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No. 2284074
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Their first years on the internet are not on anything specifically made for them aka child-safe in at least some way. Tiktok, Youtube (not kids), Roblox, and other video games that prefer to cater to older people. Like 10 years ago there was still porn especially of common media, but today it's seriously tenfolded. Picrel I dead ass just looked up "inside out shorts" and these were 3 scrolls away. Adults are making such perverse content for them that'll have serious impacts. Another one is Baby gronk and Livvy Dunne? Just look it up, I can't type it out
No. 2284084
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>>2284078This is what elementary school kids are watching
No. 2284088
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You can look up any weird media kids are into on youtube and there's going to be some sort of porn about it with 1M+ views
No. 2284094
>Hating on actual toddlers.What happened to this website? Seriously? Are the cows really that dry? What could an actual toddler do to piss you off so badly that you want to anonymously gossip about them? Why don't you just take all this negative energy and go into /snow/ or /w/ and nitpick one of the fat women there like normal anons do? This is actually just really pathetic on your part, and I'm not trying to be mean when I say that. I just felt this twang of pity for whichever Zoomer made this thread. Did you think it would be a good idea? Did you think it would make you feel better? Why didn't you just post a vent in get it off your chest if your little cousin pissed you off?
>>2284052I'm embarrassed for these people.
No. 2284099
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>>2284074>>2284084who even makes this kinda content wtf? no way the adults who sit down to make this shit and post it on youtube for kids don't realize how wrong this is, I know elsagate has been a thing for a while but still
>>2284082exactly what I was thinking, I think it's a bit too early to make a thread like this right now, we should be hating on the retarded adults raising them instead
No. 2284109
>>2284099>we should be hating on the retarded adults raising them insteadI know it's pretty much impossible to stop kids from seeing redpill content and other weird shit on the internet, but it is
fully their parents' fault why they're so terminally online and brainrotted in the first place. I'm sick of people giving excuse after excuse for why gen a's parents are doing such a collectively atrocious job.
No. 2284120
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>>2284116Alpha + asshole. Because they're cute little shits with a dark, apocalyptic future waiting ahead of them
No. 2284156
Since this is about Gen Alpha, I was reading this report on Roblox by Hindenburg Research the other day. Hindenburg Research is a forensic financial research firm who make their money by finding dodgy shit and short their stocks before publishing the results.
Some highlights:
>Beyond inflated key user metrics, our in-game research revealed an X-rated pedophile hellscape, exposing children to grooming, pornography, violent content and extremely abusive speech.>Roblox is compromising child safety in order to report growth to investors, per our interview with a former senior product designer: “If you’re limiting users’ engagement, it’s hurting your metrics…in a lot of cases, the leadership doesn’t want that.”>As a test, we attempted to set up an account under the name ‘Jeffrey Epstein’…only to see the name was taken, along with 900+ variations>After we found a username, we listed our age as “under 13” to see if children are being exposed to adult content. By merely plugging ‘adult’ into the Roblox search bar, we found a group called “Adult Studios” with 3,334 members openly trading child pornography and soliciting sexual acts from minors.It's a proper academic paper, not some click bait puff piece No. 2284171
>>2284168Nta but actually it can't because you can't make posts about/post pictures of underage people, but we're allowed to
talk about gen alphas
No. 2284176
>>2284172tayrt the thread name is literally "alpholes" kek
>>2284171oh that makes sense , i just hope no retard actually posts children here
No. 2284187
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Australia passed a ban on under 16s from accessing social media. Pretending there was some perfect method of detecting who was accessing the internet without some gross violations of privacy, do you think it's a good idea?
Camera phones came out when I was like 12 and proper smart phones became common couple years later. I'm a little mixed. On one hand it's good to get kids away from it, on the other I've seen what going from zero to full internet has done to my parents. Social media is the world we live in now, I believe education on how to spot bad faith posts are better than ignoring it.
I'm also super happy that my cringey teen posts on Bebo died with that website, others won't have that luxury.
No. 2284269
>>2284192Hard disagree. You don't see kids mass-chugging on alcohol because it's not allowed.
Social media is designed to be addicting, literal billions in research have been pumped into making it as hard as possible to leave. You can't leave that to "just educate them on the dangers"
No. 2284296
>>2284269nta but you've never seen Aussie teenagers then!
Nah kek I agree with you. I don't necessarily think the ban will be effective, but social media is poison and at least they're trying to protect kids from it. I know I'd have been seething if they took MySpace from me back in the day and would've found a workaround. But maybe my self esteem would've been better if they had, and that was nothing compared to tiktok and insta in terms of constantly comparing yourself to others.
No. 2284372
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a lot of them are already misogynistic due to unrestricted internet access from birth and watching those slop sigma videos on youtube all day long. how can parents care this little about their kid? it's one thing for little timmy to sneak behind your back but this is the LOCK SCREEN for fuck's sake
No. 2284515
>>2284512nta but why are you guys acting like gen A's are all infants? and, i also don't recall any of this
>don't talk about babies like that!!when millennials would talk shit endlessly about zoomers online lol
No. 2284565
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>>2284088A lot of kids themselves are making fetish content, they just use the word heat or
sus because I guess mom would get them in trouble for saying sex
shitty collage but you can just search gacha and immediately see what I mean No. 2284688
>>2284052There are definitely annoying teenage alphoids but I'd rather wait to see if maybe they outgrow certain negative traits. Might not be their generation just their age.
>>2284074That's really sad.
>>2284084I think videos like this are an unfiltered look at child Id, and it's not pretty. Meaning, I think these videos do accurately reflect what a lot of kids would want to watch. Kids do want to watch stuff that is subversive and 'not for kids' bc they want to be grown up and they are curious about relationships. Lots of millennials watched similar content it was just less accessible. This isn't to say kids should be watching this stuff, only that I'm not really surprised.
No. 2284743
>>2284691I actually kind of stand by this.
Growing up there were 2 types of boys.
1 were just horrible monsters who wanted to kill girls until they realized they wanted to stick their dick in them during puberty
2 were sweet boys but due to homosocial tendencies they also grew up wanting to kill girls because type 1 is so fucking prominent and aggressive and would beat the ever living shit out of type 1 if he wasnt a misogynist
This is what I grew up with, and I'm an old hag. No ipad. No internet.
Honestly I think before shit like internet, tv, and radio, scrotes were even worse.
My only hope is the baby nonas see their peers shitty posts and realize moids aren't worth shit
No. 2284889
>>2284874Samefagging but gen alpha, gen alpha boys in particular are absolutely worth dissecting. I found Andrew Tate shit on my brother’s TikTok and this was 2 years ago, when he was 13-14. It seems like it is literally the norm to be misogynistic, like the new subculture for teen boys, and it’s also the norm to have a porn addiction and the gateway is those Twitch streamers with an Onlyfans.
I still occasionally get stuff on my feed from people in this age range every so often and they’re very brainrotted and chronically online.
>>2284876Nta but does that mean we should just not have laws then? Laws are a standard to be upheld. In countries where the drinking age is lower like the one I’m in no one bats an eye at a 16-year-old being an alcoholic. Elsewhere this would be concerning and people would be wondering about what the parents are doing. It sets a standard. It doesn’t mean 16-year-olds will not drink in those countries, but public sentiment matters
a lot.
No. 2284933
Based on what
(integrate) No. 2285416
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>>2285292Sitters and/or the simp moids jannying this site for them please rewrite thread title now
Millennials please stop having sex
No. 2285684
>>2285416My niece is in first grade and she can't read stuf I clearly remember reading at her level like picture books or children games like Animal Crossing
And of course the parents go "she's doing well in school" like they don't let any retarded kids pass
The future is so fucking grim
No. 2286714
>>2286321AYRT and sorry for wall of text. Simply put the technology itself is causing a lot of symptoms that mimic autism and ADHD. Younger millennials/zillennials had a similar problem when we got smartphones in our teens, I'd go over to a friend's house and they were sat there with their faces in their phones at the dinner table while I'm trying to maintain a conversation with them and their family. When your greatest companion, (the one providing you with hours of entertainment, insight, and social interaction) is an electronic device, you don't feel much need to work on your social skills with people, who are by comparison not as interesting to your brain as the constant dopamine drip feed. Years of this will produce a big difference between adults (autistic and not) who overdo smart technology versus those who avoid it. TBH I was diagnosed autistic as a child, but these days I function better socially than many of my non-autistic peers because I got a smartphone about five years later than most people my age.
The upside here is that tech-induced neurological problems are easy to fix: Moderate technology use. Turn off any phone alert that isn't absolutely necessary (having your elderly family member's alerts are important. Your morning news or social media feed alerts are not). Avoid overusing technology that you can carry around with you. My generation saw the start of kids who couldn't sit for ten minutes without a GameBoy in front of them, you don't want to continue that legacy. Even better if you can restrict smart tech use to a specific room: Older millennials grew up with family computers in the living room, and it kept enough of them out of trouble. The goal here is to have long periods of time where you can't rely on that endless entertainment device to occupy you. You'll get bored, but boredom is good; boredom is your brain learning to keep itself busy. Eventually, you won't be as bored because those idle moments are filled with your brain doing what it's supposed to do. TBH, I'd recommend all of the above if someone is actually autistic/ADHD too. It's just good health to not abuse technology.
No. 2286874
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my brother makes these retarded jokes too and he’s right on the cusp of zoomie/alpha. i tell him to shut the fuck up and explain why it’s not funny but he told me “everyone in his school makes rape jokes”. should tell you enough about alpholes. i feel so bad for the underpaid teachers having to deal with these retards everyday
No. 2287157
>>2287152>>2287155You were not speaking in complete sentences and feeding yourself at 2.
>>2287144Non contributions, reported.
(you don't have to announce it ) No. 2298317
>>2284140I feel like gen beta might be more sheltered from weird internet shit (hopefully). We all see how fucking weird gen alpha and younger Gen z are thanks to the Internet and their parents just handing them an ipad because they can't even be bothered to care about their kids. Idk I'm being hopeful. I'm in my late 20s and want to have kids soon and some other women I know also want kids soonish. We all talk about how weird ipad kids are and how fucked their future is so I think maybe to counter that gen beta will be raised kinda like in stricter house holds. Maybe normal playtime will be brought back like giving them toys and shit instead of a fucking smart phone.
Gen alpha will be creepy anxious depressed weird degenerates that hate everything and gen beta will be sheltered awkward homeschool kinda kids. Like an overcorrection will happen with gen beta.
Idk though Im talking out my ass and just speculating.
Most people in my circle criticize millennials for raising their kids like this. People I know who work with children say gen alpha is a nightmare because of their upbringing
No. 2298329
>>2285515Me too anon. Most people I know who want kids are already talking about not giving them a phone until highschool
Tbh I feel the same. The younger they are when they're exposed to that shit the more it rots their brain. If I have kids I'm monitoring everything they watch till they're like 15 idk. My brother is fucking weird and I hate my mom for not having him go without a phone until he was older like me and my other brother.
No. 2308036
>>2284094>What happened to this website? Seriously? Lolcow has just become hate central and should change it's name to hatecow. Nobody here wants to lol and make others lol anymore, everyone just wants to seethe endlessly
>Are the cows really that dry? Yes
I'd be much more stoked for a "funny gen blah" or a "funny X" thread, but all threads are "X hate", "gen blah hate". You can point and laugh at the things you dislike typing with witty humour and a grin, or you can aggressively and impotently type with seething insults and foam at your mouth
Why anyone would choose the latter is beyond me. Actively choosing to fill yours and everyone's days with bile instead of a smile
No. 2313018
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I don't hate them, because they're still children, but I mostly feel bad for them. Right now I can only imagine how wide the gap will become between those who browse TikTok, use ChatGPT to solve their math homework and use Character AI for their social needs and those who were raised by cautious parents who try their hardest to make their kids enjoy long-form content and expose them to a wider variety of media and experiences no kid who's lost on TikTok would ever know of.
Also, I have a feeling there's going to be a lot more American school shootings by the time this generation comes of age. There's been a spike after the pandemic and the incidents will keep increasing (pic related).
No. 2327262
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Today’s New Year’s eve which means tomorrow is the start of the gen Beta birth cycle and it’ll last until 2039! I’m excited to see how these kids turn out. I’m hoping that gen Z parents actually put in some effort to parent and watch over their children.
No. 2327369
>>2327365Oh yeah I forgot about those kek. I'm a kinda younger zoomer and it instantly reminded me of this girl I knew from high school who converted to Christianity after she got a bf, got engaged and married at 18 right after her graduation and had her first child at 19. Their families at least better be rich. The tradwife shit started a while ago, I fear.
I guess I'm living in a fantasy and projecting kek plus the fact that zoomers are becoming more and more misogynistic thanks to redpill moid Andrew Tate mgtow shit which links hand in hand with the tradwifery. The SAHM stuff is so funny though because who can afford to be that nowadays
No. 2327372
>>2327365It's not a question of whether they want it if they can't afford it. It isn't looking like the economy and housing market is improving anytime soon. Not to mention poor future prospectives considering climate change and impending war. We're already seeing decreasing birth rates exactly because of those reasons.. Having kids will only become more of a luxury fewer people can afford the remainder of this decade.
I think many countries are on the brink of getting stuck in a cycle of birth rates dropping > governments importing immigrants to sustain the economy > homes becoming more scarce/expensive as a consequence > birth rates dropping further. But that's probably leaning into tinfoil territory.
No. 2329872
>>2329852AYRT and basically what
>>2329858 said, both his parents are in their early-mid 30s so he’s part of the generation who’s basically allowed to go and look up anything at all. They only really get upset if there’s swears but they have gotten onto him for “watching things he shouldn’t”
No. 2329881
>>2329878AYRT and they’re not
abusive or neglectful. It’s basic Gen Alpha parenting really, maybe I should clarify when I mention “body horror and gore” I’m talking about Creepypastas and fictionalized shit. I’m not blaming him either, at his age I’ll admit I looked at similar stuff he just looks at more
No. 2329896
>>2329881I'm sorry if it struck a nerve, but an 8 year old child having unsupervised and unlimited internet access is an example of parental negligence. I'm not trying to attack your nephew's parents, but it's just calling a spade a spade.
>It’s basic Gen Alpha parenting reallyIt really isn't. It's basic lazy parenting. Lazy negligent parents exist in every generation. Your 8 year old nephew is too young to be culpable, his parents are old enough to know better about the dangers of the internet.
No. 2330740
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>i hate how their parents just constantly praise them for doing things even when they’ve done badly on something. kids will never learn the correct way of doing things, and also resilience if they’re not guided. it also removes the incentive to do well if they’re get praised for just doing any old rubbish. >i hate how their parents have made so many of them into little shitbags because of a complete lack of discipline. in chavvy families it’s complete negligence, in upper classes it’s coddling. >i hate how they don’t have a kid and tween stage and whenever i go in boots theres masses of unsupervised children clogging up the store and making a mess. >i hate how their parents make excuses for EVERYTHING as to why they can’t parent properly, like maybe don’t have children if you know you can’t raise them properly????>i hate how their parents pathologise them. oh my kid has adhd, my kid is trans, my kid has super special food allergy, my kid has a rare condition that means they can only eat nuggies and pepsi!!!>i hate how their parents expect teachers to parent them but at the same time are always yelling at teachers like “muh kid did nothing wrong you just don’t UNDERSTAND them”>i hate how low quality and generally cancerous kids media is now>>2284106not just online, irl too. i had a bunch of teenagers fully approach me and say sexually inappropriate things at me in broad daylight. bring back borstal.
i am done ranting now.
No. 2387888
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No. 2388515
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I find it funny whenever people attempt to epic own anyone who criticises gen alpha's shitty AI slop entertainment by saying "well your media/memes/jokes/culture was just as dumb!!1!" Like at least back then it was just for laughs and not purposely designed to destroy attention spans and give children blindness in their strollers thanks to the iPads in their faces.
Also, why are there so many children admitting to being like 6 years old online? Millennials and older zoomers were all taught about internet safety, I remember being lectured in kindergarten to never give your real name or DOB or any of that shit online.