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No. 226428
>>226406if it makes you feel better i saw a 40 year old woman with blue hair one time.
>>226413>I think it's fine as long as you look under 30pretty much this, if you look young you get a pass, you might get side eyes from people that know your real age though lol.
i'd say the cutoff is 27 since you'd be an official adult by then/expected to have your life in order by society. but honestly its not a big deal, just be self aware and you're good
No. 226432
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>>226430Three "edgy" examples that first came to my mind.
No. 226433
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No. 226434
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A recent photo of Alice Glass
No. 226435
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>>226430i assumed it was colored hair/"loud" makeup like the kind you did as experiments as a teen/mismatched clothes/not taking into account how the clothes look on your body
basically the emo scene in 2000s but now with more color
No. 226439
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>>226435Cutesy type tumblr (>>226413) not edgy style is which version of alt/tumblr when someone says tumblr style - not sure if it counts?
No. 226440
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there is no cutoff.
however there should be a different amount of class and grunge as you get older, like if you're 30 or 40 and wanna dress edgy? go straight ahead, just don't look like a teenager on ig or tumblr with ripped jeans and fishnets and tore up crop tops and all that shit, go for a "glamorous edgy" type look
No. 226446
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>>226439Part 2 (edgier looks)
No. 226513
>>226446Honestly, you should be able to dress however you want as long as it looks clean and fits your body type.
The issue really are fat people squeezing into too small outfits or sloppy people in general with dirty hair and makeup.
David Bowie dressed however he wanted well into his 60s, and then there's this older teacher who a photographer mistook for a model during fashion week when she was just going out and about in her home city. I think she's awesome'm in my 30s now and i still dress how i want, though i'm more aware as an older woman i can't dress as i did in my teen years. It's about balance.
No. 226521
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All subsequent generations of edge would not exist without this woman.
No. 226546
>>226450because all edginess now is toopoor
edginess isnt just goth and emo shit
and also aren't lesbains a high consumer for full sleeved tattoo? the stereotype of the punk rock college lezzy doesnt come from nowhere
you just sound inexperienced in the real world
No. 226553
>>226546>implying 99% of all "punk rock college lezzies" aren't literally bisexuals larping as lesbiansthe stereotype of girls going "gay" or bi in college because they think it's cool doesn't come from nowhere. you just sound inexperienced in the lesbian world.
>edginess isnt just goth and emo shiti mean it basically is, but i was specifically going off the examples used in this thread.
No. 226583
>>226553"Everyone I don't want to be a lesbian are just pretend lesbians"
>basically it isNot really, lady gaga, demi lovato, all have "edgy" styles but its not goth or emo except for demi in 2009 maybe, edginess can be anywhere from bangs, sunglasses, a dress and leather jacket and heels to straight up goth, it just sounds like you define it loosely arent lesbians known for tattoos, leather, edgy hair cuts, etc? Or are every single one of them just a fake lesbian somehow and actually just a straight weirdo who dresses edgy forever
No. 226590
>>226583>Here's a thoughtcatalog article from 2011 to prove my pointRight. I don't go to gay bars anymore because bad experiences with transbians, but I've never met one with a tacky sleeve tat or something. Same goes for haircuts, unless just having shorter hair counts. Also, is a leather jacket really that edgy? My dad wears those…
I don't understand why you're getting so pissy about this btw, I was mostly just meme-ing. This is a boring argument and it honestly seems like your only exposure to lesbians is bad stereotypes and Life Is Strange.
No. 226592
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She was 20 there; thoughts on how long miniskirts and crop tops are acceptable?
>>226439I don't think that's too severe; i could also imaginr that on some mother/housewive, it's simply very feminine
No. 226602
>>226596lord knows the Bs and Ts do, I already said I consider them straight :^)
and like I said, I was literally joking. how autistic are straight people if you fuckers actually get
triggered over this?
No. 226608
"people are only gay when I want them to be because I somehow read their mind and know what theyre attracted to"
(derailing) No. 226614
>>226602>how autistic are straight people =
>how autistic are 95% of this world's populationYou are the one who sounds like an "autist"!
(derailing) No. 226619
>>226592Apparently I have no comprehension skills I missed the first sentence with "edgy" of the OP post oops
Also I'd say crop top + mini skirt combo is very youthful so I personally wouldn't after 25 max.
No. 226627
>>226592Imo she looks ridiculous. The chunky school style shoes with the socks are way too much with an already iffy outfit. Makes me think of a gawky teen girl who’s outgrown her clothes. I’m only 25 and would feel absolutely stupid in an outfit like this.
>>226576Supreme and Bape and those brands are tacky as shit imo. Overpriced and just boring advertisements for the brand. It’s paying excessive money to be a why do that? Especially for clothes that don’t even have a lot of skill put into their construction like a couture brand would.
You can go buy average quality cotton tshirt and make exactly the same products for $20 and less but idiots still think it’s worth $175-$300.
Switch out supreme for ‘tasteless’ or ‘poor financial decisins’
No. 226638
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I think, as other anons have said, looking or dressing edgy can be done at any age. It just should adapt/evolve according to what you are doing in life and what your age is.
Like if you're in a freelance or more alternative career or are a student, you typically have the opportunity to dress more open and 'weird', so different haircuts and colours, more extreme cuts and prints are going to be more fitting for you, since the people around you are probably going to do the same (normalfag example but look at Buzzfeed, a lot of their producers/content creators dress extremely edgy and 'young' though a solid amount are in their mid to late 20s).
If you have a more steady or office type job, you have to be more careful or 'classy' with your edgy looks, especially while you are just a regular worker and not someone in a particular position of power like a boss or a manager. Day to day you can dress more edgy but it also gets exhausting having two wardrobes/trying to be two people at the same time, so blending a more mature collection with what edgy aesthetics you enjoy is key. So maybe layering darker colours with cool accessories, or mixing an acid wash skinny jean with a cool top and a blazer would work. It's just working with what you can do and what fits with your current surroundings.
No. 226710
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>>226700I want to be creepy and ask for photos of her style for reference
I’m terrified of growing old and this whole thread just made everything better
I’m going to be a kick ass grandma wearing edgy clothing
No. 226834
>>226796It's called twee.
In the pic are aclotheshorse, simply_kenna & deaddsouls. The other two are topshop pic and a random blogger I forgot the name of.
And for the love of fashion don't buy from yesstyle such poor quality clothing.
No. 226846
>>226844>You're like those people who say everything on AliExpress is a scamA stretch but ok.
Anyway, I've never brought anything from there but I've seen some hauls where the girls do tend to like the clothes, personally everything looks bad and cheap. But you do you. It was just advice - tbh don't have 1st hand experience just visually not impressed.
No. 226880
>>226848They used to have LizLisa, MeJane and some other gyaru brands, now that the trend has worn off they have lots of Korean brands like Chuu and Stylenanda which aren't super high quality but they aren't shit either.
Sure they're overpriced but people who buy clothes from them are paying to not have to go through the hassle of shopping services and customs. Plus their loyalty programme actually does give you some pretty steep discounts.
I've been a customer since 2009 because they often sell cheap sunscreen, I'd never buy circle lenses or any kitchenware from them but some of the clothes really are fine.
No. 226881
>>226627thats a photo of Liv Tyler in the 90s, that was a totally normal style back then, nothing "edgy" about it.
My advice to everyone in this thread: take a break from lolcow for a bit. You're all becoming way too hypercritical of you own age and what might be considered "edgy". Please don't try to live your lives based on what an anonymous imageboard tells you too. Most people here think that you're old if you're over the age of 22. Don't regret not dressing the way you wanted when you're on your deathbed.
You won't be a cow if your only crime is dressing weird past a certain age.
No. 226884
And how is buying cheap mass-produced clothing "edgy" which, as I understand it, is a subset of "alternative"?
I am an old. I rarely wear anything from a mainstream label or which I haven't made, altered or customised myself.
No. 226887
>>226884It's laughable that people in this thread are acting like Chuu or Stylenanda or anything in
>>226439 or
>>226446 is edgy or alternative. The most outlandish outfit in either collage is Kinashen's photo (atleast I think that is her), and she only stands out because of her editing making her look like a CGI character.
The outfit in the upper right hand corner is just a denim jacket with a black t-shirt, how does that style have an age limit or count as "edgy"?
And I really want to know what certain anons in this thread think is appropriate wear for someone above the age of 25. Khaki's and mom jeans? Pant suits and pencil skirts?
No. 226892
>>226881I never agreed that her outfit was edgy, just said I think it’s bad and not age appropriate. My taste hardly defines edge, or what anybody can wear, anon. I know it’s a fairly typical 90’s look, I just don’t agree that it’s good.
Thinking certain looks aren’t good and saying so on a thread discussing outfits and incredibly vague aesthetics isn’t exactly screeching from the rooftops “only fools wear what I disliiiiiiiiike” or telling random women in the street that they are not allowed to wear what they’re wearing.
Maybe this is a good time to take your own advice and not read so heavily into an old critique of an even older outfit, and a fairly common opinion about branding.
No. 226894
>>226884I'm a super old and I wear whatever the hell I want. Sometimes it fucks me off when I see something that I could have pulled off at twenty but just don't have the body for any longer, it's usually swimwear tho, so yeah, not terribly limiting.
If someone doesn't like the way I look or my style of dress they can fuck right on off. Anons in the thread twitching about being twenty eight, omfg. Children, listen to the old and come to terms with that shit fast, because you're gonna be fifty before you know it. Wear whatever the hell you want and stop giving so many shits. You'll be happier and healthier for it.
>inb4 fuck off granny kek No. 226911
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All I can think of is Deathcandy and Cajsa.Murk
I don't know how old Deathcandy is as she hasn't really plastered it anywhere but she looks late 20's/early 30's or so
Cajsa is just late 20's
They both just look tacky, Cajsa Murk especially so because she's just gripping onto this tri-hard edgy Nazi Satanism shtick but just eats junk food all day while sporting serial killer tattoos
And I mean, personally I don't find anything wrong with older alternative folks or whatever, but this edgy thing is just truly tacky and screams "forever alone" past 24
No. 226930
>>226525My only experience with seeing someone wear Supreme irl is a coworker that has actually said he couldn't pay his phone bill that month because he bought a hoodie for $200+. Needless to say, I lost any amount of respect I possibly could have had for him that day.
>>226521I am 100% excited that I still like her accessories now that I am an adult and can buy real items and not eBay knock-offs like I did in high school. The only item I did get of hers (that was authentic) was those Wing rocking horse platforms that I still have. I gave up buying any new school clothes that year for them lol. Still have them though!
I think, like quite a few anons do here, as long as it looks good on you it doesn't matter what you wear. You need to be aware of what flatters you and your body type. You don't have to give it up entirely when you reach x age… or, at least I feel that way, anyways. I'm 25 and can actually afford the weeb/edgy shit I wanted to buy when I was in high school and college bu couldn't due to finances, so I do purchase some of the pieces that would have longevity (i.e: VW jewelry).
No. 228467
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I think you can still have an "edgy" style in your late 20's - 30's as long as it's not filled with uwu pastel goth shit. Helen Anderson is 27, somewhat alternative and looks good to me.