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No. 2347058
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He is legit fugly
No. 2347070
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Hope this doesn’t get banned for racebait but has anyone else noticed that only female celebrities/influencers seem to get cancelled or heavily criticized for racism? Picrel girl is an influencer who got cancelled for saying the n word when she was 14 and people are still dragging her to this day, it’s been years since the initial controversy. Meanwhile a video of a white basketball player singing “give a n** a break” with his whole chest becomes a meme and if anything it boosted his career. Even black men were encouraging him.
No. 2347075
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>>2347058He was really handsome (imo) a some time ago. I think he gained weight and it reeeeaaallly fucked up his looks. I also think he's one of those people where his personality is a big part of the attraction.
No. 2347089
>>2347081Nta it’s because those women are talentless and didn’t have a solid fan base anyway and people were looking for an excuse to cancel them because no one liked them anyway. People like beyonce, Chappell roan, Nicki Minaj or Arianna grande can do whatever and be forgiven. Beyonce and Nicki are with rapists and Nicki says
problematic stuff all the time but people still worship them.
No. 2347107
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Adults who get traumatised from their parents divorcing are pathetic. There are so many women who stay in bad marriages because muh "the kids". Imagine sticking with a man for 18 years and your kids get upset when you finally leave.
No. 2347112
>>2347107I can understand if it's a terrible divorce eg dad out of nowhere and no warning is having an affair with a woman the same age as his children, tries everything to not give mom a single penny and cuts ties with children, mom is now homeless with no support system etc
But regular divorced are nothing
No. 2347134
>>2347129Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 2347131
>>2347129Most “lonely” men have a pick me they keep in the fuck zone that they could make his wife but for whatever reason he doesn’t feel she’s good enough
No. 2347136
>>2347134. I don't buy for a minute they have any women.
No. 2347150
>men can
Men can’t. None of this passes the bechdel test (tehee thread mention) and stop wanting other women to suffer by trying to come up with stupid useless solutions on how men should “solve their loneliness” when we all know what it is, they’re angry that their entitlement card that comes with their male existence doesn’t grant them 40 acres, a mule and a bangmaid anymore that blurs the line of wife and prostitute because imo there’s little to no difference between them just private vs public ownership but none of those things are coming to them like ever and they unfortunately have to get off their fucking asses like other women have been doing for eons and work for it so basically the story of my sorry ass brothers, sorry ass male relatives, the story of every male that has had a woman scorned, traumatized, disappointed and disgusted for her entire life so again, every woman on this planet. There’s actually nothing to be solved, it’s a damn miracle women en masse don’t try to smother them with a pillow and kill them while they’re sleeping or commit targeted violence against them. More lonely sad men results in more male suicides, less males = less violence, less child raping, less capitalist retardation and less competition for jobs and resources. We should be celebrating male’s innate incompetency to sustain life and let them all die by their own hands.
No. 2347171
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>>2347169If I could get a man on her level of attractiveness, while looking like him I’d do it.
No. 2347186
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>>2347181Reminds me of hiding in my room. He’s a decent looking guy and he’s had gfs and was even married, but still complains because he can’t get a perfect Japanese waifu. He would complain about them being too ugly or saying things like he would jerk off to black women in porn but would never date one kek. Then he would complain about women not liking him, no women like you just not the ones you want lol
No. 2347205
>>2347202I don't think this is an unpopular opinion, all the comments agree with you.
But yes I hate the lack of rinsing, the lack of dish rack, and the sink full of dirty dishwater, but I thought that was a normal/common way to wash dishes if you don't have a dishwasher? I wash everything individually under a running tap so I don't have to put my hands in gross water, but I assumed most people had too many dishes to do that and I was an anomaly.
No. 2347215
>>2347202They literally cannot do anything right, ffs.
>>2347205The gross part is that they don't rinse the soap off, but instead just wipe it off.
No. 2347462
>>2347318I get so annoyed with my bf's family because they rinse everything and then wait until the machine is so full you can't possibly jam anything else in, which takes them DAYS.
"It saves water and money" they say, which is bullshit because they rinse everything. At that point you're cleaning everything twice! And all of their dishes are unusable for days at a time because they're sitting dirty in the machine they refuse to start.
"But we HAVE to rinse them or they don't get cleaned properly!" yeah because the food gets several days dried into the plate when you don't fucking start the machine for fucking days you absolute morons!!!
They drive me insane. They waste more water, create more work for themselves and they have no dishes to use for days at a time, and they don't see how it's an entirely self-created problem. I looked it up out of spite and every wash costs about 18 cents in total here. Wow good job, you saved like 50 fucking cents this week! Enjoy your riches!
No. 2347483
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>>2347448>it's so hilarious to capture a therapist looking for a dude and telling him "I have a lonely female patient looking for a boyfriend, you're up to it?" and the dude just says yesayrt buckle up for a story time, because yes that happened. We were both attending the same group therapy, as well as seeing the therapist in private. Because HE was lonely and wanted a girlfriend the therapist tried to set us up.
I didn't figure it all out right away but at a later point the therapist told me "you don't HAVE to date him…" in a suggestive way and it all fell into place that she was clearly trying to get us together, despite me having no desire to date and I just wanted friends and she knew that. I felt really violated when I figured it out tbh.
Now this guy was a total loser. No job and no desire to get a job, no car and can't drive, hates his "
abusive" family, socially inept hence why he had no friends, bad mental health (hence the therapy). I was desperate for friends so I initially agreed to hang out to make a FRIEND like it had been posed to me. So we hung out a couple of times, turns out he was aggressively woke as well. He was overly touchy, manipulative and trying to get me to touch him "platonically" all the time. Now that I'm out of it I would definitely classify some of what he did as just straight up sexual harassment or assault. One day when he was ranting about his woke shit and troons he ended up defending male rapists in female prisons, I pushed back but he just dug the hole deeper saying female rapists are allowed in female jail, so to protect the male (troon) rapist from other males it's safer to put them in female jail. If he then rapes women that's just a woman (troon) raping a woman and that's not a big deal and couldn't be helped because they're both women. And in the same conversation it came up that he apparently saw himself as trans, non-binary. And during all that it clicked in my mind that this guy defends rapists and I hang out with him alone - I'm literally in danger. So I cut all contact from then on. And guess what, he turned into a stalker who wouldn't leave me or my family alone for 2 years. I still have lasting anxiety and panic at the sound of the doorbell. Fuck that therapist.
No. 2347520
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>>2347491you should watch panic room. kristin is only a kid in it but it stars jodie foster who is always great and you get to see jared leto
die No. 2347533
>>2347520That was my first k stew film! I do really think she's brilliant lol.
>>2347514Bet it don't.
No. 2347623
>>2347559nta but then you would still have had a shitty childhood if they didnt divorce, their separation isnt the problem its just them being shitty people in general
i was glad when my parents divorced when i was a teen, theyre both happier with their new families
No. 2347636
>>2347526It blows up your entire world because from the moment you existed until that point you had a stable family unit. If your family was
toxic prior to that I can see why a divorce wouldn't be as harmful (could even be beneficial for the kid) but if kids started out in a happy stable family and then it gets torn to pieces it will traumatize them
No. 2347644
My unpopular opinion is that we need to be working on eugenic programs for cats more. There are so many dog breeds where they have been bred for their sense of smell, their intelligence, or their happy disposition, but we are doing nothing like that for cats.
With cats, we spay/neuter everything we can catch and only the most feral, distrusting strays go on to breed. The only exception to this is the purebred cat breeds which are being bred for only looks, none for health, athleticism, or disposition. We're really losing out on some prime bloodlines that we could be cultivating.
Also, I know some of you are going to come at me with breeds like the Abyssinian, which is bred for its athleticism, or the Ragdoll, which is bred for its laid back personality, but not only are those the exception, but the breeders are really losing touch with those markers and in the last two decades are only focusing only colors and body shape only.
No. 2347888
>>2347883>My mom did do those things, but that was just a problem I had with her.Okay and you didn't happen to be traumatized by it whereas it might have been worse for someone else. Do you still have a relationship with your mother? Might be another indicator for how your mileage has differed from others. Can't believe you looked at that list and said to yourself "Yeah no way that could be traumatic for anyone and any reaction towards that is just drama being conjured up in someone's head."
You sound autistic if not dense.
No. 2348077
>>2347186Holy shit this dude. I remember I found him randomly because of YT algorithm when I was like 16-17 and just followed his insanity for a bit until like 2020 and he got insanely boring. He seems relatively happy now and has a job and shit. Wild. At least he isn't allowed in Japan anymore iirc.
>he’s had gfs and was even married, but still complains because he can’t get a perfect Japanese waifuHe literally had one and then he cheated, kek. He still makes videos about her to this day even though they've been divorced for a few years now, I checked up on him a few days ago out of curiosity.
No. 2348107
>>2347107I wish my mom divorced my dad. I've been more traumatized by them staying together and my dad constantly wrecking havoc on our life than I would have been if she just left him.
>>2348061Correct. They pretend to be so superior and enlightened compared to the conservative moids but they're just coomers and tranny cocksuckers and even worse than conservative moids to be around at times, because they'll just expose every single degenerate thought and disgusting kink they have and you're supposed to be okay with it. As well as gaslighting you constantly about how you're actually an evil bigot who hates women if you call them out on any of their shit. At least when I call out conservative men they don't pretend they're a bigger feminist than I am kek
No. 2348502
>>2348497I don't understand how and why they became such a hit within the past 2(?) years for normal people. It's like they suddenly popped up everywhere in my city overnight.
95% of people who use them here are not obese or even fat, literally just walk the few meters, it only takes a few minutes more. I don't get it.
No. 2348503
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>>2348497elecrtic unicycles are a thing in my city now, so obnoxious
No. 2348531
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I’ve recently got into knitting and knitters are snobby and pretentious af. At least on tik tok idk if knitters are like that in real life yet. The way they talk is so matter of fact and like we should all know this and they brag so much kek. I don’t mind it too much because id probably be snobby and brag too if I could make a Scandinavian/porcelain/cableknit sweater in under a week. But damn they all talk in the same know it all way no matter what age or demographic. It’s kinda endearing but makes me feel dumb as a stump in comparison.
No. 2348819
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Euthanasia should be legal. Free for people with terminal illnesses and mental problems, and paid for people that just want to die. My biggest fear is developing dementia and ending up in some shithole being raped and abused, specially since i have no family besides my mom and i dont want to have children.
No. 2349260
>>2349246He needs to take stuff to keep it up at this point kekkk
No. 2349485
>>2349324Kek in my country’s primary schools nobody cares. My English teacher barely spoke English and had the thickest Hungarian accent I’ve ever heard, and I’m surrounded by them. She made us repeat a song that starts with
>VON EPPL>TUUUU EPPLS>SREEEE EPPLSAnd kids couldn’t stop laughing every time
No. 2349507
>>2349433>>2349442>>2349490>>2349492You have to get rid of the cancer off your front page, a lot of you don’t utilize the “hide/block” button and it shows, make sure to like shit from various creators that are anti-tranny/male there’s TONS of them and they make me laugh so hard at their witty responses to the delusional shit. There’s so many unbelievably based posts but maybe I’m just really nifty at finding hidden spaces
>>2349501I only started using Tumblr until now, I used to only use it to find mods and custom content kek. I have important threads I’m casually following and reading on /snow/ right now so no can do
No. 2349706
>>2349688The worst part of it is constantly having to deal with other people especially family members who refuse to fucking break out of their lazy/selfish attitudes, especially male relatives who just sit on their ass and expect women to do all the hard work and think the world someday will come swooping down with a golden spoon of male privilege and birthrights they were always expecting. I fucking hate that shit and I see it in every single male I come across, many of them cleverly hide and sneak this into their little ideologies and behaviors such as hogging up space, having terrible hygiene and dwelling in filth, committing different kinds of crimes and harassment. How are people especially women and young girls going to heal in shitty circumstances like you said when their environments are always torn up, changed and shat upon by other tards who refuse to self-actualize about their own lives? So it’s not even just the person, it really is our environments, our genetics, so many factors play into people’s suffering but somehow it all chalks down to just needing a pill or some kind of repetitive treatment like going to the doctor’s office to cure some cold, it makes no sense to me. I’m not condoning you taking your life but I’m also not going to moralfag and virtue signal and dismiss your pain, I absolutely understand you wholeheartedly on that last part. Many people just succumb and die off from these pains that can’t actually be healed, people never want to talk about prevention methods because pills, potions, doctors, treatments provide money and also provide as reprogramming tools to make sure the ones who got out of line are put back into it and to keep nodding along to all of the horrific shit happening to them, somehow “coping mechanisms” are going to make a traumatized person get a meal on the table and not be evicted kekkkk. I hate everything, stay safe nonners
No. 2349760
>>2349734I'd need to write an entire book to explain why, but long story short, I live in an Islamic dictatorship that is akin to a cult, I have to live life according to my retarded tribe's rules, I have a strict yet incompetent family, I've been abused since I was born, lost contact with some of my family members who actually cared for me and was isolated from them for decades but we reunited eventually yeay, lost my mom a while ago and now my siblings and incompetent retarded aging and hopefully dying father are my responsibility, freshly graduated college in a major I don't even like and not that good at, too afraid I'll probably never get a good job or get paid enough to be able to leave, or if I try to leave they're gonna try and arrest me and force me back like they usually do with anyone who escapes, can't really realize my true dreams and passion, I'm too sickly at a young age and ugly af, I'm becoming mentally retarded while I'm at it because of all the shit happening around me, can't go to a hospital because family said no, can't go without them knowing because police will arrest my adult ass for disobeying, can't exercise at home because I reached a level of illness where I can't walk or stand up for too long anymore, can't cook for myself either because I'm too sick and I don't even have ingredients and no one is buying it for me and I don't have money of my own to order online so I'm sort of starving recently, there's probably no hope or anyway any of this will change or will be "erased" from me. I'll always be these experiences even in my best case scenario if I ever go to a western country and live a normal life, I'll always stand out because of my unique shit health and my monstrous ugly inbred looks, voice, and accent, I'll always be a stranger and never belong anywhere. So why should I bother? The easiest solution to all of this is to just not exist. Problem solved. I'm the problem and it's all my fault for being born to begin with. There's more to it but that's the short version.
No. 2349797
>>2349794Do not worry, Chinese gov seems into the positive attention
No. 2349835
>>2349832And you must be, because of the
triggered responses? If you are, please enlighten further on your personal experiences anon. I would love to learn from you, if you can provide perspective. I’m not saying this is all women of that country, just a great community of ladies on ONE certain app that is self proclaimed as a Women’s space.
No. 2349839
>>2349835It’s 2025….There’s chat gpt and google if you wanna learn. I’m not
triggered I can just see what china is doing and dumbos are falling for it.
No. 2349844
>>2349841I'm just trying to understand why in response to a tiktok ban, burgers are flocking to a chinese app that isn't even meant for them to use. I honestly hate it. It feels invasive. There were people demanding translation buttons for eng only speakers already.
>>2349838I mean, don't go onto that app and expect special american treatment.
No. 2349951
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>>2347035maybe im just retarded but mouthwashing started out really good but after we find out anya's pregnant it gets so bad
No. 2350076
>>2350002Not even just trauma, I'm fully convinced there are a large number of women claiming to be bi/gay due to a combo of low libido and ideological views.
I've seen it happen with woke peers, including before I had peaked. They all take anti-depressants from early teenage years, which are literally famous for killing your sex drive. They never get off them, so they grow up thinking having 0 sex drive is their "true" selves. Because men suck and are violent, and women are naturally drawn to female fashion etc they end up tricking themselves into thinking they're queer and that they like women. Because if you're "asexual" women are the better option than men and you can't really tell the difference when you have no libido and think sexual relationships are really just friendships, "but special".
My close friend at the time claimed she was attracted to females because she had "thought about it logically". Not because she was attracted to women, but because NOT being attracted to the female body was homo- and transphobic, and she wasn't any of that. She wasn't disgusted at the thought of gay people having sex, so that must mean she IS gay. Because straight people are all violently homophobic. And I know that was what was going on because at the time that was a common narrative and I was fully buying it too.
No. 2350155
>>2350002People who don't understand that (sexual) trauma can affect sexuality are severely retarded. And we can't silence people and refuse to question things due to fear of what the homophobes will say (they're already homophobic if they're using rape
victims to prove that SSA can never be innate). It's not that different from the whole "ok you have trauma but you're being transphobic rn so don't talk about it" bs tbh.
No. 2350170
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>>2349914asdfghjkl pictures of ppl saluting wrong make me sperg
(unintegrated posting style) No. 2350237
>>2350002Fuck you and your comphet, what about lesbians who are getting their identity diluted to the point that scrotes have the guts to call themselves lesbians?
Ever since that stupid paper came out everyone and their granny is a lesbian apparently.
No. 2350269
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I think some people blame societal pressure on things they enjoy doing and then regret later, like binge eating or sex acts with a regrettable moid. It's always someone who says they don't care what society thinks of them in any other facet of life but when it comes to whatever enjoyable act that has consequences, it's "societal pressure" I thought of this scrolling past the sex advice thread but this is not directed at those anons, meant as infight bait or about sucking dick specifically
No. 2350310
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>>2350309Yeah but the blonde hair isn’t attractive. Their natural hair color looks better. It’s kind of how black women would rather be bald and have no edges than have a huge head of afro hair. I’m sure they’re scrote they’re trying to bitch themselves for would like their real hair more too.
No. 2350312
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>>2350302Because men literally prefer the nastiest most dried up fried straw hair over glossy healthy brown because they’re dumber than pig shit with 0 concept of beauty, and most women are pickmes who just follow what men want.
Men don’t even know what they find beautiful, they love things for what they represent and for the status they induce with other men. They want a blonde woman under 25 with big jahoobies and it doesn’t matter if her hair looks like shit and the implants are staring back like crazy Steve’s eyes or she’s got several crows feet, because they can tell other men about it and get a slap on the back, which for a second will feel like they had a father that loved them. Other men will think they’re cool and that’s all that matters.
Women will also make being blonde their whole identity and look down on other women who aren’t blonde, convince themselves that they’re jealous, despite the fact that it’s a fake colour and their natural hair is ugly dishwater blonde. Most people have no taste and think a 7£ skirt and top combo from shein is peak fashion so it’s no surprise they look at dead hair like this and think it’s superior.
Ranting aside, I do actually like the way fried bleached hair looks sometimes, if it’s done in an alt/punky way with bangs. But then alt clothing is often about looking fucked up and disheveled on purpose so….
No. 2350322
>>2350319I’ve seen someone say that
>my friend told me to cut my hair shorter and dye it brown, she’s jealous!!!No bitch your gummy ass hair is literally snapping off! She’s trying to save you from waking up bald.
No. 2350396
>>2350384It is just an excuse for anons to call all men pedos. Some of them are fixated on it
No. 2350398
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>>2350392>blonde hair only looks good on pale skinIt looks like shit on anyone who doesn’t have it as their natural hair color. Zooey deschanel looked like crap with blonde hair. It makes you look old and washed out.
No. 2350402
>>2350398She doesn’t even look like the same person. I thought this was Reese Witherspoon.
>>2350397You’re doing exactly what nonnas said blondes do. “You don’t prefer my disgustingly singed and fried hair to your own so you’re jealous!!!”
No. 2350408
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>>2350402She looks so much cuter and youthful with dark hair, even though she’s as white as snow.
No. 2350428
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Audrey Hepburn vs Marilyn Monroe. It’s clear as day who the classy, elegant one is though.
No. 2350434
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i like seeing women dye their hair fun colors, even if it doesn't look totally natural. want to be bleach blonde? go for it! what to be purple? hell yeah
>men who like bl-
shut up, i don't care what a man thinks of mine or other women's hair colors. a m*le's thought about hair does not factor into my enjoyment of natural and unnatural hair.
No. 2350454
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This conversation is deeply retarded, anyone can be classy or vulgar depending on styling, Grace Kelly was blonde, I don't think she could ever be called trashy or vulgar.
No. 2350456
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Unpopular opinion but if you have very sharpe or defined features, bleaching your hair is a bad look. The blonde hair is going to bring all the bulkiness and harshness out of your face(pic related). You need to be a young baby faced kind of pretty to pull it off or you just end up looking old or harsh.
No. 2350459
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>>2350447NTAYRT but she is precious and lovely. She had more grace in her pinkie toe than you ever will.
No. 2350461
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>>2350458Looks at how much softer and prettier she looks with darker hair though
No. 2350467
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>>2350458Also look at how much softer and prettier Zooey looks with dark hair compared to the blonde
>>2350408I think if a lot of older women wanna look younger, they need to stop with the botox and just die their hair darker.
No. 2350479
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This is how I know I'm a faceblind autist, the women posted itt don't really look much different with dyed hair to me
No. 2350485
>>2350456I think blond suits her.
>You need to be a young baby faced kind of pretty to pull it off or you just end up looking old or harsh.Darker hair brings out your features so if you are mid or don't have many attractive facial features, lowering the contrast coloring can soften your face and make you appear prettier.
I still can't tell why Margot looks better as a blonde and Angelika looks terrible as one even though both are natural blondes and have sharp features.
No. 2350522
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>>2350509They don’t but they do think that nasty fried blonde hair most women get is hot. It looks ugly and no amount of “you’re not supporting women!” And “you’re jealous” is gonna change that.
No. 2350524
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>>2350488>>2350507imagine living your life like this. my hair has been every color under the sun and never have i even considered a male opinion while doing it. i simply love myself and seeing me in different, interesting colors. bleach looked great on me, by the way.
>BUT IT MAKES YOU LOOK OLDto who? who's opinion do i care about more than my own?
No. 2350533
>>2350528Anon, did you ever go to kindergarten? Most of us are taught the following:
>If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.Women don't give a fuck whether you like their looks and you're just pooping in the social interaction pool.
No. 2350536
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>>2350530but who are you? literally nobody
No. 2350568
>>2350546your association of dark with bad extending to your natural features lines up with white supremacist thinking ultimately though. hair is hair and doesn't have any meaning.
>>2350428both these stars suffered in life and you're reducing them to men's hair color fetishism. foul.
No. 2350599
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Lolita fashion looks ridiculous and impractical. It only looks somewhat cute on pretty Asian girls, everyone else needs to stay up off it.
No. 2350614
I'm autistic and I want to be infanatilized. I also hate the autistics who act like normies, have sex(women since out position in sex is naturally vulnerable, for men it's less harsh) and social life, because I'm really high on the spectrum and I don't relate to these hoes, so it makes harder for me to be understood lol how can I be understood amongst ass eating, tit sucking, cocksucking, fucking, kinky, extroverted, relationship having, never overwhelmed, feminine normies? I'm literally spending years trying to get understanding play I'm too sensitive for sex as a woman, it's violent, infantalise the shit out of me, please.
No. 2350645
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>>2350634Well it’s not 100 years ago, Today they look less stupid in it. In them it looks cute in a silly way. On everyone else they just look like big ass ddlg role players.
No. 2350672
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I remember when retarded race bait was reported and ignored
No. 2350679
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Assumption that I pulled out of my ass but I think lolita fashion, as much as people say it's not pedophilic, emerged in Japan because of their culture of idolizing anything cute, childlike, and youthful. There is a reason why acting like a child as a grown woman in asian countries is seen as a favorable trait but not in the west.
No. 2350689
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>>2350683>give me a well prepared egg over meat any dayONE OYAKODON COMING UP
No. 2350707
>>2350704You didn’t say you wore it but you also didn’t say you didn’t. I assumed you got
triggered because you dress stupid irl.
No. 2350713
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>>2350701get your popular opinion out of my face
just kidding, egg and steak go great together
No. 2350733
>>2350721Honestly a lot of fashion things look silly. High heels look pretty damn goofy and so do neckties. I think high heels are the dumbest clothing invention because their shape is completely antithetical to
walking, the activity you do in order to accomplish most basic tasks.
No. 2350741
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>>2350733I agree with that. I think heels are stupid. I don’t see the point in wearing clothes that aren’t comfortable, it just screams “LOOK AT ME I NEED ATTENTION”. Cute but comfy clothes like pic related are the only clothes that make sense to wear.
No. 2350746
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>>2350733>>2350741nta and i also don't like heels from a practical standpoint but i need me a pair of these. i'm a daily boot wearer and mine have a slight heel (a little over an inch) now that i type it out but they're extremely comfortable.
No. 2350748
>>2348107I agree, I think leftist moids are more misognystic and coomerish than right wing moids. At least the right wing moids try to ban porn and don't want women to whore themselfs out, while leftist men support the whole onlyfans empowered hook up culture thing and pretend they want women to get benefits from it, while in reality it only benefits their porn addiction.
I have seen cases of MTF trans raping their girlfriends or cheating on them with other men or other naive leftist women. It seems leftist moids also victimize themselfs more than right wing moids.
No. 2350750
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>>2350747Her hair looks naturally blonde though. Women should be a little effort into their looks but not too much where they end up looking over done.
No. 2350769
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>>2350767most shoes are terrible for our feet except barefoot style ones
No. 2350786
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I wish we could all dress like literal clowns and cartoon characters irl, it cheers up my dull sad days and I want to draw on myself. I wish real life had cartoon logic, so the clothes could be easy to wear but also fun and if everyone dressed this way then it wouldn't look attention seeky, it would be the norm. If everyone's a clown then no one is you know?
No. 2350801
>>2350683Real. So versatile, too. Runny yolk with some cherry tomatoes on the side is heavenly.
>>2350701Steak tastes like my brown period blood stench. When will people stop shilling it to look tough and cool?
No. 2350874
>>2350857I understand your sentiment, but there is no way in hell she married trump because she thinks he's hot or is in love with him. I always felt like she only married him for the lifestyle, but all of this president stuff wasn't what she was anticipating. I guess i could believe he makes her laugh, but it's hard to see through the eyes of someone who willingly had/has sex with Trump. I think that is why people keep calling her a mail order bride, maybe she is just a
victim of the ugly man psyop, idk. I still like her because i think she is very glamorous and pretty despite her weird life choices.
No. 2350927
>>2350886michelle obama is still respected to this day and people wanted her to run for president. she was/is a style icon. people said about the same amount of stuff about both first ladies. with michelle it was more racist and with melania it was more calling her a whore and a gold digger. i think there can be room for compassion for michelle for what she faced from the public AND compassion for melania who is married to a known rapist and trapped in an
abusive relationship the same way america is now trapped with him again.
>>2350902reverse racism isn’t real. i feel like you need to hear that.
No. 2350929
>>2350874>there is no way in hell she married trump because she thinks he's hot or is in love with him.I agree, that's why I said that I'm not surprised she married an insanely rich guy. I see what you mean by how the fact that she married for money makes people call her a mail order bride, but my issue is 1) I still don't think it truly applies to her (she was not imported from a developing country solely to marry/have children for a wealthy moid) and 2) using mail order bride as an insult is insane given the type of industry it is and how it exploits women.
It's like mocking a 15 year old girl for having sex with her 16 year old boyfriend by saying she was statutorily raped since she was not at the age of consent (for this example I'm using 16 as the AOC). My point being that it's disgusting to use an actually serious issue (eg statutory rape) as an insult in a situation where it does not apply (in this example, romeo and juliet laws). Again this is just an example. We wouldn't make fun of someone for fleeing violence, but the second it's a woman selling herself to escape poverty, or even engaging in the sex industry out of desperation, it becomes okay to use their situation as a general insult ("mail order bride," "whore/prostitute").
No. 2350944
>>2350130if you take the time to reread what i wrote in my op, i said SOMETIMES. as in, not all the time. as in, only in certain contexts or situations. if i said this about everybody or against all gays and lesbians, then yes, your assessment would be correct. but i'm not talking about actual homosexuals, i am talking about people who were severely abused and became traumatized so much so that now they have sexual hangups in general. i am not saying that trauma can change anyone's orientation, just that their own sexual expression would be disrupted by the trauma. once that's healed, they can feel better and not as confused. this is especially true with straight and bi women who think they're lesbians after rape or repeated offenses, women that i've actually spoken with over the years.
>>2350155ye like i get that the whole trauma thing can absolutely be used to argue against the natural homosexual occurrences that a few people in the entire world can be born with, and that is something i am against. but i'm not talking about that and i'm glad you get it.
>>2350237i worry about your reading comprehension. are you a tiktok refugee?
No. 2350954
>>2350946people are affected in their personal lives even if you think the system isn't. someone violently attacking someone because of their race or discriminating against someone in hiring doesn't cease to be racist because the
victim is white.
No. 2350965
>>2350954i super doubt any of those things happened to someone just because they are white. if a white man is racist i hope he DOES get the shit beaten out of him. and please as if being white doesn’t improve your chances of being hired. like they’ve done studies and everything lmfao. like you admit there’s no systemic shit in place. have you been told you were not hired cos you are white or been beaten up for it? like i’ve never met a single person who has claimed to experience shit like that. the worst i hear from white people is that other races don’t trust us and bitching about it. like damn i wonder why? literally playing
victim to the actual
victims and then whining about how that didn’t improve your relationship with them. it’s like unreal. i don’t care. if i was told i didn’t get a job or place in school cos they gave it to a black woman instead i would be like yeah she was probably more qualified too that’s a good thing lmao. considering you used to not be able to get a job at all as a black person in my country???? not everything has to be about white people like holy fuck.
No. 2350988
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>>2350965Trolls used to make an effort.
No. 2351001
>>2350989i would believe that her murder had a lot more to do with her gender than anything.
>>2350992i don’t know anything about that crime but like? the fact you guys can name specific ones and all the racist people know what you’re talking about. vs any other race who has been targeted so badly you could not begin naming cases there are so many…
>>2350988damn so which quality did you start fantasizing about me having first, a gorgeous smile or a fat ass? i wanna know how i come across to other posters on here.
(bait) No. 2351040
>>2351036>the very first result of google said that lolYou mean the AI overview? That thing lies
nonny. You have to actually do your own research on these things and use discernment. Read a few articles, see if there's actually nazi shit in there. Even if there was, if you're not sympathetic to nazi shit, you're not going to be immediately converted just by reading a few bad takes, right? You can do research for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
No. 2351041
>>2351025i’m gonna be real with you i may not have researched that website in depth, but when a trans person where i live commits an actual proven crime it is all over every single news source. i truly don’t get where this website is coming from that they are claiming to be fed all this progressive propaganda because i only ever see seething hatred towards trans people outside of like tumblr and specific communities. like i hear about trans crime so much that it’s as ridiculous to me as every female pedo teacher story being shared everywhere. like congrats you found the five bad women on the planet? i still don’t believe women are more likely to be pedos or white people are more likely to be
victims of a hate crime.
No. 2351042
>>2351041>i still don’t believe women are more likely to be pedos or white people are more likely to be victims of a hate one said this. i said that white people can also be
victims of racially motivated crimes because you tried to argue racism against whites isn't real. it seems like you're too far gone though if you're defending trannies
No. 2351051
>>2351042someone else did try to tell me that white people were the real
victims of hate crime murders in the UK.
No. 2351059
>>2351055i believe that scary men on far right websites would try to track people yeah. i understand literally nothing about computers though. i think it’s also partly paranoia that someone would find out i’ve been somewhere like that and think i agree with it.
>>2351054i don’t think i’m dumb i think you did kind of say that. do you still think i have a nice butt
No. 2351085
>>2351080computers are my most naive area for sure. i would love to learn coding when i eventually can afford a gaming pc.
>>2351077is it weird that i assume that anyone with the desire to could see everything i say and do online and like even see me through cameras lol. cos i just kind of assume i’m being watched at all times.
No. 2351161
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>>2351158i wonder what het male teachers do to their female students.
also still ain't gay people's fault polar bears are drowning and bees are dying. pic related, this walrus is plummeting to it's death because your retarded het kin had to keep getting their dicks wet and build entire world economy on het men getting their dicks wet. gays tend to be vegans more often than straights too, trying to fix the problems you all started.
No. 2351204
>>2351201 it is partaking in heterosexual reproduction. heterosexuality is the real problem.
No. 2351404
The "haha, my thirdie/POC/diaspora mom beats me with the chancla/belt/broom all day, every day. Haha, isn't she ~~quirky~~, isn't my culture so funny? Haha." Is pure cope. No, she's not doing that because that's how kids are supposed to be "disciplined". They do that because they fucking hate you.
I say this as a thirdie myself. I've lost count of the times I've heard some "moms" screeching at their kid or being legitimately physically abusive.
What really grinds my gears is when diaspora kids parrot this stuff.
Plus, most of these types of mothers come from pretty patriarchal cultures—Afrian, Latino, Arabic… I always felt that these women were taking out their frustrations on to their kids because they couldn't fight back. But these diaspora morons can't seem to piece the puzzle of their mom—who was in an arranged marriage with her cousin ten years older than her because "muh religion", "muh culture"—is so physically aggressive to them compared to other kids. Hmmmm, I wonder why. Oh, that's right, it's just a quirky cultural trait [insert XD face], haha.
It's a cope and nothing more.
No. 2351414
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>>2350440>Marilyn Monroe is a natural dark haired woman. Her hair wasn't that dark.
No. 2351415
>>2351404it's pretty sad as a diaspora seeing the Lilly Singh-esque jokes about their parents being
abusive or neglectful, these kids saw a clear difference in how their families are vs. their white peers. coming to terms with familial abuse in general is difficult, then being an ethnic minority makes abuse even harder to confront because you already feel isolated from the mainstream and/or face racism. i do feel more kids, well at least the women, recognize their moms are
victims when they're adults and try to ignore the past. the truth is they can't change, and worse as an immigrant and minority they are isolated from their close social network and people of their background in general.
No. 2351434
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>>2351414She's a natural blonde, it was dyed in your picrel. When she was a toddler it was practically white
No. 2351539
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i love chat gpt. its fun making my thoughts come to life because i cant draw and have no artistic talent.(ai outside of containment)
No. 2351556
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Autistic men should be banned from reproducing.
They should also stop bragging about being autistic, it doesn't make them special, it's not a "superpower" and when they brag about it it just sounds like cope.
No. 2351557
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>>2351550samefag, here are some women who wrote for Reduxx in the past discussing what goes on behind the scenes there and why they left. No. 2351578
>>2351572samefag sorry but i should add, at this point, anyone who's offended at what
>>2350002 says are probably fake gays who feel like they just got their entire asses exposed and are afraid of asking themselves the hard questions. real gays should know and be able to differentiate actual homosexuals vs someone who thinks they're gay due to trauma but gets over it once they get to the root of it.
No. 2351588
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>>2351582A lot of white women who fry their hair have traction alopecia as well. After frying their hair, it becomes thin and weak and then they try to fix the problem with extensions which makes them go bald even more.
No. 2351709
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>>2351700i fucking wish lesbians had the ability to silence straight women
No. 2351735
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I guess only an unpopular opinion amongst the general public that doesn't bother to research their pets, but if you want an exotic pet you should be required to take an exam showing you know proper care, and prove that you have the necessary supplies and equipment to take care of them. There are many people who don't know how to take care of common animals like cats and dogs, so imagine how much worse it is for exotic pets that are also usually more fragile than cats and dogs. So many people just adopt them because they're cool and don't do proper research. Of course, this would also require big pet stores like Petco and Petsmart to start caring about their animals which will never happen.
No. 2351758
>>2351720Money can't save you from terminal illness.
You can argue "they can afford healthcare" but doesn't matter when you literally cannot cure or even slow the condition. Sometimes you just fucking die and there's nothing that can be done.
Money can't save you from poor genetics.
You can argue plastic surgery exists to fix genes, but they can only take you so far. And that's just appearance, if you have shitty low IQ genes money isn't goin to make your off-spring any smarter. And they'll die of the same hereditary terminal illness.
And lastly, no amount of money in the world will change a troons sex.
Doesn't matter what surgery they get or how well they pass. They will never actually have changed sex.
No. 2351802
>>2351758>Money can't save you from poor genetics.who cares? only insecure women give a fuck about being attractive. I would gladly be ugly but rich instead of pretty but poor. The hottest women in the world date uggos, its literally meaningless.
>Money can't save you from terminal illness.ofcourse not but it can make the rest of your days easier. If i had a terminal illness and money i would just blow it all travelling and fucking sexy male hoes.
No. 2351817
>>2351791>There's only one depression and it's always caused by outside factors.>"uwu chemical inbalance" is a lie people tell themselves so they don't have to work on their actual real life problems and traumasI agree! I don't believe a lot of the myths around depression. For example the fact that you can see that a depressed brain functions differently on brain scans compared to a healthy one actually means nothing. I mean yeah, of course it does! It doesn't prove there's a "chemical imbalance" in any way. Just like how a happy brain also looks different, and an angry brain looks different. When people suddenly get genuinely stuck with a different permanent personality/mood it's due to physical brain damage, like a brain tumor.
And I hate that people think fixing the symptom of being depressed from outside factors by taking drugs will change anything. It won't, because you never fix the true outside cause. You also don't fix a imbalance, you instead force an unnatural one onto your brain. You ARE meant to be sad when bad things happen to you. It's your body's way of telling you to change your actions and to deal with the sad things to get over them.
No. 2351819
>>2351815the post says
>appearance>poor health>low iqyou chose to focus on plastic surgery
No. 2351980
>>2351758>Money can't save you from terminal illnessIt can save you from A LOT of pain though. Imagine being able to afford top of the line sedatives and dying in a nice tropical hospice with the best care.
Poor people are lucky to die at home.
When you're genetically inferior and a troon at least money can help one larp.
No. 2351992
>>2351970tbh you're correct. I think that spoiling is an integral part of raising girls and parents that don't do it (within their financial limitations obv.) are practicing a form of neglect. Spoiled girls grow up to be women who understand their value and aren't impressed by dusty moids. Like it's important for them to understand that being cared for in this way is the bare minimum and that they shouldn't entertain any moid just because he shells out money.
>inb4 what if she's a lesbian and doesn't have to worry about teh menzDoesn't matter. Spoil your girls. No exceptions.
>inb4 my daughter hates girly shitSpoil her in ways she wants then. Duh. Making sure your girls grow up to feel loved in ways that she understands is your job as parents.
No. 2352008
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American Chinese food is better than food from china
No. 2352014
>>2351970This feels like the best way of explaining what exactly Daddy Issues means: To lack such guidance in seeking a partner that you continuously fall into
abusive and unstable relationships, and due to your parents failing to show you what love, communication, a healthy mind, and healthy living actually look like. To lack a father's insight and guidance about his gender on how to identify good and shit-tier males. I think it's why so many women I talk to are married to manchildren; these women's own fathers failed to teach them that an ideal man should know how to take care of himself and his own kids.
No. 2352141
>>2351758Money can make it easier though. The people who say that “money doesn’t make happiness” are just coping.
If you have a terminal illness and you’re rich you won’t need to worry about leaving your family behind or being a burden come on. Money buys you a house, groceries, gives you access to certain commodities.
In this world money makes happiness.
No. 2352314
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>>2352274It's from Haibane Renmei.
The character designer/main artist is probably a degen but his art style and aesthetics have been a major influence on my art for many years
No. 2352410
>>2352360I'd say cats are evolving to exploit our maternal instincts through selective breeding. The cutest cats get bred and sold more, and they have to be cute to survive as domestic cats, so in a sense they are parasites.
I don't care too much about it but I've always bizarrely seen cats as filthy, dirty animals while everyone sees them as adorable, so it's been a bit weird for me to see people go crazy over them. They meow at a high pitch to sound like a human baby, to be fed, it's very manipulative.
And cats don't care about us, it's pure parasitism. A woman here had a stroke and her cats started eating her alive.
No. 2352469
>>2352397That's fair, I can understand this angle.
>>2352410The same things can be said about human babies if we're deranged enough to say it. Also, all animals are filthy by design, they live in the wild. It's their nature. And they want to survive so ofcourse they'd evolve to coexist with the dominant species, i.e. humans. I don't see how this is an issue to be upset at exactly. I think it's actually impressive and showcases adaptability and intelligence.
No. 2352531
>>2352410My issue is the rationalization so many people who dislike cats, dogs, or other animals have.
>I don't care too much about it but I've always bizarrely seen cats as filthy, dirty animalsFair, all animals are pretty dirty. Even humans.
>cats don't care about us, it's pure parasitismFalse. You can dislike an animal without making copes about whether they can "care" about their human owners/household members/etc (they can, it's been established many times). It's not too far from when people who personally dislike animals insist they don't have feelings. Be realistic, they just aren't cute to you and you don't like them. No need to cope that they're parasites or bots or whatever.
>A woman here had a stroke and her cats started eating her alive.Wait til you find out what humans do to their parents, grandparents, their children, etc.
No. 2352539
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>>2352360They're usually pronatalists who think women's only purpose is to breed so owning a pet must be "derailing" from their headcanons about women. It's why moids are so violent towards animals and it's why they seethe so much over the "quirk chungus" archetype. Just enjoy your life, have babies, dont have babies, call your puppy a baby, who cares. Moid moralfagging, per usual
No. 2352559
>>2352556i love golden puppies
No. 2352567
>>2352559Here are the pros of chat GPT in college
>unlimited tutoring for any problem you have for 20 dollars a month>humans are impatient and bias, therefore a teacher might not want to help a student for reasons like they’re racist or just don’t like how the student looks>you can ask any “stupid” question you want without being judged for it being stupid>you can cut down reading chapters of useless shit that’s not even going to be on the examYou still need to know what you’re doing because chat GPT is incorrect sometimes, so you need to be able to know how to correct it.
No. 2352575
>>2352567>>2352570Nonna I love AI for different reasons but ChatGPT essentially answers depending on what it predicts you want to hear, not necessarily what is right or what actually exists.
It makes up shit constantly even if you excessively prompt it not to, because it's a LANGUAGE model.
No. 2352591
>>2352567You know you can read the source materials for whatever you're studying, right? Or are you so lazy you can't even read, and so stupid and crippled by dependence that you can't even comprehend what you're reading? You will never grow as a person if you can't do anything for yourself.
>>2352584>this will be the majority of our workforce soonBleak and dystopian.
No. 2352603
>>2352514What do you get if you write toddler?
>>2352410I wouldn't give a fuck if my pets ate me after I died, tho I don't think I am very nutritious and they could only eat so much before it started going bad so that is a little worrying.
No. 2352605
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Many attractive Korean people look boring, attractive but boring as hell.
No. 2352606
>>2352597Can you explain how using ai to think for you is making you more intelligent? subhumans man…
>>2352599I have high 90's, except I'm not a subhuman who's feeding into the deepfake porn problem, so no, not really.
>>2352603porny and suggestive images of toddlers
>>2352591You're right, they literally cripple themselves because they're so lazy. It'll catch up to them when regulations start to kick in kek, as happens to every technology
No. 2352614
>>2352607Fucking retards, however I feel extremely sad for all of the kids who have to grow up with this bullshit because their parents can't take care of them.
>>2352610I don't care if you pass or not, I just don't see you as a human being.
No. 2352622
>>2352617change =/= good. if it's causing the future generation to become incompetent retards, and an unrestricted outlet for moids to spam CP, that is not good change. It's like if murder became legal and some retard was angry at you being against that and said "you just hate change!!"
>>2352618Why are new parents so shit? What has caused the newer generations to be so lazy? They're just using this new technology to exploit people, especially children what's the point.
No. 2352629
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>>2352554I've used it before to get some information and only provided me fake info or names of non existent books. I think chatgpt can be helpful but I really hope you're not relying on it a lot or for important stuff.
No. 2352641
>>2352629I'm pretty anti ai but it makes me sad how generative/language model based AI is used for incompetent reasons only when it should be used to advance translation/disability services. Too bad that doesnt make as much money!
>>2352632did phones not rot our brains though? gen alpha is notoriously retarded and like around 1/3rd of genz gets their info off of tiktok which has an abundance of misinformation? Do you not remember the tranny craze that was worsened because everyone was glued to their phones during the pandemic?? also the movie/photography thing aicumbuckets like to spam in response to any criticism is often cherrypicked and there wasn't actually that much pushback. lol
No. 2352649
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>have to go to ER because some self driving car hit me
>die in the operation room because the head surgeon spent too much time trying to correct his misspelled GPT prompt instead of reanimating me
204x will be tough
No. 2352666
>>2352658reminds me of how adult swim helped kids get to bed lol
>>2352662How is that the same as content farms purposefully targeting kids? Again, none of those sites really targeted kids..
No. 2352680
>>2352672I care which is why I agree with
>>2352677. Why should people who don’t have kids have to be censored online or have things taken away because people can’t control their crotch fruits?
No. 2352695
>>2352689That's not the single issue i'm arguing on, there's many concerns above listed by other nonas too. Very retarded point that only an ai shill could make
>>2352690She needs chatgpt to give her a tutorial sourced from reddit too. they know they're incompetent
No. 2352728
>>2352714People are anti-plastic and anti-fossil fuel, if you talked to people you'd know this.
>>2352717True, it's just clear you're a general misanthrope.
No. 2352750
>>2352736Thought you preferred human written shit? Why did that suddenly change?
>>2352738That's fair. I really hope we eventually manage to reach some middle ground with this current hot button issue. Also, AI isn't even advanced enough to be truly threatening yet. People give it way too much credit and are afraid of it based on their headcanons and fanfiction.
No. 2352763
>>2352632The anti-tech people were literally right about everything from TV onwards. TVs DID reorient family life and the living room became structured around the TV. Video games did stop kids playing outside and lead them to have sheltered childhoods. Phones have done massive psychological damage that's irreversible to children.
I'd say the radio was the only non-harmful media technology because it was something you passively played in the background while doing other things.
No. 2352779
>>2351970Disagree, parents should spoil their
adult daughters. Children don't understand the value of a dollar, but adults will be grateful and it will improve their quality of life in a more significant way. I would beg my parents for brand name clothes, junk food, a horse, etc as a kid, I didn't need that shit at all and my parents would've been retarded to give in. But once I started working and proved that I'm responsible with money, they started spending more on luxuries for me like going out to eat, nice clothes, travel. It has the same benefit of preventing me from ever being impressed by a moid's money, but it's not wasted on a kid who has yet to develop work ethic and financial literacy.
No. 2352784
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>>2351970>~spoiling~>doing a bunch of instagram-era consoomerist bullshitThat's right anon, why would I want to raise a mindless low rent "whore" when she could be the top 1% on OF, since her tacky expectations will be higher than her competitors who might have had to do their own nails and hair growing up with a sad pick me mom?
fucking kek No. 2352810
>>2352763>Phones have done massive psychological damage that's irreversible to children. Smartphones you mean, and it's not the ability to call and send regular text messages that's the issue, it's the fact that they're tiny and powerful computers connected to the internet and most parents give their young kids a smartphone and don't set up parental control instead of giving them a normal cellphone for emergencies. You could say "well kids back then didn't need cellphones and were playing outside all the time, today's parents are paranoid" but at the time there were phone booths here and there in case of an emergency and you just needed some coins or a prepaid card to use one. You also skipped the relatively short time when families started to have one desktop in the living room that everyone had to share so you couldn't be too online without parents noticing. That was healthier than being glued to your own device and being able to take it anywhere with you so you can doomscroll on social media when taking a shit.
>I'd say the radio was the only non-harmful media technology because it was something you passively played in the background while doing other things.A lot of people use their tv the exact same way unless they were looking forward to a specific show or movie. Being online or playing video games are a lot more interactive than watching tc or listening to the radio.
No. 2352811
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>>2352789Being raised to think that having your hair styled (to look good for moids, ultimately) or underpaying some asian woman talking shit about you = "spoiling" is going to rot a little girl's mind more than being brought up poor. At least she has the potential to develop character and tenacity out of that situation. Pick-mes are more abundant in rich families, since they are sacrificing their daughter for comfort, look at this piece of shit (Kim Z, Bravo RH). She allowed her scrote husband to put cameras
in her daughters bedrooms for his personal viewing/enjoyment and 100% of their bonding/"girl time" is based around moid-based beauty rituals and pandering
No. 2352814
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i'm only really attracted to moids who are 40 and over.
overwhelmingly they have better hairlines, aren't porn addicts, care about you having an orgasm, and aren't addicted to social media.
i still find younger men sexy but i'll never date one again.
No. 2352833
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>>2352823have you even seen the state of moids in the younger generations?
No. 2352838
>>2352814Im sure there's young men out there like that.
Over 40 is risky unless you are in your 30s without kids. If he's over 40 and you're in your 20s it's not going to last
>>2352835idk if it's bait. When I was young I had an attitude similar to this, mostly because I found men my age (when I was in my late teens/early 20s) to be really shitty. I know now that's not true and older moids are just better at hiding their psychopathy. But yeah, it's tough being a straight woman.
No. 2352854
>>2352632>cell phones were going to rot our minds and be the end of everythingthey kind of are in the process of doing that lmao
No. 2352858
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The issue of body hair on women is a massive meme and everyone makes fun of libfems who think growing out their armpits is activism. But genuinely I wish we destigmatized all body hair on women (pubic, armpit, leg, facial). Almost everywhere there is an expectation for women to be completely smooth and hairless. People spend an insane amount of money on hair removal (shaving, waxxing, laser etc). Meanwhile guys do not even bother, its the same with all the skincare routines and make up. There so many products/industries that only exist thanks to unnatural beauty standard (vaginal washes, laser, botox, make up, etc).
No. 2352864
>>2352858the amount of women i still see saying
not shaving is unhygienic is so blackpilling. its one thing for men to be whiney babies about women's body hair, its another for women to be completely misinformed/psyopped about their own body
No. 2352875
>>2352662so what's your solution, prevent teenagers from ever accessing a computer and phone in 2025? you can do it until a certain age then they're just going to hate you and get one secretly/use their friends' which is even worse because you'll have less control over it. it's so disingenuous to act like children don't have contact with anything/anyone other than their own parents until they turn 18. it's one thing not to care but it's another to be retarded like this
>>2352856ah yes, the spicy novels = mass production of videos of people actually having sex/getting raped, including minors and human trafficking
victims meme.
No. 2352891
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>>2352858I wish female body hair was destigmatized too. I hate shaving because I have very sensitive skin, and I don't really mind body hair, plus I prefer to spend that time and money on stuff I actually want; however anytime someone notices I don't shave they assume I'm lesbian, a feminist, etc. Which I don't care about but come on, it's only body hair.
Also, I've noticed how younger people are retarded and are even stigmatizing peach fuzz, I've seen girls called "gorillas" or manly because they had visible peach fuzz.
No. 2352892
>>2352882i'm not, i
wish we could go back to a time when moids could only access porn in the form of magazines that they had to go buy physically in store and hide under their bed. now they type "gangbang school girl" and have hours' worth of videos popping up on their screen.
No. 2352906
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>>2352892>I wish we could go back to a time where males still had unfettered access to prostituted women on MAGAZINES like playboy where they were likely being trafficked and abused unlike now were haha yeah that will show ‘em to respect us womenWhy do women like you use the word “moid” when your only prerogative is to build-a-good-man? There is none, porn would be solved if males were gone off the planet. Every single horror humanity has to offer are not bugs or something to mitigate and socialize out of males like they’re just “being mean gais”, everything is sourced to them and are features not bugs, porn is the acceleration of late stage patriarchy through the expansion of technology which is also propagated by maleness. Porn, sexual violence, trafficking, abuse, would go down in astronomical numbers of males weren’t around and their female counterparts along with male extinction would perish as well as the male breadcrumbs from propagating porn and (man)made horrors would vanish. Keeping it in magazines for them to sneak around and jack off to isn’t going to do jack shit, what the absolute fuck????
No. 2352918
>>2352899come on, why can't we admit that it's becoming worse. of course pedos have always existed. unrestricted access for all scrotes to hours of tape on rape since childhood, and now tools to create the most degen porn instantly, is still worse than them only having magazines.
>>2352906oki anon, me too sometimes i daydream about all moids dying off but i understand it's not going to happen. the next best thing is not acting like porn becoming increasingly accessible and normalized is not an issue.
No. 2352924
>>2352908depends. my life is pretty normal now and I was homeschooled. i did highschool online and everything else public. i went outside, went to clubs, hung out etc
>>2352906Males love technology because they have less restrictions on it and they understand it's less regulated. Porn has always been a manifestation of scrote chimp-brain but it's worsening now because they know they can get extreme with it. This is why all of the tech CEOs you see are autistic freaks who were probably on a
certain list. This is why I hate it when people get onto people for using sites like bsky when the CEO is a female who's clearly trying her best with the amount of moderators she has on her team
>>2352911>lol it’s sad they’d rather get rid of fun things like ai Generative AI in its modern form is a male perversion. It requires the blankness that comes with the male brain, it's why they try to submit their art into art competitions spamming "I'M A REAL ARTIST I'M A REAL ARTIST!!" and whine when they get kicked out just like trannies. contemporary generative AI is a manifestation of their desire to invade and "conquer" everything, and in this case it is to conquer what is means to be human. The internet is a different thing completely, as the internet has simply been rotted by greed but can definitely heal if there was a push to decentralize it and implement more anti-trust.
No. 2352932
>>2352930I am not a male and I too like technology. AI and contemporary tech though, is in a very male direction.
>>2352931Yeah, and with this upcoming american administration I see no hope for regulation on that considering alot of bills that would restrict deepfakes are getting shut down. sad.
No. 2352942

>>2352911There should be a separate internet just for women. Just imagine would could be created and maintained on a space only for women….
>>2352913There is no proving anything with men. They’ve proved through history and anecdotal evidence and pattern recognition that they are not to be trusted and yet we keep concentrating so much power to them despite countless and abundant examples on why we shouldn’t. It’s clown behavior and I’m tired of seeing it, you’re not going to make porn go away just by trying to reprogram males which will always lay on the responsibility of us females. They themselves are the cancer who create the tumors and there’s plenty of fucktarded handmaidens who make sure the tumors stay there.
>>2352918There’s a double-edge sword. During the era with magazines it was less “apparent” even though porn and objectification was everywhere, moids were confined to some pro-social elements where cultural shaming and etiquette were seen as more refined and yet, they didn’t give a single fuck about that shit. All of that crap about chivalry or pedestalizing women (just like the medieval ages with knights who still decided to rape women even though these attempts at “socializing” them with certain values didn’t work) was just their front to go and create second/third/fifth/sixth/so on families, cheat on his dissociated fembot wife, send her to some asylum to get drugged out her mind like an MK ultra
victim and have her brain scrambled and played with through a lobotomy, go to brothels and prostitutes, magazines did nothing to hide their sexual degeneracy, there wasn’t even any phones, no computers, nothing for little girls and women to tell their stories only books that nowadays nobody reads or cares about anymore except for a few interested groups. At least now women and girls can screenshot, screensave, screen record, get as much evidence as they can and to broadcast their stories, while Onlyfans and such makes it seem glamorous and sexy again the double-edge sword reveals the cracks in the wall about porn: most if not all of women in porn are consensually/non-consensually raped and coerced into sex against their will.
>>2352924>males love technology because it’s less regulated Yeah pretty much, that’s probably by design as well. They’ll go and try to attack and get many websites deleted and banned but one thing they’ll never do is get rid of all of the porn websites, revenge porn, leaked nudes/content, cp, nope none of those things. Matter of fact three-letter agencies use illegal material just to even be able to charge males for their degeneracy, women and little girls sufferings are used to make others look good, but there are not active efforts to fix anything because like you said, “the list” and it’s actually a huge, huge, HUGE problem itself that connects to the porn and entertainment industry and it’s an ancient thing that will never go away because again as long as males exist, porn and sexual exploitation and violence follows them everywhere they go. It’s embedded in every single fabric of society. If you’re interested in learning about rabbithole stuff about that I would really recommend Kirby Sommers not to be an autistic but her videos are really informative and of course YouTube has shadow banned her because she was a
victim of sex trafficking and is knowledgeable about Epstein.
No. 2352949
>>2352837>nursing programEvery time. This kind of shit is why people hate nurses and think they're all incompetent.
So many burn-outs and tards think to themselves "I'll become a nurse". Why?
No. 2352960
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>>2352958That may just be you
No. 2352964
>>2352960Wym anon? Like…they may just be trying to get
me naked, or I may just be the only person who doesn’t enjoy it?
No. 2352973
>>2352968Woah. well i guess you kind of have to be a freak on some level to feel a desire to work in the medical field to begin with
>>2352970So i’ve been carted off in an ambulance several times over the last 5 years, and every single time I have been taken to the hospital, the first thing that the orderlies and nurses who greet me when I enter do is cut my clothes off of my body. i’ve lost many pieces of vintage clothing because of this odd practice
No. 2352994
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my melody looks better with her classic red hood. literally no reason to depict her with a pink hood besides saving dye for the sake of mass consumerism.
No. 2353004
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It’s gone. They really did it. Idgaf what thread, it’s gone(wrong thread)
No. 2353153
>>2353127Tiktok will never compare to how funny vine was to my 13 year old self
>>2353138I feel like it was a lot easier to make friends in person before social media became a thing too. Now no one feels the urge to be nice to others or try to make a good impression on their neighbors, peers, coworkers, classmates, etc because they can always run back to twitter or tiktok for validation
No. 2353160
>>2353142Same here. I’m half black but it still counts. You had to basically hide the fact that you weren’t white in most spaces. I remember the racist comments, the trolling, being spammed things like photos of lynched black people etc.
I always side-eye those who try to talk about the “good-ole-days” online. The few good things back then were the lack of an algorithm and people actually using the internet in moderation.
No. 2353166
>>2353084I dont think it should be illegal to make money on the internet. But things like clickbait, gossip shit disguised as documentaries, lets plays, and other non-educational time wasting shit should never be allowed to be monetized.
There's people who actually teach things on youtube and that should be prioritized.
But who knows, probably would backfire somehow….
No. 2353168
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>>2353160Stickam was huge back then. The white people all acted like stuck up cunts.
No. 2353175
>>2351970I never thought about that this way before. I’m realizing now every woman I know that’s been in a shitty/
abusive relationship wasn’t spoiled as a daughter to teach her what she’s worth. I will be spoiling my future daughter to the max.
No. 2353183
>>2351856> That’s why you have people like Elon musk who are constantly desperate for validationthis is why i actually love social media like twitter.
you have billionaires and millionaires with all the time and money in the world to do whatever they want but these losers just can't fucking help themselves, they still care what poors thinks about them and still just have to come and wallow in the mud with us plebs at twitter or other places because the money and fame just isn't enough for them and then you get to at them and call them small dicked retard losers. it's hilarious. we should be thankful for that. imagine what medieval peasants would have given to be able to tell kings and nobles to go and fuck themselves without consequences.
No. 2353184
>>2353177I never understood this either. I’m a millennial too (1994 as well). One of the main things drilled into us was NOT to reveal any personal information about ourselves online: your name, address, where you live, go to school, work etc etc.
I think 2015/16 was when people just thought it wasn’t a big deal. I still don’t put my real name on my media, i don’t post my kids name or face online either. I’ve had people act like i was crazy for this too.
No. 2353189
>>2353182For real kek. Everytime you bring it up, they swear that it was acceptable back then and they didn’t know any better. Meanwhile, there was jokes about white boys as young as eight calling people slurs on xbox live.
Being invited to video chat and having all the white people call you every slur in the book. They were relentless with it too. They would make new accounts dedicated to racial harassment. Shit was ridiculous. I think they view the early days as peaceful because there was no censorship and no one to really put them on blast for this type of thing. Call out posts existed, but would largely be ignored or even mocked.
No. 2353192
>>2353142Amazing that people forgot how many kids got bullied into killing themselves and how horrendous cyberbullying used to be despite prominent cases like Amanda Todd and Jessi Slaughter who ended up trooning out and changing her name to get away from it. Literal children had horrible articles written about them on ED for the crime of being cringe teens. There was also Perez Hilton who was a jealous post-wall gay moid with a gossip blog that wrote heinous things about underage and very young female celebrities at the time.
>>2353161Not sure why the scare quotes are there. Stickam was a popular website where you could get into chatrooms with people using your webcam. There was another website called Stickydrama that posted about things that happened on Stickam, mostly involving MySpace famous and semi-famous people at the time. Jessi Slaughter frequented Stickam, was posted on Stickydrama and later groomed by a pedo who sang in a popular scene band at the time. She was 11 and nobody cared at any point. It’s as if people collectively forgot about men saying tits or gtfo to girls and everyone being fine with it. Even mainstream bands popular with young people, like 3OH!3 at the time, had some insanely misogynistic lyrics.
The only people who talk about it as the good old days were either too young to do anything but play Barbie and Disney Channel games, or bullies themselves who now cry how sensitive the world has become.
No. 2353232
>>2353209Who gives a shit about men’s wellbeing here besides the de/g/ens? Are you one? Kek
>>2353205Seriously, it’s so annoying how it’s always watered down to “mane whyte ppl be doing everythangggg” like no, there are plenty of other racist groups out there that don’t like black people. Interestingly enough, black people themselves have time and time again on the internet have exposed themselves as ignorant, prejudiced, geographically uneducated and seriously thinks jews/arabs are whites, they’re so conditioned on viewing the world in (no pun intended) black-and-white terms where it’s just whites always going against them when it’s much more than that and it’s getting super obnoxious and stale now. Whites did do that shit, so when the fuck are these black people ever going to shut up and finally realize whites aren’t going to provide a living for you or want to be used as emotional punching bags? It’s so selfish, rude, inconsiderate and they even do this with other black people, especially black women who always want to be race warriors while black men are absolute troglodytes that nobody can stand
>>2353207Then maybe don’t be such a blight on the world to make people not hate you.
(racebait) No. 2353240
>>2353232Men aren’t going to do anything for you so stop complaining about them. Let them
Coom and have fun.
No. 2353256
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>>2353236People have always been insufferable.
No. 2353316
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>>2353300People were more honest. Maybe that's why it bothers you so much. You seem really put off by others disagreeing with you, while claiming to enlighten us with the barbarity of the early world wide web
No. 2353333
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I was going to post mac the moon to unify all anons itt but apparently he is a racist alt-right rapper now. Sorry you guys
No. 2353336
>>2353287Not really involved in this but if the brief mention of online racism gets anyone here annoyed/drained then thats 100% a personal issue kek
The reply starting the infight sounded just like moids who complain about how sick they are of everything being about race. Taking it to a whole new level because they likely feel personally attacked by the mention of it.
No. 2353345
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>>2353340That's true. I don't know how anyone could look at a cute frog and rule 34 him into the worst scenarios imaginable. I've always wanted to see good things for pepe, I enjoyed his documentary and like to imagine he's recovering from mild cPTSD in a quiet location where 4troon moids will never corrupt him again
No. 2353350
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I’m glad old internet is over. Never bring it back.
No. 2353356
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>>2353311i love when anons here try to call a poster a failwoman like baby if you are here and over the age of like 24 i'm afraid i have some terrible news
No. 2353370
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>>2353359>why are white kids so evil?I’ll let you know when I figure it out. They used to be a trio back in the day lol
No. 2353371
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>>2353367I welcome slurs, anon. I
am the old internet
No. 2353387
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>>2353376Those Starbucks refreshers are peak though. I don't particularly care for the coffee (not a huge coffee person in general) but I do like their teas. The chai latte with oatmilk is good.
No. 2353391
>>2353350Idk why people post shit like this as if it hasn't gotten worse in a lot more ways. With that being said I miss certain aspects of old internet. Back then people made stuff for the fun of it. They expressed themselves just because they could. Not because they were trying to make a quick buck. It's all so commercialized now.
But it definitely was a really fucked up place too. I'm not denying it.
No. 2353393
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>>2353387The mango dragon fruit coconut milk one looks really good
No. 2353395
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>>2353376it’s also $12 for a 8oz coffee plus a cup charge and a neighborhood charge and a white fee
>>2353387I’ll never forget the mango black tea lemonades
No. 2353396
Reminder to report all racebait itt
>>2353360>using picrel as a synonym for picStop accusing other posters of being newfags when you have newfaggy habits yourself. You just can't counter her argument and are nitpicking her post lmao
No. 2353402
>>2353395Depends where you live. An 8 ounce here is 4 dollars. Place near me makes this drink called a “chai bomb”. It’s fucking sublime. They also give you a card that gets you a free drink if you get 12 stamps on it.
>>2353387I do love those refreshers. Shame there isn’t any starbucks near me. Stuck with shitty ass dunkin and the sickeningly sweet dishwater they call coffee.
No. 2353407
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>>2353402You too good for this refresher anon?
No. 2353409
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>>2353407or a delicious coolatta samefag?
No. 2353412
>>2353404I remember calling her singing “monotoned caterwauling” and all her fans got mad kek it’s true though. She really can’t sing. Mad she got the big career that, in my opinion, marina and the diamonds should’ve had.
Gonna add that Melanie martinez can’t sing either. Not only that but she’s not attractive and her old vintage baby doll aesthetic was creepy. Not in the 3edgy5me way but in the not so subtly endorsing that daddy/little girl kink shit. No wonder it was a hit with teenaged girls and women in their early 20s.
No. 2353413
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>>2353395I remember when they used the syrup to make this abomination. Someone actually ordered two shots in one. I use to drink mostly hot coffee but now I just make cold brew. I scored one of those toddys home brew for a dollar at a thrift store. It came with everything.
No. 2353416
>>2353404I remember in 2012 a lot of people were describing her music with the term “wrist slashy” (kek) until she started getting put on movie soundtracks, and then everyone started worshipping her
>>2353411This is a very popular opinion
No. 2353856
>>2353846>>2353411By far the best time of year is Indian Summer (which happens in Fall)
It's just perfect in every way
No. 2353922
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>>2353919Counterpoint: I can draw my man getting kneecapped.
No. 2353931
>>2353922Your husbando is ugly and sucks booty cheeks
>>2353927You’re doomed. Also viewing everything through the lense of sex it’s disgusting, what’s the difference between hypersexual women and men, one just compliments the other. Female hypersexuality enables male hypersexuality, you can stop flicking your bean, get a damn hobby and grow the fuck up.
No. 2353933
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>>2353931>and sucks booty cheeksOnly if I let him!
No. 2353943
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>>2353938I am defeated…you have annihilated me
No. 2353956
>>2353940They do if they start and get used to it. So do neurotypicals, there's always guys posting on plebbit about how they've discovered shaving their pits and will never go back
>>2353942Makeup is fine in moderation and not using cheaply made products containing abrasive chemicals. Moids should spend the time, money and effort on having perfect skin
No. 2353960
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>>2353931Having a high sex drive as a woman is based actually. Those women are alpha. What’s not based is fucking men for validation.
No. 2353963
>>2353960A high sex drive as a discerning/picky woman is based. A BPD claiming she
totes loves to fuck and grimacing while she takes pre-troon dick is a whole different story
No. 2353965
>>2352360I think it's a little cringy to treat them like human babies but yeah it's not a big deal. It's usually mostly men seething that women don't want to have their spawn too.
>>2352410Cats, dogs, and most other furry pets like rabbits are cuter than human babies to me and always have been. Their cuteness is superior to me despite its purpose being to supposedly mimic a greater one to a human (human babies). When I look at a human baby all I can see is some weird bald alien, they only start to look semi cute when they get a little older and have hair on their head and even then the baby animals mog them in terms of cuteness. Those animals also stay cuter all their life while you could have a cute baby boy and then he'll grow up to be a disgusting ugly man who could be a threat to you if you're unlucky. I'd rather a cat or a dog eats me out of necessity than being possibly killed or raped by my hypothetical son on purpose and for no real reason other than hate.
Also, everyone is selfish and driven by what they desire at the end of the day, not just animals. In fact it's even worse with humans arguably, because at least with animals you could say that they just don't have the intellect and don't know any better to truly communicate with you (all they have are their instincts, knowing they want food and affection, etc), while for humans they're supposed to have higher capabilities and yet consciously choose to not give you connection or any affection when they're supposed to be your equals. With an animal there's the understanding that they can't ever communicate with you on a more human level and that they live solely for their needs and you can just accept that and appreciate their company, but for humans there's not much of an excuse yet most people will still act selfishly
on purpose and be parasites to others (especially men to women) despite knowing to do better.
No. 2353970
>>2353952Piggybacking off your point, I think part of the problem we have now is that it's implicitly treated as stupid/immature to be in the questioning phase. For a start people who are unsure about their sexualities are basically lovebombed into trooning out. So, people are encouraged to slap as many labels on themselves as quickly as possible, and they're not allowed to regret it because that's
problematic, so they come up with the convoluted bullshit we see in the ~queer~ scene today.
No. 2353983
>>2353958No I’m just not a retard, thanks for asking though!
>>2353960>these women are alpha for fucking men and making themselves sexually available to males Sigh…