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No. 238487
>>238432I was never bullied in school, I was more so the person who nobody noticed existed. I'd rather have that than what some of my friends went through.
Had a friend get nominated for school vice president when she didn't even want to be in the election at all. Apparently a bunch of people thought it would be funny if they all voted for her. She was really upset and they all laughed :/ Homeroom teacher caught on to it. Of course they never got scolded, just the "thats not very nice, anyways lets elect someone else" bull shit.
Witnessed a lot of girls get teased where a guy will shout their name in the hallway, and go "Hey (name)! my friend likes you!/has a crush on you!" and then that friend would go "EW NO shut up , I dont like them".
Girls would do stupid shit in the gym locker room like go up to another girl and compliment their outfit or something. Then they'd snicker amongst their friends when that girl thought it was an honest compliment.
I've never seen any physical violence in my school. It was just really petty stuff.
No. 238492
I have a confession to make: i actually was a bully.
I never had a lot of friends and was bullied myself, so whenever somebody allowed me to spend time with them, i'd completely orbit around them, as in take on their style, hobbies, imitate them etc.
I was 13 and the guy me and my friends were bullying was 17. He was your typical metalhead, long hair, band shirts, a beard, etc - and fat. And that's what we bullied him for. We even went around using my lunch box to collect money for his liposuction. Back when i found it funny, but now rather fucked up, that even a teacher (who aways tried to look cool) also donated.
He even got so angry at me once, that he hit me, but i only laughed more. Our bus driver said that he'll report me, but i told that he can't since i'm still too young, that's how bad it was. (the guy we were bullyig was by no means a good person either, he even once hit a girl who was also mean to him, but she was just 11)
Anyways, for some reason he still hasn't finished studying, so now we go to the same university. Sometimes i see him. He still looks the same, but i'm not sure if he recognizes me, since he left school, so he saw me for the last time then i was just 14 (and that's 8 years ago).
Lately i often think it's karma that got me; while he walks around campus with his friends (they're rather weird metal guys too, but still), am i always alone and don't have anybody left.
Like i mentioned before, i was not the only one bullying him, but the other ones were the popular kids, popluar then, popluar now, so why woud they worry or think about this…
No. 238521
>>238492Anon I don't know if it is appropriate for me to say this but I think you should apologize to him. Maybe he cannot forgive you but if you really feel bad about this you should at least tell him. He deserves to know if you feel bad about what you did. I mean you see him on campus so at least you will not have trouble finding him.
I was a victim of bullying in junior high myself and I would appreciate if my former bullies at least had the decency to apologize for the damages they caused me in the future.
No. 238526
>>238521I can't. I'm certain that he doesn't recognize me.
My brother told me, that he's already working on his second degree, he's always had a decent friend group, so at least it didn't affect him later on.
(Maybe it would only sadden him if i remind him of the past.)
I know that i can't say this for sure, but maybe, because of our age difference, he only thought of me and my friends as annoying, stupid kids (as i said before, some of them were 7 years younger than him), since the students his age actually liked him.
No. 238531
>>238526Yeah anon, don't apologize. If he turned out quite alright, he most likely moved on, you're his buried past. You don't have the right to suddenly reappear in his life and stir it up. That's my opinion. Both of you have to carry your burdens.
I can understand almost anything, so I'm not judging you. Behind every bully is another bully, or a methaphorical one. But that thing with the teacher is really unnerving.
I've recently read A Tale for the Time Being and the teacher there participates in extreme bullying to gain students' sympathy. It's so disturbing I found it inconceivable, but after reading your story I don't know anymore…
The worst bullying I've experienced was through my friend. She got into metalhead subculture really early and the kids just couldn't help themselves, she was too different and they were too stupid yet. "Ave Satan" was like a greeting. Jokes about eating cats, killing people, demons. Elbowing in the crowd, nudging. Once we had a glass bottle thrown at us and it crashed into pieces under our feet. I remember it so clearly…
She was a very strong girl, though. She ignored the light bullying and confronted bigger bullies. She knew when to stood up for herself and she never really complained. Time passed, kids grew up and only desperate losers would try to provoke her.
I still admire how she dealt with it, even though we're no longer friends.
No. 238546
I got bullied by my mum since primary school, so always made school my fun place. My last two years of highschool I got bullied by girls that were my friends in the previous years, I confronted them to ask what I had done and they said nothing. I had an older boyfriend and lost my virginity early but was not boastful about it, he use to go to the school, he was 2 years older so I correlate him leaving to me getting bullied. Even when we were in school together we made a point not to hang out because I was younger and we didn't want to alienate our friends. People never showed up to my birthday party and I haven't retained a friend from highschool almost a decade later. I live in a small place and still have made up rumours following me since highschool lol.
I got bullied in my second job by an older womam. She didn't just single me out but my group of friends. We were all about 19-29 in age and she would circulate rumours about us and say we were posting comments on social media about work (we had damn near everyone in the office on our social medias so it was ridiculous to suggest). I ended up leaving that job, the woman blamed 4 of us for not being able to conceive on IVF when one of our friends had dealt with a miscarriage she was keeping private and being accussed of issues for this bitch. Only one girl still works there from that time.
Then when I moved to my job after that (same industry) I got picked on again by older female staff. None of these woman had senior roles, I was on their pay level. I'm not sure what it is I do to these ladies, but I walked into the lunch room once to find a 4 of them talking about how much of a rat face I am when I don't wear my glasses (I wore contacts that day, never again lol). Yet one dude said in front of them I looked like Zooey Deschannel. I don't know if it was because I started working in these environments as a teen (I'm now a mature student), but the bullying seemed to just fixate around appearances and youtfulness. The woman accusing us of stressing her always called us immature. If there was ever any down time in the office and we got chatting with our teams she would always condescend us. She even got these guys to start deleting our customer files on cases. It was mental, luckily one of the girls was noting everything down and showed it to a manager.
I feel like I've always been bullied by woman and it just gives me a complex about befriending girls. I have habits and moods of isolating myself. I definetly think girls are more conniving than guys, I find it hard getting introduced to a bunch of girls at once, feels too clique and I start to get anxious lol
No. 238577
>>238521She shouldn't. I was severely bullied just because I had an accent (I came from France to Croatia) and first the girls then the boys started bullying me. There were a few that were the most persistent ones and I had the displeasure of one the main bullies asking me for forgiveness ten years later. Hell no. Do they really have the nerve to ask for forgiveness? You can't erase all the mental pain, the nightmares and the permanent impact it has on the bullied. When a bully asks for forgiveness they want a peace of their mind. It's ultimately a selfish act like "I know I was bad but we're good now, right?". Fuck you. Fuck all of you bullies. The bullies know exactly what they're doing.
And to answer the OP, yes I was bullied. I don't really ponder over it unless it's mentioned because staying back in the past for too long is unhealthy. That being said I have problems with the low self-esteem that I'm good at hiding by being aloof. I can't connect with people at all and I cut people out of my life on a regular basis because of that.
There was a few times when I dared to fight back and I was left with bruises. I had problems sitting down and walking but I skillfully hid it from my parents weirdly out of shame more than anything.
I hated the teachers for either being a weak authority and allowing bullying in class, for ignoring it because they wanted to be on good terms with most of the pupils.
And just recently I came across a mirrored case on a bus stop where there was a teacher with a group of high schoolers and one was bullied while the stupid cow didn't react at all despite it all happening under her nose.
I really wanted to help but I know it would make matters worse for the poor guy. I know exactly how he felt and I hate that feeling of helplessness.
It's so easy when there's 3+ vs one right? Disgusting spineless cowards.
No. 238582
>>238577Schools always refuse to react because they don't want to make a scene or call in entitled parents who then cause a fuss because "my Billy would NEVER do such a thing!"
Anyway, I got bullied because I was ugly, had big eyebrows, and was quiet. Girls talked shit about me 24/7, I was always deliberately picked last and excluded from every activity. The only friend I had told me he didn't invite me places because he didn't want to be seen with me. I was often hit with snowballs and icicles in winter. This continued into high school and college, though I was admittedly also a cringy weeb then.
I never really got over it and I still avoid social situations and parties if I can help it, every time a group of girls laughs behind my back on the street I get war flashbacks. Other than that I'm fine, but I won't lie and say it didn't affect my life at all. I knew a lot of guys who were equally ugly and cringy but they just stuck with their nerd friends and were never really made fun of.
No. 238590
>>238582> Anyway, I got bullied because I was … quiet.This is the keyword. My school had all sorts of "weirdos" by their definition of all backgrounds and appearances but the ones that were bullied were the withdrawn and quiet type, myself included. I told a girl off in uni after a discussion because according to her the bullied kids are asking for it.
> Girls talked shit about me 24/7, I was always deliberately picked last and excluded from every activity.I know that feel. P.E. was the worst. When there were teams I was always the last one to join, the teams would play rock, paper, scissors and the loser would get me into their team.
Do I even have to mention group work?
"All right kids, form into groups. Who will take [name]?"
> The only friend I had told me he didn't invite me places because he didn't want to be seen with me.Yeah, I know that too. And what's worse a group of people pretended they wanted to come to my bday party, and guess how many showed up? 0, including my so called friend.
My childhood made me a misanthrope and I'm not afraid to say that when there's a school shooting and it's a bullied kid doing it, I'm really happy hoping for a high score because the whole school is complicit. Most people are shit.
No. 238592
>>238582Yeah they don't give a fuck until it's too late. Maybe there's a specific reason why, but I doubt it's just that they don't want to confront the parents. I was bullied in primary school because I was one of the very few non white person in the school (it was right after the terror attack in 2001 for context and the kids would parrot their racist parents too) and because I was way shorter and skinnier than everyone else. I was called every name and pushed and hit all the time and teachers and the director never gave a shit and said I was exaggerating. Until I was beaten so bad by a girl I didn't know I passed out during recess in front of everyone and I was bleeding a lot from my lips. My mouth was so fucked up for months that I could only eat soup and mashed potatoes. The director just said to the girl that she shouldn't have done that because it's rude or something but she was never punished. I still have the scar, but it's not visible. Some teachers would also say that bullying is normal and part of socializing so I shouldn't complain and that it would stop once I would grow up, until they discovered that the reason why I was so short and skinny was because of a pretty serious and rare condition. I moved to another part of the city after that so I moved soon after but the kids kind of calmed down after that, expect for some girls who would make fun of me for some weird things that happened because of the side effects of my treatment.
In the new school I didn't make friends because I was expecting everyone to be a little piece of shit but the kids were ok I guess. One of them was a little shit to everyone and tried to bully me but I went to middle school after that and the teachers knew he was a piece of shit. At some point in middle school he tried to burn our mailbox, which was weird because I have no idea how he knew where I lived. Plot twist, some years ago I found out that this guy went to jail for trying to steal a woman's bag and beating the shit out of her. I wasn't even remotely surprised and I'm glad he got what he deserved.
I'm salty that at least some of my bullies are most likely happy and successful in life while they made me wary of everyone and awkward for years. I think if I met any of them I would straight tell them to fuck off if I'm calm enough. I hate violence and all that crap but these shitty brats deserved a good ass kicking back then and I'm still wondering why nobody gave a shit to these days.
No. 238593
>>238577>I don't really ponder over it unless it's mentioned because staying back in the past for too long is unhealthy. Anon i'm sorry, but you still sound bitter and angry, not like somebody who's over it…
Especially seeing that forming or keeping relationships with people is hard for you.
I know that it's difficult, but if you can't forgive, at least trying to forget would be the best option.
>>238583Sounds like it…
No. 238594
>>238577I already wrote that i'm not going to ask him for forgiveness, so don't worry.
I understand that if he's surprisingly being confronted after such a long time he might feel obliged to say that he forgives me or that it's okay, even if he actually doesn't want to.
No. 238602
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I don't think about it day to day, but it pisses me off how I didn't have a better high school experience all because of my shit ex and a mentally stunted psycho. It's a bit of a long story, apologies.
I had a very emotionally charged breakup with the guy I dated my sophomore year (he even stole my Runescape account!!1!). I felt really hurt, and in order to hurt me some more my ex started to go out with one of his band groupies who everyone knew had some mental problems that manifested in some deformities as well.
Whatever it was that my ex told her, she began to think I was trying to "steal" him back. The reality was I had a burning hate for both of them and just wanted to be left alone. Every time I'd pass them in the halls my stomach would churn. For my junior year I'd stay away from the main halls and go straight to homeroom in order to avoid the sight of them. I think a lot of people perceived this as antisocial when I was just doing this to protect my emotions.
Unfortunately making myself scarce had the unintended side effect of not being around to dispel rumors and lies. The girl my ex dated had a way of getting riled up and didn't know when she was being manipulated by others to act out. Some of the emo kids, who had some kind of vendetta against me, fed this girl some bullshit about how I was secretly "talking shit" about her–just to see how she would react!! I lost a lot of friends thanks to these lies.
Whenever someone told her a lie, she'd believe it no matter how ridiculous or improbable it was.
One day, I noticed there this clear bubbly fluid appearing on my locker handle a few times. I identified it as spit. The psycho bitch would spit on my locker as she passed it in the hall with my ex encouraging her to do it. She later admitted this.
I would get the janitor to come clean it up but for some reason the principal didn't take such a big issue about this, probably because I had no way to prove who it was.
Whenever I'd pass her in the hall, she'd make this wretching/hurling noise as if she were barfing as I passed. Right about this time, I started to feel antagonized but didn't go to anyone about it hoping that she'd stop. I knew this was her trying to provoke reactions from me so I turned the other cheek.
Now the worst, worst part of my day was chorus. I didn't have to ever see this girl because I was in advanced classes. All except chorus.
She'd use this period to try to instigate a fight with me. I'd dread this class on Fridays because she'd always do something drastic before the weekend. One time she was screaming at me in my seat about an inch from my face, and no one did anything to stop her. The chorus instructor just sent both of us to the office.
It got to the point where I didn't want to go to school because she would be there.
I'd never really been in trouble before, but at least twice a month I'd be getting pulled into the principal's office to have a "meeting" with this girl to come up with some kumbaya moment. Except I didn't want to be her friend and I just wanted her to leave me the fuck alone. But I'll be damned if school admins ever listen and just assume it's two girls in a scuffle. Anyway, they enabled her bullshit to continue. She began to love making scenes in chorus knowing it would get me sent to the office with her by default (t-thanks zero tolerance), and she loved how distressed it made me.
I began to see what was really happening. For some reason everyone thought that because she was the retarded emo outcast stereotype that I clearly must have been the "bully." After all, I came from a nice family, was decent at school, and had…gasp blonde hair! I was the bully stereotype incarnate.
Of course that was bullshit, but also explains why the kids and adults alike were so dismissive towards me. Clearly this was a catfight over my ex and I deserved these things happening to me.
After awhile I knew no one was gonna give a fuck about my feelings so I started to push back. When she'd chimp out I would go home and vaguepost about her on my Myspace blog knowing her minions would relay it to her. When she'd start yelling at me I'd yell right back at her. She got super pissed one day when I clapped back with the hurling noises in the hall. My ex had to hold her back she was so enraged.
The psycho in her really amped up when my ex got her pregnant.
One day when she was screaming at me in chorus, I told her that he was gonna leave her, which translated somehow to me "wanting to kill her baby." Her tantrums were out of control but at least I threw away my inhibitions to give her some shit back once I realized the adults weren't gonna blame me, not save me.
This all died down when she left school to have the baby and my ex dumped her. Yet her bullying and the reputation I got had consequences that lasted into my senior year.
Even though I had excellent grades, and had early acceptance into college, I had a few teachers hate me because they fed into this lie that I was the bully and the girl was my victim. The secretary for the honor's society club was friends with the psycho bitch and she purposefully didn't mark me present for a meeting once. Because I had an absence I was kicked out of honor's society, and the chorus teacher who would send us to the principal's office was on the appeal board.
Yeah, I got kicked out.
But you know what? I won in the long run.
I got accepted into my college's honor society, and earned two degrees.
The psycho bitch wound up apologizing to me years later, and my ex was a deadbeat father to her child. Last I saw on facebook she quit a meth habit to have a second child that she can't take care of. She'll never escape drug addiction and poverty. All those "friends" who told her bullshit lies about me, and even the teachers who supported her, distanced themselves from her after they realized they backed one weird, tragic person.
If she were a nice person I'd feel sad. But you know what? I don't. Shoot I don't believe in karma or divine retribution. However, I knew this is how she'd turn out and I'm angry at the people around her who enabled her and by proxy made half of my high school memories bitter.
No. 238608
>>238597I only had one 'friend' who happened to be male (and gay, at that)… The guys I mentioned I didn't hang out with personally, it was an observation. And yes, girls did make fun of me behind my back 24/7, how is that my fault again?
What makes you think I don't have any female friends now? Take off the tinfoil hat, paranoid-chan.
No. 238621
>>238611Are you me? I got in trouble for trying to defend myself and any sort of authority figure was saying the same crap, but bullies NEVER got in trouble. I actually just mentioned that in my post on this thread.
>if you don't react it won't be any fun to tease you and they'll stop!"It's so obvious it's wrong I don't even know why it's such a meme. It's just a polite way of telling bullied children to fuck off because they're bothering adults with their problems.
What I don't understand is how kids harassing other children is seen as harmless or just a weird way of socializing, or even straight up normal, but if the exact same shit happened between adults the bully/harasser would end in jail or a restraining order. I don't think I've ever seen anyone disagree with me on that so far.
No. 238657
>>238616same here anon. Most girls liked me and the only a few didn't. Meanwhile the only dude that never gave me any shit was a gay dude. Guys would often call me ugly ,a dyke, or both.
A few girls did treat me like shit, but for the most part, I get along better with girls.
No. 238660
>>238582, I told everyone I could trust. My mom, my dad, some of my teachers whenever it happened. I told my friend at the time, he started avoiding me in public and only inviting me over to play video games at his place even though nobody in my class even knew him. My mom knew a bunch of the girls' parents (small town) and they were sympathetic, she also told some of the teachers but everyone pretty much said they couldn't do anything since there was no evidence and they didn't really do any physical harm to me. A few times they got called into the principal's office and he just told them not to do it again and to include me in their activities, they said okay and did it again anyway.
My mom just told me to ignore it and try to hang out with them, which unsurprisingly backfired many times over.
A few guys from the class called me names and threw stuff at me but that got resolved quickly since they were scared that I could get hurt and sue.
No. 238671
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>>238664>Middle school was also hell for me, being called ugly, hideous, disgusting every day killed meYes, I wish parents and teachers would get more involved in childrens' and students' mental health including looking at their environment and taking verbal abuse seriously. Hearing negative things being said about or to you once is brutal let alone hearing them every day and being reminded it over and over again, it really tears a person down especially a vulnerable child. Some adults don't understand that children can be abused by other children and emotional, verbal, psychological, financial abuse, among other types of abuse do exist.
Sometimes it can take one thousand "You're beautiful" or "I love you"s to forget one "You're repulsive".
>Up to this day, when I hear laughing even on TV, I assume people are laughing at meThis is truly awful, anon. I hope soon that it won't have to be like that anymore for you. You deserve so much better than how you were treated. I'm sending you a virtual hug!
No. 238715
>>238661There was a period in middle school where I spent my lunches in the bathroom too. It was so shitty. I went from having a group of friends to suddenly zero when suddenly one day they all conspired to pretend I didn't exist. I would try to talk to them and they'd look right past me.
Anyways.. you're not alone anon, hang in there.
No. 238719
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>>238686>Boys on the other hand called me everything under the sun because I didn't look like a Victoria Secret model.In 5th grade or??
if that's the case that shit is wild, like that's still elementary school and you're still just a kid
I'm so appalled, sorry you had to go through all that anon, it sounds like literal hell on earth.
My highschool had bullying and fights but it's fucking babyshit compared to some of the stuff mentioned here. I don't know if maybe my school was just filled with mostly people who didn't really want conflict or because of the language barrier/small town but I'm glad at least my school was pretty adamant about solving bullying problems very quickly and effectively.
I usually got people talking shit or laughing at me(which is expected because shy doormat weeb) half the time it wasn't to my face at least.
One situation was bizarre since I had one girl in particular that was pretty mean to me and other people(even a special ED kid), but when I'd do something "cool" (aka draw shit) for school projects she'd like try to be nice to me. Shit was weird, but I always tried to be nice.
I guess me being ok at art is what stopped a lot of people from outright hating/bullying me and kept me afloat.
Ironically, the most harmful bullying I experienced came from my very own friends, I was a chubby-chan through jr high and Highschool so naturally I was super self conscious about my weight and my "best friend" in jr high would make super mean jokes/comments about it in front of our other friends and her boy friends. Her boyfriends that she had in that time frame were annoying and pretty ugly, save for maybe one that was average. If they weren't both laughing about me,
she would try to get us to fight for her attention which was dumb because no matter what her boyfriend would always hang with us. It made my self-image even more shitty and I began to eat more junk food and gain weight and sent me into a pit of depression. Highschool wasn't much different, and I was mostly left by myself at lunch (luckily I was able to go home)when my only other friend got sent to another school. It was a rough time but things gradually got a lot better during college and these days I'm doing pretty well. My old "best friend" ended up gaining a lot of weight, breaking up with her current bf, and is now a NEET trying to pursue an art career with her awful anime markiplier art.
No. 238733
I'm 24 now and got bullied all the way from Kindergarten to my highschool graduation.
When we were younger I got shoved around and tripped up on the yard, and a boy punched me in the face once in third grade, but most of it was psychological, people pretending I wasn't there, snickering whenever I said anything, vocally excluding me from stuff. I also got told I was ugly, gross and worthless on a daily basis and it pretty much ruined my self-esteem. I got abused at home at the same time, so my trust in people has been pretty much disintegrated and I have a hard time opening up to anyone because I just expect them to hurt me. Two of my fifth grade bullies actually ended up becoming my closest friends in school, but otherwise it was hell throughout.
Probably the most frustrating experience I had was in 8th/9th grade, this boy would deliberately sit behind me in chemistry class, kick me, whisper shit in my ear and make fun of me. I asked the teacher multiple times if I could change seats but she refused to let me. I know all the teachers knew I was being bullied, but they just ignored it.
I'm honestly so fucking bitter about it, it's been years but I'm still struggling so much with all sorts of mental health issues and the people that bullied me probably forgot about it already, or think they were ~just joking around~. Whenever I hear about anything bad happening to someone I went to school with, I just feel like it's karma. I hope they all crash and burn.
>>238725Like the other anon said, there are 10k+ people in college and it's harder to single someone out. I think the worst that can happen is people gossiping about you or isolated incidents of someone being mean to you. Workplace bullying seems more common instead.
No. 238743
>>238742forgot to elaborate:
the girl was bullied even from people outside her class.
No. 238750
>>238593Are you having problems with reading comprehension?
Of course, I'm angry and bitter about it when I actively think about it which happens when someone brings up the topic. I continued with my normal life (uni, work and hobbies) but yes bullying leaves permanent scars be it mental or physical or both.
I can't connect with people and I can source the problem. And no, I don't want it to change. What would be the point? Once you get to experience the ugly side of people, not just students but the whole society (the people who watch and let it happen and the others who ignore it, impotent authorities etc.) you just want to bring the social interaction to a minimum.
And how the fuck is someone supposed to forget years of bullying? Would you also tell a rape victim "lol just forget the rape and move on"? What kind of logic is that anyway? No one says that you need to dwell on the past but no amount of meditation and pretending to have a higher moral ground for the sake of sounding oh so noble will undo what's been said and done to an individual. I still have to prove to myself that I'm not entirely worthless and deserve to exist. You have no idea how difficult it is to unwarp the image you've been given by others when you're a kid at a sensitive age. Because most of the bullying happens during elementary and high school when a person is growing and shaping her/his perception of the world and more importantly of herself/himself and guess what happens to that perception when you're constantly being called names/ignored/kicked etc.
> I know that it's difficult, but if you can't forgiveThat's insulting on so many ways, why should anyone have to forgive? I honestly hate when people spout nonsense like turn the other cheek when they never walked in your shoes. Try and live one day at the elementary school of my childhood and see if you would even think about forgiveness as a viable option.
No. 238757
>>238750Do you honestly think i would read through this thread if i wasn't bullied myself…?
But reading posts like yours and this
>then you snap, buy a firearm and shoot up the place>In my parallel class at junior high, we had an overweight girl that used to keep a notebook with her "deathlist". She wrote down people into this list she wants to be dead.makes me fucking scared. How many people are out there who'd justify beating or even killing others, because they've had it bad? People who shoot up school never only kill the ones who are guilty…
No. 238760
>>238757Congrats on missing the point idiot. Oh, and btw, you don't sound like you were bullied at all with your primary concern being how the bullies feel and the entire school's well being. I'm just waiting for you to say that the bullied kids are asking for it.
> People who shoot up school never only kill the ones who are guilty…imo the whole school is complicit in bullying. Everyone's guilty in those extreme cases and it's those extreme cases that usually snap, meaning they either take in on themselves or others or both. Very few have the courage to continue normally. Just when they take it on themselves nobody cares or they shed a crocodile tear and pretend they're deeply surprised and 'concerned' so that they can post 'deep' quotes on their social media profiles and some other feel-good mumbo-jumbo. So, in all honesty, I always cheer for the bullied kids when they strike back. Kids are not innocent and they know what they're doing with their verbal and physical acts. And the adults, teachers and everyone else allowing it are just as guilty.
p.s. don't bother replying, I'm hiding this thread. I just want to forget and stop bringing the memories back.
No. 239289
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I changed schools in 5th grade and was bullied from that year until I graduated high school. Very rarely did anyone stand up for me. I wish I was exaggerating when I say I came home and cried almost everyday. I kept a stone face at school because I didn't want to give them more ammo but being treated like that for so many years, by multiple groups of people, cut me to the core.
I was singled out mainly for being very overweight, and for being shy and awkward and into anime. It's been years and I've since lost the weight and have improved as a person but I still feel like I suffer from it because it's made me become intensely hyper-vigilant of my behavior and appearance.
No. 550427
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Oh boy… having horrible flashbacks when I read this thread.
I've always been the weird, shy, chubby, ugly and timid kid. I'm an easy target for bullies. I was bullied since I was in kindergarten . I only had one friend in kindergarten and she only became my friend because we were neighbours and was forced to play together since my mum knew her mum. I think she actually dislikes me because in kindergarten she always made fun of me in front of other kids and always tried to ditch me during recess to play with other kids. She never wants me to join her playing with her friends too.
In primary school, I somehow ended up being in a group of pretty and popular girls clique. There were 5 of them. If I'm not mistaken one of the girls took pity on me since she noticed I don't have any friends. I was so happy to finally have a large group of friends and was part of a popular group. But after a few weeks, most of the girls in the group started to make fun of me for being chubby and uncool and started to ditch me during recess or exclude me from their after school activity or sports. The girl that took pity on me earlier tried her best to include me in their group to no avail and in the end was peer pressured by the other girls to join in the bullying. I tried making friends with other kids in my class after that but was mostly ignored. I remember trying to make friends with this one girl who sat in front of me and asked her if I can borrow her mechanical pencil while holding it in my hand since I forgot to bring mine. She quickly snatched the pencil from my hand and proceeded to scratch/scribble my face with the pencil and started accusing me of trying to steal her pencil. I was too stunned to react or report it to the teacher for fear of being accused of being a thief and end up just sitting quietly at my desk in shock and pain after that. Thank God my face didn't bleed because fuck! being scratched in the face with a sharp mechanical pencil stung like a bitch. A few kids that saw it happened said nothing and pretended that nothing happened.
Fastforward to secondary school, still an ugly weirdo and slightly chubby. Made only two close friends whom later ended up backstabbing me because one of them apparently got jealous of me for some unknown reason and both of them decided to talk bad about me behind my back. Thank God I moved away to a new secondary school after that. At the new school, made a few close friends but was bullied by my guy friends. Was teased for being a weirdo and unfeminine. They disguise their bullying as a friendly joke saying things like I was weird like an alien, I'm fat, I'm unfeminine, no boys like me and I have hideous pizza crater face (this one hurts a lot because I was experiencing severe acne problems during my teenage years). The guys successfully crushed my self-image during secondary school.
I was also bullied in university when I did my degree, which is surprising because I always thought university students are usually too busy with studying and partying to do any bullying. Being bullied in university was the most traumatizing bullying experiences I've ever faced in my life since the person who bullied me used to be my close friend in my previous secondary school and I was also bullied by a psychology lecturer.
The first university bullying experience was done by my close friend from secondary school. My one and only friend when I first entered into uni was her. During the first and second semester we were still close friends and took the same classes together but after the third semester she suddenly changed. She became too clingy and asked me to go everywhere with her and even made me drive her around campus and to and from home every single day (we live in the same neighbourhood) to the point where other students started teasing me saying I'm her slave. Her clinginess and demanding nature got too much for me so I started to slowly distance myself from her and just be on my own. I think she got mad when I did this and started to spread god-knows-what rumours about me amongst her new group of friends that she made after I distance myself from her. She's a pretty girl and was quite popular with the guys and even the girls, so she has social sway amongst the students in the same course as us. I began to notice that her new group of friends always look at me in a weird or sneering way whenever I walk past them or laugh loudly amongst themselves if I smile or say Hi to them. Some of them even made snide comments when they walk past me. One girl said she can't walk past me because I'm "blocking" her way (she was trying to subtly say I'm fat). If I walk past my (now ex) close friend to and from class she always ignores me even if I gave a friendly smile and pretends I don't exist or she will pretend to talk to her group of friends and even join in the staring and laughing bullshit. After experiencing this sudden bullying by my ex-close friend for one miserable semester, I decided to change all my classes the next semester so that I won't be taking any classes with her at all. I also became super introverted and never made any close friends at all during uni years for fear of being ridiculed or backstabbed by a friend(again). I just studied, kept my head down and never joined in any fun university activities which looking back, makes me super sad because I never get to experience a fun university experience like most people do.
The second traumatizing university experience was when a psychology lecturer targeted me as the class punching bag during a psychology class. She knew I was the lonely, quiet kid that sits alone at the back of the class. Somehow I think in her mind, she's trying to help me by making me participate more in her class. At first I was happy that she wants me to actively participate in her class. She always called my name in class to give opinions and answer questions about the topic discussed in class. I think it was my fault for letting my guard down and not listening to the rumours that students have spread about the said lecturer. She was well-known for being two-faced and bat shit crazy lecturer. She can be super kind if she likes you but super cruel if she suddenly decides she hates you. One day I was called to the front of the class by her. She said she wanted to described my personality to the class because we were learning about the topic of "personality and image of a person" for psychology that day. I happily stood in front of the lecture hall full of students. There were around 60 of us in class that day. At first she commented that I have a nice smile and I'm a quiet person. I was happy to receive such a praise from the lecturer but suddenly she started to drop scathing critics about me. Critic after critic about my looks and personality. She said I was dressed slovenly, I looked unkempt,my clothes were old-looking and worn out, the shoes that I was wearing that day were ugly and inappropriate for class, I was too shy and was trying too hard to please people. I smiled like a fake person… fuck… I can't even remember most of her crazy criticisms because my mind went completely blank after hearing a few of them and my face was so red and my eyes were watering so bad. I was humiliated by a lecturer that I trusted in front of 60 students… after that I just sat back at my seat in shock. To this day I still don't know how I've managed to sit through that class until the end without bursting into tears. I definitely cried my eyes out after I went home that day. I was depressed for one whole month after that. However, the surprising part was most of the students that were in class that day were also stunned and disgusted by what the lecturer did to me. Some students that I don't even know came up to me after class to ask if I'm ok and said what the lecturer did to me was wrong and cruel.
I was also bullied by one male student when I did my Masters overseas. He kept acting childish, throwing things at me and kicking my chair/table every time he walks past me. By this time I was too jaded by life and I'm so used to being bullied I just pretend nothing is happening. Sad part is, even the Masters students that saw the bullying kept quiet and never bothered to help me.
Now, I'm a normal working adult that holds a steady office job. But I'm still timid and quiet and I don't have any close friends. I've never dated anyone at all. I have low self-esteem issues. I just hate humans in general and have a hard time opening up to anyone, even my family members. I have trust issues and I don't believe in genuine human kindness although I try to treat people kindly albeit in a perfunctory manner. I always think people that are kind to me have hidden motives. I feel so lonely but I don't want to connect to other people at all.
Ok… maybe I'm not so normal after all. Hah! Sorry for the long novel. Feels good to finally share this experience with you random anons. I've never told anyone about my bullying experience. I know my bullying experiences aren't as severe and horrifying as some of the other posters here, but I feel all of your pain. I hope everyone who has experienced bullying lives a better and happy life.
No. 550463
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>>550427shit anon Im sorry anon I'm sorry that you had to go through that, I went through somewhat similar experiences as you did, maybe not as bad but those expediences did drive me to the point of suicide
I took up martial arts to deal with the anger I had built up over the years, maybe something like that can help you
No. 550472
Getting bullied is horrible but I can only imagine a cow smirking at this thread.
>>550427I would have been your friend if this wasn’t lolcow btw. This is so sad. And you make me scared of attending uni.
No. 550650
>>550635I'm a similar story.
I haven't attempted to befriend someone in close to six years now and instead focused on my family relationships and caring for family members health, and became best friends with them. It replaced the social activity my monkey brain craved, but I feel guilty for never being part of outside society anymore. I have a strict schedule of visiting everyone and having (pre-pandemic) big Sunday dinners, I wouldn't even be a fun or good friend anymore.
No. 551257
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>>550752Lmao r u a fukkin minority u dumb cuunt! Haha what a fukkin looser. Imagine begin so geyy u rnt evn Whit!!!!!!
No. 551265
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I had to change schools during my teen years multiple time due to that issue. My absolute favorite bully was a weird ass girl that liked to come up to me and say shit like "Wow, you're ugly!". (She wasn't a treat either, tbh.)
Never found out her name or where the hell she came from, but I did end up ruining her year. By my own low IQ. She ended up next to me during the final math exam, and copied off my shit without even trying to hide herself, complaining when I didn't answer fast enough. Little did she know, I'm shit at math, and I royally failed the entire exam that year. I scored 2 out of 300. She ended up failing that year too. Yikes!
No. 551271
My story:
>Was a weird kid with shitty social skills (Untreated neurological problems but nobody gave a shit about them in the 90's)
>Didn't have many friends because again, I was a weird little fucker. Not rude, not mean, but definitely weird and nerdy
>Lived in a shitty little city where social circles were small
>My reputation went ahead of me, bullied all the way through elementary and middle school. Fake rumors were spread, shit got stolen, got called every name in the book, prank calls, got beat up on the daily etc. I was too "nice" and docile to do anything about it. Parents were going through divorce so didn't want to bother them with my problems. And to top it all off even some teachers took part in making fun of and ostracizing me.
>Finally got tired of it, started fucking with the bullies and hit back when they hit me
>Became an edgy emo teen and people suddenly thought I was cool and the bullying stopped gradually
>Still depressed though, self harmed constantly by cutting, skipped school all the time, grades plummeted, teachers couldn't care less and didn't even report it to my parents who remain oblivious about the full extent of my situation to this day
>Changed schools (on my own initiative) over summer when I was 15, became normal again and immediately made lots of friends and was never bullied again
I had a happy ending to my story until I had a mental breakdown in my adult years from all the bottled up trauma. Certain words and situations still trigger it. Doing relatively fine now, living a normal life with a good career and I don't want to have my life defined by some goddamn kids who tortured me years ago. Did it affect my personality? Naturally. I have trust issues and go on the defense very easily and have a bad temper.
If my kid was bullied today I'd advice them to hit back. None of that "turn the other cheek" bullshit. Someone tries to call you names, call them back. Make sure it's twice as nasty. Someone tries to hit you, beat their ass up. If I had done that right away instead of "trying to be above it" I wouldn't have had to deal with years of suffering. In my experience there is only two ways to get rid of bullying without switching schools - either one-upping them or waiting for them to find another target.
As a side note, all of my bullies went on to live fulfilling, nice lives. None of the bullies in my school were delinquents, they were all kids from normal middle-class families. The really troubled kids weren't really bullies, they let you mind your own business if you let them. The story kids are being fed about how bullies are just tortured souls is full of crap in many situations, plenty of them don't even see what they're doing as "bullying", it's usually just "fooling around" or "putting someone deserving into their place".
No. 551556
>>550635rolf, same here.
Now that I saw this thread today I casually stumbled into the drama videos of Jake Paul were people analyze him and all the shitty stuff he does on camera and testimonies from his abuse
victims to prove he's a sociopath. That had me thinking today… I've never been into this stuff but as I watched those exposing videos with footage of him I realized he really reminds me of my high school bullies. I had male jock bullies who were very, very similar to him, both mentally and even physically to a point. The ape-ish violent behavior I saw on those videos from him and his pals really brought me back; my female classmates also reminded me heavily of the few girls that showed up in the footage, in the sense they laughed along the shit those guys did, even when they got harmed, dragged around, insulted or seriously humiliated by them, they kept laughing and making it as if they were just playing with them. It really brought me back to what I saw in my classroom (one of the reasons why I became a main target was because I didn't laugh it off as a joke when they did that shit to me and I showed that I was angry).
That really does ring a bell to me. Was I really that unlucky to be stuck in a classroom with some guys that were in the deep end of the sociopathic spectrum during some of my most vulnerable student years? It brings me chills down to my spine because I was seriously left with deep trust issues and it shaped my image of men negatively, yet I never managed to find such extremely shitty men irl again. And I've meet some very shitty ones; but even the worst of the worst never reached such extremes and were capable of self control and of keeping a polite façade at least.
Of course never heard of those guys again. In the sense they haven't even ever showed up on my social media friend recommendations nor anyone really knows what has become of them. There is a high chance they became criminals.
Anyone else who has experienced something similar to this? So many years after getting out of that crazy environment everything feels like a high fever dream to me.
No. 551625
>>551579honestly summer camps are slightly more child friendly versions of that island from lord of the flies
also shame on that woman for trying to make you feel bad for telling on her grandson like what the fuck
No. 551696
Ah yes, the good times. I'm normally hideous but in high school this was all amplified because my narc mother didn't allow me to use makeup and shave and made me wear ugly weird clothes bought at street markets. And to make things worse, while the course I was studying in was economy and IT related, the majority of the school's courses were beauty related (hairdressers, hairstylists, estetists), so you can just imagine how awful a kid like me would look like among all those teenagers caked in makeup, with perfect hair and dressed like basic bitches.
Literally anyone I passed by in that school laughed at me as soon as they saw me. Some would ask if I was a girl or a boy mockingly, some would imitate the way I walked, ate or the features of my face. One time a group of boys saw me passing by at recess and threw rocks at me in front of other students and I stopped going out of the classroom during recess eventually. Once I made the mistake of looking a girl in the eyes as she was talking with someone else and she shouted "what the fuck are you looking at, bitch", and everyone turned to look at me of course. I couldn't even do anything about it since even some of the teachers laughed at me.
Sometimes I think about how fun it would be to be in a school setting again since it all seems fun and cute, but then I remember that I wasted my school years sitting in a corner of the classroom careful not to look at or talk to anyone, and I'm glad I'm not there anymore. I still have trouble watching people in the eyes, and I tend to get anxious around people my age.
No. 555735
Here's my little story, sorry it is kind of long.
Moved across the country when I was in middle school. Dad decided to place me into a private catholic school with a bunch of kids who had known each other since kindergarten (school was K-8th grade) and I didn't know at all. At that age.. god I was desperate to fit in and being the new kid sucked.
Eventually I made my way into a group of friends. At this school there were 3 distinct "groups" of girls, especially you could see at lunchtime (sex segregated) .. there was the misfit group, average group (where I was as new kid), and then the popular/pretty girls group. They each had their own table.
At some point, idk why, the popular group decided to adopt me. A couple girls in particular started talking to me a lot between classes and invited me to sit with them at lunch. Being 12 year old me, of course I accepted and was super excited. I was in that group at lunch everyday for a couple months. Even one of the boys from my neighborhood took notice that I was hanging with them and told me that was cool.
Anyways.. one day I went to sit down and they said they were saving that seat (it was the only open chair at the table) for one of the girls who was absent that day. Like holding it for her in memory. They literally wouldn't let me sit down. At that point I was in a lot of distress because I felt I couldn't return to the other table since I had suddenly stopped sitting there. So I remember I ran back upstairs to the classroom and hid there until lunch was over.
The girls from that point forward mostly acted like I didn't exist. Occasionally they would acknowledge me with dirty looks. It was soul crushing. I have no idea what happened for them to turn on me. I spent the rest of that entire school year hiding in various parts of the school to avoid lunchtime. Teachers eventually took notice and thought I might have an eating disorder or some shit.
I distinctly remember going to the mass services and being seated close to that group of girls who did that to me and thinking how the fuck they could listen to gospels about love, peace, acceptance, etc and also be so cruel.
Looking back, it was probably a good lesson. Gradually over the next few years I stopped trying to fit in because I felt it was pointless and stupid. It would just lead to disappointment. I'm so thankful I was allowed to go to public high school and I felt the kids there were more diverse/accepting and there were like 500+ kids in my class, as opposed to like 40 in my catholic school class. Also high school kids actually tried to stand out and I liked that. I found friends and even started the anime club at my high school lol so I just was okay being myself in high school and beyond.
No. 555809
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Got bullied pretty horribly in high school for no reason at all, some rich boy just decided one day one he hated me and made my life living hell for three years.
I was a gothy kid with spooky interests and he liked to make the picking on about that whenever he got scolded "but shes weird and satanist!!" yet it was never about that, he was always physical and pushed me around, slap my head when i was looking at the blackboard threw my stuff in the floor, he never called me names, he just liked to physically hurt me, alot of times he would empty the trash can over me too, no one in that stupid school cared if i was a goth or not, i even had a handful of acquitances/friends which i would have lunch and do group works with but no one was ballsy enough to defend me since they were afraid of getting hit too, they just pitied me in silence.
When the teachers finally had enough and we all got called to the principals office, she basically said it was all my fault for not fitting in (the boy's parents paid her alot of money to ignore his bad behavior, another girl's parents had to send his family and the school a cease and desist in the years following so he would leave her alone), my parents agreed that it was my fault for being a weirdo and I had to endure that shit for like three years.
Honestly it broke me quite a bit, at first I went through a super edgy columbiner phase (cringy i know), and would write edgelord posts on tumblr about how much I hated him and my sheep classmates, but then something clicked on me and all that hate just became sadness, i stopped listening to the music i liked, stopped dressing the way I did, let my short spiky colorful hair grow long and natural, stopped consuming any kind of spooky/horor media, and sat on the back of the class silently, he didn't fully stop with the shit but it was lessened since he didn't have an excuse anymore.
A new guy came transfered to our class in my sophomore, he was richer and more popular than my bully so he kinda took off his spotlight, I started writing his papers, letting him cheat out of my tests, basically I got him through high school and in exchange he took me under his wing and we were """"""friends""""""", bully didn't mess with me anymore since the new guy would mess with him worse, i couldn't do his couserwork if i was depressed lol.
But my personality never recovered, I lost that rocker edge and unapologiticalness, I meek this meek and demure little thing that always apologizes to everyone, does everything people ask, never questions, never raises her voice, im basically a girly glitter covered doormat, I feel like it broke me as a person and I wasn't supposed to turn out with this personality
No. 555819
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I used to knw this teacher with extremely bad acne in high school. All the kids made fun of her and picked on her.
They were ruthless, they brought it up every single day. She was super self concious and a total punching bag for these asshole kids. She never sent any of them to the office. Though once they made her cry and then we had a sub for a week.
At the end of the year she gave me a chocolate bar and a thank you card with a note that said that I was a good student. I was the quiet kid in class. I never defended her and hardy talked, but she noticed that I was literally the only student that didn't bully her.
No. 555836
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In secondary school, i experience numerous instances where my self esteem was bashed. I strangely never saw myself as being bullied until i looked back in retrospect.
I had the hairstyle in pic related and i hated it so much and was so insecure. My mum didn't know what to do with my hair and i refused to get cornrows because they hurt, although this hairstyle hurt too because she would do it incredibly tight and violently comb my hair to the point of tears. Random people at school would make fun of my hair, but the incident that really hurt the most was when a group of girls came up to me and said they liked my hair, i just said thanks out of politmess. They then walked away laughing really hard and i just wanted to die at that moment and cry because i was so insecure.
I also had horrible acne and people would always have loud conversations about hiw disgusting i looked (my mum would insist on popping my acne and making everything worse). My parents refused to let me go to the hospital to go and get my acne fixed. This wouldn't just happen at school, it would happen in public. Heck, i still get shit for my acne scars. I walked passed a family and the area where i was, the plumbing was dodgy and smelt bad. They insisted i was the one who smelled bad because apparently people with acne smell like shit.
I got and still get attacked for my personality. Almost everyone i know is an extreme extrovert and i am a introvert. I always have people telling they hate quiet people, you should be more open, be yourself. I even had one bitch say that they would kill their child if they turned out like me. They don't want me to be open, they just want me to conform and change myself to be palettable to them.
I still experince this bullshit (and the worst of it) in my adult life and i really thought that all of it would be past after secondary school. I've honestly just grown to hate people, i've given up on making friends and my self esteem is still in ruins. I don't hurt anybody. I am already being punished by bad genetics, just let me suffer in peace. I just want to be left alone now.
No. 556194
>>556171The OP asks if you ever got bullied, so I feel like no is a
valid answer. I mean I feel like I missed out on a lot of other things in high school so I'm not saying my life was perfect.
No. 559146
>>558921tbh that girl who bullied you in elementary school could've been me. I distinctly remember telling another girl around that age that Jesus didn't love her because she had a birth mark on her face. Yes I did have a fucked up home life kek
My own elementary school bully ended up trying to touch my cooch and I of course freaked out and ran away. Then all through middle and high school we never spoke but every time I saw her I silently remembered her trying to molest me as a child. It was especially weird because she was like an ultra hetero stacy. I never told anyone because it was just too dark/weird of a memory and too unbelievable.
No. 559164
I got pulled out of a school when I was around 5 because they didn't take me getting bullied seriously, I think it was a rough school in general but the reason my parents always gave was that a girl hit me up in the toilets but the teacher shrugged it off when my parents complained, and he blamed it on the girl being foreign. I don't have any memory of it at all but now I can't stop wondering why it happened. I can't think of any reason why a girl would beat me up at that age, could it have actually been my fault?
I was bullied in pretty much every school for my whole life so I don't understand why that time was such a big deal that I got pulled out, but at least after that it was mostly verbal and psychological bullying. Maybe my mum just identified that I'm a weak pussy that can't survive a school that has real fighting lol
>>558921>Which was weird because I've never been overweight in my life.The same thing happened to me, it's fucked up how kids just say the first insult they think of and stick with it. It can sometimes be them repeating the same way someone else has bullied them, but I think usually it's just that kids are awful and there's no reason for it. I know a girl who is really self conscious about her ears because she was bullied for them in school, but there's literally nothing different about them. For her whole life she is going to feel ugly just because some kids were assholes for no reason.
No. 559751
>>559168im so glad i was never bullied at school and had decent friends
sorry if you were alone/bullied
No. 559797
>>559778thank you, anon, at this point i'm just saving money for laser hair removal and hoping that will help. i also have very sensitive skin so I get so many ingrown hairs too lol it sucks
>>559775going to places like Skinny Gossip is almost scary with what they consider fat, I remember lurking the Zendaya thread for a while and being horrified how they turned against her the second she supposedly gained a few pounds because her collarbone wasn't as prominent in a few pictures as it usually is
No. 559807
>>559797Is it any surprise a thing called "skinny gossip" is
toxic as hell lol? Ofc anachans are going to call anything over 85lbs fat.
No. 560073
>>559797I'd never heard of Skinny Gossip, but honestly without dropping numbers I'm leukemia-level spoopy so they had NO RIGHT. It would have been more clever to bully me for being an AIDS
victim or something, but I guess everyone stuck to the word "fat" because they probably thought I had an eating disorder or something. Kids are mean without even realizing what they're doing, and some never realize even as adults.
No. 560105
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>>560092I just got curious and checked it out and
damn these people are seriously not fucking joking lol this is so extreme, especially the BMI one
No. 560527
>>560518I don't really wear anything that screams "Professional adult coming home from work" but I don't wear anything childish either.
It's hard to look authorative when I look how I look and sound like I belong in Alvin and the Chipmunks, but I guess I have to train myself to radiate that pro karen energy, thanks for the tip anon.
No. 561016
>>561012very relatable anons. can we share elementary school injustices we never got over?
>be me, 12>knew i liked women since i was about 8>two popular girls, twins, start taking a shine to me>nothing mean about it, they just found me interesting>develop crush on the more femme of the two>unable (to this day) to handle my feelings for women>a comment of mine on one of her photos gets hugely, hugely misinterpreted and blown up and by the time they realise, it's too embarassing to admit they overreacted>they leave really mean comments on my photos>i'm so upset, i don't want to lose this girl i like. i thought i was doing things right. keep in mind i'm a sperg>geniusplan.mkv>decide to speak to her via another instagram account because i want to keep talking to her>pretend to be another girl with the same name so i could text her "haha we have the same name!" and continue from there>i say in my bio i'm a lesbian>had a distinctive typing style, they figured out it was me>huge "investigation" and everyone's parents called in because i'm making a fake profile to "drag her name into the dirt" about being a lesbian>try to explain myself but it just comes across like i'm lying, can't admit i liked her and am just a major fucking sperg>huge crying meltdown, i just loved this girl and i didn't know what to do>principal says "well if it were my daughter and someone said SOMETHING LIKE THAT about her">deep, deep feeling of being misunderstood that never went away. something changed in me that day>nobody believed me, i couldn't even explain myself, just came across as a liar>developed a shame complex about my attraction to women that i still haven't shaken>to this day am ashamed of liking women, prefer stupid damaging sex and relationships with men because i think i deserve it>literally never got over this stupid fucking incidentdon't tell me to go to therapy, so many things have happened that i have buried that are just impossible for me to talk about and again i get the haunting and terrifying feeling of nobody understanding my words, doubting me, laughing at me and shaming me. every time i open up i feel this feeling again. have nightmares about this feeling sometimes.
i just had a stupid fucking kid's crush. i will never get over feeling so predatory, evil and terrible. i feel i would hurt a woman, that it's wrong for me to go near them. i refuse to speak to the women i like to this day because it's so fucking terrifying. i feel like no woman deserves someone as disgusting as me
No. 561059
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>>561016I'm so sorry, anon. That's just fucked up on so many levels, from your feelings being so misunderstood to everyone saying that being a lesbian is an insult.
Are you the same one in the vent thread who was posting about trying to overcome self-harm via pornsick sex with men and embrace your attraction to women? As another woman finally accepting my attraction to women, I wish you the best. You're definitely not disgusting and I hope you find a girlfriend who will love and accept you.
No. 561063
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>>561059yes that's me, feels nice to be recognised in a way! strange how this place has become like a diary, i wouldn't do this level of introspection anywhere else. i wish you luck too, it is so difficult and i wish we didn't have to deal with this. something so natural shouldn't be so complex. ♥
No. 563613
>>561570Insecure teenagers who bully others to make themselves feel superior will grow out of it and become normal adults in most cases, but the kids who get bullied will most likely carry that pain, shame and insecurities for a lot of years, even in adulthood.
I'm not saying anything to you personally of course, I'm just angry about it.
No. 567211
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I've been bullied pretty severely basically throughout every grade not even only by kids, I was also bullied by teachers a lot of the time and my dad a lot as well. I'd say the time I was possibly the happiest was preschool or kindergarten, I don't want to go too deeply into it but I'd say the worst time involving kids was when I was chased around with a lighter after being kicked a bunch by some boys in front of some girls that I thought were my friends (lets just say I'm very used to get back stabbed by people I thought were my friends) or when some boys punched me to the ground because I was excited my birthday was in a few days (one of whom the school counselor said she thought I had a crush on because I was genuinely upset about him bullying me I fucking hate 'boys will be boys' attitudes or he's bullying you because he likes you sort of thing because of that). According to my mom it got so bad that I flinched a lot and I remember having nervous ticks with my arms for a while due to teacher and student harassment.
I wasn't able to finish high school due to constant suicidal thoughts and depressive tendencies but I'm working on getting my GED and luckily I'm not really suicidal anymore aside from crying when I've had a stressful day, still extremely depressed though. I have not been taking being constantly inside very well due to it giving me memories from my suicidal days of having an insanely hard time leaving my room.
Threads like this genuinely really help though since it's good to vent and see people that you can relate to.
No. 567792
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> Had only one friend in school
> Can barely attend school during the first 9 years of it because of weak immune system and health in general, everyday I would wake up and have a nosebleed or other things;
> Threfore, I don't have much experience with social skills so most of my friends are early 2000s weeaboos or people whom I've found in MMORPGs;
> During first year of school, I have noticed one girl (i'll call her S) always crying on her table, teacher helplessly can't do anything about it, only keeps telling her to stop crying, people around her keep making fun of her and calling her names, I have no clue why, so I come to her table, give her a headpat, offer a hand and tell her if we can be friends. She got very happy, I would always make sure to make her feel okay whenever she gets bullied or cries, but that would pretty much happen only during the first year of school because I would attend school rarely. I think it was one of the reason why I started getting bullied eventually, the S girl ended up ditching school completely because of her low-q family;
> No one paid attention to me in school, things were alright even though over years I found out that one ''bad bitch'' who always had a hateboner against me (possibly for being a midget and always trying to act as if she is the diva of everything, tried to pander to all the 'popular kids of class' but no one cared enough, I was never an attention-seeking person, always quiet, doing nothing but drawing and studying 98.9% of the time);
> In 5th year, two girls move to our school. 1st one is a complete normie (and turned out to be one of the few normal people w good morals in class) the other one was a genetically fat and short-heighted girl, I clicked with her because she looked like the one with who I would talk more;
> Our first convo started w her bragging that she skipped a year, etc. Overall we developed a (seemingly) good friendship even though I didn't know what 'good' really means during that time. She would always throw hysterical fits at me whenever I am late or whenever things are not in her control or if I don't want / do something that she asks, basically I was a used puppet through all of this. She is the reason why I ended up developing an eating disorder and been (still kinda is, but its nbd) having it for 8 years now. I've never truly noticed it but she would always force me to buy high-caloried things on purpose while complaining how fat she is, but most of the time it would be things that would give me breakouts (and she knew about them) because of my skin being sensitive. She did a lot of abusive and toxic things over time. Whenever she would talk I would always know that she makes it all about herself and when it's about me, she would always eyeroll and sound bitter as fuck. My whole family knew that she was highly jealous of me, but they never told me about it until I finished HS… ;
> I have noticed that ever since the year she joined, I started getting picked at by ''baddie bitch'' and some other kids, they would only leave some random comments about me without much creativity, because I am nothing but a quiet kid who just… Quietly sits and draws things.
> It started becoming much worse after our new (old woman) math teacher started publically encouraging them to bully me, by bullying me in class for being anxious: I would always make sure I do the same task at least twice so I would know that my answer is correct, because frankly, I sucked at maths. She would bully me and call out next to her, laughing at me for no reason even though I was seriously nothing but just a normal, quiet kid who prefered to not be as social as others. In the end I would always try to skip math lessons because it would become nothing but her, trying to make fun of me;
> Eventually kids started doing circles around me everyday and trying to beat me up while recording it on camera, I don't know why they would do this and no one would never stand up for me, It all started with them circling around me w their phones, pressuring me that I would quietly whisper a swearing word, and they would be all 'wooow i'll send that to headmisterss' etc. I still never understood why'd they do that and why'd they keep doing that for years when I never had any beef with them;
> As a bonus, they would also put their chewing gum in my hoodie or a jacket, causing my grandparents to always take care of it… Or they would scream some name-calling at me just for lulz and more;
My last two HS years I, thankfully, spent in other school and for some odd reason I ended up being the most popular senior in there (but again, I started taking anti-depressants and was very comfortable around everyone, helped people and was just a bubbly person in general without hurting anyone), but at one cost:
> I had to live with my mother and her boyfriend who would always do nothing but use me as a slave to take care of house, food and their kids. They would always make fun of me aswell, or they would just scream and hit me whenever they had a bad day. I really missed living with grandparents during that time and was on verge of commiting suicide again. They would always manipulate me into staying with them, saying that they are saving up all the money for my university, which turned out to be a complete lie and they managed to stole all of my savings before I left them. Mother also never returned my old clothing after I moved so I had to buy myself everything all over again;
> Popular fuckboy of rich family in school tried to rape me twice;
As for now… I am really glad that I managed to survive everything even though I always wanted to do nothing but die and now I developed a fear of befriending fat, insecure (and attention seeking) people. I still tried befriending fat women/girls my age or older, but they would always end up being toxic and/or jealous of me when I never brag about anything and treat everyone equally. I feel really bad about it.
Don't give up, anons. Life might be hard sometimes, but it's all going to pass. Everything takes a lot of time, but it's worth it.
No. 567930
>ever been bullied?
i was a weird kid from around grade 8 to grade 12 but i had a circle of uncool/misfit friends. i was dealing with an unhappy home (neglectful parents, dirty house, csa trauma etc) and i was really bad at socializing as a result. i tried to hang out with the cool kids thru my mutual "best" friend but they ended up all hating me because we got caught drinking on our lunch break (someone else snitched but they blamed me). then i lost basically all my friends for the rest of high school and was never invited to parties/events/hangouts.
i kind of minded my business and lived in my own little bubble with few friends and was reasonably content. i even had a few romantic relationships. even still people would talk about me behind my back and make up stories about me being anorexic/crazy/terrible so i deleted all social media and kept to myself. in my spare time i mainly watched anime, read manga and novels, learned to cook, etc.
but then in grade 12 a group of boys started bullying me in a strange way. they would spread rumours that i was a prostitute, or only wanted to hang around guys, give out my number to random guys, and so on. i was so scared to go to school and would cry all the time at home…i even cried in the bathroom at my part time job. i eventually got the school to do something (all they did was threaten them with suspension). i think it was a group of guys who were friends with a guy i once dated and broke up with. my parents told me the situation was basically my fault. i had asked them all throughout my teen years to move me to a different school but they never allowed it. my mom specifically called me a "bad investment" and i tried to OD on pills but that just landed me in the psych ward.
>how did you recover from it?
my only way of coping was cutting people off and staying aloof and unattached. i used my spite and anger at my family/bullies/society as fuel and i studied really hard to get into my program at choice at a good school. i was alone at lot so i had plenty of time to study, plus going to libraries kept me away from home. during uni i was on the dean's list and got good student jobs so i graduated without debt. i now have a decent job in my field and live with my well-off, educated bf and have some friends. the only thing that makes me less bitter is hoping my bullies and their apologists haven't done as well in life (petty, i know). i also autistically researched beauty and fashion and most people i meet assume i'm a normie.
>do you still suffer from it?
to be honest the family issues overshadowed the bullying for the most part, and i only realized how bad it was after i graduated and went to uni. i'm still trying to heal now as a working professional but i have a hard time making friends, trusting people and having any self esteem. i feel ashamed still that i was bullied and never got closure since it was all done behind my back. it's hard for me to even admit i was ever bullied or ostracized, sometimes my shitty family members allude to the bullying as a joke and i try to see them as little as possible.