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No. 235110
>>235109Personally I decided that I didn’t want the responsibility of another human and being a mom sounds terrifying.
Kids are cute when I can give them back to their parents (I used to babysit a lot).
No. 235133
>>235126This. And I have to say that I find women with children dumber than the average median. They only talk what their kids do, "Look, isn't he/she cute" and has to show pics of them as if anyone cares. They lack any actual interests that aren't tv shows or fucking gossip or of course their stupid kids.
The smartest women I know never had kids, and considering the number of worthwhile men to have kids with, it just makes sense.
I don't want to become a mother, I'm approaching 30 and luckily no biological clock is ticking. I think it's even more selfish to have kids these days taking into account the environment and the ecological consequences. Plus, the kids will grow up in an era where there will be fewer jobs, less financial security, a worsening climate and rapidly deteriorating ecosystem. Those would be my main reasons.
No. 235146
>>235133the other day i was on a date at the bar with my bf and this child ran BEHIND the bar, twice. the 2nd time his dad actually picked him up and he started fucking screaming. everyone in the restaurant including the bartender was just commenting on how cute it was. the fuck it was. that little shit was annoying and poorly raised. me and my bf looked at eachother and he loudly blurted out how he wished we could only dine where no children were allowed. i love him so much.
i don't mind kids if they're taught well and taken care of, but then, i don't notice them if they are.
No. 235177
>>235147This! I'm an American, I live in a really religious conservative town in the south and people are constantly asking me when I think I'll have kids. Not get married, not meet someone- they skip right to asking
when I'll have kids. It's so normal here it's really expected, that's why teen pregnancy is such am epidemic, girls get pregnant and instead of seeing it as a life altering change of course, it's considered the girl taking the next step and "maturing" into adulthood/motherhood because having a kid is seen as a mark of maturity and responsibility.
No. 235184
I don't mind kids but unless your child is under 3 (in that case, should be easy to lift up and take away from the situation) and or has a mental impairment like autism or delayed response, they should NOT be allowed to have tantrums and carry on in a public space.
Kids will be kids but teach your child to be mindful of others and if your kid doesn't listen, remove them from the fucking area so others don't suffer. Gosh.
No. 235190
>>235186I go off and on the idea. At the moment I really don't want to have kids because mental illness and health problems are rampant in my family and I still feel like a child myself sometimes despite being 28. Yet my friends with kids and my 2 sisters with kids make me feel like I am not really feminine because I don't have any. Sometimes I think it would be nice but when i spoke to my boyfriend and told him I flip flop on the idea he got annoyed and complained that he does want kids and that it's not fair of me to say these things if I'm not serious about it. I told him I do, but get scared off the idea sometimes and was purely just voicing that I get cold feet sometimes. It's fucked because I love him and can picture us with a family together, maybe 2 kids max but then other times I imagine us travelling and being a kidless couple with lots of animals.
Sometimes I even think of me travelling and doing fun shit if he dumps me for the kid reason but then am terrified that I will hit menopause, my chances will be gone and I will be alone.
No. 235227
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>why did you decide not to have kids?
i mean it'd be easier to list the reasons why not really, but
>i'm bipolar, there's other mental illnesses like autism and schizophrenia in my family tree
>whole laundry list of physical ailments too
>grew up in a violent home, i'm choosing to end the cycle by just not having children, full stop
>mum miscarried twice when i was a kid, that was somewhat traumatising
>by extension, i have INCREDIBLE tokophobia. i can't be in the same room as a pregnant woman without feeling anxious, and i find videos of babies kicking or turning over in the womb absolutely horrifying
>i'm also probably infertile, so why bother wanting what you can't have?
i feel like i already did my time parenting, anyway. i spent most of my childhood parenting both my mother and my younger, autistic sister, and now i'm probably gonna spend most of my adult life trying to parent my inner child because that's something i missed out on in my actual childhood. i barely have the energy to love, care for, and nurture myself, without throwing a potential child into the mix.
other things, like partners/husbands who don't do their part/leave you to do all the emotional labour in the household, and only occasionally "babysit" the kids, and the fact that women seem to lose any sense of identity they might have had once they have kids (it goes from "hi i'm karen" to "hi i'm jaceyannelynne's mum", and all sense of the woman as an individual with her own feelings, dreams, hobbies, goals, etc is gone) are also big turn offs. women seem to really get the shit end of the stick in that regard, and i don't wanna participate in that.
with regards to children themselves, i don't mind well behaved ones, but even then only have a limited amount of patience for them. kids in general are just cunts, because their little lizard brains haven't learnt how to into empathy yet.
also, i'm a selfish bitch and wanna keep all my time and money for me, to share with my partner. i think that just about covers it all
No. 235289
But not exactly for the reason you stated (I think they'd be different enough from me even as a baby) but because
then it would be a kind of immortality. Kids have half of the dad's DNA, that's not good enough. If I could pass on 100% of my own DNA and also control how my clone will be raised, that would be lovely.
No. 235308
>>235289Immortality is how I think of it too. And I've thought about it way too much. Hard to explain the impulse without resorting to weird evo-psych shit, but you don't propagate your genes more perfectly than cloning. I don't know if it would ever be allowed/legal but I'd foresee at least a couple of people seeing things this way.
If I could afford it hell, I'd have multiple clones.
No. 235350
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>>235341>RIP YOUR CLIT What the fuck no
No. 235351
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>>235134>bogan Bogan centerlink mothers make me feel like ripping my vag off.
They always look miserable
No. 235353
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>>235341Holy fuck as if child birth wasn't scary enough to me. I didn't even know I could risk sacrificing my clit. No. Just no.
No. 235362
>>235351Yeah and they are always the most entitled cunts. Come to shops and complain about the service/food/whatever and let their feral kids break and touch everything in the store. They also hate waiting for stuff and think by bringing all their maggots with them, it entitles them to skip ques all sorts.
Fucken bogans mate.
No. 235368
>>235227Hey anon, we're pretty much similar. The only thing is I, fortunately, didn't grow up in a violent home and my parents were away most of the time so I had to take care of my bro. I really, really relate to this part:
> and now i'm probably gonna spend most of my adult life trying to parent my inner child because that's something I missed out on in my actual childhood.I don't think not wanting kids for the reasons of time and money is selfish because the times we live in are so volatile in a political and economic sense and the investment of putting time and energy and money in raising a kid or more all for having your DNA maybe making it through doesn't seem worthwhile.
>other things, like partners/husbands who don't do their part/leave you to do all the emotional labour in the household, and only occasionally "babysit" the kids, and the fact that women seem to lose any sense of identity they might have had once they have kids (it goes from "hi i'm karen" to "hi i'm jaceyannelynne's mum", and all sense of the woman as an individual with her own feelings, dreams, hobbies, goals, etc is gone) are also big turn offs. women seem to really get the shit end of the stick in that regard, and i don't wanna participate in that. This is so spot on and it happens more with mothers than fathers because obviously, mothers are more invested in their kids. But it's unfair since I see so many women doing most work with home chores and child raising and then they get cheated on with a younger woman anyway.
No. 235379
>>235227>whole laundry list of physical ailments too >by extension, i have INCREDIBLE tokophobia. i can't be in the same room as a pregnant woman without feeling anxious, and i find videos of babies kicking or turning over in the womb absolutely horrifying>i'm also probably infertile, so why bother wanting what you can't have?Same for me. I don't want to be pregnant in the first place because it seems horrifying and giving birth seems even worse, see
>>235341, and I don't want to have kids because I want my own time and money for myself because I want to travel all over the world eventually and just treat myself in general. But mostly I don't want to have kids to discover later that they got one of those hereditary disorders that will fuck up their body if they're not diagnosed and treated fast enough that me and some of my family members have. I would feel way too guilty about this. Related to this, the reason why there are chances I'm not fertile is because of one of those disorders; I received a treatment for it and it worked but not as well as it was supposed to according to my doctors. So I don't even know if I can have kids in the first place because said disorder can delay your puberty (if you can even have one).
>also, i'm a selfish bitch and wanna keep all my time and money for me, to share with my partner. i think that just about covers it allI don't think it makes you selfish. I think that would be selfish if you already have a child and decided to not spend your time and money on the kid tough.
No. 235382
>>235367I get what you mean and didn't mean to come across so harsh, but I was referring to a specific type of mum. I bet you love your kids and explain to them why they are doing something wrong instead of screeching like a lazy fat parent.
Like those parents that just shove electronics in front of their kids to shut them up or give in and buy them candy after they throw tantrums for it. I understand they want peace and quiet but I'd rather be firm with my hypothetical kids than let them become shits. These are the fatties that come into Dome cafe with their brats and let them act like assholes invading other's space, being loud and not teaching them restraint.
Instead, they drink coffee and eat too many toasties while they gossip to Barb about my kitchen rules last night.
Finally when it's time for the Sheila to collect her spawn, they've destroyed half the cafe. And how does she call them that it's time to leave? GET YOUR FUCKEN ARSES IN THE CAR NOW. Infront of anyone and everyone.
Then she boasts about the true challenges of motherhood and how she truly loves her 'little bunch of assholes' or whatever crude trying to be funny term she comes up with. I probably sound harsh and I can understand kids acting up to a degree, but a lot of the times these behavioural problems are cause by the parent itself.
No. 235466
>>235420That's horrifying. If the doctor has somewhere else to be, he/she can just go. No need to rush me. I'd rather be exhausted than sliced up.
I wish they only did this shit when it had to be done. There are way too many horror stories from pregnant women where they went through hell because it was more convenient.
No. 235468
>>235464The fact you refer to as a crying child as baby hitler truly indicates you have made the right decision in not having a kid.
Don't worry, I am not being passive aggressive, I actually died laughing when I read that post.
No. 235471
Well, luckily I'm fat and ugly as fuck, so no guy would want me. My mom did tell me that "I would change my mind" when I said that I didn't want to have kids.
My mom and dad won't admit it, but I was mistake. They had a one night-stand, and then I was born. And to top it all off, my father asked my grandmother if I looked like him. They both had multiple kids each with different people (Mom has 4, Dad has 3). They weren't together and never married.
I don't me or any kids I would have to end up like that.
Also, my house unstable and everyone fights all of the time.
>>235453 too.
No. 235477
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I'm tokophobic and also just don't really like kids. I can stand being around them and they're fine when they're the quiet kind that just want to read but any more than a few hours and I'd be ready to strange a good 50% of them. Having a child when you know you wouldn't deal well with their shit just sounds like a bad idea. Plus I have a narc parent and she'd likely use the opportunity to cause drama in my life and hurt a child.
I deal with the same shit in my life, people bothering me about how many children I'm going to have as if zero isn't a correct answer. My response is generally pic related.
No. 235484
>>235362Oh anon the stories that I have from working in the complaint dept of a store.
Holy shit.
From “ I can’t find my kid I left it here”
(Kid was found making a mess in another section of the store)
To “my daughter had lemon and butters and I just noticed it has alcohol”
No. 235526
I don't want kids because I just don't like them. They're messy and impulsive, and I have serious health anxiety and kids are little illness factories.
I don't hate them, and when they're around, it's not like I treat them like shit or abuse them, despite the conclusions people will jump to. I just don't like them and I think it would be unfair to both me and my hypothetical kids to bring them into the world knowing there's a risk I'd resent them for just being kids.
I know most people outgrow childish behavior, obviously, but what if they don't? And even if they do, I have to wait a minimum of eighteen years.
It's just not for me and I'm willing to admit that.
I've literally never wanted them, so even though I'm relatively young, I don't see it changing.
I don't hate all parents, but I can't stand the ones who carry it around like a badge of honor like they're a fucking martyr or something, even and especially when they're kid is normal and healthy. Like, you're not the second coming, you just had a kid. Something people have been doing since the dawn of the species. I don't doubt it's hard, but it's not not the hardest thing in the world.
No. 235581
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I remember the first time I realised I didn't want any kids, I was about 8. My first thought was - I don't want to spend a lot of money.
When I was about 9 or 10 (i think), I was playing with some friends and they kept saying how many children they were going to have and shit like that and I was just like "why are you thinking about that we are children ourselves". Since then it kinda "clicked" how women are always, always asked for children. Even my mom, that is pretty left leaning, would (sometimes still will) ask me about children. Honestly I never saw this kind of thing with my brother.
I've been saying since then and a lot of people still dismiss it, even though I am fucking 25 now. It wasn't just an edgy teenage phase of mine, especially considering I say this since I was a kid. I think my choice of not having kids kinda grew into an aversion of maternity in general because of how society deals with it, which is kinda sad imo.
So my main reasons:
- I don't like children. They scream, throw tantrums, and will drain the life out of you. I've seen how tired my sister had grown after her 3 kids. It's not for me. I don't know how to interact with children at all, I can't fake being interested in what they are telling me and can come across as rude even when I didn't want to. I feel like if I had a child I'd just cry everyday in the bathroom.
- The lack of freedom to do whatever really scares me. Like I can't think about losing my time and my will to take care of someone else. I feel like I wouldn't live my own life. The thought really depresses me.
- Being responsible for teaching morals and ethic to another human being, and possibly fucking up.
- Money. I'd lose a lot of it.
- As other anon said, I think I have a mild tokophobia. Pregnant bellies really irks me, and I thank god I've never seen it moving cause I think I'd be legit sick.
- Other consequences of being pregnant in general, like losing mobility, joints hurting, back pain, nausea, all that fun shit that I'd rather pass
That being said, I really feel for mothers. They are really neglected by society in general, here where I live. I try my best to help mothers even if I hate the children. I think it's helping absolutely no one how much maternity is glorified…. I guess maybe helping deadbeat dads. Yeah, makes sense, now.
No. 235632
>>235607You should have told her to pick up her misbehaved bastard and leave without buying anything, and to come back without it or when she can teach it to act like a human instead of a rabid monkey. Being "polite" to shitty parents who have no regard for anyone else and act like they're trying so hard and sacrificing so much by letting their kids scream annoy me. Yes, you're tired, and he may do this all the time- but it's
your fault. There are plenty of ways to handle a screaming tantrum, other than forcing everyone else to share in your suffering. Taking the kid to the bathroom/outside for example, because letting it screaming a store is
fucking rude and trashy.
No. 235694
>>235607retailfag also, I usually don't interfere with tantrums. Unless kids are running around unchecked or climbing into/onto fixtures and being a literal danger to themselves and others, it's not my job's worth. We're not a daycare – kids are the responsibility of the parent in a public space. In most cases the kids are fussing so much the parents leave the store. I am also not paid to lecture crappy moms about how to handle their kids.
I want to believe the kids get punished severely later on and the parents just don't want people in public knowing they smack their kids, lol.
On a related note, some family left a diaper in one of our fitting rooms a few weeks ago. Gross, considering a trash can is outside the room. Most especially gross because that's what a bathroom is for.
No. 235706
>>235480Nope. Not at all.
You and your husband sound like you might make great adoptive parents. There are a lot of already-born unwanted kids out there just waiting for someone like you.
Personally I childfree by choice. Human overpopulation and environmental issues are probably my top reasons, followed by my aversion towards the idea of being responsible for another human life for the next 18+ (of course it'll be +) years.
I am auntie to a 3 year old and that's good enough for me.
No. 235773
>>235692That’s all? Just therapy? Lolol not trying to one up but I thinks that hilarious actually, not passive aggressively.
Lolol I told my mom I was scared of having kids for the reason of not passing genetic problems and she slapped the actual dog shit outta me, accusing me of calling her a bad mother. That’s what took the cake for me about not having kids. If having kids makes you so paranoid of failing and sensitive about thoughts about you, it’s not worth
No. 236093
I'm like 98% sure I don't want kids. There's a 2% part of me that wants to when I think of it in the most idealistic way.
First of all, society is disturbingly in denial regarding the unpredictability of having kids from the moment they're conceived. While they're in the womb, there's literally countless things that can go wrong that I'm simply not willing to risk. Then once they're out, let's say you have a healthy baby/delivery and everything went fine. Those pregnancy related fears are a thing of the past.
Well, now you get more horrible things that can happen. No matter how great of a parent you are, you're kid could end up…
>becoming a hard drug addict or alcoholic
>getting sexually assaulted
>being shot or murdered in some other way
>dying in a variety of accidents
>getting horribly sick
>becoming an awful person
>marrying an awful person
>being imprissoned
The list goes on.
And even if none of these things happen, you're still sacrificing your entire sense of individuality and relationship with your partner. Your life now centers entirely around raising a human being that is entirely dependent on you not fucking up. Some people want this and that's fine, I however do not.
I also read this Time article about how people literally delude themselves into thinking parenthood is more worth it than it is. Like, the worse off your situation due to having children, the more you psychologically trick yourself into believing it's the most magical thing ever. It's an unconscious survival tactic.
This makes a lot of sense to me based on my anecdotal experience. I've definitely noticed the people who essentially had their lives ruined by having kids are always the ones who sperg the hardest about how you just can't truly be happy without them when it comes up that I don't want any. One got really real with me once and admitted it was all a facade and she was actually on the verb of mental breakdown daily.
Also, they just don't fit well with the lifestyle my husband and I want. We want plenty of disposable income and to travel as often as possible. That wouldn't work with a kid. Not to mention, I don't think I would make a good mother for many reasons and don't have much of a maternal instinct when it comes to human children.
No. 236516
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>>235109I was trying to have a nice lunch with my family at a refined expensive restaurant and there were like 9 babies there all screaming and none of their parents did anything about it. Also the woman behind us started fucking breastfeeding the sprog LITERALLY IN THE MIDDLE OF A RESTAURANT we were both pretty disgusted by it… like why the fuck would you ruin everyone else's atmosphere and enjoyment like that.
No. 236906
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I'm not mature enough, simple as that. I've never wanted children and I dont have the patience for children. Hell, I dont even like animals. I feel no tug to have children, and my family is pretty much nonexistent so I'd have no family to help me, same with my boyfriends family.
I am 25, 26 in May. I love to party, I love to drink, I love to dance and paint for twelve hours at a time. That's what makes me happy.
No. 236950
>>236940So where do you want the kid to eat?
The toilet?
No. 236966
>>236953this. also everyone ITT claiming that tits aren't ~supposed~ to be sexual forgets that they are and unfortunately for them, we need to live in the now. breasts are sexualized.
another thing is that natural doesn't exclude something from being gross. most natural things are fucking gross, and we've been conditioned to think so on top of that, but whatever.
>>236952>Talk for yourself>>235109>literally called anti mom threadhow about you talk for
your self
No. 237043
lmfao at everyone who gets butthurt over the breastfeeding comment from that one anon. I think it's important to feed your baby as soon as needed even if you're in public but 1) it's common sense to not bring a baby that young in a restaurant, especially a fancy and expensive one, it's going to piss off everyone, including the baby and 2) going to a restaurant isn't as much a necessity as going to work or going grocery shopping or whatever, so if you have a baby to feed, don't go to a restaurant and bother everyone around you (including the baby). And flashnews some people don't want to anyone's bare chest in public regardless of the reason why someone would have their chest out.
>>236936>Maybe nobody wants to see your ugly mug in the restauranPretty sure the ones who gets money from the costumers want to see her ugly mug, like the staff, you know. And the baby's presence isn't going to get the restaurant any money in that case.
No. 237058
>>237054They probably have unresolved issues with their own mothers.
Projecting is pretty common, I tend to do that a lot.
No. 237062
>>237054Or maybe the hate is legitimate because there are truly shit mothers out there.
What makes your perspective more valid than ours?
No. 237077
>>237054>>237058Agreed with both
>>236966>>236965I did interpret it as "anti being a mom" thread, so I guess I was in the wrong indeed. I have nothing against mothers.
>>237067Yeah, sure. That's why so many mothers literally throw their children in the trash. Recently a shitty woman in Brazil said she was glad her son killed himself because she didn't want a gay son. Mother instinct and such is a social construct.
No. 237089
Lately my grandmother has been calling me up and bugging me about when I'm going to "find a nice man and have some children." She's in her nineties and says she wants great-grandchildren before she dies, and even offered to help pay for the "wedding." I'm only twenty-two, I'm in graduate school, I'm a lesbian, and I don't want kids.
I've tried telling her that I'm too young, but she blows it off, saying she had my dad when she was eighteen (she didn't). I never want to become pregnant or give birth, I really dislike babies, and I'm still a virgin. If I ever do decide to raise children, I'd most likely become a foster mom for older kids because I think so many of them are rejected because they're not "cute" anymore. I do love her, but every time I call her I feel sick and anxious because I know I'm a disappointment to her because I'm gay and I don't want kids.
No. 237095
>>237058>>237054why would you blame children you sperg? kids are only shit cause their shit parents.
>>237067can all the butthurt moms fucking kill themselves out of the thread?
No. 237096
>>237089That really sucks anon, but you're doing what's right for yourself. I think your grandmother is just uncomfortable and insecure with your lifestyle. She wants you to get married and have kids early so you can validate how
she lived. Because the thought of women having a different option makes her feel bad about her own choices-having kids young was an extremely tough and sacrificial choice to have made.
It's kind of a 'crabs in a bucket' mentality.
I'm lucky in that my own mother never really wanted to be a parent.
It's not something she's ever admitted, but I can tell she had me out of social and marital pressure. She was a particular and artistic individual who would've been happier childfree, even if she feels obligated to love me now. I wasn't a difficult child, but I was still a child who had needs and made demands as I got older. We had lots of fighting between us when I was a teen, because I was no longer a 'cute' and easily controllable little girl who would love unconditionally.
And despite her wanting a mother-daughter relationship as seen on tv, she never wanted to put in the hard work and blames me for us not having a stronger bond now that I'm an adult.
As a consequence of all that she's never nagged me about children. She knows how burdensome they can be, and that I'd probably be knockin' on her door for help.
It's probably one of the biggest things I respect about my mom.
No. 237188
>>236953>>237001>>237043You’re all showing how little you know about babies and being a mom - which is fine and totally understandable, but maybe try some compassion. Being a new mom is frustrating and lonely for many, and getting to go to a restaurant could be the highlight of their entire month. Some babies (like mine) will not take a bottle so have to be breastfed, and therefore also can’t be left with a sitter. I don’t see why you can’t put up with a breast being put to its natural use for 5 minutes and have some sympathy for parents… once you were a baby too and you needed your parents to act in your best interests. You can’t be ITT condemning shit parents and then condemn good ones too.
>>236966>we should continue to perpetuate the idea that women’s bodies are first and foremost sexual because I don’t want to deal with my own feelings on it Yeah, don’t think I’ll do that tbh.
This thread honestly just sounds like a lot of you hate parents rather than children. “Anti-mom thread” is pretty weird considering all of you needed moms in order to be alive typing on lolcow. I respect everyone’s choice to have kids or not but a lot of the shit on here is plain sad. Wish I had the mental energy to get annoyed over boobs lmao!
No. 237189
>>237188>getting to go to a restaurant could be the highlight of their entire monthHow poor are you?
Also that still doesn't explain why you don't pump or breastfeed beforehand. I really don't know why you can't accept that some mothers don't do public breastfeeding. Or that public breastfeeding is really not that popular, especially in restaurants.
No. 237191
>>237188That's the thing, a few anons here have defended breast feeding in public, I don't even care about it myself but a lot of society does. So to avoid either having uncomfortable arguments with entitled people at restaurants screaming at you to put your clothes on, or even having perverts ogle your breasts as you try to feed your child, for your own protection and for the sake of others, bring a blanket or pre express milk.
I often wish I could sunbathe topless so that I can get some sun without the tan lines but I know that there are children and families on the beaches that may get angry at me for doing so, so I sunbake naked at home. I also know that even if I go to the nudist beach in my state, that there have been many reports of disgusting men taking photos with drones and hiding in bushes. Is it because I hate breasts or women?
No. It's because I know how misogynistic the world is, and I would rather not expose my breasts to the world because to me it's not safe. If I ever become a mum, I would probably bring a blanket for dicreet feeding for those same reasons.
I don't hate kids or mums but I can totally see the other side.
No. 237195
>>237189Nothing to do with being poor, it’s the fact that people in public treat you like a pariah for needing to parent children, which this thread is clear proof of. Explained in my comment why pumping is sometimes not possible, and babies don’t work to a schedule. Sometimes they need feeding two/three times in an hour - because of that I have been forced to breastfeed in restaurants before. I don’t do it on purpose and neither does my kid, it’s just life.
>>237191No one has ever screamed at me to put clothes on when I’ve breastfed in public, I don’t give a shit about people looking at me using my breasts for their intended purpose, sunbathing is not necessary to sustain a child’s life, and you are perpetuating misogyny by telling women to be ashamed of feeding their child because it involves a part of their body that has been sexualised by society. If you want to blanket feed that’s fine, but other mothers don’t and they shouldn’t be subjected to shit if that’s what they choose.
>>237193I didn’t say “you are bitter evil bitches” but nice projection. I have actually commented ITT before agreeing with people, but on this I don’t and thought I would provide the other side, as some anons on here have expressed that they may want kids someday. Doing so is not being offended or “having my jimmies rustled”… that sounds like you in response to my comment tbh. Why am I not allowed to disagree with being told that I have to accept society’s misogyny?
No. 237200
>>237195You might not give a shit about other's eyes but there are some mothers out there that actually hate breast feeding in public because they are naturally shy. Not only that but some actually hate the positive attention too. People coming up and saying 'good on you' for breastfeeding in public ect.
Some people just don't like it. Why can't you accept those people's views without labelling them misogynistic?
No. 237203
>>237195I'm not perpetuating misogyny. I agreed with you that it SHOULDN'T be a problem. I listed reasons as to why it is a problem and why I would personally cover up.
I don't give a shit who does it, but I was saying I didn't think it was a good idea if you don't want to encounter sexist pigs or perverts. I wasn't saying don't do it but more, these are the negative things associated with breast feeding publicly, and be aware.
I'm not perpetuating anything and you are being ignorant if you think that just because I said I'd rather bring a blanket to make other's experience less uncomfortable, that makes me sexist and I'm helping the misogynistic agenda.
Do I think they are immature? Yes, but that's the world and I doubt me running through a shopping centre swinging my lactating breasts around screaming power for women is going to change the mind of the majority of this world.
No. 240530
>>235109I have MRKH, so I physically can't get pregnant or get periods for that matter. (thank god)
But there's not a day where my boyfriend whines how he wants kids, and multiple. Its difficult to have sex, so I used dilators to aid in that. (the surgery cost a pretty penny). We're too poor to get a surrogate or qualify for adoption. I think it was just fates way of saying "u dont want kids trust me".
No. 240536
>>240530>But there's not a day where my boyfriend whines how he wants kids, and multiple.Is there a typo here and you're saying he
does keep saying he wants kids? Because that's an asshole move for someone dating a woman with MRKH
No. 240574
>>240532google is your friend. I have external genitalia as anyone else, but my fallopian tubes didn't develop and my uterus and vaginal canal are under developed and too small. my body doesn't produce the hormones needed for periods and pregnancies. everyone who has MRKH is different, some could have one thing but not the other.
>>240536he knew about it for awhile. he doesn't blame me, but he does talk about other options like mentioned before. But we cannot afford either (adoption or surrogate).
No. 240575
>>237361>comparing breast feeding to jerking offConfirmed for immature brat.
And yes, it does make you a misogynist. You don't want women to have the right to feed their babies conveniently and comfortably because it ~makes you uncomfortable ~ even though it take no effort to just look away.
Lactating titties gross me out too, but it's not hard to be an adult and just fucking ignore it. Jfc.
No. 240596
>>240578some of you are so sensitive LOL. calm down.
>>240581in reality, its more than 18 years. most 18 year olds dont even know what they want to do with their life, and live and depend on their parents until out of college.
No. 240608
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I hate when people say my life won't be "complete" without children and I will never be truly happy if I dedice not to have them. It's bullshit. I know a few mommies in their mid 40s that regret having children and not fulfilling their dreams when they were young adults.
I'm now 24 and absolutely satisfied with my life, can't imagine myself with a child. I feel sorry for teenage moms because they're missing out on the best years of their lives.
Raising a human being is a very responsible job and I don't think anyone can be a parent. Some people just don't have it, I don't have that maternal instinct, for instance. I feel like I could beat the living shit out of a kid who's throwing a tantrum or just crying.
Thanks no, I have 2 dogs that I absolutely adore and they make me happy.
No. 240610
>>240608not a parent here. personally dont want kids for the responsibility aspect.
but i disagree with everyone saying ~regret fulfilling their dreams~. I'll be blunt. if you have money, having a kid or two does not effect that. I've seen some women in their early 20s, still traveling, doing their hobbies, etc. while raising a kid. Simply put, their income is more sustainable. For a lot of people, obviously having a kid reduces their income, so it makes sense when people would say they didn't get the opportunity to travel or do fun things. To be rash, if you have the money, and can afford both your dreams and want to be a parent, go ahead. just not my cup of tea.
No. 240710
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>>240703I agree, I've thought about adopting when I'm much older since I do like kids (and have no interest in birthing one)but I know for a fact I'd be worrying about them 24/7.
I'd hate for my kid to grow up in a world where they can easily find a bunch of fucked up shit/come into contact with predators on the internet , sure there's a lot of child blockers and such but you can't protect kids from everything. Same with the possibility of outliving them, I don't think I have the mental/emotional capacity to deal with that.
I think calling kids parasites is a bit much, but I get it,kids can be the fucking worst. My biggest gripe is kids and their parents with poor manners/no discipline. Or parents that just assume just because you're nice to their kid they can just leave them with you as if you're a fucking babysitter, I hear this especially happens to cosplayers at cons quite a bit. Early motherhood seems like a huge drag, I have a couple of friends from Highschool that gained a bunch of weight and had kids in their super early 20s, but they're all people who never really had lot going for them y'know? Sure they were the type that had a lot of friends but like, after HS they become moms and that's just their life now, no hobbies/other
interests/career/school goals just posting about their kids all the time and just being at home. It seems like a dull life and sometimes I wonder if they regret it.
No. 240717
>>235367This is old, but:
Having children is a choice. This is something parents seem to always conveniently forget. Complaining about how "hard" it is doesn't help others empathize because, guess what, you chose to have a child.
No. 241085
>>241017I think I'd be a good mother to myself, I'd get myself the best sort of education I could, have mini-me do the childhood activities I could not like summer camp etc.
I was a very well behaved child so it would be cozy.
No. 241086
>>241060i hope this is fucking ironic, because it's cringe. having children
is a choice because having sex
is a choice. also the parents anon is talking about are always so eager to tell everyone how the chose to have children.
>implying that states that don't allow abortion aren't shitty white bible belt states fuck off.
No. 241118
>>241086>having sex is a choiceSo you don't have sex because you don't want children, right?
>implying that states that don't allow abortion aren't shitty white bible belt statesYou are literally only thinking about USA and nowhere else. You don't get any more white than this.
No. 241134
>>241118you said state in your fucking comment.
>is not a choice if you life in a state you can't abort. >stategtfo with your high horse shit and kys. this thread isn't about poor 3rd world countries, it's about shitty middle class moms being fucking cunts. don't you have brats to watch?
No. 241198
>>241195I feel the same anon.
It feels so alien to think something like that can happen inside of me. It's very disturbing how a lot of what I feel and think can be easily manipulated by periods/preagnancy/breast feeding hormones, what is even "me" then?
Like some kind of bad scifi.
I used to dislike kids a lot, not so much now since I realised I was projecting my mommy issues on them. Preagnant women still make me uneasy though.
No. 241397
>>241086>having sex is a choiceSo is literally everything else that makes life worth while.
Have fun having a healthy happy relationship completely void of sex for the rest of your life.
>implying having sex is always a choice Right, because no one ever becomes pregnant outside of consensual encounters
No. 241414
>>241403>children are innocent>sacrifice your life for a childIt disgusts me on a guttural level too anon. Sometimes it's hard to articulate why because those platitudes are normalized in our society (especially for women).
Did you ever notice the people who perpetuate these sayings are often hypocritical trash to boot?
Like they're the types who believe their own children are innocent, but that other children (particularly the ones who get in their way) are the ones capable of being horrible.
Or that anyone should be willing to take a bullet for their little johnny, but if asked to sacrifice their own lives for someone else's brat they come up with a million excuses as to why they can't.
If any of this were true then no child would be in a shelter or on an organ donor waiting list. None of those "children are innocent and worth dying for" fuckers are lining up to donate their organs or open their houses (and wallets) for these sweet lambs. I wonder why?
The reality is children are just as disposable as an adult, but nobody wants to think that way about their own loved ones. So it tends to only apply to their circle, but not everyone else.
No. 241417
>>241403How can people genuinely think children are sweet and innocent if they live in the real world? Little kids are monsters. I'm still fucked up from some of the evil shit done to me by my classmates when I was in elementary school.
A group of boys almost fucking drowned one of the down syndrome kids at my school and the only thing that kept then from actually killing him was a teacher stopping them. FFS just look up murders done by children, they're almost always at the same level of brutality as fucking adult serial killers.
>>241414>Or that anyone should be willing to take a bullet for their little johnny, but if asked to sacrifice their own lives for someone else's brat they come up with a million excuses as to why they can't.
>If any of this were true then no child would be in a shelter or on an organ donor waiting list. None of those "children are innocent and worth dying for" fuckers are lining up to donate their organs or open their houses (and wallets) for these sweet lambs. I wonder why?This so fucking hard. I never see people who say this kind of shit signing up to be fostor parents or organ donors. Not to mention, the vast majority of people who feel this way (at least the ones who take it to the extent of anon's example) don't even want safety nets on place that help these kids fucking eat if it means it comes out of their tax dollars. So yeah, I don't want to hear jack shit about ~sacrifice yourself for the children~ especially from people who can't even handle sacrificing a small portion of your paycheck so they don't starve.
No. 241426
>>241418That's the case if you're talking about someone older, but not someone in their teens or twenties which many people still apply this logic to.
For example, in most horror movies the subjects of murder are high schoolers, but killing a ten year old in those movies would be considered by most people to cross a line. That's only a difference of six years. Like, people can't say killing a ten year old in a movie is horrific and awful, but if they were just half a decade older it's entertaining and not be massive hypocrits.
No. 241427
>>241418>the life not livedI can see
why they'd see it this way, however, it's just a particular kind of tragic.
After all, I could easily argue how having your experienced, adult life ripped away by death is just as cruel as never having been conscious of it.
No. 241436
>>241428>What if they grew up to cure cancer and the child could ony be born from you!Any time someone says something like this, they are confirmed for being a complete idiot who lacks the ability to think shit through. How do these people not realize that this is the ultimate two-sided argument? Sure, it's possible your child could cure cancer… but it's also possible your child could become a mass shooter.
Plus, like you said- it's sexist AF that you should feel morally obligated to have kids against your wishes for some hypothetic possibility that is almost guaranteed not to even happen. If we want to go down the unrealistic hypothetical route, what if the person destined to cure cancer was a woman that got pregnant too early and had to devote her life to her crotch spawn instead of focusing on her research? Unlikely, but one can't make the "what if that kid would have cured cancer!" argument without considering that possibility.
No. 241440
They always prattle on about children finding the cure for cancer/AIDs because that's what they high key wish their own will accomplish. Of course they want to believe they'll go down in history for parenting a prodigy, "Who doesn't?" they ponder.
Not so much they think about other people having different aspirations, or facing the reality that not everyone's child (maybe theirs) will grow up to be a winner of some kind.
How many parents had big dreams for their serial killer son up until he was caught? Yeah. It's fleeting and arbitrary.
No. 241441
>>241439This this this
Sexists will shit on women for accomplishing less than men, while simultaneously insisting we should focus on children rather than accomplishing these things and disregard the fact we didn't even have the fucking choice not to until very recently in history (and in some situations, depending on the woman's location, still don't). I can't tell if they're genuinely too stupid to see the holes in their logic or just really dedicated to gaslighting us.
No. 241480
>>241466Actually regarding kids it's reall hard to tell nature from nurture.
If you consider that everything since the life inside the uterus influences how the child relates to the world and look up a bit into attachment theory and the concept of "the good enough mother" you'll realise how easy is to fuck up a child by accident.