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No. 2254053
Now with more nun cow!
>>>/ot/2221212 No. 2254207
>>>/ot/2253737Girl how bad was your fucking month that you end up begging a moid for sex kek. At least you have enough self awareness to know how messed up you were acting.
I do feel a bit bad though because it sounds like you did have a genuine friendship, but I’m not sure it’s recoverable. I can’t imagine how I would face someone who I was begging forces the previous time we met. Do you share many friends in common? Would he ever mention it to them? I would die. At least you don’t work together, now that would be an even worse hell
No. 2254222
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every time I get into a relationship with a moid I start fantasizing about kissing women more
No. 2254797
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>>2254768This sounds like the fun version of asparagus water.
No. 2256666
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I'm veering very close to being pro-eugenics and ecofascism. The inconvenient truth is that needless destruction of land and abuse of animal life is always linked to degeneration of society/culture and mistreatment of other humans. All populations could be improved by sterilizing (or in some cases, killing) retarded assholes and rapists, but it won't happen because there are simply too many of them in every single corner of the world and in every group. Every society is quite literally controlled by retarded assholes and rapists. In reality, most people shouldn't be breeding.
We can't even have any fruitful discussion on eugenics because men are incapable of not putting their penises first. Whatever they say ends up being a front for "I deserve pussy, other men don't". The biggest example of this I've seen are failmales view themselves as inherently superior to others over race. They're attempting to ride the coattails of other (often better) men with literally no other relation to themselves and gain sexual access via politics. If they really wanted to help their race "rise" or whatever, they'd willingly become cuckolds and fluffers to men superior to them, act as matchmakers for women, and take on the role of eunuchs. How is it that you were born with one testicle, started balding at 18 and have an extensive family history of disease, alcoholism, retardation and mental illness, but you still want to pass on your genes? Are you a golem sent to shit up the human species? You're just going to fuck up the bloodline of any woman of any race that you touch. Even worse than that are the women with low self-esteem, extreme mental illness and mate-selection dynamics so poor that they entertain those dysgenic men (among other types) and pop out 6+ abominations who will either grow both confused and mildly to severely resentful of their families (this is if they're blessed with self-awareness, or are lucky enough to be spared the worst traits their heritage has to offer) or just continue the cycle and reproduce more. The latter is a lot more common. I believe the human species would genuinely be better if you had to prove that you should breed, rather than it just being a given (or worse, an expectation), but people are too irresponsible, selfish and want "mini-mes" they'll barely even bother to raise well too much for that to ever happen, and it makes me sad. The same kind of selfishness and stupidity are what fuck up the whole world and cause harm to nearly every other species, the environment and the planet as a whole, but we still have to hear some stupid faggot talk about how going to Mars is the next frontier. Fuck off.
No. 2256824
all humans are selfish breeder retards, why do you come to eugenics (which is inherently pro-breeding, just breeding the "right" designated ones) instead of human extinction & antinatalism? isn't it much more simple to eradicate all instead of having to tightly control the human population so no one dare commit a crime against, or exploit human and nonhuman animals?
No. 2256926
>>2256898I genuinely think no one that has any actual political power right now is even slightly a pro-eugenicist, in fact retards breeding uncontrollably is a feature, not a bug.
The systems we have in place depend on constant populational growth, and if the retards are the only ones that can/do breed, then it still hits their goals. That's why many governments around the world are trying to limit people's (and
especially women's) access to information.
No. 2258473
>>2254347Their parents are probably exhausted and glad they are bothering you and not them for one moment in life. They have to deal with that kid all the time. Imagine how annoyed you are after a few minutes, that’s their life. that’s why they don’t do anything
Not saying it makes it right just saying
No. 2258548
>>2258515I prefer to say fap, but I never use the term here as it might
trigger some nonnies. So I just say "masturbate".
No. 2258606
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I noticed that I have been a lot less stylish since growing up, I was an emo teenager, and i never got tattoos or piercings when I hit 18, I don't know I have just always been sort of plain, somewhat indecisive.
My confession is that I'm a big nlog and I see people who do certain things like dana from the polyamory thread with her piercings and dyed hair and acrylic nails and I think what is the point of these ornaments if they are on such a fat and dirty person?
I don't think tattoos look good on anyone unless that person is absolutely jacked, and I don't think bright dyed hair ever looks good, but i can't imagine someone who regularly works out with bright color dyed hair.
have you guys ever seen someone with an alternative style actually be fit and hygienic? I think that is one of the reasons i have outgrown the style,Jake Munroe comes to mind, that sort of style just tells me someone drinks a lot (or does drugs or is immature and somewhat lazy) like if you want to look good or cool instead of painting your fat face white and dying your hair purple to look like a fatass jonkler with a bunch of holes in your face from all those shitty piercings, just put down the fork and go for a run…(and i know that faggot lost weight but he is still a good example) I also noticed a lot of people I know personally, they still dress emo, or in a more modern version of that have gotten pretty chubby and mature looking (facial hair) and they still wear their hair like in a swoop and wear studded belts and all that. It's horrifying. Like putting lipstick on a pig.
I feel kind of superior but I can't really word it well, it's just more mature and attractive to take care of yourself than to be someone who's "stylish" who has bad hygiene and sits around and eats junk all day. I know the rocker style is kind of like hedonistic or whatever but still,
No. 2258649
>>2257252Thank you nona I am still cautious because he does still use it from time to time, and is a moid. sorry your 4chan moid turned out to be too 4chan moidy
>>2257734I know but I mean in the sense that he's a well adjusted member of society, and probably as abnormal as a woman on lc
>>2258036I'm clearly a bit retarded but obviously I looked up his name on the archives?
No. 2258657
>>2258515i don't understand how the nursery rhyme is connected, i don't think that's where it originated kek.
>none of the other terms available are both normal and casual."jacking off" doesn't sound normal nor casual either though. it's all retarded a pussy can't be "jacked", nor "flicked", "jilled", it's all shit. maybe "rubbed"
No. 2258681
>>2258649>he's a well adjusted member of societyhe's still on 4chan, so no. he might appear that way, but well-adjusted and male imageboard user do not overlap.
>and probably as abnormal as a woman on lcdemonstrably false. women on lc are harmless autismo cringe queens with a few unhinged weirdos who nobody takes seriously. 4chan moids are, well, you've been there. women also aren't memed into debauchery the same way scrotes are so there isn't an issue with women being around weirdo extremists because the vast majority of us aren't going to change our ways. meanwhile moids can meme themselves into bisexuality just by being like "lolol no homo, but what if tho?" to say nothing of how they meme themselves into deeper misogyny
No. 2258779
I just had my first big argument with my fiance. He's from a good family, a wealthy and well adjusted one. He's a smart man, and rational, and kind, and naive, with very good prospects, inheriting a family business. I had him sobbing in front of me. I felt him fracture beneath me, and all I felt was a numb, concentrated coldness. I broke him down, and in that instant, I know I won. He has no idea what he is getting into with me.
I'm from a bad household, an abusive one, and he isn't. I know how to manipulate. His family is picture perfect Norman Rockwell. And I know I'm going to come into his innocent, honest mentality and loving family, degrade his entire being, and steal his innocence. I'm going to show him what abuse is. He will never be the same, if he ever gets free of me. Every normality his family has striven for is going to vanish with me and the children I have, and the resentment and mental issues that I instill in them. And I'll see him and his family degrade, day after day, and love melt into hate and mistrust, and I'll feel vindicated, and have my bitterness for his happiness viciously satisfied.
I don't want to do this to him. He's a good man, and he doesn't deserve it. He loves me.
But I don't know how to stop. And I know I shouldn't want to do this. But I do want to do this, and I will. And the world will be a worse place for it.
No. 2259278
>>2258779please journal instead of doing this. you did deserve more love, and that's very sad, how unfair the world is. but this is not fair.
>>2258481you have no idea how beautiful women are regardless of how their body looks. saggy tatas are still tatas and…amazing. every part of a woman is pretty, and if someone likes you they'll find all of you enthralling. i think i'd have a heart attack if i even got to touch a vag, they're the most beautiful i have ever seen, i literally shake sometimes when i see satin dresses on a girl, even though im not gay. also i feel like it's normal to have tits that aren't facing each other, just doing their own things, mine are looking in opposite directions too. you're not disgusting at all
>>2254768i loved making potions as a kid…omg shampoo and shaving cream potions, or puddle potions… i miss it
No. 2259495
>>2259482I have sexual chemistry and have yearned for women as life partners, lovers, someone i both am intoxicated by closeness too and care deeply about, and am turned on to the point of quivering by them and wanting to have pussy in my face, however, women do not feel the same way, so i chose to commit to a guy who is nice but i don’t have the same chemistry with as i would a woman, and have been looking the other way and replacing my thoughts of them with thoughts of him for a year, because now i am loved and chosen and understood, and i love him as a person. It’s worked after a while. I had to almost cum thinking of women, because i couldn’t thinking of him, and then switch to think of him. Sometimes i don’t want it that much. But it’s mostly worked. So I’d say im straight by choice, but i love gays and lesbians.
Are you straight but having these feelings also? Or just admiring something beautiful without wanting to touch it?
Sage for blogging
No. 2259892
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>>2258779please update us on your villianesque dark triad stacy journey to mindbreak your moid
No. 2259893
>>2258812you going from “i am the worlds most callous cyclepath i am an ice cold vampire” to “you’re right i’m sorry” is honestly so funny. you’ll be alright just do some dbt and maybe stop listening to the thoughts that tell you you’re the worlds most evil person. evil people don’t think they’re evil.
>>2258818 and listen to this person if you really need to let your dark side out. you were abused and you should technically make your abusers lives hell, god actually told me himself that’s the only way to get into heaven. good luck!!
No. 2260071
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I'm crushing hard on this very passable FtM I've been stalking who lives in the same area as me. What do I do? She's so cute and we have the same interests.. I want to at least be her friend.
No. 2260135
>>2260130I feel like anons throw a dart with their eyes clothes to pick what weird comment to say is a tranny these days. Ok it’s gross. .. ?? Tell me that? I don’t have a penis because I said something disgusting. God
>>2260117Not shit, ew wtf. No, I just let myself pee a little because I always get the thick absorbent types (heavy flow) honestly not on purpose I just have accidents when I hold it in for too long
because it feels good>brandI don’t really remember the names of brands of common household items I get, it’s whatever’s at the shop. I could check but I’m in bed and comfy. It’s purple though
No. 2260163
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>>2260154>if she's on tShe is and she has top scars, but she's muscular and looks really good. I just know the voice is going to throw me way off. What a nightmare to think about though. I guess it's better if I continue to watch from afar. Oh, you gay and cruel world.
No. 2260291
>>2260167Are you a retard? The Nigelfag has been saying that she is “sexually attracted” to women , but she’s staying with a scrote even though she literally has to dissociate to have sex with him. But according to her “women don’t feel the same”.
Classic bihet who always yaps about wanting women but who is always jumping and riding on dicks.
No. 2260323
>>2259698Haha yes…you can't brute force the same attraction you'd get with a woman. But after being friendless and relationshipless chasing women, doesn't it seem easier to have a diluted love with a man who puts you first? If you're friendless, which I used to be, you get a lot more desperate to settle too, to not be alone anymore. Thank you for understanding anon. I'm sorry you're spiralling too. It's a hard decision to make.
>>2260160I guess you could call me bihet if you want, you sound rather angry, although I don't find myself into male bodies, only the sensations, like being eaten out or some actions of intercourse, but it lacks the raw attraction and chemistry I'd have with women, being attracted to her body, having butterflies. I sometimes wonder if following your feelings even matters. Feelings all die anyway.
It's true, I could've chosen to live single, but I had no friends or close family either- so someone who understood, and made me laugh, and feel safe was way better than being alone, even if sometimes I just have to get patiently through kissing and stuff. The weight of loneliness is very severe, life began to feel like a lot of effort. It's the first time I've dated a guy, and I often do things to keep the relationship going without even wanting it, because at the end of the day, I'm not alone.
>>2260167thank you
>>2260291I dated many women who didn't take me seriously, or went back to exes, or didn't feel the same way. Had an experience with two of them. My current guy is the only one. I guess you could say- with women, it's like this 'feeling charged with excitement and joy and this melty feeling in her presence, wanting to be close, and touch her body, sometimes getting into various acts, feeling lovesick when she's not there' and with current guy it's like this 'neutral, occasionally a feeling of happiness and being understood, having a laugh, wanting to see him healthy and happy, feeling safe, getting through kissing and stuff i don't really feel like doing'. If you look at the pattern of my life, it's been all women and one man. I think there are a lot of 'bi' girls who play up being gay for quirky/sexy points, and are actually straight, but there are also bi girls who find it very hard to find girls that like or commit to them, and are deeply lonely, so pick the easier option.
No. 2261097
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I was groomed by a tif, it was not some joking about sex-jokes type of grooming, but taking pictures of me when i was asleep and naked as a kid. I think this fucked me up when it comes to my sexuality because now I have a very specific fantasy of just beating up tifs, just watching them crumble beneath my fingers and watch them cry. The synthetic horse piss going against everything they were told; that T was supposed to make them stronger, that they fully transitioned and escape the internalized misogyny they believed in. I want to see their bones break from the osteoporosis they've caused themselves, I want to see them all bloody.
I'm going to therapy about what happened to me, but I haven't told anyone about this yet. I just hope that this fantasy leaves me in the future.
No. 2261103
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I have a fairly normal heterosexual roster of husbandos but for some reason I also fantasise about Bloberta Puppington and I don't know what to make of that. I'm not attracted to real women at all, apathetic at most, and all my husbando fantasties are of clothed sex because penises are gross so it's strange how a claymation puppet gets the engine going. I'm not autistic (I've been tested multiple times I'm just normal retarded) so it can't be explained by objectophilla.
No. 2261165
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when i post something retarded while in an altered state of consciousness i just don't go back to the thread until a new one is started. i'm too embarassed to acknowledge things i say when i'm sleep deprived. anonymity is a blessing
No. 2261468
>>2261462Noted my
>big fucking nose>swarthy skin >hooded brown eyesMake me look vaguely racially ambiguous that I'm one of those non white looking ashkenazi Jews but not the cute kind
No. 2261709
>>2261230Sometimes but I'm too scared, I am a coward at heart
>>2261248Nah they mostly block me after calling me sad and mean
No. 2262009
know you do. You're obviously the annoying celebricows whiteknight.
No. 2262672
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I thought I was bisexual but I'm genuinely so scared I'm a homosexual. Attraction to women is so easy and relaxed, but I always feel like attraction to men requires so many distractions and requirements, especially when I think of outright sexual matters. But I don't want it to!! It seems so easy for other women, what the fuck. Even when people post pretty, youthful celebrity men that I feel like I 'should' be attracted to I still feel a sense of disgust with interacting with them sexually. Like I have to sort of ignore that kneejerk response and disassociate, relax and focus on the sensation. god please please i don't want to be a homosexual i just want to be normal let this just be a trauma response
No. 2262685
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>>2262672Not to be mean but why does it stress you out so much whether you're a lesbian or bisexual or what? And then, if it causes you such stress, why do you feel the need to label yourself anyway? Just be attracted to who you are attracted to kek. Stop making life so complicated just have fun.
No. 2262693
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>>2262672You are making this way too complicated for yourself. Focus on what turns you on and go from there. Stigma around bi women expects them to be turned on by everyone and everything when actually all the bi women I've met are pretty stoic and a little neurotic and only turned on by 3.7 people ever. Whether you're lesbian or bi you're still you.
No. 2262765
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>>2262685>>2262693genuinely think hanging out on lc and seeing the schizo fights about m
n and having sex with mn is also making me go insane with all the porno terminology people throw around act as if It's normal. Like jfc is having sex with m*n that disgusting? Also I've been drinking all night so thank you nonnies for responding, love you <3 I do feel better now. Sorry for being stupid
(integrate) No. 2263064
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My sister is only 4 years younger than me, but has two kids out of wedlock, with two different men. They are 12 years apart too. I pretend on the surface not to judge her, but I think she's a massive failure, and she did this to herself. Now all she does is post "Be patient, love will come" meme on social media. I love her, but I cant take her seriously at all.
No. 2263186
>>2263064I seriously think that children are a hindrance to any woman’s career and life in general kek.
I want children I think, but I like being stable, having a career more, so I’ll probably have none. I also don’t think having children with men is worth it, so it will probably hard for me to be single and do IVF kek.
No. 2263330
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>>2261866You're telling me she's not? I only play TS2, I thought she was an addition to TS4 like that Doodlepip thing was lmao
No. 2264005
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Just used an AI chatbot where I played as a man fucking my femboy maid's asshole just like in my yaois that I read.
I feel so disgusted and ashamed of myself afterwards for being turned on by it, I vowed to never bow down to the AI overlords but this just happened. I want to kill myself.
No. 2264117
>>2264005Happens to the best of us,
No. 2264236
>>2264227Yes, people still live there but it's not the same
You don't understand why such an inadequate response to a catastrophic natural disaster would remove the magic from the place?
I no longer think of it as this cool cultural centre, I associate it with racism and government neglect and incompetence
No. 2264248
>>2264238Why are you so
triggered by my tourist confession
Come visit my city, we can kiss and make up in front of the NATO-bombed Ministry of Defence ruins
No. 2264273
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I almost dated a pedo once. I was 16, he was 18-19. I never liked him but i wanted to get back to the guy that rejected me in hs. Anyways, he was hitting on me and my low self esteem ass started to hit on him back, we went to a concert together and we held hands, had my first kiss(it was disgusting because he had rotting teeth), when i came back home some friend from facebook rt some pictures the police took of a room with anime posters after a CP raid. It was the room of the guy i met. I was 16 so i was like ''wtf lol is this your room @pedo'' and he DM me telling me to delete my comment, he told me that when he was 16 he sent a ''funny'' video of some guy putting his dick in a baby to a friend and he got raided after that. He never got arrested. Now, looking back, i don't believe him. In my country you dont go to jail for sending that crap, around the same time of the raid there was a ''viral'' video in my country of people sending eachother cp to shook eachother, everyone in my school had seen it, my teachers saw it, my fucking grandmother saw it, no one got raided. I think he was into some darker shit. I can't believe he never went to jail for that, fuck my country. Anyways, that blackpilled me forever from dating moids and i am a 25yo virgin now and glad.
No. 2264671
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a bank clerk froze my accounts after i told her to kill herself because her kids would be better off without her. jokes on her cuz shes probably gonna lose her job for doing that lmfao
No. 2264676
>>2264672>be stuck in Halfords trying to collect bike>cant collect until card works>card wont work>card machine demanding pin>idk my pin number and have never had to use it before>call bank>never had this problem before>endure intense humiliation in public due to card declining, unable to get home, literally stranded miles from home>be on hold for a fucking HOUR on and off>i try to explain with incredible patience my situation and tell her i cant get home without the meagre £14 needed to release my bike from Halfords>she puts me on hold again for 15 mins>after wasting my time for an hour this bitch clerk tells me she won't authorise emergency atm withdrawal even though its literally an emergency>tell her to kill herself and that her kids would be better off without her (true)>dumb bitch sinks her own ship to kill the captain and freezes my accounts and disables my accountthis woman is human filth and i will do everything in my power to make sure she loses her job for humiliating and endangering me
yes i know im in the wrong and that ITA but i dont care.
No. 2264716
>>2264676>humiliating and endangering medamn anon why don't you remember your pin number like a normal person
>this has never happened to meokay well sometimes ATMs and other registers will ask for your PIN I have no idea how you've made it this far in life without it
>tells random woman to kill herself because of policy at the bank>emergency>can't unlock bike dawg you gotta reconsider what an emergency is because if I had some retard call my job and say they don't know their own PIN but they need an emergency transaction, I wouldn't trust them at all. I would wonder why the fuck they don't know their pin. Enjoy finding a new bank because you're a retard
No. 2264721
>>2264005The universal, haunting shame of
post schlick clarity kek
No. 2264733
>>2264005Unironically less shameful than me role-playing as a manic pixie dream bf that can't stop having sex to the point in which the bots are like "pls have mercy".
It's so retarded, I can't look at my responses afterwards because I feel like an idiot.
This is me talking as a retard that used to be into the same 5 rule 34 videos for years.
No. 2264742
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>>2264731Reading a similar case on the Guardian and judging by this, it seems like banks are not allowed to just close a mortgage.
No. 2264752
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>>2264743If Natwest close my current accounts I would not give a single shit.
No. 2264769
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I still like listening to this album as an adult kek
No. 2264802
>>2264748>>2264676You are a special kind of retarded, I feel bad for the woman you went full Karen on.
>card wont work>card machine demanding pin>idk my pin number and have never had to use it beforeYes, card machines usually ask for your PIN.. seriously what is wrong with you? It's a surprise to me that you have a mortgage because you sound like a zoomer who needs a caretaker to manage her finances.
No. 2264834
>>2264825A retarded zoomer*
Fixed that for you, I hope the bank closes your account for being a sperg that can't control her emotions like a real person.
No. 2265124
>>2264781> online bf iThat means that
>he’s ugly and doesn’t have game in real lifeMost likely case
>he’s normal looking maybe even cute but autistic More rare
Point is you’ll probably be more attractive than him.
No. 2265237
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I live in a very shitty situation with a household member I hate living with. I just imagine mysel framing him for rape or attempted assault just to finally get that parasitic gnat out of the house so I can finally have peace again. I don’t care how fucked these intrusive thoughts are.. it feels so tempting. I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked, it’s almost like I have to be the genuine villain to get what I want.
No. 2265271
>>2265237What are your qualms? I also think absolutely under no circumstances should you falsely accuse someone of assault. It's a disservice to
victims, and you could drive him genuinely crazy enough to actually literally kill you
No. 2265317
>>2265237That's a bad idea, if you get caught you'll be in trouble. Why not move out?
How bad is he?
No. 2265480
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>>2265237I feel you. Manifesting cardiac arrest on his ass so my nonna can be free.
No. 2265639
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I've been on dates with three people in the past two weeks, fucked all of them, two of them twice already. Also had phone sex with two other people but I blocked both after post nut clarity kek. I have more dates lined up too. I love sex
No. 2265700
>>2265695Kek I'm actually kind of a loser myself but getting sex as a woman is so easy it doesn't matter. If I was a Stacy I wouldn't be posting about my sexual exploits to a random gossip image board for autistic women
>>2265697It's ok, some people are just less sexual than others and there's nothing wrong with that
>>2265698You are probably way more attractive than you think nona
No. 2265702
>>2265697Me too kek, my last crush has been in in high school.
I’ve been kind of cynical in general, people just want to use you most of the time and they hardly know what they want in the first place especially my age group. Sex isn’t that rewarding anyway, at least for me, I’m attractive and I’ve been approached and all that, but having sex with someone who doesn’t even care about my well-being isn’t my cup of tea, I did it once just to lose my virginity and it was shitty.
But if you happen to get amazing orgasms out of it then go for it kek.
No. 2265720
>>2265717Nowadays you get barely approached in real life. I used to get approached at least once or twice whenever I was going out on a Saturday night with my friends. People just use social media and dating apps, the idea of flirting is now sliding in your DMs or swiping on Tinder.
You are not the problem nonna.
No. 2265722
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I like stitching together pictures of thin and fat people for comparison purposes
I also got banned from CC after asking questions about what pictures are postable
No. 2265766
>>2265271I obviously was never going to do it, it’s just passing thoughts that you really shouldn’t think about I guess, I guess it’s just thoughts you have when you’re in a situation you ultimately can’t control. Power fantasies
>>2265317He sucks, always sucked ever since I was born. Just a parasite. A parasite that managed to have a girlfriend despite him being an absolute loser and somehow that entire year of having a job he didn’t save up and think the relationship would’ve ended, all of the dudes in my family think they’re entitled to women’s time, emotional and financial labor and support. I’m not trying to frame myself as a
victim, I’m literally trying to make myself less victimized and irritated by this dark situation in my life but I feel stagnant no matter what I try to do. I’m also not in a good financial place to move out unfortunately, I know that makes me a “loser” but I’m only in my early 20s. I confronted him before and height after it he whispered “I guess I’ll kill myself” like I’m supposed to care because I really don’t care, he’s too narcissistic to ever think his life is truly worthless. It’s just emotional blackmail, he’s disgusting.
>>2265480Thank you.
>>2265575How else was I supposed to describe him? It’s a household member…
No. 2266134
>>2266105last time an anon said I sounded male it turned out to be
blaine and he was banned kek so take posts like that with a grain of salt
No. 2266527
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when i was 12 i had a sketchbook exclusively for drawing torture scenes. like a guy being tortured with every new medieval contraption i learned about, or being whipped or stabbed. yes my mom found it.
No. 2266888
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>>2265818Omg anon I love heather I'm so jealous!
No. 2266901
>>2266890Not true at all
People live their entire happy, fulfilled, complete lives with never giving a single thought to the position of gypsies nor their own interactions with them
No. 2267064
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Goodbye Jodi Arias… I must delete this picture of you off my phone now as my ex is pressing assault charges against me and I might face time behind bars. It's still an open case so I could wait to see how it turns out but my mental health has hit rock bottom. I didn’t show up to work today. I changed my number. Turns out all it takes is couple taps on the screen. I’ll probably miss you guys as well. Been on this site since my teenage years. I’m gonna pack my things and go on a long hike now.
No. 2267074
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>>2267064your ex sounds like a bitch, long live jodi
No. 2267201
I met a girl when I was 12. On my 13th birthday she gave me a notebook and calligraphy set as a present. I cherished it too much as being an object touched by her to ever write in it.
When she went on to high school, I declined spots in two prestigious schools to follow her to the local one. We never shared any classes, but we switched from emails to AIM and spent hours and hours chatting every night, and any time in school we ever got together. I didn't care about almost anything but admiring her, thinking about what clever things I could say to her next, attempting to make myself more likeable, more similar to her in the most pathetic ways that would ultimately backfire.
She decided to stop talking to me when I was 16 for reasons that were completely founded, completely my fault, and completely unforgivable.
When she graduated, I dropped out of school. I was already failing and there was little point in continuing the charade.
My parents' house was foreclosed on when I was 18 and away at college and almost everything I had owned was thrown away, as was my idiotic request. I never thought I'd see the journal again, and the laptop that had all of our messages, art, photos of each other was lost. I never stopped thinking about her, and I never stopped following her online presence from afar. It's been whittled down to just two accounts that I'm aware of, and they rarely see use. I still check them every day. I sent an anonymous message once and never got a reply.
Now I'm almost 30 years old and married and my father sent me a box of old books he'd had that were mine that he'd saved from the house. In it was the journal she gave me 18 years ago.
For the past three nights I've dreamed the most vivid dreams about her. I've barely been functional at work. All I can think about is her as a person, what she might be doing, the pain she's in that only got worse through the years. I could have helped her if I'd been brave enough to be myself instead of branding myself a pathological liar, making up stories 'as ridiculous as a child saying he'd visited the moon.' I hated my pathetic, limited life so much this fantasy world was my only escape, and she was the only one I wanted to have with me. I could have been with her still. I was never even courageous enough to admit to myself that I loved her. 'Myself' was barely even a person at all, and I doubt it was capable of love then.
She is the most intelligent, talented, creative, and beautiful person I will ever meet.
This agony will never end for as long as I live.
No. 2267359
>>2267325No, I was a pathological liar. She finally got tired of me making up ridiculous stories and claiming that I had made random pieces of art I found online and suchforth. Imagine if you were speaking to someone and half of the conversation was LARPing at believing someone's posturing, or pretending something obviously false was true. You basically aren't speaking to a real person at that point, you're just assisting to uphold a fantasy.
I do suspect the particular time she made her decision to stop speaking with me was influenced by a belief I trying to steal her boyfriend, although that I truly did not do. I can understand why she would think that, but how could she have ever believed my claims to the contrary?
No. 2267400
>>2267390Sam hyde that pedo who punched his 15year old sex
No. 2267529
>>2267426Neither do I but I have to
Guess it's time to survive my workday without mentally shattering
No. 2268628
>>2266527I did that too when I was 10. I often watched creepypastas and videos such as mlp cupcakes. I made emo evil characters that tortured people and daydream how they do it. I still do it until this day.
My mom found out about it but pretended she didn't know, and sent me to a psychologist.
Coincidentally, my father passed away that year before I started drawing that stuff. I don't know if it's related somehow.
No. 2269147
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I used to play this game when I was 8, I really loved it and I really thought that I was raising my baby kek, same goes with my dog in the nintendogs.
I think I’d like to have a baby on my own, I’ve always found them very enriching , even when my siblings were younger (we have a bit more than a decade of difference) I really loved taking care of them, despite the crying kek. Children can teach us so many things, they have such innocence and uncorrupted view of point.
I don’t think I’ll be able to have my child though, I’m focusing on my degree and my job will be too far tasking for me to properly care about my baby and I don’t think I can give up my career either.
No. 2269280
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When I was 16 this guy in my class started heavily flirting with me (touching my thigh, asking to pick me up, etc). I flirted back with him. We were talking and he mentioned that he used to date this girl I knew, let’s call her B. I asked him if he was dating anyone at the moment and he said “it’s complicated” (I should have known that this is moid code for “I already have a girlfriend and I want to cheat on her”, but I’m retarded). Soon afterwards he started ignoring me and flirting with yet another girl in my class. I tried to warn her that he was a thot but she told him what I had said. He flew into a rage and accused me of trying to seduce him, claiming that he never flirted with me and he had been dating B the whole time.
Should I reach out to B and apologize to her or would that be weird? It’s been 2 years since this happened.
No. 2269316
>>2269280How do 18 year olds even find this site? What went wrong in your life? Not even trying to be mean but I can't imagine being 18 in 2024 and posting on LC. Like really what drew you here, why do you come here, how did you find this place? Why don't you go and get offline and live your life instead? Saying that as someone who wasted too much of my youth here.
To answer your Q: you're 18 now you should be focused on forgetting high school ever happened and losing touch with everyone you knew from high school. You're an adult now nobody gives a fuck what you did when you were 16. Also, please read an autist self-help book for romance. The self-help book for autistic people will help you learn what flirting is and how to recognize it. That's important because what you described is creepy weird shit and you called it "flirting." "Touching [your] thighs" and "picking [you] up" makes it sounds like a gorilla-sped was manhandling you. I would have went to the teacher and reported him for sexual harassment.
No. 2269876
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Confession: I caught myself developing a weird fixation on a streamer I really like a while back, but was able to kind of beat myself back into normalcy about him. The other day though, I gave in and used his bot on Janitor Ai…. I think it's ruined me. I am so insanely attracted to this person right now I genuinely feel like an animal. I literally was able to get off to just watching a stream of his it's SO BAD. I'm not sure if it has anything to do with me ovulating right now but I simply cannot even focus until I get myself off at least. I need to master lucid dreaming so I can finally fuck him and be free
No. 2269921
>>2269896I can't fucking say it…. He streamed today
>>2269898I just googled him and had a viscerally negative reaction to his image. That is one of the most offputting human faces I've ever seen I'm so sorry.
No. 2269965
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What animal looks the most retarded to you? For me it’s the hammerhead shark. Actual mouth breathing retards just look at them.
No. 2269969
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>>2269921Your kaiwawu kinggg
(but yeah I know he looks like a sentient meatball and although I like emiru I find her highly untrustworthy for dating this thing)
No. 2269994
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>>2269898>>2269969he looks like balloony
No. 2271014
>>2270879Fuck, is it like real
problematic shit? I'm scared it's my fave. That must be painful keeping it to yourself though. Does the NDA expire?
No. 2271079
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Two years ago I posted about an anachan Twitter user on here who ran a recovery account. She claimed she was getting better but she would still post about calories, her BMI, seeing pictures of herself in thinspo threads, etc. She also used to post fatspo.
She somehow saw my post, took a screenshot of it, and posted it to her Twitter account. She was clearly really upset. As time passed she only got worse and a couple months ago she tried to kill herself because she got pregnant and didn’t want to get an abortion. I feel personally responsible, like I fucked up this girl’s life even further by making a mean post about her.
No. 2271086
>>2271079Intense. It sounds like she has a lot more going against her than
just reading your comment tbh. I wouldn't blame yourself.
No. 2271285
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>>2271261When I was first posted on there I was both confused and flattered. Felt like I had finally arrived and could no longer consider myself a newfag.
No. 2271734
>>2271728See, but just make sure
he doesn't know you're lying. As far as he's concerned, you really did betray him, and so you're inflicting the same amount of emotional trauma on him as if you really fucked another person. But without all the effort and baggage of fucking a moid/fucking over a woman.
No. 2272007
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>>2267064so long, anonita…
No. 2272094
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I started babysitting my cousin and he's so cute i now want to marry and have children, its over. I wish we didnt live in such a hellish earth, if i had a son i would have to ban him from using the internet to never find porn, if its a girl i would have to force her to be a tomboy so she doesnt end up getting groomed by thots like sabrina carpenter to sexualize herself for men's pleasure.
No. 2272133
>>2271981I'm confessing that I took notice that the site isn't working and downornot says it's down for everyone
>>2271992Oh noes!
No. 2272135
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i really envy women with this body type they look like greek goddesses
No. 2272159
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>>2272135Overweight and a body type lusted after lower common denominator moids. Picrel is real peak female form and only meant for the highest of women who’ve ascended mommy milkers/mother goddess scrotum memes. The superior woman is the one with narrow hips, no stomach, athletic build, looks amazing in artful fashion and doesn’t look like she’s built to be bred like cattle. Picrel is the true higher ideal for women, don’t look like a sopping high estrogen mommy of the world, look like a strong comic book superheroine type with great legs, strength, athleticism and chin hairs from the PCOS
No. 2272162
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>>2272159Samefag make sure to assert dominance with your strength, hip dips and amazing girl abs and underarm hairs over high estrogen beckies. This woman could rabbit kick a moid’s head off, love it
No. 2272175
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>>2272135>>2272141That’s my body type too, and I have success not looking like shrek if I stick to higher rise jeans, cropped stuff, things like that. So glad cropped shirts are coming back into fashion, I’m stocking up to hoard them. Like yeah, it’s very easy to look wide, sadly, despite not being fat. But it’s doable.
>>2272151I also live in turtlenecks at work. I’m DD though. I just imagine I’m this iconic picture when I wear them.
No. 2272179
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move over ladies theres an actual greek goddess coming through to pummel all the moids
No. 2272181
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my ideal body type is 80s model, with broad shoulders, skinny build, small chest, narrow hips, long legs, they just had a bodytype that would look good on anything.
No. 2272194
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>>2272179wish it was possible to look like this without the roids
No. 2272198
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>>2272181Yes I agree too, peak female body, almost like 70s Cher. But I guess the insecure fatties with refrigerator waists will say that Cher’s body was being edited through the television or some ridiculous shit. This destroys that fat hourglass shit any day, how the hell would you be able to run and do anything with big bundles of fat on your chest and hips?
No. 2272203
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>dabs on cowish hourglass women
Any woman with big boobs and their stomach isn’t small and they don’t have narrow hips are fat and doomed to a life of extreme weight fluctuation where they will eventually just balloon into a 250+ pound auntie body and be stuck with it until death. It’s a sign of bad genetics or a high amount of estrogens in the water and food
No. 2272210
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>>2272205Being skinny is not the same as being a skeleton, those skinny women had clear meat on their bones and they are toned to shit. I seriously think a lot of women have been psyoped to believe just because we gain stubborn fat that we should just give up all hope and just become fat. That’s totally not true, there’s tons of women with great fat distribution and metabolism. Also the fact that none of these women had chronic LC browsing as their hobbies so they had much more time to get up and be active
No. 2272223
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Don’t worry I get it, if I saw normal looking women all around me and somehow society has lied to me about my weight and body being “normal” when it isn’t I would definitely try to cope and alog other women for pointing that fact out. Another uncomfortable truth, that curvy women are indeed fat and that fashion only makes sense on narrower, lean bodies. It isn’t that these models look like twink faggots, it’s the psyop that all women have to look like overweight fat venus mother goddess types and that we are just meant to be fat, ugly and have no style, that’s a clear psyop that only applies to men.
No. 2272225
>>2272222nobody just magically becomes
>>2272135 out of nowhere. that requires overeating, so yes it is a choice
No. 2272233
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>>2272224Compared to
>>2272135 which is just a very chubby/overweight woman who overcompensates by wearing tight clothes and showing of her body to hide the neglect of her face and her lack of style sense who do you think society would see as a “goddess”? It would definitely be that post but trying to appeal to society, which loves casual sex and fatties of both genders, is an absolute no. Most people rather give up and then accept that they will always be fat and always need to use their mediocre sexual appeal to feel whole. Wearing a beautiful piece of clothing will always feel better than having two glugs of fat on your chest and then having people gaslight you into thinking that this is a new type of normal and that you’re just curvy. No! You look bad because most human beings have given up on what used to be sane and normal looking, your clothes don’t fit you because society is lying to you by saying curvy is new skinny.
(derailing) No. 2272250
>>2272241Bella Hadid and Kate moss (
>>2272233 >>2272223 ) literally are a known anachans kek. Cher
And Audrey besides the fact she was malnourished for a good chunk of her life might be the only healthy woman that anon posted.
No. 2272270
>>2272226So sad! It makes me laugh every time I see anons in celebricows speculating on ariana and cynthia erivo's potential drug use. No, they're just starving, they don't have calories to spare for emotional regulation and socializing appropriately.
This is why anons should have a small snack if they get grumpy online or suddenly find themselves struggling with a task btw.
>>2272230God I hope so
No. 2272316
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>>2272269>capI don't even care about this retarded discussion just quit saying that shit
No. 2272327
>>2272325>thinks of blenders sexually How so
nonny? Like he’s sexually aroused by things being put in blenders and mixed up?
No. 2272333
>>2272328kek read it again anon, slowly
>>2272325like an actual A-list/B-list celebrity or some random youtuber?
No. 2272350
>>2272334Nope, a musician.
>>2272344I don't either but that's how my friends had heard of him. He has 340k monthly listeners on spotify.
He also has a weird shrimp dick and has to use viagra to achieve a boner cause of his botched circumcision scars. No. 2272385
File: 1732306331111.jpg (413.79 KB, 1242x1420, 3179526984169.JPG)

Fitspo queen…
No. 2272462
>>2272352>>2272392I don't think women with that body type smell bad, but when I see these pictures online I immediately get flashbacks to all the photoshopping cows from the Instagram/Tumblr/Twitter e-girls threads. Specifically the ones from four years ago. So many of them had nasty rooms, you know there was a wall of smell when the door opened.
>>>/snow/1219463Oh, ang3lthigh. I remember you not for the milk, but for the "fatties don't have real hips reeeee" infighting you
triggered in the thread.
No. 2272475
>>2272401I'm working on backup chapters so I have a cushion in between classes and work. The problem is deciding where to upload it as I don't want to censor my work. The first chapter has the main girls discussing hate-messages and AUs and I don't think dialogue such as.
>"If they're trannies, which they always are, I look for real names and find images of them as children on Facebook from their parents and send it back to them! I refuse to be bullied by grown men for writing a beastmen AU A x Z.">"That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't it be lesbian because fishes don't have penises? I'm assuming mermen don't have penises because they're half fishes."on platforms like Webtoons.
No. 2272606
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I have fully embraced being cringe and weird. I don’t care if anyone makes fun of my on-the-go insect collection. It is extremely humorous to me.
No. 2272656
File: 1732315769568.jpeg (139.2 KB, 634x780, 1641157447640.jpeg)

>>2272135same-sex attracted woman
>>2272159>>2272162>>2272233>>2272223>>2272198>>2272203>>2272210neurotic straight woman who tells herself she recovered from an ED every 4 months and engages in false/performative misandry. likely addicted to tanning, has light nasolabial folds and a fluoride stare. uses eye cream, but it doesn't work. listens to red scare pod, and dates balding, slightly overweight men (often with jewish ancestry). often seeks attention (these aren't even all her posts)
one of these types of people is at peace. the other falls for social contagions that package themselves as countercultural but all mysteriously lead to the same place and worship the same false idols. they are also at constant war with themselves, have a tendency to romanticize suffering/self-destruction (despite any claims otherwise), and their heart is so hardened to other women that they've turned spiteful and near-intolerable.
No. 2272661
>>2272659>>2272655>everyone who isn't a deranged wannarexic must be fat and licherally eating fries right nowsomeone's
triggered and obsessed with food
(infighting) No. 2272668
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>>2272656Yeah that’s cool and all but dab on welfare queen bodies
No. 2272678
>>2272667if your main thought on seeing another woman's body is "low common denominator moids like this", it means you're not attracted to women at all. you're a straight woman locked in sexual competition, and that's a biological issue, but it can still somewhat be helped. it's gross when your main mental investment is what kinds of moids like other women's bodies when at the end of the day, you'll still be laying up under the same ugly moid with a gunt, erectile dysfunction and a personality disorder who will jerk off to the women you scorn so hard and/or try to baby-trap you so you'll end up looking like a slightly less unappealing version of them (at best) and gimpgirl (at worst).
>but what if he's rich??? if you live in a first world country and come from a middle class background, you have no reason to be so poor as a woman that your only hope is trying to get picked by a dysgenic old man with money.
the way out is really simple. eat 3 healthy meals a day, go for a 30 minute walk every day, stop seeing every woman as your nemesis if she doesn't share your mindset and make better choices. stop being a narcissist, it's pathetic and you probably make your family sad.
No. 2272696
File: 1732317524937.jpg (269.95 KB, 1536x2048, 1618434546589.jpg)

>>2272668the thing is, you don't look like a glamorous 90s model, you more than likely look more like picrel. it's embarrassing. all the anachan larpers are embarrassing.
what's interesting about supermodel-tier women with "good" facial features is that up until a certain point, even when they're plus-sized, they're still considered peak attractiveness by 99% of people who are into women. that's kind of where the entire "goddess" archetype and attraction comes from. they don't develop the kind of neurosis you find so admirable until they enter the modeling industry and get harangued by seething gay men with fixations on androgyny and quasi-pedophilic straight men who think a woman has reached her expiry date at 27, or if they carry intense trauma. that's why sites like skinnygossip (which is run by a morbidly obese man with an anorexia fetish who invites other strange men on as members) are full of unfortunate women like grimes, failed models who rage at successful ones and nitpick them for having the slightest amount of inner thigh flesh, and middle-aged mothers with untreated depression.
No. 2272713
>>2272194Suuuch a cute pic, sometimes i want to bulk so i can wear cute frilly tops that show off my muscles. Developed arms and shoulders look so good on women
No. 2272730
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I like like a guy on discord, i wanna meet him irl, hes got the tightest little body and cutest face
No. 2272909
>>2272907She has a job and her parents pay her rent before you tell me that I’m a classist. We also don’t live in America.
I usually get my teeth cleaned up every six months, mainly because I have my wire from the braces and last time I got plaque around it my gums hurt so bad. I don’t do my nails, I don’t smoke cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, I buy very few make up and clothes and I don’t shave so I like to give myself this luxury at least kek and I pay 60€ each time, there’s this nice place that gives university students a discount.
No. 2273125
>>2272890>being attracted to women i don't think deserve to be seen as attractive = not having standardsWhy act like a woman is some kind of hideous beast or is literally morbidly obese just because she's "thicker"? It's very weird. Most people attracted to women tend to be into more body types and looks than what gets pushed by fashion magazines as "trendy" because
it's a sexuality.
Also, note that the first anon only said she thinks those kinds of women look attractive and wasn't virtue signaling or claiming "Every woman is attractive". Compare that to the other anon who started foaming at the mouth over multiple posts, talking about what moids must like (this is only something you lend importance to if you are straight), couldn't actually bare to post women with prominent muscle and eventually just dropped the "be strong enough to kick a moid, heh" narrative altogether to post random photos of models, made sweeping statements that fit more with the "every woman blahblahblah" blanket claims made by people who aren't actually sexually attracted to women, etc.
Also, SSA women who just prefer thinner women usually aren't spergs who go full psycho and denigrate women who don't resemble their own tastes, because most women learn to accept that the whole world isn't automatically going to pander to their sexual tastes (and this becomes even more true if you are a sexual minority). They just like what they like, and live.
No. 2273188
File: 1732365587491.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 MB, 1392x860, test.png)

>>2272661>>2272667And there's "thick fit" too (don't click if you are offended by chubbies who lift weights)
(derailing) No. 2273215
File: 1732367384274.jpeg (130.55 KB, 761x629, IMG_3391.jpeg)

>>2273197idk who that is but weightlifters are often large. it’s the price of being elite at what they do which is a lot rarer and more valuable than being skinny. this is literally what peak performance (in weightlifting) looks like.
No. 2273217
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>>2273214>Zoidberg bodyKeks
>>2273215Look at hammer throwers at the Olympics
No. 2273239
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Pretty sure this guy I met on Reddit is having an emotional affair with me kek
>meet him on reddit to play games
>one of the few normal, sane, non-creepy just regular guys on there
>bc of this it’s extremely easy to talk to him, so we talk a lot
>we’ve been talking 24/7 for a month now, like nonstop from when we are both awake to sleeping
I knew from the start he was married but he never mentioned it, I asked if he lived alone and he said no and he wouldn’t tell me who he went on vacation with (I’m not retarded so obviously I knew this was a wife)
>after a while of talking he mentioned that he was married, but he has never mentioned his wife once or ever talked about her
Am I the only one that thinks this is weird and it’s a borderline emotional affair? He’s done nothing creepy or inappropriate or anything like that but if I was married and knew my husband was talking to some younger chick all the time every day and not even mentioning me I’d be so fucking mad?
No. 2273269
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I hate not being tall. I hate how small and squat I look in photos and I avoid cameras at all costs. The clothes that I “should” wear as a 165cm woman don’t appeal to me at all, they’re all so practical and boring. I’m as height obsessed as any manlet incel and have been since I was a teen spending late nights on height forums reading about czech leg lengthening surgeries and weird stretching routines. I’ll never forgive myself for becoming an anachan during puberty to try to make myself look taller because I’m pretty sure it stunted my height. I chronically annoy my nigel by asking him whether I look taller or shorter than random women on the street. I approach tall women with the creepy reverence of a moid fetishist. If I see my whole body midstride reflected in a window it often ruins my day. I know this shit is shallow and meaningless but I just can’t get over it.
No. 2273283
>>2273273Where was that posted?
I want roasted chicken now and chicken tendies also
No. 2273754
>>2254053gonna be a waggie real soon again and actually pretty chill about it. some would even say stoked.
thats right, i said it. im a normie bitch. seethe and cope.
No. 2273824
>>2273754proud of you anon. I don't think being a wagie is something worth worshiping, but you're doing a difficult thing that will make you more self sufficient and less reliant on others or social systems, and I think that's empowering and smart for you to do. Godspeed anon
Okay okay okay. I've been drinking a pint of rum a day. That's my confession. For the past few days. I have been "coping". AKA just really sad about the same old shit but using that as an excuse to drink. I can't afford IP, but I can afford tapering. I just want some empathy. Or no, more pathetically, I want sympathy. I haven't told anyone IRL about this. I'm mourning/grieving a litany of things but I know that I am not special and I am not the only one to struggle, and certainly not the one who is struggling the most of all. I just want a gentle hand on my shoulder or head. I feel like bursting into tears when I think about my future. I just need to get by my day to day. I want the pain to go away. I want to feel some reprieve from the insanity of every day life. I feel so alone at times. Like I'm really in it by myself and I can't expect anyone to help me.
No. 2274110
>>2258779sexiest thing I have ever read
>>2272350could we get a genre perhaps
No. 2274198
>>2274158this is a diary entry, not a confession
>>2273904this is plain embarrassing
(infight bait) No. 2274227
>>2274217I do that mostly because they kind of get in a weird position because I'm fat, so I have to rearrange them, like there's a fold under the boob that feels weird when it's in the wrong position.
And I also can't help but be conscious of my own body when I change my clothes and finally take off the sports bras I have to wear to go to work, it's like, I can't help but wonder how they just become completely unnoticeable, it's freaky.
Plus I also do kind of fondle them around just to make sure I don't have breast cancer because my gynecologist told me to be careful since I have fibrous breasts so I have to make sure I don't develop weird bumps.
No. 2274252
>>2274218aryt KEK at that story.
I think I might be sort of could be a little or not really or a lot into women. I will never know due to mental illness so I'm just gonna keep touching my own boobs in the provacy of my own home.
No. 2274347
>>2273965Eh, is it sad if it's trying to get out of a hyperfixation that I barely enjoy? I want to consume more media that I actually find fulfilment, have actual hobbies and force myself to actually write the female character-oriented stuff I want to write.
>>2274198Kek it is embarassing, but it's more embarassing living it
No. 2274446
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I think I mentioned this in the dream thread a long time ago, but I had a dream where Justin Whang was having gay sex, but what I failed to mention was I was the guy with a real full penis doing doggy to him. I am still pretty traumatized and I have no idea why I had that dream.
No. 2274447
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I stopped by the mall today and checked out gamestop again and they had a small section of used xbox and 360 games and saw that they had Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball. I'm thinking of going back tomorrow to buy it. Yes I know it's a coomer game. But I wanted that game so bad as a kid. The tropical setting looked so cute and the girls look adorable. I wish I was somewhere warm and tropical with my besties playing volleyball and drinking froufrou drinks on the beach.
No. 2274508
>>2274466Currently they have the 'Venus Vacation' series which is a FTP gacha game where you play the role of manager and the girls play volleyball via autobattle so the volleyball gameplay is basically gone and you can't do the minigames either. Even by gacha standards it's considered middling and it's main appeal now seems to be that its one of the few fully 3d gachas around so you can do photography with it.
I think leaning into a female demographic could be successful though it would probably entail DLC outfits (or outfit gacha). As a kid I didn't have an xbox but I'm not sure I'd have been brave enough to buy it anyway. Tweaking the box art and marketing to be a little more girly would have gone a long way. A woman wearing a bikini isn't offensive in and of itself after all.
No. 2274525
>>2274206I've been wearing the same shirt for 5 days and same pants for a month now
I'm changing these clothes right now
No. 2274546
>>2274508>As a kid I didn't have an xbox but I'm not sure I'd have been brave enough to buy it anyway.ayrt and it was the same for me, i'd see it in the stores and didn't have an xbox at the time and i'd never be able to get that game with a straight face as a kid kek, but i really wanted it
>Tweaking the box art and marketing to be a little more girly would have gone a long way. A woman wearing a bikini isn't offensive in and of itself after all.completely agreed, i think so too. i also feel like tweaking the box art could have gone a long way as well. even some minor changes could have done a lot. i hope you enjoy playing the game! one of these days i'll probably end up getting it too
>>2274536kek for some reason i find that cute for both of you
No. 2274725
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I had what felt like a three hour long dream where we just had sex
No. 2275784
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I want to strap cator99 so bad not as a form of sexual desire but as a form of exerting power. I feel so moid-brained. Zander if you're reading this I am out there.
No. 2275972
>>2273904Being 200lb, having ADHD and OCD was not caused by consuming media of 2d men fucking, kek. You could have very well been obsessed with the Notebook and Nicolas Sparks novels and films and still be fucked in the head and fat. Like shit that you want to like. If things hurt no women or yourself I see no reason to act like its religious sacrilege to indulge in guilty pleasures of a non pickme origin. Life is too short to live for others approval and this site is full of contradictions on contradictions of genuinely mentally ill people who hate women for the sake of hating women. Some of the reasons that anons here make for hating other women are dogshit. Some criticism is good of pickmes, doormats, TIFs etc. but shitting on women for hobbies is misogyny by another catty name. Basically
>I want to consume more media that I actually find fulfilment, have actual hobbies and force myself to actually write the female character-oriented stuff I want to write. You can do both. I beg you to have a backbone.
No. 2276158
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I love love LOOOVE calling people "fatass" and "fattie" on here but I'm actually the ball of lard here! Fucking up the fourth take out of the week rn. But i guess that makes sense right, it has to be projection cause when im at my normal weight i say retard instead
No. 2276228
>>2275897If you think you’re above average then you shall look good both in pictures and in the mirror. If you don’t you’re likely average. Average people can be photogenic and unphotogenic in certain angles, if you’re a 9 you’ll look good no matter what.
Also your mirror is more realistic.
No. 2276356
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A few years ago I got custom converse made with my online handle written on it kek. It's not obvious that it's a username but jeez, what the fuck was my problem?
No. 2276358
>>2276228I only think I'm above average in the mirror at the right angle kek. I've been told I'm above average but it's by people who are extremely close to me and love me and have gotten used to my face.
I think I'm average. Which I'm fine with. I look amazing in photos (except I'm a unintentional catfish because of them). It's just the back VIDEO that fucks me up. People have even said I look SO different in back camera videos, but claim they prefer that version of me.
No. 2276454
>>2276446Nonna I can feel your pain. I pooped a week ago that way and kid you not I shitted blood too kek, I have hemorrhoids and I was constipated so perfect recipe. Try to drink a lot of water and add more fiber to your diet.
But I’m fine now and I’m pooping regularly everyday.
No. 2276500
>>2275897In the mirror, you see your face flipped. Everyone is a little asymmetrical. When you see it in video, it's unflipped, and the differences are glaring to you. You're used to one thing, you see another, of course your brain gets confused.
I think it would be good for you to try to figure out why you're so obsessed with yout looks, it's clearly having a very negative impact in your life. Do you feel like you have nothing else to offer to the world? Maybe you were bullied due to your appearance? Were you pushed to compete with other women? More than accept your appearance, you need to find worth in other aspects of yourself.
No. 2276502
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>>2276446Try changing your position when pooping. Even if you're constipated, it will slide off easier if your legs are propped up a bit.
No. 2276514
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>>2276481I eat this every morning now nonna and I’ve been having better bowel movements. I’ve added a small serving of boiled vegetables with each meal every two night. And obviously I drink more water. I used to drink less because ever since I started my new university schedule I just drank less and the fact that I have had to bring my lunch has fucked up my pooping schedule too kek. But I’ve bought a bigger hydro flask of 1 l and I’m quite satisfied with it.
My stool is on the 4 scale so it’s perfect. The tear I had also healed. So it will get better nonna.
No. 2276553
>>2276551What is even this story about? I’ve not understood nothing kek.
Why is the mummy like that?
No. 2276637
>>2276562Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with
>>2276585 here. I hate being negative esp with indie stuff, but the game was very mid. It felt like it's themes and atmosphere were beginning to be built up but then fizzles out. There's even a tedious section with a blind enemy that hunts you in a maze so you have to be "silent".
It's only 3-4 hours of wasted time if you want to check it out yourself, but when my game crashed in the penultimate chapter I didn't bother finishing it.
I believe it got attention for the typical horror art tumblr "horror fans" are into, and the "storyline" about the female crew mate being sexually assaulted.
No. 2276712
>>2276697NTA but I once went 3 weeks without showering due to severe depression and people were constantly hugging and even cuddling me, saying I smelled so good or at the very least made 0 comments about my body odor. I didn't even drown myself in perfume or anything.
Before anyone rips me apart, I have a high powered bidet so my ass and vag were always spotless.
No. 2276715
>>2276712Honestly if you clean your vagina and armpits and overall don’t do any kind of activity that doesn’t make you smell you don’t smell kek.
My relative is squeamish aroudn water (trauma related) she showers once a week in winter and manages to shower every day on summer. She smells the same during winter and summer , I’ve never heard her smell of body odor or sweat, she actually smells good kek.
No. 2277028
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I've been into RPF and crack shipping in the past and kinda see the appeal in shipping Vance and Trump. This insane repressed bislut moid is his ride or die and will inevitably be there to wipe his tears when everything goes to shit with Elon.
No. 2277078
>>2277074no don't do it
nonnie think of all the milk you'll miss out on
No. 2277092
>>2277074you sound kind
nonnie, please don’t kill yourself
No. 2277143
>>2277074He won’t be okay and he will never forget it. Losing your child , when you’re an active and present parent, permanently changes you. If you decide to do that know that he will be distraught, there is no single way he will ever be able to accept it.
Nonna get help.
No. 2277325
>>2277074if you feel like this, most likely it goes on for quite some time. I am sure your reasoning sounds perfectly fine to you right now, but maybe there is a chance that you are wrong.
it is worth it, for this minimal but probable chance, to fight and see through the other side.
you might think it doesnt make sense, but you feel that out of who you are right now. you dont know how you change until you come through.
i dont know how else to put it, since i understand the it can be strong. which makes me think that you are not at your senses, is that you think your father will be ok. I bet he will not be ok.
do not make any decisions while you are half delusioned. I know you dont know that you are, that is the haze you are in. i know its hard to trust, but try to extend some. stay away from these feelings. allow them to visit, but dont give them a permanent beddign. reach out to professionals and try to give that source some space, that led you to this sentiment. Otherwise it will continue to pull you away from your life. please take care.
No. 2277338
>>2277332Kek, that's pretty cool
No. 2277841
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>>2277824>>2277832HAHA wait no let me be more accurate, -800 on my debit card, -9,990 on my credit card, -22,000 or so in federal student loans
I also have a car payment but I've been paying ahead on that for 6 months in advanced but that's good
I see where you're coming from anon but my attitude is shit. I have certain opinions about the world and how I should feel about being in debt so I almost in an oppositional type way say "fuck it" when I want something. My attitude is, let me reiterate, complete shit. My loans have been in forbearance due to the federal legal issue over student loan forgiveness, and one time I increased my credit limit so I could go to a rehab, but then I backed out of it and went on an SSRI instead and racked up the debt anyway. I'm sorry I'm just spilling right now. I feel like a rotten human for being so irresponsible, especially because I have what I have. I waited until i had my life together to damage my credit and financial livelihood, and I am not that different from a person who lives at home and doesn't invest in their future and rots. I'm ashamed I suppose. I appreciate your support. I do feel like renting and working is the bare minimum for an adult in America nowadays but it feels so frustrating and painful just keeping that together when every other week we get new information that implies the world is going to fucking end soon
ranting… ach, thank you for listening or reading.
No. 2277857
>>2277841Thats still not terrible
nonnie, pay it off slowly. You can do this
No. 2277908
>>2277832The debt I have is like Klarna and it’s 50€. I’d feel way too stressed if I had more.
My rule of thumb is usually “if I can’t afford it now I won’t buy it”. I usually buy things in loans to soften the blow in a way kek and even then I don’t buy too many things. I’m a euro fag so I don’t have student debt.
No. 2278011
>>2277952Yes you will you are going to stop.
Unironically I think subliminals can be great for psychological, not really physical issues.
I definitely have gone on spot rampages because 'I deserve to look bad' and 'I want pain', but you really can do push ups instead, or open ms paint and draw yourself popping pimples. You are beautiful and precious and definitely not worthy of feeling bad.
No. 2278063
>>2277857ty anon. I appreciate it. I'm probably internalizing a lot of conversations I've had with my almost 70 y/o parents (had me late in life) but it's frustrating not knowing how to SIT with your decision. It's like, I made my bed with the rationalizations I did. I should lie in it, and just pay off slowly. But I freak out a bit too much. Thanks again for the comment it did help
>>2277908I wish I could internalize your rule of thumb. I feel like the stereotype of an entitled American. I piss away 40 hours of my week every week, 40 hours for sleeping alone, and get so pissed off when I can't afford something typical like, IDK plant based foods, or something else considered mildly luxurious. Once I got a car and had to pay for insurance every six months, maintenance every three or four months and registration once a year, it's been over. An additional $1,000 on average a year that I don't have. Bitching bitching, that's all I'm doing. I should start gambling.
No. 2278114
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I fucked up and kinda side swiped a car trying to park between two trucks (it left no damage to my car thank god). I quickly got out of there and parked in a different spot.
I don't drive very often.
No. 2278118
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I genuinely wish I was a Disney adult.
It’s been so long since I’ve enjoyed anything nearly half as much as they seem to enjoy collecting all that merch and going to the park and shit.
I mean as a kid I adored Disney and went to the park fairly often (it was close to where I grew up so it was accessible) but I lost that feeling of joy once I hit my late teens. The fact that they kept it just makes me jealous of them to be honest.
No. 2278160
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I confess that I'm not a lesbian. Long sperging ahead.
My entire younger years since age 8 to about mid-late 20s, I comfortably went as bisexual and never doubted it, not even when there would be maybe one person or even when my previous ex-bfs asked if I was maybe gay deep down. I had a lot of shame around my sexuality growing up, and I did came out a bit late to the game to my immediate family. Thankfully, they accept me and told me that there's nothing wrong with being bi, so that was that. But the time I joined Tumblr and got into radfeminism (Yes you can laugh), that's when my severe confusion began. I had many people there ask me outright if I was just a self-hating lesbian instead of bi, which confounded me at the time since, again, I never doubted who I liked and my past history with both sexes seemed to have confirmed it. But later on, I guess I got psyoped into believing that I was probably lying to myself for all these years, and tried to see if maybe the lesbian label would fit. I dated women and I am 100% sure that I am attracted to them, but with men, that's where the waters got murky. I've been heavily abused by them, and I wonder if that definitely threw a wrench into how I see myself, my body, and my arousal pattern. I became dick repulsed after traumatic experiences, and even when I explicitedly explained this online, people still told me that maybe that's just my lesbianism that's making me grossed out over dick instead of, you know.. just men being evil and how that impacted me a lot.
I've met some great lesbians as friends over the years, and dated a few. But after reading more into the actual reality of female homosexuality, I realize that this just isn't my reality after all. Even lesbian culture by itself doesn't interest me, the whole butch/femme felt alien-like to me, and I've never even watched one single episode of The L Word. And of course, the threads here criticizing over the supposed existence of "lesbian yaoi shippers" being fake (Yeahhhh I got into yaoi/BL especially back in late 2000s when I was younger kek) finally made things click in my head and just, yeah.
Sorry this was long and retarded but I confess that I was super confused, I feel really bad about this, I'm mad at the people who insisted that I was lying about being bi and that I was secretly lesbian instead, and now I have to explain my retardation to my parents the next time I see them. I was an idiot to come out to them as gay and now I have to re-do it all over again ugh. Fuck me.
No. 2278255
I've come to admit it before myself, that I do in fact have narcissistic traits and am not a good person. Neither good nor bad. I do feel bad for some thoughts, words, things I'd say or do but Iately I just embrace them and don't feel as bad anymore. Like, I would spiral into self-destructive shame after some incidents and then trying to fix things, I'd make them worse. And now I feel bad, but in a sense that I am aware these were not my finest moments and some of these were arrogant and borderline cruel. Still, despite fighting my whole life to be vindicated and seen as the good, innocent, whatever as I experienced a lot of cruelty myself in life, I sort of finally integrated these parts of myself that were an actual victim and those that were either reactively abusive or simply wrong. I accepted that simply for the fact of what I grew up with, it would be impossible for me to retain innocence and doing bad things is being human, having narc traits including. Perhaps these are here just to protect me from collapsing after all. They make me have really hateful thoughts and attitudes toward people though. I maybe don't see myself as above anything or anyone but a lot of things feel like aimed personally at me and making my life miserable when they're not necessarily. But I hate, I hate lots on people around me then. Like I would wish the bar that opened next-door to get rats from me feeding the birds on the rooftop, and so that they shut them down from that and I don't have to live with their fucking extractor fans blowing 12h a day every day.
No. 2278280
>>2278247Not sure what you mean by "why this in particular", but maybe I wrote that part in that long post strangely. What I meant was, was that reading the discourse about the fact that any woman that has ever enjoyed yaoi/BL (erotic or not) cannot be a lesbian in all honesty because real lesbians aren't interested in seeing men in intimate settings. And to be fair, that makes perfect sense.
>Also would you say it's likely that lesbian fujoshi are bisexuals in denial?I think it's totally possible for a lesbian to enjoy reading wholesome stories about two men being in love, the same way she would enjoy stories about two women being in love or even a het couple being in love. I'm the exact same way, if the story is super interesting and the couple if fleshed out so that they are complex characters where they are pulled in or pushed apart or forcing themselves to not get too close because of external reasons, the conflict makes the story juicy and I'm going to keep reading it kek. So I think a lesbian would read a story about two guys in inner turmoil about wanting to be together but can't will relate to it since she probably had to stuff her own feelings down at some point in her life. In the end, love as a story is relatable to everyone on Earth, period. That said, when things get sexually explicit, yeah, I think the lesbian would nope outta there unless it's a f/f story.
>This website is really weird when it comes to bisexuality, even the questioning thread is so black and white.That's exactly how it feels for me too, especially during my time on Tumblr and even on other social media sites. People are just not normal about female bisexuality at all. I'm not saying everybody to start a fight or nothin', but people have a lot of negative things to say about bi women that I think it does push bi women to then start to believe that they can just opt out of it all by pretending to be another sexuality. Or in my case, become so confused and conflicted that they think they are het or homo without active ill intention at all.
>>2278255I hope this isn't random of me to respond to this, but I seriously think my brother and his girlfriend are narcissistic or just have some traits of it like yourself. And reading this feels strangely comforting. I do feel sad that you're in a lot of struggle over this, and I do hope you find relief someday. I guess maybe I'm finally coming to terms that those two do hate me, as well as the other members of our family, because they definitely act cruelly towards us and I just never understood why. But I guess it can't be helped. Again, hope things are looking up for you soon.
No. 2278306
>>2278280Thanks for your response, I appreciate it. I was through psychiatric evaluation and they didn't diagnose npd for me but I grew up around people with this sort of behaviours so I knew I inevitably had some of them too. As for being cruel, if it happens for me I don't intend it. I'm usually just very confrontational and forget myself at times, saying things I don't realise were insensitive at first - it's like when no-one was ever sensitive with you, you don't fucking know how to do it neither with yourself nor with others. If your brother and his girlfriend act that way on purpose that's a bit different I think. Change depends on many things here. For myself, I found that some resentment I have is justified but I don't really want to live this way. Often after expressing it you become alienated though. Some people want to fight it. That usually makes things worse. I started removing myself whatsoever.
>>2278284Yeah, that made me question things a bit and admit that it sounds along these lines. It's hard not to feel this way after a lifetime of when you actually were under a threat. It's all weird now I escaped. Makes me a fucking Karen at times.
No. 2278318
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>>2278307It's heretic of you to say such things, you may be forbidden if you recite the recipe for waffles and have waffles this weekend just like how a real person would.
No. 2278600
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Spent an hour plucking out hundreds of white hairs, and it just occurred to me that they’re all gonna grow back and stick out from my head the moment they poke past the darker hair. jfc
No. 2278721
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i base my personality on fictional characters but it's ok because i pick cool ones, not zoomer stuff
No. 2278742
>>2278680Been in the same spot, I feel you nonna. Things will get better. Just avoid making the same mistake. Look after yourself so that it's not tempting to engage with moids to meet your needs, and remember the damage they're capable of, especially retards like you (and I) already met.
>>2278736Try doing more for yourself. Pamper yourself. Start a new project that will improve your life somehow. And block him. Withdrawal from stalking is hard but you will forget him and forget you ever wanted his validation to begin with. Strive to get to the point where whatever you find out he does, doesn't affect you or that at least you have your feelings mapped well enough to know how to disengage and detach. No moid is worthy of you taking your life. - sincerely a nonna that considered the same number of times due to the influence of a number of moids that she realised are roaches and below her league.
No. 2278743
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>>2277332Your Nigel just the other day
No. 2279122
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I legit have no one else I can tell this too but this morning, I managed to poop on the wall after having taken Metamucil and leaning sideways to make my intestines feel better. It shot out like a cannon I guess? And it was very sticky from the metamucil so it just stuck on the wall.
I was literally so in shock from it that I just cleaned it up with no issue. Usually something like this would make me laugh or freak out or anything but like, I just straight up cleaned it up and vowed to never tell anyone about it.
Cleaning your own poop up off the wall is a very humbling experience. it's also been about 2 years since i posted here, the white background is very cathartic and also calming.
No. 2279521
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Spoiler for tooth talk basically my tooth is infected and I have a temporary filling + am on a course of antibiotics to kill the germs before I get further treatment. The thing is, my filling was very big and very painful to bite down on. So during a pain flare-up I impulsively grabbed a nail file and took a TINY amount off it. It was only a very small amount, like 2 passes of the file, and I guess it feels a bit more comfortable, but now that the flare-up is over I feel like I've done something stupid. Don't try this at home nonnies kek
No. 2279563
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>>2279549>when I slid the barsoap between my vaginal lipspardon?
No. 2279593
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>>2279549I hate it when I am prescribed the medication that makes my vagina smell of putrid fish my fellow female.
No. 2279648
>>2279568>>2279593NTA but this literally just happened to me the other day. Me and my bf were showering together and I used Ivy soap to scrub and when my hand came back up, it smelled very strongly of fish/ammonia. I was pretty embarrassed but like, he was aware of why it smelled that way. Having a fishy smelling vagina is a literal issue that many women face all the time, it's honestly strange that you guys are acting like it's something a moid would need to post in a confessions thread of all things, jfc. anyways.
>>2279549I think that really only happens though if your BF is rawdogging ya cause that is the only time that happens to me. Semen can change the PH balance of your vagina, even if you pee it out and then wash it. My suggestion is that if you're going to shower with him, don't let it be on a day after he's done anything down there with his dick, I'd wait a few days.
No. 2279901
>>2279648Not those anons but the
>When I slid the barsoap between my vaginal lipspart is what threw me off. Is that a thing other women do? I thought it widely known that putting soap directly there causes pain and irritation, I imagine a bar soap would be even worse. Or am I the weird one with a sensitive coochie
No. 2279992
>>2279648my vagina has literally never smelled like fish i think this must be a straight woman problem. the dick messes up the ecosystem? i smell like fresh rain and something else indescribable, some sort of "rich and sweet" scent and it's never strong. I can't even fathom how strong a vaginal scent would have to be for you to be able to smell it on someone else while you're in the shower, which is already full of soapy smells. I am disturbed that this is so common that 2 random people had identical experiences. Are straight women just living with bacterial infections 24/7? this is so horrifying to me.
>>2279901I don’t put the bar in there. Personally what I do is rub the bar of soap on my bush (kek) so it gets soapy like a loofah and then use my fingers to gently clean between my folds with the soapy foam that generates. I’ve never had a problem, no irritation or anything.
No. 2279993
>>2279648my vagina has literally never smelled like fish i think this must be a straight woman problem. the dick messes up the ecosystem? i smell like fresh rain and something else indescribable, some sort of "rich and sweet" scent and it's never strong. I can't even fathom how strong a vaginal scent would have to be for you to be able to smell it on someone else while you're in the shower, which is already full of soapy smells. I am disturbed that this is so common that 2 random people had identical experiences. Are straight women just living with bacterial infections 24/7? this is so horrifying to me.
>>2279901I don’t put the bar in there. Personally what I do is rub the bar of soap on my bush (kek) so it gets soapy like a loofah and then use my fingers to gently clean between my folds with the soapy foam that generates. I’ve never had a problem, no irritation or anything.
No. 2280167
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Nonnies I have the game and have been playing it, I am enjoying myself. I'm sort of mad I never got this game when I was a kid because I know I would have loved it. It's basically a friendship simulator with different minigames and dress-up elements. There's no doubt to me this could have been made to appeal more to girls/women with some tweaks. So far the most egregious fan service was in the intro, after that it's still there but it's just like, a cute girl in a bikini which isn't inherently offensive to me and jiggle physics don't bother me given the setting and subject matter. The most overt fan service after the intro are the pool relaxation animations but I know as a kid I probably would have used them for Barbie roleplay dialog kek. The game feels like playing dollies to me, kind of like the Sims. If you're interested watch some gameplay on YT and decide if it's for you.
I'm playing as Tina and Lisa is best girl, she's your first partner and so nice when teaching you and I was stressing over the first match because I did not want to imperil our friendship. I was sad when the pineapple I'd bought for us to eat had gone bad before day's end.
No. 2280270
>>2279593>>2279600“medications can’t make your vagina smell? only a man would post that.”
oh nona, let’s unpack this tragic display of ignorance bc wow, you’ve clearly never met science.
1/ first off, the claim that meds can’t affect vaginal odor is just… embarrassing. antibiotics? birth control? steroids? they can all mess with your body’s balance, and yes, that includes the vag. shocking, i know.
2/ antibiotics are the biggest offenders. they kill off bacteria—good ones included. when your good bacteria (like lactobacilli) are gone, bad ones (like gardnerella vaginalis) can throw a party. this is how BV happens, nona, and it smells like fish.
3/ hormonal meds (hi, birth control!) can also cause chaos. shifts in hormones = changes to vaginal pH = potential smells. science 101.
4/ steroids & immunosuppressants? those weaken your immune system, making it harder to keep your microbiome in check. enter BV again, the smelly villain of this story.
5/ oh, and metronidazole (an antibiotic prescribed for BV) can make your whole body smell metallic or fishy. yeah, it’s cursed, but that’s biology for you.
6/ “a woman wouldn’t know this”—are you ok? vaginas aren’t magical scentless beings. they’re microbiomes, and they react to meds, stress, diet, and even your partner’s hygiene. this isn’t tik tok lore, nona. it’s science.
7/ tl;dr: meds absolutely can affect vaginal odor. insisting otherwise is peak misinformation, and no one needs your clueless hot takes spreading around. do better, and maybe read a book next time.
you’re welcome, kek.
No. 2280389
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I stole a lemon from work
I came in whilst kind of ill, lightheaded and unable to talk, and they're making me do the work of two people because it's cheaper than hiring a new person. Also I'm sick. I do feel kind of unclean though. But now I can make a lemon drink, and enjoy the sinful taste of vitamin c, furthermore, I think I got away with it. I'm so sorry. God, I have not made myself a temple of the Holy Spirit this week.
No. 2280504
>>2280479It is generally recommended to wash yourself with mild soap and water. Warm water alone will not clean up piss and shit and discharge from between your legs. Yes, shit can migrate to areas other than your anus, this is why males not washing their hands after holding their penises is especially disgusting. If you apply soap that causes a stinging sensation between your legs, it may have a chemical in it that is an irritant. Not all soaps are the same! Most products are not. This is why when women start getting a weird smell or discharge from their vaginas, the things they change include: detergent, fabric softener, toilet paper, bedsheets, underwear material, period products, and soap.
No. 2280537
>>2280527I said it was sad and stinky of you because you called anons retards for washing themselves with soap. Why are you pretending like meanie anons came and started attacking your innocent, beautifully scented vagina out of nowhere?
Sorry my silly comment made you mald so hard you've been responding to every post on the topic for the past half hour. I think maybe you should have some lunch or take a nap so you feel better.
>>2280529Sorry to you as well for setting her off, I guess kek
No. 2280546
>>2280537>Sorry my silly comment made you mald so hard you've been responding to every post on the topic for the past half hourI’ve made a grand total of three posts on this thread.
Yes this thing seems ridiculous to me, I don’t think your vagina needs soap and I don’t think smell is correlated (if anything the soap will mess with your pH which will make it start to smell or make it prone to infection). Vaginal hygiene products seem like a scam unless you have some deeper issue but you do you I guess?
No. 2280577
>>2280561nta but dicks aren't self cleaning, not really a good comparison kek
>>2280565well i don't know either. when i was younger even sitting in a bath tub with bubbles gave me infections. but now i'm confused when you said 'outside the vagina' but the original post just said vagina, which part is being referred to here?
No. 2280578
>>2280573No. But you’re talking about the vulva aren’t you? If you’re washing your pubic hair area that makes sense to me, I do that. Just not my vulva.
It’s not necessary to wash it with soap in the same way you don’t really need to wash the lips on your face with soap either. They’re not constantly touching bacteria like your hands and are a sensitive, self-cleaning area.
If you’re on your period and use pads I could understand wanting to “feel” clean and to get the blood off. On any other part of your cycle this seems insane to me and I feel like I’m being gaslit a little.
No. 2280579
>>2280577Fine would you be happy to let a woman who didn't wash her hands with soap at any point of the day finger you?
The fact your also confused by outside and inside of vagina makes me not take your hygiene methods in high esteem
No. 2280591
>>2280588Please anon. Don’t you know her asshole and lips are constantly exposed to the elements for everyone to see. They must be cleansed. Impurities must be purged.
Does anon wash her ear canal too then?
No. 2280685
>>2280633nona, only washing with water? really? look, your face isn’t self-cleaning like your vag—it’s exposed to dirt, oil, makeup, sweat, and bacteria all day. water alone isn’t cutting through that grime, no matter how much you splash it. at the very least, use a gentle cleanser. your pores will thank you, and maybe the rest of us won’t have to hear about your ‘water-only skincare’ era, kek.
No. 2280699
ok nonas, i get that some of you prefer just water on a normal day, and that’s fine—your vag does a great job balancing itself most of the time. but during your period? yeah, soap on the external areas is non-negotiable. blood has a higher pH than your vag’s natural state, and if it’s sitting there all day, it can mess with your balance and lead to smells or irritation. a mild, unscented soap (not the heavily fragranced floral nightmare stuff) helps keep things fresh and clean without disrupting the good bacteria. no one’s saying scrub like you’re polishing silver, but rinsing with just water isn’t enough to fully remove blood, sweat, or the residue from pads and tampons. it’s about hygiene, not shame.
No. 2280706
>>2280591>Does anon wash her ear canal tooI think most people do clean their ears in some way. I wipe them with a rag and stick my finger inside (with the rag covering it) to clean some of the earwax
>>2280459I think anons should consider that everyone's vagina is different and there's no "right" way to take care of it. Only the inside (the actual hole) of your vagina is self-cleaning, the rest isn't so it makes sense to wash it. You're vag may not need soap, that's fine and doesn't make you dirty. Some women may need need and that doesn't make them dirty either, especially if they live somewhere hot or do some sort of physical work that makes you sweat a lot. Soap may give you an infection, it may be fine for other women. Just make sure you're using a soap (e.g. dove unscented) that's safe. It shouldn't sting either. Just wash the mons pubis, outer lips and in between the lips.
No. 2281101
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I'm getting a BBL tomorrow
No. 2281267
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spending $70 on a voice actor i really like to send me a motivational message and i feel like such a loser but i'm excited
No. 2281333
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>>2281309the last one anon
No. 2281549
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I have a moderate amount of mild fetishes
No. 2281598
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It's voting day in my country and I'm not voting because I know nothing about the politics here. All I know are some of the party names. I don't even know how it works and who stands for what. I know more about the American system than I do my own… Holy shit.
No. 2282200
>>2281101nonna its such a bad idea the lipo will fuck you up please nonna ( the host suck but you legit never see how shit BBL/ lipo look irl they are right )
No. 2282593
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>>2272163I was going to post in reply to
>>2272133how I hated her but you made me like her a lot more
No. 2283379
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I am only attracted to men who sort of look like they could be related to me, not because I find my family hot, but because I think I AM HOT, I am extremely full of myself! If he doesn't have a similar hair skin and eye color and nose shape to me I don't want him
No. 2283645
>>2283601ntayrt but it's not self hatred in my case, it's called not wanting to get bored kek. plus some similar personalities might not lead to anything. for example i'm borderline mute irl so if i met someone similar neither of us would bother asking the other out or make the first move, thus no relationship can occur. or if two people are mentally ill they could end up enabling eachother instead of developing.
but in terms of looks, every male who looks like me does literally look like my brother (people used to joke that we're like twins/clones) so that's why.
No. 2283748
>>2283720Kek nonna I'm also a lesnonna and I agree, the female fantasies thread is the biggest turn off ever, like, I've never read something that made me want to stay single more kekkkk.
But then I remind myself it's probably just moidtrannies and feel relieved. Like I remember reading youtube comments by kiwifarm scrotes saying how they come to lcf so no doubt their eyes lock on to that thread and literally just start memeing with the most degen shit they can think of, also 4chode trannies who mald at the thought of women existing without them. In general I think the female fantasies thread is overrun with these types of moid because at one point they started talking about "smegma pussy" and only men have that, women do not get that kekk. Like I'll be honest on the off chance that some of these posters
are actually female, I've never really seen lesbians-who-have-(had)-sex write about their fantasies and fetishes online because they either
>don't have them because they're in healthy relationships so they don't feel the need to share them, or>they are single but are disgusted at the thought of moids reading them and getting off to them.So I think it just leaves the absolute degens with clown grade fantasies that make me think "I don't believe you're actually aroused by this I think you just made it up for attention on lolcow"
Honestly the female fantasies thread just looks like a "Post Like A Moid Thread 2.0" kekkk. Oh yeah and then you get random posts like "Wah wah it's so hard to shit out complete degradation about women and not get clocked as a moid, I'm a real lesbian!! No one respects lesbians and their fantasies about growing dicks and raping women, this is literalyl homophobia!!1!!12!" Like yeah yeah move it along moidlet, here's your lolcow issued noose.
No. 2283824
>>2283760Not het and I literally said in the post that I was referring to obvious moids larping as lesbians who were saying that rapey shit so why are you being so aggressive towards me? (Specifically what I am referring to happened almost 3 months ago and caused a spergout on /g/ and /ot/ and I remember it was that long ago because I got addicted to a phone game around that time and that's my login steak kek) (I also got banned for scrotefoiling because it was "feeding the trolls" but the mods deleted the rapey fantasies luckily, thx mods)
Anyway I actually agree with the rest of your post
lowkey i have had period blood fantasies too, and i think the asian fever shit is objectifying No. 2284263
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Whenever I see a slim, attractive man in public I think about running my hands up and down his body and grabbing his skinny thighs and butt.
No. 2284990
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i'm so obsessed with this guy from another continent i met online on a stupid wiki fandom site for an interest we had in common when we were both 12. we stopped talking when we were 15, for the record i'm 18 going on 19 now. my one sided obsession with him has lasted longer than our friendship, which was pretty rocky, and it pains me because at this point i think i'm unable to fall in love with anyone else but him. when i was 16-17 i briefly had a crush on a boy from another class i found cute but he was boring as hell, and while i had the crush i couldn't stop thinking about online boy and compared them both in my head. i couldn't see myself on a long-term relationship with the irl guy, but i was desperate (and still am) to spend the rest of my life with the online guy, despite the former actually being a possibility (i'm glad it didn't end up in anything though lol).
earlier this year i got extra desperate longing for him, as i usually am, so i looked up his name online and found his fb account, therefore finding all of his relatives and classmates too. i live with the inner peace that if someone did that to me they wouldn't find anything because i'm not a careless retard like he is, but anyways, while it is extremely invasive it feels good to know how he's doing irl, to know all the things i missed during his absence in my life. i saw his face for the first time, and while it is weird to put a face on what was only an username, i don't mind because at least he isn't ugly. his fb is pretty dead so i get updates from his dad's, which is again extremely creepy but i have nothing to lose. i need him. i want to relive the summer i first fell for him, knowing that despite the timezones differences, he was still within my reach. i frequently have super realistic dreams about him back in my life too, which piss me off so bad kek. there's no way to contact him, most if not all of his accounts are dead (and i'm not reaching him thru fb).
if our friendship hadn't ended so abruptly, maybe i wouldn't have ended up so obsessed and pathetic. mostly, i want closure, a proper goodbye. but god, i'd give up everything for him to be back!!! and it hurts because most likely he wants to leave those times that included me behind. i get so jealous at the thought that he might end up with someone that he has actually known in real life than with me. he keeps moving forward while my life has stayed pretty much the same.
No. 2285100
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I absolutely love the validation this site gives me, even though I'm anonymous and don't personalityfag it feels especially nice to have my feelings sent out to the void and receive several replies consistently
Even if this post gets no replies I know that you've read it and that's good enough for me, thank you for reading my post
And if you do reply, you're awesome and prolong one of my reasons to go on living
I also like attaching random photos from my phone's camera roll because I like to think that it generates better engagement on my posts
No. 2285106
>>2285100I agree
nonnie. This site and the anonymity let me share my true feelings without idiots jumping down my throat. I’ve deleted all my social media, and just made anon accounts for tiktok and Reddit to browse. This is the only site I actively post and engage in conversations with.
No. 2285357
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>>2285271nonnie i hate to tell you but i think your biggest fuck up here was getting a payday loan to begin with. Forget overdraw fees or owing your mom another $100, the interest on that loan is about to pile up faster than you can blink and you'll be paying back triple or more.
You're better off admitting to your fuck up, ask for money to pay off the loan asap from your nigel or mom, and pay them back when you can. I'm not kidding, you need to pay off that loan by yesterday
No. 2285508
>>2285481being skinny is so pretty though, although it looks really bad on my face so i am contemplating on getting fillers if i reach ana-chan levels again.
>>2285489it wasn't that good of a experience it was actually kind of bad, im
someone who also looses alot of facial fat too and not just body fat
so i basically looked like a ghoul and gaunt…
>>2285490meh you have to reach bonespo levels to start having those severe health issues, most ana-chans don't want to be bonespo
No. 2285560
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>>2285550Agree, anons that freak out on fatties or spread anachan gospel are no better than pickmes. For a site where anons complain about radfems “ruining it” there sure is a lack of them fighting against anachans that count calories for male attention and can’t defend themselves against a strong gust of wind let alone be able to hold a gun and shoot moids
No. 2285563
>>2285550not really, there has been alot of feminist ana-chans lately especially on twitter. Ive seen alot of based radfem anachans.
Also there are many lesbian anachans too so i don't know why people like you always project your cocklust onto other women.
No. 2285588
>>2285567i mean as being slightly underweight, no one wants to be euginia cooney level and she is bonespo anyway which is a niche even among anachan.
>>2285568go back to talking about how great and amazing your nigel is.
>>2285577many fatties support abusers and predators because they are desperate for male validation. On the other hand i never saw a ana-chan that was supportive of
abusive on the same level as fatties
>>2285581kek this is your example of strong with a flabby fat armed woman who shooped her waist.
No. 2285603
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>>2285588Heres something you'll never see in a mentally ill pickmes house who thinks chewing ice is nutritious VERY SPOOKY
No. 2285618
>>2285581She's cute even if its shooped
No. 2285674
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>>2285442>HummerThis can't be a real name, right? It's been another slang term for bj for a long time (sometimes more specifically a bj involving humming). Surely someone must have pointed this out when the parents announced the baby's name?
No. 2285725
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>>2285674It also means lobster in German
No. 2285733
>>2285442can I contribute some of my favorite redneck classic names I've heard?
>twins named Liberty and America>Onyx>Kayghleigh and all its variations>Paxtson>gun names (I've met ppl named Colt, Gage, Remington, Wesson) >>2285674I've never heard Hummer used in this way, the kid was probably named after the car brand.
No. 2285764
>>2285473People always hated fat girls, it isn’t anything new. Only men are allowed to be fat in peace.
I find fatties uglies , but I don’t really care , I still treat them like humans because that’s what they are, I’d never be purposely rude to someone just for how they look. But scrotes always get coddled and kissed while women get shitted on despite being objectively better, most fat men are slobs , rude and dirty while fat women are usually clean and a bit cute too (they can be slobs too).
No. 2285791
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>>2285689I’d rather have fat women cope as dommy mommy cows for retards than anachans starve themselves to ensure that they stay stunted to arouse pedophilic men. Even if they seethe and say they don’t do it for men how would you achieve that when you’re purposefully making yourself thin and weak instead of going fit and scaring moids away just by flexing? I just don’t see fatties as the true evil when everything about them makes men see them as undesirable adults or act as if they’re way older than their age just by weight when bone rattlers would rather swallow air for breakfast to achieve the exact opposite. Even the act of gaining weight is seen as something as mundane as aging for women because of how our metabolism works as time goes on. Anachan shit is also tailor made for young girls and young women to destroy themselves with. You can even see it when their edtwt threads get posted here, you see them refer to anas in their 30s as elders because of how hard it is to maintain that lifestyle. Extreme thiness is a psyop pushed by faggot moids because they hate women that have natural fat deposits that we need while they only look good in single digit fat percentages. Picrel spoilered because of fat moids
No. 2285989
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I feel a weird sense of superiority whenever I hear the things that are happening in my neighbours' apartment, it's a small family with 1 or 2 very young children and their mother and father.
The children scream sometimes (presumably for normal baby reasons like hunger), and the mother seems so genuinely fucking brain damaged because she doesn't understand that screaming at the top of your lungs at your children doesn't make them silent, it instills primal fear in them because they literally can't understand why the fuck is their primary caregiver acting like that. It's truly CPTSD-inducing shit, and on top of that she's also loudly fighting with the moid sometimes with their screaming often causing the child to cry out.
As I've stated above, listening to all of that makes me feel superior, and becuase of feeling superior I feel guilty about not being compassionate enough. I know that I should not feel like that because it's a dire situation for everybody involved and the children are almost guaranteed to live in hell, but I feel incredibly grateful that I did not turn out like that.
Maybe it's because I'm past the age at which my mother had me and that woman reminds me of the neighbouring woman.
No. 2286173
>>2286159that does sound pretty nice.
>>2285689The fat women I’ve known have been the biggest pick mes that would brag about sleeping around
No. 2286205
>>2286185Tbh most of the weight you lost was probably water weight but i do agree losing weight for some can be more complex than just reducing calories and i think the cause of that is shit metabolism and lack of physical activity.
There was a time when i could lose weight by only reducing like 50% food, now i can't reduce weight even if i go with only eating like one empty salad a day. And the only difference from then and now was my metabolism and exercise regimen.
No. 2286418
>>2285791>I’d rather have fat women cope as dommy mommy cows for retards than anachans starve themselves to ensure that they stay stunted to arouse pedophilic menSick of people saying shit like this. “Who wants a 12-year-old-boy” and other rhetorics to shit on skinny women. Shut the fuck up. How can you act like you’re the morally superior one while doing the exact same thing but reverse?
Personally, I am naturally skinny and also think being skinny looks pretty. No I am not a pickme for scrotes, I’m a fucking lesbian you coper. You do what you want with your body but I’m getting tired of anons making up some shit to support that liking thinness makes you the devil in some way and how you’d totes rather fatties be like this than the god-awful aNaChAns be like that or whatever. It stinks and it pisses me off more that half the people saying this are probably 200lbs too so isn’t that just bias?
>>2285767Do people really think you start looking like a skeleton once you hit BMI 18? Do you really think BMI is actually accurate for all bodies, all genetic pools? For some reason people can understand that 50kg can look different on everybody but not that BMIs look and feel different too. Everyone doesn’t just suddenly become a haggard skeleton at the same point. I know that my body is and looks healthier at a lower weight than others, and that others could be not even underweight and start feeling/looking like shit. My cousin tried to diet specifically to look like me and it’s funny because you can see that even at a larger size she looks emaciated. On the contrary you can tell I don’t carry extra weight well. It is not that simple. When are we going to start treating BMI like the obsolete metric that it is.
No. 2286428
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I really want to try out a cool hobby. Fingerboard skating for instance. But I feel awkward going to a place were I am the only person who doesn't know anyone else. And it sucks.
No. 2286463
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I think I will have chlamydia for my entire life and I don’t plan on getting treated for it.
I’ve had it since 2017. I knew I had it but I didn’t get treated for it because I had no health insurance and no job at the time. Years passed and I got tested for it again, and I still have it. I was able to finally get treatment, but I can’t handle the medication they gave me. The antibiotics taste atrocious (I took one sip) and this antibiotic in particular is known to disrupt the blood brain barrier. I’m supposed to take 40 ml a day, it’s insane.
Is it worth getting treated for something that gives me zero symptoms? My doctor told me that infertility can only happen if I develop PID, but she said PID is extremely rare (and treatable) and that I would know if I had it, because it causes fever and septic symptoms. There’s probably a billion people in the world right now with chlamydia, who have zero symptoms. Why should I get treated for it? What makes me different? To protect the next moid I fuck? Is that worth fucking up my gut and brain for?
I am not a whore btw, I’ve been celibate for like 2 years now.
No. 2286497
>>2286493Judging by your wording, you have no plans on staying celibate.
This means you are completely okay with forcing other people (men
and women) to make the choice too.
No. 2286511
>>2286503Yes, that's what I was saying. By exposing them to chlamydia, you are also
forcing them to choose between "fucking up their brain" (if treated) or infertility/PID (if untreated/not tested in the first place), and you can't guarantee they won't choose the thing that you did yourself.
Do you want to be responsible for that?
No. 2286565
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>>2286493Your "meme STD" isn't guaranteed to stay a meme for long. Inb4 selective reading and "but I don't want to get pregnant anyway durrdurr"
No. 2286618
>>2286565PID is extremely rare
No. 2286639
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>>2286635Of course I want attention, if I didn’t want any attention, I wouldn’t have posted my chlamydia dilemma on an online forum. Sometimes I forget that this site has a lot of shut-ins.
(baiting) No. 2286642
>>2286639>Sometimes I forget that this site has a lot of shut-ins.And
you're not?! Get off of this board, heretic.
No. 2286763
>>2286463That’s how STDs spread. You fuck a moid and that moid ends up being the toilet of the city who spreads it to other women. You’ll spread it to a woman too if you have sex with her too.
Leaving that aside, if you can actually cure it get cured kek. Medicine isn’t tasty, suck it up dumbass, also if that medicine gets prescribed it means it’s safe, side effects happen but they’re so fucking rare, you have more chances of your infection getting out of control.
If you happen to catch another infection , Vidal or bacterial, your immune system might already be tired from fighting the chlamydia and you might have complications. Or the new infection might weaken your immune system and thus your chlamydia won’t be manageable anymore.
No. 2286770
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>>2286765She hardly has any gray matter to lose in the first place kek, that head is full of water like a coconut.
Here’s a picrel of nonna’s brain
No. 2286791
>>2286750>People criticize those who get their children on puberty blockers retardIt’s not exactly difficult to understand I’m not referring to this. This is something I encounter specifically with celebrities allowing their children to troon out. Even when it’s ambiguous to whether they’re on hormones (and in the earlier stages they’re clearly not) the displeasure that is being expressed is always the presentation. The comments aren’t going “they’re poisoning themselves!” they’re criticising the clothes and presentation. Also irrelevant but man arguing with people on this site is starting to really get to me kek, not your fault specifically but I’ve started to hate being called a retard for people misunderstanding what I’m trying to say or just unnecessarily.
>inb4 then leave retard!!Yes I should probably take a break I know and it usually doesn’t even get to me tbh
No. 2286848
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i browse lolcow in public because it's the only active website that doesn't have porn all over it
No. 2286898
>>2286860>tranny assare you lost?
>>2286882i would tell you to quiet down because I'm paranoid but would be happy to talk to you
No. 2286912
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I have a crush on my friend I think, she’s so smart (she’s in med school)and she’s beautiful too. We’ve been friends since the start of high school when she transferred in my town.
Like she’s the complete package, she’s fun, caring and sweet, she listens to my vents and always encourages me when I’m facing hardships, her body is bomb, her face is just so pleasing to watch too and she has the cutest dimples (like picrel). If I would have to pick a celebrity look alike I’d say Quenlin Blackwell
She sometimes vents about feeling left out since she never dated and it makes me so sad because she doesn’t see her worth, anyone who is going to be with her is going to be so lucky. Scrotes don’t deserve her, I wish I could gatekeep her from all these demons.
No. 2286921
>>2286871I don't agree with you entirely but it gets annoying as a service worker when it comes to moms and their kids thinking they deserve special treatment.
I used to work at a tourist destination that would get filled up quickly so you needed a reservation, the amount of moms that would come in expecting to get seated immediately because muh kids birthday was annoying. If you cared that much, you would've researched ahead of time like all the other parents that did weeks in advance.
No. 2287309
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i don’t know where to put it, so let it be a confession of sorts: i think about this quite a lot. i get back to this again and again. i had such an interesting conversation with this nonna and i’ll try to find it now just to reread it. i hope she’s fine wherever she is and her wisdom keeps her safe. ily, creation nonna.
No. 2287420
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>>2284996thanks for answering nona. we're still young and have a whole life ahead of us, i'm sure great things await for both of us.
No. 2287828
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i once danced so hard i gave myself diarrhea…i still dont know how i did that
No. 2287871
>>2287680I think most people prefer people with similar body counts to them and iirc in practice that's how it actually works out.
>>2287559that's normal for your age