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No. 2162637
>>2162622I regret always dismissing my grandma calling me everyday as a pre-teen/teen and trying to hurry her up. She ended up overdosing on anti-depressants and I hate that I never noticed, I feel so guilty not spending more time with her.
I know it's not my fault but I wished I could have made her happier and give her more company while she was still here.
No. 2162649
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Telling Frank Hassle i had a celeb crush on him and sending him a pic of me in his merch shirt (he ghoste me)
No. 2162690
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>>2162681I'm literally itt because I outgrew my action and I'm no longer into him… what is your problem
No. 2162710
>>2162649If it makes you feel better, there was this one time I was fucking around on Skype after getting my celeb crush's email address from an fan email reply he sent me, and I had the retarded "funny" idea of typing "I'm gonna kidnap you" into the chat message field, then put my hand above the Enter key while giggling like an idiot, and like a fucking moron, I ended up accidentally pressing it. I panicked so hard.
Luckily, I quickly looked up if it was possible to delete Skype messages before the other person could see them and that's what I did, before it was too late (I hope he didn't see it or found out how to see removed messages)
No. 2212186
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I regret removing my braces with pilers back in my early teen years since they were so painful and made me incredibly miserable to eat anything. Now I ended up having an under bite with jacked up teeth and wasted my mom's money. I have never been more insecure to smile.
No. 2212411
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>>2212401>finally meeting a real retard who had to go to the Kumon learning centers where even the logo was the face of a downsie kid You couldn’t waterboard this info out of me, kek. Anon you just admitted to being a retard, no regular child has to go to those to do their schoolwork.
No. 2212433
choosing the cheapest college instead of the best college. the one i’m going to is good, but sometimes i hate myself for not saving more when i was a kid.
>>2212411ntayrt, stop being a tiktok lingo faggot.
No. 2280024
>>2212411I know heaps of normies who went to kumon.
Not me but, I'm a weirdo.
No. 2288044
>>2287948I disagree with the notion it is human nature to prey on each other at our weakest. If that were true, I don't think civilization would have happened.
I'm really sorry people kicked you while you were down. They shouldn't have done that and I hope they get what's coming to them. I also regret letting people walk all over me when I was younger, but I've learned how not to do that anymore. They still shouldn't have been cruel to me.
I think you're gonna be okay, nonna. I believe someday you will find people who will help you when you need it, without hurting you.
No. 2288689
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I regret NOTHING. I apologize to NO ONE. YES they deserved to die, AND I HOPE they burn in HELL.
No. 2288903
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>>2288892Kek we're probably the only people in the world who can say the former president's faggot dragqueen son cosplayed as cheerleader bakugou.
>Inb4 fagnons saying this is hot No. 2288908
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>>2288903That picture is too favourable, he actually looks like a sewer rat
No. 2288911
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i regret
>not going harder online when i was younger. i should've made more friends, gone to that con, not just lurked on forums and such, etc.
>not studying harder in highschool. not terribly in debt but 20k could've been 0 bucks
>not getting an internship in uni (!!!)
>not graduating on time in 2021 before the tech market crashed (!!!!!)
>not just being a reclusive nerd in highschool…aka trying to "fit in"
>buying out of gamestop so early. i could've made 30k easily. i was so fucking stupid
>not just letting my coworker fuck me around earlier this year, maybe i wouldn't be the odd one out in the office if i'd just stuck it out idk
No. 2288935
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many things
>dropping out of high school
>not doing more art commissions before AI
>not saving money
>wasting my money of fast food
No. 2288948
I can’t wait to start therapy so I can let go of how this one high school English teacher of mine was just SUCH a massive cunt to me and contributed so much to the bullying and social isolation I went through during that year. I was already struggling so much internally and that class made me dread one of my favorite subjects.
I hate that malformed, arrogant, hateful bitch for putting me off of The Great Gatsby for so many years after HS when it (secretly) actually really touched me and made me think, I just couldn’t express it or really self-actualize and grow more intelligent from it until I took an interest in it again after getting over the “ick” she gave me from it, years after. I kept my love of it a secret so her and my classmates wouldn’t ruin it for me more. Making fun of my opinions or interpretations in front of the whole class, demeaning my intelligence, making it clear to the other students that I was the “other”.
I made a negative character judgement on one of the book characters, called them a sociopath or something, and she looked around at all of my other classmates and asked “Do we think (repeats my opinion)?” And the other students, because I was autistic and awkward and they hated me, all said “Noooooo” in unison while shaking their heads. She then gave me a dirty look and I felt shame for even speaking at all.
I regret so badly not just calling her out for her disrespect and making it clear to her and everyone else that I was a human that deserved respect even if they hated me or thought I was annoying. Just leave them all speechless that the autistic girl who was way too nice to them finally put them all in their place. I really great not standing up for myself more, but I was so scared and outnumbered and was scared of getting hurt.
May hell be smolderingly hot, Ms. Wurzinger.
No. 2289145
>>2288935Not to preach at you or anything but this sounds like the sort of things I'd fixate on when I was seriously depressed. Not finishing high school is the only thing on the list that can hold you back, and you can still finish high school, lots of adults do night classes and things to finish high school.
You can still do commissions despite AI, a ton of artists get commissioned regardless of skill level. If you feel your niche is completely taken over by AIslop switch to traditional media, or a mix of traditional and digital if that's more doable. You don't need a lot of money for that, you can just get some colored pencils and use those.
I think everyone regrets saving or not saving money. The old people I know who spent their lives saving up regret not spending their money on fun things while they were young, and the ones who didn't save regret not having a safety net to fall back on. You have to accept your past actions and move on. The money you spent on fast food wouldn't have bought you a car (unless you're Amberlynn sized). It's OK to struggle with money right now, everyone is. Be patient with yourself, work on your art, you'll be fine.
No. 2289897
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I regret not lifting weights earlier and beating the shit out of the girl who bullied me in Jr.High. I also regret not taking school as seriously and making more of an effort to talk to people. I also regret doubting myself so much since it’s very clear now that I can literally do anything. Also regret not taking better of myself but that’s improved a lot over the years. Same as my confidence.