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No. 2229150
Discuss the current psyop regarding ugly and old men being shilled as attractive.
This thread is also for talking about topics like beauty double standards in media, ugly fictional and real men being shilled as attractive, science about male aging and unnatractiveness, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currsprev thread
>>2202023 No. 2229394
>>2229296boys mature quicker, they love older women. you sound very jealous and bitter tbh.
>>2229324I have to settle for pillow when moids get a harem of young boys and girls to fuck? no thanks.
Bitches like you need to realize that not all women are going to be guilt tripped into dying alone with our sex toys or settle for an old man who can't satisfy us.
No. 2229396
>>2229296I was gonna see where you're coming from until
>Not having the ability to form a lasting bond with an individual and being aromantic are both indicators of psychopathy.You're legitimately retarded if you think this.
No. 2229440
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>>2229296My bad im not into this
No. 2229463
>>2229296Can you post a man past that age who doesn't have a scraggly beard, doesn't have a shit hairline, and isn't fat?
>>2229450Anons like her genuinely don't see a difference, they were saying liking 22 year olds is "pedophile adjacent" and similar to grooming in the vent thread
No. 2229538
>>2229296>Only being attracted to people 18-25 once you’ve passed into your own mid 20s is fucking creepy regardless of gender. So if you're 30 you can't be attracted to a 25 year old or else it's creepy? That makes no sense. Also who says you can't form a lasting bond and still become unnatracted physically over time? It happens to most people as they age, they stop having as much sex and being as attracted to each other even if they still like each other's personalities. It's natural that if someone lets themselves go with time that you'll lose attraction to them in general. I don't think men above 25 can't be attractive personally but it's definitely true that most men past that age group are either balding, ugly, hairy, or fatasses, they tend to lean into the whole masculinity shit (especially western men) past a certain age much more too. I know so many men who aged out of their looks incredibly quickly, you can't really apply the same standards to them when they unironically age quicker than women, especially with things like balding.
The real problem here is how women try so hard to look young and keep their looks even as they age due to societal pressure while men do jackshit and let themselves go, which creates a massive inbalance in terms of attractiveness. So giving women shit when they want an attractive guy in his 20s who hasn't done this yet because they rarely find one who still cares about how he looks /maintains a pretty appearance after this age just comes off as retarded when it's literally men's fault and society for promoting terrible standards for men and acting like looking youthful and pretty as a man= bad past a certain age. Ideally it should be promoted for BOTH men and women, not just be so extremely focused on solely women. Imagine if this was reversed and women were told they can't be pretty and all have to look like butch lesbians past their 20s, you think men wouldn't want to date younger? And even then they already do it way more than women without any of that KEK.
I don't want to date teenagers and even early 20s men personally but you have to admit with how shitty standards for men are that it makes sense a lot of women would believe most men peaked in their 20s, unlike with incels and redpill where that shit doesn't line up with reality when even 40 year old women are out here looking good, shave, have full heads of hair, and still generally WANT to look youthful and put effort into their looks, the same can't be said for most men. Men genuinely have no reason to want to date younger compared to women as a result since most women still strive to look youthful. Men literally have nothing to complain about when women bends herself over backwards to look pretty and youthful even past her 20s, women on the other hand have a lot more room to complain since men don't do any of that shit for us.
No. 2229868
>>2229845I think when you're younger, same-age makes more sense. 20F and 18M is fine too. If you meet the love of your life at 17 he most likely is 17, and that makes sense because men under 20 are mostly able to change their ways and grow with a partner. So like for women younger than 21, i would say same age. Plus or minus 2 is fine.
But if you are older like 50, it really doesn't make sense to date a 50 year old man unless he takes excellent care of his health. 50 is a normal age for a man to have a heart attack or high cholesterol. So my advice to nonnies is that regardless of age, choose moids of similar health status to you (which means younger unless you are too young).
No. 2229884
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>being so mind-broken that you assume a non-obese/non-dysgenic young male is biologically female
this is just taliban-misogyny repackaged with gay slang
No. 2230682
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I thought he was sooooo cute in the left era this is triggering me
No. 2230698
I think that all the retarded wars that men put themselves through in history is why they are so ugly and disabled now.
Just think: all the healthy and fit men were forced to die in a war whilst the disabled men, ugly nerds, dysgenic aristrocrats and inbred royalty survived and reproduced.
I think another aspect is all the chemical exposure throughout human history(cigarette smoking, lead, plastic, etc)has fucked up our genetics, and it’s much more apparent in males because that only have one X chromosome which means they are more likely to be affected by fucked genes.
And then theres the fact that pregnant women are told not to drink, smoke, eat fish, wait to long, etc so the baby wont be a tard, but men can do all those things and no one ever thought of the consequences this would have on sperm.
The only thing that would fix this mess at this point is arresting all the ugly scrotes and gassing them. Otherwise, human wont last very long with all these shit genes.
No. 2230701
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I hate women who prefer men with glasses. You realize that needing glasses to see is a disability right? Why would you curse your children with that because you think a frail incel with glasses is “cute”. Your “protector” wont be able to protect you from evil forces if his glasses fall off kek.
No. 2230702
>>2230688Steroids. Wouldn't be surprised if leg lengthening Jr here had a genioplasty tho.
>>2230689There is significant chin lengthening. Im surprised you bothered commenting as if you know what you're talking about given that you're so off the mark.
No. 2230714
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I hate slasher-fuckers so fucking much
No. 2230723
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>>2230714monster-fuckers are even worse
No. 2230732
>>2229440Do all of you think that you don’t age too kek?
I don’t really care as long as you don’t involve minors, if you have the chance to seek your type go for it, good for you. But some of you speak as if you remain the same for 50 years kek.
Aging happens to everyone, even us, we do age better than men most of the time since we aren’t afforded the grace to ever let ourselves go, while men can do that. But aging gracefully or whatever you call it isn’t an universal experience. You don’t look 20 when you’re 30 and you don’t look 20 when you’re 40 either or 30 when you’re 50.
(do not defend ugly men itt) No. 2230735
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>>2230732read the rules of the thread pickme chan
No. 2230739
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>>2230736i hate seeing ugly creatures when i am looking for art of bishies with monster features. Moids have it so good, i just want cute monster boys, not bestiality propaganda. People that want to fuck monster that look like animals are legit zoophiles.
No. 2230746
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>>2230739Isn’t Rin a monster boy technically?
I think that obviously men have more porny representation, since anime is full of coomerism anyway. But I think we do have good representation regarding monster boys kek.
No. 2230748
>>2230740monster boys are just bishies with tails and ears
>>2230746We dont, only good male monster representation i now of is that show about the bishie mermaids. Every other monster boy is ugly, like the fish thing from that gillermo del toro film.
No. 2230761
>>2230732My looks are irrelevant. in nature it's the male's job to impress the female with his good looks and youth. In humanity the opposite happens that's why male genes are fucked and we're now surrounded by disgenic ugly fatties.
Besides even if I'm old I'll still have my hair and superior female fat distribution. the same can't be said for your rapidly rotting nigel
No. 2230791
>>2230748If you look at western media it tends to be more on the monstrous side kek, they don’t okay about that, but women seem to love them so I don’t see it changing soon. Just look at the way Venom is being lusted over.
Can monsters be considered ugly psyop though? I think that once they go pass the “looking human” it doesn’t matter anymore.
No. 2230798
>>2230782>It doesn't matter though, because a woman in her 30's or 40's can fairly easily get a guy in his 20'sExactly, young men love more mature women anyway, these nonnas are all seething about the fact that we haven’t been brainwashed.
My bf is 23 while I’m 30, it’s wonderful, he’s calm, takes me on dates , pays too and fucks well too kek. I’d take that over any beer bellied receding hairline scrote.
No. 2230829
>>2230819And no woman is as attractive as they were when they were 20 too kek.
>but moids age worse , stop being a pick me!I agree already, I’m not defending them. I’m just saying that the argument falls short.
Just stop entertaining nonnas who come here and they’ll stop trying to disturb and infight.
No. 2230834
>>2230829True, though women are objectively more likely to look nearly the same between 25 and 30. The same is impossible for a male.
But even if it wasn't the case, what does that have to do with anything? You're not fucking yourself, you're fucking the man.
No. 2230847
>>2230839No I do not think that. I don’t think you should settle yourself for a man that can’t wash his ass, who is fat, and doesn’t take care of himself. I’m 24 rn so I can’t really complain given that men my age more or less still look good.
I just said that what nonna said before can be applied in both cases and kinds of attracts all the nonnas that come here to lecture.
No. 2230868
>>2230854>Or the fact that a lot of young men seem to find older women more attractive than women their own ageQuite literally. I look much hotter now than when I was a 20 kek. Whenever I’m out I can see young men looking at me and I can even hear them from time to time.
Cope and seethe about the fact that we’ll steal young scrotes kek.
No. 2230870
>>2230858Because pickmes are inherently asexual. Sexually servile and available, but devoid of authentic desire. Think Shayna.
Because of this, a pickme will always,
always enter relationships based on how they reflect on her, what they make her look like or what people would think. This is why the idea of being simply attracted to an attractive man is inconceivable (and quite frankly enraging) to a pickme without necessarily scrutinizing herself first and assessing how it's going to look - whether she "deserves" him, whether there will be competition if the man is too hot, whether she will look fatter if he's too fit, whether she will look older if he's younger, and other extremely exciting neuroses on her minmaxed Excel sheet of batshit. She doesn't
desire or
gaze. She performs for the observer that lives inside her head first, her social circle second.
No. 2230872
>>2230870I don’t think it’s that deep honestly, you’re making it way too complicated nonna kek.
I just think that women have been conditioned to overlook looks, just think of how many times you’ve been told , now or in the past, to give someone a chance because they’re nice or how girls are hammered that personality or a scrote making you laugh is the most important thing.
No. 2230880
>>2230871Well if I’m no longer in a long term relationship I guess that I’ll have to either look around or not date altogether? Remaining alone isn’t this big punishment you’re making it out to be.
I’m not into hookups anyway so I doubt that I’d seek out 25 year olds and being in a relationship with someone who is that young (in relation to me) feels kind of pointless, I hope that when I’m 40 I’m in a much better place financially than now and have had meaningful and enriching experiences in the meantime, I don’t want to still relate to 20/25 year olds at that age kek.
I might go for someone who is 30-35 I guess, if I really have to?
No. 2230893
>>2230888Well it’s not like I’m ashamed of the type of person I am. If I’m seeking out relationships I’m also going to look at what stage of life the other person is, isn’t that reasonable?
If you simply want sex then it’s safe to stay that you don’t have to care about that.
I agree with what a nonna said here
>Nobody asked but ideal age gap table according to me (take these at the age of when you start to date), sorry for autism:18M 21F
21M 24F
25M 29-30F
30M 37F
35M 42F
40M 48F…
No. 2230905
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I recently watched tea and sympathy and it pisses me off that the guy looks so old and busted when he's supposed to be 10 years younger than her. His uglyness ruins the movie because otherwise i think the movie is really cute and enjoyable.
>>2230893Who died and made you queen to be able to decide whats an acceptable age gap between men and women? i fucking hate people that try to control women like that.
No. 2230913
>>2230895Yeah, why aren't they elated? This entire thread should mean more fat old fuggos for them.
Or maybe they're not really attracted to whatever age-appropriate monogamously pairbonded bald dadbod Mr. Personality trash they're memeing themselves into, it's just all they think they deserve. So when you do not partake in these pickme penance rituals = you think you're better than them.
No. 2230914
>>2230903>>2230901Anons probably (and rightly) think you're
>>2229296, as well as that one other malding twitter sped from the previous thread that promised to leave like 20 times and never did.
No. 2230934
>>2230916>>2230914Makes sense now I see
> Some of you get so extreme and annoying at the slightest thing and call anyone who isn't 100% like you a "pick me".Yeah I got that too kek
No. 2230937
>>2230916Because bitches like you are still moralfagging at the end of the day.
>this age gap is acceptable, this one is notShut the fuck up
No. 2230999
>>2230829>And no woman is as attractive as they were when they were 20 too kekAre you just an insecure young girl groomed by pedos? I also thought the same when I was younger but now that I'm in my late 20's I realized that I'm more attractive now than as a teen especially after losing the baby fat in my face. the pedos lied kek.
I actually receive more attention and compliments now but as a teen/early 20's I was always ignored and never even catcalled.
The same thing happened to a friend who was bullied at school for being stereotypically ugly and having braces and glasses but now that she's grown shes very attractive. Meanwhile the hot popular boy she crushed on is now fat and balding.
No. 2231025
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>chivalry is a western feminist psy-op
No. 2231031
>>2231024Tbh the expiration date theory does exist but it only affects ugly women.
Since the mejority of women are above average or pretty they won't be affected by it ajd it doesn't exist but it does exist albeit its only
valid for a small population on women.
No. 2231237
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>>2231025And nobodies heart was broken by the news that he doesn't want to marry
No. 2231300
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Brahms Heelshire from The Boy is trending on tiktok right now, and I'm saying this with full conviction…
No. 2231311
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… but the people who are simping for the man behind the mask are the most heavily psyoped group of women I have ever encountered. How does an IRL man get mogged by his own scary mask?
No. 2231336
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I need someone to tell me that I'm sane for not understanding why this man has TikTok in a chokehold
No. 2231623
>>2230829Interesting how anon was talking about moids' attractiveness lessening between 25 and 30 yet you immediately jumped to talking about 20 year old women in response…
It's almost like there's a double standard but
>the argument falls shirtof course
No. 2231794
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I’m tired of seeing ugly actors
No. 2231799
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No. 2231811
>>2231774Yeah, the not caring is palpable.
It's less you being ugly and more you shilling your own convoluted, selfcucked mythos of what you should settle for because you're ugly.
No. 2231823
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Kek, it had been fun seeing moids on xitter seething wig envy over this moid because he is blonde, rich, handsome and only 18
No. 2231843
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>>2231823dios mio
>when even this mogs you No. 2231849
>>2231811Yea you’re right nonna, I’m so ugly! Poor me! I even break mirrors when I look at a mirror, everyone throws me tomatoes when they see me too.
Life is so hard, that’s why I’m a pick me, you got me.
No. 2231970
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>>2231843He got famous with pictures like picrel
>>2231871I can but I have to translate what they say
No. 2231984
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>>2231843your pic is bothering me so much i redid it
No. 2232024
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>>2231984decided to fix it since some of you dont know how to make lines.
No. 2232035
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>>2232024fixed your since you clearly dont know how to redline
No. 2232201
>>2231823I don't like him personally but his hair is really nice it looks soft
>>2232024you gave him elf ears
No. 2232878
>>2231794Fucking same, and I'm tired of it. Incoming rant: actress here, and it's been like this since I can remember. Ever since I was a kid doing community theater, to performing arts high school productions, to being a theatre arts major in college, to the professional world: ugly boys with barely any experience can literally just show up, (in whatever street clothes they have on) to auditions and they're applauded and given asspats and huge roles because there is so much demand for male roles with so little supply. While the girls always had to work our asses off to be "triple threats" and learn to sing, dance, and act since we were literally in elementary school, and then feel the pressure to starve, exercise until we're sick, wear "the perfect" audition dresses and even get cosmetic work done just to have a slight edge on the competition. And any mediocre male that wouldn't turn heads on the street is fawned over because he's the only male in the room that isn't absolutely fucking hideous. If there's anything we need at the VERY least, at the BARE MINIMUM at LEAST bring in some HUNKS AND HOT MEN. I'm so fucking tired.
No. 2232951
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Psyop is when this is the average figure study forgot to spoiler the first time I have a feeling that this artist drew these two as examples of unconventional bodies. The moid is unconventional, yet the woman still has a small waist and wide hips. I understand learning how to draw fat distribution but if you’re going to draw a blimp man, at least make the woman on the same level.
No. 2233552
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I don't read this but Korean stacies made an author redesign her character and he went from looking masculine and old to young and pretty? Based if true.
No. 2233557
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>>2233552Damn I saved the version for ants.
No. 2233576
>>2233559>Men don’t care.They only pretend to care when they're vomiting manosphere talking points about how males are the true
victims because "wahmen rape as much as men!1!!" and creating fanfiction for reddit karma about how they were so raped by evil wahmen but "society doesn't care about men's fewings!1!"
No. 2233586
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No. 2233590
>>2232951why the fuck would anyone waste their limited time on this planet making UGLY drawings?
never ever
No. 2233641
>>2231025I don't even give a shit about marriage and rings that much but men who say this basically just want to get out of having any responsability and don't want to serve their women, which is an instant red flag. Men are supposed to do this because they're the ones who are supposed to win the woman over and court her, it's just a part of that basic ritual. It should never be handed to them easily and it's the most natural thing, in nature birds do dances and things for their potential mate and this is how it should be. It very much matters on principles alone and any man who refuses to do shit for his lover is a poor mate automatically and shouldn't reproduce since he's denying his role in the dynamic and just expects to have shit handed to him without doing anything. Which is honestly one of the biggest problems with human men and why the psyop even exists, they feel entitled to relationships with women without putting in any of the effort and want women to do it one sidedly for them instead when that's completely anti-nature and unreasonable to expect when she carries most of the burden of reproduction and barely benefits from the relationship compared to the male.
>>2231056I know guys who are younger than me and it was just because we have similar hobbies and friends in common.
No. 2233642
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Just got a flashback after seeing the elon musk thread to this huge psyop-starting young. I think I only saw 2 eps with these two but it was enough
>Be smart, cute, interesting girl
>Gets bogged down with ugly boring moid
>Written like shes so in love with him and he comes off as not giving a fuck
Maybe I got it wrong as I said didnt watch the whole series but this always irked me when I saw it.
No. 2233806
>>2233805FUUUCK I got my lefts and rights wrong AGAIN. Sorry
nonnie. I meant that the left dude is the white looking one and the right dude is the Asian looking one. Damn it, I really thought I finally learned them…
No. 2233894
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>>2233641>in nature birds do dances and things for their potential mate and this is how it should be.Love this
No. 2233966
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>Ugly Man Psyop
You mean like this thing?
No. 2233975
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>>2233966He did demonstrate the only real utility the Apple Vision Pro has: making his face less visible to the rest of us.
No. 2234369
>>2233557Don't listen to other anons. Right looks a hundred times better and more psycho which is the point if the character is supposed to be a yandere (the blood and all)
Left one reminds me of an ant kek
No. 2234379
>>2234312Well, give her a little brain teaser.
In biology, form follows function. Most sexually reproducing organisms evolve outward signs of being in their prime. In human males, the gradual "virilization" she is referring to is directly proportional to gradual decline in sperm quality and erectile function.
Knowing all of the above, what is "looking more virile with age" an outward sign of?
No. 2234384
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>>2234372I know whats its like to want cute/sexy male refs and only being able to find fatties and roidpigs. Another whore i like is ayuzu_s but sadly he doesnt show his face
No. 2234489
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literally the biggest assholes. They eat so much fucking food to the point where they're overweight, they're probably taking huge shits on the regular. Imagine how wide your asshole has to expand and naturally stretch over time as you overconsume and take shits that are sized proportionally to how you eat. Just armchair science.
No. 2234634
>>2233966I forgot how ugly this guy is. If he was a woman he would never have become successful on youtube like he did, 100%. People would have just focused on her looks and how ugly the female version of him would be hypothetically, but since he's a male he managed to get a successful career while looking this fucking awful. Though at least no one ever shilled him as attractive (that I know of) and he wasn't really known for being a looker.
>>2234501It's a cope for sure, an ugly man will always be ugly even if he lifts. It's still preferable to them being fat asses and not working out at all but then they do this and don't give a fuck about other important things like keeping their hair (or at least getting a high quality wig, hair plugs, hair transplants, whatever), skin care, etc. Even worse if they work out but it's to become a roidpig which also isn't attractive to most women.
No. 2234650
>>2234501>sculpted by manual laborIn my experience the majority of blue collar men are beer bellied fatasses or they go to the gym and people think their physiques are due to their work. And then they get a whole complex about nobody being able to tell that they obviously lift.
>>2234634Gymbros unironically want to look like roidpigs, because they'll bust their asses off in the gym and then people think they got their physique due to their job or theorize that he must play a sport. All they care about is whether they look like they lift. So then they go to extremes where it's undeniable that it's because they lift. The fear of being 'DYEL' lives rentfree in their heads, I tell you. They don't start out wanting to be roidpigs, it's like how anachans don't always immediately start out wanting to be skeletors.
No. 2234663
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I can't believe heather's new ryan just turned 22, he looks like my 45 year old uncle. He's already balding too. Actually scary.
No. 2234692
>>2234650True. The only guys I've known who go to the gym end up caring way too much about getting muscles or whatever. I knew some skinny cute guy who started going and now how much he lifts and muscles is all he cares about. I guess it's better if they simply exercised normally at home or outside instead of going to the gym, it's a waste of money anyway if all you need is to get skinny or maintain your weight.
>>2234663That's how basically every single guy where I live looks by the time they hit their 20s
No. 2234716
>>2234577Nah nonna, that man in the pic looked like a bottom twink, he even had the pose.
I do appreciate slim men with more delicate feature, but not like that.
No. 2234746
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>>2234741Like this I guess. Not super square, but not super round either.
No. 2234787
>>2233966Yes, but it gets worse. I was gonna start doing ugly man psyop briefs about the reason ugly men get passes its because its assumed they are nice people but this waste of space, casey neistat, left a 16yr old a single mother and has never had contact with his son despite knowing of his existence. This happened before he became rich but even after that he's never bothered to try and contact his son.
I am really starting to believe the uglier a man is the more fucked up his past/private life is. Not been proven wrong yet.
No. 2234794
>>2234787Ugly men don’t have a good personality, they act resentful most of the time and they’re even resentful if you like them and as soon as they get validation elsewhere (yours doesn’t count anymore) they cheat.
A man who knows that he’s handsome and who is confident is generally better (men in general are all sleazy anyway kek) in the sense that he won’t really search for validation if not given the opportunity and he’s more likely to not entertain it too.
No. 2234801
>>2234794>Ugly men don’t have a good personalityYes I agree nonna that my point-part of this psyop is making out that ugly men have value because they are automatically made out to be "good on the inside" but as you, me, and a lot of nonnas here would say in their experience its been the opposite.
>>2234796I was sexually harassed at work by one who got my number by stealing a colleagues phone and lying saying she gave him my number and tried to get me in his car. Thats as close as it would ever get lmao.
No. 2234803
>>2234794Ugly people cheat more because they fall more easily into temptation. If you’re approached and flirted with often you won’t really be phased when it happens, but when you barely receive attention and the happy feeling you were getting with your partner aren’t as new you’ll cheat with the first person who will give you attention.
Not all ugly people cheat and not all beautiful people cheat (there are gorgeous women who are with uggos and are loyal and loving, while the scrote cheats behind her back), but this happens often enough.
With men you have both, most of them aren’t approached and most of them are ugly.
No. 2234816
>>2234796I hate it when friends try to set you up, it’s so damn annoying. I had this friend who tried to set me up with another friend of hers because he liked me. And I was like ??? Why should I bother when I’ve told that I’m not interested, why is my no not
valid but his yes is? I was a teen so I gave into the pressure.
I went on a single date. Nonnas I really didn’t like him at all. He was awkward and shy, he was short and looked like Barry keoghan but a bit better. I guess he was like that because he liked me, he was sweet and all fortunately, but I didn’t feel anything more than endearment kek. I let him down softly right after and told him that I liked him better as a friend and I didn’t want to lead him on.
No. 2234819
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>>2234489I can't stand the laziness of fat moids. Scrotes are literally built to lose weight easily and build muscle and yet they are so fat and lazy nowadays. It's actually one of the few things I envy about their nature. And they are the most entitled too, they are evil and cruel to fat women but feel they are entitled to pretty Stacy when they look like Jabba the Hut.
No. 2234839
>>2234816On a different note I tend to enjoy dates more when I am actually attracted to who I’m with, both physically and personality wise, spending time feels good , especially when you’re actually conversing and knowing the other person and I don’t feel the impeding sense to want to go away or as if I’m doing a chore, even if I end up not seeing them after.
A couple months ago I went on this date with this guy I met on Hinge , he was my type and he was quite charming, we ended up having aperitivo and then went around the city for like three hours and we had a summer fling with more dates.
I guess the brainwashing didn’t really get me kek. I’ve always hated when uglier men came onto me, with cocky attitudes too.
No. 2234848
>>2234501Depends. Some guys have nice faces but noodle bodies and the gym definitely helps. Other men will find their faces filling out well when they take up lifting. Gaining muscle can only do so much for your face though.
>>2234516I'm surprised it isn't an actual named condition yet. There's definitely a lot of mentally ill gymcels, many of them don't even care about looking attractive to women they just feel forever small.
No. 2234863
>>2234787>>2234794I'm not convinced there's a strong pattern either way. Attractive men are often nicer than you'd expect, but there's plenty of attractive men who avail themselves to affairs because they can. Ugly men generally do not compensate for their looks with kindness, but many are fine.
As a woman just go for who you like. Don't date 'down' just because you think you'll get a better partner out of it.
No. 2234878
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>>2234848>Gaining muscle can only do so much for your face thoughreminds me of this kek
No. 2234891
>>2234864It hasn't been officially accepted yet, which shows the gender bias in psychiatry.
Women are quick to be diagnosed when they do anything out of the norm, while males keep doing obviously insane shit and nobody jumps to "treat" them into normality as they are allowed to be as abnormal as they want
No. 2234905
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(spoil nsfw)
No. 2235161
No. 2235242
>>2234663>just turned 22That's a 37 year old man, surely
>>2234716He literally looks like a normal dude
>>2234905>sculptor even added a drip of precum No. 2235255
File: 1730506418900.jpg (128.01 KB, 1066x501, 454rtur6ud6tj4tyrt3.jpg)

Even AI is perpetuating the ugly man psyop. Same exact prompt just switched the genders. The female always looks young and pretty while the male one looks old and wrinkly by default.
No. 2235268
>>2235253Greek philosophers thought of women as incomplete men nonna kek
>why is it that scrotes continously fail to understand that what they THINK is attractive on themselves doesn't make them very attractive to women? They don’t care
No. 2235459
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The entire male cast of Overwatch
No. 2235468
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>>2235459I think Lifeweaver is cute but that's OW2 and he's also kinda gay so
No. 2235483
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>>2231025A woman in my biology class was unironically trying to argue this about chivalry in response to some other women wanting to get married. She said it was archaic and regressive whilst being an autistic kpoppie single mother at 21. Always take a good look at those bitches who argue shit like this, they are trying to bring women down. Despite being with an ugly man who doesn't know what conditioner is, she gets one point for at least teaching women that they shouldn't feel bad for wanting to be courted and treated well by men.
No. 2235545
>>2235537It keep getting worse day by day, one of the dowsides of internet and in future ai will be moids getting access to it
scrotes instead of roping themselves are killing women en mass, the future seems bleak for women
No. 2235570
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Chinese equivalent of The Wall, the End of Flowering Period, pity all of these women.
No. 2235759
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>>2235750Less fat doesn't mean not fat. Most are skinny fat. Exercise and sports aren't popular. Food isn't very nutritious. And it's pretty hard for asians to have a defined chiselled look anyway. Usually they look kind of bloated in the face, head too big, body stumpy. Lighting and cosmetics aside.
No. 2235774
>>2235759I don't get women who make videos like this, like why are you broadcasting that your bf looks mid compared to the first guy like it's a quirky fun thing.
But true now that you mention it most asians I've seen irl had that bloated face look and a lot of them edit their photos and videos online to the point of being unrecognizable
No. 2235779
>>2235759this is generally true in asia, most men are not "fat" like americans, but there is no exercise culture here and the diet consists mainly of rice
t. south asian
No. 2235795
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Heres some nice hopefuel, or maybe not. This is from Lord of the Rings Online, an older MMORPG. This is a random elf NPC that gives you like 2 quests. I was surprised at how hot he is. Every male elf NPC is sexy and cute with long hair. As they should be, per canon. I heard the live action LOTR show has ugly male elves with short hair (the fuck?), we need to RETVRN.
No. 2235802
>>2235570the lack of fitness culture leads to this, which is a fucking shame since like
>>2235596 said most have so much potential, they're literally wasted potential
that's why working out for me is a non-negotiable for my partner, if I'm keeping myself fit, you WILL too, I don't want no fat piggu
No. 2235807
>>2235616>they mostly turn out to be alt right extremists toothis is so true! sometimes I watch click-bait videos from American incels (I might be a masochist idk) complaining about how evil wahmen have destroyed Marvel and nerdy hobbies by daring to exist in stories and consuming nerdy media, and I swear at least 30% of the most hateful and misogynistic mfers are Indian men being extremely aggressive against nerdy women, feminists, gay people, and everyone who dares to not be white on their fave media. The ATLA fandom is full of these mfers as well, mostly on Reddit and instagram, no one seems to hate Korra more than them. Maybe they're so aggressive to try to compensate for being such manlets idk kek
>>2235459why can't they create pretty, cute, and hot characters anymore how they used to do with The King of Fighters and Tekken back on PS1 days? Old games are so superior
No. 2235856
>>2235729i can't link her tiktok, but i know her IG and that's where i downloaded the video from
nonnie, her account is No. 2236186
>>2235483Ok, epic FDS queen, i am sure one day you will find your prince charming, who doesn't know what porn is. Too bad for the rest of the world marriage means being binded to a psycho scrote at best and dependant on him for survival at worst.
PS: single motherhood >>> raising a child with a moid
(infighting) No. 2236195
>>2235878The continent of Asia mostly is full of incels and how periodically they are coddled by their mommies and society
Women really have the worst fate in Asia
No. 2236499
>>2236228They have a lot to lose these days. Scrotes aren't going to potentially lose their vidya games, mountain dew, ai girlfriends and hentai for any cause.
We need to keep scrotes in a doomer mindset so they stay in their filthy bedrooms with their body pillows where they belong. We should even psyop them into thinking it's super based sigma to be a loner NEET with a futuristic H1GH T3CH ai gf and not interacting with any humans for years on end.
No. 2236709
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Bryan Johnson is a shitty autistic moid. I don't consider him attractive, but it's an improvement. Does anyone actually find the first picture better looking? Am I wrong or are other moids just mad?
No. 2236790
>>2236709well he does look younger in 2018 because he is younger in that picture but I think his attempts to stall aging are actually working okay. Not working fabulously but I think he'd look worse without all the bs he has done. I think he dyes his hair and it's more flattering than what his natural hair color. He needs a tan, if he's too worried about sun damage he should eat more colorful veggies. He definitely make a lot of men mad though. He didn't 'peak' in 2018. I think the vanity is offputting to a lot of men because they resent the implication they might have to put in the same effort to be considered acceptable.
>>2236764mid-life crisis. I think he's also not handling his parents aging very well. He has his dad on a lot of the same interventions.
No. 2236998
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>>2235255I've noticed this too, only the chinese ai generators create hot guys.
No. 2237294
>>2236709The way this guy makes men seethe makes me enjoy what he's doing even if he's not really attractive to me. Like yes men should be the ones obssessed with youth and preserving their looks and spend money on it, not women. He's extreme but he's got the spirit. If this was a woman people wouldn't be nearly as confused and annoying about it because it's way more normalized for women to want to preserve their youth and basically expected out of you if you're a female celebrity if anything, considering most of them get botox and tons of other procedures. Yet when it's a man it's suddenly a bigger issue and so "vain" and strange to them because they don't like the idea that they would have to care despite being a male, that's supposed to be a woman thing! Real men don't care about how they look, masculinity is soo hot and they all age like wine naturally! (copium). He definitely didn't "peak" in 2018 either, his face looks bloated, his hair sucks and he has a gross beard, but to the average moid that's soo much better because at least he wasn't doing all this GAY, WOMAN shit in their eyes like shaving and caring about his looks in some way. He looks more like them (the average slob) in the first picture so of course to them and brainwashed pickmes it's better. He's crazy but if more men thought like him we wouldn't be living in this hellscape where men unironically think being beautiful and youthful is a female exclusive thing and want to look as ugly and old as fast as possible, then call you a pedophile if you're only into younger men who haven't gone down that route yet. Also, I feel like he would probably look better if he had his hair longer than it currently is.
>>2236844Definitely not my experience just like the other nonnas, the first model I drew was some fat ugly old man. I think you were lucky
No. 2237374
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Can anyone explain to me why the short legs thing is such a popular silhouette among men? Why would you want tiny legs? Also, look at picrel's douchebag haircut
Omg arthurfag (go get him an acid treatment)
No. 2237570
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No. 2237627
>>2236709The way he treats his son disturbs me to no end, but I like that he makes moids mald and maybe he'll even inspire some to wash their faces.
>>2237374This pic did numbers on Pinterest back in 2015. Men really aspire to look like tools.
>>2237485That sweaty beat should be wearing a burqa.
Sidenote, I really want to thank this thread for all of the biological facts and talking points. I never would've known that men are generally inferior and that everything they say about us is actually true about them and it's all been a massive cope—a global psyop that's transcended time. And thanks for opening my eyes to younger guys and that there's no shame in being interested in them and that it should actually be preferred imo.
No. 2237757
>>2237744Hopefully this isn’t racebaity but the “Indian look” of big doe eyes with a small round face just looks really good on women and not at all on males.
Anyway, I wonder how our world would be like if women weren’t moralfags and cucked their husbands with superior men. Imagine if we all had the opportunity to reproduce with a 20 year old champion fighter with mutant bones 4X heavier than normal. I mean, going through pregnancy is probably much less disgusting when you know the baby is from a supermodel or something. Carrying around a mini Bob from the office won’t help your morale when you’re vomiting and writhing in pain. I’m not even talking about eugenics, it literally helps with mental health. I imagine the women married to porn addicted losers would feel much better about themselves knowing the faggot husband didn’t actually get to reproduce. Cucking gives you the upper hand in case your man turns agonist you later in life. He can’t leave you if he never had you in the first place. We’re missing out on the best part of womanhood because we’re cowards. You absolutely CAN have a piece of your dream man with you forever. Whoever your idol is, doesn’t matter. Musicians, celebrities, athletes… the groupie grindset can get you all of them. Who wouldn’t want to see the eyes of their favourite model on their baby? Come the fuck ONNNNN
No. 2238097
>>2237897That's the thing you pussy, they kill for much less. Being an obedient hole won't get you spared. There's no trusting them no matter what so I'm going balls deep
>>2237951Vast majority of cuck children fly under the radar. No normal person outside the first world gets a DNA test done, ever. The media pumps fear into you with the aim of stopping you. It's bullshit, no one can tell.
No. 2238168
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No. 2238171
>>2237829tretinoin thins the upper layer of skin and thickens the lower levels. Using any chemical exfoliant would do the same thing. I think he just lost weight. He used to be pudgy.
>>2238168Is that nona saying he's attractive? Seems like she's just saying he dresses slutty and she finds that amusing.
No. 2238208
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>>2238191I laugh so fucking hard when women get like that about young men with older women. Women as a gender are better than males, but moralfagging is one of the core flaws when it comes to women's socialization. Too many of them cannot seem to tell when there's no point in clutching their pearls, how to stop "saving" people that aren't even in danger, or when to not fight someone that isn't an enemy. Women are so fucking keen about playing little miss superhero for every person that they believe is such a
victim, that it prevents them from seeing the bigger picture that young and "barely legal" moids themselves literally don't give a real fuck about dating exceptionally hot and healthy older women. Teenage moids want to sleep with their teachers all the fucking time, I've seen it with my own two eyes and heard them talking with my own two ears. You have to be blind to not think the average 18/19 year old moid would tap the fuck out of a hot and healthy 40 year old woman as soon as she gives the green light. Women get protective about younger women in age gaps between young women and older men, and project that protectiveness onto young men with older women, again, because of women's regular moralfagging that extends to babying everyone "equally". Yet, like I said, it their bleeding heart and moralfagging blinds them from understanding that moids are very different when handling older "partners", and blinds them into antagonizing and transforming scenarios into a
situations that never had to exist.
Long story short: Women care, and that's good. But that often leads to the problem of women not knowing when to not give a shit at all.
No. 2238223
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>>2236709This is what he looks like most recently, he actually saw everyone saying how old he looked and did a bunch of treatments to try to fix it lol, obviously he doesn't look great now but I think he successfully de-aged himself compared to how he was
No. 2238229
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>>2237334There are so few attractive men that he seems attractive, but also, at least he has a cool "hero" personality
I felt the same way about Joel from the last of us and I am not atttracted to old moids ever
When it's a video game it's easy to just end up crushing on them for their personality like you would a character in a novel, I mean you don't have to actually be around the guy to see his wrinkles or smell his stinkiness or hear his incel whining
So I think it's a combo of women naturally being attracted to men who are strong in character and protector/brave archetypes, as opposed to if they were mid and wrinkly PLUS a pathetic bitter loser who gets no girls, which is frankly the reality for most irl moids. I do think it's a shame that men are not pressured as much as women to look hot and they are allowed to age and be "silver foxes" etc. but i will say it doesn't bother me as much if the man is (portrayed as) an actually good man.
Idk about you nonnas but I think for me a lot of the frustration with the lack of attractive men is compounded by their personalities also being garbage
No. 2238231
>>2238230Yeah he looks like 45 now and looked 65 before with the fat loss
His original face may have looked young but he was uglier originally imo I think even though he looks uncanny now he looks "better" technically
No. 2238240
>>2238234It always makes me think of all the gorgeous women out there who are insecure because they are comparing themselves to facetuned abominations like skirby or plastic surgeried women like madison beer
There are way too many overconfident ugly/average men out there compared to how many insecure women there are, even beautiful models get cheated on by uggos
No. 2238503
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No. 2238856
>>2238242Same except I haven't turned 30 yet. Even when they don't look old skin wise, they make themselves look older on purpose because of their beards, unkempt looks, and obsession with masculinity. So it's a double combo: both aging faster than women already on average (many men younger than me already have wrinkles while I don't), and this retarded male societal ideal that they have to look older to be attractive and masculine supposedly and that being youthful and boyish is undesirable to women due to their whole "muh protector and provider" mindset. They ruin themselves then expect us to still want to fuck them because their bros told them what women like are older, masculine men and nothing else, and that looking young makes you gay and pussy beta male who will never be able to provide and protect your wife from other males (funny, because they still fail to do this regardless and just look uglier). I can't count how many men (especially white men) I've seen who the second they graduate hs get some disgusting beard that ages them by 5 years, start balding and cut their hair because past 18 and their early 20s at best they rarely want to keep their boyish looks anymore as it's not seen as aspirational in a moid's mind and he has to grow into the MAN that he is or whatever, aka a mediocre ugly overly masculine faggot instead of a cute, pretty guy. They don't understand women also find youth desirable or if they do they simply avert their eyes to reality and cope about it.
>>2238503Guy was already ugly and not even a twink in the first place on the left picture, nothing of value was lost. She's right that men need to shut the fuck up and stop drinking in general though. Not just men but women, anyone who still drinks in 2024 is a retard and just asking to get cancer and die early.
No. 2239418
Fresh of the presses, a discussion I had today with a group where a guy said that after 30 the value for men increases and the value for women decreases. I retaliated with arguments but ofc, they still chose to believe what they want best.
None of these guys works out and they are at their peak currently (physically). Reality is going to hit them hard when they turn 30+.
>>2238191I'd get crucified if I ever voiced an opinion like that in the groups I was in lol.
When I was talking to some zoomer girls I know and told them I'd install a dating app just to experiment and that I'd set my age as 28, one of them started blaming me for "catfishing". Like girl, I don't look 30, it's only natural I want to date a man who grooms himself, good luck finding that in 30+ moids, that type is scarce and most of the time already taken.
They're being brainwashed and don't even know it, one of them was with an ugly scrote 12 years older than her when she could do so much better.
Nothing wrong with women dating younger men.
No. 2239474
>>2238208It was actually blackpilling to see the amount of gay moids talking about going after older moids while being 14 years old, some other gay men at the thread even tried to say "that is fucked up, you were abused" but were met with "I don't care, I didn't felt abused and It didn't affected me that much".
>but moralfagging is one of the core flaws when it comes to women's socialization.Everything they find weird/non status quo/how the perfect world should be has the potential to activate their moralfag mode, it's insane.
No. 2239575
>>2239489I remember being shocked by seeing these threads, and while I still think they are
victims (full of shit about not being affected) I simply don't care enough, I won't waste time defending those who don't want to be defended.
No. 2239651
>>2239418>after 30 the value for men increases and the value for women decreasesMen should be dead in a war by 30 kek. Deep down these retarded scrotes know it's the other way around but they'll never admit it.
>>2239474I'm glad my little brother only has age-appropriate anime boy crushes. I'd beat the shit out of him if he ever expressed attraction to a 50 year old haggot.
No. 2239653
>>2239474That's obviously bad but in general I do feel jealous of gay moids simply because they're allowed to have standards, allowed to be into (not underage) young moids and because many of them do put in an effort in order to be attractive to their partner. Meanwhile for straight moids asking them to shower is nearly too much, too faggy or feminine already.
Whenever I get recommended videos about a handsome moid nearly all comments are bound to be by thirsty fags. Meanwhile women would immediately go "Oh, he's only a university student, that's a literal baby!" "Well, I like my men with more meat on their tummy haha" blahblah cope
No. 2239751
>>2239717At least for me, first by staying off social media. That's where the pickme moralfags love to gang up on random women.
And then give myself "permission" to date younger men. To me, if he's 18 or older he's fair game no matter what the >m-m-m-muh age gap!!1! moralfags say.
No. 2239789
>>2239418As a wallet, sure. Precisely because it decreases
hard biologically. Does he admit he becomes a better wallet, or is he deluding himself that it somehow makes him more valuable sexually?
No. 2240232
>>2240220Oh so he IS vegan. You can tell . . .
>>2240226his facial skin doesn't look saggy, that's my definition for taut. No, he isn't attractive but his skin looks alright. He's nerfing himself with his diet.
No. 2240283
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I don’t usually like using this thread but what the fuck is this… just spurting straight up cremation dust in that poor woman’s vagina
No. 2240377
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>>2240293He’s a male model, so it’s safe to say it’s just a bislut man in disguise.
No. 2240577
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so many dysgenic moids posted, they are literally all 30 year old men with long hair or kpop stars
No. 2240681
>>2239717All I do is just be unapologetic and vocal about my tastes around normie women (and men) and support young hot men and content that promotes that in general. I feel like by doing this you can at least open up the idea in their head, and by supporting this content you're boosting it and giving it more visibility as well. I don't expect women to change in any major ways though to be honest, a lot of the time I would say I hate bald dudes and beards and while some could be receptive to it most would just act like I was strange and a bad person for even having these preferences at all. My mom is the same and still unironically acts like I would've been better off settling with some ugly ass male instead of my bf who I'm actually attracted to simply because she thinks he "looks gay and feminine" for shaving and caring about how he looks. Like sorry I didn't get together with an ugly ~masculine~ eyesore that can't be bothered to shave his face and wash his ass like you did with my dad.
>>2239863>Like scrotes jacking off to a giant titted anime waifu over a relationship with a real woman.The funniest part about men like this is they're so deluded they'll call you the weirdo if you think they're pathetic losers. Like you must just be a prude bitch who hates sex and boobs if you think they're weirdos, they unironically think like this and it's wild. They're so out of touch with what actual women think (because all the women they know are either OF creators or pick mes) and live in such a bubble that they've lost all common sense as to why women especially would be put off by their degeneracy. They expect you to be the cool girl who doesn't mind this and hypersexualization in general so if you dare say anything against their gross fetishes and unhealthy porn addictions they'll act like you're unironically infringing on their freedom of speech and must automatically be a trad/religious conservatard. Not that, you know, you're a normal woman and they're weirdos.
>>2240577None of them look like women or even remotely feminine kek. But to these people basically not being a roidpig= a girl.
No. 2240727
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The way young pre-wall moids trigger these dudes.
No. 2240835
>>2240727I think in fhis case the
triggering was due to who they're voting for.
No. 2240848
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He really wants to have sex with them.
No. 2240871
>>2240848that low t expired haggot wouldn't be able to beat these men in a fight and have their way with them. the opposite in fact.
they're not 13 year olds they're grown men in their 20's so in their physical peak. good luck raping them grandpa.
No. 2240923
>>2240727they're not my type but at least they're all shaved, still have hair, and are not voting like a redpill incel would. But I admit that nowadays I'm paranoid with men being leftists just as much as with them being conservative, like I can't help but wonder if they're wokebros, male feminists, or if they will troon out as soon as they start losing hair to indulge in their lesbian porn fantasies. Tragic. Hopefully I'm wrong
>If there was no social media, you would be my concubinesAnd once again my fellow nonnas, here's a moid proving that males will rape anyone that looks either feminine or young enough to pass as a minor
No. 2240954
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>>2240848>"t-they don't know my haggot bullshido!">stuttering and maldingpretty sure one of them would make your recessed osteoporotic skull liveleak ready, let alone five OMEGALUL
No. 2240993
>>2240929Any moid of any age that actually believes he can 1v5 anyone not only has never been in a fight, but straight up hasn't done anything physical from birth. Some young moids believe this because of vidya-itis, but one 1v1 cures such disorders very fast.
Any moid who claims he can solo 5 prime moids is either retarded or lying.
Any 30+ moid who claims he can solo 5 prime moids has straight up early onset dementia on top of having 80IQ. There is no way in hell he actually believes this. If a gaggle of these exact concubines crossed the street to walk behind him on a chilly evening he'd crap his incontinence panties and drop his spaghetti while frantically dialing the cops. Hope this post makes it to non mall ninja martial arts twitter so they can have a sensible chuckle.
No. 2241019
>>2240980Saving face + not living somewhere his theory can be put to the test. What else is he supposed to do, admit he's a posturing e-tough fag? You can hear the butthurt stutter, gramps is doing his best.
What's funny is that if you were to change nothing about those "concubines" except make them Black, he'd be openly shitting bricks about the prospect of confronting them, as he should.
No. 2241093
File: 1730833939660.jpeg (314.66 KB, 2529x460, D23D1512-6172-4DE5-BEF3-7D34A2…)

Men are now claiming all adult men have receding hairlines and it’s pedophilia to be attracted to full hairlines. They’re calling RECESSION “MATURITY.” Lmfao. Do they think we’re retarded?
No. 2241112
>>2241093>maturity "Aging" or "decline". Ftfy. Senescence is objective and can't be redefined just because it begins by 20 in men. It's the same as troids redefining "woman" because they don't fit the parameters. Coincidentally, just because you pretend an athlete is "developed" and not old at 35 won't make him competitive against 20 year old "undeveloped" athletes.
Also, that would make all men autopedos since precisely 0 of them want to have a """"""mature"""""" hairline. Incelesting!
No. 2241248
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No. 2241296
>>2241248>26Imagine being a 26 year old woman and pressured to date this thing or a male even
older. Women should date younger. Period.
No. 2241327
>>2241093If having a full hairline= pedo then men shouldn't be allowed to date women with a full head of hair too. They will have to date only women with alopecia or old ladies who have started losing their hair, otherwise they're pedophiles too. It's only fair!
>>2241296I'm older than that and he looks so much older than me, it's actually crazy. The deep forehead wrinkles, the wrinkles near his mouth, the balding, the gross beard…Men age so poorly kekk, everything they say about women is truly just projection
No. 2241702
>>2240283>>2240293I think his face actually looks pretty good for his age but I'm confused by how he has both abs and childbearing hips.
The tan is a spray tan.
>>2240577the show fucked up Lotor so bad
No. 2241719
>>2241704I almost added that into my comment but I wasn't sure if it sounded stupid or not. HGH taken at adult ages is known to make
everything grow which can lead to a bloated look. Maybe it could explain it. It's stupid to take though now that we have much safer alternatives. Now that I think about it though that's almost certainly what's going on. I'd point to the spray tan as evidence. Guys who get into lifting and fitness are more likely to shave their bodies and get spray tans. Spray tans enhance the look of musculature and cover up all those little freckles and whatnot. If he's shaving his body and getting spray tans he's probably into weightlifting and it's common in the men's fitness community to take steroids.
No. 2241726
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>>2241704No, it's an age thing. Hips widen with age (so do ribcages). If you look very closely, old moids acquire a characteristic "ape" physique with rounded shoulders, high (almost like a Neoclassical dress) waistline and giant hips. All of the above also creates an illusion of their arms dangling lower. The moid in that pic literally has a classic grandpa physique. Before you ask, no, it has nothing to do with estrogens, it's literally gravity and postdevelopmental bone growth (which is worse in males).
This is why a thin low set waist is so important and attractive - it can only occur in pre-wall moids with wide shoulders, compact ribcages and narrow hips, creating that desirable "V" silhouette an old moid physically can't attain no matter how much he lifts.
No. 2242143
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>>2241801not beginning practically under the moobs
No. 2246003
>>2245405I noticed weird torso proportions in some men and I hate when the bellybutton is closer to their tits then to the groin as naturally it should be
>>2178267I don't see any such deformities IRL
It's 100% Photoshop and angles, just like is the case with unnatural female physiques
No. 2247975
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Whats the point of this hairstyle? You might as well be bald
No. 2249194
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I hate how these curly top fade hairstyles are popular now. The worst part is that they hide the male balding. It's like a modern version of the combover
No. 2249468
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disrespectful to be so ugly why do men age like this. seeing that thinning hair texture brushed forward on men makes me want to puke.
No. 2250339
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>>2250331he’s so little i can’t breathe
No. 2250356
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>>2250350he doesn’t give girls the choice, he raped someone to lose his virginity himself. he’s not just a gnome, he’s an entitled dwarf who thinks withholding sex from men is a thing.
No. 2250403
>>2250391considering one of its
victims was underage, i wouldn’t be surprised if the locals had a legend of a small gremlin like creature that snatches up infants and dogs to remind them to check their locks at night.
No. 2252106
>>2251275no birth control doesn't kill libido or make you attracted to ugly men. I take bc and I'm only attracted to pretty young men under 25.
It's just right wing propaganda to make women get pregnant at young ages to derail their education and career.
No. 2252109
>>2249804I agree with you
>>2249872can't trust shorties either I guess
No. 2252194
>>2252186Fucking men over 25 is something akin to bestiality to me since they all look like ogres with fat hairy bellies and saggy balls. Their faces and skulls become deformed too and they cease to look like humans.
If fucking young men in their prime seems humiliating to you, you're mentally ill.
No. 2252213
>>2252186You fell for the psyop. Dating a younger man doesn't mean you'll have to buy things for him at all, no one here is advocating being a sugar mommy for a broke scrote, just dating someone younger and attractive to you. By 25 (or their 20s really) most non loser scrotes should already have a job and their own money. You fell for the idea that every man under 25 must be a loser and broke automatically and that only older men will have any money and not be unexperienced losers or something, which is exactly what the older scrotes want you to think (so you go for them instead while you're in your prime). This idea that a man in his 20s wouldn't be able to fuck you and that it would be "humiliating" is stupid too, that's a grown man, not some sort of baby just because he's a little younger than you, they're not teenagers. The average 20 something year old guy is still stronger than you as an older woman and men of all ages are kind of retarded and never mature that much so there isn't even much of a difference.
As for the hag thing, not every zoomer male has that brainrot either, and even if they did, guess what? Older males will also just see you as a hag anyway the second you reach a certain age yourself, so might as well be seen as old and accepted and lusted after partially for that from the get go, than have one that's going to dump you the second you get a wrinkle and can't pass for a little girl anymore (while also being ugly and walled himself).
No. 2252257
>>2252241For dating guys your own age, that's certainly better than dating one much older, but it will be harder for you to find one that actually looks good like a lot of older women who still put effort into their looks. This is because men aren't as encouraged to preserve their looks and youth as women, and generally age worse and faster than the average woman. I'm in my late 20s and almost all the men I tend to meet in my exact same age range are bald (or balding) by now, and look a lot older than me. It doesn't help that men tend to die sooner than women too, so if you date one your own age odds are he'll die before you on average if you look at statistics. You could still technically find one in your same age that doesn't look horrible, but it's very hard basically.
As for being replaced for another older woman when dating a younger guy, that's definitely a possibility since men tend to always want novelty, but it's just moid nature and hard to avoid really if you're going to involve yourself with one. Like it's still better being replaced when you're 50 instead of when you turn 30. Of course the ideal would be to not get replaced at all, but yeah.
No. 2252306
File: 1731164704176.png (407.43 KB, 792x772, hideous conservative 70s LARP …)

if i end up with a scrote like this, i;ll buy any nonnie a ticket to kill me and this liability
No. 2252322
>>2252318So basically
>date older manuse you as revenge against his former wife to show that he can get with a younger woman
>date younger manuse you as a stepping stone in his "self-development" as a man
No. 2252377
>>2252365No, you'll have to go outside and look for yourself
nonnie. But they're there, you probably wouldn't even realize they're older at first glance.
>>2252367>long term relationship and family >with a moidYou're cucking yourself prematurely with this, works zero out of 10 times. No moid is fit for long term nor fatherhood, you're better off adopting like Angelina and letting whatever moid you're dating play step daddy.
No. 2252383
>>2252378Nonnie, are you aware a life exists outside your screen and I wasn't just talking about celebrities you can Google? KEK fresh air is good for you
>>2252379Why would it? You're not committing to a scrote and giving him the possibility of leaving you a single mom kek
No. 2252391
>>2252386I'm not sending you pictures of my unwalled older scrote, nonna. Get your own.
>>2252387Not if you don't breed with them, retard. You seem to not be understanding having kids and wanting a family with a scrote is what cucks you, not dating in general.
No. 2252398
>>2252394>single and seething What truth,
nonnie? Acting like I've been hiding it KEK I'd brag about him 24/7, he's gorgeous.
(defending ugly men in the psyop thread) No. 2252429
>>2252403>dating a younger man when you are an older woman is stupid as fuck.How young???
>he will view you as a sex object mommy bangmaid and will cheat on you with women his age.You do realize most men view you that way regardless of age?
get off this thread with your old decrepit moid propaganda.
No. 2252432
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>>2252390Have you conaidered the fact that men are literally not capable of truly loving women and seeing them as human beings?
No. 2252437
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>>2252404>Males our own age also view women as sexy object mommy bangmaidsMen who call women "mommy" are either unhinged 28 yo pedos trying to justify liking 18 year old girls because "they have big boobs and look mature and are goth! im submissive and a little boy despise being way older than the chick im sexualizing hope she spits on me" or edgy 17 year old boys from instagram reels that have denji profile pics "DAMN GYATT I WISH MY HOT FEMALE PROFESSOR RIZZED ME UP AND PEGGED ME WOOF WOOF". I have never seen a man calling a woman his age mommy only coomer teenagers that wish to be
victims or gross porn addicted old coomers call women "mommy", well in the case where the older moid calls women mommy I think he was stunted from mental growth and wishes to be a young man forever. When teenage boys call older women mommy they are probably coping from being SA'd in the past like the teen girls who call older men "daddy" but in most cases they are terminally online coomer retards who also wish to be little boys forever.
No. 2252595
>>2252454please do not compare patriarchal
roles to men fetishizing mother and son incest relationships thank you
No. 2252652
>>2252629Thats what I said, both are babying. Just stop treating males well, especially the ugly old ones.
>>2252632He better not be enjoying it
No. 2252874
>>2252608"When you provide parental care to a brood parasite your age, it's different from providing parental care to a brood parasite who is younger"
I like how she still thinks we want younger men to be their monogamous domestic bangmaids to pay bills and do laundry with. The appeal of younger men (presumably) is more excitement and less middle aged flyover tier tedium, but some women
literally cannot imagine anything else.
No. 2253101
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Was Christian bale ever seen as a heartthrob type actor? I’m a zoomer so I wouldn’t know. But it’s pathetic that even our “hot guy” icons nowadays are ugly as shit compared to ‘serious’ actors 20 years ago.
No. 2253221
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>>2253101He was Laurie in little women and voiced howl. He had a hot but troubled sort of appeal, less edgy than a Christian slater.
No. 2253652
File: 1731221535670.png (363.31 KB, 748x765, VS3lpkK.png)

fucking losers
No. 2253724
>>2253718Nobody thinks they're nicer, just less bald, less bearded and less fat
>if anything 30 yo men are way nicer and actually pretend to have empathyNow this is delusion
No. 2253732
>>2253719it's cringy how they keep painting 18 yo moids like they are some kind of anime twinks with wholesome personalities when in reality they are psychos
>>2253724that's not true the average zoomer moid is walled and looks worse than your men , I have seen hot millenial men that look well taken care of and I have seen men younger than me who look like 40 yo fatsos who have gone through a divorce. Younger age does not indicate someone is thin, nice and taken care of specially in porn addict retards like zoomers
No. 2253762
>>2253718>I don't know why women in this thread think 18 yo men are nicer than 30 yo men if anything 30 yo men are way nicer and actually pretend to have empathyit's giving mousy girl who idolizes the walled haggots who creep on her because guys her age ignore her
>if a 18 year old teenager dude saw the average lolcow farm lady he would make fun of y'all for being autisticprojection
>I don't really care about what nonnas dosounds like you do and a lot
>get ready to face judgment by their classmates, their moms and societytl;dr cucked obsession with how you're seen and preoccupation with being abandoned,
>>2253102 stands true
No. 2253946
>>2253889>I want to be loved and start a family I don't wanna be played by fuckboysMales don't age out of their fuckboy behavior.
>I prefer love over sexThen get friends
No. 2253977
>>2253718>get ready to face judgment by their classmates, their moms and society.Kek as if you don't get judged already for fucking a guy your age if he isn't what society deems as "attractive" for males (aka hyper masculine and ugly), same for just your general preferences. I've dated men within my age range or only a couple years younger and I
still got judged anyway and told they must be gay and I picked wrong from women whose nigels look like gorillas. They will judge you no matter what and call you some sort of pedophile for not wanting to fuck men that look like they could be your dad even if he's the same age or not even that much younger. Having preferences such as not liking baldies, beards, roidpigs instantly gets you judged even if you have an "age appropriate" moid because it goes against the current societal narrative that women are supposed to like (insert masculine ideal men made up).
No. 2253985
File: 1731253679073.jpg (172.47 KB, 359x358, 1709143745281.jpg)

>>2253652True! kek I love when incels post shit like this expecting you to deny it, if any balding chinless ugly pajeet approached me for anything I'd absolutely consider him creepy, and so would most women.
>>2253962They remind me of that Lorena Sanchez cow. All this nigelbragging about being 26 and never dating older than 19 only for her young scrote to be an obese sausage fingered 4channer she met on discord kek. The ones who larp as high standard Stacies the hardest always have the ugliest moids.
(racebait) No. 2253998
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>>2253652the main difference is left one uses the phrase "the wall" yet looks like that.
getting incels to realize the obese single mom who liked their profile IS their only option (and that she doesn't want him either if hes an asshole) is their biggest problem.
No. 2254011
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>>2253999Samefag but I guess Nicholas Galitzine could work? There just aren't many actors that come to mind at all
No. 2254015
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>>2253101>>2254012Idk but please not Jacob elerodi or whatever
No. 2254019
>>2254004I sure like it hence why I'm in it,
nonnie. Any more passive aggressive seething or are you gonna learn2scroll?
(infighting) No. 2254040
>>2254017I used to be in a relationship, thought he truly loved me and wouldn't leave me, then he left me when I became ill.
If I get into another relationship, I will live with the blackpill.
No. 2254044
File: 1731256464524.jpg (286.43 KB, 770x1024, retouch_2024111012312501.jpg)

I tried fixing him nonnas
No. 2254056
>>2254019>I sure like it kek sure
>Any more passive aggressive seething or are you gonna learn2scroll?your hairline @ you
>>2254044looks no longer inbred but still kinda porcine, im afraid any further improvements are the domain of chadification-chan
(infighting) No. 2254094
>>2253977In what kind of country do you live in though kek. I feel like you’re exaggerating way too much nonna, society is more lass regarding men sure, but also if you end up dating an ogre that’s kind of on you. I’d mop the ocean before ever dating an ugly scrote , 10 years my age, out of pity or due to society.
Where I live I see plenty of men and women , albeit the same age, it’s rare for me too see a younger man and an older woman,who are well into their 30s or 25s who looks match and no one bats at eye.
Sure if you go higher than that then you see bald men with beer bellies and shitty beards, but again I still see men who take care of themselves , I have university professors who look good for their age and who can even be considered attractive and they still have hair, I’m an eurofag though so I don’t know if it plays a bit.
No. 2254104
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>>2254015He’s going to end up like this , that hairline tells me everything
No. 2254153
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From cute
No. 2254155
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>>2254153To old irrelevant clown
No. 2254196
>>2254094I think you misunderstood what I meant. I was saying I've gotten judgement from people for dating men that actually took care of their appearance and looked more feminine, because they assumed they were gay or something every time, not because they looked like ogres. My point was I already faced judgement even without being in huge age gap relationships, as do most women who don't really fall in line with what society expects you to prefer (or even psyops you into preferring).
For example, if I had dated a guy with a full beard and other men with more "masculine" attributes (by society's own standard, being ugly basically) in general, I would've faced less annoying comments and people assuming things about our relationship and calling whoever I was with a beta gay twink or something. I was also seen as weird for disliking beards, hairy men, fat men, bald men, older men, etc, by men and women alike. I was told I need to lower my standards and just give them a chance even after explicitly saying I'm not interested, even when I dated men close to my own age or only a bit younger. Therefore, I've already experienced judgement even when I wasn't going for 18 year olds or something.
I don't think where I live matters when I see other women online share the same sentiments (like in these threads) and moving and interacting with people from different nationalities didn't change this that much for me. Just look at the seethe from men when girls and women are into pretty boys and men from boybands, idols or whatever else it may be and how much they call any guy who wants to look good and washes his ass gay, it's pretty much a universal thing at this point for men and pick mes to act like you're a weirdo if you want a guy like that. Older men with hair exist sure and you can find some that look better than others, but that wasn't even the point of my post. It was more so about how basically you could pick an age appropriate moid and still be judged anyways if he's the same age or only a bit younger but doesn't look masculine and ugly enough to other people, who have been brainwashed so hard they think a moid shaving and actually taking care of himself= gay and see you as a pedo anyway solely for being attracted to that instead of an ugly hairy man that looks like a chimpanzee.
No. 2254216
File: 1731261810851.png (248.93 KB, 539x360, OGnuM9s.png)

>>2253652I almost have to give them credit for using an actually attractive male, because 99% of the time these memes actually use bald bodybuilders. seriously why do moids think that bald bodybuilders with breads are the pinnacle of attractiveness?
No. 2254284
File: 1731264481365.png (195.38 KB, 698x798, 1000018649.png)

(worthless soyjak post)
No. 2254294
>>2254282how would that even disprove what i said? wouldn't that directly feed into it? retard.
you'll figure it out in a few years on your own. ask any older woman ever for life advice and every one of them will tell you to avoid males. males treated women like cattle when it was up to them what to do with us. they haven't changed their minds about us, women of the past just fought hard enough to change our lives today. males lay it out very plainly how much they hate us, believe them.
No. 2254302
>>2254017My nigel has a cougar fetish and isn't attracted to young looking women lol, we met online and he was happy i was older than him (if only by a few months) but was a little disappointed im very baby faced, he feels uncomfortable when people assume hes dating someone much younger when we go out.
To cut the hopium a little bit we're both not very attractive so its not like im living the mommy dom dream or anything.
No. 2254333
>>2254113>I also keep a few orbiters as plan B.I did this with 2 of them but was getting tired of their personalities (or lack thereof) so I let the leash be cut in such a way where I could distance myself slowly but surely. Best idea
I did use them to gain a lot of free stuff, at first I felt guilty but then I just realized life's too short to be a good girl all the fucking time
toxic pilled nonna kek, when I let go of my guilt and being too emotional that's when I started getting things
I honestly don't regret anything, as bitchy as that might sound
No. 2254396
>>2254342Ayrt you know how when you have a moid friend and there's always that vague tension in their end? Just keep them in that spot, it's not hard at all. Anyone here could tell you they had a moid friend who never gave up despite never opening a window of oppurtunity for them romantically. The trick is to keep the window ever so slightly cracked open. There is 0 need to lure or put in effort, and if one breaks away, another will replace it inevitably. Having moids follow you around is the curse of all women but if you're kinda
toxic you can use this to your advantage
No. 2254433
>>2254417I assumed so.
>Having moids follow you around is the curse of all women but if you're kinda toxic you can use this to your advantageWhat is this Pepe Le Pew looney tunes world she lives in? If anything men don’t even want to risk hinting they’re attracted to you in any way unless they don’t know you.
No. 2254447
>>2254439I live in a place where that sort of behavior isn’t tolerated. I have never witnessed this.
>>2254437Simps aren’t real life, I’ve only ever seen men be pathetic online.
No. 2254533
>>2254520Few people on this website leave their room, let alone travel far
They make sweeping generalisations with conviction without having experienced 0.0001% of the world
No. 2254574
>>2254533Is the sweeping generalisation that men are the same kind of shitty everywhere?
>>2254558I feel like a lot of people don't realise that men don't need to be constantly in your vicinity to pull this shit. They've always done this. There's like a ton of men who will come out and say their gf left them for another man, do people think the other man just manifested? He was always there watching and waiting for his chance
No. 2254619
>>2254417she's not fantasizing, I've had men still chase me even when I made it crystal clear I am not interested in them.
I've had plenty of them in the past, both whom I made it clear to and orbiters, men are a million times more fucking delusional than women, the entitlement is especially jarring in uglier guys (when you're a pretty girl)
>>2254401most of mine were former colleagues, back when going to the office was a thing, but I've noticed a fuckton of girls who keep school/college boys orbiters near them and are delusional enough to think guys hang around them because they're "cool" and not because they want to fuck
>>2254432>they're a convenient safety netsome of these safety nets get very mad if you don't want to fuck them,and that's the moment you need to bail asap
No. 2254684
>>2254671There is no way on earth a total of 4 billion people are alike
Can we keep this thread on subject with the ugly man psyop
Go back to the hidden board to talk about such stuff
No. 2254686
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Yeah, they’re cringe and offensively stupid, but the real reason that scrotes hate them is because they are objectively gorgeous.(do not defend ugly men itt)
No. 2254743
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The shuttering fact that every time some retard leaks a picture of her nigel, he's ugly as unforgivable hell.
No. 2255856
File: 1731343269456.png (359.95 KB, 517x622, fugly.png)

Never mind maybe nonnas are right , older men are trash and don't have feelings and they are even worse than younger men, they are just better at manipulating us and pretending to be lovely when they are not sorry you were all right. Men never age mentally and spiritually (and many times looks too) all dudes over 25 years of age look like pic rel. I guess lolcow was right.
No. 2256013
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Picrel stolen from celebricows. I know those sexiest men lists have gone downhill but come on now
No. 2256034
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>>2256013This is what's supposed to be the sexiest man alive? This is just ridiculous at this point.
>>2256025I just don't think those men deserve to pass on their genes and it shows other men that they don't have to put in any effort and that it's women who just have to lower their standards, like the pick mes. I've been on the receiving end of those insults myself so I also dislike what you mentioned though.
No. 2256040
>>2256025Which is a hilarious reminder that no such pickme is actually into her pig.
A woman who's actually attracted to her boyfriend and thinks he's hot would never advertise him and his type to other women, much less force her female peers in real life to pursue the same type. They act as if their ideal outcome is expanding their man's infidelity options. Something ain't adding up.
No. 2256053
>>2256042I think men who go after older women are misogynistic too if they just see them as a "milf" porn stereotype or whatever but in a different way. The ones into younger women tend to be even worse on average like you said though and eventually start touching kids.
Another thing I remember that's related to this is anons here discussing in a previous thread that older men tend to develop more paraphilias and become more twisted sexually compared to younger ones. Like if a younger moid is already brainrotten from porn exposure due to starting it at a young age, imagine when they grow older and become even worse due to being exposed to it for even longer periods of time. I've known moids who were less degenerate when they were younger (still watched porn but to a lesser extent) who basically morphed into full on open coomers by the time they hit their mid to late 20s. Worst part is they saw this as them "maturing into a man and not repressing their sexuality anymore" instead of what it is (porn addiction).
No. 2256119
>>2256100Those older leftover men were young too kek, it’s kind of idiotic to attribute young=good old=bad regarding morality at least.
Men get ruined as soon as they are 8, even if you raise your son to be good you can’t control the environment around him. My motto is use them until they’re useful, the biggest scam women were taught was love, you’ll never receive love from a man.
No. 2256133
>>2256053This argument hardly counts since we’re at a time and age where porn addiction is a real thing. The shit they watch isn’t the same your grandad was reading when he was stealing porn magazines or dvds from his father in. 16 year olds are being exposed and watching hardcore porn, they aren’t watching couples making sweet love , they’re watching women getting beaten up, tied up, tortured and raped to the point that they can’t keep it up when having real sex at 20 mind you.
The young men of this generation are scary and they’ll be worse when they’ll be older.
No. 2256168
>>2256100I understood that you didn't mean it like that since you started off your post with "men of all ages can be misogynistic", I just wanted to point out the milf thing specifically still.
>>2256133>The young men of this generation are scary and they’ll be worse when they’ll be older.I agree with this? Like basically the point I was making was just that I've seen younger moids basically become even worse as they got older, like they were already exposed to tons of porn from a young age but as they got older got a lot worse with it. I didn't think they were like my grandad or something, I was just talking about how it escalates and gets even worse with age basically.
No. 2256175
>>2256168Age doesn’t matter regarding this is what I’m saying nonna, the 20 year old porn addict spends the same amount of time if not more than the 40 year old porn addict scrote. They’re the same picture.
Get the better looking one for a quick fuck if you really want to, but let us not pretend like young men are angels who haven’t been corrupted yet kek.
No. 2256317
>>2256242I see it in more simple terms.
Marriage can be defined as a woman settling for an unfit man due to cultural forces telling her he will be more fit for a long term bond, followed by denial of the fact that a) men age and b) men lose attractiveness with age. Additionally, the woman performs affectionate caretaking labor that is naturally reserved for infants, for the male she fucks. Do nonas know why pregnancy and postpartum period normally nuke your sex drive? Caretaking is
innately and naturally unsexy, as it should be to facilitate offspring survival. However, you are expected to direct it at something you are also expected to be sexually attracted to.
The idea that your wife "dead bedrooming" you in a 1man1woman everymangetstobreed scenario is anything but the logical conclusion is straight up delusional.
No. 2256448
They really want to erase all pretty boys in the west,don't they? First by brainwashing them with the beards=manly mentality,then that women rugged masculine chadjaw men. I saw this shit in groups,the guys who didn't have a bear were picked on by ugly manlets with beards.
How do I teleport to china nonnas? I want to put stickers on their abs like the other girls too. I want my eyes to bask in the beauty of fit young pretty boys.
No. 2256464
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>>2256448kek shaved head dude in the background is famous in China for cosplaying as a sexy buddhist monk
No. 2256493
>>2256458I've seen some candids and a lot of them really do look that good,even if they wear makeup.
I've seem attractive guys irl but they're rare pokemon,and I look at them like a hyena that has been stranded in the desert for too long who is in desperate need of a scrumptious meal
No. 2256530
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>>2256493Here's as little editing as I could find, honestly doable
No. 2256532
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>>2255632Oh wow you’re absolutely right. I had to google him because I didn’t know he looked pretty good in his 20’s. Media is clinging to moid actors who used to be handsome but aren’t anymore.
No. 2256576
>>2256530He's cute,WOULD.
No. 2257089
>>2256100Loyalty has nothing to do with age. Most younger men are also barely actively maintaining their looks and are coasting off their youth, it's just that there's still an opportunity for you to intervene so that they eat healthy and wear sunscreen.
counterpoint: he's more likely to vape
No. 2257194
File: 1731409222249.jpg (74.01 KB, 540x532, eb8410bf3e94dac4c244f1926fb101…)

Should we have a seperate thread for moggings? I think images like this are hilarious and would love to compile them together. Does it belong on g/ or ot/?
No. 2258079
>>2254017 Most couple lose attraction to their partners when they get older because their bodies and faces are past their prime. It is still possible for older couples to stay loyal because genuine love develops overtime. The biggest mistakes women make in dating is picking somebody for the personality before checking their genetics and income. What you should do is find men with those traits and pick the guy with the best personality and mental health so he doesn’t become
A man who is beautiful rich intelligent with good genetics is extremely rare so instead you have to prioritize. If you want to have kids then good genetics are more important(but don’t raise your kids in poverty pick middle class men or above).If you don’t want any children and you want to focus on your career then picking up guy based on his income is better for you.
make your romantic relationship the least important part of your life. You will find love in your children,family friends, community, and pets , not a man.
No. 2258163
File: 1731458409104.mp4 (8.82 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_064E463C26…)

The Mr. World contest is full of uggos it's so embarrasing. The only good looking dudes were Argentina and Northern Ireland the rest look gay bogged ugly or all three
No. 2258187
>>2253718Younger men voted blue more than older men, so they are more likely to lean towards going along with you, while older men will constantly belittle you and demean you solely for being younger. I am 21 myself, younger men, while they could be coomers, are nowhere as near as perverted as older men. I was hit on the most when I was underaged and actually bullied the most by older men for being opinionated, it was men my age and those younger who were kinder to me. It's literally proven that on a biological standpoint, women actually benefit from dating younger men. If you want a long lasting relationship, dating a younger man would be best. They won't die earlier than you and have less stress than an older man. There has been studies that older women dating younger men being more satisfied, and thats specifically because younger men are more likely to be more accepting due to inexperience. I'm dating an slightly older man but he's very inexperienced so he loves me dearly. The more experienced a man is, the more he is going to think less of you, in my opinion. Obviously, there are exceptions. Younger men are more likely to worship you, while older men usually expect things from you, imo. My evidence may be anecdotal, but all the kindest/most devoted men I dated were younger.
No. 2258188
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>>2258175he looks like a cryptid
No. 2258256
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>>2256013>not showering every dayThis must be male intrasexual competition at work because otherwise I cannot fathom how this would be published as legitimate advice in a popular magazine.
No. 2258717
>>2258163Jfc, a life as an ugly moid who works out a little would be easy mode compared to my life as a pretty woman.
>>2258709>wearing nothing but thongs like female pegeantsTotally forgot this double standard; now, I'm so mad. Men are so gay for not wanting to show off for women.
No. 2258724
File: 1731498523646.png (767.65 KB, 765x549, ugly.png)

>>2256013Apparently it's actually this guy that won? It's confusing but he's ugly too of course. The people in the comments acting like this is any better than Benny Blanco and calling him "daddy" are delusional
No. 2258740
>>2258163Argentina and Northern Ireland are the only passable ones. I dislike how all of them have such short hair and the same "look" to them that isn't attractive at all and feel average at best, ugly at worst. Indonesia in particular is like ???? like you seriously didn't have any other better looking guys than him?
No. 2258762
>>2258724Wtf is the expression in the second one supposed to be?
>>2258163Lmao why is this so bad, most of these guys somehow look worse than the average moid
No. 2258783
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>>2258177>I hate the shaved sides or whatever the hell you call itThat damn haircut it's called "undercut" or "sidecut", men around the world are obsessed with this haircut because it's "neat and masculine" even though it's so unflattering, frankly ugly and boring
>Where's the fluff, curls, anything??? Or even long hair? Fuck everyoneMoids think any hairstyle that isn't a buzzcut or similar is gay, unkempt or "doing too much". Not every male suits short hair, yet most are literally speedrunning baldness and fucked up hairlines by obsessively getting undercuts, I've personal beef with picrel and I think it's part of the psyop, I'm sick of fancying hot moids just for them to hack off their fucking hair at the barber reeeeee
No. 2258819
>>2258783It's so fucking ugly and needs to disappear, you're 100% right. Even a guy with decent features gets instantly nerfed if he has this shitty haircut and beard yet all of them think it looks good somehow, it's so common.
I actually had a conversation with a guy about this recently, I asked why do guys always have that short hair when it doesn't look good and he just said it's because he's lazy and doesn't want to put in the work to take care of his hair if it was longer. Which doesn't make sense to me when just growing out your hair a little bit compared to this super short hairstyle doesn't exactly require 1000 hours of effort, my hair is longer and it looks fine without doing any of that so it just feels like an excuse, and it's not like they need to have hair going all the way down to their back or something. Most of them are willing to use those weird gels and gross smelling fragrances and other shit like that too for their appearance but somehow draw the line at just growing your hair out slightly as if it's too difficult when the reality is they're just sheep and copy whatever ugly male aesthetic look is currently trendy.
No. 2258820
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>>2258163You may not like it, but picrel is what peak masculinity looks like
No. 2258958
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Moids age like milk it's so insane. Saw this today and had to post. He was cuter in his youth.
No. 2259016
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>>2259009That said, seems like this one specifically they actually aren't the same people if you look at the caption for the post.
No. 2259098
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>>2258783Why are men obsessed with looking like the rugrats twins?
No. 2259122
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Quick question, how often do you see attractive men at the level of prime Alain Delon?
No. 2259274
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the male hosts in this dumbass reality usually don't look as good as their partners but holy fuck argentina brought it to a new level
No. 2259297
File: 1731531895029.png (7.2 MB, 2304x3072, sexiest-man-alive-ht-ml-241113…)

Another part of the old man psyop
No. 2259408
>>2259265Idk I just always think men always look uglier by default even when women have goofy haircuts.
No. 2259560
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>>2259546Anything with an all-male cast is going to be popular with women. The difference is that Golden kamuy, Yakuza and your vidrel were made for men, whereas stuff made for women like Free, male idol anime, and Love and Deepspace have younger looking men. Its a rule of thumb that women get so little fanservice they often have to woobify and bishify ugly male characters. If you check Yakuza and GK fanart they are always drawn prettier than they actually are.
No. 2259581
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>>2259566meh i dont consume capeshit anymore, not after they botched the bishounen line of figures. They made all the men generic(except for dick grayson), when their female figures are contorted to be as sexualized as possible
No. 2259591
>>2259581I mean Damian was gonna be originally have his ass out but they toned him down
A shame they only did Batman characters though since I was curious to see what some Marvel and Superman guys would look like
No. 2259625
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>>2259611the batman one looks exactly the same as their non bishounen batman line for male collectors. Its so obvious they were afraid of hurting incel's feelings.
No. 2259840
>>2259796>college>baldingWhat the hell?
>>2259625>>2259581I thought the bishonen line was alright it just suffered from boring poses. Batman was very handsome but the pose is dull. The only male cape character I've ever found charming/attractive enough to collect is Daredevil but he'd never get an ikemen fig.
No. 2259994
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>>2259980IMO its the fact they didnt try to differentiate their bishounen line enough from their normie moid action figure line. The figures look cheap and unoriginal. Compare an ikemen DC figure, that's stiff and lacks details, to a bishoujo figure. The Batgirl figure was 70 usd, while the batman figure was fucking 110 dollars. They clearly played safe and it ended up backfiring because no woman is going to spend 100+ usd on the most generic, stiff, ugly batman figure ever. I hate to admit it but their bishoujo figures are beautiful, they are coomery as hell but i love the faces and the poses are often very dynamic and fun, and what did we get? stiff ugly boring overpriced figures.
No. 2260006
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>>2259994To be fair some of them aren’t super coomery, the ponies and some of the capeshit characters are just in normal poses+fully clothed.
Agreed on the detail though, I remember being disappointed by how simple their faces were (basically prize figure tier)
Nightwing sold alright but it seems like the others did pretty so so…
No. 2260036
>>2260030>>2260016poses matter a lot for the attractiveness of a figure. If she was standing like Batman here
>>2259994 it wouldnt be near as attractive.
No. 2260097
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Are russian men actually qte or did i get memed by anime into developing a fetish thats not founded in reality?
No. 2260107
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>>2260106what a shame, still want more qte russian anime bishies tho
No. 2260155
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reposting from the plasticnProud thread.
No. 2260157
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>>2260155and this is the guy she settled with TOPKEK
No. 2260175
>>2258783I'm not a regular in these threads, but one thing I despise with seething, burning hatred is these disgusting haircuts that scrotes worldwide are getting. You have no fucking idea how much I hate it. Moids should have long hair, at least chin-level long, and they can't even do that.
It's the repulsive hairstyles and the revolting "fashion" that's popular with scrotoids nowadays. I don't care to nitpick features, but shitty fashion will ruin any moid's appeal. I hate having been born in this era, I wish I had been born about 20 years earlier.
>>2260173Hey, they could also have sex with their moids but be part of the 8/10 women who fake orgasms during straight sex.
No. 2260310
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Scrotes in the comments were telling him to shave it all off and rock the heckin' awesome soldier look. So muhh skuline!
No. 2260312
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>>2260310Is this true? Covid induced hairloss in teen scrotes?
No. 2260314
File: 1731586101011.jpg (421.7 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_2024-11-14-15-07-42…)

This thing is sixteen years old
No. 2260347
>>2260295I've had people call me shallow, asexual, aromantic, prude, catholic (I hate religion), demisexual, mean, egotistical, and every other label you can think of for simply having basic standards. It just gets old after a while really, especially when you so clearly see the double standards with how males are never told any of this crap when they want clean shaven, pretty women that put effort into their looks. It's only ever an issue when
you do it as a woman, but they can thirst over hot young women all day and say they only want a 10/10 japanese waifu, pick on your looks and no one bats an eye or ever calls them shallow, because that's just expected from males and as a woman you ~have to be better than that~ and not care about looks or whatever other retarded bullshit, otherwise you're an evil bitch and incels think you should be killed. They'll also act like you have to be a supermodel or something to have any standards at all, while the ugliest males can thirst for the most beautiful women and again, no one cares or gives them nearly as much shit for it.
Also, these types of people can be "progressive" but only in a fake way since what most progressives still do is be misogynistic and coddle males all the time, just look at the state of feminism on the left and how much they care about troon feelings over women. They don't actually care about women and never will and even progressive males hate us having standards since it means they won't get sex from us for just pretending to be male feminists. Even the most self hating males who claim to be all for women's rights will still act like I just murdered their whole family when I say I don't want to fuck ugly men. For the women they're too stuck on the whole idea that being progressive means accepting any and all degeneracy and ugliness too.
>>2260310>>2260314And then people will come onto this thread and call you a pedophile if you don't want to date old men when even men this young are already balding. Lmao
No. 2260479
>>2260155>Judges women for caring about looks since that and money are the only things moids bring to the table>Is literally called "PlasticNProud", got every plastic surgery available on the market to look like an uncanny blow up doll only to settle for a short bald walled moid?????
How is she not judging the men who picked her solely for
her looks, then? Does she think baldie is seriously with her because of the value she adds to his life?
No. 2261120
Had the most retarded conversation
>tell manlet friend with ultraskinny build most women want manly men
>he gets mad and defensive
>keeps going on about attraction and hormones,calls me narrow-minded
>says I'm immature
>get hit with the "women are more emotional" speech again
>I'm a lesser woman for my "limited" views and apparently consider myself the center of the universe
>keeps pestering me because I'm not married
>I chose not to be married, regardless of how good a "provider" a man is
>get called a child for not wanting to do that
>nothing I say,no matter how honest,can change his mind
>tells me there is no thing such as physical attraction
>tells me you can be attracted and not attracted to the same guy in different phases
>at this point i am done
>expected me to get married and pop a kid because that's what nature intended for women
>legitimately thinks he knows better than a fucking woman what women are attracted to and how attraction works
>considers his life a failure because he doesn't attract that much female attention
A sad life when you live for validation from the opposite sex but holy shit the mental gymnastics some of these men do is beyond olympic level.
If I'm not attracted initially to a guy,especially an uglier one,I will never be,no matter what car,house or how much money he has.
Why is it so hard for men to accept the truth?they wouldn't date fat women,why the fuck is it so hard to understand that most women want tall,attractive men
You can like someone and not find them attractive,that's where the "she's nice to me,she must like me" shit comes from when these idiots confuse friendliness with romantic feelings.
I told him I'd rather die alone than with an ugly moid and nothing will change my stance.
who tf is brainwashing these guys
No. 2261333
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Top kek
No. 2261404
File: 1731644929784.jpg (672 KB, 1299x2000, bastard.JPG)

>>2261120Men have spent the last millennia denying the existence of women’s internality, humanity, and autonomy, preferring instead to fuss amongst each other and decide who gets what woman object(s) based on where they fall in the male hierarchy. A man’s resources are his “power”, and with that, he is owed a woman’s affection. This is how moid logic operates. They refuse to accept that women are separate entities with the own free will and motives that may be disparate from their own. Instead they substitute this reality with their own version of reality, in order to have more control. They are too rigid and empathy deficient to adapt to a new environment (moid brain deficiency, which is not helped by generations of breeding in which women could if prune these failsons)
Being confronted with the reality that women are human, he will deny it, saying they are “emotional, illogical,” etc. it’s ironic. He runs off of his own internal logic, which is internally consistent, but does not actually reflect his actual environment. This is why they “explain” how you are instead of listening to you tell him.
He will stay delusional, and die thinking he’s “right” despite all the evidence against him, ie, being terminally rejected by women despite fancying himself as some sort of “provider”.
No. 2261415
>>2261404To add, men have been able to get away with insisting their own reality by literally manifesting it. Denying women their autonomy through force. When women were unable to escape moid logic order, of course men could invent anything they wanted to about how “women actually are”. Now that women are no longer materially dependent on men, their whole statement collapses. The common moid refuses to accept and accept, preferring to dig his heels in and screech about how things “should” be instead of how they actually are. How the “natural order” of humanity is having far more control than most of the male species has ever been afforded.
Men would be wise to better understand the function of the male sex, and realize that patriarchy was only ever a revolt against nature, and without it, women will expose themselves to be what they always were; separate rational actors with their own divergent motives.
Why would a woman entirely materially liberated from males ever breed with one for any reason outside of following her own desires? When she is not reliant on him for food and shelter? Male “logic” cannot give an answer to this very simple question. Much screeching and “stupid emotional woman, muh feminine chaos” will ensue.
No. 2261430
>>2261421It’s internally consistent if you live in a world where women are objects instead of people. The only reason they have so many copes is because they have to find a way to rationalize the overwhelming evidence that it does not reflect reality.
Then they just resort to “women=irrational, malicious actors”.
No. 2261483
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Would you ladies consider this a downgrade/psyop? I’ve been arguing with my friends about it.
No. 2261486
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Who tf is getting off to the rock. How much money do you think they paid to their PR team?
No. 2261495
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>>2261486>Who tf is getting off to the rockthis fag
No. 2261497
File: 1731650502912.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1920x1080, ec21cf3a6d572af9c4567a9f1b7115…)

Modern metal artists are so fat and ugly, where did the peter steele of the world went
No. 2261511
>>2261502Oh totally physique was nice from what I saw in his tight fitting clothes (we need more men with hot bodies wearing tight clothes)
>>2261506I'll take your word on that nonna lol
No. 2261522
>>2239717Heavily nurture (taught) than nature, most people get easily influenced if they don’t question anything. And your autism is a blessing in disguise, if you can tell moids bluntly they’re shitstains kek.
I am happy I had an epiphany years ago, questioning more why we as women get treated as garbage, in every aspect by men (and by some women) and that we as women should stop taking their bullshit but are mentally trapped and blinded by society’s (internalized) misogyny when we don’t question and fight against it.
The only advice I can give, challenge other women why they think that way, why the world is the way it is, it can be simple.
And remind them some women back then also thought they “didn’t need feminism” and “liked being taken care of”, but appreciated the freedom and rights that came along with it, which they and their future daughters (us) enjoy and appreciate.
Keep fighting and praying for our lost sisters, we’re in this together.
No. 2261542
File: 1731656006086.webp (26.76 KB, 640x506, s20ecqo308441.webp)

>>2261497Most of Sabaton looked decent when they were younger, though. So this is just another case of men hitting the wall too soon. To be fair, they had a shit style during that era (Pär looked worse when his hair was like in that pic), and 4 out of the 6 in that pic left the band a long time ago. I find Chris and Thobbe more attractive than the guys who left, but not by much, kek. There was a guy who briefly joined the band called Robban Bäck, who
used to look decent until he ruined his looks and/or also hit the wall.
Also, the one on the right in your pic turned out to be a pedophile. I find it highly questionable that (if memory serves) apparently his bandmates knew he was fucked in the head, even if they didn't know the extent of his degeneracy, but they didn't seem to do anything about it. Once again, moids don't fail to disappoint.
>>2261502NTA but I agree, his face was a bit "monstruous", so to speak. Probably because he was freakishly tall.
No. 2261595
File: 1731662748741.png (966.99 KB, 965x947, Screenshot 2024-11-15 at 11-19…)

Here is your jailbait barely legal moid
No. 2261621
>>2261595Why do so many of them have such ugly stumpy hands
Ugly ass nails too
No. 2261637
>>2260347>just look at the state of feminism on the left and how much they care about troon feelings over womenOh, I know. Most troons I knew transition into their idea of a what a women is instead the reality of one. That includes living out there "yuri waifu" delusions through LARP and sperging about men invading their sacred spaces when they were the one's doing the pushing. Beautiful men are their enemy on the simple premise of embodying what they lack, the means to get a woman. Wonder why ugly sperg men transition and not some run of the mill normie? Because of all them never have a chance with women so believe that by becoming one, they're one step closer in acquiring a gf.
In a way, loving "girlcock" is it's own psy-op as men can never fathom OSA women's attraction to men. There has to be a stipulation. A women can't like a man for his beauty, yet time and time again, they still seethe when a woman is honest and admits to her shallowness. Only women are expected to be sexy and beautiful, thus, women should only like other women and them. The amount of times I said I like men in male-dominated spaces has always been met by questions of liking femboys or calling me gay over something as normal as OSA attraction. Maybe it's on me for sticking around for so long, but it really grinds my nerves to see aspects of being human degraded to some form of phobia or slur.
No. 2261642
File: 1731667364976.jpg (128.74 KB, 1000x1333, chrispratt.jpg)

How has Chris Pratt not been mentioned yet? Small eyes, trapezoid hairline, wide cheekbones and narrow jaw combo, perma weak beard and moustache because dysgenic jaw.
No. 2261803
Where is my irl Toki Wartooth?
No. 2262120
File: 1731701855073.jpg (36.53 KB, 800x450, 210524_4368096_Capitulo_148_80…)

Now for a vintage latin example, HE needed a glow up.
>>2260312>>2261925What are the odds that covid isn't
triggering their natural baldness, but rather they just aren't attempting to treat it? I got hair loss from covid too and it improved with b12 supplement
No. 2262130
>>2261404Apparently denying men of sex is like denying their very existence,hence why most of them take it so badly,even orbiters. If women don't give them attention their life is meaningless and it means they are failures so while sex is seen as mandatory for a guy's existence,for a woman it's just a "bonus",something nice to have,not imperative to their core being.
And while attraction is based on hormones,just because I might be hormonally attracted to a guy who's not that great looking,that doesn't mean I don't want a man who's as good looking as possible. It's a waste of our hormones and genes, it's why so many good looking women weep after uggos, if the men pool was full of attractive guys, the average/ugly ones wouldn't stand a chance,even with the whole hormonal attraction theory.
No. 2262132
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>>2261499Wtf are you talking about he was a huge misogynist
No. 2262155
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>>2261502His face was kinda nephilim-ish, usually when guys are that tall they have some pituitary gland disorder. I think he had an undiagnosed one and he died because of that.
He did look pretty good in makeup. He was definitely no bishie but he took great care of his hair, which made me realize how much hair makes an impact.
>>2261506Can’t disagree with that. Men don’t realize how women can appreciate a nice rack.
>>2262132This guy was definitely something. He goes from being straight out of a gothic smut novel for wine moms to having a cathartic cuck fantasy where he wants to have a double murder-suicide by catching his cheating girlfriend and killing her and her lover and then finally himself. He brought up that fantasy several times in interviews, maybe he wanted to seem edgy and tortured.
No. 2262282
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>>2262259Most alt guys that I found handsome were goths and emos. They tend to be more hygenic. I have met to many metalheads with greasy hair and BO.
No. 2262301
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I feel like they’re baiting super hard in this thread. There’s just no way
No. 2262307
>>2262282My goth ex boyfriend was not cute and he's kinda made me resent goth men. However his style and the fact that he dressed cool blinded me to that when we started dating.
He desperately wanted to channel Brandon lee from the crow but looked like a fucking muppet
No. 2262308
>>2262301Yeah, some of them are
definitely baiting in that thread kek
No. 2262407
>>2262392Nta but it’s in the TON documentary Synphony For the Devil with commentary. The way he’s hunched over her like a giant is so funny
but also hot. I’m not going to post it here to not derail but it’s the one with the thumbnail of Peter with weird Halloween makeup eyebrows. It starts at 13:00 He seemed hungry that day.
No. 2262555
>>2258774I second this! Only the male ones.
>>2261616I agree things are getting better for women, if we keep this up. And I am glad you are taking care of yourself by staying a virgin and have peace with no man in your life, because sex is so vulnerable.
No. 2262559
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>>2261542I like sabaton and have been following them for a while but they were always ugly. I think in a way its part of the appeal of being tryhard dorky nerds on a nerd metal band that makes dorky songs about history. It feels like watching a bunch of autistic dads hangout.
No. 2262611
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>>2262561Anon that's paisley. Clarifying that this moid has terrible taste in paisley in case this post gets misconstrued as defending him.
No. 2262650
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>>2261595Lmao, dude looked alright before but then went ahead and just straight up walled himself kekkkk
No. 2262884
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Jesus Christ he hit the wall hard, is the weight gain recent? She still looks perfect of course, but what's the point of being so beautiful when you can't even trust your bf to not let himself go??
No. 2262888
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>>2262884Does she have a feeder thing going on, or what. Imagine having picrel and then that blob on top of you except it's the same man.