File: 1726147169638.gif (4.03 MB, 480x270, 1643238930458.gif)

No. 2161627
File: 1726147301652.mp4 (2.11 MB, 576x1024, 978546720957952717.mp4)

No. 2161683
File: 1726153253499.mp4 (138.19 KB, 516x360, zootopia.mp4)

i accidentally made a new thread
No. 2162792
File: 1726236741400.mp4 (3.19 MB, 1080x1080, saya.mp4)

btw this was animated by a minor, what's up with kids getting into saya no uta nowadays?
No. 2162890
File: 1726243440729.mp4 (4.56 MB, 408x720, OHAHAHAHA.mp4)

No. 2163093
File: 1726254865587.jpg (1.65 MB, 2871x4032, sbfaxc2awf291.jpg)

Whatever this is
No. 2163144
One of the worst tattoos I've seen so far.just nasty
No. 2164055
>>2162792this made me curious to look up what's this vn about and honestly the concept is right up my alley but lolishit completely ruins it
>>2163861lacey always made me cringe with how unfitting and bad the art is. if you're going for a 2010s girlsgogames vibe why make the character look like it's some weeb middle schooler's vent doodle
No. 2167969
File: 1726573456337.webm (130.7 KB, 380x400, poor newjeans.webm)

No. 2168062
File: 1726583230606.mp4 (3.6 MB, 720x1230, 3333333.mp4)

No. 2169223
File: 1726636573152.png (557.63 KB, 931x1034, Screenshot_20240917-221237~3.p…)

No. 2169269
File: 1726641173883.jpg (152.83 KB, 600x678, tumblr_m1b2jisqqw1r2swvyo2_640…)

>>2162792I will confess, even though I am almost 30 now I also watched a no commentary playthrough video of this VN many years ago when I was still a teenager. I think kids, teens especially, are drawn to edgy content to try to seem more mature for their age and shit, even though every adult I talked to online way back when was like "NO!! ENJOY YOUR YOUTH WHILE IT LASTS!" I otherwise did and I agree with them even now. It makes me annoyed that shit like FNAF, Poppy's Playtime, and other edgy horrorshit is just especially aimed at kids now and kids are exposed to implied graphic violence and shit. It was bad when it was Happy Tree Friends, it's still bad now.
And non of those are even like, a dogshit 18+ loli porn VN like this filth. I'm with the other anon, Saya no Uta would be a really excellent horror story but the loli ruins it. Fuminori was in such an abused mental state that you could replace Saya with any other normal looking adult woman and Fuminori still would've been down bad and simped for her simply for being the only normal looking female present in his weird mental illness meat world.
No. 2170273
>>2169321its because men like lolis its not so deep its like asking why female otomes always have
abusive bishies, its what women like
No. 2174610
File: 1726970135238.jpg (173.4 KB, 1334x1334, bc099c7f0772f0ddd9420ece8ef0a2…)

No. 2175410
File: 1727030785503.png (42.48 KB, 691x325, Gillian Flynn.png)

No. 2185080
File: 1727565511151.mp4 (7.37 MB, 464x848, M3cfV2d.mp4)

No. 2185130
File: 1727567136754.png (3.15 MB, 1170x1562, stop.png)

>>2185080Why’s she so cross eyed?
No. 2185139
>>2185127I am still confused, I will post what I hear and someone can explain what it's meant to mean
>You're taking a really long time looking at beans>Yeah sorry I can't seem to find your bean on this shelf>Oh mai gawd>You didn't like that?>No I don't like THAT!>Bloodlsmile.png>You ok?>Ya Im Gucci>Babe you're Good Will at best>POG>You're horrid! You are horrible>Im great for you>queu strangling with Kraft Mac n Cheese staring in the background>cut>Autismsnarl.exeIs it supposed to be cute? Funny? I'd kill myself if this were me
No. 2185149
>>2185139I'll do my best to translate from cringe sex pest speak to proper
nonny language:
>I can't seem to find your bean on this shelf"I'm making a joke about finding your clit"
>Ya Im Gucci>Babe you're Good Will at best"I'm negging you by saying you're a thrift store" (Goodwill is a secondhand shop, while Gucci is a known brand. He's trying to add onto her joke and failing.)
>cue strangling with Kraft Mac n Cheese staring in the backgroundHe's repeating their sex life in the middle of the grocery store. That is 100% a thing he does during sex and she has memed herself into thinking she gets off on it.
No. 2185690
File: 1727596844477.png (1.75 MB, 2048x2048, 9hW0mGy.png)

No. 2187735
File: 1727709823368.mp4 (1.46 MB, 480x854, US4jdIR.mp4)

No. 2188453
File: 1727735924970.png (567.57 KB, 566x1008, 1000008815.png)

>>2185080Why is this expression so
scary?>>2187735This is funny to me. Edgelord scrotes need to get bullied.
No. 2189470
File: 1727803219248.jpeg (269.8 KB, 1080x1964, IMG_8944.jpeg)

No. 2189942
>>2189503Yeah that's what I'm thinking too, but still, good lord above.
No. 2195448
File: 1728202522058.png (496.11 KB, 903x798, Ep52AWf.png)

No. 2196865
File: 1728268193396.jpg (452.63 KB, 1280x818, large.jpg)

What a waste of materials and fabric
No. 2196954
>>2196865This is so fucking funny. Nazi brony/furry autism is something else.
>>2189470It seems like bait accounts are becoming a lot more common. People are getting so desperate for engagement even if it’s negative.
No. 2198652
File: 1728400427585.mp4 (16.16 MB, 576x1024, 1728400214146 (1).mp4)

No. 2204363
File: 1728750721569.png (311.95 KB, 500x374, Y3Wy8FJ.png)

No. 2204367
>>2204363What's a
terf, is that like a "right wing feminist"?
No. 2204396
File: 1728752884678.mp4 (5.5 MB, 720x1280, 0DBEE9E9-8763-4630-9E6C-D9E402…)

No. 2204430
>>22043671) You're such a newfag
TERF stands for trans exclusionary radical feminist, it's basically second wave feminism and only women can be radical feminists. But trannies use the word anyone they don't like in order to demonize them, they'll even call the pope a
No. 2204925
File: 1728779607813.mp4 (2.12 MB, 360x640, nzw1aVT.mp4)

No. 2204965
>>2198652His "humor" is obviously fucking forced. She never laughed in any of the clips until he kept repeating the joke. He sounds mentally retarded as well and looks that part while he's at it.
>>2204396Couldn't get past the 1st second. Thought it was some ugly gigantic baby at first.
>>2204925Phones, social media, the internet, and cameras were a mistake.
No. 2205230
>>2198652Incels say women live on easy mode, but men can be disgusting fat retards like this and there is somebody who thinks they are funny.
>>2204925>try so hard to be edgy>still put tw and use pen instead of knifeKek
No. 2207173
File: 1728935156731.jpg (Spoiler Image,137.13 KB, 736x967, 19f924b11015549a6b3eac32248c57…)

theres a bit to unpack here
No. 2207386
File: 1728946470136.png (421.58 KB, 720x904, insnigpd7fj71.png)

>>2207379here he is, nona
No. 2207547
File: 1728958821205.jpg (9.84 KB, 320x318, 8c8vueyfthlb1.jpg)

nonnie why'd you have to unearth my repressed trauma like that
No. 2208860
File: 1729034359841.png (135.47 KB, 1158x697, chatbotfag.png)

No. 2214539
File: 1729408540990.mp4 (2.12 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_2C4FFA41D7…)

No. 2215451
Almost 400k likes for some shitty try-hard cosplay.
No. 2215454
File: 1729459003837.webp (17.87 KB, 250x324, Ogre.jpg)

>>2214539what the fuck. is he even sentient.
No. 2215498
File: 1729460120988.jpg (94.51 KB, 1800x900, Phoenix-Wright-Ace-Attorney-Tr…)

>>2215476the bottom of her feet are dirty af too so the trailer park theory holds. they enter empty homes for sale and film ogre breeder propaganda
No. 2216680
File: 1729533578700.jpg (80.91 KB, 512x663, gd3yso4ni3341.jpg)

have some retro cringe
No. 2219314
File: 1729660466571.jpg (372.79 KB, 900x595, cringe.jpg)

No. 2220788
File: 1729745330709.mp4 (2.57 MB, 576x1024, 3BMo2bmg8mEDFTWd.mp4)

No. 2221568
>>2185080cringe gold. what the fuck.. IS THAT ALLOWED???
>>2214539deeply deeply disturbing
No. 2222561
File: 1729833213243.jpg (260.59 KB, 1530x1326, 1669209334639.jpg)

No. 2223124
File: 1729869465625.png (623.14 KB, 893x819, 1I9HZPA.png)

No. 2223151
>>2215451The lack of enthusiasm makes it so much more embarrassing than it would have been otherwise kek
>>2222561>With the exception of GermanyOf course.
No. 2224346
File: 1729924663679.png (989.04 KB, 1391x851, draco robes.png)

No. 2224494
File: 1729944441574.png (38.11 KB, 747x288, 1jqu2bV.png)

No. 2225744
File: 1730011216151.jpg (Spoiler Image,171.76 KB, 1319x1608, 20241027_083959.jpg)

No. 2230098
File: 1730241970760.mp4 (12.15 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000csanntnog65mn7siqa…)

i know this guy is satire but i audibly sigh whenever i see any of his posts
No. 2230491
>>2230453>marryingLavender Brown
>planningProfessor Lupin
>cryingProfessor Umbridge
>lost the ringHarry
>came for free foodalso Harry
>sings dedicated songLuna
>hooks up with DJTonks
>drops the cakeThat janitor with the cat
>gives drunk speechmyself
>flirts with guestsMoody
>bouquet toss fightWeasley Twins
No. 2230751
File: 1730279908090.jpg (338.84 KB, 1280x960, 1677078820244.jpg)

No. 2231022
File: 1730293706246.jpg (541.78 KB, 1080x1192, Screenshot_20241029_203342_You…)

No. 2233607
File: 1730409584814.mp4 (15.65 MB, 720x1280, AAF3639E4B53EFF5E53E3270CDAB6.…)

No. 2233622
>>2230453>MarryingMad Eye Moody
>PlanningVoldemort (KEK)
>The one who criedFilch
>Who lost the ringAlso Filch
>Who came for the free foodHagrid (canonically accurate)
>The singerFred and George
>Hooks up with the DJMAD EYE MOODY YOU UNFAITHFUL WHORE>Who drops the cakeDraco (by """accident""" knowing him)
>Who gives a drunk speechLavender Brown
>Who flirts with guestsHarry
>Who fights over the bouquet tossAlso Harry
No. 2233633
>planningLavender (oh shit)
>cryingLavender (double oh shit)
>lost the ringFleur
>came for free foodPansy
>singsLavender (triple oh shit)
>hooks up with DJFred/George
>drops cakeMad Eye Moody
>drunk speechDumbledore
>flirts with guestsUmbridge
>bouquet toss fightFucking Voldemort kek
No. 2234381
File: 1730456056104.mp4 (5.36 MB, 576x1024, 6546525-ad7391f4c2b54803aa8c16…)

No. 2237375
File: 1730644589256.jpeg (Spoiler Image,225.83 KB, 2047x1213, 6A2D54E7-CEB5-45E2-BB7D-8C74E5…)

No. 2239049
File: 1730747243593.mp4 (3 MB, 360x640, 728374774.mp4)

No. 2239091
File: 1730749014266.mp4 (6.11 MB, 480x854, RDT_20240913_193727.mp4)

No. 2241624
File: 1730849466539.jpg (56.06 KB, 640x533, 1000000218.jpg)

No. 2241627
File: 1730849507750.jpg (143.66 KB, 1241x1485, 1000000217.jpg)

No. 2242236
File: 1730861183415.jpg (127.3 KB, 1200x900, 1000000222.jpg)

No. 2243344
File: 1730873350701.jpeg (249.8 KB, 1170x835, 1660533274202.jpeg)

No. 2243348
File: 1730873377325.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1242x2136, 1671300388258.jpeg)

No. 2243890
File: 1730879474941.jpeg (469.18 KB, 1242x794, 1674135481923.jpeg)

No. 2244292
File: 1730885808216.mp4 (5.77 MB, 576x1024, mZBkSP1EutvKZlDV.mp4)

No. 2244630
File: 1730896408393.jpg (Spoiler Image,217.51 KB, 595x723, 1717448780682.jpg)

No. 2246241
File: 1730924219172.jpg (4.03 KB, 221x228, co.jpg)

>>2241638I still get notifications about a comment i made on a meme page saying "imagine him choking you (heart eye emoji)" with picrel attached
No. 2248304
File: 1730986627477.jpg (370.65 KB, 720x1173, 1723767284871.jpg)

No. 2248447
File: 1730993281080.webp (78.29 KB, 960x960, 1721273602322.webp)

No. 2248451
File: 1730993502352.jpg (21.34 KB, 640x480, kerm.jpg)

>>2248447why does the lady playing the witch look like she's going to burst into tears every picture
No. 2248762
File: 1731002020548.jpg (133.47 KB, 1345x1280, 1707014872075.jpg)

No. 2250086
File: 1731044927423.mp4 (2.15 MB, 854x480, 1711522483451.mp4)

hidden gem from the fetish art thread
No. 2252290
File: 1731163397785.png (809.96 KB, 720x1156, xmxflLn.png)

No. 2253768
File: 1731234065845.webm (Spoiler Image,3.9 MB, 480x852, 1730964893284494.webm)

No. 2253932
File: 1731249367202.jpg (100.4 KB, 828x1223, okay.JPG)

No. 2254127
>>2253938Retard, she’s asking because
swapping the races is also clearly offensive but of course you would miss that twice and double down.
>YouProtecting this bullshit narrative onto anon as if you aren’t the one seeing blatant misogyny as anti-white racism first and foremost.
No. 2254617
File: 1731277116000.png (93.84 KB, 855x561, cBr22do.png)

>>2254524>fatGiven that the average woman is obese or overweight (depending on the country), and the average Lolcow user is likely to be sedentary, we can assume that the average BMI on Lolcow is roughly 30.
No. 2254660
>>2254651Look at the big smile on her face anon she's not a
victim kek, she's a retard who deserves to be called out as such. That being said we do need to talk more about the nasal, incel phenotype, anorexic manlet who most likely suggested this idea, I'm shocked his wrists can even hold up that leash without snapping.
No. 2254676
>>2254672>Omg muh roidpigsAlso autist.
No. 2254683
File: 1731278917083.jpg (157.19 KB, 720x985, 1000000281.jpg)

Winning post. Absolutely disgusting.
No. 2254707
>>2254703Have you
seen some of the Nigels on this site,
No. 2254727
>>2254707>>2254713Unfortunately yes
>recessed chinEvery single time topkek
No. 2254776
File: 1731281400227.jpg (Spoiler Image,161.59 KB, 806x1025, 1000028913.jpg)

>>2254765You seem very upset that I insulted this ugly man but sure kek. Spoiler for non cringe.
I agree with the nona who posted this in /g/ No. 2254777
File: 1731281417658.png (1.73 MB, 1280x960, 1657268624775.png)

>>2253768>pulling this shit in my happy place, Home DepotEternal damnation isn't enough.
No. 2254796
>>2254791Wait, do you really think the scrote in
>>2253768 looks even remotely on the same level as
>>2254776 No. 2254806
File: 1731282570887.png (Spoiler Image,83.75 KB, 231x428, 1000028915.png)

>>2254791>>2254802Once again spoilered for non cringe but these are not the legs of a man who takes care of his physique. And even if they were this is like the most embarrassing hill to die on kek
No. 2255980
File: 1731349735265.png (434.23 KB, 744x782, YLvYZWj.png)

I hate everything about this
No. 2256060
File: 1731352946222.webm (6.11 MB, 576x1024, jzSQla6ntCPQm-oy.webm)

for anyone wondering. yes, it's a tif
No. 2256327
File: 1731360391151.png (885.81 KB, 1196x1678, gothrightexists.png)

No. 2256932
>>2253768I can't watch more than 3 seconds of this. The other replies are making me curious to see her face but I just can't keep watching. Congrats
nonnie, you won the thread.
No. 2257143
File: 1731398892301.mp4 (14.27 MB, 480x854, hPvW4LO.mp4)

No. 2257165
File: 1731403486268.jpeg (69.58 KB, 589x1099, GcKjeXZWYAAIEi7.jpeg)

>>2257133why did i think this is null
thread tax
No. 2257726
File: 1731443747656.jpg (399.11 KB, 1080x925, Screenshot_20241112_213420_Sam…)

No. 2259751
File: 1731548650777.jpeg (196.97 KB, 828x938, IMG_5854.jpeg)

No. 2260223
File: 1731574573881.png (517.58 KB, 1170x913, 82BOyrh.png)

No. 2260224
File: 1731574599963.png (262.71 KB, 584x680, LoSHHG3.png)

No. 2261015
File: 1731620566424.jpeg (48.94 KB, 597x597, zsbX5kQ.jpeg)

No. 2261516
>>2260223kek who even is this lady
>>2257617i love your energy
No. 2262231
File: 1731707798711.jpg (787.83 KB, 1500x2000, bafkreicsf5cvjjayezyukmr62jxqc…)

I hate Adobe too but this is just cringe,this is from the voice acting cast from The Digital Circus BTW.What a bunch of losers.
No. 2262235
File: 1731708044644.jpg (61.55 KB, 1080x310, wut.jpg)

>>2261335is this proven to be effective? i know damn well my voice doesn't feel very good after i try pitching it up
No. 2262248
File: 1731708762551.jpeg (685.65 KB, 1521x1706, IMG_3316.jpeg)

>>2262231>everyone who works on the show is ugly including the tranny who created itNot surprising tbh
No. 2262254
>>2262248Something about these pictures
screams self-hatred kek
No. 2262323
File: 1731712506273.jpg (94.45 KB, 1319x1444, 1000000358.jpg)

No. 2262331
>>2261869She's a beast, uh
I call her karma (comeback)
She eat your heart out
Like Jeffery Dahmer
Be careful
Try not to lead her on
Shorty's heart on steroids, cause her loves so strong
You may fall in love when you meet her (meet her)
When you get the chance you better keep her (keep her)
She's sweet as pie but if you break her heart, she turn cold as a freezer
That fairytale ending wit a knight in shining armor, she gon be my sleeping beauty, I'm gon put her in a coma
Man I think I lover
Shorty's so bad
I'm sprung and I don't care
She rock me like a roller coaster
Turn the bedroom into a fair (a fair)
Her love is like a drug
I was tryna hit it and quit it
But the mammas so dope
I messed around and got addicteeed
No. 2262360
>>2262326I posted in wrong thread. Meant for chuckle thread, but too late now so I've decided its under category of "polyamory is so cringe"
>>2261869>>2262349JayZs verse in Monster.
No. 2262979
File: 1731763959732.png (1.07 MB, 1170x1737, FBCSQbo.png)

No. 2263370
File: 1731785322869.jpeg (109.45 KB, 977x537, IMG_7955.jpeg)

>>2261015Men telling women that they’re “appropriating” feminism for not wanting to include men is the most male thing I’ve ever seen kek.
No. 2263619
File: 1731794254258.jpg (5.8 KB, 168x300, 1000000383.jpg)

No. 2264448
File: 1731853496390.webp (55.97 KB, 584x693, 7kaj9id6pjud1.webp)

No. 2264485
File: 1731855060757.gif (344.41 KB, 278x278, 424327ab3de0d8d4e0e19d6547b5fe…)

>>2264454if you were actually friends with them you'd know they are extremely boring to be around. 90% of what happens in their brain is kpop related. they don't know how to talk about anything else. they genuinely become retarded when they get into kpop.
No. 2264555
File: 1731857658705.jpeg (95.48 KB, 950x764, kYWvjkK.jpeg)

No. 2264864
File: 1731877639054.jpg (155.7 KB, 720x806, 1000000429.jpg)

No. 2265514
File: 1731918456958.png (455.42 KB, 736x674, Jaee6IS.png)

No. 2265651
>>2265646I wonder how much gacha heat content is
actually made by kids.
No. 2265796
File: 1731943664599.jpg (146.02 KB, 1284x877, GckijOGaMAAX7SV.jpg)

i'm not sure if it fits the thread but if i had to see this so do you
No. 2266197
File: 1731964493564.png (168.25 KB, 1054x896, transangelicuwu.png)

No. 2266827
File: 1732008550629.mp4 (7.71 MB, 886x1280, RPReplay_Final1732008142.mp4)

No. 2266899
File: 1732014882253.png (463.89 KB, 471x888, 1728695397246.png)

>>2266882Tamers is the only brony that understands twilight.
No. 2266910
File: 1732016228642.png (451.9 KB, 1124x1054, josCzyQ.png)

No. 2266911
>>2266910Woke up just to see an opinion
so fucking wrong in every way imaginable.
No. 2267035
File: 1732024126268.jpeg (333.72 KB, 1170x2296, 1656916476379.jpeg)

No. 2268001
File: 1732061354428.mp4 (3.29 MB, 576x1024, Download(1).mp4)

No. 2268599
File: 1732105620743.mp4 (17.43 MB, 640x640, tumblr_qzb5id2bto1yjjroe.mp4)

repost from the kinkshaming thread
No. 2271814
File: 1732261409832.png (1.41 MB, 1130x1954, II8vzga.png)

No. 2271886
>>2266827>that last partat the very very very least, the dude is definitely thinking about fucking his girlfriend's friend. I feel like everyone here already knows that though. Reposting just to add this though, vidrel is why I hate it when normiefag women and scrotes love to dismiss obvious signs that a moid wants to fuck another woman as, "Oh you're just being jealous", or "Oh, they're just being playful". Normiefag women and scrotes will unironically look at obvious signs that a moid is about to cheat (or already is) and go like
>"your boyfriend still has nudes of his ex on his phone? Why are you being invasive? And those are precious memories, you can't control his life!"It's surreal.
No. 2272632
File: 1732314530626.png (29.26 KB, 546x141, incel-bros.png)

No. 2273011
File: 1732344919037.jpg (183.92 KB, 1280x1071, 1732316852496798.jpg)

No. 2273026
File: 1732347656719.jpg (504.16 KB, 2160x2660, 1731780679496.jpg)

No. 2273035
File: 1732348737172.jpg (548.4 KB, 1280x1829, tumblr_2944bc838b0c5777a63f8b7…)

>NYC fits
No. 2273463
File: 1732380207327.png (138.37 KB, 375x310, eQuMAWw.png)

No. 2273569
File: 1732382547344.png (251.53 KB, 538x591, gLXs4oM.png)

No. 2273616
File: 1732383869835.jpg (111.91 KB, 1080x885, FBWbX9ZUcAYD_h4.jpg)

No. 2273761
>>2268001This sort of thing fucked me up as a kid. I prevented me from telling my mother anything and kept quiet because I knew I was getting beaten either which way. To this day my mom thinks me as a liar because of this fucked up "parenting method."
Not cringing, just seeing my child self flinching in fear.
No. 2276014
File: 1732542530073.mp4 (7.86 MB, 480x852, 1732144475592.mp4)

No. 2276294
File: 1732560384112.mp4 (6.46 MB, 480x854, 9mx1FGh.mp4)

I win
No. 2278310
File: 1732675127398.mp4 (610.11 KB, 720x870, JE1D9DFo3BM93gLf.mp4)

No. 2278322
File: 1732675596238.jpg (63.94 KB, 768x768, 1000019235.jpg)

>>2278310They blend in very well with the packs of raw Tyson chicken.
No. 2281445
File: 1732876040941.jpg (95.49 KB, 747x739, hmmm.jpg)

indian men swapping around the genders of these memes because they get so massively butthurt over meaningless things
No. 2281457
>>2281446>>2281453the original meme was
>When a girl calls me cuteon the left and
>When a guy calls me cuteon the right
but they put guy on the left and girl on the right because it makes them mad thinking about girls not caring about their opinion
No. 2283389
File: 1732939903551.jpg (258.18 KB, 1080x1215, 1000016194.jpg)

No. 2283399
File: 1732940403132.jpeg (704.62 KB, 1170x1995, IMG_4980.jpeg)

>>2283389That guy’s Reddit account is a treasure trove.
No. 2290257
>>2280344I hate the term cinnamon roll so much
>>2283414Men grow up with zero demands in terms of looks while women are forced to develop an eye for aesthetics even if they choose not to dress up. If you get the most autistic woman who as a girl wore nothing but graphic tees and jeans and ask her to dress up, she'll come up with something at least a little coordinated. Men, otoh, are actively discouraged from caring for themselves. They actively wear clothes that don't fit and don't go together, and don't groom themselves, so their brains don't have any information on fashion to go by once they're adults. This is them doing their absolute best to mimic the beauty of women with their atrophied braincells.
No. 2293482
No. 2293674
I lost
A living bean bag chair.
No. 2294362
File: 1733589018061.png (1.13 MB, 1099x1384, tY302Ba.png)

No. 2296107
>>2296103>I really hope that I get full 100% MexicanAnd this is how I know you're 100% American
>I hope that I'm Bad Bunny's cousinI would kill myself tbh
No. 2298783
File: 1733739724625.png (548.49 KB, 601x888, lI1z219.png)

No. 2301758
File: 1733837936877.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2400, qhFIXQK.png)

No. 2305064
File: 1733990330245.jpg (72.39 KB, 1329x228, Capture3~2.JPG)

No. 2305089
File: 1733994984701.png (1.14 MB, 1290x1930, EG0J3oK.png)

No. 2305158
File: 1734004823484.png (23.17 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_579A9.png)

>>2305089>>2305111All I could think of
No. 2305480
File: 1734026333884.mp4 (14.16 MB, 854x480, nTsaNjk.mp4)

No. 2305980
File: 1734047026443.jpg (75.11 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

>>2305421Yes, he's also the guy who got this kanna tattoo apparently. He's a weird edgelord who sperges against Jewish/black people (despite hanging around Andrew Tate?)and makes videos about how much better 2d women are than real women
No. 2305988
File: 1734047311234.mp4 (1.49 MB, 720x1280, a_GPjZEr2pz4lU4V.mp4)

No. 2305994
File: 1734047587820.mp4 (13.78 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_AQN6vrC-er…)

last post
No. 2306012
File: 1734048346178.png (1.06 MB, 946x2048, YzXBEJ7.png)

No. 2306019
File: 1734048607687.png (708.96 KB, 1290x1851, 4YZKCNa.png)

imagine being more sexist than a tradfag
No. 2306039
>>2306019>I hate that parableThis exchange
perfectly encapsulates the average tradtard's "ideology" kek
No. 2306043
>>2305994It's so funny how you can
hear the begging for women's attention in all his antics and yet nobody knows he exists kek
No. 2306099
File: 1734051084915.jpeg (534.78 KB, 1397x2048, FUBrKfaVsAArJ8x.jpeg)

I hate white male weebs so much.this is pretty much worse than being cringe.
No. 2306140
File: 1734053126017.jpg (75.16 KB, 500x500, artworks-212U5LKzyRjIZJJv-S3oO…)

>>2306131This guy isn't even an actual waifufag, he's just an attention whore. He's not dedicated to one singular character and just trend hops onto what's popular. Like he and multiple moids got tattoos of this girl when that was popular, yet never brings her up again
No. 2306245
>>2306228She's gotta break someday. There's only two ways to go if she's going to base her self worth on validation from the worst moids ever. Although the latter might be worse if she gets together with someone physically and sexually
abusive. As much as I hate her for shitting on other women out of spite, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
No. 2306547
File: 1734093010780.png (642.11 KB, 680x682, IMG_4901.png)

>>2305064Could you be put on a list just for saying shit like this?
No. 2306710
>>2305111I geniunely can't post what I want to do with those moids because I will get banned
>>2305064It feels like reading Lolita all over again, except it's worse. That one is beyond cringe, truly awful
No. 2307882
File: 1734208191426.mp4 (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 720x1280, pRW1ke5Rx1BcXVYE.mp4)

No. 2307895
File: 1734209390533.jpeg (88.25 KB, 743x751, GePKTafXoAArXaJ.jpeg)

No. 2307899
>fighting inner psychological wars in a world that hates her and trying to survive from being murdered,raped,attacked everydayMoids
>cant even fucking close a porn tab No. 2307959
File: 1734213381427.jpg (48.47 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

>>2307895After reading this I finally understand stuff like making boys stick their hands into a bunch of pissed off fire ants. Anything less is just spoiling them rotten.
No. 2307970
>>2307895We all might have bitter differences in opinion on this site, but there is 100% likelihood we all felt the exact same thing upon reading that, considering the rites of passage we must endure.
Let's call this "class consciousness".
>this moidpost made me a feminist after all this time No. 2309434
File: 1734310264671.mp4 (1.88 MB, 720x1280, 1000057652.mp4)

>femboy x masc girl
No. 2309870
File: 1734364332545.webp (30.67 KB, 640x1385, IMG_5009.webp)

Imagine being male
No. 2310383
File: 1734388977233.png (144.72 KB, 657x737, V4X4ajO.png)

No. 2312505
File: 1734518498024.mp4 (5.38 MB, 480x854, IXJh8wq.mp4)

No. 2312568
File: 1734523599494.jpeg (1.26 MB, 1179x1915, IMG_9049.jpeg)

The sexual dimorphism in the UK and Ireland astounds me to no end.
No. 2312751
File: 1734539206340.mp4 (1.67 MB, 576x1024, VID-20241210-WA0004.mp4)

No. 2312808
>>2312505Lost. Can't fucking stand this type of content.
>>2307895The type of person to overuse semicolons while not even using them remotely correctly is the exact type of person to write this kek
No. 2313013
File: 1734551890947.png (361.18 KB, 1238x1382, IMG_4200.png)

all the retards in my country love posting on linkedin
No. 2315481
File: 1734695044322.jpg (506.25 KB, 1079x1351, 1000030732.jpg)

No. 2315493
File: 1734696361007.jpg (103.86 KB, 576x1006, 1733691618373.jpg)

>>2315481you should've added the unedited picture of her
No. 2318445
File: 1734955811487.webp (15.73 KB, 622x591, how-do-i-get-my-pou-to-this-st…)

>>2273026Late but he looks like a dying Pou KEK
No. 2320042
File: 1735090972692.mp4 (1.4 MB, 480x634, TSROX0H2UXq3IDT2.mp4)

No. 2320194
File: 1735118244910.jpeg (370.44 KB, 1170x1704, 1712952795156.jpeg)

No. 2322228
File: 1735289061269.jpg (87.09 KB, 761x443, Screenshot_20241227-003955_You…)

No. 2322272
>>2320194I want to a-log this bitch so much. How does she claim to be a radfem
terf and yet advocate for children being molested in some of her tweets? Med Gold? Isn't that the dude who said a child who got molested should have enjoyed it and let it help them grow instead of crying about trauma? She reposted his tweet and they're best buddies too, equally worthless lives
No. 2322275
>>2322272can you post caps
nonny? sounds insane
No. 2322311
File: 1735299570436.jpg (2.61 KB, 214x235, bleak.jpg)

>>2320194doesn't that medgold guy have some facebook group cult of teenage girls he grooms into eating disorders? I remember seeing something like that on his xitter, any nona feel free to correct me because I don't wanna look more into it than I already have
No. 2322330
>>2322311What the actual fuck? I'm seconding this now.
I'm gonna make my a-log thoughts on moids come true, ugh.
No. 2322344
File: 1735305997391.mp4 (Spoiler Image,4.98 MB, 720x1102, vPuAcel5MQnJCEmb.mp4)

No. 2323326
File: 1735351708802.jpg (487.46 KB, 1489x1861, tumblr_1a57017c1cfd1b920f1c0c3…)

Pretty sure it's ragebait but still cringe nonetheless
No. 2324663
File: 1735469018088.png (Spoiler Image,787.7 KB, 1242x1386, y9UIm70.png)

No. 2327706
File: 1735703824262.png (334 KB, 503x380, 8410f3a969484c4ca3840182de9c9b…)

I lost again and no,it's not photoshopped it's unfortunately real.
No. 2331248
File: 1735935940788.mp4 (1.3 MB, 480x854, irishrap.mp4)

No. 2331760
File: 1735956740911.mp4 (6.84 MB, 720x1280, DEF039BB-6F72-4F46-8F11-97EC25…)

No. 2331822
File: 1735960286293.jpeg (53.5 KB, 1170x834, GgVAKH0aMAAErLz.jpeg)

No. 2332294
File: 1735997567290.jpeg (100.65 KB, 1287x1285, IMG_4332.jpeg)

No. 2334949
File: 1736153678755.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.13 KB, 1080x1611, Screenshot.jpg)

>>2334903I found it on this person's account after she showed up in our group. We were pretty kinky but we think she crossed the line.
No. 2334977
File: 1736157866763.mp4 (4.99 MB, 540x960, spotlight-snap.mp4)

YA media and its consequences.
No. 2335004
File: 1736162854660.mp4 (5.21 MB, 854x480, RJcPIL1.mp4)

No. 2335036
File: 1736165683387.mp4 (6.72 MB, 540x952, output_video_677bc89a94df89.10…)

The dancing is horrid and he's wearing a mask and glasses because he's ugly.
No. 2336885
>>2335345No, but I absolutely need to see those! Post them if you can,
No. 2337064
File: 1736256556946.png (139.41 KB, 814x588, Screenshot from 2025-01-08 02-…)

I like seriouseats but it's so fucking reddit sometimes.
No. 2339597
File: 1736396077303.mp4 (2.81 MB, 320x462, 728374778.mp4)

No. 2339601
File: 1736396316904.png (140.35 KB, 368x451, X5PKy4g.png)

>>2339597I lost, i couldn't even finish the video.
No. 2339995
File: 1736432036454.webm (1.18 MB, 320x418, 1694605664013.webm)

No. 2340191
>>2331762which one? they're all booby
>>2322344imagine getting paid for making sweaty women in skin-tight clothes rub their crotches on you all day..
No. 2340497
File: 1736459514456.mp4 (6.52 MB, 720x1280, 1735901253962.mp4)

No. 2340652
File: 1736468452721.png (1.1 MB, 1280x720, kYSoh4m.png)

>>2340513>>2340581a bit of a blog post but one of my cousins does white monkey's in china, he's not even white (he's a light brownish middle eastern man) but they can't tell the difference, he also shills china irl too and talks about how great china and mao are
No. 2340721
>>2339995"Women are bumbling retards without personalities and I'm smart and special so I'm not a girl." Bet she has exclusively male friends too because girls are too much drama.
>>2340581This is actually hilarious
No. 2341343
File: 1736529989965.gif (Spoiler Image,346.64 KB, 250x250, 3dgifmaker35378.gif)

No. 2342293
File: 1736600999838.jpg (65.81 KB, 940x616, Modern_punk.jpg)

No. 2345966
File: 1736808281095.mp4 (19.17 MB, 1280x720, vaginnnaaaaaa.mp4)

This shit won awards
No. 2346144
File: 1736816445393.mp4 (19.17 MB, 480x854, Ma8KnGu.mp4)

>drag is art
No. 2346785
File: 1736894550053.png (3 MB, 2048x1536, mC7GcMf.png)

No. 2347504
File: 1736950452230.webm (760.86 KB, 320x568, 1672256334903.webm)

No. 2347543
nonnie, it's what she wants to hear
No. 2348427
File: 1736999695543.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1397, 250115-215147~2.png)

Saw this on Etsy and uh why do we allow these useless retards to drive a vehicle?
No. 2349993
No. 2352281
File: 1737227061416.mp4 (1.49 MB, 1556x886, ScreenRecording_01-18-2025 19-…)

No. 2352528
File: 1737235408655.mp4 (5.55 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQOzWai52LT…)

No. 2352817
File: 1737248315776.mp4 (5.43 MB, 640x346, 6795615-c470fa8ed6bd92cda03a84…)

No. 2361202
File: 1737601978756.mp4 (12.35 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQMDeNJTyE-…)

No. 2362009
File: 1737657898637.jpg (556.63 KB, 1414x2000, bafkreiebbzlzcdkrukbon3tu3la63…)

No. 2365631
File: 1737832118858.png (574.31 KB, 968x1279, jZsYplb.png)

No. 2365632
File: 1737832142731.mp4 (1.68 MB, 480x854, r7E6vZc.mp4)

No. 2366249
File: 1737854330757.mp4 (7.37 MB, 854x472, fZyX3cu.mp4)

No. 2366400
File: 1737860307066.jpg (221.49 KB, 720x1280, 1000000446.jpg)

You ever just have the feminine urge to strategically burn pages from a book and hold them up with your fat manicured chicken talons to post online and claim they blew on your doorstep from the CA fires?
No. 2369484
File: 1738069672665.png (562.29 KB, 897x853, n1dBx6G.png)

>it's a plastic gun btw
No. 2369495
File: 1738071344978.jpg (128.51 KB, 1080x654, 1000054716.jpg)

No. 2369716
>>2369501All guns in japan are fake. They have highly realistic toy guns, but yes, it is illegal to own any real guns.
>>2369539My troondar is tingling as well.
No. 2369718
File: 1738084096238.gif (739.76 KB, 500x383, 1000032148.gif)

>>2369484My troondar is beeping like crazy
No. 2369749
>>2369484That's a man, right?
>>2369501Yeah, clearly desperate for attention. And Trump has fans all over the world, unfortunately.
No. 2371648
File: 1738191771451.jpeg (324.04 KB, 1333x2000, 1738020602950.jpeg)

What a painful read
No. 2372861
File: 1738259887831.jpeg (1.5 MB, 2320x2320, 1738020684684.jpeg)

>>2372553>I'm almost certain the author is probably a troonThe author of
>>2371648 ?
No. 2375397
File: 1738359147301.jpg (165.21 KB, 1170x1247, GifVtQ_XkAAD41L.jpg)

I found these on xitter, I don't know what they are from but they give booktok energy
No. 2375410
File: 1738359503352.jpg (187.32 KB, 1170x1278, GifVtQ-XoAAW6we.jpg)

>>2375407Daddy alpha is the worst one though
No. 2375411
File: 1738359611222.jpg (126.88 KB, 1170x1150, GifVtQ-WcAEZx_L.jpg)

This one is the most datable, still cringe though
No. 2375427
>>2375410>inventor of technologyNo idea why that cracked me up kek
>>2375423Pretty sure it's a self insert
No. 2375438
File: 1738360806643.jpg (85.94 KB, 1079x558, 1000019997.jpg)

>>2375410tall bitch larping as a shorter bitch kek, she should be up to his neck.
No. 2375451
File: 1738361463576.jpeg (48.33 KB, 720x801, 1733057888823.jpeg)

>>2375397>>2375423tall women prefer tall men, and that's understandable. but these same women become irrationally upset when they see tall men dating women under 5'7, going as far as to label both as pedophilic
No. 2376886
File: 1738443244559.jpeg (551.59 KB, 1179x1462, IMG_4453.jpeg)

No. 2377125
File: 1738452822325.mp4 (9.66 MB, 1280x720, Vd8I7oL_x4r5hx.mp4)

these people vote
No. 2377342
File: 1738466080702.mp4 (1.05 MB, 480x852, 1700746730757.mp4)

>>2375451>>2375397now, the opposite end of the spectrum
No. 2377943
File: 1738515243793.png (772.31 KB, 828x1628, khB5nJ7.png)

>>2375451she has a point, like it's driven by jealousy, but they are right that these "smol" women and men are often involved for fetish reasons, which is not healthy for a relationship
No. 2378012
>>2378009anon i came itt at
>>2377987. multiple anons are disagreeing with you.
No. 2378034
>>2378021>like have you guys SEEN how men below six feet victimize themselves for no reason and become aggressive and insane about it to overcompensatethis is the real reason i think women don't like dating manlets, they make their height like 30% of their personality and
not in a fun way. like they have to prove they're sane before i'll give them a second look. even a chihuahua can be cute if it's chill, but one of the insanely territorial yappy ones, i would never be able to deal with.
No. 2378221
File: 1738526986940.mp4 (1.68 MB, 680x1280, skirt go spinny.mp4)

No. 2378638
File: 1738539511157.png (2.31 MB, 1284x2778, xuhzRyG.png)

>>2375451ot but I knew a family who made it a point to talk about how they wanted to marry fellow tall people to get "tall genes" because tall people were more aesthetically pleasing
No. 2378682
File: 1738540553406.jpeg (301.91 KB, 1090x2152, FWSNz4H.jpeg)

>>2378638>>2378666the same family, she's 6'1
No. 2378768
File: 1738542285190.webp (55.03 KB, 640x1159, B197B709-6D1E-4078-8800-014577…)

>>2378682Seeing Girl Defined on LC is a bit of a jumpscare. They’re fucking weirdos and are really fixated on being blonde and tall because of their Austrian genes. Which gets weird when you learn their Austrian genes are from actual Nazi mayors. They’re all big fish in a small pond and are generally insufferable.
No. 2379099
File: 1738549647145.mp4 (6.94 MB, 462x854, pJPV94l.mp4)

No. 2379135
File: 1738551065044.jpeg (1.19 MB, 1124x1505, 6B90A80C-7355-4518-BA29-3F522F…)

>>2379099I watched this once through and immediately knew it was filmed at Nola in Palo Alto, CA. Picrel is from google reviews and I circled the gator painting that is also in the video.
I can’t really explain how knowing this information makes it even worse but just know they’re paying a premium for garbage food and even worse cocktails. My contempt for that restaurant and the people who frequent it is immense, so it makes sense someone like this would go there.
No. 2379747
File: 1738601043670.mp4 (1.83 MB, 540x958, Snapchat-1089295423.mp4)

Christian Rickroll
No. 2380706
File: 1738627704703.mp4 (4.2 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@flutterdollie_17386…)

Hopefully this hasn't already been posted.
No. 2381487
File: 1738676175020.mp4 (6.33 MB, 640x360, di5YH1738673280603.mp4)

No. 2382635
Of course he's ugly,ginger and a neck beard even more cringe with the furry shit.
No. 2382643
No. 2382698
File: 1738725237884.jpg (731.36 KB, 1080x1336, 1737947106615.jpg)

No. 2383325
File: 1738770014530.png (71.32 KB, 682x147, 1000021543.png)

No. 2383949
File: 1738795554599.mp4 (4.91 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_717005935253815629…)

No. 2384543
File: 1738828101680.png (815.75 KB, 643x900, 1738745897363.png)

No. 2384843
File: 1738852949029.mp4 (4.31 MB, 540x960, output_video_67a4c9f9905210.89…)

No. 2384915
>>2383949Hope she gets better someday.
>>2384843At the start I thought she would be for real because she was acting kinda weird but then she just… showed things everyone does when they're concentrating on something. Mental illness fakers make me unreasonably mad.
No. 2386092
File: 1738902104878.mp4 (1.56 MB, 720x1280, Video-700.mp4)

No. 2386229
File: 1738914293450.mp4 (1.57 MB, 720x900, b6495b47-a360-4c64-aab7-a3f499…)

No. 2386442
File: 1738932755842.jpeg (134.37 KB, 1200x700, IMG_4474.jpeg)

>>2386092kpop virus and it's consequences
No. 2387006
File: 1738960343464.jpg (3.7 MB, 1231x9909, 1738925357524.jpg)

No. 2387958
File: 1739022526270.mp4 (2.01 MB, 480x854, VhlveNo.mp4)

No. 2389167
File: 1739073442729.mp4 (2.36 MB, 480x854, n0sx6uq.mp4)

No. 2389208
Vexy looks better than whatever than thing is
No. 2391091
File: 1739146111105.jpeg (415.22 KB, 1536x2048, dXP2oxN.jpeg)

No. 2391296
File: 1739154169790.png (712.58 KB, 975x626, e.PNG)

>>2382635Reminded me of this Etsy review I saw a while ago.
No. 2391340
File: 1739156264688.png (848.1 KB, 1009x1059, IMG_7556.png)

incel cow Travis Fodor / Kevin Handler, who recently went viral on TikTok for his creepy videos and his life size sex doll.
No. 2391345
File: 1739156481777.jpeg (61.85 KB, 720x718, IMG_7559.jpeg)

>>2391340Here's a picture of him holding her head
Does he have a thread here yet?
No. 2391525
File: 1739166493105.jpg (178.85 KB, 600x338, peasant man.jpg)

>>2391345What the fuck is going on with his face? It looks medieval. I am seriously disturbed.
No. 2391604
File: 1739171585298.jpg (249.57 KB, 720x1122, 1000000566.jpg)

Did soren rise from the dead like Jesus christ
No. 2391635
>>2391624I see your point and I raise you
>now that your witch is dead, you suck her ghostly toesEither way whoever this retard is, they're abysmally embarrassing
No. 2392720
File: 1739232272153.gif (1.01 MB, 360x202, nyaagh.gif)

I know we're a bit off from a new thread, but I'm politely offering picrel as the next threadpic if nonnies want to stick with the moids acting as cutesy animals theme.
No. 2392872
File: 1739241516162.mp4 (12.89 MB, 1280x590, vid_1739241315.mp4)

imagine being murdered, and some pick-me influencer uses that for clout and calls you weird
No. 2392882
>>2389167Is he poking his dick with the cube? What's he trying to do?
No. 2392899
File: 1739243098219.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1155, nsRAQC5.png)

>>2378638>>2378682she's cringe but endearing
No. 2393027
File: 1739249985964.mp4 (4.46 MB, 480x854, c77EfNr.mp4)

No. 2393156
>>2392872…your third eye isn't open. Fucking lol these are the same people that virtue signal about mental illness and abuse but when a
victim isn't perfect its all about how they're bad vibes. Lord people talk too much and everything they say is so meaninglesss
No. 2393633
File: 1739291293082.webm (3.94 MB, 270x480, 1739180194378149.webm)

No. 2393640
File: 1739291529573.webm (3.95 MB, 270x480, 1739180229086000.webm)

No. 2394277
File: 1739315977212.webp (24.34 KB, 560x380, canker-sore.png.webp)

>>2394268Yeah, I get them when I eat something too hot. They appear on the soft palate. You can sense them there and see them in the mirror, too. And um akshully, they're call canker sores.
No. 2394624
>>2393633>I don't know how im going to tell my parents thisssKEK bitch who tells their fucking parents they have herpes LOL
does she not know you can still have unprotected sex if youre not actively having an outbreak? top fucking kekkkkk i love rabid attention seekers like yesss tell us about your genital sores while crying it makes me feel good af about my stupid baka life
No. 2398526
File: 1739505160445.mp4 (11.12 MB, 720x1280, 4d4f1cd05fd748f7ad7716bccefc79…)

No. 2398669
File: 1739514132651.jpg (123.95 KB, 720x1077, 1000000606.jpg)

No. 2399374
File: 1739559826865.mp4 (7.05 MB, 720x1280, 82929293949.mp4)

No. 2401527
File: 1739659449917.jpg (27.34 KB, 828x453, travis.jpg)

>>2391345Just saw a video on him and that tiktok of him mimicking a womans screams is horrific, he looked relatively 'normie' before this too. he claims that it's a troll and everyone is retarded for believing it but he's spent thousands on sex dolls, kek
No. 2402239
File: 1739691141658.png (237.91 KB, 600x774, 3nIChme.png)

No. 2402756
File: 1739720587730.mp4 (Spoiler Image,3.16 MB, 720x1280, tP87h_4YoiNT6ppm.mp4)

No. 2403427
File: 1739746987888.mp4 (5.83 MB, 480x264, topthat.mp4)

No. 2405360
File: 1739846316368.png (536.61 KB, 1142x1342, 1695466186063.png)

No. 2406956
File: 1739948382055.mp4 (1.8 MB, 540x944, Snapchat-683251454.mp4)

If I was that teacher, I'd bodyslam the retard and show him who's truly alpha.
No. 2407057
File: 1739954011448.jpg (404.49 KB, 1228x1400, 1000000674.jpg)

No. 2407222
File: 1739969281597.png (2.41 MB, 4584x5292, 1739968829115424.png)

No. 2409040
File: 1740027241699.jpg (509.88 KB, 828x1639, 1000000673.jpg)