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No. 2141110
>>2141106Were your intentions on kittens when writing it on the app and did you use it after that or not?
Also yeah ive seen the app take people to weird sketchy places that have weird objects laying around multiple times.
No. 2141298
>>2141276Well some of them are real and some of them are fake, we just have to use common sense. On YouTube though i think almost everything posted about it is fake.
There are real weird and disturbing encounters though like the one that unfortunately made randomnautica popular such the case where a group of people were taken to randonaut point in the shore where they found the bodies of a couple who were murdered by their ex-landlord.
I actually read about that case years ago and what happened to that couple was sad.
There is still no proof that randonautica is taking people to those locations on purpose if that is what you wanted to ask.
There is no actual proof they are related to the dark web although alot of people alleging that they are.
No. 2141459
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How do you “set an intention”? Do you actually type it into the app or just think about it? Do you guys seriously believe an app can read your thoughts?
>>2141070>quantum numbersWhat the heck does that even mean? Sounds like the typical pseudoscience where people repurpose the word “quantum” to make things sound mystical.
>>2141101>ive seen it take people to their former schools,old family houses, friends/partner places. Like how does it know that.If a lot of people are using an app that sends them to random nearby locations, obviously some of these people will coincidentally be sent to locations they’re familiar with. The human brain also likes to find associations between things, so your brain will find
some way to connect the location you found back to your “intent” and make you think the app read your mind.
>>2141106So it sent you to a random place with litter that had nothing to do with your prompt. How does this prove anything?
>>2141298>dark webTake a shot every time people misuse words like “quantum” and “dark web” to make this app sound more ~spooky~.
No. 2141649
The concept of a phone app harnessing spiritual energy or w/e is dubious, to say the least, but I still think it's interesting because it seems like it takes you to quiet or overlooked places which you'd be unlikely to visit otherwise. That's where the eeriness probably comes in for a lot of people. And those types of places are more likely to have secrets or an unsettling vibe than busier areas just from the nature of being isolated.
>>2141298Kek the YouTube videos are fake as fuck. I remember
so many where they'd literally just zoom in on random people walking in the background and be like "OOOO SO SPOOKY WE WERE ALMOST CHASED DOWN AND MURDERED!" And then another one which got posted in every scary compilation for months and it was obviously just a methhead making weird faces.
No. 2141793
>>2141710Technically its both they write a general intention like happines on the app and then they try to imagine what that happiness is and then they go randonauting.
>>2141787So many people have had scary experiences on this app like there is obviously something off about it. When its reviews are mid and people have been stalked from using this app or found DEAD BODIES when using death or dead body intentions. Do you work for randonautica?
I find that its easy to whiteknight something you never even tried.
No. 2141810
>>2141649Some youtube/tiktok highlights I remember (seriously don't use social media videos as inspiration or the blueprint for your expectations, they're all retarded)
> American guy goes to random public places abroad, zooms in om random people existing in the same public space, then goes "I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE I'M SCARED"> Guy ends up outside a children's hospital and is deeply disturbed to see a child looking out of a window> Woman saying she set her intent to "spooky" and got sent to "the middle of nowhere, and not even a minute later something CRAZY happened"…and then posts a video where she's clearly on a street and a car pulls up nearby (which is supposed to be the crazy terrifying thing)> Couple freak out after finding a discarded registration plate in the countryside in broad daylight> Quite a few where people find animal bones and stuff in the woods, like yeah it's unsettling but not exactly anomalous kek> Sooooo many videos where people find suspiciously clean slenderman drawings in the woods and then make a part 2 where they circle random pixels and go "THERE'S A FACE"Don't get me wrong, there's also plenty of creepy or cool stories (including one where they find a realistic looking blood trail going down a tunnel and some cool abandoned building explorations) but imo a lot of people are overblowing their experiences.