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No. 2143582
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous:
>>2133244 No. 2143588
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>>2143582I wish this could be a threadpic
No. 2143593
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Dumbass shit should come back!! Im not being ironical, I genuinely think it should come back. I had lots fun with my fellow nonnas in there and they banished it. Now everytime I get a funny idea to post about and make someone laugh there's no place to go, first it was retarded shitpost then dumbass shit. I'm merely an imageboard jester but mods burned my circus to the ground! I feel emotionally constipated over this, and nobody seems to care or miss it the way I do. I don't want to infight or talk about trannies all day, I just want to laugh and post crazy shit but they took that away from me
No. 2143596
I hate the culture of scrotefoiling and moralfagging. Everything a nona doesnt agree with is bait. Everything nona isnt into is tranny fantasy. Everything slightly edgy is moid. As if women physically cannot have controversial opinions or unusual fetishes. I hate that Lolcow Culture and Moderation Complaints got locked.
No. 2143658
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>>2143655This is a culinary crime
No. 2143674
>>2143658I saw a tiktak of some British food vendor selling horrendous baked potato with beans in it and putting unmelted shreds of cheese on it. The absolute horror. Always rambling about how americans eat xyz but are ready to eat slabs off butter with potato, unseasoned beans and just chum bucket shit.
>>2143661Spice Girls are based because two of the members were in a secret lesbian relationship with each other. It’s sad because obligatory heterosexuality and shiet made them break up
No. 2143699
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>>2143680kek good one nona it was definitely 100% just the UK who are the purest goodest humans on the planet and not a years long collective world shift that was legally made into a precedent by Denmark
(ai shit outside of containment ) No. 2143700
>>2143689we ended the slave trade in our own country and then went and singlehandedly stopped the spanish from engaging in their own far more brutal slave trade.
then we ended the even more brutal africa-to-arab-world slave trade while those areas were in our dominion. then we bloodlessly granted all of our colonies independence.
prior to this the slave trade existed throughout pretty much all of history. trying to pin "starting it" on anyone in particular is retarded. we did end it, at the point of a gun, and at the cost of hundreds of thousands of our own lives in the american civil war. bye.
No. 2143724
>>2143655British people deserve to be made fun of because they’re too easily offended at the slightest mockery while being hateful and spiteful people themselves. Chill out, luvs xx
>>2143689Tbf the British didn’t start the slave trade. This is just ignorant kek. The Portuguese and the Spanish started from the European side, and the Arab world started selling African slaves even before them.
t. burger
No. 2143733
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>>2143700kek what in the revisionist history this has to be bait. uk nonnies really mad that the entire world fucking hates them because their country raped and pillaged the world and was the best at it.
No. 2143738
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>>2143736Compared to other countries…?
No. 2143739
>>2143724Who were the buyers
nonny, who was sending them not only to Europe but to America and the Carribean? It wasn’t just Arabs, they were usually trading in Africa and the Middle East, it was technically both Africans and Eurofags that started the transatlantic slave trade which is why we have black people of African descent in the Americas today. It’s about the specifics, we know slavery was engaged by other groups but they were all different. Britbongs were involved as well.
No. 2143743
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>>2143736I lowkey agree with this but there’s a lot of cousin marriage and incest in West Asia including India and Pakistan. No. 2143761
File: 1724089792375.png (265.49 KB, 828x1031, Atlantic slave trade - Wikiped…)

>>2143749The European slave traders were taking after and competing with the already established Ottoman slave trading network. I’m not trying to imply that the bong empire had no part in the evolution in the transatlantic slave trade, but your point just isn’t true. Neither of these networks existed in a vacuum. Europe and the Middle East were well aware of each other at the time, as they were competing for global domination.
More info: No. 2143773
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>>2143733mfw someone malds over bongs but then I remember they're speaking our language
No. 2143804
>>2143778No you're just retarded. Using a loofa or cloth is worse since those things accumulate bacteria. Yes even if you wash it after every use, it will still accumulate bacteria over time.
This isn't even an opinion, it's a fact.
No. 2143847
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>>2143778Imagine bathing at all
No. 2143921
triggered the typical smelly people. I like how one of them says washcloths and loafas help bacteria grow that’s only if you reuse the same one, that’s why you buy as many that goes with your showering schedule. Wash cloths especially properly lather and lit dirt and bacteria that causes smells off of you. Hand washing is just so lazy unless you’re washing a baby down even then they still use wash cloths and even sponges to bathe them.
No. 2143954
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Myrrh is actually a really pleasant high. Frankincense is uplifting too, and can counterbalance the sleepiness. Definitely not a pleasant taste, but I fucking love myrrh, if anyone knows how to cook it and ingest it easier, at a normal dose, I'm all ears ♥
No. 2143985
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>no racebait
Challenge accepted(not an unpopular opinion)
No. 2144001
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I like fourth wall breaks whether they’re comedic or horror.
No. 2144144
>>2144141like what
nonny? i’m sure you could definitely just neglect men from whatever topic it is you’d like to post about, especially if they’re not central to it
No. 2144273
>>2144270Are you imagining something different here? We’re talking about women in
suits and slacks not women who just wear pants or button down tops in general kek what?
No. 2144278
>>2144247>shirt and pants is man outfittroon-tier logic. anything a woman wears is feminine because a woman is wearing it. it's fine if you
have shit taste don't like it, but come on. you're letting troons win. men used to wear kilts/skirts, it's literally just clothes. besides, they make suits specifically cut for women's bodies.
No. 2144286
>>2144231Its one of the hottest looks a woman could do you pleb
>>2143965Smellyfags have never ever been in the linen section of target confirmed
No. 2144295
>>2144278>men used to wear kilts and they look like shit on them, ugly ass printed skirts don’t look good on anyone, especially men.
>they make suits cut for women i know that nonna and i really hate those too, i don’t think a “powersuite” looks good on any lady
>youre letting troons win how? by saying i think men should dress like men and women should dress like women? troons actually spend every waking hour shilling the opposite of that
No. 2144302
>>2143598>>2143599>>2143602You're also not allowed to shitpost in there either so..
>>2143608Nta but then how come they refuse to lock the BP thread, or the millionth fujo debate thread even though several people asked them too? And how come they can't answer why the last standing nonnies thread was locked even though that's also been asked several times?
No. 2144324
>>2144320i really think you’re confused about the topic; we are discussing
suits and
slacks. No. 2144332
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>tfw you accidentally start an infight No. 2144335
>>2144326and i’m saying they don’t look good on women, which is my opinion
>>2144327but you’re using the general terms “pants and shirts” instead of acknowledging the specific clothes on this topic, we’re not discussing t shirts and leggings. we’re talking about suits and slacks.
No. 2144340
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>when your joke about a calico critter turns into an argument
No. 2144352
>>2144348that’s actually the opposite of the troon ideology, troons think that men should dress like women and women should dress like men
No. 2144354
>>2144345men wearing dresses
are dressed like men. that's why tims aren't women.
No. 2144360
>>2144354nonna, the men wearing dresses are
attempting to present as women via dressing in womenswear. can your brain compute that?
No. 2144383
>>2144376God NTA but
> REEE FATTIE!!!Why is this the only response summerfags have? Has there been an influx of anachans or something? KEK my goodness
No. 2144395
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Right order for brushing your teeth
>brush teeth
>brush tongue
>pure mouthwash for a few minutes in your mouth
Those who need to dilute their mouthwash with water are weak and have dirty mouths.
No. 2144589
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buff anti-goon minions are hot(ai shit outside of containment )
No. 2144590
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I think we should treat TiFs as traitors instead of victims.
No. 2144661
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>>2144590treating them as traitors is a bit too far imo but i definetly have less patience and empathy for tifs than most anons here. they would never cape for any of us like we often do for them. they'd send you death threats without a second thought the moment they find out you even post on here. die
terf scum!!1
No. 2144851
>>2144819I feel like the shift in culture is a culmination of a lot of different things that snowballed into the trends we are seeing now. Making fun of autists, the scrotefoiling, the hypervigilance towards outside opinion, the spam problem, the banning of dumbass shit thread, the banning of the shitposting thread. It all morphed into the current state of the site. It feels like there's been a definite shift away from authentic connection and discussion to an overly fussy infight/validation simulator. You could make a post talking about you think one color of chalk pastel feels different from another color of chalk pastels, and an anon would reply just to imply that you're dumb because they're all formulated the same way, that is if anyone replies at all. It's an awkward and slightly oppressive feeling in /ot/ now.
I think your theory rings true applied to newcomers who aren't used to board culture. I know you said you personally feel like it's not so much a wave of zoomers replacing old standing anons, but I can't help but feel like it sort of must be a little true. It just feels to me that these anons, although technically integrated, cannot control their urge to control the unfavorable opinion. I remember that one anon a day or two ago that told another anon to "stop saying bitch because this is a feminist site", assuming they were not baiting, it's like the urge to needlessly point out some failing in social expectations is simply too good to pass up when they personally disagree. It's been like this for quite some time but there's been a definite shift in the way that it's done.
No. 2144959
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I think making doll body types more “realistic” is retarded. Dolls aren’t supposed to be a healthy representation of the human body.
No. 2144971
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>>2144959agreed. there are many things far more likely to instill negative body image issues in little girls than their toys.
No. 2144976
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>>2144959>>2144969god, yes. new monster high is so fucking ugly. I hate how this BBL Kim K body type is being hailed as "progressive" and "plus size rep" when tiny hips and a thick waist is just the new unrealistic beauty standard, they're not fat. also, the dolls are just ugly and uninspired. they have everything people hated about g2 (more childlike faces, quality and design of clothes worsening significantly) but because they're "thick" everyone loves them
No. 2144986
>>2144979>this one wears shein, this one wears cider, this one shops at the hot topic clearance sectionKek, get their ass
No. 2145006
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>>2144959I hate modern dolls. Nothing will ever be better or just as good as G1 Monster High.
No. 2145013
>>2144982The r/regretfulparents subreddit got posted in the Reddit hate thread a few days ago, and after doing some digging I found there were SO many parents on their acting like they were being abused by kids just…asking questions and wanting to learn/spend time with them. Fucking
really?? Intelligent kids that you can actually talk to are so much easier to handle than feral ones anyway so even from a child hating perspective I don't get it.
No. 2145022
>>2145013I realize now that I'm on the other side that many adults are deeply insecure, they hate what they've become, they're ashamed of their lack of success and seeing a bright eyed uncorrupted child is
triggering them, it's making them feel old, bitter and stupid, they just can't help but try to destroy that glow childrens naturally have by mocking them or talking them down. They literally instill the shame that plages so much of society in little kids hearts, it's basicaly a corruption fetish but with shame and insecurity.
No. 2145024
>>2144959The old one is such an unhealthy representation of the human body, girls are going to want to become stick thin with a giant head, with their feet permanently froze into a high heel shape, So fucking
toxic! Meanwhile the new ones are all some flavor of pear but it's totally realistic representation! And let's be honest, toy companies would never release a doll with a truly "realistic" body, especially ones which are considered unattractive like doritos or apples, but they'll gladly make bbls and pears for "representation!!".
Also dolls as a whole are becoming so unfun and uncreative, it's like no one knows how to design an actual fun gimmick like what's her face or Betty spaghetti. It's always fashionista with an incredibly hideous and specific wardrobe. All the fun ideas for dolls get scrapped.
No. 2145044
>>2145033I mean, in the end it's not really their own fault, they're kids and they're just a consequence of the way their parents raise them.
It is annoying when you have to deal with them or when you have a relative/your own child that has good intentions and upbringing, but in the end it's hard to know when is it that the kid is an asshole because it was born that way or because it was a shit combo of bad parenting and a shit personality.
I honestly don't even want to have kids most of the time because I really hate the idea of somehow raising a child well and the child feeling miserable because other parents are absolutely shit.
No. 2145073
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>>2145055I honestly wouldn't buy the realistic version of a doll because it would be weird, I do get that it's shitty how the dolls aren't even truly inclusive (like you said, with different hair textures for example) and honestly, the fact that they're being made so homogenous is what makes this whole thing so annoying.
Like now they're not even allowed to be 100% fictional, they give the dolls annoying shit that's related to the real world directly which is extremely unnecessary, and I'm not talking about the profession's barbies, I'm talking about dolls not being allowed to have crazy skin colors, cool hairstyles, weird clothes and shit no one would try to have in real life like, idk a cool helicopter or fancy futuristic gizmos and pets, dolls are way too grounded and almost politic at this point with the whole gendie shit.
We can't even have cool fashion dolls because even fashion dolls are suffering the fast fashion epidemic, and their outfits aren't truly creative anymore.
No. 2145109
>>2144959lol br box draculaura
The new wave of MH are so ugly
it makes me sad, the first wave was so beloved for me. Ppl who think dolls should be realistic are the same retardeds who think games make people psychotic or people who ship something unwholesome are sociopaths. Media literacy is dead
>>2145073I miss Creativity in dolls. I saw current year dolls in a toy store and they are so… Normie
>>2145031The thing about going for young moids is that you don't know how they will look post wall. Sam Taylor-Johnson went for 19yo Aaron and look how ugly he is at just 34. Men age like milk is incridible. Gigastacies should always trade for a newer model every 3 years like cars
No. 2145306
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Monica Lewinsky wasn't a victim. Not to say that she deserved as much hate as she got or to have her life ruined BUT I think the new narrative that we should pity her and that she was a innocent victim is kind of silly. Affair goes public and the cheater and side lady are shamed, boo fucking hoo!
No. 2145394
>>2145306She was 22 and 49. She is a
victim to this patriarchal game where she most likely felt obliged to sleep her way to the top by freak scrotes like him
No. 2145404
>>2145398I don't think it's grooming either, because you have to be younger to be groomed, but there was definitely a vast power imbalance there that Clinton definitely took advantage of.
And come on now, you seriously don't think that women who don't play their cards right while sleeping with extremely powerful men don't benefit from it? I wouldn't do it myself, and I wouldn't advise others to do it because it's too easy to get fucked over, but it's definitely a thing that people can and do take advantage of.
No. 2145422
>>2145419So what are you saying? That you think she would’ve gotten fired from the White House if she didn’t fuck Billy kek? Because then Lewinsky would’ve just become famous for filing a sexual harassment suit against him from the beginning, not for fucking him and then trying to play
victim after other people in her life found out and held her accountable.
No. 2145425
>>2145413Nta but who the fuck says PIV instead of sex. And Monica didn't actually fuck him, they had oral sex
>>2145394I doubt she felt "obligated" to do anything anon. I'm pretty sure by Monica's own recollection she says she made the first move. Again I don't think she deserved to have her life ruined but she's just not really a
victim to me, just a young woman who did something dumb
>>2145423>for basically no reason at all.Not for no reason. Let's be honest, Hillary probably stayed with him because it benefitted her career wise. She's the woman who actually gained something from being with Bill.
No. 2145433
>>2145428AYRT, I just think it makes more sense to call it what it is instead of just saying sex
>>2145430Go take your nap.
No. 2145438
>>2145430if you’re gonna bait can you at least
try to be funny?
No. 2145450
>>2145430You are still keeping this troll facade up? Sis, get funnier or else get better at bait.
>>2145443>she didn’t really benefit>only got $800k>only $800kMa'am, respectfully, I will suck your clit right now and not even bring Congress into it if you will give me $800,000.
No. 2145493
>>2145443I agree with
>>2145450 hit me up if you want me to lick you for 800k anon, I'm ready when you are.
I don't think she deserves hate though. He was the cheater and the one with power, doesn't matter if she initiated it. No. 2145497
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>>2145492NTAYRT but I was just expressing my opinion about $800k would likely be meaningless today, unless you live in a cheap area. The 2,000 homes are homes in areas surrounding a city where $1.3m only pays for the bare necessities.
No. 2145535
>>2145526Samefag poor innocent groomed
victim pulled her pants down in front a married man in a crowded room to get his attention. Very groomed and manipulated. Poor millionaire baby woman.
No. 2145543
>>2145535I didn't call her a
victim i just said the shitstorm wasn't worth 800k. Its one hell of a deal if you're just fucking some rich scrote and not having the entire world dog pile on you in your 20s, but the added shitstorm just doesn't make it worth the mental stress. Which is probably part of why she won't ever shut up about it.
No. 2145563
>>2145556You keep adding buzzwords but my points are:
1.It was on the president of the United States to not take the bait
2.800k was not enough money to embarrass yourself like this, and yes she is embarrassed because if she wasn't she wouldn't have spent the rest of her life trying to reframe it as some girlboss shit to cope better with. Again, im sorry you'd put yourself through all of that for money.
I'm not saying she was raped or victimized or too young to consent. I'm just saying no amount of money is worth being such a public disgrace to yourself. If she never got caught and still got her 800k, then maybe you could say the end justified the means but as it stands, you gotta have pretty low self esteem to think it was a fair deal.
No. 2145582
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>>2145563Even if she is extremely rich like yourself and she wipes her ass with 800k everyday and it means nothing, she still made more than 800k getting her name out there from fucking him. She’s still making money from it now lol. You think because you wouldn’t want to fuck an old powerful man for clout that other women wouldn’t. You can’t project how you think on every woman.
No. 2145601
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>>2145455>Nonna idk what country you live in but $800k means nothing in the U.SJesus lmao. The housing market is horrible yes, but there's plenty of other things to do with money besides buy a house. Education, investment etc.
No. 2145616
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>>2145599She spent weeks hiding when the story broke out but she wasn't embarrassed? They dove into her entire life up until that point for headlines and its not embarrassing. Yeah, sure. I bet you have a very empowering onlyfans account you'd like to show us.
No. 2145627
>>2145617No but, shes absolutely so empowered and not embarrassed at all. 800k was totally worth the lifetime of embarrassment and stress and she's totally a girlboss who'd do it all over again the exact same way.
>>2145619Don't get me wrong, its nothing to sneeze at, it's just not worth 3 decades of hardcore coping because you're now known as "the slut who sucked off a former president in the oval office and got cum all over your dress." I said it before but if she could have just gotten the money without the global embarrassment, 800k is a sweet deal for a woman who doesn't mind selling herself.
No. 2145659
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>>2143655British food isn’t nasty, you’re tripping.
I think everyone assumes any food that isn’t a bright color with excessive seasoning is gross.
>inb4 fish and chips isn’t British nobody owns fried fish kek
No. 2145690
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>>2145497What website did you use? I used Zillow and I found 2000 results for under 800k in Portland OR.
No. 2145695
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>>2145678I think you meant to say mansions because she has more than one. Poor baby.
No. 2145697
>>2143921>constantly spending money to bathe yourself lmfao
>>2143821now when was the last time you washed your hair? curious
No. 2145704
>>2143821don't respond to this
>>2145697 they're being racist, just don't ignore it if you're still around anon
No. 2145708
>>2145702That wasn’t me
I made a point that people automatically assume that any food that isn’t colorful or overly spiced (like Indian or Caribbean food) is gross, which is objectively true if you browse social media for more than 5 seconds, and you’re saying it’s bait without elaborating on why you think it’s bait.
No. 2145720
>>2145715The fact you keep bringing up zoomers which you know is a word that would
trigger an infight is exactly why it’s obvious bait.
No. 2145729
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I like how the shitty baiting just starts right when the conversation from before about Monica Lewinsky was beginning to become funny. Coincidence? I think not
No. 2145730
>>2145720Why does bringing up Zoomers
trigger an infight? Could it be because Zoomers insert themselves everywhere and chimp out when someone disagrees with them and and screams about millenialboomers or whatever the fuck you're saying.
No. 2145731
File: 1724189823223.webp (146.85 KB, 1200x1800, IMG_3857.webp)

White people food is bland but it’s healthier. Would I prefer seasoned fried chicken with okra and Mac and cheese and oxtails? yes but the mayo pasta salad and pickle rolls ups are gonna be better for my blood pressure and health…..(repeating old bait)
No. 2145733
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Talking about racism
This chart is fully accurate, I hope this correct opinion does not turn out to be unpopular here(global rule #7)
No. 2145745
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>>2145742LET IT OUT
No. 2145757
>>2145750Where’s the zoomers? Where are they?
No. 2145766
>>2145731Maybe I'm crazy but I love "white people food".
You can call me RNC, race nonconforming, heh. Spice hurts my stomach, and just tastes horrible honestly. You can put a million spices in your food but if you forget the salt, it's gone to shit anyway. Salt is the only seasoning you need, really.
No. 2145797
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>>2145759Giving big 'talk to the hand 'cause the face ain't listening' energy
No. 2145798
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>>2145777Black people Mac and cheese is not the same as white people Mac and cheese. When i say Mac and cheese I don’t mean the stuff from the box with powdered cheese, I mean pic related.
No. 2145836
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this is what heaven tastes like, herring and sardines add so much flavor to your meals
No. 2145849
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>>2145829My favorite black ppl meal is oxtails,potatoes and green beans
No. 2145855
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>>2145846The kind of mayo white Americans use isn’t high in calories
No. 2145917
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>>2145872Get mac and cheese from any place in detroit and it will be some variation of picrel I'm not baiting even chime on yt points this out and he's black
No. 2145942
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leon kennedy isn’t that hot
No. 2145944
>>2145931>definitely not good from a health standpointKek explain
>cannot be good for you at a spiritual levelAlso explain?
No. 2145959
>>2145944>healthsoul food is known for being reliant on deep frying and heavy use of artificial ingredients over whole foods. It tends to be very calorie dense. Historically it was made with the worst parts of the animal because the enslaved people could not afford better food.
>spirituallycooking shittier versions of other culture's food instead of connecting with your own is like a daily reminder that you had your culture taken from you
No. 2145976
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No. 2145979
>>2145961the paprika anon wasnt me
>>2145968the other anon literally asked me to elaborate so i did
No. 2145983
File: 1724195938767.jpg (145.43 KB, 1200x1200, yumm.jpg)

no wonder they're always cranking and hurling racial shit at you, they're depriving themselves of one of life's greatest joys which is tasty food. anachans and dietfags hate themselves and by extension hate life
No. 2146010
File: 1724196407102.webp (262.71 KB, 2000x2000, cajun-seasoning.webp)

>>2146003I think this is what they're talking about, which isn't just some mesh of random spices it's Cajun flavors from Louisiana. I'm tired of these faggots acting like they have the pinnacle of knowledge but don't even bother realizing that there's a bunch of spices in it because it's a spice blend, what do they think happens when you add spices into your meal? It just saves you the trouble and time
No. 2146021
File: 1724196628831.jpeg (116.34 KB, 1200x800, IMG_3863.jpeg)

>>2146010If you only use salt and pepper to your food it doesn’t change the color much. Cajun has numerous colored spices in it and that’s intimidating to a lot of people. Cajun seasoning is just pic related mixed together. They think it’s more unhealthy than just plain salt because there’s more colors in it. It’s just white American logic.
No. 2146035
File: 1724196994214.jpeg (372.64 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_3865.jpeg)

>>2146029White Americans do have their own food culture though. I think white American food is very similar to British food, like pic related
No. 2146039
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>>2146035they love adding grapes and raisins in chicken salad too, it's so gross
No. 2146044
File: 1724197197002.png (1.12 MB, 1170x1150, poopy! .png)

>>2145955It’s a reference to this KEK
No. 2146056
>>2146045wtf do you mean most people dont have their own spices at home? you just buy them from the store and mix them based on each dish you are making.
>>2146052because white people arent going around pretending that they are improving other culture's foods with ketchup or making fun of other cultures for not using ketchup in every dish
No. 2146066
File: 1724197753388.png (326.4 KB, 282x891, portlandy.png)

>>2146057this is my FAVORITE Burger ketchup, and it’s just tomatoes and spices
No. 2146072
>>2146057What's with the ketchup as seasoning meme. Are you from the midwest? Along the east coast white people use seasoning, as in real spices and vegetables as well.
>>2146063Kek, how can you tell who is black and who isn't?
No. 2146085
>>2146039I love it, it gives it an earthy/nutty flavor
>>2146080white girls don’t get bbl’s, this meme is so weird. The white beauty standard is just being skinny kek
No. 2146102
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From my experience black people love Italian food… maybe this tells us we should all share in our love for yummy food
No. 2146123
File: 1724198846402.jpeg (320.56 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_0950.jpeg)

>>2146115use pesto
>>2146113carbs aren’t bad, are you a ketard
No. 2146132
File: 1724199010727.jpeg (286 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_0953.jpeg)

>>2146117West African cuisine is 99% rice and meat
And sometimes fufu
it varies between boring and/or gross.
East African cuisine is like a worse version of Indian food. They rely on flatbreads and curry like sauces.
No. 2146136
File: 1724199145202.jpeg (123.68 KB, 500x667, IMG_0954.jpeg)

>>2146132same anon
this is classic East African food from Ethiopia
No. 2146138
File: 1724199155484.webp (46.02 KB, 640x602, IMG_2273.webp)

>hasn’t had good fufu at all
>still wants to bait
No. 2146169
>>2146140It’s hot and ready
>>2146154Why do people act like they’re natural born cooks and artisans ready to make something out of thin air? Try making something right after you wageslaved all of your soul to your job, childfags have to go and pick up their screaming mistakes and then have to entertain them when they get home, there’s no fucking way through all of that anybody wants to muster up the energy to go and play papa pizzeria in their kitchen.
No. 2146175
File: 1724199722887.jpeg (84.23 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_2274.jpeg)

this makes europoors shudder at the sheer deliciousness of it all
No. 2146177
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>>2146174why do you guys eat like it’s prehistoric earth?
No. 2146187
File: 1724200011307.jpg (37.25 KB, 503x681, a5d9096e981cf36a36026033826d9b…)

>>2146175What is that, fried testicle sundae?
No. 2146207
File: 1724200548063.jpg (80.39 KB, 736x792, b5f96ff6fb90ea1596ccf01de3b098…)

>>2146200I agree she should start scamming and enjoy sleeping in and shitposting every day while still getting NEETbux
No. 2146235
>>2146199>>2146223it’s really not that hard to combine water, salt, yeast, and sugar (optional)
pizza is easy mode because you don’t even need to knead the dough
No. 2146241
File: 1724201314810.png (2.34 MB, 762x1238, spachetti.png)

>>2146210SPAGET!! this fits better in stupid questions though so prepare for a redtext nonna
No. 2146287
File: 1724202721415.jpeg (193.98 KB, 700x933, IMG_0957.jpeg)

>>2146274England has a strong folk culture, but everyone attributes English culture to the royal family and tea
No. 2146319
File: 1724203515630.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1170x1877, IMG_0958.jpeg)

>>2146311lmao they have the oddest bodies. inverted asses and wide fridge torsos, but skinny arms. my coworkers are built like that and they’re the sweetest women but I always have to stop myself from staring at their physiques. I’ve never seen black and white women with such builds.
No. 2146332
File: 1724203861534.png (381.45 KB, 441x480, not good .png)

>>2146319This body type upsets me
No. 2146348
File: 1724204342772.jpeg (66.72 KB, 735x519, IMG_1472.jpeg)

She could have been a movie star if the rest of history didn’t happen. We rarely get female movie stars of Mexican descent that are popular in the US.
No. 2146351
File: 1724204436859.jpeg (69.11 KB, 800x532, IMG_4870.jpeg)

>>2146328idk this nigga fine as hell to me
No. 2146354
File: 1724204493597.jpeg (168.33 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0960.jpeg)

>>2146332Even the skinny ones have that build, it’s so strange. What is the evolutionary purpose of this kek
(bait) No. 2146374
>>2146368Black women: would
White women: would
Latina women: would
Arab women: would
Asian women: would
I love women!!! I LOVE PUSSY!!
No. 2146387
>>2146061Every grocery store in the US carries higher quality cheese, it’s just in a different section from the cheap cheeses like cheddar and mozzarella. The section with better cheese is usually much larger than the other section. You must be pretending to be an American because I’ve never been in a grocery store that didn’t have both sections, even discount stores like grocery outlet have a deprecate section with better quality cheese. American cheese also wins against European cheese in that world wide contest, which I find funny. Europeans eat American brands and produce constantly and don’t realize it, they just assume their produce was all grown in and their brands were manufactured in their countries.
I haven’t even tried the cheap kinds you mentioned, and no one I know likes them, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. It definitely isn’t the type of cheese that was stockpiled either. Those cooking videos are also made for views, a lot of them are run by the same person who hires different women to do it. And some weirdly enough are fetish videos.
No. 2146396
File: 1724205451217.jpeg (93.31 KB, 778x960, IMG_0959.jpeg)

>>2146380latinas with heavy native admixture are built like this
No. 2146411
File: 1724205727042.webp (22.76 KB, 800x933, 5244992a69bedd1d098b456c.webp)

Why the fuck are you freaks debating on what woman has the more desirable figure and posting creepshots??
Reminder: 99.9% of scrotes no matter what are skinnyfat and dysgenic and usually have dented skulls
No. 2146412
File: 1724205809109.jpeg (38.52 KB, 750x421, IMG_4840.jpeg)

>>2146408>mentally retarded or BritishKEKK
No. 2146441
File: 1724206265415.png (4.43 MB, 1200x4277, 1719352705677.png)

Here's another reminder
No. 2146489
File: 1724207244718.jpeg (232.4 KB, 1000x562, IMG_0962.jpeg)

>>2146463>Most latinas with this body type actually have South East Asian heritageNo they don’t
>People usually mistake those features for Native features.They are native features. Look at any picture of Mayan women.
Just embrace it, it’s not the end of the world.
No. 2146502
File: 1724207447580.jpg (37.82 KB, 510x215, simpsons_family_guy_510-f742c4…)

The Simpsons and Family Guy have forever ruined Adult animation and I'll always despise them for that.
No. 2146506
File: 1724207544883.png (915.53 KB, 864x745, this is bullying .png)

>>2146502I’m not standing for the /stan/ hate
No. 2146513
File: 1724207635524.jpeg (142.32 KB, 584x400, IMG_0965.jpeg)

>>2146494I’m gonna stand on business and say yes, they do. These are random indigenous women from Suriname.
The box body is in almost all Native American people
No. 2146523
>>2146402>>2146387I never said the government cheese was in grocery stores. I was saying that mainly processed cheese is in grocery stores. And yes people do eat the government cheese, in fast food, they work with fast food places to get rid of some of their stock. And cheese rations were a thing for poor people in the 80s my mom grew up with those cheese rations.
And no not every grocery store carries fresh or aged cheeses. Like I said I live in a place that is 90% walmarts and only a few super fancy ones have a cheese section. There is another chain that has the cheese and wine section you mentioned, but it's a far more gentrified chain. I may be wrong on saying that most stores don't have anything other than processed cheeses, yes, but that also doesn't mean that it's a commonality amongst grocery stores.
No. 2146532
File: 1724208086359.jpeg (355.51 KB, 1300x975, IMG_0969.jpeg)

>>2146524>random Amazonians in the deep jungles of Brazil all secretly have Filipino great grandparentsYou genuinely sound retarded
No. 2146537
File: 1724208219364.jpeg (186.27 KB, 780x967, IMG_0970.jpeg)

>>2146529They do, but you don’t see it further up north because most of them are 1) mixed with majority white and 2) wear clothing that covers up their bodies
No. 2146546
File: 1724208498249.webp (35.1 KB, 474x693, IMG_0971.webp)

>>2146540I don’t hate them, I’m just so perplexed as to why you’re denying reality lmao. Most native people of the americas have box bodies. Most East Asians have skinny bodies. Most black Africans have bigger butts. Let’s stop being delusional. Sure there are exceptions but these stereotypes don’t exist for no reason.
Even fucking AI gives them their box frames lmao
No. 2146547
File: 1724208498831.gif (374.6 KB, 220x162, IMG_2279.gif)

>>2146532>random Amazonians in the deep jungles of Brazil all secretly have Filipino great grandparentsKEK
No. 2146561
File: 1724208713648.jpg (Spoiler Image,10.87 KB, 166x320, main-qimg-2a84b4e1e680744fdb2b…)

>Barrel chest occurs naturally in native people who live at altitudes of over 5500 m, e.g. the Himalayas or the Andes. These natives also have polycythemia and other accommodations for high altitude life.(not an unpopular opinion)
No. 2146571
File: 1724208850322.png (210.41 KB, 690x600, uggo.png)

>>2146564Behind their screen:
No. 2146579
File: 1724208953501.jpeg (54.6 KB, 335x640, IMG_0972.jpeg)

>>2146565Wow she had a Filipina grandma too??
No. 2146587
File: 1724209068513.jpg (42.73 KB, 650x440, rosita_1_res.jpg)

>>2146582her parents are literally indigenous kek
No. 2146596
File: 1724209228458.jpg (185.5 KB, 720x699, Screenshot_20240820_215624_Goo…)

>>2146546I bet all those "box bodied" women would absolutely wind you at mountain climbing all while wearing skirts and sandals.
No. 2146608
File: 1724209473508.jpg (37.87 KB, 562x675, 1720370875088.jpg)

Farmhands doko?
No. 2146610
File: 1724209521738.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1181, IMG_0974.jpeg)

>>2146587I’m sorry but the back tells no lies
No. 2146630
File: 1724210070655.webp (308.42 KB, 2400x1600, IMG_0975.webp)

>>2146623Those aren’t box bodies, those are older women with excess fat. A box body is this
No. 2146633
File: 1724210151297.jpeg (715.73 KB, 2048x2048, 1667351038729.jpeg)

Only thing that scares away baiters is BL
No. 2146638
File: 1724210291553.png (679 KB, 796x418, southeastasiangrandma.png)

>>2146630>>2146631the entire US gymnastics team has south east asian ancestry, thats why they have box bodies.
No. 2146639
File: 1724210312228.jpg (1.65 MB, 2000x2566, dua-lipa-71.jpg)

>>2146630this too. obviously she is a representation of an entire ethnicity.
No. 2146650
File: 1724210485486.png (568.92 KB, 594x699, box.png)

>>2146647south east asian women
(repetitive baiting) No. 2146658
File: 1724210655780.jpg (68.1 KB, 554x680, GS43zr7b0AAYXsT.jpg)

No. 2146662
File: 1724210711081.jpeg (447.82 KB, 750x1157, IMG_2281.jpeg)

kamalabeatsmen2024 I will support kamala because I’m a single-issue voter and the single issue I support is beating men
No. 2146666
>>2146654you can use the sites that archive 4chan posts if you want to find a thread. typed in lolcow and didn’t find anything recent mentioning us. It doesn’t cover ALL boards but most of them.
No. 2146674
File: 1724210876556.jpg (52.42 KB, 680x460, GQmMXreawAA11eG.jpg)

No. 2146677
File: 1724210979209.jpg (330.99 KB, 1544x1950, GR9clUhaEAA2p7e.jpg)

>.> Nu carnival should have an anime
No. 2146684
File: 1724211103250.jpg (32.29 KB, 563x365, hetalia.jpg)

Rusame best ship(take it to the fujo thread retard)
No. 2146687
File: 1724211129312.jpg (164.73 KB, 1199x1554, GO_pWeJaoAA_jN3.jpg)

No. 2146694
File: 1724211202478.jpg (188.21 KB, 850x1202, 1000054773.jpg)

>>2146677No thanks, Nu Carnival should just have more crying tops, it should also have more solo scenes.
No. 2146702
File: 1724211307776.jpg (255.04 KB, 1573x1920, GOVHwWpaoAAAbfP.jpg)

>>2146695sorry, i didnt notice the lack of pants
No. 2146705
File: 1724211409024.jpg (231.51 KB, 1830x1333, GUEJdwGb0AA11MH.jpg)

>>2146687This artist is so good
(derailing) No. 2146706
>>2146699A lot of south East Asians immigrated to Latin America starting in the 1600s and are one of the common races there. Latin American people are almost always very mixed race. Many latinas are more than one race, they definitely aren’t all pure native like you’re insisting. Why is that so
triggering for you?
(responding to bait) No. 2146716
>>2146710koreans are the only ones who have been spared the box body literally every other race on the planet has a box body
>>2146712box body kiwi…
(bait) No. 2146719
File: 1724211785309.jpg (310.98 KB, 526x700, 1000054775.jpg)

>>2146701It's just the style of that artist, we need more Yakumo abuse, he's only cute when he cries in pain.
No. 2146726
File: 1724211873835.jpg (47.39 KB, 500x492, 49f0e8adc378e7c4759b196615e748…)

>> does all the boards
No. 2146735
File: 1724212061120.jpg (54.35 KB, 680x359, GVQ-ns1boAAQmQw.jpg)

>>2146727he would cry if he read this
No. 2146748
File: 1724212418193.png (2.47 MB, 1511x1511, asdgadfhadfh.png)

>>2146737>>2146738>>2146745>>2146741you all lack beauty in your lives and thats why you sperg about womens body types on
No. 2146749
File: 1724212462235.jpg (133 KB, 564x870, 83a3e4ffb733484cffc9588a3385e7…)

Breaking his back
No. 2146758
File: 1724212669680.png (243.4 KB, 428x632, cushings.PNG)

This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
No. 2146763
>>2146758stay mad. she would beat you in a mountain climbing competition
>>2146760then they must be northwest asian
No. 2146768
File: 1724212867992.jpg (22.62 KB, 480x664, ba09e9817c6c856136ecf189248263…)

Stop right now or I'll do picrel
No. 2146856
File: 1724220058799.jpeg (343.25 KB, 1448x2048, F4KCCc3WoAA260n.jpeg)

>>2146738>Reee reee neets!It feels like you're responsible for half of the infights in tgese threads at this point. Didn’t even read what it is about this time but cope and seethe.
No. 2146964
File: 1724226608638.webp (61.49 KB, 1024x1024, pink giraffe.webp)

>>2144959Personally, I never thought of how doll bodies compare to actual human bodies when I was a kid. Dolls were obviously too different from people with their giant heads, hard bodies made of plastic and painted, still faces. I also didn't expect real animals to look much like stuffed animals because I knew they were just toys.
The whole thing seems so forced. It's for grown women who are still into dolls and project their very adult anxieties onto them.
No. 2147000
File: 1724232297520.jpg (124.4 KB, 1438x1036, 1613010858693.jpg)

If something doesn't apply to me, it's not real. Like astrology.
No. 2147129
>>2145306The whole situation was obviously fucked up and Bill Clinton is a freak but has Monica ever called herself a
victim? As far as I know she kept her mouth shut and was very loyal to the Clintons (probably why she still has a public profile and wasn’t “Clinton’d”) and she would have never spilled the beans herself. She told her friend, Linda Tripp (RIP), and Linda secretly recorded their phone calls and leaked them. There were also other women that Tripp witnesses disheveled, lipstick smeared etc after coming out of Bill Clinton’s office. Bill got in trouble for Monica because of the leaked calls and the fact he lied in public about not having relations with her, but Monica didn’t report any of this. She was going to keep quiet outside of gossiping to her older work friend but basically her older work friend Linda was like “damn this is fucked up” and blew the whistle.
No. 2147346
>>2147166I think sex as a whole needs to be abandoned for a few decades
>>2147312Fully agree
No. 2147378
>>2147374“… is a thing”
go back
No. 2147408
File: 1724261546511.jpg (91.23 KB, 996x964, 1000054945.jpg)

Food tastes better when it's ball shaped or at least slightly round.
No. 2147520
>>2147408I agree with you on that, in particular for me the spherical food really amplifies any meat or pastry.
I don't know how unpopular this is but food made to look like other food disgusts and unnerves me deeply. Cake made to look like hamburgers/any other meat-heavy dish makes my skin crawl and it also makes me slightly queasy. Thinking of cake or pastry in the shape of vegetables or fruit offends me as well. Food should not imitate the appearance of other foods in a way that is clearly meant to be representative of the imitated food. Disgusting. ESPECIALLY those hamburger/various meat dish cakes. Vegetables should also not be arranged in a way that imitates dessert or fruit or meat dishes. Disgusting. I don't feel too strongly about fruit imitating desert, but it does slightly offend me because fruit is yummy in its own way and that should be respected.
No. 2147554
File: 1724267642889.jpeg (44.38 KB, 480x431, IMG_2256.jpeg)

>>2147545It can buy you enough drugs to have a hallucinogenic spirit quest where you talk to the dead person one last time and gain acceptance and clarity from the death.
Or it can just buy you alcohol so you can drown your sorrows!
(weird ass AI art outside of containment) No. 2147627
nonnie. The meat, the salty carrots… yum. We always make that along with soda bread for St. Patrick’s Day.
No. 2147756
File: 1741473050052.jpg (33.51 KB, 733x686, satisfaction-income.JPG)

>>2147602This is because they never studied millionaires, they just studied people with above average income and poor people and to no ones surprise the poor people were less happy. New studies dropped however and the richest participants were also the happiest. It remained statistically significant for the millionaires. So yes being filthy rich makes you a lot happier than being well earning middle class. Richer millionaires are also happier than "poorer" millionaires. Here are the links for interested nonas: (also accessible via sci-hub)
The rich want you to think that being rich doesn't matter, but it does.
No. 2147861
>>2147826This is me when someone is constantly whining and pulling manipulative "I'm sad" shit for attention.
> O-oh, I guess none of you care about me after all…. it's fine… I'm used to being the one who cares and sacrificesFrom my experience they tend to switch up REALLY fast when something
actually doesn't go the way they wanted kek
No. 2147962
I don't think men who don't watch porn exist. I want to believe it, but everyone who claims to miraculously have a non-coomer nigel is openly autistic and I can't help but think they're just lying to your retarded asses.
>>2147942I've thought of this too tbh but I've been friends with non-gendie lesbians who had husbandos and/or yaoi ships and I didn't wanna be rude and question them. I know comphet is a thing for many women, but it's still kinda weird to me
No. 2148140
i hate anons who respond to posts without adding any value to them like agreeing to a post by only saying 'this' or 'so true'.
>>2147964 No. 2148405
>>2148397>I think the harassment JKR experienced radicalized her.I think so too. I hadn't actually kept up with her antics in a long time so I took a look at her timeline when the khelif stuff came up and she had really gone to the deep end. The lifting up of other women and her fans that was present with an occasional zinger thrown at angry TRAs had been replaced with straight out sperging and fearmongering to the point her feed looked like one of those Russian accelerationist bots. I can understand her losing her mind over the harassment but she should've just sued people from the start and moved on with her life.
>>2148402Yeah. She let herself become consumed by the discourse and turned into a terminally online twitter poweruser, something you should never do. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she came out defending some really out there tinfoil theories at some point. She needs a real hobby to focus on to clear her head.
No. 2148427
>>2148412I'm pretty sure it'll turn into a settlement outside of the court. I doubt we'll get a spectacle to the style of the Depp vs Heard trial.
>>2148417As someone who almost went there but backed off at the last minute, troon derangement syndrome is real and it's consuming. It's a mix of the legitimate fear of TRA tactics and being exposed to so much discourse that you start losing your priorities and your entire life becomes all about tranny this and troon that. I sobered up after I saw how much right wingers use the most corner case deranged trannies as a weapon against lesbians and women in general (the "If women weren't the bleeding heart weaker sex who kept voting ~the libs~ into power we wouldn't be dealing with this degeneracy!" line of thinking) and that I was turning into their pawn and losing sight of what really mattered in the end. I feel like today the gender discourse has started to settle down a bit and people aren't as hypersensitive about the issue but the damage has already been done.
No. 2148431
>>2148402She is literally the ONLY legit high profile, pro-woman GC celebrity on twitter. I don't think she is doing this for fun or health, she is doing it because no one else fucking will and she knows how much it encourages women who feel like they're alone in their discomfort with troons and can't say anything without risking cancellation or other consequences. I can assure you she is getting thousands and thousands of messages daily from women thanking her for being the one person willing to stand up for us against the TRAs.
Saying she needs a hobby is absurd considering she's regularly publishing her detective series (it's great btw), she manages to find the time for writing and philanthropy and sticking up for women on twitter no matter what backlash she gets. I'm sure twitter isn't great for her mental health but neither is shutting up like the moids want her to, and letting women lose a war against men in dresses because so few of us can speak up.
No. 2148433
>>2148406As a thridie it's not just that they're pick mes, it's that they're too stupid to realize what they're doing is self-destructive. I don't blame them, they're born in poverty, raised by
abusive families, given shitty or no education by the government. They're born in environments where only men matter and men dictate how everything should be. The only way you can escape this is by educating yourself, but most of them don't have the resources to do that.
No. 2148623
>>2148565Not unpopular with everybody except young bleeding hearts women online.
These clowns dress up, take huge bodyguards with them everywhere (so that normies who don't know them still can tell that they're "stars"), they even announce to paps and fanclubs when they're going to be somewhere e.g. at the airport - and then they cry because uwu why is everybody taking pics of me? Come on…
Just look how they dress and act, they need attention like air and water, this entire game of seeking fame and then complaining about it might as well be a fetish to them.
No. 2148654
>>2148623The old-school thing to do is go out in somewhat of a "disguise" (sunglasses and a hat typically) but be nice if someone still manages to recognize you. This is what my personal favorite actor does.
I love how Tony Hawk handles being a celebrity, because people recognize him but don't realize from where until they see him wearing a helmet or holding a skateboard. I've heard that he's just incredibly nice. There's also Keanu Reeves, who is known to use public transit and fly coach a lot. People immediately recognize him, but they assume he's a lookalike because they don't expect to see a celebrity in the places they run into him.
No. 2148720
File: 1724345889467.png (367.67 KB, 480x349, jodi art.png)

>>2148713The reason why shes a meme is because shes a pretty stacey who killed her scrote and then did cart wheels and sang in the court room. Shes the physical manifestation of not giving a shit and its pretty funny.
No. 2148745
File: 1724347394009.jpg (50.19 KB, 640x480, Jodi-and-Travis.jpg)

>>2148720She did all that and threw her life away for a fat ugly mormon moid
No. 2148747
>>2148579This be my approach in life, just laugh at retards and don't take them seriously. Some here lose sleep over other women doing stupid shit as if they could realistically do something about it, instead of simply laughing at the retardation of it all
>>2148735Are you telling me the only reason you would ever diet or do any exercise is because of a man? Kek
No. 2148789
File: 1724349462879.png (3.16 MB, 2732x2048, 1654602026194.png)

>>2148745she sacrificed herself to get rid of a pedo scrote, dont disrespect her work
No. 2148863
>>2148858I don't think India needs to be genocided but just having reproduction laws like China once did. Unironically that wasn't a horrible idea minus like the gender limits which was awful.
Maybe Indian moids for sure. But to make my original statement not a racebait, I don't think countries like US are very far behind them at this point either with the obsession with reproducing.
No. 2148866
>>2148451>And that's why the movement keeps failing to become mainstreamAre you retarded? I promise you, the belief that men cannot become women is already mainstream. The problem is that the vast masses of normies who believe that either have no clue at all that this tranny shit is going on/think it's a tiny minority and ignore it, or are too scared to say anything. If any regular person who hasn't been completely indoctrinated online or pressured into compliance by some DEI panel reads JKR's tweets, they aren't going to be like 'ohhh well she seems a little too invested in this matter, I now support men in women's bathrooms because they seem like the sane ones here'.
She's never going to win over the TRAs who already hated her the moment she made her first GC tweet. There is no way she could continue opposing them in a ~kind~ way because they don't tolerate ANY dissent or ANY questioning (from a woman). There is full submission to the ideology, or there is being an evil genocidal
terf. No in between.
No. 2148929
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>>2143582People are generally swine i secretly hold most people in contempt until they prove me wrong. Also family. Oh my god family is the worst source of mental destruction you will usually encounter. Family are often worse than strangers. Family is a stupid fucking institution and the only people who benefit from spawning usually prove to be negligent emotional dumpster fires who shouldnt have bred to begin with.
>>2148879Also this
No. 2148994
File: 1724358306995.webp (622.89 KB, 1004x565, nahir-galarza-telam.webp)

>>2148986killing a moid just because he was threatening to end a relationship is a pretty frivolous reason. I just enjoy female killers who get rid of their bfs for dumb shit like that, for some reason they are almost always giga stacies too. Pic rel is jodi arias from my country, she actually beat up her bf before killing him then tried to blame her father kek.
No. 2149023
>>2148994Nta, I love when nonnies post female killers, I love looking into the cases. One I recently found out about was close to my hometown, a woman killed and dismembered her
abusive boyfriend. It's debated if he was actually
abusive or not but I don't doubt it, he's a moid after all. was able to keep the crime covered up for four years, Stacey shit. I hope she doesn't do too much time. They let Karla Homolka out after all and she deserved life in prison.
No. 2149445
>>2148745>threw her life awaywdym? shes famous and loved by women everywhere. arguably jodi could not have done better for herself
>>2148778faggot is the most powerful word in a womans vocabulary after the word no