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No. 237769
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I don't think humble bragging is as big of a problem as hypocrisy is on this website tbh, like people worrying/complaining about their age while simultaneously shitting on some cow because they look so old in a selfie.
That and the people provoking unnecessary infighting, it's embarrassing and weird. Like, I get people have different opinions but some people just go straight off the deep end real quick.
No. 237779
>>237766>>237768When i was just a 2nd grader a new teacher thought i'm a teacher as well and at 10 i got mistaken for being my dad's wife or my little sister's mother. Adults also always had higher expectations, unless they managed to constantly remind themselves that i wasn't older than my friends.
I'd say correcting them as a little child is a lot harder than explaining the opposite as an adult.
And if you're taller than the average man your dating pool is extremely limited too.
No. 237781
Whats annoying is a the tall girls here getting angry at small girls out of jealousy. They never admit that though. Your post and
>>237764 scream projection. You can literally model and are the epitome of western beauty let the small girls have their uguu loli cute shit.
No. 237787
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All that shit and watching people argue about the most trivial shit gets exhausting real
fast This place can be cool, but most of the time it's just a huge downer
No. 237790
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>>237781> Being tall = You can literally model and are the epitome of western beautyThis must be bait…
No. 237828
>>237825You do realize that what you're doing right now is humble bragging?
> i was bullied for looking so young> but at least i'm goona stay attractive for longer teehee>>237821Just the fact that we have a plastic surgery thread there anons encourage each other to do so…
No. 237830
>>237828I said it's likely I won't stay attractive for longer, but on the off-chance I do it'd be nice and I'd actually have something to be thankful for from it. Aging doesn't really work like that for most people so I highly doubt it will happen to me.
Looking young =/= looking good and people need to stop acting like it does. It doesn't make you cute and appealing. People don't stop in the street and go "oh what a cute little girl!". It's only ever been used by other girls to mock me and my appearance and talk about how mature and sexy they look in comparison. It's not necessarily "bragging" to complain about it nor is it necessarily a good thing. I'm not going to pretend I have some terrible lot in life, but getting told to shut the fuck up because you're "bragging" when it's never once been a good think gets old.
No. 237831
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>>237830lets pretend youthfulness isnt extremely value in women okay
No. 237839
I thought of plastic surgery as an option for 'not liking your body' when I was like.. 12 or something. I still think that if you WANT to do it, it's your choice; but I'd never recommend it to anyone. People here who say "get surgery your nose doesn't look like that of an anime character" are just delusional and embarrassing
No. 237844
>>237840There was a farmer in the man hating thread complaining about how the new actress for Lara Croft's role having small breast was big breast erasure and that feminist hate big boogs because they're sexy and men love them. And that she was very sad about losing such a big breasted icon.
Felt terrible for her.
No. 237845
>>237838Of course people can be assholes, but i don't believe that the sentence "I'm so mature and sexy in comparison to you!" did come out of any persons mouth…
>>237841You might have been harassed by literal pedophiles, but they only make up a very small percentage of the population; however if you're tall it can be really any man. They might be shocked and even apologize afterwards because they saw nothing wrong with making a cheeky comment or catcalling an adult women, but then get shocked that they did that to a preteen.
No. 237851
>>237845>Of course people can be assholes, but i don't believe that the sentence "I'm so mature and sexy in comparison to you!" did come out of any persons mouth…Not that exact sentence, no. But she did start loudly proclaiming to all of her friends one by one, "Can you BELIEVE anon is 19? I thought she was 12! She looks like a baby! I'm only 17 but I get mistaken for way older all the time teehee" and this is a pretty accurate paraphrase.
There are more girls like this than you think.
No. 237857
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Let's face the truth, plenty of men will consider dating a short girl, but the taller you get, the more difficult it'll be.
No. 237878
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>>237866See the poster underneath you; many tall guys love short girls (and vice versa), just because he's very tall doesn't mean that he also prefers tall girls.
And the guy being the shorter one is simply not socially acceptable, so that's not an option either.
>>237868If you're short and chubby you can still look somewhat cute, but if you're tall and fat you'll quickly look monstrous…
No. 237885
>>237878Psh, I'm short and fat and I look like I'm ready to team up with Legolas and kill a bunch of orcs.
>>237759Idk, most of the stuff I see on here generally scream insecurities. Even if people here were perfect by mainstream standards I'd still expect them to dislike something about themselves.
No matter what women are raised to be hyper critical of our appearances, and to admit we like something about ourselves is seen as a boast.
No. 237892
>>237883What i'm trying to say is that even if "as long as she's shorter than me/he's taller than me" applies, when you're over a certain height there's hardly anybody left who fits that criteria, meaning your dating pool will be incredibly tiny.
Also, there are many very short girls who refuse to date man under let's say 5'10 (meaning they would be still taller than her), so why is it that whenever a tall girl complains everybody will say something along the lines of do you think you're too good for a shorter guy…?
Besides, most short guys wouldn't consider dating somebody who's taller than them anyways.
No. 237895
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I don't know why short girls want super tall men it looks ridiculous.
No. 237896
OP, you made this thread with no context.
>"are you a perfect pale skinned 4'9 fairy with the face of a toddler, measurements of 32-21-43, curvier than kim k, tight vag and everything else but you actually hate it and want it to change because it's such a struggle and would rather be an acne covered man faced string bean"
was said in reference to:
>"I have this exact figure and my small breasts make me want to kill myself daily, I doubt she got surgery for this".
I think that what's actually happening here is that you're insecure about things you can never have, and she happens to be insecure about things she does have. Just because you want it so badly doesn't mean that automatically she loves it.
For example, I've always been jealous about curvy short women with chubby round faces, and they're often jealous of my long bony stature and sharp bone structure.
We both want the opposite. It doesn't mean she's bragging about small breasts. The fact that that response added that she's all over small, curvy, pale, and baby faced when she just mentioned hating small breasts means you're a weirdo who projects that everyone desires exactly that same set of looks that you do and is covertly saying she hates something you want to make you feel bad.
No. 237905
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>>237897> I think weeb communities to actually attract a lot of girls who look young because they finally find a community where their look is considered attractive. Normies don't typically find childlike girls hot.Lol no, most weebs look like trainwrecks, just look at PT, nothing youthful about that
No. 237918
>>237910There is but it's not necessarily something that concrete if that makes sense. There's a few different models for ideal female beauty that can sometimes get moddled together. Social norms tend towards a certain way but there's a lot of traits that can still generally be attractive depending on certain tastes. Like big boobs vs small boobs, tall vs short. These traits are usually the ones a girl will develop a grass is greener complex about. "I wish I was short" for a tall girl. "I wish I was tall" for a short girl. Even traits that are considered attractive if you only glance can can unattractive when too extreme. Like boobs that are TOO big on a small frame just look freaky, girls that are too short are midgets, etc.
The actual ideal height is average height, meaning around 5'5/5'6-ish. You can get shit for being too much taller than that or too much shorter than that. Neither is great by most standards.
No. 237924
>>237905A lot of the popular pretty or handsome japanophiles, otherkins, koreaboos and etc look like
>nubile young "ulzaang" or "lolita" beauty style with paper white foundation, no breasts, giant contacts, and tiny mouth, delicate/nerdy fashion more than
>sexy "kylie" or "kim" style with big fake breasts, heavy eye makeup, highlight to the gods, fake lips, tanned/bronzed skin, trendy/sexy fashionMany social outliers on imgboards will try anything to emulate an east asian look/style (even if they're american), but ugly nerds are still just as unpopular as they always have been.
No. 237931
>>237919If you look at OP, that's what she's pointing out. Being on lolcow and interacting with the anons here, will make you feel insecure for not being a tiny waifu - and that's obviously bad.
And how is writing about bullying/dating problems making ourselves look privileged…?
No. 237944
>>237935I used to have super low self esteem despite everyone calling me pretty. the fact that I didn't look like east asian girls with impossibl e photoshop looks made me so psychotic I didnt see what was real in the mirror.
When I found high fashion and compared myself to tall, dark, sharp faced models in high school, I realized I WAS good looking, just not in the kpop weeby freak way and now I'm in love with my looks. its a matter of perspective and who youre listening to when it comes to whats beautiful. stop listening to what nerds have to say and watch normal TV for once
No. 237948
>>237935Eh, most men don't have high standards though. Look at the ton of average looking girls that get fawned over by men. Except for being tall, I don't really see what you listed is that much of a detriment.
A lot of beauty standards for women, especially in regards to makeup and clothes, are perpetuated by women and gay men.
>>237924Never met an otherkin, much less an ulzaang otherkin.
>>237920Where are you living with so many men that are 5'6''? SE Asia?
No. 237952
>>237944>its a matter of perspective and who youre listening to when it comes to whats beautifulThis 100%. When 'skinny' was in, I thought my slim thighs were too fat. Now 'thicc' is in and I think my thighs of the exact same size are like disgusting bony little sticks I can't stand the sight of.
It depends on what you're listening to and media is toxic. It will be a long, hard journey out of that for most people and I'm still trying to internalise it all myself.
No. 237957
>>237952Oh god this. A few years back, when the giant eyebrow trend caught on and got really big, everyone kept telling me how mine were too thin, far apart and sparse. In photos they look a lot worse and I've had to photoshop them bigger, but irl they just don't look like that at all, they're soft and dainty but not super skinny and invisible. I like them a lot now but holy shit I hated those buzzfeed articles where they photoshopped celebrities with thin brows to "prove" everyone looks better with thick brows (except some of them looked a lot better with thin ones…)
It's taken me a lot of effort and a nose job to come to terms with my face, and yes I do think that the nose job was absolutely necessary. The only problem is my face is youthful-looking, but not uguu kawaii and it's hard to find a matching style without looking either too dowdy and staid or like I'm trying to wear a teenager's skin. So far Pull and Bear seems to be working well enough.
No. 237971
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>>237962I mean take Nikkietutorials for example - 189cm while also being fat kinda makes her look like a towering mammoth
No. 237977
>>237897>I think weeb communities to actually attract a lot of girls who look young because they finally find a community where their look is considered attractiveCorrect. I never seem able to look "sexy" so the cartoon/anime look is actually far more accessible to me than the western "sexy" look. Obviously I am interested in things that enforce my value rather than detract from it. Go where you're welcome.
On the height thing in OP, short girls get bullied/harassed by strangers bc they're easier targets. I have a young face/body but am not short. I never get harassed despite men physically turning sideways to look at me while the man is driving, walking, staring at me, following me, even taking photos of me (I never notice the following or photos but I have accidentally caught them on camera or someone else points it out to me)
But my height is a deterrent to actual approaches+harassment+worse.
I'm not jealous of smaller women as I've heard all about what they go through on the daily.
No. 238010
>>238002I honestly think attitude is more important than anything.
My grandmother was a tall women for her time in my country at 5'8, it was awkward in her teenager years. But as an adult she was considerer an very beautiful woman. Her whole life and she couldn't go anywhere without being hit on receiving marriage proposals by randos and shit.
My mother (not same side of the family) is a short lady at 4'9 and men also always flock to her, I remember when I was a child she would always get hit on by tons of men when we would go out shopping.
They both take care of themselves and have a very inviting radiant look to them and that's what make them attractive IMO.
No. 238014
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Tall chick back to add something after reflecting.
Y’all so preoccupied with your looks you humble brag or moan about superficial things like height. Society has so brainwashed us motherfuckers.
Look at these olympians. There’s more to your body than how it fits into beauty trends. Your body is a fucking work of art. It is capable of such strength. Focus on being healthy and fulfilled, not whether you have thin brows or thick thighs.
Your legs have a purpose, your nose, your mouth. Appreciate them, appreciate that you haven’t lost them like so many have, appreciate your health. There is more to your body than how others perceive it. Are these Olympians ugly or oafish or dwarfs or whatever because of their heights? Are they less than? Obviously not. They’re fucking beasts of power and dedication and achievement. Their heights are an asset in their respective sports, which is far more important to them than if they are considered attractive to random men.
And besides all that, there’s nothing sexier than being healthy and confident. So if that’s what you’re really concerned with, be active, eat right, be happy and the rest will fall into place. But moaning and begrudging others or humble bragging for attention and affection is not attractive to most people. And if you’re really somewhere where you’re getting abuse for being tall or looking young or whatever, get better friends or move somewhere nicer.
No. 238029
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>>237962>Does anyone really think tall girls are "ugly"No, I don't think so. Maybe just insecure guys and girls (both tall and short) like to say that tall is ugly. Where I live I've only ever seen tall girls get compliments, and remarks such as 'you could be a model'. This ofc depends on if the girl is relatively slender. Not too thin, not fat. Either way, if someone complains about your height you can tell them to fuck off. Their opinion is not that important lmao.
So to insecure tall girls on this site, stop obsessing over photoshopped weebs. Unless you're literally a giant you've got no reason to worry. You're not masculine or big. There is a reason why being tall or at least having the body shape of a tall girl is universally desired (pic related).
And to short girls, you're cute. Work it. Be happy. If a tall girl talks shit about your height it usually comes from a place of insecurity. Just ignore it. You know that being short isn't bad.
Inb4 anyone says I hate on tall girl. I'm 175cm and completely fine with it, even thought where I live the average height is 170cm for men and 158cm for girls.
No. 238038
>>237857Besides the fact that anyone could have drawn this shit in MS paint, who cares?
I think the biggest problem is that some women care way too much what shitty dudes (or anonymous people online) think of them/what is "acceptable", some man thinks you're too tall? Who cares? Move on.
Lolcow is just full of people projecting their insecurities onto other people, and being salty that not everyone is miserable about what they perceive as flaws. Just be well-groomed, friendly and do something useful with your life besides just focusing on looks and you'll be fine.
No. 238039
>>238038ikr, its insane how supposed adults sit and complain about shit like height that they can't even change.
These people need to reevaluate some things
No. 238042
Was anyone else here the ugly fat friend trope during elementary and high school?
I used to be chubby and awkward, you know, the cliche nerd with thick glasses and braces and for some odd reason I had this gorgeous bff who apparently liked me.
I wasn't jealous of her in contrary to what other people thought because I was happy I had even one friend and she made me feel normal. In retrospect, she used me probably to make herself feel better and for homework and tests but what hurt me the most and my self-esteem was her humblebragging. I was constantly on some sort of a diet while she would eat a lot despite knowing I was on a diet and constantly take me to other fast food places and eat slowly in front of me. And of course, she would constantly say how she thought she was fat even though she was healthily slim and thinner than me. She would also humblebrag about soooo many guys hitting on her. I wasn't interested in dating but it hurt in a way. Especially during Valentine's day in our school every girl and a lot of guys in my class would get a Valentine's card from a secret admirer. My friend would have a whole stack of them and I would have none. But then she would go and rub it in my face, "Ugh, you're so lucky you don't have any. Can you please go through some of mine, I don't feel like reading all of them."
I told myself I was probably jealous or insecure and that she said those things because she really felt that way but when I confessed to her about my crush, a nerdy withdrawn guy who certainly wasn't her type, she just started dating him the very next week.
Sorry about the long post, it's just that every time I hear about humblebragging it takes me to that bad place in my childhood.
No. 238044
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>>238002Of course living in a state full of (wannabe) models and actresses you might encounter more tall women, but if you live in a very rural area…
Children can be cruel by asking whether you're a boy or a girl (or even pulling your pants down to check, but they're probably just being very honest; adults are the worst.
Until not that long ago girls were even given shots to prevent them from growing too much and become "unmarriable" and even if that's not the case for me, i've had people tell me as a child that i'll never be able to get a man if i get even taller.
There are so many articles and sites there man admit that they indeed find tall women in general too masculine.
>>237974While you might feel comfortable or protected having a tall girlfriend as a lesbian, calling a girl amazonian is honestly just a backhanded compliment, nobody wants to be told how intimidating they are.
This has nothing to do with wanting to be some ugu anime girl, it's just natural for a woman to desire not having to be tougher and stronger all the time.
Going up to somebody and telling them how fat they are would never be okay (even though that's something you could change), so why is it acceptable to start a conversation with "Why are you so tall? Do you like that?"
No. 238045
>>238042Not the ugly fat friend, but the ugly weeb friend. Whenever I got a crush on someone they were always crushing on someone else in the friend group. I wasn't really abused or anything but the boyfriends I had always seemed very lukewarm towards me instead of crushing on me and, you know, acting like they're in love.
To date I've only had one bf (of 3) who was properly in love with me and that was only when his longtime crush started dating another guy.
I'm not ugly anymore (actually I look pretty okay) but I can't dress myself for shit, I'm awkward and mousy and I wear glasses and have short bobbed hair so I'm like the antithesis of what people are conditioned to believe is an attractive girl. Framing is important I guess, but until I get money I'm stuck like this.
No. 238046
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>4'9 fairy with the face of a toddler,curvier than kim k
How is any of that positive traits?
No. 238049
>>238042>>238045I was never really fat, but i'm quite ugly. Whenever i went out with my friend they were the ones getting hit on, i was always left out or some guy took pity on me that his friend could get my more attrctive friend.
Yet my friends would always say they're just as lonely, "barely" date and "Why do only weird guys hit on me?", at least somebody shows any interest in you…
No. 238053
>>238050Being told you're warriorlike and intimidating also always means you're scary.
You can't be serious if you say you'd like people to be scared of you, instead of them wanting to apporach you, be friends with you, etc.
No. 238055
>>238042I was, but so were my friends. My best friend tried to pull shit like you mentioned (including hitting on guys I liked) but since she was equally as ugly it never worked kek.
My uggo days were pretty shit, I couldn't even look in a mirror and then went through a fakeboi phase for a couple of months (luckily nothing too cringy, just chest binding and dressing androgynously. Basically just questioning because I was ugly.). I think the downside of losing the weight and dressing well now is that I began seeing girls as competition more often. I was pretty 50/50 bi in HS and checked everyone out but now I feel the drive to be femininely perfect in order to obtain and keep a bf
since I've decided I don't want to risk falling for a girl and having to come out. But that's all emotional nonsense I can fix. When it comes down to it, I've only tried being attractive to get some man ass and not to outdo other girls; it's a means to a horny, horny end.
I also miss eating so many burgers. RIP
>>237978>tfw when average 5'6" but still have large frame and broad shoulders and ribcage that can't fit in average ladies clothes>literally have to buy men's jacketssobbu
At least I'm strong and still have a good WHR.
Also, both tall and short girls are hot. Society and many men are shit and dumb.
On topic for this thread, the nit picking on lc gets to my self esteem more than humble bragging. I accept that cattiness is part of the package and visit daily, though. I prefer this as a source for reading about assholes as opposed to kiwifarms or PULL, probably for the anonymity/the fact it's an imageboard.
No. 238057
>>238046Exaggeration, the thread for some reason had heaps of girls claiming to have all these extreme measurements/body types and how they had problems with it or how its not interesting and just "boring chub pears"
Kardashians measurements are 34-26-39 but girls are coming in claiming they're 37 24 43s its crazy
No. 238060
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>>238057An example, this is what anons said about pic related girl:
>…what part of that isn't natural or obtainable? >tfw this is my body type…
>no? just, the girl didn't shoop herself skinny. this is just a boring skinnyfat pear body. are you obese?
>i don't get why that idiot anon keeps claiming it's totally impossible. she sounds jelly as fuck.And so on…
No. 238063
>>238049> Whenever I went out with my friend they were the ones getting hit on, I was always left out or some guy took pity on me that his friend could get my more attractive friend.Same. Tbh I didn't like going out, my friends would literally drag me out of my house. I'd prefer to play vidya and read books at home. And it was incredibly painful to listen to the group when the guys were discussing who would have to go out with me and even more painful when my friends would say something like this within my earshot "She's so nice, c'mon someone go out with her. She's not THAT ugly.". I would just excuse myself at that point. At first, I would find the nearest secluded place to cry myself out, later I became numb and withdrew into my fantasy world. I also listened to Linkin Park a lot lel.
And then they would humblebrag about their weekends, the gifts they would receive and compliments. And they would also ask questions with obvious answers like why I was at home and why I didn't go out more with them.
I feel like I'm an eye thorn to everyone. A stain on their peripheral vision even if I'm just minding my own business.
>>238055> My best friend tried to pull shit like you mentioned (including hitting on guys I liked) but since she was equally as ugly it never worked kek
Did you continue to be friends with her? I cut all of my contacts when she started dating the guy I had a crush on. It helped a lot and I wish I did it sooner.
> I also miss eating so many burgers. RIPRIP burgers.
>>238045> I'm awkward and mousy and I wear glasses and have short bobbed hair so I'm like the antithesis of what people are conditioned to believe is an attractive girl.tbh you sound really cute.
No. 238068
>>238063Exactly; you're friends trying to push you on an unwilling guy is the worst, "Our [insert name] would be still free! hehe"
Makes me want to die out of shame…
And nowadays i also no longer go out at all.
>>238062At first i thought this is for real…
No. 238072
>>238063>Did you continue to be friends with her?We were friends from sixth grade to HS graduation, afterwards I just ghosted her and she got the message. Apart from her constant competition, she was also a compulsive liar. Looking back I only stayed friends with her because I hated myself and she stroked my ego sometimes.
Now I'm friendless because I'm socially lazy and it's for the best. I'm also very afraid of making shitty, passive-aggressive, humble bragging friends who want a token 6/10 like the girls you've all been talking about.
No. 238074
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top kek
No. 238075
>>238074forgot to add
>>238062. brilliant post anon
No. 238085
>>238044Being fat and being tall are not the same. One is because of an unhealthy lifestyle and the other is because of good nutrition and genetics.
You can tell people how tall they are because it’s not an insult.
And kek at California supposedly being full of models and actresses. You know it’s bigger than LA right?
No. 238086
>>237978>bragging about being averageThe absolute state of the people on this website. We're so fucking salty we're making people think that average is brag worthy.
I propose short and tall girls band together against the ones who
actually have it easy: average height girls.
No. 238089
>>238042I went through puberty before all my friends and got chubby and taller really quick. My "friends" would make fun of my weight while they were all tiny despite stuffing their faces with junk.
Thought by the time I graduated I learned how to diet, have kept the weight off meanwhile every single one of those qt skinny girls is now a hambeast.
No. 238104
>>238089I have a similar story.
feels good.jpg
No. 238110
>>238089>>238104Same here. It does feel fantastic.
>>238076Sis fist :3
>>238072> Now I'm friendless because I'm socially lazy and it's for the best. I'm also very afraid of making shitty, passive-aggressive, humble bragging friends who want a token 6/10 like the girls you've all been talking about.I understand that feeling very well. Even when I meet people who seem genuinely nice I have a hard time establishing any emotional contact with them. Imageboards, forums and some sites are a perfect medium for me to get my dose of socializing so I don't go bonkers and without the possibility of getting hurt.
No. 238157
>>238140Quit being delusional; what did you think you'd gain from coming to this thread and bragging about being normal in the first place?
>>238155But most people wouldn't even consider 5'7 tall…? And certainly not viking level
No. 238169
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>>238155>5.7 tall>viking>muscular body>lesbianHi anon
No. 238175
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>>238055>tfw when average 5'6" but still have large frame and broad shoulders and ribcage that can't fit in average ladies clothes>literally have to buy men's jacketsIf you're a normal weight and height, how big boned or muscular can you be so that you have to buy mens clothing?!
I'm tall and fat as hell and still can wear normal clothes…?
No. 238183
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>being taller than your bf makes you a gross manly scary viking
uh okay guis
No. 238257
>>238055 and while it may depend on the store, 8/10 times jackets/blouses/coats won't fit my shoulders. But then men's coats, unless they're trench coats, won't fit my hips.
I used to be fatty and thought the problem was that, but I soon came to realize I just have big mannish ribs. I blame it on my dad's genetics since they're all very wide but stout people. Still, I make do and can at least fit into a good number of ladies dresses/skirts. It works out that I prefer business casual to the things trendy stores sell (which don't fit).
No. 240153
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>>237759people who do this are annoying. this girl somehow has almost 30k instagram followers. she looks normal to me. not 12/14 or whatever the fuck. at most, she could argue that she looks like a 12 year old trying to look 25 with makeup
No. 240181
>>240153She looks like an average college student
The dumb facial expression makes her look goofy though
I've only ever seen a number of ~eternal preteens~ and they never tried highlighting or emphasizing it, some were even annoyed by it like the blonde woman from untold stories of the er who kept getting mistaken for a middle schooler, then again it got in a way of her job a lot since people didnt trust her to treat them
No. 240225
>>240217fair points but there is still the ulterior motive that is just getting off on forming and seeing on screen words describe you in a way that boosts your ego.
Also another anon's comment that people wouldn't humble brag because it's anon misunderstands that it's not necessarily calculated, it's instinctive. Anons might not even know they're doing it
No. 240234
>>240225I've seen anons accusing others of humble bragging because they thought it was calculated though. Or at least they gave me that impression.
>there is still the ulterior motive that is just getting off on forming and seeing on screen words describe you in a way that boosts your egoI don't think it's that bad of a reason compared to something like trying to derail a thread or trying feel superior to a cow while not adding anything else to a thread. If it's on topic but you still feel like it's a bad addition to a thread or anything like the best thing to do is ignore these posts and the anons who humble brag imo. It's easier to avoid them or pretend they're not there online than irl after all, so why do people feel obligated to post replies? Or if you feel like it's instinctive try to stay civil while telling them why you (it's a general you) think they're showing off at least instead of things like "kys [insert any body type here] we know you're just trying to insult [insert opposite body type here]", it'll work better.
I don't know if I'm explaining it well but while humble bragging is annoying I feel like you guys exaggerate sometimes and think it's present when it's not.
No. 240461
>>240457that's cause people who complain about humblebragging are secretly jealous of whoever is doing it. like i'm fucking 175 cm tall and when i complain about it people junp down my throat about how they want to be tall and hate being smol beans uwu. like stfu, can i vent without someone getting
triggered because they're a jealous fag? i don't give a fuck about you or your fucking ptsd my ~~~humblebrag~~~ is giving you.
No. 240597
>>238032>anons who point out the herd of girls coming in claiming to loom perfect are just jelly uggosUgh
>>238036How is someone "fucking nuts" simply for pointing out it IS strange that the plastic surgery thread just happens to have girls claiming to have all these perfect extreme measurements and bodies but actually hating them
>do you really think someone would do that just come to the internet and tell lies like that? Oh yeah well youre just jealous, ugly, insecure and batshit insane if you don't think farmers who lurk the ps thread all just happen to be perfect stacies!!!Whatever you say anon
No. 240600
>>237896Uhhh no
Have you ever even been to the thread before? Its filed with girls claiming to have perfect bodies but actually hating them, has nothing to do with "us being insecure"
It says a lot about you when you think anons getting fed up with this issue =/= is just us being jelly insecure uggos who wish they can look like that
No. 240602
>>237901And? I'm the anon who did make that comment, I can easily say I'm actually very happy with my body, there's just an issue with girls coming in and claiming to be perfect and how causes problems for them
Thats all there is to it
I'll list it out
Problems in the plastic surgery thread)
1. Girls claiming to have these perfect bodies and in the same sentence claiming to hate them, or theyre average, boring, etc
Thats all, sure the grass is greener on the other side but for fucks sake, can we please be able to point out the issue without getting that "YOURE ALL INSECURE UGLIES FOR POINTING OUT THIS PROBLEM BECAUSE OTHER FARMERS ARE HOT AND YOURE NOT!!!"