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No. 2195213
Share men's brainlet takes on anything women related
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>>>/ot/1506368 No. 2195222
>>2195215Imagine this being even among the top 20 of the biggest threats your gender faces. All of this list is 'muh pee pee is in danger' and 'a fringe group of girls says mean things to me'. Moids really have it too easy.
>If war breaks out, I know I will be forced to stay and fight while most women will just run away.If only that were true. The refugee crisis would be solved within a day kek.
No. 2195243
>>2195213>I have to sign my rights away to get basic voting rights Wtf does this even mean? Men are allowed to vote, what the fuck are you talking about. Anyways this explains conservative women’s dilemma ironically enough except it isn’t more voting rights but more privileges within the patriarchy.
>My reproductive system is being destroyed by estrogens And who put those estrogens in there? I also don’t care, I hope it turns every single male into a de-sexualized eunuch to the point it raises their suicidal rates at a global level. It would benefit these creatures by not thinking about sex for once in their pathetic short lives.
>Male fertility has dropped This is good, if only women would make wiser and more conscious and informed decisions
about deciding to infect their eggs and vaginal pH just to bear your scrotelings.
>Male testosterone is dropping Funnily enough this isn’t contributing to the drop of crime, it’s almost like it’s in an XY’s blood to commit crime no matter the hormonal imbalances he has.
>I am openly discriminated enough HAHAHAHAHAHA basically tldr “I’m too incompetent/lazy/retarded and fed lies by my coddling parents that I deserve the roles I apply for and automatically expect to get them because I was born a male”. There have been plenty of MRA-adjacent advocates who’ve tried to defend this piece of shit lie that men are being discriminated against in the education system because they simply cannot sit down and fucking shut the hell up during a lecture like women can, it’s like those shitbulls who act completely nutters and people make excuses for it having the cute little “zoomies” when it’s just a fucking poorly put together genetic mess that everybody makes excuses for, sound familiar?
>My gender is inherently seen as toxicYeah because it is, it contributes to crime, warfare, racism, ecological and economic disasters, you’re the sex that wants to lay claim to the creation of everything but can’t take the consequences of these creations that are thankfully destroying your kind and altering your DNA to ash day by day.
>I’m a disposable wench who’s purpose is to die for womenThank you for knowing what your role is so stop lying to everyone with the male superiority larp. You also die to make rich men richer kek
>I will be forced to be deployed in war In western countries this is false, we aren’t living in the fucking 1800s anymore they allow women into the military as well and that still has scrotes pissing and crying because they still don’t see us as qualified enough but then cry when no woman wants to go into those field. Copy paste with STEM fields, trade, construction, anything predominantly occupied by moids and rinse and repeat, I don’t think women want to die for wars men have created and then get raped/murdered in the military and have their rapes and murders buried through bureaucratic mess.
>I receive longer and harsher sentences in prison Is this even true? If so, deserved.
>Family court is stacked against meBecause most men want to cum inside a woman and then evade all responsibility when the child is born or shack the entire childrearing duties on to women and then get shocked when the family court doesn’t want to hear his loser shit. Retard gets shocked at the problems his sex/gender has created for the millionth time!
>No one cares if a woman hits meBecause it’s always 100% deserved and anyone trying to equalize this matter is misogynistic and doesn’t care about the safety of women, men will always be the predator and women will always be the prey who has to do anything she can to fight back and preserve her humanity. Men can’t be physically abused, case closed.
>If I defend myself I will be mauled and imprisoned Good, because compared to the woman she virtually has no kind of power the male has and that’s how the legal system should proceed with viewing heterosexual domestic abuse/rape/sexual assault cases.
>My gender is ritually mutilated at birth If only they chopped off your dicks completely, would’ve save so many women’s lives.
>My peepee foreskin is cut for women’s cosmetic gunk Is this true or just another scrote tinfoil?
>Girl power equates to violence and mockery towards menMen don’t like the treatment they give to women on a systemic and personal level and this point is a great example of that. Male power equates to violence and mockery towards men but will men ever address this? Because men don’t give a shit about the other wellbeing of other men and who blames them? You’re a disgusting species only out for themselves.
>Shamed for being a man shamed for not You just sound like a fucking loser.
>It’s considered funny when I get raped Kek
>Men over represented with suciides and underrepresented in collegeAgain who knows how statistically true this is and this is GOOD, nature is healing!
>I have no hope, no joy, no futureTake the rope and do it
No. 2196274
>>2195213> Male fertility is dropping> Male testosterone is declining every yearOkay but genuinely wtf are women supposed to do about that kek
> It's considered funny when I'm rapedSelective hearing, there are COUNTLESS "dark humour" jokes where the punchline is about sexual violence against women. Also, who's doing the raping in most of those cases?
No. 2196488
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>>2192966>Woman trying to escape from homicidal moid says "he is going to shoot me" >"Uhm, acktually, he was targeting a group of people not a specific person, him trying to shoot you was completely random, you are selfish for not wanting to get shot">Homicidal moid shoots her, proving her pointThis has to be on purpose, this level of retardation hurts my brain
No. 2196495
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>>2196488I'm pretty sure he was retarded when he wrote that, brain damage from the anorexia
No. 2196839
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No. 2196855
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>>2196839Funnily enough, no deaths were reported and injuries were minimal, all passengers reported to be safe. Multiple sources are saying a power outage caused the crash. Moids love pointing out whenever women are involved in something bad… but if we bring up their crime rates kek
No. 2212740
>>2196839 im pretty sure retarded males just sit online searching and searching and searching for women that have been involved in accidents, its like they magically forget the massive majority of people who commit violent crimes are (wait for it…) moids.
No. 2212856
>>2212761>Their proof that women are somehow "lesser" is always cherrypickedAs an example, if women started to get into stoicism, sooner or later men would bash on It.
It wouldn't be the "cool philosophy about controlling your thoughts and emotions when faced by uncontrollabe events of life" but "of course women are into the philosophy which preachs how to be conformists".
No. 2213224
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No. 2213225
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No. 2213967
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I hate men so fucking much it’s unreal
No. 2215891
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No. 2215893
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No. 2215915
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>>2215893it's 2024, he has to be a 3rd worldie if he thinks people won't accept him for being gay.
No. 2215924
>>2215893This made my brain go numb, this is retarded. If they want to be a flaming faggot while complaining about “evul disgusting wimminz and their fishy pussies” then they’re free to chase after dick (that’s not even self-cleaning like a pussy so all of those insults were pure cope) and leave women the hell alone. Seeing these kinds of posts are energetically exhausting and low-hanging fruit because most of these retards lack fundamental self-awareness proving that most of them are a bunch of spergs who want a “boyfriend-free” girl and are close to snowballing into trannyism or being an AIDS transmitter
gay male no offense to you anon this is just pointless to get mad about because these men are practically worthless. Even the NEETs on this website have much more potential and are more intelligent than those who actually make an account on those websites and post
No. 2215929
>>2215891An automaton with no thoughts, feelings, complexity, or a sense of self. Sexuality is mechanical and childlike because men are all nonces and the moralfag ones would if there were no laws stopping them from doing so. Only born to serve and to submit and complete the incompleteness of the male. Why do men project their innate biological role of being expendable servile worker bees on to women, the queen bees? Why do we still live in an era where this kind of subversive conditioning still isn’t challenged by many? Most people would try to stop women who suggest that men are what they describe us by saying we all are equal and blah blah blah but I’m tired of the denial, most men would benefit humanity, the world, the climate, the economy if they just fucking died or disappeared. We are living in a too-much-man epidemic, too much males are being born and too much tired women who’s lives are slipped away just to birth them keep birthing them. There’s too much of them and they’re all useless and confused because there are no wars to die in, they think people want to hear their “wisdom” in podcasts and become streamers and immerse themselves into the world of maya which is a completely dominant female energy of creation which they will never be. How much longer can this facade go on, about us being inferior? How much longer can this misogyny go on? I’m tired as fuck guys…
No. 2215954
>>2195213There's a small but loud minority that only seems to be pro-life because it allows them to shit on women and make sperges about how evil women are, and therefore looking worse compared to how violent men are "oh yeah? Men do all violent crime? But but women get abortions at twice the rate! See ladies are worse!". It's especially telling since just a few years ago the incels and chantards of the internet were supportive of abortion because it allowed them to pursue their disgusting breeding fetishes with their discord kittens without consequences
I miss when pro life arguments were just religious nuts or something
No. 2217568
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I hate men so fucking much
No. 2217804
>>2215891I'm surprised he wants her to be 170-175 cm tall and not 140-150. Also even if this man actually had a wife/gf like this, you can bet he would treat her like shit, then they complain about how "no women are feminine anymore" (not even true but ok) when they actively discard and shit on them to the point where even the most trad woman will get tired of their shit eventually. That's why they want them young though like the other pedo in
>>2213225They know their presence in itself will make women grow resentful of men so they want them virginal, young, never saw a penis etc so they'll still put up with their bullshit.
>>2215893I read the first line and instantly it's already completely wrong kek as is the rest of the list since the guy who wrote it is definitely gay. They're so obsessed with dick size and power dynamics, I will always respect a man who wants to eat me out 50000000 times more than some faggot who thinks pussy is disgusting and believes penetration is all there is to sex and mistakenly believes he instantly makes any woman cum just because he has a big dick. It's like they can't understand the simple concept that women might not want to fuck guys with micropenises but a guy having a giant dick doesn't instantly make him a chad, either. If you aren't willing to do oral sex for me no way in hell I'd do it for you and they also don't get this simple idea that a woman wants her effort reciprocated and she wants to be SERVED by her moid, not just do the serving. They can understand this concept with money and gifts and all these other things, yet never for sex outside of "me fuck the pussy, me serve". They are under this delusion that the moid is the prize in sex and that it's women who should do all this shit for them while getting nothing in return because it's "emasculating", when in reality they're the ones who should be groveling at our feet so they have even the faintest chance at reproducing. Women are capable of orgasming several times while the moid only cums once or twice and barely lasts, yet surely sex should totally be focused solely on the moid's pleasure when the woman is the one capable of feeling better for longer.
No. 2219901
>>2219892Yes that's him he killed 20 smth kids and 5-6 teachers and then off'ed himself. The teachers that died sacrificed themselves protecting and hiding the children. Otherwise there would be more
No. 2220220
>>2220158Like someone else said, trauma is a defense mechanism. If women truly evolved to be raped they'd like it.
>>2220205You're implying so much about what I don't think scrotes can be educated out of raping women. But they don't evolve
specifically to rape. They're just more aggressive and are predisposed to it like you said. Their predisposition to raping women is simply a result of other things they've evolved for, like competing with other males for women. The point the scrote was making was that if a males purpose is to rape, than it must be a females purpose to receive the rape. Which is wrong for the reason that I stated above. You're putting so many words in my mouth lol
>I know you want to stop offensive predeterminism to allow GNC people wiggle room but denying the fundamental reality of males is incredibly dangerous as fuckWhat the fuck are you talking about
No. 2220242
>>2220220Samefag but why do you people get so tilted when somebody doesn't think in black in white? I don't think scrotes are any good and I don't think they can be educated out of their behavior but me saying that humans didn't evolve to be rape machines is somehow the same as that??? Males only purpose is to compete with other scrotes, ejaculate, and die. It's not to make women's lives worse
specifically, although the quality of our lives do decrease because of it. And rape especially isn't the only thing male humans evolved for, evolution speeds up whenever women are pickier, rape does not aid that. Scrotes are just naturally subhuman and aggressive and do not care about making the human race better and stronger, they only care about their coom as it's their only purpose to live, end of story. =
No. 2222318
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No. 2225079
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No. 2228333
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Subhuman’s reaction to iraq lowering the age of consent to 9. This is why the abortion of male fetuses is based.
No. 2228412
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No. 2234160
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Good thing there aren’t, like, millions of websites for men to jerk off to female suffering…
No. 2234169
>>2234160projection once more
>millions of websites for men to jerk off to female sufferingthis is depressing to realize
No. 2234232
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>>2195243>>Men over represented with suciides and underrepresented in college>Again who knows how statistically true this is and this is GOOD, nature is healing! Late af but yes this is true but it's not remotely because women are oppressing scrotes like he's implying. Women have finally been given somewhat of an equal ground (but not completely, teachers have been shown to grade a test lower if it was done by a girl, even if the answers are the same) in academics, and what has always been true has come to show itself. Women are quite simply more intelligent than men and more driven to attain better lives meanwhile males are lazy and retarded from birth. For the point on suicide I submit picrel, my favorite tumblr post ever
No. 2234237
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This post is an example of what people talk about when they say women are unable to understand abstractions. Genuine low IQ slop.
No. 2234246
>>2234242Not sure about that one, but it's retarded that moids keep trying to pretend like women's issues aren't important compared to their own issues… when most of men's
and women's issues are caused, mostly, by males. Moids are incapable of seeing that they're two sides of the same coin, just as they're incapable of basic empathy and of putting themselves in women's shoes for a second (something women constantly do for men).
No. 2256946
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Ngl this feels like something I would read on here, but it's from 8chan
No. 2257842
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No. 2261240
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No. 2261245
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at this point im starting to think that men are gay…
No. 2261893
>>2234160yeah and even when there are “femdom porn” videos they almost never get as brutal as maledom stuff. like i can’t think of a single femdom video where the man is crying and sobbing in real fear (or what is supposed to be interpreted as real fear if it’s acting) and begging for it to stop. there are no videos of men being hardcore brutalized, just some basic ass mommy shit
also i think that the standard dominatrix outfit defeats the purpose of femdom because it makes the women look stupid and not intimidating imo.
im not into men being tortured (at least. not into it sexually.) but im just making a point.
No. 2271896
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No. 2275460
>>2228432Well if you’re a genetic dead end why work
Like I’d rather be a neet given the choice lol
No. 2275462
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How do we handle the moids sexpatting in Asia
No. 2275516
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>>2275478because that's what you get when you're a moid and choose to sleep with a ladyboy. You get shit on your dick because that's the way gay male sex goes.
No. 2276778
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No. 2287512
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No. 2306286
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kiwi scrote thinks insurance is literal communism
No. 2308082
>>2306286How does someone become this retarded? Is this a level of unintelligence designed specifically for moids?
Like this is stupidity beyond my comprehension. How the fuck did this creaturo come to this conclusion?
No. 2308100
>>2192966 written by lanza? I hated him before for being a baby murderer but holy shit he is the stupidest piece of fucking shit in the universe. Any moid with takes this braindead need to be taken out back and put out of their misery.
He shot himself anyways so it's not like "we could have saved him"
No. 2309683
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>>2267021If a man is drawn to fascist ideology, he enjoys the thought of killing people (including women and children), has homoerotic fantasies of being dominated/dominating other men, and is more fascinated with death and destruction than life. All fascists are hierarchy-worshipping faggots who want to suck the cock of the man at the top of the pyramid, because otherwise, their emotionally disturbed, violent lives would have no meaning. They are the effeminate, codependent parasites they accuse women of being, only they rely on a tyrant to tell them who they are, which, to them, is significantly more respectable than relying on an average man.
Here's a lovely comment on the New York Post-site about a woman who was stabbed to death by her partner for cutting her hair. I deeply hate men.
No. 2311325
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I've never seen people so angry over just saying "anime bad." and no I don't agree with the original poster but the reactions are funny and over the top
No. 2318152
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>>2267031>black thinkers like marcus garvey believed that people fundamentally could not get along even if they were of the same race if there was a difference in religion, they would fight, he advocated that everyone be forcefully segregated by forceHe's right when it comes to moids. Whenever there's some kind of ethnic shit flinging contest anywhere in the world it either starts as moid on moid or its some moid raping/murdering/something else to a woman from a different group and then getting lynched in response.
This X post seems simple but it makes you think, what if women were allowed to immigrate freely everywhere but moids were not? It would be like a free market where the only moids who have women in their countries are the least shitty ones
No. 2318984
>>2318152We should have shitty sexist countries to exile males to.
Like India, Afghanistan, some African countries, North Korea….
In exchange we take a woman to the west where she can enjoy feminism.
No. 2320873
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No. 2322371
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Moids on moids abandoning their offspring, leaving the women who mothered their children with a lack support to raise offspring alone.
Somehow this isn't the fault of toxic masculinity, but women are now seeing that maybe the moids are right, in a way.
There is no difference between toxic masculinity and regular masculinity. Maybe it's better if we just don't risk being near them at all, let alone reproducing with them.
I see this kind of shit on Tumblr of all places. That's wild. I can't imagine what level of pathetic a moid has to be to post these memes on Tumblr, a female-dominated site known for being SJW ground zero. I could be convinced this is actually a psyop by women to showcase male mentality to other less moidwise women, so they learn to be wary of the male menace, but I know moids who are really just this stupid and pitiful. Keep bitching about the birth rates, retards.
No. 2322378
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>>2322371Samefag, didn't mean to spoiler it, but posted by the same account.
They literally go by "white-advocate" on Tumblr kek.The hilarious lack of moderation on Tumblr leads to these little enclaves of the most deranged scrotes who can't make anywhere else that has a competent moderation team, so you can get into a rabbit hole of moids reblogging cuck porn right next to retarded right wing political takes. They all just reblog their echodome opinions from each other, and then whatever coombrain shit tickles their fancy.
No. 2322389
>>2322375That's how moids think. Obviously single motherhood is the fault of their male parents abandoning their children, but the underlying message is clear: a woman has to do
whatever it takes to keep a moid around. Think about Andrew Tate and his brother for example. They were raised by a single mother who was abandoned by a man who cheated on her and abused her emotionally. The Tate brothers don't blame their shitty father though, and in fact idolize him. Instead they blame their single mother for not allowing him to mistreat her. They resent her for not groveling to him so he would come around more often. Their father even directly blamed their mother as the reason he wouldn't visit them, instead of taking responsibility and admitting he just didn't want to put the effort into raising them or even just seeing them. A lot of moids seem to have this mindset.
No. 2322407
>>2322380>>2322385Keep in mind too that this scrote posting this is also bitching about the white race going extinct kek. Racemixing for me and not for thee. There really isn't a crisis for white moids, the ones whining are just mad they can't get fucked. The only ones who think Latinas and Asian women are a threat to white women haven't actually met them yet. When they do, they inevitably get rejected, then claim that Latinas/Asians/whatever group of women rejecting them are no longer 'based' and 'traditional'.
Plus I'm pretty sure most women would definitely prefer other women immigrated than exporting rapeapes. It's weird that they talk about women getting abused by foreign (and far more misogynistic) males as if they wanted to get groomed/trafficked/gangrape, but that's moids for you.
No. 2322420
>>2322407They hope their children will turn out white-ish, but the sad truth is that white phenotype is recessive, the kids will have more
POC features than anything.
No. 2322502
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>>2321182Idk where he even got the idea that black and Latino men in the u.s are mass pimping out white girls to begin with. I can believe Muslim men but besides them most are doing it to women within their own communities
No. 2323929
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What are they mad at with this image?
No. 2323950
>>2322502>Idk where he even got the idea that black and Latino men in the u.s are mass pimping out white girls to begin with.Cuck porn and latent bisexuality. All racist white scrotes kid themselves not only that they dindu nuffin and that they're innocent little boys/heroes (despite being the majority of child pornographers/hosts of CP globally, literally having a pastime of flying to poor countries to pay to rape non-white women and children, bragging about "replacing" white women with Asian women or even their own children, raping some demographics so much that they literally have white DNA to this day, etc), but that the majority of brown and black men
solely and primarily victimize white women. It feeds into their egos while letting them feel like the ultimate
victims, but the biggest draw-in for them is that it gives them an excuse to fantasize about other men's dicks. Once I realized how weirdly gay racism actually is, I couldn't unsee it.
No. 2323951
>>2323929They're jealous of a slightly more socially capable online gaming friend who often has to sign off their 6 hour raiding sessions to go have dinner. I wouldn't be surprised if the meme is an accurate representation but the creator is definitely seething that no one wants to make
him the disgusting foods he enjoys
No. 2337507
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No. 2337626
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No. 2337790
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Gee, how irrational of straight women to not want to be married to a guy who views women as a purchasable commodity and thinks that plying impoverished/trafficked/drug-addicted women with money somehow isn't rape. The audacity of women not to want money from their shared bank accounts to be wasted on their husband's hedonistic, illegal exploits with a vector for STDs! I hate that I even have to share oxygen with men who see women that way, let alone a goddamn marriage. I'd literally rather be an Old Maid.
This "advice" is coming from a 56-year-old gay moid who by his own admission has never been in a relationship with a woman. Why the fuck does he feel entitled to an opinion on how women should manage their relationships? Why do moids always give opinions on shit they know nothing about and have no personal investment in? This would be like if I lectured him about how he's using poppers wrong, or something. I don't tell you the right way to be a faggot, don't tell us how to live our lives.
No. 2345113
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No. 2345182
>>2345113men from the dawn of human history until 2013: men are more shallow and have higher standards for appearance
men now: ACTUALLY it’s women who only like chad, meanwhile we men are capable of loving any woman no matter her looks!
No. 2345248
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This moid on KF seems to have a very weird, specific hate boner for lesbians that I honestly find it pretty kekky (and also kooky). I wouldn’t be surprised if he was secretly jacking it to lesbian porn, kek.
No. 2346029
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here's a classic
No. 2346163
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We all know reverse happened. KEEEEKKK HOLY SCROTE COPE
No. 2346174
>>2346163imo the moids who grew up bullying little girls end up the ugly missing link looking fuckers.
The best moidlets were nice to little girls but weren't humongous faggots about it.
No. 2346309
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Surprised nobody has posted an /tttt/ cope yet.
No. 2346312
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As far as I know both of these are made by "chasers" not troons. If I found some troon cope I will post.
No. 2346313
>>2346309I still think instead of artificial wombs we should just kill 90-99 percent of men. Or 100% and just use donated sperm to fix any future breeding stock.
It's way less resource intensive.
No. 2346377
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Troon cope
No. 2346380
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Why the fuck are they always talking about "chad"?
No. 2346381
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No. 2346396
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Damn, moids always make us sound like dark triad stacies, a shame most women irl arent actually like that and its just projection. It would be cool if women just collectively decided to do things to spite men and ruin their lifes like men do to women.
No. 2346408
>>2346316No, nona. I DON'T think moids are capable of logical thought. This why I said we should kill 100% of men and restart them using donated sperm.
The fresh batch of moidlets would be tested to see if they respect women and are of good genetic stock, the ones who do respect women would be put in breeding farms. The ones who suck would be culled.
tbh I think it's a win win. Most men secretly want to worship women and only really exist as sentient sperm bags, not capable of much of anything else other than destroying eachother and the environment (and expect us to be grateful for it). The rest just want to die.
No. 2346421
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>there is a chance he is addicted to porn
>after he finish he just goes back to hating women who do porn, and calling them used whores, roasties, sluts etc
"Le more logical gender"
Whoever made that shit up is literally on level of mentally retarded toddler.
No. 2346428
>>2346029I'll let it slide from a guy who has over one thousand hours in Stellaris or something… but he mentioned PS4. Lol. Lmao. How basic.
>>2345248Rightoids always bitch and moan about leftists and women invading spaces and making them woke. From example, "ruining" hobbies like board games. Why don't anyone mentions how they ruined a lot of online spaces post 2016? I left KF exactly because there was a huge subsection of retards who only browse the autistic thunderdome and only post shit about politics. The less said about 4chan, the better. Post-2016 /pol/ ruined more online spaces than feminism ever did.
No. 2346432
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>>2346029Oh phew thank god he didn't mention Sonic. I'm still a gamer god
No. 2346858
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>I'm more superior because I stink and have week old shit on my underwear
Lmfao, do R9K scrotes REALLY?
No. 2346860
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Is this how scrotes cope with homosexuality??
No. 2346871
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I never understand why the fuck they want to make fights between women? Is it because scrotes of all races are so fucking pathetic? So they have to project it on women?
No. 2346877
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>we are incels and no girls want us, but we are just good guys so god knows what's the reason! I- it's because all women are WHORES AND WANT ABUSE CHADS
>meanwhile those incels on R9K:
Daily reminder that disgusting fucking scrotes have no brain.
No. 2346883
>>2346871>Why don’t white women feel threatened by black women in the same way that white guys are always screeching about black men stealing white women?It all comes back to resource gaurding. Moids see women of their own race as their property/breeders to pump out more babies of their race, which is why moids hate racemixing so much. Not saying women can’t be racist, but I’ve never seen a woman as
triggered by a biracial baby as a racist moid.
No. 2346894
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Not only white scortes are seething about white women.
No. 2346895
>>2346883Another reason is that scrotes assume they can go and "experiment" with different ethnicities they fetishize, then skip back and settle down with a woman from their own race after they're done being a whore. Rules for thee, not for me. Seeing "their" women (who are supposed to be waiting dutifully in the wings to get picked) date outside the race threatens their security and reminds them who
really has options. Scrotes hate being reminded that dick is abundant and can be found anywhere.
No. 2346917
>>2346908>For thousands of years moids have raided each others villages and kidnapped women to use as sex slaves because it’s the ultimate dishonor to the other group of moidsIs this why white men cry about BMWF so much?
I literally never saw women being this much obsessed with interracial couples.
No. 2346919
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>as always mixed baby meme
No. 2346920
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R9K scrotes are somehow more disgusting than average scorte.
No. 2346925
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I enjoy the fact that scortes of all races are suffering because their women can always found love and be desirable meanwhile they rot in their room.
No. 2346939
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>>2346871The comedic appeal to scrotes saying this and that about black women is that as far as I know, the average and vast majority of black women do not think about white scrotes at all. Black women are the most "race-loyal" women I've ever seen. The way they try to make it seem like their opinion on black women is actually important as if, say, the black woman in that photo would even date any of them reminds me of how white scrotes want everyone to think that most Asian women would bend themselves into a pretzel just to talk to a white man, when in reality, the vast majority of Asian women date and marry
Asian men. White scrotes want so badly for everyone to believe that Asian and black women are waiting in this imaginary line just to get dicked down by a white scrote, when most of the women in each of these groups don't even entertain the IDEA. Almost every single time I ever asked a black woman what she thought of dating a white man, the answer was some variation of the word "ew".
No. 2346940
>>2346936Try going on r9k for just five days.
They literally ruined board for nothing.
No. 2346945
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>>2346919Why is the BBC interracial meme so widespread? The most common interracial couple is Asian female white male, yet I see no sperging from Asian males about 'muh white chads taking all of our womenfolk', in fact Asian men will participate in BBC sperging as well. What is it about black mods that upset other races of moids, when there are other moids that are arguably worse?
No. 2346950
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>>2346920KEK he doesn't even know what egg noodles are called and he expects someone to bring them to him.
Rena Ryuugu would chop this faggot up in the junkyard faster than he could unstick his unwashed microplastic-ridden balls from his spindly legs.
No. 2346952
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>muh BBC
>muh BWC
die. both die.
No. 2346954
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Ah yes, incels, the good ones, not like white whore bitches and abuse chads.
No. 2346955
>>2346945Unironically it's just racism and penis size envy. Part of the BBC fetish is the woman becoming "tainted" and "debasing herself" by fucking (what white scrotes perceive to be) a lesser being. I've seen them equate it to
bestiality. They also believe that life works like a retarded NTR doujin where the woman is corrupted forever and will never be satisfied by white/Asian schlong again after being porked by black guys. Tl;Dr don't try to understand it, this fetish perfectly embodies male mental illness.
No. 2346957
>>2346946>Part of me wants to try to find girls on r9k but instead of trying to date her I groom her into having self respect and stop reading what these miserable creatures writeGirls who post on r9k usually are
>Underage >Tifs >Need validation >Want to make incels mad There is a biofemgen there too but of course scortes need to come there even though they have whole board for themselves.
No. 2346959
>>2346954>because of this boardI feel like it's not r9k's fault.
I do wonder how much of this kind of scrote comes from nature and how much comes from nurture? Like did he have an enabling boymom who should have banned him from the internet as soon as he showed early signs of antisocial behavior? Or was there nothing she could have done outside of aborting him the moment she knew he was male?
No. 2346968
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Imagine being this much autistic amd retarded.
No. 2346969
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Why are white and asian scrotes like this?
No. 2348459
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Women look like this today, dumbass. I don't even wanna see if the video redacts or elaborates on this take, I'm too pissed off.
No. 2348469
>>2348459I read somewhere that those were basically fertility goddess statues that were meant to be worshipped.
But archeologist moids thought it was grug porn.
Everything is porn to them
No. 2349115
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>>2346945The 'bbc meme' is really just the modern version of an old sentiment. After WW1, French troops in the hundreds of thousands were sent to occupy regions of Germany in 1920. A fifth of those soldiers were Africans, who became targets of a harassment campaign. Though it would be disingenuous to say German women didn't participate in the harassment campaign, it was mainly the German males who expressed their sexual obsession and hatred of the African troops through the creation of propaganda. The promoters of the campaign (German males) consciously stylized German women as
victims subjected to their own male fantasies of primitive coercion by the African troops. It's interesting to note that while the rape of German women by troops did happen, it was not discriminatory by race, in fact German women were more likely to be raped by German men.
I am not defending black moids, but showing how the male's feelings of subconscious envy towards something that he perceives to threaten his chances of reproduction manifest. The fact that this sentiment still persists shows how it is inherent to the male subconscious. It is the oldest moidtake.
sorry for blogpost haha No. 2349166
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>>2349115funnily, frantz fanon mentioned basically the exact opposite frustration, getting mad that european women didn't want to have sex with him and the african troops, and instead preferred dancing with their own men and he considered this is his defining moment of european racism
No. 2349207
>>2349115Never heard of black soldiers in Germany..?
There were likely some soldiers from any country that raped them too but it was the russians who did it en masse, officialy it was in the 100.000s, in reality it reached over million mostly young girls. Not just german ones, also the eastern euro ones that they "saved".
No. 2349231
>>2346036Men love projecting. This one in particular is just their cope for how they aren't being picked by women. They assume women must have sky high standards now and that's the reason why they don't get laid, when in reality most women barely have any standards and marry down on the regular. They have to tell themselves it's women who suddenly have huge standards so they don't have to face reality. The reality that even ugly, autistic, balding, fat, poor men have gfs but they don't. The problem can't be them, surely it must be with women's standards.
>>2346163>"based" attitude>literally just being a faggot who is scared of women>>2346312Everything in this post applies to men more so than it does to women kek
No. 2349253
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No. 2349323
File: 1737062421611.mp4 (16.7 MB, 750x1170, moidsgettherope.mp4)

>bad form
>common moid Ls
KEK, stupid ass rape ape
No. 2349582
>>2349207This was during the "scramble for Africa" period where many Europeans overtly controlled Africa. At the time, Germany had occupied numerous countries in Africa, particularly in East Africa. I say overtly because right now they opt to control Africa in a more discrete way so they can keep stealing resources and throwing their trash there.
>>2349559It's never lost on me how painfully obsessed moids are with race to the point where they feel the need to insert it in every single thing that they do. I don't even think i hate agps that much.
No. 2349602
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>>2349582A lot of them do it because being as retarded about race as possible = funny. They think this hides their true thoughts under 'humor'
No. 2349759
>>2349736If a guy said that shit to me I'd be like "guess I bring you nothing" and leave his scrote ass in the dust.
What an egotistical shrimp dick.
No. 2349772
>>2349253>women don't like hot men!2 seconds later
No. 2350046
>>2349736MEGAKEK if a moid has nothing else he will still, somehow, have the audacity. Unsolicited advice to everynonny: Moids who engage in table discourse are always losers, 100% of the time. Any moid worth himself knows that women are the table, the room in which the table dwells, and the whole damn house on top of that. He won't ask what you bring to the table because he knows damn well that you provide more just by existing than he can ever hope to match. All males who date women know this, deep down, because otherwise they would date other moids. Any male who asks "What do you bring to the table" is automatically devaluing the work you would be putting into your shared life before you even do it.
>You can live in my house rent freeBut who makes that house a home? It sure as hell isn't the guy, single male interior design is a joke.
>I'll pay the billsBut what about the shopping? The mental load of remembering what needs to be replaced in order to maintain the house? Does "the bills" include buying the good laundry detergent, or is it just the water and electricity?
>I'll pay for our future kidsWho makes the kids bro?
Literally everything that dude says shows how he's undervaluing women's labor. Every moid who talks about "the table" is like this.
No. 2350096
>>2350074insecure moids think their only sure fire guarantee shot with a woman is by being a resource hoarding betabux. It's really gross and it's why in the year of our lord 2025 we still have ugly men plaguing our planet.
What mentally deficient y chromosomes don't seem to realize is that while being a paypig works to lock down a bangmaid, it won't get him the love and (more importantly) validation they are looking for.
I wish we could shame women who breed with betabux. But using a moid for his money is sensible as long as you know how to do it.
No. 2350145
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>>2349166fanon was such a faggot, he believed black/brown women who were in relationships with white men were mentally colonized and supporting white supremacy and oppressing the black/brown man, at the same same time he marries white woman and seethed for most of his life over one incident where Italian women didn't want to dance with him or other black soldiers after being "liberated" and preferred to dance with Italian men
No. 2350177
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>>2350145It's interesting that whenever we look at any example of a black man who was for civil rights and racial equality, it boils down to just wanting to sleep with white women. Just look at MLK, who even cheated on his wife. It really just boils down to "muh dick". This is why I don't take black moids seriously and don't even feel guilt for never having found them very attractive. Even at their "best" when they go down in history as praised figures, they still manage to be so innately narcissistic and stupid.
No. 2350358
>>2346920This is kinda how I feel, but for men. As a woman men should worship the ground I walk on and be glad they're even in my presence and instantly respect me especially if they're single and don't have much female companionship. Men should be the helpers to every woman since their only worth is being physically stronger. That's the way it was meant to be but they deluded themselves into thinking their physical strength means they're superior to women and use it against us instead. What he calls his "great mercy" is simply his fear of punishment rather than any mercy for women and him failing to realize his only purpose as a man is to defend women, not attack them. That and being throwaway cum dispenser that is barely needed for reproduction compared to the inherent value of the mother. Men exist to be dependent on us, so much so they'll kill people and become depressed if women aren't around them or they just don't get laid enough. Even the men that "go their own way" will still jerk off to porn and wish they could rape us. Men should be extremely grateful when a woman even so much as glances in their direction and puts up with them at all. They seem to think they're the prize and that it's the women that need to earn their respect when it's entirely the other way around. I wouldn't want them living in my apartment though, and the way he doesn't realize why women wouldn't want to stay there is so funny and out of touch. Like gee I wonder why a woman wouldn't want to stay in a random guy's apartment and be entirely dependent on him when he's making posts online about how he could kill women if he wanted to.
>>2346925Not even true. Ugly women get way more shit for being ugly than any ugly man ever will because men aren't told their entire value is based on their looks. A guy could be a chinlet, jawlet and have fucked up teeth and still land a hot wife. They'll insist it's the other way around though, when even the most beautiful women end up with disgusting ogre men.
No. 2350424
>>2350145Anyone who has that view of "if she doesn't want to be with me she's bigoted" is such tranny level cope.
He was mad because he had a fetish for white women. Likely because he projected his own fetish onto them rather than anything else.
There's nothing wrong with dating outside your race, or even having a racial preference, but when you fetishize a certain race that is where it gets fucked up
>>2350177Like with every race of human in existence, finding a beautiful woman is just another Tuesday, but finding a hot guy of every race is damn near impossible. For some races it's so fucking hard because their culture or whatever just encourages the moids to be as hideous as possible.
No. 2350789
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Average troon.
No. 2350798
>>2350789They hate women so bad, but want to be us so bad. Do they…hate
themselves? If they don't, perhaps it's their own mind recognizing that they'll never truly be a woman in the first place.
No. 2350799
>>2350789I hate AGPs so much. I might even hate them more than regular rapeapes because the AGPs want to kill us and wear our skin. It's crazy how they can somehow manage to be even more disgusting than normal chimp moids
>>2350798They 100% hate themselves. But moids lack the ability to hold themselves accountable like women can. Women internalize hate. Men externalize it.
No. 2350831
>>2350799Believe me no one wants to kill your non passing ass and 'wear' it, tf ever that means.
>But moids lack the ability to hold themselves accountable like women can. Women internalize hate. Men externalize it.This isn't true as so many women externalize their hate to other women. Women are just sneaky when it comes to choosing the right time and right
victim for their violence. Which imo makes them more dangerous.
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>>2350831Anon. Nigga, it's obvious she's referencing Buffalo Bill by pointing out that AGPs act hypersexual and violent towards women to the point of it being as if they want to skin us and wear it so they can "feel" like a woman. Shit, how do you think the term "skinwalking" got so popular? AGPs are well-known to mimic the women they specifically find most attractive. How is she "nonpassing" if she's…a woman? Take a step back and go drink some tea, anon. You made her point look so hard to understand for no reason.
No. 2350982
>>2350789Imagine having your whole existence revolve around wanting to be something you supposedly hate and coping about how you're totally mogging women when you're a hulking man and always will be kek. Delusional. They always spout this bullshit about how women are treated better than men when the average woman can't even go outside at night without fear of being raped by a male and women in some areas of the world today can't even go outside or do anything without their husband's permission and are forced to be broodmares. So privileged! They confuse femininity and men's lust for having power in society just like libshit feminism does. "Weak powerless men" transition not because women have more power in society, but because they're weak porn addicts with a fetish who are under the delusion that every woman could just make bank on OF and that we all just live cushy lives automatically. They don't see average, masculine or ugly women as female, so of course they think like this. They're just pathetic men who are too retarded to defy gender roles and be feminine in spite of their gender expectations so they try to pretend that makes them women instead. "Even trannies can see it" of course they can, they're not women after all.
>>2350799Ironic how they keep saying women don't take accountability when that's how they operate. They can't ever take accountability for anything, even their own self inflicted loneliness and lack of pussy they just blame on women instead of looking inwards and trying to improve themselves. In relationships you can call them out and try to fix things but most will consistently evade any responsibility. You can tell them straight to their face what they're doing wrong and they'll hit you back with a "idk what do you want me to do/say". Even the most retarded women are more likely to have higher levels of introspection and self awareness than the average male
No. 2351123
>>2215891Men troon out because they make up unrealistic girlfriend/wife standards like this, cannot find anyone that fits these standards that wants their ugly ass, and then they try to LARP as their own obviously more permissive version of these ridiculous standards.
This list reeks of a spineless low T moid who is aware that he is a mistake and would be a shit father. Very likely to beat his wife and kids.
No. 2354140
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I like spinster but clicking on federated always results thusly.
No. 2360184
File: 1737572146811.png (49.01 KB, 1872x218, 1.png)

men really do live in a fantasy lala land where they are the most oppressed little lambs in the universe and women get everything handed to them. i was dumb to argue this far but holy shit how stupid and blind to reality can you be. whole thread is a goldmine of whining moids by the way No. 2361813
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No. 2364799
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I kinda want to post the context behind these because it was one of my favorite kiwifarms infight
No. 2364803
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>>2364799KEK this one is my favorite of his
No. 2364815
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No. 2364817
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No. 2364821
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Last post, but I wish we had a kiwifarms thread because they can be very funny/milky
No. 2364929
>>2364821>>2364815Degen moids
love plausible deniability, i think half of the thrill is getting to say "my character traced from loli is pure! You're the pervert" after they've exposed others to their fetish
No. 2364969
>>2349166W. E. B. Du Bois had a similar moment where he was rejected by a white girl when he was younger and had it is as a defining memory that
triggered his racial consciousness, one that he sneeded about in his memoirs.
A lot of non-whites come to agitate against white supremacy due to feeling rejected by white society, it's saltiness at exclusion.
No. 2365107
>>2364931100%, same underlying mechanism
>>2346945It's a sexual fantasy, simple. This BBC fantasy requires men to believe black men are inferior, barely human. The fact that an inferior is taking
their prized possession is what they like, it makes their fantasy more humiliating, more grotesque. Men will over-focus on details, black men's average height and build leads other men to assume they always have a larger penis. The combo of manly superiority (on one point, but a very important, eroticized one) and inferior status is like crack cocaine to a degen moid's mind.
>Asian men will participate in BBC sperging as wellIt's universal because all it requires is a racist belief system (asian and MENA men are very racist, just not like us. This is an underappreciated fact) and the male tendency to coom from very impacting visual symbols. Even black men (who are the butt of the joke) participate and have their own version of this (beastiality, "white women fuck dogs" jokes). A very similar and even more widespread fantasy is seeing their wife/gf stolen by Chad, regardless of race. You have to picture men thinking about this and getting scared of their own shadow, or getting sad under the shower because the story they made up to pass time is too real. We all have scary/sad fantasies we like to inflict upon ourselves, men's most famous masochist fantasy is cuckoldry and interracial couples
No. 2366641
>>2366449Oh my fucking god. It's even worse if you skim through the whole thing. It makes me wanna grate my teeth whenever they compare not getting pussy to "dying of thirst". How pathetic can you get?
Also it seems like he kept writing in his blog for another couple of years after his message.
No. 2366655
>>2366449Wait, was this the guy some of the "ricecels" mentioned? Was he Asian? He seemed massively autistic.
>>2366641Yeah, that irritates me too, they have no sense of perspective or proportion.
No. 2367681
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No. 2367818
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>>2367681The average zoophile looks closer to the second guy then the first though
No. 2367861
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>>2367822Are you from the US/North America? If there isn't an extremely high ratio of women where you are, like Russia where all the scrotes are dead from cirrhosis then they're not picky at all about physical appearance
>>2367847Imo moids don't have an eye for beauty anymore because of filters/social media and will sympathize with the person most likely to give them validation or NSA sex.
Moids are desperate and women won't date them because they're addicted to porn and stalking ex gfs/random e-girls on instagram/tiktok. The "Chad" is an obvious catfish serial killer and the fat retard is lying about his income (or in tech and has no savings) and wants to write off his door dash expenses as "charity", with that context the meme is accurate af
No. 2369114
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No. 2369613
>>2349253Tbf sexy men don’t turn me on.
I prefer good looking male characters with a story than just sexy men
No. 2373940
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This is why I want to burn Christian moids alive a la The Wicker Man.
No. 2373943
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Casual lesbophobia from this moid fetus that should have been aborted.
No. 2373946
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A dagger sinks into the flesh of the Christian moid as blood spills onto his foul incestuous soil. The Nona had brought him to where no one could hear him speak his pathetic prayers. Every knee shall be cut, every tongue shall be carved out, She speaks, as the pathetic whimpering christoid's fragile life is extinguished.
No. 2374003
File: 1738296942055.png (133.09 KB, 479x371, Screenshot 2025-01-30 191135.p…)

I watched an hour and a half long video about this scrote keith eby who is a tattoo artist and prolific sexual harasser of women. yes this tweet is 100% real, I'd think it was fake if I just saw and didn't know who this person was
No. 2374104
>>2374003If you cant act like a human just because u have a penis then it clearly indicates you don't deserve ur penis privileges.
Chop that shit off just like you do with aggro dogs
No. 2374106
>>2374003The problem with his logic is that scrotes still ogle us even when we are in fucking burkas.
I wanna live in the fantasyland these moids do where the world revolves around one's genitalia.
No. 2377175
File: 1738455072467.jpg (Spoiler Image,264.56 KB, 720x1468, Screenshot_20250201-160706_Chr…)

I don't particularly like r/mendrawingwomen, but reading the kf thread for it is funny a lot of seething claiming anyone who doesn't like coom designs are troons or flat chested
No. 2377181
>>2377175>Anyone who spent time on the internet before photoshop became huge. They know life isn't fair.I was complaining about this on LC the other day. It's not a moidtake, it's zoomer brainrot due to filters. There was anons in the Musk thread who
legitimately can't understand why some women are supermodels, paid much more, signed to agencies immediately and avoid the "casting couch" (like Adriana Lima). I'm sorry but most moids, the majority of Gen Z and even people my age are face-blind due to filters and don't seem to understand that not everyone can or will be considered "beautiful". It's extremely annoying how preoccupied everyone is with the idea that they should be (for whatever reason)
No. 2381075
File: 1738648816160.jpg (420.72 KB, 624x2390, Untitled.jpg)

Two moids duke it out over women wearing pants and crossdressing
No. 2382160
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>>2381093I peeked at more replies from the femboy and found the same argument popping up for military uniforms for women (calling it a sin to wear pants?)
I need femboys to keep anything about women out of their mouths
No. 2382202
>>2382185He's saying that a woman in pants is crossdressing.
>>2382192Or religious nutcase.
No. 2382215
File: 1738702490596.png (64.88 KB, 616x579, Untitled.png)

>>2382185Says "trap" on profile and talked about pederasty and effeminate homosexuals in a recent reply chain. He acknowledges not being a woman… still needs to shut up about women.
No. 2382597
File: 1738718851641.png (965.14 KB, 720x1172,…)

I curiously image reversed a bait post and found this weird Korean website I wrote over the Korean text, so translation isn't perfect mb
No. 2382599
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>>2382597Not porn but spoiler anyways
No. 2382605
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No. 2382606
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>>2382605Last one (comments)
No. 2382611
>>2382606>>2382605>>2382601>>2382597>>2382599TOPKEK of course it was a ricecel
or a seething yellow fever-having pickme who posted this on lolcor. Racists are so fucking embarrassing.
No. 2382619
File: 1738719604814.jpg (561.15 KB, 1179x895, IMG_2365.jpg)

>>2381075>>2382215This otome-chan nutjob follows my pink aesthetic account on twitter and it grossed me out so much the first time i stumbled on his profile from my notifications, he's essentially a hyper extreme sissy fetishist that tries to larp as a holier than thou christian towel boy. I havent blocked him because he's kind of a weird curiosity and i torture myself with his shitty ass takes for entertainment.
No. 2382631
File: 1738720139301.jpeg (29.62 KB, 640x360, f65bdaa704aba9d3b9273a9f384a28…)

>>2382611Maybe Elliot Rodgers ghost came back to hangout with us
No. 2382853
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No. 2382882
>>2382862It's r/girlgames, which isn't really active. Was it really him? His reddit account is a little entertaining, he isn't a weird troll like I initially thought when I first encountered him but closer to genuine schizo
>>2382867He spergs a lot about being a MtF transsexual and not transgender and rejecting gender ideology. To the average person he probably isn't that much different from a troon though…
Allegedly is legally a woman but he talks about being a nazi femboy and not really being a woman a lot, and outright hates women. He'll bring up that he's a "woman" whenever he argues about girly shit, femininity, "what women want" (his tastes). Like the other nonna who recognized him, I have a weird morbid fascination with him kek
No. 2388207
File: 1739034564803.png (1.38 MB, 1400x814, 1CD4C7A5-DCEF-457F-B9C4-CA8A6B…)

Found on the other farms and presented without comment
No. 2392567
>>2369114I hate how men can never just state their opinions normally, they always have to have this nagging undertone of "HAVE YOU NOTICED ME YET??? ARE YOU OFFENDED??? I BET YOU'RE SOOOO
No. 2392606
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>>2392568Oh yeah sorry..
>>2392604I bet he is subhuman ugly
No. 2399800
File: 1739572820829.jpeg (26.63 KB, 577x531, GgnGo4LWgAAqx8i.jpeg)

Scrotum moids seriously believe this is real and we have it easy.
No. 2399998
>>2399800in their defense,
femcels aren't as unhinged as incels. Every time ive heard of a "
femcel shooter" its just some pickme groomed by nazis or a hybristophiliac (also groomed by moids)
No. 2400029
>>2399800Honestly the girl just seems based to me. It's good for women to have high standards. Evolutionarily, we're supposed to be the more selective sex. I'm sick of seeing beautiful, brilliant, talented women settle for hideous, unemployed,
abusive gorillas. Also we do better psychologically when we're single because we're better at fostering platonic relationships with other women and building support networks. Also, I've been blackpilled on dating apps (not that I ever used them, thankfully) since I learned that men are the "customers" and women are the "product." Most dating apps have a 2:1 or even 3:1 ratio of men to women, because women understandably do not want to be products (even if they don't realize that's what's happening).
No. 2400044
File: 1739582858535.png (210.96 KB, 1150x709, 548119.png)

>>2195243>Family court is stacked against meLate, but this isn't even true. Men often
choose to seek less or no custody, resulting in disparate outcomes. The rare times that men actually do fight for custody, they're actually
more likely to get it, because men have more money to spend on better lawyers. The most horrifying thing about this is that there are many instances of men seeking custody solely to hurt the mother and not because they actually want the kid, resulting in many cases where children were killed during court-mandated visits with their
abusive fathers.
No. 2400221
>>2400044i really gotta wonder how the average 4chan brainlet constantly huffing imageposts like
>>2195213 as a form of copium would deal with a thread like this because i feel like their heads would explode rather than adjust to a world view that can contain real facts in the infographics instead of just schizo-induced fee-fee rants about the mythical male loneliness epidemic.
if their heads actually did explode we'd be doing the world a service frankly. adapt or die.
No. 2400590
File: 1739606343952.mp4 (790.4 KB, 576x642, tumblr_srmey1Ci5N1apg6t1.mp4)

>>2400221Men have spent so long subjugating women that any kind of equality feels like oppression to moids
No. 2400596
>>2400029>>2400039Patriarchies are dysgenic because male sexual selection is dysgenic. Men generally go for the shortest, weakest, frailest, skinniest, most emotionally immature, childish, stupid and bpd woman they can find, because pedophilia and mental illness in women makes moids pps hard.
It's literally been proven that men are more attracted to hot women who have bpd than hot neurotypical women.
Everything about the male sexual selection process is dysgenic and based around fetishization of weakness and helplessness.
Women on the other hand tend to select for strength, height, frame, bravery, success, intelligence etc.
No. 2400608
>>2400029>Evolutionarily, we're supposed to be the more selective sexThis isn't true, men would just rape anything they could find and killed off the women who resisted, much like they killed off wolves who attacked humans and made them more docile domestic pet dogs over time.
The human gene pool has been shaped by violent rapists for thousands of years.
No. 2400639
>>2400637Sorry but in what species of mammals are females always given the liberty of being the selectors? The female of the species usually doesn't get to 'choose' her mate, the two moid animals basically fight to the death and the surviving one forcibly mounts the female. I've only seen female birds and some other non mammals being the ones who are actively allowed to choose whether to mate with a male or not based on his plumage or mating dance.
I agree with what you're
trying to say, I'm just saying the actual evidence for it is scant. Human evolution is more bleak and misogynistic than we want to believe imo.
No. 2400816
File: 1739624153166.png (330.96 KB, 1735x1843, evolutionary psychology.PNG)

>>2400639Others have said it better both in this thread
>>>/ot/2190469 , and from the legend herself. It's fact women are supposed to be the selectors for reproduction. All factors point to it, such as; mens role in reproduction being short term oriented (they're literally the born to coom and die sex) and can be done more often with multiple partners and much quicker, while women must select for the long term since their role in reproduction lasts much longer and leaves them more physically vulnerable. The physical strength evolved in men was to protect their partners and offspring by fighting off predators and eliminating competition. While this is supposed to be how it worked, men have worked to circumvent this natural order via resource hoarding and bargaining with other men to artificially eliminate competition in the least costly way (eliminating competition through fighting vs just promising them their own chance to coom and die if they leave each other alone) and allowed poor genetics to pass on rather than die out, leading to an overabundance of men who are genetic dead ends which is proven to degrade society and hinder human advancement through their wasting of resources and violence, again proving women as the necessary selectors, whether they actually get to fulfill their role with men working to circumvent it until the end of time. Remember, it's not women sperging and shooting up schools and creating laws because they can't get laid and trying to circumvent genetic selection.
No. 2400818
Women's parentage is also guaranteed, another factor supporting women as selectors argument.
No. 2401325
>>2400722>as soon as raping and killing is properly outlawedit hasnt, never was, and never will never be
as long as men exist, rape, murder, and subjugation of women will exist too
80% of female homicides are committed by a partner or ex partner, 80% of rapes are committed by someone known to the woman, women aren't even safe from the men they 'vet' and choose to associate with
No. 2403690
File: 1739756910604.png (21.07 KB, 623x209, sdlkjhdnsm,.png)

weeb scrotes being fat nuggy eating autists per usual. they're fighting with black anime fans right now and came up with the term "hood weeb". Insane levels of subhuman in this screenshot kek
No. 2404392
File: 1739812487283.png (86.16 KB, 1327x332, Screenshot 2025-02-17 at 17.12…)

>>2404225I feel so bad for Japanese women now. Imagine getting into your comfy local onsen, not knowing that some American white dude gaijin with a festering rotpocket was sitting in your bath 20 minutes earlier and contaminating it. Gross. Japan really needs to start barring foreigners from the country tbh. Tourists are ruining the place.
No. 2404818
File: 1739824207844.jpeg (918.31 KB, 1019x1487, IMG_9265.jpeg)

More subhuman weeb scrotery
No. 2404851
>>2404818Post-wall men never catching any strays for needing to predate and target the only demographic naïve and ignorant enough to fall prey to their solicitations–kids.
Nah, it's the post-wall women who are just jealous. Moids like this need to get doxxed.
No. 2404877
>>2404855Real hot take: I have never not seen "walled" male pedophiles. They all look like shit and even the 'younger' pedos show signs of aging and undesirability.
Jealous males know they cannot obtain real women so they go after innocent babies and then have the audacity to project and act like it's others who are jealous like what this nonna said
Pedo panderer defenders need to be doxxed and put on a watch list. They are dangerous people, if not because they may commit pedophilia themselves, but most because they may enable the pedos to do it.
No. 2405053
File: 1739833990149.jpeg (102.25 KB, 1200x630, fb19f75d-c7f7-4da6-ac11-c11883…)

>>2405048For a while it was this with thin/greasy lips but then it changed to skinny rat face scrotes
No. 2405177
File: 1739839809656.jpg (291.69 KB, 1925x1229, pedo phenos.jpg)

>>2405048This is true and they absolutely do.
There's 2 types of distinct pedo phenotypes imo. One is the skinny, long, rat faced type, looks like Ian Watkins kinda, often dark hair and eyes and a ratlike smile.
The other is the babyfaced type: theyre always balding, usually have blond or light brown hair, pudgy, moobs, super pale and have bad posture due to sitting hunched over the PC wanking to CP all day.
No. 2405206
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>>2405177You're wrong because every male phenotype is the pedophile phenotype.
No. 2405223
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>>2405181Rat-boy vs Reddit Soi/Ed Sheeran.
No. 2405308
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No. 2405358
>>2405329there was a guy who used to post on 4chan who would cum on birds and tape insects and small animals to his dick for sexual pleasure and let them wriggle around until they died. but yeah, women are the crazy gender.
>>2405308if men are such slaves to their dicks and its such torture for them to practice self control, then they should be physically and chemically castrated.
No. 2406203
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Scratch a 'right wing' man and a tranny supporter bleeds
No. 2406739
File: 1739937381136.png (67.92 KB, 1044x364, Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 03.54…)

>>2406218Yep. Average 'conservative' male.
No. 2406817
File: 1739940253319.png (162.62 KB, 797x250, Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 04.42…)

>>2406812Kek I agree with you nona but just to be pedantic, this is clearly not a biological male, it's a tif pickme.
No. 2406841
>>2406835I remember the true crime/hybristophile comms on twitter and tumblr were like 80% Aidens, before they got nuked. Nearly all those Columbiners, Lanzafags/Rooffags/Pekkafags etc etc were just edgelord tifs in Natural Selection t shirts.
My guess is Aidens feel rejected and bitter at women and society for finding them a laughing stock, so they end up relating to the misogynist incel mindset.
Being on testosterone also makes them batshit insane. A shit ton of tifs end up doing porn for the male gaze too, it's insane that people used to think tifs were just confused radfem butches, when theyre really the most scrote pandering pickmes of all.
No. 2407387
>>2405308The problem isn't their high libido, it's the entitled attitude and desire to dominate unwilling women that these men have. This applies to most things tbh. You could be the most mentally ill, messed up person, you could have the highest libido, the highest whatever it may be, and someone else could be going through the same exact thing (or even worse) and have a different reaction to it and still not want to harm others over it. Some mentally ill people go on to become cows while others will be mentally ill to the same degree but still not become one. In the end it's really all up to the individual and what they decide to do about it, and all of this is just an excuse for men acting out and making it out to be like the rapists are just poor uwu
victims of their libido instead of it being a conscious choice they've made. It's pretty much the same as excusing an incel shooting up a school with "but women were big meanies to him and never dated him so he had no other choice". You could go through the worst possible life and it still wouldn't justify raping and killing people who didn't really do anything to you, and the reason males do this isn't because of their libido or because they're treated uniquely worse than women. It's because they're inherently weaker emotionally and more violent so they're more likely to lash out and hurt others when things don't go their way.
No. 2411728
File: 1740184256649.mp4 (Spoiler Image,981.49 KB, 336x640, -eaBRN7MlBuZ9slo.mp4)

>>2346877Mind you, every scrote on that board is an autist. Most autists are extremely weak, autistic males are extremely easy to beat up as they're all scrawny. Whether you're female or male. You can't have overpowered tardrage unless you're actually far on the spectrum. And those tards aren't even raping either, they just beat people up over their nuggies. no woman is scared of autistic scrotes with hypotonia keeeeek.
No. 2411730
File: 1740184631205.gif (Spoiler Image,633.04 KB, 220x217, itzrfminaj.gif)

>>2411728God my favorite thing in the whole world is when a woman beats the shit out of a man melee style. I hope he alogged himself in shame afterwards.
No. 2411829
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Recently rewatched Midsommar and wanted to see what reddit thought of the ending only to find a bunch of insulin resistant, dark necked knuckled, greasy haired cheese smelling, soft bodied "men" calling it a feminist movie because they cannot handle a female lead in any of the media they consume. I had to resist the urge to alog this fat gamer pig in particular. Completely missed the mark of an amazing movie
No. 2411833
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>>2411829I thought it was a pretty boring rehash of the original Wickerman tbh. The
sister killing her parents to justify a neurotic/clingy protagonist seemed like HS-tier writing to me. The
menstruation part probably inspired countless bpds to create similar love treats for their prospective nigels tho, so that part is pretty funny. It sort of lead the way in this era's ~trauma horror~, I'm not really a fan or maybe just tired of it
No. 2411851
>>2411839>leave the guy instead of killing him .>now who's the toxic one ….kek I don't blame you nona, that's a retarded takeaway. I do think Florence Pugh p. much owns the movie and it would be unwatchable without her, so maybe that makes it "feminist" in a way
btw if you like this genre, The Lottery (1996) is good. It's not some masterpiece but pretty entertaining afa these films go
No. 2411856
File: 1740193135270.png (154.57 KB, 505x380, subhuman.png)

Despite Chappell being fake gay, moids are enabling lesbophobia by screeching "SO MEN CANT BE ATTRACTED TO WOMEN!!!!!!". Knowing full well that if a woman doesn't want to be sexualized by them, they should leave her alone. They're now saying lesbians who think they're weird are "klansbians" because theyre "lynching" the men who said they could "fix her". Males aren't human
No. 2412708
File: 1740255236622.png (540.68 KB, 1125x1154, polcap.png)

I checked /pol/ for recent lcf name drops because of high levels of moidish retardation on here, and lo and behold, a seething moid, kek.
No. 2412720
File: 1740255554555.png (38.03 KB, 523x333, IMG_9406.png)

>>2412708The chad cope is so fake lol. Normie osa women date the average everyday guy. Males are such narcissists though, they’ve been talking for years about how rape is good actually and how the heckin’ foids are ruining their lives by rejecting them but as soon as some nerd on (which barely has that many users) says she wants gigachad bisexual model from europe it’s over and he has to kill himself and women have to die. I hate moids, they’re coddled by academia too
No. 2412721
>>2412708This faggot must be having a very hard time because plenty of anons pretty much admit that they would fuck any ugly man they see who’s “nerdy”, in trades, and has money. He must also have autism, which is why a woman rather go with an ugly bastard who’s “funny” over some dude with sanpaku eyes ready to unload his psychopathy on to unsuspecting
victims. Ugly men are not being weeded out from the dating pool, they quite literally are always being chosen by these types of men from other women.
No. 2412730
>>2412721Men won't and can't understand that though. They think they're
victims 24/7
No. 2412737
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>>2412720There’s a great tumblr poster who pretty much exposes incels as lying ass spergy anomalies and not a growing number of “lonesome” men. I think lots of men gravitate to their faggotry because they can never get a “Stacy” and are bitter about it but that doesn’t mean those very men aren’t fucking and dating either. It reminds me that 4chan scrotes are just as bad as normie scrotes but at least their shit is restricted to the garbage dump of the internet I don’t have to be around. No. 2412746
>>2412708White scrotes really act like they’re being prosecuted kek. Being a white male is starting 5 steps ahead of anything else.
It’s literally a skill issue if you are that insufferable to the point that you can’t even get with a retarded pick me. You don’t even need a job or hair. Men have the bar in hell and they keep complaining.
No. 2412749
File: 1740256567766.png (156.47 KB, 300x316, IMG_3801.png)

>>2412739I like how he said kiwifarms is occupied by “women” when it only has one “female-adjacent” board full of pickmes who love being surrounded by scrotum energy 24/7 and other cows you can honestly just read about on here. Little does he know, the literal owner of the website probably looks exactly like him and manages to have fangirls even if it’s very few kek. Ugly bastards, which are the average, are seen as hot by the average woman. They seriously think they’re entitled to a type of woman that usually goes with the same ugly bastard or even more uncommonly with a man looksmatched to her in health, genetics and appearance.
No. 2412753
>>2412749Women literally have a “medium-ugly” category, that’s very much pushed everywhere much to my dismay.
These retards are just so off putting that they make even the most retarded woman bells ring.
No. 2412769
>>2412764>thinks women avoiding a rarity and breeding with average uglies is feminism We’re doomed
>>2412765No, take a chill pill
No. 2412785
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>>2412777Agreed with every word nonna
No. 2412799
>>2412782I lurk KF just because some threads are more active there than here, but you have to be selective. The majority are garbage due to site culture as you say. It does give me a chuckle whenever I see posts like
>>2412708 though. This website has like 100 active users but it’s enough to make men absolutely lose it and come unglued.
No. 2412869
>>2412849Kffags are fucking annoying when they keep continuously try to be edgy by posting racebait
this has gotten more hilarious now when you realize there are nonironic lolishit moids there who keep convincing others they're totally not pedos! Aka the vtuber thread, fucking retards I just want to read about a funny or horrifying lolcow not your spergfest or how you're so different from the sharty or 4chan
No. 2412876
>>2412849I've found that when a thread contains too much retarded sperging, it's best to just use the highlights function.
>>2412869Kek I've been seeing longtime posters getting annoyed by the increase in retardation. Esp when a bunch of speds chimp out over blatant misinfo. There's been some posts mentioning the influx of users after Trump won the election and how they think the drop in quality is related.
No. 2412913
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>>2412876if nonas were truly based we would try to psyop the public into voting in a female for the 2028 democratic primaries, we need an ourgirl lol (see: lesbian obama with pcos)
No. 2412936
File: 1740263686310.webp (240.39 KB, 600x366, 17mag-coders-pics-slide-BTTD-a…)

>>2412934I was talking about how CS was originally female dominated and some moid "no akshually"'d me and was going off about how DIVORSE it ackshually was!111!! Women literally did do all of the dirty work in that field though, there were men but there were more women than men
No. 2413630
File: 1740288916044.jpg (50.89 KB, 750x600, GkU5j81WsAAFq9d.jpg)

The male loneliness epidemic is not real. It is a trojan horse for misogyny. There is literally no viable option to fix their "epidemic" that they will accept without harming women. Males and women are single at a 1:1 ratio, males are more whorish. They want you to blame everything on women's choice, they want the illusion of a "gynocentric society" so they can blame us for all of their problems. Don't fall for any of these autist's rhetoric, it's all fake.
No. 2413650
>>2413630>some men can never be attractivetrue… go on
>The point of females is to select top males, so some men will never be worthy of breedingyes, keep going
>The solution is women shouldn't have powerCouldn't come to a more incorrect conclusion. Nothing is more defective than being cursed with the blight of the half-formed Y chromosome. People who make these twitter posts should be euthanized like the dogs they are.
No. 2416808
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No. 2417743
>>2417736Yeah, i dont get it. Men get pandered to all the time irl, they can all find a woman who puts more effort than them even if they are ugly and fat, yet still want to play the
victims. Men have the biggest
victim complexes on the planet. If i were a men i would be the most manipulative BPDemon moid ever, i would be like male belle delphine and suck the pockets out of lonely yume/fujos just by being a mid looking guy who puts some effort into his appereance and body.
No. 2417745
>>2413526The “manhaters” on kiwifarms are misandrist in the same way an e-whore who calls herself a “
femcel” is.
No. 2417946
>>2416950Perfectly said nonna, wish all these retards were forced to read and reply to this kek. There is no fucking way they aren't aware that they're full of shit. You can't go anywhere without seeing fugly males coupled up; even if you try to escape this bleak reality by watching movies, disgusting walled moids are cast as teenage girls' love interests as part of the brainwashing.
>>2417834Exactly. We can only dream..
No. 2420081
File: 1740595185093.png (466.77 KB, 1056x1378, Untitled.png)

>>2382215>He acknowledges not being a womanNevermind. I need him gone so I don't have to see his schizo-posting whenever I try to search about games aimed at women.
No. 2421096
File: 1740630287363.jpg (48.13 KB, 569x1088, 20250226_020827.jpg)

>>2412770Well then wait till you see hood Josh
No. 2421128
File: 1740632850072.png (422.66 KB, 720x878, 9963237064.png)

This guy wrote this on a thread that's entirely dedicated to defending lolicon. But yeah women are the real perverts.
No. 2421402
File: 1740660120494.png (39.19 KB, 596x403, 1740014982543.png)

Are there any moidtakes you agree with?
No. 2422017
>>2421402No, and specially not from this retard, are we going to forget how he hosted a chan site which had a ton of cp? He should be the last one talking about pedophilia, in fact he should be flayed by all the nonas who hate his ass. Like in the mind of racist/WN who are all failures of humanity it's bad when a moid of color does it but when the moid has white skin then suddenly it's okay and our ancestors did it, this is clearly pandering by this moid, who wants white children or Asian since he traveled to southeast Asia like all pedophilic white moids. The moid mind it's very simple try to manipulate a group of women so you are in their good graces and they can overlook how disgusting and fat you are and how your only accomplishment is hosting a site for retards like yourself.
The only time a moid is right is when they acknowledge how they are abominations of humanity like the authors of "Demonic Males"
No. 2428852
>>2412708>Hatred for any white men I hate ALL scrotres of all colours, gay, bi, straight doesn't matter if you have Y chromosome you're living scortum scum that deserve to suffer forever.
The thing is straight white men somehow happened to be even more annoying scum than other scrotres.
I still hate you all don't worry you aren't that much special you disgusting fucking shit.
No. 2428854
>>2428852Oh and of course he is American kek.
I genuinely feel sad for American women, white American men are fucking disgusting I genuinely hope they all die.
No. 2428858
>>2420081>I don't have the female anatomy I just have that sexual role Does this fucking moid understand that "female sexual role" is made up shit by misogynists (which he claims not to be?)
No getting fucked in your shithole is not a female sexual role because there's is no such thing as that, you aren't female in any way, fucking retarded faggot loser.
Hilarious how men always see women as inferior servants holes, even when they claim to be "GNC male feminsits that are against transgenderism".
No. 2428866
>>2404818>Post wall women Lol, I'm turning 20 this year and I think this shit is fucking disgusting and sick. They always think it's older women complaining about this meanwhile
almost all women think this mentally ill pedopbaits should be stopped. She obviously shopps kek.
And yeah they should all be in jail
Women who do this make me even more sad, if you're going to be OF """"model"""" at least don't try to be even more damaging for women than you already are.
I fucking hate all OF creators but especially ones who are like this they're just pushing other women (and themselves) into even bigger hell. Fuck this sick pedophile society.
No. 2428876
>>2428868He is literally a reddit mod in every single female game board.
I fucking hate him, he attacks women but claims to be feminist and he thinks women can't be GNC.
I hope he ropes.
No. 2429004
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No. 2429026
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>>2429013The moid believes most govt jobs to be unnecessary, so his statistic also proves that black educated women are also unecessary in the job market
>>2429004Here's where I got the tweet from
No. 2429415
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No. 2429460
>>2421128Oh I fucking love when they do this.
"NOOO it's actually wahmen who are pedos and creeps, absolutely hecking not us!""
Kek, you can see they're obviously trying to justify their actions.
Men are so fucking retarded they should literally just rope or eat a bullet for breakfast. I'm so fucking tired of them, please disappear and never come back.
Male genocide is a human (female) right.
No. 2429469
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>>2429415>>2421128Ah yes!!
women are those
sick zoophiles!! No. 2429481
>>2429472He should get 900 years minimum.
Pile of sick shit, I hope he brutally kills himself and suffer forever.
Men are retarded aperape sows.
No. 2429554
>>2429417I watched that Vinesauce stream where he watched the old Mario anime movie. At the end when the dog-like character turns into the prince, there were a bunch of scrotes in the chat making "white women fuck dogs" jokes and none of them got banned nor were their messages removed. It was infuriating that neither the mods nor Vinny did anything to stop it. But they'd probably ban people for troonphobia or GC comments lol.
The most common chat messages were those about "cucking" or "NTR", scrotes are obsessed with cucking lmao. Vinny himself got pissed about the ending, which made me dislike him even more, but I digress.
No. 2429806
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Seen this argument made many times before but finally got to screencap it.
These moids really think women are intimidated by sex robots but also throw a shitfit at the idea of women getting them, because women want men for their personalities and money making (yes I know, I know, hold back your laughter) as if women dont already use sex toys and avoid men in droves wouldnt want the option to bring their husbandos to life. These moids are laughable.
No. 2429813
>>2429806Honestly, the thought of a husbando robot that takes care of the cooking and cleaning and is a conversationalist doesn’t sound too bad.
Yeah I’m upset that It’s difficult for me to make connections with other humans but I think this would help me cope a little bit. I’d buy one if they made them affordable for the average consumer.
They won’t though.
No. 2429819
>>2421128Old post but it's not enough for them to be the biggest degenerates, commit the most sexual crimes by a landslide, make their whole existence about porn, oversexualize society, reducing women to how fuckable they are everywhere…No, they have to have these things and insist women are ackshually the REAL perverts after all of that. Any moid who thinks the only reason why women don't get arrested for sex crimes as frequently is solely because of a lack of physical strength and being "risk averse" just comes across as a complete tard. How do they explain that physically strong women and mentally ill women still aren't out there raping and are usually the ones being raped by men if anything, especially the latter group? Weren't women supposed to be the emotional, sluttish gender that can't control their urges while men are the rational ones? How come they can suddenly control themselves and be more logical than men when it comes to this one area if they're truly the bigger degenerates? Wouldn't that make it harder for them to control themselves? Oh what's that, men actually ARE the bigger degenerates and they just can't help themselves and that's why they commit more sex crimes? They can't even get their own copium to make any sort of logical sense. One day it's "all men are like that" (sex pests and they need constant access to porn and objectify every woman they see) and you're a retarded woman if you expect anything else and you'll never understand the depths of the male libido and the next it's "ackshually women are way bigger degenerates and men are innocent angels who never think about sex as much". Also, imagine thinking booktok represents every single woman's sexuality, and even then none of the shit on there is even as bad as what men are usually into, just look at their retarded porn memes and obsession with black men gangraping barely legal white girls. Or the average male weeb who proudly calls himself "cultured" for jerking off to lolis.
No. 2429885
>>2429806Id love a male bot. Idk if I'd call him a sexbot even if we'd have regular sex. He'd be a companion, always eager to keep me company and go on walks and support me instead of irl moids who think women with emotions and opinions are obnoxious.
Also the fact that this scrote thinks male companionbots would have less emotion than an irl moid is hilarious. I mean, other than homocidal ape rage, biomoids have no emotions whatsoever.
Maybe I'd buy semen from a male model and have it put in my ai bot husband and then we'd raise a family together
No. 2429961
>>2429806Why do they always think women are seething about them getting female sex robots kek. The reactions I've seen were either women thinking the kind of men who want sex robots were perverted losers anyway, or just "oh good then they'll leave us alone" with a sense of relief. It's misplaced since men will still go on to want to rape irl women anyway and won't be satisfied with the robots, but yeah.
>women would hate a man with no emotions that just does what she wantsWrong and this is part of why I'm still with my bf kek. He does what I say, is naturally quiet and doesn't emote that much. Also, sponging off of what active social life exactly? Men are usually the ones with less of a social life compared to women, aren't they always crying about how lonely they are unless they have a gf kek. I don't get what they mean about pussy passes either, they really act like you just get handed life on a silver platter just because you have a pussy.
No. 2430088
>>2429979True, and then they'll say women are just jealous hags if we naturally thought wanting to fuck a child robot is creepy like any normal person that isn't a pedophile. But I've not seen a single woman actually seething and being jealous over men preferring to fuck a robot to her, no woman is really sitting around crying about how they wish their 4chan incel prince would look their way instead of at the robot woman like these men delude themselves into believing kek. I've seen more men seething over the idea of male robots and women being into pretty boys and having to make up copes like
>>2429806 about what women are actually into just to keep themselves from having mental breakdowns at the reality that women are also into physically attractive men, regardless of if they're robots or not.
No. 2430290
>>2430277I know it’s not a reach. Every single time they mock women for our fetishes and wants it always rolls back around to the fact that they want to fuck children.
Moids are disgustingly simple. I remember someone mentioning that she liked to go after older men, it’s hot for her whatever not the point of this post, and some fucking unclean scrote immediately brought up how women rage when they’re passed up for the old moid to get younger cuter girls.
No. 2430330
>>2429806Ignoring the retardation that women wouldnt want male sexbots, the sexbot cope makes no sense. The whole point of incel ideology is that chads get all the sex from women, there are no such thing as
femcels because all women get sex, and incels are left out to die alone. How would incels buying sexbots change anything? The men who get sex will continue to get sex, the women will keep fucking those men, and the incels will die alone next to their sexbots as they have with whatever other replacement for women they've made over the decades. Why would we switch to using fake wombs when we have working ones that are built in with no extra resources required and have been efficient for the entirety of human existence? Just because anon cant get sex? Even if we did, it’s not like we’d just stuff them into our mass produced sexbots and give them to every scrote. The average incel would never get to breed even a fake womb. If we did have a ton of sexbots, why do they think they'd get to have one? Those things cost money, the average seething moid is sad and poor and probably lives in a shitty apartment, he cant afford a sexbot, plus any maintenance or malfunctions that would occur with a robot who does all your chores and that you fuck 24/7, what happens when you break her and you cant afford a repair? The only people getting sexbots are rich people who will keep having normal sex on the side. Its all a waste of time and resources for a group of people that would die alone anyway, why would this ever replace actual women?
No. 2430452
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>>2429415Horse girls when they find out the horse their dad bought them is female
No. 2430539
>>2430470Especially since they, apparently,
just so happen to stumble upon
hundreds of videos of this exact topic.
No. 2430541
>>2430470They definitely do considering moids commit the vast majority of bestiality crimes, most of the women in bestiality videos are also
victims of trafficking. unless its like an ethot or some retarded woman though. otherwise animal rapists are disproportionately male
No. 2430682
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Dodging not 1, not 2, but 5 bullets props to this woman
No. 2431102
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Nothing new to see here, just the average rape apologist. I hate men. Why can't they just rape and kill eachother instead? Leave women, children, and animals alone. Ugly violent animals
No. 2431295
>>2431274Remember those women who stormed a courthouse and stabbed a mass rapist to death?
Anyways, I think we should enact certain practices when it comes to judges who enable and aid rapists and
abusive moids. As an incentive to not be a piece of shit.
No. 2431376
>>2431295I forgot to say, it was 11 months on probation, so he was basically walking free.
But yeah, I 100% agree but I also think there has to be some bribery going on.
No. 2431390
>>2431334Yes, nonna. Here is the post I first found out about it from, follow the link to the rapist's Wikipedia page for more info.
>>>/ot/2186199>>2431376You're probably right, but so many judges are just dogshit and don't care about doing their duty. I mostly have experience with judges in the SSA circuit, but the amount of behavior I've seen that should be classified as wanton and willful negligence…