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No. 2347035

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

prev thread >>2337729

No. 2347040

>threadpic about lana
I seriously want to know why is it always either fatties or anachans who sperg and obsess over Lana? What causes the phenomenon of lanasperging? Not accusing you of this OP but it made me wonder

No. 2347043

kek i felt like this was a cute threadgif to use just cause it was included in the last thread and was an ode to the shitty thoughts often shared in these threads

No. 2347054

she’s spinning inside the content of this thread (a toilet with mod diarrhea in it) so it’s befitting, thanks op

No. 2347058

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He is legit fugly

No. 2347069

Not an unpopular opinion on this site thank god. Nonetheless, i am thoroughly disturbed that people want to fuck this man so bad.

No. 2347070

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Hope this doesn’t get banned for racebait but has anyone else noticed that only female celebrities/influencers seem to get cancelled or heavily criticized for racism? Picrel girl is an influencer who got cancelled for saying the n word when she was 14 and people are still dragging her to this day, it’s been years since the initial controversy. Meanwhile a video of a white basketball player singing “give a n** a break” with his whole chest becomes a meme and if anything it boosted his career. Even black men were encouraging him.

No. 2347073

i'm so tired of seeing him shilled as attractive when i'm outside of lc. he looks like a bowl of melted frozen yogurt.

No. 2347074

Might make me sound miserable and selfish but…after the first baby you should stop having baby showers and gender reveals. It's just not exciting anymore and personally I'll get the parents gift without a party.

No. 2347075

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He was really handsome (imo) a some time ago. I think he gained weight and it reeeeaaallly fucked up his looks. I also think he's one of those people where his personality is a big part of the attraction.

No. 2347077

Probably because women follow them and are less tolerant of racism. Most males are super racist and don’t care about it and some think it’s based.

No. 2347081

it reminds me of when news will come out of a rapper having held his pregnant gf at gunpoint or some shit and it never gets much attention maybe just from drill music slop subreddits but god forbid there's news that blake lively was maybe once according to a blind item mean to staff at a cafe

No. 2347089

Nta it’s because those women are talentless and didn’t have a solid fan base anyway and people were looking for an excuse to cancel them because no one liked them anyway. People like beyonce, Chappell roan, Nicki Minaj or Arianna grande can do whatever and be forgiven. Beyonce and Nicki are with rapists and Nicki says problematic stuff all the time but people still worship them.

No. 2347092

Another unpopular opinion is white straight women don’t get this kind of protection because they treat everyone like shit and on top of that they’re not men

No. 2347099

do you ever get tired of saying this in every /ot/ discussion about women

No. 2347102

White women are seen as white mens lap dogs, so of course they’re gonna be canceled over the smallest thing because subconsciously most people don’t like them.

No. 2347107

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Adults who get traumatised from their parents divorcing are pathetic. There are so many women who stay in bad marriages because muh "the kids". Imagine sticking with a man for 18 years and your kids get upset when you finally leave.

No. 2347108

He looks like Daniel Larson

No. 2347112

I can understand if it's a terrible divorce eg dad out of nowhere and no warning is having an affair with a woman the same age as his children, tries everything to not give mom a single penny and cuts ties with children, mom is now homeless with no support system etc
But regular divorced are nothing

No. 2347113

i can’t speak for this person but i don’t think it’s solely because their mom/dad left anon (and thats also not what the tweet says, either), it's because of traumatic shit happening to an individual via their parents divorcing or during the process of their separation. adults can still be traumatized by their parents later in life

No. 2347116

A lot of people are fat because they’re picky eaters.

No. 2347122

Two out of the four women anon mentioned were white. Not to mention I don’t think Taylor swift could ever get canceled.

No. 2347124

Taylor swift has always been good with her image because she’s not a dumb ass

No. 2347125

NTAYRT but thats not true didn’t she post a pic of herself holding a swastika or something a super long time ago?

No. 2347126

Kek, my mom got divorced multiple times and I had to be her personal emotional punching bag for each. Women stay in bad marriages because they are doormats who've made poor choices, not because of their kids who they so love to blame.

No. 2347127

Nothing walls a man more rapidly than weight gain.

No. 2347129

>men can end the male loneliness epidemic by lowering their standards substantially
No, men can heighten their chances of attracting women by becoming people worthy of a relationship. The reason why they don't "lower their standards" is because they are deathly afraid of getting their egos bruised by getting rejected by women who they consider beneath them because they know deep down they have nothing to offer.

No. 2347133

I don't think so. If they got laid they wouldn't be so emotionally constipated. They're lying.

No. 2347134

Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 2347131
Most “lonely” men have a pick me they keep in the fuck zone that they could make his wife but for whatever reason he doesn’t feel she’s good enough

No. 2347136

For >>2347134. I don't buy for a minute they have any women.

No. 2347138

From what I’ve seen they can get women, just not the women they want. They want the pretty accomplished women but they have nothing to offer them.

No. 2347146

>From what I’ve seen they can get women
(X) Doubt

No. 2347148

Women date pedophiles and uggos all the time so it wouldn’t be hard for them to get one, usually the incel types want the smart and rich girls who look like K-pop idols. Most of them also have boy moms and female relatives who give them all the resources and help they need but they don’t want it for whatever reason. Their loneliness is due to not being realistic, they want the hottest girls and a high level job without putting in any work at all.

No. 2347150

>men can
Men can’t. None of this passes the bechdel test (tehee thread mention) and stop wanting other women to suffer by trying to come up with stupid useless solutions on how men should “solve their loneliness” when we all know what it is, they’re angry that their entitlement card that comes with their male existence doesn’t grant them 40 acres, a mule and a bangmaid anymore that blurs the line of wife and prostitute because imo there’s little to no difference between them just private vs public ownership but none of those things are coming to them like ever and they unfortunately have to get off their fucking asses like other women have been doing for eons and work for it so basically the story of my sorry ass brothers, sorry ass male relatives, the story of every male that has had a woman scorned, traumatized, disappointed and disgusted for her entire life so again, every woman on this planet. There’s actually nothing to be solved, it’s a damn miracle women en masse don’t try to smother them with a pillow and kill them while they’re sleeping or commit targeted violence against them. More lonely sad men results in more male suicides, less males = less violence, less child raping, less capitalist retardation and less competition for jobs and resources. We should be celebrating male’s innate incompetency to sustain life and let them all die by their own hands.

No. 2347153

I think “male loneliness” has very little to do with sex and women tbh. Almost every school shooter has had gfs and women who liked them.

No. 2347157

Samefag I think female loneliness is more of a thing than male loneliness. When I was going through it I had no friends, family and the only guys around were being preying me on as a punk and dump. “Lonely men” always have a pick me, loving girlfriend of boy moms supporting them.

No. 2347158

I agree female loneliness is way more of a thing, it's just nobody cares because women just quietly poison themselves when they're lonely, they don't shoot up schools. Disagree about your other point though, especially since all 'solutions' to muh loooneliness always end up at 'dispense him a bangmaid'.

No. 2347159

Why does it feel like women never talk about their loneliness compared to men who constantly wishing about it? Same thing with female angry, every time I try to search up even Reddit threads about women who feel the same way I do, I never get anything but just a bunch of threads made by males rattling on about being angry and lonely it’s so fucking annoying, I really don’t give a shit about performative male tears and emotions.

No. 2347160

>you can’t really blame
Yes, we can.

No. 2347161

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KEK he does

No. 2347162

They want a hot girl with money to come save them and that’s obviously it gonna happen. Almost every school shooter I can think of has had gfs or women who liked them. When I was going through a tough time I tried to date those kind of guys and most of them felt the were too good for me kek

No. 2347166

If men were willing to cook, clean, get all kinds of dangerous cosmetic procedures for me and I look like a toe I’d take advantage of it. I can’t hate the player, I just gotta hate the game.

No. 2347168

You're kind of missing the forest for the trees. They commit school shooting to show what happens if you don't placate them.

No. 2347169

>I can’t hate the player
We can

No. 2347171

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If I could get a man on her level of attractiveness, while looking like him I’d do it.

No. 2347175

No. 2347181

There was an autistic incel I used to watch on YouTube that managed to get with women and have sex with them but admitted he didn't like them because they were "whales". Also knew another incel who didn't want to date a girl who was interested in him because she was black and he only likes whites and asians. They self impose their own loneliness but that's a good thing.

No. 2347186

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Reminds me of hiding in my room. He’s a decent looking guy and he’s had gfs and was even married, but still complains because he can’t get a perfect Japanese waifu. He would complain about them being too ugly or saying things like he would jerk off to black women in porn but would never date one kek. Then he would complain about women not liking him, no women like you just not the ones you want lol

No. 2347189

Is this the guy tha got an infection from his sex doll?

No. 2347191

He got a yeast infection from the doll but stds from the women he was fucking raw

No. 2347192

He reminds me of my classmate who played thousands hours of dota 2 and osu, followed waifu coomslop artists, don’t know about his dating experience but damn that was so frustrating to know he was cute.

No. 2347193

What a dumb loser

No. 2347194

His dating life isn’t good because of him of course. He didn’t like his ex because he felt she was too old looking.

No. 2347198

A guy so below mid should be happy he got any at all kek.

No. 2347202

The way bongers do their dishes is revolting wtf

No. 2347205

I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, all the comments agree with you.

But yes I hate the lack of rinsing, the lack of dish rack, and the sink full of dirty dishwater, but I thought that was a normal/common way to wash dishes if you don't have a dishwasher? I wash everything individually under a running tap so I don't have to put my hands in gross water, but I assumed most people had too many dishes to do that and I was an anomaly.

No. 2347210

It makes me wonder what the long-term effects are from eating food and drink from dishes contaminated with soap? The residue is definitely on those dishes even if it becomes invisible with drying, this video is so insane.

No. 2347214

Britnonnies is this video true? Please answer.

No. 2347215

They literally cannot do anything right, ffs.
The gross part is that they don't rinse the soap off, but instead just wipe it off.

No. 2347218

on the topic of washing dishes, i’ve seen some people on instagram over the last decade who just put their dishes still covered in food chunks or sauce or dried scraps of food in the dishwasher which I find so disgusting. I know this isn’t unpopular at all and many other anons have said this before over the years but I’ll repeat it, the dishwasher is more of a sanitizing appliance, you’re supposed to put already clean dishes in there for the purpose of killing any excess bacteria from the spoonge, sink water, etc left on your dishes during the first half of cleaning where you wash them by hand

No. 2347220

my country lost a war to these dimwits no wonder when the veterans came home they werent allowed inside and were forced to live on the streets and sleep on cementeries

No. 2347225

dishwashoids are always so fucking retarded. although I have a dishwasher in my apartment I never use it [grew up poor my dad was a water bill nazi and I carried this through life] like what is so hard about washing your dishes with soap, rinsing them and then hand drying them? what is so hard about that? i also hate people who let their dishes 'soak' for hours on end. if you didn't let your dishes crust over in the first place your lazy ass wouldn't have to soak them

No. 2347226

are there people who think the dishwasher is super expensive? it’s only like a couple cents per use tf

No. 2347228

idk my dad is 3rd worldy immigrant everything to him is expensive kek also I just don't trust dishwashers to do a better job than my hands can do

No. 2347236

i always use the dishwasher after hand washing cause it can get waay hotter and steamier on my flat and silverware than my babyhands can handle under the faucet lel

No. 2347242

Are you sure it wasn’t for another reason?

No. 2347256

My parents had a dishwasher but it was broken for most of my adult life so I never bothered getting myself one, I don't see the point unless you're washing dishes for an entire family or cook a lot. I hand wash my dishes immediately after eating and it takes 20 seconds because it's usually just like, a plate and a fork. Using and maintaining a dishwasher would be so much more effort.

No. 2347273

Yeah but it's not getting hot enough to matter to any germs

No. 2347303

Yeah I thought dishwaters only get as hot as your water heater gets? aka the hottest your tap goes. I know restaurant dishwashers are different. I have seen fancy dishwashers with a sanitize function but what would that actually do?

No. 2347318

Honestly if I have to rinse and remove particles of food before putting it in the dishwasher, I’d rather wash it myself. At most I’ll take 40 minutes if the plates are a lot (like say 6 people), but I just put music.

No. 2347320

And if you see them they aren’t revolting. He’s not my type but I bet many women would find him attractive. They just have shitty attitudes , entitled behavior and ooze misogyny and porn addiction from every crevice.

No. 2347321

No no, it pretty much involves that. I’m strictly talking about incels here, even if they have a gf or have had sex they feel like the world wrongs them for not being “chads” and getting the hot bombshell Stacy. They also think that women have it easier.

No. 2347343

That's why you can’t eat at anybody's house.

No. 2347349

KEK no, it is common to have a washing up bowl, a drying rack, and to rinse off everything before stacking it on the drying rack. This "person" is a heathen savage and should be taken out back and shot.

No. 2347359

Of course it's going to waste more water if you're full on washing your dishes and then putting them in the dishwasher, the fuck? And no residential dishwashers don't sanitize anything, so much misinformation it's baffling how you manage to function.

No. 2347362

Homosexual incest isn't really an issue as long as they keep it to themselves.

No. 2347407

Chubby Lana is good, Skinny Lana is better, but they're both fine

No. 2347415

>as long as they keep it to themselves.
They wont, thats the thing kek

No. 2347436

I'm a bit late to the discussion but whole loneliness thing is so retarded. You're not lonely, you're just horny. Almost everything about a relationship that isn't sex you can get from having friends and family who care about you and love you. Hell, they'd do it better than a "lover" and would still be there for you after a falling out if you're close enough, you can always fix things with them and get back with them. You can't do that with a "lover" because for some reason there's this unwritten rule of being petty and holding grudges over a breakup. Ofcourse there are exceptions but these are the minority. Everything I hear about relationships make them sound like a burden and a disadvantage and makes me want to avoid them. I don't understand why would anyone subject themselves willingly to it for "love", sounds like a mental illness that never been added to the DMS 5. Relationships and marriage are a scam, wake up already, have a real life outside of this bullshit. There's so much better things to do with your life that aren't obsessing over another person and ruining your life for them, regardless of gender. The only valid reason for relationships and marriage is having kids to continue the species, everything else that is claimed to come with it is a scam.

No. 2347445

>loneliness thing is so retarded. You're not lonely, you're just horny.
That's how I feel about males who say they are lonely, and then they always specifically go on to whine about not having a girlfriend. When I was lonely it was because I craved female friends to do things with. I told my therapist and she tried to set me up on a date with a guy even though I had no intention or want of dating anyone like what the fuck?

No. 2347448

I'm sorry that happened to you but it's so hilarious to capture a therapist looking for a dude and telling him "I have a lonely female patient looking for a boyfriend, you're up to it?" and the dude just says yes. This is straight out of a sitcom.

No. 2347451

Kristen Stewart is actually one of if not my favourite actress

No. 2347462

I get so annoyed with my bf's family because they rinse everything and then wait until the machine is so full you can't possibly jam anything else in, which takes them DAYS.
"It saves water and money" they say, which is bullshit because they rinse everything. At that point you're cleaning everything twice! And all of their dishes are unusable for days at a time because they're sitting dirty in the machine they refuse to start.
"But we HAVE to rinse them or they don't get cleaned properly!" yeah because the food gets several days dried into the plate when you don't fucking start the machine for fucking days you absolute morons!!!

They drive me insane. They waste more water, create more work for themselves and they have no dishes to use for days at a time, and they don't see how it's an entirely self-created problem. I looked it up out of spite and every wash costs about 18 cents in total here. Wow good job, you saved like 50 fucking cents this week! Enjoy your riches!

No. 2347480

Women cant be incels. You can be the ugliest most deformed woman on earth and some desperate moid is going to want to fuck you anyways.

No. 2347483

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>it's so hilarious to capture a therapist looking for a dude and telling him "I have a lonely female patient looking for a boyfriend, you're up to it?" and the dude just says yes
ayrt buckle up for a story time, because yes that happened. We were both attending the same group therapy, as well as seeing the therapist in private. Because HE was lonely and wanted a girlfriend the therapist tried to set us up.

I didn't figure it all out right away but at a later point the therapist told me "you don't HAVE to date him…" in a suggestive way and it all fell into place that she was clearly trying to get us together, despite me having no desire to date and I just wanted friends and she knew that. I felt really violated when I figured it out tbh.

Now this guy was a total loser. No job and no desire to get a job, no car and can't drive, hates his "abusive" family, socially inept hence why he had no friends, bad mental health (hence the therapy). I was desperate for friends so I initially agreed to hang out to make a FRIEND like it had been posed to me. So we hung out a couple of times, turns out he was aggressively woke as well. He was overly touchy, manipulative and trying to get me to touch him "platonically" all the time. Now that I'm out of it I would definitely classify some of what he did as just straight up sexual harassment or assault. One day when he was ranting about his woke shit and troons he ended up defending male rapists in female prisons, I pushed back but he just dug the hole deeper saying female rapists are allowed in female jail, so to protect the male (troon) rapist from other males it's safer to put them in female jail. If he then rapes women that's just a woman (troon) raping a woman and that's not a big deal and couldn't be helped because they're both women. And in the same conversation it came up that he apparently saw himself as trans, non-binary. And during all that it clicked in my mind that this guy defends rapists and I hang out with him alone - I'm literally in danger. So I cut all contact from then on. And guess what, he turned into a stalker who wouldn't leave me or my family alone for 2 years. I still have lasting anxiety and panic at the sound of the doorbell. Fuck that therapist.

No. 2347491

What your favorite movie with her in it? I've only seen her in Twilight and The Runaways. She was good in The Runaways.

No. 2347492

Honestly sounds like a therapist I know and she's so mental.

No. 2347494

I love her in Adventureland and Spencer and basically any film she's in she gives it that little Stewart flair that I love.

No. 2347495

Where is this from?? He looks like a different person. Men gaining weight walls them so fast. He's just fat and ugly. kek

No. 2347498

It’s easy to get sex but the sex usually isn’t going to be good and most of the time you’ll get treated like shit because the guy wil resent you after post nut clarity

No. 2347502

thats all men you are never going to get a fag to respect you no matter how hot you are

No. 2347506

I'll check those out. Have you seen the boxer movie she was in?

No. 2347514

Kristen Stewart breath looks like it stank

No. 2347520

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you should watch panic room. kristin is only a kid in it but it stars jodie foster who is always great and you get to see jared leto die

No. 2347521

We have known this forever. Women complain about not getting a boyfriend, not sex. Stop setting up false situations to get at

No. 2347523

That's insane, again, sorry that happened to you and I hope you're in a better place now. One of my other unpopular opinions is therapy is useless, you gotta figure out shit on your own. I know said is easier than done but it seems safer than trusting your life with a stranger like that. I hope you managed to make friends. Wishing the best for you, anon.

No. 2347526

I’ve always been confused when people are so dramatic over their parent’s divorce. Even when my parents divorced when I was 8 I didn’t care

No. 2347533

That was my first k stew film! I do really think she's brilliant lol.

Bet it don't.

No. 2347534

I only get upset by my parents divorce because they're both narcs that flirt in text messages but refuse to be civil in a room together which causes so many fucking issues.

No. 2347545

She’s a mouth breather

No. 2347559

Because your parents didn't take their hostilities out on you, use you as a pawn to hurt each other, or parentify you by making you their makeshift therapist.

No. 2347614

being hetero is easier

No. 2347618

being satisfied with your own company and not desiring relationships is even easier

No. 2347623

nta but then you would still have had a shitty childhood if they didnt divorce, their separation isnt the problem its just them being shitty people in general

i was glad when my parents divorced when i was a teen, theyre both happier with their new families

No. 2347625

>nta but then you would still have had a shitty childhood if they didnt divorce
Yeah but that's not the argument, the question was how come some children struggle with divorce and that's the answer: Some people have extremely shitty parents who destroy their sense of home and family with divorce.

No. 2347631

I respect paper plate users more than dishwashoids who just put barely washed dishes into the machine and hope for the best.

No. 2347634

I frequently use paper plates because I hate washing dishes and don't care about the environment. I don't get why people like creating extra work for themselves.

No. 2347636

It blows up your entire world because from the moment you existed until that point you had a stable family unit. If your family was toxic prior to that I can see why a divorce wouldn't be as harmful (could even be beneficial for the kid) but if kids started out in a happy stable family and then it gets torn to pieces it will traumatize them

No. 2347639

Food tastes different when it’s not on ceramic kek

No. 2347644

My unpopular opinion is that we need to be working on eugenic programs for cats more. There are so many dog breeds where they have been bred for their sense of smell, their intelligence, or their happy disposition, but we are doing nothing like that for cats.
With cats, we spay/neuter everything we can catch and only the most feral, distrusting strays go on to breed. The only exception to this is the purebred cat breeds which are being bred for only looks, none for health, athleticism, or disposition. We're really losing out on some prime bloodlines that we could be cultivating.
Also, I know some of you are going to come at me with breeds like the Abyssinian, which is bred for its athleticism, or the Ragdoll, which is bred for its laid back personality, but not only are those the exception, but the breeders are really losing touch with those markers and in the last two decades are only focusing only colors and body shape only.

No. 2347655

Swag. I would argue that not using paper plates minimally affects the environment, especially when we look at how expensive water bills, sponges, and dish soap are (not joking)

No. 2347666

I was eating at a cookout off a paper plate and my friend was shocked that I chucked it and my napkin in the fire. Like, it burns, it’s paper, it’s cellulose, it’ll actually turn into dirt eventually even if you don’t burn it. What’s the big deal?

No. 2347682

Paper plates are usually coated with plastics. Burning them creates airborne carcinogens.

No. 2347685

i never believed in covid.

No. 2347719

Yeah, leeching more microplastics into the environment is the way to go. Retards.

No. 2347724

Thank you nona! I actually agree with you, I didn't truly start to heal until I was out of therapy and tried to figure things out on my own. Therapy just kept me ill for longer, and then put me in direct danger by trying to make me date a rape-apologist… I'm doing better now and have made some good friends, mostly online but some in person too. Like I said I have some lasting fear that the guy is gonna show up again but I hope to move to another city soon enough so at least then I can relax a bit more!

No. 2347731

DA but I hate that I can't read that word without thinking of karkat

No. 2347736

A plain cheapo paper plate? Come on. Like it’s any better to send it to a landfill to rot. It’s a moral good to burn things when you can.

No. 2347737

Okay, enjoy breathing PFAS and plastic byproducts then. It's your life.

No. 2347739

We should do that for humans too. I think women who kids have been sexually abused by relatives and they know about it, should be sterilized and men who molest kids should be sterilized. Retards and people with mental issues should be euthanized. Also fat people should be put on a weight lost program and if after 2 years, they fail they should be sterilized as well.

No. 2347818

You sound like a hypochondriac. A paper plate has the smallest amount of coating and it's not like you'd burn it in an enclosed bag over your head to breathe in the fumes kek

No. 2347824

United States is much more geographically beautiful and diverse land-wise than Europe and Asia

No. 2347839

getting married is one of the dumbest choices a woman who has her own money or makes more money than her scrote can make. Marriage is for poor women.

No. 2347840

that's not unpopular, it's just factually incorrect

No. 2347845

while you were crying into your dollar bills i was cultivating a blissful marriage life with my irl anime prince

No. 2347846

Well if you’re broke that’s fine because you have nothing to lose but I actually had money and going through my divorce was a pain in the ass. You think I wanna pay alimony for a scrote the rest of my life? Thank god I got out of it without having to do that

No. 2347852

No its unpopular but definitely true, the Appalachians are way more gorgeous than downtown London

No. 2347860

money can always be made. the worst thing you can lose is your heart

No. 2347864

You can have love without marriage though. Marriage is only for women who are broke and need to find someone who can give them a step up in life. There’s 0 reason for women with money to married.

No. 2347868

nah, if you really love someone it's nice to commit to them fully

No. 2347874

I love money more than scrotes but ya know what, good for you. I’d never get married again tho.

No. 2347883

My mom did do those things, but that was just a problem I had with her. The divorce itself and living in two different houses didn’t bother me. I still think people are dramatic over it. Even worse if you’re an adult and upset over it. Maybe I can see it being a big hit if you live in an extremely religious country where that is taboo, but that’s probably not the case for most people trying to get attention from it

No. 2347888

>My mom did do those things, but that was just a problem I had with her.
Okay and you didn't happen to be traumatized by it whereas it might have been worse for someone else. Do you still have a relationship with your mother? Might be another indicator for how your mileage has differed from others. Can't believe you looked at that list and said to yourself "Yeah no way that could be traumatic for anyone and any reaction towards that is just drama being conjured up in someone's head."
You sound autistic if not dense.

No. 2347904

i hate this dumb therapy speak. as if people are only allowed to talk about their feelings to a state-mandated reporter. and pretending that is preferable to real relationships with family and friends. lmao even.

No. 2347930

Weak bait.

No. 2347946

don't you have a $300 therapy session to attend?

No. 2348061

Liberal guys are almost invariably ultra perverts and sexists who pretend to support women but mostly just support what let's them indulge in their degeneracy while also patting themselves on the back for being progressive and moral. I don't trust very liberal men anymore at all, those fuckers are the biggest porn rots and if you disagree with them on anything they will mansplain femanism to you.

No. 2348067

Which part of the post is therapy speak? Those just look like observations of behaviors to me.

No. 2348068

>quickly burns some plastic bits and mixes it in your almonds and cotton ball soup

No. 2348073

People who made a big deal out of animal material clothing products like leather, fur, and wool are so fucking stupid. Now we have poisoned ourselves with "ethical" nanoplastic/nanoparticle producing synthetic materials, including all wildlife too.
What a win!

No. 2348077

Holy shit this dude. I remember I found him randomly because of YT algorithm when I was like 16-17 and just followed his insanity for a bit until like 2020 and he got insanely boring. He seems relatively happy now and has a job and shit. Wild. At least he isn't allowed in Japan anymore iirc.
>he’s had gfs and was even married, but still complains because he can’t get a perfect Japanese waifu
He literally had one and then he cheated, kek. He still makes videos about her to this day even though they've been divorced for a few years now, I checked up on him a few days ago out of curiosity.

No. 2348091

Do you think that the scrotes who went to war and died represent lost genetical material since they were selected for their physical performance and aptitude?
In the sense that the “defective” scrotes who remained home and reproduced consequently lowered the overall genetic makeup? Can it be possible or would it be a too small phenomena to be significant in any way?
Am I venturing into eugenics too much kek? This was simply a shower thought.

No. 2348107

I wish my mom divorced my dad. I've been more traumatized by them staying together and my dad constantly wrecking havoc on our life than I would have been if she just left him.
Correct. They pretend to be so superior and enlightened compared to the conservative moids but they're just coomers and tranny cocksuckers and even worse than conservative moids to be around at times, because they'll just expose every single degenerate thought and disgusting kink they have and you're supposed to be okay with it. As well as gaslighting you constantly about how you're actually an evil bigot who hates women if you call them out on any of their shit. At least when I call out conservative men they don't pretend they're a bigger feminist than I am kek

No. 2348110

i saw his videos because he made one comparing himself to elliot rodger. he is cute, but too retarded to deal with

No. 2348113

All male hapas are profoundly retarded, probably because they’re a product of their dad’s fetish.

No. 2348167

Shooping is milky and it is funny.

No. 2348169

Skirby still doesn’t deserve her own thread though

No. 2348254

I’ve never had a problem with looking older than I actually am, even though I still get carded at places and shit I’m pretty ok with looking like I’m in my 30s even though I’m 22 lol. I’ve always looked old even when I was in school, all our classmates thought I was the older sibling keeek

No. 2348408

He used to complain about her age a lot. I don’t think he lied her fr kek

No. 2348497

Electric scooters should be banned. The only people they attract are low iq individuals, whether they are teenagers with no awareness fucking around on it because they can't get their license yet or manchildren. There's no good reason for them to be legal when the rare reasonable rider is 1 in a 100. You can't expect a lazy fucker who even refuses to choose a method of transportation that requires some level of skill to not also be deficient in the skills necessary to ride it on a shared path appropriately. Escooter degens should be thankful I'm only calling for the escooters to be banned and not for total genocide considering the absolute societal blemish they are.

No. 2348502

I don't understand how and why they became such a hit within the past 2(?) years for normal people. It's like they suddenly popped up everywhere in my city overnight.
95% of people who use them here are not obese or even fat, literally just walk the few meters, it only takes a few minutes more. I don't get it.

No. 2348503

File: 1737005959612.webp (183.99 KB, 1100x733, electric-7138959_1280.webp)

elecrtic unicycles are a thing in my city now, so obnoxious

No. 2348513

The first time I saw a man on one of these things I was so taken aback

No. 2348531

File: 1737009763913.jpeg (985.69 KB, 1000x1300, IMG_4408.jpeg)

I’ve recently got into knitting and knitters are snobby and pretentious af. At least on tik tok idk if knitters are like that in real life yet. The way they talk is so matter of fact and like we should all know this and they brag so much kek. I don’t mind it too much because id probably be snobby and brag too if I could make a Scandinavian/porcelain/cableknit sweater in under a week. But damn they all talk in the same know it all way no matter what age or demographic. It’s kinda endearing but makes me feel dumb as a stump in comparison.

No. 2348541

That's probably because knitting isn't very difficult, once you're past the beginner stages you'll only continue to get quicker at it. I also started recently. My second sock is already going much faster than my first and I get annoyed if tutorials are too slow and too informative about what's now basic info to me. Maybe all the knitting machine content on tiktok is also giving them a feeling of superiority because they do it all by hand

No. 2348550

Omg I didn’t even know knitting machines were a thing. That’s so sad lol now I get why they are like that I’m definitely gonna be like that once I finish my sweater in 10 years kek. Good luck on your socks I hope they turn out cute!

No. 2348587

Kek I laughed when I first saw one of these and I think the scrote using it saw me

No. 2348617

You shouldn't have to apologize or even acknowledge burping. Your body is just digesting your food. Yes it makes sounds sometimes. Why is that a shameful thing? It happens while you're eating. It's nature. FREE THE BURP.

No. 2348629

this reminds me that I can't burp and I have a friend who can burp but can't fart. I burp maybe once a year, usually when I get up from a lying position. I don't have any issues with this though (like people on r/noburp who talk about stuff like air vomiting or something) but I find it fascinating. my mom can't burp either btw.

No. 2348633

>I can't burp and I have a friend who can burp but can't fart
Which adult swim cartoon did you guys crawl out of

No. 2348641

It's like in my city where bicycles became popular with hipster and bougie people who act like they are so superior and enlightened because they don't use cars like rednecks and public transportation like sheeples, but these retards don't know traffic rules so they are always driving while endangering literally everyone around them including themselves.

No. 2348654

it's called burpy and fartie and we'll be voiced by arin hanson and some other youtube guy.

No. 2348772

The concept of dating sucks. Courtship is much better.

No. 2348791

>a friend who can burp but can't fart
Haha like can't fart on demand or never farts period? I would think this is a lie unless the friend has a Barbie butt.

No. 2348803

What's the difference?

No. 2348819

File: 1737041190225.jpg (46.4 KB, 500x500, 1677850380230.jpg)

Euthanasia should be legal. Free for people with terminal illnesses and mental problems, and paid for people that just want to die. My biggest fear is developing dementia and ending up in some shithole being raped and abused, specially since i have no family besides my mom and i dont want to have children.

No. 2348874

The vast majority of people who are dead sure they never want kids do actually end up changing their minds. That's why so many people go "ohoho one day you might change your mind…", "when you meet the right one you'll see!" to the very annoyed people who know they don't want kids - because they were them earlier in their life, they were also dead sure they'd never want kids. And it's why they're so smug and dismissive about it.

I think people should be educated about how common it is to change your mind. Most people with kids at some point didn't want or were unsure if they ever wanted kids. It's insane to see people who are like 20-25 proclaim they're sure they'll never want kids so they might as well get their uterus taken out. But in reality barely anyone wants kids at that age! You're often still studying, no job, no stable relationship, no house, still in the party era, your brain has literally no even finished developing. We've also just been told if you don't have kids at 18 you're and old hag and it's too late so they think not wanting a kid at the ancient old age of like 28 means they're the real deal and won't change their minds.

Right now the smug attitudes makes the people who don't want kids dig in their heels deeper and make it their personality. They can't even explore the option in their mind because they're "the fun childless one". If they change their mind they have to meet a million "told you so!" and that makes the mental cost harder. And statistically we know most of them will actually end up wanting kids, so to be a dick about it or to encourage them to get their uterus removed is just so gross and unfair.

No. 2348880

Nah, I think this was true in the past but it's generally not anymore. The younger generation doesn't want kids and aren't having kids. Birth rates don't lie

No. 2348888

Who tf cares lmao

No. 2348889

If you don't care then don't reply?

No. 2348893

People regretted it in the past because of societal pressure and how disadvantaged you were as a single woman back then. Women can still live fulfilling lives without a pet scrote as they age nowadays. I think only the people who seek love/a family deep down but are in denial about it or scared of making the wrong choice will regret it, but there are plenty of people who actually dont want kids.

No. 2348894

Because someone feels the need to bring this up every single thread. Move on already. Child free people live in your mind rent free.

No. 2348897

OP sounds like a malding mom

No. 2348904

>It's insane to see people who are like 20-25 proclaim they're sure they'll never want kids so they might as well get their uterus taken out.
Contraceptive hysterectomies without any other medical issue are fucking vile and should be considered malpractice. But if a woman wants a tubal or a bisalp when she's 18+, she should be allowed to have one. Pregnancy is a way bigger toll on the body than getting your tubes tied; so if an adult woman can choose to get pregnant, she ought to be able to choose not to be pregnant for the rest of her life. Like who gives a fuck if she changes her mind? It's her life and she can still adopt if she wants kids that bad.

No. 2348905

Are people actually encouraging women to remove their uteruses? I see talk about getting your "tubes tied". But regardless, I don't plan on doing the aforementioned and I also don't plan on ever having kids. I'll be 30 this year and have been saying this since childhood. What I want out of life doesn't involve a child nor does it need to. I've entertained fostering kids way, way down the line but there are enough kids suffering on this planet as we speak that bringing more life into this despair is selfish to me, but I digress.

No. 2348908

People conflate the desire to procreate with wanting a family, is the issue

No. 2348918

Nah. You sound like you really want that to be true, but that doesn’t make it true. It’s a moot point anyway, since the vast majority of people shouldn’t have kids even (and especially) if they change their minds about it.

No. 2348919

"Asexual Lesbian" fujos are nothing but fandom prison gays, aka straight women who think that their best friend with the same interest in fiction is their soul mate.(fujo sperging outside of containment)

No. 2348923

Does this even exist though? I've never heard a single fujo call themselves an asexual lesbian

No. 2348925

>If they change their mind they have to meet a million "told you so!" and that makes the mental cost harder.
But you’re literally the one that is causing this problem? You’re the one that acts like women are retarded when they say they don’t want kids which will make them more ashamed if they do change their minds. I’ve also noticed the women that say they never want kids end up accidentally getting pregnant and weren’t able to get an abortion. Obviously a woman in this situation would start coping and acting like she’s actually happy with her new life as a mother. What else can she do?

No. 2348927

kek i'm happily childless!

No. 2348930

Any time I see a "lesbian" fujo I automatically dismiss the lesbian part, to add asexual into the mix is even funnier

No. 2348933

>I’ve also noticed the women that say they never want kids end up accidentally getting pregnant and weren’t able to get an abortion.
Kek, this. I'm from a country where abortion is illegal and a lot of the women there clearly just had unplanned children that they didn't even want.

No. 2348935

>Are people actually encouraging women to remove their uteruses?
If you're in any kind of woke space, 100% yes. I have friends who did it at age 24 and 28 because they knew they identified as "femme presenting non-binary"

No. 2348937

Leftover pizza is better cold than microwaved.

No. 2348945

>But you’re literally the one that is causing this problem?
So me saying women should be informed about how it's totally ok to not want kids but that most people who willingly do end up having kids also thought that at some point, and saying that it's unfair of others to tell them "I told you so", is somehow what is causing the problem?

No. 2348955

Yes. It's common among TIFs to encourage each other to get hysterectomies. Some doctors have also started to fearmonger about the 0.05% failure rate and increased ectopic risk of tubals, so there are young women who think that the only true permanent birth control is removing their entire uterus. Of course, those same fearmongering doctors don't have a peep to say about prolapse.

No. 2349012

I don't care if artists trace if it's not for commissions or professional work, and the harassment they face is out of proportions and retarded.
Oh no a hobbyist traced an anime fight scene in their flipnote animation, how awful.

No. 2349068

Where do you live that it's so easy to get hysterectomies? As far as I know it's mostly for bad cases of cancer, I've not heard of anyone having one purely because they don't want kids.

No. 2349072

Ayrt, in my experience these prison gay fujos around me in BL fandoms don't call themselves lesbian and many actually act offended/uncomfortable when called so (however "queer" is fine), but they do claim to be in romantic relationships with other women (I personally know a few who are legally married). It's just a coincidence that both of them are "asexual" and won't touch a pussy with a ten foot pole! But they will write/draw pages and pages of fanfic/fanart about 2d moid dicks with exquisite detail, kek

No. 2349082

Getting your tubes tided or your uterus removed is so dumb. Just use condoms or keep your legs closed.

No. 2349087

Wow, thank you for enlightening everyone on how not to have kids. Who would’ve ever thought of keeping your legs closed and condoms? Surely those two things have always worked!

No. 2349092

yup, they're dick obsessed and can't admit it to themselves

No. 2349102

Men who need to "actively be communicated with" constantly shouldn't reproduce. So many parts of parenting require high levels of emotional intelligence. How are you even going to be capable of potty training if you need someone to "constantly tell you everything" cause you couldn't figure out your wife was upset?

No. 2349130

they pretend not to know something so they can play dumb when they get called out or act stupid so their wife will do it and they don’t have to anymore

No. 2349208

Imo, not having kids and regretting it is still heaps better than having kids and regretting it as the latter causes trauma and harm to people who didn't ask for it. It's sad, but a non-issue objectively. There is nothing wrong with less people in the world for it.

No. 2349235

I don’t think Amber Heard was abused I think she was raped and prostituted around by Johnny and it was somehow manipulated into a DV defamation case

No. 2349240

Weaponized incompetence

No. 2349242

I actually wish amber heard was an abuser. Johnny depp deserves to get the shit beaten out of him, but that’s probably a popular opinion around here

No. 2349246

johnny depp is vile, his old junkie woman hating ass should be dropped in a pit where no one has to hear or see his ugly mug

No. 2349260

He needs to take stuff to keep it up at this point kekkk

No. 2349267

What makes you say that nonna

No. 2349284

Just a hunch

No. 2349324

People who teach English with an accent, especially a thick one, should just stop. The language isn't the same with all that accent. Part of a language is its pronunciation and I think teaching wrong pronunciation is stupid and pointless. I know that natives may understand you even with an accent, but it's still not truly learning the language if you can't pronounce it imo. Plus, most languages out there put emphasis on pronunciation and people actually try to learn it and respect that, but somehow this doesn't apply to English for some reason. Like, no one says "ignore tones in Chinese, they'll still understand you." Or "don't bother with learning all the Arabic consonants, they'll still understand you". No they won't, all they'd hear is gibberish and you'd look retarded and obviously an x language as a second language to them and they'll probably secretly look down on you for it.
t. ESL with a passion for languages and English especially.

No. 2349415

Tumblr is absolutely superior to this place in many different ways

No. 2349433

Please count the ways because everytime I go there I get angry. At the layout, the userbase, the humor, the search, the tags, the photos, everything it's like all things I hate rolled into one site.

No. 2349442

I literally left tumblr for lolcao because this place is more tolerable even with the blackpill posting and moidbait. Let me see into your mind because I am curious.

No. 2349444

this is so cute

No. 2349485

Kek in my country’s primary schools nobody cares. My English teacher barely spoke English and had the thickest Hungarian accent I’ve ever heard, and I’m surrounded by them. She made us repeat a song that starts with
And kids couldn’t stop laughing every time

No. 2349487

It’s really not that deep English is a trash language meant to be bastardized

No. 2349489

I hate articulate English speakers it irks me hearing someone pronounce every syllable. English is just an ugly pretentious language. I wish I knew any other language first.

No. 2349490

Oh for sure, the rape porn fetishists and the scamming "palestinian" gofundmes and the innumerable trannies invading a female space is infinitely more tolerable than some annoying text on a screen that you can hide.

No. 2349492

List them

No. 2349501

Go back then

No. 2349507

You have to get rid of the cancer off your front page, a lot of you don’t utilize the “hide/block” button and it shows, make sure to like shit from various creators that are anti-tranny/male there’s TONS of them and they make me laugh so hard at their witty responses to the delusional shit. There’s so many unbelievably based posts but maybe I’m just really nifty at finding hidden spaces
I only started using Tumblr until now, I used to only use it to find mods and custom content kek. I have important threads I’m casually following and reading on /snow/ right now so no can do

No. 2349511

Anon I do all of that and still my dashboard will have a spam of multiple hidden posts with the words "trans" and "donate" and "queer".

No. 2349512

Loser opinion. English is a cool language, with a rich history and a window into many other languages because it's essentially a cocktail of languages. Deal with your white guilt complex or whatever it is your suffering from to see its beauty. You know what's an actually ugly pretentious language? Arabic. Won't elaborate though so it doesn't accidentally end up in racebait territory.

No. 2349521

i liked tumblr until they started showing me posts from people i don't follow. they even had a button to turn it off but it didn't work. pissed me off so much i just left

No. 2349584

Discworld's humor is cringe. Lolrandem tumblr level cringe.

No. 2349608

What's a good fantasy other than Ursula le Guin

No. 2349680

There is no way to “heal” I’m fucking tired of hearing about politically correct nonsense about trauma and mental health. There is no healing in this world, it’s all about being hypervigilant for the next rug pull. Every time you try to achieve some sense of peace and contentment in your life it gets fucking torn and ripped away from you and many are just stuck in their positions until they are dead and forgotten. Normies have pushed the very dark fatalistic side of therapy and mental health and made it all about “healing” and “getting better” like it’s a bodily disease or a broken arm they can just patch up and then it heals and carry on with their lives? So many people’s body are torn up from years of trauma and mental suffering, therapy really just isn’t enough, preventing these conditions that people are in are absolutely optimal from preventing suffering not thinking suffering is for the higher good to make “weak” people be molded into “better” people. It’s really got into such insane loony clown world territory where people think you shouldn’t have access to things that should be granted by the vast amounts of technological and medical advancements so why am I forced to be grateful for having fucking nothing??? Why are people forced to consistently be grateful for scrapes when they live in a country where restaurants are even starting to have robot servers??? This shit is ridiculous, I really do believe in my own tinfoil that they are trying to reinstate neofeudalism in many developed nations, get other normies to instill the expectation that you will own nothing, you will be nothing, you will never be at peace but they have pretty much monopolized everything even your own mind and your entire life. You are now to become a technopeasant, we all are ever since they started introducing the internet to our lives and producing unique and clever ways to torture us and spy on us. This planet is a failed fucking experiment and the people who state this are always drown out by predictable adversaries

No. 2349688

You're so real for this. It's a bit blackpilling to realize at first, soul crashing and very frustrating, but there's truly nothing that can be done about trauma and shitty circumstances ruling your life for the longest time other than getting used to it and shutting up. It never goes away. That's why I'm personally pro-suicide and euthanasia and can't wait until I put my hand on a lethal method that works quickly and painlessly.

No. 2349706

The worst part of it is constantly having to deal with other people especially family members who refuse to fucking break out of their lazy/selfish attitudes, especially male relatives who just sit on their ass and expect women to do all the hard work and think the world someday will come swooping down with a golden spoon of male privilege and birthrights they were always expecting. I fucking hate that shit and I see it in every single male I come across, many of them cleverly hide and sneak this into their little ideologies and behaviors such as hogging up space, having terrible hygiene and dwelling in filth, committing different kinds of crimes and harassment. How are people especially women and young girls going to heal in shitty circumstances like you said when their environments are always torn up, changed and shat upon by other tards who refuse to self-actualize about their own lives? So it’s not even just the person, it really is our environments, our genetics, so many factors play into people’s suffering but somehow it all chalks down to just needing a pill or some kind of repetitive treatment like going to the doctor’s office to cure some cold, it makes no sense to me. I’m not condoning you taking your life but I’m also not going to moralfag and virtue signal and dismiss your pain, I absolutely understand you wholeheartedly on that last part. Many people just succumb and die off from these pains that can’t actually be healed, people never want to talk about prevention methods because pills, potions, doctors, treatments provide money and also provide as reprogramming tools to make sure the ones who got out of line are put back into it and to keep nodding along to all of the horrific shit happening to them, somehow “coping mechanisms” are going to make a traumatized person get a meal on the table and not be evicted kekkkk. I hate everything, stay safe nonners

No. 2349713

Most commentary channels are tabloids with superiority complex. We don’t need commentary channels we need skits and effort. More than that we need blogs back.

No. 2349724

Exactly. You put it so eloquently. Ironically, it's my shitty circumstances that also prevents me from killing myself, because it will create shitty circumstances for people around me that I don't really wanna hurt and make them feel the way I do. I worry about what will become of them after my death. And if I caved in to my thoughts and tried to take my life and was caught midway through before I actually die, that would complicate things and make my circumstances even worse. But I'm this close to snapping and actually doing it because I see no hope at all. It's an annoying eternal battle within my mind that indeed chips away at my soul and body. It will probably never be over with until I am over and gone, or the world itself is finely destroyed like the environmentalists promised with climate change. I sometimes want that to happen just so things would finally be put to an end.

No. 2349734

Anon why are you suicidal?

No. 2349751

True but not just labor wise. I'm talking about moids who refuse to put in emotional labor because "the woman should've just communicated something is wrong! He's not a mind reader". this especially applies to moids who rape and claim "they couldn't tell she said no, she should have said it loud and clear" like if you cant even fucking tell when you're actively raping someone you're way too retarded to be in a relationship nevermind having kids

No. 2349760

I'd need to write an entire book to explain why, but long story short, I live in an Islamic dictatorship that is akin to a cult, I have to live life according to my retarded tribe's rules, I have a strict yet incompetent family, I've been abused since I was born, lost contact with some of my family members who actually cared for me and was isolated from them for decades but we reunited eventually yeay, lost my mom a while ago and now my siblings and incompetent retarded aging and hopefully dying father are my responsibility, freshly graduated college in a major I don't even like and not that good at, too afraid I'll probably never get a good job or get paid enough to be able to leave, or if I try to leave they're gonna try and arrest me and force me back like they usually do with anyone who escapes, can't really realize my true dreams and passion, I'm too sickly at a young age and ugly af, I'm becoming mentally retarded while I'm at it because of all the shit happening around me, can't go to a hospital because family said no, can't go without them knowing because police will arrest my adult ass for disobeying, can't exercise at home because I reached a level of illness where I can't walk or stand up for too long anymore, can't cook for myself either because I'm too sick and I don't even have ingredients and no one is buying it for me and I don't have money of my own to order online so I'm sort of starving recently, there's probably no hope or anyway any of this will change or will be "erased" from me. I'll always be these experiences even in my best case scenario if I ever go to a western country and live a normal life, I'll always stand out because of my unique shit health and my monstrous ugly inbred looks, voice, and accent, I'll always be a stranger and never belong anywhere. So why should I bother? The easiest solution to all of this is to just not exist. Problem solved. I'm the problem and it's all my fault for being born to begin with. There's more to it but that's the short version.

No. 2349762

They do that to play dumb. Men aren’t dumb, they didn’t get to their position in the world by being dumb kek. They’re just very manipulative. They play the “he just doesn’t know” role are as way to be manipulative and infantilize themselves. They can read body language and see if a woman is uncomfortable but they can just pretend like they’re himbos and get away with it because she didn’t verbally say no, it’s apart of their con.

No. 2349769

Holy shit you’re the living breathing example on the lack of reading comprehension on this website, she said she clearly lives in a country where the Islamic religion is extremely predominant so it clearly isn’t the US (unless you want to count bodega owners in New York?? kek)

No. 2349771

Aw anon it’s not your fault for being born in such a horrific life situation especially in a place that’s extremely hostile towards females and their wellbeing, it’s absolutely shitty that nobody cares but that’s the world we have always lived in, it’s just very cold and alienating at its core. I wish I had a straight answer for you to get out, perhaps maybe you can try a loophole and get refugee status to escape and leave?

No. 2349776

I'd need a work visa or something like that, it worked for some rare cases out there, but I'd have to actually be good at work for a foreign country to accept me working in there. Which wouldn't happen with my 92 IQ anytime soon, and the standards of education and work is already pretty low where I live, the outside world is much more advanced, strict and serious in comparison I'd be annihilated and fired from day 1. Especially if they hire Chinese and Indian workers since I majored in tech like an idiot.

No. 2349781

Have any anons checked out the Rednote app? Oh my god, Chinese women are some of the most feminist, strong, supportive women I have interacted with online. They are so supportive, they talk about the differences between how Asian women are treated in different Asian countries (I saw them commenting on Japanese women for the stereotype of soft spoken-ness; which I think is interesting seeing how western men center Asian women) etc. they do NOT put up with men there, tons of lesbians. I am in awe of them. I truly am amazed at how feminist Chinese women are. I did not have an opinion of them beforehand, but I did assume it would be like any other country. But no, they really do not put up with shit and are very outspoken. I’m a little jealous of their community they have built for each other.

No. 2349784

Until you’re black or a darker skin Asian. Then the feminism is out the window and you’re back at square 1.

No. 2349786

I have seen plenty of support for black women, bigger women etc. they yell at you if you are negative to yourself or other women from what I have seen.

No. 2349787

Could also be your fyp is feeding you what you wanna see. I’m on the fashion/makeup side and they’re still as colorist and plastic surgery obsessed as ever and any over 49kg is fat.

No. 2349788

Yup. Weaponized incompetence was invited by men. I hope more women catch on to their bullshit.

No. 2349789

I think it might be because I have been getting a lot of big Chinese girls. And they love it, and I also got an American complaining everyone was so thin and everyone in the comments had these phrases of support and what they call “old sayings” about how women are not born to support beauty yadda yadda and idk it was super cool.

No. 2349791

I hope non chinese are banned from that app. I'm glad some are welcoming but at the end of the day that app was made for chinese born americans or chinese living in america to keep in touch with the mainland. Most people are migrating from tiktok (tiktok refugee bullshit) and fucking it up for people who are just trying to stay in touch with their family. It's not a replacement for tiktok at all.

No. 2349792

Chinese government said they welcome foreigners kek. So they will not be banning. I do hope non Chinese stop posting because I’m just loving learning more about this different culture and all the cool things they post. I want to lurk.

No. 2349794

I'm seriously worried about the app getting banned. If CCP bans the app, only the chinese userbase suffers. Burgers will move onto something. They should focus on making their own social media to replacement tiktok if it means so much to them. I don't think americans even care about serious this is, because it doesn't mean anything to them.

No. 2349796

Anon pls try

No. 2349797

Do not worry, Chinese gov seems into the positive attention

No. 2349798

Chinese people are going to be the next weeaboo obsession. I already see people claiming they’re less homophobic, racist etc just like they did with Koreans and Japanese. All they need to do is work on their pop music and they have go their brain washing down.

No. 2349800

Hey now, Chinese pop music is awesome the way it is. It doesn't need to be American pop but in Chinese to be good.

No. 2349802

Oh yeah that is definitely a down side, but luckily the ladies are fucking intense and DO NOT like that shit. They do not play. They already talk about that stuff and are against it. They are already telling people to not call them kind, call them feminist and badass KEK

No. 2349804

It’s not palatable to American white people but Chinese people want to get on the level of Koreans and Japanese people. Japanese people have anime and Koreans have K-pop. East Asians use their media to brain wash.

No. 2349806

You’ve been brain washed effectively.

No. 2349814

I mean, it’s there form of social media so I am aware it is not all puppies and rainbows, but this is like there tumblr or Twitter, and a good majority of the WOMEN are like this. Obviously not the men or the older gen, but it’s cool to see that a good chunk of women feels and thinks this way. I’m fully aware this is not the majority kek

No. 2349816

Women on TikTok say the same stuff but you’re in awe because you see Asians doing it

No. 2349818

Not so much Asian, as in, it seems a more connected consensus, where I can’t seem to get western women to agree on anything; conversation is case in point.

No. 2349822

I see women on my fyp in tiktok talking about these issues all the time because that’s what I algorithmic shows to me, that doesn’t mean it’s majority.

No. 2349823

mandarin is way harsher to listen to than Korean or Japanese its not even up for debate

No. 2349824

Most weeaboos don’t speak Korean or Japanese. If the music is catchy or they come up with some kind of media to attract them, the language barrier is not an issue.

No. 2349831

Without bringing too much of a certain conversation into play, there is a historic reason western women; especially in the US, cannot easily connect into a majority. And that is all I will say on that. We are disconnected, honestly, we are.

No. 2349832

You say all this without living in china or being within a Chinese family because weeaboo brain washing is taking effect

No. 2349835

And you must be, because of the triggered responses? If you are, please enlighten further on your personal experiences anon. I would love to learn from you, if you can provide perspective. I’m not saying this is all women of that country, just a great community of ladies on ONE certain app that is self proclaimed as a Women’s space.

No. 2349838

My little sister started using the app when everyone was sperging out about it and she showed me a bizarre exchange. The initial video was typical asian animal abuse slop (dropping a live flopping fish into boiling hotpot and then the fish jumped out onto the table and everyone at the table was keking about it) and my sister checked the comments and the top one was an American saying something like "this is horrible poor fishie" and all the replies were just gorilla and monkey emojis I guess the commenter was black? It was…. interesting to say the least.

No. 2349839

It’s 2025….There’s chat gpt and google if you wanna learn. I’m not triggered I can just see what china is doing and dumbos are falling for it.

No. 2349840

No offense but while I think Chinese is fine and dandy as a language, as pop music? I don't think it'll be as popular as other languages.

No. 2349841

It’s a bit sad to assume that a single country somehow pushed for all this. America decided to ban TikTok. They are taking advantage of being in the spot light, sure, but I do not think this community is solely for western enjoyment or propaganda.

No. 2349843

In all your time on TikTok you’ve never seen black women and white women talking about feminists points? You’re shitting yourself because you see East Asians doing it.

No. 2349844

I'm just trying to understand why in response to a tiktok ban, burgers are flocking to a chinese app that isn't even meant for them to use. I honestly hate it. It feels invasive. There were people demanding translation buttons for eng only speakers already.

I mean, don't go onto that app and expect special american treatment.

No. 2349848

Everyone comes to America demanding stuff, why is everyone else so precious?

No. 2349852

Nta, you clearly never listened to mandopop.

No. 2349853

china treats their african migrants they get pretty awfully so I'm not too surprised. also, the way Chinese people act in African cities that their company works out of is insane like straight up no blacks allowed signs up in restaurants type shit lol

No. 2349854

They blamed Africans for Covid too. Let’s not forget that.

No. 2349855

Yes I agree it is invasive but many natives from that area (I’m trying to use less racially distinctive language to avoid ban) seem excited by it. I can say, the reason for using an app from that country was originally supposed to be a fuck you to the American government. They say TikTok is “Chinese” when it was proven not to be , so Americans found an app that was to join, to give protest to the government. Now, natives from rednote are moving to TikTok, which I think is hilarious. The planets people are connecting against all gov’s wishes.

No. 2349856

Why should anyone outside america bend to the whims of a burger because they're too stupid and uneducated to understand?

No. 2349857

God people memory holed that one fast…

No. 2349859

You can’t ask for respect that you don’t give. Look at what the Chinese are doing in Africa.

No. 2349860

China has their own version of tiktok though. And it's weird to me that americans want to join a Chinese app to 'stick it to the government.' Let's see how that works out in another few months.

No. 2349861

How does this connect to a random black burger getting spammed with gorilla emojis?

No. 2349862

Honestly, lots of trans people are learning to stfu from rednote because they went there, asked if they are accepted, and rednote users were like uhm we do not bend to your special identity. We accept you, but do go around promoting. I was living for it kek

No. 2349863

Douyin was not on App Store, rednote was. Thats really the only reason.

No. 2349865

Kek, good. Chinese don't play those tranny politics.

No. 2349866

All people are bad. You’re quick to jump for the Chinese right now because they’re showing you images of thin pretty girls and rich people. It’s the same caping people were doing for Koreans a few years ago when K-pop was blowing up kek

No. 2349867

Ntayrt I agree, be careful with racial conversation to not get banned.

No. 2349870

Nona, what do black Americans have to do with Africa in this context omegalol

No. 2349874

Naur anon no racial baiting

No. 2349875

You're right. My apologies

No. 2349877

Kinda ot but the japanese side of the Internet can also be really weird. You have typical racism against black people and SEAs but I've also seen just..a lot of extreme self hatred. Like underneath a video of a white child, there were multiple comments saying how much more beautiful white kids are compared to "angry looking" japanese children. Also comments saying they want to be reincarnated as white blondes lol

No. 2349880

No one is jumping. It's just gross because sinophobia is well and large. My in laws are Chinese and so is my adopted family. This is personal to me. It isn't some rebellion against the government. No one gave a shit about asian violence when it was happening, now everyone trying to say they wanna join an app for funsies.

No. 2349881

Ngl I thought tiktok was 100% proven to be Chinese propaganda/social contagion experiment where they made the algorithm specific to rot american brains.

No. 2349883

Tiktok definitely made americans dumber. Look at the younger gen z having zero attention span. Most of them don't even read or write properly.

No. 2349885

I was kind of glad for it to be banned so I could get my attention span back.

No. 2349886

A lot of people truly are vapid assholes who will do and say whatever seems funny and convenient to them in the moment.

No. 2349887

Kek, no the opposite anon. The gov wants to ban it but said in some bs gov policy, to stay on; to not only monitor but “influence” on the app. Its just an oligarchy American prop BS. We didn’t make it but neither did China.

No. 2349888

Checks out with the Japanese being pedos and white obsessed

No. 2349890

Samefag, the us gov said they want to be on the app themselves but ban to citizens.

No. 2349892

It’s an actual nightmare for teachers. I know a lot of people who have worked at schools and in childcare for a long time and they’re seeing poor behaviors and academic struggles on a level that didn’t exist before by a long shot. They’re struggling to keep up to the point they’re all burning out really badly, and it’s a wide enough phenomenon that it’s becoming very well documented, that growing up on tablets and short form content has wrecked these kids and half of them are straight up illiterate.

No. 2349894

Off topic but I noticed on rednote there are undertones of animal abuse that are seen funny there but wouldn’t be seen as funny on tiktok. I saw a video of a person pretending like they were going to hit their dog with a axe and the dog freaked out and the comment section thought it was hilarious lol if a white person posted that they’d be canceled

No. 2349898

It's just a matter of time until the algo feeds you the cat tv torture videos

No. 2349899

They have that on rednote? Kek let me stay off it

No. 2349901

No, there isn’t. It’s turning into a racial discussion bc no one can help themselves.

No. 2349903

It's honestly so scary for any younger gen Z and gen A. Most of them can't sit through an hour long documentary without reaching for their phones. They can't read a book or get through anything longer than a few minutes. Also, are there more autists now than before? Our next generation is fucked. I'm not looking forward to the gen x and millennials doctors aging out to be replaced literally brain rotted social media addicted morons.

No. 2349906

Yup that and a lot of bird torture sometimes it's just people clipping them to respond about how its disturbing but other times it's either original content or reposts hard to tell

No. 2349908

Good. Can't wait for all the americans to get banned. They dont belong on rednote

No. 2349909

CCPchan please cool it or integrate better

No. 2349910

Devils advocate, its a form of human evolution. We are evolving, technology. This is the result. We will create new society and methods that meet us in the middle. (True unpopular opinion)

No. 2349911

I could say that for any country. In Yemen marrying 9 year olds is ok, since it’s legal there I should stay in my lane. Idk why East Asians and Arabs think they’re so precious that no one can say anything against them kek

No. 2349914

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No. 2349915

Ngl pretty sure I saw a documentary that had the same idea about a decade or so ago. Said that the brain is evolving to be better at multitasking.

No. 2349951

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maybe im just retarded but mouthwashing started out really good but after we find out anya's pregnant it gets so bad

No. 2349956

Millennials are usually good at multi-tasking. It's why a lot of us go into tech or do tech savvy things.

No. 2349960

I still want to play this game. is it worth it? I really dont want to pay money

No. 2349965

its 1 hour of walking around picking up notes and the protagonist cowering in an empty room as a horse mascot tells him he's a sinner and shit. just watch a playthrough

No. 2349972

Thank you, anon!

No. 2349979

the story is good for the first third of the game, but again, after you find out one of the characters is pregnant, it becomes an aimless, pointlessly hard to comprehend jumbled mess in terms of story and characters.

No. 2349995

I wish stds weren’t a thing so I could cheat without guilt

No. 2350002

sometimes when people say "being not straight is sometimes due to trauma", its not always because they're homophobic and want to eliminate gay people but because its the truth sometimes. a lot of cases of so called asexuals end up becoming sexual once they get help for their traumas, usually one that is sexual in nature like a previous rape or assault. there's cases of bi people seriously believing they are gay, only to come to find out they like both sexes and are just traumatized - the fact that so many bi women face more violence from moids may be the reason why there's a lot of bi women saying that they're gay or "struggle with comphet" because what they're actually struggling with is integrating healthy sexuality with the bad events that hurt them deeply before. source: i am such a case and i still need help with this.

No. 2350006

I'm lesbian but have noticed this with some bi women because of course it takes a lot of vulnerability of oneself to willingly have sex again after having sex forced upon one. There is a lot of fear surrounding that possibility of betrayal again. Wish I could hug you. Basically I support you in your journey to a healthy sexual expression nonna.

No. 2350010

air hugs to you too, i was worried someone might take my post the wrong way but you get it. if it was a parent or a pastor telling a teenager that the reason why they're gay is because of some mythical trauma then yeah that's a classic case of homophobia or lesbophobia, straight up. but someone being told that maybe the reason why they can't have sex without going into hysterics isn't always because of asexuality but because of trauma that they need to untangle before having a relationship again. i'm rambling kek but thank you.

No. 2350011

I know people hate how loud cities are but I miss my big city room that was right next to a major street every day. The sound of the retards stumbling home from the bar and the passive sound of cars lulled me to sleep like no other. The only thing that would wake me up that was annoying was shit like sirens or a crackhead crashing out hit those weren’t too often. When I moved to a suburb for a bit it was so quiet and eerie I felt like I was in a horror movie hearing every creak of the house it was gross. I understand why people need TV or asmr to fall asleep damn.

No. 2350076

Not even just trauma, I'm fully convinced there are a large number of women claiming to be bi/gay due to a combo of low libido and ideological views.
I've seen it happen with woke peers, including before I had peaked. They all take anti-depressants from early teenage years, which are literally famous for killing your sex drive. They never get off them, so they grow up thinking having 0 sex drive is their "true" selves. Because men suck and are violent, and women are naturally drawn to female fashion etc they end up tricking themselves into thinking they're queer and that they like women. Because if you're "asexual" women are the better option than men and you can't really tell the difference when you have no libido and think sexual relationships are really just friendships, "but special".

My close friend at the time claimed she was attracted to females because she had "thought about it logically". Not because she was attracted to women, but because NOT being attracted to the female body was homo- and transphobic, and she wasn't any of that. She wasn't disgusted at the thought of gay people having sex, so that must mean she IS gay. Because straight people are all violently homophobic. And I know that was what was going on because at the time that was a common narrative and I was fully buying it too.

No. 2350078

This is definitely true. I thought I was gay for a while because I was repulsed by males and everyone(including the men themselves) told me that I must be a lesbian because if I was straight I would like men and everything that had to do with being in relationships with them, kissing, sex etc. But I never had explicit sexual attraction towards women either.

No. 2350130

Sorry but yes it is homophobic and it's not my job as a lesbian to comfort and validate you about having homophobic beliefs whether they're rooted in trauma or not. The safety and wellbeing of lesbians is more important than you not feeling guilty about harboring prejudiced beliefs about us.

No. 2350138

I'm glad that faggot david lynch is dead. Blake lively says something mean and is cringe and she gets dragged through eternity but men make some misunderstood man slop and capitalize off women's abuse so incels can jerk off to it and he gets called a genius.

No. 2350150

>I don't think she was abused, I think she was abused.

No. 2350155

People who don't understand that (sexual) trauma can affect sexuality are severely retarded. And we can't silence people and refuse to question things due to fear of what the homophobes will say (they're already homophobic if they're using rape victims to prove that SSA can never be innate). It's not that different from the whole "ok you have trauma but you're being transphobic rn so don't talk about it" bs tbh.

No. 2350170

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asdfghjkl pictures of ppl saluting wrong make me sperg(unintegrated posting style)

No. 2350187

op is right, you're just taking it as a personal attack because you're egotistical

No. 2350206

>it's not my job as a lesbian to comfort and validate you about having homophobic beliefs whether they're rooted in trauma or not
no one asked you to, and she's right

No. 2350237

Fuck you and your comphet, what about lesbians who are getting their identity diluted to the point that scrotes have the guts to call themselves lesbians?
Ever since that stupid paper came out everyone and their granny is a lesbian apparently.

No. 2350240

Not labeling yourself used to exist some time ago. But instead you have women who actively have sex with men while calling themselves lesbians and then quietly distance themselves from the label and then leave the mess behind.

No. 2350269

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I think some people blame societal pressure on things they enjoy doing and then regret later, like binge eating or sex acts with a regrettable moid. It's always someone who says they don't care what society thinks of them in any other facet of life but when it comes to whatever enjoyable act that has consequences, it's "societal pressure" I thought of this scrolling past the sex advice thread but this is not directed at those anons, meant as infight bait or about sucking dick specifically

No. 2350285

>I think some people blame societal pressure on things they enjoy doing and then regret later
>like binge eating

No. 2350288

I'm so fucking tired of browsing the internet and get jumpscared with these disgusting looking ogres. Even obese women, female politicians, 90 year old grannys at least put some effort to look presentable but these horrendous troll creatures from hell have the audacity to post their faces and go outside, meanwhile men can look at any area, any space, any hobby can look at beautiful women. Even when i'm looking at pics of handsome moids there is a disgusting faggot in the background. I see so many a beautiful pictures ruined because there is a bald fat hairy ape in the background as if someone litereally took a shit, even an actual shit from a butt turd would look better. Ugly men need to be banned from public spaces and there should be a feature that bans you from posting ugly men without a spoiler and a warning before opening it. Spoiler these trolls next time.

No. 2350291

Fast food being convenient and calling every neighborhood that doesn't have a Whole Foods "a food desert" so they can eat like shit. This is might be more of an issue in leftist cities, the other example involves tinder

No. 2350300

>they think not wanting a kid at the ancient old age of like 28 means they're the real deal and won't change their minds.
I just turned 28 and I felt slightly more open to the idea of having kids when I was younger than I do now, so I changed my mind but in the opposite direction. As the years go on this just intensifies. Not that I even ever had a huge desire for children (it was always more of an "eh, maybe"), but yeah. It's not because I think I'm too old to have them too, my mom had me when she was almost 30.

No. 2350301

Most women who want kids only want them to keep their man. They changed their mind because they know that man they’re with isn’t going to settle with someone who doesn’t want kids because most scrotes are obsessed with “muh legacy”.

No. 2350302

I don’t understand why a lot of white women would rather be bald head with fried hair from dying it blonde than just have brown hair

No. 2350309

because we live in a world that pressures women to be attractive from birth and in the west blonde hair has been positioned as more 'desirable'. but I'm sure you knew this and just wanted to shit on white women.

No. 2350310

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Yeah but the blonde hair isn’t attractive. Their natural hair color looks better. It’s kind of how black women would rather be bald and have no edges than have a huge head of afro hair. I’m sure they’re scrote they’re trying to bitch themselves for would like their real hair more too.

No. 2350312

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Because men literally prefer the nastiest most dried up fried straw hair over glossy healthy brown because they’re dumber than pig shit with 0 concept of beauty, and most women are pickmes who just follow what men want.
Men don’t even know what they find beautiful, they love things for what they represent and for the status they induce with other men. They want a blonde woman under 25 with big jahoobies and it doesn’t matter if her hair looks like shit and the implants are staring back like crazy Steve’s eyes or she’s got several crows feet, because they can tell other men about it and get a slap on the back, which for a second will feel like they had a father that loved them. Other men will think they’re cool and that’s all that matters.

Women will also make being blonde their whole identity and look down on other women who aren’t blonde, convince themselves that they’re jealous, despite the fact that it’s a fake colour and their natural hair is ugly dishwater blonde. Most people have no taste and think a 7£ skirt and top combo from shein is peak fashion so it’s no surprise they look at dead hair like this and think it’s superior.

Ranting aside, I do actually like the way fried bleached hair looks sometimes, if it’s done in an alt/punky way with bangs. But then alt clothing is often about looking fucked up and disheveled on purpose so….

No. 2350313

I meant to say botch not bitch kek

No. 2350314

your entire post is incomprehensible with or without spelling mistakes

No. 2350317

Your reading problems are not my issue

No. 2350319

And If a woman were to tell them they’d look better with their natural dark hair, they just assume she’s being jealous. No you genuinely look like shit kek

No. 2350321

No. 2350322

I’ve seen someone say that
>my friend told me to cut my hair shorter and dye it brown, she’s jealous!!!
No bitch your gummy ass hair is literally snapping off! She’s trying to save you from waking up bald.

No. 2350324

First part is very true kek moids are soulless automatons that respond only to memed symbols that suggest sexual attractiveness and other moids' approval

No. 2350331

I remember how white scrotes acted like having any ass at all was the most disgusting thing ever in the early 2000s, then the rap culture really blew and and now they all love big asses and thighs. That’s when it really clicked their sexual preferences are bullshit.

No. 2350345

you sound like you have an insecurity complex over men preferring blondes. putting down other women won't make men pick you

No. 2350347

Blonde has been shilled as the beauty standard for years, despite the fact it looks good on almost no one and it damages the crap out of your hair because of bleaching. I'd rather embrace my natural dark hair.

No. 2350351

I think the preference for blonde hair kind of ties into scrotes preference for kids because it’s a hair color most people don’t have naturally after elementary school age

No. 2350352

blonde women don't look like children, this is stupid

No. 2350356

Never said they did. Most women who shave their body hair don’t look like kids but we know why men subconsciously like it.

No. 2350357

If I did then I would simply book an apt with a hairdresser and get my hair fried the same way they all do. But I have thick, shiny auburn hair that reaches my ass, so I would never do something so stupid. You don’t know what men prefer since they’re homosocial. They have their “preference” that they parade around to their friends but secretly they are gooning to Thai ladyboys or something.

No. 2350362

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No. 2350364

They’re booing you but you’re right.

No. 2350366

Normie Scrotes associate blonde hair with playfulness, youthful flirtation, silliness/immaturity and the white pride scrotes associate it with innocence and purity. Hmm I wonder why?

No. 2350367

you're reaching. are you gonna say women who prefer blonde men or men shaved are pedophiles too? you sound insecure

No. 2350370

Most women don’t prefer blonde hair on men. Most women say they think blonde hair is feminine or childish looking on men. It’s all a part of the subconscious brain washing we endure but pretend like it doesn’t exist.

No. 2350371

because people who keep their natural hair color look sane, it's the trope that women who dye their hair insane colors are mentally damaged. which is usually true

No. 2350372

They also associate it with women who dont think for themselves much and rely fully on men. It's really creepy

No. 2350373

Weekly hair color sperg

No. 2350374

ikr, it's the same shit all the time. when they get mad at men's preferences it's usually because they're jealous of the women who get male attention. which is their own hangup to deal with

No. 2350375

Most blondes aren’t natural

No. 2350376

yea, when people say they like blondes they usually are talking about natural hair color

No. 2350377

I’m so jealous because they have 3 strands of hair left and need to spend 500 dollars every two weeks just to look good for a day and look like shit in between that

No. 2350378

did women who dye their hair hurt you or something

No. 2350381

No, It just looks ugly to me.

No. 2350382

>you’re so jealous because I attract more low class porn addict scrotes than you do!!!
Anyways fuck scrotes and all but I find the ones who prefer brunettes are usually more intelligent, classy and just overall treat women better. Anyone else?

No. 2350384

i'm a brunette idiot, you just sound pathetic trying to dog on blondes saying men who like them must be pedophilic.

No. 2350385

No they aren’t because natural blonde isn’t what they want. Natural blonde people over a certain age usually have darker colour underneath. What peoples (namely scrotes) prefer is an unnatural, artificial bleach blonde that is very rarely seen in anyone over the age of ten.

No. 2350386

Do you "man haters" not realise that scrotes say this shit to NLOB

No. 2350387

only women like bleach blonde and this is just false lol

No. 2350388

I’ve seen women who are naturally blonde frying their hair to get it lighter.

No. 2350390

I’m not the one who said that but honestly they’re not far off. They aren’t outright pedos but they do favour more childlike features like neotenous faces and hairless pussies. Yes it’s an adult woman with a shaved vaj and bleached hair but what she’s doing (whether she knows it or not) is aping mens inherent preference for children.

No. 2350392

Blonde hair only looks pretty on pale women. Any other skin tone, even white women with a more tanned complexion, but especially black women. It looks cheap and tacky, like a wig. I feel bad for black women with blonde hair, you can tell they obviously aren’t comfortable with their skin colour as blonde hair is a white thing. No black women are naturally blonde (unless some rare DNA defect or something before anyone replies with a pic). Just like how Asian women have eyelid surgery to make their eyes less monolid and more western. Not racebaiting (I predict my ban though) this is simply true.(racebait)

No. 2350393

Nah sorry. Moids who voice their physical preferences are bottom tier. No exceptions. I'm brunette and if a moid told me he preferred brunettes, I'd take that as my signal to gtfoutta there just like if he said he preferred blondes, redheads, or anything else.

No. 2350394

You’re right but moids who prefer blondes are 80% of the time poorer and lower class. It’s like how men who prefer curvy women are often lower class and lower IQ.

No. 2350395

multiracial people exist you know

No. 2350396

It is just an excuse for anons to call all men pedos. Some of them are fixated on it

No. 2350397

Given the hostility I would assume yes

No. 2350398

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>blonde hair only looks good on pale skin

It looks like shit on anyone who doesn’t have it as their natural hair color. Zooey deschanel looked like crap with blonde hair. It makes you look old and washed out.

No. 2350399

It's probably Carreychan again.

No. 2350400

Okay but it isn’t common at all for a black & white or Asian & white to have natural, full blonde hair which is what anons are referencing

No. 2350401

Jen Williams. Katherine Kerr. V.E Schwab

No. 2350402

She doesn’t even look like the same person. I thought this was Reese Witherspoon.
You’re doing exactly what nonnas said blondes do. “You don’t prefer my disgustingly singed and fried hair to your own so you’re jealous!!!”

No. 2350403

I think some nonas are mad because they had blonde hair when they were kids but when they grew up it got darker

No. 2350405

Moids who make their preferences known are classless 100% of the time. It's the entitlement to think that literally anyone cares about what he likes that makes him inferior. Not whatever hair color he thinks he likes.

No. 2350406

Dark brunette is prettiest

No. 2350408

File: 1737130425239.webp (116.1 KB, 1333x1333, IMG_5085.webp)

She looks so much cuter and youthful with dark hair, even though she’s as white as snow.

No. 2350409

Black women and Asian women look bad with blonde hair. They just look like wigs. Also can’t we claim cultural appropriation like they do for everything else?

No. 2350411

No you’re just jealous and coping!!! EVERYONE prefers blonde!!!

No. 2350412

not everyone who shares your hostility toward blonde women dyes their hair, we're just not bitter losers

No. 2350413

I mean, there's one anon who dyed her hair blonde, didn't suit it, and has seethed nonstop about it ever since kek

No. 2350415

it's funny how they keep coping about how blonde hair isn't real because "old women totally have darker hair!!"

No. 2350416

Did she post a pic? Where?

No. 2350418

I don't necessarily agree, but I do think that you have to be very very beautiful to pull off blonde, while brunette looks good on almost anyone.

No. 2350420

KEK again with the “everyone hates me because I’m a perfect blonde woman!!!” Your hair isn’t real Becky. If you dyed it back men would call you mid.

No. 2350421

it was carreychan ages ago kek

No. 2350423

having brown hair doesn't make you classy

No. 2350425

Men super into blondes are usually racist, self hating non-white men who are obsessed with whiteness, or porn sick gym bros and frat bros.

No. 2350426

my hair is brown retard

No. 2350428

File: 1737130692147.webp (55.84 KB, 1200x675, IMG_6721.webp)

Audrey Hepburn vs Marilyn Monroe. It’s clear as day who the classy, elegant one is though.

No. 2350429

Both of them?

No. 2350430

I remember her posting always but I never saw that!!!!! Ugh

No. 2350431

they're both movie stars playing roles that executives created for them. if they told audrey hepburn to play a floozy, she would have. and marilyn monroe has more talent, class, and elegance than you ever will

No. 2350432

Pick one though. The most. Like we are picking between blonde and brunette. Don’t just sit on the fence

No. 2350434

File: 1737130821925.jpg (107.19 KB, 736x659, 1000003010.jpg)

i like seeing women dye their hair fun colors, even if it doesn't look totally natural. want to be bleach blonde? go for it! what to be purple? hell yeah
>men who like bl-
shut up, i don't care what a man thinks of mine or other women's hair colors. a m*le's thought about hair does not factor into my enjoyment of natural and unnatural hair.

No. 2350435

You losers are the only ones mentioning being jealous, kind of sounds like projection to me

No. 2350436

Who cares about being classy and elegants ? Audrey hepburn was a serial cheater, homewrecker and an ana chans, that's not very classy.

No. 2350437

Anons, I hate the hair-frying shit and blonde worship as much as the next woman, but you're all doing a really bad job of disproving the jealousy accusations with this NLOG shit kek

No. 2350438

KEK are you blonde anon? Or just angry? The topic is literally blonde or brunette.

No. 2350440

Marilyn Monroe is a natural dark haired woman. She dyed it blonde to play a slutty, childlike character to appease scrotes because that’s what scrotes who like blondes think of them.

No. 2350441

you're the one who can't stop seething about blondes

No. 2350442

I like ginger men and i hate men with dark black hair, you do not look like sasuke daniel.

No. 2350443

Why pit women against each other for something so stupid as hair color? They're both classy and beautiful.

No. 2350444

Yes it's embarassing, very reminiscent of the brown eyed anon who wanted to kill herself over not having blue eyes kek

No. 2350445

Jealous. Audrey literally ate tulip bulbs during the war. Was naturally skinny. Even if she was ana she will always be the most beautiful women to live ever.

No. 2350447

she's an entertainer, retard. all movie stars change their looks to fit archetypes and get jobs. including your precious audrey hepburn

No. 2350449

Right? I don't handwring over every decision I make with my appearance because "oh but what do men think", that's such a bleak and restrictive existence. Men will fuck raw chicken for goodness' sake. Just do whatever you think is fun.

No. 2350450

It’s not pitting them against . It’s pitting hair colours against each other as we were literally discussing blonde or brunette. It’s not that serious kek

No. 2350454

File: 1737131056434.jpg (61.21 KB, 736x1077, Grace Kelly’s Forever Look.jpg)

This conversation is deeply retarded, anyone can be classy or vulgar depending on styling, Grace Kelly was blonde, I don't think she could ever be called trashy or vulgar.

No. 2350455

DA I'm dark brunette and been told I look very striking but my childhood friend is a natural blonde so I have a soft spot for blondes and find them unique and beautiful.

No. 2350456

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Unpopular opinion but if you have very sharpe or defined features, bleaching your hair is a bad look. The blonde hair is going to bring all the bulkiness and harshness out of your face(pic related). You need to be a young baby faced kind of pretty to pull it off or you just end up looking old or harsh.

No. 2350458

she looks old because she is. you're not going to grow wrinkles just because your hair is a different color. and who cares? why do we have to put women down for having sharp features or for their hair color? this convo is retarded

No. 2350459

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NTAYRT but she is precious and lovely. She had more grace in her pinkie toe than you ever will.

No. 2350460

>their natural hair is ugly dishwater blonde
but it's the men they're trying to appease by dying their hair right?

No. 2350461

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Looks at how much softer and prettier she looks with darker hair though

No. 2350462

You don't know her weirdo

No. 2350463

Yes that is very true. She was beautiful and elegant

No. 2350464

worshipping dead celebrities won't make you any prettier

No. 2350465

I tried reading a book once because Discworld was heavily shilled by the people I was acquainted with back then and I gave up after two chapters, it felt like every single phrase was trying super hard to be witty. I know this is not my kind of humor, I was already cringing at the punny names in Harry Potter when I was 7, but it was exhausting trying to go through that.

No. 2350467

File: 1737131332586.jpeg (24.13 KB, 678x452, IMG_5088.jpeg)

Also look at how much softer and prettier Zooey looks with dark hair compared to the blonde

I think if a lot of older women wanna look younger, they need to stop with the botox and just die their hair darker.

No. 2350468

That’s true. But I am sure you also cape for some scrote on /g/ and don’t know them either

No. 2350470

she's wearing heavy makeup in the left pic and making a different expression, this proves quite literally nothing

No. 2350471

Based. I do like all hair colors as long as they're nice on the person, but ginger hair has a special place in my heart.

No. 2350473

No I don't cause I'm not a parasocial weirdo get a life

No. 2350474

Convos like this bring out the worst anons. Like the argumentative losers

No. 2350477

Saying a celeb is beautiful and elegant is not parasocial. If you want parasocial visit the luigi thread

No. 2350478

it's not the hair colour, it's the styling..

No. 2350479

File: 1737131529985.png (353.7 KB, 735x603, 1000030991.png)

This is how I know I'm a faceblind autist, the women posted itt don't really look much different with dyed hair to me

No. 2350480

it pisses me off to no end whenever someone is talking about anything regarding style then a retard comes with a "but men like-" I dont give a shit what men like go fuck yourself

No. 2350481

you're not faceblind, anons are just mad that blonde women get more attention than them

No. 2350484

Ginger women are beautiful. Ginger men always look like spongebob to me.

No. 2350485

I think blond suits her.
>You need to be a young baby faced kind of pretty to pull it off or you just end up looking old or harsh.
Darker hair brings out your features so if you are mid or don't have many attractive facial features, lowering the contrast coloring can soften your face and make you appear prettier.

I still can't tell why Margot looks better as a blonde and Angelika looks terrible as one even though both are natural blondes and have sharp features.

No. 2350486

And blondes are mad that anons said only pedos like then

No. 2350488

I doubt women who bleach their hair blonde are doing it because they just like it on themselves and aren’t doing it for men. It’s like women who claim they don’t get big bimbo tits , lip fillers etc for men. Women get these things done to impress men then want to scream feminism when a woman makes fun of it.

No. 2350491

> she looks old because she is
34 isn’t old kek

No. 2350492

the anons you're arguing with have brown hair though so not really

No. 2350494

have you never done anything on your appearance for yourself because you think it's cute or are you just the type of person who wouldn't do that kind of you… if you know what I mean?

No. 2350495

>it's giving
go back

No. 2350496

not everything is about men. oh my god shut up

No. 2350497

Google parasocial relationship and come back with what you have learned. Or else stop derailing

No. 2350498

Don't worry anons, males like pretty much anything. You could have a hideous face and weight 1000 lbs and you'll still find a scrote into that. They only pretend to have standards online to bother women.

No. 2350499

>kind of thing

No. 2350500

What’s there to be jealous of? I could go spend 5k and get fake tits and blonde hair if I wanted to today.

No. 2350503

> It's giving
Your GIVING that yourself kek

No. 2350505

we all know that, men don't actually give a shit about hair color as long as you're not balding (and even then they would fuck a baldie with a thick ass). this argument is stupid as fuck and people seething at blondes are dumb because blonde hair is cute and everyone knows that.

No. 2350506

and it would be fake and you'd look like shit. we both know if you were born with blonde hair you wouldn't be arguing that your brown hair makes you classier and more elegant than blondes. grow up

No. 2350507

Women who dye their hair blonde are doing it to look more attractive to men. Don’t try to gaslight me with the girl girls bullshit.

No. 2350508

I think natural blondes look good, unnatural blondes look like shit. It has nothing to do with jealously. I think fat women look like shit too, I’m not jealous of them.

No. 2350509

men dont care if you get caramel or golden highlights. stop telling yourself they give a shit and you will save yourself some headache trying to please scrotes.

No. 2350512

guess you should only wear unflattering clothes and never do anything that makes you look nice, unless you want to make yourself attractive for men

No. 2350513

I don't think fawn response should be included with fight, flight, and freeze.

No. 2350515

Why wouldn't they just be experimenting with their looks ?

No. 2350518

The scrotes who would have been obnoxious about blondes 15 years ago have moved on to being obnoxious about muh big tiddy dark goffs. There's no reason for any woman to be bitter about men's preferences or whether another woman "suits" those preferences better, men are disingenuous retards who will fuck anything. If something exists, blonde or brunette, a million scrotes will fixate on it. The fact this discussion is happening on the same site which REGULARLY documents men's weirdass and bewildering fetishes is embarrassing. Who gives a single fuck what men like?

No. 2350521

because it's not really about men, they're bitter towards other women

No. 2350522

File: 1737132161200.jpeg (117.97 KB, 1200x800, IMG_5089.jpeg)

They don’t but they do think that nasty fried blonde hair most women get is hot. It looks ugly and no amount of “you’re not supporting women!” And “you’re jealous” is gonna change that.

No. 2350523

That's just it though, WHY be bitter? There's no reason to be kek

No. 2350524

File: 1737132190085.gif (1.25 MB, 220x393, 1000003594.gif)

imagine living your life like this. my hair has been every color under the sun and never have i even considered a male opinion while doing it. i simply love myself and seeing me in different, interesting colors. bleach looked great on me, by the way.
to who? who's opinion do i care about more than my own?

No. 2350527

Correct. All this talk only encourages moids into thinking that their opinions matter (they don't), and sows further division and intrasexual competition between women (which is an unnatural state for us. Intrasexual competition is a moid thing through and through.)

No. 2350528

Im not bitter about men’s preferences, I just genuinely think it’s ugly. You just subconsciously think any woman who doesn’t have something good to say about another woman’s looks is just jealous of them kek can’t I find something ugly without being jealous of it?

No. 2350529

they think anything with tits and ass on their screen is hot. if you ask most men what they think of makeup and fillers they will say they find it gross but will masturbate to the woman in your photo because they will say she is all nattie. men are retarded and their opinion literally dont matter

No. 2350530

Regardless if you’re doing it for a man or not you look a hot mess

No. 2350531

It's because they think that fried blonde is a sexual availability signal, just like short skirts and cleavage, just because males collectively believe that doesn't make it true.

No. 2350533

Anon, did you ever go to kindergarten? Most of us are taught the following:
>If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
Women don't give a fuck whether you like their looks and you're just pooping in the social interaction pool.

No. 2350535

i mean this is primarily a gossip site. so it's not surprising it attracts women who just like shitting on other women regardless of if they deserve it. it's not really about men or hair. they would shit on any group of people who isn't like them. they do it with hair, with skin, with race, with jobs, with class. they're perpetually bitter and insecure.

No. 2350536

File: 1737132450123.jpg (13.97 KB, 236x314, 1000003324.jpg)

but who are you? literally nobody

No. 2350537

It's very obvious that some anons itt are envious kek

No. 2350538

If you can’t handle someone saying something as silly as they think bleach blonde hair looks like shit, why are you on an anonymous board in an unpopular opinion thread where I can say whatever I want?

No. 2350539

who cares if she looks a hot mess? you're a judgy lil bitch for caring for what women look like and assuming everything is automatically for men, it's a much worse look than fried ass hair bleached hair.

No. 2350541

They look ridiculous kek

No. 2350542

if you can't handle people disagreeing with you, why post here?

No. 2350543

I don’t care if she looks like shit. If you want to look bad, that’s your choice but I don’t have to pretend to think you look good.

No. 2350544

They look so cute.

No. 2350546

I literally bleached my hair because my brown hair made a dark frame around my face that i could see every day all the time and i wanted a bit of light in my life. Same with glasses, i changed my black hipster glasses for golden wired ones because i saw black in my field of vision and it made me feel sad. It was my strategy to help my severe depression. Chaging little things that bothered me so the % of things that make me feel good will help my depression overall. I couldn't give a shit about men, i didn't want their attention because i wasn't trying to date anybody.. i had enough of my problems to care about men. Hope that helps.

No. 2350547

You’re not disagreeing with me you’re just saying “don’t say that because it’s mean!”, no shit it’s mean it’s an unpopular opinion.

No. 2350550

no one who sees you thinks, "wow, anon looks so normal. she must be better than everyone" well-adjusted people just ignore you and move on

No. 2350552

They do kek. They don’t suit blonde at all. Maybe it’s a wig

No. 2350553

i'm not disagreeing because i don't give a shit what color hair someone has

No. 2350554

You sound overly sensitive. I imagine you as a chubby alt girl with fried hair and your fingers smell like salad dressing.(bait)

No. 2350555

I kinda get why people are so jealous of blonde women, they have the rarest hair color, if they have blue eyes they have one the rarest combo on earth. Fake blonde never looks as good as the real deal, and it's deemed an "angelic" or "elegant" type of beauty, it's frustrating knowing you'll never have that.

No. 2350561

Don’t care, I don’t care either. Me saying it looks bad doesn’t mean I care. I see ugly people everyday and I walk right past them without a thought. You’re ugly and that’s fine.

No. 2350562

why are you so obsessed with men

No. 2350568

your association of dark with bad extending to your natural features lines up with white supremacist thinking ultimately though. hair is hair and doesn't have any meaning. >>2350428
both these stars suffered in life and you're reducing them to men's hair color fetishism. foul.

No. 2350569

everyone suffers in life, that has nothing to do with it

No. 2350573

>white supremacist thinking
wtf she's talking about glasses frames in her peripheral vision. go back please.

No. 2350574

If you wanna go around looking like a clown for attention be my guest

No. 2350582

Most of the "blonde" women people get jealous of (like Marilyn, 95% of actresses, singers etc) aren't even real blondes

No. 2350583

At least she’s eating salad

No. 2350586

Vidrel is how all you retards itt look when you endlessly reply to disagreements insisting you're unbothered and don't care

No. 2350591

Trying to be famous is kind of pathetic. Everyone thinks celebrities are so cool but they seem like losers who really wanna be popular so bad kek

No. 2350598

I don't care about the hair color sperging but this logic is fucking hilarious. Gold glasses help with severe depression

No. 2350599

File: 1737134161239.jpeg (824.15 KB, 1284x1004, IMG_5090.jpeg)

Lolita fashion looks ridiculous and impractical. It only looks somewhat cute on pretty Asian girls, everyone else needs to stay up off it.

No. 2350602

I like jet black hair the best anyone born with jet black hair is gods favorite imo. My hair is like a color 2 brown and it’s ashy and ugly. My little sister has jet black 1b colored hair and I’m so jealous. Your hair automatically looks fuller and shinier the darker it is. I dyed my hair black and it automatically brought out my features in a way my natural hair color didn’t. I don’t have an opinion on blonde other than I feel like they go bald the fastest so I never understood why it’s so coveted kek.

No. 2350603

Yea, dark colors make people sad. This is well known in psychology.

No. 2350604

are we just gonna forget about marilyn's thing with JFK kek (and making it known openly with the whole 'happy birthday' moment)

No. 2350605

No. 2350606

JFK wife kind of deserved it for being a racist bitch so I can’t really feel bad for her

No. 2350607

Psychology is fake

No. 2350608

Lolita is just a Japanese copycat of old Western fashion. You think Asians invented frilly dresses? Please.

No. 2350610

Just like you

No. 2350611

No but their style of it only looks good on them(only the small and pretty ones though)

No. 2350613

Who cares about marilyn and audrey, blame the scrote for being a weak whore

No. 2350614

I'm autistic and I want to be infanatilized. I also hate the autistics who act like normies, have sex(women since out position in sex is naturally vulnerable, for men it's less harsh) and social life, because I'm really high on the spectrum and I don't relate to these hoes, so it makes harder for me to be understood lol how can I be understood amongst ass eating, tit sucking, cocksucking, fucking, kinky, extroverted, relationship having, never overwhelmed, feminine normies? I'm literally spending years trying to get understanding play I'm too sensitive for sex as a woman, it's violent, infantalise the shit out of me, please.

No. 2350617

Anon you posted a photo of a child

No. 2350620

Just say only skinny pretty people should wear Lolita and go. I’ve seen women of all races look great in Lolita. You probably just have a fetish

No. 2350621

I worded it in a cheeky way but I mean pop psychology color stuff is bullshit. And if you have severe depression your glasses aren't going to make you feel better

No. 2350624

That’s what all models for Lolita in Japan look like though. Idk if she’s a kid or not.

No. 2350628

This reminds me of when people online were handwringing over MTS wearing south korean fashion because muh appropriation, yet most of the outfits she wore were basic prep clothes that wouldn't look out of place in a western country kek. It's so annoying when people treat modern day asian fashion like it's so sacred when a lot of it is just euro or american clothes rebranded.

No. 2350629

They usually use teenagers for models because mostly young girls wear it

No. 2350631

No, because Adrianna Lima is pretty and thin but would look stupid in it. Asians look stupid in it too they just look slightly less stupid than everyone else.

No. 2350634

if it were 100 years ago you'd be saying asian women look stupid in that style of clothing because it would be too western. clothing is not race specific, it's just fabric.

No. 2350638

I agree with this. It only looks good on Asian women.

No. 2350645

File: 1737135086268.webp (108.26 KB, 840x1188, IMG_5091.webp)

Well it’s not 100 years ago, Today they look less stupid in it. In them it looks cute in a silly way. On everyone else they just look like big ass ddlg role players.

No. 2350646

This style is adorable imo. I think the styling needs to be minimal, especially with hair. Use basic colors and wigs etc. Westerners dont know how to do that.

No. 2350648

She would look better in normal clothes but it’s cute for Halloween or something

No. 2350652

that's because you're a weeb

No. 2350656

No I’m not because I still think it looks kind of retarded on them too

No. 2350657

Why can't women just dress like this sometimes and enjoy their lives though? I dont get it.

No. 2350662

They just want to shame women who dare to be different because we live In a fascist country

No. 2350663

The minimal version is basically Classic Lolita (and some classic outfits could almost pass for normal retro fashion), but I guess it's not as popular as the other variants

No. 2350665

what are you talking about schizo?

No. 2350667


No. 2350668

i'm saying clothing has no race idiot

No. 2350669

I think Classic lolita and gothic lolita are the best versions. Everything else is way too much.

No. 2350672

File: 1737135786552.jpg (5.29 KB, 162x159, 12c67f627efbbf5719db282131cce1…)

I remember when retarded race bait was reported and ignored

No. 2350673

Obviously dumbass hence why the people saying it only looks good on Asians make 0 sense because Asians got inspired by 1800s European fashion.

No. 2350674

Most people in 1800s photos are ugly though. Never seen anyone one pretty from that time.

No. 2350675

i'm not the anon who was saying that though dumbass

No. 2350678

Neither am i retard so stfu

No. 2350679

File: 1737135977630.jpg (9.18 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

Assumption that I pulled out of my ass but I think lolita fashion, as much as people say it's not pedophilic, emerged in Japan because of their culture of idolizing anything cute, childlike, and youthful. There is a reason why acting like a child as a grown woman in asian countries is seen as a favorable trait but not in the west.

No. 2350681

Anon said that it did improve her mood though

No. 2350683

UNPOPULAR OPINION: eggs are the best protein, tastier than any meat. give me a well prepared egg over meat any day

No. 2350685

then stop replying saying i'm shaming women because fascism and learn how to read reply chains

No. 2350689

File: 1737136203538.jpg (205.93 KB, 1200x1800, 1000049640.jpg)

>give me a well prepared egg over meat any day

No. 2350699

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No. 2350700

Sometimes you’ll just have to grow up and accept not everyone is going to like how you look or dress. They’re not trying to shame you, they just sincerely think you look stupid and are trying to help, I wish I would’ve taken the advice given to me when I dressed like a weeaboo.

No. 2350701

i like eggs too but nothing beats a nice steak

No. 2350702

are the big chunks mushrooms or chicken?

No. 2350704

i don't wear lolita and i'm not a weebaboo. please go back to twitter if you are incapable of reading.

No. 2350707

You didn’t say you wore it but you also didn’t say you didn’t. I assumed you got triggered because you dress stupid irl.

No. 2350712

sometimes you have to grow up and realize people will do shit you don't like and find reprehensible like wearing frilly dresses and you just have to cope seethe and dilate.

No. 2350713

File: 1737136728131.jpg (75.95 KB, 683x1024, 1000003753.jpg)

get your popular opinion out of my face
just kidding, egg and steak go great together

No. 2350717

weebs always project their stupidity onto others so i don't blame you

No. 2350718

Me saying you look stupid doesn’t mean I don’t like you doing it. I see tons of people everyday that I think are dressed dumb or look silly but I don’t care.

No. 2350719

>i don't care
>that's why i'm going to keep complaining and seething about it

No. 2350720

I guess but if some glasses and a dye job improves your condition could you really call it severe depression at that point?

No. 2350721

I’m not complaining. I’m just stating a fact that Lolita looks silly.

No. 2350727

I don't really get why people care so deeply about people's bad photoshop and them pretending they aren't shopping. I lurk that jirai thread occasionally for example, know nothing about anyone in it, but people get so insane about these alien-headed babies making money and/or getting popular over their equally insane shops, not commenting on the personality of said cows inb4. On that level who cares, literally anyone with eyes can say it's fake. This specific subgroup aside idk I think it's pretty funny to milk money from, ideally, retarded moids with the most blatant stupid shops while insisting it's Totally True! Like that insane zombie Angelina lookalike. Get creative with the attention whoring!

No. 2350733

Honestly a lot of fashion things look silly. High heels look pretty damn goofy and so do neckties. I think high heels are the dumbest clothing invention because their shape is completely antithetical to walking, the activity you do in order to accomplish most basic tasks.

No. 2350737

I think people who wear lolita know they look silly to strangers. they just don't care.

No. 2350740

sometimes making changes helps people. there's no reason to get so judgmental about it

No. 2350741

File: 1737137589553.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1284x1727, IMG_5092.jpeg)

I agree with that. I think heels are stupid. I don’t see the point in wearing clothes that aren’t comfortable, it just screams “LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION”. Cute but comfy clothes like pic related are the only clothes that make sense to wear.

No. 2350746

File: 1737137701485.jpg (76.57 KB, 980x980, tavistock-victorian-boots-blac…)

nta and i also don't like heels from a practical standpoint but i need me a pair of these. i'm a daily boot wearer and mine have a slight heel (a little over an inch) now that i type it out but they're extremely comfortable.

No. 2350747

i don't know anon, the piercings nails and blonde hair make me think she wants male attention..

No. 2350748

I agree, I think leftist moids are more misognystic and coomerish than right wing moids. At least the right wing moids try to ban porn and don't want women to whore themselfs out, while leftist men support the whole onlyfans empowered hook up culture thing and pretend they want women to get benefits from it, while in reality it only benefits their porn addiction.
I have seen cases of MTF trans raping their girlfriends or cheating on them with other men or other naive leftist women. It seems leftist moids also victimize themselfs more than right wing moids.

No. 2350750

File: 1737137861119.jpeg (1.32 MB, 893x1652, IMG_5093.jpeg)

Her hair looks naturally blonde though. Women should be a little effort into their looks but not too much where they end up looking over done.

No. 2350752

cotton dresses are more comfortable than jeans though

No. 2350754

How is that judgemental? You can say you felt down and changing some stuff helped without attributing it to a condition like severe depression. It's funny to claim that glasses cured a severe mental illness

No. 2350755

Dresses are comfortable for the summer. Walking around in short dresses in The winter just screams attention hungry.

No. 2350757

she didn't say it cured her depression, she said it made her feel better. not everything is black and white

No. 2350758

This looks uncomfortable to me tbh

No. 2350760

Using long skirts on winter or normal skirts + pantyhose combo is totally ok

No. 2350761

>It was my strategy to help my severe depression

No. 2350762

do you know what the word 'help' means? just admit you were wrong

No. 2350764

>I think leftist moids are more misognystic and coomerish than right wing moids.

No they are not, they just hide it better. They are just different sides of the same coin.

No. 2350766

pantyhose are an abomination even worse than jeans

No. 2350767

to add to that, narrow toe shoes are terrible for our feet.

No. 2350769

File: 1737138460549.jpg (88.35 KB, 1366x768, 640555f28b2e2e13c709bf7d_Baref…)

most shoes are terrible for our feet except barefoot style ones

No. 2350773

Jeans is ugly, normie and uncomfy while pantyhose is comfy, warm and fashionable. Why do you hate feminine clothes such as skirts and dresses tho?

No. 2350774

I agree that shit look itchy as hell and what's the point of showing midriff if you're going to wear something warm

No. 2350776

pantyhose is actually good for your circulation (actual good pantyhose not trash you buy from the supermarket) unlike jeans

No. 2350779

i don't, i'm the anon who said dresses are more comfortable than jeans. pantyhose are plastic garbage and even more uncomfortable than jeans though

No. 2350780

that is untrue, and tight clothing is actually worse for your nerves

No. 2350782

>pantyhose are plastic garbage and even more uncomfortable than jeans though
You can get whool or other material pantyhose they don't have to be necesarily plastic, I find tight jeans to be worse than pantyhose.

No. 2350786

File: 1737139182208.jpeg (38.25 KB, 311x480, 7e2344.jpeg)

I wish we could all dress like literal clowns and cartoon characters irl, it cheers up my dull sad days and I want to draw on myself. I wish real life had cartoon logic, so the clothes could be easy to wear but also fun and if everyone dressed this way then it wouldn't look attention seeky, it would be the norm. If everyone's a clown then no one is you know?

No. 2350788

pantyhose is not supposed to be tight, it's supposed to be hugging your body, no more tight than a pair of leggings for example.

No. 2350793

You can dress like this to attend a medieval festival for example, you can also dress like a fairy or a princess , but yes it's sad how we get judged if we use it outside of those type of events.

No. 2350797

you're not helping your case, leggings are also tight clothing and neither are good for your nerves. you're damaging your sensation over time which is bad for a number of reasons

No. 2350801

Real. So versatile, too. Runny yolk with some cherry tomatoes on the side is heavenly.
Steak tastes like my brown period blood stench. When will people stop shilling it to look tough and cool?

No. 2350806

don't eat bloody meat then? a good quality steak has the blood drained.

No. 2350815

I was recently shopping for shoes and it's absolutely impossible to find a shoe that doesn't have a heel and narrow toebox, even sports shoes. I hate this

No. 2350817

it's easier to find shoes designed for health online than by roaming around a department store

No. 2350825

Tbh as I get older the more I want to dress like this and am trying to slowly encorporate it into my daily life. I don't have social media so I'm not posting for attention, I'm not wanting to dress like this for attention though obviously anything out of the norm can draw attention. And I certainly don't give a fuck what strangers and obviously insecure people like the jeansanon think; I'm dressing fun for myself. So anon I say go for it!

No. 2350845

I had that and it still tasted like shit. Beef is the best when it's brown and not pink at all.

No. 2350846

They’re the same nonna. One thinks of women as private property, they want a mammy that sits around the house pregnant and submissive (while still pining over the “hoes”), the other hides behind “freedom” aka women being public property, look at the “sex work is work” that male feminists coincidentally support kek.

No. 2350850

so cook your food more, i don't understand the complaint

No. 2350851

nta but this is the unpopular opinion thread, nona. you don't need to convince others to change their mind

No. 2350857

My unpopular opinion is that it is disgusting to call Melania Trump a mail order bride. She was born and raised in Yugoslavia, and was passionate about fashion and actually put in effort throughout high school. She got incredibly lucky that she was discovered and was able to start building a career for herself. I know people like to think that they would somehow be different, but truly how many women with the fortune of beauty and the background of living under communism wouldn't jump at marrying as rich as possible? Especially when the fashion industry is brutal to and exploitative of young women, and is ready to throw them in the trash before they're even 30 so as to make room for a new batch of 18 year olds? This isn't a discussion of her politics, and yes, her family was solidly middle class (not suffering) under communism. My point is that she still grew up in Yugoslavia during a very unstable time period, survived the fashion industry in the 90s without being a nepo baby/having crazy stardom, and understandably was willing to marry a guy pissing cash. I find it deeply misogynistic to use "mail order bride" as an insult even. What's it supposed to mean? Ha ha, this woman married a rich guy so she's just like those stupid idiot women who are so desperate for a better life that they're willing to sell themselves to a random man overseas? This shouldn't even be unpopular, but people are constantly calling her this.

No. 2350858

it's dumb to complain that meat is bad when it's bloody or undercooked because that is all in how you handle it. she's really just complaining that she doesn't know how to cook

No. 2350867

Aww poor billionaire married to one of the worse men on the planet. Let me go cry for her while I eat packaged ramen for the 5th time this week.

No. 2350873

Based women

No. 2350874

I understand your sentiment, but there is no way in hell she married trump because she thinks he's hot or is in love with him. I always felt like she only married him for the lifestyle, but all of this president stuff wasn't what she was anticipating. I guess i could believe he makes her laugh, but it's hard to see through the eyes of someone who willingly had/has sex with Trump. I think that is why people keep calling her a mail order bride, maybe she is just a victim of the ugly man psyop, idk. I still like her because i think she is very glamorous and pretty despite her weird life choices.

No. 2350875

I never bothered making steak myself, it's too bland and boring. I only eat it at restaurants in subs or as a dish on its own. The only good stake I had was Chinese stake in an Asian hub restaurant.

No. 2350876

Just another thing women are better at. They can't even be the best at being brutes kek

No. 2350886


Oh shutup you wouldn’t have this much empathy if this was a non European woman doing this. She’s a hack and the very antithesis of what the right supposedly stands for. She basically married a passport bro. And she stole her speech from Michelle Obama someone no one respects despite actually being a woman to look up to. Instead yall call her a man.

No. 2350889

If Michelle Obama had the exact same accolades as Melania Trump when Obama was president. America would literally have her executed on live television

No. 2350902

yes we all know, all white people are the same and your enemy. you don't have to keep reminding us

No. 2350907

DA oh shit you just reminded me that I left steak out to cook earlier kek. (It's covered)

No. 2350913

If that’s what you think

No. 2350927

michelle obama is still respected to this day and people wanted her to run for president. she was/is a style icon. people said about the same amount of stuff about both first ladies. with michelle it was more racist and with melania it was more calling her a whore and a gold digger. i think there can be room for compassion for michelle for what she faced from the public AND compassion for melania who is married to a known rapist and trapped in an abusive relationship the same way america is now trapped with him again.

reverse racism isn’t real. i feel like you need to hear that.

No. 2350929

>there is no way in hell she married trump because she thinks he's hot or is in love with him.
I agree, that's why I said that I'm not surprised she married an insanely rich guy. I see what you mean by how the fact that she married for money makes people call her a mail order bride, but my issue is 1) I still don't think it truly applies to her (she was not imported from a developing country solely to marry/have children for a wealthy moid) and 2) using mail order bride as an insult is insane given the type of industry it is and how it exploits women.

It's like mocking a 15 year old girl for having sex with her 16 year old boyfriend by saying she was statutorily raped since she was not at the age of consent (for this example I'm using 16 as the AOC). My point being that it's disgusting to use an actually serious issue (eg statutory rape) as an insult in a situation where it does not apply (in this example, romeo and juliet laws). Again this is just an example. We wouldn't make fun of someone for fleeing violence, but the second it's a woman selling herself to escape poverty, or even engaging in the sex industry out of desperation, it becomes okay to use their situation as a general insult ("mail order bride," "whore/prostitute").

No. 2350930

Ginger men get too much hate. Large portion of uglies just like any other type of man but people will act like being ginger makes it so that they're more likely to look ugly when not really. I don't hate dark haired men but 99% of the ones I've seen irl have been ugly, they're more common so you're actually way more likely to see an ugly dark haired man than you are to see an ugly ginger man irl

No. 2350931

yea, it's just called racism

No. 2350944

if you take the time to reread what i wrote in my op, i said SOMETIMES. as in, not all the time. as in, only in certain contexts or situations. if i said this about everybody or against all gays and lesbians, then yes, your assessment would be correct. but i'm not talking about actual homosexuals, i am talking about people who were severely abused and became traumatized so much so that now they have sexual hangups in general. i am not saying that trauma can change anyone's orientation, just that their own sexual expression would be disrupted by the trauma. once that's healed, they can feel better and not as confused. this is especially true with straight and bi women who think they're lesbians after rape or repeated offenses, women that i've actually spoken with over the years.
ye like i get that the whole trauma thing can absolutely be used to argue against the natural homosexual occurrences that a few people in the entire world can be born with, and that is something i am against. but i'm not talking about that and i'm glad you get it.
i worry about your reading comprehension. are you a tiktok refugee?

No. 2350946

oh my godddd how has racism against white people ever affected us in any way be serious.(integrate)

No. 2350953

Sorry but all I can think of when I see a ginger male is vidrel… ginger male market failure indeed…

No. 2350954

people are affected in their personal lives even if you think the system isn't. someone violently attacking someone because of their race or discriminating against someone in hiring doesn't cease to be racist because the victim is white.

No. 2350957

Choosing to have an easy life as a woman annoys men and women. People are always weirdest out by me because I eat out everyday, I work like twice a week because I don’t have kids to pay for, all my bills are pretty low because it’s just me, I come home to a quiet house with no screaming children.

No. 2350958

i agree with everything you’re saying but people take intentional pleasure in kicking disenfranchised women or really any woman down. they know exactly how nasty they are being it’s why they are doing it.

No. 2350962

Reptiles are ugly

No. 2350965

i super doubt any of those things happened to someone just because they are white. if a white man is racist i hope he DOES get the shit beaten out of him. and please as if being white doesn’t improve your chances of being hired. like they’ve done studies and everything lmfao. like you admit there’s no systemic shit in place. have you been told you were not hired cos you are white or been beaten up for it? like i’ve never met a single person who has claimed to experience shit like that. the worst i hear from white people is that other races don’t trust us and bitching about it. like damn i wonder why? literally playing victim to the actual victims and then whining about how that didn’t improve your relationship with them. it’s like unreal. i don’t care. if i was told i didn’t get a job or place in school cos they gave it to a black woman instead i would be like yeah she was probably more qualified too that’s a good thing lmao. considering you used to not be able to get a job at all as a black person in my country???? not everything has to be about white people like holy fuck.

No. 2350967

half of all racially motivated murders in the UK have a white victim

No. 2350976

>The data, released under Freedom of Information legislation, shows that between 1995 and 2004 there have been 58 murders where the police consider a racial element played a key part. Out of these, 24 have been where the murder victim was white.

> Fahy also warned of caution in over-interpreting the figures. He said that the 24 white victims also included those who were Jewish, 'dark-skinned' Europeans or gypsies. In addition, seven of those were killed by white attackers, four by black, six by Asian, with seven whose racial background was not identified.

if you believe in ten years there were a mere 58 racially motivated murders and that despite the article not stating what led investigators to believe the murders were racially motivated, half of them were white people? then i have one billion in hawk tuah coin i will trade you. together we can finally help the poor whites and men who feel scared to report their murders were racially or sexually motivated. because this is literally the same argument MRA’s use to say that they’re abused worse than women.

No. 2350988

File: 1737149090566.jpg (62.14 KB, 960x640, anatomy of large mouth bass.jp…)

Trolls used to make an effort.

No. 2350989

what do you gain from denying that there are racially motivated crimes that target whites? if a white woman is murdered for her skin color, is it no longer racism because you don't believe racism against white people exists?

No. 2350992

didn't the whole rotherham grooming gang specifically target white girls?

No. 2350994

They secretly envy you, hence the annoyance. They were scammed and you weren't, and they think it's unfair.

No. 2351001

i would believe that her murder had a lot more to do with her gender than anything. >>2350992
i don’t know anything about that crime but like? the fact you guys can name specific ones and all the racist people know what you’re talking about. vs any other race who has been targeted so badly you could not begin naming cases there are so many…
damn so which quality did you start fantasizing about me having first, a gorgeous smile or a fat ass? i wanna know how i come across to other posters on here.(bait)

No. 2351002

anon the UK grooming gang controversy is currently all over the news. it's fine if you're not informed, but this is not a niche subject.

No. 2351004

you can close your eyes and pretend it doesn't exist, but the rest of us live in reality and see these things happen

No. 2351007

i have seen stuff in the disturbing news story thread but it gets so filled up with racism that it’s impossible to know what is actually happening. you make a fair point but in my defense it’s easy to dismiss that stuff as the fantasies of racists. “the newscasters say the enemy’s among us, taking our women, and taking our jobs..”

No. 2351010

Not being able to use discernment to separate a news story from the reporting style isn't something to brag about.

No. 2351014

i think that’s what i’m doing actually. it’s why i don’t believe what racists say ever.

No. 2351015

That's kind of the same logic trannies use to discount everything reported from Reduxx, but have fun with that.

No. 2351021

can you like be more subtle i googled that and it’s a far right news source lmfao. i wouldn’t read that trash either like how is that not even worse than mainstream news. do you have any sources other than cartoonishly offensive ones.

No. 2351025

>far right
kek okay anon. Do you have a non far-right publication that reports male and tranny criminality? I'll gladly start citing that instead of reduxx if you can supply one.

No. 2351026

Go back. Reduxx is a gendercrit news source. Maybe don’t use google for all of your perceptions and go read the actual website.

No. 2351028

wow you're retarded

No. 2351031

Wow, I went to go look into the founders a little more. One of them is a self-described Marxist commie vegan. Where did you even get the far right from? Like I genuinely want to know how you even got there unless you're on like a drip-feed from TRA propaganda.

No. 2351036

wait wtf i just googled what is reduxx cos i was scared to go right to it in case it was a nazi website or some shit. i’m so confused. the very first result of google said that lol and so i was like nope bye.(integrate)

No. 2351037

tbf Slatz is a retard pickme, but she’s not the only member of the team. Idk who the other women involved even are, though.

No. 2351040

>the very first result of google said that lol
You mean the AI overview? That thing lies nonny. You have to actually do your own research on these things and use discernment. Read a few articles, see if there's actually nazi shit in there. Even if there was, if you're not sympathetic to nazi shit, you're not going to be immediately converted just by reading a few bad takes, right? You can do research for yourself and come to your own conclusions.

No. 2351041

i’m gonna be real with you i may not have researched that website in depth, but when a trans person where i live commits an actual proven crime it is all over every single news source. i truly don’t get where this website is coming from that they are claiming to be fed all this progressive propaganda because i only ever see seething hatred towards trans people outside of like tumblr and specific communities. like i hear about trans crime so much that it’s as ridiculous to me as every female pedo teacher story being shared everywhere. like congrats you found the five bad women on the planet? i still don’t believe women are more likely to be pedos or white people are more likely to be victims of a hate crime.

No. 2351042

>i still don’t believe women are more likely to be pedos or white people are more likely to be victims of a hate crime.
no one said this. i said that white people can also be victims of racially motivated crimes because you tried to argue racism against whites isn't real. it seems like you're too far gone though if you're defending trannies

No. 2351043

>but when a trans person where i live commits an actual proven crime it is all over every single news source.
And depending on where you live, they're "gendered correctly" in the news, i.e. TIMs are written as women and TIFs are (less often) written as men. If you live somewhere with accurate reporting that calls AGPete Peter instead of Petra, good for you. Some of us live in places where AGPete is reported as Petra and his crimes are added to the female crime statistics. Reduxx calls a man a man.

No. 2351044

Bobs Burgers is just as bad as Family Guy

No. 2351045

well no i am more afraid of like. cyber security stuff accidentally ending up on some crazy alt right page.

No. 2351050

Kek I do think that song is funny, but I just don't believe they're that much worse than the average dark haired moid in practice. Moids with pretty much any hair color end up trooning out so

No. 2351051

someone else did try to tell me that white people were the real victims of hate crime murders in the UK.

No. 2351053

It is, it's super fucking boring. It's the Anti-Family Guy

No. 2351054

that was me and i posted that because you said racism against whites doesn't exist. god you're stupid

No. 2351055

?? Do you actually think that website security is segregated by politics? I'm not sure I understand what you're worried about.

No. 2351059

i believe that scary men on far right websites would try to track people yeah. i understand literally nothing about computers though. i think it’s also partly paranoia that someone would find out i’ve been somewhere like that and think i agree with it.
i don’t think i’m dumb i think you did kind of say that. do you still think i have a nice butt

No. 2351077

Unless you live in a surveillance state with overreaching hate crime laws that criminalize certain websites, you literally don't have to worry about that. If you are in one of those states, you can just use a VPN or something. (idk. I'm a burger and stand by my dumbass browsing history so literally can't help you here)

No. 2351080

Hey, I mean, you could always learn. If you’re using windows you could install tinywall, it’s a very good firewall. You could use a secured browser like brave or something which dumps tracking cookies based on your settings. I… do think you’re at least a little bit naive if you’re believing everything you’re reading on google and I think the “i’m worried abt cyber security” is just kinda cope, but who could care what I think? No one’s gonna break down your door for looking at a site, yippie, empower yourself! Yay!

No. 2351081

unfortunately i'm not sure how to prove my point without doxxing my area. but there is a notable trans woman who committed multiple crimes from my area. it was notable because they were a public figure. even a source that didnt have “transgender woman” in the headline went on to talk about that aspect in the article itself. i’m not sure i’ve seen what you were talking about. i remember when people thought that Wisconsin shooter was trans they were asking why the news articles didn’t specify, but she didn’t end up being trans as far as i know?

No. 2351085

computers are my most naive area for sure. i would love to learn coding when i eventually can afford a gaming pc.
is it weird that i assume that anyone with the desire to could see everything i say and do online and like even see me through cameras lol. cos i just kind of assume i’m being watched at all times.

No. 2351099

people always go about how people become gay because of sexual trauma and some homophobechans here will say gay people are just sexually violent deviants and homosexuality is based on that as if majority of straight sex through history wasn't rape. do you think there is 8 billion people in the world because women love sex so much? do you think women popped out 13 kids because they loved fucking moids so much and loved giving birth? the fact that any of us exist right now is because somewhere some time ago a woman was raped. marital rape has been accepted everywhere through history, it's only a recent thing it's illegal in some countries.

No. 2351102

>you can't say gay people are rapists
>but straight people are rapists
every time

No. 2351104

nayrt but she made a point

No. 2351105

i just think it's funny how hets scrutinize gay people so much on this matter when their sexuality is basically based on violence and rape.

No. 2351119

My exact thoughts lmao

No. 2351121

who else would be raping women besides straight men? what else is she supposed to say? i mean 3/4 of college aged women have been sexually harassed/assaulted. are 3/4 of all women exclusively same sex attracted? i do think sexual trauma can change a person but people on here go weirdly far i think just to justify to themselves that they want to write something homophobic.

No. 2351122

not to mention what devastating impact heterosexual rape rituals have had on society as whole when you actually stop and think about it. why weren't women allowed education or jobs and still aren't in many places in world? so that they would have to depend on men, so that men would always have a wife at home to rape. heterosexual marriage is based on this, that men always can have access to sex and (male) heirs. daughters belong to their fathers before he gives them to other men. half of human population gets nerfed so that men get to fuck. half of humanity's potential wasted for thousands of years so that men get to rape women. millions girls and women sold and prostituted world wide to get raped because the wife will never be enough for the man. overpopulation, pollution and all the other problems that follow from there just being way too many people, just because men feel entitled to have women to rape. heterosexual rape rituals doesn't ruin just women's lives but the entire damn world.

No. 2351131

obviously, it's going to be people attracted to women who abuse women. people here like to pretend that women can't be predators or abusers and that's not the case.

No. 2351139

sorry - you believe all lesbians were raped by another lesbian? do you think homosexuality is like vampirism where you have to be infected??? like on god this is a position you are defending as rational??

No. 2351142

no it's the small gang of lesbians that rapes 3/4 of women

No. 2351144

can you point out where in the one sentence i wrote i said that? or do you just like making shit up to get mad at?

No. 2351145

lesbians also fucked 8 billion ppl into existence. also our entire economy is based on lesbian reproduction because it's lesbian sex that is needed to keep producing more and more people to work as slaves for our economic system which always needs more and more people to be born or it will collapse.

No. 2351146

lesbian lesbian lesbian, lesbian lesbian lesbian lesbian. lesbian lesbian lesbian lesbian? lesbian lesbian lesbian lesbian…

No. 2351148

God I wish I lived in a lesbian caliphate where I'm forced to marry some old rich woman and give birth to our science babies.

No. 2351149

Putting one leg up on the side of the bathtub is the most efficient way to shit

No. 2351158

Unironically most lesbians are fine but I still remember during the last decade every other month I would read news about some bong teacher lady having an illicit affair with her female HS student so…

No. 2351161

File: 1737155980845.jpg (48.11 KB, 405x720, oardefault.jpg)

i wonder what het male teachers do to their female students.

also still ain't gay people's fault polar bears are drowning and bees are dying. pic related, this walrus is plummeting to it's death because your retarded het kin had to keep getting their dicks wet and build entire world economy on het men getting their dicks wet. gays tend to be vegans more often than straights too, trying to fix the problems you all started.

No. 2351169

do you have schizophrenia?

No. 2351176

am i wrong though? climate change is happening because there is so many damn people polluting this planet. who's fault is that? heterosexual rape has doomed us all.

No. 2351185

you contribute to that problem about as much as any of the other 8 billion people here

No. 2351190

but i wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for the heterosexuals. heterosexuality murders walruses.

No. 2351196

a third of lesbian women also have kids

No. 2351200

most kids aren't the result of rape anon, a lot of women actually want children

No. 2351201

yeah because heterosexual men rape them or brainwash them. once again het originated problem. and even when they're getting artificial insemination the sperm still comes from a man, it's lesbians partaking in heterosexual reproduction, it is a heterosexuality related problem.

No. 2351204

see >>2351201 it is partaking in heterosexual reproduction. heterosexuality is the real problem.

No. 2351259

In the US it wasn’t illegal to rape your wife until the 90s so it’s not like it’s a strange concept. Most women from back then were also forced to either fend for themselves or take shelter with a man so they would see sex/rape as the transaction for a home and a man to pay for it. Sex education was also ass so these women would be in either very religious areas, which was the norm, and live their whole lives without knowing what an orgasm is or how to masturbate without thinking that sex needs to end in procreation. Hell you can ask a catholic or a mormon if a woman has the “right to deny her husband sex” and they would say she should be forced anyways because she would be creating life and that’s seen as more important than her

No. 2351280

I respect when men approach women and try to shoot their shot. It's better than awkwardly making eye contact and following me on instagram later like a fucking loser.

No. 2351290

it is a strange concept to think kids are all just the product of rape. most women choose to get married because they actually like men. birthrates are falling now because people can't afford children, but most of the women that can afford them want a family

No. 2351313

people can't turn gay because of trauma, yes, but people can become confused because of said trauma if it did occurred to them. a woman might be raped so many times that she now can't even look at dick without wanting to throw up, and can't even get turned on by men since her body and mind tries their best to protect her from future harm. have you've ever taken at least one psychology class in high school? college?

No. 2351331

i don't respect men who approach me, i just want them to leave because it feels uncomfortable

No. 2351404

The "haha, my thirdie/POC/diaspora mom beats me with the chancla/belt/broom all day, every day. Haha, isn't she ~~quirky~~, isn't my culture so funny? Haha." Is pure cope. No, she's not doing that because that's how kids are supposed to be "disciplined". They do that because they fucking hate you.

I say this as a thirdie myself. I've lost count of the times I've heard some "moms" screeching at their kid or being legitimately physically abusive.

What really grinds my gears is when diaspora kids parrot this stuff.

Plus, most of these types of mothers come from pretty patriarchal cultures—Afrian, Latino, Arabic… I always felt that these women were taking out their frustrations on to their kids because they couldn't fight back. But these diaspora morons can't seem to piece the puzzle of their mom—who was in an arranged marriage with her cousin ten years older than her because "muh religion", "muh culture"—is so physically aggressive to them compared to other kids. Hmmmm, I wonder why. Oh, that's right, it's just a quirky cultural trait [insert XD face], haha.

It's a cope and nothing more.

No. 2351410

I don't see how this would be unpopular except amongst edgelords here. Men who can't talk to women or who get nervous around women are super cringe. Modern men are fucking weird losers for not even being able to open their mouth and act normal.

No. 2351412

t. lives in a white community in a predominantly white country

No. 2351414

File: 1737166220303.webp (296.46 KB, 1280x1563, before-she-dyed-her-hair-chang…)

>Marilyn Monroe is a natural dark haired woman.
Her hair wasn't that dark.

No. 2351415

it's pretty sad as a diaspora seeing the Lilly Singh-esque jokes about their parents being abusive or neglectful, these kids saw a clear difference in how their families are vs. their white peers. coming to terms with familial abuse in general is difficult, then being an ethnic minority makes abuse even harder to confront because you already feel isolated from the mainstream and/or face racism. i do feel more kids, well at least the women, recognize their moms are victims when they're adults and try to ignore the past. the truth is they can't change, and worse as an immigrant and minority they are isolated from their close social network and people of their background in general.

No. 2351418

>sexual trauma can impact sexuality sometimes
>you guys are denying that straight men are rapists and saying that all gay people are sexual deviants!!1
how did we get here.. just trying to silence women like trannies atp

No. 2351431

maybe its fucked up but i REALLY think people shouldnt upload pictures online with their self harm scars clearly visible in the picture. i just saw a picture of a girls cat and the second pic was her petting it and her whole arm was covered in deep scarring and it was a bit distressing to see honestly. seeing pictures like that when i was in middle school persuaded me to do it to myself (and being depressed and in a shit household, ofc)

No. 2351434

File: 1737167429123.jpg (87.54 KB, 1024x512, marilyn-monroe-infancia-1024x5…)

She's a natural blonde, it was dyed in your picrel. When she was a toddler it was practically white

No. 2351438

I agree nona! I also hate the meme about white kids acting feral because their parents don't beat them. I don't even understand how people just go along with it when it's so obviously not true kek plenty of white people physically abuse their kids. My bestie [asian] once asked me if my parents have ever slapped me and I had to inform her that my eastern european dad used to drag me around the house by my hair and closed fist punch me over the smallest perceived slights and her response was just "omg I thought white people didn't do that anyways my mom has only slapped me once I think"

No. 2351490

This level of stupidity is honestly breathtaking.

No. 2351539

File: 1737174234224.webp (325.3 KB, 1024x1024, bae06334-7073-49a7-875f-e4bc8c…)

i love chat gpt. its fun making my thoughts come to life because i cant draw and have no artistic talent.(ai outside of containment)

No. 2351546

You're gonna get hate for this but I support you. Although you can't post AI pics out of containment thread.

No. 2351550

The women running reduxx are not trustworthy. It makes me sad that reduxx is like the only "feminist" news source running stories against the trans lobby, because I don't think they actually have feminist principals at the heart of what they do, they are run by notorious contrarian grifters who are absolutely liable to promote conservative trad racist shit if they think it will give them a bigger audience. I do not think they do good journalism, they frequently put spin in their articles that does not reflect reality, neglect to fact check their sources, which does nothing but shoot their own credibility in the foot. They are in it for grifter reasons and not because they care about any sort of mission or integrity. I'm not saying they're "nazis" but I could easily see them going that direction if, once again, they think it will get them more clout.

No. 2351556

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Autistic men should be banned from reproducing.

They should also stop bragging about being autistic, it doesn't make them special, it's not a "superpower" and when they brag about it it just sounds like cope.

No. 2351557

File: 1737175112646.jpg (92.05 KB, 471x767, reduxx.JPG)

samefag, here are some women who wrote for Reduxx in the past discussing what goes on behind the scenes there and why they left.

No. 2351558

I wish there was proper radfem news websites or even some kind of newsletter that was free from such grifters. Someone like runawaysiren would have been ideal for it, i want to die!!!! Why is this reality!!! It's so annoying how weak most women's convictions are, it's so unfair to be cursed to be part of such a fickle group sometimes.

No. 2351563

you are so real for this. as someone coming from a latino family, the abuse is fucking awful to come to terms with now after all these years of trying to make light of it or just repress it. it just makes no sense at the end of the day because women who come from these violent households just end up leading hard futures, such as the stereotypical teen mom/single motherhood/stuck in poverty/go on to marry a domestic abuser/etc. at best, even if she manages to get out of the family dynamic and move far away, she'll live with lifelong ptsd and that will make all facets of her life incredibly difficult. like, how in the world would abusing her all throughout childhood would then prepare her to become a healthy adult capable of having lifelong relationships? newsflash, it won't.

No. 2351568

>shitting up a non-yaoi /m/ thread with yaoi

No. 2351569

i trust my instincts more now.

No. 2351572

you can't even mutter the words gay or lesbian without short bus dummies coming out of the woodwork to twist your words to a ridiculously high degree. one day someone will say "i've met rude homosexuals before" and a retard will say "ah so you agree with hitler when he wanted to kill us all huh?"

No. 2351578

samefag sorry but i should add, at this point, anyone who's offended at what >>2350002 says are probably fake gays who feel like they just got their entire asses exposed and are afraid of asking themselves the hard questions. real gays should know and be able to differentiate actual homosexuals vs someone who thinks they're gay due to trauma but gets over it once they get to the root of it.

No. 2351582

>>>makes a post about fried blonde hair, compares it to black women who have traction alopecia
why are we in it wtf(lrn2greentext)

No. 2351584

nayrt, but thank you for this anon. I love you.

No. 2351588

File: 1737177338439.jpeg (30.05 KB, 471x269, IMG_5109.jpeg)

A lot of white women who fry their hair have traction alopecia as well. After frying their hair, it becomes thin and weak and then they try to fix the problem with extensions which makes them go bald even more.

No. 2351589

/r9k/ and /pol/ are the best places for discussion on the internet. Even though they usually suck, everywhere else is much worse.(go back)

No. 2351596

why are people acting like not using meta apps and migrating to rednote/xiaohungshu is some kind of based fuck the establishment action? Some of them could be covert propaganda but some people genuinely seem to be falling for that. They're all the same shit at the end of the day. I do miss when Facebook had games, they were fun ways to waste time.

No. 2351608

how many news sources out there have feminist principals at heart, care about integrity and never ever associate with misogynistic men? people like you are hypocritical as hell too, you never care unless it's a group of women who are less than perfect. imagine saying you could "see" them going in the nazi direction meanwhile a shit ton of mainstream media outlets are already pro-censorship. libfems associate with misogynistic men too, just because it's the other side of the coin doesn't make it better. even the tumblr post admits that the financial issue is an industry problem not anything specific to reduxx.

No. 2351610

>>> muh blonde hair cultural appropriation!!!!
you've clearly been holding this in and just been waiting for an opportunity to let it out. You are a retard, take this racebait conversation to instagram reels please.

No. 2351617

I see Americans are saying china is some kind of perfect haven where they don’t have to pay taxes and crying how much America sucks in comparison since they started rednote. They think poor people don’t exist in china and everyone’s rich.

No. 2351624

They just wipe off the soap???

No. 2351626

We should be able to sell our organs.

No. 2351633

you sound like a conservative handmaiden.

No. 2351656

Tale as old as time, nona. I'm glad he's dead too, and I'm disheartened by the reaction of some Nona's being so distraught they say they want to die too (I know they're being hyperbolic but c'mon now)

No. 2351686

David Lynch is worth 10,000 Blake lively. What is she other than some ugly blonde chick with sub par acting. She’s famous cos she’s Ryan Reynolds broodmare.

No. 2351687

Yeah and they resent white women just because they grew up loved instead of being beaten and treated like a slave.(racebait)

No. 2351692

>just trying to silence women like trannies atp
what a freudian slip, lesbians are women too

No. 2351700

>anon discovers that women can silence other women

No. 2351701

And this is what you come up with?

No. 2351709

File: 1737186873035.jpg (36.69 KB, 404x354, 5654654768.jpg)

i fucking wish lesbians had the ability to silence straight women

No. 2351713

btw no one said this was coming from lesbians in particular. by now you should know that people screeching about transphobia/homophobia/racism aren't always actually affected by it

No. 2351720

Money can solve ALL problems, people that disagree are poorfags.

No. 2351731

You're right and the people who disagree are coping imo. On that note I think true depression is a lot more uncommon than what we see. For instance you can get diagnosed for depression because you can't afford shit, you're working 2 jobs and still have to have roommates because you can't even afford to make ends meet. Obviously that is depressing, literally anybody would be depressed in that situation. But if they had money to buy the stuff they need and still have extra for fun stuff, they would not be depressed. True depression I think is so much more rare, where something is genuinely wrong with your brain, but the vast majority of people who are diagnosed are only diagnosed because of very shitty monetary circumstances.

No. 2351733

Totally. Thats something i noticed about my own battle with depression and sucidal thoughts. Its not that i dont want to live, i just dont wanna live this shitty ass life in this shitty country where the min salary for a person with my degree is 500 usd. Like no shit i am going to be depressed, especially now with social media where i can easily see all the shit i am missing out on for being a poorfag.

No. 2351735

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I guess only an unpopular opinion amongst the general public that doesn't bother to research their pets, but if you want an exotic pet you should be required to take an exam showing you know proper care, and prove that you have the necessary supplies and equipment to take care of them. There are many people who don't know how to take care of common animals like cats and dogs, so imagine how much worse it is for exotic pets that are also usually more fragile than cats and dogs. So many people just adopt them because they're cool and don't do proper research. Of course, this would also require big pet stores like Petco and Petsmart to start caring about their animals which will never happen.

No. 2351740

Not all of them but almost. If I were rich and if I grew up with rich parents my life would be so much better I can't even list in which ways because that would take too long. Anything related to health is more complicated though, since not all health issues can be cured, so money can help a lot in some cases but not always. What's funny is when I was studying with mostly rich or at the very least upper middle class classmates and they were assuming a lot of weird and inaccurate things about me ans other poor students based on what we could and couldn't afford. They all assumed I was a retard with terrible grades for not going abroad on an exchange program for a year because they had barely average grades but could afford the plane tickets and dorm room but I couldn't. Or they all assumed I had horrible taste in fashion when I just couldn't buy clothes for a long time. These same people would throw a fit if you told them that money can buy happiness though.

No. 2351745

It is usually rich people that disagree with this. Also, the ways in which they gaslight you and act as if you are materialistic or self centered if you point this out.

No. 2351758

Money can't save you from terminal illness.
You can argue "they can afford healthcare" but doesn't matter when you literally cannot cure or even slow the condition. Sometimes you just fucking die and there's nothing that can be done.

Money can't save you from poor genetics.
You can argue plastic surgery exists to fix genes, but they can only take you so far. And that's just appearance, if you have shitty low IQ genes money isn't goin to make your off-spring any smarter. And they'll die of the same hereditary terminal illness.

And lastly, no amount of money in the world will change a troons sex.
Doesn't matter what surgery they get or how well they pass. They will never actually have changed sex.

No. 2351770

"Money cannot save you from poor genetics." That is wrong. Environmental factors affect our genetics. Just because one has family history of certain illnesses such as breast cancer, Alzheimer's, it does not mean their development cannot be halted. There is a whole field around this topic - epigenetics.

No. 2351777

Samefag, I forgot to mention it works in similiar way with IQ.

No. 2351790

Definitely agree. I did a lot of research on parrots and came to the conclusion that I probably couldn't handle one as a pet, which is sad but imagine if I just randomly bought one then later found out they live for decades, make a tonne of noise, need near constant companionship, etc. Maybe I'll get one when I retire/live in a house rather than an apartment.

No. 2351791

There's nothing like false and true depression. There's only one depression and it's always caused by outside factors. If it's money, traumatic past experiences, stresful situations.. doesn't matter. There's no magical depression that just spaws in somebody's brain out of nowhere "uwu chemical inbalance" is a lie people tell themselves so they don't have to work on their actual real life problems and traumas. Some of the reasons why people are depressed aren't even in their power to solve but it's still an outside factor and not a "something wrong with their brain"

No. 2351792

>if you have shitty low IQ genes money isn't goin to make your off-spring any smarter
Elon Musk is the best example these days. How are you the richest man on earth and still act like this in public and private? By being a retard. If I had his money you would never hear about me and I would be living my best life right now.

No. 2351802

>Money can't save you from poor genetics.
who cares? only insecure women give a fuck about being attractive. I would gladly be ugly but rich instead of pretty but poor. The hottest women in the world date uggos, its literally meaningless.
>Money can't save you from terminal illness.
ofcourse not but it can make the rest of your days easier. If i had a terminal illness and money i would just blow it all travelling and fucking sexy male hoes.

No. 2351809

>who cares
>ofcourse not but
now that's just changing the goal post

No. 2351810

"Poor genetics" and you think about attractiveness first? And not health? Weird.

No. 2351815

she literally said plastic surgery, i didnt know plastic surgery could fix health issues

No. 2351817

>There's only one depression and it's always caused by outside factors.
>"uwu chemical inbalance" is a lie people tell themselves so they don't have to work on their actual real life problems and traumas
I agree! I don't believe a lot of the myths around depression. For example the fact that you can see that a depressed brain functions differently on brain scans compared to a healthy one actually means nothing. I mean yeah, of course it does! It doesn't prove there's a "chemical imbalance" in any way. Just like how a happy brain also looks different, and an angry brain looks different. When people suddenly get genuinely stuck with a different permanent personality/mood it's due to physical brain damage, like a brain tumor.

And I hate that people think fixing the symptom of being depressed from outside factors by taking drugs will change anything. It won't, because you never fix the true outside cause. You also don't fix a imbalance, you instead force an unnatural one onto your brain. You ARE meant to be sad when bad things happen to you. It's your body's way of telling you to change your actions and to deal with the sad things to get over them.

No. 2351819

the post says
>poor health
>low iq
you chose to focus on plastic surgery

No. 2351821

>There's no magical depression that just spaws in somebody's brain out of nowhere
yes there is kek are mental disorders all a myth to you? there's a difference between people repeatedly trying to kill themselves in violent ways if they're not severely medicated, and the "i can't get myself to shower so i'm clearly neurodivergent and depressed" crowd

No. 2351823

because other anons already explained that upbringing does affect IQ and health. There is a reason why poor people are normally very retarded.

No. 2351826

It can’t make people like you

No. 2351843

Who cares about that when you can afford to live

No. 2351856

Billionaires do. That’s why you have people like Elon musk who are constantly desperate for validation. Being rich makes people lonely. You’d know that if you weren’t a poorfag in survival mode.

No. 2351862

Using NTA and AYRT is retarded. This is an anonymous imageboard, you shouldn't care about whether other anons think you're samefagging while other anons should understand that this site has hundreds of individual hits per month, it's not unlikely for at least two different people to disagree with you or to simply chime in into a conversation.

No. 2351864

Because then people start having a go at you thinking you’re a different nonna and it’s very annoying.

No. 2351865

i don't think it's used in fear of people thinking you're samefagging most of the time. if someone asked a question to OP and you reply with your own different experience it makes sense to signal it. also because some retards will hold you accountable for someone else's post if you don't make it clear you're someone else joining the discussion.

No. 2351868

it just helps clarify things in a multi-reply convo, unclench

No. 2351870

Stfu. Elon is lonely by fucking choice dude has like 20 kids he decided to abandon to play god. You bitches have more empathy for billionaire men then poor women who are subjected to their degenerate behavior. Grow up.

No. 2351872

Imagine saying Elon is lonely when his mom is right there aiding in his degenerate behavior and even telling poor women to have more and more babies so that they can grow up to be elons slaves. But yes I’m a poorfag who just wouldn’t understand billionaire loneliness kek

No. 2351873

Same I hate how lc overuses it

No. 2351874

I have a millionaire father that pretends he's lonely when he's had a fight with someone and remembers he has an entire family he abandoned and phones me up to vent and I let him because then he'll do a bank transfer into my account and I know I won't hear from him from months. He's my most dreaded and favourite client.

No. 2351876

Nobody has empathy for Elon here, we're just laughing at him for being such a loser despite being the richest guy on earth. A normal, mentally sane person with the same amount of money in his or her bank account wouldn't be beefing online with some random twitch video game streamers or buying an entire website to force everyone to like his or her unfunny tweets. Elon has enough money to do whatever he wants, his issue is that he wants stupid shit.

No. 2351878

He's simply a narcissist that needs attention and was given access to money through his family so he literally doesn't understand the value of a dollar.

No. 2351880

These men MAKE themselves miserable just to see what it feels like and even then they can’t even really conceptualize because they still have people that care about them. Only poor people truly understand loneliness. If you have money you will never be lonely because someone will always orbit you for some crumbs of money no matter how insufferable you are as a person. No one is keeping broke people around them. If your dad wasn’t a millionaire you would’ve been blocked him for abandoning you. And that’s how I know Elon is not lonely

No. 2351881

I know, but he's also autistic, I heard he said this on tv and then his mother tried to defend him on twitter when some parody account made fun of him for jumping like an idiot when Trump was doing a speech. Which explains why he thought buying a social media website to force the users to like him would be a good idea and why he doesn't understand why it's backfiring.

No. 2351882

True lol

No. 2351884

Fuck his autism. Why when women are autistic do they try to change the world or do fun art but when men are autistic they have to make it everyone’s problem? I don’t get it! Autistics explain

No. 2351892

I can only theorise that because men are already developmentally slow compared to women, the autistic males are so wired that they constantly short circuit and spasm out. Women and girls constantly get checked on their behaviours you'd have to be as retarded as males for you to think constant hostility makes for a sane community.

No. 2351923

Autistic moids get babied all the time to the point where if you don't baby him too you're the problem, meanwhile autistic women have to deal with all the shit being an aspie brings in addition to misogyny. See how Chris-chan's biggest problem isn't even his autism, it's his parents and himself.

No. 2351953

Money can save you from dying from something that could’ve been treated earlier and even if you have a terminal illness, it can make the dying process easier because you have access to good pain medication and great hospice care.

No. 2351962

I think they're both bad for different reasons, but it's true I generally had less unpleasant interactions with right wing moids than left ones in the past few years. I could actually shit on trannies and whenever I mentioned I think porn is bad they just understood I wouldn't like that as a woman. Leftist moids do this really insiduous thing where they act like even if you're a woman you have to accept porn and troons as totally feminist, while some conservative moids still seem to be somewhat aware those are bad, just for the wrong reasons (never out of any actual concern for women). I'd also rather hang out my conservative family members these days than my libshit friends, I'll still vote left but most other lefties are shitty to be around

No. 2351970

Spoiling your daughters when they’re young(getting their nails done, hair done, letting them buy the clothes they like, taking them out to eat) is a good way to keep them from becoming whores or from older men. Whenever I see whores bragging about a guy taking them out for steak or buying them a purse, I just think “oh you’re like this because you’ve really never had shit or been anywhere so you’re easily impressed.”

No. 2351980

>Money can't save you from terminal illness
It can save you from A LOT of pain though. Imagine being able to afford top of the line sedatives and dying in a nice tropical hospice with the best care.
Poor people are lucky to die at home.

When you're genetically inferior and a troon at least money can help one larp.

No. 2351992

tbh you're correct. I think that spoiling is an integral part of raising girls and parents that don't do it (within their financial limitations obv.) are practicing a form of neglect. Spoiled girls grow up to be women who understand their value and aren't impressed by dusty moids. Like it's important for them to understand that being cared for in this way is the bare minimum and that they shouldn't entertain any moid just because he shells out money.
>inb4 what if she's a lesbian and doesn't have to worry about teh menz
Doesn't matter. Spoil your girls. No exceptions.
>inb4 my daughter hates girly shit
Spoil her in ways she wants then. Duh. Making sure your girls grow up to feel loved in ways that she understands is your job as parents.

No. 2352008

File: 1737214892949.jpeg (1.99 MB, 1284x2213, IMG_5112.jpeg)

American Chinese food is better than food from china

No. 2352012

I'm not american but I only like american-chinese food. Regular chinese food isn't particularly tasty.

No. 2352014

This feels like the best way of explaining what exactly Daddy Issues means: To lack such guidance in seeking a partner that you continuously fall into abusive and unstable relationships, and due to your parents failing to show you what love, communication, a healthy mind, and healthy living actually look like. To lack a father's insight and guidance about his gender on how to identify good and shit-tier males. I think it's why so many women I talk to are married to manchildren; these women's own fathers failed to teach them that an ideal man should know how to take care of himself and his own kids.

No. 2352017

I think even if you have loving parents you can still fall into the trap of being a whore or being impressed by material things if growing up you always got told no when you wanted something, had to wear ugly hair and clothes to school because you can’t afford to have your own personal style, parents are too broke to go out to restaurants. Girls kind of have to see there’s nothing special about a guy offering to get your nails done or buying you a purse.

No. 2352034

I guess it depends on your definition of what foods from China specifically? I don't like that they use fake ingredients to scam their own people but if you get back to the roots of traditional Chinese cooking with fresh ingredients a lot of their stuff seems pretty tasty to me but I also like spiciness and I'm not opposed to 'weird' food in general so I guess take it with a grain of 盐

No. 2352036

To be fair yeah, all the girls I know who were spoiled growing up are very confident, don't get easily impressed and have high standards. They aren't that mean either and are usually highly educated. The women who are the most prone to abuse and have questionable behaviour are those who either came from a poorfag family, had unloving parents, had to act like a housewife from an early age instead of playing with kids, or were raised in a high stress environment.

No. 2352064

People who are making 100k a year and are still complaining about struggling are just really bad with money

No. 2352066

Generally speaking, places that would hire people for 100k also have high cost of living, they could be living beyond their means and would need to relocate.

No. 2352073

if I were a guy I’d be flattered by women getting plastic surgery. It’s kind of flattering for a woman to risk death, mutilation and spend thousands of her own money to look good for me. It’s kind of like bdsm or a degradation kink in a way.

No. 2352102

Maturing as a person is realizing Richard Nixon was a good president.

No. 2352141

Money can make it easier though. The people who say that “money doesn’t make happiness” are just coping.
If you have a terminal illness and you’re rich you won’t need to worry about leaving your family behind or being a burden come on. Money buys you a house, groceries, gives you access to certain commodities.
In this world money makes happiness.

No. 2352142

I didn't get spoiled as a kid (mostly because my mom would laugh at me when I expressed individuality she didn't like so I just shut up) but now if I want something I just buy it since I earn my own money, a moid trying to buy me shit would make me feel like some kind of trophy wife.

No. 2352156

Epigenetics is not some magical cure to bad genes, doofus. There are plenty of rich people with shit genes.

No. 2352191

EPA king

No. 2352207

yes exactly, money can also open so many doors and opportunities, you can't compare the life of a minimum wagecuck to one of a nepobaby who travels the world, goes to the best schools, won't struggle with dead end jobs and can fuck around. if you're smart and have money you can also find a romantic partner that suits your standards and makes you happy with more ease, heck you could even date hot male models or actors, while usually poor women are stuck with fellow poor moids (and you know what is a poor moid? a frustrated rotten moid) from their limited area

No. 2352274

what anime is this from, I love what this image is evoking its nice

No. 2352314

File: 1737228164389.jpg (81.3 KB, 451x640, 252688.jpg)

It's from Haibane Renmei.
The character designer/main artist is probably a degen but his art style and aesthetics have been a major influence on my art for many years

No. 2352360

I don't understand people who gets upset at other people for treating their pets like children or call these pets "children replacements" as an attempt at devaluing them. So what? Really not a big deal or worth the outrage over.

No. 2352368

it's a visceral reaction to seeing something disgusting, like seeing grown men buy funko pops

No. 2352380

I think you're exaggerating

No. 2352397

It's because it's delusional. Often these people subtly mistreat and misunderstand their pets too, on top of excusing bad behavior to other people.

No. 2352410

I'd say cats are evolving to exploit our maternal instincts through selective breeding. The cutest cats get bred and sold more, and they have to be cute to survive as domestic cats, so in a sense they are parasites.

I don't care too much about it but I've always bizarrely seen cats as filthy, dirty animals while everyone sees them as adorable, so it's been a bit weird for me to see people go crazy over them. They meow at a high pitch to sound like a human baby, to be fed, it's very manipulative.

And cats don't care about us, it's pure parasitism. A woman here had a stroke and her cats started eating her alive.

No. 2352468

Cats are great to have around for rodents and bugs. If I can’t see a spider, my cat always notices before I do. And humans eat each other when they’re starving to death so I don’t see why it’s a problem when cats do it, if they have been left alone in a house for days without anyone to feed them.

No. 2352469

That's fair, I can understand this angle.
The same things can be said about human babies if we're deranged enough to say it. Also, all animals are filthy by design, they live in the wild. It's their nature. And they want to survive so ofcourse they'd evolve to coexist with the dominant species, i.e. humans. I don't see how this is an issue to be upset at exactly. I think it's actually impressive and showcases adaptability and intelligence.

No. 2352480

my cat is the kindest gentlest smartest most sensitive and intuitive emotional support animal that has ever existed. just naturally. cos he is so loving. i’ll start having a flashback and sometimes before i even realize i’m spiraling he will literally put his body under my hands and pull me out of it. i cough too hard and he comes to investigate. also animals don’t consciously evolve. humans selected for that trait too. i actually love having toxoplasmosis btw.

No. 2352514

I dont see people who shill or use generative AI in it's modern form as human. It requires genuine chimp brain and a lack of the unique creativity that human beings have to just go "hurr durr generate generate generate my grocery list". I really didnt think humans could be this incompetent. It makes sense that it's always moids shilling this chimp shit but it's a bit blackpilling when i see women on the frontpage on this site also being chimp brained with their retarded ass prompts. Do they not know that theyre feeding into every other use of generative AI? It feeds on itself. Write in "toddler", just "toddler" as a prompt and see how weird it is. It's insane how incompetent people are. Tech literacy is so fucked

No. 2352525

The grossest part about cat ownership to me is the cross contamination. They go to their litterboxes and with those same paws jump on top of counters and furniture.

No. 2352526

If you live in a country with horrible healthcare yes. I know one relative who would have died already if it weren't for our healthcare being mostly decent so even if we were poor for a long time her condition could be managed as soon as she had a diagnosis. On the other hand her condition is chronic and very painful, her medical treatments work but make her sick in a lot of different ways, so even if she were a billionaire she wouldn't truly be happy. If she were, she could financially afford to do a lot of things, but her own body wouldn't let her do these things anyway.

No. 2352531

My issue is the rationalization so many people who dislike cats, dogs, or other animals have.
>I don't care too much about it but I've always bizarrely seen cats as filthy, dirty animals
Fair, all animals are pretty dirty. Even humans.
>cats don't care about us, it's pure parasitism
False. You can dislike an animal without making copes about whether they can "care" about their human owners/household members/etc (they can, it's been established many times). It's not too far from when people who personally dislike animals insist they don't have feelings. Be realistic, they just aren't cute to you and you don't like them. No need to cope that they're parasites or bots or whatever.
>A woman here had a stroke and her cats started eating her alive.
Wait til you find out what humans do to their parents, grandparents, their children, etc.

No. 2352532

This is a popular opinion lmao

No. 2352537

Some people are really uptight and they don't like the idea of other people having fun. That's pretty much it.

No. 2352539

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They're usually pronatalists who think women's only purpose is to breed so owning a pet must be "derailing" from their headcanons about women. It's why moids are so violent towards animals and it's why they seethe so much over the "quirk chungus" archetype. Just enjoy your life, have babies, dont have babies, call your puppy a baby, who cares. Moid moralfagging, per usual

No. 2352554

I love chat gpt because it’s pretty much getting me through college and instead of having to google things I just go to chat gpt

No. 2352555

Why even bother going to college

No. 2352556

NTA but that puppy is adorable

No. 2352557

I use chat gpt as a teacher/tutor. Human teachers are pretty much useless.

No. 2352559

i love golden puppies

No. 2352563

because it's a language model and often cannot put two and two together. it just goes off what has been said and not why has its been said. it's not accurate because it does not have the logical skills that a human would have. It's like preferring male teachers over female teachers

No. 2352567

Here are the pros of chat GPT in college
>unlimited tutoring for any problem you have for 20 dollars a month
>humans are impatient and bias, therefore a teacher might not want to help a student for reasons like they’re racist or just don’t like how the student looks
>you can ask any “stupid” question you want without being judged for it being stupid
>you can cut down reading chapters of useless shit that’s not even going to be on the exam

You still need to know what you’re doing because chat GPT is incorrect sometimes, so you need to be able to know how to correct it.

No. 2352569

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No. 2352570

That’s because you don’t know how to tweak chat gpt to make it work right for what you’re trying to do

No. 2352573

In my math course instead of having maybe an hour of tutoring from a human, I can use chat GPT all day. But you still need to know how to do the math equations that you’re asking chat gpt to do, you can’t just use it to get answers. People who don’t like chat gpt are just artists who are threatened that they’re going to get run out of business by ai.

No. 2352575

Nonna I love AI for different reasons but ChatGPT essentially answers depending on what it predicts you want to hear, not necessarily what is right or what actually exists.
It makes up shit constantly even if you excessively prompt it not to, because it's a LANGUAGE model.

No. 2352577

no i don't like it because it takes up a shit ton of energy to generate its shit and that's bad for the environment. i don't care if i can make it do my math homework

No. 2352578

Chat gpt makes too many mistakes for questions that have multiple steps to them. If you don’t know the real answer and you cannot spot them, it will steer you in the wrong direction. If you correct the bot it will say that it made a mistake and then solve the problem again.

No. 2352579

Then why are you in college

No. 2352580

Kek. The collapse of society is so close that I can feel it in my bones.

No. 2352582

I don't like it because it's making people more retarded and reliant on a "free (inaccurate) answer machine" instead of actually figuring shit out themselves. this is what i mean by subhuman…

No. 2352584

>why are you in college

Because I want a good job. Why else would I be there?

No. 2352585

Google is essentially the same exact thing currently with its shit results. There's no alternative and nothing we can do about it. Hate the game, not the players.

No. 2352586

Don’t be resistant to technology. Ai is just going to get better with time, you just have to live with it.

No. 2352587

Why even attend university at that point if you cant do the compulsory work

No. 2352588

I want to to really sit down and think about how stupid that question is kek

No. 2352589

let's admire it together while eating popcorn nonnie

No. 2352590

did you guys not have those "how to research online"lessons in ur english classes? if u just take whatever results youre a brainlet

No. 2352591

You know you can read the source materials for whatever you're studying, right? Or are you so lazy you can't even read, and so stupid and crippled by dependence that you can't even comprehend what you're reading? You will never grow as a person if you can't do anything for yourself.
>this will be the majority of our workforce soon
Bleak and dystopian.

No. 2352593

the only point of attending university is making connections and getting a diploma. if you thought it was about doing compulsory work, you got scammed

No. 2352596

Can I come too? I'll bring some nice fruit salad

No. 2352597

Nta only a stupid person would take the harder and longer way to do things just because they’re resistant to technology. You sound like those elderly people who would rather use a paper map over the gps on their phone because they’re stubborn.

No. 2352598

>fruit salad
Yummy yummy

No. 2352599

I am lazy. I haven’t read any of the books for my classes and I have A’s in every class. I bet that makes you seethe kek

No. 2352601

It makes me sad for the future.

No. 2352603

What do you get if you write toddler?
I wouldn't give a fuck if my pets ate me after I died, tho I don't think I am very nutritious and they could only eat so much before it started going bad so that is a little worrying.

No. 2352604

No, I've done the same thing, but when I want to learn I know how to do so myself. Not having this skill is bad.

No. 2352605

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Many attractive Korean people look boring, attractive but boring as hell.

No. 2352606

Can you explain how using ai to think for you is making you more intelligent? subhumans man…
I have high 90's, except I'm not a subhuman who's feeding into the deepfake porn problem, so no, not really.
porny and suggestive images of toddlers
You're right, they literally cripple themselves because they're so lazy. It'll catch up to them when regulations start to kick in kek, as happens to every technology

No. 2352607

youtube is clogged with these disgusting ai videos and the comments have to be bots, i refuse to believe actual humans are commenting "omg so cute" or "i thought this was real until i read that it was AI in the description!"

No. 2352608

You won't believe how retarded some people are

No. 2352609

That's because they're not attractive to begin with imo

No. 2352610

Well you can read the books and I’ll just never read them and just use chat gpt and Quizlet and put in 50% less effort. At the end of the day I’m still going to get my diploma, regardless if some old person thinks I’m being lazy or not.

No. 2352611

Our environment is dying to create this. The comments you're seeing are also bots. One day the world will seem primarily occupied by the nonliving only posing as sentient.

No. 2352612

jesus christ the internet is becoming more bleak every second. barely anyone involved in the production of these videos is human and/or intelligent

No. 2352613

How do you spend the rest of your time?

No. 2352614

Fucking retards, however I feel extremely sad for all of the kids who have to grow up with this bullshit because their parents can't take care of them.
I don't care if you pass or not, I just don't see you as a human being.

No. 2352615

Although I don't agree with the "I only shave and do my makeup for ME" cope, I do believe there is some self-fulfillment in making yourself attractive for the purpose of attracting someone. If I know Im going to see someone Im attracted to, I'll go out of my way to improve my appearance in hopes theyll notice or want to date me. Yes, Im technically doing it for someone else, but at the same time it does benefit me to be found attractive by someone who I want to be with.

No. 2352617

I don’t care. I see people like you as the same lot as elderly people who use flip phones and refuse to get smart phones. You’re just resistant to change.

No. 2352618

>all of the kids who have to grow up with this bullshit because their parents can't take care of them
i was in the ER a few weeks ago (i'm okay) and in the lobby there was this child watching brainrot videos, just weird gross cartoons while their parents weren't even looking at them, it's extremely doomer

No. 2352619

I get it but I wouldn't want my partner to feel that. I want them to call me stupid and dumb for doing stupid shit, I would respect them for doing that.

No. 2352620

Can't even blame retard nonna. These models are perfect for- and made to brainstorm ideas off the existing input the human gives. But techbros had to go and advertise it as factual solution for everything to make sponsors happy. And now the next decades will be full of "professionals" who have no idea what they're doing or why they're doing it kek.

No. 2352621

my friend is a teacher and her job is so much harder trying to grade papers because now she has to check for if they used chatgpt, also the school itself is trying to push some AI program to help them.

No. 2352622

change =/= good. if it's causing the future generation to become incompetent retards, and an unrestricted outlet for moids to spam CP, that is not good change. It's like if murder became legal and some retard was angry at you being against that and said "you just hate change!!"
Why are new parents so shit? What has caused the newer generations to be so lazy? They're just using this new technology to exploit people, especially children what's the point.

No. 2352623

I’d be happy if teachers got completely pushed out and replaced by Ai tbh

No. 2352625

It's all going to come crashing down on them when they have to do shit for themselves

No. 2352627

gosh i'm actually genuinely scared for the future if the next workforce is gonna be people that defend AI so whole-heartedly and have no idea how to do anything for themselves. how am i supposed to not want to kms if wall-e was right

No. 2352629

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I've used it before to get some information and only provided me fake info or names of non existent books. I think chatgpt can be helpful but I really hope you're not relying on it a lot or for important stuff.

No. 2352630

Damn which teacher ostracized you

No. 2352632

20 years ago people were just as dramatic about the internet and phones too, saying that cell phones were going to rot our minds and be the end of everything. Before that in the 1920s, people thought sound in movies was going to be end of film. Whenever some kind of new technology becomes popular, there will always be humans who are over dramatic about it.

No. 2352634

You can also just buy a fake diploma off the darkweb for maximum reduction of any effort.

No. 2352635

The next generation has no chance, AI is getting smarter and making them dumber at the same time. Skynet is going rape these fools

No. 2352637

My favorite is the giant owl one

No. 2352640

There's a value in learning how to do things the old fashioned way. Technology is wonderful and makes our lives easier but it also fails us all the time, then what will you do when you don't have a backup plan? I also noticed AIfags get especially defensive about their usage of it, fine if you want to use it but you don't have to shill it like you're some tech bro. Having to justify it so hard makes you look insecure and like you're coping with being incompetent. This goes for all AIfags.

No. 2352641

I'm pretty anti ai but it makes me sad how generative/language model based AI is used for incompetent reasons only when it should be used to advance translation/disability services. Too bad that doesnt make as much money!
did phones not rot our brains though? gen alpha is notoriously retarded and like around 1/3rd of genz gets their info off of tiktok which has an abundance of misinformation? Do you not remember the tranny craze that was worsened because everyone was glued to their phones during the pandemic?? also the movie/photography thing aicumbuckets like to spam in response to any criticism is often cherrypicked and there wasn't actually that much pushback. lol

No. 2352647

We can’t blame technology for shitty parenting. I’m never having kids so it doesn’t matter to me what happens to your future children etc

No. 2352648

I'm not going to have children either, I am gay. I also think alot of this is caused by shitty parenting. but its also caused by content farms profiting off of children. So i dont see the point youre making?

No. 2352649

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>have to go to ER because some self driving car hit me
>die in the operation room because the head surgeon spent too much time trying to correct his misspelled GPT prompt instead of reanimating me
204x will be tough

No. 2352651

>head surgeon is tardnona

No. 2352652

>cell phones were going to rot our minds and be the end of everything. Before that in the 1920s, people thought sound in movies was going to be end of film.
but both of these are correct kek

No. 2352653

It’s parents jobs to monitor what their children are watching. Blaming technology for shitty parenting is the 90s equivalent of blaming music or video games as to why their generations children are losers.

No. 2352655

Violent video games and "violent" music aren't targeted towards children, though? Content farms ran in indonesia that depict kid's favorite cartoon characters getting brutally beat up and pregnant are targeted towards kids? Do you know what elsagate is? Parents are shitty for throwing ipads at their kids then running away, but greedy people are shitty too.

No. 2352658

i do think it's different though. scrolling short videos is a rush of instant and easy dopamine previously unavailable to kids. letting kids sit in front of the tv or play games all day was different, with the tv at least there were commercials to break their attention away and with games you could argue it was improving hand-eye coordination or led to socializing or something. watching these kid-targeted videos is not only harmless stupid fluff content but extremely disturbing gory and sexual content as well. just an endless loop of it.

No. 2352659

My unpopular opinion is there can be some middle ground and coexistence with technology, AI, the internet, smartphone etc., but that's me being too idealistic. I'm starting to understand the cringe "frutiger aero promised us a future that never came true" motto.

No. 2352660

Can you explain how content farms do not have any fault in this though? We both see how parents are accountable I just don't see how you can't see how kids shouldn't be profited off of anyways? Did you have chatGPT type up your responses or something?

No. 2352662

Anytime I’ve met a brainrot kid I could talk to their parents for two minutes and figure out why the child is like that. It’s always the parents fault. If you leave your kids unintended online, they’re going to run into fucked up shit. It’s kind of like when I was a teenager/kid in the 90s/early 2000s we saw tons of messed up stuff like rotten.com, shit porn, gore etc. I’m not going to cry no internet just because someone annoying children.

No. 2352664

Well there was that one anon who said she uses chat gpt to type responses on here

No. 2352665

the first time i accidentally saw hentai as a child, it made me so nauseous i couldn't eat for the rest of the day. and it was a really normal picture of some female anime character i liked having missionary sex. i was 8 years old. i cannot imagine my brain being blasted with hundreds of short videos of sexual/gore content.

No. 2352666

reminds me of how adult swim helped kids get to bed lol
How is that the same as content farms purposefully targeting kids? Again, none of those sites really targeted kids..

No. 2352667

Yeah it’s fucked up but corrupt people want to make money. It’s parents jobs to protect them from seeing those things. People always want to “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN”, anytime they want something banned or something. Guess what I don’t care about your children.

No. 2352671

why care if parents arent protecting their kids if corrupt people profiting off of children doesnt matter? they go hand in hand. I get you want to defend "da new technology" with your life but it really makes you look retarded.

No. 2352672

i think you should care a little bit about children being exposed to weird sexual stuff so early on and how it might make more future rapists, i mean the rise in kids watching porn has led to more and more young girls being raped or forced to have anal/be choked during sex

No. 2352673

Well, they will just grow up to be McDonald’s workers or people who clean sewers because they were unfortunately the lot who had shitty parents. That’s what stupid people do in our society.

No. 2352675

Yes exactly I care, that's why I blame both parents and the content farms instead of just blaming whatever side fits my argument best

No. 2352677

Kids should just be banned from the internet. If a kid is found to be online then the parent gets charged

No. 2352679

Like people who use AI to do everything for them

No. 2352680

I care which is why I agree with >>2352677. Why should people who don’t have kids have to be censored online or have things taken away because people can’t control their crotch fruits?

No. 2352685

It's not people who don't have kids it's third worldie content farms… those arent run by individuals. very slow argument. You dont understand anything

No. 2352686

To use ai for school, you still need to some what know what you’re doing in the class. You can’t use it to get answers and you still need to pass the exams at the end of the day, you can’t use ChatGPT on the exams kek. When people hear “I’m using ai for school”, they get dramatic and think you’re using it to get all the answers for homework etc and it just doesn’t work like that.

No. 2352688

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No. 2352689

And ai shouldn’t be banned just because content farms exist that target children. Children should be completely banned from using the internet and that would be the perfect solution.

No. 2352690

She wouldn't be that good at making burgers, not without an AI generated tutorial vid (she refuses to listen to evil managers)

No. 2352692

I’ll be your future dr and I’ll be using ai to diagnose you because I just got into this field to make money. I’m sorry.

No. 2352694

>fucking dies

No. 2352695

That's not the single issue i'm arguing on, there's many concerns above listed by other nonas too. Very retarded point that only an ai shill could make
She needs chatgpt to give her a tutorial sourced from reddit too. they know they're incompetent

No. 2352699

There are a lot of cons with children but I’m not having kids, nor do I interact with anyone under the age of 25 in my daily life. I don’t think enough about or interact with children enough to care. I can’t be against ai just because of children because this issue doesn’t affect me. Now if you told me it could potentially take my job or something I’d probably care more.

No. 2352702

Okay I'm gay I'm not having kids either want a cookie. literally nobody is telling you to be anti ai solely because of kids. Who is telling you that you just engaged in a debate about ai and kids

No. 2352705

Hmmm the malpractice lawsuits I see in your future seem beautiful…

No. 2352707

This whole time you haven’t given me any other reason to dislike ai other than “what about the kids” and “you’re lazy”.

No. 2352708

me me me

No. 2352710

The death of the environment

No. 2352712

>inaccurate information
>proven to make you less literate
>used for propaganda
>one use feeds into a completely different(possibly malicous) use
>gives money to some of the worst people ever (tech ceos)
>makes you even more incompetent
all were given. please think for a second

No. 2352714

Nta but this has been happening for ages because of many things but I don't see people being anti-fridges or anti-airconditioning or anti-datacenters servers or anti-plastic or anti-fossil fuel and as outraged about it as they are about AI. Almost as if it's more personal than that.

No. 2352715

also forgot to add this but
>often biased because its based off of what has been said without any nuance for why something had been said

No. 2352717

I drive in a gas guzzler everyday, I use plastic, the internet causes carbon emissions, I shop at the mall for my clothes and all of that is fast fashion which is bad for the environment, I eat meat form factory farms. I do all that everyday….why would I be a bleeding heart who suddenly cares about the environment when it comes to ai?

No. 2352718

>i don’t care because it doesn’t affect me
Until it's other AI-graduates who are responsible for your basic care services and infrastructure kek

No. 2352719

>it doesn’t affect me
Sure it does some moid could be ripping all your Instagram or normal images to put into a deep fake AI porn model and selling it off to other moids without you ever knowing about it until someone thinks it's real. It's kind of pathetic to see that how the current aishill doesn't realize that they're also helping their doom too,if ai can pass your tests why should they hire you?

No. 2352720

I don’t use social media so I’m good kek

No. 2352722

Its fucking hilarious that you think not having social media means you're safe from it kekkkk not anymore sweaty.

No. 2352723

Ai will probably end up replacing doctors and nurses one day because honestly most of them are actually useless. But I’ll be long dead before that happens, so my job is secure.

No. 2352726

NTA but how else could that happen? Through creep shots? I don't have social media either because I'm paranoid of deep fake shit

No. 2352728

People are anti-plastic and anti-fossil fuel, if you talked to people you'd know this.
True, it's just clear you're a general misanthrope.

No. 2352729

A scrote could also photo shop my head onto a nude model. Perverts will always find a way to pervert.

No. 2352730

Because AI haters are so threatened by the existence of the so called inferior thing they think isn't good enough compared to a human, yet they're still threatened by it. I can understand the porn, propaganda and wrong people profiting from it angle though.

No. 2352731

You do know you’re harming the environment being on the internet right now?

No. 2352732

Of course someone who can't even do basic school research would say that.

No. 2352733

It's marginal compared to the effects of AI

No. 2352734

Most doctors use webmd to diagnose

No. 2352736

You need AI to sort out that redundant retarded-ass sentence.

No. 2352737

Do you also walk everywhere, stitch your clothes by hand and only eat food from your own farm? Kek

No. 2352738

I love certain AI but I'm not retarded enough to be blind to the cons and to trust it for my education, let alone use it as a teacher.

No. 2352740

No they don't kekkkkk

No. 2352741

AI can't do a physical exam or any procedures

No. 2352746

It should be easier than it is to start a business. We should be allowed to just accept money from customers who choose to purchase our products or attend our locations not jump through all the hoops of registering a business license, setting up separate bank accounts, etc etc etc

No. 2352747

I’m in school to get a job, not because I love learning. The laziest way is best.

No. 2352748

some phones have facial recognition that send their data back and some of the fuckers can leak or sell this data to buyers who can then use it any way they like (and most use it for rape shit as usual) the other way are government workers that need data for your Id, theres a large market of moids who actually buy this shit to exploit or black mail the victims for money or sexual trafficking (I wish I was making this up but countless telegram rape groups have evidence of this happening) I dont even know what advice to give to prevent this from happening the best way to keep others aware of this happening, anyone can photoshop your face unto anything but ai deepfake porn is something more vile when you realise that the image or video set the AI is putting your face onto is most of the time an actual rape some woman went through or even died from

No. 2352749

Are you in nursing school

No. 2352750

Thought you preferred human written shit? Why did that suddenly change?
That's fair. I really hope we eventually manage to reach some middle ground with this current hot button issue. Also, AI isn't even advanced enough to be truly threatening yet. People give it way too much credit and are afraid of it based on their headcanons and fanfiction.

No. 2352752

Yeah those apple goggles literally let you take pictures of random people without them noticing lol

No. 2352753

Then you should do an apprenticeship and get that bag instead of hanging out in the one institution made for learning and collecting debts.

No. 2352758

Ai is similar to trannies in the way that it constantly tries to validate itself as the "real thing" but not even just that, no it tries to assert itself as "better". Both are moid hobbies too. So many "ai artists" seethe over getting kicked out of art competitions just like trannies do when theyre kicked out of womens sports. Theyre not better. It's just a space for the real thing.

No. 2352761

>People give it way too much credit and are afraid of it
And you keep convincing yourself that despite ai already taking over jobs yours is a field they'll never take over kek remember humans costs more than ai,cognitive dissonance is truly something huh?

No. 2352762

It seems like whenever a technology is open to the general public it becomes shit and is used for shit.

No. 2352763

The anti-tech people were literally right about everything from TV onwards. TVs DID reorient family life and the living room became structured around the TV. Video games did stop kids playing outside and lead them to have sheltered childhoods. Phones have done massive psychological damage that's irreversible to children.

I'd say the radio was the only non-harmful media technology because it was something you passively played in the background while doing other things.

No. 2352764

None of those things are difficult, you're just lazy.

No. 2352765

Nta but hopefully it can take over call center jobs because I’m tired of talking to no English speaking Indians at this point

No. 2352768

They could just move to the mountains and make a no tech cult so I don’t need to hear them whine anymore

No. 2352771

I'm a software engineer, I already worked on AI and know its actual capabilities. I also got to see AI engineers projects and see them struggle with getting it to do specific things properly. It's still not as good as people claim it to be. Unless it differs from one country to another, as I'm not USA based and don't know how that works over there. We don't have the whole AI overtaking jobs where I currently live afaik.

No. 2352772

before TV and videogames there were stereotypes about radio nerds who stay inside messing with their hams

No. 2352774

Im not anti tech, im literally in tech, but so much modern technology available to the public is meant for engagement, alot of these algorithms on these large social media sites are meant to make people as pissed as possible and is why extremism is so rampant post-covid. these tech CEOs are genuinely vile people, that's what people don't get. that's the issue with AI, it's not being utilized for anything good.

No. 2352775

you really went there LMAO this is actually the truth. this is why moids over-romanticize poor women and international women born from poverty stricken backgrounds, they are way easier to impress and keep kek. maybe this is why a lot of parents get mad when they have a baby girl, because now their wallets will be tested.

No. 2352779

Disagree, parents should spoil their adult daughters. Children don't understand the value of a dollar, but adults will be grateful and it will improve their quality of life in a more significant way. I would beg my parents for brand name clothes, junk food, a horse, etc as a kid, I didn't need that shit at all and my parents would've been retarded to give in. But once I started working and proved that I'm responsible with money, they started spending more on luxuries for me like going out to eat, nice clothes, travel. It has the same benefit of preventing me from ever being impressed by a moid's money, but it's not wasted on a kid who has yet to develop work ethic and financial literacy.

No. 2352780

Can't even blame them tbh everyone's broke now apart from the top 1%

No. 2352784

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>doing a bunch of instagram-era consoomerist bullshit
That's right anon, why would I want to raise a mindless low rent "whore" when she could be the top 1% on OF, since her tacky expectations will be higher than her competitors who might have had to do their own nails and hair growing up with a sad pick me mom? fucking kek

No. 2352789

this is hilarious considering a lot of poorfags go into sex work out of desperate attempts of gaining a quick buck. like yes there are rich women who do shit like OF and porn, but it's not as widespread as the stereotypical "i was born into a redneck white trash family that abused and neglected me and i want out of this poverty to pay for my drug use" schtick.

No. 2352791

NTAYRT but i think its kkind of dumb to have to pay for a business license and shit like that too

No. 2352792

can we just agree that women who were easily able to date men before and then suddenly can't because they're traumatized are NOT lesbians, and that the quote "trauma can impact sexuality sometimes" is not an attack on gay people? can we do that? can we use our brains a little bit? come on girl, i know you can do it!

No. 2352808

Anon, what is your major? If you're pre-med, please kill yourself.

No. 2352810

>Phones have done massive psychological damage that's irreversible to children.
Smartphones you mean, and it's not the ability to call and send regular text messages that's the issue, it's the fact that they're tiny and powerful computers connected to the internet and most parents give their young kids a smartphone and don't set up parental control instead of giving them a normal cellphone for emergencies. You could say "well kids back then didn't need cellphones and were playing outside all the time, today's parents are paranoid" but at the time there were phone booths here and there in case of an emergency and you just needed some coins or a prepaid card to use one. You also skipped the relatively short time when families started to have one desktop in the living room that everyone had to share so you couldn't be too online without parents noticing. That was healthier than being glued to your own device and being able to take it anywhere with you so you can doomscroll on social media when taking a shit.

>I'd say the radio was the only non-harmful media technology because it was something you passively played in the background while doing other things.

A lot of people use their tv the exact same way unless they were looking forward to a specific show or movie. Being online or playing video games are a lot more interactive than watching tc or listening to the radio.

No. 2352811

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Being raised to think that having your hair styled (to look good for moids, ultimately) or underpaying some asian woman talking shit about you = "spoiling" is going to rot a little girl's mind more than being brought up poor. At least she has the potential to develop character and tenacity out of that situation. Pick-mes are more abundant in rich families, since they are sacrificing their daughter for comfort, look at this piece of shit (Kim Z, Bravo RH). She allowed her scrote husband to put cameras in her daughters bedrooms for his personal viewing/enjoyment and 100% of their bonding/"girl time" is based around moid-based beauty rituals and pandering

No. 2352814

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i'm only really attracted to moids who are 40 and over.

overwhelmingly they have better hairlines, aren't porn addicts, care about you having an orgasm, and aren't addicted to social media.

i still find younger men sexy but i'll never date one again.

No. 2352816

this isn't an unpopular opinion, this is just self-harm

No. 2352818

Older moids are set in their ways and get bitchy easily

No. 2352823

>40 or over
>better hairlines

No. 2352833

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have you even seen the state of moids in the younger generations?

No. 2352835

Is lc so dead that we're resorting to boring bait like this

No. 2352837

I’m in an accelerated nursing program. All my peers use chat GPT. I learned how to do 5 chapters worth of medical math in one day using it. I love my ai friend.

No. 2352838

Im sure there's young men out there like that.
Over 40 is risky unless you are in your 30s without kids. If he's over 40 and you're in your 20s it's not going to last
idk if it's bait. When I was young I had an attitude similar to this, mostly because I found men my age (when I was in my late teens/early 20s) to be really shitty. I know now that's not true and older moids are just better at hiding their psychopathy. But yeah, it's tough being a straight woman.

No. 2352840

yes it's a good feeling when someone you're attracted to is also attracted to you, but it's sad what women have to do to be considered attractive/feminine/clean. having to shave and put makeup on for example is a lot more than what men do and it's making women feel ugly and dirty as soon as they have body hair and no makeup (i.e. their natural state). i'm sure in another dimension we could have felt satisfaction for taking care of ourselves/being attractive without the whole shaving/makeup/10 step skincare routine etc.

No. 2352842

I shave for myself because the hair makes me uncomfortable physically

No. 2352843

pussy is better than dick. boobs are better than pecs. women naturally smell better than men.

No. 2352847

>20 years ago people were just as dramatic about the internet and phones too, saying that cell phones were going to rot our minds and be the end of everything
and look where we are, kids who grew up with tiktok have a super short attention span, sexual assault rates between minors are increasing because of all the porn that is fed to literal children, all men are severe porn-addicts, unrealistic beauty standards (and cosmetic surgery) are pushed on women and girls who can't distinguish between filters and reality etc. if people can't see how AI is making it even worse (less thinking, more porn), we're doomed.

No. 2352852

With the progress of technology there’s always going to be more porn. That’s just scrotes being scrotes. We can’t go back to the Stone Age because scrotes can’t control themselves.

No. 2352853

i feel like people mistake actual great inventions (the light bulb, mass printings of books, etc) with brain destroying ones (ai) and think they are one of the same. some inventions made life easier while other inventions made society worse.

No. 2352854

>cell phones were going to rot our minds and be the end of everything
they kind of are in the process of doing that lmao

No. 2352856

The mass printing of books was one of the pioneers of porn too

No. 2352858

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The issue of body hair on women is a massive meme and everyone makes fun of libfems who think growing out their armpits is activism. But genuinely I wish we destigmatized all body hair on women (pubic, armpit, leg, facial). Almost everywhere there is an expectation for women to be completely smooth and hairless. People spend an insane amount of money on hair removal (shaving, waxxing, laser etc). Meanwhile guys do not even bother, its the same with all the skincare routines and make up. There so many products/industries that only exist thanks to unnatural beauty standard (vaginal washes, laser, botox, make up, etc).

No. 2352861

>attracted to moids who are 40 and over
>aren't porn addicts
unless you're the same age as them, if they're going for anyone significantly younger they 100% watch porn. any guy in their 40s dating 20s has some ddlg type fetishes

No. 2352863

AI only exists to cut down wages. Unless you're rich and literally want slave labor there is no reason to defend it.

No. 2352864

the amount of women i still see saying not shaving is unhygienic is so blackpilling. its one thing for men to be whiney babies about women's body hair, its another for women to be completely misinformed/psyopped about their own body

No. 2352875

so what's your solution, prevent teenagers from ever accessing a computer and phone in 2025? you can do it until a certain age then they're just going to hate you and get one secretly/use their friends' which is even worse because you'll have less control over it. it's so disingenuous to act like children don't have contact with anything/anyone other than their own parents until they turn 18. it's one thing not to care but it's another to be retarded like this


ah yes, the spicy novels = mass production of videos of people actually having sex/getting raped, including minors and human trafficking victims meme.

No. 2352881

It’s not possible to censor the internet for them. The only options they have are to not be on it or they just have to learn the hard way and grow from it.

No. 2352882

Are you forgetting things like playboy and other porn magazines?

No. 2352889

How do you kid proof the Internet these days. My mum use to be able to delete or restrict my AOL log in which would make me wise up tbh. AOL kids was fucking terrible. I think I had to beg for unrestricted access for neopets cause of the forums. I was distraught. Also just having my mum walk in and out of the room constantly kept me on my toes. I feel like it's just lazy parents blaming technology for their kids becoming too online.

No. 2352890

>so what's your solution, prevent teenagers from ever accessing a computer and phone in 2025?
Nta but what worked for my male friend was watching the news around 10 years old and learning that a man was arrested after he prostituted his female friend after she asked him for help. That really blackpilled him.

No. 2352891

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I wish female body hair was destigmatized too. I hate shaving because I have very sensitive skin, and I don't really mind body hair, plus I prefer to spend that time and money on stuff I actually want; however anytime someone notices I don't shave they assume I'm lesbian, a feminist, etc. Which I don't care about but come on, it's only body hair.

Also, I've noticed how younger people are retarded and are even stigmatizing peach fuzz, I've seen girls called "gorillas" or manly because they had visible peach fuzz.

No. 2352892

i'm not, i wish we could go back to a time when moids could only access porn in the form of magazines that they had to go buy physically in store and hide under their bed. now they type "gangbang school girl" and have hours' worth of videos popping up on their screen.

No. 2352895

I would say bribing them would probably work, giving them things that they would want more than internet like a trip or money and also home schooling them.

No. 2352898

now they can write in a prompt that says "sexy toddler buttrape" and itll generate an image based off of real children. it's so blackpilling.

No. 2352899

They have that in porn magazines/books too. Japan has been making child bikini/underwear modeling magazines since the 70s, that’s still legal to purchase there todays. Scrotes are always going to scrote, halting humans progress won’t change that.

No. 2352900

>women naturally smell better than men.
So true. Man stink is fucking disgusting. I can't understand how anyone finds their smell or sweat attractive.

No. 2352906

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>I wish we could go back to a time where males still had unfettered access to prostituted women on MAGAZINES like playboy where they were likely being trafficked and abused unlike now were haha yeah that will show ‘em to respect us women
Why do women like you use the word “moid” when your only prerogative is to build-a-good-man? There is none, porn would be solved if males were gone off the planet. Every single horror humanity has to offer are not bugs or something to mitigate and socialize out of males like they’re just “being mean gais”, everything is sourced to them and are features not bugs, porn is the acceleration of late stage patriarchy through the expansion of technology which is also propagated by maleness. Porn, sexual violence, trafficking, abuse, would go down in astronomical numbers of males weren’t around and their female counterparts along with male extinction would perish as well as the male breadcrumbs from propagating porn and (man)made horrors would vanish. Keeping it in magazines for them to sneak around and jack off to isn’t going to do jack shit, what the absolute fuck????

No. 2352908

Home schooling makes weird freaks

No. 2352911

lol it’s sad they’d rather get rid of fun things like ai and internet instead of eliminating the core problem which is males. We have to go back to the Stone Age so their scrote can act right.

No. 2352913

i was called insane for saying men should be born into labor camps and have to prove that they're safe to be in society before being allowed to walk among us. but it's the truth. every bad thing in the world exists because of the y chromosome.

No. 2352918

come on, why can't we admit that it's becoming worse. of course pedos have always existed. unrestricted access for all scrotes to hours of tape on rape since childhood, and now tools to create the most degen porn instantly, is still worse than them only having magazines.

oki anon, me too sometimes i daydream about all moids dying off but i understand it's not going to happen. the next best thing is not acting like porn becoming increasingly accessible and normalized is not an issue.

No. 2352924

depends. my life is pretty normal now and I was homeschooled. i did highschool online and everything else public. i went outside, went to clubs, hung out etc
Males love technology because they have less restrictions on it and they understand it's less regulated. Porn has always been a manifestation of scrote chimp-brain but it's worsening now because they know they can get extreme with it. This is why all of the tech CEOs you see are autistic freaks who were probably on a certain list. This is why I hate it when people get onto people for using sites like bsky when the CEO is a female who's clearly trying her best with the amount of moderators she has on her team
>lol it’s sad they’d rather get rid of fun things like ai
Generative AI in its modern form is a male perversion. It requires the blankness that comes with the male brain, it's why they try to submit their art into art competitions spamming "I'M A REAL ARTIST I'M A REAL ARTIST!!" and whine when they get kicked out just like trannies. contemporary generative AI is a manifestation of their desire to invade and "conquer" everything, and in this case it is to conquer what is means to be human. The internet is a different thing completely, as the internet has simply been rotted by greed but can definitely heal if there was a push to decentralize it and implement more anti-trust.

No. 2352927

It’s worse but it’s not ai’s fault

No. 2352929

AI is simply a tool that does what it's told to do, but guess what, that tool is being manufactured by scrotes. Scrotes own it. Scrotes get the censor it, they get to make it biased, they get to choose where it gets it's information. It is a scrote tool. I understand wanting to reform AI and regulate it, however the direction tech is headed is what we need to be critical of.

No. 2352930

I’m not a male and I love technology. I like chatting with ai more than people.

No. 2352931

AI is part of it. Now CP, deepfakes etc. will be much easier to produce.

No. 2352932

I am not a male and I too like technology. AI and contemporary tech though, is in a very male direction.
Yeah, and with this upcoming american administration I see no hope for regulation on that considering alot of bills that would restrict deepfakes are getting shut down. sad.

No. 2352933

>males do x which means you can't do it because I don't like it!1!1!
Gonna go generate some yaoi just to spite you

No. 2352936

It gets worse with age, not better.

No. 2352937

Late, but fwiw it's from Game of Thrones if you really hate the guy, he dies a pretty brutal death onscreen, probably on YouTube or something.

No. 2352938

I'm not arguing "males do it" i'm arguing that males are propagating the further expansion of unrestricted and extreme uses of artificial intelligence against women and children. There's many cases of AI showing racial and gendered bias and simply writing in a prompt like "child" results in suggestive imagery. They use it for political gain and for male influence. How does that not click? Why do the brainlets on this site genuinely believe that their coomer behavior that feeds into and evolves technology that harms women is somehow epic and revolutionary because they think moids can be objectified? If you saw what was going on with all of these male technology CEOs putting money into and pushing out propaganda that objectifies and demonizes women into the masses, often using AI, you'd probably be able to see what I'm seeing. However you're probably too busy flicking the bean to vidya scrotes to even check up on the news. it's pathetic.

No. 2352942

There should be a separate internet just for women. Just imagine would could be created and maintained on a space only for women….
There is no proving anything with men. They’ve proved through history and anecdotal evidence and pattern recognition that they are not to be trusted and yet we keep concentrating so much power to them despite countless and abundant examples on why we shouldn’t. It’s clown behavior and I’m tired of seeing it, you’re not going to make porn go away just by trying to reprogram males which will always lay on the responsibility of us females. They themselves are the cancer who create the tumors and there’s plenty of fucktarded handmaidens who make sure the tumors stay there.
There’s a double-edge sword. During the era with magazines it was less “apparent” even though porn and objectification was everywhere, moids were confined to some pro-social elements where cultural shaming and etiquette were seen as more refined and yet, they didn’t give a single fuck about that shit. All of that crap about chivalry or pedestalizing women (just like the medieval ages with knights who still decided to rape women even though these attempts at “socializing” them with certain values didn’t work) was just their front to go and create second/third/fifth/sixth/so on families, cheat on his dissociated fembot wife, send her to some asylum to get drugged out her mind like an MK ultra victim and have her brain scrambled and played with through a lobotomy, go to brothels and prostitutes, magazines did nothing to hide their sexual degeneracy, there wasn’t even any phones, no computers, nothing for little girls and women to tell their stories only books that nowadays nobody reads or cares about anymore except for a few interested groups. At least now women and girls can screenshot, screensave, screen record, get as much evidence as they can and to broadcast their stories, while Onlyfans and such makes it seem glamorous and sexy again the double-edge sword reveals the cracks in the wall about porn: most if not all of women in porn are consensually/non-consensually raped and coerced into sex against their will.
>males love technology because it’s less regulated
Yeah pretty much, that’s probably by design as well. They’ll go and try to attack and get many websites deleted and banned but one thing they’ll never do is get rid of all of the porn websites, revenge porn, leaked nudes/content, cp, nope none of those things. Matter of fact three-letter agencies use illegal material just to even be able to charge males for their degeneracy, women and little girls sufferings are used to make others look good, but there are not active efforts to fix anything because like you said, “the list” and it’s actually a huge, huge, HUGE problem itself that connects to the porn and entertainment industry and it’s an ancient thing that will never go away because again as long as males exist, porn and sexual exploitation and violence follows them everywhere they go. It’s embedded in every single fabric of society. If you’re interested in learning about rabbithole stuff about that I would really recommend Kirby Sommers not to be an autistic but her videos are really informative and of course YouTube has shadow banned her because she was a victim of sex trafficking and is knowledgeable about Epstein.

No. 2352947

i feel like a freak because i keep hearing about girls smelling their boyfriend's muskiness in the clothes they leave behind in her home and when i tried to do that i just couldn't help but grimace in disgust. there's just something too strong or fucking gross about it idk, the testosterone in the sweat is maybe what's making it smell so bad to me.

No. 2352949

>nursing program
Every time. This kind of shit is why people hate nurses and think they're all incompetent.
So many burn-outs and tards think to themselves "I'll become a nurse". Why?

No. 2352950

Just what AI are you using to see all of that? I use bing and some NSFW ones but never ran into what you're describing. Not denying that it happens, but there are, in fact, some regulated AIs out there, usually free ones. Idk about paid ones though.

No. 2352953

Im not wasting my time and money reading 30 chapters a week and trying to memorize all that for an exam we have every week lol chat gpt it is

No. 2352954

Ntayrt but if you dont like the way your nigel naturally smells that usually means you guys shouldn’t be around each other or aren’t genetically compatible. thats not necessarily a bad thing it just means theres someone else out there who’s better

No. 2352955

Nursing students are so…. they lack empathy…

No. 2352958

Something i really don’t like about nurses is how they’re always so eager to take your clothes off you? in what way does getting me naked make taking my temperature, blood pressure, etc any easier?

No. 2352960

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That may just be you

No. 2352964

Wym anon? Like…they may just be trying to get me naked, or I may just be the only person who doesn’t enjoy it?

No. 2352968

They're tryna get you naked nona they're freaks…

No. 2352969

The way most evil can be attributed to scrotes…realizing that can be a shock and many women would rather believe in a good man than deal with the fact that men have ruined and continue ruining everything.

No. 2352970

what the fuck are you talking about

No. 2352973

Woah. well i guess you kind of have to be a freak on some level to feel a desire to work in the medical field to begin with
So i’ve been carted off in an ambulance several times over the last 5 years, and every single time I have been taken to the hospital, the first thing that the orderlies and nurses who greet me when I enter do is cut my clothes off of my body. i’ve lost many pieces of vintage clothing because of this odd practice

No. 2352988

I hate it when someone on here says "bippie" as shorthand for someone with BPD it sounds so retarded. And "BPDemon" is funnier anyway.

No. 2352990

Got a good one but I'm saving it for the next thread where it can be fully appreciated.

No. 2352994

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my melody looks better with her classic red hood. literally no reason to depict her with a pink hood besides saving dye for the sake of mass consumerism.

No. 2353002

But in developed feminist-aligned countries women still aren't having 3 or 5 kids, many are not having any at all. Their birth rate isn't as low as Japan or South Korea, but still low.

No. 2353004

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It’s gone. They really did it. Idgaf what thread, it’s gone(wrong thread)

No. 2353014

Thank god

No. 2353015

That fucking last paragraph.. stupid oligarch shits

No. 2353018

Lmaoooo you can go touch grass now

No. 2353024

Too bad trump didn't get his head blown off. Can't believe moids are this bad at shooting a gun that all of them missed each time kek

No. 2353028

No. 2353031

>daddy Trump will save us!
Kek, pound sand. This is a net gain for the remaining braincells of all the brats in the nation.

No. 2353034

If he gets tiktoks back he’s going to become our dictator

No. 2353084

>tiktok banned
>anti-influencer aktion
>total influencer death
>youtube next?
Please, let them ban YouTube and Twitter next please don’t stop there. Make it illegal for people to make money on the internet kekk, would love to see so many professional ebeggers and talentless cretins seethe like with Tiktok

No. 2353089

Honestly I'm with you. YT used to be fun but it's been extremely commercialized for a long time now like all the other social media sites. Take the big social media sites down at this point so normies, bots, grifters, and scammers can fuck off from being online. The internet has become a sewer.

No. 2353097

I’m 100% on board with “influencers” no longer being a thing, everything is just advertising now

No. 2353112

I agree completely. People are acting like there would be no way to communicate and spread information without social media as if social media hasn’t completely radicalized everyone through inflammatory algorithms and destroyed our ability to communicate. There was a time before social media, and it was actually better!

No. 2353127

I adore tiktok

No. 2353130

Honestly, i wish they'd ban all social media so people can get back to being on without their lives more. People who were addicted to tiktok and making their 'livelihood' on tiktok deserve nothing.

No. 2353132

Where is the failed trump assassin now?

No. 2353134

youtube used to be so good in like its first decade when it had normal everyday people in it just making funny videos, and maybe a few years after that when there were real talented people showing off things like playing instruments after years of practice and such.. but now it's just reaction videos, ragebaits, ai, gore or porn showing up somehow, drama shitshows between youtubers, and other faggotry. there's some rare youtubers that talk about hobbies and other neat stuff so that's cool, but otherwise, so much of it is just damaged.

No. 2353138

i can't believe i'm saying this on lc of all places kek but i remember a time before social media was all the rage that people were a lot more friendlier and social back then because the internet didn't melted everyone's brains and created this artificial "us vs them" mentality on every given fucking trait that supposedly defined us (ie race discourse, sexuality discourse, nationality discourse, etc). people actually discussed things instead of throwing out insults not even a second after someone posts an opinion online.

No. 2353139

YouTube still has some educational and creative content like documentaries, niche video essayists (not the faggot breadtube ones), old movies, and music. It's not what is dominant but I feel it's still worth preserving. It would be cool if blogs were a thing again.

No. 2353140

This would also effect people like artists doing commissions and people running small businesses though. It would also effect this website considering we get milk from social media.

No. 2353142

I’m black so social media was always kind of harsh kek I think the internet is much nicer to us now. I used to get kicked out of stickam chats for being black, the us vs them was still there it’s just the racists had no consequences so it seemed peaceful.

No. 2353143

i hear you. i have to wonder if maybe because social media now has people's faces on it that the non-retarded ones realize there are consequences to saying fucked up shit so they've learned through osmosis to watch what they say online because they can get fired or kicked out uni. but back then, when the internet was just anonymous everywhere you go, yeah, racism was at its peak.

No. 2353145

You only see white being going on and on about how peaceful and kind the internet eas back in the day lol you’d pretty much have to hide being non-white in a lot of places online just to be there

No. 2353146

i'm really sorry you went through that.

No. 2353149

It’s one of the reasons why I always roll my eyes when white people start reminiscing about how great old school internet was

No. 2353153

Tiktok will never compare to how funny vine was to my 13 year old self
I feel like it was a lot easier to make friends in person before social media became a thing too. Now no one feels the urge to be nice to others or try to make a good impression on their neighbors, peers, coworkers, classmates, etc because they can always run back to twitter or tiktok for validation

No. 2353159

yeah the social retardation started coming in during the 2000's but it wasn't too bad, earlier years yeah it was ridiculously easy to make friends and socialize in general or so i've heard. social anxiety was almost unheard of back then, maybe save for a very few severe cases. 2010's had some normie years i felt, but once 2016 hit, suddenly nobody wanted to talk to each other anymore, suddenly everybody wanted to fight almost all the time, not online but irl i mean, and suddenly you had to meet like a bazillion qualifications in order to be someone's friend. yeah social media 100% ruined people.

No. 2353160


Same here. I’m half black but it still counts. You had to basically hide the fact that you weren’t white in most spaces. I remember the racist comments, the trolling, being spammed things like photos of lynched black people etc.

I always side-eye those who try to talk about the “good-ole-days” online. The few good things back then were the lack of an algorithm and people actually using the internet in moderation.

No. 2353164


No. 2353166

I dont think it should be illegal to make money on the internet. But things like clickbait, gossip shit disguised as documentaries, lets plays, and other non-educational time wasting shit should never be allowed to be monetized.
There's people who actually teach things on youtube and that should be prioritized.
But who knows, probably would backfire somehow….

No. 2353168

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Stickam was huge back then. The white people all acted like stuck up cunts.

No. 2353175

I never thought about that this way before. I’m realizing now every woman I know that’s been in a shitty/abusive relationship wasn’t spoiled as a daughter to teach her what she’s worth. I will be spoiling my future daughter to the max.

No. 2353177

I will never understand gen z putting their FULL government names online. It’s not even gen z millennials will have their gen alpha kids first middle and last names displayed online and it just utterly baffles me. I was born in 94 and we always took internet safety classes. Even my father didn’t put his real name on Facebook (Lowkey based) because he knew the internet. I don’t know why kids stopped being taught internet safety during the most tumultuous internet years. It’s so bizarre. It was literally the first thing we were taught was to never have your real name as your user name. And these gen z kids wonder how they get doxxed so easily.

No. 2353182

White people really made the internet such a hostile environment and they’ll all say “we were kids it was a different time” bro I was a kid being called slurs and subjected to horrifying images of lynchings. But yes tell me more about how you were just a kid and didn’t know being a racist menace online had bad side effects for other races of children. As a black kid you couldn’t even do voice chats because the second they heard an accent slurs will be thrown. Honestly it’s white kids that make the internet so ugly and hostile. But you can’t say that cuz they were just kids uwu

No. 2353183

> That’s why you have people like Elon musk who are constantly desperate for validation
this is why i actually love social media like twitter.
you have billionaires and millionaires with all the time and money in the world to do whatever they want but these losers just can't fucking help themselves, they still care what poors thinks about them and still just have to come and wallow in the mud with us plebs at twitter or other places because the money and fame just isn't enough for them and then you get to at them and call them small dicked retard losers. it's hilarious. we should be thankful for that. imagine what medieval peasants would have given to be able to tell kings and nobles to go and fuck themselves without consequences.

No. 2353184


I never understood this either. I’m a millennial too (1994 as well). One of the main things drilled into us was NOT to reveal any personal information about ourselves online: your name, address, where you live, go to school, work etc etc.

I think 2015/16 was when people just thought it wasn’t a big deal. I still don’t put my real name on my media, i don’t post my kids name or face online either. I’ve had people act like i was crazy for this too.

No. 2353189


For real kek. Everytime you bring it up, they swear that it was acceptable back then and they didn’t know any better. Meanwhile, there was jokes about white boys as young as eight calling people slurs on xbox live.

Being invited to video chat and having all the white people call you every slur in the book. They were relentless with it too. They would make new accounts dedicated to racial harassment. Shit was ridiculous. I think they view the early days as peaceful because there was no censorship and no one to really put them on blast for this type of thing. Call out posts existed, but would largely be ignored or even mocked.

No. 2353192

Amazing that people forgot how many kids got bullied into killing themselves and how horrendous cyberbullying used to be despite prominent cases like Amanda Todd and Jessi Slaughter who ended up trooning out and changing her name to get away from it. Literal children had horrible articles written about them on ED for the crime of being cringe teens. There was also Perez Hilton who was a jealous post-wall gay moid with a gossip blog that wrote heinous things about underage and very young female celebrities at the time.
Not sure why the scare quotes are there. Stickam was a popular website where you could get into chatrooms with people using your webcam. There was another website called Stickydrama that posted about things that happened on Stickam, mostly involving MySpace famous and semi-famous people at the time. Jessi Slaughter frequented Stickam, was posted on Stickydrama and later groomed by a pedo who sang in a popular scene band at the time. She was 11 and nobody cared at any point. It’s as if people collectively forgot about men saying tits or gtfo to girls and everyone being fine with it. Even mainstream bands popular with young people, like 3OH!3 at the time, had some insanely misogynistic lyrics.

The only people who talk about it as the good old days were either too young to do anything but play Barbie and Disney Channel games, or bullies themselves who now cry how sensitive the world has become.

No. 2353193

This shit is so exhausting. Why does life have to always be viewed through “black struggles”? God what a painfully one-dimensional and miserable existence to always view everything through the funnel of race. If you want people to stop mentioning your race then stop interjecting it in everything. “I’m black so everybody has to stop enjoying themselves because of retards from the past” so annoying

No. 2353196

I could say the same about you mentioning being a woman kek. Imagine if a man said this same thing to you but replaced black with woman. You’re funny.

No. 2353205

No it's annoying and played out, this anon is correct. Or at least complain about it with other black people since constantly "reminding" anyone else just comes off like guilt-tripping

No. 2353207


It’s almost as if black people don’t have the option to navigate life without their race being a factor? Funny you say this when this anon didn’t say or imply anything of the sort. They just shared their experiences online back then.

No. 2353209

I’m sure many men feel the same way about women talking about their reality. Your complain keeps them from having fun.

No. 2353211

They created the modern internet environment now wanna bitch and complain about it.

No. 2353213

Nta but if people don’t want to have a private life that’s their choice. If people want to blab all their personal business online, why should I care? It’s not my business

No. 2353215

>The only people who talk about it as the good old days were either too young to do anything but play Barbie and Disney Channel games, or bullies themselves who now cry how sensitive the world has become.
i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it sounds like you just went on all of the crappiest websites that housed the worst people on it. you can't paint the entire internet with a broad stroke like that. yes racism was always and still is an issue online, but there were also online communities that were incredibly mature, informative, and had open and respectful discussions between people of all backgrounds. this is like if i consistently went on 4chan during its inception and go, "welp i guess that's it, that's the internet in a nutshell" without opening a new window to go someplace else.

No. 2353218

Who cares what moids think? Women aren't socially retarded so they should know better than to bring up divisive topics that the majority of women can't participate in, within a social setting with (all) other women. If I were born without a foot and constantly talked about how difficult life was without a foot, it would alienate everyone who had both feet and make them feel guilty for no reason. I would normally feel like a complete asshole comparing being black to a disability but the way certain anons talk about their race makes that feel appropriate in this contex

No. 2353219

MySpace was like that too. For example a lot emo/scene groups on there wouldn’t let non-white join.

No. 2353220

Oh so now it doesn’t matter when gender is mentioned. Predicable.

No. 2353221

Because the whole Internet is becoming more locked down, railroaded and centralized. Forums are dying for places like Discord. Basically every website requires login and some countries are going to make it illegal to use without namefagging everywhere. Also, it's less about other people choosing to be retards but the fact that that's expected of you as well, and even has social/employment consequences sometimes.

No. 2353223

I will reiterate who cares what moids think

No. 2353225

You can disagree but people are allowed to tell you why they don’t agree with what you’re saying

No. 2353226

>caring what a bunch of white people with the shittiest haircuts think
my unpopular opinion was that the emo/scene era was a mistake

No. 2353231

anon 1: here is my opinion about something
anon 2: you're racist
the end

No. 2353232

Who gives a shit about men’s wellbeing here besides the de/g/ens? Are you one? Kek
Seriously, it’s so annoying how it’s always watered down to “mane whyte ppl be doing everythangggg” like no, there are plenty of other racist groups out there that don’t like black people. Interestingly enough, black people themselves have time and time again on the internet have exposed themselves as ignorant, prejudiced, geographically uneducated and seriously thinks jews/arabs are whites, they’re so conditioned on viewing the world in (no pun intended) black-and-white terms where it’s just whites always going against them when it’s much more than that and it’s getting super obnoxious and stale now. Whites did do that shit, so when the fuck are these black people ever going to shut up and finally realize whites aren’t going to provide a living for you or want to be used as emotional punching bags? It’s so selfish, rude, inconsiderate and they even do this with other black people, especially black women who always want to be race warriors while black men are absolute troglodytes that nobody can stand
Then maybe don’t be such a blight on the world to make people not hate you.(racebait)

No. 2353233

People who don’t like social media are just bitter because they’re too ugly/boring to make money from it. That’s my unpopular opinion about it.

No. 2353235

>too ugly/boring to make money from it
Plenty of ugly and boring people make millions while you are probably close to clocking out of your daily shift of 14-18 hours of lolcow posting just to type up that bait post.

No. 2353236

there's nothing wrong with making money off of social media imo. i have an issue with social media making people insufferable in general.

No. 2353237

I agree. Echo chambers and hiveminds did not help and it feels like everyone's an extremist on top of being socially retarded.

No. 2353240

Men aren’t going to do anything for you so stop complaining about them. Let them
Coom and have fun.

No. 2353248

I’m not reading your racist drivel. You can feel your hatred of Black people oozing. I know it’s not just white people but in my personal Experience it was just white people. Sorry the truth hurts.

No. 2353256

File: 1737269438775.webp (51.02 KB, 559x501, IMG_2829.webp)

People have always been insufferable.

No. 2353257

This anon took it to a weird and dark place but my opinion is that people should try to make the best of what they have. Like I'm most attracted to (as a friend, whatever) black women who are confident and proud of being black. No one wants to date or hang out with a complainy sad sack, is really what it comes down to (for everyone)

No. 2353261

Not an unpopular opinion here but im glad tiktok was banned. That site did nothing for society as a whole, people treated it like the best form of social media because while it was replete with misinformation, it was spoonfed to them in a bite sized format that appealed to their non existent attention spans and lack of critical thought. None of the information there was top secret and could be easily found via google search and online articles…the scrambled egg for brains zoomers were just allergic to anything in a format longer than five seconds. It basically gave the children who clearly should’ve been left behind a chance to feel smart. Plus stale humor, lame dances, and recycled trends with stupid names slapped on them.

As i type this, the ambulance sirens in my neighborhood are going crazy. People are really harming themselves over an app…kek

No. 2353266

I don’t like the government being able to control me that easily. I want the choice to be a dumb ass if I want to.

No. 2353267

Kek because that's what the literal billions of online users are doing right now, getting rich and not consuming slop and spreading cognitohazards.

No. 2353269

How’d you even end up on lolcow if you don’t like seeing people on the internet make an ass of themselves for entertainment?

No. 2353276

I don't think it's good they got rid of tiktok. Regardless of how good/bad the app was, it's a form of censorship and if the government gets away with this it will set a bad precedent. All that being said though, it's not actually going anywhere. This is all a ploy to make Trump a hero.

No. 2353277

Not really involved with this whole thing, but talking about negative experiences related to your race doesn't mean you're not confident or proud.

No. 2353278

If they can censor this so easily it means we really have no power. I don’t want tiktok to come back only because I know this is apart of trump’s manipulation scheme.

No. 2353280

I do though? That doesn't mean I think social media has been a net positive for society kek.

No. 2353283

You like the government just being able to come up with any stupid reason to be able to censor you and block you from things?

No. 2353287

It was more about the concept of knowing your audience and how racially divisive topics always lead to infighting or someone feeling annoyed/offended (irl/here). Everyone is exhausted by the monetization/corpwashing of racism atm, black people are generally perceptive so most have already noticed that and act accordingly

No. 2353291

Nta but I’m pretty sure men are tired of women talking about women problems because it’s a drag or buzz kill. Just because something makes you feel uncomfortable doesn’t mean I can’t say it.

No. 2353295

no point in typing it again:

No. 2353300

A lot of you do because you constantly complain about males not wanting to listen to you because it’s a buzz kill for them. Anytime people bring up early internet, I’ll mention how nasty white people were. Too bad if you’re bored of hearing about it or it makes you mad.

No. 2353302

No, nona. I don't like censorship but I also don't like how the internet has enabled autism to propagate and spread throughout society. I hate short form content. I think it turns people, and especially kids, retarded.

No. 2353306

We literally all do care what men thinks, because it affects us. Caring what men think and do is why so many of us hate them kek.

No. 2353307

No. 2353308

Why should I care if you’re drained? Toughen up

No. 2353311

It's extremely embarassing when anons are infighting and one anon try to guess personnal things about the life of the person they're arguing with.
>Let me guess, you have an ugly dog and are desperate for love, you never went to college and are extremely insecure about that and you dad sexually abused you as a child.
It makes the anon taking a shot in the dark look unhinged, how could you know any of that from a few post on lolcow kek

No. 2353315

It’s more embarrassing to be embarrassed while being anonymous. You care what people think even when they can’t see u..

No. 2353316

File: 1737270930695.jpg (54.59 KB, 1280x720, 647858562.jpg)

People were more honest. Maybe that's why it bothers you so much. You seem really put off by others disagreeing with you, while claiming to enlighten us with the barbarity of the early world wide web

No. 2353320

I think the moon invented periods

No. 2353322

A lot of anons have trouble projecting their lives, emotions, and feelings onto others

No. 2353325

You responded to me first so who’s really bothered by being disagreed with? Don’t try to gas light me kek

No. 2353326


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2353327

>I think the moon invented periods
Can we discuss this dumb thought instead? and thank you for leading us back to the correct path, anon. You get a sugar cube

No. 2353328

You can reminisce and I can say it was shit.

No. 2353329

We should all beat up the moon.

No. 2353330

This explains why some of you are so shamelessly stupid

No. 2353331

I agree, it makes me think they're thinking about a specific person they know irl who they suspect is on lc

No. 2353333

File: 1737271265923.jpg (Spoiler Image,187.39 KB, 620x412, moon_man_feat1-3474061200.jpg)

I was going to post mac the moon to unify all anons itt but apparently he is a racist alt-right rapper now. Sorry you guys

No. 2353334

Yeah, they're thinking about themselves.

No. 2353336


Not really involved in this but if the brief mention of online racism gets anyone here annoyed/drained then thats 100% a personal issue kek

The reply starting the infight sounded just like moids who complain about how sick they are of everything being about race. Taking it to a whole new level because they likely feel personally attacked by the mention of it.

No. 2353338

It has to be the moon because I got my period on Christmas Day so it should come on the 25th but that full moon was active for like 4 days and I swear that made my period start early. Idc the moon is our uterus’ God.

No. 2353340

4troon moids will ruin anything, even a moon mascot

No. 2353345

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That's true. I don't know how anyone could look at a cute frog and rule 34 him into the worst scenarios imaginable. I've always wanted to see good things for pepe, I enjoyed his documentary and like to imagine he's recovering from mild cPTSD in a quiet location where 4troon moids will never corrupt him again

No. 2353346

Everyone talks about how starbucks is overpriced trash, but the real overpriced trash is dunkin. The coffee drinks taste like sweetened dirty water, the doughnuts are worse than krispy creme’s, the breakfast sandwiches taste like fryer oil and 9/10 give you some type of food poisoning.

I hate that it’s a popular chain here in new england.

No. 2353350

File: 1737271689364.jpeg (18.24 KB, 257x196, IMG_5127.jpeg)

I’m glad old internet is over. Never bring it back.

No. 2353354

LOUDER dunkin just makes their shit so sweet it’s insane. It’s just pure sugar mixed with the sweetest creamers known to man.

No. 2353355

Based. Give me a starbucks and krispy kreme over anything from dunkin donuts. Last time I went to dunkin, the donuts had layers of dust all on top of them. I threw them away.

No. 2353356

File: 1737271801421.jpg (8.02 KB, 242x209, 191929381489.jpg)

i love when anons here try to call a poster a failwoman like baby if you are here and over the age of like 24 i'm afraid i have some terrible news

No. 2353357

Are you sure it wasn't powdered sugar?

No. 2353358

Powdered sugar doesn't look like hair and dust.

No. 2353359

White children are evil bro idk why their parents fill them with so much hatred. It needs to be studied and eradicated immediately before they get beat up or killed. I had to stop having white friends as an adult because even if they weren’t racist they couldn’t wait to tell me all the racist things their family said about my race behind my back. It’s bizarre. I can’t be around them fr they traumatized me too much in my formative years. They don’t even apologize for it either they just want you to forget and never bring it up. Meanwhile we have to go to therapy to unpack all the racist shit we were subjected to as minors. All they have to do is post a fake apology online and it’s business as usual for them kek(bait)

No. 2353360

File: 1737272036020.jpg (32.6 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-438738894.jpg)

>generic anime picrel
>~discrete~ age-shaming
>xitteresque term of endearment while being confrontational/rude for no reason

No. 2353363

Lol all this over some kids stretching out their eyes

No. 2353364

That’s not all you knuckle dragging troglodytes did

No. 2353367

i wish old internet came back so that someone would call you slurs

No. 2353370

File: 1737272301649.jpeg (12.95 KB, 262x193, IMG_5128.jpeg)

>why are white kids so evil?

I’ll let you know when I figure it out. They used to be a trio back in the day lol

No. 2353371

File: 1737272332152.jpg (5.68 KB, 300x168, me_anon.jpg)

I welcome slurs, anon. I am the old internet

No. 2353372

Nta but didn’t you hear? Elon made it so you can say faggot and retarded again on twitter, so its coming back for sure

No. 2353374

A trip*

No. 2353376


Local coffee and doughnut shops are a 1000% better than anything you will get from Starbucks, dunkin or krispy cremes. Cheaper too.

No. 2353380

They’re gonna take away her right to get an abortion every other day too tho

No. 2353384

why would you say this

No. 2353386

Elon didn’t become president just because Trump got a second term nona lol, he’s still an autismo immigrant

No. 2353387

File: 1737272623269.jpg (302.23 KB, 1600x900, l-intro-1728076877.jpg)

Those Starbucks refreshers are peak though. I don't particularly care for the coffee (not a huge coffee person in general) but I do like their teas. The chai latte with oatmilk is good.

No. 2353388

No. 2353390

They start so young too. It’s wild. The most my momma ever said to me about white kids was that I’m not one of them any time she saw me try to leave the house with my jacket unzipped because they used to go to school in shorts and unzipped jackets in winter kek. Meanwhile white kids were leaving my school at large numbers because their parents were telling them they didn’t want them around black kids because our influence is bad. Even though all the black kids were highly educated and middle class kek. White people just project their insecurities onto other races. They go from stretching their eyes in the early 2000s to now obsessing over Asians and wanting to date Asian men and women. It’s all inferiority disguised as superiority.(bait)

No. 2353391

Idk why people post shit like this as if it hasn't gotten worse in a lot more ways. With that being said I miss certain aspects of old internet. Back then people made stuff for the fun of it. They expressed themselves just because they could. Not because they were trying to make a quick buck. It's all so commercialized now.
But it definitely was a really fucked up place too. I'm not denying it.

No. 2353392

This is the way.

No. 2353393

File: 1737272722616.png (184.44 KB, 750x1125, Starbucks-313803888.png)

The mango dragon fruit coconut milk one looks really good

No. 2353395

File: 1737272913646.png (1.37 MB, 914x1056, tivana.png)

it’s also $12 for a 8oz coffee plus a cup charge and a neighborhood charge and a white fee
I’ll never forget the mango black tea lemonades

No. 2353396

Reminder to report all racebait itt

>using picrel as a synonym for pic
Stop accusing other posters of being newfags when you have newfaggy habits yourself. You just can't counter her argument and are nitpicking her post lmao

No. 2353397

Now when people act like that online they get fired or kicked out of school and I love it

No. 2353400

Starbucks needs to give up their try-hard coffee cope and focus on the good things like this

No. 2353402


Depends where you live. An 8 ounce here is 4 dollars. Place near me makes this drink called a “chai bomb”. It’s fucking sublime. They also give you a card that gets you a free drink if you get 12 stamps on it.


I do love those refreshers. Shame there isn’t any starbucks near me. Stuck with shitty ass dunkin and the sickeningly sweet dishwater they call coffee.

No. 2353404

Lana can’t sing and her music is boring

No. 2353406

Everything after Honeymoon has been shit and after Norman Fucking Rockwell came out, she gained a bunch of new fans for no reason that don't even listen to her older (good) stuff despite her being on the radio in 2011.

No. 2353407

File: 1737273432844.jpg (592.35 KB, 1150x1600, DNK02413_MangoPineapple_Lemona…)

You too good for this refresher anon?

No. 2353409

File: 1737273469639.jpg (210.91 KB, 1200x900, ffecf254d09788ef4e98d834ae4160…)

or a delicious coolatta samefag?

No. 2353411

summer is better than winter

No. 2353412


I remember calling her singing “monotoned caterwauling” and all her fans got mad kek it’s true though. She really can’t sing. Mad she got the big career that, in my opinion, marina and the diamonds should’ve had.

Gonna add that Melanie martinez can’t sing either. Not only that but she’s not attractive and her old vintage baby doll aesthetic was creepy. Not in the 3edgy5me way but in the not so subtly endorsing that daddy/little girl kink shit. No wonder it was a hit with teenaged girls and women in their early 20s.

No. 2353413

File: 1737273636894.jpg (38.44 KB, 780x438, 1000003291.jpg)

I remember when they used the syrup to make this abomination. Someone actually ordered two shots in one. I use to drink mostly hot coffee but now I just make cold brew. I scored one of those toddys home brew for a dollar at a thrift store. It came with everything.

No. 2353416

I remember in 2012 a lot of people were describing her music with the term “wrist slashy” (kek) until she started getting put on movie soundtracks, and then everyone started worshipping her
This is a very popular opinion

No. 2353417


Yes i am, because the dunks near me made all of these refreshers taste like sugar water kek

No. 2353418

>This is a very popular opinion
not where i live at. people love autumn and winter here. the holidays are all what's saving the cold bitter months but everyone knows deep down that warm weather is what makes us happy and hearty. if only those winterfags knew.

No. 2353419

Ntayrt but something I could really never comprehend was how melanie martinez became so popular and gained such an obsessive fanbase back in like 2016 when all her music romanticized child abuse/csa? Like you’d think she would’ve been dragged through the fucking mud for that but no, a lot of young people and faggots still lapped it up because she had a huge gap in her teeth

No. 2353423

99% of people making fun of Lana in 2012 were bitter moids from Pitchfork. After she got clout by getting JackOff as her producer, now the same men lick her ass.

No. 2353502

You're going to be living in the same society as the failure children of everyone else, though. Children being raised poorly affects everyone around them.

No. 2353514

We're already living in that society. Just look at what teachers keep saying about children. You can see it in daily life as well that they have no social skills or manners because they've grown up glued to a screen thinking they are the main character.

No. 2353518

They think they're Azealia Banks, and everytime someone tried to guess things about me they got everything wrong.

No. 2353520

No clue how these coffee shops are where you live but here the prices are similar compared to Starbucks and they have like 2 small tables and 5 chairs at most. I don't drink coffee so Starbucks is often a better option so I can sit down when drinking and eating.

No. 2353538

Billie Eilish too, at least LDR has some kind of vague atmospheric feeling, Billie's music is so empty.

No. 2353798

I don't think this would be unpopular if you asked people, but it currently isn't the view people have at large and people I talk to disagree. But the way I see it time use to commute to work is just unpaid work time. The time cannot be used for anything else, it's directly related to work, it typically costs money (unless you walk/bike) and it eats up your free time.

I'm currently unemployed and people are shocked that I refuse to work "just" an hour away from where I live. In my eyes that would make my work day 10h long (and that's still discounting getting ready in the morning). So 2h are unpaid, and any money for my commute is taken directly from my paycheck because my work the only reason I'm making the trip. It just sounds like a super shitty deal to me but people are acting if it's unreasonable to think this way.

No. 2353846

my unpopular opinion is Spring is the best. you get a little taste of everything with the weather, plants come back to life. and after Valentine's, stores calm down on all the overwhelming seasonal holiday displays

No. 2353853

Yeah I feel like Spring is very underrated, I never hear people saying it's their favorite season, for me it has the best weather, especially the month of May.

No. 2353856

By far the best time of year is Indian Summer (which happens in Fall)
It's just perfect in every way

No. 2353860

I love May, it’s perfect because it ends up having the nice weather of both late spring and early summer. And where I live, it’s always when trees get full of leaves.

No. 2353873

>generic anime picrel
You have shit taste

No. 2353877

It's true and way more obvious now that a lot of people have been allowed to work at home since the pandemic started. In my country if anything happens to you on your way to your workplace, if you get injured or you die because you were assaulted in the subway or you were in a car crash the employer is considered partially responsible for this because if it weren't for the job you wouldn't have been at the wrong time and wrong place, so at least there's that.

No. 2353919

Liking 2D men doesn’t make you better than 3DPD-loving women. You’re both in love with ugly slop and severely lacking self-awareness and self-respect

No. 2353922

File: 1737305516416.gif (238.11 KB, 220x209, 1000031252.gif)

Counterpoint: I can draw my man getting kneecapped.

No. 2353923

I don’t believe women when they say this. Sorry. Shave if you want, I do, but don’t act like you’re doing it for yourself because a smattering of sparse hair on your legs is uwu uncomfy.

No. 2353927

>all straight is bad
Well not everyone can be a lesbian or asexual.

No. 2353928

No one is guessin, that’s just how infighting is because it’s supposed to be nonsensical and funny with the petty jabs. Nobody said they were being serious you big fucking autistic party pooper, stop taking this website seriously

No. 2353931

Your husbando is ugly and sucks booty cheeks
You’re doomed. Also viewing everything through the lense of sex it’s disgusting, what’s the difference between hypersexual women and men, one just compliments the other. Female hypersexuality enables male hypersexuality, you can stop flicking your bean, get a damn hobby and grow the fuck up.

No. 2353933

File: 1737306017842.jpg (78.94 KB, 773x1000, 1000031610.jpg)

>and sucks booty cheeks
Only if I let him!

No. 2353934

>I don't believe in autism or becoming used to my body in any particular state. Go gargle more balls, whores!

No. 2353938

So your husbando loves eating poop? Ewwww poopie poooopp haha

No. 2353940

Notice how male autists never claim that they need to shave due to sensory issues

No. 2353941

Why are you mad that there are women with a sex drive? kek

No. 2353942

No actually, I don’t. You’ve got tiktok autism and I doubt you’re over 21. If you are that’s double embarrassing. Next you’ll tell me wearing makeup helps your ADHD. Just be honest with yourself.

No. 2353943

File: 1737306286794.jpg (20.14 KB, 234x249, 1000030876.jpg)

I am defeated…you have annihilated me

No. 2353950

Hahahaha get rekt

No. 2353952

i feel like the reason why people are incredibly careful with who they should regard as gay, lesbian, or even bi is because we’ve now seen how destructive it is to let just anybody calm themselves retarded terms like “queer” and such. the trans thing didn’t helped at all with how they celebrate otherwise heterosexual people who call themselves gay just because they’ve transitioned into the opposite sex. this is amplified with lesbianism and is why there’s a lot of pushback against late bloomers or non-gs cases; the lesbians who knew early and stayed strong against societal pressure to be with men are ideal candidates to be the official faces of lesbianism because their stories act as proof that a few women truly dislike men so much that they’ve never even been with one. if the standards fit lesbianism is low, then just about anyone could call themselves that, including moids and so called bihet women. i think this is so important, in fact, that non-gs homosexual women should just stay closeted and date women secretly and/or just put on another label meanwhile. the lesbians label has been mangled at this point.

No. 2353954

Because female sex drive is disgusting and mallows male sexuality and their “necessity” to thrive, allowing hordes of bodies to be born just to be groomed to do the exact same irrational thing such as sleeping with our natural predator. Clown world(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 2353956

They do if they start and get used to it. So do neurotypicals, there's always guys posting on plebbit about how they've discovered shaving their pits and will never go back
Makeup is fine in moderation and not using cheaply made products containing abrasive chemicals. Moids should spend the time, money and effort on having perfect skin

No. 2353957

Exactly kek

No. 2353958

I'm sorry you feel that way as a woman. Were you raised by catholic parents?

No. 2353960

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Having a high sex drive as a woman is based actually. Those women are alpha. What’s not based is fucking men for validation.

No. 2353963

A high sex drive as a discerning/picky woman is based. A BPD claiming she totes loves to fuck and grimacing while she takes pre-troon dick is a whole different story

No. 2353964

How does having a husbando contribute to this? I can’t breed with him.

No. 2353965

I think it's a little cringy to treat them like human babies but yeah it's not a big deal. It's usually mostly men seething that women don't want to have their spawn too.
Cats, dogs, and most other furry pets like rabbits are cuter than human babies to me and always have been. Their cuteness is superior to me despite its purpose being to supposedly mimic a greater one to a human (human babies). When I look at a human baby all I can see is some weird bald alien, they only start to look semi cute when they get a little older and have hair on their head and even then the baby animals mog them in terms of cuteness. Those animals also stay cuter all their life while you could have a cute baby boy and then he'll grow up to be a disgusting ugly man who could be a threat to you if you're unlucky. I'd rather a cat or a dog eats me out of necessity than being possibly killed or raped by my hypothetical son on purpose and for no real reason other than hate.

Also, everyone is selfish and driven by what they desire at the end of the day, not just animals. In fact it's even worse with humans arguably, because at least with animals you could say that they just don't have the intellect and don't know any better to truly communicate with you (all they have are their instincts, knowing they want food and affection, etc), while for humans they're supposed to have higher capabilities and yet consciously choose to not give you connection or any affection when they're supposed to be your equals. With an animal there's the understanding that they can't ever communicate with you on a more human level and that they live solely for their needs and you can just accept that and appreciate their company, but for humans there's not much of an excuse yet most people will still act selfishly on purpose and be parasites to others (especially men to women) despite knowing to do better.

No. 2353967

You would think your own baby is cute, anon

No. 2353968

Sure, but if I don't think other babies are cute it's not exactly going to motivate me to have kids (besides a bunch of other reasons I have to not want them). Meanwhile, I got a dog because I think other people's puppies are cute so I wanted one for myself too.

No. 2353970

Piggybacking off your point, I think part of the problem we have now is that it's implicitly treated as stupid/immature to be in the questioning phase. For a start people who are unsure about their sexualities are basically lovebombed into trooning out. So, people are encouraged to slap as many labels on themselves as quickly as possible, and they're not allowed to regret it because that's problematic, so they come up with the convoluted bullshit we see in the ~queer~ scene today.

No. 2353971

I think you'd be a good mom. You seem based and smart

No. 2353979

The only thing that bothers me about it is these people raise the most disgustingly behaved animals that bother everyone else around them. Dogs don’t do well when they’re treated like babies. They become anxious and neurotic.

No. 2353980

agreed. it feels like a sin to still be questioning once you’re out of high school and that’s not fair tbh. there’s people out there who have never felt attracted to anyone until their early 20s and don’t deserve to get mocked for it. on top of this, there’s retards who have an issue with bi women who want to be with women exclusively and so feel this weird need to call themselves lesbians in order to get away from the shit being flung at them kek.

No. 2353983

No I’m just not a retard, thanks for asking though!
>these women are alpha for fucking men and making themselves sexually available to males

No. 2353984


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No. 2353986

Thanks. I actually agree with that even though I don't want kids. Mostly because I've seen a lot of really bad people become parents.

No. 2353991

You’re actually incredibly sexist but you’ll never realise it. You view females as passive and coy when they’re anything but. We are just as carnal and savage as the males and it’s a GOOD thing that should be celebrated. I talk about women who honour their own desires and you twist that to “make themselves available” because you will only ever see women as a hole waiting to be fucked by a man.

No. 2353996

My favourite memories of childhood were with a single working mother (who had a stable career and 9-5 hours). If you have that, it's all you need but I won't aunt-nag you any further anon. Not to sound like a reddit moid but it is really sad to see Idiocracy playing out irl

No. 2353999

Never said women are passive and coy, they just contribute to patriarchy by enabling it through their sexual choices and honestly their sexuality which is determined by biology, not always “le socialization” meme. It’s also stupid to complain about rape and bad things happening in the world but then fuck the same people who contribute to it. I don’t think pointing out reality is “sexist” but I’m sure you would ignore your nigel’s shitty behavior and go through hoops to defend it while a woman who sees and smells bullshit is called a “sexist”. Humans such beautiful and intelligent design!!!!! Lmfao

No. 2354000

>female sex drive is disgusting
Yeah, okay Abdul Kazheem Alliheem.

No. 2354010

If you don’t like being a human then kill yourself. It’s as simple as that. You people are so fucking depressing and I’m tired of it.

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