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No. 219767
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I'm actually going to my doctor today to talk about my hirsutism because it's gotten much worse. When I was around 22 is when I first started getting dark male facial hair, in just a strip on the left side of my chin. After a while, I started growing it on the other side of my chin as well and it became too dense to just pluck out. Then this year I noticed the hair above my lip is becoming darker and thicker, and my sideburns now grow all the way down my face and connect to my "beard". A couple months back, I started noticing dark hairs coming up on my cheeks where as before they were just my chin and sideburns. I'm really scared that it seems to be getting worse and so quickly. Some days, I have to shave twice a day just to prevent stubble because my skin is very fair so it's easy to see. I feel so unfeminine that I even stopped wearing makeup because putting on foundation looks bad over the hair, and irritates my skin if I freshly shave and then put it on. Combined with my hair on my head falling out, and getting increasing acne all over (my face has always been bad but I'm noticing now I'm starting to get it on my chest and neck) and I just feel hideous. I worry that people will see the hair and acne and think I am unsanitary and don't take care of myself, when in reality I probably have a much more complex and strict grooming routine than the average woman that doesn't have all these problems!
I don't know what my doctor can do, if anything. I don't know what he'll tell me. This is just hell.
No. 220306
>>219784I've tried waxing and threading (both professional and at home), the problem I've had with both is that even having someone else do it, some of the hairs are just too thick and strong so instead of getting yanked out properly they just break off. Meaning I get tons of ingrown hairs and will have stubble not even three days later. Its not enough time for my skin to recover so it would just be perpetually irritated. At least with shaving, it's pretty indetectible….for all of 12 hours, then I have to shave again. :/
I did go to the doctor and the first thing he suggested was PCOS, I'm getting bloodwork done and then I will find out what to do from here.
No. 220452
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I recommend inositol to everyone who suffers from PCOS. It's supposed to have a similar effect as Metformin and it is a supplement. I am not overweight or insuline resistent but still feel much better taking inositol. My ability to concentrate has improved, my period has become much more regular, my breasts have actually grown and are less saggy. I have less acne now, too. Inositol is also supposed to help with hirsutism but I can not confirm that for me yet. Pic related, you can of course use any (myo)-inositol though. I personally use inositol powder bought from some fitness supplement shop.
>>220306If you can afford it, consider laser hair removal. Imo it's much better than ripping out the hair because you don't have to let it grow and you're less likely to get ingrowns.
No. 220476
>>219627What Kills me most is the diet.
I'm an extremely picky eater (as in i just vomit things i dont like, the taste is just unbearable) that lives off carbs.
Im planning on the future on living off soylent or something similar because i just cant do a pcos diet.
Is there any alternative management than the diet?
Im almost underweight but i still have lots of body hair, painful periods etc so weight loss isnt really an issue.
No. 227910
>>227907Inositol doesn't have any side-effects. Some sources say dizziness, headache, but I've never met anyone who had any. You also can't overdose it (at least no one did that yet).
(not that anon tho)
No. 228288
>>228246My heart anon, I also have that carpet of hair all over my body and its especially dense in those areas where males would normally have hair growth.
Don't lose hope yet though.. I honestly thought I would never actually date because of this but I'm now engaged with someone who is very accepting and didnt really care when he found out. Maybe I just got lucky. Still sucks being like this though.
No. 228389
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I hate my PCOS so much. I always wondered why I wasn't "normal" like other girls, why was I so fucking hairy and full of acne when most girls around me were fine. Anyway.
My most recent woe is my hair loss. I am going bald. I've had thick and volumous hair all my life, than I stop taking the pill (because It was making me sick to the point I couldn't take the bus) and suddenly my hair can't stop falling. It's been more than a year, now. I have half of the hair I used to have.
My bloodworks indicates low ferritin and slight hypothyroidism, and I've been taking supplements for my iron levels and yet nothing. I even fear brushing my hair now, something that I used to love. I am so miserable.
And I keeo ballooning up even though I do IF, usually stay under 1300kcal and exercise at least 4 times a week, cardio.
No. 228510
I'm wondering if any of you have any experience with what I'm going through: I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was around 17, my symptoms were: crap skin, weight issues, irregular periods, high testosterone (I never had hirutism and I never received an ultrasound to confirm cysts, which makes me suspicious.. sometimes I wonder if my doctor just wanted to give me a label to shut me up, when there might be something else happening) I had a big problem with contraception and mood swings/general depression and went through numerous pills, the implanon twice, and then eventually the Mirena.
Flash forward to last year, am 24, I got the mirena removed because I felt like my body -needed menstruation- anyway, now I don't take anything and my periods are regular now.. and I don't have high testosterone anymore at all, it's low, (so are my iron levels and my b12 levels have been consistently under 500, however were around 300 when I got my diagnosis of PCOS) I want to know if anyone has had a complete reversal of symptoms? I still get mood swings and crappy skin on and off, but the period thing and the testosterone reverse is getting to me. My hair is falling out because of that, the iron deficiency and probably stress (particularly from yo-yoing with my weight like a mf'er)
Is this all just part of it and I'm misinformed big time?
No. 228534
>>228510I've had conflicting information about periods. My one endo said I need to have them because PCOS increases chance of endometrial cancer, another wants me to stop my periods (I also have low iron, my last test result was literally 8 so I'm on iron tablets now). For now I just take nuvaring.
I DO think nuvaring helps with my acne, tho I still get hormonal acne weekly on my jaw. I did lose a lot of weight on Metformin previously, (60lbs in a year)then gained literally ALL of it back a couple years later…turns out I became hypothyroidic as well. I've been on synthroid for a year and only lost 20 of those pounds in that time, and it's really fucking with me because my body looks worse from the rapid loss and gain. Also my t level has been creeping up over the last 3 years and now on spiranolactone. Luckily hairloss has not been an issue with me despite PCOS/hypothyroid/anemia, but it never was.
My aunt, who has identical issues (PCOS, thyroid) said all of her symptoms pretty much went away after she had kids in her 30s so idk.
No. 228682
>>228534Same anon here, thanks for replying :)
I get acne on my jaw/chin pretty much exclusively. Tried metformin too, forgot to mention. That stuff gave me mega mood swings though. My thyroid levels are borderline atm. never taken anything for it. By the sounds of what you're going through.. idk if I should. My mum says the same about things just going away when you have kids… I don't want kids though haha… not if I have to subject them to these crap genes.
No. 228761
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Is it possibly to have so many PCOS symptoms without having it?
I've had my hormones tested various times over the years, but I was always told everything was fine. A few years ago, after learning about PCOS, I went to the gyno and was given an ultrasound to look for cysts. Since they didn't find any, the gyno said there was no point in doing any blood work or anything else because I don't have PCOS.
It's hard to believe though when I've got a mustache and beard, a happy trail and hairy ass crack, shitty hormonal cystic acne around my mouth/cheeks, horrible periods that keep getting heavier every year and cause anemia (currently go through super plus tampons + pad every hour for the first few days), thinning hair around my temples, skin tags when I was like 15, etc.
Like honest, what the fuck? Do I just have bad genetics or are all these doctors that I've seen retarded?
No. 228963
>>228761Yes, bloodworks.
There are many reasons you may not have the cysts. I was cyst-free for a while due to the pill. If you are taking any type of hormonal birth control, the cysts are likely to vanish. Also, some type of teas can control the cysts.
Many doctors don't have a fucking clue when it comes to PCOS, it is disheartening.
No. 231676
>>228761Try pre natal vitimins especial large doses of folic acids.
>>220476Fiber. So oatmeals, flax, coffee is great- dont add a lot of sugar.
No. 231702
>>231675Thank you for your reply. <3 I'm sorry birth control doesn't work for you…I hope you're feeling better now and I'll try what you said.
I have to start the 'new' pills (which are the ones I took many years btw) this next monday and I'm kind of scared for how's my body going to react…Specially for my acne, which gets better when I'm on my ''rest week''.
No. 231741
>>231718Women can have pcos with any body shape
My ex boss had wide hips, a big butt, small waist and big boobs and flat stomach and had pcos, she had 4 kids as well
No. 231759
>>23171875cm waist and 105cm hips here. As
>>231741 said, any body type can have PCOS. I am overweight though (not obese), as a lot of PCOS chicks.
No. 231761
>>231741this is my body type as well and I have PCOS.
PCOS sufferers might tend to look apple in some cases due to the weight gain associated, which is typically in the stomach.
No. 232211
>>232210my endo told me that being fat is a symptom of PCOS, not the other way around.
…really fucking sucks. I lost 40lbs after my diagnosis, and then a few years later gained every bit of weight back until I was dx with hypothyroidism as well. in one year I've only managed to lose 15lbs of it and I had to fight for every single pound with a tiny low carb diet and daily exercise. I lose like 1lb a month now. It sucks so much.
No. 232265
>>232211Are you me, anon? I've lost about 30 kgs (about 62lbs?) in the past and gained back 15kg (32lbs ish). I just can't seem to lose it again, now matter how little I eat, and I even do IF because my metabolism is so slow now. Disheartening.
>>232209I take pills. 500mg daily.
No. 232813
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>how to get body and face to look more feminine
>how to feel and look more feminine in general
anyone have any luck with this? I know some women with pcos have nice bodies but I have unfortunate fat distribution and corset meme emphasizes me looking upperheavy, I do glute, thigh and bum exercises when I can but I barely have any energy due to seasonal depression, my boobs are small, sad and saggy so I at least try to lift them up by doing arm exercises but im afraid it will make my shoulders wider
No. 233788
>>232813Anon. Are you me?
Sometimes I go through a period of thinking I have found flattering styles then I see myself in a photo etc or at a weird new angle in a mirror, see my linebacker shoulders and awful shape and just fucking fall into a depression all over again
No. 235666
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Has anyone had kids with PCOS
I'm on birth control but I'm terrified it will leave me completely infertile in the future
No. 235719
>>235666Birth control will not make you infertile. I don't understand why this misconception persists, but neither modern IUDs nor birth control pills, patches or rings have any bearing on your future fertility.
If you mean PCOS, plenty of people with PCOS get pregnant, whether it's with fertility drugs (usually Clomid) or on your own. My aunt who also has PCOS got pregnant twice in her thirties.
No. 236221
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>>235788>>236215Let's all hug. My hair is also falling since I stopped taking the pill. It's half of what it used to be. But I won't take it again because it was just doing more harm than good, honestly.
In my case, it's probably due to lack of iron. My thyroid just fucking takes all the iron I eat, it was really really low. I had to stop being a vegetarian and had to become a pescetarian because plant iron was not enough for my body (and I was taking pills too), the absorption rate was just too low. It was for the best though. I feel like little by little my hair is falling a bit less, but I guess it's not going to be what it used to, or if so, it will take years.
No. 236228
rly not trying to be annoying but copper toxicity can also make you anemic. vegetarian diets are very much a big contributor to it. my iron levels are way below what's normal and taking a supplement supposedly just makes it worse and correcting the copper/zinc imbalance is more of a priority.
No. 237237
>>237113Thanks anon! Just came back home, holy fuck that hurt. Both the inception and afterwards. My blood pressure dropped like it was hot and got so nauseous. Now I am having a lot of cramps and I do have a hot waterbag on my belly.
My GO said having PCOS won't interfere at all, and that I should be fine.
No. 323122
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>>236221Kinda necroing this thread, this is me; so it wasn't the lack of iron after all, since my iron levels are now normalised since I went back to eating seafood. (Also, no copper toxicity,
>>236228 , I've adapted to my IUD pretty well and I love it)
I've tried everything else, since, and I think now that it's probably an excess of male hormones (androgenes), and I finally gave up and I am going back to the pill.
However, I now plan taking a minipill/progesterone-only pill, because I've heard it's not as agressive on your body as the combination pill.
Does anyone else here take it? I plan on taking Norethisterone based pills (0,35mg), does it help with male patterned baldness/is it anti-androgen?
I am so confused because everywhere I look, it gives me different answers.
No. 323143
Oh man, this thread was made for me to vent. Everything I dislike about myself is because of having PCOS. The thinning hair, the acne, the weight gain, the irregular periods… I've been hit hard.
It's so difficult for me to loose weight, I basically have to starve myself to shed off some pounds. I eat no more than 1,400 calories a day and even working out does jack shit.
My skin tone is so uneven. I have dark and white spots around my jaw and forehead. The never ending acne and greasy combination skin. My skin's extra sensitive to a bunch of products too.
My scalp is just bursting through my hair. It's so fucking greasy. I've tried so many remedies to try to bring back my hair and none of them have worked. I used to have a full head of hair before I became a teenager, it just gets slightly worse every year.
Periods, I don't have a problem with tbh. I prefer to have them once every other month lol.
The kicker, I'm afraid to go on birth control. PCOS runs in the family and my mom and aunts have all had severely negative reactions to multiple forms of birth control. Also, I have a phobia of medicine unless I absolutely need it if I'm in immense pain or dying.
Other than that, I just wish I could have clear skin and a full head of hair. I don't even want to try wearing makeup or anything because anything beyond a bit of eyeliner just makes me look even worse. I just want to look like an average person KEK.
No. 323188
>>323143I can't lose weight without starving myself either. I cut down to 1000 calories over the last few months and lost 10lbs.. and plateaued. I just want to lose weight like a fucking normal person.
This article is a few months old but I'm fucking praying there is an end in sight for PCOS. Apparently they've isolated the cause of it. No. 323193

>>323143>>323167I think most here can relate. When I was younger, I'd say that my 3 main problems with my appearence were my weight, my excessive body hair and my skin. Tadah, found out they are all PCOS related.
But my skin is the cleares it has ever been right now, it won't even be ~asian~ perfect, but it's so weird to not have at least one big pimple and redness all the time. And the main reason for that is that I switched to a keto/low carb diet.
I know keto is kind of a meme diet right now, but it genuinely helped me. My boyfriend of almost 5 years is at awe and keep saying how clear my skin is right now (mind you, it still have small pimples here and there, especially around my period I get slightly bigger ones on my chin and a bit on my cheeks), his cousing that lives in the countryside also commented on it when I went visiting, and I finally don't feel so self conscious to stare at people straight when talking (I'd usually put my hands on my face without realising, which make things worse).
Just wanted to say that I also follow a korean/japanese skincare regimen, and also use tretinoin and benzoyl peroxide now and again (not on the same day. About twice a month each), and they did help a lot, but not to the same extent as the keto diet.
Also, in just one week of going low carb/keto, I've lost one inch (2,5cm) out of my waist and A LOT of bloat. 3kg of bloatedness. Even the old man that sells me fruit commented on it (sorry if this sounds like bragging, just to prove that it wasn't just something from my head). I don't feel the awful stomach/intestine pains that I used to everyday, so that's also amazing.
However I didn't lose any more weight afterwards, I guess because I usually do "dirty" keto and doesn't count my macros religiously. Maybe if I count calories (Considering how fatty the diet is, it's easy to go way above 1300kcal). On the positive side, I also don't feel as hungry/don't have the same appetite anymore as well, so sometimes I even struggle to think about what I am going to eat even though 18 hours without eating anything have passed.
The only thing that I don't know how to solve is my hair loss, for I am the
>>323122 anon lmao
Sorry for such a long reply.
No. 323196
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>>323194But vegan is not necessarily low carb. Like, a bananas, apples (most fruit actually), carrots, tomatoes, beans (even soy, if not controlled), grains… All have a high amount of carbs, and it adds up super fast. And you should stay under 50g net carbs, usually - and for "real keto", it should be less than 30g.
But I'll try to follow a stricter keto and report back. I do like my low carb for the other benefits other than the weight loss, though.
TBH I went low carb for the weight loss and higher energy levels, but the skin benefits were a
very pleasant surprised.
I do miss my rice (all types of sushi and fried rice, damn) and noodles from time to time, though.
No. 323202
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>>323197Tell me about it haha I do like the substitute foods for those listed - like almond or coconut milk, I like it better than regular milk, but it's not quite the same. Fried riced cauliflower is great though, but not as satisfying, especially for sushi. And zuchinni noodles are also good, great for yakisoba/chow mein especially, but I hate how much water they release, and they don't have the chew factor, so I miss my ramen.
For bread though, I did a recipe that uses eggplant flour and sesame seed flour and it's great. I make it almost every week, pic related. I don't even miss regular bread that much in the first place though
Now, for your question…
I think that you should go for keto for about a month or so, and then you could do what some athletes do, that is taking a "day off" and increasing the carbs a bit before exercising. Like about 100g carbs or 70g net carbs. I do that sometimes as well, or just have a full blown cheat day (I make sure to go back on the next day though) when it's like someone's birthday and they bring cake, which could also be the reason why I've stalled lmao
If you want to just do keto for a while and then stop it all together, then I think it's better to go keto for a bigger while, like 3~6 months, or else I don't think you'll see significant results, my this is just me guessing.
Ah, I've been doing it for about 3 months now, btw. I saw the results in my skin and weight in the first month, which was the one I followed it more strictly.
No. 323205
>>323202Sage for samefagging but
Oof, excuse my mistakes, I need to proofread my shit more often.
Have another link for helping with low carb/keto for those interested adding: I didn't have any of the keto flus symptons when I started it, the only thing I had was
diarrhea on my first day and that was all, it felt more like my body flushing out the bad shit than anything else, and I didn't have it ever since.
No. 323269
>>323264Laser Hair Removal worked wonders on me. Maybe it's worthy the 3 hour trip. Around 5 sessions is enough, depending on how much hair you have.
Also, try to take anti-androgens so you stay beardless for longer (like 10 years+). No. 323292
>>323209can relate anon
for hair, get bloodwork done. it could be due to your thyroid, iron levels, vitamins, androgens to something autoimmune etc. try massaging the scalp to get some blood flowing as well. went to the derm and she pm told me i could use rogaine for women lol :')
and painful period could also be due to pcos or fibroids! i just got diagnosed with some fibroids this year and it explains a lot.
No. 324545
>>323264Not sure what your skin type is but mine is oily. I grew up in the same situation but honestly, shaving and keeping a electric shaver in my purse saves me as an adult. You can also thread but its harder on the jawline.
Take a hot shower, exfoliate with a scrub of some sort, get a GOOD shaving cream that isn't from a aerosol can. Shave and use a toner after you've cleaned up.
No. 330271
>>330199Perhaps, but trying it out wont kill anyone, lots of people are deficient anyway plus the study they are referring to seems promising.
Anecdotal but i actually suddenly got acne at age 19/20, NEVER had it before, maybe the odd small pimple now and then but my face just exploded. Tried all sorts of shit then just got a blood test taken with my doctor for unrelated reasons and turns out i had a vit d deficiency, my acne almost dissapeared, i moved and didnt take it for a few months and i have some acne again, so it may be that? Testing it out, bought some vit d today.
No. 330318
>>330162well, fuck. thanks anyway.
>>330295PCOS is fairly common, something like 1 in 10 women have it. tests usually consist of bloodwork and ultrasounds.
No. 334485
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Any anons use supplements to get a more feminine figure and more energy? My doctor won't seem to give me anything other than BC which makes me feel like shit, what's a good natural supplement to use to look and feel more feminine?
No. 340589
>>334485I've read everywhere that yam helps a lot with natural production of female hormones (don't remember which one, though, sorry), and a lot of women drink yam essence/elixir to get pregnant, I've heard it does wonders in that aspect. I do take yam capsules, but I haven't see much change, being completely honest. Don't know about the liquid one, though.
>>334704Yeah, this sounds like high insulin. Since I started keto, I haven't had cravings at all. Somedays, I don't even feel like eating, and just eat whatever so I don't starve haha