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No. 234644
>>234633I think it depends on how much time you spend here and what you post.
Some comments here are valuable - like the anons that check in to offer helpful advice, useful links or interesting comments - so there's no reason to feel pathetic if you're leaving those posts.
Some posts are nitpicky bullshit about nasolabial lines left by anons who wil stay in that thread for six hours to defend their shitty post and clog up the site. Posts like that won't make the poster feel any better about themselves, they'll just sink lower.
No. 235206
To OP- yes and no. Years and years and years back I found encyclopedia dramatica,then guru gossiper then moved onto pull and then lolcow with the odd browse of kiwifarms (i never made an account on kf though)
I did the same thing, started reading for guilty fun, but the more time I spent there, the more I would feel guilty. Like if I only checked in on the sites every now and then, I'd not feel so bad, but it got to a point where I was spending whole days on lolcow on my days off from work.
I also got a little too in my head and self aware of my actions and personality because I thought I might be lolcow worthy and quieted down irl of fear that I was becoming like these retards I had read so much about and spent my time bitching about.
I thought it was kind of pathetic because in real life, I'm very self aware and well groomed but then here I was being a toxic individual posting about bizarre people all day on an obscure message board.
I have found that people often bond over bitching and it's weird because I used to be one of those types in real life, but soon realised it was toxic as fuck and tried to rationalise it as 'at least it's d-list internet celebs and not real life bitching'
Honestly I've learnt that it's all about balance. People complain that people here are unstable and crazy but apart from a small few who like to dox and be obsessive, coming here and posting is no different to those ladies who buy gossip mags and bitch to their mates about the celebs inside. I know it's toxic, but bitching is a normal activity of everyday people and I think it's extremely hard NOT to bitch.
No. 235356
>>235204>I actually really like being able to share stories, questions, advice, and just general comments with a bunch of women from around the world who share similar views I haven't found anywhere else with women who are honest, open about their lives and primarily not competitive or aggressive
Long live lolcow
No. 235584
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>>235356I guess there's
Anyway, I don't feel bad for coming here (I don't come here to feel better about myself lol), but I do feel guilty about how much time I spend on this shitty site.
No. 235591
>>234633>feel inferior when I see people my age or younger doing all sorts of cool shit I wish I was. I'm the same op. I'm still mad at the opportunities I lost as a kid to do things I'd like to do now and I resent people who actually do those.
My primary reason to come here was Venus kek I didn't really want to feel better about myself, but his life seemed so nice (little did I know) and I just enjoyed seeing what she was up to.
Now I don't really care about the cows anymore, I pretty much just come here for /ot
No. 235623
>>235595>>235596So, when was the last time y'all actually went on /r9k/? For starters, we don't have daily porn/pro-trap threads and most of us aren't kin with Shinji Ikari, don't get salty abouy anyone who isn't a pathetic NEET, and don't blame males/normies for every single problem in our lives because parental issues.
I still don't understand why people compare this site to /r9k/ so much. I used to go on there pretty regularly a few years ago and the differences are night and day.
No. 235635
>>235623similar =/= the same
Both sites are full of lonely weirdos who spend all day online wondering why they're lonely and how to meet people they don't know how to talk to.
No. 235712
>>235635>Both sites are full of lonely weirdos who spend all day online wondering why they're lonely and how to meet people they don't know how to talk toSince fucking when? I haven't seen any posts like that on here. Women have a lot more self awareness and. lot of the posters here seem to have S/Os.
Also, the implication that fembots exist in any capacity is funny. Closest thing you'll ever see is bisexuals crying about how lesbians won't fuck them.
No. 235927
>>235923here we go again…
Fembots cannot exist because males are too promiscuous to let that happen, etc. etc. If a real woman is a virgin or doesn't have a boyfriend, it's by choice.
No. 235931
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>>235927fembots aren't incels. incels and robots are different for one. also that's your reasoning wtf? you're insane.
No. 235940
>>235931They are the same. Fem
anons exist, but fembots don't. And my reasoning is true, i don't know what to tell you (except learn how to sage and not use such shitty reaction gifs)
No. 235974
>>235940>giving this much of a shit about internet jargonAnyway the original meaning of bot just meant someone who went to r9k often and adapted their behaviors hence the entire reason the board was named robot9001, recently they tried changing it to just mean incel but its dumb to try to change the meaning
Just like how theyre trying to change the meaning of roastie to mean "unbearable bitch" like no
No. 236017
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>>235940>>235927Oh my! You are telling me there exists a man sad enough to have sex with this thing? Really now??
Yes, it's a biological SHE.
No. 236056
>>236017Yeah. Even mama June got dick on a regular.
>>235974>you made 2 posts, obviously you're obsessedAnyways, their behavior includes involuntary celibacy, misogyny, and screaming about normies/roasties, so…
No. 236060
>>236056Isn't the problem men then, as men are the one's willing to fuck just about anything?
I believe this is just a matter of supply and demand.
Do explain it to me, why is it the womens fault that men are willing to stick their dick in just about anything?
If you believe looks are the crucial part, wouldn't it made sense if men stopped having sex with these Chaugnar Faugn, to even out the playfield ya know? You could call it a trade embarg, restrict anyone from exporting their dick into Chaugnar Faugn.
Why should I pity men for the actions of other men?
No. 236066
>>236060Are you retarded? I said "they can't be incels
because of men." What part of that implies that I think it's womens fault or that men aren't the problem?
No. 236068
>>236066>Are you retarded? I said "they can't be incels because of men." What part of that implies that I think it's womens fault or that men aren't the problem?I'm making fun out of you.
You have no idea what an incel is, and claimed that women can't be incels as being an incel is about looks. That's why the fat things picture.
>incel aka involuntarily celebate, a person who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitudeWomen can be incels, because being an incel is about being an intolerable human being that is deluded that they can't have sex because of their looks. In reality it's their own behaviour, including never going out of their mums basement.
The major part of inceldom is that it is all self-inflicted through their own BEHAVIOUR. The looks have always been their scapegoat and is what makes incel an incel. All behavioural aspects of the person can be included as to why they don't get laid. 90% of incels would get laid if they picked up their act and
behaved better. That's what the problem with incels is.