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No. 2195183
A thread for venting about difficult stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>>/ot/2182789Follow all the /ot/ board rules & don't reply to bait.
Don't come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.
No. 2195230
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>meet lesbian with a deep fixation on a 2d moid
>ask about it
>tells me she is not in love with her 2d moid she just likes him very much
>shows me her buying the "my lesbian experience with loneliness" book
>tells me she discovered her being a lesbian 2 months ago
>is calling herself a lesbian on every single social media out there
>tfw realize this person is retarded
>ghost her
>8 months later find out that she's in a relationship with a man now
>is now calling herself bisexual
A tale as old as time kek. Every. fucking. time. the same shit I swear to god
No. 2195265
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>>2195263Nta nonna but it's okay nonna. You're safe and you will feel much better after coming down. Here is a funny cat picture for you.
No. 2195285
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My cheating, manipulative ex who’s sexually harassed/abused multiple women is in a happy relationship. He’s been with his new partner longer than we were together. Everyone thinks I’m crazy because of the embarrassing public breakdown I had when we broke up and I found out the truth about him, and it seems like normies will always side with an evil man over a “crazy” woman.
No. 2195515
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My mother ruined my life with her retarded mentally ill religious conspiracy theorist broke fuckhead mentality. I didn't even realize it until it was too late. I can't go anywhere. She fucking blocked me from life. I will die here and it's because of her. My dad's retarded fucking choices blocked him too and he cannot/will not help me. Why did I have to be born here in this life? Jesus fucking christ why can't anything be normal
No. 2195553
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I want to throw myself off of the 10th floor of a fucking building. I have nobody. There's nobody involved in my life. I wake up in the same apartment that I hate. In the same town that I hate. I fell off the face of the planet.
I'm never going to get to live my life.
No. 2195566
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When I was 18, I met a guy in college and ended up becoming friends with him. He was 3 years older than me and had a girlfriend for the entire duration of the bachelor, so he little-sisterzoned me those years. I wasn't interested in him that way either, because I was in a weird situationship with another moid at the time.
After we were done with our degree, we somewhat stayed in touch for a year and then stopped talking for a while. We ended up reconnecting and met a few times when I was 23 and he was 26. One of those times we got drunk and, since I got out of a relationship a few months prior and he had been broken up with his gf for about 2 years, I asked him if he had ever thought about us getting together. He shut me down hard by saying "No, never, you're not even my type" kek. After that night, he wrote me to ask whether I'm up for grabbing a coffee, but I ghosted him because I was too embarrassed about drunkenly coming onto him and getting rejected.
It's been close to 6 years since then. I wouldn't say I was ever in love with him, at most what I felt for him was a little crush. For 99% of us being in each others lives we were just good friends.
So can someone please explain to me why I still get incredibly romantic dreams of being with him? I have one about every 3 months. The only time I think about him nowadays is after I get one of those dreams. I looked him up and saw that he is in a relationship, so it's not like we are fated to be or anything. I don't understand why he keeps popping up in my subconscious like that.
No. 2195583
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>want to eat a potato but I notice it's getting a little green
>roommate insists that it's fine to eat and that she's had potatoes like that all the time
>eat it and spend the night writhing around with stomach pain while listening to her get drunk and vent on the phone with her coworker until 2:30 in the morning
Now I have to get ready for work and the entire apartment stinks like weed
No. 2195624
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>reading a medieval detective series from the 90s with like 15 books
>get to book 10 and have a fanfic idea
>look up the series on ao3 and ff dot net, discover no one has written any fanfic so my idea is 100% original yay
>start writing the fic while continuing to read the series
>get to book 13
>new character introduced with same full name as my fanfic murder victim
>elderly pagan midwife character who was framed for murder in my fanfic is framed for murder in the book
>exact same motive
>exact same murder location and body discovered in the same way
>nearly 20k words i can never use
am i psychic or just unlucky? and if i am psychic how can i harness this power for my own benefit
No. 2195651
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I miss talking to and being close to my older sister. I miss being able to talk about hating trannies with her and peaking her even more with her tranny hate. This world and the gods are truly cruel to women
No. 2195653
>>2195624I get you, when I was a teen I basically wanted to write 50 shades of grey but the woman wasn't a sub and the guy was a robot, then 50 shades of grey came out and my dream of writing a story like that died, I also thought it was cringe because of the BDSM.
I have a hypothesis that all ideas are laid out and that it's up to us to change them until it's somehow only ours.
No. 2195695
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>>2195651I miss my sister too. Come back so I can someone to rant with
No. 2195974
>>2195940When you sell electronics take pics of the serial codes on the devices so if they decide to send you their broken shit you have proof they didn't send the same item back (and if they do so you can also report them for mail fraud)
Also on ebay you can block buyers from specific regions or opt out of the global shipping program, had to do this myself for similar issues and its cut down on scammers
No. 2196043
>>2195676He actually looks like he did the last time I saw him and even still has all his hair kek. His girlfriend is a lucky lady, I'm happy for them both.
>>2195887Thank you, I think that's probably it. I've never been rejected by anyone but this guy, so it's no wonder that my brain has been fixating on him instead of an ex or someone I had a crush on but never tried to start anything with. Hopefully knowing why those dreams keep happening makes them stop and forces my brain to get some new material to work with. Cheers psychfag anon.
No. 2196121
>>2195974Yeah I did already, it’s in the listing even! But I made sure to save the original image from my trash folder thanks
nonny. Also the buyer is from New Mexico so it was a domestic sale
>>2195946I like Mercari more than eBay now bc when a sale is done buyers don’t have 30 days to dispute an issue. E-commerce is just so much more convenient but it’s starting to not be anymore. I live in a complex so it’s hard to do individual yard sales but they hold a community one every year so maybe I should participate ugh
No. 2196143
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Stop shitting up the site with infighting and derailing I sweat to god every third post is shit ass bait and people taking said bait and then it turns into hours long spergfests. Please god just shut the fuck UP!
No. 2196262
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>But anon, I’m so broke! I’m literally living paycheck to paycheck. Sorry I’m poor I guess?
>has discord nitro
>has a Spotify premium
>has a bunch of other subscriptions
>always eating expensive junk food
>gets boba 3x a week
>new clothes ordered every month
No. 2196282
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>>2196269never forget, males are 8x more likely to leave you if you get cancer than vice versa. Nurture female friends and connections always, they will likely be your last lifelines.
No. 2196403
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My thyroid is fucking up my body and my heart is pounding all day and I'm PMSing right now and I'm also just so fucking depressed. But I still have to do my assignments and go to class
No. 2196587
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>>2196443Happened to me. I have a chronic illness (not a munchie I swear) and when it flared up and I became too sick to do much, my ex scrote complained relentlessly about how it affected him. He thought my inability to leave the house to go to bars was a rejection of him and his friends, which he never sacrificed prioritizing regardless of what state my health was in.
I physically passed out one day and spent time in the hospital. The day I came back home and needed help getting into bed and around the house, he left until 3AM to hang out with his friends He was resentful that I couldn’t cook because I was too sick and he refused to learn, so he would order out for meals everyday and complain about the cost. He eventually broke up with me because I was too much of a burden on the lifestyle he wanted to live. Apologies for detracting from your situation, just wanted to say I understand your concerns and I hate moids too.
No. 2196654
My least favorite type of moid is those overly opinionated, Eurotrash moids from various loser countries in Europe.
Usually health guru bro types, may have long hair (sometimes dreads) and be on roids, oblong horsey looking faces, bad breath, always stink of BO or garlic, claim to be 'into spirituality' or 'humanist atheists' but are actually shallow vapid soulless subhumans, they are extremely misogynistic, hate women and are also predatory as fuck, usually openly and proudly pedophilic too.
Can usually be found talking loudly in their ugly accents at youth hostels while backpacking (they're almost always poor), in youtube comments sections under indie bands, on underage tiktok girls profiles, and at raves/music festivals.
Any other nonas encounter these types of moids? I want them all to be guillotined.
No. 2196672
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I want to throw myself off of a fucking building
No. 2196686
>>2196654>>2196685NTA but weirdly enough I feel like I've seen this
exact type of scrote a few times before. They're kind of like the crunchy raw meat/milk cows in the sense that their beliefs are a schizophrenic mashup of different politics.
No. 2196714
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I'm more dehumanized than the Jews in the Holocaust(bait)
No. 2196782
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I fucking wasted my time marking the most retarded exams ever and I want my fucking time back that I could've used to focus on a very nice and interesting course about writing magic and shit.
I want to kill myself as per usual at this point. Every second that I acknowledge my life going to the way of a teacher makes me wish I could just fucking die. No amount of random hugs, doodles and candy from students will make me like this fucking waste of time of a career.
No. 2196851
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>joins cs gaming group
>all good, grown up moids around my age or more
>small talk, memes, etc
>edgy femboy joins
>shits up with fag shit (thigh shots, skinny moid ass, purple lighting, e-girl aesthetic)
>moids uncover their degen side and give him attention
>get kinda silly with him when he shows bullets feeling all edgy with his gun
>"how many of those bullets fit in ur foreskin? femboy lol"
>nothing out of the ordinary, they always joke around with him
>get doxxed 30 mins later, femboy saying i'm a bitch with my full name
>apologize for hurting him with a little joke and leave the gc
why are they like this? also i'm kinda retarded for joking around with a faggot, now i know how unhinged they get
it's not difficult but i cannot even be in gaming spaces without getting fucked at least once, it's stupid lol am i supposed to keep silent and always anonymous? no voice? it's so tiring
No. 2196869
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my health problems are making me feel elderly. how do i get dizzy so easily whenever i eat anything mildly salty and am suddenly unable to stand and walk for 5 seconds without holding on to something or else i collapse? my limbs and head feel like jelly. what the fuck is going on
No. 2196873
>>2196851Sorta related but guys would give me skins when I played cs. I made around 1k and I wasn't even trying to get skins from people.
You should keep fighting against discord gamers and start claiming skins from them.
No. 2196890
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My mother is a massive bitch and will always be one. I wish massive bitches like her fucked off to their own Massive Bitch planet and left this one to decent, chilled out people alone. I can't stand her at all and wish she would piss rocks every day. I want to be a blue-haired, weed-smoking, tattoo-having, harem-having raging lesbian literally just to make her seethe. Fuck her.
No. 2196893
>>2196580sorry but that’s pathetic
There’s more to life than sex. Think about something worthwhile
No. 2196907
>>2196654kek this reminds me of the first time I traveled internationally in Europe and I met an Australian moid backpacker. We happened to be going to the same place, so we entered a train station with high security (this was days after the Paris attacks). I passed through first and it went smoothly, but then they stopped him and I could hear him say “but what about the American girl what the fuck that’s not fair” in the most whiny tone.
Apparently he had needles in his bag and thought that me, a random person whom he had just met, should also be dragged down with him. Idk what ever happened after that, I skedaddled. Male backpackers are stuck stinky and odd creatures.
No. 2196911
>>2196851How the fuck did he do that so quickly? Do you have any identifying info on your profile? That's scary
I feel for you anon. Femboys and HSTS trannies are a cancer in communities and always shit it up with their attention whoring. The lengths they go to compete with actual women is pathetic too
No. 2196914
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I'm bulimic and it truly feels like one of the most pathetic things to have to deal with. Especially into adulthood. I will never tell anyone in my life about it, the idea of confessing an addiction to food is humiliating. It has made me depressed, I have nothing to look forward to other than food, I find no enjoyment in my social life, hobbies or work. It's like I wake up everday with a boulder on my chest that gets heavier and heavier. Spending so much money on food constantly makes me anxious and it's quickly catching up to me, I've already resorted to unsavoury means to be able to afford food. I don't care much about body image either, so I hardly relate to other people with eating disorders, it's just something that helps me cope and get by. It doesn't feel like a serious enough problem because it's quite literally just food, so I'm reluctant to reach out for help (not that I can afford it kek).
No. 2196925
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>>2196873damn! well i play 1.6 since it's more casul so no skins for me, i haven't got that charm tho, they always treat me like a troon or a 12 yr old boy lol
>>2196911it was a telegram group so i think that fucked me up, maybe he got my number somehow and linked it to socials? they're so extra on harassing u and wanting u to be hurt just for joking around with their little porn-filled, delusional ego
like u got the attention u wanted, what else could've hurt so bad to the point of doxxing?
No. 2196926
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>>2196907Oh I had a similar experience in Paris at the airport. I was with a small group and some of us got separated from the other half. We had passed by a policeman or military type that was posted at an exit to ensure anyone who left couldn’t go back in. I was the only girl in the separated group. I asked to go back inside and the policeman let me back in no problem. But when the moids asked he made them stay outside kek
No. 2196960
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Am I developing schizophrenia or some other schizo-something disorder? I don't know. I really don't. I have some more evaluations to go through before anyone's willing to make a call on it. I don't know what's going on with me, I don't know what's wrong with me. I quit my job. I quit college. I don't do anything around my house, I just sit in my room, doing essentially nothing - not even gaming or music or doomscrolling the internet, just… sitting in here all day. Time keeps passing and I don't know where it goes. I don't understand how people do things, how people want to do things, desire things. How do you want to play a game? Or watch a movie? How do you want to make friends? How do you want to go outside? How do you want something, how do you do the thing? I don't even know who I am anymore. I had to write my name on another evaluation form the other day and I felt sick to my stomach reading my own name. I covered the mirror in my room, I haven't looked at my own reflection in… weeks, I don't know, time keeps slipping away and I don't know where it's going. I know it's boring and cringe or whatever, but I used to have interests. I liked yaoi and visual novels. I have that one Aoba yaoi jesus rosary charm for fuck's sake, I love that thing. I loved to read webnovels and amateur writers online. I would watch videos of other people playing rpgmaker games because I suck at video games. And more, but I can't remember, and I can hardly do any of these things anymore. I'm not employed, I'm not in school, nobody bothers me, so why is it such a monumental task to read a story? To watch a video? I'm accustomed to the panic attacks, the agoraphobia, the dissociation and whatnot, but it's like a flip suddenly switched a few months ago and I'm only getting worse and worse. I wish I had friends. I wish I wasn't so terrified of people that I could actually make friends. The process of losing your mind kind of sucks to be honest, and I'm tired of being alone.
No. 2196975
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i fell asleep in class and my classmates took photos and videos of me looking like a legit slob and posted them in the class group chat and i dont know what to feel except awful, normal logic would be to ask them to not take photos and videos of me without consent or post them to the group chat but that would mean admitting that i know i look terrible.
one of my classmates even responded like "anon is a total baddie", its like a joke everyone including me is in on but will never actually be said out loud.
repost bc i posted in wrong thread.
No. 2197034
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>could the program I'm studying possibly be the wrong subject for me?
>no, I'm just lazy by nature
Me every now and then as I'm trying to focus on my studies. Whenever I wrack my head trying to figure out what's wrong with me, if there could perhaps be anything else out there that might light up some passion in me and might be the career choice for me, I realize that no; I'm just a lazy and dumb bitch that isn't passionate about anything but reading books, baking for my friends and playing video games. I do what I need to do to have a decent quality of life - I hate going to the gym but I do it 2-3 times a week because I know it's good for me, I eat a varied diet because that's what I need to keep my weight down and stay away from snacking, I keep up with my relationships because I know I would get sad and lonely otherwise, I study for a career in programming because I want a job with a good salary that allows me to work at least semi-remote so I don't have to deal with people more than I need to. But do I actually particularly care about anything? At all? I don't know. Maybe I'm depressed, maybe I'm just dead inside.
Anyway, fuck typescript it's so fucking boring to learn. Should have just chosen to study only frontend instead of fullstack.
No. 2197070
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Self-esteem levels at my lowest since middle school let's fucking go.
No. 2197084
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I don't know if it's because I'm getting my period but I feel so depressed I am suicidal. I am also eating like I'm starving but that is 100% my period. I have a meeting with my future boss on wednesday I can't be like this by then, kill me
No. 2197141
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I miss you so much
No. 2197195
>>2197185>who joked constantly about raping me.what the fuck, that's terrible. I only became cognizant of this recently myself so I don't blame you
>>2197186yes, I've had men tell me I'm too mean when all I did was act the exact same as they did towards me and their friends with the joke bullying thing. it got really annoying because I could be really nice to them and they'd still put me in this box when all I'm doing is trying to integrate and talk like they do. yet if you
don't do this and don't integrate, they'll say you're not one of the boys and not cool enough so you can basically never win
No. 2197377
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Ahh period cramps
No. 2197403
>>2197385samefag it's only
valid when the women constantly go back to the moids or still bitch about them 24/7 even after being told about them and their nature, but the way you act is as if a woman who just wanted companionship and had to learn men aren't human over time is somehow to blame. women are socialized to be empathetic and autistic women often have nowhere else to turn to, good for you that you could be a lonewolf and hated moids all your life but that isn't the case for every single woman. you're free to shit on women who go back to moids but you just come off as unempathetic if that's your reaction anytime someone talks about their past bad experiences with men
No. 2197431
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>>2195183Yea. Nobody answers my messages. There's nobody involved in my life. I have gotten the whole planet to harass me. Pretty much everyone is telling me to kill myself. I have lost any touch with reality. I've had all of my boundaries inflicted upon. After all the shit that has happened to me. My only option is suicide. I've been made to feel like everyone's BITCH. My whole life.
I just want to experience genuine reciprocated romantic love and get to spend quality time with my partner. Which unfortunately it is something that I will never experience.
I genuinely do not wish that anybody will be treated in the way that I have been treated in. My life should've turned out well.
No. 2197612
>>2197066i don't really know what to think of my classmates now, i wonder if i'm just overreacting and people just thought it was funny that i fell asleep in a lecture and not that i looked hideous doing it, and that i didn't look as terrible as i thought i did and they didn't even care. i don't know, but i didn't doze off in any classes since so.
>>2197077cats, even if male, never did anything wrong, i'll send fake positive pregnancy reports instead
>>2197095no no, but it's a class full of girls so i guess we think we're closer to each other than we think we are and end up crossing certain social boundaries.
No. 2197628
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i wish i could clone myself so i could have a friend, feels like no one ever likes me as much as i like them. i dont know whats happened to me, i used to have friends, i was normal-ish and could talk and would hang out with people but for years now i cant make a connection, i feel like an alien, being close to people feels so foreign to me now. what the hell is wrong with me?
No. 2197649
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No matter what I do. I fall out of society. My life makes no sense. I don't want to go to the mental hospital again.
No. 2197711
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I hate that fat condescending geek type of moid the most. You were fully prepared to make me wait 10 minutes in line when my mom just finished paying if I didn't speak up, and you still act like swiping the barcode for 3 little books was a huge favor. I hate how I get nervous for speaking up for myself at just this but I'm too scared and self conscious to show how infuriating I find situations like that. I'm glad I accidentally stole a bag and I'd do it again if I could get away with it. It's even worse when you have to be in close contact with these males, no I do NOT want to be added to your funny anime gamer group and be subjected to sexual comments again while you act like it's all a joke. I don't give a shit a girl you like got a boyfriend while you never even confessed to her, it's hilarious how its happened at least two times now because you are that weak willed and refuse to follow appearance advice I've given you and get fatter. It's clear I'll always be ostracized in male majority spaces after experiencing this for myself and not putting up with the shit they pull anymore, online or physical. But the horrible anxiety to be agreeable and shrivel up into myself I feel around moids that I fucking hate in the first place is a curse that gets me almost every time.
No. 2197712
>>2196572Sorry to say that this is me apart from the sexual stuff (but I work in a team of 18-20 year olds so it’s
No. 2197796
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>>2197377IKTF it's been a shitfuck day my abdomen is like a warzone
No. 2197830
I’m starting to worry that I’m driving myself crazy. I’ve been thinking about an episode I had in September of last year, where I was convinced that I was a narcissist. For a whole week, I had the near nonstop thought of, “you’re a narcissist you’re a narcissist what if you’re a narcissist and you don’t know it you should kill yourself if you are do the world a favor and kill yourself narcissists are bad people and bad people don’t deserve to live you’re manipulating people right now you’re doing this sad self deprecating act to manipulate people to feel sorry for you what if you’re a narcissist am I a narcissist”. It was like a nonstop bombardment of “what if”. It was to the point that I was asking my friends and family if I was a narcissist. Which they then said no, I wasn’t a narcissist, but then that made me think that I was somehow manipulating them into feeling bad for me, so they were just trying to placate me. I took quizzes to make sure that I wasn’t a narcissist, but I kept worrying. I didn’t want to leave my room unless I had to because I was worried. Even at school, talking to people I’d have the thought of, “stop acting shy you’re manipulating people”. Then after a week of that the episode ended and I was just like “wtf was that?” and things were back to normal.
I don’t even know if I have OCD or not. I didn’t get any compulsions like washing my hands or anything. But now I’m thinking again and I’m worrying that I’ll have another episode, and now I’m worrying that just by thinking about thinking I’m going to have another episode. The last episode I had was back in late July where I kept getting the intrusive thought of relapsing on my self harm and cutting myself, and remembering how good it felt the last time I did it. That also lasted about a week, but the constant thought was “relapse relapse relapse cut yourself” over and over. The only reason why I didn’t was because I had to take care of the home here since my mom was working long hours, so I was doing all the cooking and cleaning and thankfully that provided enough distraction for me.
No. 2197959
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Silent Hill 2 Remake is pretty good so far. I’m honestly tired of how everyone gets off to hating everything and anything before they get a chance to see the full thing/experience things themselves. Way too many people live and thrive off of negativity and hating instead of enjoying. I love being a hater sometimes too but too much of it consumes me and makes me an unpleasant bitch, as it does most people! I’m tired of people shitting on things people like! I’m tired of doomerism, consoomerism and “it’s over”ism! It’s all so exhausting. I love when people shit on things and it ends up being actually good, because then everyone looks like a retard who gets their opinions from critics or even worse, Twitter. I will add that moids are the biggest contributors to these problems though.
No. 2198253
>>2197555kitchen renovations are not more important than a cats health. and there must be serious consequences for cat hating scumbags who kick or abuse them in any way. your psychopath cousin could have broken your cats ribs or who knows what.
in the meantime, no excuses, make time even 5 mins to baby your cat. make your room as safe and comfy as possible. if your windows have screens then your cat could look outside too, and get her or his mind off the chaotic household. like the other anonette said, put the cats litterbox in your room.
No. 2198272
>>2198198Cats have superior senses. Not sure if this would work, but what if you leave something with your scent or your cats scent along a path that leads to your home, from different directions? Your cats fave food, blankie, etc? But, depending on what it is, someone might steal whatever you leave out, or it might attract predators like dogs, or rodents who eat cat food. Make a sound your cat likes, like the jingle of her toy?
Maybe your cat is in heat. If so, she will be out for a little while. My tortoiseshell girl used to go out for a few days a long time ago when she was alive. She'd return and later on have kittens. I miss her and her other relatives forever. Back on topic, even if she's in heat, its still important to not give up looking for her. Even if it feels like no one cares, put flyers up offering a reward if someone finds your cat.
Hope your furbaby comes back safe, happy, and healthy
>>2198047A common experience, salespeople use psychological tactics that work on a lot of people. An interesting topic of its own, helpful to know. We all have something we need to work on or change. Dont be too hard on yourself. Take it as a lesson learned, and return the glasses for the ones you want. Salespeople are probably pressured into/have financial incentives for shilling for specific brands/products. Its your money, your glasses, your choice, not theirs.
Ive done a similar thing, but with expensive eyeliner. I just went back immediately upon realization. The cashier acted like it was an inconvenience, rolling her eyes and whatnot, but what matters is I rejected something that I regretted purchasing and got my money back.
>>2197807So sorry to hear that you had an awful day, including almost being run over, but glad to hear you're okay. Remember, tomorrow or someday ahead will be better. When possible, do something nice like a warm foot bath, even if its a few mins. Im no doctor, but I think some calamine lotion might help for the ant bites. Hope things turn out better tomorrow and ahead for you nonna
>>2197711Based that you stood up for women and yourself, these moids arent going to learn otherwise. If you find out the moids email or phone, same for the anime coomer group, it would be a shame if it ended up flooded withF EMA alerts, or male pattern baldness products, or scientology stuff. It would take his mind off of being a degenerate coomer, after all.
I can totally relate to the anxiety to be agreeable. Your post was inspiring.
No. 2198286
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>having a good night
>open the Western Animation thread and see what's currently being posted about there
>now suicidal
No. 2198287
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>get home from work at 12am
>mindlessly watch Youtube, post on lolcor and scroll Reddit for 2 hours
>sleep for 5 hours
>get up
>spend 1 hour getting ready
>leave for 9 hour work shift
>won't be back home until 7pm
Is this really living? Can someone please tell me I can do this?
No. 2198298
>>2198272thank god, we did find her, she’s hiding under our house, but she was very stubborn and wouldnt come out, I feel so guilty, I wish God would come and punish me severely, all four of us, my parents, and my brother, we went outside, removed the skirt of the mobile home, but she was so frightened, and would attack is if any of us came close, she would only come close to my mom who is her favorite, but my mom is feeling weak and defeated, she couldnt bear it, my dad and brother are callous, they put the skirt back up and said well wait til morning. I pray that she manages to stay the night. I feel so guilty. I dont deserve pets or anything good.
My situation is of my own doing, I deserve punishment. Slothful, gluttonous, I earned myself my life of no future.
I really do feel we have been cursed.
I meed to detach and go on my own, but I am so dependent. I don’t know what anymore. Please God forgive me, but she doesn’t deserve this, please ket her survive this night and let her return to us safely, and protect her from the ravenous dogs. This whole neighbourhood is cursed.
No. 2198316
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i just woke up from a dream where i was in a costa (uk coffee chain) and it was the late 90s. i paid for my coffee in real physical money and i was looking around at the world, the world before the millennium, before the 2008 crash, before the internet started being carried around with us in our pockets, before extreme mainstream bipartisan radicalisation, before we left the EU, when people my age still had prospects and opportunities, when you could get a job by "walking around and handing in your CV", when culture still existed, when all the the things i love were in shops and not vintage relics, when the internet was in its infancy and was still creative and decentralised, before gender ideology had a chokehold on everyone, when when you could go to university for free, when it was easier to get a council property, when bureaucracy was more forgiving, when china town market and the big HMV and trocadero were still around and before camden burned down and got turned into a boxpark and when there was just still hope and things felt like real life. i feel like i've been left winded by having experienced the relief of knowing i was there again, just once, and now i can never go back. i don't want to live like this anymore
No. 2198383
>>2198369>Not everything revolves around youShe's literally copying my name though. I have a small following online using my real name that she's presumably jealous of or something. At first she did her own thing(s), which she'd always get tired of after a few months and she'd switch to a new direction and a new name.
She decided the area/fandom circle to focus on now is… the exact one I'm known in. And then suddenly she switched to a name eerily similar to mine without asking or informing me beforehand. Then she started to publicly tag me in her posts, to let everyone know she knows me. She used to leave a few comments before like "nice post, good work" etc now it's only personal comments like "let's hang out soon again bestie" so people can tell we know each other irl. She does this despite me requesting she doesn't as I'd like to keep my private life private. She'll follow people I've interacted with online for years who she used to not have an interest in. She does it just enough that it's annoying. I'm still assuming she'll eventually grow tired of it but it's been longer than usual.
No. 2198390
>>2198383I would just start ignoring her, stop giving her attention lol
No. 2198398
>>2198386We spend time together irl all the time, she just never used to try to associate with me online in public like this using my name
>>2198390she's still my friend
No. 2198404
>>2198398>she's still my friendyou sure about that? How old are you, these are some middle school shenanigans.
>She does this despite me requesting she doesn'tShe's not listening to your requests and crossing your boundaries. You shouldn't be friends with someone who makes you uncomfortable because of some personal whims lol Also from what you've written it's pretty obvious she is trying to use your established position in the circle for personal gain. duh
No. 2198422
My mom is EVIL or just a really retarded cavewoman. She has no idea about nutrition. I started making my own food at 14 but she still feeds my little siblings literal SLOP. And if I try to make a healthy meal for them every once in a while, she starts screaming and making a scene. She says I'm trying to make them anorexic which is absolutely ridiculous kek. One of them is obese, always gets sick, has asthma, is on the verge of diabetes, gets bullied for being fat and looks terribly unhealthy. The other is skinnyfat, has acne, always looks tired, isn't growing to proper height. She gives them plates full of pasta or rice with a tiny piece of meat and no vegetables. If she does give them vegetables once in a blue moon, they're overcooked to the point they lost all nutrition and don't taste good. She makes unhealthy slop that doesn't even taste good and beats them up when they don't want to eat. It makes me so fucking mad. I've been trying to explain nutrition to her for years but her ego is to big to listen to me. Terrible fucking mother, slowly killing her own kids. I was also made overweight as a kid and losing it was so fucking hard. I hate her for it. She puts no protein or vegetables in their meals. It's all carbs. She starts crying if they miss a meal as if they're going to fucking die from starvation or something. When she sees that they're sick (BECAUSE OF HOW SHE FEEDS THEM) she has the audacity to say that they became sick because they don't eat. Kek. They eat enough for 2 people. For breakfast she gives them toast with margarine and jam. If she feels fancy she'll fry up an egg, but that's rare. Lunch is always a huge plate of pasta with no meat or cheese, just sauce. Dinner is frying up frozen burgers and fries. She regularly buys crisps, cookies and biscuits too for the youngest one. I can't do this anymore. How the fuck is someone this retarded and evil?
No. 2198475
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If I kill myself tomorrow. Nobody will even know that I ever existed.
No. 2198608
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>>2198592Aw, nona my heart breaks for you and your baby, that really was not your fault. She was likely in pain for a while or would have progressed to that stage eventually, letting her rest for good after giving her a life full of love and care is your final act of love in her life. One mistake, which was not on you, made that lasted a short while (in comparison to her life) doesn't compare to the much longer time you spent with her to give her everything you could. I hope that weight is lifted off of you with time, be kind to yourself and try to focus on all the things you did for her instead.
No. 2198647
>apparently I've developed a reputation for being a "pickme" because I've been posting my festival fits to my socials which garners male attention, specifically from some peoples' husbands
All I can do is laugh cause they need a reason so damn bad to look down on me because of their precious shitty moids. Fucking have it then, bitches.
Guess all that shit I did for them like taking them into my apartment when they tried to leave their moids (whom they went back to), being their shoulder to cry on during their moidfights, and not to mention all of the anonymous causes and volunteer shit I've done for women just doesn't count because they seriously believe I'd fuck these shrimp dicks even if they paid me.
"Sisterhood," until women dress and behave in ways which aren't becoming of an adult woman needing to get saddled with a moid of her own whilst being delicate to the feefees of other women's moids who don't respect them either. Some of it is straight up jealousy of the freedom I have. And I just know some of these failmales are whispering into their wives' ears about what a nasty slut I am and to disenfranchise from me because they secretly don't want their wives to know how pleasant life can be while single and that our lives aren't automatically over just because we fuck over some dudes we don't intend to marry.
Ooga booga! Their miscalulation is that I knoW their marriages and know what happens behind the happy veil on their socials or their lack of posting on them–those men SUCK. I would never put up with the shit those moids have routinely put them through i.e. controlling, cheating, financial abuse, body shaming–to name a few.
But fine, sure, I'm the pickme!
No. 2198917
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I think I encountered one of the worst messages I've ever gotten from a potential buyer. Some (supposedly) grandma sent me a message saying that she's looking for outfits for her 17 year old grandson. "This is perfect for a 17 year old boy right?" was her question. I'm selling a woman's frilly blouse that features a woman model as the first photo, and it's under the women category. Is her "grandson" a TIF? Is this a joke message? I don't want to deal with this today or any day really, nonas.
No. 2198960
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I just want to watch the world burn on GOD. When is total male and tranny death in Minecraft happening? It would calm my nerves just about now
No. 2199037
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>text my mother that I'll come home later
>gave her the exact time
>she responds with "I was waiting for you"
>weird but ok?
>come home later
>she's pissed and passive aggressive
This retarded bitch really expects me to just read her mind? When she wrote she was waiting for me I thought she meant she made lunch, but apparently she needed my help with something except she never said anything about that. Not yesterday, not over text, not a call, nothing but she's still pissed at ME. God I hate that bitch, I wish I could afford to move out already.
No. 2199172
i'm feeling down and my nigel keeps saying some general empty "supportive" phrases and it's so annoying even if he means well. i'd rather he say nothing at all
>>2195230dodged a bullet
No. 2199254
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This is kind of a question/vent. I'm a pretty lonely person. I don't have any extended familial connections, even though I do have aunts, uncles, cousins, and a grandparent. My family moved away from them when I was a little girl. I'm in my 30's now. I've struggled most of my life with debilitating depression and anxiety which pretty much made me isolate myself completely when I was 20 and found a safe space in my bf. Anyways probably like 10 years ago, a distant (great? not sure exactly) aunt and uncle sent me a really nice little note and a little cash gift. The note said something along the lines of, "We know we don't see you very often but we think of you and you will always be family." I never sent a thank you, mostly because I'm ashamed of who I am and how NEET my life is. But now I really want to let them know how much it meant to me. How can I write a note out of the blue to distant family members, without being too depressing and trauma-dumpy? I genuinely want to let them know how much it meant to me but I don't want to like …NOT say anything about who I am and what my life is like. How can I approach this? Does anyone struggle with anything similar? Should I just …not?
No. 2199282
>>2199254you definetly should send something, they'll appreciate it for sure. no need to go into details about how you're doing. just thank them and (as i was about to type an example of what you can say this nona
>>2199275 wrote it better than i could)
No. 2199362
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>>2199325first ayart, good luck nona!!! If you want to include a small gift like a box of chocolates/a Christmas ornament/a fancy olive oil that would be lovely too. But the message is what really matters. You got this
No. 2199406
How are you even supposed to know/decide what you like? I feel like my personality, especially my interests and hobbies, has been drained away over the past few years. How do I feel like myself again? Or if my old self is gone, how do I feel like a person again?
>>2199254I wish I were brave enough to even think of doing things like this. Good luck
nonnie, it is great to have family who love you and who you love.
No. 2199595
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yesterday i let my bf use my pc and i just realized he probably saw all of my cute anime girls folders and the deranged man hate folder…
No. 2199605
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I don't feel valued by people because I always get cheap gifts (especially compared to what I buy for others), or I don't get them at all. One time I even got pre owned items for my birthday, and the other time for christmas I got some tiny cheap set of cosmetics for a few bucks that my aunt happened to have at her house, while giving her colleague expensive perfume etc. (I bought her expensive perfume for her own birthday btw). It happens over and over again. It triggers something deep in me, my mom was addicted to spending money and she was in debt, but she aways got stuff only for herself, while neglecting my basic needs when I was a kid and and later a teenager. She didn't take me to a dentist, but she would buy herself new bags, shoes, perfumes, jewelry. And then when my teeth were ruined and a family doctor told her she finally has to take me to a dentist, she was angry at me for having to "spend so much money on me". She would literally steal the pocket money I got from my grandma and when I started to hide the money when I got a little older, she would emotionally blackmail me for not wanting to "help her", which forced me to give it to her. I stopped getting birthdays and christmas gifts when I was like 13. I still got her flowers on her birthdays. I can't help it now, I tie spending money on someone with valuing them (of course that's not the only way to show that you value them, but still important). You literally either invest into someone or not. If you constantly give someone used gifts, or cheap gifts, or you don't give them at all (especially when that person already gave you an expensive gift in the past), do you really value them and invest in them? I don't think so.
So I'm thinking of just telling people to never give me any gifts, because I just can't deal with feeling bitter from it. It shows me they don't perceive me as someone worth investing in. I will buy gifts for myself instead.
No. 2199960
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I want to end it all. I can't believe that I am 30. I will be like this for the rest of my life. I've fallen out of society so badly that I need to hide myself. I took all the meds and tried everything. I hate this apartment. I hate this place. I cannot get into a stable relationship. I'm deprived of love, intimacy, human connection, social authority. My life makes no sense.
I cannot maintain regular employment. I hate this house more than anybody. I wouldn't be able to get a simp if I tried to. I'm 30. Too old for this shit.
I'm deprived of love and intimacy. Social authority. I've been pushed aside and made to feel like a dog my whole life. I'm never going to have a family. I am constantly accused of stuff that has nothing to do with me. Like me wanting to have sex or someone wanting to have sex with me. When I've been craving genuine intimacy and love. I'm demonized everywhere that I go.
I've been told that I am an animal either way.
No. 2199976
>>2199972No! I've been average/above average in looks. Although, I have recently given up on my appearance and hygiene because my life wasn't getting better. It might be my schizo like symptoms though. I suffer from disorganized thinking/speech. Catatonia.
I'm seeing the pudgiest women have supportive boyfriends or be engaged. While I am about to end my life because there's nobody involved in my life. I've been made to feel SUBHUMAN most of my life like I don't have feelings, needs or desires.
I'm tired of chasing people though. Throughout all of these 16 years in which I have been suicidal on a daily basis. Nobody has ever stayed after my ass.
No. 2199984
>>2199944I know you’re right, thank you.
>>2199951Your encouraging words made me feel a little better, thank you so much sweet nonita. I don’t think I would’ve reacted this way if it weren’t for the fact that the salary is almost double that of what you’d usually get with my degree on entry level. So they’re pretty elusive that’s why I feel like I blew a huge opportunity. Anyway, it’s done now. Thanks again, I have no choice but to move forward.
No. 2199985
>>2199982Anon. Have you read my posts? I cannot get into a stable relationship. I'm deprived of love and intimacy. Wanting to have a partner is a basic human need. I've suffered huge amounts of rejection despite me being average/above average in looks. An ugly obese incel would probably reject me. That's the state of my life.
Having basic human needs and wanting to experience genuine intimacy means that you want to be treated like a princess kek?
I'm seeing people having families everywhere. I realize that it will never happen to me.
No. 2200017
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i'm sick and i just got my period. send help
No. 2200072
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I've placed so much effort into my life just to have nobody and to be told that I am an animal. I can't believe that I am 30.
No. 2200081
>>2200071No method will 100% work if you "mess up" so don't even bother. You'd think jumping in front of a train would work but I've been stuck downtown on my way home twice until late at night because two people in separate cases tried to jump in front of the metro I needed to take and they survived despite their injuries, and firefighters managed to not rip them in half when rescuing them. I heard other attempts failing because of relatives working in hospitals until recently, all with different methods, you're very likely to suffer for a very long time before dying, or just being severely disabled for the next decades and become even more depressed. You shouldn't take that kind of risk it's not worth it. And do what
>>2200076 said.
No. 2200082
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how the FUCK do kids who had to change schools all the time survive, like if their dad was military or something and they moved around every year. i only went to like 4 different schools not counting college and it messed me up so bad. i straight up stopped talking to others and got turbo depressed, i hated the new country so much. i haven't had any friends for 10 years. after losing all my friends as a kid at some point i just stopped being able to feel human connection.
No. 2200097
>>2200082It actually is just a luck kind of thing. Either the kid is just naturally sociable and is able to make friends easily or the kid is socially retarded and never makes friends anyways so may as well travel around the world. Kek.
I honestly benefited from going to another school during the last two years of school because I got to leave a very
toxic place with really shit people, I also made friends at the new school and all of the teachers loved me, and I got even more benefited when I left the country to live in another country during my uni years.
But I'm not the most sociable person ever and it doesn't really bother me anymore if I don't have a bunch of friends like it did when I was a teen.
If anything, I got to cut a few bad weeds from my friendship garden and now it's all pretty and nice again.
Maybe just be yourself.
No. 2200104
>>2200082Ime as a military brat going to schools where mostly every other kid was also a military brat, pretty much everyone was used to moving a lot and were more open to making new friends every year so it was fairly easy. I still keep in contact with a lot of them to this day despite not having lived in the same towns in 15+ years.
However when my dad got out we moved to a town that had no military base and it was fucking HARD to make friends with people who had known each other for years and had no interest in the weird new kids. even after going to school with them for 4 years i still felt like the new kid and the outcast and only had 1 irl friend throughout those years. it really does fuck you up tbh.
No. 2200119
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Some fucknugget merged into the back bumper of my car last night after I pumped my brakes to avoid a semi coming into my lane. They followed too close to me, then bam! This person must have been a deaf voidbrain too because I honked my horn twice at the semi who didn't fucking see me before I braked. Of course the person who hit me drove away into the night before I could see a plate.
The side of the bumper is jacked. The doors all open and my blinker works, but it looks awful.
Insurance doesn't pay for shit unless I accept paying a massive deductible, then I would be considered "at fault" for the damage and so my monthly premiums would be jacked for years and my car would show an accident on its report thus lessening the value. I don't even think a dashcam would have helped considering it was ultra dark, just outside of rearview cause they hit me from the side, and I didn't see plates.
I love my car. This was the first car in my adulthood that I bought without my narcissistic parents interfering and trying to control my property. I drive it around and feel so fucking cool because it's sporty and nice. Guys are jealous of my car. I only have a few grand left to pay on it, down from $26k, yet so much shit has happened to it that I feel like I won't even get to enjoy it once it's paid off because of the shit that's happened to ruin it. It's been a terrible year.
>dumb moid scrapes the paint off my sideview mirror in a lot with his stupid pedo van
>clearcoat damaged by intense southern sun where work sent me for travel so now door handles and mirror are peeling
>ran over other people's road junk on the highway which caused my front spoiler to fall off and wheel wells damaged
>rims are scraped from stupid parking situations
Things that are my fault I can accept. It's the shit that other people do to me and get away with that I see blood red over.
I hope that fucker who merged into me has a front bumper that looks just as ugly for the favor. Hope his hood crumpled decently too. Might need an alignment and new front tire. All of my fucking hate.
Like, you know my life sucks pretty bad when my car is one of the top things igaf about and derive pleasure from JUST LET ME HAVE THIS PEOPLE!!!
No. 2200138
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>>2200082Military brat and it completely nuked my sociability, I'm pretty sure my avoidant tendencies come from that. I wish I could have stayed in the same town where I started elementary school, everything after that was a downgrade, my self-esteem got obliterated in middle school for being the autistic weirdo (especiallysince I missed the first year of middle school due to country differences in schooling and I didn't know the codes). I'm doing better since college, living in the capital city and meeting diverse people is a fucking blessing, but I never want to move this dramatically ever again in my life.
>>2200104I wish I had this, we lived in a base at first but when my dad got promoted so we got civilian houses and this was so isolating (especially since we always went to shitty provincial towns and never cool places), I'm kinda glad I wasn't knee deep in military culture because it's cringe but I wish I had friends like me who I could relate to, I'm insanely jealous of people with friendships dating back to elementary.
No. 2200152
>>2200082possibilities: has good relationship with parents probably, has other longterm relationships with people such as extended family, the kid is sociable and not neurotic, generally likeable, doesn't expect more than making surface friendships in different places?
>>2200139this is pretty based of them
No. 2200172
Being suicidal all the time is so shitty, because it becomes your default. I had a solid distraction, and for the past three years that definitely helped motivate me to get up and get going. That distraction has ebbed out lately and could end any second, and I’m back to the way I really am, a bad day away from breaking completely. Never get attached to anything ever, especially if it props up your mental wellbeing, because when it goes away you fucking crumble. I hate myself so much and every day of my life is trying to convince myself that I don’t, that my life is worth living, but it’s so hard to find that value. I feel like I’m wasting oxygen, wasting people’s time, and the small relief I would get from my distraction is meaningless because it’ll end like everything always does. I feel like I’m constantly battling my inner self for the right to exist and live, because all I really want to do is stop existing. I thought I’d grow out of this once I became an adult, but it’s been several years since then and I’m exactly the same, only now with more bills and even more isolated. This probably reads super edgy but I don’t know. It’s so frustrating that I can’t just feel happy or proud of myself or feel like I deserve to be alive. No, I have to think that I need to be dead. And I don’t want to be dead, I just don’t want to be real anymore, I don’t want to be looked at or remembered, I just don’t want to exist
No. 2200210
>>2200181It's economics within a specific STEM field. Try academia out for yourself nonna, I wanted this as my solitary life goal (hence the rabid title lust) but am just not ever going to be the type of person who thrives as a cog in an institution. >Research culture
Publish or perish, collaborate on others' projects extensively to the detriment of your thesis, have your thesis direction be subject to change if your institution thinks there's a more profitable research avenue, constantly be submitting to / presenting at / networking at the conferences, be content with the fact that you will be toiling in obscurity and/or poverty until the 'big fish' who suck all the air out of your field move on, at which point hope you published enough papers for a promotion or it's back to writing other people's work for them in the postdoc office you share with ten other research monkeys!
I don't have it in me to expound on why I don't think "good research" exists any more. If a paper has a well-cited name in the author list and proficiently utilises the standardised academic syntax in its composition to disaggregate heterogenous interpretation (ykwim) it'll get shat out into a big journal that does virtually no fact checking or one of the million small journals that do virtually no fact checking. And forgotten about in days to weeks. Or maybe the paper will make it into a policy recommendation for a new Strategy that will ignore every actual recommendation and bomb.
>>2200187I wish I'd done a master's, that was my main postgrad plan, but my supervisor pointed me towards the PhD….. sorry it sucked for you though, medical science is doubly gnarly to work in
No. 2200229
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Killing myself feels so easy. I have nothing and nobody. I've been told that I am SUBHUMAN. I fall out of society.
I am deprived of love and genuine intimacy. Death is much more recomforting than being alive.
No. 2200318
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>>2200250You are only as useless and worthless as you let yourself be. Stop wallowing in pity for yourself, because all that is doing is vindicating your low self esteem. Eat healthy, hit the gym, get some hobbies (consooming animanga and playing vidya don't count), find a job or go back to school if you are a NEET. Become a high value woman who deserves a high value man, don't settle for uggos like the other anon is telling you to. RISE NONA
No. 2200324
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How common is it actually for people to want to be left alone when they're in a bad place? Like sure, it's very common that you isolate yourself because that is a typical symptom of mental illness. But people always go "oh, I figured [name] just wanted to be left alone" like seriously? If you were struggling, would you really want to be left completely alone? No one even checking in on you? You don't think being more or less abandoned by the people around you would make you feel worse?? It frustrates me even more when it's someone that has a history of self harm.
Just be fucking honest and say you don't have time/energy to deal with it, hell just straight up saying you don't want to deal with it is better than doing this song and dance where you pretend you're putting your head in the sand out of love and not out of self-preserverance.
I have a somewhat bad habit of putting my own needs aside to help others, which is of course extremely draining and I DO get sick of it from time to time but I want to do my part for someone else because I know how lonely it feels. I'm rather hyper attentive to other people's needs so I can pick up if they need anything - especially if I don't know if they have a support system - than leave someone alone and something bad happens. When I was in an abusive relationship I did talk to quite a few friends about some of the things going through in the relationship because I desperately needed someone to grab my shoulders and tell me I was being abused and that I am not being over dramatic like my boyfriend and the time kept telling me. But everyone just nodded silently, and once I finally managed to get out of the relationship they fucking told me that yeah it was obvious I was being abused but they didn't want to say anything to "respect" my choices. Several years later I was struggling with my mental health, I was self-harming like mad and I just wanted to die and I tried to reach out to several people for support but no one responded or reacted because they felt it was best to leave me alone, which of course led to me doing a couple of very serious suicide attempts.
What makes me the most angry about these things are, again, the attempt to excuse inaction and indifference as just respecting boundaries that haven't even been set. Just say you don't wanna deal with it. That you don't wanna get involved. Don't pretend you are a better person than you actually are. The dishonestly and surface caring hurts a lot, and these lies have caused me to not trust anyone that are actually honest about being there for me. Because I know some people are, but I just can't give them enough benefit of the doubt to really rely on them - or anyone else for that matter.
No. 2200356
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I had the most chaotic ride home in a long time today. It only took about 30 minutes so I can't complain too much, but in that time:
> First of all it was PACKED, the only reason I even got on was because I was running late
> Getting on was a feat in and of itself since there was no room to walk whatsoever
> Finally squeeze in near a set of doors
> Right away my hands are practically overlapping on the poles with about 5 other people
> Suddenly realise that the woman next to me is having some kind of fucking episode, her face is bright red with the eyes squeezed shut
> Ohshit.jpeg
> I try talking to her, but she turns away and seems to get more irate as I speak
> Give up and pretend she's not having a mental breakdown inches away from my face
> At the next stop someone tries to get on with a baby carriage
> They EVENTUALLY change their mind after making people shuffle around in panic
> There's a teacher on board escorting like 7 kids, the children defy the laws of physics by finding gaps in the crowd to wander around in
> Why is this teacher ferrying a small army around on public transport in the evening by herself? We just don't know
> One of the kids' dads calls the teacher, wanting to talk to him
> We are all treated to a loud discussion about the medication he takes and how it's surprisingly easy to OD on (?????)
> Suddenly find myself displaced after moving to let someone else get off
> Can't reach the overhead rail
> Too boxed in to reach the balance pole things
> We're about to go over the big railway tracks
> Shiiiiiiiit.jpeg
> Immediately stumble right into a construction worker scrote
> We just keep knocking into each other as we flail and rock like deranged weebles
> SNATCH my original position back as soon as it becomes available
> Woman is still having a crisis btw
> Keep touching unwashed stranger hands
> My stop finally comes
> I pour out of the doors with a few other damned souls
> Construction scrote is one of them
> Eye contact
> He gives me the dirtiest of looks
> Mfw
No. 2200502
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I never encounter pick mes or self hating women in the wild but goddamn I just did and I want to smite her. You so fuckin retarded "women are not intelligent" nah that's a you thing and you should stop projecting.
No. 2200572
>>2200562If you're a government clerk you don't need to act customer service-y. Use the DMV-like immunity from "customer" reviews as a shield. The first time I went for a drivers license test my
abusive dad did not let me speak, the female cop looked him in the eye and said "I'm talking to HER not you sir, sit down" and felt very validated by that
No. 2200657
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watch out lil boy, snip snip
No. 2200755
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I need to know if I'm overreacting and overanalyzing shit again. Today I've been feeling particularly more suicidal than usual, so I was thinking like, what the fuck made me like this? And I don't know at this point, I wonder if my school life made me feel this way, if maybe things would've been different somewhere else, maybe at a special education school or something.
So I was thinking a few minutes ago how while at school, everyone would bully me, from younger kids to the older fuck faces.
I basically learnt how to stop feeling the need to use the bathroom because it was considered embarrassing and gross to use the bathroom to pee, like I would want to go pee and the other girls that were my age, so like 12 years old, would make fun of me for "peeing too loudly" or just using the bathroom even to brush my hair.
Everyone was really racist towards me too, even though there were kids that were darker than me even, it was weird.
I was made fun of for being like 9 years old and wanting to have twin braids or twin tails, but if I changed my hairstyle then everyone would make fun of me for doing so.
I also remember how I basically wasn't allowed to do anything during recess, if I people watched, I was harassed, if I tried to spend the recess drawing I was harassed, if I made friends they were told to not talk to me, if I just spaced out not even looking at people I was harassed.
I actually spent at least 2 whole school years not talking to anyone at school because I was completely isolated by everyone, and the teachers were too busy to give a fuck.
I would get my stuff constantly stolen, broken, spat on, misplaced or thrown in the garbage.
Big fuckers, moids, would threaten to beat me up for not reacting to their harassment or for responding by telling them to go die or to kill themselves.
Teachers would nag at me for responding with violence.
At this point, passing by that school makes me feel disgust, like visceral disgust.
I wonder if the job I have is like a way of destiny to punish me for not killing myself when I was younger or if I have to learn something, or if maybe I have to just kill myself already.
Maybe I'm just overreacting because I should just suck it up and continue working at a school, even though I've never wanted this.
But like, now I'm having nightmares about my time at school and it's so tiresome, I don't want to think about that, I'm not fit to be a teacher, this isn't the life I want but at this point I don't know what I could possibly do, I'm so socially retarded, I have hangovers after work, like on Saturdays the adrenaline just fucking leaves my body and my head feels sluggish, I feel lots of nausea, I'm sleepy and I just want to sleep the weekend and honestly my life away.
How do I even stop feeling this way? What should I do?
No. 2200768
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I'm fucking miserable. I have shingles and I'm throwing up.
No. 2200771
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I'm ungrateful and that's my problem I guess. Dealing with 2nd gen dad who expects me to do all this emailing for work coverage as to not be fined a couple thousand on short notice. Not one thank you, never, it's just expected like-fucking-always.
What the fuck, I did it, I was a bitch throughout the ordeal, this has happened on several times.
Older generations have nothing to do in their lives unless it centers around their job otherwise they quite literally croak as a result of not using their repetitive motor skills out of habit straight. after. retirement every-single-fucking-time; it's pitiful and exhausting having an executive as your parent.
Framing me and my brother up, no, we don't want to run this business of yours, you're just fucking selfish and don't want to give up your job - you're way past retirement. Bake sourdough and play golf for once in your fucking life.
You never thought about your future and HOW to spend it, this is why you're here with this war-torn ship of a business.
That's how retirement companies get you, by telling you to invest in a 401k, go you die, you never spend the money you were saving up for half/most of your life and when you are part of the percent that DID live you wish you didn't spend so much time wage-slaving so much and smelled the fucking flowers.
I'm never investing in anything even risk-free assets.
Fuck you, fuck everyone, this shit was set-up from the beginning, fuck you again for the second time.
No. 2200775
>>2200755it sounds like you're traumatized from bullying and racist mistreatment as a child which is a sad but normal outcome. you might benefit into getting help from a therapist or seeking resources for bullying
victims, abuse
victims in general, depression, ptsd, c-ptsd (mostly listing things but i don't know full details from one post). i also suggest reading experiencs of people in similar situations, maybe going to the bullying or abuse threads here, reddit, or reading memoirs of bullying
victims can help you feel better. i also think there are drugs that can help minimize nightmares if they're really stressful.
No. 2200784
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I have around 8-9 subjects per semester in college, 27 hours a week and the only reason I’m not going insane is because I’m low neuroticism to the point of neglecting my responsabilities.
I would LOVE to participate in cientific initiation projects, to volunteer in academic projects, even to learn a foreign language through the university’s programs, but I simply don’t have the time.
The worse? Instead of studying I’m having conversations with AI chatbots.
No. 2200793
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I don't deserve to feel ugly when I live in a world where people who look like literal ghouls are considered beautiful celebrities, not for their art or skill but because of what fetishes they have or are ready to pander to, who their family is, who they married, where they were one night. I refuse to be gaslit. I'm not going to cultivate my own self-esteem gently anymore, I'm taking it by force for myself because this society is dogshit and a joke.
No. 2200795
>>2200793Well said
nonnie that's the spirit!!
No. 2200800
When I visit my mom, I notice I always am the one making the coffee, while my brother the golden child never has to make anything, my mom makes it for him. Mom drops everything she's doing, and offers to make tea for her son. Mom openly says that kitchen tasks like that are not for men to do. Not only that, but mom snubs me and makes excuses (including making his tea or doing his laundry), if I rarely ask her to do something. Feels so insulting. Wouldnt be a problem if she made her son make his own tea, but she doesnt.
No wonder he acts like the happy, good son, while Im the outcasted, sullen daughter. Ugh.
This time I made just enough coffee for myself, and mom barely went to says thanks, but realized there wasnt enough made for her too. I felt bad but she's done this to me before, and she plays favorites, so…
No. 2200812
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i just listened to an absolute banger of a song right when my headphones decide to fucking die on me reeeeeee!!
No. 2200814
>>2200812Post song
I will be the judge on whether this song is a banger
No. 2200823
>>2200821I like it
It goes beeps
Sorry for your loss
No. 2200846
I literally cannot stand life anymore ever since my 2 cats, my only friends, died last year. I realize how much they helped me recover from every toxic interaction with housemates every time I go outside my room. And no I cant move soon. Sounds pathetic of me, but those cats were my bffs during high school, college and beyond. How am I supposed to move on after losing my cherished friends who have been with me through so much over a decade?
Due to extreme social anxiety, I never partied, never had a bf, just went home and hung out with them doing homework for a meme degree which is the only one my dumb ass could get after almost a decade. I still dont know what career to choose, while former classmates have careers, families, and their own house. Im a complete loser in my 30s with no one that truly cares about me. What is the point of my life?
No. 2200848
>>2200846Heartbreaking. We sound very similar and I don't know how I'm going to be when my cat goes. I cry thinking about it.
Have you thought about getting a new kitten?
No. 2200855
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im so fucking sick of jobhunting because ive been home for threeish months now and have had zero luck whatsoever. i keep opening my emails to rejections and its just so demoralising, i genuinely want nothing more than to get a good job and start building my life up but the constant ghosting and rejections is getting to me so bad right now, im so sick of this shit i fucking hate my shithole country and our stupid PM who keeps slashing all our jobs
No. 2200955
>>2200949That sounds horrible. Im sorry to hear that you've been SA'd, are grieving the loss of someone close to you, and are bedridden often. Before I read your sentence about the moid wanting you for your body, I was thinking the same. Dump him if he gets angry that youre not in the mood.
Not sure what help this is, as Im also agoraphobic. But an idea is to join a part time class in something that is fun and enjoyable for you, like an arts and crafts class. Or go to an event like a farmers market.
No. 2200979
>>2200799>Finding out Diddy had tunnels under his house and they found discarded kids clothing in itThey
what? I had no fucking idea, I just knew he diddled kids but I didn't know he was running a whole ass institution.
No. 2200980
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There are no tunnels
No. 2201008
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>>2200990I did some digging and I think the image is AI generated because there is no report of combs getting arrested. I guess I can now vent about AI making fake news now and falling for it myself.
No. 2201093
My bf’s cat is genuinely horrible. It was rescued from a trash can, and his behavior started off okay. He was neutered and given all his shots. Bf buys the good cat food and litter, has a cat tree and a lot of toys that the cat refuses to play with. Instead, the cat is constantly lunging at us, biting us, scratching us, drawing blood constantly. We just can’t do it anymore. I moved in recently and I’m at my wits end. I can’t be in the same room as the cat because of his attacks. They’re not playful nips, they hurt and we both have permanent scarring. If I want to go to the bathroom in the night, I have to literally shield myself with a broom to fend him off. He is constantly waiting outside the door in a ready to pounce stance unless he’s sleeping. I believe he’s feral. We got bloodwork done recently and he’s perfectly fine. I do not know what else to do with him except surrender him, but no shelters near us have any capacity. There is no peaceful time with him. When I come home from work he’s waiting at the door and rubs against me, but only because he wants fed. After that he goes back to being a demon. If I ever try petting him, he lets me for two seconds before biting me.
No. 2201105
>>2200909I have a double whammy of avpd and bpd. I do think my avoidant behaviours have improved somewhat with therapy and also just growing older. There's definitely still a lot of challenges but after getting professional help I managed to finish school find a job which I honestly didn't think was possible.
Hoping therapy gives you some coping tools and that everything works out well for you, nonita!
No. 2201114
>>2201099Yes, bf and the cat used to be best friends for about a year. Always cuddled, slept together, the cat used to live in his lap, and they played often. We keep trying to play but the cat is uninterested now. We have so, so many toys for him to choose from. Sometimes he will fetch his cat nip toys and bring them back to us, but now he kinda just pounces on them when we throw them and he doesn’t retrieve them. We have a few of those wand toys he used to love but now he doesn’t react to.
>>2201104Please pet him for us since we can’t pet our own….the other cats from his litter seem to be doing just fine. I feel bad because my bf is the biggest cat person on earth and he happened to get the one bad cat from the litter. He was heartbroken when the cat’s personality changed.
No. 2201119
>>2201021> I can't handle noise and I'm so naive people have taken advantage of me so muchI'm not autist but relate to this
>a tv program mentions rape, like that shit happened to your own child I'm so sorry you have gone through that and your mother showed no empathy to you. I also suffer from depression and have considered using heavy drugs. I can sympathize with you. I send you hug
No. 2201153
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I have several neighbors who keep their dogs cooped up at home all day and because I’m WFH I hear them bark and whimper all day only for the owner to get back and take them out for 5 minutes to use the bathroom. No walks at all and the part that gets to me the worst is how most of them will yell “GO PEE! GO PEE NOW!” at their dogs. I wish I could treat these fuckers like they treat their pets. Yank on the chain around their neck and scream at them. One has a pit mix and I pray someday this dog snaps and rips her fucking face off. Also reading about people tying up their animals up during this hurricane is making me wish pet ownership was treated more like a privilege and abuse or abandonment comes with an automatic prison sentence. Don’t even get me started on the fucking illegals selling turtles on the side of the road.
No. 2201206
It still makes me laugh to remember Oldmin's friend in that one Discord saying there was "going to be a femcel shooter" years ago in one of her/their rants complaining about radfems.
There is no misandrist mass shooter, and there never will be. What even is a "femcel"? It's a term for an undesirable woman (something that can barely even exist, because for men, there's no such thing as an unfuckable woman). Very stupid to believe a woman would have to be undesirable to be disturbed by misogyny. Imagine thinking being desired and "chosen", including by what these retards deem a "high value man", automatically prevents abuse or, if you don't get abused, you somehow become incapable of being disgusted by it happening to others. Only the most brainrotted pickme would deliberately turn a blind eye to what other women go through all because "well my man doesn't do that teehee".
Even the worst man hater wants nothing but to be left the fuck alone, for rapists to be punished and to no longer have to go through misogyny. Even the most perverse autoandrophile still isn't running around killing men and trying to wear their bodies as skin suits. In fact, FtMs practically worship men. We live in such a ridiculous world.
349845983483 cases of stupid bitches maiming or ending the lives of their sisters, daughters, mothers, friends, and other women for pickme reasons, and how many cases of women targeting men for just existing as male? What religions have been formed on the backbone of male subjugation and female supremacy? In what regions of the world are women raised to view men as possessions, boys blocked from going to school and male babies killed or aborted over their sex? Fuck off.
No. 2201230
>>2201224you can try using Magnesium oil before sleep and going out in the sun in the morning
if you get low on iron you should always supplement that though
No. 2201244
>>2201136Anemia is one of the most common causes of hair loss in women, do you also feel tired often nonna? Or do you have gastrointestinal problems too?
You shouldn’t just take it as something normal, because it isn’t.
No. 2201246
>>2201241dumbass self
>>2201242He turned on me and my friends because he was being rude and demanding so we started to exclude him. He never did anything in group works, kept bullying this woman and expected us to go along with him. He also has strong narc tendencies.
No. 2201260
>>2201252>magnesium oilSome companies will try to rip off the customers and sell it in small amounts for pretty high prices, try to find it in 1 liter bottles
Another thing you can do to have better sleep and energy levels is cardio. And I'm not talking about like 30 minutes workouts, just every now and then do some jumping jacks or something for 5 minutes whenever you start feeling sleepy.
No. 2201322
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I’m showing signs of aging and I didn’t think it’d hit me this hard or this early. I know I’m predisposed to low self esteem and some degree of body dysmorphia but the fine lines are driving me crazy. Especially when I see other people my age who don’t have it.
No. 2201326
>>2201321Gender doesn't exist, it's just a word we started using in the 80s to reference sex because normies memed themselves into being uncomfortable with saying the word "sex" to refer to someone's sex. You can live however you want, but you'll always be a woman and you'll always be female. That is an inescapable reality and the sooner you come to terms with it, the better.
>Just a clit and a peehole.That's FGM nonna.
No. 2201359
>>2201250I would suggest getting some blood work, you might simply be deficient in iron. Or it might even be stress related, have you had any kind of big event in your life recently?
That or even celiac disease maybe. But anyway start with getting blood work, be proactive about your health nonna, it’s important.
No. 2201362
>>2201268Kek , when the self hatred and misogyny turns out to be extreme to the point of not feeling like a woman.
What is a woman to you nonna? Why don’t you feel like you’re one then?
No. 2201370
>>2201321You’ll always chase the dragon kek, you’ll attain something and you’ll immediately find dysphoria in something else. Nullification is just mutilation, but it will never erase what you are at the core of it.
You’d rather accept yourself and work on your mental health rather than putting a bandaid on an open wound. Being a woman doesn’t have to be femininity, beauty , submission and other bullshit like that, it’s society and men that force femininity on us.
There’s nothing peculiar or less than in being born a female, it’s your own projection that makes you think that being one is inferior or whatever shit you believe in. Other women around you have a plethora of ideas, dreams , personality, so much more than what you believe in.
No. 2201400
>>2201370>Other women around you have a plethora of ideas, dreams , personality, so much more than what you believe in.This is a great point and something I think TIFs have difficulty dealing with. They know that they
themselves have ideas, dreams, creativity and agency but they buy the sexist idea that other women don't, that we're all reactive and basically stop existing when a man isn't interacting with us. And since that's how men typically feel about us, they start believing that they're men.
Fighting internalized misogyny is hard and painful because you have to break with basically everything that was taught to you by people who are supposed to love you, e.g. parents. You have to realize that they and pretty much everyone else are wrong. That's really hard to do and takes a level of bravery TIFs (and handmaidens too) simply don't possess.
No. 2201456
>>2201326>Gender doesn't existAyrt I disagree with this. I define gender as one's bodily characteristics related to their sex on the spectrum of femininity and masculinity. Sex is not a spectrum, it's dualistic by nature. Because there are only two reproduction roles in humans: Receptive and proceptive; vagina and penis. It's about which reproductive organ you have. Gender is much more complex than which organ you have between your legs. There are many people with out of standart sex chromosomes. Everyone agrees what makes a woman is her beauty and femininity. Women with higher testosterone are infertile/less fertile. You get more valuable in society the more beautiful you are which is also objective. You could blame it on patriarchy but that's your hypothesis. Considering every matriarchal society model that been created by feminists are firstly and mostly valuing motherhood and beauty aka. femininity, we can say it's not solely patriarchy that shapes our perception of womanhood. In a matriarchal society there still would be a social hierarchy, that's nature, and it wouldn't be unpredictable if women who are the most fertile aka. feminine would be on top of that hierarchy. So even if you say gender doesn't exist females value always will be defined by their beauty. Which we can see in our world anyway. Why did I mentioned all of this? Because gender/transgenderism gives me an opportunity to be a man. I could never be a man if there would be no gender. People wouldn't associate me with maleness/manhood.
Women are first and half gender, they are incomplete. Men are secondary but complete gender. That's why women can pass as a man much easier than men can pass as a woman. You can't reduce yourself to be less than you are, that's against nature. We're keep evolving and adapting to this world. We're survival machines. Being woman is suffering and vulnerable. You can't be a woman if you're a man because of that. No one wants to be a woman, it's self mutilation. Of course you can't be a biological man either because you're stunted by design. You will still end up mutilated but you can always be better, improve to be superior to your self. If you think being female=gender you must agree that being woman is inherently suffering due to being stunted due to it's anatomical disadvantages.
So gender is actually another system software that is benefical for us. At least that's how I think. I got a little lightheaded while writing all of this as I haven't eat anything all day, so if some places sounds wacky sorry about that
No. 2201505
>>2201456>Men are secondary but complete genderThe "complete" gender with the shitty, faulty Y chromosome that dies off earlier, has worse skin, is more anger-prone and mentally ill as a result of testosterone, are more prone to disease, go bald, and literally exist to ejaculate and die. Okay.
>No one wants to be a woman, it's self mutilationYou're like MtFs in that you've convinced yourself that your dysphoria makes sense and that no one wants to be your birth sex. The opposite is true. There are multiple men who think you're a laughable idiot, resent you and would flay you alive for a day to walk around with the vagina you resent between their legs instead of their cum-shovels. Both of you are mentally ill.
No. 2201513
>>2201505>has worse skinYou prove my point. There are women with bad skin. Even worse than some babyface men. Now are they less of a woman?
>There are multiple men who think you're a laughable idiotI don't care what men thinks. They don't know what they're talking about. They would go back to being manliest man if they knew what it's like to be a woman. Men can't have sex dyphoria anyway. To some limit I mean
No. 2201520
>>2201513>You prove my point. There are women with bad skin. Even worse than some babyface men. Now are they less of a woman?Men's skin is generally in worse condition than women's. Women with bad skin are not less female any more than men who are short are less male just because women are generally shorter in height (though maybe you do feel that short men are "less male" because of your gender brainrot). This is just a factual statement. I think it's interesting that you had to focus on that part alone, because it likely ties into your beauty fixation, and you can't shoehorn the other things into your ideology.
>I don't care what men thinks. They don't know what they're talking about. They would go back to being manliest man if they knew what it's like to be a woman. Men can't have sex dyphoria anyway. To some limit I meanAgain, this is what MtFs say. Your mental illness is talking. You share the same delusions all crafted around unrealistic fantasies and hatred for your body.
No. 2201526
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>>2201525‘Kay, see you tomorrow!
No. 2201531
>>2201520I'm not going to respond further and keep this conversation. I fixated on it because obviously looks are everything. When you look at someone you know they are female or male based on their physical appearance. Everytime feminists brought up what makes women better than men, it's always the beauty. I don't want that. I want to be a male and free. I don't care what females think of me.
>Again, this is what MtFs say. Your mental illness is talking. You share the same delusions all crafted around unrealistic fantasies and hatred for your bodyYou're the one who keep bringing males into this, interestingly. Is this how you silencing your fellow women? By calling them crazy? Being woman is objectively worse than being man unless you're a man specifically an incel you'll think otherwise
No. 2201561
>>2201531>I'm not going to respond further and keep this conversation. I fixated on it because obviously looks are everything. When you look at someone you know they are female or male based on their physical appearance. Everytime feminists brought up what makes women better than men, it's always the beauty. I don't want that. I want to be a male and free. I don't care what females think of me.Looks over death, crime rates, history and biological reality? Okay, kek.
>You're the one who keep bringing males into this, interestingly. Is this how you silencing your fellow women? By calling them crazy? Being woman is objectively worse than being man unless you're a man specifically an incel you'll think otherwiseGender dysphoria is a mental illness. There is nothing sane about wanting FGM, you reuse the same arguments men who have your disorder do, except gender-flipped. Stating a known fact isn't a "silencing tactic" unless you are silenced by the truth, which it seems that you are.
Saying "Y-You're the only one bringing men into this" is silly when you're trying to argue about men and women to begin with, and call women "incomplete" and men "complete". Nothing you say is objective, I'm convinced you don't know what the word means.
No. 2201564
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I fucking hate autistic moids. There’s this fat, balding moid with shoulder length hair which is so thin, facial hair, god I can’t stand to look at him so I can’t describe anything else. Last year he always tried to sit next to me or mansplain random fucking world war shit to me which I don’t give a single fuck about. This year he seems to be in all my elected classes and he always sits next to me, I even move every time and I fully ignore him and don’t look at him and he doesn’t get the fucking message. He always talks to himself and makes random fucking retarded comments, I hate him so fucking much and have no idea why a fat fucking autistic retard is so drawn to me. It’s making me feel extremely insecure like what the fuck just leave me the fuck alone
No. 2201581
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I'm angry laughing right now. I always get dismissed and people always ignore the advice I give. It's not that I'm an asshole or anything more like people think I'm stupid or naive. I told someone what would happen ended up happening and now I'm getting the "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you" spiel. I'm pissed off. I hate this shit so much. What is it about me that people think I'm stupid?
No. 2201592
>>2201573Degenerate fantasies are nice and normal
nonny, be glad you’re not a tradwife or something I guess
No. 2201613
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>>2201579Hard disagree.
If you keep asking self-reflective questions you'll just be even more stuck in an unproductive ruminating circle.
The only antidote to inaction is action.
No. 2201617
>>2195183People are full on filth. I don't know how anybody really relies on or trusts anybody. This image board is just more proof of it. Behind the scenes people are garbage to be around. They
re always really really destructive to your mental health or your wellbeing. It doesn't matter how attractive or successful they are just as nauseating,
toxic, overbearing, controlling, insecure, moralfagging hypocrites.
Just launch the fucking population into the sun and relish it while they burn to a crisp. They are such vampiritic, exhausting, insufferable wastes of space and they consume the shittiest media and capitalism. Holy fuck people are filth.
No. 2201638
>>2200832All people are lazy pieces of shit or lying conniving, filthy, degenerate pieces of shit so what difference does it make.
I wish all the degenerate wastes of space on earth would stick m80s up their asses and blast themselves to kingdom come. Would be really priceless and i'd have so much more admiration for the filthy species
No. 2201676
>>2201640I notice a huge discrepancy in how people age and I don't think it's about having children, I think it's about having enough good quality sleep.
You regenerate in your sleep. People with children often don't get enough sleep, so it's correlation but not cause.
No. 2201683
>>2201678Maybe its time you just wake up to how insufferable and
toxic most "well off" people are to the world itself. The cycle goes round and round and round and grinds human life to the most miserable possible state and people vote for that system to continue. Why would you blame yourself for anything in that mess that drags you along with it? Whatdo you truly get out of any of that aside from being a wageslave and being forced to live alongside psychosocial vampires?
No. 2201687
>>2201684Don't listen to this company shill
Just make sure you sleep well and eat well
No. 2201717
>>2201692>I don't think its easy to say you are gonna be one of those people who gets sleep.It's not. It's very very rare in today's society.
But it's something that should be strived for, and I rarely see any talk about it and when I do it's usually glorifying sleep deprivation
No. 2201725
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I hate myself so much. I hate the way I look. I hate the my body feels. I hate my face. I hate my personality. I hate my mind. I hate that I am. I don't know how to not hate myself, and no therapist have even tried to help me because I look fine despite my self-harm scars and history of suicide attempts. The only day I'll finally stop hating myself is the day I finally stop being a failure that can't even die by her own hands and finally do it properly.
No. 2201727
>>2201711Your response is
so much more aggro than what you're replying to kek. Nobody is coming for your 15 separate bottles of exfoliator
No. 2201739
>>2201725>and no therapist have even tried to help me because I look fine despite my self-harm scars and history of suicide attempts.Sounds to me like you had difficulty expressing your pain. It can be
really hard to do if you spent your whole life hiding it from everyone. I urge you to try again and let yourself be as unhinged as possible.
Please stay with us. I fully believe you have a whole word inside yourself that deserves to be seen, heard, shared and appreciated.
No. 2201773
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So many of my problems could be fixed if I were immoral and decided to do illegal and dumb things. So many of my problems can be solved through violence, so many of them yet they’re all illegal, so tempting, but illegal
No. 2201829
>>2201717The thing is people LOVE sleep deprivation and even go so far as glorifying how much sleep they lose to work as long as possible, no doubt like this glorified skincare twat right here >>
>>2201711Kinda screams your typical self-punishing moidworshipping moralfagging beatycuck that dates a lazy gremlin shit and then brags about never sleeping after a 15 hour shift. They always use the misogynistic tone of language you can see them from a mile away. Doomed to look like my sister in 3 years because she'll no doubt shit a kid for her scrote and work herself to death thinking beauty products have anything to do with it.
I mean i love my sister but god damn she aged FAST after the babies.
I still look 19, but i dont do anything but sleep well, eat well, stay out of the sun, exfoliate and throw lotion on my face sometimes. i have no expensive skin care routine. My aunt who is 70 now looks 45 and she didn't have kids either or skincare routine either. I asked her one time. She said all she did was wash her face with dove soap. She didn't even moisturize? Honestly i know its because she didn't have kids tho.
No. 2201856
>>22018392nd post is not me
I just look at that lifestyle with children and think of what would happen if i had made a mistake and had children. how different my life would be. pure hell.
No. 2201951
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Has there been an influx of people talking about lc on other websites or something? There's been a ton of stupid posters getting banned lately and this just showed up on my tumblr dashboard (and I don't follow ANYTHING related to lolcow or adjacent topics). What the hell.
No. 2202027
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I've been on tumblr mobile a lot going through tags for things I like for years, but only today I actually reblogged a few things and rediscovered little sideblogs I have. Holy shit I was inadvertently making a time capsule of my early teenage years and 2014-ish tumblr. I see the art and photos that connect to my oc's aesthetic and stories who I've never posted about other than in google docs after a decade or more. I regret not actively writing and developing my meager art skills all this time, but if I hadn't become an adult (barely functional) and had crazy ideas from dreams, it would be a major cringefest. All in all I feel bittersweet tonight, I hope by this time next year I can achieve my goals for a new blog and find community.
No. 2202106
>>2201579>>2201613>>2201634Action sometimes isn't enough for me to keep going and my habits can stop cold turkey so I often can't rely on my habits. I'm wasting so much time lounging around, doomscrolling, procrastinating, doing nothing. And then when I finally sit down to do what I have to do I quit halfway. I even stopped doing my dishes halfway because I couldn't concentrate. I know it's unhealthy but I unironically wish I could flip a switch and instantly become a workaholic. I'd die at 50 but I'd be physically incapable of being lazy and at least I'd get things done, and to be honest my current cortisol levels would be the same
Still, thanks for the advice. I'll try both (or all three) schools of logic kek
No. 2202130
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>have a weird run in with a security guard on the way out of a store, he followed my mom out while I was already all the way to the car, they talk
>when she gets back she said he said I am gorgeous and that it's a shame I'm so shy
>unfortunately run into him weeks later, his face lights up happily and he greets me and I scamper off
>checkout lady remarked how I looked terrified to him as I walk away, not sure what he said
>he tried to follow me and strike up a conversation later, successfully evade him because I'm sonic-fast
I'm really glad I've been pretty much ignored by men completely my whole life up till this moment because it wasn't like I was in a vulnerable situation (lots of people were around) and he was very young and good looking…but it was still sincerely terrifying, even if he's probably some kind of fuck boy that thinks I look easy and was being a bit predatorial, or wanted to terrorize me.
still am a bit ashamed though of my genuine stress. I've 0 experience with men of pretty much any and all kinds outside of my work, but even so I shouldn't be such a coward, it's just pathetic and I'm too old for being this skittish.
No. 2202273
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the "rate my style" thread on /g/ reminded me how i haven't bought decent clothes in years and have no style
No. 2202299
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>>2201773How I feel too. If I had no morals, I would be unstoppable. We should team up.
No. 2202311
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>>2201773I use to feel this way. Once I decided to no longer appease others and gained more of a spine it helped
No. 2202353
>>2202349Why the
fuck did my phone correct happening to Fappening. It even capitalized it. Wth
No. 2202359
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>don't want to move, but I have to and it'll ironically save me time when I have my own place, it's just a lot of paperwork upfront.
>probably shouldn't finish my shitty classes because the school treats us all like shit, but I would like to because I like the content.
>need to quit my stupid student job since it's meaningless to me now that I have full-time work.
>need to call the bank to close an account that's been doing nothing for me
>entirely too much shit going on between full-time work and part-time second degree that I genuinely do enjoy, but the people make it hard to commit
I'm slowly getting things done but I feel like I both want the year to end faster, and for things to slow down so I can get shit done. I'm time managing to the Nth degree and kinda failing at it. I think I just found the limit on what 1 person can do before your social life gets completely nuked, but I keep telling myself "it's only 15 weeks per semester, that's nothing." 1 year left but I barely want to do it.
No. 2202419
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im too spineless and agreeable sometimes, i really need to learn how to set boundaries and tell people that they're being fucking weird/annoying/etc. i have no confidence in general, its pretty pathetic
No. 2202488
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I wish humans mated for life the way other animals do
>humans are monogamous
I'll believe it when I see it
No. 2202554
>>2202532Ducks don't mate for life, so that's a shitty example.
>animals aren't romanticI'm not talking about romance, I'm talking about being biologically wired towards monogamy. You're kind of wrong, too, monogamous birds spend the majority of their time allopreening, they rip their feathers out and refuse to eat when their partner dies. Most men just find someone else.
No. 2202575
>>2202520I think you're right. They're compelled to "guard" their mate from poachers and ensure the pregnancy reaches full term; male monogamy is temporary and exists to ensure reproductive success, not to help in raising offspring. Grim.
>(menopause being an actual scientific indicator that women helped their daughters/other women raise their children)Making another appeal to nature, but it's interesting how it's almost exclusive to intelligent, matriarchal species, like orcas.
No. 2202664
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i'm a useless talentless burnout, i'm a parasite leeching off my mother who works two jobs so she can buy me meds i don't even take on time because taking them reminds me of how weak and pathetic i am for needing them. she hates me and she has every right to. i'm a worthless piece of shit who can't even finish college, the very thing that brought me joy now makes me feel like shit because of all the obligations and expectations. i spent my whole life drawing, it was something that defined me and now just thinking about it makes me feel like shit. i just start crying the second i pick up a pencil. i can't do anything right. i have no discipline, i spend all my time eating, gaming, masturbating and hugging my pillow in bed pretending someone loves me. i won't kill myself because my few online friends and relatives who for some reason still think i'm a nice talented girl will be sad, especially my little cousin who looks up to me but god do i want to end it. i'm supposed to be washing this pile of dishes i accumulated in my bedrom over the days but i'm sitting there typing this stupid self-pitying post instead. i wish i could draw again and get this fucking degree and get a job and make money and be useful for once in my life.
No. 2202671
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>>2202664if it means anything at all, you’re not alone. i’m in a similar boat, as i’m sure many nonas are and people in general. just keep going, life is hard and unfair but there will come a time where it feels the slightest bit better for you, and in the meantime do things that make you happy. if you feel up to it, do something productive (cleaning your room for example). baby steps go a long way, and as long as you keep going, you’re doing better than a significant percentage of the population. i wish you luck nonita and we got this!
No. 2202673
>>2202532It’s not about romance it’s about having one partner. Swans mate for life and so do penguins too for examples. There are also animals who eat the other mate when they’re done copulating so the comparison that nonna made isn’t so useful imo.
I think that society and industrialization has profoundly changed our natural instincts anyway, if you truly analyze it at its core men aren’t capable of love and nurturing, they just use and take. It’s women who should choose their best mate, at least that’s how it happens in nature, but again society and industrialization has made it that women don’t even get to do that anymore. This is why we have ugly scrotes who are spreading their weak genetics and why male pattern baldness is so common.
No. 2202693
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Why THE FUCK did instagram show me a reel my brothers girlfriend liked where a woman is showing how to ride a dick
No. 2202701
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when lolcow was gone, I posted once in the bunker thread and got banned instantly
I keep appealing the ban but they won't lift it, they lifted the ban from my phone but not my pc
Very annoying, no idea what I did wrong either as there's never a reason given even after they reject my appeals
No. 2202785
>>2202769Agree with everything you said.
>I hate that so many radfems ended up siding with rightwingers because deep down they were reactionists who were just looking for easy answers for complex problems.The current state of internet radical feminism is just 2016 anti-SJW bullshit repackaged to appeal to women. No substance, no solutions, just a bunch of retards angry about shit they saw on Tumblr. inb4 I get accused of being a scrote or antifeminist, there's nothing radical or feminist about electing Trump to pwn the troons.
No. 2202800
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Why does my cat chew on fucking everything?! He has plenty of toys, scratching posts, outside time (on a leash) and yet he still makes a beeline for any paper, plastic or cardboard on the floor. I feel like I have to lock everything in a safe to keep it away from him.
No. 2202804
>>2202693lmao I'm sorry
at least you never opened the door on them doing it, right? it happened to me, thank god i wasn't wearing glasses and only saw my sister in law gasping in shock
No. 2202974
I don't know how I can get over the stupid moid I've dated. The reality is that he was insanely abusive, manipulative and gross and yet I cannot stop thinking about him. His living space was dirty, he did not even have bed sheets. He has a degree in computer engineering and it took him two hours trying to convert a pdf file or some bullshit while he rambled on about his students and that none of them can read or write properly. He tried to pressure me into sexual acts, he literally just took off my pants to have oral sex when I repeatedly said no because I had cramps and was on my period. He tried to talk me into having piv sex without a condom and continued to ask for it even though I just declined 10 minutes ago. He was completely inappropriate at times, made weird remarks and even turned a romantic moment into literally physically threatening me. It's not like we still have contact, I blocked him everywhere and he actually broke up with me once I grew a backbone, everything just got too much and dared to draw a boundary and call him out on his behavior. He said that we had "too many differences" kek. He made it look as if I deserved all of it and that everything he did was completely normal and defended his absolutely psychotic behavior like "well because you did x I did y!". He also downplayed my academic achievements and made me feel like shit for not having a masters degree yet. According to him I don't have enough hobbies. This guy literally said shit like: "I like to downplay my achievements and skills because it is good to appear humble" and constantly fished for compliments and I literally ignored and played into it. I don't think this guy has any kind of emotional intelligence, after our second date I caught him asking chatgpt "what is love" mind you this guy is in his late twenties. And yet wehn we broke up he claimed that he wasn't thinking about me at all during the week. And yet he would call me every fucking day at 10 pm and then bitch about all of the stuff he did wrong at work or was procrastinating again even though I told him that I have to get up at 5. He would also complain about his daddy issues. When I wanted to tell him about something that happened in my life he would just not react and tell me to control my feelings. I don't think I fell in love with the person he really is, I absolutely despise that person and it grosses me out. I fell in love with a picture, the person he projected on to the outside, the one who I thought he was. I just cannot stop ruminating about it and imagine fake scenarios. Did I date a cluster b moid or a psycho?
No. 2203016
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i don't think im meant to live with another human being. every time i do, i grow to hate them eventually and i want them to leave me alone. family, room mates, romantic partners, it's all the same
No. 2203062
I'm pretty sure life isn't supposed to be this hard and miserable
>>2203033Kek I'm the opposite, chronic anxiety makes me feel uncomfortably full after normal portions, it's like my stomach is the size of a peanut everytime I'm off meds
No. 2203302
> He keeps giving everyone free junk food and self made stickersI want him nonna
No. 2203319
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I wish I could wear something like picrel, it's so casual yet elegant. But anything that sits tight makes me look super stocky because of my wide torso and somewhat big boobs, it just looks like I'm wearing something too small due to the way it's hugging me even if I size up way larger than my usual size. Similar, but sorta different, with skirts with any sort of stretch. I do have an hourglass shaped body, but since I'm on the upper end of healthy bmi and have no muscle definition elegant clothing I like just don't look right on me because of the fat I carry.
No. 2203337
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I grew up watching Rhett and Link so they're kind of my comfort show. They keep getting worse every year. I don't know anyone else who watches them so I have nowhere else to complain. They recently put out a survey for fans to fill out and I was excited to let them know what I as a long time fan actually dislike. But they didn't give you a single option for feedback that wasn't positive.
So I'll write it all here instead so I can get it out of my system:
>Stevie got too involved
I didn't mind her popping in sometimes but her being part of the actual show every time makes the show feel stale. It's not that she's bad, it's just that I'm there for Rhett and Link, and not her. Feels like she just wanted to be famous too.
>Tiktok trend chasing garbage
I hate tiktok, I hate boring tiktok trends. It just shows they've run out of ideas. Plus every time it happens it's clearly from staff throwing something at them, it's never them that found something they want to share. They never get it quite right.
>Alpha-zoomer pandering
I don't give a fuck what "gen alpha" vs "boomers" do, I even want the age groups to stop being used because they're so stupid. No generation is a monolith, nor is there a reason to pretend being born in 97 ("zoomer") instead of 96 ("millenial") makes a massive difference. It all feels like cheap stale clickbait.
>Everything is food
I don't actually care for food videos, but apparently they give good views so they won't stop making the same food video over and over.
>I hate the staff characters
I don't mind the staff being themselves. But them playing cringe characters is painfully boring at best so I just always skip those parts. Cotton candy randy is gross.
>The show is overly produced and feels corporate
I don't watch youtube to watch tv shows with rehearsed lines, youtube is for watching genuine people. They've lost that nearly fully.
>Rhett and Link think talking openly about their sex lives on their podcast is revolutionary or some shit
It's just gross. I don't want to hear it, I don't want to know they like talking about it to strangers either. Men think their own sexuality is the most interesting thing on earth, when it's just fucking gross every time. I've lost so much "respect" for them just knowing they talk about it when I know kids watch their shows and follow them.
No. 2203417
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eeuuuuuuuuugggghhhh sobbing because i live in a very religious community where people can get dirt on everyone quicklyand come off as an annoying tradtard because i have to with my family but i only have sexual dreams about women its;constant and i hate being with men one on one and refuse to date or court for marriage completely but women will never know im interested because i look like a fucking mormon becky. i have always dreamed of romance with women my whole life too i dont just see women as sexual. just feel so trapped in my life i want to finish undergrad so i can get away from this place.
No. 2203598
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I wish I was a bird and only lived three years. You still get the whole experience but it doesn't take a fucking MAJORITY OF A CENTURY. We really got the short end of the stick
No. 2203630
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My ex boyfriend who was extremely abusive and controlling, financially abused me, stole money from me and pretty much humiliated me in every way possible… shipped me a pack of gum for my birthday. Just an envelope in the mail with a pack of gum. What the fuck. For more perspective, the financial abuse was manipulating me into letting him “help” with my dead parents’ will and holding it above me to pay for everything in our relationship, knowing I was a naive and retarded young girl with no support system to guide me or help me make decisions at all. He abused and isolated me, told me no one could ever love me and that no one else could help me through life but him. And he sent me a fucking cheap pack of gum after I finally got the sense to separate from him. Is that not some psycho bpd moid humbling tactic???? I fucking lol’d but I’m also actually extremely unsettled.
No. 2203645
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>>2203630you should kill him
No. 2203713
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>the moid who asked for my nudes as a teenager just to rip apart my body, compare every single body part to his exes, and caused my eating disorders, etc just reposted this
Reminder never believe a word that comes out of moids mouths
No. 2203795
I think I'm too retarded and suggestible to use this website. I notice myself being more suspicious, judgemental, angry, and bitter towards others after coming on here. I don't think men are inherently good people, but I have to interact with them as a necessity for being outside, and the constant underlying paranoia and hatred is tiring. I feel like it's hard to keep up if you go outside. Most of the people I interact with are nice or at least tolerable. On one hand, the observations made here make it easier to avoid groups of people that will make my life worse, such as pickme women or sexist women and types of men to keep at a distance. I feel like this website can have the same effect as ragebait Facebook pages. Every other thread on /ot/ will bring up some horrible crime or statistics about violence against women or double standards or doomposting about how being awkward or ugly makes your life permanently worse, even the lesbian threads on /g/ are centered around talking about men or complaining about bisexuals or tifs or some other pointless bullshit, and the cow boards just nitpick the appearances of women to death, it feels like astroturfing for plastic surgeons and cosmetics industries. I feel like I want to come here for the same reason boomers like going on Facebook pages with political rage bait about foreigners coming in and burning the flag and cheering about white genocide or whatever. Just chronically online shit. Yes misogyny is prevalent in society, but the rage and frustration we feel is better put towards doing something about it, even if only marginally.
I think I'm too sensitive to use social media at all anymore. I wish I was more callous, but I'm not. I hate people. I want comfort in female emotional bonding, not constant exposure to female hatred. I wish it were easier to find places where people want harmonious interactions. I'm sick of people and their drama. I'm sick of getting dragged into it. I feel like an idealist and a pessimist at the same time. Everyone is so disappointing.
No. 2203825
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I think my rose toy gave me internal bleeding.
No. 2203837
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I hate this brainrot furfag animator i want to see him publicly executed blood eagle style. He lives rent free in my head i cant get him out of my head god i hate this timeline please some doxx him and kill him i will pay you my entire bank account i cant live on the aearth with this retarded faggot on it.
No. 2203894
>>2203344>fashion styles like that, emphasizing petite and slimness often don't work well on curvry women with large busts even if they aren't're confusing petite and slimness with having a waistline. Petite is defined usually as women of 5'4 or smaller. Being fat is not "curvy". Curvy is medium sized top proportions and large sized bottom for example, or normal proportions but less consistent between top and bottom sizing. Some jeans have "curve" proportions which give extra space with the hip region and butt for curvy women while the sizing on the hemline remains the same, because curvy women aren't the same as fatties. Fatties need bigger sizes all around and curve sizes would invariably not fit them. Fatties hijacked curvy womens fashion spaces and sizing so now curvy seems to mean plus-sized, kek.
>super highwaisted bottoms when you have a large bust looks silly. No it doesn't, it looks flattering especially low cut, scoop, and sweetheart necklines. This sounds less like a "large bust problem" and more like a fat waist one. High waisted clothing is usually universally flattering on everyone but those with no waist because it highlights the lack of a waist. If anon is hourglass this should be flattering, even if they have wide shoulders. The hourglass shape has the most dramatic waist to hip ratio so a tucked sweater high waisted would look the best on hourglass. Wide shoulders are stand out on hourglass women and part of the appeal. This outfit
>>2203319 is very similar to sweater girl outfits of the mid twentieth century, considered universally flattering and emphasizing for hourglass shaped women.
>but since I'm on the upper end of healthy bmi and have no muscle definitionAlso sounds like fat cope. Upper limits of BMI don't indicate less muscle mass, bizarre. BMI doesn't account for muscle mass, only height and weight which is indiscriminate of fat and muscle. An example used in uni when I was learning about BMI for a biomedical science paper was a rugby player who was considered "obese" by BMI scale. BMI doesn't discriminate against muscle or fat. If you have no muscle definition you're just fat and the fat is covering your muscle definition.
No. 2203903
I am depressed and suicidal over art. I am an artist though I am slowly getting back into it, writer, painter, all of that. Was thinking of a comic, I do a lot of stuff, did.
My concern is not AI but how sterile things have become, I know my desire is wrong and selfish. I should do things for me and the sake of it.
I see media now, I see what people want and I obviously see the state of the world. There's no creativity or risks left, am I edgy at times? Very, but I don't think that's the right word. I like to keep things real due to my life, how I was raised and where. Things in art or content or whatever, so sanitized, so bland, so corporate.
I want to cry and I thought about killing myself today over this.
Do I make sense?
No. 2203935
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There’s a girl who is accusing my bf of asking her for nudes and also sharing his nudes with her despite her allegedly being 12-14 at the times, and her telling him she was underage. But he kept asking despite supposedly knowing this girl was 13-14. My bf claims no such thing happened and that he met her online shortly before she turned 18, and wasn’t explicit prior to her 18th bday but that he did feel ashamed for being the type of creep to countdown to a girls 18th essentially, with the intentions of sharing nudes. They did share nudes off and on via snap or discord after she turned 18, according to him. But he swears on his life that she told him she was almost 18 and no nudes were exchanged before the supposed 18th bday. He thinks this is because she’s angry he sent a random dick pic while me and him were arguing like 6 weeks ago (long story and I don’t judge him for that himbo behavior, we were hardly together and I’d briefly blocked him after a dumb argument). He doesn’t have receipts cause he deleted his Snapchat account since it’s unnecessary when in a relationships. He deleted the discord messages because he was ashamed to have creeped on someone who just turned 18.
I asked the girl for any proof or receipts at all and am waiting to hear back. I’m really hoping this is just her being vindictive bc of sexpest behavior (somewhat understandable but falsely accusing someone of knowingly preying on a minor is not understandable). This is the first guy I’ve loved in so fucking long. I’m only a few years younger than him, 28-34 age bracket (not exact ages or exact difference but a range). I don’t trust anybody but everything feels off here. The girl really does type like she could have just turned 14 and plays very juvenile games like exclusively.
No. 2203950
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>>2203935how is this moid that is exchanging nudes with teenagers (18 is still a teen) still your bf?
No. 2203965
>>2203935Do you think that he’d tell you? He is going to deny it obviously.
You think that that girl wants your scrote when it’s most likely that she’s telling the truth. But you have concrete in your eyes, so be my guest.
No. 2203967
>>2203952Wow a 32 year old who hooks up with 18-20 year olds, what a catch. He grooms underage teenage girls, you should be ashamed of yourself for still being with him instead of setting him on fire or something.
Women who date promiscuous men or degenerates are beyond pathetic, women who date pedos are worthless.
No. 2204005
>>2203997Report him and let the fbi determine her age. Report him to your local police too so law enforcement in your area is aware of his degeneracy. It will make it easier for future
victims to have something done about him
No. 2204015
Nonnas, am I going insane? This moid I'm friends with (I know, I know) clearly used to have feelings for me (still might, idk) that I ignored because I wasn't interested, and now he's named his kid after me. It feels weirdly violating and I can't tell if I'm being an asshole or not. My name is uncommon and he's complimented it in the past, so it's not just a coincidence. (He's also asked to use my full name before for a character in something he was making, but nothing came of it.) At first he said it was just the kid's middle name, but she's not even a month old and he seems to just be calling her my name, and is sending me photos of gifts she's received with my name on it (my name is food-related, so like, a plushie shaped like that food for example). I guess I should take it as a compliment, but it's fucking weird to name your kid after someone you have feelings for, that you know doesn't want you, right? It feels like he's trying to force a connection between us that he knows I wouldn't consent to otherwise.
No. 2204016
>>2204003>>2204008He’s my bf and I’m the same anon who said I’d help report him to the FBI so idk what you’re on about here
>>2204005He’s got LEOs in his family so I don’t think reporting to the police would help. How does one report someone to the fbi without much evidence? This is all hearsay essentially isn’t it?
No. 2204019
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>>2203894NTA but I completely get your vendetta against fatties for co-opting the word curvy kek. I feel the same when overweight women complain about their big boobs. I cannot stand seeing landwhales whining about their ~large busts~. Just fucking lose some weight, everything about you is large, having big tits is the least of your problems at that point.
But anyway, it sounds like OP probably has a rectangle or apple-shaped body or something instead of an hourglass one, a higher BMI would just accentuate her boobs and hips more rather than completely steal away her waist. High-waisted pants and skirts are an hourglass-shaped womans best friend. Wearing clothes without any intense waist definition makes hourglass bodies look boxy due to how the fabric hangs off the big breasts and lands on the wide hips.
No. 2204033
>>2204030you don't "steal" a word. if you're a hourglass skinny woman and call yourself curvy literally nobody will bat an eye. you're either a moid or a sheltered woman trying to sound like a
victim of some non existing issue. get therapy.
No. 2204035
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>>2204016Samefag but god I feel like a retard. He’s jokingly showed me so much pedo related shit and I’m honestly wondering if he’s been testing the waters to see if I was fine with it all along. Like the I’m a pedophile song by Mr girl, saying that the pred catchers on YouTube are doing a disservice to law enforcement and that he feels bad for the predators they catch. When I’m disgusted he explains it all away as either a niche joke (re the mr girl song) or like, no no the predators are still wrong and should be handled by actual law enforcement, but they’re also lonely and would probably talk to anyone regardless of what age they said they were. It’s all coming the fuck together. I’m a retarded autist piece of shit but I’m not a pedo sympathizer. I hate believing anyone who is nice to me. Jesus fucking Christ nonnies. What do I even do? I hate that I still feel so much love for him but I need to do the right thing and just breaking up isn’t enough is it? I look and act much younger than my age so I’m sure that’s part of why he likes me so much.. he’s told me caring for me is like babysitting his <10 year old nephews.
No. 2204052
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>>2204044How do I report him? How do I cut him off? He’s literally the only person I know I can fully depend on to be there for me emotionally and physically. I’ve literally had the best times of my life with him these past few months. We’re already so intertwined. This is just so very very heartbreaking. How could this person next to me in bed be a predator like the ones I wish nothing but death upon? I’m just in shock. I’m not even in denial. I accept the reality but I’m shocked and don’t know how to proceed. I haven’t had such strong love for anyone in damn near 14 years and now I realize he is a despicable piece of scum? I wish I could live in denial but I can’t. Nonnies please.
No. 2204053
>>2204035>>2204035Finally. Even if she was actually 19 like you thought the ages weren't lining up in a way that painted a sympathetic picture. It seemed like he was hedging you, offering up details that sounded bad but not too bad to get you off his trail.
You should report him to the FBI if local law enforcement is not an option. They have an anonymous tip line. Once you've done that it's out of your hands, it's not your problem anymore. Break up with him first. That he went back to flirting with this other girl the hot second is reason enough to break up.
No. 2204057
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>>2204053If I report him would I have to immediately leave him? I don’t want it to be obvious it was me and would like to know the details of the investigation in real time. Idk how someone so kind and helpful and loving is the thing I hate most. How can I ever trust anyone ever after this. To be fair to him I ran off with a sugar daddy during our fight and was gone for a good couple weeks before the fight got real bad and I blocked him and he sent the recent nudes.
No. 2204063
>>2204057Jesus Christ stop caping for him by talking about how he's sooo loving and you can depend on him and um, to be fair to him, you ran off with a sugar daddy so it's fine that he groomed a 12 to 17 year old girl!!1!1
Stop being a pickme loser and go pack your bags right now, he's a pedophile whore who would rape a 12 year old kid if it wasn't illegal. It's better to be alone and use lolcow as your only social outlet than to rely on a disgusting scrote like this. Better yet, use this as a wake up call and go fix your life and stop being a NEET. If you can fuck sugar daddies and pedos, you can flip burgers at McDonalds.
And go get an STD test done, there's no way he isn't spreading around venereal diseases if he's a manwhore.
No. 2204065
>>2204052You are going to be sad at first but it will turn to anger. He might very well be putting on a front for you. You are younger than him and look younger than your age? What's going to happen once your age actually starts catching up with you? It's normal for guys to like 14 year old girls . . . when they are 14 themselves. Most will grow out of it. And even the ones that don't, most of them still have the clarity of mind and self restraint to not pursue minors. This man is 28-34 and never outgrew liking minors AND lacks the self restraint and brains to not act on that impulse.
He's not who you think he is. He would lose interest in you if you stopped acting cute and started acting mature. You say you're a NEET now, well he likes that, he thinks its cute. Meaning he might not want you ever getting better and could sabotage attempts at that. What if you got pregnant? Pregnancy isn't cute, and we know he doesn't like MILFS.
>>2204057Leave him before you report him. Block him on all social media. Block his number. Delete his number so you can't contact him. Just ghost, don't give him an explanation because he might get violent. If the FBI needs to contact you they can find you.
No. 2204074
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>>2204063I am going to be getting disability because I mentally cannot handle a job even menial labor I already have a lawyer (they are free they don’t accept cases that aren’t going to be approved cause they only get paid when you get approval)
>>2204065I definitely won’t get pregnant but he knows where I live when I’m not with him and has firearms also I basically live with him and don’t really have a home to go to or any friends. The home I could stay at and have some of my stuff at is far away and I can’t drive so I’d have to just gather all my stuff give him all his stuff back and have him take me home and then ghost? I don’t think that would even be possible to do safely. He literally said he’d shoot himself if the girl in question wasn’t actually 19 rn and was 13 when the main sexting was happening and 14 now I’m sure he’d kill me too (not that I’d be that upset about dying but I don’t think that’s how I should go out)
No. 2204080
>>2204078We don’t have buses here that will take me to my other home or anywhere even remotely close…
>>2204079I literally can’t do that. What have I gotten myself into. Fuck
No. 2204090
>>2204086No sadly an Uber home would be $115 before leaving a tip
>>2204082He’s not actively threatening suicide he’s just saying he’d have to end himself if he ever found out he was sexting a minor. The police have way too much stuff to do in my area rn than to deal with that. He didn’t even say it in writing he said it to me verbally and police here don’t trust women with a psych history in a he said she said situation such as this that’s so vague
No. 2204094
>>2204018>>2204021>>2204022>>2204028Thank you for the advice anons, I was really overthinking myself into believing I was overreacting.
>>2204017You're right, I should have extricated myself from this whole thing a while ago. To be fair though, I was weirded out at the time, but I just thought he was socially retarded and me too self-obsessed and pushed down my discomfort.
No. 2204100
>>2203713Hip dips are so fucking retarded, it's literally normal anatomy
"OH MY GOD my LEGS are a distinct feature from my HIPS what the FUCK"
Soon people are going to be insecure about having elbows or two arms or something
No. 2204102
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why are the women on this site more likely to accuse of samefagging compared to other anonymous imageboards. its cringe and reeks of stupidity, like you're unable to handle more than one person at a time saying you're retarded.
No. 2204127
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I gave my mam a key to my house for emergencies and such and now she just walks in whenever she's around. I've been over this many times. Message me or at least ring the door bell before you waltz in and shout for me. This happened today
>Watching scary movies in my pjs, drinking wine and eating shit
>Door slams open
>Mind, body and soul scared out of me
>Are you ok you don't look well?
>Later messages me saying she's worried if I'm coping well with living alone. Also I should stop drinking
I know she means well but jfc boundaries woman. I'll change my locks if this keeps up.
No. 2204135
>>2204130Not an issue if you're skinny and fit honestly it can even look good with wider hips and a small waist.
Otherwise yeah, without a small waist and with tiny hips it looks fucking awful..
No. 2204199
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Im fat, ugly, and worse of all, unlovable.
No. 2204350
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I’m seriously waiting for newfag central ugly man psyop/fandom threads to finally die off. I’m so tired of the same repetitive conversations that I know is definitely not being created by older farmers but migrants who are used to only being able to type 120 characters. We traded this shit for dumbass shit thread? I hope you retarded birdbrained bitches slip on a banana peel and head first face into a wood chipper where nobody can even piece together your body and identify you. Call me a psycho for this, ban me for alogging I’m just spitting straight facts and truth
No. 2204358
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>>2204349I hope the one who invented this always finds their pillow cold during the summers and their bed warm during winters.
I also used to smell and sweat a whole lot too nonna , especially when I was a teen. I would feel cold and I would still sweat through my long sleeved shirts and sweaters. I couldn’t put anything gray or white at all and I was always anxious about smelling so I would take two showers when I could and I would always wipe my armpits , which made it worse because thinking about sweating made me sweat more kek. I dreaded summer because it exacerbated everything.
My mom even used to buy me perfumes and products kek, she never told me I smelled (she only told me after I stopped) bless her heart.
Anyway I started to use this (once a week after showering) and it made a HUGE difference. I can safely wear anything I want and I can even raise my arms without a care of killing anybody. It’s strong and I don’t need it anymore so I am currently using the greener one, which is more delicate.
No. 2204364
>>2204359Kek I can’t even lurk and laugh at the absolute scuffed mess inside of that thread. I almost catch myself almost writing rebuttals and then remember I don’t watch kiddie toons as an adult or watch anime filled with incest and pedophilia and think it’s peak, phew at least I have some normalcy in my life. People lacking common sense can’t be convinced or helped
>>2204361If I have to hide 90% of the threads then it’s safe to say that /ot/ is doomed and you’re a retard with a dopamine addiction, fuck out of here
No. 2204385
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both sports fans and fangirls deserve death, they’re simply both shit. there was no “double standard” you’re both disgusting shits who hide your treasonous idolatry as simple admiration and fun, your fave is shit and so are you just like the fat chav retards crying that some black scrote kicking a ball for a few minutes warrants a mini race war on the streets
No. 2204406
>>2204391Yeah but I don’t care because there was none like I said before, they’re both equally shit.
>>2204402Why do I care what men do or say? Fangirls are low IQ like sports fans. If women want to coddle men, that’s their choice, doesn’t make their fangirling anymore
valid than men drooling over muscular men throwing a ball around. They’re both shit and you’re shit, end of story
(infight bait) No. 2204412
>>2204385>Why do I care what men do or sayYou don't care about men shitting on women, preferring other men for promotions or using women as scapegoats? Do you not have any friends who have been hurt by men? Have you never been harassed by men? Guess women should just suck it up when they get assaulted too and stop caring what men do or say.
Even if both are retarded, men are praised for it while women are shat on for it. And women are also expected to not give a fuck if men harass them and shat on by other men AND women for it. You're a living example of that.
No. 2204428
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I got vaccinated for covid this morning and now I can't get out of bed to go take a shower and change my period underwear. All my friends think I'm crazy for doing it.
No. 2204458
>>2204453Probably. My boyfriend is a bitch in general. Any and everything makes him cry but his brother is on a whole nother level. I also thought about "Is this the family I want to marry into?"
No. 2204461
>>2204457is it bad I'm not even crying or upset I'm leaving him? More like "oh well this sucks. Bye"
Like I'm so dissapointed in him right now. The guy wont die in jail, he'll just rot in there. And if he dies good, he deserves it. I'm already making plans to go to Steamboat springs in Christmas without him.
No. 2204462
>>2204412If she gets hurt by a scrote that’s simply not my problem. That was her choice, remember? Her choice to get hit and battered by one, her choice to date one, her choice to have sex with one, her choice to have a baby with one, etc. so I shouldn’t judge so why should I be saving someone from their horrid choices? Makes no sense, I’m not playing madame savior, that’s her own grave. Anyways this is getting way too offtopic fangirls and sportsball spergs need to be placed in labor camps
No. 2204481
>>2204458Yes, you definitely do not want this,
nonnie, kek.
>>2204461No, it's not bad at all, you're right to be disappointed, he wronged his mother and sister. Hope you will have a lot of fun on steamboat springs without him!
No. 2204520
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How do I get over the urge to skinwalk my friends? Or alternatively: how do I give in without them noticing?
No. 2204532
>>2204520>How do I give in without them noticingEither get therapy or distance yourself from your
victims if you're not willing to manage your symptoms.
No. 2204541
>>2204529I know what you mean anon, I feel like I start to learn what my friends like and then mimic that because it makes me feel like I am listening to them and appealing to their likes and interests. It sounds bad but if done in a healthy way I think it can help bonds form. I think you’d have to just be clear and have conversations about interests and tell the other person you have an interest in their interest. I find that when I admire someone one too much or put them too much on a pedestal my own self is dimmed for a version of myself I think they would like but that’s not good. You can still be firm in yourself while indulging in the other person. Activities with the other person and the like.
>>2204534 is right that you can just be honest and ask for certain things but keep a clear divide where they are your equal and not on a pedestal.
No. 2204646
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I have reason to believe that a woman I know irl who absolutely hates my guts is a fellow farmer lmao
No. 2204661
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My mother is fucking retarded. Her newest sperg is that she's afraid of bringing things into the house that were once owned by bad people therefore have "bad intentions" on the item. Somehow those "bad intentions" will influence and make her a "demon." She's acting worse than a frickin' kindergartner. She's been majorly regressing the past few years and she's gotten more "spiritually" into christianity. All that means is she refuses to read the bible and has streamers tell her how to think. She calls other people sheeple when she's the biggest follower. It's frustrating and I want her to stop being so damn retarded. I'm close to saying fuck it and blocking her shit using the router. She's technologically illiterate so not like I'll have to worry about her getting around it.
No. 2204710
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Daily life here is really testing my ability to not snap. Every single day without fail at least one asshole sits down and shits all over me. I hate it here.
As soon as I get enough money I'm moving to the countryside and becoming a turnip farmer or something. Anything to get away from these shitty people.
No. 2204737
>>2204736Oh I see, I thought you meant as an alternative to illustration entirely. That's a good idea.
>more straightforward I've heard things about blender but I trust you're right.
No. 2205062
I can't. There's this woman I've been talking to who hasn't spoken to me in days. I've known her for months. I genuinely miss her, which I haven't felt for a real person before. Probably temporary but I don't know, I think she might remain in my mind for a long time. She's an isolated weird autist like me, but at least she's more sincere, sometimes (I wouldn't be mad at her for being insincere, in fact that only interests me more). I'm less sincere and kind of betraying her because I'm doing things she would be pissed off at me for if she knew, talking badly about a group that she's part of, but I'm not directly insulting her, except that I'm basically conspiring with people that make her feel bad/look worse. This is for a different goal than that, though, I play sides for something else. But it goes against what she would want. And there's a lot she doesn't know about how weird I really am that if she did know, she would most likely find off-putting. Private things like fantasies I've had in the past that she would look down on, or just my failures as an immature, maladjusted person. But holy shit, I like her presence, I like seeing her posts, I like reading her rants and I like her unique personality. And I was just thinking about this in a detached way, but I've been imagining us being in a relationship and me being intimate with her. I really enjoy the thought of being her source of comfort. I think it's just the long, long, long time that I've spent without any human contact, because it doesn't make sense for me to genuinely feel this way about her when the version of her I imagine is not really what she's like at all, and I think the only version of attachment and love I can feel is just based on novelty. I switch from being detached and annoyed to craving her with my whole being. I guess I am fucked up. I'm sorry.
No. 2205283
>>2205151People like her are why pedos thrive and can commit their crimes without a care.
“My hubby is so loving, he would never do that!” “Why should I believe a lying whore when he has been there for me!” “He makes weird comments BUT he’s so loving!” “He likes loli and always praises how I act childish and he loves our age gape, but he’s totally normal!!”
No. 2205335
>>2205205He doubled down I swear to the gods.. "well that was the pan I used to make my daughters lunch" we have three pans in total.. sure as hell I used one in the meantime. Especially the only good one. Does he seriously believe I live on air? No coffee at all? No knife used for making my sandwich? That I go into hibernation when he isn't around? That I suddenly developed a love for cleaning dishes by hand? Not a single dirty spoon or knife? Then how wouldnt I make shit dirty in an entire week??
I was outside crying bc honestly I can't deal with a partner that constantly sees me as an enemy anymore. And then he said "while okay, dishwasher was a stupidity, BUT there's reasons I'm always so cross with you. And started listing projects I'd started but not finished and that was it. I'm sorry, I hate it the most but can't change the adhd thing. There'll always be unfinished projects. But just so he wouldn't be in the wrong, he started to give me shit we talked about a year ago and still brings it up. Just admit you were in the wrong, don't make up grievances in retrospect to somehow make it make sense. While he at the same time hasn't finished projects from summer. I'm just not on his ass bc I learned not to nag or shit gets worse. I want out so badly. But he's driving my second car right now, relies on me to pay his re-education to a nurse and I just can't throw him out.. (this is my third f* moid I've rehabilitated, given the choice to go to uni or school all over again. I'm good, I rent out a flat with multiple rooms to students and can still save plenty every month.. (haven't hiked prices since 2018, I don't care bc usually it's enough for me. Be good to the flat and my best friend who lives there for free since she'sthe manager and needed help when i could give it)
And at this point I know he's manipulating me. He was so damn in the wrong so instead of saying "I'm sorry that was inappropriate" he went full "well, it pissed me off BECAUSE those are things you've done in the past, none relevant now but STILL."
I'm glad he's gone the entire week now. I can start getting my shit back together.
No. 2205338
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Anxiety is kicking in again and I hate it. I hate that I go between feeling really accomplished to feeling terrified of everything as if paying a water bill is somehow going to fuck up. I'm moving soon with 2 new roommates and I'm very happy they wanted to come with me, but I'm afraid I'll end up doing all the cleaning. My mom put a lot of that anxiety onto me for years, so it makes sense. Maybe it's PMS, weed is helping me calm down at the moment. I might have just given myself an anxiety attack thinking my cat is going to get lost when we move, fuck. I have too much shit going on right now - I say that also knowing I stress myself out by leaving things until the day before I need to do it. I'm just gonna try to stay buzzed and fall asleep.
No. 2205346
>>2205128weren't you supposed to be leaving him?
>>2204035>>2204074even if the other girl wasn't 14 he still proved he's a freak based on every other info
No. 2205350
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Sometimes I really don't understand certain social situations. Like when someone vents to you about something involving people and then you'll say "yeah that sucks they sound like losers" and then they tell you that it's not a nice thing to say and tell you to calm down. What??? You are the one complaining first about this thing, I just agree and validate your complaints, and suddenly I need to calm down??? Am I retarded or something? Like don't vent to me about something if you're also going to be scared of having that very same opinion/vent validated by me. It makes no sense at all.
No. 2205365
>>2205350Nonna are you autistic? I’m in the spectrum too and I have always masked. I’ve always been told that I tend to look at things in either a black or white way, which is annoying as fuck because I’m literally seeing things as they are! I bickered with my friend on cheating and how it wasn’t right and how it was pathetic to stay with a cheater, but she was saying that nothing was easy and that you can actually forgive.
People just don’t want to hear the truth when they’re venting, they’ll get offended if you tell them “yeah what you’re doing is stupid, you fucked yourself over nothing” , you either say it in a way that isn’t registered as a direct attack or you don’t.
No. 2205435
>>2205430This is such a minefield genuinely who has time for this
I don’t care btw
No. 2205436
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Why the fuck did watching a horror movie scene about autopsies make me hungry
No. 2205442
>>2205365I'm not diagnosed or anything but it's possible. I relate to everything you said there especially about being confused when people don't want to hear the truth, it confuses me so much. I'd much rather hear an uncomfortable truth than have to skirt around all of these social intricacies all the time, it's exhausting.
>>2205430>"yeah they sound like losers" is the opposite of validating, it's basically telling the other person to go take a hike and that you don't give a shit about them or their struggles.How is this uncaring when I agreed with what they said and listened to them? This is what I mean. Why am I having to play 4d chess with a conversation when someone complains to me, I agree and listen, and then get told to calm down or chill out? Like there's no way any of this makes sense. Why vent to someone and then tell them off when they express mutual annoyance at whatever's happened? Insanely retarded.
>>2205437This is true nonna. Don't get me wrong it's not like I force my opinions into when people vent about stuff but nowadays it feels like even if I do say "yes i agree with your complaints, these people suck" suddenly that's also offensive or too far. I really don't understand how to approach this sort of stuff anymore.
>>2205438The only retarded thing here is the unnecessarily complex social games we're having to play because apparently saying that you agree and sharing frustration on a complaint is somehow not acceptable anymore.
No. 2205445
>>2205436It awakened your cannibalistic hunger passed down by your ancestors.
Also, what movie?
No. 2205450
>>2205435>>2205437It's not difficult to listen to people vent, you literally just go "Oh my god, what? Whoa… Really? And then? No way… Uh-huh… She did
what? That sucks so much… How do you feel/What will you do about this/Are you okay?". I swear to god I hate self-centered autists like you so much
No. 2205471
>>2205151It was apparently her trying to offer him nudes first despite being less than a week before her 18th and he said no to those and waited for her to turn 18 which again was less than a week after speaking first. So technically grooming but not like some egregious act imo just creepy and not okay but if he realizes he’s wrong for doing it I think that shows goodness. He’s only shown me what a good person he is despite a few coomer type hiccups.
>>2205210I am autistic and require a caretaker so possibly. He’s stepped up to the role really well much better than my parents or any previous partners
>>2205268No I would be very upset if I actually thought he would diddle underage kids if he could and was a threat to society. Cheating on me is forgivable but actually being a nonce isn’t.
>>2205283We barely have an age gap we would have attended the same schools as children and been peers. I’d never stand by if I thought he had csam or would hurt a child
>>2205277Honestly I think I was wrong about it all anyway and he’s just too terminally online and edgy and isn’t an actual pedo or anything. He was just testing the waters to make sure I’m not easily offended
>>2205309I’m never reproducing, the cycle ends with me, but if for some reason I ever did no I would not be like my own mother and let a scrote abuse my daughter like my mom lets my dad do to me and why I wont just go back there and leave my kind and loving bf to return to an
abusive environment where im not wanted. Regardless I’d def just end it if I was pregnant and couldn’t get an abortion I don’t believe me reproducing would be ethical with all my mental and physical issues. I can’t care for myself I definitely cannot care for a child let alone would I be okay giving a child the problems I have even if I was a perfect parent otherwise.
>>2205346I was being too hasty in my decision and am so very much in love he’s only shown me edgelord shit I’m an edgelord too I don’t think he’s an actual pedo. I belong with him. If you saw how kind he is you would know. I don’t think he’s just extra kind to make up for being a nonce I think he’s just genuinely a good kind person
No. 2205472
The "sex is a mutual loving intimacy you're immature and childish if you hate sexual loving intimate mutual intimacy" is used to groom women. Im an autist idk how I survived this long without being groomed (I would never fall for any of male tactics that's for sure, like NONE not even one, I'm not like you all, but we have to engage in society and that's how it would have happened to me if not through falling for men) I think it's because I have a stable family, two parents that are married and a bunch of siblings and they all aren't that much of a disaster, they don't drink, they aren't reckless, they aren't broke, they aren't degenerates etc. so I didn't have to be alone in the world trying to survive as a woman, and othe people talking advantage of that.. I didn't have to be around males besides two family members. But I'm still so sacred,
I wish someone could just protect me… Please just let women hate sex in peace and let the anger out. It's so threatening.
No. 2205506
>>2205504Here's where you're wrong
nonnie, in factual terms you pay taxes so more of those people can be created
No. 2205507
>>2205501Are you kidding? How is this my fucking fault and me ruining my life… I really hate this kind of philosophy. It's the same as when you experience serious limits and people tell you that you created them, meanwhile to overcome them you have to change yourself to fit them so the limits didn't actually disappear.
Victim blaming ass shit
No. 2205512
So this is the tenth time I see this woman's nigel reposting a misogynistic meme. This man has a reputation of a gentle giant, she calls him the kindest person ever and an angel, other women do too, and I hate it so much. Speaking from me memory, the memes he reposted were: the woman in labour while the man is eating pizza meme, the old Hollywood picture showing "a jealous woman looking at other woman big breasts with envy", the joke that's about some man who works somewhere that involves meat.. and the jokes is a question about why is banging meat? or something like that and the answer is "loneliness" (women are called a meat which men bang cause of loneliness…), a meme about anal, the memes about husband's hating their wives and choosing their bros instead after some sad story about how their wife was mocking the show he likes or some shit and he decides to go bromance mode to own the "dumb bitch" who's "nagging" him, he's a fan of some old misogynistic men, memes showing some real male shallowness and arrogance "I deserve the best, serve me bitch", bromance shit ohh I forgot rest, I think he also liked a comment that made a joke about raping your old mother and taking her old person diaper off.
No. 2205517
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I don’t have a shitty nigel story or a bad friend story I’m a simple woman who can’t find another job after months and I’m starting to feel like there are very few jobs available and the media doesn’t want to admit that we are royally fucked because they rather keep appearances up for the election. I’m just planning my suicide at this point because I eriouskt do not see a future myself whatsoever and I’m tired of feeling the guilt of being a burden. It’s like I’m so stagnant and going no where in life, literally what’s the point of being a participant if there are forces preventing you from moving forward in life? I just have to figure out which is the most peaceful/lesser evil suicidal option and decide what year to do it. I’m so tired, defeated and angry about everything
No. 2205518
>>2205512Oh sorry for shitpost but I remember last one, this summs him up. A meme about how if you open a door (car) for a woman and she doesn't reciprocate then she's a selfish bitch you need to dump… Bruhh calm the fuck down why are you so sensitive. You have bimbo bitches serving you throughout your whole adult life and still complain. You're a 6'3ft man with giant fucking muscles and you play a
victim of a 5-5'7ft person that's smaller than you, weaker than you, has no dick and is completely non threatening. Only wants to fucking serve you. And you throw a sissy fit and pee you panties over an imaginary scenerio of a "selfish bitch" and some old man with a big nose and wrinkles is giving you a "bro" advice about how much of a little sissy disrespected 6'3 ft muscular princess with peed panties you are and you deserve better cause a woman won't open the car door for you
No. 2205519
>>2205493I’ve already tried to kill myself and came really close a few times. and if I hadn’t met him I already had my plan I’d finally gotten the means to do it successfully even though there’s no reason besides stupid miracles or whatever that the last two attempts weren’t successful. I’ve flatlined before so maybe I already am dead. The last attempts definitely made me more stupid. But I’m so happy to finally feel loved by someone for the first time in my life.
>>2205509Why would I groom anyone for him wtf are you on about
No. 2205537
>>2205471You’ve been making excuse for days nonna. Shut up. You don’t want to see the truth because you’re stupid.
You’re so disabled that you can’t work (you can’t handle it mentally you say, what the fuck does that mean?) yet you’re here yapping about how much you love your pedo bf. You have the energy to flip burgers or make coffee or fold some clothes, fucking work.
No. 2205540
>>2205128Your 30 year old bf is either a pedo attracted to children or attracted to teenagers kek. It’s the same picture retard.
Nonna you’re the shittiest, stupidest pickme I’ve ever seen. I hope he gives you an STD since you love him so much.
No. 2205555
>>2205541You can choose to depend on him for survival if you want, and you can choose to kid yourself that everything I said in
>>2205536 doesn't speak about him as a person. You can choose to keep making excuses for him out of the cognitive dissonance that comes from your desire to live a good life and your disgust of his past actions - that he repeatedly tries to reassure you about while redirecting your attention to his whoring and not his pedo tendencies. He will remind you soon enough about his own pedophilic tendencies. You can choose to stay with him forever and ever, and you can choose to stay with him while you get your shit together, find another solution, and cut ties before he gets bored of you.
You have had a hard life for sure, but to rely on a pedophile for survival while your practicality wars with your morals isn't something I'd wish on anyone.
No. 2205563
>>2205471> He was just testing the waters to make sure I’m not easily offended.So you think that pedo jokes are funny?
> I would not be like my own mother and let a scrote abuse my daughter like my mom lets my dad do to me and why I wont just go back there and leave my kind and loving bf to return to an abusive environment where im not wantedThe attitude you’ve shown demonstrates that you wouldn’t do anything actually.
Him waiting for her to be 18 is just to save his ass, do you think a week makes a difference kek? Nonna you’re a pedo sympathizer.
No. 2205566
>>2205552One was ran over because he lives right next to a busy road and the other was poisoned. The second cat was really sad because the cat was dying literally right outside his window probably crying for help. I remember that night because he said it was weird his cat wasn't inside yet but was too lazy to stop playing videogames to check that his cat was dying literally feet away from him.
Now his bank account is nearly at zero, he doesn't have a car and everyone is on edge because he bailed out his felon brother who wants us all dead.
No. 2205578
>>2205575i swear lmfao. posts like
> i love my pedophile boyfriend! > my boyfriend killed two innocent cats…posted back to back are definitely going to be brought up the next time some poor, unsuspecting anon writes a cute post about her healthy normal relationship
No. 2205586
>>2205574Laying down doesn’t take energy that’s like saying oh you can’t work but can have someone come give you a backrub? Silly
>>2205573Adhd, cptsd, ocd, multiple complicated food allergies, allergies to almost all fragrances which is why leaving the house is hard bc I often get migraines from fragrance and lights, ME/CFS, extremely curved spine that should have been braced but my parents didn’t, hEDS (actually real not fake, my parent and grandparent have it too), chronic migraines, somatic disorders, panic disorder, occasional agoraphobia
No. 2205609
>>2205607Some of it is but his preference was pretty clearly like “this is a couple in a real relationship who shared lewd vids online” not
sus shit that seemed like it was coercive and traumatic
No. 2205625
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The Wayback Machine/Internet Archive got """ddosed"""(attacked by glowies) and is now offline since then. I fucking hate this so much.
No. 2206081
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I don't know if I'm just getting too soft about things or if I'm finally just realizing that yes, calling me fat or making fat jokes about me does actually hurt my feelings.
Now obviously being overweight or underweight is a bad thing, I don't think we need to try and pretend otherwise. I am the first to acknowledge that I'm chubby and could do with losing the 15 or so lbs to be back in the healthy weight category. I also don't put weight on in the 'right' places, I'm super short and it adds fat to my back and my legs. Whatever, I know this. I won't act like it's not a problem and I am accountable for my own health and have already learned about macros, exercise and just reducing stuff like sugar.
But there is something actually really hurtful when I am at a restaurant with relatives and I eat the same meal as others but someone makes a "enjoy your food fatty" comment towards me. Or when I am compared to a fat character in a game or movie time and time again. The first few times it's funny yeah whatever. Then I just get used to it. Now it's starting to become annoying.
I just don't get how it's acceptable to point out certain flaws about people at random like this. Like commenting on their weight or their skin or their hair or the way they dress etc.
No. 2206147
>>2206139No you said women who are rude to other women have low self esteem. So following this logic no woman who are comfortable under their skin making those comments about other women?
>No women makes comment without knowing how hurtful it isWhy? Are women angels? Do you realize you're on a website dedicated to shit on women?
No. 2206208
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>>2206147no you moron, knowingly making a mean comment makes you mean, not an angel. please learn english before getting upset about a reply you don't understand.
anyway, nona's family sucks hope she stops spending time with them
No. 2206268
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I wish I could enjoy instant ramen as much as everyone else just for the aesthetics alone but 99% of ramen at the grocery store is all beef/chicken/shrimp flavored. The top ramen soy sauce is vegetarian but that gets old quickly. There’s vegetarian based broths you can buy separately but that’s too much work for what’s supposed to be an instant meal. Instant ramen makers .. what’s up? This is ridiculous.
No. 2206309
>>2206268if youre vegetarian some artifical chicken flavours are vegetarian such as samyang spicy “chicken” noodles (make sure its the import version and NOT the korean product which has animal products in it) and the soysauce/oriental flavoured noodles that come in blue packets. though be wary that some "artifical chicken flavourings" may have chicken bouillon traces so be careful when buying cheaper off brand ones! if youre vegan most common retailers sell miso cube ramen that are pretty tasty.
>>2206293jesus calm down. nona isnt making an animal rights campaign shes just asking for vegetable noodle recommendations, your hostility isnt doing you any favours on making you look less unhinged than the supposed privelleged "vegan/vegetarians". should every person with arms feel bad because the person with no arms was born that way? you sound more self righteous cause some stranger on the internet isnt bowing down to your woes and problems. the world does not revolve around you, seethe harder.
No. 2206338
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>>2206190Same honestly anon. And I just found out fucking virgie Tovar is married and I’m still a single autistic loser.
No. 2206344
>>2206334There's literally thousands of posts saying the most vile things about women but you can't incite violence towards pedophiles by saying society wouldn't lose anything if they all died. Like what's the point in rehabilitating a pedo especially the majority of them that are offending I don't want someone with those crimes in his past milling about on a second chance. I'm sorry but if it's ethical to screen babies for down syndrome and offer termination why do we not view people so defective that they want to fuck children as not being good for the gene pool. Like fuck off. Men truly do lack something emotionally. You go after the most vulnerable in society you shouldn't then got housed in a vulnerable protected section of a prison if a judge even fucking could be bothered on giving them jail time
Like I read a fucking article today about three bald male judges ruling that it's sexual harassment to fall a bald man bald. Honest to fuck. Men are the most feeble stupid cunts alive. Some bald cunts male boss called him a stupid bald cunt and three baldie judges ruled it as sexual harassment as bald is a sexist slur aimed only at men. Sissy tranny men, pedos and bald men get overwhelming support and passes compared to women on Reddit.
No. 2206350
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I regret my stupid ass decision to move to Denver every single day. It’s the most fucking boring landlocked Midwest city with the most boring stereotypical people who all like the same exact shitty craft beer, sleeping in a tent and hiking mediocre trails and walk their ugly poorly trained dogs.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it were cheaper, I can’t believe people pay astronomical near-California level prices to live here.
No. 2206370
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>>2206353This stupid city actually thinks it’s 300+ days of sunshine are a “selling point”
Yeah 300 days of being blasted by the sun like Sarah Connor in the terminator, and the rest of the year it’s butt fuck cold, and it’s insanely, unbelievably dry the whole time. Not a single drop of moisture in the air, ever.
all this can be yours for the low low price of $1700+ for a one bedroom apartment in the most ghettoriffic suburbs of this painfully cultureless (unless you count “dude weed lmao”) granola munching tech bro demon hive
No. 2206459
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i actually cant believe how mentally ill and full of vitrol koreans and korean fans are. what little power they feel in their own lives, they translate into ruining the life of a random singer who's biggest crime was… dating someone before even debuting lol. why couldn't north korea just finish the job?
No. 2206579
>>2206366Nta but it always sounded as a cope to me, I've been told that too (and that I'm intimidating ofc), but surely people don't know that you're independent just upon seeing you? I've never been shown interest in general (and this is why I believe
femcels exist).
No. 2206581
>>2206103I'd probably make the bully child cry by directly telling her she was acting mean and that's not ok because it's loser behavior. Since that moment has past now, just tell your cousin to make them stop and if she can't do that and you see it again, you will intervene yourself.
I'd be talking in a sharp tone like "Hey did you know all bullies are losers? They make fun of others to hide all their own problems and issues. You're bulling your sister right now, so you must have a lot of issues huh" There is no way she's expecting an adult to call her out, she's so used to getting away with it.