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No. 229988
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Reminds me of how back in my tumblr days I followed this ~ultra progressive 3rd wave feminist~ girl who was very open about wanting to be choked out during sex. I know I shouldn't generalize based on just one person, but I'm pretty sure the whole sex positive movement has something to do with it. Getting off on being beat up is "liberating" now, apparently.
The other contributing factor is how commonplace violence is in porn these days to begin with. Fetishes are based more on people's experiences as opposed to some sort of natural preference, and since women have always watched pornography, they too tend to get bored and start looking for more and more fucked up things to get off on. Unfortunately it's far FAR more common for a woman to be the target of violence in these videos.
Consider how 20 years ago traps were far more of a niche fetish. Now it's normal for a man to want to fuck a tranny.
>>229938>>229945lol, it figures
No. 229991
>>229988This, and
Close this thread, nothing else needs to be said
No. 230055
>>230043This. The motivation is pretty much just impressing men, because we all know men love inflicting violence on women and nothing says 'cool girl' like wanting it.
But anyway, I don't think porn searches are a great representation of women's taste. You can be pretty confident that most men watch porn, but plenty of women don't and the ones who do are probably very desensitized to sexual violence. Written porn is more popular with girls from what I can see, and m/m couples feature in the overwhelming majority of storioes these days. Anyway, with the advent of hardcore SJWs smut is getting less and less rapey/violent and if it is, it has to be tagged to hell and back.
No. 230079
>>230078I have a similar story to yours anon.
But to answer OP
>>229936, at my worst I was having a good masturbation sesh probably once or twice a month. And I'd usually find my sources on a chan board which is different than actively searching. I don't really believe that women search for ultra violent niche porn any more than men do, or that it's being done in any greater frequency.
It's men who drive these things.
It's a man who sexually assaulted me as a kid. It's a man who put those ideas into my head. It's a man who encouraged me to seek out those ideas. It's a man who's behind paying women to film and produce these acts.
No. 230090
>>229936Could you cite the source for your green text?
For those of you who are unaware of Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, last year he published a book entitled
Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are. found an interview with him after the publication of his book in which he states:
>Porn featuring violence against women is also extremely popular among women. It is far more popular among women than men. I hate saying that because misogynists seem to love this fact. Fantasy life isn't always politically correct. The rate at which women watch violent porn is roughly the same in every part of the world. It isn’t correlated with how women are treated. No. 230182
>>230055yep, and girls always have these ridiculous stories claiming how they got wet from the pain of waxing like shayna did, like we know how sex works does she really expect us to believe that the pain from getting waxed made her wet? whats next did you cum from a papercut?
or june claiming sitting on a leash doing nothing while greg plays cod and eats cheetos is sooo kinky and pleasurable
sometimes I don't know whats worse, what pretentious edge lords claim to like or the people that believe they genuinely enjoy it
No. 230227
>>230223>more spesifically when it starts out as nonconsensual but she ends up liking it.anon that's exactly the aspect that makes it something that only exists in a fantasy and not an actual rape fetish. what you're into is more like a fairy tale where your "aggressor" happens to be someone who is able to turn you on so much that you end up loving the whole experience.
maybe it's still a little fucked but it's incredibly common across sexes and sexuality. i'd be more worried if you were into the kind of shit where the victim is freaking out and in agony the whole way through, so like actual nonconsent, not just fantasy reluctance
No. 230343
>>230316OT but I think this is where the MRAs like to nitpick. I’m
>>230308 and I’ve also had sex like this, where I’ve been way too drunk etc, that technically/legally is rape but definitely doesn’t feel emotionally like rape. She clearly didn’t feel any huge trauma from it and it kinda feels like she wrote the article for shock factor, which is a vile thing to do.
No. 230362
>>230357I like vanilla porn lol. But even if I use what I think are vanilla search terms, the video always ends up getting aggressive/rough and that makes me uncomfortable.
I'd like more genres/scenarios if the actual sex wasn't always super rough/aggressive/violent.
No. 230365
>>230284Why can't they see how irresponsible it is to publish shit like this? How much harder it will be for rape victims to be taken seriously if they come forward because now men are like "well it couldn't have been too bad and you probably even enjoyed it!1"
I mean a few well known misogynistic assholes retweeted the link to this article and the replies were horrific. Talking about how all women secretly want rape and they hate all women just because of this one woman who clearly isn't in a very healthy headspace. There were women in the replies saying "I fucking hate women."
it just fucking sucks. I mean she has the right to share her story obviously, I just wish she didn't do it publicly like this. The response has been heartbreaking.
No. 230387
>>230378Yeah I've never been able to say this out loud because of the kind of people I'm surrounded by, but 3rd wave "liberal" feminism makes me extremely uncomfortable. Or at least a good portion of it. Like the whole "posing nude is empowering" and "sex work is empowering" thing…I just don't agree. I'm not going to shame another woman's choices, but at the same time in my eyes they are just giving men exactly what they want - they make think they are empowering themselves, but at the end of the day men are jerking off to those images of them and then throwing them in the garbage basically. They aren't going to see her as any more of an individual human being - the exact opposite actually. The world doesn't care about them or their thoughts or their reasons for doing what they do, it doesn't care if she is finally comfortable with her body after years of an eating disorder or something and now wants to show it off - all these people know is here is another naked woman showing them what they want to see, and they'll never have to respect her or listen to her.
Maybe I'm wrong. I try to avoid talking about it, because a lot of girls get mad and I understand why. But this is just my opinion. Porn in general makes me sick to my stomach. I just think whenever I see women playing into men's hands and thinking they are empowering themselves by doing exactly what men want to USE women for - they are doing the opposite.
No. 230435
>>230387THIS. Sex work is stupid because it’s all about making content
for men. Even camgirls think they’re empowered because they do it all alone, but once that picture or video is on the internet you can never get it back. You know why men love pictures and videos of naked women but never want to actually spend time with them? The picture/video is a product. They can whip it out at will, and it’ll never age or talk back or tell him no or call him a gross creep.
No. 230438
and i hate how people will compare it with physical labor (which actually happens)
No. 230439
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>women watching fucked up porn is also men's fault (USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 230444
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>Muh trannies muh women are super cute innocent angels that can do no wrong Seriously
No. 230447
>>230439I don't think that's the case actually. Men and women both get conditioned to this shit really early on, especially now that we have the internet and pages like pornhub. If an 11 year old kid (no matter the gender) looks at degrading porn that's going to influence how they view sex, because kids cannot distinguish between porn sex and real sex. Most parents think that their little angels would never look at such things and don't talk to them about it, failing to show their kids that how people are treated in porn is not how you treat people.
Honestly, I think most porn now is just some sick fucks pushing their fetishes onto normal people, who start getting attracted to women being shat on because human sexuality isn't fixed.
No. 230475
>>230449Agreed. Perhaps it's hypocritical for me to be pointing fingers here but honestly, it can all be traced back to SJWs and identity politics.
It's not about what you do anymore. It's about who you are, what in-group you belong to. And there's always an out-group out to get you. Everyone's pointing fingers at each other and arguing over who has it worse.
lolcow is not innocent. Sure, man-hating threads are a way to get out your frustration and vent, but there's no denying that 90% of the progress feminism made in the last century came from working WITH men.
What happened to the idea of people having common ground? Why is everyone so paranoid and suspicious of each other? Why is it always us vs. them? It doesn't have to be this way.