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No. 215904
>>215900Get out. Seriously, that's disgusting.
My husband has a foot fetish, which is like super mild, but he doesn't watch porn (people try to convince me that he secretly does, but he really doesn't) and after reading some of these articles I'm very glad for it.
No. 215905
>>215904he also admitted that he had fantasies of raping me and my friends. I should have known this earlier. It's just that I'm not one to thought police anyone. Was he like this, or did porn do this to me?
Oh and not to mention, I have another male friend that admitted to masturbating to murder photos taken by Matthias Schoormann. This is some fucked up shit, and the fact that millions of men watch this makes me afraid.
No. 215908
For those interested in a documentary about the porn industry. There's other parts to the series but this one really got to me.. To think guys are getting off on physical violence, torture scenarios, humiliation and degradation.. & like
>>215844pointed out. ffs that post was ugly. Something else to add is that some mgtows advocate using prostitutes, so not exactly leaving women alone. But I don't think they even see sex workers as people. 'Fuck meat' 'learning their place' ..seriously. Men get hard at abuse and feeling superior
>>215905holy shit, anon, drop your bf & drop your male friend. Please. I'd be horrified
No. 215931
>>215925i despise these kind of women. they don't recognize their privilege and treat anti-pornography discourse, even from former sex workers themselves, as personal attacks rather than an attempt to raise awareness of the brutality that less fortunate women are forced to suffer. huge difference between a woman working the streets and one who masturbates in their own home on film, yet still they insist that it's all empowering. it's these same women who see male violence in the news and say they should've just hired an escort to explore fantasies with, as if prostituted women are subhuman and abuse is okay as long as you get paid.
it also drives me up the fucking wall with these types encouraging others to try camming because it was profitable for them, with no consideration of the fact that this type of work has no longevity and is just a dead end job for most who do it, with the bonus factor of your name, face, and social security number (in the US anyway) tied to your porn identity for all future potential employers to find.
No. 215937
>>215844I merely had to look at that opening pic and felt sad. Had to close it. It reminds me of this deep web legend many years ago. kind of doubt it's real or it's possibly just some creepy pasta trash, but the images in that blog show there's real people out there with fetishes like this.
No. 215942
>>215928holy shit. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I really hope that you dropped him!
I can relate to you about what you said about purity. He said that he liked me because I was pure, unlike the other girls (which is fucking stupid). But the moment he looked at me as dirty he admitted what he truly wants to do.
He has also tried to do things with me that I didn't want to do, to the point where I was briused ALL over my body and full of hickies in places which were easy to see. He also touched me when I was so exhausted that I could not move.
They think that just because they can search up on the internet to see women who
supposedly consent and like what they do on camera, it means that we as their gf's/friends want them to do this.
>>215931 >>215925
>Most of the feminists saying that pornography is empowering are camgirls and tumblr sex workers.>they don't recognize their privilegeExactly. They don't seem to understand that their *~uwu pls abuse me daddy~* fetish really harms women and especially young girls. They can continue to call me a slut-shamer. So be it.
No. 215944
>>215843I'm a granny. This is all anecdotal, so you can believe or not as you like. I have friends who worked in the 'Golden Age of Porn' from the seventies and early eighties, both as talent and crew. They don't talk much about their careers in porn at parties or in mixed company, but I know that back then they truly felt as though they were part of something new and what we would call 'sex positive' today. Then the mafia got involved, and suitcase pimps, and the idea that this was going to be some kind of utopia went away quickly.
A lot of the women who starred in features that I know are addicts in recovery, women who had been raped or molested as kids and teens, girls who started because their boyfriends had already pimped them out. There were some swingers in there who liked it, sure, but sadly the old stereotype holds true in many cases. The guys were generally freaks who weren't averse to doing live sex shows at Show World in between scenes; they were often gay for pay. One of the guys who I never saw in a gay scene and who's said repeatedly that he'd never done gay scenes is Eric Edwards. But that's one guy out of a ton of guys. John Holmes, Jamie Gilles, Rocco Siffredi, all of them were gay for pay.
Oddly, none of the people I know personally believe that Linda Lovelace was truly abused. I think it's because she had done some things in the past that made a lot of her co-stars think she couldn't be raped? Not saying that's right or wrong, just telling what they think. This has to do with a number of dog fucking loops that she'd made before Deep Throat. I think it also has to do with the fact that awareness of, and knowledge regarding how people react to trauma has changed. Although most of the women I know still work in the industry, they either do costuming or hair and makeup, or they produce. Looking back, I don't think any of them are particularly thrilled about having done it. I know Vanessa Del Rio enjoyed it. Nina Hartley too. She was a swinger. I'm sure there were others, but I don't know them personally.
All the big name companies (Zane, Evil Angel) are still mafia money. A lot of the women likely don't speak out because of this fact.
One thing they'll all say, to the last, is that people in Hollywood have to prostitute themselves to get their foot in the door, and the porn business didn't work that way. I'm talking about forty years ago. Now I think it's probably as bad as Hollywood.
If anyone is interested in hearing stories from these women in their own words, a good place to start is with a podcast called the Rialto Report. I forget the address, but it's easily googled.
No. 215975
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>>215844This was horrible but interesting to read
But it also made me angry, goddammit
No. 215976
>>215931I get the impression a lot of cam girls encouraging non cam girls to do sex work is just an attempt to drag others down with them. I know it seems like a simple explanation but a lot of these girls are miserable deep down and they want someone else to be miserable with. They hate seeing women who are genuinely successful, with jobs and husbands who aren't essentially pimps because it reminds them of what they feel they'll never have.
Know it sounds harsh but that envy and misery loves company, to me, is a big part of the sexposi movement.
No. 215977
>>215928I went on a few dates with a Chinese guy back in college who said something similar. Except he framed it in terms of white women being "more sexual" than asian women, and therefore he wanted to do more things with us that he couldn't see himself doing with an Asian woman.
Obviously when I quizzed him on it it turned out a lot of these ideas came from porn.
No. 215982
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>>215977>went on a few dates with a Chinese guy back in college who said something similar. Except he framed it in terms of white women being "more sexual" than asian womenThat shit is a giant red flag, people who genuinely believe this need to be put down or something jfc
It's funny when you hear that shit, because I usually hear the opposite ; that asian women are more submissive or whatever and american/white women think they're too good for men etcc.. you've heard it all before
No. 215989バッキー事件"The company is known as Bakky Visual and from 2004 to 2007 “Bakki Visual Planning” published a series of 17 pornographic movies in which they filmed encounters in which porn stars and amateur performers were only told they were to be appearing in a normal gravure or pornographic movie.
In fact they were dragged off and gang raped by the studio’s staff (and friends/relatives of staff), all of which was filmed and sold openly online.
Victims were variously drugged and forced to drink themselves into unconsciousness, and confined, beaten and subjected to various forms of torture (including one scene where a victim is almost thrown off a building), which in one case led to a potentially fatal rectal injury.
The producers apparently managed to cow their victims into believing they had signed a contract which made all this legal, and it was only when filming of the 17th and final movie collapsed with their victim managing to call police in to rescue her that authorities bothered to investigate.
After the usual scandal, police eventually brought a case against the company which saw most of the unrepentant perpetrators handed rape sentences ranging from 18 years in the case of the CEO to suspended sentences in the case of some of the performers whose only crime was to rape a porn star.
Although the company responsible has stopped selling the videos, it is still doing business under a different name. Several of the men who escaped charges continue to appear in pornographic films."
This makes me physically sick.
No. 216000
>>215989Why does Japan have one of the most fucked up porn scenes?
Is it the sexual repression in their society? Then again, Western countries (especially the US) are a lot more open and still manage fucked up things. Talking off the top of my head.
No. 216006
>>216000Because men are shit in Japan and men are shit in western countries too. They’re all chasing dollar signs and demands. If there wasn’t a lucrative market for this shit, it wouldn’t be successful or produced.
>>215951Yes! In CS, can agree. You’ll find those fucks in this field. The ones where you have to think whether or not they see you as an equal (probably not) and secretly hate you for being a woman. God forbid you do something well that bruises their egos too. They’d just it out on some violent porn.
No. 216014
>>215905Why did he even tell you that? I mean, in a way it could mean that he really trusts you and he sees these fantasies as separate from who he is, and therefore sees no problem in talking about it. On the other hand it could also mean that he does not understand why this is a big deal or why a woman might be horrified to hear that, in which case he has no empathy for women even outside of his fantasies.
Personally, I would run like the wind.
Keep us updated, will you?
No. 216020
>>215890The fucked up thing about it is the normalization. I've had a disturbing number of men act like women were overreacting by being disturbed by hyper aggressive porn and say that pretty much every guy gets off to it. It makes me thankful that the only thing I ever see on my husband's computer is girls giving normal blowjobs.
>>215893I feel like a lot of feminists falsely equate being against sex work with shaming sex workers. A lot of them also see it as simply getting paid for sex, which is beyond ignorant.
No. 216070
>>216065Honestly the ott language they use almost makes it seem like deep down they know women are human subjects as well as the objects of their gaze but are trying to convince themselves we aren't out of fear. If they felt secure in the idea that women are less than human, why not just use the word women? Why use a ridiculous term? You rarely see the average meat eater calling cows "nothing but burger material." It's insistent, defensive, adamant.
Who knows what's really going on in the minds of psychopaths like this though. It's just an idea.
No. 216091
>>216000Japan has always been fucked up like how they treated women in places they invaded (like the Raping of Nanking) and the prisoners in Unit 731.
And the murder of Junko Furuta is one of the worst murder cases I've ever heard, especially since nobody did nothing like the parents of the abusers (although Wikipedia has since taken down some gruesome details from their article due to complaints)
So I'm not surprised they're still fucked up today and have even gotten worse.
No. 216093
>>216091The Furuta case is straight out of Hell nightmare fuel. The perpetrators hardly paid the time. Plus you have Issei Sagawa, the cannibal who killed and ate a Dutch women back in the early 80s. He became a small celebrity after he was released from prison. Then women-only trains to combat the rampant sexual assault on overcrowded trains since you're suppose to keep everything to yourself and unsurprisingly, there's a demand for porn of it.
Yeah Japan has a lot of issues with women. Yet, so many 'rational', 'logical' men idolize it as the model country for social order.
No. 216095
>>216091>Japan has always been fucked up like how they treated women in places they invaded (like the Raping of Nanking) and the prisoners in Unit 731.I mean I'm not disagreeing with what you're saying but Unit 731 is more of a good example of how they were able to dehumanize others in general rather than it being a gendered thing. I don't think they viewed anyone in those experiments as human.
>"Infection of venereal disease by injection was abandoned, and the researchers started forcing the prisoners into sexual acts with each other. Four or five unit members, dressed in white laboratory clothing completely covering the body with only eyes and mouth visible, handled the tests. A male and female, one infected with syphilis, would be brought together in a cell and forced into sex with each other. It was made clear that anyone resisting would be shot."[31]They also did shit like tie people to stakes and test weapons on them or freeze specific body parts and then bludgeon it to see what would happen.
No. 216103
>>216102The piece of shit is even mentioned on Wikipedia page, along with an exploitation film based on the case. Disgusting.
The girl went through hell on Earth, got horrifically tortured and murdered. To think somme fucks are faping to it. Disgusting. I hope they all rot.
No. 216109
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No. 216126
>>216103-Raped her over 400 times. They also invited and encouraged their friends to humiliate and gang rape her.
-Starved her.
-Beat her several times with golf clubs, bamboo sticks and iron rods.
-Used as a "punching bag" by hanging her body from the ceiling.
-Dropped barbells onto her stomach several times.
-Forced her to eat live cockroaches and drink her own urine.
-Forced her to masturbate in front of them.
-Inserted foreign objects, such as iron bars, scissors and skewers into her vagina and anus, rendering her unable to defecate and urinate properly.
-Shoved a still-lit light bulb into her vagina.
-Set fireworks into her anus, vagina, mouth and ears.
-Burnt her vagina and clitoris with cigarettes and lighters.
-Burnt her eyelids with hot wax and lighters
-Tore off her left nipple with pliers.
-Pierced her breasts with sewing needles.
No. 216128
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In other news, that girl from slaughtered vomit dolls was found murdered in a hotel a couple months back. No. 216164
>>216161That could be. Regardless the main perpetrators each spent like eight years in prison, and she was said to be raped by over 100 other randos who were never found.
Not to leak too much out of the manhate thread but I don't believe any woman would treat another human being this way, let alone the hundred some who treated this poor woman like literal garbage.
No. 216167
>>216091the junko furuta torture/murder is beyond monstrous, how can anyone let alone 100 people do that to a person, literally a 17 year old girl, or be aware of it and not care? and the sentences the main 4 got are laughable, all should be locked up for life.
i hope i am not insensitive but i think junko's death in part is a blessing for i can't imagine carrying on after all what was done to her.
No. 216220
The story of Junko makes me understand why so many people take comfort in thinking there's a Hell.
Isn't it amazing the difference between the genders in why they have issues with each other?
>women: men commit heinous sexually motivated crimes and a disturbing portion of the ones who don't are aroused by them, not to mention how heavily they've oppressed us throughout human history
>men: women won't have sex with me>>216167That's not insensitive at all, it's true. Who knows how long they would have kept her there, they probably had no intention of letting her leave.
>>216205>>216164I could count on my fingers the number of stories like this involving women that I've read and none of them go as far.
No. 216221
>>216110lol but men in porn deserve respect?
That's one of the most extreme examples of misogynistic double standard I have ever seen.
No. 216230
>>216228All the abuse in the porn industry and it was one gay porn guy who crossed the line? (Btw, it was a guy who hadn't done gay porn in about 10 years) lmao
The girl didn't kill herself because of the gay mafia, she killed herself because she was an impulsive nutcase.
>>216233i hate when people like
>>216230 ignore statistics and science cause 'feels' etc.
>weh weh the truth is meaaaan No. 216236
>>216230I'm sorry but I don't see how your comment has anything to do with what that anon said. August Ames was treated badly by a group of men who have much more power than she did, as is the nature of the industry she worked in, and as evidenced by the dogpile that subsequently took place.
Who's talking about gay men, or when they shot last, or why she killed herself? Why are you talking about it?
You seem to have a lot of anger about this and you seem a little too emotionally invested. I can't imagine why it's important for you to let us know that you're lmao over someone killing themselves but to each their own.
No. 216237
>>216228>>216231>>216233>this isn't the place for itThis also isn't the place to be defending August's Tweets. She has her own thread, anon. Don't bring that shitstorm in here.
>>216230Don't even bother. Trust me, I was in that thread, they're just going to call you a misogynist and rape enabler for acknowledging what was wrong with those Tweets. The best thing to do is ignore them and report them for being OT if they start shitting up the thread more than they already have.
No. 216241
>>216237You're a pathological samefag. Stop talking to yourself. It's creepy.
I think the trouble with pornography in general is that it fosters this idea that chicks love pain. I can look at porn that's twenty years old, but what the fuck is up with all the spitting and slapping and choking and speculums and…it's so ott and out of hand that you can't believe guys would think that women were interested in this shit for real, but there you have it. Then you get incels watching it and fapping, and believing that this is how all women are. It's scary, especially when you know you're sitting next to more than a few incels in class every day; and you get the sex posi tweens on tumblr looking at it and thinking that this is what a healthy sex life looks like. I've seen more vile shit reblogged on tumblr than anywhere else. There was a user mentioned in a thread on /snow who posted tons of super violent porn .gifs, along with her 'boyfriend' punching her in the temple repeatedly and then telling her how beautiful she was.
It's so insidious.
>>216042I don't know who this girl is but I really liked what she had to say about everything. I'm glad she got out. I just hope her new bf isn't a closet pimp. I'd be so wary of dudes after porn, period.
No. 216243
>>216241Right, I must be samefagging because I share an option with someone who disagrees with you.
Seriously, though, please get the fuck out.
No. 216244
>>216221James Deen is such a pig. He doesn't even have the brain cells to make the connection.
Meanwhile little girls think he's so cute! Brb, vomiting.
No. 216252
>>216241I think the violence of porn is what's so scary. It was always there, but it feels like it's gotten so much worse in the past ten years or something. Like it sped up. Maybe I wasn't aware of it, but it's like they don't even try to hide it anymore. It's nonstop and it's not even sexual. It's just verbal and physical abuse.
I know the user you're talking about on tumblr, her name was like Godzilla–it wasn't Godzilla but something zilla–but I think she broke up with that guy. She seems to be mentally ill. I feel bad for her. So many of these people seem trapped, whether it's by mental illness or economics or whatever. Can you imagine that being your life and no way out? Ugh.
No. 216257
I don't have an issue with porn on a moral level, I don't see an issue with selling sex. However the issue I have with the porn industry is all the abuse and uncertainty, most of the things I wanted to link/discuss have already been brought up so I won't touch on that, however I remember reading about, and how basically the go after mostly unknown girls who are desperate for money and basically bully them into it once they're there, they apparently advertise on craigslist as just a regular boy/girl scene.
Not sure how reliable this source is, but it would not surprise me if it were true, those videos give me the chills. I found out about them due to them being posted on efukt and being presented as funny, but it was literally like watching someone being raped it made me feel sick. No. 216263
>>216261Sorry. Not that they don't bother, but that the ethics committees won't allow them because the correlation is there.
Still. Too dangerous to expose men to it. It really scares me.
No. 216266
>>216248There was a performer in the nineties named TT Boy who definitely got into it so that he could abuse women. More recently, wasn't there that MMA fighter, name was War Machine or something like that? He got into porn and talked about raping his girlfriend constantly, then beat the hell out of her.
>>216264It kind of makes sense. Most of these girls are already coming from damaged homes, histories of abuse, so they're primed, so to speak. I can see how viewing porn constantly would have the same dehumanizing effect on women, let alone act in it. It's a miracle that any of these women ever leave.
The octopus thing sounds like Mr. Genki Genki, Daikichi Amano. He's definitely got a few screws loose but he's also been heralded as a great artist by some heavy hitters in the art world. He uses tons of octopus, eels, roaches, even goldfish.
No. 216273
>>216271I donno, I'm nta either and I agree with them. Stop tossing bait around. Your dopamine must be through the roof rn. Enjoy.
>>216268Ghetto Gaggers? What is this world we live in, for real.
No. 216274
>>216266The octopus example I was referring to was a real life porno, not a hentai.
And oh god, I remember the thing with War Machine, it was so disgusting. So many awful pieces of shit were saying it was the girl's fault because she cheated on him (which wasn't even true, not that she would deserve it if she was) and saying who cares because she's a porn star.
No. 216275
>>216266The octopus example I was referring to was a real life porno, not a hentai.
And oh god, I remember the thing with War Machine, it was so disgusting. So many awful pieces of shit were saying it was the girl's fault because she cheated on him (which wasn't even true, not that she would deserve it if she was) and saying who cares because she's a porn star.
No. 216280
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>>216286Samefagging to post more
Some more links to books and stuff about Deep Throat, the porno in the OP some links about Playboy:
About required sex, forced diets, and more living conditions in the mansion pedophilia of “The Child Pornography Myth,” an article featured in Playboy, arrested for CP featured photos of Brooke Shields painted sexually"Playboy depicted Santa Claus - a 'child magnet' according to advertisers - 329 times. In 170 of those cases, sexual activity was involved, including 91 instances associated with adultery or with an orgy. Nine times, Santa was shown as a participant or observer in minor sex. In four cases, Santa was shown having sex with animals." Holly Madison's book here, including Hefner's beastiality fetish, rape, etc.'ll stop now, I feel like I'm being annoying
No. 216281
>>216264>>216264This is a point a lot of people ITT are ignoring.
For whatever reason I notice lots and lots of girls, especially young girls, especially on places like 4chan and in social environments focused on geeky hobbies in general, are heavily into violent sex, being abused, being hurt, being degraded etc.
No. 216282
>>216280No, no, links are good. It's better than the samefags fighting in here.
I was wrong about Khan Tusion. He wasn't Facial Abuse, he was Meatholes, Pissmops, and Rough Sex. He was also loathed by Max Hardcore, if you can believe it. Even that asshole thought this dude was a scumbag. When a scumbag thinks another scumbag is bad, they're bad. I also did some digging and it looks like he wasn't able to stay anon for long. His name is Mark Handel, his brother was a right wing talk radio dude; why am I not surprised? and he made lots and lots of money in SoCal as the CEO of a real estate company. This was his side gig. He freely admitted to hating women because they wouldn't fuck him. From pissmops and meat holes, he moved on to choking. Total incel.
If you're familiar with Oriana Small she talks about a scene she did with this loser in her book Girlvert, and she's also done tons of readings of the pertinent bits. Sometimes they project the scene as she's reading, I didn't check this one so it may not be for the faint of heart either way you look at it. Sorry but I don't know how to embed Vimeo and I'm exhausted, here. can understand my confusion regarding what wonderful art this douchetruck created, I hope, because all those things are fucking disgusting and they're all the same.
No. 216284
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>>216274The octopus thing I watched was irl too, I should have made that more clear. This was one of the less nasty images.
No. 216338
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>>215844The wheelchair and amputee fetish is the complete opposite of hating women.
It's because the guy wants to have a girl who is dependent on him for a lot, and the guy wants to feel appreciated and wanted. Also the girl is highly unlikely to cheat, and more likely to be feminine.
This is why tons of guys would love to have a wheelchair-bound girlfriend, but still able to have sex.
There is no downside to either party, the wheelchair girl gets a boyfriend/husband who can carry her around, and do stuff for her that would be hard while disabled, and the guy gets an appreciative girlfriend/wife.
Basically only advantages over dating normal women, and normal women know this so they get all bitter and jealous about it, call him a "creep" because they're jealous. They're masculine feminists who don't need no man, but won't stop complaining when men don't like that.
No. 216351
>>216338lol no
>It's because the guy wants to have a girl who is dependent on him for a lot, and the guy wants to feel appreciated and wanted. Also the girl is highly unlikely to cheat, and more likely to be feminine.insane loveshy go home plz
No. 216352
>>216338Yeah but this is in porn. It's sexualizing it and still gives a man a power-high because of how she has to depend on him so it's still a control thing. It's hardly romantic when I'm sure some men get off on it because she's unable to run away or that it's because she's wheelchair bound or missing a limb that he feels no other man will want her. Kind of like how manipulating men like broken girls to control.
This ain't no heartwarming cheesy romance flick of a guy who loves his handicap gf, it's a fucking porno of a guy fucking a handicap girl for the tabboo of it.
If I was a handicap girl, I certainly wouldn't date a man who has watched a ton of handicap/wheelchair/amputated porn because it could mean he only now wants to recreate that sick fetish out of me.
No. 216358
>>216352You're just demonizing men's sexuality.
You claim to stand for equality but you don't.
No. 216360
>>216358Oh my god is this the same person who claimed demonization of poor porn industry in the other thread?
You are crazy and you're clearly a male which is not allowed.
No. 216363
>>216358And how is that exactly?
I'm just pointing out the possibility that a man will date a handicap girl for the wrong reasons. It could easily turn into an unhealthy relationship.
If standing up for girls to keep them from creeps and pervs is unequal than so be it.
No. 216411
>>216358Found the guy who is into the sick shit in the link posted here
>>215844Men who are into women who literally cannot defend themselves are into it because they cannot imagine a woman who can run from them not running from them.
But yes, wheelchair-bound amputee ana rape porn, so dreamy.
No. 216504
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>>216268>>216280>>216282That last one was so disturbing
I'm angry for not realizing this shit sooner
No. 216523
>>215903This. I don't shame women who end up working in the sex industry, but I believe they should get help. I've seen so many women working as sex workers claim that they "do it because they want to" and that they "love their job" and at the same time vent about their psychological issues and how exhausting it is. Usually the most naive supporters aren't even sex workers but fantasize about becoming one as they believe it's easy money and the current wave of feminism pushes the narrative that it's about controlling men. No, it's about PLEASING men. And demeaning yourself. You're better than that. Fast food may not be as ~glamorous~ and it doesn't pay that well, but you can always aim higher.
>>215934I'm glad such a big name in the industry called this cunt of a man out. It's disgusting how Jaxton tried to defend himself by basically saying "I told her to kill herself after she had already committed suicide so you can't blame me!", like how the fuck do you have the gall to say that?
>>216338>It's because the guy wants to have a girl who is dependent on him for a lot, and the guy wants to feel appreciated and wanted. Also the girl is highly unlikely to cheat, and more likely to be feminine.bruh that's pretty much all about hating or at least despising women and thinking they're lower forms of life
No. 216525
>>216266War machine tried to beat the life out of Christy Mack because she broke up with him and moved on, and he couldn't handle it. He was also abusive towards her because she had sex with other men as her job, even though he was in the same business doing the same thing. Really shows you the entitlement these men have.
He tried to rape her but couldn't get hard, so he tried to kill her instead. Broke several of her bones and her teeth, and she has to get reconstructive surgery.
Thank god he god life, because if he could get out of prison I have no doubts that he would kill her.
No. 216537
>>216167>>216205>>216220Sorry to rain on your parade, but there was at least one girl who joined in the torture of Junko. She wrote slut on Junko's face with a sharpie. She could get help afterwards, but she did not. So it wasn't like she joined in so nobody would be concerned and she could inform police and stop the nightmare.
Not as physically brutal, but still disgusting.
Also check the story of Sylvia Likens' torture and humiliation at the hands of Gertrude Baniszewski. Still men joined in, but the woman was a main perpetrator:
>Baniszewski encouraged Hubbard, her children, and neighborhood children to torment Likens, including, among other things:
>Extinguishing lit cigarettes upon her skin, reportedly over 100 times>Beating her>Tying her up>Forcing her to eat feces and drink urine>Clubbing her with objects such as hair spray cans, dishes and bottles>Violently throwing her body against walls several times as "Judo practice">Burning all of her fingers with matches>Mauling her vagina>Lacerating her>Burning her with scalding water>Rubbing salt into her wounds>Forcing her to strip naked and insert an empty glass Coca-Cola bottle into her vagina>Paula Baniszewski once beat Likens in the face with such force that she broke her own wrist. She later had to wear a cast, which she used to further beat Likens.
>Gertrude Baniszewski later forced Jenny to hit her sister, beating her if she did not comply.Men are responsible for most of the inhumane, brutal crimes, but it's INCREDIBLY stupid and naive to go all 'uwu all women are innocent angels'. By holding that view we might let pieces of shit slip by the cracks of justice.
I know it's men hate thread by I get
triggered by people having such black and white worldview, even if men are perpetrators in 99% of cases.
No. 216541
>>216537It's not
INCREDIBLY stupid and naive. You're sperging about le <1%. No one's outright denying that women do fucked up stuff too, it's just that women are so much less likely to do stuff like this that cases like these are all but irrelevant.
No. 216544
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>>216537I love how people have to dig up single extreme cases of woman-on-woman abuse to "prove their point" when statistics are against their agenda. Nobody's claiming that 100% of all women are non-violent, but men still commit 90% of violent crimes and 99% of sexual crimes.
No. 216564
>>216549still, one of the anons did say that 'uwu no wooman would do this'. And yeah, a women (Baniszewski) literally did same thing. It was an exceptional case, but it still happened.
Reread my post, I was not arguing that it's mostly male problem. Still, I barf anytime someone tries to say that women are 100% flawless creatures.
Trust no-one (but men especially).
No. 216567
>>216557I envy the shit out of you for never having heard this off of lolcow.
Misogynists don't count anger as being emotional because it's a more "rational" feeling, according to them… unless it's being felt by a woman because of course she's angry, she's on her period. Basically, any intense emotions a man feels don't count against them because then they couldn't use our emotions against us.
No. 216575
>>216572god you're deluded
>anyone pointing out the obvious is a robot!!!>>216573what do other boards have to do with it? i'm talking about /ot/ specifically. i meant users. not cows.
No. 216586
>>216571Interesting argument
and you
may have a point, I don't doubt that there could be a few nuts on this website
This is not the thread to bring this up in tho, maybe we should start another thread discussing lolcow itself
No. 217336
>>216164Women helped this men torture othrr women: still sort of agree with you there though. I think men are more likely to do this stuff than women and it is of greater severity. The cases that involve women torturing people for sexual gain seem to only be accomplices to male perpetrators. I don't know of any cases where women have willing gone out of their way to do this stuff, the few women that do seem to be opportunistic more than anything.