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No. 219353
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I'm kind of getting into it but I don't really know much about it. I wouldn't forgo traditional treatments but just for simple things it's pretty cool since I have an interest of herbs and plants.
I recently signed up for a herbal medicine box and at the beginning of winter they sent me a cold/flu themed box with a nice tea, and some smelling herbs to open your sinuses (mint, eucalyptus, stinging nettle etc.) a chapstick and other useful things.
The tea was nice and it some of the items did seem to help or at least be comforting so I'm into it
No. 219360
>>219357Sponges are fucking disgusting, I don't know how people can feel okay with sticking a porous object into their vagina and letting it fester with sperm and bacteria until post-coitus or whenever they remember to take it out. Eesh.
But yeah if you want any insight on the subject of abortifacients, I could lend some info.
I also tried taking a shitload of vitamin C, but I wouldn't recommend it as I started to develop a burning sensation in my upper stomach which is a sign of ulceration. I always have to preface anything with "do your research," but I'd rather people try anything than go completely unprotected. It's anxiety inducing.
No. 219364
>>219362So I did a bit of digging on this and apparently the grapefruit doesn't make bc less effective at preventing pregnancy,
but it does interfere with the level of estrogen in the bloodstream which can lead to nasty side effects hence the health warnings. There's a particular estrogen that the grapefruit affects, which is mostly found in pills.
That's why the grapefruit warning is only applicable to Yaz, Yasmin, Levora, etc but not hormonal IUDs, implants, or the shot.
Bear in mind that there's almost no clinical evidence that vitamin c actually induces abortion, it could just be a placebo effect and women just miscarry naturally out of coincidence. But I think there may be some truth behind vitamin c interfering with the pregnancy hormones and thereby impacting implantation of an embryo.
That's just my theory about it.
No. 219411
>>219360>I also tried taking a shitload of vitamin CI basically do this as an alternative to the morning after or whenever my period is late or if I want my period to come early for some reason. It works so well, I love it.
Really sucks that it upsets your stomach though. You probably already know, but there are plenty of herbal teas out there which are said to open your cervix which are actually sometimes used for women before childbirth too, to help ease the process.
But like you and
>>219354 said, I'd highly recommend anyone considering this to do a lot of research before trying anything. Just because it's herbal or natural, doesn't mean it's not incredibly strong. Plenty of women have gotten seriously ill or died out of desperation, so please look after yourselves girls.
And yes, this type of natural medication can have bad effects on your kidney and liver even if you can't feel it. So remember to take plenty of vitamins and eat well-balanced meals and get lots of sleep after taking any kind of strong herbal medication. Remember that stress can really fuck up your body in so many different ways and can delay your period further so try to relax! <3
No. 219424
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It's frankly ridiculous to think of it as only one way or the other. Ffs plenty of big pharma medications are simply the same herbs that herbal medicine utilizes. Many plants produce chemicals that trigger reactions in humans, microorganisms, and bacteria, who fucking knew. And on the flip side, some treatments to some afflictions are currently only accessible through man-made/non-herbal avenues/recent technological developments. Shock fucking horror. The false dichotomy of herbal medicine and man-made medicine tends to fall apart real fucking quick when you're actually trying to do everything you can to prolong a life.
No. 219435
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>>219424>ridiculous to think of it as only one way or the otherI completely agree with you. I've been amazed at how many people don't realize that medical grade honey exists and is used to heal wounds and hospitals to this day use lavender oil as an antibacterial. the same time its foolish to believe that treating cancer with nuts and berries alone will cure it. Pic related.
No. 219534
>>219532I enjoy both herbal medicine and the modern counterpart. I only chose such wording because I realize how strongly some people feel about this subject. Even when I've cited what certain medicines are made from some people have gotten defensive. Like, a lot of older people I've spoken with here think herbal medicine is "chinese conman shit".
Lol I hate the east coast. I can't wait until the holidays are over.
No. 219968
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A lot of it isn't proven, but so long as you don't wander around going "pharmacy is a lie, nature can solve everything!" about it then whatever. If you think it's helping you, then by all means go for it.
No. 219995
>>219993This is the site where I got a lot of recipes for things that I make so I trust it when it comes to information. woman is also pretty gracious when it comes to her knowledge No. 220206
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Has anyone tried sambucol?The regular elderberry syrup or any of its variants?Ive been thinking about trying it.Or other brands of elderberry syrup?
No. 220288
>>219352whenever i'm sick, i make a tumeric/lemon/ginger tea with some honey. it sounds gross, but it always soothes my throat and clears my nose so i can sleep more comfortably at night. i started drinking this at night instead of nyquil because nyquil gives me the runs lol.
i also use tea tree oil on pimples!! i know youre supposed to dilute it, but i dont and the pimples dry out in a few days. be cautious if you have sensitive skin though, could burn a bit.