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No. 245109
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>>236049My canadian bf Justin Trudeau is a madlad. nothing is wrong with him u disgusting dykes. fuck off with your h8 - I love Justing Trudeau
No. 245254
>>245119uoft here. i have a really high gpa in my shitty arts program might want to apply to mcgill law cause it doesn't require LSAT.
what do you study? and how much french do you need to know?
No. 245339
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Alright, what's everyone's thoughts on him?
No. 245661
>>245254McGill law has pretty high standards, just warning you.
I'm studying physics. You don't need to know any french at all, but if you want a casual job here you'll need to be bilingual.
No. 245927
>>245256How do you feel about him skipping the Toronto's black community meeting thing that happened? I barely paid attention to it, but I remember people from the Liberal and NDP parties were shit talking him for not going.
I'm kind of leaning towards the Green Party because the candidate for my area is so far the only one that actually gives a shit about my town.
No. 245930
>>245119Planning on applying to McGill for life sciences. Do you enjoy the school?
>>245254I took a tour at McGill and I was told that the school offers a lot of jobs to students that can just speak English. Also was told that the school and some places in the community like the YMCA offer free beginner French classes. If you stay in the McGill bubble you could probably get away with not knowing any French, but I would be concerned about co-ops or getting a job outside of the McGill bubble.
I was thinking of applying to uoft too. Do you like it?
No. 246832
>>246416Shit that's fucked. Did you reach out to the counselling support they have? I suffer from a generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder so while I was taking a tour there I asked about mental health accommodations. I was told they have lots of social workers and psychiatrists to talk to if you're struggling, but maybe the tour guide just overhyped their services.
Hope you and your friends are doing better.
No. 246929
>>246832do NOT go to mcgill if you have mental issues.
my close friend is in the process of suing them because she was diagnosed with ADHD during her schooling and the school's response was to kick her out due to her major being medicine. the residing professor claimed that hospital professionals can't have ADHD because it's dangerous. she played me a tape and the bitch sounded fucking nuts and was being super racist to her.
No. 246949
>>246832They don't have nearly enough resources to deal with the level of mental health issues that are on campus right now. It takes at least two months to get off a waitlist and see someone. the ED program got cut very recently. they will legitimately turn you away unless you've actually attempted to kill yourself. many many suicides are covered up every year.
we don't get any reading week in the fall, though most universities do. when we fail a class, we can retake it, but the old grade will forever be on our transcript (I've heard that it gets replaced at other universities). We can have final exams worth up to 70% of our grade in the course, and the option to have a 100% final. (I've never had one below 45%.) It's completely insane, but I'm glad I came out of it quite a bit stronger than some of my high school friends who went to easier universities
>>246921Not to insult your friend, but linguistics is an easy degree. I'm talking more about people in STEM. My arts-major friends haven't had that many issues.
No. 247008
>>245930what do you plan on studying? uoft is harder than other unis in ontario, assuming mcgill is also harder.
but it's not impossible to do well. you would need to go to all your classes, go to office hours to consult profs/TA about assignments, and review and study a week before.
unpopular opinion but i hate fucking toronto and go to the smaller campus in mississauga, it's literally the size of like 3 high schools put together. i like it cause i know everyone and i don't feel like a number. courses are a bit easier than the downtown campus. the Scarborough campus is the same but is a fucking dump. the only good thing is that it offers co-op. i'd highly reccemend a uni that offers co-op like waterloo
No. 475497
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So who's watching the federal election?
No. 475517
Damn that BQ third place……
I expected Liberals to win with a minority government, though I'm a bit surprised at the NDP's poor results. Still in shock at how many seats Scheer won, even though his personal stance and the Conservative's stancedidn't match up… himself as a politician was wishywashy. Also, I don't know how the Conservatives fucking manage to win any seats, but I guess rich people want to keep their money..
Lol @ Bernier losing his own riding tho
No. 475657
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>>475628this is the man he was defending,a domestic terrorsit and religious fanatic No. 475678
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>>475673The Khalistan movement only applies to the Punjab region between India and Pakistan
No. 475722
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>>475517I'm wondering to what extent seats were lost from the NDP because people voted Libs to keep the CPC out of power. I really expected them to get more seats.
Some more interesting results are a new Green MP in Fredricton and Jody-Wilson Raybould (who left the Liberal Party after the SNC-Lavalin affair) getting elected as the only Independent in Vancouver. And also kek at the Meme Rhino Party sending their own guy named Maxime Bernier to that riding to confuse people.
>>475637There might be a new election in even less time than that. Interesting to see what's going to happen, wonder if there will be a coalition.