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No. 218710
>>218668Maybe I'm a hypocrite, but as a Domme, every interaction I've had with prostitutes/strippers has been awful. I don't charge money for my services, myself, but they act like we're one in the same because we occasionally run into each other in kinky social circles.
(Although a playmate of mine did give me a lovely blender for the holidays. But I would hardly compare that to stripping.)
No. 218735
>>218668Good god, why is this person so insecure?
>don't think talking bad about our customers and clients is cool and helpfulI mean nobody does it to be helpful #1, but why does she even care? Everyone makes fun of certain customers and clientele. Wal Mart shoppers for instance?
Like I'm sure not every person who pays for prostitutes is an unsuccessful neckbeard, but there is a common pattern.
>don't talk to me unless you have moneyCute.
No. 218835
Personally, I don't take issue with someone doing sex work or work related to sex. Your body your choice.
I think that it starts with having to defend their profession and lifestyle from radfems that can't take "I made a choice to do this and I stand by my choice to do sex work." as an answer and constantly degrade sex workers by saying they're being abused, used, manipulated, etc. and how men will never love them/they're only doing it for male attention/etc. and the ones who think any type of sex with a man is degrading to women as a whole and think any type of compensation for sex = rape combined with your other people that think only greasy basement dwelling manchildren pay for sex, after a while, it wears onto you to the point they have to become arrogant. It's annoying but to a degree understandable for someone to go on the offense when it comes to that. Not a sex worker myself, but I did use to have "kink critical" associates and whenever the topic of sex would come up I was under the fire constantly.
Empowerment is personal. I'm not going to tell or argue with someone that their lifestyle isn't empowering to them as long as they're making informed decisions, aware of potential consequences, and doing what they can to keep themselves safe. I.e STD testing, using condoms, birth control etc. If someone genuinely enjoys being a stripper or a camgirl I'm not going to badger them over it.
However, a lot of them (especially those on Tumblr) have adopted a "Don't insult me and don't talk to me unless you have money." attitude. They surround themselves with people who have the same attitude and in one breath they'll diss their own clientele and in another be talking about how they love their clients. They have a perceived notion of power and they can finally be the Regina George that they've always wanted to be. No one can criticize or express an opinion opposing theirs, even if it isn't insulting their profession and criticizing the arrogant attitude they take and how they would come off as a cliche high school popular bitch. They think that they're queens in when reality, (as far as I see it) they're just people who do sex as a profession. No different than someone who has any other occupation.
No. 218845
>>218835>I think that it starts with having to defend their profession and lifestyle from radfems that can't take "I made a choice to do this and I stand by my choice to do sex work.">Empowerment is personal. I'm not going to tell or argue with someone that their lifestyle isn't empowering to them as long as they're making informed decisions, aware of potential consequences, and doing what they can to keep themselves safe.The critcism doesn't come from a place of whether or not it
personally benefits them, we can see that is the case if they're partaking in priveleged forms of sex work. What's questionable is their willingness to contribute to, and thereby fuel an industry where the vast majority of sex """work""" is exploitative to other women (and girls,) who are at a huge disadvantage. Yes it is their choice and in some way it can be empowering, but
only for
them. It does no service to the women who have to suffer the brunt of what sex work really entails.
No. 218846
I do think sex work is degrading even to people not practicing it and only gives fuel to misogynist men to declare "see? women LOVE pleasuring men!". And I have yet to see a woman who made it through with no mental damage. It's dangerous and dehumanizing and the industry is associated with a lot of human trafficking. That's why a lot of sex workers have the immediate need to talk about how much they ~love~ their profession and how ~easy~ and ~empowering~ it is, while turning around and crying about their daddy issues, drug abuse and depression they medicate with dopamine highs.
>>218845>What's questionable is their willingness to contribute to, and thereby fuel an industry where the vast majority of sex """work""" is exploitative to other women (and girls,) who are at a huge disadvantage.This.
No. 218848
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>>218835it increases human trafficking and violence, the average age sex workers start is 14, only about 8% of sex workers actually want to stay in it, and pic related, but okay. much empowerment uwu
No. 218856
>>218848>>218845>>218846So women are not allowed to have a personal form of empowerment that is actually WORK because all forms of sex work are the same = human trafficking?
A misogynistic male wile declares that women love pleasuring men whether or not women get paid for work. If a woman stays home because she enjoys being a caretaker and housewife, a misogynistic male will use that to say that women are subserviant to men. A misogynistic male will use anything to degrade a women or women in general. By that logic, women can't even be housewives or mothers because misogynistic men will say use it as proof that women just LOVE being childbearing cows.
If you're under the age of 18 or not doing it out of free will, that isn't sex work. That's sexual and human trafficking + rape. As prostitution is currently illegal and thus unregulated in the US, there are no laws in place that actually protect sex workers beyond don't do sex work unless it is pornography or stripping. No one says to factory workers that them working in a factory contributes to human slavery and sweatshops so why are women who willingly participate in sex work treated as if
they are a reason that women are unwillingly kidnapped and forced into prosititution as opposed to the sick bastards that force women be sexual slaves?
No. 218862
>>218856lol legalized prostitution increases human trafficking even more, stupid, liberal feminism is a mess
No. 218866
>>218856You're missing the point. By partaking in the industry they're still supporting human trafficking as they're creating demand for a business that causes issues like anon here described
>>218862 . The girls who talk about how "empowering" sex work is are the privileged, well-off exhibitionist girls who are doing (semi-)nudes and online modeling for pocket money to buy nice things. The majority of sex workers don't have the opportunity to just quit like they do, they're owned by a pimp that controls their life or driven to the situation as a last resort. Sweatshop workers are a different kind of issue and not comparable to prostitution, they work under awful conditions but their work still doesn't include submitting your body for abuse. There's a reason why factory working girls in the 3rd world countries say that it was either this or prostitution, and they picked the factory. Being violated sexually takes a much bigger strain on your mental state. The human brain is simply built that way. That's why sexual abuse, especially when experienced at a young age, is such a hard trauma to deal with.
Porn stars have been reported to possess multiple mental issues, often severe depression coupled with dissociative identity disorder due to being sexually abused as a child. The "sex workers" who post lingerie shots online to get a couple hundred bucks on Patreon and talk about how empowering it is to be in control of their sexuality and how glamorous sex work is make up an extremely small percentage of all people in the business. And what's worse, most clients don't want to stop with lingerie photos or nudes, they want physical sex. And most people can't afford to pay for a high-class escort that charges $1000 a night. That's when they go for the cheap craigslist ad that some pimp put up. Just like people pick the cheap knock-off sweatshop Nikes because they want trendy, glorified sneakers but can't afford the ethical kind.
No. 218963
It's disgusting, dehumanizing and deranged, plus damaging and humiliating to women, even the ones who try to fool themselves thinking it's liberating somehow.
>>218669 and
>>218846 couldn't have said it better. Also I hope their clients dicks rot and fall.