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No. 224343
>>224337Same with all these gay beauty youtubers, constantly calling each other and their fans 'bitches', talking about tits etc (like Kuckian)… Wouldn't it be absurd for girls to talk about their nonexistent penises, so why do they do this?
Like that's not how real women talk with each other, but they are enforcing that and all the little girls following them think it's cool
No. 224349
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I think the moment I realised shit had gone too far was when everyone was applauding an 8year old “drag queen” named after a lactating breast clearly manipulated by his lefty mouth breathing obese mother who was desperate for attention but couldn’t possibly turn the spotlight on herself… the drag, gay and trans community are just a fad, a cute prop for a ‘sassy’ instagram photo or a cute a quirky joke to add more pazzaz to your dialect teehee
>yaaaaas gurl hunty slayyyyy work ittt sistaaa
No. 224353
>>224291I understand that I’m totally being innacurate in this statement but in the LGBT community in my area I’ve noticed that they are either really good people or rapey as fuck.
As a girl I’ve had them try to touch my boobs as a joke which is not okay with me no matter who you are unless I agreed previously to it
And my ex boyfriend who was a different at a venue usually got sexually groped all the time by them and the bears.
He repeatedly asked a specific drag queen to stop and his repeated pleas where ignored
Like 2 of them pretty much beat the fuck out of anyone that tries to go home with a clearly underage kid that comes into the bar and they send the kid home safe
Idk why they seem to be the best or the worst where I live
No. 224358
Children should really not be sexualised
Being a drag queen is about breaking (sexual) barriers ffs
No. 224371
>>224343Like how do they not stop to think that it might be offensive? Imagine walking into a room as a white person and being like "Hey what's up, niggas?" and when someone calls you out for it you're like "Oh no hun, this is empowering for you guys!"
They're insults. It's a cute little buzzword until you've had the word "bitch" or "cunt" thrown at you from someone who wasn't trying to "empower" you and then it's not cute at all. God I hate these fuckers. They only shit on women all the time because women rarely do anything about it. Drag queens and transwomen act the exact same as a straight man and the idiots can't even see that. Even right down to calling objects "she". Fucking assholes.
No. 224372
>>224358I never know what to say when I complain about how disgusting children's beauty pageants or pole dancing classes are and someone always says "Well if you think kids are being sexualised, you're the problem! There's nothing sexy about this child being a drag queen!"
What has our disgusting world come to?
No. 224391
>>224388it's ridiculous. a tan person is not trying to be black, they're trying to be tan. and 9x out of 10 these people are just bitter that they can't magically become lighter.
but stereotypes and caricatures of being a woman is okay? it's stupid.
No. 224403
>>224400it's because people don't give a fuck about women. the argument about drag is the same argument that is used for people complaining about 'blackface' (tanning etc in cosplay usually)
>years of oppression>traits viewed as negative in society>can't simply stop being blackit's exactly the same, just replace black with woman. and yet these same people are the 'yass queen' ones and at the same time are quick to define gender roles as rigid unchanging truths and at the same time assert that drag and trans are somehow the same. it's baffling how many logical leaps you must make to get to their conclusions.
No. 224417
>>224416It's kind of funny because it's like they're admitting being trans is the same thing. Also that one comment about "transexuality exists in bugs and fish and shit" what a load of shit, does it exist in bacteria and viruses too?
drag is definitely offensive in the same way blackface would be, and it's ridiculous that people are trying to excuse it. and all the comments trying to assert that it affects people who are only similar to women (gays and trans) are infuriating.
>b-but gay people get shat on for being effeminate, it's their way of empowerment! then maybe work on toxic masculinity instead of using stereotypes. hmm? No. 224422
>>224412This shit is what gets to me.
>I am a drag queen and a fantabulous one at that. Drag can be perceived as "blackface for woman," and understandably so. But that is not its purpose.That's not the point at all.
No. 224438
>>224433yea of course. and mistrals weren't stereotyping blacks, they were just acting like stereotypes and putting on a show as a form of cultural expression!
>>224437trans people seem to be getting more offended over it (because it reinforces the fact that they're doing the same thing)
No. 224584
>>224568there's a huge difference between playing with gender roles and simply masquerading as a woman, which is what drag is. even if you want to be more feminine, plenty of men express femininity without associating it with stereotypical behavior.
it's funny because that's also what mtt people do which is why they kick up a fuss about drag
>you can't pretend you're a woman i'm doing that it's a ~medical thing~ No. 224649
>>224646oh wow, what a badass.
nta but what the hell do you expect posting a passive aggressive comment ITT. literally no one cares who you replied to. all posts are free game.
No. 224651
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>>224646>>224646This isn't PULL nor tumblr. Go back to whatever retarded echo chamber you came from.
No. 224654
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I don't mind Drag Queens that just do their make up & lip sync and keep their mouth shut about female issues aside from that. Can't really stand Comedy Queens because they get really misogynistic sometimes.
No. 224687
>>224666Nta but you sound like a dumb cunt who doesn't understand how imageboards work.
Seriously what's with the influx lately of people who sound as if they're fifteen or some shit?
No. 224690
>>224349>>224356>>224358RPDR is cool but drag culture seems to be drenched in sexuality which is why it's so odd to want to involve children.
Everything is becoming grossly streamlined now, you can watch reality tv porn on netflix now right next to children's cartoons.
Redefining the boundaries and interests of cultural groups opens markets :(
No. 224699
There are parts of drag I love. I like the questioning of the rigidity of gender, the costuming, the makeup, the breaking of social norms. I've watched some RPDR and enjoyed it. I think it's really fascinating and impressive to watch people transform themselves with clothing and makeup, and often to play larger-than-life drag characters who are far removed from their actual selves.
What I hate is that if a woman played out any of the humour a lot of popular queens use, they'd be torn apart or slammed as unfunny hacks. So much of the humour is in really shitty taste. "Reading" people (being nasty about people to get a laugh) really falls flat for me and just seems weird. Calling queens "fishy" if they look too convincing is fucking disgusting (I mentioned how dodgy the phrase once in an LGBT soc in college and I got shouted down because I just "didn't get it" and I was being "overdramatic". Never went back). Queens who support gender equality are fantastic, but so many make it about themselves because they play a woman.
For an art that can really bring gender roles into question, question masculinity/femininity, and honestly be good fun, there's a lot of nasty stuff that is completely overlooked because "yass queen slayy".
It's not real, I know. But it's making huge shockwaves through popular culture. It's hard to talk to gay guys I know about RPDR because they view so many things so differently because it's not their gender being lampooned.
I have so many conflicting feelings.
No. 224897
>>224727It makes me so angry that they're "faux" and given such shit, like sorry they're exaggerating their OWN gender, which they've experienced and understand, but nah we'd rather have a guy in a dress who has no understanding of the female experience. Ugh.
I'd love to be a queen. I love theatre but I don't know if it'd be worth being accused of invading gay male spaces or some bullshit.
No. 224899
>>224337ALL. OF. THIS. bless you anon. I never got why so many women like drag queens, they're always misogynistic as fuck.
>>224384Basically, yes. It's the same fucking idea yet here we have all the SJWs applauding these guys demeaning women.
No. 224994
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I use to really like drag queens and dislike female/bio queens, but then I realised they were men who thought just because they tucked their dick between their legs, wore heels and make up it suddenly gave them free pass to be completely fucking disgusting towards women and everything women have gone through is a fucking joke to them.
Female queens are better because they know not to treat women like fucking dirt and they pull better looks then a lot of the men because of how heavily they are scrutinised and trashed and don’t rely on ~~~being fishy~~~ (I fucking loathe that term)
>>224897The only “women” not called faux queens are trans ones, trans drag queens get a pass and are accepted as full, real drag queens.
Pic related is one my favourite female queen’s named Creme Fatale.
No. 225222
I have mixed feelings about drag. On some levels, I enjoy it, and have been to a fair amount of drag shows over the years. The costuming and makeup is neat, and being entertained by good entertainers can be fun. But at the same time, I see the problems that have been stated in this thread as well. There have been times where I wondered "Isn't this a bit like blackface?" Which also ties into my views on transgenderism, and how "feeling like a woman" is okay, but transracialism is a punchline for people. You can "feel" like a woman, but not like a black person? It is a massive caricature of women. The performers themselves claim it's "exploring and undoing gender stereotypes" and that they are "playing an over the top character, who is usually some aspect of themselves". But it does come off less like challenging gender, and rather reinforcing cliches about women.
The misogyny of gay men is a massive turn off too. As others in the thread have pointed out, calling one another "bitches", and "cunts", or using the gross term "fishy" for a drag queen who looks really feminine, is disgusting.
If there was a faux queen (why are the actual women the faux ones, by the way?) show near me, I'd love to go. Women actually experience those gender stereotypes, so women seem more fit to satirize it to me. It's pretty gross, and sadly predictable, that there are multiple articles about female drag queens asking if they can exist though. I saw one about how it's "cultural appropriation". Wouldn't gay men acting like female stereotypes be the original appropriation?
No. 226831
I think there is good and bad about this art ( like a lot of thing obviously ) I think that there is more and more queen that are less a caricature of woman like raja or sasha velours ( the kind of model/ high fashion queen ) and still be funny. And big wig bold makeup, funny dance and ott dress will always make me smile !
I don't know a lot of shit about rupaul because I'm not american and drag from usa aren't really well know were I live but in rpdr he look really respectful but still a little bitchy if I can say so.
But on another side there is most drag's fan who are yelling' YASS QUEEN!! GURLLL!!!" and talking like tweaking brainless kids. They are generally attacking every body that say something remotely bad about their idole.
we can kind of see that with jeffree star and even women and kids acting like that now !
( video related is a infamous french youtuber that is straight but pulling the queeny card for his underage viewers ) for the wall of text
No. 228388
>>228102Queens like Bianca and Bob the Drag Queen make me happy. I love their comedy and they don't take themselves seriously.
Queens who are obsessed with being feminine and a woman annoy me a lot. Like Farrah Moan.
No. 257990
>>257972It's been awful. Literally none of the contestants are likable aside from Monique Heart.
The show's getting worse with each passing season and it's clear at this point that it's becoming what it once parodied.
No. 258013
>>257972Super interesting that the vixen's been portrayed multiple times in coverage of the show as 'bringing up important issues around race' when it was quite transparently just her being a total cunt and living out some mean girl fantasy.
currently 9 on dazed one hundred for 'promoting conversations on RPDR around the ‘angry black woman’ narrative' No. 258535
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>>258452It's just astounding to witness such irresponsible and dumb use of language for the sake of appearing 'woke' and elevating yourself morally above others. Isn't the original term used to describe the way institutions and mainstream media portray black women? Here is a man veiling gross behaviour by accusing other people of only making it
appear that way. + Media outlets easily justify the narrative for virtue points because those buzz phrases are so highly distributed now.
and for what? So he can call himself an activist whilst simultaneously plugging merchandise and posturing in different outfits?
Actual activism like JUSTICE4GRENFELL that is in the same list as that dazed 100 vote isn't shared by him, nor does Munroe Bergdorf share it. Both would prefer you to focus on their own purely representational forms of 'activism', so they can continue to live out their odd fantasy of simultaneous superficilaity and moral elevation.
No. 258579
>>258013>>258452>>258535You guys put down exactly why I dislike The Vixen and her victim complex so much. I’m not gonna deny the atrocities that black people in the United States regularly face, but The Vixen seems think that anyone who criticizes her must be a bigot/racist when she’s the one being a loudmouth who’s always instigating petty drama.
I’ve visited some places like r/rpdrdrama and r/rpdrcringe that are full of edgy contrarians who circlejerk how much more woke/educated they are for liking unpopular non-white queens. You have so many people on there worshipping The Vixen and Tyra mainly because they’re unpopular and non-white even though there are so many instances of them displaying awful behavior. It’s ridiculous.
No. 258930
I both like and dislike drag.
I think it's really entertaining and like another anon said, queens like Bianca del Rio and Bob the Drag Queen that are more or less real comedians that just wear heels and dresses and don't take themselves too seriously are a joy to watch. I really like some of my local queens, too, because most of them are doing it purely for the entertainment/artistic aspect of drag or using it as a way to test out makeup looks or outfits that they have designed themselves. I know one queen who is using drag as a way to promote their clothing brand, which I think is a really smart thing to do because it gives her the opportunity to take commissions from people who come to the shows.
But, what I really don't like is this new trend of having drag queens be the models in magazines like Vogue instead of professional models. I don't remember how recently it was, but I remember seeing one of the contestants from RPDR modelling women's lingerie. WHY? Like, I get being all PC and whatnot cause thats what companies have to do now if they want to see any form of profit, but there is a point to where it gets ridiculous. And using them instead of biologically female models is taking jobs away from women.
But, no. Drag is super empowering for women, too! /s