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No. 2153881

Imageboard filled with the most insufferable moids, including but not limited to: trannies, porn addicts, crunchy munchies, schizos, autists, misogynists, pedos, pseudointellectuals and political extremists. Post shit that infuriates you.

I know that there was another thread a couple years ago that got locked, but I think we can have a thread now that won't get derailed or summon a mass of scrotes.(shit thread)

No. 2153888

Thanks nonnie. I haven't touched that shitstain IB since 2011 and glad I never looked back kek

No. 2153896

I know how 4chan is always praised as some kind of meme heaven with the best jokes, but tbh every single screenshot I've seen (or threads I browsed) was the most unfunniest shit ever. Like literally facebook memes but for millenials/zoomers.

No. 2153897

>but I think we can have a thread now that won't get derailed or summon a mass of scrotes.
This might be the stupidest thing I've read in a long time. We've been dealing with constant scrote bait from 4ch raids for the past 3 weeks. Genuinely do you live under a rock?

No. 2153917

It's crazy that 4ch scrotes have infested the site enough to the point they feel comfortable making a thread like this. In broad daylight. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Am I dreaming. What is this.

No. 2153947

hate it when moids irl talk about "using 4chan" when in reality all they do is glance at /b/ once and then watch greentext videos on youtube. it's stolen valor. they will never be in the trenches i've been in

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