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No. 2295636
PLEASE READ THE GLOBAL RULES BEFORE POSTINGThis is a thread for criticism of the political entity known as Israel and general Zionist ideology, and the influence both have on global politics.
Current topics of relevancy include but are not limited to:
>The occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine >The influence of the Zionist lobby, including evangelical Christian Zionists, on governments in the West (this is particularly evident in the US and will no doubt ramp up to unprecedented levels of insanity when Trump is inaugurated)>High profile child sex abuse cases in diaspora ultra-orthodox Jewish communities wherein the perpetrators have evaded/delayed criminal prosecution because they have been provided sanctuary by Israel (most notably that which concerns former school principal and mother of 8 Malka Leifer, and the wider Adass Israel Congregation in Australia, you can read more about the case here: No. 2295667
>>2295659If anyone sees posts that are obviously just retarded antisemitism and not demonstrably factual statements or
valid criticism of Israel/Zionism, don’t engage, just report and ignore. Hopefully the jannies will take care of it
No. 2295676
>>2295657We're just going to have to be extra vigilant about reporting and ignoring bait or autism. Like
>>2295664 for example.
>>2295659See, I think people are overly sensitive about what counts as antisemitism, but also unaware when certain sentiments are antisemitic. You have to accept that being on lc means there are other anons who will never agree with you and they will be allowed to post, because disagreement isn't grounds for banning.
But sperging specifically is detrimental (and kind of sad) because they can't control themselves long enough to not spam or freak out about their topic of choice, shitting up boards. (And I don't mean innocent sperging that isn't disruptive, that's fine.)
>>2295665Stop responding to bait, retard.
No. 2295680
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I hate zionist cucks and muslim scrotes
No. 2295754
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It's crazy that an army posted this
No. 2295759
>>2295727Yes, we did learn about Kristallnacht in school. We were told it meant "night of shattered glass," that Germans went to Jewish homes and businesses to break all their windows out, and it was one of the precursors to the holocaust. Palestine was never brought up, and I thought anon was talking about a more modern event likening to Kristallnacht because of the inclusion of Palestine in relation to it. I've read the wikipedia page on Kristallnacht in the past and Palestine wasn't mentioned.
>>2295743Thanks kek. I hate when people being up the education system in America because ours is notoriously bad and only got worse after Bush. People who love to criticize it don't realize schools are ranked and get funding based off of their position. This means that no matter what, some schools must get the least amount of money. Add onto this underpaid teachers, overworked staff, test oriented teaching, and political interest in what we're being taught in schools, and it is a real mess. Yes, most of us do not know the Puritans were religious extremists. We got a page about the Mayflower bringing people who just wanted to freely practice their religion with a drawing of the ship. We were quizzed on the names of the ship in the fleet, not the crimes Columbus committed against the natives. My high school is exceptional because the world history teacher took a few days to cover the Rwandan genocide, and a couple on Belgium's enslavement of the Congo.
I'm not accusing other anon of shitting on us, I'm sure it was an innocent question. But the "retarded Americans didn't pay attention in school lol" gets my goat kek.
No. 2295775
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My ethnic background is Christian Palestinian, it is not just Muslims that the fundamentalist far right Israelis hate, they hate us too. They literally spit on us in the street. My family still has the keys to my grandparents house that they thought they were leaving for a short period but have never been allowed to return to. The state of Israel should not exist. It should be one state, a secular Palestine, where people of all faiths are treated equally. Zionism is a white settler colonial movement invented in Europe. The power in Israel is concentrated in Ashkenazi (ie white European) Jews who treat middle eastern and other non-white Jews like Ethiopians second class citizens. They forcibly sterilize Ethiopian women without their knowledge. Yet somehow retarded westerners continue to believe the lie that Israel is tHe OnLy DeMoCrAcY iN tHe MiDdLe EaSt No. 2295776
>>2295765Does the propaganda make anyone else extremely depressed? Retards LOVE spamming the "you are not immune to propaganda" meme, but that one IDF girl on tiktok got so much attention. You idiots are simping for a psyop! Not to be doomer but we really
aren't going to make it.
No. 2295795
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>>2295776and this degenerate piece of shit