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No. 22820
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all you ladies here are sad there are no good men around
well who am I;
-A hard worker
-A loyal man
-Just want a gf to spoil and treat like a princess
-In shape
-good sense of humor
now which one of you lovely little girls is going to let me rock your world?
No. 22835
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/robot/ thread?
No. 22841
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>>22816I want a loyal gf though. Where can I find the tumblr grils
No. 22847
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This is an officially sanctioned containment thread. Please try to stay here as much as you can.
No. 22858
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>>22847>>22847thanks admin maybe we robots can finally get a gf. not all of us are bad you know
No. 22863
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>No petite gf I can make wear panties from the little girl's section of the supermarket
No. 22872
>>22847But… we've come here to learn, explore, integrate.
How can we better ourselves without looking at other ways of life, appreciating the subtle complexities of a different culture and asking questions which may even effect the way others see their world.
Reducing us to a segmented, watered down imitation of your ways is not only dangerous but also misinforming our understanding with the possibility of reinforcing incorrect stereotypes and generating a climate of fear and hatred.
We're boldly going bitch!
No. 22877
>>22872Sorry about the bitch, it just seemed to fit.
Seriously though, thanks for the thread
No. 22889
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>tfw we got our own thread
T-this place isn't so bad
No. 22892
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If a girl has undefined plans to one day live abroad but has a current b/f she's unhappy with and stays with them because it's easy does this mean she's stringing him along?
I honestly don't wanna pass judgement, just want to get a feel for what you guys think
No. 22895
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Would any woman on this board give Eggman a chance, or do you only consider 8/10+ men to be human?
No. 22896
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>>22890Where do you think all the great memes come from?
No. 22908
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>No extensions
Jesus it's been a long time since I posted outside of a quick reply box. I'd almost forgotten what it was like.
No. 22932
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>>22900Shit, this makes perfect sense!
She flirts with me even though we both know nothing will happen and her b/f constantly gets pissy about it.
Always wondered why she'd continue if it upset him but now I get it.
So does this mean she likes to cuck him? (excuse the buzz word but it actually applies her, I think)
No. 22940
>>22904Yes, because segregation is never good and echo chambers breed discontent
>>22908NO CAPTCHA THOUGH! Look at it anon, isn't it glorious?
No. 22961
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>>22942it's all just a game
>tfw no captcha No. 22973
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Since my thread got no replies on /r9k/ i'm posting here, should i consider shaving? does the beard suit me?
No. 22986
>>22974kik me
but youre prob a man ;-;
No. 22994
>>22973Yes you should shave the beard, bby. <3 <3
Also pls post SFW pics of your body. :3
>inb4 catfish No. 23017
File: 1439518233307.jpg (Spoiler Image,104.64 KB, 800x600, image.jpg)

>>22986No I'm just a grill fucking with you guys because it's a Thursday night.
My advice to you cyborgs is go shower and masturbate yourself to sleep or s/t. I'm sure you've had a pretty wild night.
No. 23029
>>22892Stringing him along is a little too strong to describe this situation.
She's just settling for what she has at the moment. Especially because these plans are "undefined"
Once they DO become defined…yea, she should tell him, or cross over into bitch territory.
No. 23045
>>23032Eh? Were they underage?
Just posted the first things I saw on google images to shit up the thread. Doesn't hurt my feelings none if they're removed.
No. 23054
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>>23038No I never post face, I just like to funpost as a cute anime girl and say "btw I'm a girl ;)" to get attention. Now they are all on this board though :((( it will be harder for me to get their attention with so much competition!!
No. 23072
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>>23012Hello there, don't be scared my name is Brandon and I'm a hugless kissless virgin. I've been quite lonely over the past few years and it would be of great help if you were to rate me and then I'd like some advice on how to be more attractive to girls.
Is it my face?
No. 23080
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Where the femdom girls at? How tall are you
Any amazons that want to peg me and make me their crossdressing sissy ?
No. 23081
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>>23077If a grill from here becomes my gf, i will post pics. Please become my gf.
No. 23085
>Robot thread dominates /b/>high>traffichah
funpost as a qt guy. preferably one who wants to get fucked in the ass. the attention will probably come No. 23086
File: 1439519222346.jpg (196.71 KB, 1920x1080, saf.jpg)

>>23077this used to be my gf
No. 23095
>>23077hey, some of us visit /r9k/
to feel better about ourselves. That even though we may feel like crap about our lives, we still are better then some poor fucks.I would, but then I'd have to get on my other computer…
No. 23097
>>23091I only eat oats rice beans and chicken and water
idk about the whole paypig thing its not really my thing online. If I had a gold digger gf irl and I knew she actually would be loyal i wouldnt care how much of my money she took
No. 23098
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>>23084r8 my waifu lolcow
No. 23106
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>>23077Pic related, my gf.
No. 23112
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Who here wants to be my gf
pic related: me
No. 23114
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>>23097Shut your mouth fuckpig.
Bend over and present your malnourished ass for punishment.
It's all you're good for and you know it, that's why it gets your tiny cock so hard.
No. 23119
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No. 23120
>>23114Can I contact you privately, and what should I answer to you with?
No. 23122
>>23111If robot: Not sure if complement? Plus, why is there a winner?
If girl: condescension like this is unnecessary.
No. 23141
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>>23126>Seems disappointed that robots don't have g/fs>Post g/fsHey, it's not on us if your stereotypes don't hold up. Just sayin
(Yeah, I'll kill you with kindness 'till you can't take anymore)
No. 23145
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Plz no bully
No. 23162
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I will literally date any girl on here.
No. 23163
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>>23141>gf>robotchoose one and only one normalfag
No. 23166
>>23162Playing it cool anon.
Playing it cool
No. 23177
>>23165A-are you a gril?
I'm actually in the US, Connecticut to be specific. ;-; I'm sorry bro/gal
No. 23187
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>>23163Dude, how many threads have you seen with robots having jobs/ losing v-cards and having g/fs?
You either die a newfag of live long enough to change, even if it is a tiny bit.
No. 23190
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>>23181Fair enough. I mostly lurk there, as I'm more normie then robot as I have friends. I had to break myself away from /r9k/ though because it warped my view on things and it only made me more depressed.
No. 23193
>>23181This just in:
Girls are mean
No. 23195
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>>23167> low standards like thatr9k where supposedly straight men will pretend to be girls just for companionship. Some of us cannot afford to have any standards.
>>23187I managed to filter most of those threads.
>You either die a newfag of live long enough to change, even if it is a tiny bit.There are other image-boards where it is hard for normalfags to thrive.
No. 23196
>>23191I'm a different anon from the one in the misandry thread
>>23193nuh uh, I'm really
really nice. Now bow to your mistress, peasant.
No. 23206
>>23202He's not me if you're referring to the black guy.
>>23203I shit you not, I've been called Lil Bill in my Sophomore year of high school. Pretty funny, tbh.
No. 23208
>>23167I have the same standards (pm me please) and I think I look pretty good, /r9k/ things so too.
Unfortunately for men, we need to do more than sit still and look pretty.
No. 23210
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question for the women:
I have a very aloof, child-like personality; low stress, head in the clouds, non-judgemental/manipulative lifestyle and beliefs. are there any women who actually like this in a man?
popular public opinion seems to say this is the exact opposite of what women want and in my experiences with women it tends to hold up. Women will like me "as a person" but have no respect or interest in me otherwise.
No. 23213
>>23206Oh sorry, yeah I was referring to you.
Lil Bill was a good show tho so hey
No. 23220
Quick glance over this site reinforces every single bad thing I ever heard about females.
Not only does this imageboard lack any original content, but the content posted here is just regurgitation of unpopular opinions on 4chan, reddit, and tumblr.
Yes, this is actually an archive of how low our society has fallen, that women will actually disregard men because they are not what they want aka not what the popular media tells them they should be. Hell, the r9k thread screencap of this is just the r9k logic inversed.
"Lets complain for the sake of complaining, without any actual reason to complain, because you know, the evil men that we all hate are all complaining about women!"
Once again, a shining example of the female hivemind at work, lacking any original thought, and meeting any criticism with the good old sour grapes syndrome.
No. 23221
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>tfw no gf that believes in the fundamental right to self-defense with interest in the workings and history of firearms to take on dates to the range
I'm inclined to ask - the number of women I've encountered who aren't only tolerant of "Gun culture" but are actually genuinely interested in it I can count on one hand. Considering how much of the "All men are rapist pigs" and "Stronk woymn can fend for themselves dont need no man" schtick has been going around lately, why aren't more women interested in shooting sports and guns? They're the great equalizer, after all.
plz fembots go on a range date with me
No. 23226
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>>23220Wish we were as individual as you anon-kun
No. 23232
>>23224dis is where we b
>>23223I believe in you! Good luck on your newfound journey.
No. 23234
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>>23231She's not even my girl friend.
No. 23236
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Why all the fighting?
Think about it - if we joined forces, all the depression and malaise would be gone. No more sadness, no more anger, no more Eggman! (okay fuck there's no getting rid of Eggman)
Let's all be friends!
No. 23242
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>>23235Do you know about grorious nippon steel swords folded over 1000x?
No. 23249
i wouldnt really care for being aloof though. i prefer romantic, clingy, sweet men, but yeah, plenty of women would be into this. there are plenty of people that like other people like this. i guess r9k hasn't gotten the memo, but women are also people.
No. 23257
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I heard this the board for bitter female introverts.
So anyone interested in being my gf? I can cook pretty well
No. 23259
>>23244wew las, deep breaths
>>23251hi drunk :^J
No. 23260
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I'm pretty sure a bunch of you are tumblrinas, no offense meant, but how can I relate to my gfs internet subculture? She's a petite QT3.14 who was a NCAA gymnast
No. 23262
>>23253thanks spud
read any good books lately
No. 23263
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>Tfw No Gf to hold down and fuck until she's a bloody pulp
No. 23264
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I just wish somebody would give me attention. I mean, I know I obsessively talk about dying, but I really don't have a choice if I have no life and I'm literally dying.
People just suck in general.
No. 23279
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this place sucks, i'm going back
No. 23282
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>>23235I can't recall ever having seen a woman at a gun shop or range on their own. If they're there, they typically seem to have been dragged along by a boyfriend or husband, usually almost completely disinterested.
Hell, even the couple of female cops I know seem to barely give a fuck, beyond their twice annual qualification. One of them can't even remember what gun she has.
Being empowered and equally capable is a big theme in feminism - I think being able to speak softly and carry a big stick is the best possible way to reach that.
We need more qt3.14s that can sling 5.56 into one inch holes from a hundred yards
No. 23283
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>>23236as a guy, I really wish we could, but it's impossible because the women on lolcow and the men on /r9k/ are more or less societal equals.
women do not date their equals, they will date at minimum 1 notch above their perceived value, which makes the majority of /r9k/ undateable to the majority of lolcow.
using me as an example, I work a minimum wage job, have no higher education, live in a shit apartment with no car, and have few friends due to poor social skills. assuming all other factors moot, I am 100% undateable to virtually all women in this same situation. my dating choices are women on welfare/unemployed, having a physical or mental disability, or are ethnic and see some form of perceived value in me being white.
No. 23289
>>23283Wrong. You're not speaking to female NEETs.
I'm NEET, don't drive, have no friends, and am a high school dropout.
Yet I'm engaged to a guy working minimum wage, no real higher education, lives with his parents, and has no friends, oh, and most people consider him ugly.
No. 23292
>>23281We should all do a chain story.
no trust me, it will be fun!don't look at me like that>>23282Well women still wanna be seen as girly. And guns aren't girly. But when i lived in the south a lot more girls where interested.
No. 23299
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>>23249I think my biggest problem is that I don't make the first move. I don't think I've ever asked a girl out before when it wasn't on okcupid or POF, I'm afraid she will be put off by it and stop talking to me. I'm also afraid of coming on too strong/being a bother so I avoid messaging women, complimenting them, etc.
for the sake of self-improvement, what kind of things have the guys who you've liked and dated said, done, etc. that you took positively?
No. 23302
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>>23265It doesn't have to be, just say yes.
its up to you if its a crime or not.
>Btw what shade do we prefer? No. 23308
>>23289How did you meet ?
I'm genuinely curious on how to discover girls such as a yourself.
No. 23311
>>23301Okay whatever.
Now where do I meet NEET girls?
No. 23314
>>23297I could use a hug. I haven't been hugged by non-family in years.
I probably wouldn't let go for a long time. Or at least until I got a cough spasm.
No. 23316
File: 1439524200010.gif (946.21 KB, 322x180, artificial-lung-o.gif)

>>23294>dying too earlythey can almost regen lungs using 'flushed' lung connective tissue from dead people, then inoculating with framework stem cells
No. 23318
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>>23289he has a job. he is a notch above you. you (like the majority of women) see yourself as being 1 notch higher than you actually are.
I call this the female value point
No. 23324
>>23316That's all well and good, but it's too late for me. I'm beyond the point of being cured in any shape or form. Even if they came out with a pill that instantly cured my disease tomorrow, I'd be too far gone to feel the effects now.
All I can do is cope and hope.
No. 23328
>>23281>>23292>>23304Okay let's do it!
So here's an introductory vocaroo:'m not really sure how to do a chain story but I'll start here:>>23294Oh, dying-anon! I talked to you on omegle I think a few weeks ago? I'm sure you don't remember me… How are you holding up?
No. 23336
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As someone who is neither a robot (I browsed /r9k/ for the first time in forever and saw the thread leading here) or a girl, I find this site and this strange interaction interesting. You guys and gals are all interesting folks.
Robots, I hope you get tendies and a gentle femdom.
Lolcows, I hope these dudes get bored and fuck off eventually.
As for me, I just want Fallout 4 to get released already like a good /v/irgin.
No. 23339
>>23299The guys I've dated have all made the first move. Complements aren't creepy unless you make them creepy.
"You smell nice" ← okay to say after a hug, not okay to say after you randomly sniff her.
You can call a girl pretty, but don't say it everytime you see her, and don't do that "i randomly had to come up to you to tell you you're so pretty thing" that Hollywood likes to pretend works.
It's actually creepy.
Also, if a girl gives you short answers in text messages, or she doesn't laugh at your jokes, give up. She's not into you, and she won't ever be into you.
At the same time, you actually have to talk to a girl to get her to like you. Talk about your hobbies, find out what she likes too. Don't just flirt with her, talk to her as a human being. We care more about personality than looks, so as long as you're clean with neat clothes you stand a decent chance. Unless you're buttfuck ugly anyway.
But keep in mind not all women think like me, you have to get to know a girl before you start flirting, because different girls respond to different things.
No. 23344
>>23301it means a lot. if you had a job you would eventually lose interest in him subconsciously as he provided nothing of value
I don't say this to be demeaning or to call women shit, men have their own subconscious bullshit attractors, it's just a fact of life.
you want to love your boyfriend and stay with him for years? do a lifehack and never be objectively more successful than him in life. push for him to get better paying jobs/physical possessions before you pursue them yourself.
No. 23352
File: 1439524759356.png (917.45 KB, 1059x572, 1431048812530.png)

>wanting a gf
No. 23354
>>23328Shit I wish my mike wasn't complete shit, I'd do a voc too. Anyway,
"This brave man decided that he would explore the land of the woman creature. He bravely typed in '' and set off.
He was greated with thread after thread of girls, talking about other girls! He didn't understand this land, but then he realized. .. 'wait, there are other boards here! I wonder what /b/ is like?' So he clicked on it and saw…"
No. 23356
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No. 23358
File: 1439524943942.jpg (131.28 KB, 1155x1155, 227199i_ts.jpg)

I thought we came here to spy on girls… who keeps starting robotier threads? Faggots arent even trying to /sneekee/
No. 23360
>>23351now now ladies, lets be
welcoming to our robot
friends No. 23362
File: 1439525026250.jpg (77.01 KB, 400x414, image.jpg)

>mfw this whole crossboard interaction
No. 23453
File: 1439525033102.jpg (352.02 KB, 828x1403, 1005 - RquH0Rt.jpg)

>>23334the fact that you CAN has no bearing on your subconscious. the subconscious is black and white, all it sees is that you DON'T and he DOES and that is all that matters at that level.
if you wanted to experiment, try getting a job equal to or better than his, and see how long it takes for you to start losing interest.
No. 23460
>>23456Honestly, I wouldn't mind. I've got nothing to hide and it's not like I'm going anywhere as it is.
Cyber-hug regardless.
No. 23480
>>23463I wish I could come up with something witty or clever to say… but it's pretty much the truth.
If it's any consolation, I'll be thinking of you as I hug my body pillow tonight to try to sleep. Can't promise I won't cry, though.
No. 23482
>>23472Its soo dramatic (in a good way) it just made me laugh
;-; dont cri anon-kun
No. 23486
>>23479awh, theres someone out there for everyone though! You honestly have to go out there and try, more than once. We all get rejected, but once you find the right person its fine.
>>23480I honestly wouldn't mind talking to you outside of here, if it helps you any.
No. 23490
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Ay how many of you brobots have body pillows? If so: who it be?
No. 23493
>>23486Okay. Should I spoiler my contact info?
>>23489Thanks. I hope for the same. I'm not expecting it in any capacity, but it would be nice if it happened regardless.
No. 23496
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>theres someone out there for everyone>>23490Not me, I don't think my mom would like that.
No. 23498
>>23473"And fly they did… robots from all across r9k rushed to see if it was true. Could it be possible? Was it real? And, it was! Someone decided to make the first thread. A brave brave soul asking for the only thing he ever wanted in life. A GF. A real GF that he could maybe hold hands over skype with. He was greated with an "oh god its happening". And happening it was.
The other robots decided to try their luck by posting pictures of themselves, and the farmers responded with honest rates and actual compassion.
It was glorious, but then"
No. 23509
File: 1439526351411.jpg (332 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nldp1ibf4V1u77maso1_128…)

looking for belly gf
No. 23517
File: 1439526460972.jpg (88.55 KB, 479x840, 3ad0020370f9cb61005c047cd09dc2…)

>>23499>>23490Y U U K A
I don't have one, but if u were to get one, it would have to have her on it.
No. 23532
>>23522Not just lame guy stuff, something a girl might actually want to talk about
>>23523That qualifies
>>23524I'm in Australia but not Australian
No. 23534
File: 1439526849372.jpg (170.06 KB, 750x1334, 1434309563647.jpg)

Being mad at me for being a man doesn't change anything for anyone.
Bye ;^)
No. 23535
File: 1439526850160.jpg (84.65 KB, 454x453, 1439509937728.jpg)

robots are normies
what you ladies are looking for is at No. 23538
>>23520I don't know what girls want to talk about!
This is why I need a pen pal!
No. 23541
>>23294Shit m8 that's terrible, CF is fucking evil.
Are you in the UK? I'll give you a hug if you're nearby. We can go out for coffee and movie.
No. 23554
>>23541I live in the U.S. Sorry. :/
>>23547I'm CF anon. I don't have a mic, so whatever you heard wasn't me. Unless I lost track of the conversation and there was another CF anon in the thread I missed.
No. 23558
>>23540Where in Aus?
>>23538>>23543Don't worry, I'll teach you how to talk to girls
No. 23559
File: 1439527527699.jpg (23.55 KB, 510x427, 1380513830674.jpg)

>mfw robots abandon their vitriol as soon as they realize women who aren't sorority whores exist
All of you go outbreed Chad and Stacy. Beta uprising now.
No. 23575
>>23553>>23556Hope I didn't get shadow banned or something
To whoever wanted to be pen pals with the bicycling film guy, that's my email
>>23553 No. 23577
No. 23578
>>23566>thinking girls have any interests other than gossiping and scheming about other people behind their backshow naive are you ?
even if they say they do, they are just pretending so they can fit in
No. 23580
>>23570You don't sound like a unique individual by shitting on your brothers.
You just sound like a little beta faggot who is willing to throw everyone else under a bus just to get a femanon to reply to you.
Fuck you asshole.
No. 23585
>>23558>Don't worry, I'll teach you how to talk to girlsNo bully pls at
No. 23586
>>23578I thought so too.
Maybe she is typing up a detailed a thoughtful post right now though, let's wait and see.
No. 23591
>>22973QT, r u fishing for compliments?
If it'll fill in a little more and you could keep it neat, it could look good, as is it looks a little patchy and messy.
No. 23594
>>23581The only faggot taking it seriously is the guy who thinks random anonymous fags on the internet making posts somehow reflects upon him. The faggot literally went out of his way to apologize to a bunch of anonymous whores on the internet on behalf of a bunch of anonymous retards on the internet.
He did it because he probably thinks he's actually going to get the attention of a femanon and live happily ever after.
That's fucking beyond sad.
No. 23595
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>>23575Well, shit. I have to get up in 3 hours so I can't wait any longer for an email unfortunately. I'll check it in the morning but I get the feeling I'm either shadow banned or whoever was interested in being pen pals changed their minds. That's a shame. Goodnight, farmers and robots.
No. 23598
>>23555Years ago back on 4chan's /cgl/ we had an enormous community and culture developed. The board was amazing, but then Jewt came a long and destroyed /cgl/ thus leaving us all adrift, so we all moved to a new board called MaximumFaggotry which was operated by a fellow /seagull/.
Maxfag turned out to be run by a jew who started begging for donations and behaving like a conniving, underageb& cunt in general and so got btfo and Maxfag was deleted.
A user made a new board called Staminarose which lasted a little over a year until allegations of child molestation were made against our prime cow and Queen PT and the admin went full retard and shut down the site.
Our present admin went on to create this board, lolcow, which turned out to be our mecca and safe haven.
The admin here is total boss and actually knows how to run a website so we affectionately refer to him/her as admin-san/admin-sama.
No. 23604
>>23594Listen, Brobots.
We don't fucking care.
No. 23605
>>23598>a femanon calling moot jewtWait what the fuck? I thought all women were terrified of being racist/homophobic/anti-semitic.
Tell me something… do you not give a single fuck?
No. 23606
>>23558Regardless of where you are in australia.
Email me
I have to go make a late lunch lol
No. 23610
>>23604Do you ever stop and maybe that maybe everything men do isn't for you?
I don't give a shit what you care about.
No. 23612
>>23605once again, a lot of female farmers are directly from the chans, so we're used to calling people kikes or niggers or whatever
it's a board created to shit talk, like /cow/, but with spatterings of cgl
No. 23613
>>23570It's cool, you're all individual people and some of you actually seem really nice/interesting.
I don't mind accepting some tourists from /r9k/ if it means increased traffic whilst the quality of posts remains the same or increases.
Who knows, maybe we do need a slight increase in male presence here, so long as it remains female dominated as intended it's fine with me.
No. 23615
>>23607Of course I am. I was smiling the whole time I wrote that post with tears in my eyes.
No joke. I'm going to die alone and I feel happy and sad about it at the same time. Life is… wonderful.
No. 23617
>>22808This board is shit, mates.
Return to /r9k/ were all of you belong.
No. 23620
>>23605how fucking retarded are some of you? you do know most of the gals here are from /cgl/ and other chan boards
even /pol/ and /b/…do you think this is the only website we use or?
No. 23621
>>23611I would have added sexist but it seemed silly considering this all started with a misandry thread.
Also, listing racism/homophobia/sexism is a jab at SJWs. But if you want to link that to cuckoldry then feel free to project.
No. 23622
>>23210Honestly your self description of your personality is a terrible basis of feedback.
> aloof, child-like personality; low stress, head in the cloudsReally all of those have good and bad interpretations, we'd need to see you in action to see how those traits play out.
> non-judgemental/manipulative lifestyle and beliefsA good portion of judgmental people don't consider themselves judgmental. Pretty much no manipulative people admit to being manipulative, because, well, they're manipulative. Again, we'd have to see you in action.
No. 23627
>>23624no, that's only the quiet, retarded guys
smart, shy, quiet guys don't lash out on people
No. 23628
We actually had to ban racial discussion on every board but /b/ because the rampant racism was destroying multiple that's daily.
The anti-SJW/HAES/Tumblr threads are some of our most popular in /pt/.
The women here are vicious and unabashed and as bad as /pol/ at times tbh.
You're not in Kansas anymore Dorothy.
No. 23631
>>23620You misunderstand. I was conveying a feeling of astonishment that her post was so relatable for me.
You may not realize this, but gals like you are rare. I felt it was worth remarking on because I was genuinely impressed by her post.
Sorry for feeling a fucking sense of connection you asshole.
No. 23635
>>23631oh sorry lol…you just made it sound retarded
>I thought all women were terrified of being racist/homophobic/anti-semitic
>sense of connection You don't expect anyone to get that from what you said right?
No. 23644
>>23627how would you know anything about smart, shy, quiet guys? you're a girl, you fundamentally know nothing about males. everything you think you know about men is actually just a belief.
even smart, shy, quiet guys have testosterone and aggression. they're just smart enough to find a proper outlet for it… you know, like the fucking internet.
No. 23652
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>>23628/pol/ is my main board.
Is this the promised land? Will the Fourth Reich truly rise?
It's happening.
No. 23655
>>23643thanks for clarifying. Yeah It sucks that people find it lame because I can never meet the right guy. I dress in normal fag basic bitch fashion often (i.e juicy, hollister, j-crew, etc) so it attracts people who don't like the same things as I do.
>>23631and no, we are not rare at all. I personally just avoid people. I prefer to be on the computer than see people IRL
No. 23656
>>23647of course i'm projecting. empathy is largely based on projection. you put yourself in someone elses shoes and think about how you'd feel.
i know i am a smart, shy, quiet guy in real life and i speak from that experience.
you can call me a retard all you want, i don't care. at the end of the day i know you're wrong.
No. 23659
>>23650too much reality for you to handle? would you prefer if i put up a facade and pretended to be something i'm not?
sorry, i'm not a fraud
No. 23663
>>23652It might be habbening Anon-kun.
So long as you're not a degenerate sandnigger, uguuuu~*
No. 23665
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>>23655>Yeah It sucks that people find it lame because I can never meet the right guy>rightBe thankful that you get to be so picky.
No. 23666
>>23655Avoiding people makes you rare. I avoid people too. Both of us avoiding people makes contact rare. Most people, regardless of gender, do not live like we do.
I guess femanons here don't have the desire for companionship that their anon counterparts do. No wonder most of us are alone.
No. 23668
>>23661why would I?
kappa :^)
No. 23676
>>23666To be fair so many of us have had such horrendous experiences with men growing up that we just tend to avoid you altogether or date girls instead.
Don't take it personally.
No. 23677
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>>23663How do I know you aren't just some male JIDF member who is looking to infiltrate this board and turn everyone into degenerate sluts?
I'm on to you Schlomo…
No. 23689
>>23671>you're saying that only your version of reality is truenope, i didn't say that at all. i said that my version of reality is the basis for my empathy. interaction with other people(and their version of reality) alters my own perceptions and thus alters my empathy. since other people have different lives (and therefore realities) i can gain needed insight by listening to them.
i offered my version of reality as a shy quiet male. you rejected it entirely. that's a lack of empathy on your part, not mine. you simply refuse to alter your view of shy quiet males because you'd prefer to continue your own version of reality.
No. 23692
>>23666wanna be friends?post email and ill reply tomorrow
>>23665also wtf is this supposed to mean
No. 23693
>>23681i bet if all the robots left you'd all just be calling each other retards.
so how the fuck is it any different having us here?
No. 23694
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Relationships are dumb and gay. Who /dyingalone/ here?
No. 23703
>>23682I was. In high school I was a pretty small guy and one loudmouth girl threw me into a locker outside class once. The entire class was watching. It was a pretty emasculating experience.
This was the same girl who spread rumors about me in middle school claiming that I had a small penis.
Is it really that hard for you to realize that people being shitty has nothing to do with gender? Most PEOPLE are assholes. Gender is irrelevant. Seems to me that those of us with shitty experiences in our past should be trying to find each other to bond. But far too many people, both men and women, decide to reject the opposite gender entirely purely because of the past actions of a few.
No. 23704
>>23699some do. If you search hard enough you'll probably find a feels thread or two about it.
>>23694Why the hell do i think of boku no pico whenever i look at this image
No. 23709
>>23700So humiliation isn't enough for you? Since he wasn't physically abused he should just man up, is that it?
You're being a total bitch. If you were actually abused in your life you should be ashamed of how you're treating that guy. You are literally dismissing his victimization based on nothing but his gender.
No. 23710
>>23691>>23687Me too, and not the cute kind of bullying either, it was really terrible. On the other hand, guys never bullied me.
I get
triggered whenever a girl is mean to me online, especially if it happens on an imageboard (I've come to consider them "safe spaces" so it's always much worse when it happens there)
No. 23716
>>23706I don't hold it against women. But it's something that shaped me as a person. I became a shut-in during high school and never spoke to girls after that.
Now I'm a lonely 25 year old who has no idea how to talk to women. It's pretty much impossible for me to recover at this point since women don't have time to deal with a quiet, shy, and inexperienced male.
Thankfully all the alone time has allowed me to be happy by myself. So I guess dying alone won't be so bad.
No. 23719
>>23692Sure, sounds nice. at
No. 23725
>>23700I once got beat up in front of the entire class by this girl that tried to trip me in the hallway that i called whore.
When i moved to another school i got constantly pushed around by these two girls. They would punch and kick me.
That was in the 7th grade.
No. 23727
>>23699Fem here. Don't hang out with anyone IRL.
I know I'm not hideous but I feel ugly/gross/not womanly( Petite, low weight, flat chested) socially retarded (anxiety) so I hide by myself sometimes .
I do have men wanting to hang out with me or talk to me, but I'm honestly so bored of most of them. I wanna hang out IRL maybe for an hour max then go browse the Internet/play games.
I have a hard time because I have traditionally "feminine" interests like clothes, makeup, cooking (kek), skincare, etc but also introverted, robotics, gaming, child like game like Legos. I feel like I'll never find anyone honestly.
I don't want to be forever alone…I've only recently realized how lonely I was, only going to robotics meetings then coming home. All weekend home alone playing vidya
No. 23732
>>23725She tried to strip you? Wtf… oh wait that says trip.
Still shitty behavior
No. 23743
>>23727You sound like exactly what a lot of robots yearn for.
All you have to do is reach out if you're lonely.
No. 23744
>>23733Do you have an email so we can chat? I wanna make some friends with similar interests :) or work on my interpersonal skills lol…I actually left "regular" school back in high school and did it online, social skills got so fucked
>>23736Of the guys that want to hang out? None. I've only slept with boyfriends (I'm 20, slept with 5 boyfriend)
No. 23753
>>23729Just the fact that robots have flocked to this board with "looking for gf" and shit (wasn't really expecting any better tbh).
tbf I made that comment after only reading half the thread and yeah, most of the aggressive "need gf" posters have left by now.
Its also early and I've been drinking, so not exactly not the most thought out comment.
No. 23754
>>23749i didn't make the post you two replied to. but i'll offer my own elaboration on what i've seen so far
you see one or two retarded posters who are trolling. you assume they're genuinely mad or irrational. you then apply their mentality to all robots and return their hostility. this sets off other robots and they jump into the flame war to defend themselves. cycle repeats.
No. 23757
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Coming from 4chan with userjs this website feels hardly usable, especially give and how fast this thread is going and how long it is.
No. 23761
>>23755Well if you want to chat I'm
>>23719I'd like to make some friends from this place since a bunch of you seem really relatable. I can only hope I don't scare people away by offering to chat.
No. 23764
>>23754And wouldn't those be the correct assumptions? They all sound like pretty much like the typical robot on a typical day on /r9k/. To me it seems like they're just posting normally. I'm not even from around here, I'm a femanon from /r9k/ who found this site the same way as you.
Unless I'm missing something please point to the posts you're referring to as trolling.
No. 23766
>>23747I will describe this to you and you tell me what it is. I personally don't consider it a social circle. I know some people in school as aquantances. People I've only seen IRL for a few times (not like actual hangouts just like saw 30 min in between classes)/people I have exchanged numbers with. At most we text but not really much. I meant that I so have people who ask to hang out/want to see me but I chicken out/feel horrible/bored so I stay home and chan/vidya instead. I usually sit by myself during lunch and head straight to dorm after class.
>>23750The U.S., why?
No. 23768
>>23760i didn't deny that there were a few guys from r9k being assholes
i'm pointing out that you don't need to shit on all of us and pretend that a few assholes represent the whole board
i don't think it's an unfair expectation
No. 23773
>>23771>>23767Oh god what the fuck.
I fucking knew it was a mistake to actually try to connect with someone.
No. 23777
>>23774you're just assuming that though
anyone who has been on an imageboard for a long time knows how much a single person can shitpost
No. 23780
>>23776and how do you know it isn't your fellow femanons trolling for fun?
come on, i thought we were all avid internet users here. if guys can pretend to be girls to troll, then the reverse is also possible.
No. 23781
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>>23713My first reaction to this post was of complete and utter disgust, followed by self-loathing when I realized how innocuous it actually was and what a piece of shit I am for interpreting it the way I did in the first place. People suck. I suck.
>>23722Such people who can die with content, isolated from other people - willingly or not - are in the unfortunate minority. Many people don't choose to do so, and, as humans tend to do, crave social interaction and partnership. We're not even getting into the lifelong quest of "bettering oneself" and deriving meaning from it (we're not Nietzsche's wet dream, after all).
Society at large has expectations of the people who make it up - or at least, the people who happen to inhabit the spaces where societies exist. One such expectation is the continued propagation of society, to have kids. Continuing your line and dying alone aren't exactly mutually exclusive, but most people tend not to associate one with the other.
But whatever with society's expectations.
I'm an incredibly selfish and self-centered person, I don't like having to or trying to match other people's pace. I'm a flippant little shit who gets bored of everything and whose supposed "passion" of history is only considered such because it's managed to hold my attention for so long. Fuck, on some days I'll even catch myself getting annoyed with or having bad thoughts about my childhood - and only - friend who's practically my brother. Dying alone is the lifestyle (or deathstyle, I guess) that fits me best.
Wow, fuck, I'm blogging like a huge faggot.
There are worse fates, but, being a negative shitter, I've always been one to focus on how much better things could be instead of how much worse. There are preferable alternatives to dying alone, but then again, I can't imagine being able to tolerate another person - let alone being tolerated by another person - long enough to die in a way that's not "alone". Come to think of it, shit, I don't think I'd like to die any way other than alone. If I were expecting company at my deathbed, I'd have to properly clean and make sure to fast so as not to shit all over myself when I croak. Then again, if I do end up growing old enough to suspect my death is approaching, I think I'd still end up fasting anyway to make sure I don't shit everywhere should I suddenly drop dead. Vanity's a funny thing.
No. 23784
No. 23787
>>23777I guess, but it seems like everywhere I go there is hate against women like that I mean rampant. Youtube, imageboards, countless forums dedicated to hating women. Even in the misandry thread women were just talking about there bad experiences being stalked or attacked by men until the shitstorm came in. It seems like its ok for men to hate on women but if men are just criticized even a tiny bit they go apeshit. Hence the floor of this board.
This will probably fall on deaf ears but it is something that has been really bothering me. I didn't feel any dislike for the male gender until I saw all this shit literally everywhere.
No. 23790
>>23755Doesn't sound whiny at all. You sound a lot like robots do when they complain about being viewed poorly by women for being quiet and shy guys who play video games. Everyone wants to be liked for who they are rather than idolized based on falsehoods. I'm sure there are many robots who could go through life pretending to be something they aren't and managing to get girlfriends. But that would just feel hollow because your girlfriend would only be with you based on a lie.
It's really hard to find someone who truly likes you for who you are. It's easy to capitulate and create a persona to lure someone in with a lie.
No. 23800
>>23791You literally
just assumed it was all done by a single shitposter, or at least you said it was the more likely scenario than /r9k/ being /r9k/.
No. 23802
>>23792I seriously doubt that's the case, given that you've been intimate with your partners and I remain a virgin…
So you don't have a role you're best at?
No. 23822
>>23815I can't speak for anyone else, but I came because I was curious.
>>23811How do you deal with your buff getting stolen in the beginning as jungle? Or worse, getting killed asap at your buff?
No. 23823
>>23787The internet is filled with people posting bullshit. Men get shit on just as much as women… the difference is that we don't get shit on due to our gender. We get shit on for a whole host of other arbitrary bullshit. You just notice the female hate more because it relates directly to you.
It isn't acceptable to hate women. People can simply get away with it on the internet.
There are plenty of women who blatantly hate on men. Look at tumblr and the entire SJW movement. Shall I hate all women now because I read some feminist blog posts? Of course not. Don't let hate corrupt you.
No. 23825
>>23790This is correct, though i can easily lie and charm my way into a relationship,what is the point?
It would feel like shit.
No. 23833
>>23826Honestly i'd rather just fap if it's going to be half assed.
Do it right or not at all lol
No. 23835
>>23823>Men get shit on just as much as women… the difference is that we don't get shit on due to our gender. We get shit on for a whole host of other arbitrary bullshit. You just notice the female hate more because it relates directly to you.Uh, what is your point here? If anything it only proves my point that misogyny is much more rampant and serious than misandry. I notice hate towards women because it is everywhere. I was not actively seeking it out. You basically just said that men are not judged based on their gender but women are. So no, they do not get shit on the way women do.
>It isn't acceptable to hate women. People can simply get away with it on the internet.I know but it is acceptable on the internet
>There are plenty of women who blatantly hate on men. Look at tumblr and the entire SJW movement. There is a massive difference between misandry and misogyny. Those tumblrina are just a joke for the most part. The worst thing they have said is "bathing in male tears" whereas female hate is more like "all women deserve to be raped" and they believe it too. Tumblr is so fucking pc no one would say anything like that.
No. 23840
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>>23283>23 female virgin>first and only kiss was with a guy who regretted it right after>neet>no carMight as well just die now.
No. 23841
>>23803Female issue videos get filled with that for a specific reason. It's because feminism claims to be about "equality" and can be helpful to men… but they ignore and ridicule male issues. Feminists also love to inject their ideology into every part of society they can reach.
Men get sick of it and decide to retaliate. Thus, female hate.
No. 23848
>>23838It's pretty lonely to have no relationships at all too. You're also ignoring the effect of never being in a relationship, it is totally different for someone like you who has not been alone their entire life.
>>23840This is bait
No. 23849
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>>23842>what kind of job do you have?I don't.
No. 23851
>>23841Yes how dare the evil feminists make a video raising awareness of little girls having their clits cut off in third world countries. Selfish bitches man.
How about instead of shitting on female centered issues you go cover male issues yourself? MRA's dont actually do shit to raise awareness about the so called issues they say they care about. All I see is them bitching that women have rights.
No. 23853
>>23807It's a process to not hate yourself when you don't fit into social norms. It takes time and effort, but you can do it.
I think it also helps to have people in your life who are similar to you because it lets you know that you aren't alone and it's okay to not be normal.
I have friends who I relate to and can be myself with. I can also be myself with family. But I still pretend to be something I'm not when I meet new people or have to go out in public. It's very draining which is why I spend a lot of my time alone.
No. 23863
>>23858if you never go out, never use online dating, etc, then you shouldn't be surprised?
what are you looking for? if you're looking for guys to go on casual dates for you just use tinder or okc. might take a lot of work tho.
No. 23869
>>23851You're just cherry picking the issues you know are righteous. Feminists run around shitting on men all across the fucking internet and you damn well know it.
You can shit on MRAs all you want, doesn't change shit and it isn't going to stop men from spitting on feminism.
If you want men to calm the fuck down with the female hate and actually care about female issues maybe you should rein in your attack dog. SJWs are fucking DESTROYING gender relations and EVERYONE knows it. MRAs are nothing but a bunch of retarded neckbeards trying to organize retaliation against feminism. They didn't start this shit, feminists did. So I don't give a flying fuck about how much they spam shitty comments on gender mutilation videos on youtube.
No. 23871
>>23857Because no one will hire me. I've never had a job offline, so I guess no one wants to hire some inexperienced 23 year old
>>23863>what are you looking for? if you're looking for guys to go on casual dates for you just use tinder or okcI don't want a casual date or a hook up. I want a man to love me and to give myself to. I want to turn my life around, but I can't seem to do that.
No. 23875
>>23869> B-but she started it!!!Lel.
I don't care if you wana shit up feminist shit like #banbossy. Im not a SJW you idiot. Not every fucking woman who disagrees with you is a "femnazi" Again you cry over some tumblrina drinking out of a mug that says male tears on it like that is even on the same level as the hate women get.
No. 23876
>>23870im suspicious, but people have claimed to have met their SO on tinder before. i figure it's worth a shot if you have no other options.
>>23871are you someone worth falling in love w/? probably not. if so, just work on the small things and don't worry about it. it's not even that hard. ive managed to keep a bf around for a while even though im boring and have a bad personality.
No. 23877
>>23869>Feminists run around shitting on men all across the fucking internet and you damn well know it.
>SJWs are fucking DESTROYING gender relations and EVERYONE knows it.100% diatribe and indefensible claims and 0% factual statements.
The movement against tumblr SJWs these days, seems to me, larger then the SJW movement itself.
Where do sizable amounts of SJWs hang out outside of tumblr?
No. 23881
>>23876Probably not. I carry a lot of baggage and have incredibly low self esteem. I want to be someone to love though.
>>23880This is exactly why I don't use dating sites.
No. 23887
>>23872But that's
exactly what you did. We were arguing about one thing and you suddenly came in with your #notallrobots shit which wasn't even relevant to the argument at hand. See
>>23729 >>23731. Now, was any of that about what you were talking about before you started posting?
No. 23894
>>23877>The movement against tumblr SJWs these days, seems to me, larger then the SJW movement itself.That's because of where you browse, moron.
Opinions trending towards the SJW extreme are more socially acceptable than opinions trending towards the /pol/ extreme
No. 23895
>>23835>Uh, what is your point here? If anything it only proves my point that misogyny is much more rampant and serious than misandry. I notice hate towards women because it is everywhere. I was not actively seeking it out. You basically just said that men are not judged based on their gender but women are. So no, they do not get shit on the way women do.It doesn't prove misogyny at all. It proves that people say offensive things on the internet. Just because someone makes a joke about women being whores doesn't mean they actually hate women. You confuse offensive comments with actual hate. It's all the same shit at the end of the day, you're just upset that people make offensive comments about your gender. If it wasn't your gender it would just be something else. People are assholes, deal with it.
>I know but it is acceptable on the internetWhat's your point? Everything is acceptable on the internet.
>There is a massive difference between misandry and misogyny. Those tumblrina are just a joke for the most part. The worst thing they have said is "bathing in male tears" whereas female hate is more like "all women deserve to be raped" and they believe it too. Tumblr is so fucking pc no one would say anything like that.Oh good God you have no idea what you're talking about. These SJWs have literally reshaped child custody and divorce laws. They actively teach the concept of male privilege to young women in college. They demonize males to a point where women believe that all men are rapists. There are some who advocate for reducing the male population by 90% in order to create a utopia. You simply have no idea how large-scale the feminist man-hating group truly is. And you have no idea how much social influence they wield. I don't blame you for being utterly unaware since you're a woman. Why the hell would you pay any attention to hatred directed at men?
No. 23902
>>23891why don't you ask him through direct communication? if not there's always fetlife
>>23888how young are you? if you're 18 it's probably ok, guys are over that shit. or you can go to parties/bars
>>23886it's very sensationalistic. a lot of moral panic.
>>23889look for meetups
>>23881i have some baggage, low self esteem, etc, and i got someone to fall in love. it does make the relationship more difficult. you're probably not there yet, but it's not as hard as you think
No. 23906
>>23877Every college campus in the fucking Western world.
Do you live in a different reality or something? Anyone who advocates the concept of "privilege" is a social justice warrior.
Look at the Mike Brown/Trayvon Martin bullshit. National protests that are STILL going on. They just chased Bernie Sanders out of a convention by screaming about Black Lives Matter. They've gotten so large that the system itself is forced to pander to them.
You simply don't notice because part of social justice panders to you. Straight white males notice the depth of the problem because we're the ONLY group who is completely alienated by the movement.
No. 23909
>>23904You're too much of a coward to even try to reply. So you just dismiss the entire post because it was created by a male.
That is EXACTLY what I'm talking about in
>>23869You won't even have a discussion about gender related issues with men. You just want us to get on our knees and tell you how mean men are and how privileged we are. You want us to play into your victim complex and give you sympathy.
Fuck off.
No. 23911
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>>23906>Straight white males notice the depth of the problem because we're the ONLY group who is completely alienated by the movement.Omg, the Mra-tard has shown his true form
No. 23915
>>23899Pretty much. The entire MRM is just a reflection of feminism. I think both sides of that fight are fucking retarded at the end of the day. They're two sides of the same coin.
But everyone would rather pretend that it's only one side being stupid.
No. 23916
>>23901No, no, no, no. You don't understand! He doesn't hate
all women. Just the naaasty SJWs. By the way you must be an SJW if you happen to support abortion.
No. 23919
>>23909What complex discussion is there? Nothing you say makes sense, you constantly contradict yourself, you don't respond to any of the argument being made and just cherry pick and twist the opposing argument.
No im not going to hold your hand and explain everything I said if you are too stupid to understand. The fact you don't address half the things I said shows how retarded you are. The only one making men seem like complete morons right now is you.
No. 23921
>>23912everyone seems to have a lot of luck with i haven't used it myself. or you can look at reddit. depends on where you live.
also get a hobby hobby. try magic or warhammer or kink or something. im not an expert, just relaying things that are the best. i guess some people have no hope though.
also try therapy groups/social skills groups.
No. 23922
>>23911those two femanons i was arguing with before… this is what im talking about. the guy is trying to have a discussion and share his views and all he gets is bullshit from cunts like this one
this is why r9k hates women. its also probably why femanons here hate men. its just sad and pathetic to see the hostility and lack of interest in the other side of the story.
No. 23924
>>23917so you have a boyfriend and you're looking for opportunities to fuck your ex
and you think that you can give dating advice? please consider suicide
No. 23926
>>23922Faggot we know you are the same guy trying to mask his hatred for women LMAO
I fucking love this because it shows what pathetic pieces of shit you are. First he starts out calm but once he gets questioned more and more he shows just how sexist and hateful he is. Hilarious.
No. 23927
>>23920my ex and my bf are bffs lol. and i thought it'd be fun for me to get out of town before school started. (and before my bf leaves me forever) also we're supposed to go somewhere far away from my house that i couldn't physically drive by myself (my bf has no driver's licensce). idk, the other decision would be to stay at home or something which i have been doing all summer.
ive also been staying at my ex's house for the last week b/c i was going to dump my bf and then i changed my mind the same night. it's ok, his parents are nice i guess. lmao this entire thing sounds like such a trainwreck but on the other hand it's not that bad.
maybe i'll convince them to take ecstacy lmao
No. 23929
>>23906I go to uni in a western country and there's apparently a feminism club here, or so it says on the clubs guide. But I literally never ever hear anything about them. Ever.
Seriously do you judge reality solely based on the internet? Because that's all I've ever heard anything about feminism from.
No. 23933
How about to break some of the hostility in here, how about some music? J-just started listening to this. a bad song, really.
No. 23934
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>>23906>Straight white males notice the depth of the problem because we're the ONLY group who is completely alienated by the movement.Is this satire?
No. 23937
>>23916>>23901The two of you are just misconstruing everything I say. Probably intentionally.
You just get all defensive because I'm expressing an opinion that reflects negatively on feminism.
What does abortion have to do with SJWs? You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. You just want to throw out strawman attacks because you have absolutely no argument to put forward.
You just see a male implying that feminism is bad for gender relations so you automatically dismiss everything I have to say. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Feminism has ultimately given women a sense of entitlement to sympathy and victimhood. Anyone who suggests that women don't have it any worse than men is automatically just some stupid shitlord MRA who hates women.
I don't hate women, but I sure as hell hate people like you two stupid cunts. But you go right ahead and claim that I hate women just because I hate you. Hide behind your gender all you want.
You're as bad as black people whipping out the racism card whenever life doesn't go their way.
No. 23944
>>23935i used to think the same thing about therapy groups but i could find a free therapist in about half an hour of work.
honestly it doesn't seem like you're willing to put in effort. im not really the best either, but it doesn't seem like you're willing to do anything unless you instantly conenct
also have you tried hanging out at cafes? not all of them are created equal but i've had some cool social experiences at one that had a lot of chatty/friendly patrons in a noisy environemnt even though they didn't lead to anything permanent. if you live in the country/small town, then tough luck.
>>23936i am into threesomes,
No. 23945
Alright, for all you delusional people who seem to think SJWs are only on the internet.
Here is a video that happened on my very own campus. me all about how misandry isn't real. Tell me all about how men don't get shit on. Tell me all about how much of a neckbearded MRA I am for being fed up with this type of shit.
You can laugh all you want and pretend that straight white males aren't demonized directly by SJWs. But the reality is that the binding belief of SJWs is privilege. Male privilege, white privilege, and cis privilege. Which group has all three of those? Straight white men. So which group is fundamentally the epitome of all evil in society in the eyes of SJWs? Straight white men.
Who gives a shit about straight white men? No one. We're all privileged pieces of shit who deserve no sympathy. We should all die alone because of all this undeserved privilege we have.
No. 23949
>>23937>What does abortion have to do with SJWs? Well I don't know if
>>23884 was a joke or not, I certainly hope so. He sounded a bit like you.
No. 23950
File: 1439536439111.jpg (16.52 KB, 538x538, 01-elliot-rodger.w529.h529.2x.…)

>Who gives a shit about straight white men? No one. We're all privileged pieces of shit who deserve no sympathy. We should all die alone because of all this undeserved privilege we have.I couldn't of said it better myself!
Finally someone sticking up for the underdog! We have it so hard… thank you, anon-sama.
No. 23953
i think it would be the closest thing to a mmf threesome where there's a gay part and a straight part. i guess i am spiteful, but it's not 100% of the story either
No. 23955
>>23931Saying not all robots hate women doesn't mean some don't. Not hating women doesn't mean you don't understand the sentiment.
Just offering a male perspective since this entire website clearly has no insight into it. But you can all go ahead and reject the male side of things and continue to be forever alone. I don't really care.
No. 23959
>>23944My last ex pretty much destroyed me. I wasted 5 years on her and I put my heart and soul into the relationship and got absolutely nothing in return. It's hard for me to trust after being used like that.
I don't go to cafes. I don't like coffee. Also, I have the problem of not being able to leave my house due to disability.
No. 23960
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>>23017I haven't been on here long enough to know if this is b8 or legitimize stupidity
No. 23962
>>23950You can be as sarcastic as you want to be. What I stated is simple reality and your sarcasm is proof. No one gives a fuck when a straight white male suffers in any way. We're judged as a whole group of people as being privileged, so any individual who has a rough time gets no sympathy.
Apparently because there are a few rich old white men who run the system we're all part of some vast patriarchal conspiracy to oppress women.
No. 23963
>>23945(Dif anon)
SJW are psycho and no one should take them seriously . Let me give you my feminist/equalitarian prespectuve on "priviledge"
I'm a white female. JUST based on RACE (nothing else) I have an easier time only RACE wise vs a black person. People generally like me more, more likely to hire me etc. that's my "privilege". It's not some huge thing it's just what it is
I'm just more advantaged RACE wise vs a BLACK woman or another race woman. Does this mean I'm Satan and omg evil whitey!1!1! No. It's just a fact that there are sadly racial prejudices and shit which causes this crap. I don't think it's cool but sadly that's how our world is. I have the same view for men. Yeah men can have a PRIVILEGE only SEX wise vs a woman. Does this mean men are satan and everything is easy for men and they don't struggle/have issues? NO. But only SEX wise they have some advantages.
No. 23964
>>23950oh look a raging roastie who hates men
what a surprise
but there aren't any hostile comments from females here… right ladies? nahhhhhhh couldn't be. no woman would ever be hostile. that's something only males do
No. 23968
>>23966Women don't need men though. That was my point. Plenty of women are happy being single while men rampage about it and revolve their lives around trying to fuck women.
Its okay though, you can't help it. Hormones and all.
No. 23974
>>23965Actually he was a mixed race person. Did you read his manifesto? I did. I know that he didn't actually go on a killing spree because women wouldn't have sex with him. That's the shallow story the mainstream media told people. Elliot Rodger was a far more complex story than that. I don't think you have any idea where Elliot Rodger was psychologically.
But you go ahead and keep lacing your posts with sarcasm to pretend there is no problem.
No. 23976
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>>23969I just want somebody to love me
No. 23982
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>>23969I just want someone to hold me
No. 23983
>>23971There was no contradiction. Go ahead and specifically outline what you THINK I said and what you THINK was a contradiction. You know how to argue, right? You don't just jump to "WOW YOU'RE WRONG AND CONTRADICTING YOURSELF!". You calmly outline where the logical contradiction is so that the argument can continue with clarification.
But you don't actually want clarification I bet. You just want to ignore an opinion you don't like without actually exploring why it is you don't agree.
No. 23984
File: 1439537201416.png (148.89 KB, 390x384, 1429675215116.png)

>>23932>mfwAre all women on here this mentally unhinged?
Exactly how many of you are there
No. 23988
>>23969Why do you assume those are two different groups of people?
The guys who would be into gentle femdom dislike feminism because they feel attacked by it. Wanting a loving female to protect you and disliking women who attack you isn't exactly mutually exclusive.
No. 23993
>>23985So you literally never read his manifesto. He talked constantly about mixed race couples, specifically asian/white since that's what he was. He had contempt for black men taking white women because of his insecurity about being mixed race. He wanted to be white because he hated himself. He hated himself because his mother emotionally tortured him. He hated women because they rejected him. He hated other men because they had success with women.
You're simply ignoring all the other factors which don't relate to gender. You choose to focus on his hatred of women because you are a woman. That's funny because I already stated that you aren't aware of how big the SJW movement is because you aren't the target of their hatred.
No. 23996
>>23974>unironically sympathizing with elliot rodgerI thought it couldn't have gotten any better.
>Elliot Rodger>complex Oh god my sides. Please explain your viewpoint. I haven't laughed this hard for a while.
No. 24003
>>23988literally every guy that has been into gentle femdom that i've spoken to has not been hostile and had a major bone to pick about feminism. for the most part, they've never really cared. they've just wanted to feel love and approval where they can get it.
>>23990i really don't think so. i really think that's some evo-psych bullshit. if you spend your life obsessing about it, it's going to be all you think about, just like people that obsess about this or that thing. it's just that – an obsession to many men. there's more than just the physiological component. obviously the desire is just naturally stronger or weaker in some people, but it's so acceptable for men to think about sex all of the time, and the prospect of getting it, and where they can get it from, in combination with hyper sexualized cultures… i don't think all men are slaves to their sex drives. sounds a hell of a lot like an excuse to me.
No. 24008
He's accepted it
No. 24011
>>23996My viewpoint is simple. Men have their own problems that women don't understand. These problems are basically ignored by society until there is some sort of violent outburst by someone like Elliot. Then everyone jumps at the chance to scream about how evil that person was. No one wants to understand them. No one wants to actually tackle the issue that drove them to violence.
Same shit happened when Dylann Roof shot up the church. No one wanted to look at the underlying causes. No one wants to have the hard conversation about how exactly society gave rise to such a person.
Straight white males going on mass shootings is clearly a result of a deeper underlying problem. The more you ridicule and ignore people trying to address the issue the more shootings will occur. Those shootings are just the extreme cases. Others commit suicide or turn to drugs or alcohol.
Or… you know… they hide out on the internet and suffer in solitude.
No. 24012
>>22911Not at all
I refuse to believe this fetish is anything but a meme
No. 24016
>>24003Why would they want to talk about feminism with a woman? Look at what happens when men express negativity about feminism with women around. They attack you.
If they wanted love from you obviously that means not pissing you off. So they were simply being submissive and catering to you.
Also, you haven't talked to every male who is interested in gentle femdom.
No. 24028
>>23983>There was no contradiction>don't take misogyny on the internet seriously we're all just joking XD>fucking females r so stoopid this is why men hate womenPlease stop embarrassing yourself.
>Go ahead and specifically outline what you THINK I said and what you THINK was a contradiction. Alright
>It doesn't prove misogyny at all. It proves that people say offensive things on the internet. Just because someone makes a joke about women being whores doesn't mean they actually hate women. You confuse offensive comments with actual hate.
>I don't blame you for being utterly unaware since you're a woman.Kill yourself.
No. 24031
>>24022What's your point? You replied to me pointing out that disliking feminism and liking gentle femdom are not mutually exclusive.
You don't seem to actually have any argument against my opinion.
No. 24034
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>>23086What happened anon?
She's pretty qt
No. 24035
File: 1439538091310.png (347.7 KB, 500x590, Epic…)

Heh… Good evening, ladies.
teleports behind you
As you've no doubt discovered by now, we've found your secret hiding spot.
Heh. I know what youre thinking, "noo! Our secret club house. Ugh boyss"
Well we're here to stay. You think you can decline my instagram friend request and get away with it? Think again little girl.
Just know that every post you make, every little word you say, I will be reading.
As we speak I've already set up an irc channel with 6 members dedicated to reshaping this community's values through tactful and methodical posting
teleports above you
Its a wild world ladies.. ill see you out there..
No. 24038
File: 1439538166480.jpg (31.01 KB, 378x568, 1430530920926.jpg)

Let's settle this once and for all
Are you ladies into cuckolding ?
Would you ever date a black person?
No. 24046
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This completely goes against what I've been led to believe on 4chan
No. 24047
>>24011Elliot's "underline cause" was that he didn't get with a 9/10 blonde qt sorority Stacy to constantly validate his pathetic existence ignoring the fact that he put forth no effort himself.
Oh and also his NPD, which I can't entirely blame him for, perhaps.
No. 24054
Any opinions we have regarding race, gender, or sexuality are automatically disregarded due to us being viewed as privileged. Many of us end up alienated from society as a result of this and feel as though we can never be ourselves around people. We keep to ourselves and hide from the outside world. This leads to loneliness and depression, which inevitably leads to suicide and self-destructive behavior. I would go as far as saying that there is a very large portion of straight white men who have virtually no hope left. The entire NEET movement is evidence of this. No hope means no motivation. No motivation means stagnation. The older you get the less likely it is that you will recover and return to society in any meaningful way.
We're talking about a large group of people who have fallen through the cracks of society. A large group of people who society has collectively deemed privileged. Since they are deemed privileged, they are also deemed undeserving of sympathy or compassion. By seeing this utter contempt towards us, we inevitably become even more reclusive. This is the vicious cycle that many robots are stuck in.
But you don't care. And I know you don't care. You'll just continue to pretend we don't exist or that we did something to deserve it. Just like everyone else.
No. 24055
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>>24030Alright so how do I detect and avoid girls from here IRL
No. 24061
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>>24045I just woke up from a nap so I'm not going anywhere
No. 24063
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>>24052Probably bait. But I'm in shape and white and would really like to be nurtured
t. mommy issues
No. 24065
>>24052>i like skinny white boys that i can nurture and protect from the world.Really?
Can you maybe tell us a bit about your personality? I'd love to meet someone like you but I'm kind of clueless about how to find that person.
No. 24071
>>24041>>24043>>24052>>24053>>24057>>24060Racists all of you
Your bus for the Tolerance Camp is set to pick you up shortly
No. 24077
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I find it both interesting and endearing that there's a female equivalent to /r9k/ that's just as depressed, spiteful, and self-loathing as we are.
No. 24079
>>24070See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. Women have absolutely no empathy towards men anymore thanks to feminism.
If I wanted attention why would I be on an anonymous imageboard?
No. 24080
>>24051That's clearly bait m'lady
I really don't give a shit, but I do wish women would fuck off from /r9k/
Same with Chads and undeage b&s
No. 24086
>>24073Aww, that's okay sweetheart.
When you're a used up 30 year old slut every male on the planet will know it. Have fun dying alone. We'll be waiting for you in hell.
No. 24097
>>24083It's not. Straight white males talk to each other about this stuff all the time.
You'd just like to believe that it's some kind of anomalous experience that I have because it's easier to ignore that way.
Why do you think the opposition to SJWs has gotten so big?
No. 24098
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>>24085>Bruh you don't go outside anywaysh-how did you know
are you outside my window? I closed the curtains for a reason
No. 24100
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>>24094Where can I find females like you?
No. 24103
File: 1439538931796.gif (163.69 KB, 203x255, 1262302355709.gif)

Are all girls actually bi?
I've heard about what goes down at sleepovers
I'd do the same tbh
No. 24109
>>24104Who the fuck said that it was exclusive to straight white males? Again, you're just looking for reasons to dismiss what I'm saying.
The lack of empathy is truly astounding.
No. 24115
>>24107Okay then. You go ahead and explain the mass shootings. The rise of MRAs. The widespread hatred of SJWs. The complete disconnect between men and women of our generation(assuming you're millennial).
You know, since it isn't a complex issue.
No. 24119
>>24103no. i have had many a sleepover. i have not done anything with girls. not many girls do this kind of shit. it's generally reserved for attention seekers.
>>24100i think there are many women that share my opinion.
>>24102i have a lot of problems with my self esteem, and i don't really have the mental fortitude to risk getting emotionally beaten down by guys from r9k. they're scary people. they can be really mean, and i'd be too afraid to speak to them. plus, i've found a lot of guys from the internet will get close to you, just to insult you for fun. i just can't risk it right now. i'm too sensitive to try.
No. 24120
>>24110I go on /vr/ on 4chan, and they keep saying that this game will basically be like the new…FF7? For lack of better words. Like, it'll be seen as hell of popular similar to FF7 in it's glory days. What do you think about that?
I'm currently playing the old school stuff, like the first dragon quest and ff. They're fun, somewhat grindy, but I don't mind grinding.
No. 24125
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>>24051>>24072>>24081Samefagging hardcore.
We're here because, at heart, all women and all women's spaces are the property of men.
Show us your cunt.
No. 24129
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>>24119>that entire postAre you me?
No. 24131
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>>24122Oh silly boy
Men are desperate. Let's face it you would fuck anything with a vagina that gave you the time of day.
No. 24132
>>24116You're just nitpicking.
I listed a bunch of issues that push straight white males in being NEET. Not all straight white men who experience the problems I listed end up NEET.
You're just desperately looking for a way to dismiss what I listed. You didn't actually address a single thing I said. You just started attacking me.
No. 24133
>>24122You've tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
No. 24137
>>24114So you never made out with other girls at sleepovers?
I totally would tbh
Even if I was straight as a female
Girls are very kissable
No. 24138
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>>24125Man you know you want this
No. 24139
File: 1439539332886.gif (Spoiler Image,986.51 KB, 500x298, zWi6h.gif)

>>24131Sounds like you're getting desperate for arguments so you're talking personal shit about men.
Show us your cunt.
No. 24142
>>24133It doesn't even matter.
But in a decade it will. Have fuuuuuuuun :^)
No. 24143
>>24127What a bro
I need friends like that
No. 24144
File: 1439539383934.gif (Spoiler Image,1.86 MB, 245x345, EwOzOXY.gif)

>>24138Homosexuality is a mental illness.
Show us your cunt.
No. 24145
>>24125Leave. Things were settling down, and you're making it worse.
>>24121Unsurprising. From /r9k/ myself, I kinda expected something like that to happen to be completely honest, I'm just surprised it took it this long to happen instead of right away.
No. 24152
File: 1439539513817.gif (Spoiler Image,1.68 MB, 400x226, 7u8Bqok.gif)

>>24146Keep it up sweetie, love when you prove me right and I don't have to do any work. Love how this place turns into /r/twoxchromosomes when your brain gets the fee fees.
Show us your cunt.
No. 24155
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>>24144You know you like this bb
No. 24159
File: 1439539590754.png (1.52 MB, 1065x902, 1412810082398.png)

Can the porn spammer please fuck off
We were having decent discussion
No. 24160
>>24150You haven't explained anything. Of course they hate the world and themselves.
But what CAUSED that hatred? You have no idea and you know it. You know it's a complex issue, but you'd rather ignore it.
No. 24161
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>>24153You do realize telling him to leave is just going to make him post shitty gifs and tell you to show him your cunt, right?
No. 24164
File: 1439539626954.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.85 KB, 960x880, image.jpg)

>>24139>>24133Okay so can you hurry up and finish beating your meat to this thread, ejaculate all over your stomach, and roll over to softly cry yourself to sleep now? You're lasting a little longer than your premature record and I think all of that edging isn't good for your psyche. It's been a long day for you bros.
No. 24173
>>24164Damn that cheeky
Marry me?
No. 24176
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>>24166So you admit you secretly want a woman to abuse your asshole. Good boy, realization is the first step.
No. 24181
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What are the qualities in men, physical and personality-wise, that you find attractive?
No. 24192
>>24185this. a million times, this.
>>24181>empathetic>curious>shy>considerate >not obsessed with anime >clingyphysically, i just like twinky men with long hair. i also prefer dark hair and pale skin.
No. 24193
File: 1439540017606.gif (493.53 KB, 270x267, 1347854428824.gif)

>>24181I know this is a bait post, but
>a little overweight>hairy>clingy>wants to do nothing but play video games and spank me all day No. 24195
I like guys that are really considerate and nice to me. I am a really loyal person and expect it in return. Some people probably find it clingy but I think it is nice to be so close with someone.
nothing specific, just as long as he is in shape and takes care of himself
No. 24196
>>24188My God
These ladies are infinitely more reasonable than robots
Jesus, I don't know where my allegiances lie anymore
No. 24198
>>24193>tfw not overweight>tfw clingy>tfw would spank a girl all dayWait for it.
>tfw black.Yep.
No. 24200
File: 1439540182711.jpg (10.23 KB, 200x210, 1421809190656.jpg)

>>24193Don't play with me, no way you want that.
No. 24203
File: 1439540209888.jpg (Spoiler Image,151.58 KB, 612x816, Babeh.jpg)

>>24193I can be all that for you except the spanking because I can't take a break from playing video games
Here's my baby picture I hope you like it
No. 24206
>>24185NPD? Explain in detail if you're capable. If you want to have a discussion put in some effort for fucks sake. If you don't care then just stop responding.
Also, you just want to assume they were uninteresting and shallow as a way to ignore their experience. You just lack empathy towards males in general.
No. 24208
>>24193This can't be real
No. 24210
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>>24181For me it's ability to carry a conversation. Be witty. Don't be a spergy fuck.
No. 24211
File: 1439540325804.jpg (38.34 KB, 291x478, 1438886509156.jpg)

I hurt the poor baby waah waahs fee fees so much they ran to daddy and got some posts deweeted.
Feelz before reals. Its a tumblr morbidly obese hugbox.
No. 24213
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How important is smooth clear skin on men to women?
I really wouldn't be terribly unattractive if I got my skin sorted out
No. 24220
>>24119>and i don't really have the mental fortitude to risk getting emotionally beaten down by guys from r9k. they're scary people. they can be really mean, and i'd be too afraid to speak to them.yeah this is how I feel
I lurked there for a while and they all claim to hate the stereotypical alpha male but they emulate his hyper-aggressiveness, full of hate and anger
No. 24222
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>>24192Twinky men with long hair? We already have a common interest. More of a blonde fan myself but I'm not picky when it comes to lil trapz.
So how do you feel about grills?
No. 24224
>>24214Don't give me that bullshit.
I have absolutely zero interest in degenerate casual sex. I abhor casual sex. I don't want meaningless sex. I want a bond with a person and having sex as a result of that bond.
But that's why I was a virgin until I was 23.
No. 24225
File: 1439540525838.jpg (10.3 KB, 350x334, 1407417254153 - Copy.jpg)

>tfw i don't believe there are actually any girls here
I just want to find those lonely girls that want to feel loved and accepted, but if they're anything like me I'll never really see or notice them coz they're too shy.
No. 24228
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>>24219not him but what if ive got done with accutane and I have a bunch of acne scars now
not as bad as this lad but about half as bad
No. 24229
>>24223>>24220>>24214These three comments make me sad. Men and women are so disconnected and lonely at this point.
Femanons afraid of robots because of the loud assholes. Anons being mistaken for femanons because they desire intimate sex. Femanons thinking all males just want meaningless sex and endorse hook-up culture.
How do we get out of this cycle? How the fuck do we connect with each other?
No. 24230
>>24212So the fact that I have a spanking fetish, want a guy who is larger than me with hair all over his body that I can run my fingers through and wants to cling to me is bait? I know it's unusual, but come on anon.
>>24216t-that's very lewd…! maybe we can hook our pinkies instead?
No. 24231
>>24223>>24224but i mean, and please don't call me names, because i'm not looking to insult your way of life, i'm just saying it is far different from mine, and the incompatibility is something i find inherently upsetting, regardless of how much i try to reason to myself that it is ok, but for example, even when men are faithful, they still use porn in a relationship, which i find very bizarre. i just can't imagine wanting to fuck anyone but my partner. i know women use porn also, but again, i don't operate this way and find it very strange. i have had relationships with men and when i've spoken to people about it, i'm told that it isn't the same as real life, so i need to get over it. but i can't. the fact still remains that i will want my partner far more than he will want me. i will always think of my partner. maybe it's because most people settle, and so they find this acceptable? i dunno, but yeah, i just can't get over this seemingly inescapable facet of male life.
No. 24232
>>24229Get rid of feminism and get rid of women in universities and the workplace.
Hypergamy dictates women's sexual behavior. If they see a better guy, they will ALWAYS try to cheat to get with him.
No. 24234
>>24225If I were a qt lonely gurl, I would think that lonely guys are gross tbh.
I mean, look at /r9k/, you can actually read how gross some people are (I mean with the lack of personal hygiene, the whole women hate thing, the fact of being fat to the point of being gross).
If I were a qt lonely gurl, I would become a lesbian to be honest.
No. 24235
>>24229More IRL interaction between the sexes and less screen-to-screen interaction would help
but that will never happen
No. 24236
>>24231If you would be willing to live life as a subservient, good natured woman there are millions of religious conservative men who hold values identical to yours.
You're all talk and no action. You don't want what you say you want. This is why guys are upset. Because you're a liar.
And liars are only good for pumping and dumping.
No. 24237
>>24231You complaining about men using porn in a relationship is like me complaining about my ex going with her girl friends to see Magic Mike
how the fuck do I spoiler in this board
No. 24238
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Guys, what is your opinion on shy girls?
No. 24239
>>24229the constant generalization of the other 3.5 billion members of the species doesn't help
the internet lets us connect but it also makes us realize most of us can't be together and it results in a lot of hate and rage instead. it makes me sad and afraid of men which gets reinforced by the same rhetoric repeated over and over here.
I'm sure it's the same on /r9k/. we keep designating each other as the enemy, how can we hope to connect like this?
No. 24241
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>>24230It makes me sad knowing you're probably either a dude from /r9k/ or are too far away for us to ever meat.
No. 24242
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>>24234Makes sense. I don't even want a qt though, any girl that would love me genuinely would just be a qt in my eyes anyway.
But this is the way it is I guess.
No. 24249
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Chad here, any babygirl want to be my gf?
im single for 2 weeks already, but lonely
im tall, blonde, blue eyes
well paying job, moderate social circle
hobbies include gliding and going on trips on my bike
No. 24252
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Are there any potential female
Elliots here?
No. 24255
>>24248Isn't there like a medicated cream or something for that? And if you're a girl, you can just wear makeup
guys who wear makeup are homos or halfway there ("metro"sexual)
No. 24257
>>24238Totally fine
I think my biggest preference is that our interests are aligned (which will rarely every happen, but oh well! that's life). If you're shy that may make progress slower, but if I thought you were worth it I'd be too busy thinking about you every minute of my life to care if you were shy.
No. 24260
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>>24238I want a shy gf, but really it'd probably be best for me to have an outgoing gf so I can learn to socialize. I have really bad social anxiety and can barely function in public
No. 24264
>>24255Tried pretty much everything
And I'm a guy so makeup is really a no go
No. 24266
>>24240m8, personal hygiene has nothing to do with attention. I love to feel clean just for the sake of it, and nobody gives me attention tbh.
>>24242I added the "qt" part just to make it sound funny tbh lad. Average gurls would see us as gross. There's no hope.
At least not online lel
No. 24267
>>24206>assumeI read his "manifesto". Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining as fuck but there was no depth to be explored.
>NPD? Explain in detail if you're capable. Google it if you're asking for definition. As for how it applies to Elliot read his observations on various hot blondes. Literally every single description on them is about their blondeness and beauty. Granted, he didn't know any of those girls personally to describe beyond that but even his criteria for a gf wasn't anything beyond blonde and attractiveness either. A hallmark of NPD is the tendency to judge and value others on immediate outward appearances like Elliot. From reading his manifesto my conclusion is he didn't give a shit about an actual gf. He wanted a beautiful blonde to boost and validate his social status.
Speaking of emphasize, do you think he ever emphasized with anyone else? I'm pretty sure I emphasize with his thoughts. Doesn't mean I condone them.
No. 24270
>>24251Nope, I only proved that women are governed by their uncontrollable urge to fuck fit top-shelf men. They say they want a stable man, and thats true. They want him to pay for the kid they have with a REAL man.
She isn't some special snowflake. She is just another slit with a body attached.
No. 24271
They're literally ideal aren't they?
No. 24278
>>24266Anybody who knows anything about social isolation can say 100% that it has a lot to do with attention. People who withdraw from society feel the need to groom less because certain grooming behaviors are only necessary when presenting oneself to others.
Its just a fact. Not a discussion point.
No. 24281
>>24272Yes I did. So close it overlapped it perfectly and completely. Literally 100% proven.
No. 24282
>>24250i don't see how they are the same.
Why? Because the women aren't getting off in the theater as they watch it?
>and again, i already said i know some women use porn/like to think of other men, but it isn't considered a way of life for women. Do you really think "pork is a way of life" for some men? Do you really? I will admit there's a lot of guys younger than me who think porn/pornsex = IRL, but you're looking at the loud minority of all guys around our age.
people don't say "ALL women are like that. you just need to accept it!", because it isn't true.
mmmmnah people will say that about some things that are just plain old common sense (i.e.: you need to initiate contact with women, they need to be "provided for", they need to be made felt a certain way, etc.)
>but yeah, i already said that i don't identify with this behavior, coming from either a man or a woman. i'm just saying that it's more acceptable and considered a fact of life when it comes to dating men, and it is upsetting to me. wouldn't most men get upset if their girlfriends were touching themselves to guys with fat dicks or whatever?I'm gonna stop right here because I don't know how catty and rude you guys can get just quite yet
No. 24283
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>>24274Don't think you can be saved from my retribution by being nice on the internet
No. 24284
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>>24271Hmm well there seems to be a few lesbian chans in your midst tonight and you aren't going to find us going ham over a pair of abs. Also Channing Tatum really does look like one of the spy kids henchmen.
No. 24288
>>24279Or we're just really gay and can't be attracted to men that don't look like pseudo women.
There will always be a variety. You just have to put yourself out there without being pushy or creepy.
No. 24289
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Do women watch porn?
If so what genres?
I feel like I'm one of the few guys who doesn't, I wank using my imagination
No. 24290
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>>24256>I'm just painfully awkward around guys that I find attractive…anyone else extremely shy around the opposite sex?I'm painfully shy around women, period. I don't have a "oneitis", just being around women makes me feel like they're silently judging everything about me and I can't do anything about it
No. 24292
>>24286The serious answer is no.
The fee fees before ree rees answer is yes u angry neckbeareded virgun loozer redpiller
No. 24294
>>24282>Do you really? I will admit there's a lot of guys younger than me who think porn/pornsex = IRL, but you're looking at the loud minority of all guys around our age.i mean, based on the feedback i've received, yeah. it feels like i'm surrounded by ONLY those types of men, and i've been told i'm selfish, controlling, insecure, etc, just for wanting sexual compatibility. i feel that it makes sense. i can understand if i was being hypocritical, but i want to be understood by my partner, and i want to know that we operate in similar ways, you know?
No. 24303
>>24291I'm a "gross robot NEET sperg" and same tbh
I only leave the house to go to the gym or the library and I still wash my face and brush my teeth twice a day (at the least) just because I hate feeling shitty about myself
No. 24304
>>24269And I live in NH.
Fuck this gay world.
No. 24308
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>>24305Don't fuck with me
No. 24310
>>24291The term NEET applies exclusively to men because it considers the factors upon which men (except the 20% women want to fuck instinctively) are judged.
The NEET equivalent for women would be NTCHB. Not Taking Care of Her Body. Since you groom regularly, you cannot be a female NEET.
Deal with it.
No. 24312
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>>24309Assuming these aren't all other robots, where can I find womyn like this irl?
No. 24315
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>>24297well yeah but she was asking about the opposite gender
>changing in the locker room after washing up post-workout>guy walks up behind me and taps my shoulder>literally jump up 6' in the air>>hey bro can i get to the locker above you>y-yeah. you startled me, man>>haha chill out bro its all good brutha No. 24316
>>24296Would you say I
triggered you, m8?
No. 24317
>>24285i think it is "normal" (i.e., common, but maybe not necessary) for men to use porn in relationships. like i said, i've been like, really heavily shamed when i've asked about it. it seems like men get overly defensive about it. i mean, it's fine if they want to do that, but i just don't feel that i'd want to be with someone that does, regardless of gender. it just seems to be a lot more prevalent amongst men. i personally wouldn't date unless i had the intention of getting married, so i can't really comment on the status of your past relationships.
>>24289i only think of my partner, ever. porn doesn't turn me on at all. that human connection is not there. that's what turns me on.
No. 24321
>>24300The friendzone is the male equivalent of a slut (a woman who has sex with a man who hasn't married her).
Here is how it works:
1) Men are the gatekeepers of commitment.
2) Women are the gatekeepers of sex.
3) If women give away sex without commitment, they are sluts.
4) If men give away commitment without sex, they are friendzoned.
The only difference is that women legitimately consider the desperate men who treat them like girlfriends as friends despite doing nothing friendlike for them in return (moving their furniture, buying them meals, etc.). They just take take take.
Lack of empathy is apparent.
No. 24322
>>24312topkek mate
when will you learn
wymin are liars
she will be sucking the cock of Bobby Abs if he hit on her, they all want the good looks, ALL OF THEM
No. 24324
>>24294Thats all I want out of women/a relationship with a woman tbh.
I was honestly planning on proposing to my ex gf until I crashed that relationship with no survivors
>same anon who complained about his ex watching Magic Mike No. 24325
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>>24315I couldn't even function in traffic today. I came up to a crosswalk and just paced back and forth since a car arrived there around the same time. Person gestures for me to cross, scratch my head and look away, it's getting awkward so while looking away I start to walk out and they also started driving at the same time and honked at me
I'm off to bed ladies and gentleman
See you tomorrow
No. 24326
>>24314I agreed with it until "Women do not care if you are fat or not, if you have a great personality it wont matter!"
Sorry but no. Guys need to wake up and accept that women do judge you based on your appearance. And being fat just makes you seem lazy.
No. 24331
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>>24326What about other things that you can't control, like height?
Is it true that gurls gather up in groups and talk shit about us manlets?
tfw you look like a 13 yo but too non-paedophile to date a 13 yo
No. 24333
ill rape you if you dont put out after an expensive dinner
No. 24335
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>>24331Yeah we need to settle this question if you're all really girls (and our "equivalent[s]", at that)
Can manlets ever learn that feel when gf?
No. 24337
>>24331Its absolutely true they. And they talk shit with other men behind your back too, and guess what
…other men aren't your friends either, they laugh along and make fun of you too.
I've had it done to my face by the kindest girl I've ever met. Which means, by simple deduction that every other girl I've ever met would have been willing to mock my height to my face.
I'm not even that short tbh. But they view whatever the tallest man is they have a chance with as average.
No. 24341
>>24259Ehh… I don't know what this will count for but I'll share anyways.
When I was with my ex watching porn and masturbating felt a bit odd. I eventually made an effort to stop watching porn of my own volition. My ex didn't mind if I used porn, but I wanted to do it for myself. Sometimes I wonder about the impact porn has on people. I still masturbated, just not with porn of any kind. Just thoughts.
No. 24347
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>>24336>TFW 1,63CMShould I become a part time pedophile or just kill me-self nao?
No. 24348
>>24339im not fat
nice try whiteknight
No. 24352
>>24349i wish i was a wizard and kept collecting my mana
i could stop the feels of
>no gf to sex 3 times a day No. 24353
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This has actually been pretty pleasant if you filter out the shitposts
No. 24357
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>>24350f-fook off u roastie slut
No. 24358
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What's the origin story of this site and how did it become what it is today?
I didn't think a mostly female chan could ever exist. How did you femanons even find out about this place?
No. 24360
>>24338You know it was daddy.
>>24344It's not smart, really. Anyone with a vagina can think of that one. It's a question of moral integrity at that point and women who do it are of a low standard.
No. 24362
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>>24355im not you fat cow
No. 24367
>>24334>>24334exactly, anon. thanks for understanding. i appreciate it. i mean, i understand that it may seem too picky, or like a sort of arbitrary requirement, but when it comes down to it, why do most marriages fail? lost attraction, a desire for variety, growing resentment that's fueled by the sexual restraint marriage imposes… all shit like that. the thing is that i have no place in my life for variety. it is wholly unappealing to me, and when i'm putting my life on the line for someone, dedicating myself to them, sharing my life with them, i want to know that they're not going to be secretly wanting someone else. sexual incompatibility or sexual boredom seems to be the no. 1 cause of divorce. it makes a lot of sense for me to be apprehensive, imho.
No. 24368
>>24362You had to fall
To lose it all
But in the end
It doesn't even matter
No. 24373
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I'm genuinely curious
No. 24376
>>24367Literally none of those reasons are why marriage fails. The facts are:
80% of divorces proceedings are started by women
They want divorces because they miss the cocks they rode that impressed them more than hubbys
If you're not going to be honest with yourself even, how can you expect others to believe you?
No. 24385
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>>24275Am I wrong in thinking having am outgoing gf would help in that regard?
No. 24387
>>24376The misogynistic propaganda is tired and flat, and you sound like a brain-dead parrot repeating the same bullshit about "riding the cock carousel" et cetera.
I've heard this on r9k enough to know that what you're doing is so unimpressive as to be nauseating. Please, stop posting the shit I've seen so often and try to be creative and fresh.
No. 24389
>>24386You're trying so hard. It's almost endearing.
Go to bed.
No. 24391
>>24381That was an obvious bait, m8. Yet you still had fallen to it. A shame really
No. 24392
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So what are the thoughts on hairy guys here?
I've always been extremely self conscious of my body hair because I went through puberty before all my other male classmates and was given shit about it in the locker room.
It's also odd, I have light brown hair on my head, the hair on my arms and legs is basically blonde and not too noticeable.
When it comes to my chest it's all basically black, like my pubes decided to travel upward to my collar bones.
Luckily no back hair.
Plz no bully.
No. 24394
>>24387Your solipsism knows no bounds. Everything must be to impress you because you are the center of the universe.
Sugartits, the facts are the facts. Not going to reinvent them for your feelings. Whether or not they make your gina tingle is irrelevant.
No. 24395
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Obligatory why do girls go for douchebags post
No. 24396
>>24392I, as an hetero male, find you disgusting sir.
Seriously though, I've considered removing my butthole hair, just to feel clean, but the lads at r9k told me that the sweating would be out of this world.
Why do you, hairy m8, even exist? Shave your body already
No. 24397
>>24385idk can't speak from experience but it seems like dating someone outgoing would expose you to more social setting where you might find ways to cope/get over the fear.
I dated a really outgoing guy, but it didn't really help me out in those regards, so I can't say for sure.
No. 24400
>>24394>>24394Funny that your post is predicated on solipsism (a quality you attribute to women), since I'm actually a robot.
I just think these girls are infinitely more reasonable than the robot extremism.
No. 24402
>>24397Hopefully I find out
I'd like to live a life where I'm at least not embarrassed to he in public
I had to go to the PC repair store today and just paced around the area for half an hour and went back to my apartment
No. 24410
>>24399So, did you ignore
>>24164 this advice? Or come back for round 2?
No. 24411
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Thoughts on this site?
No. 24412
>>24404I haven't gotten any direct approval so far. Either I'm very bad at this or what you're saying makes so sense.
I'm good at almost everything I do (just relationships I can't quite get), so I'm going to go with the latter.
No. 24418
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This site is actually pretty nice
Mind if I stay?
No. 24421
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>>24418I like to imagine at least some of the responses here are from real women
>>24419Please be kidding
No. 24422
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>tfw this site is probably ruined, because robots will lurk and post every now and then
we did it reddit!
No. 24423
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I don't know what you're on about but anyways.
Everybody have this photo of Kylie Jenner that I absolutely just adore.
No. 24427
>>24418i'm fine with level-headed, kind robots staying. it'd be nice to have /b/ expanded. we've had a lot of cool political threads, which is awesome, but it'd be even better if it was more active. and a number of other girls (or at least i'm hoping they're girls), said they're totally fine with robots staying, earlier in the thread, too.
>>24415>>24406this place was created after staminarose was shut down. there was already a concrete userbase that it was created for. a site similar to this one. from then, it's grown into more of an actual chan like environment, and it is populated by mostly women that come from the chans. and men, too (even before you guys infiltrated).
No. 24433
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Okay real talk
How much does penis size matter to women?
No. 24434
>>24431Yes, then I realized that what you suggested was incorrect. So I stuck with the fact that they simply can't put forward any decent arguments.
I'm sorry if that reality hurts your feelings, and if you feel backed into a corner even now, but the world is the way it is.
No. 24435
>>24353i love you too :3
No. 24437
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>>24432The names of the studies are right here, should you actually care about reality.
This is a courtesy. For men, who are expected to do their own work, you'd be told to fuck off and do your own research you worthless lazy bimbo.
Also, display your cunt.
No. 24438
>>24436Of course, you mean it gets to a point where your sensitive fee fees overload your brain and you start spamming personal insults because like oh em gee.
Its ok, I go soft on slower people and women for this reason.
No. 24441
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>>24440Why can't women put more emphasis on dicks? I have none of those qualities but at least my penis is above average
No. 24442
>>24439Now that I think about it, I'd never actually measured my penis
Should I do it right now for the lulz, lads?
No. 24445
>>24437>that fucking pic >againThe irony. You never bothered to verify any of your "facts" right? The graph is made by a bunch right-wing fucktards who made up (yes, made the fuck up) data and labeled it "from the CDC XDD".
You don't give a shit about facts. You held your worldview long before you found any.
No. 24452
>>24441you could always build talent, personality, wit. they're all skills you can develop. on the bright side, if you develop them, you'll have a good sized dick, and a winning personality/awesome talents.
>>24437she's annihilating you. you need to just give in, man.