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No. 2331564
>>2331224>Recently I've gotten a bunch of troon comments and I'm not sure how to respondI'm not sure how well it would work for a big account, but I think for smaller accounts the best thing is to first fully ignore it for a few days, maybe up to a week. If you do it right away or even the next day the troon might still remember they commented and check if you replied. If they notice their comment is gone they'll riot, but if it's just unanswered they'll have to give up and keep waiting. After a week or so they will have forgotten about it and moved on with their life. So after that week has passed it's usually ok to silently remove it so nobody else seeing your post sees it too.
I got called out in comments for accidentally misgendering a semi-famous enby troon, it wasn't on my mind that the feminine woman in feminine clothes and makeup went by "they/them" so I naturally just said she. I got a couple of snarky comments about it later, but I noticed they weren't my regulars and were literally just there to be angry so I ignored them for a few days before deleting the comments. I've never heard anything about it since and my regular crowd didn't give a shit about the misgendering kek
Whatever you do, just do NOT reply at all. Not even to give a fake apology. They will forget about the comment if you just leave it alone for long enough. If your reply anything they get a notification that takes them right back to it.
No. 2332428
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>>2331214>doing collabs with other creatorsOh boy I did a collab with a moid (we're in a small niche nerd fandom) because we have about the same size following. He asked if I was interested so I assumed he liked my content and thought why not? I'd like to be more involved in the community. It turned into a nightmare.
Before the collab was posted:
>He did NOT follow the agreed upon rules (which were super fucking clear) and instead gave me way more work to do>He lied about his editing skill level>He implied my editing (that he lied about knowing how to do) was way too slow and questioned repeatedly why I couldn't just do it in seconds like in the tiktoks he had seen>He complained that I hadn't worked on our collab yet a few days later. I asked how far he had gotten on his half - he hadn't even started.>In the middle he messaged me going "wow your channel is actually good, had never seen your videos before" when I only accepted because I thought he liked my content>He wanted me to cut all my usual super obvious jokes from MY video, because he didn't understand that they were jokes>He kept going off script and adding in "Anon edit in this and this" in the audio which couldn't be taken out so I got EVEN MORE work to do that didn't fit my editing style nor was it agreed upon>He asked me to cut some of my jokes from his part in the script, then later stole those jokes for himselfAfter the videos were posted:
>He complained that I forgot to link to his channel (true) and gave me a lot of shit about it. I fixed it very quickly and said sorry>I checked his part of the collab: he also forgot to link to my channel. Unlike me he took ages to fix it and didn't apologize>As soon as they were posted he started hitting on me and asking if I've ever thought about "settling down". We've never spoken in person. We don't live in the same country or continent. We don't know each others real names, or ages. I've never even seen his fucking face! We literally know NOTHING about each others personal lives, we aren't even basic level acquaintances yet. Also, I have a boyfriend.>Immediately asked for a second collab while I never want to talk to him again because he's been a dick the whole time>He finally admitted he didn't know how to do the editing he lied about earlier, which I obviously figured out from his retarded questions about it>I tell him I'm too busy and dealing with too much irl (which I was) and don't want to do collabs often, he doesn't take the hint and says "I'll wait. I'll start working on it on my own and you can join in later.">Keeps periodically bothering me about the future collab which he has already planned out without me, and I keep trying to gently steer him away any way I can saying he should just do it on his own or ask someone else. "I'll wait for you.">Also randomly messages me shit like "hope things are well for you and your boyfriend" clearly hoping that I'll reply we've broken up>Whenever I post content on my own he messages me passive aggressive shit like "I thought you were busy? Seems you have no problem working on videos…"Because the community niche is so small I can't be rude to him or cause drama but he's on my fucking nerves. I also actually want to do collabs with other friend creators so I can't just tell him I no longer do collabs either. It's been like a year and he's still bothering me about it. I regret doing the collab so much.
No. 2332431
>>2332400Without showing your face I honestly doubt you'd get a malicious audience, those types of vlogs are super female coded and relaxed. Even if your city is smaller and they manage to find out where it is, they literally don't know what you look like so what can they even do?
You could always try to make a few without even posting them, and only post them if you feel like it was fun and rewarding just to be creative.
No. 2332450
>>2332428Oh my god, that sounds so horrible. You should've backed out after finding out that he hadn't even seen your stuff. It's generally best to only work together with people you've at least talked to before but I've also made that mistake the first time someone asked me to collab (luckily nothing came of it because that person was super lazy and lost interest once I started planning kek). I hope he gets the hint soon, it sucks that you can't even tell him to fuck off without fear of drama. Make screenshots of his behaviour that you can use to defend yourself if anything ever happens.
>>2332444Kek what the fuck
No. 2332494
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>>2332444>you made it super obvious by specifying that and the channel linking thing and talking about the dates.damn if only I had lied about details like that and changed them all to something else that have the same effect in the story… too bad I was being 10000% honest about literally everything and didn't change anything up!
No. 2332515
>>2332450>You should've backed out after finding out that he hadn't even seen your stuff. It's generally best to only work together with people you've at least talked to beforeHe's kind of a friend of a friend, so I assumed he'd be ok to work with. I naturally looked at his stuff right away to see if we'd be a good collab fit, and then I only found out he hadn't even seen my stuff until halfway in. My friend who (at least kinda) knows him is also female so I assumed if she was ok with him he must be decent, I still haven't dared to ask her what her experience with him is but I sure wish I had done that beforehand.
>>2332451>had two scrotes asking me to collab when I was live, and both times it put me on a very awkward spot because if you outright reject them, you're the one who looks like an asshole, even if you've never talked on DMsIt's such shitty behavior. Even if the person asking is actually nice the fact that they're even asking that live proves they lack social tact and that you shouldn't collab with them.
>>2332453>Why are you letting a stupid moid strong arm you?I'd prefer to not be at the center of drama if he does chimp out… but you're right, and I have been ghosting him the last couple of months.
No. 2333650
>>2332378i have ghosted accounts in the past, when one community or another i was part of stopped appealing to me, or i felt like i had moved on. i would hate to have to leave behind MY channel on account of uninvited idiots i hate.
i know it sounds really stupid, after all i would be putting myself out there in a public way but i still can't help but want to heavily gatekeep it from everyone
>>2332400i'm not too afraid of doxxing since i wouldn't film stuff outdoors, but i 100% get this fear.
No. 2333886
>>2332485That's honestly a lot more than most people make. Invest some time into looking at your stats, see what gets the most views, look at the sorts of topics that are trending now and consider incorporating them into your content somehow, stick to what makes the most money, and your following will grow.
The stories you hear about poor people becoming rich are true, but they're 100% because of luck. It's hard to build a following on any platform nowadays. Content creators are getting paid less than they were just a couple years ago. You're either going to have to get extremely lucky or you're going to need to buckle down and work on building your following the hard way, which will get you a chill audience that loves your work and is more likely to support you in case you ever get sponsorships.
Whatever you do, don't sell out. You're going to lose your audience and the money for such a small creator really won't be worth it.
No. 2334471
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My online friend group has a couple of a full time youtuber/twitch streamers, one guy in particular has been doing it for years. Basically this entire time he's consistently been posting about his depression. Every week he has to cancel a stream at least once due to "really bad mental health day". I keep wondering when he's going to realize being a content creator clearly just isn't for him because it's keeping him depressed.
He has a stable relationship (with an onlyfans creator, but still something) and neither of them ever wants kids, he takes anti-depressants, they have several cute pets and he says he has his own "dream job"… my dude you should be happy by now, but you're STILL miserable. Just take the hint already and make it a hobby instead, your job isn't fulfilling to you.
No. 2337194
>>2335273Nobody is interesting! Most content creators are literally boring ass people, but people end up liking their personality - and every personality is unique. If you share things you love chances are someone out there is going to like those things too. Everything that can be said has been said by someone already at some point, you have to trust that your unique personality still brings something new to the table - you have to understand that you do have value!
You don't need to know how to do it all right away, the best way to learn is to just start and you'll soon see what you want to improve on little by little.
No. 2341486
i’m not a content creator because i’m not narcissistic or stupid enough to be so impulsive to show my face to ebeg, i honestly don’t think making videos warrants a paying wage but whatever but i think my sound advice based on observing content creators and repeating patterns for years will suffice
>how do you deal with hate/stupid comments?
you don’t unless they escalate it. if you want this to be lowered then you have to pay super close attention to what kind of viewership you want to foster, most create echo chambers and others try to get brainwashed children to do their biddings for them against trolling, harassment, and just about anything that brings down the facade of their objective mediocrity. just pin the hate comment and have the other retards in your comment section take care of them for you, it generates even more entertainment and also boosts your engagement the more they interact with you. haters and trolls are actually not to be avoided, they help content creators thrive strangely enough. if people like wingsofredemption can make more money than most wagies and your parents who have 30+ years of skin the game of life because of trolls then i think they are a vital asset to advertising yourself online. you have to turn lemons into lemonade as most normies say
>do you censor your own political opinions on your platform?
99% yes, 1% if you know you can certainly test the waters with your fans but political opinions drives away normies and causes them to go against you. as a content creator you are never liked, please don’t confuse normie projections on to other personas as “likeability” and popularity, most of your viewers are riding the wave because others are, honestly the only reason why most of these people are successful is because normies who watch your content want to be accepted by others. one thing you say and do out your mouth or shown on your social media platforms and it’s pretty much over for you, unless you develop a diehard fanbase where you can do no wrong. this is really up in the air as having a diehard fanbase is a mixture of hard careful strategy, good luck and also costing on societal discrimination (+ points if a male, + points if you’re skinny/beautiful, +points if you’re a relatable le epic gaymer or some shit, +if you’re already an established celebrity, etc. anything that makes you higher in irl hierarchies that make people want to ride on the sinking ship with you just because you have big tits or because society prefers men in general)
>did people ever try to cancel you or are you afraid that it might happen?
stop worrying about being “canceled”, cancellations aren’t real and imo feel like a unconventional marketing strategy based around ragebaiting and generating controversies. actually cancellations can be real if you’re a pedo, racist but only racist towards certain groups, etc. again this is very based on the kind of viewer you drawn in. there’s literally a bunch of creepy males with millions of views, subscribers, etc. still walking around getting defend until this day unfortunately it’s kind of hard to see what will hit a nail in your own coffin. if you’re a female avoid tranny politics at all costs, it’s even probably more better if those undesirables just project it on to you (like they do with jerma) instead of explicitly stating any stern objective leaning on the subject. if jerma came out and rightfully said “fuck trannies!” his entire income is gone.
>what is your intended target audience?
I think people should try to achieve the hardest thing to do is to be niche but also be marketable and even normies who don’t watch your stuff know who you are, whether it puts a good or bad taste in their mouths. streamers oddly fit this mold which is why it’s an extremely popular online venture for people to get into. there are twitterfag boomers and gen x’ers who cringe at the mention of hasan piker despite them probably never even watching him at all, but might’ve seen them on their feeds or their younger children take an interest in them.
>have people ever sucked up to you because you’re a bigger creator than them?
don’t ever do this where you establish strong hierarchies, this is just obvious drama fodder
>do you show your face and/or use your real name?
face gets you even more exposure, real name gets you even more visibility, these together is your ticket to literal hell if you don’t carefully manage your behavior. face and name is for when you want a lot of money, faceless could also achieve a lot of money but your options of tapping into various niches is sort of limited and based on trends (vtubers, korean/japanese cooking vlogs, etc.)
>doing collabs with other creators
all of them won’t be your friend, they’re all partnerships. if you see the same creators working together always (very common with streamers) it’s safe to say they’re all fucking eachother/swapping spit/sharing partners and also making their money together by brand associations with another brand
>have you ever taken sponsorships? would you like to?
you have to research all sponsorships you get because they can be scams or predatory towards you and your viewers, you don’t want other opportunists making videos about you because your lazy ass was eager for money and didn’t want to look deeper into it
>are other content creators you know insufferable in private but act sweet in public?
all of them are but also a lot of them are already insufferable in public because they’re catering to their equally insufferable audience who will give them lots of cash and lots of viewers to grab the attention of sponsors. some figured their insufferable genuine personalities could be used to generate money, some figured acting sweet/innocent/acting like a child in a late 20 year old body like many asian female streamers will give them money and make them likeable like pageant girls. it’s really your choice on how to act, just know it’s all profitable unfortunately.
>did you ever get your work stolen/reposted?
if your work gets stolen it’s safe to say it’s because it’s easy to be replicated. this seems rude as shit and i’m sure people’s content they put blood, sweat, tears and effort blahblahblah but let’s be super serious, they steal your stuff if it can blend in with the rest of the crowd which is why they’re bold enough to do it anyways. make your stuff undeniably yours and again like question one answer, use viewers to your advantage to take care of the problem. the legal system doesn’t give a shit about this clearly especially since it’s such a huge problem with the dropshippers, temu, shein, a bunch of people stealing designs and ideas and selling it on their own because your designs are not original, make it super original and undeniably something that you would make, not based on microwave trends or chronically online personality based crap (kawaii froggy sanrio cartoony stickers and stuff getting stolen really isn’t surprising since that shit is everywhere even in flea markets)
No. 2341526
>>2341487>It's fun as a fan of those people though.Not for me! They go from being genuine people messing around to perfectly cut scripted content, it all loses what was fun about it. It hurts because I want to support them but I've gotten so bored of their new stale content.
>>2341498I'd love to find content I like with english captions so I could watch it, that would be such a dream come true for me tbh. I love hearing other languages but it's hard to find anything with real captions that aren't automated garbage
No. 2341718
>>2341498It would probably help if you put something in the title stating that english subs are available. A lot of vloggers I watch will put "[ENG]" at the start or end of the video title and that lets me know that I'll be able to watch the subtitles then. I do think it depends on the content though; while I'd usually disagree with what
>>2341522 is saying since I watch a lot of subbed content on silent (it's great for downtime at work), that might not work so well for doing music reviews since I'd imagine you'd want to have snippets of the songs in the video.
No. 2344994
>>2341649yeah honestly i stopped reading there, looking down on content creators before typing a huge wall of text about your own opinions, as if anyone actually cares about the opinions of someone who doesn't know what it's like to have an audience just feels like deflection kek
i began content creation because i was in the same boat as
>>2332485 impoverished family with nothing but my talents to my name and it's a hell of a motivator. i'm big enough that i have dedicated haters now and random people who see my posts and go "aren't you the person who [insert old post that garnered controversy here]" and it can be pretty demotivating at times, but then i'll get messages from fans who say i impacted their life positively and it makes me wanna keep going and make the content i feel will be positively impactful.