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No. 2205916
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this thread is ADHD nation lol jesus christ I waste day after day hour after hour without being ACTUALLY productive
No. 2205938
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>>2205916same. I’ve had difficulty getting my meds this entire year and I always get so annoyed that my quality of life easily improves tenfold when I can routinely have them. I hate living this way.
No. 2205955
>>2205950dear (professors name)
i’m a student in your (course and time) class. last week, due to unforeseen personal circumstances i was not able to attend class or keep up with my assignments. i’m terribly sorry to have not communicated this before i ended up missing class, but i would really like to make a plan to make up for what i missed if i can be allowed. could we please set up a time to talk about making a plan?
your name.
if you aren’t able to do anything more than this, just send that email to each professor. if you can do more, alter that email with a list of what you know you missed and a proposed date for completion and ask if you could submit those assignments for partial credit. they may just give you full credit. best is to quickly submit one easy assignment before you send the email with the plan to the professor to show you've already begun the work.
next lets discuss what kept you from class and either fix it or come up with a plan for managing it.
No. 2205967
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I feel so much for you ADHD nonnas. Is there an actual strategy any of you know for managing executive dysfunction without meds? I'm an Eurotard and my country prioritizes children when it comes to getting evaluated and treated for ADHD, so I've just recently been told it could take up to a year for me to get the diagnosis. ADHD seriously makes me feel broken, not even the classic "turn off your phone and stare at the wall" Reddit tier advice works for me because my mind will just default to daydreaming (not to mention most of my coursework is online, so I can't avoid technology completely)
No. 2205973
>>2205960It’s the pharmacies around me. They have difficulty keeping the meds stocked and the majority of my medication is now produced by a different manufacturer that does not work as well for me.
because the effectiveness of the med is through the delivery method which is patented and cannot be accurately replicated at this time I cannot get the script filled with any other generic but the one that is trash, going brand name requires me paying $600 out of pocket each month. If I try to get a different manufacturer I have to argue with pharmacy staff about how yes, the generics are different. That is if they even try to help me because most will say they can’t discuss specifics about what controlled substances they do or do not have in stock due to company policy. I’ve given up at this point. I can’t spend 8+ hours every single month arguing with people and trying to track down a medication that actually helps me.
No. 2205984
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i used to suspect i might have adhd but then a bunch of cringe zoomie tards started self-diagnosing themselves with it so i defaulted back to hating myself for being a lazy bitch and thinking laziness is just a part of my personality. it doesn't help and i'm still miserable but atleast i don't have to associate with them
>>2205967>I'm an Eurotard and my country prioritizes children when it comes to getting evaluated and treated for ADHDsame except mine doesn't diagnose adhd in adults at all afaik
if i do have adhd i probably inherited from my stupid retard dumb fuck father fuck him and fuck his retarded genes
No. 2205988
>>2205962I am actually a barista right now, and I am having my neck breathed down and micromanaged 24/7. I am also horrifically bad at math. Embarrassingly so.
>>2205972I am very obsessed with coffee and brewing, I’m pretty people oriented and I would say I’m pretty good with computers. My strengths definitely lie in people and executing specific tasks, maybe some type of repetition but not TOO much repetition where it’s the exact same thing over and over or I will get bored. I also think I’m great at adapting and change and moving on the fly and like keeping busy. For example, I’m trying to move to Walmart as a personal shopper, from what I understand you’re told exactly what to get and where and what to do with it without a boss hovering you all the time. I’d like other jobs similar to that because my autism can’t handle authority and constantly being forced to do other people’s methods/be monitored by a boss.
No. 2206004
>>2205982I take Concerta or methylphenidate. Vyvanse and Adderall do nothing for me, I tried them both. Vyvanse literally makes me fall asleep and Adderall gives me a migraine while not even touching my symptoms. Nonstimulants like strattera are effective in about 50% of people who try them, I am not in the lucky half.
>is it getting you kind of highConcerta is known for being difficult to abuse. I am on the lowest dose possible. I take it and am able to get dressed, brush my teeth, and respond to emails. It wears off about six hours later.
No. 2206011
>>2205987Ngl I'm a pretty big loser in that department, only worked basic customer service jobs.
I'm thinking maybe this is the time to try and take online classes for something, but I got no idea.
No. 2206018
>>2206015i am from a shithole
nonny. my friend who went to art school here i kid you not was foorced to do mandalas as an assigment and she dindnt learn shit
No. 2206025
>>2206018okay. new solution.
nonnie.. marry me and come to vermont.
No. 2206042
>>2205998thank you for your advice nona. i'm currently in therapy for depression and my new ADs are supposed to help with attention and concentration so that's a start. i remember bringing up adhd with my first therapist and she just said "you're smart and seem calm and collected. you can't have adhd" kek. apparantly only
>>2206007>moidlets who chimp out and fight their teacherscan have adhd according to our medical system
No. 2206044
>>2206033get yourself in the right mental and emotional
alignment to bring in new relationships into your life. think about things you would like to do with other people and imagine how it will feel to do fun things with people you feel close to and comfortable with. imagine things you want. a partner to hold you. a best friend to stay up all night shooting the shit with. a group of friends to do your hobby or favorite activity with. imagine the things you would like to bring to others lives. a shoulder to cry on and being the person your best friend trusts the most. now imagine who in your life you think would like to do those things and could fulfill those roles. if you can’t see those people being the friends you need or want, then you need to open yourself out to getting out there and meeting new people.
No. 2206064
>>2205967Also European and wondering the same thing. I've flunked out of four different college courses due to having basically no executive function whatsoever. My mind just wanders off during lectures and when I'm trying to study I find it impossible to take in any more information than the first three words (that I end up reading over and over again because none of the rest of the sentence computes). Add that onto terrible time management and the world's worst sleep routine and you've got me.
In school I used to coast by by passively taking in information even when I wasn't concentrating and getting Cs on average. But college is nowhere near as structured as school was so I've been flopping like a fish out of water even though the first year of a college course isn't that much harder than the work in the last year of school.
No. 2206067
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>>2206025nta but the problem with posts like these is that if someone actually offered me this, i would actually do it. i take every chance i'm given
No. 2206138
I have such a crippling fear of commitment that I don't start anything because the idea of following through terrifies me. It's so pathetic. There are so many things I want to do and genuinely enjoy working on but I just stop myself doing it for some bullshit reason. I've had therapy before but it didn't really help with it, and I can't seem to kick my own ass into gear and get over the fear of finishing anything. Sorry if this didn't make any sense, it's just so dumb. I'm also autistic but I've never spoken to another autist who has this problem to this extent so idk
>>2206106NTA but nonna, are you me? I've also considered trying to traumatise myself to cover up the trauma of being abused kek.
No. 2206148
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The temptation to splurge on expensive lingerie is strong. Real talk though why is this $1000 and how realistic is it for an unskilled sewer to make something like this
No. 2206157
>>2206024You’re so sweet
nonny. Basically all stimulants are on a shortage now due to the increased demand. The DEA limits how much of X medication can be produced in a year and they believe there is no need to increase the amount from pre-pandemic levels. So we’re basically at a perpetual deficit of adhd meds in the country. Right now I am getting by with Ritalin 3X a day but it isn’t ideal.
Also if any nonnys are hesitant to pursue diagnosis I highly recommend it. Struggled with lifelong depression and anxiety, finally getting treated for my adhd basically solved all of my problems. Watch the lecture linked by Russell Barkley for more info about the condition.
No. 2206161
>>2206155I feel like they'd like the female attention, men are subhuman and will die unrealised anyways- so it's like smashing insects where their lives and deaths mean nothing to me on an individual level. I won't say anything more because it is suspicious criminally
No. 2206188
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>>2206172Ok what about this
No. 2206194
>>2206182i'm a hater. anyway i wonder if it's actually possible to change my personality. i took a CIA personality test the other day: and there was literally nothing good about my personality (IuFcUu).
apparently i'm emotionally detached, a narcissist, possess an underdeveloped emotional control (i'm in my late 20s), not loyal, incapable of emotional involvement unless it's for my own personal gains etc and many other abhorrent traits.
No. 2206195
>>2206189 said. You probably have your own bugs in the head. Being resentful of something you have that you dislike is a part of the way our brains are wired
No. 2206209
>>2206205there's one for being a loser at least. by the time you are 25 (being generous here) you should have established self discipline
>bbb-but muh made up adhd!!! kill yourself
and have something you are working towards.
No. 2206224
>>2206214That's a good idea tbh.
>>2206217Kind of, I have several scholarships but will probably lose them if I don't get my shit together this semester.
>>2206223This is scary
No. 2206228
>>2206226attention seeking behavior is connection seeking behavior. does that
nonnie maybe need a friend?
No. 2206248
>>2206227That's a good point! I only have one shot at this, if I fuck it up it will be significantly harder.
>>2206233I don't really know why you would think I would lie about being a lazy loser on lc. I failed Cal 2 once, but it didn't bring my GPA down low enough to lose my merit based scholarships, which I earned from having a high GPA in HS and then another from the first few easy years in college. I just never really developed good study habits and I can't coast anymore and studying is so tedious and boring, but just going to the lectures isn't enough to truly learn the material.
No. 2206274
>>2206240oh well was just trying to help by telling the hard truth. this is what i get in return huh. maybe you guys are more receptive towards parasocial rimjob like what we are witnessing in this thread where you can tell each other how
valid each of you are and cultivate a feel good ecosystem with therapy speaks and yass queening.
No. 2206282
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>>2206274If you have adhd what you said is not new or novel advice. I already know I’m a loser that’s why I’m in the advice thread. Your crabs won’t pinch me anon
No. 2206288
>>2206261You're not wrong, I am battling extreme laziness to go through college. I do think you have too rigid of a concept of what lectures are though, often times they can be really rambling. I think my main issue is that I don't study at all, at all and this is what I need to change. I also always turn in my HW late because I hate doing it it.
I live at home, but I also have a campus job at my school.
>>2206262It's a bit of a cop out I guess, but putting the responsibility onto my parents might actually be the trick. That's what got me through HS!
No. 2206330
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>>2206315he’ll easily trace a dox on 4chan back to me sadly since he’s pretty normie. Some crimes I have not forgiven him for
>cut me off mid sentence to tell me he doesn’t care what I had to say about my cat>told me I couldn’t use my dad dying as an excuse to not go out drinking with him and his friends>regularly had skidmarks in his underwear. I’m not sure he used soap actually when showering>told me I was useless and lazy and blamed me for his high stress job. I was going to school full time, working 35 hours at a wagie job, and doing all the household choresPlease don’t make fun of me I know I was dumb and won’t do it for a moid ever again
No. 2206336
>>2206330you are not dumb. you are good and he took advantage of your goodness. unfortunately the other anon is right and he does need to die for this. however this man is not worth ruining your life over. have you considered finding a witch to place a curse on him? i don’t recommend doing that yourself because it can misfire. you can also wait like two years and then dox him and he won’t know who did it. revenge is a dish best served cold and you can always just do wild shit to him two years in the future. i’m lucky i process things slowly for only that reason because it truly fucks with people to realize that people don’t forget and like remember bad things they do. it makes them wonder who else feels that way. his object permanence may have told him he got away with it and no one is talking badly about him but going after a rapist like five years after the fact is like life ruining psychologically. especially if they have more than one
victim. the paranoia is a good cage if prison isn’t happening. you could always message his other exes, i did that once and we talked for a week straight exchanging stories. that ex wasn’t super
abusive but it’s always super good when a group of women gang up on their
abusive ex and come forward about what a prick he is at the same time.
No. 2206358
>>2206346Maybe you could anonymously post about him in one of those Are We Dating the Same Guy Facebook groups? I don't know if it's revenge exactly but it might make dating harder for him and save a woman from being victimised by him.
Overall I think it's better to just be the bigger person though. Not out of a sense of morality but because nobody can justify or blame you being mistreated on you being a bitch if you don't actually do anything messy.
No. 2206375
>>2206194I did this too and I got a type similar to yours. It's IuFuUu.
The e
fu has reacted against his autism and behavioral passivity, has developed a sense of responsibility, and recognizes the need to sublimate or displace most of his primitive self-centeredness and emotionality. However, very little of his displacement is toward active social-interpersonal relationships; it is more likely to be individual but socially relevant intellectual and procedural activities. His need to be active in a social sense is limited, but, as a result, his vocational or avocational interests are intense and compelling. In most instances, the efu will approach his interests with considerable self-discipline and will be dedicated, in one way or another, to efficiency and competence.
No. 2206406
>>2205933I might get heat for this but do not listen to the crunchy green bitches who say vinegar and water for everything. No. You will waste your time and energy trying to scrub scum off of dirty areas being relegated to that basic shit. Here's my recommendations:
>observe your space and take note of the filth, daily>have a small cleaning routine every day to keep your place maintained, so when bigger messes happen it won't be overwhelmingMy routine is based entirely on the fact that I work from home. When I was working an out-of-home job, I would do this routine before I relax for the night so I would wake up to a somewhat clean house. The routine is - dishes, sweep/vacuum common areas and room, and spot clean. Spot cleaning means - I see a greasy smudge on the microwave that will take two seconds to wipe off. I see a handprint on the bathroom mirror. I see toothpaste stains in the sink, I rinse it out. Anything simple that I notice, a sticky spot on the floor or maybe my cat threw up on the rug. This is a simple daily thing that takes some of the pain out of the "weeklies".
>once a week, clean the bathroom - toilet, sink, mirror, floor (sweep and mop)>once a week, do a load of laundry, including drying and putting away>once a week, mop the kitchen floor, especially around the stove and sink area, or any area where you trail food or prepare it>once a month, clean the shower. Get a cleaner that is specifically advertised to be for tiles and/or showers. Get a melamine foam block (also known as a magic eraser, I buy "Mr. Clean Magic Erasers"). The melamine foam will make it easier to get the tough scum off of the shower, and makes the job faster and more satisfying. >at LEAST once a month, dust your knickknacks, your tables, chairs, dressers, shelves, top of the fridge, anywhere that you can see dust. You can use a rag, I like to use polishing spray (Pledge, for example) because it makes the surface slick for a while, and prevents dust from building up as fast. Sometimes I'll do this while I'm trying to think of what to do for the day on my days off. >Once a month, check your fridge. Throw out expired food. Clean up any spills or messes. Reorganize it for maximum space. >Stay organized. I'm an unorganized person for the most part, but I need things to be in grouped areas. I put all my sewing things in a little box I purchased for them. I put my art supplies in a bookcase. I have a bureau where each drawer is its own assigned thing - bra/underpants for one, socks for another, pants for the third, bed sheets and towels for the fourth. >once a month (at LEAST) change your bed sheets and pillow cases. I like spraying them with lysol for that fake fresh linen smell. Finally, remember that this is a never ending cycle and it's all about maintenance. There are a lot of perks to maintaining this, including self-confidence and peace of mind, as well as looking impressive to random people.
No. 2206542
>>2205893"bpd" women are traumatized women with ptsd after being abused by males repeatedly. they are incapable of ruining any male's life in fact it's scrotes who ruined their lives. bpd as a diagnosis exist solely to let
abusive males get away without punishment by branding the woman as a crazy liar trying to ruin the poor rapists life.
No. 2206565
>>2206553My fashion model friend is literally
No. 2206732
>>2206728Gonna throw in he’s a shitty artist and like 5’6 not even that hot and tiny dick and I still gave all of my effort and mutual obsession that he’s was begging for knowing my history full well and acting all stoic like he wants me to matter what fr dude had me crying and self harming for two weeks now that I’m over that I want to destroy him
Give me tips!
No. 2206916
>>2206485you need to write disability accommodations at your school and explain the problem to them. do you have an anxiety diagnosis? i would have a dr write a note confirming that diagnosis and saying you need to be given accommodations to take your tests in a private classrooom. most schools have a tutoring center where they’ll stick you to take tests with a proctor. this will help your test anxiety and reassure your professor you have a
valid reason for struggling. i would then email him that you’ve begun this process and ask if going forward he will give you permission to take your exams there if you can stay in the course.
No. 2206961
>>2206925Another adhd anon here. I’m going to be honest without meds I am a bit of a mess. I rely on untreated anxiety to help me get stuff done, but that also has its own problems obviously. I self medicate with a bunch of caffeine but I don’t recommend it either.
I think the biggest asset is understanding how your adhd works and knowing yourself. The people I know who manage alright despite untreated adhd do so because they have systems that they are very strict about adhering to. Stuff like they always work on schoolwork this set amount of time, no matter what. If they’re caught up on school they work ahead during that time instead. Essentially you have to micromanage yourself. An example for myself is that I only work on one project per hobby, I have to finish my current project always before starting a new one. If you’re interested I can try and track down the books that have been recommended to me about managing adhd. I haven’t read them, but it might be useful for you.
No. 2207002
>>2206373Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets? I mean, nobody can just
give you a sense of purpose or direction
No. 2207006
>>2206373>Maybe i will have to escape to an anglo or euro countrywhere you from
No. 2207052
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>>2206373Based and schizopilled. Talking with normies has me tearing the hair out of my head because my turboautist brain literally cannot comprehend common human desires and goals. Marrying a moid, having children, working a thankless profession for 50+ years all sounds like torture to me too. I will await your arrival at my house, let's be hermit freaks together, nonna!
No. 2207615
>>2207608Practice hobbies you can do alone but also it helps a lot to make a friendly acquaintance or two that reciprocates your friendship overtures tbh. If your current support network is shit then you'll eventually have to improve it with better people. Put out feelers. That time and energy away from your
toxic group might pay dividends.
No. 2207623
>>2207612I have the same issue. Something that helps is if you do things alone, so on the off-chance you get talking to someone you'll have something to say. Like if you went to an art gallery for example, you'd just be like "I saw the Andy Worhol exhibit at so-and-so gallery the other day. I never realised just how many cans of soup he painted, I only knew about the famous tomato soup one…" Then you just continue with what else you saw/did, and if the other person is normal they'll ask some questions throughout or share their own similar experience.
Something else I do is watching interviews with celebrities I find engaging. I prefer Old Hollywood interviews, they're polite but funny and interesting, and because they were media trained back then they gloss around anything awkward with ease. Plus if I end up quoting one of them word for word nobody will know where it came from because how many people in 2024 are watching Gloria Swanson being interviewed? I do the same thing with a podcast by a pair of women from my city who are very funny and normie who just talk about current events and the latest celeb gossip and other normie woman things. It's good because every week there's a new episode with three topics that are perfect things to talk about with normies, discussed by normies in a very normie way (maybe if I listen to them for long enough some of their normieness will rub off on me).
I read that prompting conversations seasonally helps too. Like currently it's October, so if you think of it in terms of the season, kids would have recently started back at school and Halloween is coming up soon. So if you're talking to someone with kids you'd ask about how back to school is going, and you can ask people about their Halloween plans and then talk about your own (even if it's marathoning horror movies while eating candy it's still something). I haven't tried this technique out yet though so idk if it's effective.
No. 2207761
>>2207694Manic pixie mod confirmed
>>2207659Remember that our brains are designed to fixate on the worst case scenario, especially if you have anxiety or whatever. Plenty of people before you have been just as scared, even if they don't show it, but they went on to try new things anyway and came out unscathed at the very least. Keep reminding yourself to focus on what
is instead of
what could be because chances are, your subconscious is worrying too much. It's a bit hard because a big part of bravery is internal, you need to push yourself to your limits where you can, but kind and sensible inner dialogue towards yourself can help a lot.
No. 2207789
>>2206210Decide to do it.
It sucks but that's the only real answer.
No. 2208098
I had a big long comment written out before I realized this wasn't Love Disordered Personality Bitches. I should probably get some sleep
No. 2208388
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Idk about other unmedicated ADHD nonnas here, but what really helped my executive dysfunction was just accepting that it's okay to be mediocre at something. Doing your homework and getting a C on it is still better than not doing it and failing a class. It's okay to just be "good enough" especially if you already start out with a disadvantage. A lot of ADHD treatment is just learning to manage the negative emotions you associate with the task, and what you believe failure says about you. Also learning to break down vague goals like "I have to study today" into more concrete ones like "I have to read 20 pages of this book" also helps. And of course, make sure you're getting enough sleep so your brain actually works.
No. 2208393
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No. 2208394
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No. 2208402
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No. 2208408
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>>2208401I don't think you get what it's like to need help and for that I'm happy for you but tough love never worked on me. I need support
No. 2208417
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>>2208412Extremely inaccurate guesses so you just look like this to me
No. 2208424
>>2208412NTA. I'm not saying you're wrong about needing to rely on yourself and be independent but it sounds like you're getting
way too personally upset about this. Maybe take a breather from the thread for a minute or explain why you're getting worked up? Genuinely not trying to patronise you btw that response just seems very personal.
No. 2208438
>>2208405I've also flunked out of college a few times because I have ADHD that's not managed well. School was easier because I managed to coast by because of the structure, but when I was left to my own devices in college it was hard to just coast by doing nothing but passively soaking in some information because I didn't have the threat of the college calling my parents if I showed up late or didn't do homework or didn't turn up at all.
The most recent course I crashed out I'd actually been doing well at and wasn't ditching class to stare into space a whole lot, but then I had to do a paper on a subject that was so mind-numbingly boring it was just impossible to concentrate, and not just that but part of the exam was explaining the paper and our logic in writing it to the (rather crotchety) teacher, which I just couldn't stomach, so I stopped turning up altogether. I am glad I at least managed to stay in this course long enough to complete the work experience part and have a nice reference from the place I worked at.
I think part of the reason I'm like this is because when I was younger I was actually pretty good at a number of subjects, so my parents expected As and Bs and would have scream and shout if I came home with less than that on a test result. So my natural instinct when I'm faced with an exam I know I won't do well on is just to not take it at all even though logically I know just about passing with a D is better than failing because I didn't do it.
No. 2208452
>>2208429Imo this is the kind of anger which should be reserved for anons excusing pedos or something, otherwise it's just pointlessly expended stress.
>>2208271I've never struggled with addiction so I'm far from an expert, but maybe thinm of all the things you would like to do at some point in your life, and then think to yourself, "that's why I want to get sober." Manage everything in your own time ofc but try to remember the rewards you've set for yourself. And it will be easier to attain anyway, with the money you'll have saved from not feeding your addiction anymore. It might help to think of them as rewards instead of goals so there's less inward pressure. Start small, do everything in steps, and soon enough time will have passed to see a noticeable difference. Like I said I'm not an expert but it's always good to try and change your mindset.
No. 2208482
>>2208405College and school are easymode. Real jobs and paying bills are when we fucking fall apart. School is only hard with adhd if you’re also retarded, if you’re intelligent it’s a face roll and you can coast by doing almost nothing and just having meltdowns the day before big shit is due and then getting it done in crunch time and still getting an A+ in high level courses at good universities. Speaking from personal experience. The only difficult classes were the in person ones with mandatory attendance requirements that tied to your overall grade.
The real challenge is keeping a full time job and actually going and being somewhere 8 hours a day. If you can’t do school you will never make it in the real world of 40 hour work weeks.
No. 2208502
>>2208490Borrow from the ADHD advice. Instead of thinking "I need to wash the dishes", think about it like this.
>I need to go downstairs.>Now that I'm here I might as well turn on the tap.>Add soap.>Okay, now put a plate in the sink.>This is annoying to watch. I'll wipe it down properly and put it on the rack.It sounds stupid but it works kek
No. 2208531
>>2208518Hope for the best but expect and plan for the worst. Literally nothing is more soul crushing and world breaking than realizing nobody had the genuineness to tell you what could happen because of all this
toxic positivity and telling people everything will be fine if they do x y z. Cause most of the time if you already have a bunch of problems, it actually will end up being some variation of the worst timeline. Even if you go above and beyond and are an overachiever who does everything right. I was the pinnacle of achievement until I was like 24 and then my life went to shit cause of additional acquired mental and physical health conditions. I wish somebody had warned me and I hadn’t been sold that I was gonna make it and be a successful person in life who could be mostly independent. Nope I’m entirely dependent on the goodwill of others and thankfully I’m pretty fucking fun to be around and knowledgeable and extremely genuine so I get by on my good personality. The soul crushing feeling when reality fully hit me just about fucking killed me more than once and I wish I had been prepared.
No. 2208533
>>2208499I would disagree with the anon that says school is easy mode. It absolutely was not for me. I still graduated with maybe a close to C average and got a degree, but it was really rough and I called the suicide hotline a few times because of the stress of debt. That being said, after I graduated, I got a job in something that had nothing to do with my degree, where I talk to people over the phone and do information and referral services. It's completely online and over the phone, I was able to work from home, and I get at least 32 hours a week and health insurance, dental insurance, PTO and a retirement program.
What worked for me is:
>I can fuck around on my phone when I'm waiting between calls>I can eat whatever I want when I want>If anything gets too intense, I can connect to another coworker or ask to step away for a few minutes>Bosses are pretty cool>I call out probably once a month and there is no risk of being fired or attendance warnings as of yet, and I've been working there for 5 years.Do not give up. I thought I was going to be stuck doing the same things that made me suicidal in college. I really thought it was going to be uphill forever. There is something out there that will click with you - I say this as a person who has worked so many stupid "busy work" jobs that seem to only exist because technology hasn't advanced yet. There is more to what is available than fast food or retail. You may need to suffer a bit in an unfavorable job opportunity before you can moe on to something better, but I have faith in you, and I would also agree with the other anon - explore your mental health, see if you are someone who can tolerate medication and get beneficial side effects from it, as that may help. Full disclosure, I am also on medication, I didn't get diagnosed with ADHD until AFTER college, and it made a world of difference once I started seeing therapists infrequently and taking meds.
No. 2208598
>>2208576I know for a fact there are anons itt with intense trauma from 1 or both parents
including me and yet it's only you sperging out and typing dumb shit like this kek. Also I saw that deleted post, so you DID get at least a little support from your parents? Even if they are
abusive pieces of trash, that still makes your anger at everyone else's perceived "handouts" hypocritical. And again with assuming we're all rich for some reason.
No. 2208624
>>2208598I'm the person she's replying to and I have trauma from my parents too.
Dad made us live in his hoard and was emotionally abusive to my mother, and my mother was abusive to me both physically and emotionally, as well as blaming me when her friend's son nonced me, not reporting it or getting me professional help, and she also wouldn't let me go outside at all except for school or have any friends over or even birthday parties with anyone else other than her and my Dad.So of course I grew up to be a failure but luckily my parents have mellowed out a lot and are actually nice now and give me the support I need while I'm trying to figure out how to un-ruin my life. Why shouldn't I accept help from them that I need partially because of their own parenting mistakes when I was younger because someone on lolcow gets offended?
I understand that it must be hard to read people talking about their family tiding them over if their own family doesn't do that for them but that doesn't mean she has to try and constantly instigate infights and accuse everyone she disagrees with of being a spoiled rich girl. The whole point of the thread is to uplift eachother and share tips on being more functional, not to wallow and seethe because someone has it a bit easier than you.
Reposted for typos
No. 2208644
>>2208607I'm a retard because I was born when my father was in his fifties and now he's in his 80s. I can't mooch off my family forever because they're not always going to be around, plus I also want to actually have money and freedom instead of living on a tiny allowance under my parent's rules because I'm dependent on them. I do need a job regardless of Dad giving me handouts unless I want to starve to death after he passes. Plus even if my parents live for a long time, they're going to get sick of supporting me one day. I'm in my twenties right now but what will happen when I'm 30 or 40? They're going to get tired of it one day (understandably) and I don't want to be thrust into the world of trying to find work with a résumé that has a 20 year gap.
>>2208612It's so funny how so many cows get dragged for mooching off people (like Shayna getting handouts from her Dad) or for being unemployed for their entire adult lives (like Lillee Jean), and those threads are full of people writing essays on how they'd change their lives and giving them advice on what they could do to get out of the ruts they're stuck in, which theu then get dragged for because they never follow any of it and remain NEETs. But then when people try to actually get out of similar ruts and improve themselves suddenly anons have a problem with people attempting to better themselves? Topkek
No. 2208819
>>2208781Yeah, that nonna is most likely on disability, but she seems incredibly bitter about it and has an almost "crab in a bucket" mentality trying to convince other nonnas that we should just give up and get on disability as well. She also posted and subsequently deleted a long rambly reply (or I'm at least assuming that was her because she mentioned being on disability in it) where she said her parents were
abusive. I wish her well, but she should definitely learn to curb her cluster-b behavior.
No. 2211724
>>2211701if you’re a woman and other people think you have this, you probably do.
>>2211386if you don’t actually learn this stuff, you will have a useless degree and lose the first job you get out of school when they call your bluff and find you useless. this is harsh but this fear is the only thing i’ve found that will make me actually try because i test insanely well and can just memorize things the day of the test and get A’s. and then my brain dumps all of that into the trash and by the next semester i’ve learned nothing. it makes me feel like i’ve wasted my time and money.
No. 2211760
>>2211756Eat some of your favorite food maybe and stop looking at whatever is
triggering you, remember how awful having an ED really is, don’t allow yourself to romanticize any part of it just tell your brain NO
No. 2211785
>>2211773I always give myself 15-30 mins of "insurance time", no matter how long I think something will take or how long it should take me to get there on time. By "insurance time" I mean time you factor in to give yourself room for any possible screw ups (traffic, forgetting something and having to turn back, bus is late, etc) that is outside the other time parameters. Like if you need to be somewhere in an hour and you know it takes 30 mins to drive there, leave 45 mins before you need to be there, not 30 even though you know it will take 30. It might not, you never know, that's why you have insurance time. This also makes you look good because showing up slightly early to something is usually what people expect. Basically just always give yourself more time than you need and you will always be punctual. Also preparing stuff the night before like lunch you're bringing with you, lay out your clothes, whatever. Get rid of everything in advance except getting dressed and leaving. Hope this helps a bit!
No. 2220357
>>2211968I am five foot
seven faggot
No. 2220382
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Although I hate my body and have horrible BDD I've contemplated the idea of starting an OF where I don't show my face or wear a mask just to tie up financial ends and do it until I earn enough to move out of my parents house and out of state. I don't think my main job is gonna cut it. I'm probably more attractive than this surgerized OF girl at my base (this lady has slept with actual celebrities so the bar can't be that high), I have a better body, I also look a lot younger, and we're around the same age. I hate the way I look but I seem to have a certain affect in people that makes me think I'm nowhere near as ugly as I think I am, so I could probably manage it.
The thing is I just really don't wanna reduce myself to that out of fear both moids and other women will stamp me with the label of whore forever if they discover I'm doing it and dox me or something. That's my worst fear.
No. 2220508
>>2220481Bleak of me to say but I'm OP and I've already had revenge porn of me leaked and spread from a night I was drunk years ago, and more men shopped innocent images of me or face swapped me onto other bodies to create fake porn. I tried to report these images or get them erased but some of them are still on pimeyes. Unfortunately if AI image detection ever becomes a thing, I would be cooked.
I too wish there was a way to make money safely quickly and anonymously, but you must sacrifice at least one or two of those aspects for fast cash.
I may be a bpdfag but I'm not smart enough to scam or outwit people into giving me money or shit for free. If I were I would've figured out how to leave my parents house by now
No. 2220541
>>2220510Does copyright cost money? I'm not really swimming in cash.
Anyway one of the pathetic faggots posted them on ifunny and they never take down anything. it was technically part censored so it's stayed up. I hate the fucking incels who did this shit to me. I hope half of them killed themselves by now.
No. 2220816
>>2220508I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have even been in a place to see all of them to get it taken down. Maybe try contacting customer service at and seeing if they could do anything? They're all disgusting and are rotting from the inside out with degeneracy
No. 2225882
>>2220796I don't think it's illegal here my state is majority run by conservitard scrotes. One of the incels doing this shit was some rich nepo baby son of diplomats and his idea of fun was spreading my nudes to the nines. I hope his parents disinherited that worthless sack of shit and he shot himself in the face when his money ran dry
>>2220816The problem is when I go on pimeyes to find them it won't let me link thru the actual site unless I have a premium sub. there is no way in hell im giving that grubby site money. I don't have the direct links to the ones that are still up and running so that makes filing a dmca next to impossible
No. 2334658
>>2308151 and
>>2308136 said. You can leave information out of your resume if it might fuck up your chances, and you should tailor your resume to each job you apply for to match what the employer wants.
You're competing against a whole lot of people for entry level jobs and the best thing to do is apply for every single job you can find that you could feasibly get to and work in for the allotted period. Never be too picky or overly honest when job hunting; don't mention disabilities, transport issues, personal things that could land you in hot water, or anything similar, in any stage of the application process, you can deal with those problems if you get the job. Once you get a blue collar wage slave job you can get similar jobs more easily, try looking for temp work in factories and retail to help your chances of finding temp work next holiday season.
I'm sorry it didn't work out for you this time but you're not doomed to NEETdom, the job market is shit right now and you're up against too many people to have a good chance of getting a job no matter how good you are.
No. 2338239
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Been snowed in the past few days and ive resorted to hibernating. Now my sleep schedule is fucked and I really really need to clean but I cant muster the energy. My body feels like sludge. I haven't even been consuming media besides reading, I've wasted days because I can't leave my house. Want to chug caffeine at midnight just to get my ass out of bed
No. 2338430
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Lazy sisters trying to get better, what are your most helpful tips? Here's what has been working with me lately even though I still have a long way to go.
>Recognizing that weed addiction and screen addiction are my biggest ennemies.
>No screen day, I legit just start cleaning naturally out of boredom and realize I can do so much things in one day.
>Get as much things done as possible in the morning as soon as you wake up. Same if you come back from work, just do as much as possible instead of going directly to the couch and scrolling. It will be 10 times harder to get up afterwards.
>Related to last point, but breaking the cycle is the hardest thing but also the easiest trick to do shit. If I'm really in a rut, I'll just tell myself that I'll get up and do a task for 5 minutes. Usually I end up doing more, but even if I don't I still did something.
>Building a routine and forming new habits. Takes time but the goal is to do things automatically so they don't even register as tasks. Start slow like doing your bed when you wake up, and add up one by one.
>Treat myself like a tard child: really emphasize when I've done something good, but never use negative thinking when I don't because it will not motivate me.
No. 2338441
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>>2338430I love your list!
>Get as much things done as possible… just do as much as possible instead of going directly to the couch and scrolling. It will be 10 times harder to get up afterwards.I read a tumblr post or something years ago that summarized this sentiment as “Don’t sit down, it’s a trap.” Sometimes I repeat that to myself to prevent me from couch and bed rotting. Similarly, the foreboding obelisks in picrel have been a good reminder for me. The quote is fine too.
The biggest change I have tried to make is replace my scrolling habit before bed with reading a book. Instead I catch up on my cows over my morning coffee. It’s a work in progress and I am not totally successful, but it’s a start.