 1513385490116.jpg (38.5 KB, 500x626, c0f9dca9c2aa06fdd02719cf1d371e…)

But the war on women isn't real!!!! REEEEE /s

No. 216746


Maybe we could start an entirely new image board for this purpose… genderwars.com isn't taken…. thinking_emoji.png

No. 216749


No. 216751

I just want to vent about something that's going on right now.

>Me, not a huge fan of social media or having many accounts, decides to join Twitter

>Some guy follows me and sees my art, asks for a commission which I agree to because I need money
>Send him the drawing, he sends me the money, that's it
>He does not stop messaging me. I mean he does not stop.
>I decide to be friendly for a few weeks, small conversations about this or that. I don't see the harm.
>Until he starts calling me his GF and asking me to be his GF. This seemingly comes from absolutely nowhere
>I tell him no each time until I decide to start just ignoring him because I have a boyfriend already and I don't want to fuck anything up
>Two weeks later a friend of mine messages me, showing me a Facebook account which is using a picture of MY FACE as the profile picture
>This picture of me was up on social media for about 2 days until I deleted it, got maybe 5 likes.
>I message the account to please delete the photo, and ask them where they got it and why they are using it
>Apparently the person using my photo is the ex-gf of the Twitter guy. She tells me she's using my photo as a joke because Twitter guy is bragging to her that I'm his GF, that I'm so much prettier than her, etc. And she doesn't believe we are actually dating.
>Obviously not true. She agrees to remove it and I flip out at Twitter guy.
>I tell him that we're not dating, he's fucking crazy for saying that, and then I block him.
>Somehow he finds my Tumblr and starts sending me ask messages, again no clue how he did this. He's threatening me and saying if I don't talk to him then he will tell my BF that I cheated on him and that I dated him (Twitter guy.)
>Have a million anxiety attacks over this while explaining to my BF what is going on.
>Ex-GF of Twitter guy keeps in touch with me and sends me screenshots of the crazy shit he is saying. He's threatening to rape me, her, and his other ex. Also mocks his ex-GF for being raped by a family member in the same screenshot.
>I stalk his Instagram that I find by going back to his Twitter (I deleted mine at this point because I was paranoid.)
>He's posting shit like "So tired of psycho girls," "Why are girls fucking crazy," etc
>Visit his Tumblr account which I got from the screenshots sent from the ex-GF, he's reblogging photos from what I assume is his ex adding things onto the post like "overdose you fucking whore" and "answer me", "message me back", etc
>Ex-GF sends me more screenshots of him pretending I'm his GF, he saved a number of my selfies and sent them to her while insulting her and telling her that I'm prettier
>All of this shit dies down for 3 weeks or so. I'm finally calming down.
>Deleted all of my social media aside from my Tumblr since I don't use it a lot.
>Ban his IP from my blog.
>Today he sends me more anon ask messages from a proxy saying "I miss you, I won't leak anything just message me"
>Proceed to have another panic attack.

I thought this shit was over. I'm going to fucking lose it. I quit the internet.

No. 216752

>"it shows these celebrities true nature!!!"
>"expose the nudes better I'm hurting my neck"
>Stupid feminazis saying we shouldn't look at the photos
>Women who don't get tattoos view themselves as expensive sex objects!!!
>They did it to sue apple!!!

god, MGTOW should be considered a mental illness

No. 216753

I thought they didn't like women who got tattoos though. You just can't win with these fucks.

No. 216754

>western woman:It's kinda weird that men go to thailand to buy women

Do these MGTOWs get off on the idea that western women are going to be raging jealous crazy because their greasy ass would rather fuck a prostitute than a western woman over a generalization that they put in their own heads? Why are they so obsessed with the idea of western women "Raging and being furious" over shit that doesn't even vaguely matter?

No. 216755

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Wait, but don't men constantly complain about how exhausting it is to be having to convince a girl that she isn't ugly?

>having self esteem is bad

>not having self esteem is also bad

No. 216756

>complains about nudes 'cause they're not the bf who is meant to be the sole recipient
and why should any woman send them some to them? they'll just spread it around and provoke harassment.

Mgtows are so damn ignorant towards human trafficking and sex slavery that tends to be pretty commonplace in prostitution over there and you know if they learned of it, they won't care anyway. They'll contribute so long as they get laid and write on their blogs how Asian women are much better

No. 216757

>write on their blogs how Asian women are much better

I never understood this, as an american-asian woman myself

in their mind, western and asian women are both gold diggers who worship white chad and use our bodies to get money, not to mention how they'll scream to avoid single moms and mock them when they need to work but when it's single thai moms who sell themselves to support their children they it's completely okay and they'll willing to give up their entire fast food pay check to see thai women suck them off if thats what she needs to do to pay

also why is the big white woman constantly getting mocked in the video for speaking out about sex trafficking? no one in the video seemed furious or jealous to me, they're just worried about the sex trafficking which does happen but they don't care about since they just want asian pussy out of pure delusion and sterotypes that was put in their heads by reddit and most of the time isn't even true

No. 216758

i found a really great article about emotional labor today. it's from a man's perspective, but he seems like he understands.


No. 216759

MGTOW youtube channels really baffle me. I'm talking about the channels dedicated only to mgtow talking points…At least on the subreddit they can all talk among themselves, just post and be done with it. But with youtube…you watch some other dude talk about how much he hates women but he actually doesn't care and isn't mad AT ALL he just hates women yet wants to talk about them constantly. And then you go down to the comments where you and a bunch of other men talk about how you totally hate and don't care about women at all, but you're on a channel with 10k+ subscribers dedicated solely to women. I mean the subreddit doesn't make much sense to me either, but youtube seems so much worse.

I really despise cyclists. I don't subscribe to youtube channels about killing cyclists. I don't spend any significant portion of my day daydreaming or discussing getting revenge on cyclists for getting in my way. I don't need to join a movement and adopt an identity based on nothing but my hatred of cyclists. Dumb comparison, maybe. But it's the line of thinking I don't understand.

No. 216760

I get that this thread seems to be for venting, but I'd like to point out that if you have a uniform experience with "all men", that probably has to do with the sort of men you associate with. And it's true that women tend to enjoy being treated like children, so men with that kind of outlook will have an easier time getting laid and forming relationships.

The internet misogynistic incels are a different story, they didn't have that outlook to begin with and only came to hate women after realising that men with misogynistic attitudes have more success with women. So their misogyny is part resentment, part conscious effort to artificially emulate those men in order to project an "alpha" image. Ironically their misogyny is an attempt at conforming to what they believe women want them to be.

No. 216761

So men aren't a hivemind, but women are a hivemind?

#Notallmen hate and despise women, but all women enjoy being treated like children? And are thus responsible for misogynistic men? Maybe just the women you associate with enjoy being treated like children…but I doubt you extend them the same courtesy of saying if you have a uniform experience with women, it has to do with the sort of women you keep around. Very interesting and not at all biased perspective you've got there dude.

No. 216762

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Lol kys

No. 216763

I never said any of those things. I said women tend to enjoy being treated as children, in the same way men tend to treat them as such.

So this means you should stay away from all drivers?

No. 216764

File: 1513392163790.jpg (52.89 KB, 960x586, eb54cc7e7eba0590241aef7569d68f…)

You really are a special sort of daft, aren't you?

No. 216765

Well you seem to be all in making excuses for disgusting misogynistic behavior and implying that it's women's fault that men act that way…despite us literally begging them to see us as fully formed human beings.

Like I said, the tables can be turned back on you. If all the women in your life enjoy being treated like children and gravitate toward misogynistic pieces of shit, maybe that has to do with the sort of women you associate with. That's your logic. You're geting assblasted about generalities about men, but then make one about women in an effort to excuse men for their shitty behavior.

No. 216766

new hypothesis: men can't read at all. can that be the new meme or hashtag? it's not even untrue. #MenCantRead

No. 216767

I know you guys REALLY don't care what women have to say about anything, and don't trust us even when we talk about what we actually experience, but maybe you should actually read the thread and think about it. And then read the porn abuse thread and think about it. And then read the teenagers thread and think about it.

Or just stick around until your friends show back up and write entire paragraphs about how women are bad and wrong and inferior and we should all die! That's always fun.

No. 216768

Do you honestly believe shittiness of behaviour is something exclusively male?

I don't associate with any women in a romantic way, I'm observing this from the outside.

No. 216769

My point is, you are bothered by the generalization of men in this thread. And you respond by making a generalization of women, and you really can't see that. Or you can and you willingly want to ignore it and pretend that isn't what you're doing so that you can excuse misogyny or pin it on women.

We aren't new dude.

No. 216771

Also apparently >>216766 was correct. Men can't read. Where did I state that shittiness is limited to men and only men? Show me where.

No. 216775

I was really just talking about why the men you're talking about act the way they do. Refusing to hear any explanations because they seem to you too much like excuses just leaves you stuck in hatred.

No. 216776

You realise you're the mirror image of MGTOW right? I'm not blaming either gender, and you take that as an excuse of men's shitty behaviour. If I had posted on an MGTOW forum I'd probably be accused of excusing women's shitty behaviour.

No. 216779

I'm not your ex-boyfriend or whatever youtuber you love to hate or whatever MGTOW you had an internet argument with so I'd appreciate if you stopped projecting all this nonsense on me that I never said.

The simple reality is that men don't "hate" women any more than women "hate" men. Both can act shitty to each other, and believe it or not no that won't disappear for me either just by leaving this thread.

No. 216781

Save it dude. I don't need a lecture from men on hatred. I know all about how much men hate women. You know, you remind me of the robot we had here a few weeks ago who started off nice and civil and just wanted to peddle that #notallmen bullshit. Not even four posts in he starts going on his little "women are inferior!! literal children and worthless whores11! suck my dick" diatribe that we've seen so many times before. So I would say cut to the chase. Go on your misogynistic rant already, we all know it's coming.

Like you said, this a vent thread. But you can't just let us have that, I guess. Since you seem to love making excuses for misogynists - try and make one for women for once. Don't let your hatred and sense of superiority blind you and try to think about it from the position of women who deal with this shit every single day. The difference is that you can x out of this thread and the "man hate" will disappear. Women can't escape misogyny, since every man on and off the internet proudly practices it in one form or another. You can say it's the type of men we surround ourselves with - but it isn't one type of man no matter how much you think it is. I wish it were just one type, they would be easily avoidable. But it's EVERY type in one way or another. So now you can just ignore every other one of my points and every other post in the thread and just talk about how it isn't all men, and even if it were, women did something to deserve it.

But instead of listening or just moving along and going somewhere else you have to come in and immediately start in making excuses for misogynists after we've had post after post after post today about how women are all worthless inferior whores who need to be eradicated and replaced by robots. Can you even begin to imagine how exhausting that is to read all the time? Just let us have ONE place where we don't have to read that shit. I mean really dude. How is ONE place too much to ask? Just go somewhere else. Go back to your daily women hate threads or your various websites dedicated to hating women with thousands of users and let us have this one fuckin thread.

No. 216782

>The simple reality is that men don't "hate" women any more than women "hate" men.
Yeah that's why we daily have men come in here to remind of us how inferior we are and how worthless we are and we'll never amount to anything but fuckholes and incubators. That's why women are seen as worthless, raped, abused, laughed at after being raped and abused and harassed, called whores for doing basically nothing. That's why men celebrate women becoming obsolete and extinct. That's why there are entire movements dedicated to hating women and wishing suffering on us. That's why men see us as literal objects with no feelings to be used how ever they please with absolutely no consideration of how it may affect us. That's why people make excuses for men and bend over backwards to excuse their actions and make it our fault even when it isn't. It's because men DON'T hate us. Well goddamn I would hate to see what hate looks like from them, then.

No. 216783

If I go to one of those places I get called a roastie and told to fuck off back to lolcow.

>But it's EVERY type in one way or another.

I really would love to know how I'm a misogynist.

No. 216784

Do you realise that you could literally switch the words "men" and "women" in your post?(you're just baiting at this point)

No. 216785

Women don't see men as fuckholes and incubators, and generally speaking they don't rape them either.

No. 216786

Where are the movements dedicated to talking about how men are all worthless and should be eradicated? How many times a day do you see women going into male spaces to remind them that they're all below her and deserve to die? Where?

No. 216788

There's an entire branch of feminism that's exactly like that, and it's been around for a while. As for internet trolling it's hardly directed exclusively towards women, I couldn't even begin to count how many times I've been told I deserve to die for various reasons. Imageboards aren't the real world.

No. 216790

>And it's true that women tend to enjoy being treated like children
>men with misogynistic attitudes have more success with women.
No. Fuck off.

No. 216791

That's really more a question of biology. Women beat men with intent to hurt them all the time, it's just not as effective. And for every man who sees women as fuckholes, there's a woman who sees men as wallets.

No. 216792

They do though. And I don't mean misogynistic as in telling them to their faces that they're worthless fuckholes, I mean in more or less subtly positioning themselves as the leader and making the woman follow. The reason this is how courtship works is that this is what women generally expect, and women are the ones who determine if a courtship will succeed or not.

No. 216793

It isn't trolling. Of course you would chalk it up to trolling. Men in the REAL WORLD do think this way and act on it every single day. I've had men I KNOW and have to work with say shit exactly like what you've read here and they weren't "trolling" in real life. And yes "women are worthless whores with low IQs who are lower than shit compared to men" is directed exclusively at women.

We already KNOW how much men hate us we DON'T need to the constant reminders. We really, really don't. But you'll stay here and continue to provide them anyway because the hatred is so intense you people can't even make a small effort to contain it. And why would you? Misogyny is hilarious! It's not big deal at all! Not ALL men. Hey even the men you can find who won't outwardly spout misogynistic shit will laugh and agree quietly when another man does and turn around and tell you not all men at the same time.

No. 216794

I have literally never heard anyone say this in real life ever, and I've been around quite a lot of men. Where the hell did you find those people?

No. 216795

My father for one, and multiple men I've gone to school and worked with. Ordinary men. Of course they wouldn't say shit like that to you, they see other men as fully competent human beings who are equal to them. Why the fuck would they?

No. 216796

>They do though.
>I know what you want better than you do!!!1!
Fuck of you cuntish gimp.

No. 216797

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No. 216798

It seems like such unbridled misogyny would be more easily expressed among other men than directly to women's faces. I'm not questioning your experience, but I personally have trouble imagining what kind of a social setting would deem this even remotely acceptable.

Sorry about your shitty father though, that is pretty bad.

No. 216799


I never said it doesn't happen though, I said that given that I have in my whole life never encountered it even once, it can't possibly be as universal as you think it is.

No. 216801

It happens in any kind of social setting, because nobody cares if some dumb worthless fuckhole gets put in her place by a man. Nothing to bat an eyelash at, I probably deserved it after all.

This is literally the reason why he's here. "Hey it's a vent thread, better go tell them how misogyny isn't that prevalent or bad and they really should just stop whining. I'll ignore the amount of posts and personal experiences in this thread that probably suggest this is indeed a widespread issue that a lot of women deal with and need to vent about, and just interject that because it hasn't happened to me, it rarely happens! Not all men! Not even most!"

No. 216802

>I said that given that I have in my whole life never encountered it even once
>my experience as a man counts more towards the reality of how women are treated than what you've experienced as a woman.
You really are a self-absorbed cunt.

No. 216803

You know, the "not all men" doesn't deserve to be such a meme, because it actually is important to keep in mind. It's too easy to just dismiss "all men" based on some experiences. What you should do instead is make a little more effort to tell the good men from the shitty men, which in turn would encourage men to fix their behaviour.

What I'm really saying here and with the part before about how male misogyny is linked with female behaviour is you're not just helpless victims. Your own behaviour can make the world better.

No. 216804

Oh fuck off with this shit. I don't have the energy to change men, it isn't my fucking job. I've never done ANYTHING to men. They've fucked me over every chance they get and continue to, and then men like you want to come and say that misogyny isn't a big deal. Misogyny makes you fucking TIRED. to the point where not only do you consider suicide and just fucking destroying your piece of shit female body to fix the problem, I can assure you it makes you too TIRED to search for the elusive "good man." Doesn't fuckin exist. And you aren't him, although I'm sure you believe you are.

Why don't you go tell misogynists to stop being misogynistic? Oh no that would require men to think about their actions and maybe change them and treat women as equal human beings. We can't have that. The women must be responsible for it all.

Just fuck off already. What are you even getting out of this.

No. 216805

File: 1513396774934.jpg (57.14 KB, 510x529, 285bf28ff5bbcdc5bb4010dd5c230f…)

Fuck off.

No. 216807

How is it 'important' to keep in mind? What horrible consequences are there of being cautious or suspicious? Having less men in your life…? Not a big loss tbqh.

It might well be true that 'not all men' are misogynist pieces of shit, but it's a lot easier for a man to trick us into thinking he's a decent person than it is for him to trick us into thinking he's a misogynist. Keeping your guard up is not going to hurt you anywhere near as much as lowering it.

No. 216808

And after you've raged at all men, what have you achieved?

I'm not telling you to go on a crusade to fix the world by yourself, I'm saying reward good behaviour, don't reward bad behaviour, and be smart, don't keep falling for the same crap. It's just as much in your own interest.

And I wasn't remotely talking about myself, though I don't really see on what basis you're labeling me as a "shitty man".

No. 216811

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No. 216812

That's exactly what I'm saying, keep your guard up. Don't just alternate between falling for the same tricks every time and concluding that all men are shit. Pretending that all men are "like that" is lazy and is functionally the same as believing all men are good, since it keeps you from distinguishing.

So yeah basically I agree with your post.

No. 216814

I don't rage at all men. I avoid men at all costs. But I surprise I still experience misogyny because men in real life and on the internet SEEK WOMEN OUT to remind them how much they hate us. I do however like to come into a VENT THREAD which is where we are currently, in order to commiserate with other women who share the same experiences in order to feel less alone and shitty about them since I would be laughed at and called a worthless slut anywhere else. Or just told I was asking for it and I must have done something to deserve it by rewarding "bad behavior", like you're doing now.

You're a fucking asshole who doesn't actually care about whether widespread societal hatred of women subsides or not, it doesn't affect you or hurt you, you just want to come in here and derail the conversation and not allow women to vent about misogyny. You feel superior and enlightened because you can see ~both sides~ and you know what women want and what they do wrong. You're here to tell women their experiences with men aren't that bad and even if they were, it's their fault. I get it dude, can't even come into a vent thread, I'm supposed to keep quiet about all the shit I've experienced my entire life and just accept that I deserved it and should just kill myself for being a worthless fucking female who can't even be seen as human by half the population.

You fuckers NEVER go to the red pill, mgtow, r9k, and spout this shit at men and tell them they need to change their behavior. You come here for a reason, to laugh at women and belittle their problems with men and remind them not all men til you're blue in the fucking face. We fucking GET IT.

No. 216815

Nobody believes that you actually care about women or improving their experiences with men. You are here for entertainment and nothing more.

No. 216816

>Pretending that all men are "like that" is lazy
We get you stupidly pedantic bitch. We'll start modifying our speech now so that when we say "men" we'll precede it with "most," or "the majority," or "a good amount of" if it will keep your yappy ass from interjecting in a conversation where you're not wanted.

No. 216817

What are you trying to do here? Have us all hold hands and sing Kumbaya or Brother My Brother? Men LOATHE women. Just read that Abuse in the porn industry thread. The violent shit done to women that men get off on and then blame those same actresses for being whores. Women can't be picky prudes and they can't sleep with anyone either. Women aren't allow to age and they shouldn't wear any makeup. Anything less than their conflicted ideals of perfection and you're a worthless roastie deserving of harassment, rape and death.

So to compare pissed off women who are fed up with the bullshit to men who naturally view us as inferior creatures, worth less than a person? ..Really?

No. 216818

He's not gonna read shit. He doesn't actually care.

No. 216820

> functionally the same as believing all men are good
Yeah, no. Believing all men are 'like that' is a protective, defensive measure with legitimate practical uses. Believing all men are good is naive and dangerous. If anything is lazy it's your arguments, which don't have any basis in our reality and just reflect your selfish distaste for women speaking out against men.

It also says a lot that you think this is all about falling for mens 'tricks'. NONE of my misandry is based in my relationship experiences, it is based on the way men in general have treated women like subhumans for the entirety of our existence. Men can't relate because their misogyny is always based on their ex who cheated on them or Stacey who wouldn't fuck them.

No. 216821

>make a little more effort to tell the good men from the shitty men, which in turn would encourage men to fix their behaviour.
So even these good men need constant praise and appreciation for doing the bare minimum? Huh, I guess it really is all men then.

No. 216822

Well yeah actually I think more could be achieved from men and women talking to each other than each staying in their own echochambers where you can hype up each other's hatred. This kind of thing is exactly why this shit is getting out of control.

You really should try to have a minimum of empathy and realise that men are subject to just as much societal pressure as women. And in case you wonder why I singled you out to respond to you it's not because you riled me up but because your post is the only one that's civil and not just a stream of insults.

No. 216823

Just don't fuck the guy that manipulates you with shitty PUA tier crap, is it really that hard?

No. 216824

Well this thread seems to be mostly about relationship experiences.

No. 216825

You are EXACTLY why women don't want to talk to men. We've tried and failed for so long to get men to give a shit about what we say, how can anyone blame us for giving up and talking about it amongst ourselves? You refuse to listen to us talk about our experiences, you tell us we don't know what's best for us and that we're doing it wrong, and you tell us just how bad men have it (just as much social pressure… lol). You don't want to talk with women, you want to talk over women.

It's hard to separate the two because usually misogyny bleeds into relationships, but the issues are always on a societal level and not that Chad fucked and dumped us, which is what you incel retards think is a woman's biggest problem in life.

No. 216827

>You don't want to talk with women, you want to talk over women.
This. Just like every other man since the beginning of time.

>You really should try to have a minimum of empathy and realise that men are subject to just as much societal pressure
You really should try to have a minimum of empathy and realize that women are tired of being called worthless low iq fuckdolls who will never contribute anything in life and don't deserve to me alive. And who is saying those things? Men. Obviously men face societal pressure, but what they don't face is nonstop vitriolic hatred and dehumanization at the hands of women the way women do at the hands o men. You are blind if you can't see this. And you are blind because YOU are the one lacking empathy for women, and since it doesn't hurt you it isn't a big deal. Or it doesn't happen often, just because it hasn't happened right in front of you. Your experience is truly the only one that matters to you. At least be up front about that and don't pretend to care about what others have experienced if you're just going to shut them up.

No. 216828

I want to find solutions while you just want to talk, I guess that's a classic.

>and not that Chad fucked and dumped us

Even the OP pic is literally about that.

No. 216829

>I want to find solutions while you just want to talk, I guess that's a classic.
Oh shit here it comes guys. The misogynistic rant I knew was coming. This shit never fails lmao. Let me guess it starts out with: women are emotional children who literally can't reason, men are logical and not at all emotional and that's why women should be treated as chattel and the 19th should be repealed.

Am I close? Or do you have something more original.

No. 216830

And what solutions have you proposed to men, Gandhi?

No. 216831

>PUA tier crap
As if. You have no idea what men are actually like in relationships, so i'll explain it to you very slowly.
Men will commonly pretend to be someone who they are not at the beginning of relationships. There are ways to minimize risk by picking out clues and ruminating over the red flags, but you won't actually know who they really are until they take off the mask, usually once they begin to think it isn't necessary to impress their partner anymore. It's why women end up with assholes. It isn't because they like assholes, it's because they liked who they thought their partner was.

No. 216832

Yeah dude….we just want to talk….in a fucking v e n t i n g thread. What a concept.

No. 216833

Men will NEVER offer solutions to misogyny, they are the ones perpetuating it and they do not have anywhere near the empathy or self awareness to know how to change things. If you had ANY concern for women, you know what you should do? Shut the fuck up (literally, do not post at all) and read what we have to say. Reflect on your words and actions, and those of people around you. And then try to rectify the harmful things you notice, assuming you have the emotional capacity to notice or care if a woman is harmed. If every man did this many problems would be solved.

And yes, it's a catch all misandry thread and the OP's pic is an example of asshole men. The majority of the actual discussion is about larger issues.

No. 216834

Not really, in fact you can stop making things up and just stick to reading what I'm actually saying.

Basically the same thing. Don't reward shitty behaviour. Stop falling for the same shit. Realise that nothing is gained from raging about how all women are whores and all women hate men and that those things are simply not true.

No. 216836

Cool well you aren't gonna create world peace in a fucking venting thread on a website hardly anybody goes to, so all you are actually doing is derailing the point of the thread (or further reinforcing the point of the thread for some of us I imagine), and telling women their problems aren't that bad.

You aren't solving anything. I don't see how this is beneficial for you. And it's just annoying us. This thread is quite literally for talking. If you don't like talking, and don't like what is being talked about in the thread, the logical step for you to take would be to bow out. Go pretend to be the bigger person and minimize misogyny somewhere else friendo. And consider whether you are in front of the proper audience next time, you literally shat this all out in a thread for women to complain about misogyny.

No. 216837

I honestly would love to know what there could be in my behaviour to rectify (aside from intruding into a women only thread this one time right now). As for other people's behaviour, honestly the only times I ever witness anything resembling misogyny is in the context of courtship, and my intervention would be less than welcome from either party…

No. 216838

If you absolutely insist on "intruding into a women only thread" specifically made to vent about shitty men and misogyny, you could try by actually listening instead of saying "well i never see it happen so it must not happen and when it does it must not be that bad. men have it bad too!!1"

Really. You won't take my advice because you aren't actually here to listen to women…but there it is. That's a nice little small step you can take. Listen and discuss what women are actually saying instead of trying to shut them up and ignore the main topic completely.

No. 216839

You know I'm not actually preventing you from venting or posting about whatever the hell you like, right?

But don't worry, I'll be gone.

No. 216840

>Don't reward shitty behaviour. Stop falling for the same shit.
You sound like you're parroting a post I wrote earlier up in the thread, but you know that's a joint effort and it's also up to you to hold yourself and other men to a higher standard? It's not just women's job to hand you a fucking treat whenever you display basic human decency or rub your nose in it whenever you act up. Fucks sake, do grown men always have to be trained like dogs to keep from raping or lashing out at women?

No. 216841

It's very hard to have a discussion or explain your experiences when there's someone shitting up the thread with notallmen platitudes and talking about how everything you experienced is not worth talking about.

But thank god you're done. Namaste.

No. 216842

Why do you think engaging in a discussion is "shutting you up"? Do you feel so threatened by any contradiction that you need everyone else to be silent?

That makes me think that a reason why MGTOW stuff is so vitriolic online is because it has no space outside the internet. Women's issues are constantly talked about, men are told to shut up and listen to women, but no one gives a shit about men's issues. And the fact you probably find the very notion laughable is part of the problem. MGTOW is basically just a cry for attention.

No. 216843

You know what would be nice? If you could call out your mgtow friends or incel buddies whenever they want to push their violence onto women.

Other than that, nothing. Men have hated women for centuries. And continue to do so today. It's tiring to hear how worthless you are, how women haven't done anything and that you're the cause of civilization's downfall because you have the ability to choose your partners or not choose dating at all. It's so damn exhausting..

No. 216844

That post was actually about what men should do to avoid being treated like shit by women.

And the larger point is that this is basically symmetrical.

No. 216846

>Women's issues are constantly talked about, men are told to shut up and listen to women, but no one gives a shit about men's issues.
And we have explained why, over and over and fucking over again, but you still somehow cannot grasp the fact that misogyny is pervasive, systematic and universally far more damaging than whatever you think men's issues are. And we tell you to shut the fuck up because if you can't hear yourself talk for once, our words might penerate your ego and you might gain even the slightest modicum of understanding. We don't feel threatened by contradiction, but if you give men an inch to contradict you, they will take a mile and ignore/dismiss/devalue EVERYTHING you say. Women have been listening to what men have to say from the beginning of time, whether they like it or not.

No. 216847

>no one gives a shit about men's issues.
You know men actually do something about that, right? Like how women did to assuage their own issues? They could fund their own projects, donate, raise awareness, etc.
real activism
But I guess screaming about feminists and women online is easier.

No. 216848

could actually do**

No. 216849

Because that's what you've been doing since you got here. People explain to you why this thread has a purpose, and you try to minimize what that purpose is by stating the behavior just isn't that common because YOU don't see it. Men don't hate women and treat women like dirt because YOU personally don't. Women are telling you it is and they do. This thread and many others indicate that it is. You still don't listen. Before you got here we had multiple posts about what worthless whores women are, and how we're the cause of everything bad in the world. You're pretty silent on that kind of thing, huh? Any opinions on that? What advice would you give to those men? I mean it happened right here and you still dispute the existence and prevalence of that behavior, or chalk it up to trolling, or imply that women are the cause of that behavior when these are men we haven't met or dated. Someone talked about their FATHER's misogyny and you were like "thats pretty bad i guess lol". What behavior should she have rewarded or not rewarded? What did she do to deserve that?

Everybody on Earth cares about men's issues dude. Men ONLY care about men's issues. MGTOW is not a cry for help, they will be just fine in life. It's a cry of hatred for women. Nothing more, nothing less. Violence against women is laughed at and chalked up to her being a whore that deserved it.

Anyway, thought you were leaving.

No. 216850

God, we should add a verification thingie with questions about menstruation to be able to post into this thread.

>Women get killed by men for saying no

>Daughters are still seen as less desirable by large parts of the world
>Paid less
>Literally every woman I know has a story about men harassing or assaulting them
>Incels and robots think that their problems are symmetrical to those of women

No. 216851

File: 1513401209494.jpg (210.41 KB, 1142x1200, DAU_Yq7XsAIT-V-.jpg)

Safety tips for our unwelcome visitors because they are too stupid to practice common sense.

No. 216852

I think you spend too much time online. MGTOW is an internet bubble, real life people don't go around blaming women for the downfall of civilisation.

That's nice but those men who feel like nobody cares about them don't really benefit from past centuries of patriarchy. You can't compensate for the past in the present, they affect different people.

Yeah fair enough, the internet is just easier I'm guessing.

>MGTOW is not a cry for help, they will be just fine in life.
You really think most incels will be just fine in life? I think you underestimate what feeling rejected and unwanted his whole life does to a man, especially when he's told his problems don't matter because he doesn't belong to one of the officially approved oppressed groups.

No. 216853

lol saved, and thanks I'll try to remember those.

No. 216854

I think we've talked about it before but there are studies showing that men will admit to having raped women as long as the word rape isn't used (just paraphrasing it, like continuing after a woman says no etc). That list uses the word rape too often for men to think twice about their actions, unfortunately.

No. 216855

Mgtow and incels are two different groups. Mgtow will be just fine. Maybe incels won’t, but you’re really gonna have to forgive women if we don’t care about the problems of incels when they literally want to keep us in cages as breeding fodder. And that’s the best case scenario. I will try to help anyone who comes to me with their problems but as soon as they say I deserve to be raped because I’m a feeemale my well of empathy dries right the fuck up. Crazy I know.

No. 216857

>feeling rejected and unwanted his whole life does to a man
That's too bad, really, but it has literally nothing to do with gender issues. It's just individual examples of lonely losers who also happen to be misogynists and happily blame women for what is, in reality, a combination of personal failings and bad luck. They aren't ~officially approved oppressed groups~ because they're not oppressed in any way, shape or form.

No. 216859

Here you go again, minimizing the extent of misogyny. Do you think people online and “real life people” are two different groups dude?

People who post online eventually must go outside. Where they then become “real life people.” Their attitudes towards women stay the same in both arenas. Misogyny doesn’t just exist on the internet, it appears on the internet because it is within real life people….who are the ones posting it on the internet. You can’t disconnect the two.

No. 216860

That's fair. But I think you'll find a lot of MGTOW is incels crying for attention.

Getting dumped because your tits are too small is misogyny but getting dumped because your dick is too small has nothing to do with gender issues?

I'm willing to accept either one or the other, but if incels' relationship problems are their own then so are yours. And yes I'm talking about that aspect here, not rape or whatever.

No. 216861

Have you ever been to 4chan? Do you think 80% of real life people are pedophile Nazis?

Imageboards aren't real life, only a relatively small number of people post on them, and most of those who do just use the anonymity to be edgy and to troll.

No. 216862

Also to add onto this, consider that there are no rules and very few repurcussions on the internet. People can post what they really think and feel without worrying about any significant real life consequences. So people do. Including men. What you see on theredpill and mgtow is not a fluke in a few men - it’s what men really think and feel about women. When they get online along their peers, they no longer have anything to worry about and they can let their true feelings out without a second thought about what society would think. That’s what your seeing. What men think about women when they don’t have to pretend anymore.

No. 216863

Go to twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Reddit. Some of the most common areas of the internet and they are absolutely riddled with misogyny in places where you wouldn’t even expect to see it. It’s not a few people on “imageboards”. It’s everywhere. Sorry if you refuse to see that.

No. 216864

This is the second time you've brought up OP's picture, it's almost as if you haven't actually read the thread (surprise suprise) and realized that 99% of comments are about legitimate misogyny, not random acts of dickheadery. In any case, this is a thread for misandry, not misogyny. Any man hating is acceptable, it doesn't have to be solely over misogyny.

Relationship grievances that don't have any basis in gender discrimination or power imbalance don't really have a place in discussions about misogyny. Some women have come here to complain about men in relationships, but again, it's a thread for hating men, not a thread exclusively for social criticism.

No. 216865

>the internet is just easier I'm guessing.
Complaining on the internet doesn't do shit. Have you ever seen any of these blokes organizing campaigns to help with the male suicide or homeless rate, instead of just using it as a talking point to disparage women's issues? Me neither. You and them like to forget that women had to, and still do work hard to enact social and political change. Nobody is going to give you shit in this society just because you ask for it.

No. 216866

Alright I'm off, thanks for the discussion even if you hated having me. I just wanted to know if some empathy for the other side was possible, no different from what I'd already tried on 4chan. I apologise for the intrusion.

No. 216867

This is probably the wrong thread to say this but I've never really witnessed any misogyny or had it directed towards me, at least that I can remember. Everything I've seen has been guys online. I'm not dismissing anyone's experiences at all but I feel like I'm living in some kind of bizarro world and I can't relate that much to what anyone else here is saying.

No. 216868

Nice timing, I can already hear everyone accusing you of being me who decided to stay in the thread but change personas.

No. 216870

Nah, I think that's a very possible situation to be in. The worst misogyny I've seen is online (both what men say and what other women talk about, as well as reading about news/history/etc). There's a big disconnect between how men truly feel about us and how they treat us to our faces since they want something from us. And I wouldn't say it's just conscious dishonesty to get into our pants, I do think that many men are inclined to be superficially 'nice' to women and coddle us. Whether you get more blatant misogyny or guys sucking up to you is probably just luck, environmental factors, and how guys respond to you as an individual.

No. 216871

Nah. Mgtows are very much living in real life, interacting with people and trying to push for a world without women entirely, but instead robots and artificial wombs. (Another example link for good measure. The comments on both are so nice aren't they?: youtube.com/watch?v=deO7Zx1UkFA) They'll scream out online because there are little to no repercussions in saying how happy they'll be when women are all dead. Hence why they post their actual feelings of women online. >>216862 anon nailed it. They aren't a bunch of edgy trolls trying to get a rise out of people, they hate us and normalizing their vitriol or minimizing our reaction to it is pretty fucked up.

No. 216872

I don't know a lot of guys especially well, but I've thought of the ones I've known as genuinely good people, and they haven't given me much reason to doubt that (I'm not trying to start the not-all-men argument). It's not like I haven't met guys who were shitty people, but I haven't observed the woman-hating kind of shitiness specifically I guess.

No. 216874

Your experience is your experience, it's not like it's bullshit just because it's not the same as everyone else's. But there's so much proof out there about how men feel about women (coming from men themselves when they talk about us online, or studies, or statistics, or whatever) that anecdotes don't really have much relevance in the grand scheme of things. I actually think that without the internet, for the most part we'd go on ignorant of how deep misogyny runs because what men say online not only show the extent of their hatred of women, but just how fucking common it is. Before that, it'd be easy to think it's just from the occasional back alley rapist or evil man in power.

No. 216875

I've never said "no" as some kind of foreplay for sex. Does this even happen? Sounds like an incel myth to me.

No. 216877

Real life isnt like the movies, anon. If you try to force yourself on a girl she won't lovingly give in to you like you saw on that one TV show that one time. Best case scenario would be that she tazes or pepper sprays the fuck out of your predatory ass.

No. 216879

Men are stronger than women. You could knee him or punch him, but if he wasn't gonna take no for an answer then you're done for as soon as he gets a good hold on you, and he's angrier now too.

No. 216881

>all the times I got laid was by being forceful.
Did you just admit to being a rapist?
>it's not that hard to communicate
I agree. When I say no I mean no.

Also lol @ you thinking it's easy to overpower someone twice your size and strength.

No. 216882

with every post you just prove everything we think right, further and further. i hope i don't see you in hell, rapist

No. 216884

Ummmm first of all you admitted to rape so you just pretty much admitted to being mentally ill so what you said was pretty much invalid and shouldn't be taken seriously, and if you deny you raped despite literally by definition, raping them it just proves it MORE that you are not mentally stable enough to make a serious post

secondly what women are you talking about have ptsd over ugly men being attracted to them? Do you think women not liking men RAPING them is just "ugly men being attracted to them"? What women were you talking about who have ptsd when ugly men are attracted to them?

No. 216885

Women are always weaker, inferior in every way - at least that's the shit we hear all the time from men, anyway. So whats the point in telling women to man the fuck up, kick and fight back against a man who'll be bigger and angrier?

No. 216887

Are you severely autistic?

No. 216888

>rapes someone
>justifies it by "not being a pretty boy with a wad of cash to throw around"
>literally rapes someone under their own delusion that women will 100% only sleep with a guy if hes rich and attractive when it's easily proven wrong if you leave your moms basement
>"I have to take it!"

yeah… it's just because you're not rich and hot women don't like you, couldn't be ANY other possible reason…

No. 216891

File: 1513406116037.jpg (243.38 KB, 812x810, 1494826067539.jpg)

>literally admits to being a rapist
>yeah well at least i'm not an incel! Take that!
you're even worse kek

No. 216893

You know if one of those women decides you raped her after all you're fucked.

No. 216895

don't forget to tell the autisimo that it still falls under rape, not just in america but in the middle east too, good thing it isn't the middle east though.. if she does report you'd go to jail or do community service, in the middle east your 3 inch pecker would be cut off, no matter how much you scream "BUT BUT I'M NOT CHAADDDDD"

No. 216896

Tbh I don't even look at women for fear of being a nuisance to them, so I may not be the best person to ask.

No. 216897

most actual rapes go unreported, where even are you getting this "IF I LOOK AT A WOMAN THEN ITS RAPE!!!!!THEREFORE I NEED TO RAPE TO HAVE SEX" shit?

No. 216898

Yeah sorry sweetcheeks I'm not retarded, you can't just make up a bunch of obvious bullshit like that.

Damn man I guess that's the way to play it safe.

No. 216899

File: 1513406780326.png (144.57 KB, 1622x644, islam.png)

unless you married the women you had forced sex with, then it was, by islamic definition, rape.

No, it's not anyone "throwing around rape accusations!!! I can't do anything to women now!!!" and yet you still have yet to prove most bullshit you make up so

No. 216900

I'm not afraid of rape charges, I just know I'm unattractive and I hate nothing more than knowing I'm making a woman feel disgusted, so I try never to present myself in a way that would make her think I have any sexual intentions.

No. 216901

I'm pretty sure it is a roleplaying incel. Look at >>216889
No one who's ever touched a girl other than their mom would ever phrase things that way

No. 216902

What's with all the virgin-shaming in here though?

No. 216903

what posts are virgin shaming

No. 216904

Literally the one above mine. Also half the other posts ITT.

No. 216905

No. 216906

No. 216907

it's not so much virgin shaming rather than "loser who sits in their basement" shaming, it wasn't even aimed at virgins, they're just simply saying that roleplaying anon doesn't get out much and is a neet

No. 216908

>virgin shaming
You can't be serious…
People don't hate incels because they're virgins, it's because they're nasty, rotten human beings.

No. 216909

There's a difference between virgin shaming and shaming an incel for having obvious incel delusions that arise from zero interaction with women

No. 216910

Wow that's kind of rude.

No. 216911

It's true though. Sry.

No. 216912

So are your views on women.

No. 216913

wow must suck to face consequences for your actions, did mommy spoil you as a child?

No. 216914

What views?

I don't really do a lot of woman-viewing, on account of being incel and all.

No. 216915

What the fuck what actions, I never asked for my lack of shoulders or jawline.

No. 216916

because being an autistic misogynist filled with delusions wasn't enough, you had to be illiterate to

No. 216917

yeah…it's because of your lack of shoulder and jawline… even though most women don't care about those things… no other possible reason…

No. 216918

Well it's not like you tell me why you reject me, you just kind of make lame excuses.

No. 216919

we did tell you kek, not only that but it should be obvious just why a woman wouldn't want someone who is filled with delusions and goes on womens forums to shit on them and talk about rape and justify it because you're delusional, it's not a "lame excuse" it's called women not wanting to get abused

No. 216920

Dude that guy got banned, all his posts are gone.

No. 216921

shit he did? still shows up for me, sadly

No. 216922

Yeah you need to F5.

No. 216925

It blows my mind how these people refuse to believe how delusional they are

>makes fun of women with rape hysteria

>goes out of their way, spending thousands on a vasectomy to prevent "sperm-jacking"
>pretending sperm-jacking is a new outrage and widely spread

jesus, do they want to twist and turn everything and make shit up to seem oppressed? they're literally more batshit crazy than 2014 tumblr feminists

No. 216926

Honestly I blame the internet. It's too easy to get caught up in myopic echo chambers and start to believe really extreme and crazy shit because you see it being validated everywhere.

No. 216929

This is the man hate thread, I think you got lost.

No. 216932

No one ITT are saying women are the best things in the universe who can do no wrong. It's a man hate thread not a woman love thread. Your post doesn't argue with any points made, doesn't give us a reason why we should change our view of men, and it doesn't even provide any sort of argument for why women are actually shit like your kind usually make. Your anecdote about meeting a few shallow girls in whatever small section of America you went to means absolutely nothing.

No. 216933

File: 1513420265450.gif (2.65 MB, 1116x625, giphy.gif)

this shit again
"wahhh american women even though millions of american women are just fine, respectful women, I met 3 bitches and now all americans are like that!!!"

>he strives to change himself in order to attract these walking holes

maybe because surprise, not all american men are delusional and think one of the most thought and personality diverse nation is the exact same

>American women are the only in the world that straight out refuse to accept a man as a living being if she perceives him to be "undesirable" or unnatractive

gonna need some proof for that, unless you're talking about abuse, and if american women refuse to accept abusive men, then it makes sense and only makes american women look good and you like a dumbass

>It didn't happen to me, because, despite not being good looking, I'm rich, so they perceive me as "desirable", despite the fact that I'm a rude, autistic, 50kg manlet.

they're called sugar babies and they're all over the world, plus aren't you the same type of person to glorify thai women worshipping rich white dudes and yet american women are the worst women in the world because you encountered sugar babies which are a world wide epidemic ?

>It's amazing how the "social status" overturns anything else in the US.

again, proof.

> I witnessed better looking men being ridiculed by women, only to find out it was because his clothes looked cheap.

proof? most of the time people don't even talk to each other in the city kek dunno what planet you live on

>They said this to me as if there was some sort of standard to live up to, as if that was the only value a man would ever have to them, and I felt like I was taking crazy pills, since no one else seemed to see a problem with that.

you weren't taking crazy pills you are legit, by definition, insane and delusional, no need to take the crazy pills when you're already crazy

>but, by God I hope next time I'm there I won't meet women as disgusting as the ones I met the first time I visited.

and we hope to not meet you.

>The worst favela skanks in Brazil have better morality than the average burger city dwelling woman.

gonna need some more proof for that

No. 216936

>Yea, but you have no qualms in ruining literally every male space the past few decades

either explain because the whole "WOMEN ARE RUINING MALE SPACES!!!" thing has been debunked and proven wrong already

No. 216938

if you can't provide proof, then we and millions of other logical people will just perceive you as a crazy delusional MGTOW sprouting more lies, and thus making you invalid, pretty much debunking yourself. At least we provide proof about our claims about men

No. 216939

yep, this has been debunked.
last time I checked, 4chan, vidya, the internet (which was actually developed by women) and movies (which wouldn't be here if it wasn't for women) and series and rpgs, none of these had "man only" labels on it, in fact a lot of these would not be here if it wasn't for women not to mention the makers of these do encourage women to get on it

also LMFAO 4chan? do you think you get to claim whatever you want as a man and it will make it 100% true despite what the people who run or own it say so that gives you a right to go on a man-hating thread and bitch about shit that was literally only made out of pure delusion?

No. 216941

Also I'd like to add just because YOU don't want women in there doesn't men those "EVIL WOMYN INVADING MALE SPACES!!"
they are not your spaces, they are not your rules to make and who to declares space. God I wish I was that entitled to think that the entire internet belongs to one gender and not the ones who helped even make it happen

No. 216943

where did I say lovelace? Oh right nowhere, the internet wouldn't be here without women, has already been proven, and debunked and no it wasn't just lovelace, more like 30+ women

> She stole the work of Babbage and Sir Tim Berners Lee """invented""" the internet for DARPA.

prove it

No. 216945

it's already in the thread but okay

>we wuz kangz n shit

refers to blacks talking about royal egyptians, most blacks aren't egyptian nor do they have royal blood so it makes no sense

>women talking about how women invented technology

refers to the fact technology wouldn't be here today without women, not only with inventions but with the fact it was common for mostly female to work in the computer business and help maintain and work the internet in the 40s-80s , it makes sense because your claim is that the internet is a "male only space til those evil oppressive females came in and took it over!!!" despite the fact the internet would literally not be here if it wasn't for women, and all women are in fact women so yes, it is 100% irrelevant, you just hate anything that doesn't fit your narrative

No. 216946

Some blacks were royalty, and all blacks are in fact blacks so it's 100% relevant.

No. 216948

but not all blacks were "kangz' nor did their monarchy do anything thats relevant til today besides in history and politics, which isn't part of most peoples lives unless they work in those fields
if blacks say, invented a restaurant and some whites start working there, and some entitled white racist comes in and says "LOOK ITS MOSTLY WHITE WORKING HERE GTFO YOU NIGGERS YOU ARE INVADING WHITE SPACES"

it's just retarded

No. 216949

>You mean operating the cogs and wheels of the very first ancient computers? Yea women have always been good in low grade clerical work

so yes, women did help advancements with computers and internet today, whether you like it or not and LMFAO are you forgetting Marissa Mayer?

>Bsides that men have done everything in IT, it is well known.

again, prove it

> AT least the harpies on twitter attribute it to sexism instead of straigght up lying about it like niggers

what sexism? and who's lying? besides well, you.

No. 216951

http://www.elle.com/culture/tech/a35725/women-in-tech-2016/ keking at hur dur its all men who make things

>Well yea, but thats just disingenious. We could have hired actual monkeys to do the same work. I meant the actual thinking work which required extremely high iq, not turning cogs and wheels obviously.

a lot of these women had higher IQs than most men, and it was complicated work too, you probably would be too much of a baby to do it yourself, in fact some of the worlds highest IQs are in fact women

>You mean the whore who crashed Yahoo with no survivors, wiping billions of its stock value?

Oh no technological errors that happen to literally everyone who ever made a big corporation website and company, guess she doesn't count now

> You can tell its only her looks which got her to the top, the top of a terrible company that is. Just like her associate Sheryl Sandberg

, women CEOs have been the deathknell for many Silicon Valley corporations.

yeah that terrible company is making more in a month than you ever will in a lifetime

>women CEOs have been the deathknell for many Silicon Valley corporations

where's the proof buddy, is that why they're often encouraged by businessmen? right

>Oh and I just remember Theranos and its scamming ceo whore Elizabeth Anne Holmes, so funny

again, proof

No. 216953


> I havent been robbed of my millions of investment capital kek

because you don't have millions nor the brains to make them

>Thats not hard tho. Anything under 120 iq is stupid as bricks.

your point? are you just inflating about whatever? most women I knew IQs ranged from 130-156, where even are you getting "anything under 120 is stupid" though? need sources

>They turned all those companies into shit at best, and stole billions of investors money at worst

who did and how? you do so much explain and so little explain, marissa mayer is still making 900k a week so only an idiot who needs to lie to prove a pathetic point would say she turned it into shit

>stole billions of investors money at worst

no proof, then you are automatically invalid and false.

No. 216957


>I was referring to her disastrous policies tho

and what are those exactly? men make them all the time but hey here you are

>Wow a company makes more money than an individual? WTF!

she, an an individual, is making more money than you. If her company soooo failed she wouldn't be making that much, plain and simple

>They didnt, sounds like you are actually just a brainlet who considers every "le so nerdy girl" 150iq+

sounds like you don't know how IQs work

>Muh proof. What about the investors who got robbed? Where did that money go?

where's the proof at though sweetie I've been waiting, you're invalid

>Why would I ? IT will get deleted anyway in a few minutes by one of you whores. Go suck a dick.

because it would be more ~intelligent~ of you to site sources instead of lying

>Yes, the power of females with good looks and the cuckoldry of beta men empowering them is astounding.


>It is though. Most uni grads are around that and oh boy they are like mouthbreathers to me.

>most uni grads are around 120 so anyone below that is stupid
you pretty much debunked yourself, and considering how much of a liar you proved yourself to be I won't take your claims like so and believe them easily

No. 216958

wow it's almost like the coveted "pussy pass" doesn't exist to the extent men keep insisting it does

No. 216959


Also, this woman who got 10 years for false rape allegations, more than Brock Turner and the Steubenville rapists….but let's keep pretending courts decide on gender rather than class/status.

No. 216966

I'm glad that he touched on the whole "figuring out what needs to be done on your own" thing. Whenever I broach that subject online or in person during discussion about emotional labor I get replies from men saying "I'm totally willing to help, she just needs to tell me what to do and I'll do it!" but almost EVERY person who says shit like that WILL start to resent you or openly call you a nag when you start asking them to do things. I was the same way as a teen, getting mad at my mom for "expecting me to be a mind reader" and then getting annoyed any time she asked me to do anything. It is really not that hard to look around to keep things tidy.

No. 216967

Damn this shit again? Is it already Christmas break or something? Seems like we now have an endless supply of males to come in here and bitch about women and jerk themselves off about how superior they are.

No. 216970

File: 1513426308766.jpg (49.45 KB, 486x409, 731.jpg)

>If you find that you are about to rape someone, bow the whistle until someone comes to stop you.

No. 216972

aside from being sexually abused as a kid by a man, most of the misogyny I've personally experienced has been sort of "secondhand". I have a friend who is pretty progressive and chill these days who openly used to talk about how much he fucking hated women when we were in high school (when he used 4chan a lot). My older brother used to confess that when he was at his worst (22 and still living at our parents house with no job, spending a ton of time on 4chan), he would read redpill forums and his gut reaction would be to fervently agree with them (I really worry what he'd be like now if I hadn't been around to talk to him about these kinds of things). They were both perfectly polite to women, too. That's the scary part, you never know what kind of feelings someone is harboring toward you in secret.

No. 216977

Boohoo women don't bend over backwards to be your sex slaves. Your life is so hard.

No. 216978

File: 1513429020390.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.81 KB, 970x678, A-ki_IqCMAArjbs.jpg)

can you stop proving to everyone how deeply autistic and delusional you are? K thnx

No. 216980

If you see potential robots please report and ignore, spam will be deleted as soon as possible.

No. 216981

What if the buddy system goes horribly wrong and he has a partner instead?

No. 216984

Again with assuming our bad experiences are sexual/romantic. It's fucking everywhere, you could be a virgin with no experience with men and still know that they fucking loathe us.

No. 216985

this. I am a virgin with no experience and guys still find reasons to call me a cumdumpster etc. Those arent even guys that I am romantically involved with.

No. 216986

I used to go on r9k a lot, and didn’t take much of what they said about women very seriously. Until I started talking to some of them and realised they’re not just being edgy. I can’t go on r9k anymore without getting really depressed and disgusted.

No. 216987

Right? The bots that are here just keep proving our point
>”men hate us”

its remarkable how honest they are. If only they can just fuck off and let us vent

No. 216990

here are few things women are better at off the top of my head: not committing suicide, not being homeless, not dropping out of school, not murdering, not raping, not abusing animals, not being violent in general, not thinking with their genitalia, not doing dumb shit, not being pedophiles/necrophiles/etc, not having autism, not having aspd, not being abusive, not going to jail, not entering gangs, not starting gangs, not watching porn, not being the inferior sex, making good descisions, reading, caring about others, etc.

No. 216991

You realise that most ‘femanons’ are just anons trying to bait you, right? Nobody here wants to post on r9k or even look at it. You can leave now. Bye.

No. 216994

Like what? Reddit? 4chan? Hardly anyone here goes into those sites with the intent to invade those spaces. Especially /rk9/. & nah, nobody actually gives a flying fuck if you’re virgin



No. 216996

hue keep telling yourself that da wimmin ruined society, fag. anyways, there isn't much that a woman wouldn't be better at outside of, like, shit that requires physical strength. not thinking with our genitalia is a pretty big advantage.


i hope comcastie-kins makes it expensive as fuck to go on 4chan in the future

No. 216998

because sexism is a "sympton" of a cancerous society (voted for, put in place, and dominated by and for men btw)

No. 217000

hUE again, keep telling yourself that, fag.

here's [the] one thing robots/incels like you are really good at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/krk6fvl5v3fni6o/788196230.mp4?dl=0

No. 217002

you and every other incel and/or robot on the planet deserves to be castrated and publicly lynched. you guys are literally lower than cockroaches, at least they're cute and they don't waste other peoples time and resources.

No. 217003

File: 1513436064165.jpg (81.91 KB, 540x526, 1512238057832.jpg)

>arguing with cum meat
Nice resorting to sexual threats, that's real original. Hey that's one more thing men are good at, threatening women with rape when they don't do what they want them to! Go men.

No. 217005

>men love women

I expect the reasonable maleanons fully support us now. I'm a very optimistic person

No. 217006

File: 1513436403000.png (179.99 KB, 476x485, 1510096113297.png)

How come if men are logical and women are hysterical and emotional, why are men always so angry and refuse to read things
Really activates my almonds

No. 217009

Mainly talking about the dumbass dudes who come into this thread defending themselves and telling women that they're problems aren't that big of a deal without even reading the experiences that they posted

No. 217011

st. elliot only grants wishes to the robots who become an hero just like he did. he doesn't waste his time on life-having normies like you, roachy. maybe if you kys he'll appear in my nightmares and start talking about his gucci sunglass and how good it feels to be a supreme male. that would sure show me :O

No. 217012

File: 1513437540249.png (55.18 KB, 217x190, 1483919886532.png)

Thanks for proving my point my g

No. 217014

What problems do men have that they don't create for themselves?

No. 217018

she's too busy beating the shit out of her fiance.

No. 217020

File: 1513440050596.jpg (18.11 KB, 337x325, 1511303044118.jpg)

Well we can all agree on this, "Chads" are most times way better people than bitter, sour graping losers incels/robots/blah blah.
That must be why they hate them so much

No. 217021

anyone who actually uses the term 'cuck' has probably never touched a real titty in their life that wasn't their own moob.

No. 217025


No. 217028

ah, sorry, let me correct that–


No. 217030

if touching a woman isn't a hard feat then why haven't bots accomplished it. Most of their problems revolve around rejection and lack of romance. Just be normal, talk to some girls and live your life. Hit up Chad, he seems like the type to help guys out.

No. 217031

what happened to you, anon?
why do you think so many women hate you? (even if it's true)

No. 217032

lol incels are so stupid. I guess we should feel sorry for them since nobody wants them and they will die alone with no offspring, which to many of them is a terrible idea. But that's how they're going to die, alone in a room, only discovered once their rent is due or the stench of their corspe gets too strong.

No. 217036

Yeah, she's really hot. Any chance she's a lesbian?

No. 217037

if you think women won't hate you, why don't you grace us with an actual photo of yourself instead of these statue-looking male models??

No. 217039

>all these pictures of good-looking men

Uh… thanks, I guess?

No. 217040


So if you're not good looking you deserve hate? Is that what you're saying?

No. 217042


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 217044

Yes anon, that's exactly what she's saying. We're enjoying the pics you're posting and that's the kind of man we want, if you look nothing like that you might as well go gay.

No. 217045

File: 1513441723481.png (276 KB, 1066x600, 1513362401214.png)


Good to actually get confirmation I guess, thanks.

No. 217047

Ignore, ignore, ignore.

No. 217049

same. why do incels only want to fuck 2010 fuckboys?

No. 217053

well this is wrong because i personally enjoy a guy with a little chub and a nice full beard. not everyone wants a stereotypical chad. (also, numbnuts, women get judged on their bodies all the time to be what 'men want', where have you been?)

No. 217055

File: 1513443084235.gif (987.37 KB, 500x234, Z72YDkk.gif)


No. 217057

Yeah it's true, you'll always be alone, watcha gonna do about it you manlet chinlet dicklet autismlet robot babby?

No. 217058

>long hair instead of short on the sides and medium on top uniform Chad haircut


No. 217063

File: 1513446884848.jpg (62.99 KB, 679x491, man hater.jpg)

Really makes you think

No. 217065

Dear, maleanons who are sperging in this thread

Why are you even here? If we are such manhating/hypergamous/disgusting bitches, then why not just leave this thread and go on about your day? It's like going to a vegan forum and telling them that you like meat. Nobody gives a fuck. Take some nice xanax and calm your mantits please.

Thank you.

No. 217067

Extracting quality drama…by sperging in a vent thread…oh geez i feel bad for you

No. 217072

File: 1513450787888.jpg (9.44 KB, 300x300, kleenex-tissue-box-profile.jpg)

Here you go my poor mistreated menz, don't cry. Wipe your tears.

No. 217077

File: 1513451176339.jpg (83.65 KB, 1280x720, cryharder.jpg)

Actually never mind, you should stay. Your male tears are delicious.

No. 217080

fuckin kek, this is pathetic. go get a job, faggot. stop wasting your time trolling le roasties. you're not triggering anyone, you're just embarassing yourself and fueling our misandry.

men really are trash. female spergs are bad, but male spergs are so much more common and SO much more embarassing and stupid. they make people like kiki and loonie look sane.

No. 217082

Nice thread.

It was fun what an inverted /r9k/ would be like.

No. 217083


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 217089


Shit. Secret's out.

No. 217095

No. 217102

I'm so sorry you had to see this.

No. 217334

You really ought to leave the internet for a bit, this echo chamber shit ain't healthy. Millions on r9k? A few thousand at most maybe. You have to remember that those are international communities and that there are 7 billion people out there. In the real world these communities are mocked and not taken seriously, and the chance of you meeting a person who frequents and actually believes in that shit is well… very tiny. Same with the mgtow and incel thing really. These people really don't deserve your attention and should just be mocked relentlessly instead of taking them seriously like you obviously have.

No. 217710

Its the testosterone dude. Try having a a built in steroid flowing through your body all the time after puberty.
The basis for this issue is rooted in biology.

No. 217711

No. 217717

>Japanese "culture"

No. 217718


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