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No. 2143582


>no racebait

>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching
previous: >>2133244

No. 2143588

File: 1724081210906.png (Spoiler Image,529.04 KB, 640x480, IMG_1556.png)

I wish this could be a threadpic

No. 2143593

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Dumbass shit should come back!! Im not being ironical, I genuinely think it should come back. I had lots fun with my fellow nonnas in there and they banished it. Now everytime I get a funny idea to post about and make someone laugh there's no place to go, first it was retarded shitpost then dumbass shit. I'm merely an imageboard jester but mods burned my circus to the ground! I feel emotionally constipated over this, and nobody seems to care or miss it the way I do. I don't want to infight or talk about trannies all day, I just want to laugh and post crazy shit but they took that away from me

No. 2143596

I hate the culture of scrotefoiling and moralfagging. Everything a nona doesnt agree with is bait. Everything nona isnt into is tranny fantasy. Everything slightly edgy is moid. As if women physically cannot have controversial opinions or unusual fetishes. I hate that Lolcow Culture and Moderation Complaints got locked.

No. 2143598

Just post it in the bechdel thread

No. 2143599

yeah post it in the bechdel thread, nona is right! it's actually nicer than dumbass shit imo because nobody can come in and derail it with tranny garbage because they'll get banned for talking about scrotes

No. 2143601

They locked it because they don't check /meta/ and don't want to change the way anything is done because that takes work. They want us to go and engage with the /meta/ baiters, while not banning the hostile baitfags, so we can shut the fuck up and "deal" with the piss poor moderation. The moderation is a joke, but I don't remember a time where they'd totally wipe an anons innocuous post from a thread because they didn't agree. It's retarded.

No. 2143602

What if my shitpost involves bullying a moid or something?? Posting anything with males in there it's literally against the rules, the whole point of dumbass shit was to not have any topic restrictions

No. 2143605

KEKKK why's it so small and fat

No. 2143606

Women are other women’s worst judges. It’s alienating sometimes.

No. 2143608

Ntayrt but mods do check meta regularly, that’s exactly how they knew to lock the baiting complaints and suggestions thread kek

No. 2143609


No. 2143611

It shocks me when poorfags complain about being poor which is totally fair because I’m a poorfag as well but then they say they have a dog or cat. Yeet that fucking stupid animal to the side, you don’t need a fucking “flufferino” to survive. A cellphone is more important and useful than another living liability I don’t understand the pet culture where they treat these things like kings compared to other humans.

No. 2143612

They do check /meta/, they’re probably just ignoring you because you’re retarded.

No. 2143613

This is what nigelfags wish they could have for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. I will never understand why they defend their need to have a cock in their mouth, what is so damn special about men? Not bj-chan just a misandrist

No. 2143614

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No. 2143623

Kekk thank you nonna I felt like it was a good way to reintroduce the AD! threadpics

No. 2143625

I can't handle fat girls who claim to have anorexia. I understand that your mental illness is driving you to try to hurt yourself, but you need to be serious. You can't say that you've had anorexia for two years and weigh 260 lbs, it doesn't work that way. Plus, two hard boiled eggs for breakfast isn't anorexia, especially when you drink a milkshake at 9:00 AM because you're "starving."

No. 2143630

UGHHH this pisses me the fuck off too nonna. Anorexia is a compulsive disorder. It’s obvious you’re not compulsively starving yourself if you’re fat as fuck like a whale!! Fuck you.

No. 2143639

I know right? So bulemia, okay. Binging, yes. Eating disorder, obvious from looking at you. But anorexia? Come on, it's the one eating disorder you can't pretend to have.

No. 2143645

Are you the futafag

No. 2143653

Because normies have way more sympathy for anachans than people with binge eating disorder. I think some of them even believe their own bullshit, because they've never heard of bid and for most of the time they do eat little - until they binge that is. It's annoying to me too though. The whole fat acceptance movement is.

No. 2143655

British people deserve to be made fun of. Fuck them they created capitalism and nasty food, that should be treasonous crime to the UN but they spared your lowly lives to create something useful again like UK garage.

No. 2143658

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This is a culinary crime

No. 2143661

We gave the world the spice girls and blur, what more do you want?!

No. 2143674

I saw a tiktak of some British food vendor selling horrendous baked potato with beans in it and putting unmelted shreds of cheese on it. The absolute horror. Always rambling about how americans eat xyz but are ready to eat slabs off butter with potato, unseasoned beans and just chum bucket shit.
Spice Girls are based because two of the members were in a secret lesbian relationship with each other. It’s sad because obligatory heterosexuality and shiet made them break up

No. 2143680

also singlehandedly ended the global slave trade

No. 2143681

You think the slave trade doesnt exist anymore? Lmao

No. 2143687

No. 2143689

You ended the transatlantic slave trade you people started, benefited from and then when there was nothing else to continue benefiting you guys decided to stop. You’re proud of ending slavery but too hard headed to admit you were apart of it to begin with, kek

No. 2143697

>>2143596 same, women can't enjoy shit here.

No. 2143699

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kek good one nona it was definitely 100% just the UK who are the purest goodest humans on the planet and not a years long collective world shift that was legally made into a precedent by Denmark(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 2143700

we ended the slave trade in our own country and then went and singlehandedly stopped the spanish from engaging in their own far more brutal slave trade.

then we ended the even more brutal africa-to-arab-world slave trade while those areas were in our dominion. then we bloodlessly granted all of our colonies independence.

prior to this the slave trade existed throughout pretty much all of history. trying to pin "starting it" on anyone in particular is retarded. we did end it, at the point of a gun, and at the cost of hundreds of thousands of our own lives in the american civil war. bye.

No. 2143707

>UK Garage
It was last good genre created by the Britain and they didn't top their 90s electronic music output so far

No. 2143712

basic zoomer girls wanting to take photos flash party pics, male scalpers and troons are people who ruined digicams forever

No. 2143724

British people deserve to be made fun of because they’re too easily offended at the slightest mockery while being hateful and spiteful people themselves. Chill out, luvs xx
Tbf the British didn’t start the slave trade. This is just ignorant kek. The Portuguese and the Spanish started from the European side, and the Arab world started selling African slaves even before them.
t. burger

No. 2143733

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kek what in the revisionist history this has to be bait. uk nonnies really mad that the entire world fucking hates them because their country raped and pillaged the world and was the best at it.

No. 2143735

I have zero empathy for misogynistic pickme women who are abused in any way by men. Why am I supposed to feel bad for them when they think I'm inferior and worse than a man? Sometimes just being nice and patient is not enough and you need to bully them and socially ostracize them from female spaces. Go seek sympathy from other pickme rape apologists and men.

No. 2143736

Nta but just wanna sprinkle on top that basically all bongs are products of incest

No. 2143738

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Compared to other countries…?

No. 2143739

Who were the buyers nonny, who was sending them not only to Europe but to America and the Carribean? It wasn’t just Arabs, they were usually trading in Africa and the Middle East, it was technically both Africans and Eurofags that started the transatlantic slave trade which is why we have black people of African descent in the Americas today. It’s about the specifics, we know slavery was engaged by other groups but they were all different. Britbongs were involved as well.

No. 2143742

What point are you trying to make? Nothing here contradicts what I said.

No. 2143743

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I lowkey agree with this but there’s a lot of cousin marriage and incest in West Asia including India and Pakistan.

No. 2143749

My point is that Arab slave trade has nothing to do with how the Western world developed and the race relations that followed.

No. 2143760

> their country raped and pillaged
Isn’t that what America is literally built upon, kek

No. 2143761

File: 1724089792375.png (265.49 KB, 828x1031, Atlantic slave trade - Wikiped…)

The European slave traders were taking after and competing with the already established Ottoman slave trading network. I’m not trying to imply that the bong empire had no part in the evolution in the transatlantic slave trade, but your point just isn’t true. Neither of these networks existed in a vacuum. Europe and the Middle East were well aware of each other at the time, as they were competing for global domination.
More info: https://www.fairplanet.org/dossier/beyond-slavery/forgotten-slavery-the-arab-muslim-slave-trade

No. 2143764

Not to sound like a gen z stan twitterfag but bongs literally live in some of your heads rent free

No. 2143767

What happened to the other thread? Instead of using this disgusting cartoon again, funking amerifags I swear

No. 2143773

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mfw someone malds over bongs but then I remember they're speaking our language

No. 2143778

People that use their hands only to clean themselves in the shower are just straight up nasty.

No. 2143791

people who use loofas too, wash cloth master race. one for the face one for the body.

No. 2143793

yes because the British came to the americas in the first place and made it into a colony? Britain is to blame for the US even existing kek

No. 2143804

No you're just retarded. Using a loofa or cloth is worse since those things accumulate bacteria. Yes even if you wash it after every use, it will still accumulate bacteria over time.
This isn't even an opinion, it's a fact.

No. 2143814

letting-the-water-hit-it-ONLY master race

No. 2143816

If it wasn't the British, it would have been the French or Spanish. The colonies of France in North America were Quebec, Acadia and Louisiana. The colonies of Spain were in Arizona and La Florida. La Florida included what is now the state of Florida and parts of modern day Georgia, South Carolina and the Gulf Coast to the north bank of Lake Pontchartrain.

No. 2143821

Idc what someone with a musty smell and reptilian skin has to say about hygiene.

No. 2143824

I know this limits my dating pool severely but men who watch anime and play video games are such a turn off.

No. 2143831

That's you. Only one of us is rubbing shit bacteria trapped in their washcloth all over their skin.

No. 2143839

>wash hands
>your hands are clean now
>use clean hands to spread soap and clean body

No. 2143840

Stop projecting. Just because you don't understand the concept of washing your body and clothes properly, doesn't mean everyone wants to be smelling like foul shit.

No. 2143842

I can't imagine the amount of leftover germs and dead skin you must have. Nasty.

No. 2143843

This is very simplistic understanding and also an incorrect one kek

No. 2143844

I swear this exact same infight happened a few threads ago.

No. 2143847

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Imagine bathing at all

No. 2143850

NTA but how is it incorrect

No. 2143863

Yeah it’s all just the same shit rehashed

No. 2143867

Nasty or not, I choose a healthy skin barrier over scrubbing off important sebum and compensating with lotion, thank you very much.

No. 2143879

People who smell like dry skin and hard water always have the most to say. Stinky boar.

No. 2143881

No hard water here, and it's Mrs. Boar to you.

No. 2143882

Because they probably have BED instead but nobody actually gives a fuck about BED despite both being eating disorders. And we all know why that is so I can't hate on them too much. It's not like anyone actually believes them, and they're not nearly as obnoxious as anachans who pretend they're recovering.

No. 2143883

It's simplistic because I'm not writing a multi paragraph post on the European colonization of America in the unpopular opinions thread which no one would read anyway. The point is that America being colonized by Europeans was inevitable. Other than being a simplification, it is correct.

No. 2143885

People like you should not be trusted. A literal medieval smelly peasant.

No. 2143886

sperging about "body checks" is the most obese thing in the world, I know %90 of this site are greaseball morbidly obese ameritards built like amberlynn raid, but the absolute cope of calling any skinny woman taking mirror selfies a "bone rattling ana chan" when you're just a 100000 pound bigbacked menace is very laughable. if site rules were actually applied properly, half these threads would get shut down for lack of milk and pure vendettafagging, so many of these Instagram nobodies farmers love obsessing over have zero internet drama besides being thin and making fatties seethe. "body checks" aren't real, you guys just need to check your obese bodies into a gym and make better threads.

No. 2143908

Does that mean everyone will leave me alone for some peace and quiet?

No. 2143916

NTA but it’s really easy to exfoliate and wash your skin thoroughly without using luufa’s, washcloths, etc

No. 2143921

You’re triggered the typical smelly people. I like how one of them says washcloths and loafas help bacteria grow that’s only if you reuse the same one, that’s why you buy as many that goes with your showering schedule. Wash cloths especially properly lather and lit dirt and bacteria that causes smells off of you. Hand washing is just so lazy unless you’re washing a baby down even then they still use wash cloths and even sponges to bathe them.

No. 2143926


No. 2143932

Maybe the truly smelly people need deep scrubbing to be properly clean while the rest do well with less.

No. 2143933

A haiku

No. 2143942

Or they could get African bath nets/ salux rags because those basically just dry instantly and don't hoard bacteria the same way as traditional wash cloths.

No. 2143946

You're supposed to use a different one everyday retardo. There's a reason wash rags usually come in at least a 5pack

No. 2143950

Rupi Kaur-ass formatting

No. 2143954

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Myrrh is actually a really pleasant high. Frankincense is uplifting too, and can counterbalance the sleepiness. Definitely not a pleasant taste, but I fucking love myrrh, if anyone knows how to cook it and ingest it easier, at a normal dose, I'm all ears ♥

No. 2143965

It’s like they don’t understand this kek, they can even handwash it with baking soda/vinegar/detergent if they’re that paranoid about muh bacteria. The very fact that they think clean people would reuse dirty stuff is very telling about smellfags

No. 2143985

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>no racebait
Challenge accepted(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2143997

What is the unpopular opinion?

No. 2144001

File: 1724102752721.jpeg (759.14 KB, 3840x2160, IMG_9962.jpeg)

I like fourth wall breaks whether they’re comedic or horror.

No. 2144007

File: 1724103019606.jpg (277.3 KB, 707x1120, KAMFORFUTURE.jpg)

>not all men
>kills all of the rapists and dv perps
>almost all of the male population disappears
>the future is saved

No. 2144012

My opinion is unpopular with farmhands so I'll get put out to pasture if I say it

No. 2144030

Anybody who turns this into race bait doesn't give a shit about women anyways. The reason why crimes like this are so high in a lot of third world countries is because women are not seen as human beings. They get shamed in some cases for just looking at a man funny, whilst men are encouraged to sleep prostitutes and are treated as full, complete human beings who can do little wrong. Why would anybody care if somebody they think is lesser and subhuman is harmed? That's why this proliferates. I also think it proliferates because once people from these cultures come to western countries, the police are too scared or can't be arsed to meddle in their business because of cultural insensitivity, even though she should be adhering to bare minimum requirements of the country they move to. When they are harming their own women and only do something once they harm a white woman. Once they have seen they can get away with doing it to their nieces, daughters and wives, they get very bold. I am grateful that despite being from a third world country, my family are educated enough not to let such things happen to me and we don't have to deal with islam, even if at times i can find them to be retarded.

No. 2144067

why is it always certain men doing this though….

No. 2144106

>The reason why crimes like this are so high in a lot of third world countries is because women are not seen as human beings.
Wait, but why do those cultures in particular not view women as human when compared to other cultures that don't have this rampant rapist problem?

No. 2144117

I think it can be refreshing and amusing, but for me, I just want to escape reality, not be reminded of it. Oh man, Doki Doki Literature Club was terrifying.

No. 2144118

>Everytime I get a funny idea to post about there's no place to go
Super relatable.

No. 2144130

Nta but why not just post it in bechdel test

No. 2144133

Maybe I'll check it out

No. 2144136

Nta, unfortunately not everything can go on the bechdel thread. I love that thread but I've had to abandon so many things I want to discuss on here because it doesn't follow the rules of the bechdel thread and doesn't fit in other threads.

No. 2144138

the only rule is to not talk about scrotes nonna kek?

No. 2144141

Yes, but sometimes there are things that I want to talk about or post that include men in some way, even if they're not the main topic.

No. 2144144

like what nonny? i’m sure you could definitely just neglect men from whatever topic it is you’d like to post about, especially if they’re not central to it

No. 2144151

There is no way you have that many things you want to discuss that always includes moids

No. 2144162

Who said always? I also post a lot of stuff there that has nothing to do with men.

No. 2144163

NEETs on LC are a different breed of defensive. My unpopular is having a job isn't some crazy accomplishment and talking about having a job isn't humble bragging. Apparently that's very unpopular with a certain section of weirdos on here.

No. 2144169

Did you just come from the tinfoil thread or something

No. 2144171

Nayrt but I saw an anon even get red texted because there was a male Calico Critter in a picture she included. And he wasn’t the focus of the scene.

No. 2144181

KEK, how would janny know it's male?

No. 2144200

I think it was dressed like a boy, in a dress shirt and slacks and everything

No. 2144205

I've never seen anybody with the kind of opinion you are talking about, can you provide an opinion?

No. 2144209

I already gave my opinion in the post you're responding to, maybe you missed it but re-read it and you might get it this time around.

No. 2144228

So jannies are sexist… girls can wear dress shirts and slacks… it was a tomboy calico critter

No. 2144231

women in dress shirts and slacks really isn’t a good look though, i’ve never seen a lady in a butch fit who was looking good

No. 2144233

>”ewww you weirdos you freaks you neets you cat owning cunts who can’t get a man like mines!”
Damn bitch you talked about these imaginary people the entire month, go out and eat something it’s not that deep and stop being such a newfag kek

No. 2144236

Your Nigel doesn’t look good wearing them either

No. 2144240

My unpopular opinion is that if you are going to accept the sex addicts from /g/ you have to accept female NEETs. I have no problem or issue with them at all, don’t understand this vitriol against them smells like newfaggotry if i’m going to be honest, if you don’t understand this website is predominantly used by weirdo women. Just like female autists which overlap with the NEET they are 10x more interesting than moids and that’s all that matters on a website where you know nobody, so stop assuming. You could be talking to a baiter pretending to be a NEET just to troll you for seething about the actual ones, the possibilities are endless

No. 2144241

shit taste

No. 2144243

someone’s feelings are hurt

No. 2144246

It's always "your nigel" with some of you, lame attempt

No. 2144247

i’ve never had any attraction to other women, especially women cosplaying as men. in my mind a woman in a suit gives me the same vibe as a guy in a dress but i also live in TrannyTown, USA

No. 2144249

Actually I don't accept the "sex addicts" from de/g/enarate and if it helps at all I can gauruntee most of them are not having sex

No. 2144250

Why didn’t you just respond with a photo of an attractive woman in a suit? Is it because you….can’t find one?

No. 2144252

I don’t think any of us here are that tight with the fa/g/s, especially those who overshare about their sexual exploits

No. 2144254

Why didn’t you just respond with a photo of an attractive man in a suit? Is it because you….can’t find one?

No. 2144255

Because the topic at hand isn’t men in suits it’s women in suits/ butch fashion nonna, keep up.

No. 2144256

All of the pussy shits saying “bechdel fest is better and way nicer” yeah because when an evil bitch walks into the function you start crying. I’m so over the hypocrisy from other women, I’m tired of being nice I want to go crazy and buck wild

No. 2144259

> yeah because when an evil bitch walks into the function you start crying
NTA but huh? The only rule is to not talk about men…?

No. 2144262

kekk no I love them, I had a genuine convo with them before and it felt like I was talking to a human being compared to this board

No. 2144263

You keep thinking you're being so biting and cunty but like… you're talking to women? They don't care if you think men look bad in suits

No. 2144265

wdym by cunty… no no no nooooooo

No. 2144270

How does a woman wearing practical clothes resemble a troon squeezing into flimsy, purely decorative garments?

No. 2144273

Are you imagining something different here? We’re talking about women in suits and slacks not women who just wear pants or button down tops in general kek what?

No. 2144274

ayrt i didn’t say they resembled each other i said they gave me a similar vibe because they’re both unsightly

No. 2144277

The emphasis on fandom over content is terrible.
Nowadays it feels like this idea is practically mainstream, "well, I'm not actually into the content, but the fanfics are fun and I have friends and am popular". Its the reason why fandoms become toxic shit.
The point of fandom is to be a fan of the source material. It's like a religious group throwing down the idol and just worshipping themselves, it's obvious why it'd end up bad.

No. 2144278

>shirt and pants is man outfit
troon-tier logic. anything a woman wears is feminine because a woman is wearing it. it's fine if you have shit taste don't like it, but come on. you're letting troons win. men used to wear kilts/skirts, it's literally just clothes. besides, they make suits specifically cut for women's bodies.

No. 2144282

I hate the de/g/enerates with every fibre in me. Also there have always been anons who seethe at the NEETs here, I just assume its miserable wagies who are jealous they cant afford to quit their job without everything crashing for them. NEETs are annoying but not enough for me to seethe uncontrollably about them

No. 2144286

Its one of the hottest looks a woman could do you pleb

Smellyfags have never ever been in the linen section of target confirmed

No. 2144289

How's it possible to not have anything to talk about that doesn't revolve around a male somehow? That's actually genuinely fascinating to me as a concept and concerning

No. 2144290

wow some of you really cannot read, i did not say “shirt and pants is troony” I said a woman wearing slacks or a suit gives me a troony vibe and a similar uncomfortability

No. 2144293

You are retarded

No. 2144295

>men used to wear kilts
and they look like shit on them, ugly ass printed skirts don’t look good on anyone, especially men.
>they make suits cut for women
i know that nonna and i really hate those too, i don’t think a “powersuite” looks good on any lady
>youre letting troons win
how? by saying i think men should dress like men and women should dress like women? troons actually spend every waking hour shilling the opposite of that

No. 2144296

it’s okay if you’re angry that you don’t understand the fact that words have definitions

No. 2144297

It doesn't really give me any vibe but unless it's tailored well it does look stupid, as can be said for a suit on anyone

No. 2144302

You're also not allowed to shitpost in there either so..
Nta but then how come they refuse to lock the BP thread, or the millionth fujo debate thread even though several people asked them too? And how come they can't answer why the last standing nonnies thread was locked even though that's also been asked several times?

No. 2144303

How's a woman wearing slacks and a button up shirt not dressing like a woman?

No. 2144306

We have a pandemic of brainrotted tardthots here, that's why.

No. 2144311

because slacks and suits were designed for men and worn primarily by scrote wagies for centuries, obviously. is this bait?

No. 2144314

>why do you associate menswear with men?
Dude kek

No. 2144315

By throughout history do you just mean England and France or something? Because pretty much all the other cultures wore the same shit until then. Gendered clothing is a fairly modern concept

No. 2144316

So was shit like jeans, are those women "dressing like men" to you?

No. 2144320

Pants and shirts aren't menswear though. Women also wear pants and shirts. Did you get raised in a conservative Christian commune or something?

No. 2144324

i really think you’re confused about the topic; we are discussing suits and slacks.

No. 2144326

They also make those for women.

No. 2144327

…which are a type of pants and shirts.

No. 2144329

i honestly don’t find jeans to be flattering on women, i’ve never seen any other woman in my life look good or comfortable in a pair of jeans. i also personally hate them because of the rough material and hardware on it

No. 2144332

File: 1724113346824.jpg (247.04 KB, 581x1137, 1723420996434 (1).jpg)

>tfw you accidentally start an infight

No. 2144335

and i’m saying they don’t look good on women, which is my opinion
but you’re using the general terms “pants and shirts” instead of acknowledging the specific clothes on this topic, we’re not discussing t shirts and leggings. we’re talking about suits and slacks.

No. 2144340

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>when your joke about a calico critter turns into an argument

No. 2144341

You compared it to troon shit though which is the real issue here

No. 2144342

>Why do you think a woman wearing clothes isn't dressed like a woman?

No. 2144344

i stated my personal opinion, in the correct thread, so actually there’s no problem at all.

No. 2144345

>Why don’t you think a man wearing a dress isn’t dressed like a man?
please just stop kek, you’re not going to change anyones opinion, this is not the r/changemymind or whatever the fuck

No. 2144346

You have a retarded opinion and a retarded way of expressing it this is just my opinion

No. 2144348

Enjoy contributing to the troon ideology with your opinion.

No. 2144352

that’s actually the opposite of the troon ideology, troons think that men should dress like women and women should dress like men

No. 2144354

men wearing dresses are dressed like men. that's why tims aren't women.

No. 2144355

Woman is when skirt and dress, men is when pant and button-up

No. 2144358

anon, being obtuse isn’t going to change anything. there’s a reason why clothes are separated by sex kek

No. 2144360

nonna, the men wearing dresses are attempting to present as women via dressing in womenswear. can your brain compute that?

No. 2144363

Not really. Women look good in slacks/suits. It just has to be tailored right. Males don't look good in dresses though and that's a fact.

No. 2144366

ok, good for you? that doesn’t really change anything

No. 2144371

Friendly reminder, this is the unpopular opinions thread, not the debate thread, not the change my mind thread, if you see an opinion you disagree with you don’t really have grounds to clutch your pearls because you’re in the thread for unpopular opinions.

No. 2144374

Eh this always happens

No. 2144375

And we keep telling you they make slacks and suits especially for women to flatter our bodies. And, for my unpopular opinion? I wouldn't mind scrotes in dresses if they wore dresses designed for male bodies. Cross dressing isn't offensive to me but unfortunately the modern coomsick male can't just wear a dress to piss off conservatives/for his own personal style while still being cognizant of the fact he will always be a scrote.

No. 2144376

I’m sorry they don’t make pants in a size large enough for you, but you don’t need to take it out on other women.

No. 2144377

If someone I'm interested in dated someone I think is ugly in the past I lose interest. I judge those by their past sexual encounters and I won't ever stop.

No. 2144378

i don’t really understand this response?

No. 2144381

if you lurked the thread you would see that i have already said i know they make suits cut for women, and i stated my opinion that they still don’t look good

No. 2144383

God NTA but
Why is this the only response summerfags have? Has there been an influx of anachans or something? KEK my goodness

No. 2144384

>t. overweight

No. 2144387

nta but can i ask what about this discussion has made you think of fat people?

No. 2144392

posts like these are always made by piggychan’s who just lost 3 pounds and are feeling skinnyy keek

No. 2144394

This has been a debate thread since the very beginning kek check the old threads

No. 2144395

File: 1724114662162.jpg (85.7 KB, 1024x1024, 1000054479.jpg)

Right order for brushing your teeth
>brush teeth
>brush tongue
>pure mouthwash for a few minutes in your mouth
Those who need to dilute their mouthwash with water are weak and have dirty mouths.

No. 2144396

Wait who is this unpopular to

No. 2144398

This isn’t a debate thread though, anons don’t post their opinions here for the purpose of debating them or hearing other peoples opinions in response. It’s making a statement, not asking a question.

No. 2144401

mouthwash is horrible for your teeth, water with minerals is far better for them

No. 2144403

Me. Floss comes first.

No. 2144404

what does it say about a person if their ex is ugly? i actually prefer if they dated someone like that because it means i have a chance

No. 2144406

Why don't they use "Get it off your chest" then if they don't want a response? Or use a diary. Anons are allowed to respond to any post they want here.

No. 2144407

Missed that part. Yeah she's fucking crazy. You need to loosen the gunk before you clean your mouth.

No. 2144408

Ntayrt but it exposes that you have low standards and likely a low self esteem, if you’d settle for someone you don’t even consider attractive, let alone others

No. 2144411

I think you’re confused, once again. Nobody said you’re not allowed to respond, I said that there’s no point in debating or trying to sell an anon on the idea that they could somehow be ‘wrong’ because their feelings don’t mirror yours, especially because this is not the debate thread.

No. 2144420

what if they genuinely do consider their ex attractive though? i don't see how that indicates anything, plus taste is subjective. imo if they still find someone attractive despite the world saying otherwise then it's genuine attraction

No. 2144422

but if you’re attracted to your ex then they wouldn’t be your ex nonny

No. 2144423

It's pointless to tell someone the correct pronunciation of a word. They won't remember, you are just causing social disharmony. Let it go, you understood the word

No. 2144426

Someone pronounces it as “pee-run-ease”…

No. 2144428

Keep your pieruhnese away from my guyroh sandwich

No. 2144435

there's tons of other reasons for a break up to happen though besides appearance. i mean it kind of sounds like thinking their ex looks okay is bad, but finding them ugly is also bad..so it's better to date someone without any exes?

No. 2144445

yes ma’am

No. 2144447

It means they have bad taste and them calling you pretty is worthless at best and a lie at worst

No. 2144454

I dunno this sounds like overthinking it…it's more likely they just have a variety of taste, men aren't as picky as they claim to be

No. 2144458

samefag but I guess my unpopular opinion is I wouldn't date someone who has only dated super conventional women, I trust them way less than someone who dated an uggo.

No. 2144470

Cause I'm not dating some guy that would fuck someone I wouldn't deem anywhere close to the same league as myself. I wouldn't want to devalue myself. It says a lot about a person and who they fuck. I'm not fucking a charity case

No. 2144481

>It says a lot about a person and who they fuck
but you still didn't say what exactly it says about them when i asked. maybe i'll ask in the stupid questions thread because i'm still not understanding what it means kek

No. 2144496

It shows what standards they have, zero. Not a good sign.

No. 2144498

I disagree. It's like taking the opinion of a flat earther seriously.

No. 2144503

I thought higher standards were considered a red flag

No. 2144504

There was nothing wrong with interview. I guess the first comment was kind of weird (considering the interviewer was skinny) but I just think they're both one of those women who try hard to be quirky and quippy especially Blake who married that annoying Deadpool actor. I think people hyperfocus way too much behind the intentions of how women act.

No. 2144506

Everyone is calling g her annoying, which she is. So

No. 2144509

I've saw this clip so many times and Blake just comes off as a weird bitch. She was 6 months pregnant and had announced it. Why react so hostile and then have an aside majoritybof the interview and even the other actress seems slightly uncomfortable, embarrassed and Blake like reaches for her for her attention and gives her cues when to laugh and it's just such highschool mean girl vibes and it's like shut up. "Would you ask the men about the fashion?" Then proceeds to talk about the male costumes in a very aesthetic fucking film. She was being rude. She's always came off difficult. There's always been stories following her about fall outs with cast members like Blair on Gossip Girl. Her husband in the past few years has been diversifying and sticking his hand in many different ventures. He's been in the industry decades. I'm sure they've got enough of their own connections. Blake's PR firm has connections to Harvey Weinstein. She's a nepo baby and annoying. She's always felt shilled ever since Gossip Girl.

No. 2144513

>brush upper teeth
>brush top of tongue
>brush lower teeth
>brush sides of inner cheeks, sides of tongue, roof and inner lips, under tongue
>rebrush everything but quicker and not as thorough
>rinse with water

No. 2144521

I just forego mouth wash all together because it makes my mouth so unbearably dry. I don't floss all my teeth because dental floss doesn't fit between them all.

No. 2144525

I think there needs to be a new step up film. The timing is perfect.

No. 2144528

Who cares lol I love when women are mean and rude. Why are you expecting women to always be sweethearts especially someone who’s pregnant and enduring lots of emotional ups and downs? I thought the interview was going to be worse than what I expected based on other people’s reactions but honestly it just reminds me of the anons on here, nothing new.

No. 2144533

Celebrities are constantly complaining about getting too much attention or crazy fans but they’re about to get their wish because people are losing interest in celebrities and they’re not going to like it when the attention really does go

No. 2144589

File: 1724128301319.jpeg (130.2 KB, 1024x1024, buff never goon minion.jpeg)

buff anti-goon minions are hot(ai shit outside of containment )

No. 2144590

File: 1724128422450.jpg (142.4 KB, 1300x1077, 3268079254279.JPG)

I think we should treat TiFs as traitors instead of victims.

No. 2144594

I hope you're serious because I'm feeling very alone rn

No. 2144596

Faggot mode, huh?

No. 2144601

there's certain aspects of politics I just really don't give a fuck about as much as some people on this site and in general online do

No. 2144624

I don’t get why black people get hate for liking fried chicken but white people don’t get hate for liking jello puddings and pickle roll ups(racebait)

No. 2144625

imagine waking up every day having no breasts, deformed/rotted off nipples, an enlarged clitoris, testo acne, jordan peterson's voice and a ladybeard but in the back of your head and everytime you pee, have sex or shower you know for a fact you're a woman and always will be. it's real life body horror. very avant garde capitalism, you can't be mad at them it's retarded

No. 2144629

at least irene from red velvet had the nerve for a full-on rage fit like erika sawajiri both irl and in the hit movie Helter Skelter. Blake Lively couldn't even talk shit while making prolonged eye contact. She's a horrible, weak, worm-like woman and to feign respect in an attempt at irony is downright gay.

No. 2144661

File: 1724133374512.jpg (66.5 KB, 564x423, b3de07a2f1eb6920141509977038aa…)

treating them as traitors is a bit too far imo but i definetly have less patience and empathy for tifs than most anons here. they would never cape for any of us like we often do for them. they'd send you death threats without a second thought the moment they find out you even post on here. die terf scum!!1

No. 2144674

yeah because they are psychotically deluded and you, hopefully, are not. why even make that comparison? are you a tranny be honest

No. 2144698

refusing to baby retarded women-hating women doesn't make me a tranny. i'm so tired of you people

repost bc replied to wrong post

No. 2144755

What hate? It's just a silly joke.

No. 2144758

This, it's fine and normal to not have patience with people treating you like shit. You can have sympathy and still not allow or accept them to act like retarded bullies to people who don't agree with their narc religious views

No. 2144760

she's weird, unintelligent and out of touch but she's not straight up evil like people made it seem

No. 2144765

You're not wrong, but please remember not to reply to you-know-who

No. 2144819

I’m starting to think that the reason lolcor culture has changed so much over the past few months (granted, I myself have only been on the site since ~2021ish) is less a result of an influx of zoomers and more of social media trends at large, where you basically can’t even swear anymore without self-censoring, women’s spaces are verboten, and if you want a modicum of freedom of speech you have to seek it on misogynistic boys’ club style shitholes. It seems to me a lot of women come on here seeking solace from over-policing, and for those who aren’t accustomed to imageboards, the freedom can get to their heads, or they can become overwhelmed by the anxiety that comes from thinking you’re in a safe space for women but having no way of knowing the users you’re interacting with actually are. That’s how I think we come to the amount of scrote/trannyfoiling, infighting and (imo) exaggerated amount of radfem purity culture that clogs every potentially interesting conversation.

(Only referring to the ot boards here- the lolcow discussions are the same. If anything, they’ve gotten funnier)

No. 2144851

I feel like the shift in culture is a culmination of a lot of different things that snowballed into the trends we are seeing now. Making fun of autists, the scrotefoiling, the hypervigilance towards outside opinion, the spam problem, the banning of dumbass shit thread, the banning of the shitposting thread. It all morphed into the current state of the site. It feels like there's been a definite shift away from authentic connection and discussion to an overly fussy infight/validation simulator. You could make a post talking about you think one color of chalk pastel feels different from another color of chalk pastels, and an anon would reply just to imply that you're dumb because they're all formulated the same way, that is if anyone replies at all. It's an awkward and slightly oppressive feeling in /ot/ now.
I think your theory rings true applied to newcomers who aren't used to board culture. I know you said you personally feel like it's not so much a wave of zoomers replacing old standing anons, but I can't help but feel like it sort of must be a little true. It just feels to me that these anons, although technically integrated, cannot control their urge to control the unfavorable opinion. I remember that one anon a day or two ago that told another anon to "stop saying bitch because this is a feminist site", assuming they were not baiting, it's like the urge to needlessly point out some failing in social expectations is simply too good to pass up when they personally disagree. It's been like this for quite some time but there's been a definite shift in the way that it's done.

No. 2144895

Chappel roan is the ugliest out of all the new pop girlies but I’m glad when ugly women get a shot at fame

No. 2144935

>If anything, they’ve gotten funnier
if only this were true nonna. i've been reading here a long time and i feel like much of the humor now gets drowned out by retarded infighting or even more retarded tinfoils.

No. 2144948

Totono did it first and better

No. 2144959

File: 1724158516415.webp (247.74 KB, 1080x1440, 6280742359631.WEBP)

I think making doll body types more “realistic” is retarded. Dolls aren’t supposed to be a healthy representation of the human body.

No. 2144968

Fatties and ugly gendies ruin everybody’s fun

No. 2144969

the ''realistic'' body is still unrealistic, it just looks like skirby now

No. 2144971

File: 1724159020845.jpg (437.77 KB, 1793x1908, bs.jpg)

agreed. there are many things far more likely to instill negative body image issues in little girls than their toys.

No. 2144973

It panders to the "um actually that's not shooped because I have the same body type" shapewear-wearing retards kek

No. 2144976

File: 1724159423273.jpg (1.85 MB, 2936x3296, 20221001_203314.jpg)

god, yes. new monster high is so fucking ugly. I hate how this BBL Kim K body type is being hailed as "progressive" and "plus size rep" when tiny hips and a thick waist is just the new unrealistic beauty standard, they're not fat. also, the dolls are just ugly and uninspired. they have everything people hated about g2 (more childlike faces, quality and design of clothes worsening significantly) but because they're "thick" everyone loves them

No. 2144979

The way these fashion dolls have become terminally unfashionable is a crime. The characters used to have their own sense of style (romantic goth inspired, scene, rockabilly, preppy, "hipster", sporty, etc) now the styles they emulate are literally like… this one wears shein, this one wears cider, this one shops at the hot topic clearance section, this one shops at the torrid clearance section (bc muh body diversity is the most important part of… fashion dolls kek). It sucks.

No. 2144980

KEK nona if you're into futa, you deserve to be scrotefoiled. absolutely revolting, be a normal fujo like the rest or keep it to yourself.

No. 2144982

children are the most oppressed class. The power imbalance between them and adults is abysmal and adults uses it to take advantages of kids and pass their nerves on them, I remember being a child and random adults speaking to me like I was a retard and giving me stupid orders if I asked why they could just pretentiously reply "don't ask questions, I'm an adult I know what I'm talking about". Now that I'm an adult I know how retarded they truly where, I also remember being picked on by adults because I was a curious and talkative child who liked to share what I learned at school or online, they felt threatened and would attack me to try to put me back in my place, I fucking hate them.

No. 2144986

>this one wears shein, this one wears cider, this one shops at the hot topic clearance section
Kek, get their ass nonnie.

No. 2144991

as someone with pretty wide hips for my frame I hate this shit because everyone has such an unrealistic, fetishized idea of what this body type looks like. It's just the next big pornbrained trope and I hate how normalized the "extreme" Kim Kardashian variation is. The "progressive body positive uwu" dolls somehow have no stomach fat to speak of despite being bottom heavy kek. I'm not saying dolls should have realistic body types to begin with because that's retarded and kids don't even care (why don't brands just make more actually good-looking dolls with different skin colours and hair textures if they care so much about representation?) Ironically it's gonna fuck with kids' heads even more to pretend this is what a normal curvy woman should look like irl.

No. 2144996

many adults don't like intelligent children, especially if they are girls. they equate a little girl being curious or inquisitive with being ill-behaved but let feral scrotelings act like animals while treating them like kings.

No. 2145005

I don’t blame men for liking younger women but I dont understand why women keep doing it with older guys when they see time and time again the out comes of it

No. 2145006

File: 1724161140034.jpg (727.84 KB, 870x868, royale_high_dark_fairy_doll3.j…)

I hate modern dolls. Nothing will ever be better or just as good as G1 Monster High.

No. 2145009

I hate that women are not allowed to date younger moids. 18-22 is prime years, anything else is post wall trash

No. 2145013

The r/regretfulparents subreddit got posted in the Reddit hate thread a few days ago, and after doing some digging I found there were SO many parents on their acting like they were being abused by kids just…asking questions and wanting to learn/spend time with them. Fucking really?? Intelligent kids that you can actually talk to are so much easier to handle than feral ones anyway so even from a child hating perspective I don't get it.

No. 2145016

It’s not even men keeping us from liking younger men, it’s other women. Imagine having to deal with a younger man’s mother…..She’s gonna make your life hell because she thinks you’re raping her baby boy but she would let her daughter mess around with older.

No. 2145018

I have seen so much shit romanticizing geriatric scrotes but these retards will screech when a woman dates a man a couple of years younger
i know nonas will say its bait but you have to admit that women are rabid when it comes to defending status quo and they are especially protective of something that goes against their interests for some reason

No. 2145021

nta but what is their mommy gonna do kek? cry?

No. 2145022

I realize now that I'm on the other side that many adults are deeply insecure, they hate what they've become, they're ashamed of their lack of success and seeing a bright eyed uncorrupted child is triggering them, it's making them feel old, bitter and stupid, they just can't help but try to destroy that glow childrens naturally have by mocking them or talking them down. They literally instill the shame that plages so much of society in little kids hearts, it's basicaly a corruption fetish but with shame and insecurity.

No. 2145024

The old one is such an unhealthy representation of the human body, girls are going to want to become stick thin with a giant head, with their feet permanently froze into a high heel shape, So fucking toxic! Meanwhile the new ones are all some flavor of pear but it's totally realistic representation! And let's be honest, toy companies would never release a doll with a truly "realistic" body, especially ones which are considered unattractive like doritos or apples, but they'll gladly make bbls and pears for "representation!!".
Also dolls as a whole are becoming so unfun and uncreative, it's like no one knows how to design an actual fun gimmick like what's her face or Betty spaghetti. It's always fashionista with an incredibly hideous and specific wardrobe. All the fun ideas for dolls get scrapped.

No. 2145028

Little girls are the actually most oppressed class, little boys are loved by many and barely suffer because of adults, they're just a tantrum away from being allowed to do anything they want.

No. 2145030

>uwu it’s so hard being irresistibly sexy and the ideal body type for women! Pity me waaaa!

No. 2145031

kek I agree it would be refreshing to see more women pulling a leo dicaprio and only going for young scrotes to make the baldies seethe, but imo they look undercooked at that age. plus there's the fact that most women want men who can actually buy them a drink or a meal and we know scrotes are lazy fucks who usually don't have their own money until they're +25

No. 2145033

NTA but I can’t lie, both little boys and girls are bratty shitheads because the majority of people reproducing are total dumbasses who just shove an iPad in their face 2 minutes after their baby is born

No. 2145034

humble bragging

No. 2145038

NTAYRT, but you are the most annoying type of response. Contributes nothing.

No. 2145044

I mean, in the end it's not really their own fault, they're kids and they're just a consequence of the way their parents raise them.
It is annoying when you have to deal with them or when you have a relative/your own child that has good intentions and upbringing, but in the end it's hard to know when is it that the kid is an asshole because it was born that way or because it was a shit combo of bad parenting and a shit personality.
I honestly don't even want to have kids most of the time because I really hate the idea of somehow raising a child well and the child feeling miserable because other parents are absolutely shit.

No. 2145051

They’re humble bragging about being fat

No. 2145055

Bc toy companies only follow the money. Its why for the longest time barbie had such an unrealistic feminine look to her despite backlash. And now Mattel has shied away from that only in hopes to save their dropping sales. Toy companies want an easy cheap solution not a real solution. Mattel is definitely eating up all the body positivity praise they are getting, meanwhile clawdeen has even more straight hair, the only doll that has a different texture is venus with microbraids, and they got rid of most of the unflattering skin colors like greens and grays which is why lagoona is bubblegum pink bc she would clash with the other dolls they've now made her color. They didnt bother creating different hair textures bc representation doesn't outweigh the cost, also why they'll never create a doll with realistic proportions bc barely anyone would buy it. Its all about the money. People say we're living in an era of creativity but really it feels like the dark ages, where companies can virtue signal and actually trick people into buying their products that way. Dystopic.

No. 2145061

Humblebragging or did that post just bring out your insecurities?

No. 2145062

nta but barbie isn’t a real woman, that’s like complaining that monster high dolls aren’t realistic kek. THEYRE FICFIONAL!!!

No. 2145073

File: 1724164860189.jpg (868.06 KB, 2144x2990, 1000054661.jpg)

I honestly wouldn't buy the realistic version of a doll because it would be weird, I do get that it's shitty how the dolls aren't even truly inclusive (like you said, with different hair textures for example) and honestly, the fact that they're being made so homogenous is what makes this whole thing so annoying.
Like now they're not even allowed to be 100% fictional, they give the dolls annoying shit that's related to the real world directly which is extremely unnecessary, and I'm not talking about the profession's barbies, I'm talking about dolls not being allowed to have crazy skin colors, cool hairstyles, weird clothes and shit no one would try to have in real life like, idk a cool helicopter or fancy futuristic gizmos and pets, dolls are way too grounded and almost politic at this point with the whole gendie shit.
We can't even have cool fashion dolls because even fashion dolls are suffering the fast fashion epidemic, and their outfits aren't truly creative anymore.

No. 2145080

> Lammily
kek what kind of name is that

No. 2145084

its french

No. 2145093

Lammily didnt sell well so

No. 2145095

Woah. And I thought shit like Kennedeigh was bad

No. 2145102

Lammily is not a french name

No. 2145104

I hate how people act like it’s a bad thing to be attracted to more attractive qualities now. I’m not shitty because I don’t like a more “realistic” body which is apparently being fat, to most people.

No. 2145109

lol br box draculaura
The new wave of MH are so ugly
it makes me sad, the first wave was so beloved for me. Ppl who think dolls should be realistic are the same retardeds who think games make people psychotic or people who ship something unwholesome are sociopaths. Media literacy is dead

I miss Creativity in dolls. I saw current year dolls in a toy store and they are so… Normie

The thing about going for young moids is that you don't know how they will look post wall. Sam Taylor-Johnson went for 19yo Aaron and look how ugly he is at just 34. Men age like milk is incridible. Gigastacies should always trade for a newer model every 3 years like cars

No. 2145110

“La (the) mmily.” I think it fucking is.

No. 2145112

Yeah and ''la dumbass'' is french too right ?

No. 2145114

Nta but yeah it literally is

No. 2145116

i agree tbh i don’t know where the idea that tifs are just poor dear sweet misguided women trying to escape homophobia and misogyny came from. most of them really did just watch heartstopper one day and decided they needed to be mlms or they’re intense nlogs and they’ve all led very happy, very coddled lives and are just ruining themselves due to a trend/fetish

No. 2145117

It would be la débile or la connasse

No. 2145119

I'm not complaining about dolls not being realistic. I don't care that dolls aren't. I'm saying that monster high stans are praising them for realistic bodies and representation when they aren't realistic at all. And toy companies only give representation in the cheapest most money grabbing ways they can for profit. If people want body representation then why not buffer women dolls or unconventional body shapes? Because no one would buy them. They don't care about actual representation they care about virtue signaling. Fashion dolls have always been made with some level of current beauty standards because pretty things sell. When it comes to things like hair types or skin colors, small things companies could do to give representation, they shy away bc of costs. Even with the new wave of monster highs they have gotten rid of most of the "ugly" colors they don't believe will sell well. The whole thing is hypocritical. The body rep stans wouldn't buy an actual realistic shaped doll like lammily, and corporations won't make a realistic shaped doll bc of this.

No. 2145120

It's based off the dudes last name who created the doll, Lamm.

No. 2145126

i don’t really think the body rep stans actually care about body rep they care more about virtue signaling online for the purpose of making themselves look good, but that’s only my opinion

No. 2145132

I honestly wish someone would make a thread on the doll collecting and custom community. It's not super milky but there's so much shit that irritates me about doll collectors and I want to discuss doll customizing.

No. 2145138

You could probably make one on /m/ specifically pertaining to the doll collecting and doll customizing community as a whole. Make it about mainstream fashion dolls if you want to be more specific to avoid getting it locked because there's already a doll thread, but that one is more for the Blythe and Licca collecting crowd.

No. 2145157

Yeah. Something I find kind of annoying about doll collectors is they are so into their consoomerism they don't really like the doll that much but they still buy it? And then convince themselves it's better than it is with the whole representation shit.

No. 2145199

I got bizarre proportions after kids and despite the fact it's basically been my dream to look like that in my teen years, I fucking hate it now. I guess when I'm a skinny mini the thicc girl is in and I can't gain weight or muscle no matter what I do then when I become the 2015 curvy ig model thin is in and and having huge hips and breasts are gross

No. 2145227

There's a doll thread in /m/ somewhere, just not very active.

No. 2145300

I think she was just trying to marilyn monroe 2.0

No. 2145304

I'm of two minds about this. On one hand, she knew Bill Clinton was married and she purposely carried on an affair with a married man which just makes her an awful person. But, she's also definitely a victim because her boss, who was one of the most powerful men in the world, propositioned her for sexual acts when she was only 22 and her entire career could be ruined by him with a snap of his fingers. So I think its nuanced.

No. 2145306

File: 1724174409671.jpg (270.25 KB, 1920x1080, monica-lewinsky-scandal-gettyi…)

Monica Lewinsky wasn't a victim. Not to say that she deserved as much hate as she got or to have her life ruined BUT I think the new narrative that we should pity her and that she was a innocent victim is kind of silly. Affair goes public and the cheater and side lady are shamed, boo fucking hoo!

No. 2145308

She was a fucking weirdo

No. 2145331

People like Rihanna, beyonce etc end up in bad situations because they like hood dudes and they’re not really hood

No. 2145362

Call this bait, i dont care, But this is the reason why feminism will never win. Women are so fucking obsessed with morality policing each other. Moids dont care. They dont care if the other moid is a "weirdo" they just stick up for each other. Women will never do it.

No. 2145363

this isn’t true in real life KEK, maybe on the internet sure, but men aren’t going to give a shit about random sex addict strangers they don’t know if they encounter one in the wild

No. 2145365

I'm not even morality policing anyone I'm just not obligated to feel bad for anyone and I'm not dumb enough to agree with every woman. Plus supporting everything every woman does or feels is how we ended up with liberal feminism where women are encouraged to do sex work.

No. 2145366

Second AYRT, I don’t really think it’s morality policing to think she was weird. Especially because she was weird as shit. Saving clothes with his cum sperts all over it….fucking gross kek

No. 2145372

this shouldn't be bait because it's true. Moids don't care if another moid did anything corrupt to get to the top, moids can lie, cheat, steal, etc to only be mid and no one cares, but suddenly a woman sucks dick or something to move herself up and there's outrage

No. 2145378

beyonce was preyed on by a 30 year old man when she was a teenager. rihanna is from the carribean so it's in her blood to find the worst man possible.

No. 2145393

>did something corrupt to get to the top
Anon, she didn’t do that to “get to the top” of anything kek. She was just fucking bill because she felt like it. The only thing she got on top of was that senile mf kek

No. 2145394

She was 22 and 49. She is a victim to this patriarchal game where she most likely felt obliged to sleep her way to the top by freak scrotes like him

No. 2145398

NTAYRT but 22 is old enough to know that having sexual relations with old limp dicked men is disgusting, I don’t think she was groomed kek. Also, get to the top of what? In what world did she think that fucking that blimp would benefit her in any way…?

No. 2145400

do you feel obliged to sleep with dudes to get what you want nonna? answer honestly kekkk

No. 2145404

I don't think it's grooming either, because you have to be younger to be groomed, but there was definitely a vast power imbalance there that Clinton definitely took advantage of.
And come on now, you seriously don't think that women who don't play their cards right while sleeping with extremely powerful men don't benefit from it? I wouldn't do it myself, and I wouldn't advise others to do it because it's too easy to get fucked over, but it's definitely a thing that people can and do take advantage of.

No. 2145413

> come on now, you seriously don't think that women who don't play their cards right while sleeping with extremely powerful men don't benefit from it? I wouldn't do it myself, and I wouldn't advise others to do it because it's too easy to get fucked over, but it's definitely a thing that people can and do take advantage of.

yes, and usually the standardless women who “take advantage” of doing PIV with their bosses/upper level figures, whether it’s solely for attention or in some kind of vain attempt to boost their career clout, don’t benefit from it in any way; because why would being a fleshlight magically benefit your workspace? KEK what kind of television ass logic is this?

No. 2145415

i mean maybe she’s not humiliated because she doesn’t care? Hillz is a scorpio keeeeek

No. 2145417

Your reading comprehension skills are piss poor.

No. 2145419

Well she worked at the White House? There was some sort of power imbalance it isn't horrible or anything but it's still gross and nothing wrong with pitying her

No. 2145421

Do you wanna re-explain what you meant…? Because I read the post and understand it completely, and I responded with my reasoning as to why that’s unrealistic bullshit. Do you think that anon just expressed herself poorly or what?

No. 2145422

So what are you saying? That you think she would’ve gotten fired from the White House if she didn’t fuck Billy kek? Because then Lewinsky would’ve just become famous for filing a sexual harassment suit against him from the beginning, not for fucking him and then trying to play victim after other people in her life found out and held her accountable.

No. 2145423

Two things can be true at once. I have never respected Hilary for staying with a cheating man who didn't even have the decently to keep his slutty ways under wraps while in the public eye. She showed everyone that she's willing to accept anything a man does to her for basically no reason at all.

No. 2145425

Nta but who the fuck says PIV instead of sex. And Monica didn't actually fuck him, they had oral sex
I doubt she felt "obligated" to do anything anon. I'm pretty sure by Monica's own recollection she says she made the first move. Again I don't think she deserved to have her life ruined but she's just not really a victim to me, just a young woman who did something dumb
>for basically no reason at all.
Not for no reason. Let's be honest, Hillary probably stayed with him because it benefitted her career wise. She's the woman who actually gained something from being with Bill.

No. 2145427

Because that’s what it is, call it what it is so you know how gross it is

No. 2145428

you sound like a kid KEK

No. 2145430

Everything boomerlennials don't like is kid! Im fucking NINETEEN I am an adult I deserve to be respected like an adult fuck you boomerlennial.

No. 2145433

AYRT, I just think it makes more sense to call it what it is instead of just saying sex
Go take your nap.

No. 2145437

if she didn't gain anything from it then yeah, if she ended up getting more money or power then good for her

No. 2145438

if you’re gonna bait can you at least try to be funny?

No. 2145440

>Let's be honest, Hillary probably stayed with him because it benefited her career wise.
Oh I think that she probably thought her bid for the presidency was over if she left him, but she still ended up not winning the presidency, so she not only stayed for nothing, but she showed a generation of women that staying with a man who publicly cheats and humiliates you is the correct thing to do.

No. 2145443

Monica lewinsky only got $800k and no court ever found bill clinton guilty of anything, so she didn’t really benefit much from what happened

No. 2145450

You are still keeping this troll facade up? Sis, get funnier or else get better at bait.
>she didn’t really benefit
>only got $800k
>only $800k
Ma'am, respectfully, I will suck your clit right now and not even bring Congress into it if you will give me $800,000.

No. 2145455

Nonna idk what country you live in but $800k means nothing in the U.S., I’m sure it was a healthy amount of money back when this happened but now that can’t even buy you a house.

No. 2145459

>Nonna idk what country you live in but $800k means nothing in the U.S.
you cannot be serious, especially in the 90s (?) when this happened. 800k could get you a mansion in nyc back then

No. 2145466

>She was just fucking bill because she felt like it.
So? Moids are allowed that.They are allowed shit because they just "felt like it"

No. 2145468

Assuming we had the financial freedom to buy a lolcow home in New York with $800k it looks like we wouldn’t be able to buy a house but an apartment. Realistically I don’t think we’d spend the entirety of our settlement on a home, which is probably the same approach ML took.

No. 2145473

Ayrt and I personally think there is something wrong with purposefully helping a married man cheat on his spouse, I don’t think that it’s acceptable for either a man or a woman to do that. Infidelity and lustfulness (coomerism, if you’re a zoomer) is nasty as hell.

No. 2145474

>rihanna is from the carribean so it's in her blood to find the worst man possible.

No. 2145476

800k in 01 would roughly be 1,376,406.55 nowadays, and that's before the home market got THAT bad, not to mention her capitalizing off of the publicity set her for life basically. pretty insane trying to argue what would be 1.3 mil today isn't anything

No. 2145480

I live in the USA and I could do so much with 800k. Pay off my house, buy a new 2024 car and take a break from work while I finish college and still have money left over for the next 20 years. If you think 800k isn’t a lot of money you’re a kid or bad with money kek

No. 2145481

I guess it depends heavily on where you live, maybe in the midwest or the south $1.3m would be a nice bundle to live off of but on the Coasts that would likely only cover a house or a plot of land. In places like California, Washington, Oregon, Florida, New York, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, that’s only enough to live off of for maybe a year.

No. 2145483

Where in the U.S. though kek? Because the cost of living in South Dakota is probably dramatically different from California

No. 2145486

if you're spending 1.3 mil in a year regardless of where you are you should be sent to a camp or something to learn financial literacy

No. 2145487

Even if you live somewhere like nyc where the rent is 5000 a month you’d still have 700,000 after a year

No. 2145489

Anon, let’s suppose you’re buying a home in Portland. You’ll likely spend the entirety of your money on the home, by itself. Unless you choose to buy a plot of land, which would instead result in you spending the money on the construction of your home, not to mention how much you’d lose to taxation.

No. 2145490

That’s assuming you only spend the money on your rent alone though, and that’s not how life works. You’re paying for your home, your insurance, food, transportation, need I go on?

No. 2145492

You're arguing with a bunch of NEETs that think every house everywhere is over 2 million dollars and they're angry that they got priced out of major urban centres even though they were never in the price range to begin with

No. 2145493

I agree with >>2145450 hit me up if you want me to lick you for 800k anon, I'm ready when you are.
I don't think she deserves hate though. He was the cheater and the one with power, doesn't matter if she initiated it.

No. 2145494

Damn I need to know what your parents do for a living for 800k to be nothing to you. Most people will never see 100k in their account in their life time, let alone 800k.

No. 2145495


800k isn't enough money for all the shit she went through, but it's a good amount for anyone who isnt cucked like me stuck in expensive NYC

No. 2145496

I think it’s enough most women put themselves through shit like that for free.

No. 2145497

File: 1724182375097.png (198.36 KB, 1170x1268, oh nonna.png)

NTAYRT but I was just expressing my opinion about $800k would likely be meaningless today, unless you live in a cheap area. The 2,000 homes are homes in areas surrounding a city where $1.3m only pays for the bare necessities.

No. 2145498

Nta but I get what she meant. For how much it ruined her life and reputation, it's a pretty low amount

No. 2145499

Monica is a multi millionaire right now. She’s doing pretty good for a pick me. She would’ve ended up in that situation for free anyway.

No. 2145504

Americans are so cucked

No. 2145506

well if I got 1.3 million portland would be the last place I move kek. Just because you don't decide to be smart with a large amount of money doesn't mean it's nothing

No. 2145507

Yeah but is it worth it to be known for doing Bill?

No. 2145510

They don't though because most women aren't fucking the president of the United States.

No. 2145511

Yeah I think it’s worth it. Most of his pick me mistresses get nothing. She was attracted to him, that’s why she fucked him.

No. 2145515

Most young women put themselves through being mistresses for broke men who will leave them with nothing. At least this pick me got 800k, she would’ve ended up fucking a married man anyway eventually.

No. 2145523

Yeah but those women aren't embarrassed on a global level and dragged for the rest of their lives. At most, the main pickme comes and beats her ass and then she can move on without the whole world associating her with hoe activities with the president until she dies. The global embarrassment was not worth 800k, but I'm glad she managed to flip it and make more.

No. 2145526

No one forced her to keep doing interviews and getting paid for them or trying to use the scandal to promote her businesses. To this day she’s the only one talking about it .

No. 2145530

>Yeah but those women aren't embarrassed on a global level and dragged for the rest of their lives.
women get dragged and cancelled for shaving their heads, getting married on a plantation, and bitching about politics

No. 2145535

Samefag poor innocent groomed victim pulled her pants down in front a married man in a crowded room to get his attention. Very groomed and manipulated. Poor millionaire baby woman.

No. 2145540

I don't know what type of life you're living, but $800,000 will fulfill all of my modest dreams and quite a few of my out of reach ones and I do live in the US.

No. 2145543

I didn't call her a victim i just said the shitstorm wasn't worth 800k. Its one hell of a deal if you're just fucking some rich scrote and not having the entire world dog pile on you in your 20s, but the added shitstorm just doesn't make it worth the mental stress. Which is probably part of why she won't ever shut up about it.

No. 2145546

Then maybe she shouldn’t be pulling her pants down to show off her thong to a married man in front of people, clearly she has no shame anyway if she can do shit like that. She was a 22 year old grown woman working in the White House, not a 10 year old. I know zoomers want people in their 20s to be considered children but you aren’t.

No. 2145552

Where did i say 20s is the same as a child? At the end of the day Bill should have just fired her skanky ass but he went ahead and did the scrote thing. He's primarily to blame here and he should have gotten most of the heat. I'm sorry you'd sell out for 800k and let the world use you as a punching bag for a sex joke but some of us just aren't built like that

No. 2145553

She's still a big political figure with lots of influence even if she didn't score the president spot.

No. 2145555

What state are you from though

No. 2145556

She’s 100% to blame for her own embarrassment and is it really embarrassing for her if she’s still making money off a more than 20 year old scandal? She was attracted to him because he was an old and powerful man and that’s what she liked. She wasn’t raped or groomed.

No. 2145563

You keep adding buzzwords but my points are:
1.It was on the president of the United States to not take the bait
2.800k was not enough money to embarrass yourself like this, and yes she is embarrassed because if she wasn't she wouldn't have spent the rest of her life trying to reframe it as some girlboss shit to cope better with. Again, im sorry you'd put yourself through all of that for money.

I'm not saying she was raped or victimized or too young to consent. I'm just saying no amount of money is worth being such a public disgrace to yourself. If she never got caught and still got her 800k, then maybe you could say the end justified the means but as it stands, you gotta have pretty low self esteem to think it was a fair deal.

No. 2145582

File: 1724184823578.jpeg (1.47 MB, 1284x1930, IMG_3854.jpeg)

Even if she is extremely rich like yourself and she wipes her ass with 800k everyday and it means nothing, she still made more than 800k getting her name out there from fucking him. She’s still making money from it now lol. You think because you wouldn’t want to fuck an old powerful man for clout that other women wouldn’t. You can’t project how you think on every woman.

No. 2145596

ntayrt but she’s not projecting anything by stating her opinion about how it’s gross to essentially sell your body for money

No. 2145599

Saying Monica Lewinsky is embarrassed by what she did is projecting. She’s not embarrassed and never has been. It’s a hard pill so swallow that some women are genuinely attracted to the kind of men some of us hate.

No. 2145601

File: 1724185714592.jpg (35.45 KB, 500x500, artworks-000162997207-9mslt0-t…)

>Nonna idk what country you live in but $800k means nothing in the U.S

Jesus lmao. The housing market is horrible yes, but there's plenty of other things to do with money besides buy a house. Education, investment etc.

No. 2145606

i feel like if she wasn’t embarrassed she wouldn’t have spent almost 3 decades trying to justify her actions nonna

No. 2145608

Investing in stocks is more dangerous than starting your own business, also what “education” could possibly cost $800k?

No. 2145612

Nta but on average 4 years of college is 100k. You’d still have plenty of money left over.

No. 2145615

ok nta but that sounds like an egregious waste of money

No. 2145616

File: 1724186084837.png (373.67 KB, 1079x941, 1000022304.png)

She spent weeks hiding when the story broke out but she wasn't embarrassed? They dove into her entire life up until that point for headlines and its not embarrassing. Yeah, sure. I bet you have a very empowering onlyfans account you'd like to show us.

No. 2145617

If she’s embarrassed that’s good because that’s what she deserves.

No. 2145619

I didn't say to spend the whole 800k on education, I'm saying you could take a chunk out of it and pay for education without going into debt and save the rest. Didn't say invest in stocks either, there's other ways to invest. Not to mention the plethora of other things you could do like buy a car, pay off debt, start a small business etc. to say $800,000 "isn't worth anything" is just fucking retarded.

No. 2145622

It’s funny because the people saying 800k is nothing probably dont even have 100 dollars or a used car

No. 2145627

No but, shes absolutely so empowered and not embarrassed at all. 800k was totally worth the lifetime of embarrassment and stress and she's totally a girlboss who'd do it all over again the exact same way.

Don't get me wrong, its nothing to sneeze at, it's just not worth 3 decades of hardcore coping because you're now known as "the slut who sucked off a former president in the oval office and got cum all over your dress." I said it before but if she could have just gotten the money without the global embarrassment, 800k is a sweet deal for a woman who doesn't mind selling herself.

No. 2145628

why do you act like it's impossible to move states or something? if you have any braincells and 800k-1.3 mil appeared in your bank account, even if you lived in an area where that's nothing you'd just go live in an area where you can be set for life with that much. Your entire argument that 800k is "nothing" is because "it can only buy a mid high rise apartment in certain major cities most people don't want to live in!!"

No. 2145629

Ntayrt I’m not claiming to be a billionaire or anything kek I was just referencing what she received and comparing it to the cost of comfortable living in a large city now compared to back then.

No. 2145634

some people couldn't care less about being embarassed/shamed or whatever, some people just care more about money than what the world thinks of them. She clearly knew getting bad publicity would make her bank account rise but she doesn't give a single fuck and single capitializes off of it to this very day

No. 2145636

No one said it was empowering. She got what she deserved but the out come was pretty good for a pick me. She’s gonna be known as a whore forever but that’s what she deserves to be known as. I’m not going waste my time feeling sorry for some rich woman who likes fucking older married men, bill clinton wasn’t even the first married man she fucked. She said turning 40 was the worst time for her, probably because she couldn’t engage in her fetish anymore.

No. 2145640

No one wants you to feel sorry for her. My whole point is that 800k was not worth tarnishing her name for the rest of her life. And yes, she cares. If she didn't she'd just pipe the fuck down about it by now. She's going to be #girlboss coping herself to sleep for the rest of her life like she deserves

No. 2145643

the out come she got is still pretty good compared to what the average pick me who acts like her would get. She got paid doing what she would love doing anyway.

No. 2145645

speak for yourself. While i wouldnt suck some old weirdos dick i can take a tarnished reputation in exchange for being set for life financially

No. 2145648

I agree. It's like people think when you're 22 years old you're still pure and innocent and didn't know anything. I think she was old enough to know what she was involved with.

No. 2145649

Because that’s where I live so pardon me for referencing why $800k is nothing in the developed parts of the U.S.

No. 2145652

You’re sitting here talking about 800k is nothing and you probably struggle every month a scrap up 2k for rent

No. 2145653

I don't think being able to fully purchase a mid level home or apartment is "nothing"

No. 2145655

KEK this. I remember seeing some girl on tiktok claim people should stop complaining about rent cause 2500 is nothing, she worked at mcdonalds and lived with her mom for free. Brokies are always the first ones acting like large amounts of money are nothing

No. 2145657

>She got paid doing what she would love doing anyway

No. 2145659

File: 1724187514339.jpeg (213.14 KB, 736x1308, IMG_0943.jpeg)

British food isn’t nasty, you’re tripping.
I think everyone assumes any food that isn’t a bright color with excessive seasoning is gross.
>inb4 fish and chips isn’t British
nobody owns fried fish kek

No. 2145660

third world chan thinks 800k is a billion dollars, that's why kek

No. 2145661

They’re the kind of people who would win the lottery and blow it all on lavish trips to Japan or expensive cars

No. 2145662

>I think everyone assumes any food that isn’t a bright color with excessive seasoning is gross
Bait used to be believable

No. 2145663

You don’t even have 1000 dollars tho

No. 2145664

Poor people who do this have "plans" in their head where they're totally gonna generate millions with their idea or so but don't understand how whatever they're using work or actually put it into action because it will fail

No. 2145666

Ayrt, but if this were true I wouldn’t be able to afford living comfortably in the place that I do; thus I wouldn’t be living here at all?

No. 2145667

Nta but I actually agree with this part. I always see zoomers whining on social media about how something "looks like dog food!!" and it's like a steak, soup that's supposed to be brown, or something like that. Overgrown toddlers truly

No. 2145668

Have you been living under a rock?

No. 2145669

Rich people exist but most people aren’t rich. Most people will never have 800k in their life time.

No. 2145672

But but anon!!! It can only pay off an entire house or apartment in a major city!! Literally nothing

No. 2145674

… Most Americans will never make 800k in their life time? Are you getting paid in peanuts or something?

No. 2145675

That sucks? That doesn’t really change the fact that going around telling stories about how you did sexual favors for bill clinton isn’t worth it for $800k

No. 2145676

Nta but they said never have

No. 2145677

nta but yeah, what happens when you spend all your money on a house and now you can’t buy groceries? or pay the gas bill? or pay for security? dumbass

No. 2145678

I'm sure she's wiping her tears in her mansoon

No. 2145679

She didn’t do sexual favors for money, she did sexual favors because she was attracted to bill clinton and wanted to fuck him, the money was just a nice extra bonus for something she was gonna do anyway

No. 2145680

You can't act like having a fully paid off nice house wouldn't be a huge step. You can work at McDonald's or something and pay the rest of what you need

No. 2145683

She's not crippled, she can still get a job. The $800K was just a one times payment.

No. 2145684

You guys really need to work on your reading comprehension because I didn’t say she did sexual favors for money, I said “ That doesn’t really change the fact that going around telling stories about how you did sexual favors for bill clinton isn’t worth it for $800k“ because that’s the money she received in her settlement.

No. 2145685

why is it always working at mcdonald’s with you people?

No. 2145686

Having 800k in your bank account is not the same as spending 800k through out your life time. The average person will spend 3 million in their life’s time, by your logic that must mean they’re considered millionaires kek

No. 2145688

It was worth it for her because she would’ve did it for free. She wanted to fuck him that badly that she was willing to take the risk of getting caught.

No. 2145690

File: 1724188366886.png (110.32 KB, 578x281, portland.png)

What website did you use? I used Zillow and I found 2000 results for under 800k in Portland OR.

No. 2145691

I'm just following your logic actually.

No. 2145692

I use my hands, I don’t get what’s wrong with that lmfao. Nobody has ever said I smelled bad. I just rub body wash into my hands and lather myself. I don’t need some moist loofa collecting mold.

No. 2145693

How are you following my logic?

No. 2145694

This bait is actually terrible, come on do it better next time guys..

No. 2145695

File: 1724188671536.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1284x894, IMG_3856.jpeg)

I think you meant to say mansions because she has more than one. Poor baby.

No. 2145697

>constantly spending money to bathe yourself
now when was the last time you washed your hair? curious

No. 2145698

you’re just trolling, got it

No. 2145699

Where do you think you buy soap?? It's not constantly buying, you buy it once and make it last for as long as you can by washing them dirty-chan

No. 2145702

I'm actually not, you're just really bad at baiting. It's obvious because nobody mentioned zoomers until you had to mention them, rent free kek

No. 2145704

don't respond to this >>2145697 they're being racist, just don't ignore it if you're still around anon

No. 2145708

That wasn’t me
I made a point that people automatically assume that any food that isn’t colorful or overly spiced (like Indian or Caribbean food) is gross, which is objectively true if you browse social media for more than 5 seconds, and you’re saying it’s bait without elaborating on why you think it’s bait.

No. 2145710

TIL that baiting is when someone owns a home or doesn't like butter chicken.

No. 2145713

the microaggression baiting just went from zero to a hundred in this thread

No. 2145715

Seriously why are Zoomers so sensitive kek

No. 2145716

>microaggression baiting

No. 2145717

I shouldn’t have replied to this obvious racebaiting ngl

No. 2145718

There’s a very specific demographic that likes to call everyone dirty when in reality they almost never wash their hair and they have long fake fingernails that collect bacteria. The reptilian skin comment gave it away, kek(racebait)

No. 2145720

The fact you keep bringing up zoomers which you know is a word that would trigger an infight is exactly why it’s obvious bait.

No. 2145721

stfu omg u sound so dimwitted

No. 2145724

Caribbean food is so overrated. It’s just soul food that’s drenched in sodium bomb seasoning.

No. 2145725

File: 1724189653376.jpeg (164.59 KB, 998x1330, IMG_2265.jpeg)

>>2145718(responding to bait)

No. 2145729

File: 1724189784056.jpeg (38.73 KB, 300x403, IMG_2266.jpeg)

I like how the shitty baiting just starts right when the conversation from before about Monica Lewinsky was beginning to become funny. Coincidence? I think not

No. 2145730

Why does bringing up Zoomers trigger an infight? Could it be because Zoomers insert themselves everywhere and chimp out when someone disagrees with them and and screams about millenialboomers or whatever the fuck you're saying.

No. 2145731

File: 1724189823223.webp (146.85 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_3857.webp)

White people food is bland but it’s healthier. Would I prefer seasoned fried chicken with okra and Mac and cheese and oxtails? yes but the mayo pasta salad and pickle rolls ups are gonna be better for my blood pressure and health…..(repeating old bait)

No. 2145733

File: 1724189911636.jpg (167.78 KB, 1127x1197, GVTZmlRWUAEeb_t.jpg)

Talking about racism
This chart is fully accurate, I hope this correct opinion does not turn out to be unpopular here(global rule #7)

No. 2145734

>Salty mayo and pickles will be healthier for you

No. 2145735

>talking about a group of people that nobody mentioned beforehand and isn’t present in this thread right now
Nurse, she’s out again

No. 2145737

No. 2145738

The craziest thing is this exact image was posted maybe 3-4 months ago with the exact same bait post attached. Wisdom is chasing you, yet you are still faster.

No. 2145739

They’re lower in calories and less sodium.

No. 2145740

/r9k/ is that way, go there

No. 2145742

Is your only insult a variation of calling someone old?

No. 2145743

Why do you people just keep responding and egging it on kekkkk nobody cares

No. 2145745

File: 1724190117966.gif (87.8 KB, 480x320, IMG_2267.gif)


No. 2145747


No. 2145750

this is how it feels talking to zoomers on the internet

No. 2145757

Where’s the zoomers? Where are they?

No. 2145759

Check in a mirror. If you can afford one of those.

No. 2145766

Maybe I'm crazy but I love "white people food". You can call me RNC, race nonconforming, heh. Spice hurts my stomach, and just tastes horrible honestly. You can put a million spices in your food but if you forget the salt, it's gone to shit anyway. Salt is the only seasoning you need, really.

No. 2145772

Booooo thumbs down, terrible, low effort, awful

No. 2145777

Mac and cheese is white people food too, but we don’t eat it for special occasions like black people do just because it’s so casual. It would be like eating instant ramen for Christmas dinner lmao

No. 2145782

how do you live life like this, I would kill myself if I thought salt was the only thing you needed. have you gone to a gastroenterologist and if you did what did they say, stomach problems are actually very common

No. 2145791

It's just the saying for an easy, low paying job lol

No. 2145793

They're too autistic to realize you don't actually mean McDonalds specifically. Don't engage with zoomers, they'll just sperg out and call you old.

No. 2145794

Sprinkling corn flakes on it does not make it "special", lol.

No. 2145795

Okay, I was exaggerating. All you need is salt, pepper and BUTTER. Butter is very important, I put it on everything. My mom always makes Indian food and I hate it, it's spicy and overcooked so the vegetables lose their nutrients. My dad always makes Chinese food which is slightly better and since he stirs fries vegetables they don't lose that many nutrients. But I just prefer boiling my vegetables and just melting butter on top and adding salt and pepper. My parents think I'm crazy, but they're the crazy ones to me. Also, I think if you buy fresh produce, you can enjoy the natural tastes more and it just feels good

No. 2145797

File: 1724191141918.jpg (337.51 KB, 1500x1101, stock-photo-a-teen-girl-puttin…)

Giving big 'talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't listening' energy

No. 2145798

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Black people Mac and cheese is not the same as white people Mac and cheese. When i say Mac and cheese I don’t mean the stuff from the box with powdered cheese, I mean pic related.

No. 2145801

East Asian guys would be higher up if they weren’t all short and skinny fat. I don’t think they care to change though, since every Asian guy I know lives off of boba and instant ramen.

No. 2145803

If you talk about celebrities and are obsessed with pop culture you absolutely deserve to be poor.

No. 2145804

>corn flakes on Mac and cheese
That sounds like something white people do. Don’t project your cooking methods on to us.

No. 2145805

And they have the nerve to call zoomers immature.

No. 2145807

That’s a common southern white thing, though. But it’s still considered a child food, unfortunately. It’s why every restaurant kids menu features that and not something like beef stroganoff lmao

No. 2145809

this. black people mac and cheese is life changing and you cant tell me otherwise

No. 2145815

Super dry overcooked mushy noodles and crappy cheese sauce with no roux to speak of wow so life changing

No. 2145818

I disagree you need multiple spices to make the dish flavorful, what else would make the dish special? The flavors creates the personality and character of the dish otherwise you’re just eating meat with salt and pepper like a caveman. She’s probably just a bad cook

No. 2145825


if thats what you think it is, you're not making it right

No. 2145826

This is sadder

No. 2145827

James hennings was a black chef who popularized that style of Mac and cheese in america

No. 2145828

We either call that macaroni pie or baked mac and cheese

No. 2145829

are we really soy facing over gloopy cheese covered pasta

No. 2145830

based, I love being black and being able to taste flavorful versions of basic comfort foods. the key is semi-boiling your noodles so they aren’t overcooked when you place them in your sauce and into the oven

No. 2145832

southern white people shouldn't be counted in the "no seasoning" crap though js

No. 2145833

No. 2145836

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this is what heaven tastes like, herring and sardines add so much flavor to your meals

No. 2145839

this is true they do know how to season well, it’s probably just a southern thing

No. 2145844

Australia is like 35 years behind the US in terms of caring about racism and their men look like they dont shave their pubes. Desert shithole

No. 2145846

Americans are fucking insane. How on earth is mayonnaise and white bread healthy? Whites eat like they're speed running their death.

No. 2145849

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My favorite black ppl meal is oxtails,potatoes and green beans

No. 2145855

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The kind of mayo white Americans use isn’t high in calories

No. 2145858

Based. People who don't like soul or southern food are soulless and demonic

No. 2145860

Americans eat nothing but 'low calorie' 'fat free' and 'sugar free' food but are still the size of a house

No. 2145865

>crappy cheese sauce
>no roux
A lot of people do use roux to make it, and real cheese for the sauce too. I think you're thinking of something completely different from what that anon is talking about.

No. 2145872

It’s because they’re baiting and hate anything positively associated to black people

No. 2145875

It's crazy so many anons responded to obvious racebait. It's really disappointing. Today has just been bait-central and it's annoying.

No. 2145877

No. 2145878

Those eggs are way overdone

No. 2145879

Do black Americans and Europeans unironically think white American cuisine is mayo on bread

No. 2145895

Overcooked eggs are my favorite.

No. 2145898

I'm European and I think American food is burgers, chips (fries), apple pie with ice cream and Coca Cola. And I love it

No. 2145899

The saddest part is that I know it’s other anons, it could be moids racebaiting as well but there’s a lot of women who think it’s cute to denigrate other races of women because they’re pickmes

No. 2145903

I feel bad for them honestly. I don't think it's their fault. Their food apparently has strange ingredients and chemicals that aren't found in food over here. My friend's sister went to America and gained weight even though she ate the same amount of food. I'd like to visit America some day but the food quality worries me

No. 2145907

Yup. It's like everyone says, "you can't troll zoomers" because they just become even worse trolls themselves. Someone posted racebait, and suddenly all the anons using zoomerspeak and twitterisms are here to agree and spew more racist bullshit. It's so frustrating. This thread seriously needs its own dedicated farmhand, because for the past week /ot/ has been fucked up with bait and infights and it takes forever to see them redtexted.

No. 2145917

File: 1724193887837.jpg (173.74 KB, 1125x1474, hvf0ae9zvwy11.jpg)

Get mac and cheese from any place in detroit and it will be some variation of picrel I'm not baiting even chime on yt points this out and he's black

No. 2145918

I don't understand your point because not all black people live in Detroit, wtf? kek

No. 2145920

Detroit has Better food than nyc

No. 2145923

Detroit is known to be a shithole so who cares how people there make mac and cheese, go anywhere else

No. 2145924

You can really tell it's underdeveloped Zoomers when their race bait consists of arguing over macaroni and cheese. Retarded.

No. 2145926

zoomers have arfid and can’t even eat Mac and cheese because the texture. Idk why they care how it’s made because if it’s not dry chicken tenders, they can’t eat it.

No. 2145931

i guess this would be an unpopular opinion in the same vein but i really wish black people would embrace their ancestral food instead of trying to poach other people's food as their own. Like macaroni and cheese is european/white through and through. The only thing that would arguably make it black is that thomas jefferson's enslaved cook learned how to make it because he got sent to france to learn how to cook white people food. Even at its best, the whole soul food thing is embracing another culture's foods that black people were made to adopt during slavery. It cannot be good for you at a cultural or spiritual level, and it is definitely not good from a health standpoint.
One thing that really pisses me off is when black people try to assert themselves over your own culture's food and claim they make it better. I once had a black lady tell me that I was wrong for making guacamole with avocado onion tomato cilantro chile and salt because i didnt put any "spices" in it. im not going to dump random fucking red powders on everything because it gives you an ego boost, my culture's traditional food is fine as it is lmao. Not everything needs random fucking powders to taste good.

No. 2145942

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leon kennedy isn’t that hot

No. 2145943

White Americans versions of their food is healthier but it doesn’t taste better. Saw chicken with a dash of salt and no seasoning is better for you but it doesn’t taste better. White Americans are healthier than black Americans on average because they don’t like seasonings.

No. 2145944

>definitely not good from a health standpoint
Kek explain
>cannot be good for you at a spiritual level
Also explain?

No. 2145946

Autistic parents are worse parents to autistic children than nt parents.

No. 2145948

My unpopular opinion is that the black and white people fighting over who's macaroni is better are so annoying. As a grey person, I love both types, both are good in their own special way. Now shut the fuck up faggots

No. 2145952

Explain this more. Autistic children are just as insufferable but I've never dealt with autistic parents, probably because they never get diagnosed

No. 2145953

because if you ask a black person what seasonings they like, it’s just red sodium bombs in a bottle that’s labeled Cajun or paprika. They don’t use actual herbal seasonings, not even tumeric. I had a black woman make funny faces at me for eating dill and sour cream potatoes lmao.

No. 2145954

My husband has this problem…it’s ridiculous

No. 2145955

Who keeps posting this picture?

No. 2145957

Paprika doesn’t have salt in it. That’s how I know you cant cook.

No. 2145959

soul food is known for being reliant on deep frying and heavy use of artificial ingredients over whole foods. It tends to be very calorie dense. Historically it was made with the worst parts of the animal because the enslaved people could not afford better food.
cooking shittier versions of other culture's food instead of connecting with your own is like a daily reminder that you had your culture taken from you

No. 2145961

You don’t even know what paprika is made out of.

No. 2145968

Calm down retard, it's just food. Why are you acting so dramatic.

No. 2145973

My unpopular opinion is that zoomers live rent-free in a lot of anon's heads (the only place most of them will ever be able to afford tbh) because most of the time they're brought up out of nowhere and it results in at least 10 replies of sperging.

No. 2145976

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No. 2145979

the paprika anon wasnt me
the other anon literally asked me to elaborate so i did

No. 2145980

I thank my lucky stars everyday that I was not born retarded (American), just look at them. They think that mac and cheese is the height of culinary excellence, it’s sad really.

No. 2145983

File: 1724195938767.jpg (145.43 KB, 1200x1200, yumm.jpg)

no wonder they're always cranking and hurling racial shit at you, they're depriving themselves of one of life's greatest joys which is tasty food. anachans and dietfags hate themselves and by extension hate life

No. 2145984

Where are you from?your food is probably worse

No. 2145985

>it’s just red sodium bombs in a bottle that’s labeled Cajun, or paprika
My mistake was not adding a comma between that and paprika. Try to use basic context clues next time?

No. 2145988

please show us what you think is the "height of culinary excellence" then

No. 2145998

Somewhere with good food.

No. 2145999

You won’t say so you probably know it’s a country where the food sucks lol

No. 2146000

no please tell us, tell us about your wonderful country with beautiful food kekkkk

No. 2146002

idk, I’m from an Italian larper family in New Jersey and I grew up eating calzone and lasagna. I didn’t know Mac and cheese was a special dish until I made a twitter account. It’s kids food to me.

No. 2146003

There is no salt in paprika and Cajun seasoning is not red

No. 2146007

NTa but I posted it once and now it’s become a running joke about white people food.

No. 2146008

I guess it’s true that mac and cheese is the best that Americans can do, if this is how upset they get when you criticize it.

No. 2146009

I hate Mac and cheese, it taste nasty to me

No. 2146010

File: 1724196407102.webp (262.71 KB, 2000x2000, cajun-seasoning.webp)

I think this is what they're talking about, which isn't just some mesh of random spices it's Cajun flavors from Louisiana. I'm tired of these faggots acting like they have the pinnacle of knowledge but don't even bother realizing that there's a bunch of spices in it because it's a spice blend, what do they think happens when you add spices into your meal? It just saves you the trouble and time

No. 2146011

America has food from all over the world. Don’t be envious because of your lack of variety being in a 3rd world country.

No. 2146016

The sodium bomb I’m referring to is the Cajun seasoning and it’s absolutely red.

No. 2146017

the fact you aren't showing us which food you think is better or telling us which country you're from is killing me lmfaooo

No. 2146018

>Cajun seasoning is not red
You stupid bitches will argue ANYTHING

No. 2146020

pickle rollups with nice cured ham is orgasmic

No. 2146021

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If you only use salt and pepper to your food it doesn’t change the color much. Cajun has numerous colored spices in it and that’s intimidating to a lot of people. Cajun seasoning is just pic related mixed together. They think it’s more unhealthy than just plain salt because there’s more colors in it. It’s just white American logic.

No. 2146022

Mac and cheese is Black Americas national dish. White Americas national dish is probably a burger and fries, if you don’t count Slavic/Med descendants.

No. 2146023

What’s the difference between Cajun seasoning and regular salt?

No. 2146025

Yes it’s very sad that Americans live in poverty and can’t afford to make anything better than mac and cheese. Everyday I thank my lucky stars that I was not born in a third world country like America.

No. 2146028

You probably live somewhere like Russia and talking shit

No. 2146029

I will elaborate further, I think white Americans could’ve had our own unique culture by now had we not absorbed Ellis Island immigrants into our group. Is this too spicy? Don’t wanna get banned for race baiting.

No. 2146030

Paprika like turmeric creates the bright colors, so does the cayenne pepper that adds spice. I would agree it's probably a bit overused since it's typically used for stew-like dishes like seafood boils where the seafood is already bland and needs a kick or gumbo, but a lot of black people are from Louisiana which is in the South so it makes sense why they're so obsessed with Cajun flavors. I guess they find it intimidating because they probably find ketchup too spicy for them, it's practically their group's version of sriracha kekekekek

No. 2146031

nta but what would it matter? anything is better than mac n cheese. why are you defending the honor of such a mid dish so hard?

No. 2146033

mac and cheese is actually really good

No. 2146035

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White Americans do have their own food culture though. I think white American food is very similar to British food, like pic related

No. 2146036

mac and cheese is a versatile dish

No. 2146038

She probably lives in a country with an average IQ above sixty, with people that don’t reply to obvious bait.

No. 2146039

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they love adding grapes and raisins in chicken salad too, it's so gross

No. 2146043

the other anon is saying that the excess sodium and preservatives are unhealthy when using a storebought spice powder. obviously making your own blend like in the pic would be perfectly healthy and tasty. i personally dont care about that, i just get really mad when black people put this shit in mexican food to try to boost their ego and claim they do it better when it doesnt even work with the flavor profile.

No. 2146044

File: 1724197197002.png (1.12 MB, 1170x1150, poopy! .png)

It’s a reference to this KEK

No. 2146045

Most people don’t make their own spices at home. Why do you expect black people to do it?

No. 2146046

Kek at Mediterranean and European being separate

No. 2146048

True I hate when people are like muh spices but then it's just red40

No. 2146049

Americans eat an ungodly amount of processed cheeses to the point many are obsessed with food that contain heavy amounts of cheese.
It's because of the government. They started stockpiling cheese after the great depression and now have so much in underground vaults that to get rid of it they run partnerships with fast food places to add cheese to their foods. Like super cheesy burgers or tacos, nacho cheese fries, cheddar poppers, etc. And starting in the 80s Reagan started giving that shit to the poor, and guess what else was given to poor Americans? Mac and cheese.

No. 2146050

paprika and other cajun spices are naturally red though

No. 2146051

I don’t get how people can’t tell the taste difference between processed cheesies like Lucerne vs Beechers or a good organic cheesy brand

No. 2146052

The ketchup white people love so much has red 40 in it but I don’t see you mad about that

No. 2146054

Im not even mad, not every anon is the same

No. 2146055

what ketchup?

No. 2146056

wtf do you mean most people dont have their own spices at home? you just buy them from the store and mix them based on each dish you are making.
because white people arent going around pretending that they are improving other culture's foods with ketchup or making fun of other cultures for not using ketchup in every dish

No. 2146057

Almost all American ketchups have red 40

No. 2146061

Most grocery stores here don't carry anything other than processed cheeses or something just one tier above processed cheeses like sargento. Plus actual soft or aged cheeses tend to be far pricier than something like shredded fiesta blend. I mean look at those American cooking videos people love to mock. Most of the time they'll use shredded cheese or Velveeta. That's just how it is here. Our cheese culture is giant soldier guarded underground warehouses in Missouri.

No. 2146062

What’s the difference between buying the seasonings premixed and mixing them at home? It’s the same seasonings you’d buy Separately mixed together.

No. 2146063

the amount of self hating black women on this website who wanted so bad to fit in with the nerdy white girls in high school but never did is really sad. "uh yeah white girl you're so right! rock is so much better than degenerate rap crap! black people food sucks and we're so entitled, we deserve way less! heh heh…" KEK(racebait)

No. 2146064

if i want to make a dish with oregano thyme and paprika i can mix them that way, or if i wanted a dish with cayenne and paprika i can mix it that way instead of having to buy a blend with everything. I can also decide the ratio of each spice or herb. with a blend it doesnt really work

No. 2146066

File: 1724197753388.png (326.4 KB, 282x891, portlandy.png)

this is my FAVORITE Burger ketchup, and it’s just tomatoes and spices

No. 2146067

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No. 2146068

sorry i think i replied to the wrong person>>2146062

No. 2146070

I thought the argument here is that Cajun seasoning has more sodium and is more unhealthy. That doesn’t make sense.

No. 2146071

So, how bout that airline food?

No. 2146072

What's with the ketchup as seasoning meme. Are you from the midwest? Along the east coast white people use seasoning, as in real spices and vegetables as well.
Kek, how can you tell who is black and who isn't?

No. 2146073

Sodium ≠ unhealthy, electrolytes are crucial!

No. 2146075

that was a different anons argument. im talking about it from a practical cooking perspective that you are limiting yourself to only one flavor profile if you buy blends. i dont really care about sodium since i dont think it is as huge a deal as people make it out to be

No. 2146076

you’re right and you should say it

No. 2146080

The same white girls who said rap is crap have bbls and and are twerking at the club 20 years later

No. 2146081

god who fucking cares, nobody lives puritan lives I bet you faggots eat a shitload of unhealthy crap, using phones and computers that emit radiation and just baiting about people’s food choices because it’s fun

No. 2146085

I love it, it gives it an earthy/nutty flavor
white girls don’t get bbl’s, this meme is so weird. The white beauty standard is just being skinny kek

No. 2146091

They can get raw dogged from men they barely know on tinder but draw the line at a little salt(bait)

No. 2146092

Fuck it since we’re just full on racebaiting at this point I hate whenever white scrotes post 80s j-pop music and go soy over it. Fuck off retard that shit is for females to enjoy, not because you touch your dick to vtubers and only go to japan to buy manga and consoomer trash.

No. 2146093

No. 2146094

KEKKKKKKKKK holy shit, so true. They’re ready to have shit quality sperm injected in them to create a baby that will render them disabled for 8 months but enjoying a little mac and cheese is no for them(bait)

No. 2146095

Non-Asian men who are obsessed with any Asian country should be treated like walking red flags.

No. 2146096

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No. 2146097

> assumes someone who doesn’t wanna eat red40 is sexually promiscuous
nonna, why would your brain immediately draw this conclusion?

No. 2146098

you didnt even read my post omg i said i do not care about the fucking sodium i just dont like it when black people take other culture's food, add random storebought red powders to it and then pretend they are improving the other culture's food by doing so. Its such a shame because african food is actually really fucking good, but black americans would rather cream themselves using random spice blends created by white people instead of learning about their actual food culture or even other food cultures.

No. 2146100

are you talking about when people cover ethnic food in cheetos and stuff?

No. 2146102

File: 1724198460606.jpg (144.71 KB, 897x1156, 1686667617637.jpg)

From my experience black people love Italian food… maybe this tells us we should all share in our love for yummy food

No. 2146103

I have a Hispanic coworker that wears anime merch (the basic bitch anime’s like jjk) and he went to Japan and bragged about sleeping with the women there, but I doubt any of them actually touched him assuming they weren’t street walkers lmao

No. 2146104

something tells me that this is about more than just seasoning

No. 2146106

You’re not truly a blackpilled dark triad Stacy until you sit on a man’s face while on your period

No. 2146107

>Its such a shame because african food is actually really fucking good
It isn’t lol

No. 2146109

who doesn’t love Italian food tho

No. 2146111

Italian food is really the only type of western cuisine that is suitable for vegetarians, so I will always love it.

No. 2146113

American italian food started as literally cheap feed for peasants. Carbs and slop, bad cuts of meat minced and sauced tf out to hide it's mediocrity.

No. 2146115

I don't because I don't like tomatoes

No. 2146117

As someone who has an African step mother….its not

No. 2146119

im talking about personal experiences ive had with black people like the one i talked about above where i make guacamole the way it is supposed to be made and she tells me to add a random fucking spice blend with cayenne and paprika that doesnt even go well with mexican food. instead of being receptive to other cultures like everybody else i have met, a lot of black people want to have some ego boost by bringing down other cultures especially by claiming nothing is real food without their random spice blend. just a personal pet peeve of mine.

No. 2146120

I toot during facesitting and refuse to do blowjobs.

No. 2146121

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No. 2146123

File: 1724198846402.jpeg (320.56 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0950.jpeg)

use pesto
carbs aren’t bad, are you a ketard

No. 2146126

wat anon…. can’t a woman get excited

No. 2146129

Because Italians were poor as shit but aren't now, carbs are based, Italians can afford good meats now, and it isn't sauce it's called gravy reeeee

No. 2146130

I heard authentic Italian food is bland though, Americanized Italian food is where it’s at

No. 2146131

Maybe she’s right because original Mexican food is nasty. I’d rather eat Taco Bell.

No. 2146132

File: 1724199010727.jpeg (286 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0953.jpeg)

West African cuisine is 99% rice and meat
And sometimes fufu
it varies between boring and/or gross.
East African cuisine is like a worse version of Indian food. They rely on flatbreads and curry like sauces.

No. 2146133

fufu is fucking ass

No. 2146136

File: 1724199145202.jpeg (123.68 KB, 500x667, IMG_0954.jpeg)

same anon
this is classic East African food from Ethiopia

No. 2146138

File: 1724199155484.webp (46.02 KB, 640x602, IMG_2273.webp)

>hasn’t had good fufu at all
>still wants to bait

No. 2146139


No. 2146140

Replace Dominoes with Little Caesars and that pic is correct

No. 2146142

Mexican food is the best in the world after Italian and Chinese food lmao what are you on

No. 2146147

On an additional note anytime my mom makes gumbo she uses tomatoes, and the liquid always ends up red. It's been this way since I was a child. For the longest time I thought gumbo was red until I started to see more orange/yellow versions and realized it usually doesn't have tomatoes. Anytime she makes gumbo she uses tomatoes, she will even add tomatoes to pre-made versions. She was eating a can of spicy chicken gumbo and added an okra corn and tomato medly to it. But at least I know I like gumbo now bc growing up the tomatoes were the only thing that threw me off when eating it. I would always eat them first to get them out of the way for the tastier foods.

No. 2146151

this is exactly what i mean. bringing down other people's cultures just so you can claim mac and cheese and cajun seasoning are the pinnacle of cuisine

No. 2146153

This just means you live nowhere near Mexicans.

No. 2146154

Making your own pizza is so easy I sometimes forget there are lazy fatasses who just pay for greasy frozen pizza some teenager sneezed on

No. 2146155

because cajun mac n cheese is amazing American faire

No. 2146162

I’ve been to authentic Mexican restaurants owned by Mexicans and Taco Bell has always been better.

No. 2146166

Government should provide vetted high quality genetically engineered sperms from 3d ikemen to restart evolution

No. 2146169

It’s hot and ready
Why do people act like they’re natural born cooks and artisans ready to make something out of thin air? Try making something right after you wageslaved all of your soul to your job, childfags have to go and pick up their screaming mistakes and then have to entertain them when they get home, there’s no fucking way through all of that anybody wants to muster up the energy to go and play papa pizzeria in their kitchen.

No. 2146174

New England boiled dinner is my favorite food in the world even though most people are probably grossed out by the idea of boiled corned beef and veg with no seasoning other than butter. My mouth is watering as I type this out kekekek

No. 2146175

File: 1724199722887.jpeg (84.23 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_2274.jpeg)

this makes europoors shudder at the sheer deliciousness of it all

No. 2146177

File: 1724199799979.jpeg (145.52 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_2275.jpeg)

why do you guys eat like it’s prehistoric earth?

No. 2146180

Nona, Mexican restaurants aren’t exactly known for being authentic. You either have a Mexican friend/family member make it for you, street vendor if you’re in Mexico, or you get it from a non-gentrified food truck. Mexican restaurants are a waste of money, this is coming from a Mexican. Though I do wonder how your bowels tolerate taco bell…

No. 2146184

The meat looks good but the rest looks like some foods you’d give to a toddler eating solids for the first time.

No. 2146185

> natural born artisan cooks
you don’t need to be a trained chef to buy dough, pizza sauce, and the other toppings you like nonna

No. 2146187

File: 1724200011307.jpg (37.25 KB, 503x681, a5d9096e981cf36a36026033826d9b…)

What is that, fried testicle sundae?

No. 2146189

>buys premade dough and sauce
>judges people when they buy it in a box combined

No. 2146191

It was originally an Irish American struggle meal, If you like hot pot you would like this imo

No. 2146194

if you're giving up pussy and not getting paid for it or a ring on your finger you're still losing srry

No. 2146195

I agree with her, why would I go into the kitchen and work to make a pizza for an hour after getting off from work and being on my feet all day. Fuck that, I'll get dominoes.

No. 2146196

Yeah and pre-made dough is fucking ass

No. 2146198

Yes and it's so good

No. 2146199

Maybe if you’re buying Prego sauce and walmart dough but do delis not exist where you guys live? Aren’t there stores in your towns where you can buy some fresh dough and sauces?

No. 2146200

thats why your life sucks, because you have a job. you gotta remove that from your life nonna

No. 2146204


No. 2146206

samefag and i’d just like to add, even if they don’t sell it on the shelf you can still pay them to make you some fresh or cut you a portion from what they’ve already made so far

No. 2146207

File: 1724200548063.jpg (80.39 KB, 736x792, b5f96ff6fb90ea1596ccf01de3b098…)

I agree she should start scamming and enjoy sleeping in and shitposting every day while still getting NEETbux

No. 2146209

i mean tbqh women deserve to get paid for putting themselves at risk for pregnancy to pleasure a scrote

No. 2146210

What do you guys fuck with more, spaghetti or ramen

No. 2146211

Legitimately where I live is 90% walmarts. Not even the bougiest of Walmarts will do that for you. There's a reason why ghetto Walmart jokes are a thing.

No. 2146214

Mexican men are all greasy disgusting riverfaggots and I rejoice every time one of them gets injured on a construction project(global rule #7)

No. 2146215


No. 2146218

but you can customize your pizza and everything and even get dessert and drinks, rather just other pizza kek

No. 2146220

You're a loser

No. 2146221

I mean yeah but then you have prostitution. There's no real ethical way to pay someone for sex without it turning into an institute of financial coercion. Moreso males should be punished for having sex with women. If only every time a male came in a woman his nutsack electrocuted him in a way very hilarious and entertaining for the woman.

No. 2146223

Walmart does have a deli and fresh bakery but they're not gonna sell fresh, raw dough to you.

No. 2146225

>t. Mexican riverfaggot(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2146228

Giving me great ideas for my eventual dominatrix side-hustle.

No. 2146230

I used to work in the deli area of a grocery store, they usually get the dough in shipment and go into the back freezer to get it and let it defrost and then put them on the shelves kekk

No. 2146233

ik this post is a joke but how about just prevent that from happening at all rather than waiting until the man cums in the woman lmao

No. 2146235

it’s really not that hard to combine water, salt, yeast, and sugar (optional)
pizza is easy mode because you don’t even need to knead the dough

No. 2146236

Spaghetti made the Mexican way

No. 2146238

oh and flour kek

No. 2146239

Ew, Mexicans.(global rule #7)

No. 2146241

File: 1724201314810.png (2.34 MB, 762x1238, spachetti.png)

SPAGET!! this fits better in stupid questions though so prepare for a redtext nonna

No. 2146242

>it’s Mexican because we make it spicy hehe

No. 2146243

If you're European and don't work American hours don't talk about easy. If combining in this sense isn't used for my combo order through Wendy's I'm not combining nothing and will go to sleep hungry. I'm not fucking with standing in the kitchen after being on my feet all day.

No. 2146245

oh. that sounds like it sucks

No. 2146246

NTA but wow someone’s really defending not cooking with their whole existence kek

No. 2146247

Put jalapeños in it

No. 2146251

I don’t get why celebrities like Chappell roam complain about fame. For all she cares about is just making art she could’ve done it as a hobby/underground artists and did something else as a full time worker.

No. 2146253

isn’t chappell rowan a troon?

No. 2146255

I’m not European I’m American and I wage slave too, but buying the ingredients and making it yourself is better on your wallet than ordering pizza all the time.

No. 2146257

I know I was going to suggest abstinence but I didn't want to be so controversial

No. 2146265

I'm gonna be honest I'm not a big fan of pizza, so I usually would just get the $5 biggie bag from Wendy's. But yeah when I worked, I'm currently unemployed, I had no energy to cook most the time. I worked a wagie cleaning job and was on my feet the whole time. If I managed to stay awake after getting home I might microwave me some ramen noodles but I'd usually just fall asleep until two in the morning then I'd take a shower and stay up for an hour then go back to sleep. Yes that's unhealthy but I had no energy or motivation to do more. I'd actually have energy to cook on my days off but I'm not bothering with meal prepping and wasting what time I have for myself doing that I like going out to somewhere other than work on my days off. Yes I know this is pathetic but that is how I live.

No. 2146266

You had one bad experience with a black woman and blame the whole race maybe your food probably is dogshit

No. 2146274

>white Americans could’ve had our own unique culture by now had we not absorbed Ellis Island immigrants into our group
Not really, just look at countries like New Zealand, Australia, and Canada which have British Anglo Protestant beginnings similar to America. All boring as shit countries with no unique culture of their own. Racial minorities make fun of white people for having no culture but that's really just British people having no culture.(racebait)

No. 2146286

Asians are some of the ugliest people on the planet(global rule #7)

No. 2146287

File: 1724202721415.jpeg (193.98 KB, 700x933, IMG_0957.jpeg)

England has a strong folk culture, but everyone attributes English culture to the royal family and tea

No. 2146293

File: 1724202837710.jpeg (83.32 KB, 736x918, IMG_3867.jpeg)


No. 2146294

why do you think that?

No. 2146296

Italian fusion Ramen, Mexican style spaghett.

No. 2146300

i’ve never liked that phenotype either(racebaiting)

No. 2146306

I don’t think they’re ugly but they (and Hispanic/indigenous people) have the worst body types.

No. 2146309

>race baiting
>plastic kpop bitches
Yep, /pol/cucks are here

No. 2146310

Most American celebrities are plastic too but their surgery is done badly

No. 2146311

Nah that’s just Hispanic/indigenous types who are always short and fat. Asians are at least skinny. When’s the last time you’ve seen an obese Asian?

No. 2146312

I wish someone would organize a video editing contest or something like that over here. It would be fun.

No. 2146314

Plot twist is that probably none of them are white. Nobody hates minorities like other minorities kek

No. 2146319

File: 1724203515630.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1877, IMG_0958.jpeg)

lmao they have the oddest bodies. inverted asses and wide fridge torsos, but skinny arms. my coworkers are built like that and they’re the sweetest women but I always have to stop myself from staring at their physiques. I’ve never seen black and white women with such builds.

No. 2146323

That was one personal example i gave of a trend i noticed with some black people. normal black people dont act like that but there is a loud minority of black people who want to bring down other cultures because they have an inferiority complex so they try to overcompensate by saying that people of other races are more dirty, eat too bland, sound weird, look weird, or whatever. Its plain racism and im honestly tired of it

No. 2146325

I’m Latina and I agree with >>2146214

No. 2146326

I’m sorry for using a word I learned in school this is what I get every time I try to sound smart

No. 2146327

No. 2146328

They're skinny but that's the only thing they have going for them

No. 2146329

They have nice hair too

No. 2146331

I feel so bad for Latinas they look so bad by the time they hit 25 I've never seen builds like them anywhere else. Short, fat, and somehow don't have cushings

No. 2146332

File: 1724203861534.png (381.45 KB, 441x480, not good .png)

This body type upsets me

No. 2146333

Not really otherwise they wouldn't be getting perms left and right

No. 2146336

Perms? Who gets perms? What the fuck is that?

No. 2146338

>using a plastic shooped korean popstar as your defense

No. 2146340

Those are aztec dwarves. Real latinas are tall fit stacies of mediterranean descent.

No. 2146341

No. 2146344

Alrighty pack it up

No. 2146348

File: 1724204342772.jpeg (66.72 KB, 735x519, IMG_1472.jpeg)

She could have been a movie star if the rest of history didn’t happen. We rarely get female movie stars of Mexican descent that are popular in the US.

No. 2146350

Jodi Arias was Mexican?

No. 2146351

File: 1724204436859.jpeg (69.11 KB, 800x532, IMG_4870.jpeg)

idk this nigga fine as hell to me

No. 2146354

File: 1724204493597.jpeg (168.33 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0960.jpeg)

Even the skinny ones have that build, it’s so strange. What is the evolutionary purpose of this kek(bait)

No. 2146357

Yes. Win for the Latinas.

No. 2146358

It’s a natural defense mechanism against their degenerate men, who all go after white girls nowdays

No. 2146361

Why is his chin so sharp the fuck

No. 2146363

Selena was thin and didn’t look like that. There is a lot of diversity amongst latinas, this cherry-picked example is not strong evidence.

No. 2146365

I would shatter his twink-y little pelvis. MMMm.

No. 2146366

Why did you post this twice kek

No. 2146367

nonna idk if she could’ve been an actress kek

No. 2146368

black women: gross hair
white women: age like milk
latinas: built bad
Arab/Desi women: masculine faces
Asian women reign supreme(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2146369


No. 2146370

thats the issue, the thinness hides the odd shape. The more latinas that enter america and eat our shitty food, the more weird box shapes we'll see from now on. Grim.

No. 2146371

put the anime down faggot

No. 2146373

asian women: look and sound like 12 year olds and 60 year olds simultaneously

No. 2146374

Black women: would
White women: would
Latina women: would
Arab women: would
Asian women: would
I love women!!! I LOVE PUSSY!!

No. 2146376

No. 2146378

Poor diet, poor genetic build, and shitty posture for the majority of them as well. 3 generations from now we’ll have 4’11” hunchback Betty Crocker cake mix box shaped grown adult latina women

No. 2146380

I’m going to be honest I’ve never seen anyone built like your example in real life ever. Do you live near dysgenic moids that create that? Did you consider that maybe the reason why that picture was easy to find was because she’s an anomaly, across all women? Not to resort to stereotypes but there is a reason why latinas and Black women are known for having ‘desirable’ figures.

No. 2146381

File: 1724205238485.gif (474.69 KB, 388x223, a9a698876ad97cd19af6f8efe01bc2…)

No. 2146383

Whenever men online call white women ugly I always have to defend us by replying with pictures of Slavic models even though I’m not Slavic. They’re really carrying the rest of us kek

No. 2146385

nta but the only people i know who are built like that are obese diabetic people like my aunt and my dad.

No. 2146386

Unhealthy white women age like milk

No. 2146387

Every grocery store in the US carries higher quality cheese, it’s just in a different section from the cheap cheeses like cheddar and mozzarella. The section with better cheese is usually much larger than the other section. You must be pretending to be an American because I’ve never been in a grocery store that didn’t have both sections, even discount stores like grocery outlet have a deprecate section with better quality cheese. American cheese also wins against European cheese in that world wide contest, which I find funny. Europeans eat American brands and produce constantly and don’t realize it, they just assume their produce was all grown in and their brands were manufactured in their countries.

I haven’t even tried the cheap kinds you mentioned, and no one I know likes them, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. It definitely isn’t the type of cheese that was stockpiled either. Those cooking videos are also made for views, a lot of them are run by the same person who hires different women to do it. And some weirdly enough are fetish videos.

No. 2146390

Mmmmm what that mouth do

No. 2146391

> i’ve never seen a fat latina in my life

No. 2146395

Don't you have to go vomit and starve yourself kpoppie?

No. 2146396

File: 1724205451217.jpeg (93.31 KB, 778x960, IMG_0959.jpeg)

latinas with heavy native admixture are built like this

No. 2146400

The boomer, gen x, and older millennial white women that were addicted to sun bathing and tanning beds really ruined it for the rest of us.

No. 2146401

This is news to me because my Latina friends always made the "big back no ass" jokes about their genetics

No. 2146402

nobody's allowed to eat the government cheese unless there's food rationing and there's plenty of other cheeses in the charcuterie board/wine/nuts section of every grocery store that are just as cheap as normal cheese, a small round cottage cheese isn't over 5 bucks lol

No. 2146404

She looks filipina

No. 2146405

kek this took me out

No. 2146407

Btw, we can tell which posts are yours from the file name, applefag.

No. 2146408

Oh my god I swear some of you are mentally retarded or British? This is the most Latina looking pic I've ever seen

No. 2146410

Nta but ooo so threatening. We don't care.

No. 2146411

File: 1724205727042.webp (22.76 KB, 800x933, 5244992a69bedd1d098b456c.webp)

Why the fuck are you freaks debating on what woman has the more desirable figure and posting creepshots??
Reminder: 99.9% of scrotes no matter what are skinnyfat and dysgenic and usually have dented skulls

No. 2146412

File: 1724205809109.jpeg (38.52 KB, 750x421, IMG_4840.jpeg)

>mentally retarded or British

No. 2146417

This looks like a creepshot of a teen girl on vacation. Who cares if she is unattractive to you? Great going, that will really help your point.

No. 2146418

Facts tho lol

No. 2146419

C'mon, most men I see don't even look like this.

No. 2146423

You don't go outside?

No. 2146424

You never met an Asian man?

No. 2146427

We should all be allowed to fart and burp anywhere, it shouldn't be socially unacceptable.

No. 2146428

Okay, maybe a model. And I’m talking about back then, before the porn brainrot got to everyone.

No. 2146431

Why are you defending men?

No. 2146433

Yeah have this energy the next time a man farts in your face in line at the supermarket

No. 2146435

hell no

No. 2146437

women should be allowed to fart and burp whenever

No. 2146439


No. 2146441

File: 1724206265415.png (4.43 MB, 1200x4277, 1719352705677.png)

Here's another reminder

No. 2146442

Ugly ass mother fucker

No. 2146448


No. 2146449

>t. Angry skinnyfat Mexican man

No. 2146450

No. 2146452

I thought that guy was Mexican

No. 2146453

rip to that fine man

No. 2146457

>If you’re having sex with a man and he didn’t buy you you’re still losing

So prostitution or marriage (which prorated using “ring on finger” price tag say $100,000 comes out to pennies p/h over a five year marriage) is a win here? I think I’ll pass thanks.

No. 2146458

He dead? Damn, I would break his pelvis too.

No. 2146460

No. 2146461

nigga looks like michael jackson after the bleach

No. 2146462

skull emojiii

No. 2146463

Most latinas with this body type actually have South East Asian heritage, which is one of the main racial heritages in some Latin American countries as a lot of SEA people immigrated there. People usually mistake those features for Native features. Latinas with more white, Arab, or Black heritage don’t have those body types or facial features. I’m not sure how natives in some North American countries look, but in the US they’re usually on the taller side and definitely don’t have that body type. Tbh I have no idea if people in South America tend to have native heritage or not so I can’t speak for their appearances

No. 2146464

15 has potential he needs to shave though

No. 2146466

better than letting a man nut inside you for free

No. 2146467

Yeah his name is Atsushi Sakurai. Did you break his pelvis too hard???

No. 2146468

His forehead is too big and square

No. 2146469

built like a pitbulll

No. 2146470

Why would you let a man nut inside you. You can tell him to wear condoms you know.

No. 2146471

Most of the white guys look so inbred I hate my race aaiiiieeee

No. 2146474

>implying plastic latex irritating your pussy is good

No. 2146475

Cottage cheese would be in the cheap section though, with the ricotta and cream cheese. The nice section has things like specialty cheeses, goat cheeses, gouda, brie, feta, and fresh parmesan and mozzarella. It’s definitely not expensive but it’s more expensive by the ounce, a small 6 or 8 oz will be the same price as a giant 2 lb block of sharp cheddar

No. 2146476

So you let some rando nut in you?

No. 2146477

There was a word for these enchilada built baddies I forgot, they call these big gyals gorditas KEK

No. 2146478

I’ll repeat: I’ll pass. You know that’s even better than being the personal property of a man right? Just not letting them nut inside you? It’s very very easy to do

No. 2146479

2X Blackpill anons are leaking in this thread

No. 2146482

The new word is torta lol.

No. 2146484

NTA but who said anything about fucking random guys?

No. 2146485

No. 2146486

>All boring as shit countries with no unique culture of their own
t. Retard (american)

No. 2146487

>implying the nasty battery acid gunk men secrete is safer than standardised body safe latex and non latex condoms (or better yet celibacy)

No. 2146489

File: 1724207244718.jpeg (232.4 KB, 1000x562, IMG_0962.jpeg)

>Most latinas with this body type actually have South East Asian heritage
No they don’t
>People usually mistake those features for Native features.
They are native features. Look at any picture of Mayan women.
Just embrace it, it’s not the end of the world.

No. 2146490

i never let a man nut inside me kek stop projecting. you by admission have let a man nut inside you with plastic wrapped around his dick so don't get brave

No. 2146491

i don't have sex with men

No. 2146494

Natives include 2 whole continents. Not everyone looks like that.

No. 2146496

I’ve noticed that nearly all men are ugly, it’s actually terrifying. Women are getting better looking while the men are becoming more like humanslop with nasty bacon bits sweaty skin (thanks azealia), bags of skin sitting under the necks like dough and horrible bodies to compliment them. Women only find men attractive through hopes and dreams not reality, the biggest bp of all coming from realizing the ugly man psyop is that just about every man is ugly and if he has some halo to him, you got a 5-10 max window on his fuckability and humanity. We let men live too long, once they hit the wall they should be sent to labor camps where they’ll be forced to see together a bunch of 2D pillows for the husbandofags they’ll end up selling for $2 on temu as torture for being born such an insolent arrogant creature.

No. 2146498

It started with nonna here giving her unpopular opinion kek >>2146106

No. 2146499

I’m not the anon who brought up condoms but I don’t have sex with men so

No. 2146502

File: 1724207447580.jpg (37.82 KB, 510x215, simpsons_family_guy_510-f742c4…)

The Simpsons and Family Guy have forever ruined Adult animation and I'll always despise them for that.

No. 2146504

I agree anon, the only good thing Seth's done is the Orville

No. 2146505

Sitting on a man’s face doesn’t mean he’s random or a stranger

No. 2146506

File: 1724207544883.png (915.53 KB, 864x745, this is bullying .png)

I’m not standing for the /stan/ hate

No. 2146509

you understand typing this impotent shit on the internet is gonna do nothing right

No. 2146510

Yeah! For example I enjoy sitting on other women’s husband’s faces while I’m on my period(bait)

No. 2146511

I can't wait to wake up and see half of this thread red texted in the morning kekkk

No. 2146513

File: 1724207635524.jpeg (142.32 KB, 584x400, IMG_0965.jpeg)

I’m gonna stand on business and say yes, they do. These are random indigenous women from Suriname.
The box body is in almost all Native American people

No. 2146514

stop defending men, we hate moids here.

No. 2146515

me too kek

No. 2146516

And to think this all started because some nona said she thinks salt is the only necessary seasoning.

No. 2146518

NTAYRT but that post doesn’t defend men in any way KEK? All she said is that writing essays about men being ugly won’t change their appearances

No. 2146519

File: 1724207741686.jpg (46.69 KB, 640x838, 1000000986.jpg)

No. 2146520

Is the moderation team made up of eurofags? Because I usually don’t see moderation until night time

No. 2146523

I never said the government cheese was in grocery stores. I was saying that mainly processed cheese is in grocery stores. And yes people do eat the government cheese, in fast food, they work with fast food places to get rid of some of their stock. And cheese rations were a thing for poor people in the 80s my mom grew up with those cheese rations.
And no not every grocery store carries fresh or aged cheeses. Like I said I live in a place that is 90% walmarts and only a few super fancy ones have a cheese section. There is another chain that has the cheese and wine section you mentioned, but it's a far more gentrified chain. I may be wrong on saying that most stores don't have anything other than processed cheeses, yes, but that also doesn't mean that it's a commonality amongst grocery stores.

No. 2146524

The woman in one of those photos clearly has south East Asian heritage though, you can see it in her facial features. It might be true that Mayans share similarities, but in North and South America there are a wide variety of indigenous people and that isn’t how they look. Usually when Latinas have a short and wide body type with those facial features it’s because they have South East Asian ancestry, it’s very very common in Latin American populations. The other common racial backgrounds don’t really give those features.

No. 2146526

Nice edit nonna, I love the Francinefags

No. 2146528

File: 1724207953139.jpeg (253.62 KB, 960x945, IMG_0967.jpeg)

explain this

No. 2146529

Then why do First Nations and northern Mexican natives not fit into this box?

No. 2146530

you're trolling

No. 2146531

Oh it’s probably a regional thing then. The only stores I’ve been in that don’t have that are small corner stores, every grocery store I’ve stepped foot in has had one.

No. 2146532

File: 1724208086359.jpeg (355.51 KB, 1300x975, IMG_0969.jpeg)

>random Amazonians in the deep jungles of Brazil all secretly have Filipino great grandparents
You genuinely sound retarded

No. 2146533

File: 1724208137866.gif (1.27 MB, 250x256, IMG_4837.gif)

No. 2146534

You're ignorant and crazy.

No. 2146537

File: 1724208219364.jpeg (186.27 KB, 780x967, IMG_0970.jpeg)

They do, but you don’t see it further up north because most of them are 1) mixed with majority white and 2) wear clothing that covers up their bodies

No. 2146538

I just dont understand why they're clinging to the delusion that it isn't true. There is literally nothing wrong with it. It isn't an insult, it isnt making fun. Wtf

No. 2146540

Dude you have a weird hate boner for natives. Did the next Sacheen Little Feather reject you?

No. 2146541

>>2146496 true, not all men are ugly, but most of them are, I see so many pretty women with ugly boyfriends/husbands, I don't understand this.

No. 2146543

Nta but why do you view it as hate? You're being racist and weird yourself so what's the deal

No. 2146545

moid(responding to bait)

No. 2146546

File: 1724208498249.webp (35.1 KB, 474x693, IMG_0971.webp)

I don’t hate them, I’m just so perplexed as to why you’re denying reality lmao. Most native people of the americas have box bodies. Most East Asians have skinny bodies. Most black Africans have bigger butts. Let’s stop being delusional. Sure there are exceptions but these stereotypes don’t exist for no reason.
Even fucking AI gives them their box frames lmao

No. 2146547

File: 1724208498831.gif (374.6 KB, 220x162, IMG_2279.gif)

>random Amazonians in the deep jungles of Brazil all secretly have Filipino great grandparents

No. 2146548


>why won't you take my dogwhistle bait dammit

No. 2146550

No, I said I don’t know if Latinas have as much native ancestry in South America, I can only speak for North American Latinas. I never said that natives in South America have South East Asian heritage, you’re delusional. SEA is one of the major races making up the Latina ethnicity along with white, native, Arab and black, you’re just ignorant and uninformed.

No. 2146552

This thread got posted on 4chan.

No. 2146553

Fr? What board?

No. 2146554

That’s a different person, retard. This is an anonymous image board.

No. 2146556

Why do you keep putting down these women for their bodies? You know that referring to a body as a box body has a negative connotation. And don't pull the semantic card here.

No. 2146557

> Most native people of the americas have box bodies.
That isn’t true though, just shut up already

No. 2146559

i liked pocahontas!

No. 2146560

/r9k/ posts caps from here all the time who cares. It's easy to discern who posts here frequently and who doesn't anyways

No. 2146561

File: 1724208713648.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.87 KB, 166x320, main-qimg-2a84b4e1e680744fdb2b…)

>Barrel chest occurs naturally in native people who live at altitudes of over 5500 m, e.g. the Himalayas or the Andes. These natives also have polycythemia and other accommodations for high altitude life.(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2146563

Yes it is, show me a Native American that’s built like Beyoncé or Candace Swanepoel and I will sit down.

No. 2146564

Looks like the white incels are here and they're pissed about nothing as per usual

No. 2146565

SEA is one of the common racial backgrounds amongst latinas, you’re both so fucking stupid

No. 2146568

night time (american timezones is the absolute best to post here. barely any moderation so you can just shitpost however you want. i like sleeping or doing other things so sometimes i don’t even bother posting but i did post during the middle of the night once a few days ago and it was chill and funny

No. 2146569

is 3/4 white and got such a bad bbl her hips look broken

No. 2146570

Filipinas aren't latina

No. 2146571

File: 1724208850322.png (210.41 KB, 690x600, uggo.png)

Behind their screen:

No. 2146572

File: 1724208857861.jpg (122.14 KB, 1200x1799, AQGOEZJEG5HA5PJGNQESUW5MBM.jpg)

No. 2146573

her body at 20 looked fine, shes just 40 and had 3 kids

No. 2146574

Can you faggots stop posting these threads on 4chan? It has to be one of you posting it there because there’s no way anons coincidentally figure out these threads are getting posted there, all so tiresome. It probably explains the influx of scrotes talking shit about black people, go back (and contribute to that rising male suicide rate please)

No. 2146575

Nta but didn’t she turn out to not be native

No. 2146576

how do you know?

No. 2146577

>erm ackshually she has mostly white admixture

No. 2146578

nah she had blue in 2012, she got the bad bbl in 2015 for the lemonade era, it has nothing to do with having kids

No. 2146579

File: 1724208953501.jpeg (54.6 KB, 335x640, IMG_0972.jpeg)

Wow she had a Filipina grandma too??

No. 2146582

a real one and not a mestiza wearing baggy clothes lmao

No. 2146583

Yes, but not the native she claimed. She wasn’t First Nations, she was Mexican descent.

No. 2146584

lmao called it

No. 2146585

Are mestizas not native?

No. 2146586

Retard. Latina is an ethnicity meaning someone from a Latin American country, it has nothing to do with race. Shakira is 100% lebanese racially, but she was born in Columbia so she’s a Latina. Anya Taylor Joy is white but she’s from Argentina so she’s Latina. The majority of latinas are mixed race, usually any combination of white, black, native, arab, and south east asian. A Filipina from a Latin American country is Latina, and a Latina with some Filipina heritage is also Latina.

No. 2146587

File: 1724209068513.jpg (42.73 KB, 650x440, rosita_1_res.jpg)

her parents are literally indigenous kek

No. 2146588

That's not even a dog whistle…? That's like saying "omg this person is saying white people are more likely to have thinner lips, that's so racist"

No. 2146590

At least you’re not using creepshots of women on vacation anymore.

No. 2146591

Read the thread

No. 2146592


Like got any bew qewl bait, racist shit doesn't hit like it used to since Trump

No. 2146594

Legwarmers are cute accessories that everyone should be allowed to wear regardless of age.

No. 2146596

File: 1724209228458.jpg (185.5 KB, 720x699, Screenshot_20240820_215624_Goo…)

I bet all those "box bodied" women would absolutely wind you at mountain climbing all while wearing skirts and sandals.

No. 2146597

I've been thinking that perhaps humans are meant to be gay and just come occasionally together straightily for reproduction. Have you ever wondered why women say other women eat pussy better than men (which is true) or why men say men suck dick better than women? Or why a man's g spot is in the gayest place it could be? Or why even some straight women say they are sexually attracted to women? Or why both genders are typically more protective over and likely to side with people of their own gender? OR WHY OUR SPECIES IS CALLED HOMOSAPIENS???????

No. 2146598

Nta but yes. You're being so defensive about it, it isn't an insult. Mestiza women are strong, nobody is saying they aren't.

No. 2146600

i think everyone is naturally bisexual but men fuck up the balance by being ugly. basically nobody wants to fuck men because of how ugly they are so men have to coerce younger men and women to sleep with them with money by stealing and withholding food and resources

No. 2146601


No. 2146602

Stroking out

No. 2146604

There's a difference between saying Shayna has a fridge body and saying native South American women have box bodies. It isn't an insult, they are just built Ford tough. Stop denying biology

No. 2146605

No. 2146608

File: 1724209473508.jpg (37.87 KB, 562x675, 1720370875088.jpg)

Farmhands doko?

No. 2146609

Oh wow, 8 years later we’ve reverted back to 2016 humour

No. 2146610

File: 1724209521738.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1181, IMG_0974.jpeg)

I’m sorry but the back tells no lies

No. 2146612

Kill yourself

No. 2146613

Ayrt and joking aside, yeah I agree that more people than we think are somewhere on the bisexual scale even if just in terms of sexual attraction. I think most people just go with whichever they lean towards.

No. 2146615

I'm kind of surprised this discussion has even gone on this long like it has, this was originally brought to my attention by a few Mexican friends of mine and they've made several jokes about the body type. I've never seen it done in ill-will and I don't see it as some sort of negative unless you're deeply affected by edtwt sort of middle school nonsense. It's also not a rule and no one is saying it is, and it isn't some sort of deficit to be built that way. The immaturity is palpable.

No. 2146616

Don't reply to the 4ch incels.

No. 2146623

File: 1724209860402.png (387.76 KB, 849x577, box.png)

>black women all have box bodies, the ones that don't have a high white admixture

No. 2146624

Instead of buying accessories, you should just make your own accessories, DIY stuff always has more soul and looks better.

No. 2146626

Why are you so angry?

No. 2146628

im just stating the fact that black women have more boxy bodies than other races. you are the racist one for not accepting this fact. why are you so defensive?

No. 2146629

Why are you such a faggot?(infighting)

No. 2146630

File: 1724210070655.webp (308.42 KB, 2400x1600, IMG_0975.webp)

Those aren’t box bodies, those are older women with excess fat. A box body is this

No. 2146631

Except they don't. What are you even trying to prove at this point kek

No. 2146633

File: 1724210151297.jpeg (715.73 KB, 2048x2048, 1667351038729.jpeg)

Only thing that scares away baiters is BL

No. 2146634

I call them ponies not ponytail holders and I will never change. Pony is the most appropriate term. Without the pony there would be no ponytail.

No. 2146636

It's so funny that anon was pointing out a genetic commonality that by no means applies to everyone nor did they state it does, and you're making exaggerating fanfic out of anger. Calm down.

No. 2146637

I'm team hairtie cause they're not just for ponytails. If you use it to make a bun then what is it? A bunny?

No. 2146638

File: 1724210291553.png (679 KB, 796x418, southeastasiangrandma.png)

the entire US gymnastics team has south east asian ancestry, thats why they have box bodies.

No. 2146639

File: 1724210312228.jpg (1.65 MB, 2000x2566, dua-lipa-71.jpg)

this too. obviously she is a representation of an entire ethnicity.

No. 2146640

Dude is crashing out because we don’t like men here

No. 2146641

You're using the "I don't like pakcakes" "oh so you hate waffles?" logic, I'm assuming because you have a learning disability.

No. 2146642

Oh you're malding hard

No. 2146644

simone biles is built like an upside down triangle

No. 2146645

Dua Lipa isn’t latina she’s albanian

No. 2146646

because she has north west asian ancestry

No. 2146647

You’re comparing women that train their bodies and build muscle around the torsos to women that are naturally born that way kek

No. 2146648

File: 1724210434803.png (46.2 KB, 507x263, 1658397584834575.png)

No. 2146649

File: 1724210451753.jpg (50.7 KB, 563x399, 46177fc49af6d38bfe0a625ebaad1a…)

So true(spam)

No. 2146650

File: 1724210485486.png (568.92 KB, 594x699, box.png)

south east asian women(repetitive baiting)

No. 2146652

You're so mad

No. 2146653

>northwest Asian
Damn Simone is Armenian??

No. 2146654

Can someone pls report back on the 4chan thread and if this is some moid just shitting up the thread?

No. 2146657

I’ve never seen white people get this defensive when we say they have small lips lmao

No. 2146658

File: 1724210655780.jpg (68.1 KB, 554x680, GS43zr7b0AAYXsT.jpg)


No. 2146660

this picture is making me sneeze. am i having an allergic reaction?

No. 2146661

They don’t have box bodies.

No. 2146662

File: 1724210711081.jpeg (447.82 KB, 750x1157, IMG_2281.jpeg)

kamalabeatsmen2024 I will support kamala because I’m a single-issue voter and the single issue I support is beating men

No. 2146663

They said family guy, not american dad moron.

No. 2146664

They also don't post pics of Angelina Jolie and say "she must have BLACK ANCESTRY" this faggot is insane

No. 2146666

you can use the sites that archive 4chan posts if you want to find a thread.
I typed in lolcow and didn’t find anything recent mentioning us. It doesn’t cover ALL boards but most of them.

No. 2146667

all black girls have skinny butts before the butt surgery. "black women naturally have big butts" is just because black women are normally obese

No. 2146668

maybe angelina is mixed, chu never know

No. 2146669

northwest asians have the inverted triangle, southeast asians have the box body, africans have the regular triangle, and europeans have the pear. koreans have the perfect skinny body though(bait)

No. 2146670

Post moar

No. 2146671

a lot of black women are shaped like aphrodite and venus, i’ve seen plenty of asian women built like boxes so i fully agree. there’s nothing wrong with both SO STOP FUCKING ARGUING ALREADY

No. 2146673

oh no this is the retard from the black girls general thread kek… why can’t you just ignore them

No. 2146674

File: 1724210876556.jpg (52.42 KB, 680x460, GQmMXreawAA11eG.jpg)

No. 2146675

aphrodite and venus are box shaped ackshually

No. 2146676

Why are you so upset that southeast Asian heritage is common in latinas? Latin American countries are extremely mixed race.

No. 2146677

File: 1724210979209.jpg (330.99 KB, 1544x1950, GR9clUhaEAA2p7e.jpg)

>.> Nu carnival should have an anime

No. 2146678

Northwest Asians like Armenians and Georgians have the same build as Europeans. I don’t get this comment.

No. 2146680

No it isn’t. You’ve been shown pictures of pure indigenous women from isolated tribes and you’re still insisting that they have southeast Asian ancestry.

No. 2146682

Kek, mods are dead. Post more yaoi.

No. 2146683

southeast asians are only box shaped because they have lots of latin ancestry

No. 2146684

File: 1724211103250.jpg (32.29 KB, 563x365, hetalia.jpg)

Rusame best ship(take it to the fujo thread retard)

No. 2146687

File: 1724211129312.jpg (164.73 KB, 1199x1554, GO_pWeJaoAA_jN3.jpg)


No. 2146689

I’ve never said that? Not once

No. 2146690


No. 2146691

no they don’t. Proof?

No. 2146693

East Asians tend to be shorter with flat butts, southeast Asian also tend to have wide frames

No. 2146694

File: 1724211202478.jpg (188.21 KB, 850x1202, 1000054773.jpg)

No thanks, Nu Carnival should just have more crying tops, it should also have more solo scenes.

No. 2146695

Stop posting porn

No. 2146698

No they don’t, they’re Hispanic because Spanish was the national language for some time. Southeast Asian heritage is common in latinas, Latina heritage is not common in southeast Asians.

No. 2146699

thats actually because most women have south east asian ancestry. except koreans which is why theyre so small and dainty(bait)

No. 2146700

They're just two bros

No. 2146701

looks like AI slop

No. 2146702

File: 1724211307776.jpg (255.04 KB, 1573x1920, GOVHwWpaoAAAbfP.jpg)

sorry, i didnt notice the lack of pants

No. 2146704

how do you explain the box shape then?

No. 2146705

File: 1724211409024.jpg (231.51 KB, 1830x1333, GUEJdwGb0AA11MH.jpg)

This artist is so good(derailing)

No. 2146706

A lot of south East Asians immigrated to Latin America starting in the 1600s and are one of the common races there. Latin American people are almost always very mixed race. Many latinas are more than one race, they definitely aren’t all pure native like you’re insisting. Why is that so triggering for you?(responding to bait)

No. 2146707

No. 2146710

No. 2146712

It's probably some fatass from kiwifarms then

No. 2146715

You can look it up, ignorant illiterate retard.

No. 2146716

koreans are the only ones who have been spared the box body literally every other race on the planet has a box body
box body kiwi…(bait)

No. 2146719

File: 1724211785309.jpg (310.98 KB, 526x700, 1000054775.jpg)

It's just the style of that artist, we need more Yakumo abuse, he's only cute when he cries in pain.

No. 2146721

This drawing is ugly

No. 2146723

shut the hell up, all yakumo art is A1

No. 2146724

Anime is dumb

No. 2146726

File: 1724211873835.jpg (47.39 KB, 500x492, 49f0e8adc378e7c4759b196615e748…)

Archived.moe does all the boards

No. 2146727

No. Looks AI generated

No. 2146732

Keep fighting the good fight de/g/ens.

No. 2146735

File: 1724212061120.jpg (54.35 KB, 680x359, GVQ-ns1boAAQmQw.jpg)

he would cry if he read this

No. 2146737

maybe if theyd stop posting south east asian barrel chested box bodies the baiters will leave

No. 2146738

>a lot of latinas with that short and wide torta body type and those specific facial features have south East Asian heritage, which is why they’re often mistaken for being Filipina, like that other anon said about one of the creep shots
>nope there aren’t any latinas with south east asian heritage, that’s impossible! South east Asians don’t exist in Latin America! Only natives!
>they do exist and it’s common enough actually
> so you’re saying all these old photographs of 100% indigenous women are mixed with SEA?
>of course not, but many latinas are mixed race, and SEA is a common racial heritage there. indigenous groups obviously aren’t all mixed race, especially not the people in tribes in the rainforest…
> but you said all of those native women have SEA heritage!!!!

It’s impossible to reason with any of you when you’re all illiterate NEETs(bait)

No. 2146741

Those were indigenous women(bait)

No. 2146745

no they were south east asians(bait)

No. 2146747

i’m not the one to get obsessed with celebs or models or anything but every time i see a picture of her I’m mesmerized by how beautiful she is.

No. 2146748

File: 1724212418193.png (2.47 MB, 1511x1511, asdgadfhadfh.png)

you all lack beauty in your lives and thats why you sperg about womens body types on lolcow.com

No. 2146749

File: 1724212462235.jpg (133 KB, 564x870, 83a3e4ffb733484cffc9588a3385e7…)

Breaking his back

No. 2146750

he has a box body and so does the teddy bear(bait)

No. 2146753

he's 2d and a pretty megane

No. 2146754

idk he probably has a south east asian grandparent or something

No. 2146756

he is pixels and love

No. 2146758

File: 1724212669680.png (243.4 KB, 428x632, cushings.PNG)

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

No. 2146759

the pixels are looking a little boxy to me too…

No. 2146760

pixels are triangles actually

No. 2146761

File: 1724212749763.png (705.64 KB, 753x603, ywerskwlGBJrhyvP.png)


No. 2146762

Having a husbando is healthier than dating an irl moid.

No. 2146763

stay mad. she would beat you in a mountain climbing competition
then they must be northwest asian

No. 2146764

i agree with this actually

No. 2146768

File: 1724212867992.jpg (22.62 KB, 480x664, ba09e9817c6c856136ecf189248263…)

Stop right now or I'll do picrel

No. 2146771

I agree but some of your husbandos are ugly

No. 2146772

would be hawt if they werent so boxy(bait)

No. 2146780

Raiding should be allowed.(go back)

No. 2146782

Hetalia moids are ugly as fuck tbh

No. 2146783

I thought you guys hated when soyjak party did it though

No. 2146785

Our lady of yaoi hands, I pray to you today….SAVE LOLCOW.

No. 2146786

IP2's raids are funny.

No. 2146803

bidets are overrated I tried one and it just felt weird

No. 2146809

That gush of water up your ass feels good tho

No. 2146810

honestly if you shower every day you don’t even need one.

No. 2146833

Would it only push the shit further up your asshole

No. 2146834

wow so many women have cushings then kek

No. 2146837

Weight loss and being clean of drugs are nothing to celebrate, especially when moids do it.

No. 2146839

idk why but i stopped being a fujo a few years ago, i kinda miss this game still. cute boys. wish there was an option to play as a girl..

No. 2146840

most fat people never lose weight and most druggies never stop doing drugs so it’s kinda impressive to me.

No. 2146856

File: 1724220058799.jpeg (343.25 KB, 1448x2048, F4KCCc3WoAA260n.jpeg)

>Reee reee neets!
It feels like you're responsible for half of the infights in tgese threads at this point. Didn’t even read what it is about this time but cope and seethe.

No. 2146870

They do, its horribly underdiagnosed.

No. 2146904

What it is is SEX. Call it that. You sound fucking dumb.

No. 2146906

Shitty bait

No. 2146919

>I don't give a shit
nta but you sound everything but apathetic kek

No. 2146929

>is 3/4 white
Lol no she isn't. How come you freaks never do this with her sister?

No. 2146931

You sound very upset. Maybe try harder with the baiting and you won't get called out next time.

No. 2146936


No. 2146937

Honestly I like the thicker body type better in this case, looks cuter.

No. 2146941


No. 2146964

File: 1724226608638.webp (61.49 KB, 1024x1024, pink giraffe.webp)

Personally, I never thought of how doll bodies compare to actual human bodies when I was a kid. Dolls were obviously too different from people with their giant heads, hard bodies made of plastic and painted, still faces. I also didn't expect real animals to look much like stuffed animals because I knew they were just toys.
The whole thing seems so forced. It's for grown women who are still into dolls and project their very adult anxieties onto them.

No. 2146990


No. 2147000

File: 1724232297520.jpg (124.4 KB, 1438x1036, 1613010858693.jpg)

If something doesn't apply to me, it's not real. Like astrology.

No. 2147018

Some things that certain kinds of people insist on are just so retarded and neurotic that it makes more sense to dismiss them. Like the doll thing

No. 2147068

Incorrect, he’s known her since she first started out in the music game, when she was 14 and started to get really close when she was 16. She was not an adult in any sense of the word, Beyoncé is the definition of someone in the entertainment industry being groomed.

No. 2147089

majority of people calling themselves artists are actually illustrators

No. 2147094

No. 2147105

At 18 or 19 I couldn’t be groomed by a man in his 30s because I didn’t find them attractive. Cant be groomed by something if you didn’t like it in the first place.

No. 2147129

The whole situation was obviously fucked up and Bill Clinton is a freak but has Monica ever called herself a victim? As far as I know she kept her mouth shut and was very loyal to the Clintons (probably why she still has a public profile and wasn’t “Clinton’d”) and she would have never spilled the beans herself. She told her friend, Linda Tripp (RIP), and Linda secretly recorded their phone calls and leaked them. There were also other women that Tripp witnesses disheveled, lipstick smeared etc after coming out of Bill Clinton’s office. Bill got in trouble for Monica because of the leaked calls and the fact he lied in public about not having relations with her, but Monica didn’t report any of this. She was going to keep quiet outside of gossiping to her older work friend but basically her older work friend Linda was like “damn this is fucked up” and blew the whistle.

No. 2147153

whats the difference

No. 2147158

The fact the most people only want to see sex art to appeals to male sensibilities which are the lowest you can find in humanity it explains perfectly why they continue to get fucked in the ass by the 1% and don’t deserve shit like free healthcare, student debt relief, nothing of the sort because you need decent, orderly people to acquire and maintain these privileges in the first place. Most people in the first world (I also live in the first world) don’t care enough to maintain their own quality of life so why should you expect the government to? Lol

No. 2147164

this body type looks physically painful

No. 2147166

I think salacious art and pornography both need to be abandoned for a few decades

No. 2147312

"""Sex positivity""" is a scam invented by moids to normalize polyshit, pegging, DDlg, and OnlyFans to women and girls. It's nothing but an STD spreading extravaganza. Prude is the new whore.

No. 2147314

>southeast asians have lots of latin ancestry

Lmao, what the fuck are you talking about

No. 2147346

I think sex as a whole needs to be abandoned for a few decades
Fully agree

No. 2147353

I agree, except pegging is based though.

No. 2147354

Pegging isn’t based. It’s just a way for men to experiment with their gay side before actually taking in the real thing. Any woman who agrees to it is a cuck.

No. 2147361


No. 2147364

I remember when I first started seeing that type of shit back in 2014 and it effected me as a growing child. I think pornography, nude material, and sexual content in general needs to be banned and auto-deleted. You shouldn’t be able to google “naked women” or “porn” and get results.

No. 2147365

Please don't bring this conversation back

No. 2147368

If your man wants you to peg him he’s gay or on his way to trooning out

No. 2147370

agree 100%

No. 2147374

Did you conveniently forget that bisexuality is a thing?

No. 2147378

“… is a thing”

go back

No. 2147379

>quotation marks
>reddit spacing
Go back.

No. 2147381

Dating bisexual man is gross and cuck behavior

No. 2147386

No. 2147387

There’s nothing based about pegging a man because he craves cock but can’t get it because he’s with u

No. 2147391

>Implying a man wouldn't just dump you if you weren't good enough
Sorry you can't pleasure your man and make him whimper.

No. 2147392

literally asking to get diseased

No. 2147396

You're right, by the way

No. 2147408

File: 1724261546511.jpg (91.23 KB, 996x964, 1000054945.jpg)

Food tastes better when it's ball shaped or at least slightly round.

No. 2147414

Ermm… Why do you want balls in your mouth? Sounds like a pickme whore!

No. 2147438

you collected them lmao

No. 2147468

Kek basically this site anymore

No. 2147494

You want him to give you aids, bitch?

No. 2147511

Fuck no it isn't. It's just emulating anal sex which scrotes get orgasms from. It's not degrading like anal sex for women is, it's a typical gay male activity.

No. 2147513

>Implying sexually pleasuring a man is somehow important


No. 2147514

Money is the root of all happiness. If depressed people started with lots of money, they would be less depressed. To support my argument look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, idc about outliers still having depression and other mental illnesses despite being in comfortable positions, it definitely improves people’s satisfaction and fulfillment with their lives if they had plenty of money and resources

No. 2147520

I agree with you on that, in particular for me the spherical food really amplifies any meat or pastry.
I don't know how unpopular this is but food made to look like other food disgusts and unnerves me deeply. Cake made to look like hamburgers/any other meat-heavy dish makes my skin crawl and it also makes me slightly queasy. Thinking of cake or pastry in the shape of vegetables or fruit offends me as well. Food should not imitate the appearance of other foods in a way that is clearly meant to be representative of the imitated food. Disgusting. ESPECIALLY those hamburger/various meat dish cakes. Vegetables should also not be arranged in a way that imitates dessert or fruit or meat dishes. Disgusting. I don't feel too strongly about fruit imitating desert, but it does slightly offend me because fruit is yummy in its own way and that should be respected.

No. 2147531

That’s not an unpopular opinion, that’s just facts.

No. 2147541

money can literally solve every single problem you have

No. 2147545

What if the problem is a death

No. 2147549

Money can buy happiness if you were already a shallow person

No. 2147552

it can help you move past it

No. 2147554

File: 1724267642889.jpeg (44.38 KB, 480x431, IMG_2256.jpeg)

It can buy you enough drugs to have a hallucinogenic spirit quest where you talk to the dead person one last time and gain acceptance and clarity from the death.

Or it can just buy you alcohol so you can drown your sorrows!(weird ass AI art outside of containment)

No. 2147560

Okay fair

No. 2147572

agree, and most people i met who said otherwise were either filthy rich (not middle-upper class, straight up upper class) or really fucking poor. but many people who are depressed and/or anxious are so because of their life situation (shitty jobs, health problems, no time for themselves), and for them money would solve most of their problems.

No. 2147596

Kek my friend's roommate just ordered one and they're going to install it in the shared bathroom. They're all weirdly stoked about it. I'm not even going to try it

No. 2147602

They've actually done studies on this and, in the US, money significantly increases happiness up to around $100,000. Then it, uh, doesn't significantly increase happiness. So, if financially fine at 100K, and still unhappy, more money won't fix that.

No. 2147614

Yeah but it will always suck more to be a poorfag

No. 2147627

Same, nonnie. The meat, the salty carrots… yum. We always make that along with soda bread for St. Patrick’s Day.

No. 2147631

Salame is better than prosciutto

No. 2147636

100k how, like receiving 100k upfront? Making 100k a year? Something else?

No. 2147686

the nightmare before christmas has the ugliest color scheme of any animated movie and the merchandise is fucking disgusting.

No. 2147695

I hate how pervasive the merchandise is. It is also always fat people who buy it too. Anyone who buys the trashy merch of that shitty, ugly movie is a retard.

No. 2147697

Life saving medication for the heart,brain and blood should be free and anyone who tries to price it should be spiked and pelted with burning coals in a vat full of acid

No. 2147699

The labor of other people should be free because I want the benefits of it.

No. 2147708

Yeah because if I'm already paying thousands of dollars for the hospital I expect a fucking pill to be free (or atleat the same rate it goes for in other countries), let's not try fucking bankrupting the patient who's already on deaths door.

No. 2147739

Making a 100K a year.

No. 2147742

ayrt Well, yeah. I wouldn't class anyone making 100K a year as a poorfag. And I don't feel bad for anyone who makes 100K or more and isn't happy. Take yourself to therapy or something.

No. 2147744

Sone babies are ugly. Chrischan for example, was an ugly baby. You shouldn't say that to the baby of course, but some babies need to grow into their face.

No. 2147745

Yep. The govt subsidizes a lot of shit. The could spend less money on, like, corn subsidies and subsidize medicine that keeps people alive.

No. 2147748

How did the point go over your little contrarian head this badly

No. 2147750

100k is probably not enough money a year for some people. For me it’s good. I have a maid who comes and cleans my house once a week, I don’t wash my own clothes anymore because I can afford a laundry service and I can eat out every day. I am definitely happier.

No. 2147756

File: 1724277828367.jpg (33.92 KB, 733x686, satisfaction-income.JPG)

This is because they never studied millionaires, they just studied people with above average income and poor people and to no ones surprise the poor people were less happy. New studies dropped however and the richest participants were also the happiest. It remained statistically significant for the millionaires. So yes being filthy rich makes you a lot happier than being well earning middle class. Richer millionaires are also happier than "poorer" millionaires. Here are the links for interested nonas:
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0146167217744766 (also accessible via sci-hub)
The rich want you to think that being rich doesn't matter, but it does.

No. 2147768

ayrt Wow, thanks for update. I had only heard about the older studies. I didn't know new work had been done.

No. 2147826

I know it's going to sound really edgy and mean, but whenever i see someone who's just incredibly annoying or pretentious, I can't help but be glad when they are having a bad time, like it just feels so good whenever I know one of these persons is having a miserable existence.

No. 2147851

No. 2147852

Are we talking about Chappell Roan?

No. 2147861

This is me when someone is constantly whining and pulling manipulative "I'm sad" shit for attention.
> O-oh, I guess none of you care about me after all…. it's fine… I'm used to being the one who cares and sacrifices
From my experience they tend to switch up REALLY fast when something actually doesn't go the way they wanted kek

No. 2147894

The break throughs on medication research is 99% funded through government grants, which is 100% funded by tax payer money. These bloated corporations only produce the medication and distribute it once the government has spent billions discovering it. It's fair for them to wet their beak, but these insane prices should be illegal.

No. 2147897

attention seeking people annoy me so bad

No. 2147898

It’s because they don’t have to work, yet other wagefags desperately want you to keep slaving away to “contribute to society”, I notice that wealthy people get reprimanded for being parasites to society in the same way the working class does, it’s because certain stickler wagefags are so fucking boring and uninteresting they think their years of wasting money on college gives them some purpose and fulfillment. Goddamn get a fucking hobby, just about anyone can go to college nowadays it’s no longer a prestigious thing kek

No. 2147915

What's the appeal in men that look like women? Maybe I don't watch a truckload of anime, but anime bishes register as women to my brain so I don't find them all that sexy? Femininity isn't bad, I like feminine to androgynous traits in men, but not to the extent where he starts looking female to me.

No. 2147920

What is anons obsession with calling straight women who aren't into hairy roidpigs lesbians?

No. 2147928

Somebody who likes men no matter how female they look doesn't make them lesbian? What part of the post implied that? I just said I personally don't it that's all.

No. 2147929

They're also seething WAY more than usual about anime or different anime adjacent things/subcultures recently kek. Clearly all those containment threads for their faggy cartoon drama aren't working.

No. 2147942

Lesbian fujos aren't real, you are bisexual, get over it.

No. 2147948

I don't get it neither, but I've never liked anime to begin with. Some characters are actually undistinguishable from females and it's a turn off

No. 2147959

My unpopular opinion is that normies should go back to Facebook. It's unpopular because clearly they won't get the hint and leave.

No. 2147962

I don't think men who don't watch porn exist. I want to believe it, but everyone who claims to miraculously have a non-coomer nigel is openly autistic and I can't help but think they're just lying to your retarded asses.
I've thought of this too tbh but I've been friends with non-gendie lesbians who had husbandos and/or yaoi ships and I didn't wanna be rude and question them. I know comphet is a thing for many women, but it's still kinda weird to me

No. 2147964

No. 2147974

but then when i reassure someone that i know what my husband is doing because we spend every waking moment together, they try to act like that’s unhealthy!!

No. 2147986

so you shit and piss with him too?

No. 2147992

Of course nonna, where else am I supposed to use the potty??

No. 2147994

>they created capitalism
Summer school-chan, how's history class going? You're gonna pass this time, right?

No. 2148003

Leonardo DiCaprio is a creep but he’s a good actor. I enjoy his acting in most his movies.

No. 2148087

Gold digging is a-okay as long as you don't suck your sugar daddy's dick of course. Don't let others tell you otherwise.

No. 2148140

i hate anons who respond to posts without adding any value to them like agreeing to a post by only saying 'this' or 'so true'.
example >>2147964

No. 2148146

I think it’s so much better that social media is no longer social and instead now more for advertising and finding new products

No. 2148147

Why nonna? They’re just showing support I think

No. 2148148

Tberes no reason to use one word replies. It adds literally nothing.

No. 2148151

No. 2148152

No. 2148153

this though? this, this is it

No. 2148154

This(tripleposting non contributions)

No. 2148157

It can definitely be annoying, but sometimes it makes sense imo. If it's something controversial and maybe there is one single anon arguing against multiple anons or something like that. It's just a like without the like function.

No. 2148159

so true

No. 2148166

Have to be like 12 years old cognitively to think this is le epic skibidi pwnage. Ok?

No. 2148172

it’s wet when you fart isn’t it

No. 2148181

Your automatic devolvement into poopie jokes… being fat and retarded must be intrinsic to you

No. 2148274

I wonder what the average IQ of this thread is.

No. 2148280

i absolutely despise tiramisu

No. 2148281

let me one up you: I hate chocolate. Just tastes literally rotten to me. I don't know how this sweet of all things has so many humans addicted.

No. 2148282

i was right wasn’t i

No. 2148283

huh, i like chocolate because of the richness but hate tiramisu. are you more of a fruity sweet person?

No. 2148285

i don’t love wet food either tbh

No. 2148286

I just meant one up because it's an even more unpopular sweet/desert opinion. But yes I do like fruity sweet! Mostly fresh fruits, I also hate baked fruits.

No. 2148292

nonbinary is valid. Yall are just scared of what you dont understand.

No. 2148293


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No. 2148296

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No. 2148313

Never, ever, thought I'd say this about JKR but she acted completely out of line regarding you-know-what and it's no wonder she deleted like 30 tweets and hasn't posted in weeks. Gender critical ideology can give you brainrot just the same as gender ideology itself and playing into the "gcs are just homophobic racist conservative white women" narrative isn't great optics.

No. 2148329

Wait what did she do? I haven’t seen anything about it

No. 2148330


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2148348

She went berserk calling Imane Khelif "a man enjoying the distress of a woman he’s just punched in the head" and "crushed her dreams" when that Italian boxer forfeited the fight against her in 46 seconds and now Khelif is suing JKR for aggravated harassment. Pls no infighting this isn't the containment thread

No. 2148397

I think the harassment JKR experienced radicalized her. Although I think it's fucking retarded to sue her over tweets, because inevitably the discovery in the court case is going to involve the complainants disclosing everything about the chromosome tests and such.

No. 2148400

nayrt, to be fair it's not the first time roided women in the olympics have been thought to be men. i saw asian female runners get the same treatment last olympics from random users online, jkr is just high profile enough to get sued about it (probably because it counts as inciting aggression from people who will claim to be her followers).

doesn't help that it was a sport that involved punching and moids have been allowing other moids to beat up women, to the point of brain damage, within that sport for a while now. easy conclusion to make and everyone was thinking along those lines.

No. 2148402

She really should get a hobby, obsessing over troons and constantly engaging in Twitter slapfights which them is not healthy in the long run.

No. 2148405

>I think the harassment JKR experienced radicalized her.
I think so too. I hadn't actually kept up with her antics in a long time so I took a look at her timeline when the khelif stuff came up and she had really gone to the deep end. The lifting up of other women and her fans that was present with an occasional zinger thrown at angry TRAs had been replaced with straight out sperging and fearmongering to the point her feed looked like one of those Russian accelerationist bots. I can understand her losing her mind over the harassment but she should've just sued people from the start and moved on with her life.

Yeah. She let herself become consumed by the discourse and turned into a terminally online twitter poweruser, something you should never do. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she came out defending some really out there tinfoil theories at some point. She needs a real hobby to focus on to clear her head.

No. 2148406

Most women in 3rd world countries will never get better situations because a lot of them are pick mes and will go against the ones who actually want change every time

No. 2148412

Honestly can't wait to see how it goes down in court.

No. 2148417

Has the term "troon derangement syndrome" been coined? While plenty of GC radfems have stayed sane, some have gone completely off the deep end after being entrenched in troon discourse, and I think TRAs' tactics are entirely to blame. I doubt as many people would be getting radicalized if TRAs didn't do sociopathic crap like call employers and send violent threats.

No. 2148427

I'm pretty sure it'll turn into a settlement outside of the court. I doubt we'll get a spectacle to the style of the Depp vs Heard trial.

As someone who almost went there but backed off at the last minute, troon derangement syndrome is real and it's consuming. It's a mix of the legitimate fear of TRA tactics and being exposed to so much discourse that you start losing your priorities and your entire life becomes all about tranny this and troon that. I sobered up after I saw how much right wingers use the most corner case deranged trannies as a weapon against lesbians and women in general (the "If women weren't the bleeding heart weaker sex who kept voting ~the libs~ into power we wouldn't be dealing with this degeneracy!" line of thinking) and that I was turning into their pawn and losing sight of what really mattered in the end. I feel like today the gender discourse has started to settle down a bit and people aren't as hypersensitive about the issue but the damage has already been done.

No. 2148431

She is literally the ONLY legit high profile, pro-woman GC celebrity on twitter. I don't think she is doing this for fun or health, she is doing it because no one else fucking will and she knows how much it encourages women who feel like they're alone in their discomfort with troons and can't say anything without risking cancellation or other consequences. I can assure you she is getting thousands and thousands of messages daily from women thanking her for being the one person willing to stand up for us against the TRAs.

Saying she needs a hobby is absurd considering she's regularly publishing her detective series (it's great btw), she manages to find the time for writing and philanthropy and sticking up for women on twitter no matter what backlash she gets. I'm sure twitter isn't great for her mental health but neither is shutting up like the moids want her to, and letting women lose a war against men in dresses because so few of us can speak up.

No. 2148433

As a thridie it's not just that they're pick mes, it's that they're too stupid to realize what they're doing is self-destructive. I don't blame them, they're born in poverty, raised by abusive families, given shitty or no education by the government. They're born in environments where only men matter and men dictate how everything should be. The only way you can escape this is by educating yourself, but most of them don't have the resources to do that.

No. 2148438

The problem is that she went from being a "pro-woman GC" into just a spergy GCtard. No normie is going to take someone continuously spewing obsessive gender discourse seriously, she's going to come off as a weirdo to 99% of the people not versed in online slapfights so in the end she ends up doing more damage than good. Regular celebrities mostly tweet fun stuff about their life and career and an occasional "love is love" and "trans rights" during Pride, which one is going to feel more relatable and trustworthy? JKR rarely really tweets anything feminist and pro-woman outside of the gender discourse these days, this kind of tunnel vision it's a continuous problem most GC feminists have and why the movement keeps attracting already fringe radicals instead of a larger audience. Most people barely meet trannies in their everyday life so the constant obsessing over them feels like a mental illness and when they get called "TRAs" for this mindset by said gendercrits it's only going to push them further. The extremism goes both ways.

No. 2148447

The goal should never be to please normie and assimilate, we absolutely need people at the forefront of feminism pushing ideas that are uncomfortable to normies, trannies are not afraid to make outrageous nonsensical claims such as "biology is fluid" or "kids should get to cut their genitals off if they want to" which ends up making the quiet trannies looks good in comparison, radfems ideas should be heard MORE and not less in the mainstre,am simply because most people won't become radfems (their mind is not ready) but they'll be willing to accept stronger more extreme feminist ideas that'll look reasonnable to them in constrast. Women always trying to sound kind and sensible will be our demise I swear.

No. 2148451

>The goal should never be to please normie and assimilate
And that's why the movement keeps failing to become mainstream. You can scream and stomp your feet all you want but the obsession with ideological purity and refusal to adapt and compromise and conflating effective tactics as "kindness" i.e. being a doormat is why it'll forever remain a fringe movement and why it's slowly being overtaken by right-wing conservatives injecting their own ideas into the mix.

No. 2148468

Compromising yourself is not an effective tactic

No. 2148565

I hate how celebrities(for example Doja cat)and famous sports people expect their fans not to talk to them and give them tons of money because “muh boundaries” but then when they come into grocery stores and restaurants, they don’t allow the workers to have boundaries.

No. 2148568

Imane Khelif's trainer admitted he has XY chromosomes. That's all I'll say on this.

No. 2148579

Women are so funny because we slice up our faces, wear uncomfy makeup and spend 1000s on hair and makeup just to impress a guy who wears wrinkly cargo shorts and is 300 lbs with a beer belly. We really are a gender of silly ass people kek all you can do is laugh sometimes

No. 2148607

Sometimes I struggle to take other women seriously when they present like that. I see videos of women talking about something serious with a whole blowout, highlights, full face of makeup, and some silly polyester tiny little top on. Like you look ridiculous…. It looks even worse in real life, it's like some costume or something. I don't mean this from a place of hate or jealousy I just want to see more comfortable, practical women being happy and confident and not caring about applying all of this random stuff to their skin, hair, hands ect. Like you don't have to do all of that, be free! I sound like a fucking grandma kek

No. 2148623

Not unpopular with everybody except young bleeding hearts women online.
These clowns dress up, take huge bodyguards with them everywhere (so that normies who don't know them still can tell that they're "stars"), they even announce to paps and fanclubs when they're going to be somewhere e.g. at the airport - and then they cry because uwu why is everybody taking pics of me? Come on…
Just look how they dress and act, they need attention like air and water, this entire game of seeking fame and then complaining about it might as well be a fetish to them.

No. 2148654

The old-school thing to do is go out in somewhat of a "disguise" (sunglasses and a hat typically) but be nice if someone still manages to recognize you. This is what my personal favorite actor does.

I love how Tony Hawk handles being a celebrity, because people recognize him but don't realize from where until they see him wearing a helmet or holding a skateboard. I've heard that he's just incredibly nice. There's also Keanu Reeves, who is known to use public transit and fly coach a lot. People immediately recognize him, but they assume he's a lookalike because they don't expect to see a celebrity in the places they run into him.

No. 2148667

>be nice if someone still manages to recognize you.
There's so many minimum wage jobs that require you to smile and be friendly all day long, yet so many act as if asking literal millionaires to do that for a couple minutes is a human rights infringement…

No. 2148688

Exactly. I bet when Doja cat steps into a restaurant she’s gonna expect the server to smile and act like they’re in love with their job while getting paid 12 dollars an hour but she acts like she’s going to die if she has to appreciate her fans at all.

No. 2148695

And they’ll do all that for some cheesy dick but won’t lose 20 lbs to be healthy

No. 2148698

The clothes and make-up regular women wear to impress men (yeah the flimsy see-through shit and the gigantic uncomfortable fake lashes with uwu blush and tons of eyeliner is to impress men, sorry) are so humiliating and silly. When I see a woman all dolled up, in big heels barely able to walk I feel exactly the same way as when you see say, a big grown man in a stupid spinny skirt or lingerie. It's ridiculous. I don't care if women "look better" in it (imo they don't), it's still humiliating. You're a grown person spending so much time doing all that shit and you're silently screaming "look at me male I'm soo tiny and cute look at my big doe eyes, see how I can barely talk and walk?? I'm feminine I swear I'm such a tiny sexy female please pay attention to me I'm so cute!!" and it's just pathetic.

No. 2148713

Jodi Arias is not all that based and kind seemed like a desperate bitch, but no one here will admit it because she's more conventionally attractive than other female murderers.

No. 2148715

when there's an ugly moid in your neighborhood. who you gonna call? cockbusters!

No. 2148716

I hate those tiktoks where a woman will talk about something serious while she is doing a full face of makeup, doubly so if it's about feminism.

No. 2148718

her interview makes her look so cringey and dumb

No. 2148720

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The reason why shes a meme is because shes a pretty stacey who killed her scrote and then did cart wheels and sang in the court room. Shes the physical manifestation of not giving a shit and its pretty funny.

No. 2148721

Agreed, I prefer Aileen Wuornos, she was a queen.

No. 2148735

I think about this a lot when I feel the need to restrict my diet. Spending all that time obsessively checking the scale in my bedroom, never letting myself exceed 500 calories, working out twice a day, all to look hot for a man who has never used facial cleanser. Clown town

No. 2148739

based woman who ascended beyond the chains of compulsory female empathy

No. 2148740

>"look at me male I'm soo tiny and cute look at my big doe eyes, see how I can barely talk and walk?? I'm feminine I swear I'm such a tiny sexy female please pay attention to me I'm so cute!!"
Couldn't catch me dead writing this about anybody, much less pretend I ain't salty asf for it

No. 2148741

>salty asf
Back to Twitter, thot

No. 2148745

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She did all that and threw her life away for a fat ugly mormon moid

No. 2148747

This be my approach in life, just laugh at retards and don't take them seriously. Some here lose sleep over other women doing stupid shit as if they could realistically do something about it, instead of simply laughing at the retardation of it all
Are you telling me the only reason you would ever diet or do any exercise is because of a man? Kek

No. 2148754

No. I'm saying going to these extremes for a man is retarded.

No. 2148764

"Back to Twitter" has lost all meaning to me, i can't count the amount of times I got this reply in the middle of dumbass infights despite never ever login there. It's on the same level as moid accusations imo

No. 2148765

We do understand. NB girls are self hating women who don't realize that misogyny isn't women's fault.

No. 2148778

I agree with Azealia Banks that if gay men are allowed to call us bitches, we should be allowed to say faggot just as freely. But every time I tell this to someone irl, I’m called homophobic

No. 2148789

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she sacrificed herself to get rid of a pedo scrote, dont disrespect her work

No. 2148800

they will never make me hate you jodi

No. 2148811

Shorter girls usually have worse attitudes because they think because they’re small no one will beat their ass

No. 2148848

There is nothing wrong with antinatalism and I think people should adopt this idea more. The world is way too overpopulated, especially certain countries and the world can benefit from less births.
Additionally, the second a woman becomes an adult. she should be allowed to be sterilized no questions asked.

No. 2148852

ok i know this isn’t the fact checking thread but the world is not populated so heavily to the extent of people needing to stop having children kek, the world can fit more like 100 billion and we’re only at 8 nonna!

No. 2148854

I wouldn't disagree that the entire world is overpopulated, but mostly some countries that their entire existence is having nonstop kids that the resources cannot fully provide for. For example, India.

No. 2148855

I wonder why indians keep reproducing so much considering how little they contribute to our world(ban evasion)

No. 2148856

because the moids there are all rapists

No. 2148858

Maybe india should be genocided next? If all the kids there are products of rape then they definitely don’t need to exist kek(ban evasion)

No. 2148863

I don't think India needs to be genocided but just having reproduction laws like China once did. Unironically that wasn't a horrible idea minus like the gender limits which was awful.
Maybe Indian moids for sure. But to make my original statement not a racebait, I don't think countries like US are very far behind them at this point either with the obsession with reproducing.

No. 2148865

We must bring back castration. If a huge chunk of the population were castrated after reaching puberty we could have younger looking men for longer, they would never pester for sex and be efficient workers open to take care of children who aren’t theirs. You could have babies with a 10/10 natural supermodel and dump childcare duties on a eunuch who just wants to be loved by you.

No. 2148866

>And that's why the movement keeps failing to become mainstream
Are you retarded? I promise you, the belief that men cannot become women is already mainstream. The problem is that the vast masses of normies who believe that either have no clue at all that this tranny shit is going on/think it's a tiny minority and ignore it, or are too scared to say anything. If any regular person who hasn't been completely indoctrinated online or pressured into compliance by some DEI panel reads JKR's tweets, they aren't going to be like 'ohhh well she seems a little too invested in this matter, I now support men in women's bathrooms because they seem like the sane ones here'.

She's never going to win over the TRAs who already hated her the moment she made her first GC tweet. There is no way she could continue opposing them in a ~kind~ way because they don't tolerate ANY dissent or ANY questioning (from a woman). There is full submission to the ideology, or there is being an evil genocidal terf. No in between.

No. 2148869

but ancient china and agps show that eunuchs are, on average, a menace to society.

No. 2148872

> u could have babies with a 10/10 natural supermodel and dump childcare duties on a eunuch who just wants to be loved by you

No. 2148873

Their eunuchs were neurotic spoiled homosexuals. Ours will be sturdy young and straight!

No. 2148879

Men on average are a menace to society, might as well do harm reduction and prevent them from polluting the gene pool.

No. 2148893

Agreed so hard, I love her

No. 2148895

Nta but thot is just as bad as saying salty if not worse kek

No. 2148921

She’s a major pick me but nonnas won’t ever admit it.

No. 2148925

killing moids isnt pickme behavior its giga Stacy behavior.

No. 2148927

pickmes dont kill moids

No. 2148929

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People are generally swine i secretly hold most people in contempt until they prove me wrong. Also family. Oh my god family is the worst source of mental destruction you will usually encounter. Family are often worse than strangers. Family is a stupid fucking institution and the only people who benefit from spawning usually prove to be negligent emotional dumpster fires who shouldnt have bred to begin with.

Also this

No. 2148941

There’s nothing wrong with aborting a disabled child. Everyone should do it.

No. 2148955

americans only hate starbucks because they can afford expensive machines to make their own at home, for us third worlders starbucks is one of a kind and pretty good

No. 2148962

She only killed him because he didn’t pick her. She would’ve married and popped out babies with him in a heartbeat if he had let her. She’s not a Stacey she’s just embarrassing.

No. 2148964

>pedo scrote
That she wanted and probably would've kept entertaining had he actually took their relationship seriously.

No. 2148965

There would objectively be less misery and suffering in the world if this happened.

No. 2148970

some women just hate to see girl bosses winning it seems.

No. 2148974

but the whole reason she killed him was because he dropped her and picked someone else

No. 2148981

We live in a modern world, SSN cards should be plastic, not flimsy pieces of shitty paper. I personally put mine in a plastic photo case.

No. 2148983

anon, its not that serious. Jodi is just a meme because shes an extremely rare form of actually sociopathic female killer. I am sorry, but i cant make aileen wournos a meme because unlike jodi she isnt a cold blooded criminal, she was just a woman defending herself from rapist scrotes. Meanwhile jodi is just funny, she killed a moid just because and didnt shred a single tear after.

No. 2148986

anon it wasn’t ‘just because’ LOL what?

No. 2148989

Some anons here seem pretty racist so I'm surprised they like Jodi so much lol

No. 2148991

It kind of evens out in the long run money wise, I used to get a Starbucks two or three times a week and it would amount to like $20 CAD or more. I finally got a nice coffee machine around Boxing Day, it was initially over $300 and I got it for about $150. It has a milk frother and it makes both kcups and regular grounds. It really does save money in the long run, I don’t have Starbucks at all now and when I want a fancy coffee I make it with a kcup and add a little whipped cream, it amounts to maybe $1.50 instead of like $7. The only thing I find hard is not having a fancy kcup like every time I want a coffee kek, but even if I did I think it would still be less than I used to spend on multiple Starbucks a week as well as my usual at home tea and coffee. I will however get a few chestnut praline lattes when November and December come, they’re too good to not

No. 2148992

Birth rates in India are pretty low and dropping. It's almost below replacement rate. I think it's annoying when birth rate spergs still think the average Indian is cramping out 10 kids in 2024. Africa is the only place with a high birth rate these days.

No. 2148994

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killing a moid just because he was threatening to end a relationship is a pretty frivolous reason. I just enjoy female killers who get rid of their bfs for dumb shit like that, for some reason they are almost always giga stacies too. Pic rel is jodi arias from my country, she actually beat up her bf before killing him then tried to blame her father kek.

No. 2148995

I feel like you really didn't look into jodi's case at all kek

No. 2148997

Agreed, didn’t she roll play as a young girl with him as well? She didn’t kill him to dispose of a pedophile she killed him because he didn’t want her anymore. Still glad he’s dead though

No. 2149001


No. 2149004

And she literally enjoyed doing that shit for him too, she was doing it right up until he died

No. 2149006

She’s the type of woman who would let her daughters get molested if it meant her hubby would stick around. She’s a pick me retard who ruined her life over a dime a dozen, no personality, shlubby loser.

No. 2149009

you mean aileen wournoss? yes, i did. Its extremely depressing. All of the men she murdered raped her. I feel bad for women like aileen wournos or lorena bobbitt because they would have been normal women if moids didnt force them to defend themselves. Meanwhile jodi was a BPDemon and would have killed her husband anyways, kek. I wish more schizo women would take it on men and not women.

No. 2149023

Nta, I love when nonnies post female killers, I love looking into the cases. One I recently found out about was close to my hometown, a woman killed and dismembered her abusive boyfriend. It's debated if he was actually abusive or not but I don't doubt it, he's a moid after all.


She was able to keep the crime covered up for four years, Stacey shit. I hope she doesn't do too much time. They let Karla Homolka out after all and she deserved life in prison.

No. 2149024

female killers are just more interesting. Male killers always have the most boring motivations

No. 2149032

i dont like to look into female killers because most just kill in self defense. I like the rare genuine cold blooded killers like jodi who kill their bfs over jealousy. This one who killed her husband then proceeded to grift by writing a childrens book about it made me laugh.

No. 2149038

an hour away from my hometown too, hi nonna!

No. 2149040

Ahh no way!! Hi!

No. 2149048

Bruno Mars looks like a tif

No. 2149056

third worlders could transform their societies if they stopped letting america live rent free in their heads. this is also wrong, starbucks is incredibly popular here in the states but it's currently losing money because us amerifats finally figured out we can just buy coffee, even pre-made coldbrew, creamer, sugar for way less and make multiple drinks for the same price of one starbucks drink

No. 2149078

You're overthinking it.

No. 2149107

>third worlders could transform their societies if they stopped letting america live rent free in their heads.
most third worlders countries have literal decades of corruption in the goverment baggage and drug trafficking rings that wont be fixed just by changed our mentality

No. 2149115

so if they drop a bomb there we can just say they were solving the problem?

No. 2149119

No. 2149128

kek anon…

No. 2149141

I'm gonna admit, I didn't know anything about her other than the fact she killed a moid and is pretty. So I thought she was kinda cool. But now I'm hearing she's a pickme and a racist…damn. She seems pathetic to me now.

No. 2149278

You're not wrong, and I had this argument 5 years ago with my spouse's friend. it was annoying. I would never want a retarded baby.

No. 2149430

lol, she wrote a children's book was about a boy grieving a dead father. The audacity, lol. Anyway, the coffee lady says the husband said she had tried to poison him two times before she killed him. WTF dude. Why did he stay. Dumbass.

No. 2149445

>threw her life away
wdym? shes famous and loved by women everywhere. arguably jodi could not have done better for herself
faggot is the most powerful word in a womans vocabulary after the word no

No. 2149446


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No. 2149448

She was a pickme for Alexander but the fact that all the people who knew her in high school and even prison say she's sweet, charming, artistic, and shy and her history of being absolutely psycho with the moids she was romantically I volved with beginning in high school is kind of really endearing. If she grew up on some woman's only commune she probably wouldn't have murdered anybody.

No. 2149747

She is literally in prison.

No. 2149749

If I’m ever forced to look after a severely autistic child I am going the murder suicide route.

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