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No. 2203185
>>2203180Wrong, it's always been frowned upon to drag out infights from thread to thread. Write it in a diary next time, and stop shitting up the thread because words we use here
trigger you.
No. 2203204
>>2203196To be fair, we had obnoxious discord users running rampant and baiting as a team yesterday. The pattern is always the same with them, and they're easy to spot. Reply 1-2 times, then make a third reply complaining about whoever they're mad at so it looks like the board is in consensus, all over the span of like 10 minutes. They accuse random people who reply to them of being the first person they replied to, too.
The last three replies are them. It might be one person, but either way, it's pathetic.
No. 2203219
>>2203210It amazes me that people exist who have never heard of this term kek it's still used nowadays. It's a term for a character who is way too powerful/"perfect" for their setting without a justified reason, usually in ways that derail or break the narrative.
>>2203195They have WAY more in common with the manipulative femme fatales they hate so much kek
No. 2203248
>>2203245once again, i'm pretty sure the euro discordfags are sleeping now
nonny. you need to stop having hallucinations about how every person who you dislike is a group of people trying to fuck with you
No. 2203256
>>2203252ayrt this basically
>>2203254 it’s 11 am in burger land now kek, our demographic changes a little bit as time goes by during the day
No. 2203291
>>2203237I feel similarly. It always annoys me when I see more trees being chopped down and nice nature areas I used to go to ruined to create more space for houses or some shitty buildings with people who are most likely subhuman scum. People will call you a hypocrite for this since you're also a human but I'm not the one pushing for higher birth rates (and thus more destruction to make places for the new people) and destroying nature
>>2203249When a natural disaster takes you out we'll see how godly human beings are lol
No. 2203346
>>2203340This isn't me trying to start a fight, but why do you care so much? If you know you're a woman, then why do you care if other people don't immediately recognize you as one? Other people's perspectives don't change who you are as a person, but if there's a deeper reason, I'd like to know so I don't stay retarded.
>>2203341I'm GNC, and small chested, so with short hair, my build, and the way I dress, I can sometimes be mistaken for a tween boy. At least until I talk, then it's obvious I'm a woman.
No. 2203368
>>2203352Ntayrt but she's saying she
doesn't understand why people get mad.
No. 2203578
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>>2203568Chop chop nonna! Your husband and wife are waiting!
No. 2203594
>>2203456I’m just tired of pretending like i want to see some hacks fanfic
No i want to see the book i like or the book that received critical acclaim
I also think the backlash these retarded studios always face for doing the exact same thing over and over is completely justified
They’re cowards for not trusting directors and writers. Just let them have their own ip
Sorry but an article was released by variety and every problem it cries about can be solved by just making original shows/movies
No. 2204384
>>2204357Naive. Any system will be taken advantage of, including a “compassionate” system (for who?
Victim or perpetrator because you do have to pick?) someone will take advantage of it. That’s why systems need to be created with the greatest harm someone can cause manipulating that system being baked in or curtailed.
The other thing you don’t seem to realize is there are people who want to harm you, for whatever reason they’ve justified in their heads; youre female, youre black, you have a bigger house, whatever. Those people do exist, often times the only thing preventing them from doing something wrong are rules and punishment that have little regard for compassion.
Also what you view as compassionate isn’t so for others. If someone burns your house down the compassionate take someone might have is “oh well, it’s just things” but you’re broke and homeless now and your insurance is refusing to pay out because you left the door unlocked so the lunatic could burn it down. What about cases of rape? Well he’s just a sad boy who had a bitter life and grew up to be a man that raped a nine year old to death but have some compassion!
Grow up.
No. 2204468
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I hate the anime artstyle. I hate the males being ugly effeminate twinks and the girls having those retarded bug eyes and acting like autistic children. Theirs is also very little variation and im getting bored of seeing this style everywhere and every artist trying to draw in it. I think i mostly just hate the child like proportions in the face and the HUGE eyes. I know the big eyes are suppose to be cute but they make me want to get a fly swatter because they look like bugs.
No. 2204471
>>2204468You’re going to
trigger the fandomfags with this hot take, I agree with you
No. 2204477
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>>2204468The average anime side profile in particular looks absolutely retarded kek
No. 2204506
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>cute guys are basically women
stop right there criminal scum
No. 2204530
>>2204511NTA but calm down kek
>>2204521Trust me, nobody on this website is "internalising" their troonphobia. Probably just bait, but part of me thinks these could be the fatfags/barafags being salty that no one liked their posts.
No. 2204531
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>>2204468Honestly I agree, the shitty moe style that is popular among LARPing zoomers is especially jarring. I think there are hidden gems in anime but it's not worth sifting through the sea of psuedo incest and shounen slop shows out there. I can enjoy anime a little more if the art style tones down all the exaggerated facial features, sorta like picrel, but chances are there's shit writing and nearly butt naked female characters.
No. 2204544
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>>2204521Why would I internalize my transphobia, retard? keek
No. 2204590
>>2204384my compassionate society is actually based around protecting
victims. no rapists of any kind allowed.
No. 2204621
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I will say an opinion that is already popular here, but is becoming unpopular outside of Lolcow and it honestly makes me sad. Sweet emotional needy guys are way better than dark triad manipulator toxic bad boys, I hate how most women nowadays have a fetish for evil moids and let them act like shit towards them and to other humans. If you ever look at instagram reels you will see that many women are obsessed with guys who treat them like crap and cope by saying that they are their " twin flames " and psyop themselves into chasing evil moids. I wish society started to fetishize sweet wholesome bubbly men instead of Patrick Bateman clones, women would be so much happier if they chose to do so.
No. 2204632
>>2204628Yeah, this. I think Nona meant emotionally
intelligent rather than needy. Like guys that are in touch with their emotions enough to not be constipated but aren’t constantly crying all the damn time either.
No. 2204658
>>2204621I think the fetishization of
toxic and "dominant" men has many reasons. One of them I never hear being mentioned is that it's so looked down upon to have any standards or needs as for women that they cope by imagining men that force them to enjoy these things. I am specifically talking about media tropes here though. Fictional men that buy their love expensive gifts and don't accept a no, that kidnap them to nice locations where they don't have to work and do chores (not being a gold digger but still getting to enjoy these things, not having to wageslave and do chores all day), that just do stuff in the bedroom and it feels good (not having to train your moid for months until he maybe realizes where the clit is, not having to explain him every little detail like he is some retarded child). This also leads to these fictional men being manwhores because we can't fathom a man who is emotionally intelligent enough to realize what a woman likes in the bedroom by watching out for her reaction instead of having had 10000 sex partners before. They also never respectfully interact with other women because we can't imagine a man that is friendly with other women but never cheats.
No. 2204744
>>2204621Nah I rather have a dominant scrote make me submit to him than some man trying to act like a female friend. A lot of men are unironically as exactly what you described with soyboy men, they all pretend to be hypermasculine but they are always whiny and bitch made. I need a scrote to at least be honest and smack the shit out of me when I get out of line but a lot of scrotes are actually weak and pathetic and get weirded out when I want them to actually be a man. Real men don’t fucking exist, I am basically the “real men” of society and I’m not even a man just by the way I act compared to other women. I don’t want to be involved with a man in any sort of fashion anymore and it’s more to indifference and need to separate from their
toxic energy that’s not even sexy to begin with.
(bait) No. 2204765
>>2204757>i could dominate him by stabbing himRighttttttttttttt sure totally. Yeah I rather have a
toxic dominant man kek, if he kills me I don’t really care at least he had the balls to kill me.
(bait) No. 2204768
>>2204744So you want an
abusive scrote? What the fuck, do you have brainworms? You think a man isn't a man unless he'll slap you around? I hope to god you're a troll or a man, if you are a woman, I pray you never have a daughter
No. 2204772
>>2204765it doesn’t take balls to fly into an
abusive tard rage and kill a woman lmfao what that is like base level for an ape man. i could run circles around a simple minded creature ruled by his penis and it would bore me. you sound like you’re just into gross kinks and want to be roughed up in bed or something and ask a beta male to like whip a belt at a bed to turn you on.
No. 2204773
Not all stress is bad for you.
It's the opposite of what we're constantly told. Of course too much stress can be bad for you, but I think "too much" isn't a good measurement because what the heck does it mean? Imo it's not really the stress itself, it's the quality of it. I think things that are/feel out of our control is bad stress that affect us negatively. It's not the stress in of itself.
Humans are made for stress, we're curious and we like to problem-solve. We're not plants meant to sit still in one place, we constantly interact with everything around us in a dangerous world. That is the default state. In fact most people relax by putting themselves in stressful situations: exciting games, murder mystery books, action movies. These things induce stress but are instead fun and enjoyable. People work themselves into a wall and burn out, yet it doesn't ever seem to happen to gamers who play stressful high paced games for 100h+ hours a week or people who binge tv shows every night. Exercise is good for your health, and it's both physically and mentally stressful for you!
Another thing is the placebo/nocebo effect. We know for a fact if you tell people something is bad for them, they will literally manifest those bad effect physically even if it's not true that the thing is bad for them. I feel like stress is part of the nocebo effect. If someone is told "wow you must be stressed, that's so bad for your health" they suddenly start actually doing worse even though they had been fine for years. And of course their thoughts are then "omg I didn't realize I was stressed all along!" even though they weren't, they just manifested it recently and now construct a narrative backwards.
If you're worried about the effect of stress on your health, all you have to do is to realize you're actually naturally "extra resistant" to stress. You even thrive in mildly stressful situations, it increases your brain activity which is good for your health. Just knowing this will make the negative effects go away or minimize them by a lot, because placebo is real. By letting me tell you that stress doesn't affect you in a bad way, it will literally stop affecting you in a bad way. It's insane that it works, but it does.
No. 2204774
>>2204744Kek a man hitting a women is about the most unmanly a man can get.
> What’s that bitch boy? Going to get testerical and hit someone weaker than you because they hurt your feefees? Waaaah. I need violence to make people act how I want!!!Now a man that beats the shit out of another man for spitting/groping or harassing a women, that’s a man. But a man who’d raise his hand to women or children is a toddler that never grew out of the hitting phase when baby doesn’t get what he wants.
No. 2204781
>>2204632>>2204628I meant needy in a "i love you so much please stay with me i do everything!" and not in a " TALK TO ME YOU CHEATER BITCH IM GOING TO KILL MYSELF AND SEND YOU PICS OF MY CORPSE" way. Imagine having a sweet boyfriend who buys you flowers, chocolate, jewels , makes you drawings without you having to ask for it. Sounds like paradise right?
>>2204629yes they rarely exist unfortunately but if we make a sweet wholesome bf psyop will moids adapt to it?
>>2204635I hate the "twin flame is le abuser that needs to be fixed " meme, why don't these spiritual women just chase their soul mate instead of the abuser flame ? Some tarot readers tell women the man they are asking a reading about is a piece of shit but they won't listen to the readers and they will keep chasing the shitty
abusive moid like he is some sort of
victim mysterious boy.
No. 2204783
>>2204774You seriously think words are solely going to get you out of conflict? No wonder a lot of women are always
victims, you seriously think being a deer in the headlights and trying to console people with words is how you get things done. Even the most evil of scrotes figured that words don’t do shit, they eventually just escalate to action. Most women are such weak cowards like the men they chase after, disgusting
No. 2204790
>>2204783>>2204777alrighty then, have fun getting beaten to a pulp by
abusive scrotes
No. 2204798
>>2204793Stop with the blogposting nobody would care if you died tomorrow
>>2204792Yeah I said that twitterfaggot, we know your kind can’t really read without some letters missing from the words
(calm down) No. 2204821
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>>2204744In my mind Lana Del Ray thinks like this. Do you want the swamp man too nona?
No. 2204822
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>>2204744"I need a scrote to at least be honest and smack the shit out of me when I get out of line"
Bait used to be believable.
No. 2204840
>>2204835No, because the person I’m thinking of is 18. If you’re not her than whatever, but she typed like you and I’m pretty sure despite being incredibly cowish (was even posted here once 1-2 years ago) I’m pretty sure she went on LC.
>orgasmless sexHow is your “dominant scrote” giving you orgasms
No. 2204841
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The harshest truth an anon could have is that most anons would fuck a Hunter Schaefer tranny just by their standards alone and it makes me cringe
No. 2204849
>>2204846I do actually have a crush on her yeah, so I was hoping it was her
>heccingPlease stop, even as a joke.
No. 2204851
>>2204843Have you not been here when Euphoria was still getting episodes? Plenty of them were practically lusting after him just because he was white with milky skin and anorexic.
No. 2204899
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>>2204848I think if your bf has a porn addiction that must mean he’s secretly gay, usually straight normalfag guys in relationships will just communicate their sexual needs to you and get the party goin’ instead of going straight to the computer
No. 2204916
>>2204895Kek, nonna
>>2204901I'm convinced those 2 (3?) are just coping/naive. Also, i kind of expected more anons would vote, would be fun.
No. 2204986
>>2204949Agreed, but the closet alcoholics get so
triggered whenever you say anything about it
No. 2204994
>>2204949People don't care. Extremely
toxic drugs like cocaine are favoured by retards because it passes through your system rapidly because your body tries its hardest to expel it; so it's also easier to evade drug tests
No. 2205022
>>2205011Tbh I think bisexuality is the most common orientation, I know some anons will seethe at that opinion though. I think it’s bi > straight > gay
>>2205013So many women end up finding grindr on their “straight” moid’s phone, kek. A lot of gay and bi men also love DL men and have almost a fetish for them cheating on their girlfriends and wives with men. They especially love if both men seem straight and the woman thinks the other man is just a friend or coworker. It’s really common too. Also remember when conservative men were gathering to see Trump (or some republican I don’t remember) grindr crashed from having too much traffic in that city
No. 2205632
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the only correct and based way to have sex as a woman is having sex with hot young lean moids with good skin, long thick hair on their heads, symmetrical and proportionate features and non dysgenic skull. dont go below picrel looks wise otherwise youre a pickme.
No. 2205655
>>2205636mackenyu arata
>>2205638this type of thinking is what leads men to not take care of themselves bc "gay". Masculinity is a gross and ugly downward spiral in all areas physical and mental. I don't care about what a moid thinks or wants, if he is hot i will objectify and sexualize him, stop handing over the hot men to faggots.
No. 2205687
>>2205674femininity = being a woman
being born as a female = being a woman
What is there not to understand here? You’re saying biological women need to act the way you want or else she’s not a woman? This is how troons are made.
No. 2205722
>>2205718like grow the fuck up oh my god. if you could complete a degree you could hold a shitty minimum wage job. you just threaten to kill yourself and make people support your nasty lazy ass out of guilt. that is literally exactly what the crackhead who lied about being sober tried to do when she called me past the time hotels closed saying she needed me to pay for a place to stay. your parents are your abuse
No. 2205787
>>2205772Yeah, it would nice but it doesn’t mean I think I deserve it, just like I would love a million dollars but we all can’t get what we want obviously. I’m 22, and I actually do enjoy working and productive I would just like a little bit of reasonable accommodation, and I think other disabled people deserve it too.
>>2205775I had a note and it was denied by my workplace for being “too vague”. A lot of the times you don’t even need an official doctor’s note and I still had one. A lot of the time all you have to do is fill out a form at HR. I didn’t get fired, I quit because of this and other things that ruined my mental health and now have another job. Where did I ever say I was fired?
No. 2205805
>>2205799can you send me some weed
>>2205800i weight 100% proud to be an american where at least i know i’m free
and i won’t forget the men who’ve died
who gave that right to me
No. 2205810
>>2205807I'll gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
No. 2205836
>>2205825The funny thing is, you could call any
nonny in this thread fat and approximately 60% of the time, you’d be right.
No. 2205847
>>2205837fix me
nonny, I want to defeat the patriarchy with you
No. 2205915
>>2205884Perfect! I'll start trying to find a good cave. I could be like Baba Vanga.
>>2205887Geographically and geopolitically it'd be dumb to nuke where I live (because my country is a nothingburger trade post) but maybe I'm taking it too literally.
>>2205895Used to research everything about nukes and Chernobyl when I was a teen but not recently. It's been an on and off thing since and I'm not really sure what the triggrs because I don't follow the news or anything like that.
>>2205898Unfortunately I'd kill all the plants by accident but if we get chickens and geese in the bunker I'd be pretty good at dealing with those.
No. 2206054
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>>2206008>>2205734How do people think NEET is a Japanese thing when the acronym is made up of English words KEK
No. 2206062
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>>2205734Yet another example of why race bait is allowed, but only against white people.
No. 2206080
>>2205680>apparently my bf is a pedophile? explain
>>2205734Being a hikki or NEET is the only reasonable reponse to society. That is my unpopular opinion. The fact that wagies have the audacity to look down on their nose at it like I wasn’t happier back when all I did was chat to online friends, play video games and worship my husbandos than whatever the fuck I’m doing now. Jealousy
No. 2206082
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>>2206070Yes I agree but I don't think the split attraction model is real I just think the average person leans towards the opposite sex. IIRC when moids get drunk they tend to feel more attraction towards other scrotes or something like that. I think that the average person is technically bisexual they just suppress it. I also think homosexuality is real, just very rare (coming from a homosexual myself) and that the pandemic and the rise of social media has led to more people falsely calling themselves gay because they think ANY form of same sex attraction makes them gay. This is shown in studies too where some women, despite still acknowledging attraction towards scrotes, still call themselves lesbian. I don't think any sexuality should ever be the "norm" but we need to start recognizing the fact that bisexuals probably make up ALOT of the population
No. 2206343
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lesbian "femcels" exist. the "men fuck anything" argument used to disprove the existence of heterosexual female incels does not apply to lesbians. I've literally never seen an argument used against the existence of lescels that cant also apply to male incels.
No. 2206618
>>2206578NTAYRT. That's because you have to be a cocksucker to engage in society. Men get mad when other men are simps and call them out, but when women do humiliating degrading shit and you call them out, then the psychology of the responses you get is the weirdest shit I have ever seen in my entire life, I believe other women would perpetrate a real with hunt against you as a revange for you calling them that. On top of that you are insulting women who find a selfless
towards men, degrading act gross, then talk about how we all are selfish as humans therefore women don't love men, contradicting your point. Women love men deeply and unconditionally, if they didn't they wouldn't even be cocksuckers, but instead call other women cocksuckers as men call other men simps. The reason why men aren't selfless in sex, because they have a different position in sex so their sexual attraction to a woman doesn't equal love, submission of selflessness duh. Women supposedly don't love men in your mind, but also women who hate degrading acts that revolve around servicing dick are a losers who don't go outside.
No. 2206886
>>2206870As someone who has three older sisters, two of whom were physically
abusive to me, I have to disagree hard.
No. 2207082
>>2207068I mean what part of it is erotic to you? having power over the moid and watch him beg to be set free?
>>2207071I don't get how it can be hot I was choked and it felt cringy and I wanted to laugh, im not hating I used to think being choked would be hot but turns out I didn't find it hot
No. 2207161
>>2206879>>2206886>>2206934>>2206940>>2207026Sorry to all of you who have had bad sisters and don't agree, especially those of you who struggled/struggles with
abusive sisters, I do hope that is not a situation that you have to confront often. I was speaking more in a general sense and not on individual experiences. I will say the nonas who bring up the emotional labour older/oldest sisters have to burden themselves with is a very
valid point, this definetly happened to my older sister but she has grown from that (while still being caring as a loved one should).
>>2206908I know what you mean nona, mine is the same with her being successful. It used to make me feel bad too and I would feel awful in comparison but maturing/aging naturally made me feel happier for her success rather than sad for my lack thereof. I hope you have the same development too, being siblings doesn't mean you'll be a 1:1 copy, you're your own person and naturally so will your life accomplishments and success.
>>2206940Sorry to hear, I don't have much I can say other than I do hope it improves for you and you can eventually have a good relationship with your sisters if that's something you'd like.
>>2207037Yay! ILY nona, nice older sisters are awesome.
No. 2207193
>>2207082>having power over the moidProbably that. I think it stemmed from when I was a kid, I used to get into physical fights with my male relatives a lot.
>>2207097It's just a matter of using your weight, really.
No. 2207260
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I dont have a problem with bait instigators its the tards that bite it and start 100+ posts about it that annoy me. i mean you could argue it would never happen had the batier not baited in the first place but I get a kick out of people ignoring it and the baiter ends up looking insane and retarded.
No. 2207263
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>>2207242This, feet had a huge trend back at that time.
No. 2207311
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>>2207280Little more context to the pic I posted
No. 2207384
>>2205544By this logic, wouldn't women be more pedophilic than men or at least on the same level? But an interesting theory nonetheless.
>>2207288I agree, this isn't normal. Everybody should wake up with the sun instead of artificial time. You're right, it'd be so much healthier.
>>2207260Kekkkk. Next thread pic, plsss.
No. 2207398
>>2207369Twin Peaks as a narrative and story was leagues above everything else he's ever splooged out, Eraserhead was fun and what I expected most of his work to be like but instead it's like some octogenarian with alzheimers behind the camera with a posse of pretentious art students who manage to convince him to add
this retarded detail and
this retarded idea into it. I agree that Twin Peaks, the story of it, is fucking strange with the incestuous rape of Laura, as well as Lynch's other weird fetish of some dark haired femme fatale trying to seduce the innocent man, this time she's a high schooler and he's a detective, oh what fun! His male characters are extensions of himself while 50% of his female characters are essentially personal waifu wankbait and the other 50% are devious darksided waifu wankbait. There's always some element of the woman having her innocence destroyed and ruined in whatever old-ass coomer way. I guess Twin Peaks only gets applauded because it was the normie's first introduction to Lynch and the story is really dark for normie TV, but still. Lynch is a misogynist pig who hides behind shitty avant garde screenplays. Plus he's into that meditation cult. He's a fucking joke and a hack fraud and I'm so fucking tired of people claiming he's some mastermind. I don't want to watch what is essentially some old fuck's boomer wet dream filtered through the lens of phony arthouse aesthetics.
No. 2207405
>>2207398To add onto this, Lynch's dogshit filmography is basically a shorthand to signal to people that you're ~not normie~. He's like the selfhating normiefag's way of signaling that they're
really into movies and that they like
obscure and
strange movies which means they like
good movies, yes, better movies than YOU! It's so annoying. They could not tell you a single thing Lynch is conveying through his shitty movies but they
will tell you it was GREAT! OMG!! WHAT A MASTERFUL DIRECTOR!! He throws shit at the wall and some of it sticks with some people trying to give him a chance. It's like pop astrology, Lynch is pop experimental cinema.
No. 2207632
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People who love all foam beds (which is most people at this point) got played big time by marketing.
>they’re so superior in quality and cheaper than traditional mattresses to boot!
No they’re not fool you got psyopped. You really think some rolls of foam that’s like 90% air cost more resources or effort than double layer pocket springs, layers of foam and other Material, more microcoils and gel foam topped with a pillow top? They’re cheap because they’re ass. They are ALL either like sleeping on your grandmas parlor plank feeling couch or doing a belly flop off a 20ft diving board
No. 2207917
>>2207914Wish this wasn't unpopular. Women manage to prove every damn day that we can have fetishes and not let it interfere with our lives.
>"hurr durr it's just a part of muh personality"Wish it was acceptable to tell those folks "Then your personality needs work."
No. 2208079
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My unpopular opinion is that I strongly prefer OCs, marysues, self-inserts over (racialized) projection. I just hate seeing my favorite character turned into a tumblr mockery. In pic rel, she would be better off as an OC, inspired by a favorite charcter
No. 2208083
>>2208012Nah they’re both gross. The bottoms are way too confident in talking about women as if it’s their place. The top ones are annoying too.
A man who takes it up his shithole and one who puts it into a shithole has no right to talk about women.
No. 2208268
>>2208263cause they crave attention,
nonny. i remember way back in 2011 or 2012 when instagram first became a thing and tumblr was really starting to take off, and suddenly everyone was posting themselves and trying to become popular kek. and mind you this was also back when “social media” was actually for the purpose of socializing, not trying to uphold an aesthetic or build a business or career. Everyone thought they were a model all of a sudden, and it’s only gotten worse since then lmfao
No. 2208274
>>2208263I know this might be a foreign concept to you, but some people do actually use social media to keep up with friends and family, and some people
do want to see what their friends and family are up to, how their lives are going, etc. Especially if they haven’t seen each other in a long time.
No. 2208310
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>>2208079>>2208259The point of Vocaloid is free, creative reimagining, so I think you picked a bad example for this. Might as well yell at the Japanese people behind Calne Ca or Yamine Aku.
Anyone who'd be provoked by that drawing would be going against the intent of the franchise and its characters as a whole.
No. 2208317
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>>2208310Miku even has a canon edgy recolour kek
No. 2208364
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>>2208335NTA, I thought that trend was a lot of fun, way better than most of the other art trends. It was nice seeing all the different cultural interpretations. The only people getting mad at it were weird racists, and they don't create anything, anyway
No. 2208369
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>>2208335I'm sure they got mad at the trend's originator as well.
No. 2208431
>>2208380he cited you as a reason his next
victim was lying
No. 2208579
>>2208364Like nonna kek. It’s funny how she just pointed out the black miku.
It’s not fucking deep, especially when you don’t keep the same energy with Caucasian people who do cosplay. You retarded weeaboos are always the same.
No. 2208685
>>2208611obesity is bad but im all for women living their lives however they choose and doing what makes them happy, if thats being a bit overweight and eating burgers then so be it. who cares about 'pretty face' what does that get you, 10-20 years of creepy moid attention tops and a few more likes on tiktok?
lets be honest, most people dont care about womens weight out of health concerns, its always men reeing because a woman has dared to be unattractive to their tastes. fat moids dont get shamed or body policed anywhere near as much as fat women do, even though men are fatter on average. society really hates when women dont appeal to conventional attractiveness. they hate when women take up space.
No. 2208726
>>2208685I never said I found them ugly, I even said they are beautiful kek. I just think that it’s wasted potential and health. You get to live only once, take care of your body at least.
Being fat is unhealthy, visceral fat is linked to many diseases, from high blood pressure , coronary disease , diabetes and so on. Carrying extra weight is not healthy and will never be, body positivity isn’t “yass you look amazing! Who cares! Eat ! Eat!”.
Fat men are ugly and gross, unlike fat women though, them fat men always speak on women when they should just shut up.
No. 2208762
>>2208445they accuse their exes of being pedos in the same breath as they perform bdsm ddlg shit for the new one and then say the actual rape
victims are lying.
No. 2208782
>>2208779i wonder how many
victims you’ve helped create.
No. 2208788
>>2208782Sorry but just bc some scrotes can’t separate fantasy and reality doesn’t make me complicit in possible future crimes they could commit based off fucking roleplay games. What a stupid argument. Reminds me of people saying FPS games and GTA type games will make people want to commit crimes when they are GAMES. That’s like saying bc I banged another 15 year old when I was 15 what if they’re always going to be into 15 year olds and how many pedo
victims did I create. It doesn’t track and that’s not how accountability works.
No. 2208826
>>2208726>I just think that it’s wasted potential and health. You get to live only once, take care of your body at least. >Being fat is unhealthy, visceral fat is linked to many diseases, from high blood pressure , coronary disease , diabetes and so on. Carrying extra weight is not healthyThis is what I also think about fat people, but then I remember I vape and drink and tell myself to stop being a hypocrite
Everyone has their own vices
It's just a lazy ego-boost to feel superior over some dumb shit that is none of my business anyway
No. 2208841
>>2208834It’s the normalization of this bullshit that brought us here in the first place. Kinks should stay behind doors, not normalized. Choking, slapping and pretending to rape isn’t fucking normal, I don’t care if it gets you off. Don’t come here acting as if it’s not harmful and just something cutesy and fun.
Men now assume that any woman likes this bullshit, blame it on porn, media and retarded women like you.
No. 2208863
>>2208851>>2208834ayy fellow Skillet fan
Tbh I think cnc isn't good either tho it's true you're not responsible if the moids go on to commit crimes. Just curious, did none of the moids that did those kinks with you ever become
abusive or coercive?
No. 2208933
>>2208841>Men now assume that any woman likes this bullshitThey were going to rationalize raping you one way or another.
Not our fault.
>blame it on porn, media and retarded women like youBlame it on anything but the men lol
No. 2209090
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thigh gap = loose pussy(bait)
No. 2209092
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also farmhands need to get a real job or kys
No. 2209283
>>2209279Some of you really think that you’re the epitome of greatness just for your skin color and that any
POC women envies you kek and that any man so badly wants you. Wish you could put this energy in actually something concrete. Scrote of any ethnicity are misogynistic and a potential threat to any woman and yet you’re here focusing on hypothetical angry black women. You’re just a bunch of racists.
This is why I don’t believe in any kind of female solidarity in the first place. Fuck you all.
(taking the bait) No. 2209286
>>2209280White men kill more white women
Black men kill more black women
Middle eastern men kill more middle eastern women
Yet you are here pointing your fingers in the opposite direction.
(samefagging) No. 2209289
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I wonder how other mixed anons feel when stupid ass race war debates happen. Watching two groups fight even though my DNA came from both, yet I have no real say in the matter. Cause I'm just a little half-breed baby. Yeah I'm just a little half-breed baby. Listen to Iron Maiden maybe with me!
No. 2209291
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Might not be an unpopular opinion here but death of the author is not a real thing. An author is a human being, their beliefs and opinions are going to bleed into everything they make because that's their perception of the world and that's what they are creating from, and so separating the work from a creator just because you disagree with them is fucking retarded in that sense. Even in cases where the creator of something has committed horrible crimes that's stupid, they made that work you like and as unfortunate as it is horrendous, disgusting people can be smart, they can be funny or interesting etc. The Australian head hunter Chopper Read immediately comes to mind to me as a good, though slightly schizophrenic, example.
I'm not saying you have to agree with what they do/did or you must be beat over the head to remind you of what they've done continuously and guilted for liking it (unless it's like Lucifer Valentine tier bullshit, then you should be bullied mercilessly), but pretending something exists in a vacuum just discredits your critical thinking and the work the author put in. Most of the men who wrote the classics or painted the most recognised artworks or composed the most historically important songs were vile and worth less than the sole of a shoe, but that context shapes where they came from when they made what they did, and I think it's important to recognise that even the people considered the best can be pieces of shit. Again, not endorsing anything they've done, personally I'd beat Dotoyevsky with a hot poker if I could despite the fact that I really like The Devils.
Pic unrelated I just wanted to share it.
No. 2209302
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No. 2209304
>>2209301Yeah it's a trolling scrote probably
Anyway, my unpopular opinion is that food with fillings is overrated. Especially cream or jam fillings. Jam donuts I really don't like.
No. 2209323
>>2209318I keep asking and nobody ever gives me an answer: what is the punchline to that thread? It said "Everyone in the restaurant when the black woman starts ordering spaghetti"
Is this some cultural stereotype unknown to non-burgers?
No. 2209435
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Too many women invest themselves in listening to men's opinions, and going out of their way to do the opposite of what those men say they want. It's a fun little troll or whatever every once in a while, but then some of them turn it into their whole MO, and it gets stupid. You're still enslaved to men's desires and commands, dummy, and we all know they pretend to hate things they actually like all the time. It's even dumber when it's done by a certain brand of straight women who still looks to men for companionship above all else. I'll always hate retarded pickmes who attack other women for male crumbs far more, but this kind of behavior irks me too.
It's better in the long run to just ignore men, figure out what you actually want, and do that without being concerned about some scrote's useless dick and whether he'll like it. I get that there are also a lot of girls and women who struggle with that because their entire understanding of themselves is tied around men's opinions and "gaze", but idk, you have to leave that phase at some point and exist for yourself, whether aesthetically, in your hobbies, lifestyle, career, etc.
No. 2209438
>>2209291bugs me as well that death of the author is also often used to enable wildly off-base analysis that's more about the person writing it (ironic, I guess kek) than the work they're using as a springboard for their soapbox/pet issues. I also don't like the idea of going out of your way to ignore any clarifications/further discussion by the author of a work post-publication when doing analysis/critique, as while the work should stand on its own for the average audience, once you start taking it seriously enough to discuss in a more academic/intellectual way, ignoring those things feels more like a petty disinterest in researching and maybe having one of your cheap arguments undermined (eg if you decide a fantasy creature reminds you of a race of people, but the author says no, it's kinda odd to me to run with that as an argument without changing tack at least a bit in response). Some people just want their own 'interpretations' to be king, and death of the author and similar concepts are just an easy way to make that so.
Lovecraft is a good example imo, since so many have recently profited off of his ideas/shtick through games and novels etc, while also being sure to publicly denounce and ridicule him for his beliefs and behaviours– ignoring that him being a wretched spaz is a core element of why his stories are the way they are and have the themes/ideas that they do. I don't care for him/his work, but the behaviour surrounding it is interesting.
No. 2210227
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The madagascar franchise is the worst dreamworks series
No. 2210489
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>>2210472Can you explain your reasoning? Personally I feel like it doesn't really fit any of the criteria in picrel.
No. 2210521
>>2210489I’m saying it mainly because I feel like it really is going to replace real artists and it kind of frightens me. Look at how it’s basically everywhere now, shits fucked
>>2210490Wouldn’t this cause copyright issues down the line?
No. 2210524
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I think these types of posts and the people who post them are incredibly insufferable. I'm not denying that they probably got fucked over by bad people but constantly having to post about how you were the good person just gives off an annoying victim mentality in the long run. The same type of person who posts about how they're such a sweet empath who's hunted every day by today's evil narcissistic mean society.
No. 2210525
>>2210521It's just fearmongering, AI is going to be used for easy to consoom content and that's about it, like memes, visual filler and that's about it, it's how it's being used.
Otherwise anyone with some gray matter knows that it has zero value unlike the art made by someone with some skills.
It's like the people saying that libraries will stop existing, that translators will be bots and that teachers will be replaced by AI, the human part is needed whether we want it or not.
At some point, this need to use technology as a crutch for everything will bring consequences, I don't know when or how, but something that may not be the most favorable consequence will happen, and I hope I can see someone fucking up really bad after using AI, it will be funny kek.
No. 2210548
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>>2210521AI is getting to the point where the people using it who aren't engagement farms or tech bros or porn addicts are saying they're getting fatigued because they don't know what to do with the hundreds or thousands of images they've generated. It's very hard to get fatigued over real art.
Also to answer that last part, yes it does cause issues with copyright. Apart from deep fake porn and generated CSEM, both of which need way more coverage than they get, that's one of the big problems with AI generated images.
>>2210537AYRT, similar to you it's made me serious about my own art and pushed me to just make stuff because I enjoy doing so. AI has made me appreciate real art way more and I've been doing autistic research about it's history and all the different movements and frames etc.
No. 2210553
>>2210524I'm a cynical person by default so I can sniff out red flags like nobody's business so I try really hard to not judge people who are more trusting but holy shit, sometimes it really is exhausting listening to these people because jesus fucking christ how hard is it to learn? Like how can you keep trusting the wrong people all the time. They must be trusting every single person who crosses their path I genuinely can't imagine being so blind to everyone's intentions, surely you just
know after a few times?
No. 2211190
>>2211140Those women really did pave the way but it didn’t become such a sticking point until gay scrotes and single moids started crying about their inability to have a baby accessory and that’s it’s unfaaaaair.
I feel so bad for the kids who will come of such coercive reproductive methods. It’s not fun growing up feeling like no one loves you and that the only reason anyone wants you is as a status symbol/emotional support pet (or sex toy like I suspect is the main motivation for a lot of the scrotes jumping on board). It’s also got to be strange for the infant to go from hearing their mothers voice and environment to a strangers and some unknown place.
No. 2211206
>>2211140I completely understand why a woman wouldn't want to go through pregnancy/childbirth, even a rich one who would have access to the best healthcare, but imo it's still extremely selfish because there's
already an alternate option. Why don't they adopt an infant and give it a better life? Yes I know adoption isn't a perfect system either, but taking a child out of a completely hopeless situation and at least
trying to give it a better life is more ethical than the reproductive slavery of third world women. But then I guess they wouldn't have "muh genes" in their narcissistic tailor-made living dolls.
No. 2211581
>>2211487Kek , easy to say this until you get
>resistant gonorrhea. Did you know that green and smelly discharge will come out of your vag? Fun right? > syphilis> HIV, which you can never get rid of. > papilloma that can trigger cervical uterine cancer and again you can never get rid of. Also you’ll have warts in your cooch too kek. >herpes that never goes away and you’ll have frequent flares up. >Mycoplasma>Trichomoniasis>Hepatitis BAnd fun fact you can get them on your throat too kek.
Fuck around and your genitals become fucking disgusting and you get sick too. People are fucking dirty, given that they sleep with others too and don’t even bother to get tested, protect yourself. You’re a retard nonna kek.
No. 2211595
>>2211587I think that some women are like that sure. But most women calling out old scrote don’t do it our of jealousy, but to call out the behavior and protect young women.
Money isn’t worth exposing yourself to abuse. These relationships are often very imbalanced in favor of the man. These 60 year old go after 20 year olds, it’s fucking gross. And someone recognizing how they got deceived years on and then calling it out isn’t jealousy.
No. 2211604
>>2211595>>2211599Nonnas , matter aside, do you think you could fight off a 60 year old male kek? I’m asking out of curiosity.
I’d like to say yes for myself, hit them hard on the joints, but I dunno. Does strength decline to the point that they can be easily fought off? I might start beating elderly men if it’s a yes, they would deserve it since they certainly committed shitty things against women in their earlier years.
No. 2211636
>>2211618>but not always? See, it only takes one time nonna. You get with the wrong scrote once and you either end with the itchiest pussy and burn while you pee and are forced to take antibiotics for two weeks or you fuck up your immune system forever. It’s not cute or quirky.
Some of you are so retarded and play around as if you have 9 lives in order to chase dick.
No. 2211832
>>2209283The fatal mentality flaw of a black woman is wanting solidarity from anyone. From black men, from women, from other
POC. She should only interact with likeminded women and keep her energy for herself.
No. 2212113
>>2211988>>2212014BMI is total bullshit that doesn't take into account important factors like muscle mass and bone density which vary greatly from person to person.
I wish people would stop taking it as gospel, it's too reductive a metric to be universally applied. It's just a broad reference point, not a law.
But people are quick to grab onto simplified concepts even when it's something as important as their health
No. 2212158
I'm not saying the climate crisis isn't real and I 100% think it needs to be mitigated (as well as pollution and unsustainable farming practices etc.) but I think people forget that there's always been bizarre weather events and natural disasters.
Examples are; the devasting floods in England and the Netherlands in 1099, 1287, 1421, floods in China during 1939 that killed half a million people directly and then potentially millions died of the famine caused by it, New England Hurricane of 1938, Hurricane Hazel in 1954, Hurricane Fifi in 1974, Johnstown Flood- and I'm not cherry picking the worst of the worst these are just random ones I remember, I could go on and on and on. You could argue that poor preventative measures, government support, housing materials and lack of proper healthcare could have greatly blown up the number of casualties and the damage caused, and I wouldn't disagree but you also can't really predict when like forty tornadoes will spring up on a single day (April 11 1965). The danger of climate change is that it will cause more of these events to occur, however sometimes there's just absolutely fucked natural disasters and all you can do is heed warnings and try to take preventative measures.
No. 2212227
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Nonas on this site commenting on female bodies and faces calling them mid or ugly when they are conventionally attractive are jealous and bitter women who think this site is the female 4chan or moids trying to cause infighting.
>b-b-b-but looks are subjective!
Shut up you know there is a clear difference between an ugly woman, average woman, and a gorgeous woman go to therapy for your self esteem issues and stop projecting your personal insecurities. Any appearance nitpicking on women should be an instant 30 day ban and any threads made to shit on women for their appearance should be culled. We hear it all the time from the world at large, there’s no need to bring it here. Go to twitter to moan about xyz celebrity or cow being butt ugly in your eyes, you’ll get the attention you crave jaundiced chans.
No. 2212376
>>2212370Also how are you even going to "make more babies" when in your prime years you are spending money on education instead of earning it to provide for said baby
No. 2213234
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>>2213223I hate Elistraee. I just don't like her and hate how WOTC flogs the heck out of her. Literally every fan I've met of hers is also creepy and greasy. Vhaeraun is infinitely more interesting and I like his plans for the drow better.
>Also Corellon isn't good he's chaotic neutral and a major asshole to boot. I will not take criticism.You'd better not. You're completely right.
No. 2213419
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>>2213379I find that just like boymoms acting like they want to fuck their own sons, brothergirls act like they're the only ones who can understand their brother(s) and act like they want to date them.
No. 2213975
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Muscles are ugly. It makes the thighs look horse-shaped and it just looks so unnatural and uncanny. Women are supposed to have body fat.
No. 2214091
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>>2213975She probably has those muscles built up for a reason because you would have to focus on them quite a lot to get that muscular.
Also I don't know, in comparison to moid's weird steroid legs her's look normal as muscly legs go.
No. 2214104
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>>2212227Honestly, I agree. You can really tell which comments are being said by the type of person to larp as a perfect 10/10 IRL. The type of person who never learned that a person being retarded and full of shit doesn't necessarily mean they're physically unattractive.
No. 2214159
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saw this on tumblr, and notes are divided between people screeching ABOOOOSE and people agreeing with post. but, as an adult, if i knew some coworker or friend said that to their kids, i would lose any and all respect for them.
Bitch, YOU are the adult and YOU made the kid, you HAVE to provide for them. "hurr durr, they will live in my house for free and i will have to spend a lot of money on them". like, no shit retard, you will have to provide for another human being for at least 14 years if you spawn. how fucking stupid can you be. and then, instead of growing up and dealing with the fact that they are parents, they bitch and moan about it to their children. where the fuck is your self respect? how much of a little bitch do you have to be to lose face in front of a fucking kid?
No. 2214176
>>2214159Agreed. It’s an
abusive rhetoric. If you feel that way about your child you shouldn’t have a fucking child. My parents made sure I never fucking forgot and privacy was never allowed because it was their house. Did they think that would somehow override my disabilities and lack of independence? Nope, made it worse, congrats on having a dysfunctional 30 year old living with you. Sometimes I wish I had a sibling just so I could have been the golden child and mooch off my sibling but then only having one kid was one of the few things they did right. Still blows my mind that I wasn’t a mistake and was planned. I’d feel more sympathy for them if I was a mistake but no they purposefully wanted a kid to abuse. “We did so much better than our parents and weren’t as bad as the absolute pieces of shit we were friends with!” Hate that excuse
No. 2214785
>>2214747Yeah, they all seem to be getting those ugly manjaws
>>2214187They all end up looking like Jeffrey Star
Manjaws+jigsaw cheeks+lip filler= Jeffrey Star
No. 2214818
>>2214799I understand why people might think a child ship is cute and even why they'd draw like, a
few wholesome pictures of them hanging out, but being a legit huge fan of one as an adult is weird imo kek
No. 2214887
>>2214159This is why young people are entitled. We all owe our lives and wellbeing to society, most of all our parents, from the very moment we were born.
Nobody asked to be born and it's not fair to be indebted from the start, but life isn't fair.
No. 2214902
It used to be you are endebted to your parents, and you pay the debt off by raising your children.
But then good contraception was invented and threw the whole thing off
No. 2214926
>>2214887What if I didn’t want to be born nonna kek?
Parents owe it to their children, it’s not the other way around.
If you had a child now , you seriously think that child should be indebted to you because you had sex and decided to keep your offspring even if you are piss poor and can’t afford shit?
No. 2214940
>>2214887People who become parents could've gone childless, but they wanted the social prestige and feeling of "life completion" that came with having kids. For some of them, it's just a matter of refusing to use contraception, or they just didn't want to make the hard choice of aborting. That's not the child's fault, so they shouldn't be indebted.
I'd even go as far as to say that if you have a child while poor and lacking in resources/mental health to give them a great outcome, you owe them for wasting their life just so you could say you "have a kid" or "have kids". Too many stupid men impregnating women in a narcissistic bid to clone themselves, and idiot women thinking having a baby will solve a bad relationship, then relying on said kids in emotionally incestuous entanglements (especially if they're sons).
No. 2214955
>>2214909Well you are wrong. You are presuming some level of parental work is free. Nothing you expend energy, effort and time in is free. This goes for all beings, but should have been made clear to you by the feminist movement. Parents don't owe you shit, it's the other way around.
>>2214926>What if I didn’t want to be born nonna kek? Tough luck
>>2214940I agree
No. 2214976
>>2214887>We all owe our lives and wellbeing to societybeing part of a well functioning society comes with duties and responsibilities. a child is a parents responsibility. by speaking of debt and "you own me your life!!!" these parents are acting like they are doing a favor to their kids. no, they are doing their minimum duty as functional members of a society by keeping their spawn taken care of and out of the streets.
it's like picking your own dog's shit and then posting on facebook "i am such a great person, keeping the street clean for the street sweepers!!!!"
No. 2214983
>>2214976You literally owe your life to your parents. Literally. They made you and raised you.
Comparing children to dogshit is… something
No. 2215011
>>2214887>>2214926>>2214976Parents holding the debt of life over their kids is a very stupid, retarded idea. You end up with kids with no ambition of their own, worst case scenario caretakers that will probably just kill themselves as soon as the parent is gone.
A kid should not see themselves as debt slaves for the parent.
No. 2215014
>>2215007Okay but this is a retarded hypothetical because
someone will still have to raise those robot-born babies kek
No. 2215025
>>2215009It makes them entitled to basic shit, like their own space and some possessions. It's backward to choose to have children, then tell your offspring "Alright, little bitch, I did
so much for you just by virtue of your existence, you owe me" when you're the one that wanted a kid. No one forced you.
>>2215007True, a lot of kids get put up for adoption. Parents rightfully lose out on relationships and rights for things like neglect and child abuse, as well. In reality, just use a condom if you're not ready to raise a kid. They're not organic slaves or servants, kek. Caring for your child is nature, you aren't entitled to continue your "bloodline" or whatever for free with no work.
No. 2215049
>>2215040>>2215042It's the counter-argument
>>2214887>but life isn't fairYou were gifted life. But nobody promised it would be fair.
No. 2215056
>>2215042It's not about suing retard. If you have a child willingly it's your obligation to take care of them. It's not about giving them money , coddling them and cleaning their ass until they die, it's about being a damn parent and being there for them, not just tossing them away as soon as they're 18 or hovering the fact that they owe you 24/7.
I'm grateful for my mom because some of you nonnas suck so bad, I hope you'll never have a child kek.
No. 2215063
>>2215045No I'll just avoid reproducing, that's a lot more realistic. I'm not even mad about my health issues, they're just very inconvenient sometimes.
>>2215053I'm sure some people tried that at some point.
No. 2215066
>>2215047Okay, then go back to the past and die before reaching the age of 40, kek. Have no indoor plumbing, 7 children, most of which will die of poor health, a husband who beats you and molests the surviving kids, broken dreams and no literacy.
It's not optional to raise your children in this day and age. It's not charity or saintly work, they aren't indebted to you. Those are just the rules. You can go to jail and lose your kids for life if you don't treat your child with at least a base level of respect and humanity. No one told you to reproduce, stop pushing the blame on the offspring you made for your own irresponsibility.
People did care for their mentally/physically defective children in the past when they were materially able, by the way. There are even records of cavemen doing it. If you're less developed than a caveman, it's more proof you shouldn't reproduce.
No. 2215073
>>2215007>they didn’t have to take care of youThey literally did though kek. That’s their basic responsibility. Having a kid and deciding to give it up for adoption later on is social suicide. I owe them nothing and they owe me everything.
>>2215013Nope bitch, I’m 30, been here before you most likely. just not entitled enough to think if I choose to have children that they owe me anything at all. They would owe me nothing and I would owe them everything. That’s how being a parent works. Maybe you’re just salty bc you are seeing a look into your future where the kids you have or want to have will rightfully resent and hate you for being a shit tier parent and acting like your kids owe you something (they don’t, especially not if you act like they owe you anything for the bare minimum).
No. 2215092
>>2215083Women's recipies: balance nutrition with time and ingredient constraints as well as budget and having to feed numerous leeches after a days work
Men's recipes: full tasty slop meal for one, max indulgence max calories max gunt
No. 2215094
>>2215088I hope you one day get pregnant and that you're so happy about your child, only for them to have an incapacitating disease that doesn't kill them and it's too far to abort.
I would wish that if I was as shitty as you, but I won't for the sake of the poor child.
No. 2215104
nonny, you're free to retvrn to tradition, no anesthesia or women's rights or anything silly and irrational like that. No one will follow you besides other
abusive crazies, though, and you will eventually go to jail if any kids you have figure out how to run away or use a phone.
Even in the child-labor society you're holding up as more rational, you'd be beaten for not taking care of your kid and called a lazy useless whore if you don't ball-polish your son up until he finds another woman to do it for him, kek.
No. 2215105
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I make sure to punish my parents for birthing me by siphoning off as much of their money as possible and I suggest every nona do the same
No. 2215118
>>2215094Lol, you refused to get the abortion only to find out it wasn't the precious little miracle you'd been promised, didn't you? That it's endless, grueling work that never ends and has no reward.
Let your life stand as a warning to other women and girls, if it's retarded, abort it. You can literally just make a better one next month. Also, mentally deficient boys become sexually aggressive once they reach puberty. So that's another thing to look forward to.
No. 2215119
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There's so many strawmen in here, very spooky season
No. 2215127
>"As a parent, you are obliged to look after your child. They are not "indebted" to you for basic care.">"So you think we need to bow down to our kids and give them everything they want?!?! Entitled zoomers ugh"Kek
No. 2215139
>>2215136You played out
>>2215127 perfectly, that's amazing lmao
No. 2215142
>>2215139My point is:
Parents are not obliged to take care of their children. That's a privilege and shows the exact entitled mentality a lot of you have.
No. 2215168
>>2215158Being forced as a 14 years old kid to work at least 50 hours a week in a third world country sweatshop by your
abusive parents who don't want you to be too "smart" and independent by going to high school isn't the same as some zoomer American high school student having a part time job to get more pocket money. I thought the context here was obvious. But there are anons here stupid enough to think my mother or anyone else in this situation should still be grateful because they owe something to their parents, whatever that is, so who knows.
No. 2215170
>>2215164It's not the only,but the debt you owe to your father is something that calls for more than just working a factory job kek.
You do that and you agree to what your father wants for you. If he doesn't want you to work, you don't work. If he wants you to be his caretaker, that what you do. If he wants you to marry, then you can't go "b-but I worked a factory job for you"
No. 2215183
>>2215175Why did you ignore me here:
>>2215163? Are you a NEEThag, sucking on the state's teat and demanding we all raise the children you won't stop popping out because you value Nigel's cooooom too much?
No. 2215198
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Respect your parents nonnas!!
No. 2215219
>>2215207Your point and their point got molded together because it's still in the same discussion, the original argument was about children oweing their parents their lives. "Literally".
Loving and respecting your parents and "oweing them a debt" are two separate things anyway, though it is funny that as soon as the idea that it could mean "changing your dad's diapers" that it suddenly got dropped.
No. 2215223
>>2215201You're really just cursing yourself. My family are sane and healthy enough to have cared for me all my life without treating me like I'm in debt for being born. We care for our parents and arrange the best personal caretakers we can find for them out of love, not because we're natural born serfs. This is how it should be for everyone, and if/when I have kids, I would never be so evil and selfish as to tell them they "owe" me just for existing, that they don't have the right to anything, or any of the other stupid bullshit you said.
I don't have to hope for anything for you (and I wouldn't) because someone with your mindset will definitely die alone and miserable in an old folk's home after burning your children and making them resent you.
No. 2215253
>>2215228Unfortunately doesn't apply to ugly men.
>>2215225This entire thing is some kind of psyop for poorfags cause meanwhile the children of the rich will build businesses with their families resources and be painted as self made entrepreneurs. And the poor will be acting as if providing the basic is an act of mercy.
No. 2215388
>>2215354That's the worst part. They cry about the harsh beauty standards but then ostracize you if you tell them that you think makeup is useless and don't shave. Perpetual
victims of their own doing.
No. 2215452
>>2215395I do think the day you stop being able to go trick or treating does mark an end to an energetic, social, and youthful era of your life.
The longer it takes, the better off you are tbh.
No. 2215495
>>2215480A group of adults, possibly a group where men are there too? hell nah. They might be organized to rob me and if it’s a group of only men they might rape me too. You can never be sure nowadays.
I wouldn’t even open to children kek, maybe an adult might be hiding , waiting to ambush me.
No. 2215593
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This game should have had more than one ending.
No. 2215615
>>2215522I agree with you, it sucks so much. But i think it's possible for many women to start playing this game after they fully realise how moids are and how they play it and stop being fair or whatever. I changed my behavior in this regard after this website has opened my eyes (relatively easily, by the way), i am now petty and only team women and our interests and more aggressive towards men, as far as i can. I think we have plenty of anons here who are the same, it's not impossible to reverse for a not small number of women, imho, it's my little hope. I know it's fucking grim, i guess we can only show an example for now. Love that you have some female family members like this, you can be a team!
P.S. Wish the Personal Accountability thread on 2X was more popular, it's a good thread for sharing instructions. No. 2215759
>>2215745Every autistic male has tard rage and are always fat, selfish and borderline sociopathic
like my “brother” it’s disgusting. I would rather have an autistic sister than an autistic brother it makes even more if their XY defectiveness worse
No. 2215783
>>2215741A not so fun fact is that a 1960’s outbreak of rubella, which causes severe birth defects in fetuses, helped pave the way for abortion to be a constitutional right in the US.
Dortha Briggs sued her doctor for “wrongful birth” because if she had known she had rubella early in her pregnancy, she would have terminated it. Her daughter was born severely disabled physically and mentally. Dortha still does interviews and said the following
>“I would have given anything to have never been born. Because had I not been born, she [her daughter] would not have been born and suffered.” No. 2215800
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>>2215700That's what I've been saying for years. I know how hard my aunt breaks her back to take care of her adult son with the type of Down Syndrome that makes the person mentally on par to a literal child. She has to carefully plan and worry tirelessly about what's going to happen to him when she's inevitably gone, and it breaks my heart to know that's her life instead of having a normal son that can actually grow up, help her, and take care of himself. Every person who says they would LIKE to have a disabled child is either bluffing to moralfag, or is a genuine, naive retard themselves.