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No. 2286304
I'm a sucker for practical gifts even if some people think they're lame. Scrub Daddy dish sponges? Pricey to buy regularly, but nice to receive as a gift, and they'll definitely get used. AA or AAA batteries? You always need them when you least expect it. A giant box of nice toilet paper?? Not something I'd buy for myself, but the recipient won't have to worry about buying TP for a while. How about one of those bulk jugs of extra virgin olive oil? I grimace at the thought of having to put it on my grocery list for myself, but whoever receives it will get to check it off their annual grocery list of big-ticket items.
>>2285845Pilot and Pentel make nice bodies with lots of refill options. Check JetPens, they've got all sorts of pens and accessories, and they have different guides that might give you some ideas and insights on which pens your recipient might like the most. Some people like fountain pens, but I find them a bit too fussy. Some other big names for nice pens, Tombow, Uni-ball, Zebra, Parker, and Fisher Space Pen.
No. 2286442
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Spending Christmas with my boyfriend's family this year. I bought his parents a stained glass cat suncatcher and will probably get his sister some fancy hot chocolate, but I'm not sure what to get for him. I was going to get him a vintage saturn lithograph and frame it, but the framing part would be too expensive. He suggested a scented candle when I asked what he wanted, but it's too much of a gamble to order them online without knowing how they smell. Buying gifts for people feels so embarrassing to me in case they end up secretly not liking it.
No. 2286543
>>2286304It's crazy to me that other people don't feel this way too.
I suggested to a lady at work she should buy her mother a dehumidifier for Christmas and she said she would cry if anyone bought her something so boringly practical, and went on to talk about how she had to convince her dad to buy her mother a fancy bracelet instead of a practical gift last year.
Why would anyone prefer a bracelet over a dehumidifier?! I feel like I'm losing my mind every Christmas when I ask relatives for practical gifts and they tell me it's boring, before gifting me something useless I have to donate that realistically nobody else will ever want outside of Christmas.
No. 2287321
>>2285305chocolate doesn't work in my family because if it has nice packaging they will re-gift it.. until it's gone off and someone takes it out of circulation i guess.
i always have a list in my notes app where i note things people have said they liked or needed in passing so i'm prepared. my mom will get the dress she's been wanting and a refill of her room fragrance, my gf is getting pajamas and hiking gear..
except for my brother, i have no idea what to get him.
what do you get a guy who doesn't have a steady career, no hobbies besides working out and playing the same obscure, old ass video game and started believing in aliens after the pandemic happened? i always get him food and feel like it's getting boring, but idk. help please
No. 2287479
>>2287321Food is probably his favorite thing. When I was staying at home all the time, food was the #1 thing I wanted to spend the least amount of time bothering with but was always the highest priority. It sucked. Highlights would be when a family member would pack my fridge with food and I could go about my business for as long as possible without having to think about it.
>>2287472I wish I was your sister
No. 2287488
>>2287321Protein powder? Or whatever supplement he takes since he works out. Some weight lifting shoes? If he's a runner, some running shoes?
DVD box set of The X Files? A telescope? They have some cool ones that connect to phones and take really nice pictures.
No. 2288251
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I stole some rare magazines and also special ordered a calendar about insects for my best friend yayyyyy
No. 2288843
>>2288811The #1 gift people can get my dad is a home depot gift card. For every occasion. Get your mom the spa gift card.
You can always include a christmas card with christmas wishes and your love. Date it and write that she seemed to really enjoy the spa last year so you bought her another card this year.
No. 2300109
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>>2299585Maybe some anime-style strip lashes? They're quite spiky so she could wear them with an alternative kind of look, but not so spiky that she couldn't keep wearing them if she changes her style. Also I might warn against KVD, just because if she's very online (as many 14 year olds are) the brand might be too
problematic for her tastes despite the change in ownership. I don't really know how up to date kids are on the drama there. Urban Decay could be a good substitute, but considering her age you're probably fine saving yourself some money and going with NYX or something. Whichever brand you buy, I'm sure she'd appreciate eyeliner and some dark lipstick. Hope I could help at all!
Lashes in picrel: eye & lip colour tubes I spotted on sale on Sephora: No. 2311506
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What can I get for my edgy 13yo brother? Preferably something not too expensive. He wants balenciaga sneakers but he's not getting those. I'm thinking haircare, bc he dyes his hair black and is obsessed with adding volume to it but idk shit about hair