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No. 220320
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i prefer them
No. 220325
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>>220317It's basically a requirement for me to date someone.
Pictured: the shortest I prefer.
No. 220346
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>>220317Assuming he actually looked after it: fuck yeah!
I prefer one extreme or the other with men: bald or with gorgeous, long hair.
No. 220391
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If he is peter steele then yes
No. 220401
>>220394My boyfriend is the same way!! His hair is not nearly as long as your mans, but he hates wearing it down cause it itches him or gets too hot in his neck. I fucking loooooove long hair on men, preferably longer than my bfs
>>220396This is…. delicious.. thank u for introducing me to this man
No. 220411
as other anons have said, if he takes care of it why not? especially if he's okay with me braiding it lol
>>220325this or a little longer would be my ideal length on a guy tbh, very flattering but not too long. I like the same length on women as well now that I think of it, I guess I just like long bobs in general lol.
No. 220525
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>>220445>I'm actually mad that chances are I will never find a guy with beautiful hair, damn it. Same, anon. Every time I see a hot guy with long hair, he’s always taken. Seems like the long haired guys here only like ‘normal’ looking girls into mainstream fashion/music or they’re straight up fuckboys.
No. 220526
>>220408Omg this thread and these comments and this
>>220396. I'm dead.
No. 220973
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I adore long hair on guys, my fiance has long hair and I am so in love with how it looks. I have always been into man buns since before they were a meme and into guys with long hair who weren't essentially greasy emos or metalheads. I also love dreads on guys. I'm pretty much mostly into manly guys with long and dark hair, khal drogo is the man of my wet dreams, but pic related is great too. I also like the Dave grohl look. Long hair is great.
No. 220974
I'm so jelly of you that have bfs with long hair.
>>220525> Every time I see a hot guy with long hair, he’s always taken.I don't see guys with long hair that often but when I do, they'r with their gfs. Breakes my little heart.
No. 220976
am a normal mainstream girl :( But I don't think their hair or my looks/personality factor into it, there just aren't that many of them so statistically it's unlikely.
No. 220981
If he's a greasy basement dweller who's just too lazy to get it cut: no.
Otherwise: yes. Hair like
>>220325 is super attractive to me. I also like locs, I guess that can count as long hair.