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No. 227917
>>227899I was going to buy some Ripple coins but after seeing how it went down in the last days… nah.
What would be a good investment?
No. 227928
>>227917You can't go wrong with Ethereum and it also depends on whether you're planning on long term or short term investments?
Rule of thumb is to invest only the amount of money you're willing to lose so when there's a crash or dip that you don't panic sell. Set your exit points.
That being said, Ethereum, Cardano, and NEO are all PoS (Proof of Stake) coins as opposed to the outdated PoW (Proof of Work) model, they have solid teams and a roadmap and their value will keep growing.
You should always do your own research but that's just my 0.0000248 bitcoins.
No. 228009
>>227931For mining there are multiple sources: subreddits related to the coins you're interested in.
Another source that helped me in spotting trends is Twitter.
If there's one source that you should avoid at all costs, that would be 4chan's /biz/
Note: I wouldn't suggest nicehash for mining even though their direct deposits to btc coinbase wallet is pretty comfy. There are much more lucrative coins to mine, but I would prefer you decide that on your own.
>>227942Nice, those are some really good positions.
> Started last spring. Only mistake was selling BTC before the fork in august and never reentering.Ouch. At least you got ETH, which is going to be far more important than BTC. ETH will take its rightful place as the leader of all the other cryptocurrencies.
>>227989I can't tell that without knowing their miners, that is, their components, hash rate etc. And personally, I think there are much more profitable coins to mine.
No. 228027
>>227989Not at this point unless they are water cooled or incredibly well stored.
I’ve seen some gore happen in mining farms
No. 229335
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>tfw you own more than 200 BTC you bought in year 2011
>tfw you got the equal amounts of Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold credited on your private keys
>tfw any future forks will be credited as well
sadly the crypto scene turned into a get rich quick and scamming scene. Back around 2012 you had only true idealists and criminals.
Anyways, if you are interested in fintech projects then have a look at Radix DLT. I really have a good feeling with those. The release is scheduled for Q3 2018.
No. 229387
To all farmers, I hope you are all enjoying your spoils now that the crypto market is recovering.
>>229335Noice, thanks!
> sadly the crypto scene turned into a get rich quick and scamming sceneYeah, this is cancer alas, it was bound to happen. I don't know about you, but I'm into cyberpunk and I like the idea of decentralized ledgers. Which is why I'm holding most of my coins long-term. I believe in some of the crypto projects, I always do my own research before I invest in any coin. Also, recently I started learning Solidity and how to develop my own crypto apps. Crypto is the future and it's unstoppable.
Btw how do you feel about Bitcoin? Everybody keeps talking about Bitcoin getting completely replaced with Bitcoin Cash, and considering its fees and it being slow, it's a likely scenario. Or do you think differently?
No. 229390
>>229387I'd rather this
>>229335 mama spoil me. :^)
No. 229443
>>229387Good to hear I am not the only one into this shit.
>I hope you are all enjoying your spoils now that the crypto market is recovering.sure but I am set for life even if the price goes down another 80%. Currently looking for real estate to buy in eastern yurop and emigrating there.
>sceneYeah the scene got cancerous but it was to be expected. Nobody is in here for the ideological aspects, they only want their ROI and they believe they will buy 1 coin today and in 3 years they will have lambos and helicopters.
>Also, recently I started learning Solidity and how to develop my own crypto apps. haha. Back in 2013 I was very active on the bitcointalk forums. It was a fantastic time. Every week you had a new shitcoin coming out. I mined feathercoins for the fun. There was a crew and they literally had a service to create your own coin. You could fill out a list (name, max. supply, block time, etc) and they would create your custom made coin for you. You should develop an app for it and put it on google play and apple app store. In the gold rush usually those who supply shovels make the biggest profits.
>Crypto is the future and it's unstoppable.I absolitely agree. Banks are shitting their pants already and they know they cannot ban it. For the past 40 years they did not have to innovate anything about their business models. Now they are hit with full speed by the crypto train and internet. Government can criminalize it but it will just turn into cocaine markets 2.0 and money laundering will get more creative.
>Btw how do you feel about Bitcoin? Everybody keeps talking about Bitcoin getting completely replaced with Bitcoin Cash, and considering its fees and it being slow, it's a likely scenario. Or do you think differently?BTC will stay for a long time. Mostly for 2 reasons:
>It has the largest and most powerful network -> most miners to secure the network -> safest network>It is the first coin and therefore it has the longest trust and it survived any crisis so farAlso keep in mind. BTC source code has been open for nearly a decade already and there has not been any back door found that would have enabled hackers to steal coins. Most heists are made when retarded people behave retarded on shady exchanges. I find that fascinating.
Sure, high fees are nasty but once the lightning network is up it will be no problem anymore.
Bitcoin has many problems that is true but it still has reserve currency status in the crypto world. And it will have it for a long time. I personally think The only interesting other currency is Monero because of the anonymity it offers. Ethereum is not a currency but a platform for contracts.
Then those Radix people have an interesting product and an interesting economic model. It is really fair and the inflation benefits everyone. They claim to solve all the problems BTC has.
>>229390Best thing to mine would be Monero and Ethereum (assuming with your own pc). A friend of mine has a mining contract with Genesis mining but I doubt you get your ROI with such business deals. Maybe you break even in USD terms but you likely will not get back 1 BTC if you paid 1 BTC for the mining contract. I cannot spoil you with dollares but I can share my insights with you and direct you to stuff to read so you can make your own fortunes. If I teach you how to fish, you will have fish for eternity.
No. 229448
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>>229443>I can share my insights with you and direct you to stuff to read so you can make your own fortunes. If I teach you how to fish, you will have fish for eternityPlease do anon
No. 229456
>>229443Thanks, it's great to have you in this thread. I don't have any mining equipment and I'm just interested in investing with as little trading as possible. I am
>>227942 so I'm interested in what, if anything, you have to say about NEX? I better get my fucking lambo, if you know what I mean.
I read a fuck ton and only decide to invest in what I deem relatively safe, but in the end my research isn't worth all that much since I know nothing about coding.
No. 229510
>>229448>>229456okay some tips on this topic.
generally those are the most important red flags for any crypto project.
>tokenwhen you buy a "token" you are not buying a coin or anything of value. You buy a promise. For example the promise that the issuer will buy it back in x years at y price. Some people also think that a token equals to a share on a crypto startup. This is bullshit because if it were a share or a stock, they would call it that way.
>ICOICO is starting to become synonymous with scam. Basementdwellers are presenting only a fucking whitepaper with rough ideas about what they want to "do". Then they ask you for your monies so they can get to work on their shit. This is bad because if they were enthusiastic about their own projects, they would have done most of the work already.
>crewIf the crew of a project consists of fedoras and convicted criminals you can expect it to be a scam. Or at least a project with no future in most cases. There was this one project (Monaco or Monacoin?) where one of the most important people was a convicted criminal for financial fraud. I would not want to trust my savings to someone like him. Also if the developers have no tech background I doubt they have the knowledge to develop their product.
>coin specially for x-applicationLike this one coin that was only for online games. Or a coin for porn sites. Or one for online gambling. Who the fuck would use this crap when you can use any other established coin as well as credit cards and paysafecard.
>copycat coin>When a coin has no unique feature it has no future. Ethereum had contracts. Monero had anonymity. Dash had instapay. And so on. If they just want to be next Ethereum without any new features they will not have success.
>coin cannot be minedgenerally, if you cannot mine a coin, it is a shitcoin in most cases (or a token which equals to shit as well).
>coin is preminedone of the reasons why I hate Ethereum. Butters and his crew premined 70 million ethers and parked them in their own pockets. Now they present themselves as the saviours of the world.
>cloud miningwaste of time. Instead of spending 20K for a mining contract in hope of mining x bitcoins over a certain time period you can just buy right now BTC for 20K. Most of the times. Mining ROI is always overcalculated because the mining difficulty rises with some 10% per each adjustment. So basically your profitability is going down by 10% every few weeks. Unless the BTC price goes up every 2 weeks by the same sum, you will be losing money eventually.
>miningIf you have the equipment for it you can do so. Even if you only earn a tiny amount of XMR or ETH per day, as long as it is profitable and as long as you can stand the noise and heat, do it. Buying graphics cards and ASIC miners especially for it is something I would not recommend if you have never done anything tech related before.
>forumsjust like suggested before, avoid /biz/. If they were richfags, they would not hang around on laotian cartoon forums. Enjoy the bitcointalk forum with caution. There is this one guy called spoetnik. He is basically shitting on every project. Read his postings to find out the inconvenient stuff about each project and research the details. Also notice what bad english is used on bitcointalk nowadays. This is because the forums got swarmed with turd worlders who think they can invest their 2000$ in savings and become Bill Gates after a year. They also have an altcoin forum so you can lurk there to get informed about new projects. They also have a forum for announcements of new projects.
>exchangesdo not keep your coins or money on exchanges longer than needed. From time to time they tend to get hacked or disappear with your money.
>>229456One strategy would be to just buy different stuff, hodl and sell whenever a coin reaches a new ATH. Then you wait for the inevitable bust and refill your bags again and wait. So to say you are a surfer and the trend is the wave. Just surf on the wave and make as much money as you can.
Pump and Dump and just follow the trend in general.
>NEXTo me they look like just any other platform with not much to differenciate them from the rest. But I am biased against ERC20 tokens and tokens in general. Then also in this market pretty much anything can go up and there are many people who will buy this. If you just want money then you should just ride the hype trains. They seem interesting and you can put a few grand on them. ICO tokens normally tend to go explosive anyways but don't forget to sell them once you reached your price target. People also got cocky once the biggest shitcoin of all (Ripple) reached 5$ or what was its ATH. Then it crashed and burnt.
General info on some peojects I am interested in:
>iexec RLCThey seem to be something like Amazon cloud computing but fully decentrallized. Amazon rents out their computing power to customers but they often fuck things up and their ressources are not usable for customers. Therefore this project builds an infrastructure like Amazon cloud services but one that will be reliable and not be offline. This market is small and if they even get 5% of Amazon's market share they will explode in value.
>Radix DLTclaim to solve all of bitcoins problems while still beeing 100% decentrallized. Will have their own decentrallized exchange. Users can print their own debit cards and load them with RDX. They can do thousands of transactions per second and they want to be the next visa/mastercard. Price of RDX will be regulated by an algorithm and kept in 3% tolerance per year. (Remember, nonstability is what keeps normal people out of the dangerous crypto world). But their currency supply is not hard-capped so they have this ever-present risk of hyperinflation.
Check out those and tell me what you think and where you see possible risks
No. 229986
>>229510Thank you for the information. I'm still a beginner at crypto but I would at least like to help my friend out with it.
I've been researching coins for the majority of the day and the ones I really like are MAN,OMG,NAS,and DCT. I like their goals but I would like to know your opinion on them?
No. 230203
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>>229986I just think OMG when I see a NASty MAN buying DCT XD
No. 230328
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I have a bit of ETH and LTC, I bought before thanksgiving though so that ETH kind of rose a bit
No. 230348
>>230307Yeah, we know what the time is: it's time to buy the dip(wait a bit more for that)
>>230328Terry a qt. I wonder what he is up to.
No. 230349
> Nobody is in here for the ideological aspects, they only want their ROI and they believe they will buy 1 coin today and in 3 years they will have lambos and helicopters.Which makes the game even more fun since now there are a lot of people that don't know what they're doing so you can cash on their weak hands, emotional trading and overall ignorance.
> In the gold rush usually those who supply shovels make the biggest profits.Amen. If there's anything that I learned it's precisely that. When dropshipping was all the rage and it still is popular, I made a nice sum making custom Shopify sites, managing them, and setting them up. Later I invested a large part of it in crypto.
Thanks for your insight anon! My bet is on ETH but I will get some BTC just in case.
No. 230480
>>230349It's too late to invest in bitcoin imo
I have more ETH than anything but I rarely ever sell if at all, I always hold
No. 230734
>>230708it's not worth mining bitcoin you're going to end up using too much energy for little payoff
try mining shitcoins instead
No. 230999
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>>229986I had a look on those coins you mentionned:
>MANwhen ethereum came out: yeah it's blockchain with apps
when MAN comes out: yeah, it's blockchain with apps and AI
I don't see any killer app. They want to be faster and scale better. Just like any other currency. I don't see why AI would bring a benefit for their application.
>OMGSeems shitty to me. OMG has been around for some time already and they seem to be doing okay but I don't see them becoming the next visa/mastercard. The main problem is that they are on the ethereum network and they have proven in summer that they are not solving the major problems of bitcoin (scalability and fast transactions). Especially when there were new big ICOs the entire network would come to a halt and get clogged.
>NASSeems like a decentrallized google. I don't know why anyone would need to use this when there are other search engines already. Maybe you can explain why you were interested in this one. I mean, if I want to check which exchange has the highest volume I can just open coinmarketcap or
>DCTSeems like a combination of torrent technology and blockchain technology. I would give it a shot as I think centrallized content providers like youtube have too much power. I like that one pretty much and I hope it will become something like the new netflix.
However, please keep in mind that 50% of all ICOs from 2017 are already in trouble and they will likely end up vanishing forever. Of course you can also always participate in any pump and dump cycle for any shitcoin. Any shitcoin can reach a high price if pumped correctly and if you are not ideologically convinced about your coin you should trade them for profits and ride the waves.
>>230739I am sorry to inform you but you will not be able to go on with your plan. My cousin bought PC parts last week and I helped him build it together. The graphics cards are only sold 1 piece per person and most 580s are sold out already. You can try finding a CPU only coin to mine or just use the equipment you have right now. I think it would be better to buy 1 antminer than to buy 3 graphics cards anyway. Best coins to mine with graphics cards are Ethereum and Monero IIRC.
>>230749If the card is from a decent manufacturer then heat will not be a problem in most cases. The real problem will be the noise. When you have a GPU running at full speed 24 hours a day it will make you insane. A friend of mine mined ETH and then just quit because the noise was unbearable. He instead bought a mining contract from genesis mining.
No. 231365
>>230999Man that image
triggers me in a million different ways
No. 231406
>>230999This picture is a troll, right? This is not how inflation works.
Inflation makes it easier on debtors, who repay their loans with money that is less valuable than the money they borrowed, thus promoting the fact that a dollar today is more valuable than a dollar tomorrow = money has time value.
An inflation of 1-2% a year makes sure that people keep spending, which means unemployment is kept low as the market is tightened. It's a part of basic economic cause and effect principles, inflation is a normal and necessary part of the business cycle. It provides for wealth accumulation and without it the concept of interest rates would not work as the risk would not be diversified or justified. Inflation accounts for better standards of living in the western world and can act as a stimulus for the overall economy. Deflation is only necessary when macro economy needs to be adjusted and a bubbles effects are mitigated.
Since this is a market thread, I think it's essential you cryptofags understand how macro markets and economy work. Cryptos are by nature speculative derivatives and since there's no intrinsic value you are hedging TOWARDS a risk, which is a short-term investment. I encourage all of you to keep track of policies concerning the crypto-bubble. Hedge your risk and ride the wave.
>>231365I know, it's nonsense.
No. 231481
>>231327I am not actively mining anything and I never did. Only mined Feathercoins back in 2013 for the lulz. I just hold my coins and hope they won't go back to 200$ again any time soon and if they do I have a real life job anyways. I am kind of waiting for how the crypto world will evolve and if it will become a viable payment method in the next 3 years. I think the best strategy for maximum money would be to trade daily. Buy the dips, sell the highs. Wait for the dip and repeat the cycle. The entire market can crash any time so you should only invest what you can easily afford to lose completely.
>>231365The image can be edited now. For year 2017 you can put an entire truck with food as the picture.
>>231406>This picture is a troll, right? This is not how inflation works. This is exactly how inflation works my dear. Do you know about exponential functions? Those beautiful things that break the necks of central planners and politicos? If you inflate a currency by 3% p.a. it will lose half of its value in 2 decades. Humans are unable to understand these phenomenons and they always break the necks of central planners and people who think they are smarter than the market.
Deflation means I get more Samsung every year for the same Dollars I spend.
Inflation means I get less hamburger and aspirin for the same dollars each year.
I don't give a flying shit about the economy overall or what politicos think is best for employment figures which are fake as fuck anyways. When I see my savings getting eaten away by inflation I will react. Inflation is only good for the rich people because they have access to freshly printed money first and their assets appreciate in inflationary cycles while the poor people have to pay more and more for their survival with the little money they have. Sure, their debts get inflated away as well but they are living off their income, not their savings.
>1 - 2 percent inflation is goodno it is not. It is a form of theft or a form of hidden tax. No matter what grand plan you claim to be your motivation (less unemployment in your case) it is morally incorrect to melt away the savings of other people without their consent. Even if it is "only" 1% p.a. When you have to only pay 500$ instead of 550$ for your new samsung, it means you have 50$ left to spend on something else. Gullible people always make deflation look like the apocalypse to justify their interventionism.
>It provides for wealth accumulation and without it the concept of interest rates would not work as the risk would not be diversified or justifiedInterest rates are the cost of capital. If your plans are risky the interest rate will be high. No matter how low inflation rates are. But if the inflation is 20%, you will not be able to borrow any capital at rates lower than 20% even for low risk adventures. This is why many nations like Italy traditionally had high interest rates on bank accounts. Because inflation was always high and ate away the eager earnings so they had to offer enough to not let it be eaten completely away.
>Inflation accounts for better standards of living in the western world and can act as a stimulus for the overall economyThe western world is affluent not because of inflation but because they have a population of well educated, productive and hard working people. They build high quality high tech products and sell them for lots of money to the entire world. A peasant from Malawi who can only grow wheat and knows nothing more cannot compete with those people.
>Deflation is only necessary when macro economy needs to be adjusted and a bubbles effects are mitigatedA crisis is always necessary to flush out the bad debts and bad investments after years of boom (money printing). Interestingly, recessions and inflation have the same root cause.
>Cryptos are by nature speculative derivatives I think cryptos are more like commodities though but definetly very speculative.
>and since there's no intrinsic value intrinsic value is the greatest of all memes on this planet. What is the intrinsic value of gold? Can you eat it? How is a dollar defined and what intrinsic worth does it have tomorrow or in 10 years? There is no objective intrinsic worth and everything in life only gets value when lots of people start to give value to this thing (which is happening in crypto right now).
>you are hedging TOWARDS a risk, which is a short-term investment. absolutely and people who invest in crypto should be ready to lose all their money overnight because this happens a lot.
>I encourage all of you to keep track of policies concerning the crypto-bubble. Hedge your risk and ride the wave.The Chicom government could not crash BTC, Busting BTCe did not crash it either, the south korean rumors did not either. Regulations will not stop BTC. It will just drive the market into more free jurisdictions. Just like when BTCe was taken down by the feds and they just went to Singapore and reopened their service as WEX. We are living in very interesting times.
No. 231540
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bought some Ripple right before the massive dip of the new year. Down more than 50%, thou I had not invested much (€50 or so) because I wanted to see how it went. Have not bothered since and hope holding it for a long time will make me my money back
No. 231618
>>231492Yes mostly because I am lazy and I would not be able to sleep at night when my funds are parked at an exchange and liable to hackings or price crashes every day. Then also, why should I? I have been hodling since 2012, might as well wait some more. My crypto holdings are worth nearly USD 2.5M at the moment. I need 100K to buy an appartement or farm in eastern yurop and retire and 300K to live off the money for the rest of my life (or rather I would need maybe 50K and eventually after a few years I will get bored out of everything and just suicide anyways). I am still looking for viable objects to buy and waiting for renewal of my passport.
Then again I also have a real life job with decent income and I like it pretty much so not sure if I should quit or not. The only thing I hate about work is that I have to function daily. When it becomes compulsory it starts to stress you out. If I could work on my own terms whenever I want to it would be perfect. I also know the NEET lifestyle and I know that it does not do me well. Pretty much I don't know what I want to do in life and I don't have the courage to make a step into any direction yet.
>>231540sorry to inform you but ripple is the embodiment of a shitcoin:
>centrallized>in control of bankers>cannot be minedI wish you better luck for the next try.
To all you gamblers, I wish all of us become rich one day. Let's hope crypto is not just a fad but truly a new disruption of the market just like amazon.
No. 231919
>>231794I mostly HODL but I've exchanged crypto to fiat(USD, EUR) before and even recently. It's not difficult but you will have to go through coinbase or a similar exchange and link it to your bank account.
So yes, most of it I invest further into coins that I believe in.
No. 231920
>>231629I am liquid and I can trade my BTC any minute but the problem is that the other parties (traders who have currency) are not liquid at all. Basically every single exchange has that problem. Every single exchange is illiquid. The entire market is illiquid as fuck and the arbitrage is giantic between exchanges (which is a sign for lack of liquidity).
The thing that many people do not realize is that you practically cannot get out of large crypto positions in short time intervalls (days). Even if you manage to sell your holdings on an exchange quickly, it will take weeks until your funds are wired to your bank account (if at all because you know if they suspect you of anything they might as well just freeze your money). Even if it arrived your bank will probably freeze your account because they suspect illicite activity with such large sums out of nowhere.
So in a way I would love if someone created a decentrallized exchange and if governments would issue crypto equivalents of their fiat currencies.
>>231794You can exchange them 24/7 but it will be troublesome to find someone who will do more than 10K per transaction with you. Of course exchanges can offer higher limits but you will have to put up with sharing your ID information with them which might end in the wrongs hands. Most people use their BTC to buy other crypto tokens and then they buy and sell those things back and forth. Basically just trading for profits in fiat.
No. 232067
>>231920Why not just trade derivatives based off BTCs? CME offers futures but then again those are mainly geared and marketed for the short term trader trying to profit off those short term swings; but the advantage being you can close your position as easily as you desire and can profit off both ways through short-positions (bitmex is only exchange IIRC that has margin short-sellimg)
That winning position is no good if you can't use those funds (not necessarily converting them to USD but even then just trying to purchase every day goods with said volatile cryptos)
No. 232924
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>>231481>No matter what grand plan you claim to be your motivation (less unemployment in your case) it is morally incorrect to melt away the savings of other people without their consent. Even if it is "only" 1% p.a.So, you're saying the value of everything should stay constant?
Considering you feel inflation is unneeded, how would this work?
Do enlighten me then, why would you invest if the value of dollar would be the same today as tomorrow? If the value does not change intrinsically, there's no reason to invest and no trend for the value to change. When it comes to market psychology, that is conventionally seen as extremely important even by the Austrian school.
How would this affect in terms of central bank controlling exchange rates, for example? I don't know do you know about Chinese economy, but can you explain to me in your logic why the Chinese Government regularly intervenes in the foreign exchange market to keep the renminbi undervalued?
Generally this is seen to ensure exports, attractiveness of doing business and to ensure income growth of a country in the long run. Through inflation rates and foreign rate intervention.
Cryptocurrencies are by definition NOT commodities, as no basis grade exists. So I do not know how you get the idea that they can be seen as a commodity?
No. 234898
>>234886>buying the dipI am looking how my millions are melting away in this downtrend and I cannot do anything about it. This Japanese Gox trustee has been assraping the market since december. No wonder we totally lost traction. Apparently he has another 160K BTC to sell and he does not give a shit to which price because those BTC are from 2014.
Fuck it, there will be the next bubble and it will be even bigger and better. This is a clear downtrend. We failed to break the USD 12K line 3 times in the past months and I think this is going to the 6K levels, then to 5K then to 3K and then finally to 1.5K.
Around 1.5K will be the crucial point. If it goes down below 1200$ the long term trend has been broken (lows after the bubble are higher then the high of the last bubble) and it will become very dangerous.
No. 234900
>>234898I feel you. Both the charts and my blockfolio have never been this bad even in December/January.
Do you have an exit point? Do you plan to sell and salvage what's left?
On social media and also /biz/ some say that the bottom is near and that's it. The media hasn't helped either with claims that it's the end and the death cross, the term of the week.
No. 235070
>>234900Even at prices of 1K5 I can retire easily with the money I can get out of it but it feels bad because I knew it would end up like that and I could not do a shit. So my strategy is to wait this out and wait for the next bubble. After all I have been hodling since 2011 anyways, no difference if I wait another few years.
>bizthey have no idea and I would not trust anything they say. This is not a consolidation, it is a clear downtrend with lower lows and lower highs over the past 3 months.
>mediacrypto markets are not driven by media. They are driven by whales. This Japanese guy deflated the entire market in less than 3 months without doing large sells. Imagine if he dumped all coins at all. Also check the order books. Most exchanges have bigger entries on the sell sides than on the buy sides.
No. 235136
> Even at prices of 1K5 I can retire easily with the moneyYou have no idea how much I wish I could say the same. I understand though if you hodl big amounts, the losses must be really, really painful. But there's always going to be that next bubble as you said.
> they have no idea and I would not trust anything they say.That's certain but it's always interesting to see what others have to say. Moreso than not, I just go there for a laugh.
> This is not a consolidation, it is a clear downtrend with lower lows and lower highs over the past 3 months. Welp. I guess I'll just continue to buy the dips. It's very addicting looking at charts and buying virtual money.
No. 235520
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So, the prices are up again. Do you regret not buying more, huh farmers?
No. 235832
>>235136The losses are not that painful. I mean, I did nothing while it went up and nothing when it started going down again so I don't deserve the gains in the first place. Just lucked out on this shit. I remember in 2014 when I quit my job saying: "well my savings will be enough for 4 years of college and by that time bitcoin will be up again and if not I will just have to kill myself if I fail college as well".
I indeed quit college last year already and started a new job because I cannot believe this mania is still around.
Don't blow your entire savings on this please. I have a bad feeling about this entire market and I would hate for people to lose everything they have in a few weeks. Sure it will go up again eventually but most people will not be willing to wait another 5 years for the next hype. I am just not accustomed to good things happening to me so I believe it has to turn bad again.
>>235520yes, the price went up 1000$ after crashing nearly 5000$. Bravo. Of course if you are good with riding the waves you can trade the highs and lows really well and make tons of cash. I don't have the nerves for it.
>>235614The futures are very practical. You can bet on the direction the market takes or you can bet against your own holdings and basically profit with the paper bet while your actual stash is losing value. Very interesting and I wish I understood this better.
No. 249895
>>249340you welcome
there is also a telegram group you can join to keep updated if you want to. There are mods and admins there and sometimes even the lead developer and public figurehead come to hang out. They are very down to earth and I think this project will really have a bright future. you can sign up your email for updates regarding the open beta test (joining node runners) so you don't miss out on it.
To all of you I wish prosperity and luck for your future endavours.